
Course Title

IB Cold War (2 weeks/5 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

Criteria for Success: IB Paper 2Criteria for Success: Why did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down in 1945?Criteria for Success: Why did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down in 1945?Analyse the Origin of the East-West rivalry and explain why it developed into the Cold War.

Tests 3 Essay Effective

communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives

Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Using a diagram and/or timeline to help students research and write about the causes and effects of an event or situation.Students will use inspiration to compare and contrast similarities and differences between two conferencesStudents will research a place and time in history and create mind maps to help them better organize, synthesize and analyze the information.Students will write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate content in diverse media and formats including visually and quantitatively, as well as with words.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 1 – Write Arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.Standard 6 – Use technology, using the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.

Winston S. ChurchillAlliesBig ThreeTehran ConferenceYalta ConferencePotsdam ConferenceJosef StalinFranklin D. RooseveltHarry S. TrumanSalami tacticsGeorge F. KennanIron Curtain SpeechTruman DoctrineMarshall PlanMr. “X”Berlin blockadeOrthodox viewRevisionist view

topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence

Standard 4 – Analyze how a primary source is structured and contribute to parts of the whole.

Post revisionist view

Assignment Descriptions

IB Paper 2 Topic 5 Cold War Complete Cold War time line: A. 1.Review power points on Truman and supplemental readings on Yalta & Potsdam. Read Cold War Ch. 2 pp.9-18Text Ch. 2, p. 21 Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech Document and Review Q's 1-3, Complete attached worksheets on Yalta/Potsdam, Complete Ideological differences between the USA and the USSR worksheet. Question #1 only OVPL – YaltaActivities/Tasks: Active History2. "Salami Tactics" - Stalin's Takeover of Eastern Europe

3. The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid - page 1 only

D. The Cold War Moves to Western Europe: The Berlin Blockade (1948-49)

3(a) and 3 (b)

IB Communism and Socialism Lenin & Stalin SPS (4 weeks/12 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

Essay Catalyst of a Revolution.Criteria for Success: Essay Lenin’s April Thesis a Rise to Power.Criteria for Success: Essay Lenin’s Testament.

Criteria : Under what circumstances did

Tests 6 Essay Effective

communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the

Stalin come to power?

Complete Collectivisation DBQ Sourcework

Discuss in detail the differences between Communism and Socialism, as well as compare and contrast a character from Orwell’s, Animal Farm to a Soviet figure from history.

utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient

Common Core State Standards:Reading Standards for Grades 6-12 Literacy in History and Social ScienceStandard 4 – Analyze how a primary

CommunismSocialismRevolutionary MarxistReactionary FascistMarxism

evidenceStudents will analyze a primary source to better understand the creator’s perspective and the time period in which he or she lived.Students will examine Stalin’s rise to power w/in a Single Party State.Student’s analyze Stalin’s Economic plans for the Soviet State.Students will interpret economic data from previous lesson to form an opinion on DBQ source work writing exercise.Analyze testimony of some two hundred survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile.Students consider how Stalin

source is structured and contribute to parts of the whole.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.Writing Standards for Grades 6-12 in English Language Arts & Literacy in History and Social Science.Standard 5– Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as to the date and origin of the information.

LeninismVladimir LeninLeon TrotskyMarxist LeninistStalinismFascismAuthoritarianTotalitarianDictatorshipLenin’s TestamentTriumvirateGrigori ZinovievLev KamenevNikolai BukharinPravdaNEPKulaksRyutin affairKirov affairGreat purgeNKVDSergei KirovGreat terrorGulagCult of personality

used and abused cinema, art and music to develop his "Cult of Personality". You are to produce your own flyleaf for a novel, a poster, short film, or a poem in praise of the great Stalin.Students consider how Orwell used cinema and music to develop perceptions towards socialism & communism as well as Stalin’s "Cult of Personality". Discuss the cautionary fable in order to expose the seriousness of the dangers posed by Stalinism and totalitarian government

First Five year plan 1928-322nd Five year plan –1932-273rd Five year plan 1938-42Collectivisation4th Five year plan 1946-505th Five year plan 1951-55

Assignment DescriptionsReview Marx Power Point and complete OVPL. Complete Marx's questions.Review Lenin Power Point and complete Lenin OVPL. Read Single Party State (SPS) Introduction and Ch.1 pp. 13-27Active History - Review Stalin, Trotsky power point and complete Lenin’ Testament OVPL. Read SPS Soviet State pp. 25-32; Answer End of the Unit Activity Q # 2Active History - Review Stalin, Man of Steel power point and lecture notes. Read SPS Soviet State pp. 25-32Active History - Review Stalin, Man of Steel power point and lecture notes. Read: Stalin Domestic policies and their impact. pp 41-59.Ukraine Hunger famine DBQAnalyze testimony of some two hundred survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile.Students consider how Stalin used and abused cinema, art and music to develop his "Cult of Personality". You are to produce your own flyleaf for a novel, a poster, short film, or a poem in praise of the great Stalin.

IB Wars of the 20 th Century ( 1week /3 rotations)

Texts Formative Assessments

Summative Assessments Schoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

Choose one type of war from the list of options and deliver a live presentation to the class describing and analyzing the CAUSES, NATURE and EFFECTS of the war. Total War, Limited War, Civil War, Guerilla War

Effective communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect

themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives

Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


To compare and Contrast the Types of Twentieth Century Wars. Students will use inspiration to compare and contrast similarities and differences between two things.

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Total WarLimited WarCivil WarGuerilla WarSuperpowersIdeologicalCoup d’ etatInsurgentsCapitalismCommunismCold WarRevolutionary warColonial warIdeological warEconomic warDefensive warReligious warNeo-colonial warGlobilisation

Assignment Descriptions

Group Assignment, Oral Presentation (10-15 minutes) w/ visual aid

IB Wars of the 20th Century - Korea ( 2 weeks/ 5 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

What were the factors leading up to the Korean War?Should the USA get involved in Korea?Joseph McCarthy DBQDetermine if rollback (the strategy of forcing change in the major policies of a state, usually by replacing its ruling regime)

Tests 4 Essay Effective

communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the

and contrast with containment, which means preventing the expansion of that state; and with détente, which means a working relationship with that state.Did the Korean war improve American status overseas? Did the Korean war stop the Domino Effect from happening again? Differentiate between containment and rollback. How did this war effect North and South Korean relations for the future? Will the 38th parallel ever be diminished?

utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


To compare and contrast the types of Twentieth Century Wars. From previous lesson, students will use inspiration

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate

Joseph R. McCarthyRed ScareHollywood TenHUAC

to assess and determine the type of War the US and Korea were engaged in.From previous lesson, students will discuss the impact of Joseph McCarthy on the domestic front with regards to the Red Scare.From previous lesson, students complete Korean War Mapping Assignment w/ regards to Korean war timeline and a major offensive – Inchon.Students will analyze the effect of pushing North Korean forces beyond the 38th parallel, the US pursued a policy of "rollback" rather than containment.

multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Alger HissThe RosenbergsFBI McCarran ActShow trailsDomino effectNSC-68North KoreaSouth Korea38th parallelGeneral Douglas McArthurRollbackKim IL SungMao ZedongSyngman Rhee

Assignment Descriptions

Review Korean War "Life in the 1940's & 50's power pointActivity History: Complete Tasks 1,2,3. The Cold War and the Americas, 1945-1981.DBQ, The Cold War and the Americas, 1945-1981. Complete: Sourcework Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3.Reading General McCarthy and the Korea War. Complete in an Essay - How did American politics affect the war? Why did the PRC (People's Republic of China) cross the Yalu and start a counteroffensive against the US/UN/ROK forces? What was the result of Truman's firing MacArthur.

IB Wars of the 20th Century – Vietnam War (2 weeks/6 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

Analyze the similarities and differences of the American Declaration of Independence and Vietnamese Declaration of Independence.Was the American public misled by President Johnson’s report on the Gulf of

Tests 4 Essay Effective

communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as

Tonkin?Which Side are You on? Assess the role of the Media during the Vietnam War?To what extent was the Vietnam War part of the Cold War?

complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will draw inferences between American Declaration of Independence and Vietnamese Declaration

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate

IndochinaFrench commitmentGeneva ConferenceDien Bien Phu

of Independence to determine why the United States did not intervene on the side of the Vietnamese.Concept Mapping. Draw a battle map of the French and Viet minh battle at Dien Bien Phu, assess the strategy of General Giap, and predict the course of America’s involvement in Vietnam. Listen and draw conclusions for America’s involvement in Vietnam. Watch President Johnson’s speech and interpret America’s foreign policy.Students will analyze and compare the role of the media during the Korean war and the Vietnam War.Students will analyze and interpret the larger role of the Vietnam war within the Cold War.

multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Ho Chi MinhJoh F. KennedyCounter insurgencySearch and destroy missionsDefoliantsSelf-immolationsLyndon B. JohnsonNapalmGeneral WestmorelandTet offensiveColonel Ngyen NgocHo chi minh trailMy Lai incidentLt. William CalleyParis Peace AccordsRichard M. NixonVietnamizationCambodiaLaosChristmas bombingsOperation rolling thunder

Assignment Descriptions

Activities/Tasks: Read American Declaration of Independence and Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, Complete attached OVPL & Similarities, Read Cold War book Case Study 4: An in-depth study of the USA and Containment in Vietnam pp. 63-66, Answer Discussion Questions 1 & 2.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Review attached links on President Kennedy and Vietnam Read Howard Zinn "The Impossible Victory: Vietnam" and answer the reading questions. Read Cold War book pp. 64-65, Answer questions 1-6 p. 64-65 and Document Analysis questions 1-4 page 65, Review link on Battle of Dien Bien PhuPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Review link on Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Peoples History of the United States, Zinn.Activities/Tasks: Listen to NPR Walter Cronkite's Full Analysis and Morning Edition Report on the Gulf of Tonkin. Watch President Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin SpeechPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Listen to NPR Walter Cronkite's Full Analysis and Morning Edition Report on the Gulf of Tonkin. Watch President Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin Speech, Gain more insight on Tet Offensive (video, photos, inter-actives) -,

Review Vietnam Power point, Answer Main task on last slide #14Paper 2 Exam Vietnam , Read: America lost, Capitalism won.Reading 40 year Anniversary of the Vietnam War

IB Wars of the 20th Century – Falklands/Malvinas & Gulf War. Historical Investigation consultations. (2 weeks/6 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Schoolwide Learning


IB Cold War

Interpret and define the conditions of a limited war.What were the causes, effects and practices of the Gulf War?

What were the causes, effects and practices of the Falklands/Malvinas?

Semester Exam Essay, Choice of 4 topics: Vietnam

Students will conduct group projects and presentations on the Falklands/Malvinas & Gulf War..

Semester Exam Essay

Effective communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and

War, North Korea, Castro, Stalin, Lenin

Students will be given a Paper 2 IB exam.

higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives

Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will conduct group projects and presentations on the Falklands/Malvinas & Gulf War.Students will make corrections to their historical investigations.

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Limited warMalvinas/Falklands warColonialismNaval battleBrinksmanshipAir warArgentinaGreat BritainGulf war

Students will analyze and interpret causes, effects and practices of the Gulf War in a presentation format.Students will analyze and interpret causes, effects and practices of the Falklands/Malvinas in a presentation format.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Iran/Iraq warShi’ite MuslimsSunni MuslimsSaddam HusseinWeapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)KuwaitSlant drillingOPECRed GuardOperation Desert ShieldOperation Desert StormGen. Norman Schwarkopf

Assignment Descriptions

Activities/Tasks: Presentation guidelinesPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources:

IB Cuba under Castro (3 weeks/10 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold WarCuba Under Castro: EcksteinSPS Reader

Evaluate the importance of ideology in the policies of two of the following rulers of single-party states: Castro & Lenin.Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped Castro rise to power.Analyse the part played by Cuba in the development of the Cold War."In order to achieve and retain power a leader of a single-party state needed to be ruthless, blind to human suffering and yet charismatic." To what extent do you agree with this assertion?IB Semester Exam Part I – Essay, Both Semester Exam Part I - Essay

Tests 5 Effective communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of

study. Responsible citizens

who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will analyze and interpret Castro’s History will Absolve me Speech in the context of his vision for Cuba?Students will analyze and interpret Castro’s Rise to Power in a single party state?Students will assess the effects of events in Cuba on the development of the Cold War.Students will examine critically the successes and failures of Castro’s domestic policies, as a leader of a single-party state

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback,

Jose MartiFulgencio BatistaFidel CastroMoncada attack26 July MovementSierra MaestraManifesto of the MaestraGuerilla warfareHerbert MatthewsFrank PaisChe GuevaraRaul CastroBay of pigs incidentCuban missile crisisNikita KruchevRectificationHistory will Absolve me

including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

NationalizationTen ton sugar harvestSpecial period

Assignment Descriptions

Activities/Tasks: Read Ch. 1 and 2, Back From the Future, Cuba Under Castro, Read History Will Absolve Me., Complete an OVPL on History Will Absolve Me. Review Cuba Power Point and Back From the Future Power Point guide.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Read History Will Absolve MeActivities/Tasks: Read Back from the Future: Castro's Cuba Ch. 3-5, Review attached chapter power points, Read Supplemental handout Castro's Cuba Origin and RisePrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Back from the Future.Activities/Tasks: Read Back from the Future: The Cuban Missile Crisis Packet, Causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: Read Back From the Future: Castro's Cuba Ch. 6-9, Review Attached Power Points, Read Supplemental: Consolidation of Castro's Rule, Domestic Policies, Complete Castro Rise to Power Paper 2 EssayPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources:

IB Causes, Effects, Practices of War - Chinese Civil War & IB Single Party State - Mao (3 weeks/10 rotations)

Texts Formative Assessments Summative Assessments

Schoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

SPS Reader

Analyse the causes and results of the Chinese Civil War (1945–1949). Examine the impact of foreign intervention on either the Chinese Civil WarAnalyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power of Mao.Answer the following in one paragraph each - What was Mao's approach in defeating the Nationalists? What was General Giap's military approach against the French at Dien Bien Phu and the

Tests 8 Essays

Effective communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking

United States in the Vietnam war?Account for the rise to power of one of Mao, integrated w/ the Chinese Civil War.Analyse the methods used by Mao as state ruler in his successful bid for power. Account for the policies implemented by Mao to maintain power.

Analyse the domestic policies used by Mao as state ruler. Describe the economic policies implemented by Mao. Is Mao a villain or hero?

skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will assess the causes and effects of the Chinese Civil War.Students will examine Mao as a revolutionary during the Chinese Civil War.Students will compare and

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually,

Manchu dynastySun Yat SenGMDWarlordsMay 4th movementNationalistsGeneral Jiang Jieshi aka

contrast guerilla warfare of Mao and Giap.Students will complete a Mao Rise to Power DBQ.Students will assess the methods used by Mao and his policies to maintain his position as ruler of a single-party state.Students will compare and contrast the economic and social policies of Mao and Stalin.

quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

-‘Chang Kai Shek”Northern expeditionMao ZedongThe Long MarchFormosaPeople’s Republic of China

Assignment Descriptions

Read Handout Chinese Civil War, Watch Biography Video Chiang Kai Shek, Review Power point,Read Handout Read supplemental Mao & China, Origins and Rise 1894-1949. Complete Activity p. 124. Answer Questions #1 and #4 a and b.Read supplemental - Mao - Ideology and the nature of the state, Complete end of unit activity #1 and #2 , Go to the link provided and read Mao on Guerilla Warfare. Go to the link provided and read Mao and Giap on Guerilla Warfare.Read supplemental - Read Establishment and Consolidation of Mao's Rule, Answer: End of Unit Activity #4, Complete Antis Campaign and Hundred Flowers DBQComplete Great Leap DBQ, Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

IB Cold War, American Foreign Policy -Cold War Détente

IB Cold War, American Foreign Policy under Presidents Nixon, Ford , Carter and Reagan (2 weeks/6 rotations)Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

IB Cold War

Analyse the relationship between the United States and China, emphasis Détente.

How does the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) factor into the cold war?

How did Ronald Reagan’s policies contribute to the fall of the USSR?

Tests 4 Effective communicators through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

Student Learning Objectives Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will compare and contrast the US approach to détente with Mao and the USSR.Students will analyse the SALT I treaty, and the foreign policy of the Nixon, Ford and Carter administrations.Students will complete Cold War DBQ – SALTStudents analyse the foreign policy of President Ronald Reagan with emphasis on War of Material, War of Money, War of Action and the War of Ideals. Students will survey the emergence of

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information

Korean warVietnam warDétenteSino-American relationsPRCUSSRRichard M. NixonTaiwanRapprochementRealpolitikHenry KissingerABM treatySALT ISALT IIMoscow treatyMIRV’sICBM’sSLBM’s

the Cold War from Winston Churchill's Iron Curtin speech to the various policy approaches, containment, peaceful co—existence and detente undertaken by the Unites States to accommodate with the Soviets.

Standard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

Gerald FordJimmy CarterRonald ReaganMargaret Thatcher

Assignment Descriptions

Review Nixon power point, Print Nixon Webquest and bring to class, we will meet in the library to complete webquest. Read Cold War book Chapter 12 Sino - American detente pp. 140-145 and Chapter 13 Why did Detente end in a second Cold War? pp. 150 - 158Review on your own Watergate power point. Review Ford and Carter Presidencies Power point, Cold War Book , Complete Document Analysis pp. 156-157. Answer questions 1 (a) (b), 2, 3 and Review question. Complete Document Analysis pp. 161-162. Answer questions pg 162, 2, 3, and related question How successful was arms control of the 1970s. Use and reference documents in your answer. Complete O,V,P,L on SALT I Declassified Document MIRV video

SALT DBQVideo Reagan's War, In Word and Deed, Video Notes, Complete Reagan Worksheet, Task, Extension Activity 1 and 2, Source-work Exercise 1-5 President Ronald Reagan contributed to the decline and fall of the Soviet Union by adopting an aggressive, uncompromising policy towards communism. Students investigate his policies and their impact upon the USSR through a timeline and some source work questions.

IB DBQ Presentation Preparation Work (6 weeks/24 rotations) Texts Formative Assessments Summative

AssessmentsSchoolwide Learning Expectations

DBQ Paper 1 Supplemental

Paper 1 will focus on the theme of "Communism in

Tests 10Presentations

Effective communicators

Mao SPS reader

Crisis" 1976-1989 - This is to do with the reasons why communism almost collapsed in China, and collapsed in Eastern Europe and USSR.


DBQ This is to do with the reasons why communism almost collapsed in China. Analyse the power struggle after the death of Mao. Compare and contrast the power struggle in China following the death of Mao to the power struggle after the death of Lenin in the USSR.

DBQ - This is to do with the reasons why communism almost

CHINA:the struggle for power following the death of Mao Zedong, Huo Guofeng, the -re-emergence of Deng Xiaoping and the defeat of the Gang of FourChina under Deng Xiaoping: economic policies and the Four ModernisationsChina under Deng Xiaoping: political changes and their limitations culminating in Tiananmen Square 1989USSR:Domestic and foreign policies/problems of the Brezhnev era: economic and political stagnation; AfghanistanGorbachev and his

through the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills as complemented by the utilization of technology.

Critical thinkers who utilize creative and higher order thinking skills when presented with new concepts and real life situations.

Proficient learners who demonstrate knowledge of their curricular areas of study.

Responsible citizens who respect themselves and others.

collapsed in China. Analyse the power struggle after the death of Mao. Analyse the leadership of Hua Gua Feng.

DBQ – Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping. Explain and describe Deng’s Four Modernizations and how they contributed to China’s rise as a global power.

Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping. Explain and describe Deng’s economic policies and how they contributed to China’s rise as a global economic power.

DBQ – Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping.

aims/policies (glasnost and perestroika)Consequences for the Soviet stateEastern Europe:Consequences of Gorbachev's policies for EE - reform movements: Poland - role of solidarity;Czechoslovakia - Velvet Revolution; fall of the Berlin Wall

Explain and describe Deng’s actions as they relate to Tiananmen Square and the political consequences for protesters rising up against a single party state.

DBQ – Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping. Explain and describe Deng’s actions as they relate to Tiananmen Square and the political consequences for protesters rising up against a single party state.DBQ – Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping. Living the China Dream, supplemental reading w/ q's, Was Maoist China a successful state? Identify

three to five key trends in China's social and political transformations under Deng Xiaoping's rule. How did Deng create a Modern Socialist Economy? What was Deng's policy towards Tibet, and did that policy change w/ student protesters in Tiananmen square? Is the China Dream achieved? Can Chinese leaders manage an ascendant Middle Kingdom? How is China handling the Taiwan question? How successful is Taiwan, what is her relationship with the U.S.?DBQ – Analyse China under Deng Xiaoping political changes and their limits.

USSRList and explain the various reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire as compared with the fall of the USSR.

List and explain one reason for the fall of the USSR, the long term exposure to the War in Afghanistan.

List and explain one reason for the fall of the USSR, the long term exposure to the War in Afghanistan.

List and explain one reason for the fall of the USSR, the long term exposure to the War in Afghanistan. How did the war in Afghanistan

undermine the USSR?Describe and explain the contributing factors that led to the fall of the Soviet Union as a result of Political and Economic Strangulation under the rule of Brezhnev.

How did Gorbachev come to power in the USSR? Was he a catalyst in the fall of the Soviet Union?

How did the policies of Gorbachev contribute to the fall of the Soviet Union?

Investigate the uprisings in Poland to develop their understanding of the poor socio-economic conditions in the Eastern Bloc.

Investigate the uprisings in Czechoslovakia and Hungary to develop their understanding of the poor socio-economic conditions in the Eastern Bloc.

Investigate and analyse the uprisings in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia to develop their understanding of the poor socio-economic conditions in the Eastern Bloc which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Students consider multiple reasons for the fall of the USSR as compared to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Students

consider China’s future in a SPS.

Student Learning Objectives

Common Core California Standard (or State Standard)


Students will research an IB Topic under guidelines and contribute to a class presentation.

Students will compare and contrast as well as analyse the government under Mao and Deng drawing parallels and differences.

Students will formulate the prospects for China’s future under Deng’s reforms. Students will compare and contrast the parallels and differences of the fall of the Roman Empire in the West with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Common Core State Standards:College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for ReadingStandard 7 – Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingStandard 6 – Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or informationStandard 1 – Write arguments to support claims in analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid

ChinaMao ZedongLiu Shaoqi3rd Antis Campaign5th Antis Campaign100 Flowers CampaignAnti- Rightist CampaignCollectivisationGreat Leap ForwardCommune1st Five year plan 1953-57Back yard steelRed guardsCultural revolutionLittle Red bookDeng Xiaoping4 modernisationsTiananmen squareChinese socialismGoddess of democracy

Students will analyse the factors that lead to the invasion of Afghanistan and the consequences it played in the fall of the Soviet Union.

Students will analyse the factors that lead to the invasion of Afghanistan and the consequences it played in the fall of the Soviet Union.

Students will analyse the factors that lead to the invasion of Afghanistan and the consequences it played in the fall of the Soviet Union.

Students will analyse the political and economic factors and the consequences it played in

reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. USSR

GorbachevPerestroikaGlasnostBrezhnevUSSR/Afghan WarVelvet RevolutionSolidarityLech WalesaPolandLenin ShipyardPope John Paul IIBerlin Wall

Diocletianic ReformsRoman Empire of the West

the fall of the Soviet Union.

Students will analyse Gorbachev’s rise to power in the Soviet State.

Students complete a table which helps them to assess the problems Gorbachev faced, how he chose to deal with them and how appropriate they consider these policies were.

In this task students discuss the respective roles of the key individuals and then answer some source work questions about the Solidarity movement.

In this task students discuss the respective roles of the key individuals and then answer some source work

questions about the Velvet Revolution.

In this task students consider multiple reasons for the fall of the USSR.

Students consider multiple reasons for the fall of the USSR as compared to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Students consider China’s future in a SPS.

Assignment DescriptionsMake a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Complete: Packet page 156, questions 1 and 2, (7 bullet points)

Make a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Complete page 157, Source-work 1, 2, and 3Make a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. China under Deng supplemental reading, Complete Fifth Modernization reading and questions 1-5, Complete Four Basic Principles by Deng Xiaoping and questions 1-4Make a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Supplemental Deng reading.Tankman Video w/ questionsMake a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Communism in Crisis Packet, Source-work page 171-172 questions 1-4 ReviewMake a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Goddess of Democracy video, Living the China Dream, supplemental reading w/ q'sMake a power point, video presentation of an IB topic under Communism in Crisis. Complete pg 149 all bullet points Read Chapter 1 w/ Questions, The President, Pope, and the Prime Minister.Library Activity: as you watch Professor Freedman's lectures keep in mind parallels and differences with the fall of the Soviet Union. Watch, listen and complete worksheet on: The Crisis of the Third Century and the Diocletianic Reforms, Transformation of the Roman EmpireLibrary Activity: Complete External Pressures on the USSR: Afghanistan War Collage.Library Activity: Presentation Communism in Crisis1976-1989 USSR and the Afghanistan WarPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union. Chapter 3-4, The Pope, President and the Prime MinisterLibrary Activity: IB Presentation, Read Chapters 3 and 4 of the Pope, the President and the Prime Minister.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology,

Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union. Chapter 5-6, The Pope, President and the Prime MinisterLibrary Activity: IB Presentation, Read Chapters 6 and 7 of the Pope, the President and the Prime Minister.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union. Chapter 6-7, The Pope, President and the Prime MinisterLibrary Activity: IB Presentation, Read Chapters 8 and 9 of the Pope, the President and the Prime Minister.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union. Chapter 8-9, The Pope, President and the Prime MinisterLibrary Activity: IB Presentation, Read Chapters 8 and 9 of the Pope, the President and the Prime Minister.Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union.Library Activity: IB Presentation, Assignment: Reading Velvet RevolutionPrimary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union.Library Activity: IB Presentation, Complete page 185 Communism in Crisis Packet, DBQ Sourcework questions 1-5, Complete Cold War Berlin Wall DBQ (all)Primary Source Documents/Technology/Materials/Resources: IB related Documents, Technology, Materials and Resources - Book reading – 1989, The Fall of the Soviet Union.

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