Page 2: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

RCOT Africa

> Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)

TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of:- Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari)- Steppe lands (short grasslands b/w the

deserts and savanna)- Savanna regions, grasslands where most

people and animals live (these are subdivided into wet and dry regions)

- Tropical rainforests (thickly vegetated, the almost constant rainfall causes soils to leach loss of soil nutrients)- Mediterranean climates (refer to the key);

located on the Mediterranean, but also in southern Africa.- high population density (HPD) exists near

rivers (i.e. 90% of Egypt's’ people live in the Nile River delta region).- RESEARCH: locate the Great Escarpment and

explain its impact on interactions between Africans and Europeans

Page 3: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Kingdoms of AfricaNile civilizations: Egypt traded with later conquered

Nubia (Ancient Egypt) Kush (in Nubia) later conquered

Egypt- cultural diffusion and trade Kush1070BCE-350 CE Axum 100-940CE Nubia in Egypt=Nile River Kush Kingdom- capital in Kerma, one

of earliest urbanized centers 1750BCE Kush kings organized to

build walls and mud bricksWest Africa: Ghana, Mali, Songhai

Page 4: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt 3000BCE-300BCE

traded with later conquered Nubia

REVIEW CONTRIBUTIONS, KEY TERMS & CONCEPTS: pharaohs, pyramids, women’s roles, interactions along the

Nile, cataracts (waterfalls), maat, high population density

Page 5: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Kush Kush 1070BCE-350CE Nice civilization In Nubia kingdom cultural

diffusion between Kush and neighbors after defeat Egypt

Page 6: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Axum Axum 100-940CE Nice civilization Trade extended onto Red Sea and

Indian Ocean In Nubia Kingdom

Page 7: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Kingdom of Ghana S: agricultural people settled between

the Senegal and Niger rivers P:emerged as a kingdom when farmers

protected their lands from nomadic raiders army of 200,000 skilled horsemen!! (Ghana means ‘warchief’)

Monarch with imperial power, King meted out justice; conquered by Muslim Almoravids ( a Berber tribe from northern Africa) I: King controlled trade of salt and copper

from the north with gold from the south; part of Trans-

Saharan trade network C: earliest religion was

paganism/polytheism, followed by Islam mosques; not forced to convert to Islam

E: Muslims held high economic positions; large army of bowmen and calvary made Ghana dominant

Page 8: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Kingdom of Mali S Mali, located in West Africa,

unity based on Islamic faith and following Islamic law (ethical code of conduct); prosperous trade also led to stability P Mansa Musa, widely respected

ruler; established safe government with just legal code based on Sharia Law political and social stability I Mansa Musa’s famous trip to

Mecca cultural diffusion with Arab world; Mali– dependent on Trans-Saharan trade: Fall of Mali: Tuaregs (northern tribe) conquered the capital of Timbuktu, C foreigners welcome; beautiful

sand mosques; fosters spread of Islam E Control of gold, salt, copper

trade stability and prosperity; which trade route?

Page 9: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Songhai in the 1500’s at its peak After Mali in West Africa Islamic Rely on trans-Saharan trade

(gold) Askia Muhammad: most famous


Page 10: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

African Civilizations (1200-1500)

Page 11: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

East African Trade 1000-1450> Part of

Afro-Eurasiantrade in the2nd part of thePost-classicalEra

> Muslimstraded slaves from Africa throughout the IOMS

> C & C withThe Trans-Atlantic trade network

> What was Indonesia called?

> Identify otherproducts thatwere traded

Page 12: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Zimbabwe: Great Stone House Late iron Age Capital Kingdom of Zimbabwe City in ruins Was center of trade Trade decline- civilization fell

apart 1100-1400

Page 13: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

West African States (1500-1800)

Page 14: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

African Slave Trade Route Middle Passage (Africa-Americas) Brutal many died from

disease/starvation REVIEW TERMS from chapter 20:

manumission, driver, seasoning, maroon, Middle Passage, the Trans- Atlantic System, the Great Circuit, Triangle Trade

Page 15: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Triangle Trade Routes Review the experiences of

Olaudah Equiano (chapter 20), a slave who earned his freedom, learned to read and write,

& wrote about his slave experiences!! Atlantic system: involved the

slave trade (slaves were either purchased or stolen); Europe sent some manufactured goods (guns) to Africa for slaves; raw materials were sent from the New World to Europe; cattle from Europe to Americas; diseases to Americas (small pox; plantocracies: plantations rune by rich men who owned slaves/land West African Coastal trading

areas: Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, ‘slave coast’

Page 16: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Scramble For Africa 1800-1914 In 1870, about 5-10% of Africa

was controlled by Europe. By 1914, only Ethiopia and Liberia remained uncolonized!!

CONCEPT: European imperialist hegemony was established at this time

Causes: the need for raw materials and new markets for finished products made in Europe

Belgium est. first major European colony in Africa’s interior (i.e. the Belgian Congo)

Africa was partitioned at the Berlin Conference (1884) led by Bismarck

Political power: Imperialism occurred AFTER slavery. Unfortunately, imperialism became a new form of domination

Analyze the STI and LTI of imperialism in Africa; compare with China and India.

Page 17: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

White Man’s Burden Rhodes represents British

Imperialism What is the metaphor or

inference of the political cartoon? The colonies of Northern

Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia (present day Zambia and Zimbabwe were named after Cecil Rhodes

Page 18: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Pan African Movement 20th century Jomo Kenayatta was Kenya’s

powerful Nationalist independence leader 1950s: Arrested and convicted of

being involved with Kenya’s violent Maumau rebellion, even though the evidence against him was weak

Served about eight years in prison, then was placed in exile in a remote village—despite this, he remained influential

Released in 1961 Negotiated with the British to

make constitution for independent Kenya

1964 Kenyatta 1st president Effective, but autocratic ruler Kenya benefited his rule

stability and prosperity for 20 years

Page 19: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Decolonization and Independence 1960’s> Most African nationsgained independence in the 1960s.> Imperialism unintentionallyserved to unite people acrossAfrica—even tribes thatwere previously rivals. >When nations gainedIndependence, most of theirborders closely resembledcolonial (imperial) borders.> DIVISIVE NATIONALISMBASED ON TRIBALISM:Upon gaining independence,some tribes wanted to break away from their new country in order to establish tribalautonomy. National leadersOpposed this brutal civilwars, including the horriblesituation in Biafra, whichunsuccessfully tried to break way from Nigeria.> REVIEW: When did EuropeanNations partition Africa?>By 1945, what had severlyweakened Europe?

Page 20: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Apartheid in South Africa: Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom

Page 21: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Ethnic Conflicts and Genocide in the Post-Colonial Era

Page 22: > Human life originated in Africa near Lake Victoria (locate)  TOPOGRAPHY—Africa consist s of: - Deserts (the Sahara and Kalahari) - Steppe lands (short

Africa Today

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