


_, . ~

and ~hoes made. upecially lor ther,n, and this iS why '$ are increasing - .

. The Trade is rep~Uing/ that ,they cannot afford tQ aeU S~oes irtacle lor dry clit1tates flncl paved streets and e~t satisfaction. _ · , ~ · : • . · . . , . · · .

. Rruh are having prompt attetition~ Kintl regards._ • . . ..

. . f •

' • •

' D.ON'T ~HOO"( bit or miss · any mote ·-

Get Your S~t. and aim to ust:J

• Try some for Dinner TO-DAY.

the best . grape . I

~ . They are nourishlng and\ uatalnlng,

and so economt - 21 KINDS.

, I

' •1 I . only

VERBENA flour. ~Ask your Grocer for,- , W. A. 'MUNN, - - Wholesale Agent.

pbell's ~o~ps Ca lr .Fare Department.

1.1111 l~ nriet.r of ato•es iu t1ae Cnilatry, aad mau..r other lfOOds aa tbe 8Ule liae too DWD· eroaa to medUOil, at

~. C.\LLAHAN'S, St. John's, N8d.

.. ~SKINNERS' le~l Art Wll'b.


(11'.n'UNI'AD 18'14.]


A.berdeea-1 Uaioa Terrace. Loadoa-1 Moorpte Street.

~ PaD4a. .S7,990,000

AberdeaD Board of lllrec\ora: 8ra TIIOIUa BbMOC't'f, BAH. Fa.uaa JAXU Cocln.ur, EsQ., ll'.uguB.USOM T. GUDD, Esg., A'V•WDaa Liti)JMOBAK, Bag: D.nm M. M. Mll.I.lou, Esg., Sm DAVID Snw.uT, L.L.D., Gxoaoa JAIUIS WAt.IDUI, EsQ.

SPu af ll!lnd Benefit Society Guardian BS'lABl.JSJIBD 18".

Pr&ND\ llembenhip 510,000. •• obJecla uo &0 a4Yaa.c:e lhela.&are•t.. ~ Ellallabmea. aa.4 t.b.U d-adaa.&a b1 proYicUIII a IIlii and Qtrl.ID meaa.eor ma& pro&eotloa 16 Um or et~n ... ancl dJa&r-; aa.d &o • Dllh tbe boll4 of aa.loa. bltw .. a. Ba.cland an &be Ianda ber aou ban peopled.

Boa.dta aro: ln oue or •tolfae .. , 111ed\oal aU.DdlnCI and a .WMkJy ben .. a L Ia. c-or daalh1 JJOO; dealh or wUe 160: d .. lb of cbllct be'w .. a 6 aa.d 16. Ui.

la.Uiatloa. P•• ue uniform. Thr•


Of London. Sabacrlbed C&'ifuii?."";£2,000,000 atg Totalln•eated FIUlda

apwarde of .. . ..... 2. 750,QOO atg AlluuallDcome up- • wa~ of . • ,., • .. , • • 350,000 etg

JoUan tor all 84M ap &o 60. Tbe GOAJU)I.AM being a firat-clua

JJIES IIIID LI~ITED. Jto \be lhiHy yeu• or lla e:lll•tence, Ei{Uah In'•uraa.ce Comnand{ offers lobe 8. o. B. B. 6. bu paid to BngUebmea e ~ r- • or tbelr taiDIUM,Onroaua.tuloD and I al boee er(' yJata(e. alOit ealrable

ST. JOHN'S. qurb te1r doltpe

1 ll!_r,•~lef o1r~~ or to illau •Ia., aadoabted atablU·

• at • no , .. .., ..,, po a..,.., prnen ty f&..orable terms and prompt set· Agents for N~wfoundland. !l~"::oo,.,7 bu a.Jow raw bat u:eel· tl~eat oa c1aima for loaa.

tea.ucbem• otllte lullft-. I The Cbulersiped huiae- been ap-,. ......... ,._,.__ a..- ,.,a••a•l ParUODlanoaa. blbadtrom membtn polatecl Aceata lor Newfolllldla.lid wuua. ~ ~ ""'~"-• Loci'"Dia-cJ,Jabll"'"No.-, B'"' are prepared to lMae ;J?'ollclea

A eatr. rrlttii*~IN bor race, J-.. a. W O··•·r &piJlat lou by J'ire. rrwtlft:lrw. lold ID tU. de;. - • -.. • T & M w l_ _ Jr:nt.otA~rr-N~:\!!!. Bop. GIJ:Dd 810., Toff\nto. • • DCTU, St. Jo1111'1

!Sf~k!r~~ J. A. Whitman, lov::;.~! .. ~::~ .. ·~·•o.llfr. ".,...._, larciJul Taller. I Llllbtr.ouJa•~OTTO-FI• .. '•hllll'·

LOCAl !tiENT WANTED -Our Stock of Suitiags, OYer• II nut f\Mlitt.. Lotyt Pn'cea."

For tbe "Old Reliable"

JONTHI!L NURSERIES, Tbouaaada of Orchard tt'«l

aeed replaciog,

coatiara aud Trouaeriap of all JKill fi!IIWlJ ~l kiDda Ia the larreat &ad beat we ner imported-amoupt' them the aewe.t aud · moat faah louable shades. • -

We ban all gra.dea of.Lumber Ia stock. aud oaly Ult the public to Ia· ~ ou atoek aud .ret our prices.

. ., \ ' ~ . ' • I · , · 1 .. ......,

, .~,i

" '

War G&rdeaa caU for small • fruit" early bearior fruit ~reea,

Aaperaru, Jhubarb pl&at" etc. 1'be demaud for t'raameatal

atock la tCJWJia aad villages Ia l&tJ'e. · ~

Custom work of all lriuda en· c~ted at lowe.t prices aad with despatch.

Jleaaure Carda and patteraa 111W9Ued ou applicatioa. WFit, St.ri~, aad Workma111hip

• fUau,Dteed.. ....

Ba'riucl.ftel.rla.atalled a.ew boUer. and and other m&ehlae Dec:ea&!) for dotue- all eort1 of a to-date lioaee-b.lahblc- we &ie p ,are4 to Ill an ordcn. We c:aa a coany lambet' or other cood• y meaa. of our aew motor boat ay of the aarro~ar aettle ta.

CouataDtly arri'rillr-8 ata 01 allldllda of lumber • . Sec:arl! & P•J ing Ag~acr wHh

liber&l commia~ions. Expe ieace uot uec:euarr. •

STONE & WELLINGTON, (Ett&bliahed 1837)

ToNnto, • • • • Ont.

-J• 8TOcK 1- la KemorJam Carda Plaia or Prt.lad.

. . ·- .. ·- .

laude and oatalde hoaMolmU· I~ supplied at abort aotlce. .

Bead =t:• order aud It will re-ceiYe ~ penoua1 atteatlou. Tbe m& Ia the beet, the pricee bard b •t. IARI' IDIIE AID ID~. • • I "".AttiAaD'I "' T

.. .. : ................. : ..... Just Arrivedl· ...................... r ·• . . ' --\ . . . . ,.

A Large Shipment of ' OATS~ BRAN AND HA


. Just a sJ:P.all amount invested in a perfectly sate• ~pl~ce for the protection or our family

or ourselves in old age. _.For full p:nticui:Lts as to privileges aad prices for·

mea, women aad children, apply to •


268 Water Street, St. JOHN DAVIS, local agent, Harbor

• Cabl~ Addreu :

LmMII)RSON. St. Joha'a.

L EDW !RD EMERSON, Sollcitor.

Graduate of Phll\ldelphla · Deafal College and a .. pltal'bf Oral Sa.rgery ....

Dental Of!ice : Vic~orla ~t%, nu t door to the S T AN DAito Office. f ·

. -1>---0ntcu-

Teeth extracted abltOiutf'Jt- 'WJth· ReDouf Bulldinlf, Duckworth BL, oat paia. by uae of •llalltHi ·a ir " t

lohn't, Nftd. perfect &aaeatbetlc.


• •



Official Sy.oopslii or" Debates, • ./ ""·Seamon 1918.

-. --..:."' =t ;--(CoDlaDUed)

Ma. W .l.X.SB said be could aot approve of the Premier's salary from $3,000 to $5,000. Very able MiDiafers bad beea satisfied with $2,000 ever aiace reapoasible Gov­ernment, and be thought the Pre­mier could have poe on without it until times were better, etpeci­ally in view of the small paymt at

·.our soldiers were receiviag. The s3me app~ed t_s»he salaryamouat­ia~ a~F". to nearly $4,000, patd to the Miaister of Milifia. He thought the Deputy Mialaten all excellent officials, aa_d appoiat•

.. ed for life, ought to ~ve adequate salaries, aDd that it was a bad priDciple to pay them fees and bonuses which the House could aot follow. These men ought to 6e made independent and have$2,-0ilP salaries all rouad. They were well worth it. The allocatioas for old age pensions were also iD-

_sutficieDt. 'there were-still many applications UDsatisfiecf. The use of the dredg~ was very uDsaUsfac­tory. It waA not used iD the out­ports as ~ucb as. it ought to be. There w'!re maay places where there were bars aow daagerous to life which couid easily be dredged ou~, Coastal _'\:ommuDicatioa ia Placentia aDd St. Mary'a Bay was very inadequate.

Mm. oP MILt'l'tA explai•ed the cireamstaDces uader w'bich be took cb:uge of the Militia Depart­meat. He said \here..,.., a ITeat deal of work coa~ected with it ; it

--..1Q!_ a aew ~artmeat which be -,~u..tOOrianize, aad the late

Premier uid he ought to receive a aalarr of $4, .)()(). M,aay of the etal officers ia the Cauadiu MUl­ti& Department were paid $7,000 or 8.000 a year. He wat giviar bit whole time to the Departmeat, aad be wu earaiar every,ceat be pt for it, aad it wu uafair to at· ~ blaa. Aa to the Stott Build-~. It boaed aot oaly the Militia

bat alto the Couadl ucatioa, the three

a. ta of Bducatioa, the bQICtGr of Welcbta aad )(ea. .... u111 Qtlaen. Be couWere4

ur.~.- ~there ... -

• WATER F,aONT HARBOR GRACE: . Premise~ Munn & eo:, Murru aad Crawiord, E . Simmoas, Pu.blic Wharf, Archibald Brothers,

and ia the upper part the Newfouadlaad SbtpbuildiDg Co. (From Pictorial· Hr. Grace !t Br. Grace STAlroUD Pub.) •

~~~==~~====~~~~ ~SFOBTDTDDI.

You Won't Bun Down Uul Olcl Rome Town.

CompaDy are -unable I~ gh-c nplanatioD uf 1heir conduct t the sat_itfactioa or the military autboritlta, aad that these mco were teat out of the Country.

--....-::7BUDA ·FtOUR== . Gives best Satisfaction to Dealers nnd


, Our pri~cs a rc l~wtr thnn you would uptu, <.omsid~·ri11g t he btgh quahtJ or tbts Flour, wblch b•t ttood t&~e biR"bcat test for over 60 years. H J''u want a Flnur that wllll(lve liberal pr..ufilA and repeat orders, buy Buda Flour. • Car lots aad upwaras nl lowest milling pried. Wirr:

· J. B. HARTY. Pictou, N.S. The Millers· Wholesale Areat ·for the Mo&ritime Provinces

and Nn fouadland.

,It might be interesting to state the Dumber of Nor\Vegiao empi"J'· eet ia the service or the Company. There .ha9e beeD· l-ately •f.ix cah­ployed by the ShipbuildinK plant lacludiDg the Maoag~r ,.and ;.ssisl­aat_ Maaager. Tb.·J r namtos are C11p~ Amund Aaons . ., ~l ulllll((r · CapcaiD Ha'nncvllf. .".·~,t. ~bn: a~t.:r : ~I( Roscher, F.n~eil~t•u · '\lr Bjerkoes ; Ac~uuntant ;• ~Jr. 'r,.ar­sea, Miueralb.t, and ~Jr. ~lobo, Forester. 'l'wu Ollh•r men former­ly in the employ or the Comp:~oy were aDd !llill are h. rt•. over I _ ' heac .the Company ha~ no. coo·~ groundless than that referred to · 1 • c • trul dtreclly or intlir ·ctlr Their Th . . f b cargo cona KD~d to the St. Joha s . , • • . · c matn enterpnse o t e Gas Ligbt Compa b' h '--names are W. f .. . E ido·, rorm~rly Company is tbe sbi buildia . ay w ac cao uc . accouDtaot vvi th the Co•n p~n.>· r t t H •. G Wp .•• ~ ten&ed by refereace to them. , ... .. • pan a aruor race. e wo ...... t • · d 'lfho ••• ditchargrd las t Jaouar,. point out that iu addhioa to tbe 1-· : t! ~:meW tt sCopropo;sc to aad M~. Aadresco, f<lrmerly archi· baH a dozeD Norwegiaas employ· I tla ber. e ieat T:•teo or tbe t~t wllb \be Comp3Dj, who was ed tbe Company bas ia itl tenice a) m b IDJU:: or ede mp.aay daacbarged a couple of moDtbs some. three hundred mea from ot~er u ia~ !u:'!~uldat~no~s ago. supertDteDdeDts and bosaet do'Wll t 1 ~-:a ·r 00 Y

. a o w om we tn.. ave ...,eo suttable toa.sage or ca\l s.uggeat

. .

~be Compaty a.lso opcr'atcs tbe 11 f h · th' •. b ........ ~ P e&IICQ l aay oae would offer wh~hag plan at Cape BroJle with emplo,red locally. Further· com· th' beU th b d theu whalers" Hawk'' aad "fort meat 1a this direction ought to be {:Y t aag t •t her au 1 ey ,&rJ! ~- .• SauD'ders," both of which were unnecessary but we will follow it cJ .::sfae 1 ere oa a a cconoml· l)urchued. of local owners. The up •itb more or leas detailed eX• Tb ·-: M R b Ma~er or the Wbaliag factory plaaatioa · .. ..-~e ella~aeer, r. osc er, was. . . . . · re9Grt by the Doctor on Satur-ts a orwegtan aad there 1s but We do aot unders tand that aay- d 1 to be ff · f

N t. bo d h 1 · 1.. • • ay au enag rom. uer-ODe orweg aa a ar eac . tb1a.1~ whatever ts dtredtly alleged (CoDtiaued oa 4Ua a e ) Mse schooners, namely tbe capta agatast Capt. Aaoaaea or Capt. P fl •

. -

. .

.. intention to cast aspersions oa tbe Militia Department but the gov­erameat were tbemsel\JU to blame because they bad aot- tabled and accouat of the expenses cff the Militia Department. All sorts of rumors were aboard with regard lo it. But he concurred the Mia­iaters should be property paid, if the CC111alry could afford it.

lf you're a true Lover of the •• Old Home Towa" You won't rua. her down. yop woa't tjpD her dowa i A ad if others to do, c)a it you'll frowa 1

If you're a true Lnver of the Old Home Tow a, If you're a true Lover or the Old Home Towa.

who also acts as e"'pert iUDaer. BanDevig. · The balaa.ce of the crews are e~- Uafortuaatety at this juacture ployed locally. it must be said that the coaduct

Squires &. Winter. ./ Ho~R. ~. SQoraJtS. I<.C. Lt.B~ ~A. W tNTRk.

Ma. MouNB saidibis view was that the couatr,r could aot afford aot to pay pubhc servaatt proper­ty. It would be true ecoa_om,r to do ao. There was ao companaoa betweea the work of a miaitter aow and that of so111e years ago. The work was much rrea~r aad the value of t)e poslt leas. A man without pravate mean could not afford to bold a Mlaittry aad keep it up oa the salary paid. The Premter of this Coloay ia the past bad been paid less than the jud~res. less than the Goverameat eagiaeer, leu tbaa the Superin­teDdent of Coastabulary. A com­peteat lawyer or a competeat oom­merclal mao could eara very much more than $5,000 with Ina ability thaD the Premienbip demanded, aad to-day it was a lou to tuch a 111aa to take office.

How. Ma. CoAftD aaid that SS,· 000 wd a "'f!r1 *"ente nlary for a Premier ; auch a maa could make far more ia ,ay other walk' of life. He-hoped that Ia fil_ture ul, aries would be paid to aUaiateta wbich would make the poats worth whCte to aaea of real capacity. .

The Committee rote uatU to­IIIOfi'OW,

If J9)J're a real Famrm of the Old Home TowD , You wop!t na~J _ber dowu, you woa't ruu her down ;

But a helpiai fsaDd you'll qtead whea tile's dQtrD, If you're a~~ FrieDd of the Old Ho111e Town,

Oae of the steamers the " Port of some of the former cmploJtea Sa uDders" was fitted with a search -bas aot ia the opinion of the light the time the Company pur- Co~paaJ been in its interest.

, chased her. This ~ay have been Mr. Andresen, architect of the ·used oa various ocoaalona but at Company, was arrested oa Satur­present we know of ouly oae aad day, the 31st of AugustJ ast, ua­oa that occasion the steatper was der a charge of baviDg obtained towing two heavy whales iatb money under false' pretencee froaa port a ad aot waotiDg to take the local parties, :ta<l also tbaY civil risk or wailing until moroiag used process baa been issued for his ar­tbe aearcb light as ~id to aa- rest\for debt but, however as we vigatioa. D.>ubtleas it may bave have pointed out over hi~ the beea used for similar purposes ~t Company has ao control whatever other times. Oa the occasioa ri· and tf be is at fault be must be to however a rreat furore held rupo~ible and aot the Com­we now Jearn for tbe first time ,paay.

Mrt. H. A. WtNTltR. ~A. (OxoN) . BARRISTERS, SOLfCI7'()RS,

If you're a ieal.Friead of the Ofd Home Town. If you b(ve a Suu ia the Old Home Tow a You'll aot rua ber dowD, you'll aot raa her dowa. Ualeu you've ao "bone aeaae" uuder your crown ~ Yo~a'U not rua ber dowa. JOUr Ow~ Home Towa. /. You'llaot naa dowa ,-our 014 Ho~e Towa. If you've uo DlaKC'f share fa the Old Home Tow a You'll aot naa dowa our old Home Towa, • No matter where you live you're no credit to VOUM tow a If you love to raa dowu our Old Rome Town,

- If you TAW to naa down ANY Old Home Towu, If you're a just Critic of the Old Home To'wa, You won't raa her dowa, you woa't naa her down Without. tbowtag her bright polatt from her bead to her crow a, If you're a ~ust Critic of the Old Some Towa, If you~ a JUit Critic of the Old lloDJe Towa. You'll tell of her"broad aad free eapaaae, Aad the auatlt wavea In her port that daaee., Aad a harbor aafe aad broad and loar,

~J~f1!-£R\\\ =-~6/air, · '• Aad pare aad wbolaome aaableat air, Klectrie>Ut aDd wltla aeware draiaa Wi&lt bG~~~e-plpea naaahar to th~ maiDa, Water P.Joreff'OIII a aear-by lak .. To wula or tcr11b or oae'a thir•t to alake, With lakea ••ere tp:lrt the apet:lcled trout. The rroaae tbat DO rcnirmaad will ftoqt. Fllt thra the hiJia aad wooded da1~ Wllere berrlea walt to an fruit paiiL

was.raised and Comdr. MacDu- Enquiry should be made of the molt aad police officials were di&- police ~ad at the court to verify _patched to Cape BJOyle to ia9etti· .the abOvt~ ~ate only to find aaother marc's We uaaerstaad that Mr. Elde aest. is or baa beOD iD the employ of

lt should be noted that the Act· Job Bros. & Co. Ltd. aadover him iag 'Premier resides at Cape we ba .. e oo coalrol. Verifiu­Broyle and that probably full ia· tioa for this should be tougbt formation could be obtaiaed from from his present employers. Thit hiaa lespect\Dg the Compaoy's clears the way to ~eal with the opcratioaa there. • Q)mpal!J'• ot!ler e~plmct. ~-

We should also add that the Notbsag u .far u we ualler-Goveramcot have b'ad all the sea- s tand bas beea alleged a~at son a mao oa each boat simply -s tbe forester, Mr. Mohu. ltc a measure of precaution tbo!lgh was oa the Co"« Jut year

AND NOTAR/l!.'S. --Bat&A of NDr1a Scofla /hlildtHr.


that would seem uane~7 ow~ eutting timber for the Compauy'a iog to the composition o U'o purpoaes, aad ridiculou~ qut~ttoa11· 1 have been asked as to wbf'tbe ....,._....._....,

The Ameadmeats to Wefli:: aad Meuara Bill a ad the So Willa -ud Estates BUt. puted 1

A people aelihborlJ aad quiet }qot r:f•ea to quarrel or to riot, A Jl&ilwayle&diar aear aad far

We do aot kuow what more ti111ber bas not beeD removed, charges if an1 are aBoat respect- T i e answer of course is that the 1ng the wbahng eattrprise but if Company bas aot yet obtaiDcd a there are any we tbiak that they> suitable transport. A steame~e can be shown to be even more uaderstand is coming here with a ••••lllillllliliiiiliiltltiiiiii• • I

TM Boule adjouraed to toater· at3p.&

Tlaareda), May 9th. Tbe ...... at 3 p.m. par-

adjouraed at 4 p.m. be coaUaued.)


statemeat bas ~a aa by 'Mr. J. P. BJ"*-~· the Solicitor of the Newfod{!dlaDd SblpbuUdiag Co. of Har~r Grace, wltb reference to the e~'torial ia the Daily Newt of Sep 8th. Ia justice to the Compa we reproduce its uplaa­atipa i full, aad uaderstan. d that the Co aDy are oal.r too witJing to cour tbe fullest tnvestiratioa ibto tlbr affairs.



Wltb puiUI'fl'-&ad freightage car, · • With Cban:ti-. F,ctoriea aad S.:boola, • Aad .Worb110pa qslal' nrious tools, Where Sb,oea are .-de, Cod, Seal Qil, Leather, Aad Clothe& to wear ia aay weather. A lbiPJUd aad a Dry Dock where Shipe are ac.w bulltar lad repair. A Baa.S. .-Park. a Rtalr, aad Niekelt Aa~ atore. tllat tell frolil Sillrt to PlckleL T.o Telernpb 08lcei aad Ppat ~itto, Docton aad Deatltts-you cry quit 0 . A Newapaper. a Prlatery 'Phat prtatl theae rhymes for you and me. Sa7 clo JOU kttOw a better tow a 1 Delplte Ita flan. WaY rua it down ?

Thi• it a matter that caa be dealt purpose.. After aegotla­with. The tebooaer is obvioutly lions ceased abe was chartered to the" Marae" owned by_ Chris toler the Gortoa Pew Co. The Com· Kaaaevlr of New Yorlr Sbe paay bas ao knowledge of the came to Harbor Qriace with a car- crew as they wert shipped in tbe go for the ..N•wfouadlaad Ship· Uaited States and has DOt beard buildiag Co., Ltd. After abe was of aaythlni araiost them. diacbarged the CoaipaaJ received There must be maay foreign a wire from Hoa. Talker Cook crewe ia port from time to time. atallol'tba&tbeGoveraaaeatwould aad ills thought that maDy cap· like the Coilpaay to ~ead her to taiDt aad members of the crew of St. Job a'• f• iat~tloa with a · the nrious Bell bla1Jd ,boatt for view to purchue. Tbit ••• doae latta ace are foreiaa: · by the Compaay aad wbiltl the The prl~cd wa~ Dot pro· purcbue of the tehooaer was UD• bibitive aor was it objtcted to I • der codsideratioa she la1 at the was uader w:hat it cost to IJuitd wharf of Use Mluiater of Sbipplar. the tebooaer.• She waa kept there tome time at We do not jlaow that there is in the request of Mr. Cook aad the th11e circu~aac~s aoythio~ to Company uad~rslood that the liD• warrant suc.a •loleot asperstons perial authorities were coatlder- •• are cut oa the Company io tile tag acqairlag her. Several chart· article referr~ to. era were rer~&sed duriai tbi• period Tbe rest of the article is more uatU Mr. Cook iatlmated that tbe dilBcult to deal witb for reasons purcbue could Dot be coaapleted poirtled out above. We can bow­owiag to the dif&.:altr of gettiag ever make the nttempl It sta tes a traasfer from the Uolted Statu. for iaataDce ia fff~ct that C€ rtaln Tbe lchooaer is fttted for cold persona late" eQlrtoyt d bJ the Tbit,article is p~actlc~lly with·

out ilD[warraat whatever for alae·

teatbs~ t\Je assertions and ob- '•~;:::;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;:::::::.;;== servafDs made therein. It is diffi.:u to aaswer because of ita -ceaer vagueaen . H specific cbarg.,_•ere made they could be dealt !ftlh. There Is oDfJ ooe w

tfowev- aad that It coataiaed In r tbe lat~r part of the article aad refers1lo an auxiliary tehooaer • aad cr~w of which the article aug- 1 getts ftbould be ianatlgated by I the a{lt'borities, a ad . tlates that this ic~Der is up foa ulc ; tha t the priee· ulced it prohibitive, and i that t!Je owaert abould be made to taWe tbe ecbooaer e.U.wbere.

- .. -.. ,.. -


where you~~ always receive a FAlR AND LIBERAL ~ORTMENT

. HISbest M~ket ·Prices :RETURNS-''QUICKER" · ·

t~Sbubert';: Unexcelled· s ·elvlce II known to intelligent and progressive Fur shlp~rs aU over Newfoundland. It you are not "Shipping tg Slsabe:rt" you are not getttng the full benefit of the utreme}J high ~cea NewfoundlAnd Furs nte commanding at the present tim~t ln llne­dCIIl't delay--$blp all the Fut'IJ you ha,•e on hand and keep them eomiiig-QUICK. l'lbubert" Retu.rn• are S.1Ustcctory RotuTn.c-Write for~ ·lplmt~-n•a FREE

A, B. SHUBERT, INC. 7"1ML«r,.,t Hoare in the VI oriel Exclrui,.q in AIMI"icaa B.. Fun

Dept. 260-26-27 w. Austin Chlcap, u. s. A.'



' , •

.. ..

...... -. \ ..

PartieAJi)debteJ wHi please d~~ba~ge. their obligations. ~~~~tty. -.~ee ouF ·Liberal · Ctub;-Rates and . Subscribe at once to tbe Home Paper. N~wff)undlan~ abroad, keep in"'. touch · with Your :tiATIVE LA:ND. , Ope :Oolla.r. a. y~ar. C1ergymel1. 50c. ·


- _ ___: , ! - ltla ...-iEPTEii8ii:-ijj18 n ' ' People with thin blood are much I S I M I T I W I T I F I S- I

more subject to headaches tbau _I J L2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 I_ 7 1 full-bl od.ed peraous. ~ad the f~rml j8 I 9 no I 11 l12 'ill&-4 I of aaaemaa that dacts growtag _ 1 __ & .. _

girls is :~lm,..,t ahvar" ;u·c,mp1nl- ' 115116 117 1 18 119120 121 I e~ t.y hr:ld.•cl•-:-· i• •Jl;e'tbr~ wi :h I 22123 I 2-1 I 25l"jlll 21ys I :~~~~rtl~nn: uC <the ~agesllve or- ~ ~I 29_!2!' 1 1 _ I:- I __ L!_j_

'' " · .•• ,., r >••u 11"'·-= c ll'~>taut .. r LEr.ISLATIVc COUNCIL rccurnn~ hcnd.acbn aatf p~llor or U G I the face. they !lhnw that the blood is thin and ynur • If •l!s 11hould be S f f D b t S 1 direCtt'd tOWolfd l.uilding U!J.JOUr YDOP8 S 0 e jL eS, eSS OD bl00\1 A fair lrr:\lm .. nt witn Dr. 1918. Williams' Pink Pi ~ ls will do this eff~ctively. and the rich. red blood

that tbc ·L~Kishtive would be fully (Co~ued.) repreaeated. Membera bad takea

made by these pills will remo,·e

. AN Uusouctpo Ao.-A r• uac Barb)T Grotcl""' aln oad who baa kept Ia toucb with lbe


NOTICE' TO 1.4RI,XEIS. (No.4, o{. 1918)

~GEE ISLA/fD, . ,. . ~of hlanc;la.

LIUl ESTABLISHED. Prol'i'ioR'-Oa Earle. I sland. situ•

au..U '"'""era ebtra nc:rs It• ::-I uri h •Arm aod Micfdlc ' 1\rm. O;ay ''' I• lauch.

Lali&ude 1 490 10' 00'' N. Loachude .9JO 08' 30" W.

the beadacbe. . More disturbances fo t~ health

are ~aused by tbdr blood tbaa most people have liby· idea of. Whta your blood is impovtrished. the aerna suffer from lack or

May ·7th, 1~8 permanent positi,aa uacler the (Mr. McNamara-6latiaue ) Crowa, but they did aot go baclr

la Ibis opiaioa both Billa ould to their coastitaeats for eacforsa­go 1brough together.. Soa:e o· Uoa. There was no desire oa the me' tseople he'tlJoughl were. bfdlng part of tbe Go•erameat to- ope a behind smoke screea.s aad camou· these seals. 'The1 wrre losing nri ftage ia the appositioa or the mea- opportuaity to gatn political aad sure. It was a matter with tbeaa personal advaatage at the cost o( to get the Goverameat out. He neglectiag matters of vital im­would aet be a party to•it, aad if portaace to the state. 'rbe ¥iii­his vote would do it the measure tary Service Bill, the Goverameat would pa~. aald was introduced because of

.. Old R ... ~ I Ub-

scribia.r to ~~r!~~~H!~~~~~~?ai~:t.,;;;·~W"t.t writc'1 aa ~


' • •

aourislnaeat ·aad you may be troubled with iasomaia, neuritis, ueuralgia or sciatica. Mutclea subject to atrain are. under-uour­iabed aad .JOU may have muscular rheumatism or lumbago. H your blood is thio aad you begia to show symptom• of any or these disorders, trJ buildiag up the blood with Dr. Williams' Phtk Pills, and as the blood is restored to its aormal condition every symptom of the trouble will dis­appear. There a re more people who owe their preaeat state of

--(<?Od health to Dr. Willi•ms' Pink rylls than to aay otser mediciae, most of tbea;t do aot hesitate to.say so. .,

'Sold by all dealers ia mediciae or will be seat by mail, post paid, at 50 cents per bo:r, or six boxes for $270, by add~essiag T. Mc-Murdo & Co., St. Joba's, or W. H.., Thompson & Co. Harbour Grace.

-L~ut. H'eclley GoodJear, C.E . F., sou of Josiah Goodyear of Grand Falls, bas been killed ia ac­tion. Tbia makea the third sou of tbe Good.7ear family who baa. gina his liCe that otbera may lin, while two other brothers ban bee a wouaded. Tbe family has deep­eat ay1Dpathy.

ing I'UbSCriJltlio~lo )'OUt 1'111Ua afl•l very in iag pa p ... r. lt'a ple~siog tl) read ia it' culumoa of the progresa and improvemrata made io the Old Home ·rown these last few yeara." If every peraoa­livtag ill a tow• bad the ptiblic spirit and helpCulaess this joung rellow -expresses, wbat would the Old Towa grow to ? Old aad ;ouag Harbor Grace might try to aaswer that query ia daily prac: tice.

BoN. Ml. ANDERSON would sup- the demalid ,Pf tbe Secretary or port the second reading. With S~t~ tor reaafQrce~enta for the rcgud to the Militia Depart~ Regtment. The a umber asked for aad the carrying out of the Mltr-. waa JOb by the ead,of April aacl tary Service Act, be would like to 60 a moath. Thtr former aumber stt t~ Minister of Militia re· bad beea secur~d by voluntary ea- PILES ENTUlELY 01lREO. moved from party politics. He l~stmeDt aa4 it ought to be pos· •rr. wm. Woodell, 101 8 L Jobo St., bad 110 faith in the War CouaciJ sable-to secure the ~oatbly call of tCarii.On,SL Joho,.lf. B~ wr1tn:-"a bave

1 "~ d zth di ... ueod Ur. ChMe'e Ointment for l&, the Act called Jnr. One good ea! oa 1.- a illy, •~ ou sarraa .. cag JJieodlng pll., aud u a rttult have been ergetic man ia charge of the Mili- the w'hole work of the Govera- eo II rely oor;d'. For a .. n l WM • en•' tia Department witb aa efficient meat. If we. were called upo~ to =~~':",.':'; t~b~ tb~!!~:~ atc!,m~r~ stlllff would ia bis opiaioa see the secu~;e 1,000 or more at oae tame Ch ... 'e Olntm•nt oared me. You may meaaure proper}' earned OUt if there migbl be SOlDe re&aoD iu tbe UN 'bla lattn for. lba ~Dilll.of Otbert. qae powsr ,as gtvea 'him, aad bia argameats of -those who support- - The ReV\ J L D.twson· for­position removed from pcilitics. ed ~b~ Bill, but to ·say that re· mer! astor o£ Go~er a ad G~r e

llolf. Ma. BAltVRY congra'tu· crulttag two me~ a day wo~ld de- Stre!t p Methodiat Churches s't lated Boa. Mr. GibbS $>G hill maod the uadivtded attea~oa C?f John's died late! Ia Halifax speech but could aot uaderstaad tbe • Govern meat, was, •.a h~s ' _ !_ • why it was not delivered wbea opiaaoa, an insult to the tatel!t· -A goocl Judfe will decide ac-t be dteasioa of parliament waa geace of the Ho~. T~e Btll cordiag to JUStice aad right ia asked for last year. He did aot might pasa but as it stood tt r~ve preference to atrict law.· claiw to bave a lecal mind bat ao assuraace whrther aa e.leclioa he could aot sec where tbe-' con- would be held ia 12 m~aths or at -Mr. and Mia.. J. LeDrew re­atitutioa would be violated if ~e the ead of 1919. He d~d aot lhiak c'eived a Jetter lately from their Bill passelt. The life ()f parlia- oae would be held until tb~ war sou Corp!. Ralph LeDrew. Ralph tDODt wu only arraogedbJalocaJ ended or uatil aucb time, tf tbe wu thea iu EQgland takia~ a act, aad the Go'fel'ameat bad Bill wu paued, the Governm~a! course ia Cadet work with a v1ew uery richt to make it IODflU thaa elects to go to the coualry, wbacb to further promotioa. The list 4 Je&rs If they thought lt desir- would. e:rtea~ the UCe. of pari!•- or officer• of an grades bas able ia the public iatereat. The meat tadefiaately, aad 1.11 his optn· wofully depletAl far more ia pro-Bonae waa uaited 00 tbe CoaacriP.: ioa that was the la~ed'ttoa. portion of coune than·of the gea-tioa Bill aad if the preaeat Ball To be colftaaued. eral army, aad there is a great was def;ated it would aeriously demaad for aew ofticera, and a aad uaduly ioterfere with the car- • -Before qx»kiag put bead veg- 6ae prospect llefore the boya of

oat QJ the meaaure. Be be- etablea aad 1reeas ia cold water the rank a ad file a ad of the lower the Go't'erameat waa lia· for aa hour, with oae tableapooa grades to mount bigher aod do

cere ita elforta to keep New- of vinegar to .-emo•e iaatcts, -thea more sen ice. Aaothe.r good fea­foupdlaad ia the war, aad would Wllh v~ry carefully. lure is that promotion, aot perbape sooaer see' the carryiag out of the -SAo-Cbarlea Steveas, a re- u mucb as it ought to be but far Se"ice Act ia the baada of Pre- tanaed wounded aoldieT of Bare- more tbaa it used to be, depeada mier'Lloyd t'baa u-Premier Mor- aot so much oa iaflueace as on ria. Baron Morris last .7ear, be need. C. Q • fefl,..Jrom the skids merit.

-Tbru a maure recei•ed tea uid. by bit treatment of the while boarcllag the S. S. Ranger da1a no by Mr. aacl Mra. Le.Drew, Chamber bad brought a atirma oa Tburlday ai(bt week at Cole.7'a Miaard'a Liaimeat we lieu tbat their aoa Sergt. oa bl1111eU that be woulll aner be Poi at a ad waa drowned. Cares Daudratf. WUHua of tbe 185th BattaJioa of able to cast off He wu aot tbere the. Non Scotia Hlcbtaaden, C. to delead the Govcrameot oa tire

·E. F. was ii laotf~Pal Ia politloa of tbe 1'. P, U. sqemben :rr.ce fma • alight but lae ft!lt tbeJ were the wouacl. Jeara to tee tlle Act of ap iiJ.,IDIOICICI..· ~=::z~l

-Rev Mr. n.., .. u..,. probationer ia Church aad Yr. aoa of Hoa M. P aad C. left bJ for Halifax wllere to trainiog for- the

• Corps.

aa electloa objec­Yet be beliencl that

t1te.ieata oould be filled' aad by· electloaa held He woalil aot like to tee tllem take place at the oae u-. .. tbla aliO might interfere witll the Coaacriptioa meaaure. Be believed that' the by·electioas -ahould take place from tilDe to time, uatil all the vacaaciea were filled: House adjourned till to­morrow.

• Wedaesday, May 8th. The bouse met ~rtuaahto ad­

joufii..U wbeo tll'e debate.oa tb• aecond:readinf of the vgislative Esteaaloa Bil waacoatiaufll.

Bo•. Ma. BIIBOP opposed tbe secoad reacliag and spoke at some lell&'(b. .. Whea the House was aaked to coa1ider the Bill jointly with the Military Senice Measure it did aut encourage uaity, but ia· .atead provoked opposition. The

a Jouog oaly argument ia favor of its pass­c:tbodist I iag was that the turmoil or Ill geo­Cashin. era! election would coatiaue all , M. F , the aumaaer aad until the coaat­upreu iaf(of the ballots aacf tbe Govern­

KO ia- : meat Ia coaaequeaee would ~~-F{1ior glect the carry jag out or _the Mth·

r tary Semc:t Act. He did aot take Ibis argumeat aerlously. Tbe fear

.....,._ ' that tb~ Mlniatera would neglect ---a thdr dalia if aa electioa were on 1

1-Steadla nerves 2-AIIII'Iddnt 3-Afda BPNIIIe 4-HeiN dlaeltloa 5-KeGs teetb dean &-Ira economical

Chew It after eve., meal

AcetJieoe Gn Ll(bt. Ligbt. Dark Light

P.1uno~ : 0 3 sec. 2. 7 sec. 0 3 sec. 2.7 sec.

EL•vATION-Reigbt of light from high water to focal plaia, lJ)9 feet.

Height of structure from base to top or lutera, 18 feet.

STJttJCTuaa-K square opea wood framework with sloplag · sidea painted White, Laate.rn · pai• ~d.

Rsx.uxs-This light will be ia operatloa duriag open aaviga­ttoa,

<' ' J . G. STONE, Minister Maria~-& Fisheries.

Dept. Mariae & Fisheries, St. John's, Nftd,

Jul,r2Stb; 1918.

Marke~ Keporl St. Jo¥'., Sept. 7.

I'Ju £111) On.. Lar~ Medium aad Smlllll Mer.

chutable .•..•... Sll 00 to 1'2 5q Laqe. Medium aud Small

Madeira ............ 10.50 to 11 00 Labrador !iQft ' . .. .. .. .. • 10 00 Labrador Sbore Cure . . ..... nooe Larce Weatiadla .. •t •·60Q_to7 00 Small Weat ladla .... -........<.. 9to6 Eladdock, per qtL ............ .. b 00 Hen( a I'• per brl., Scotch pack .. 16 00

Berri~, Ordinary pack: ............... , 6 50 to 7 00 8&lmoa. No. 1. lure. per trc . . 2Z 50 Salmon, No. l, aaaaJI, per trc .. '20.00 Lobeten, perc, No. 1 ......... 19 SO Cod oil.'~ tan­Bardwooa pkg .•.. $305 00 to $320 00 Softwood plr~ .... $300.00 to 310 00 Cod Ll•er Oil. per l(&L No. 1 '2 50

PROVISIONS. ETC • Flour, Gournmgot Standard 14 00 P.Jrk. per brl. P'. B1c:k . . . .. ' 48 0(1 tlam BAtt Pork . . . . 45 00 Beef, per brl. ........ 41 00 to 43 00 Ibm per poaad, American . .... . 38 Bam " •· ·l~aat • . • . none Bacon " " .......... Zl to -37 \:bfeee per " . .... . ........ 3l Butler " " Caaadiao .. .... 55 Balterloe !'~r l' •und ...... 35 to 40 lltolaasea. 11ana. ~r 1(&1. new .. 96M Sqar, L brown,r 100 lb . .. .. .. 9 00 Sap.r rran. r· 100 i b . .' .. 10 00 Sapr loal, per 100 lb . ....... ·.12 00 Bread, per ~· No. 1. . .. .. .. • 9 70 Bread, per tiag. NP 2.' ........ 9

PRvUU ; E, FRUll'. ETC. Potatoea, l·n' orted . ,"'. .. . . . • 6 75 Peu, per, round . . . . :-... 8 75 P-. per, aplit . . .. .... . . 11 00 Cal&vaac:e. per pound .... I OJ( to IJ Carrota. P. &. I. baga .. .. .... 4 00 Oatmeal per barrel.. . . . . . . . • n 50 Rolled Oata per barrel ..... . .. 13 25 Rolled Oata ~T balf barrtl . . 6 75 qalt per hne"abud ..... , .... .. 4 70 Kero.eae Oil per- gallon . . . • . ... 37 GuoleDt', ateel pk~.~r rallon. . 49 Hay per tpn, per 2000 lba .... . . 40 00 Fo.ider per :on ... .. ... 13 00 to 15 00 Oata per bu•bel, wh1te . • . . . .. . 1 50 Oats per bpahd, blac:k ... .. ... 1 60 Bran per aack 100 lbt ... .. ..... 3 50 CatUe Feed, 100 lb. aaclc ...... 5 25 Cora per aa k .......•...... , . 5 50 Com meal pe aac:fc .......... . ': 4 80 Onloa., per bag ..... .'.. .. .. .. 8 00 Ell., per d1 z~n. local . ... . • . . . 60 Ralalat, per box, Camornia •... 7 00 Curraata per lb.... . . . . . . . .. . . . 23

COAL. •. North Sydney per ton . ... . ... 16 00 VIctoria . .. . ... ~ ..... .. 15 80 A.athraclte ........ .. ........ 25 00

LUMBER, ETC. ranlpeJ" .............. 40 00 to 50 00 Shlnelea. Cedar. No. 1,

~H ....... 350 to600 Shlnglc:a1 tir, No 1. .......... . 4 00 Latha ........................ 4 50 Pallor• ..... / ...... .. .. 2 50 to 4 00 Spruce Board'. No. 1. .37 00 to« 00 -Trade R~~lew. .

· -f>a Priday last Mr. Eric A.

Dr. Morse•s Indian R r)Ot Pills.

- -·----------Dr. A/for::;c's lztdian

· l~oot Pills . - ------Dr. ' rv1orsc's Indian

Root PiUs.

1\llor:;c's Indian R<Jot Pills.


.. .


Rii{ht from the ceatre or FaahioQ. come these beautiful crellltiC)isli whtch we aow offer to you for iaspection aad selection.

aumbers of ~arlier :mivals t ~e)' make our Fall Stocks ~zq­ete aad as vaned as you woul~ wash to choose from.

, - ·- LA:QIES' RAGLANS-e Raglaa, the coat for all weathers, co'mo ia a plc:asiag variety

or shades, shower-proof coats. ·warm eaougb for Fall wear. Be- ; fore deciding'6)i>a Raglan S~E OURS. 1 !I


Who can describe their be~uty and exquisite trimmings, tltti~ raultl~ cut and pjtfcct fit. White, l.t'aocr and Colored, low

,neck and lonsr sleevu. We bavc some beauttes at SSe., other11 up to $6.50.

-. -HATS! HATS I 1-- f Ready· to-wear trimmed and untrimmed. smart s tyles, the Ia teat


from Londoa and New York. 1 1

'Dress Goods and Silks. Our assortment or the aew- weaves in Dress Goods and Silks revtal scores of happy colour combinations aod Pflteros that will make up admirably iato handsome frocks. ==============~~~~~================'

. ., FALL COATINGS, Warm Bla.aket Coatings that give lbe necessary warmth witb9ut a ay 'excessive weight. Warm shades of Navy, S<~xe, Fa!"D, Browa, Greeu. Crimson and Check. etc. Lowest ia the C\ty.

Prices from $2.75 to $3.50 per Y)UXL

. Men~s and Boy's Overcoats. We have a graad displ.lJ of these, and notable values in 1o1 SA.UPLB LlNB, just one or"' kind. Coats thnt- defy the cold#ob the coldest aiglit.tflo Price.s nage from $5.00 up to $15.d0. See these aa aoon aa YO\.l ca n.

Their value will clear them Qu~'~·Y·•




your Orders. guarantee satisfa-ction.

St~ -John's.

sht aid 110t be coasidued Tbe • ver1 peeple who are aow aulout I til at ao J!ection be beld were pre· · parlaar fdr oae up to a few weeks ago. Condition• were worse' at that time tbaa tbey are aow. 'l'b re were JlO recruits comia~r ia I ther. Slace through the t fJorts j ,,f tbe YOluatetra mattera were C'haacecL Be would like to lcnow 1

wbea tbe turmoil talkfd of • v. r I.Mtc-&ft.~,#~~,~ .. f"-t;~' t. atad durial' aa electinn WhJ

r'e • till 'f&caadea tllcd, 110

The Flavour Lasts· I

B >wring wu ia rtceipt of the sacl iateJHgeace that Frank H. Bowr­lag, bit brother. aad cousin of Sir Edgar Bowring, bad met his death while fighting ia Fraace. -«>a August 28th ult . Mr. Bowring, wbo beld the raak 'of Major io tbe 2od Battalioa, Klal['l Li"etpool Irish, wu bora in Newfou!!, IOD of the late Ron. Cbaa. ~~ag, aad of Mrs. Bowring,twbo'fiO~ resides at Siflnn Park, Liverpool, Eag­laad. To the widowed moaber, to Mr. Eric Bowring, to his brotben aad to the whole family deepest tympathy i~ npreued by •

maay friends aad tbe wbole com· ~;;;;;;~~;;;;:;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~::=~a-1 tnuaity Three olher brotbera o ..: Yr. Bowring are also oa actl't'e ...... 1'nde eappUed bJ M••B&Jf 6 co .• k ....... IIUo .

~ In Harbor Grace


I ' ' ~ ):,l . 1 • \ - .I . . ..,~ .\ . .

Ma ~he ·Harb.6r. Grcioe SlanqJ&r;'dr&nd Conception Bay Adver-ttser-:W .}.· • • • • • r • • ,.;-J • • • (

·$1.00 a ·prepaia} othe,ryvise, $1.50. :.· ; · ~~==~==~========~~-~· ~- ~·~F-~==~~==~==~==~~======~E=~====~~

· 11J~·-.;rt~r-~~~cr- ~tanbar• EMPHATIC PRO~Es~ I Reid Newfau .. ndland C~Qtpany &JllJ ' -_..;.I

FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1918.

Of C1U&8D8 of Harbor 6f&48.

ro Hm ExCXLt.aNCY. TBK Gov· xaJWoa·xB-CouNcn..

May it· Please your Hoaourable Couacil.-

... ~e. the Citizeaa of Harbor Grace ia public meetial' asaem­bled, dealre to call your atteatioa to 'Wd protest againat the penlat­ent d•magin·g rumours tbat are circula\ja~ both in the pu~Uc press f.Dd elsewhere coac:cralDf the Newfouadlaad Sblpbuildiag Compuy, Ltd., Hnbor Grace, ita officers aadJDaaaremeat.

•A LUGC and repreaealatin meet· Aad while •~ do aot wish to htf of tbe ciliaeaato proteat biader or hamper ill aay tbe iAjurlouaramor•canelft whltever the National Gowera·

tbe ~twfoaadlcla:ad::::! . .f:J!~~J meat or the MilitUJ ,Authoritiea L-~~~PM~ tile 111 ia tile ••• ur.._..,._ ....., __ _ aliee, yet ia the iaterest-or towa aad Its futare, we u ·

Ia la etracti- of ablp.Jarda and ot ta· terpri.a. Iteowaert aad maaapra

• • can beet meet 1ll ail17 or wlckecJ:" at· - teaapte to down It b.J plar oa wit the work of r(COaatrucUoa of \ta ba .. laeee eta~ it hu alread7 bepn.

' It Ia le a Cau way to owercomiac tbe dllllc11ltiea a•oldable aad uaa.-.,ld· able it baa encouatared.

The prMptct before It ie we tblnlr brltcht. The bricbter for it the brirbter for tbe towu aad coaatsy Whtlat it ia oniJ rl1bt f<>r tbe Aa; tborlllta to u:erciae tbe ut..oat •lfilaacc. aucb · an be done lo a way not to ll'jt~re an!. entuprlae wltb?Dt (ood reo&SOQ. ro do Otber• wise. to •top anaeceeaarll7 the buildlo•f of ahipi. and lbe arr.J.iDJ 00 (I( hualoea~ Ill reaeral i• ODI!•

"' tblnar to make Go: rmila1 clap · lltr baada io glee. ..., •

1caa partJculariJ deaire to depre­cate the ~ditorial that appeared ia the Dai(y Nn~~s aewapaper, SL Joba'a, of the 7th iaat., coacera­iag the Shiptulildiag Compaay, ita officua aad maaagesae.t.

We feel that aomethiag must be doae to alla,Y the uaeuJ ~feel· iar that bas anaea by tbe;Qrcu­latiQa of such dama~riug rumours. aad therefore .would respectfully demaad that such aa eaqulry be iaatituted as ahall-either by coa­victloa or by exoaeratioa act at rest theae deplorable rudtoun.

For aud oa behalf of the citi· zeas of Harbor Grace,

' H. H. AKCBillAI.D, Clulirt~UU~ Glizms' Ct~111111ill«

~ WILLIAK MADIGAN, S«relllry alUms' ummi/JN.

Harbor Grace, SepL 11th, 1918.

ST. PAUL'S H--....... ->

Mondays, Tuesdays, r And Wed:oesaays.

t.he best Pictures shown ill St. John's.

elapeed recowcry. We do I aatboriUea bad aot made aome en aot now U tbe ptaa Ia or le aot of ·qalry Ia thtse direction• aa7 m• tQ oatalclo pa_rtf• aacl Tile aathoriud aad paid ap capl· blwe ot.Mrwlee ao kao1iledp re. tal of the Compaay Ia $500,000 oct. latlar to tbe aabject. $493,000.00 of wblcllla held dittct·

The malt of if'r, LCnea'a iAwc... I~ by ChD.W~er Baaaewlg. lac • tlptloa ol Uae ,_t eacf-mlae waa tlle remalaiar Nftll abarea belor lacorporated lD a nport to tbe Com· laeld byladivldaale for the rarpote paay which laanilable roruamlila· of ~bllar the Compan.J to be work tioa Jadeed t biUne tile aatborl· ed 11 a corporation. They are bow· ties 'atrea4J llaYe it aad tbla:coald ncr all controlled b7 the Meaara. be wcrfW bJ nfereac:e . to the Ia· Buaewlr. On rcferuce to tbe~e­apec:tor GeaUaL glatrar of Compaaiee all laforma

lbe · fot brioaa re&IODI fell alabed. It wall be foalld that $2 • N~ wltll the owaera of tloa rapecUog capital ~ald be far·

Uaroac~ t W. c1o 110t wlab to 000 00 of the capital remaiaed uo make a•J obeen&Uoaa wlllch rDicbt paid·at the time)ut alate meat wu be couttaed either ia fawor of or to liled bat tbla bu alacc beta paid tbe prejadlc::e ot the ~1· Tbe totallaweetmtD\ Ia tbla Colony

l(r. ' (Anea'l aMfala ... to the Rprtaeata a boat tbtee•quartera Of I CompaaJ ~ IOIDe Ume qo. mUUon dolla,.. It be weal 'to la'teiUpta uy pro- (To be coatlauedj pertylae wu aader auplcloa all tbe . time. , BeiA~ draDfbtaaa&a 1 -R~niata B. Peddle aod G. be wu •• ·tile eactaeeri•c Baaae7 aa towa. Welcome. departmea~ a arbor Grace. Ua-1 -Tbe Rew. II: C. Cleacb wlll coo· fortaaat.eiJ- aaaj ~ people tbea dact dlwlae aerwlce at St. Paut•a rot auplaoaa ••piJ bec&ue be I Cbiarch,' 8.30 ••.• 11 Lm., 6.30f1. waa aot law•UpUar mlalar pro- m.-Com. S m ==



be doae I• tbls dl· rectJoa K local enterprlae ia not to be ntJrely hampered. If •P.Y ra10aable pud of aaaplcioa ia foaad aplaal Ita emplo.Jcea or miD· qeiiMIIlt lt caa be dealt willa by tbe proper aatborltla. bat partiea allotllcl aot be la•eatlar or repeatiar abeard atorlee which bue abaolate· ty ao foaadatlon Ia facL

..,..A wery prellJ aod attracti•e weddlor took place oa SepL 11th, at 4 p.m. Ia tbe Metbodlat Cburcb at Clarke'a Beach. Tbe coatracllar panlea were M!aa Ada No~ewortby daacbter of Fraok Noaeworlh7, .&eq , the well knowa bualaeaa man of CIArlre'a Beacb, aad Mr. R. J, Smltb aon of Hr. Ar. Smith of Caplda. Tbe STAWDARD jolaa In wi1blar Mr. ~tad Mrs. Smtth maoy yeara o( bapplae11.

Mloard'• LluJmeol Co., Limited. Dear l!lln,-I bad a bleocllo& Tomor oo

mt '- for 1 1oac lime aad uled a aaiDder or remedlea without eay 1ood raaalla. I wu adviMCl &o tr1 YIN· ARD'8 LlNUUtNT ud aUer \111111 •••ral bohlaalt m.;de a complete care, and ll b .. led all ap aocl dl1appeared al· &ocelber.

D~VCO HENDERSON. .BeUalale St&Uo11, KJap Co., N. B.,

IMpJ.lT, 11101.

; -Tbe MID!iater of J(llitla. Mr. J

R. Beaae.t, recclnd woed on Wed· neadaylaat lbat hia 100 Capt3la V. S. BCaaett,. Ro.Jal Fl;lag: Corpt, bad beea ~rated with the Croix de Oaerre w1lla Palm-the birLe1t aecorauoa at tbel Order- for the brawery &Dd laltlatiwe abown by lim dartar recept opeaalioaa io tbe Freacb war 1oae.

Tbe Compaay ia ownid aad C"D· trolltll by Clarl~tolfer BanaeYif lac, ODJLDREN llU8 r BE PROTECTED• of ~!!way. New York. Tbla ., h• oblldra• ma•t buat-.aarded, tor,

t 6 I b1..._ lllbey do dn'lye the f~aeol OOUJbl ~ o ra II Ye •r&e • .,. and 00~11 I& I• ofr.n with I be luaa• 10 balldlpJ p ta Ia tbt Ualled Stabea ••ktiMCI that &bay btoome cbroalo &Del two fa Toloato, Caaada, with· eafferen froiD bronohltll or ooaenmp­oat we bellewe aa.7 of tbe troabtee Uoa. Btlaa oompoaed of1hnple ln&r• aacltaaoyaaCII to which tbe lqcal l=:f ~~d·~::p.~~in~~=':\~ Coapaay Ia aabjected Tbe COD• l!lilnfll1. 11111«1 ae • lr .. lment'Tor obll· troUira of \II• Compaay are well draa. It I• pleuant 10 I be 1u1e. So .. ~ Ia LOadoa Ba,laed wll~ meob ao &ba\ altlldren deiiJb\ to lei& all .....,... • • .... Off tbl8 a«~aa•lo .. well u btoau .. of a Baalr le opl!atecl. u a aaotber Ia ~. ca-Jet ,.,,., ll alford• them. R .. York. Ou woald think tllat -=_gf tilt Oowera.stDte of tlae _.A m«.!etlrg of tbe Committee

Dl&doaa. Uelted Stalen~ of tlae W • ..P~A- will be beld ia Cauda woUd elldt .. lidactor1 I•· the To.n Hall on MoadaJ tVeu­fonaa&IOII COIICenll•r tbcm ¥d that. iag at 8 o'c:lock.

-NOTE 01' T&ANKO - The fami17 of late Micblt'l Flemi"' •l•h to thaak tbe alan, kind rneuda who Mat wreath• aad notu uf '.JmpllhJ Ia tb1lr late aad bereuement . ,

A. most delig'-rt- Water Street Stores Department. Fully situated . - ... ·


witli about three- MOTOR ENGINES. MOTOR BOATS quartera acre , df • ·- MOTOR .UPPLIE8, · . land, aituaff!d near Oaeolene and Motor Olle. · R. C. Cathedral Oqr C9LUMBIA CBLLS and IIUL!IPLB BATTERIES

arbor Grace. ' --·----.~~~n-h~~!~~re.:_ ___ _ j: urther particu- ~CALL OR SIND fOB QUOTATIONS.

Iars apply R. K.HOLDEN


. Adel•lde s!:\ St..Johb ..


Miaara•a Liniment For Sale Ever.Jwbere

-All '!.ell on Allied Froata.

-Slight iJDpro•ement In Labra· dor 6abef1{Soatb of Rran Bay.

FOUND.-A Hatchet, Tooth­brush aad Newfoundland Patno­tic Badge. Apply at this Office,

FOR SALE !-One large Shorthorn.Jeraey Cow.

Apply at Woodbiae Cottage.

Reid Newfoundland Company .m=~----~----~............. .-...... -= ............ .. .

The St, George's Goal fields Ltd. ARE GIVING AWAY FREE OF ALL COST

Three extra one·dollar shares with each and every one-dollar share purchased.


fr.oo you get four one dollar shares. $2.00 you get eight one-Cfollar/ shares. $3.00 you get twelve one-dollar shares.


'4-00 ,xou get sixteep one-dollar sharee. ' -Senlcca at Cbriat Cbarch on $s.oo .. you get twenty one-dollar sbares.

Sundar will be Uorniog Prarer and $25.00 you get on~ hundrea one·dClllar shares. • Celebration at 11 o'clock. Bn. E d cJ, · 1 Fletcher of SL Joba'a will take tbe An so on RC7 orttonate Y·L. · aenke and preach. In other words, you get four111fles the value of any amount

llir The. &me Paper and the you invest until the twenty-five thousand shares are disposed of. Montreal Family Berald, boUI to ead of 7ear for 50 ceata, Foi- ooe AN 0 NOTE ~n~ •

That you will not be called upon to pay another cent on any of -W .P.A.-The Women·• Pa(rio· these shares. They are yours outright: •

tic Aaaodatioa thaokfull1 ackuow· lrdceatbefollowiagcoatribulio~- ~INVEST TO.OAV. _. Proceeda of Dance beld in K .E.B. \.. .-,- ---Armory on Tburlday. 5th iaat, ptr ""-------------• ...---------------

~!fb:~~l ~~:;~ ~r~!~:r~;~!~a~; THE ST. 6EOtfGE'S C.OAL FIELDS LTD. cuu. ~reaeurer, Sept. 13th. 1918 Ca~t Bulldln&, 262 Water St, St. John's, '

StU ·"-Lieut. Richard Sbeppusf, aoo of Bead Coaatable aad lfrt. Sbep· .pard, ani ted 4a town yeaterdv un furlo, in order lQ recruit bia Health after 1icka~aa. T~e commuaitr welc;omda bome the gallant .JOung m~q.

~NOTS Olr' T•AttKI-Mr. William NoaewortbJ and familr beg to thaak Mra. Jamea A.ah, Mra John Pike. Mill Bertha Nartlo, ~ra. (Or.) Goodwia, Mra Edward Pagh. Mrs D. Berald and Mra. Wil.llam Snow for wrea~ba aad otbtr acta of kind· neaa ia tbeir deep aftlictioa tbru tbe death of their belo,cd wjfe and motbe.r. •

... AT TD hORT.-Aa a•u•l we are at the froat wilb a apleodid 1bowinr of Salting• a ad O•ercoat _.. lap for Sprior and Summer wean which aader preYailiar coaditlona we were fortaaatehlaecurinJ. iJut quality aergea at uaual priaea Ban yoar aext ealt made from tbe.e food• ia the lateat New York atrl~. with all tbe American daah" by ua. Mall ordera (ina apecla\ at teJIUoa. Write to-day Cor tAmple• aad Meaaare Carda.

·J. & W. MADIGAN, The Expert Tailora.

-A letter wu latel1 reeeiYed Ia towu by Mrt. Noel of .Harvey Street from ber 100, Nathaniel Noel of tbe Royal Newfoundland Regimeat (ooe of the K. E. B . boy•). Nathaniel .weut acroaa with the coatloJ!"eat that left Newfoundland on the 28th of Aprillut. aod 11 in training at Weatmiaater. Be baa been pro· moted to tbe rank of Sergeaat, and baa tbe coogratu.latlona of our cltl· zeae. ·

- OBITUARY- There paued away oa Sunday laat at tbe •enerable age of 78 .Jeara. Mrs. Wm. Noaewortby nee Mlaa Lucinda Snow. Site bad beea in failio~bealtb foe a .Jear ~­Core the tDd came. Sbe ltat'ta to mourn tbelr lo .. a buabaad actd 91 yeara. three dauabtera aod one 10n, bealdea otber nl4lr relath,..-, fo whom

~ IVIItiTIA ORDERS~ ,-· By J. R. BBNNBTT, lll1niaw llll1U&. ·

' ~ ... _ _-. _


On the rec:Ommeadation ~f the Military Service Board, , LEA. VS OF ADS~CE without pay uatil TUESDAY, tb"e 15th day of ~cloller o~t is grante~ all mea: in ~lass 1 who have been ordered. by the Reeialrat..jfDder the Military Senice Act, ) 1918, lo report at the Armoury for duty oa Septembe.r lat.

' W. F. RENDELL. Lieat.-CoJ., ........_ Chief Statr'officer, Dept. of Militia.


We have added to our gf'eat list of Prizes to be given away free in December of this year Two Fifty Dollar Victory Bonds. . .

Men, Boy.s and Youths who buy Buddy Boots have a chance for one of these Bonds fGee.

· Buy Buddy Boots aud get a Victory Bond free. See tha your dealer gives you no other brand. Have your dealer reg­ister your nall'e o r send to us.

Buddy Boots are a greaf wearing boot.

M ore Buddy Boots sold in Newfoundland than a ny o ther bra nd.

• Lit't of Priz<:· Winners witr ~e published in this paper the fi rst week ,n December. ·

•.Jrppatby P• out in their afBict'oo CLEVELAND Rubber Company, The flaeral took place on Tuead-t?; 1

_ •

wbeal'all tbat waa mortal waa com- ,__, S


mltted to the tomb In the c. of E. 166, Wa tar treat, c:.emeter1. •

-oatTo•av-.-,-M-r•-. L autchio~ ( _ St. Joh'n's, New;oundland.== pa .. ed away th week alter a rather !earthy illaeaa. Mraw Bulchlnr• FOR SALE. , _.CALL AT.,.. · · waa a daurhter of oar respected _ \ _ towaapeopleMr. and Mre. Tbp maa -- WALKER'S, Sellar• and waa an amiable and TWO DWELLING HOUSES much eateemed woman. a good wife, W S f U"ll'W mother. frlead aad .lfhbor. She centrally situated. Freehold. ' a ter treet or n.o:. Ieana beaideaa huaband, twodaugb· Enquire at this office. Cabbage, Pob.toes, Turnips, tera and one 10n, a father and mother aad "6te brotbera, one Ia Freeb from our owa Farm, • Fraace and one In Earlaad both -To Sell 01' "to Let- AND 10 ~~011~or to the Royal Newround· TAAT DJlSIRABLJl Sa IIJ.I.I

qd ert .. ••ao oue wuo baa bl• freehold Property, ve tbe Jllflltllemu's Profi~ honorable diacbarge {rom the Nuy. _ at preapt Ia S7clPer. wbo hne the !"'\.. alncere •Jmpatby'of tbe community. of tbt estate of late Philip Colbert- WANTED· ;r.

aituated ceatrall1 on Water Street __ • Miaard'a Liaimeat aad coaaiatiag of a Commodious 1

Carea Garret ia Cowa Dwelliag·Houae, with Sho{> aad Schooners to freight timber :\ large: ,.Baae~Peat, provided wttb all Jrom different places. modera improvementa, aad with waterside priviligu. Apply to

For particular• apply to this tfEWFOIJOIJNJ SllliOLDIMt CO. Ltt Office. •

lafonl&tloia rot at tile aoaro of tbe toc:al Coapu1'• COfttrol woald be tile blat aM IDCiet reUabl« awallable Tbe local cq~tpaayla aot oalJ Jrfll· •• , bat aaalcMia to "" tiM •• t.otl· till all tllia laformatloa they claire Ia tlria couectloa. llldead It wO.ld aara»rl• tltc local Compaa7 IC th~

On Sunday 8th Septe111bt-r, Mrt . Nlaard'a Liai!Deat Curca Buraa, Etc William No.ewortb7 aaed 7~71ar1.

a ... ..,. G•Aclt.

' • 1,


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