  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I






    oo!A\oo~c::l~oo~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE

    VOLUME 1



    DECEMBER 1885

    DOCUMENT No. 3004


    ==:===:::= Alaska Power Authority ==:::::::=:::=-.1

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    I I I




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    0ocUIIIefl t 'l"l. J004

    SusLtna rlle No. ~2.2.,



    Prepar~d by

    ~arza-Ebasco Susitna J~int Venture

    Prepared for Alaska Power Authority

    ? ina l Rc;urt

    Dec.!:nb~r l985

  • I I I I I I I ·I

    I I I I I I I I I I I






  • I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Section/Title Page

    VOLUME 1

    I List of Taol~s 1 1

    I List of Exhibits \.V


    I References 6 Tahles - Stage I

    I Tables - Stage II

    I VOLUME 2 af Tables 1. l

    I Lise of Exhibits lV Leport

    I References 6

    I Tables - Stage Ill


    I I I I I I I I i

  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I



  • LIST OF TABLES (Cont'dl

    Number Titl_

    32 Flo1.1 DuratioJn Da t:J at Wa tan a !"Jam,; it~ i..>r F..H I:,. s t .1gt! I I i 33 no-- Duration Data at Devil Canyon' f -J r Earl\· St.Jg~ l I I 34 Flo" Duration Data 4t Gold Cr~ek for Early St.Jge r r r 35 flow Duration Data at Sunshine for Early St.Jge lil 36 Flo\ol Duration Data at Sus itna Station for Early St.!ge III 37 Flow Duration Data at Watana Dams i te ~or Lat~ St~ge l I I 38 Flow Duration Data at Devil Canyon D4ms ice fvr Late Stage Ill )9 Flow DuTation Data at Gold CTeek for Late Stage III 40 Flo" Duratton Data dt Sunshine foT Late Stage I I I 41 Flow Duration Data at Susitna Station for Lat..! Stag..! III

    ' I ' I

    l 11

  • I I I :-;umb~r

    I !_ 3

    I .:.

    I 5


    I 7 B

    I q

    I lO 1 l

    I l' 13

    I l4 I ~ 5


    I l 7 !8

    I 19 I 20

    I I I I



    L·)Ca t i.:Jn ~a p Flvw Dur.Hl-Jn Curv.~ J.h~j •'l:n.J ~~v~r at Sunshine, a:1d 5t.Jg:e II Flvv Duratton Curves Sased on ~ee~ly D1scharg~, at Susi:na Station, ~atural a~1 Stage II Flow Duration Curves Sased on Neekly Oi~charge, at Wat~na, Nacurat and Early Stage III Flow Durativn Curves Based o~ ~eekly Discharge, at Devil Canyon, Natural and Early Stage III Flow Duration Curves Based on Weekly Discharge, 3t Gold Creek, Natural and Early Sta&~ [II Flaw Duration Curv~s Based on •~ekly Dischar~e. at Sunshine, Natural and Early Stage [[1 Flaw Duraticn Curves Based on Wee~ly Dtscharg~. at Susitna Station, Natural and Early Stage III Flow Duration Curves Ba~ed on -~~kly Dlschar~e, at Watana, Natural and Late Stag~ III Flow Duration Curves Bas~d on Weekly Discharge, at Devil Canyon, Naturai and Late Stage lfl Flaw Duration Cur~es Based on We~kly Oischarg~, at Gald Cre~k, Natural an~ Late S~ag~ Ill Flaw Duration Curves Bas~d on ~~ekly Discharge, a~ Sunshine, Natllral and L3te StJge III Flo~ Duration Curve~ aaseJ on ~eeklv Dischar~e. at Susitna Station, Natural and Late Stage Ill


    St~Sitna ~··•er

    Susitna Rtver

    Sus1tna River

    Susitna River !hv~r

    Sl>s it r.a ~~·; ~ r

    Susi.tna ~ 1 •;e r

    Susitna River

    Susitna Riv~r

    Susitna Ri"Jer

    Susi~na R t·:~ r

  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I





    Weekly streamfloY sequences and flow ~uration curves ~ere derived for

    natural and with-project conditions for the Susitna River at Watana Damsite,

    Devil Canyon Damsite, Gold Creek, S~nshine and Susi•na Station (see Exhibit

    for locations) for Case E-VI envirornuental flow requiretGents, and energy

    demands for Stages I, Il, a.-d III.

    The period of simulation for reservoir operations was based on the histori-

    cal record at the U.S. Geological Survey ~aging station on the Susitna River

    at Gold Creek {USGS). Thirty-four years of record from December 31, 1949

    through December 30, 1983 wer

    yearsl/ are concair~ed in the period of simulation. The results pres-.'!nted

    in this report are for the 3) water years. The method by which recorded

    streamflows at the Gold Creek gage and at other gages on the Susitna · River

    were used to develop streamflow seq_uences at the damsites and to fill the

    34-year period where records were missing or where the gaging period was

    short, is explained in a previous report (HE 198-;a). Observed and computed

    streamflows for IDSjor tributaries of the Su9itna River including the

    Chulitna River, Talkeetna River and Skwentna River are contained in another

    previous report (HE 1984}.

    the project.

    Flows in these rivers would not be affected by

    11 The !itandard statistical year is the period beginning October 1 of a year and ending September 30 of the next year. The water year LS denoted by the calendar year in which it ends, Each water year LS further divided into 52 periods. The first 51 of these periods ar~ of equal 7-day lengths and the last is an 8-day period from Sep~ember :?3 through September 30 (Chow 1964, Li.nsley, 1958).

    42189293 851203

  • Simulated with-project screamflows are pr~,e~ted for 1ll t~re~ ~tage~ ot

    the project. Stages 1 and Ii .H~ r~lat1vely shor t and pre..,ious fl.,\1

    simulations (HE 1985bJ show that flows ill .tn y ont> vo>H of either stage

    vould repres~nt condittons durin~ the entire ~t3Re. Sta~~ til is "Duch

    longer than Stages t .1nd tt, s1n.:-e it r ... orec;

    develo~ent of the pr~ject. Therefor. Tb •JS, the year 201) would be the first year in which Stage 111 would operate "nor~~~ally", that is, vit~ a full reservoir in September. Energy ~roduction in thlS year would be approximately 5500 Cwh and ,;o this was used for flow simulations for early Stagl! lll. During the Stag 111 filling p~riod, su~mer flows at Gold Cre~k would be close t o the minimum E-Vt requirements since normal ex~~ss flows would be used to raise the Stage ttt not"lllal maximum water level from el. 2,000 to el. 2.185. During winter, flows will!lradually chang.!, over the filling peri.,d, from those simulated for Stage 11 to those simulated f~r .!arly Stage ttl. Further dis cuss ions of flovs during fi 11 i ng of Stages 1, 11 and 111 ue contained in t~e License Applicat1on Amendment (APA 198S).

    O:..Z189293 ij51203




    ' '

  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

    Weekiv streamflow sequenc-u are provided in Tables 1-5, 10-12, 17-19, 25-27,

    and ..,8-30 for n~:ural conditions, Stage 1, Stage 11, early St.11ge Ill and

    late Stage Ttl, respectively. These tables sho\1 the r""lease crOCI! thO!

    res~rv~ir(•l divided into thr~e components:

    o the discharge through the po\lerhouse (t urbines) to gen~race




    the dis.:har&e through the oJutlet liOrlc s ( cone valves) tt" meet the

    caee E-V1 minimum flov requirements, and

    the discharge through the outlet vorks (cone valves) f;)r fl;)od

    control purposes; so called ~xc""ss release.

    outlet llorks rel~ase is 111.1G~ \/hen the

    This port i.Jn of the

    \later level tn :he

    reaervoir(s) rl!aches the normal 111ximum water li!vel (el. 1,455 at

    Devil Canyon, el. 2,000 in Watana Stage 1 and el. 2,185 in Watana

    Stage 111) and inflow to the reservoir(s) exceeds the minimum flov

    requirements and powerhouse generating capacity.

    Each dam also contains a gated overflov spillvay vhich is planned to operate

    when the reservoir va ter leve 1 ex::eeds the env i ronlll4!nt•l f1 ood surcharg>!

    level. Tl'l is is at el. 1,456 in Devi 1 Canyon Reservoir, el. 2,014 in \oiacana

    Sta&e and el. 2,193 in Wataoa Stage Ill. All floods vith return periods

    of 50 years or less can be stored in these pools and released thr~ugh the

    outlet works vi thout using the spi llvay. For the entire 34-yea,. period of

    simulation, for each stage of operation, the spill\lay was not required to be

    used. For this rea~on the tables in this report do not contain o column for

    s pi lllla y f 1 Oll s •

    In addition to the infon~atioa on project outflows, the tables contain the

    estimated intervening flows between the reservoir(s) and the do\lnstream


    851203 3

  • ::>it es • These flows ar» added tv the r~--ervo1.:- rt!leas.:!'> toJ pro\iide tnt'

    estimated wee~ly flow ~equences at Gvld Creek, Sun~hine and Susitna St~tion.

    Thu!", •'1is repor::: provides effer:r'i ,,f the pr.:~pos~d Sus;tn.::l !i:e!~c,r>.:

    The natural and >4ith-project streamflow sequences at each of the two dam

    sites and the three gaging stations >4ere used to d~velop weekly flQw

    duration curves. These curves represent the cumulativ.! rreqL.:ency tha~ a

    g1.ven \4eeidy avera~e flov LS equaled or exc~>eded, based .:~n !:ne 33 water

    years used in the anal.,sis. (Chow 1964, Linsle;·, et. al. l958). The flow

    durati.on curves are g1.ven 1n tabular form and are plotted on exhibits. The

    tQllowing table gives the table numbe~ for the duration curves for ea~h ~i~e

    and stage.

    Oevi 1 Gold Susitna \latana Can von Creek Sunshine Station

    Natura .I. 6 7 8 9 10

    Stage • 14 15 16 1 7 Stage li 21 22 2] 24 25

    Early Stage III 32 3J 34 35 36

    Late Stage III 37 38 )9 40 41

    The fol lowi:tg table g1ves the el(hibi• numbers for the same infvnnacion i:-~

    pte::. fonD.

    42189293 85120]



  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


    Stage 1 2

    Stage lt 6

    Early Stage 111 11

    Late Stage Ill 16

    Oevi l Can von




    \;old Creek





    S Jst tna Sunsh1ne StatL'>n

    .. 5 0 10

    14 15

    19 20

    Natural flow duratton curves for each sitOI! are plotted on the with-project


    The flow duration curve~ indicate a in the difference between the

    natural and with-project flows as the distance increases downstream fror:s

    Cold Creek. This u due to the added flow fr ,,m tributaries joining the

    Susitna River. The flows from the Chulitna Ri-ter, TalkeOI!tna River and

    Yentna River have thOI! most Slgutficant Ol!ffects.

    An analysis of the project's effects on the frequency of floods at WaLana,

    Devil Canyon, Cold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station has also been

    l.lis analysis is contained tn a separate report (HE 1985c).

    Inform.tion on reservoir water levels and average turbine discharges

    eonta ined in the tables in this document vere used in that ys is.

    4218929) 85'203


  • I I I

    I I

    I I I I I I










    Alaska Power Authorit:-o, 1985, BeforO! the Fi!deral Energ;.o Regulator.,. Commission, Pr.Jject ;.Jo. 7114, A;:uendment to the Apj:.\ io::atian br "'ajor Li:~nse, Susitna Hydroeli!c:ric Proji!:t (~raft), ?r~p~r~J by u3rza-Ebas:~ Susit~a Jaint Vent~r~.

    Cho~o~, Ven :e, !964, Handbook ,;;,f Appli£d H:--drology, S@cti,;;,n 8-I, St

  • I


    I FLows!/ FOR susr:NA RIVER AT GOLD CRE~r

    I 1 ':!51 5257. 4 68 6. 4091. 233 4. 1471. 1386. l3f'C. 122 9. 1171. ll()C, 1100. 110 o. llOO. 9 8 0. 960. 9 6 0. 960. 90 0. 8 2 0. 8: Q. 820. 786. 74 0. 740 74 0. 7 4 0. 7 7 4. 997. 1 s 2 9. 26 57.

    I 615 7. 17329. 19271. 956 7. 166 71. 29 54 3. 21300. l3 54 3. ~9071. 20729.

    24343. 23286. 21414. 21429. 17614. 18714. 18314. 25600. J0057. 18671. 19286. l86S7.

    I 1952 9229. 6171. 4486. 3 48 6. 3SOO. 3204. 2 36 9. 2343. 2186. 190 o.

    190 0. 190 0. 1900. 164 3. 160 0. 1600. 160 0. 134 3. 1000. 1000. 1000. 94 9. 880. 88 0. 880. 880. 920. 920. 920. 920. 1191. 1514. 2071. 4 4 8 6. 21929. 24814. 35143. 38114. 33729. 27629.

    I 19629. 25086. 27186. 37243. 25071. 19686. 14943. 17329. 18886. 12771. 11029. 15086. 1953 11143. 10390. 7233. 5271. 500 0. 4 257. 2729. 3 34 3. 24 ?9. 1700.

    I 1700. 170 0. 17 0 o. 118 6. llO 0. 1100. 1100. 98 0. 8 2 0. 820.

    820. 820. 820. 820. 820. 82 0. 9 30. 93 0. 1504. 2500. 14129. 1 ~814. 15300. 26386. 20743. 35114. 27114. 22071. 25829. 20229. 18271. 19871.. 206:,"7. 2564 3. 21P57. 17514. 18029. 21500. 113786. 17114.

    I 14271. 124L6. 1954 8119. 6733. . 'HO. 393 7 • 241"1. 2271. 2100. 1957. 178 6. 1500. 1500. 150 o. .L500. 132' 130 o. 1300. 130 0. 11 7l. 1000. 1000.

    I 1000. 906. 790. 78( 78 0. 78L. 870. 87 o. 14 96. 1600. 6743. 12286. 19900. 22814. 21571. 2 54 57. ~4457. 23457. 28514. 24 4 8 6. 19529. 190f•O. 19000. 31143. 24000. 24000. 24000. 23000. 16286. 14000.

    I 130 57. 9581.

    1955 6500. 6109, 4600. 4600. 368 6. ~0('\0. 28 29. 2500. 2414. 2200. 215 7. 190 o. 1900. 1986. 20()0. 1714. 1600. 1514. 14 00. 1400. 14 00. 1271. llOO. 1100. 1100. 1100. 1200. 1200. 120 n. 1200.

    I 3 557. 4 500. 5251. 15743. 17429. 20329. 3314 3. 3 59 57. 33671. 34186. 2855"'. 22043. 26357. 22614. 20900. 21443. 260il. 37243. 19671. 15029. 12214. 10993.

    I 1956 7236. 53 2 7. 4339. 373 7. 24 8 6. 2100. 192 9. ! 700. 1:>86. 1300. 130 0. 130 o. 1300. 102 6. 980. 980. 980. 97 6. 910. 97 0. 970. 95 7. 940. 94 0. 94 0. 940. 9 50. 950. 950. 950.

    I 2514. 11400. 1627.:.. 3237 L 21686. 3 34 57. 43543. 31971. 28186. 29057.

    31686. 32000. 31229. 31429. 28771. 26000. 20729. l77l4. 1600(1, 22429. 21857. 16000.

    1957 7200. 7200. 4 88 6. 4500. 375 7. 3 20 o. 3071. 2900. 27 S7. 2400. I 2 32 9. 1900. 1900. 17 2 9. 1700. 170 0. 17 00. 1614. 150 0. 15('0. 1500. 13 71. 1200. 120 0. 12 on. 1200. 120 o. 1200. 1200. uno.

    3414. 57 57. 9400. 21057. 30914. 37 44 3. 3308 6. 29357. 20100. 23214.

    I 21329. 23914. 25943. 20957. 2094 3. 20829. 19100. 21143. 18914. 20643. 20071. 22029.

    I ~eekly flows start from week 1 {Oct 1-7) to 'w'eeJr. 52 (Sep ... ::3-30), the flow for week 52 is the total flow between Sept. 23 and 30 divid~d by 7


    I ---

  • ~ABLE 1 (Continued)


    1958 10333. 2864. 72 30. 74 S4. 54 29. 4521. 3 BiO. 3Hl. 3 S86. 4314. 368 0 . 2744. 2229. 24 2 9. 212 9. 185 7 . 175 7. 1457. 144 J. 1300 . 1200. 1200. 1200. 1171. uoo. 1100. 1200. 1343. 14 57. 1766. 3990. 788 3. 11014. 20971. 22057. 28000. 280CC. 24143. 2200('. 22 1!0C .

    2 201'0. 22000. 215"71. 38686. 27529. 20443. 16571. 11557. 8500. 8500. 6600. 754 3.

    1959 5991. 5271. 504 3. 3500. 2986. 2600. 2214. 1700. 1529. 1100. 1214 .! 900. 190 o. 155 7. 1500. 142'9 . 141"£'. 1400. 1400. 1343. 1201". 1106. 98 o. 980. 980. 98:0. 1000. 101"0. 14 29. 1500. 285 7. 4 54 3. 19400. 27486. 22329. 26!'2 '9. 19443. 23171. 2592 9. 26400.

    2 5 34 3. 27457. 21686. 23886. 18629. 239J.4. 44171. 4 3171. 28 700. 14 829. 11137 • .12007.

    1960 10714. 7400. 4071. 5086. 3486. 3000. 2871. 2700. 2 557. 2200. 220 0. 220 o. 220 o. 2029. 2000. 118 6. 1 7('10. 1614. 150 o. 1471. l40C•. 13 57. 1300. 124 ]. 1lfl0. 1100. 1100. 1100. 14 4 3. 1500. 58 57. 760 o. 14686. 2285 7. 24 28 ~- 14357. 1488 6. 1 5~ 14. 16943. 22929.

    17000. 19 557. 26B14. 3204 3. 25429. 22471. 21714. 20857. 18314. 2894 .3. 20514. 17557.

    1961 12529. 9100. 64 71. 4714. ) 586. 3300. 304 3. :?700. 2757. 2900. 284 .). 2500. 2'". 0 0. 2414. 24 0 0. 2471. 2500. 2200. 1800. 1771. 1700. 1614. 1500. 1671. 2100. 2100. 2500. 2500. 275"7. 2COO. 7229. 12714. 22000. 20957. 19814. Ja~7l. ::!0986. 38714. 3252 9. 23000.

    24143. 2.5000. 25900. 2564 3. 26000. 2220,0. 21071. 15657. 12429. 14100. 13429. 1~4 57.

    1962 10429. 4600. 4600. 4 600. 3514. 2700. noo. 2700. 2529. 2100. 2100. 2100. 2100. 1929. 1900. l90 0. 1900. 1729. 150 o. 1500. 15Cl0. 14.57. 1400. 1.400. 1400. 1400. 1700. 1700. 1700. 1700. ) '70 o. ·nOO. 12214. 18000. 284 71. 30 28 6. 58743. 50 22 9. 35557. 27186.

    26543. 23129 . 27186-. 26057. 23000. 23000. :nooo. 234 29. 23S71. 14886. 12057 . 13871.

    1963 9150. 6967. 6071. 54 86. 3/nO. 2 BOO. 2AOO. 2800. 2571. 2ono. 200 0. 2000. 2000. 165 7. 1600. 1600. 1600. 155 7. 1500. 1500. 1500. 12R6. 100 o. 1000. 1000. 1000. 8 30. 830. 8311. R 30. 2666. 3400. 19171. 3100 o. 35686. 260on. 2600 o. 2600 o. 26000. 31143.

    40257. 38143. 32571. 27800. 25143. 21814. 23071. 19543. 15143. 13 54 3. 10829. 10979.

    1964 8897. 7491. 612 9. 4 64 3. 288.6. 260 o. 2300. 1900. 184 3. 1700. 164 3. .! 300. 1300. 1129. 1100. 102 9. 1000. 1000. 1000. 98 0.

    9 30. 861. 77 o. 739. 660. 660. 71 o. 710. 770. 780. 86 6. 104 ). 1400. .309 9. 28990 • 7502 9. 51529. 4 3001'. 3110(1. 2 5371.

    26143. 24671. 1692 9. 19757. 18729. 15100. 161CO. 13600. 11354. 92 53. 9 30 4. 9106. I

    l! Weekly flows start frorr week 1 (Oct 1-·n to week. S2 (Sept. 23-30), the flow for: week 52 is the total flow between Sept. 23 ar.d 3£' d1111ded by 7


  • I I TABLE 1 (Continued)

    NS'!'l'f..A:.. WED:LY FLowsl1 FOR SUSITN~ RI~ER A": GCLC" CREE!\

    I I 1965

    76 7 7. 2591. 5621. 4 4 7 3. 30FIO. 2836. 2Pn7. 3129. 2 0 3 J. 13 70. 1221. 1110. ll1l. 981. 960. 96 0. 9 6 (). 917. i' 6 0. 860.

    A 6 0. 8 7 7. 900. 9 0 (). 90 (!. 9(10. 1180. 1180. 1489. 154 c.

    I 2011. s 3 e 6. 9371. 168 8 6. 3364 :L 21971. 2 34 71. 22429. 33014, 30357.

    30614. 28 514. 24729. 222.29. 196 71. 30386. 20371. 1134]. 16849. 20700. 16943. 25043.

    1966 15086. 8 38 7. 3929. 32 50. 2764. 2264. 2000. 1907. 16 29. 1714.

    I 16 57. 1590. 153 0. 1419. 1400. 1400. 1400. 135 7. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1300. 1500. 1500. 1971. 2050. 3014. 3886. 720 0. 13AOO. 21657. n686. 34129. 28629. 24329. 18643.

    I 1 77 57. 1B586. 21029. 2B014. 22914. 18843. 22829. 18300. 12886. 12514. 12371. 10314. 1967 6990. 4687. 3544. 2400. 172 9. 1600. 160 0. 16(10. 1571. 1500.

    I 1500. 1500. 15 0 o. 1500, 1500. 1500. 1500. 14 57. 140 0. 1400. 14 oo. 1314. 12 oo. 12C 0. 120 n. 1200. 1100. uno. 1129. 1300. 17 4 3. 4 9 29. 17143. 23986. 28829. 26571. 34814. 29014. 2R386. 21557.

    21471. 29P57. 34800. 27100. 25043. 54 p 71. 30fi00. 20614. 290-:'l. 17157.

    I 124 71. 1 OB] 1. 196B 6851. 510 3. 4 460, 3400. 2857. 2 4 29. 2300. 2214. 2171. 2100. 210 0. 2014. 2000. 2000. 2000. 2000. 1971. 1900. 1900, 1900.

    I 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1900. 1871. 1800. 1886. 2014. 22 4 3. 2943. 13086. 3 3 84 3. 27S43. 26457. 36829. 37343. 2716fi. 2~429. 21>78fi. 25857. 249B6. 22214. 20143. 16757. 15143. 13429. 11271. 11291.

    I 7210. 63r ~.

    1969 5061. 4 3 . (). 3366. /.9B7. 2543. 1971. 1500. 1314. 10P.6. 950. 90 o. 850. 807. 771. 750. 70 0. 7 0 0. 700. 70 0. 714. 7 so. 7SO. 779. BOO. 84 3. S7l. 9 57. 1129. 14 71. 20S6.

    I 3 40 0. 6013. 11434. 20057. 12069. 12800. 16314. 17871. 16229. 13929. 17629. 18114. 15143. 13386. 14286. 7 399. fiOOl. 5593. 6303. 5511. 4 72 6. 4536.

    I 1970 3940. 3709. 3249. 219]. 1714. 14 29. 1129. 1000. 936. 900.

    B5 7. 8SO. 850. B 50. BSO. 814. B (\ 0. BOD. BOO. 750. 7 50. 750. 750. 764. 800. 8 00. S50. Sl 3 6. 1071. 1300.

    I 1943. 4614. 16343. 14757. 18129. 16971. 16..>71. 15500. 2610('. 25.029.

    21000. 22500. 21514. 2 6-4 29. 22871. 17671. 19971. 13786. 11897. 9 4 66. 964 3. 614 3.

    1971 7017. 58 57. 4771. 4057. 4000. 38f10. 34 57. 3057. 274 3. 2571.

    I 2 4 0 o. 2 20 0. 1971. 17 4 3. 1557. 1414. 12 4 3. 115 7. 1100. 100('\. 1000. 979. 9 so. 950. 950. 9SO. 964. 1000. 1086. 1214. 14 57. 190 0. 2800. 4 9 4 3. B714. 228S7. 471B6. 286 57. 39586. 24 4 71.

    I 24900. 28700. 18671. 24357. 44743. 40000. 24529. 194 71. 22E

  • TA8LE 1 (Continued)


    1972 774-;. E939. 526 7 . 4 34 3. 3600. 3 257. 3086. ~914. 2771. 26CO. 2600. 2tl00. 2400. .2400. 2.200 • 2200. 2200. 2200. 208 6. 2000. 2CIOl'. 1914. H26. 1800. 1800. 1771. 1700. 1700. 16 29. 1700. 3386. \9571. 19286. 26886. 44243. 24-t7 1. 43457. 38057. 25729. 25371.

    25357. 22600. 18429. 2024 3. 21729. 19929. 20600. 13 786. 13186. 18029. 1328 6. 6A57.

    1973 4 786. 4429. 6143. 4557. 3114. 254 3. 2171. 2000. 1743. 1600. 1429. 1400. 1400. 1229. 1200. 1200. 1200. 1200. 1200. 1200. 1200. 1114. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1057. 1400. 2686. 9200. 12671. 15714. 20214. 33700. 3644 3. 23943. 21057.

    20129. 15229. 164 29. 17657. 21029. 16757. 21600. 23171. 12814. 8 942. 7551. 7010.

    1974 5636. 4 539. 3130. 2371. 1914. 164 3. 1514. 1386. 1271. 1143. 1029. 979. 950. 907 0 900. 864. 850. 82 9. 80 o. 786.

    750. 750. 750. 736. 700. 700. 700. 729. 879. 1400. 2571. 6 58 6. 1:286. 27429. 31357. 19557. 16701". 15614. 16671. 16943.

    21057. 19314. 18571. 17714. 18686. 15986. 12651. 1713J. 16614. 9314. 9413. 14154.

    1975 5503. 5469. 2914. 194 3. 1701". 1100. 1700. 1700. 1686. 1600. 1600. 1600. 1600. 1586. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1 500. 1 so o. 144 3. 1400. 1400. 1400. 1400. 1400. 1400. 1414. 154 3. 1829. 284 3. 6857. 15071. 230 29. 3050-0. 36400. 27343. 34357. 30'714. 2750C.

    29900. 28343. 25929. 24200. 194 66. 18614. 16429. 14157. 1174 3. 19886. 18629. 17943.

    1976 10286. 9071. 8357. 4929. 3429. 2457. 1871. 1486. 1271. 1143. 1100. 105 7. 1000. 10CJ. 1000. 964. 950. 95CI. 950. 950.

    950. 929. 900. 900. 900. 900. 900. 943. 1171. 1957. 4 95 7. 13?4 3. 13400. 14014. 1612 9. 27700. 2984 3. 21014. 2 0 30 0. 19329.

    192 86. lP 386. 18857. 21714. 27714. 20571. 15800. 11183. 7729. 6330. 6367. 7750.

    1977 4831. lg.; 3. 3760. 3337. 294 3. 2714. 254 3. 2400. 288 6. 2714. 24 57. 225 7. 2086. 195 7. 1900. 1800. 175 7. 1700. 162 9. 1600. 1600. 1557. 1500. 1500. l 500. 1500. 1600. 1600. l6A6. 1771. 1971. 34 57. 12514. 19200. 29200. 34957. 46300. 37943. 33857. 21714.

    24143. 25514. 21229. 22286. 213 29. 19514. 197 29. 12514. 10363. 14671. 14071. 135)4.

    1978 8 329. 8957. 7871,. 58/l. 4486. 3829. 34 so. 3200. 2964. 2757. 2636. 2557. 2364. 223 6. 210 7. 2000. 1921. 1807. 170 o. 1650.

    ' 16,50. 1600. 1600. lf'OO. 1600. 1621. 1650. 1650. 1650. 174 3. 3643. 12557. 171.43. 11600. 1237~. 15386. 2137.1. 18286. 2 2 7 8 6. :?2314.

    207 29. 20957. 20557. 20214. 19114. 17171. 14829. 10686. 11214. 1('109. 7599. 6481. I

    .:. \\eek1y flows start from week 1 (Oct 1-i) to week -, (SeFt. 23-30). the I :>~ flow f~r week 52 is the total flow between Sept. 23 and 30 cH v idE~d by 7 I T

  • I















    ~ABLE 1 (Continued}


    1~79 5416. l 72 9. 131"0. 2 74 3.

    26086. 13 54 3.

    1980 7890. 2471. 1400. 414 3.

    31800. 19000.

    1981 9849. 178 6. 1600. 5623.

    42086. 12100.

    1982 7641. 238 s. 1250. :3386.

    24114. 2655 7.

    19R:3 10429. 2:300. 208 6. 46CIC.

    21857. 10':34.

    6069. 15 57. 1 2 on. 514 3.

    31757. 12254. 10014.

    2 25 7. 1400. 9714.

    33557. 14186.

    8779. 167~.

    1500. 20~00.

    41143. 11256.

    7200. 2300. 1100. 810 o.

    24514. 16729.

    8201. 2300. 195 7.

    11086. 18243. ue7a.

    4901. 1500. 12 (l(1.

    121'00. 32457.


    2043. 1400.

    13914. 30143.

    7303. 1614. 1500.

    20486. 36700.

    7:399. 2300. 1100.

    15000. 27500.

    6669. 2443. 1R14.

    19143. 19714.

    3679. 3577. 3126. 2343. 1457. 140('. 1400. .!~('('. 12fl0. 1200. 121"0. 120C'.

    1910. 3!67!. 27486. 23(1-1. 26514. 2480!". 20029. 17057.

    5197. 1914. HOO.

    12443. 33014.

    48 71. 18 2 9. 14 00.

    198 4 3. 23200.

    6019. 4657. 1571. 182.9. 160!'1. 1629.

    13500. 219~ 3. 38600. 36157.

    sse1. 2 30 o. 1100.

    2014 3. 23657.

    3 914. 2771. 170 0.

    17000. 21014.

    4612. 2300. 1164.

    2 2714. 16629.

    2971. 2400. 164 3.

    24143. 26 58 6.

    4.:!. 24. 1729. 1400.

    32143. 21929.

    4211. 2129. 1650.

    1E629. 46729.

    3943. 2300. 14 97.

    26143. t4471.

    27R6. 2429. 1514.

    2734 3. 25414.

    4929. 164 3. 1400.

    25329. 19886.

    1143. 2)-::n. l7CO.

    16914. 37029.

    3 8 57. 2300. 150 o.

    21857. 12629.

    2643. 2000. 1500.

    19586. 21757.

    2057. l)fl('. 125 ....

    :DS29. 15171.

    3529. 1600. 1400.

    32800. 14457.

    3200. 2329. 1771.

    18:'00. 24971.

    324 3. 2314. 1500.

    28857. 14014.

    24 71. 1957. 1529.

    238R6. 26671.

    19-:' 1. !)('(',

    l3F6. 25771.


    3357. 15 2 9. 1471.

    2fl614. 10570.

    3 200. 2414. 18 B 6.

    190fl. 1300. l~-!3.

    2fi3'71. 92 a J.

    274). 1457. 2000.

    31343. 11304.

    2314. 2014. 24 4 ).

    2125'7. 178::9. 17986. 14500.

    2s: a. 2357. 1657.

    28000. 134fl6.

    25 2 °. 1721. 2200.

    19500. 16886.

    24CO. 2300. 1900. 2043. 1786. 2414.

    23671. 25371. 18957. !:586.

    J !/ wf·e1

    eklyf f1owskst5 a2 r~ fro~ wee~llfl(Oct l-7) to5~eek ;23 (S~p~ 0. d23-~d0)~ bthe~ ow or wee ~s the tota ow betwE-E-n ept. ~ anc ..l lvl eu '.:'





    I 1951 17177. 14159. 11C06. 7079. 5194. 4 232. 3e 6 2. 3P26. 3PC'S. 36 0 4. 3390. 3113. 3054. 3185. 30 53. 3~8 9. 3 353. 3084. 29 55. 275 s.

    I 2706. 2304. 2067. 2037. 204 7. 204 3. 2019. 24 56. 3661. 5807. 1160 s. 29453. 31619. 206 70. 33347. 56 55 s. 57725. 39376. 50 22 9. 5625 ~. 67629. 65919. 57570. 55764. 5164 6. 4 58 36. 40515. 53692. 59465. 378 27.

    I 35510. 36824.

    1952 20305. 14637. 1093 7. 9601;. 984 9. 8 386. 6569. 6138. 5588. 5231. 5416. 534 3. 509 6. 434 7 . 402 2. 4015. 3912. 3 390. 2 53 6. 248 8. 2309. 2~38. 2260. 230fi. 2417. 7594. 2645. 24 3~. 2473. 2940.

    I 3908. 5301. 787 !) . 13448. 54536. 64522. A~263. 85740. 8318 o. 73837. 60181. 72666. 71262 . 88726. 6694 o. 54633. 42482. 44512. 45732. 34331. 27830. 45344.

    I 1953 29969 . 21812. 18379. 11761. 10163. 84 99. 6422. 7284. 5694. 4032. 4039. 4113. 40f' 5. 3341. 309 0. 3012. 2867. 2613. 23('8. 2 306. 2144. 2187. 2223. 2162. 2188. 2196. 2326. 2572. 3894. 6227.

    I 23819 . 34890. 33229. 60778. 5()770. 7324 5. 668 76. 56154. 625 75. 51400. 4SBOS. 50a11. 52187. 59958. 53155. 4 2612. 4 5613. 49154. 50992. 4 59 3 9. 34251. 28171.

    1954 17168. 14 581. 11221. 84 75. 5119. 5012. 5065. 4 797. 4 217. 3803.

    I 384 3. 3864. 3576. 3276. 3212. 3241. 3123. 293 s. 2656. 2677. 2526 . 2484. 2266. 2259. 2171. 2143. 2249. 214 6. 3068. 3127. 11189 . 18368. 34888. 37389. 3950 3. 4P924. 54 8 9 9. 57570. 644 29. 57641.

    I 53541. 50558. 50722. 77526. 66404. 67140. 62214. 54533. 36463. 3374 2. 31890. 23463. 1955 14415. 13371. 11500. 10838. 9461. 7491. 6510. 5999. 5518. 486~.

    I 4834. 4 55 s. 44 2 5. 468 8. 4493. 384 5. 3688. 3 269. 2961. 2847. 2810. 2600. 238 5. 2515. 2497. 2703. 3020. 29 56. 2988. 3061. 6978. 1013 3. 11551. 28802. 31442. 4269~. 67856. 11981. 75069. 79208.

    79411. 711.37. 68586. 61054. 57583. 53.1!'19. 52704. 64547. 45310. 4 404 9.

    I 34541. 35544. 1956 20668. 15730. 11828. 9421. 6187. 4841. 4936. 4761. 4486. 3629. 364 8. 3695. 3907. 3294. 30J7. 2.844. 278 3. 2705. 257 2. 27 3 6.

    I 2 550. 2fiOS. 2569. 2587 . 254 o. 2530. 244 9. 2405. 2 51 o. 23 )f\, 526 6. 21107. 28155. 53302 . 46596. 7034 6. n245. 73775. 68116. 64438. 72291. 76125. 74569. 7071} . 6.2095. 53762. 44261. 37631. 37748. 47085.

    I 51719. 39838.

    1957 17262. 15437. 10377. 93 27. 84 8 2. 7096. 64 43. 5983. 5686. 487 3. 4 96 s. 463 7. 473 9. 4 239. 43' a. 4 300. 4294. 3976. 35 7 8. 3351. 3353. 3266. 3099. 3089. 3087. 3093. 2C)94. 2843. 1013. 3118.

    I 7 28 5. 13024. 17909. 36791. 61104. 72993. 7122 5. 70391. 55057. 60841. 61351. 64597. 640uO. 56195. 55688. 6169 7. 5340 s. 45599. 35339. 3 7401". 344('8. 39522.

    I I t

    WeeklY flo~s start fro!'!" week 1 {Oct 1-7} to weelt: 52 ( SeF t. 23-J(I). the

    I flow for week 52 is the total flow betweer. Sep~. 23 and 3C c1videc :,y ~


    Synthesized flews for the period Oct. 49 throu9h Arr. 81


  • 1 9 ~fl 21101. 17052. 13 5es. 1 JP-6. 1~"793. lC' 3 35. 84 97. 713::!. i66e. e!.;-. 7112. :;sn. SOUL 4 Q 3 o. 44.;4, J?f; 1. 3 7) 9. 3 36 ). 3:'4,. 30 3 2. ~070. 324 2. 3386. 34 70. 3::!41. 3081i. 3335. 34 55. 4 34€. 56f-4.

    1~052. 31445. 45444. 63572. 56652. 6274.3. 72743. 599?.6. 6C064. 5.,164. :,4094. 57419. 61736. 94 2 3'). 78513. 742 8 ... 5 JOOii. 39595. 274F.7. 3le58. 25497. 2944 5.

    19H 2007 L 16394. 14250. 9792. 7710. 7'.) 39. 600;. 41;::! 5. 4186. 3159. 307). 4220. 414 ). 373 9. 3695. 34 57. 3484. 345 8. 335 5. 299 4. 28 34. 269 ). 247fi. 2 54:.. 2592. 2"' 42. ~.,9~. 2~08. JBe9. 4~9:!. 74 ""I). 13 266. 43457. 4 9t 91. 4-1598. 5"'~95. 396!7. 51HC. 6 386 9. f\'11=~-1.

    59914. 654 86. 56443. S904 S. 5!.234. 64!313.111'~99. 8"'636. 572:22. .?446::' 23992. 2 302 5.

    196C 23231. l&a6J. 9~58. 11305. E'~O~. 7(191. 66::!.;. 615 3. 59° ). 5!'41. 50 JP,. 4 s ~4. 4~.:7. 41 Q 2. Hll3. ·D~l. 3 p !9. )500:. J3F 3. 3.,~..,. ) 019. 29.P. 2926. 2 "771. 254 ... 2550. 24'13. 2HC. )(' )). 311·5. 98 34. 168 56. 30515. 51956. 58 311. 35l'9 9. psac. 4170~. 46 "6 a. 3 .. 159.

    45874. 50165. 67050. 77476. 68861. 5~65:?. 50617. 4 3 so 7. 3241 a. SF.531i. 4 2ss a. 40220.

    1 q6l 272 '77. 19379. 14352. 10 =-53. 77'} 3. 7194. 672S. 58 01. SR li 7. 6177. fi017. 5390. 54~1. s 1 2 4. 438(,. 5024. 5"""" ... -· 44-3r. )12 5. 3n5R • 3592. 34 ..:.Q. 3177. 34 06. 40(1}. )9{)0, 4":!3. 4d55. 5~51. 5-""1 ;:) ..

    1152.t. 23950. 39 .. 1 0. 3P4 3 3. )8787. 38325. 63(•17. i621 3. 684 96. 57882. 561\95. 614 .ss. .;9saJ. 66694 • 7()624. 5HS2. 5913 3. 399~ 1. .3~492. 42348. 33105. 35882.

    1~62 25987. l308J. 1:!21'4. 11 ~--2. 8 064. -1 C:.2. 6812. 6Hl. SE ..,4. P69. 483~. 4:117. 4~10. 4 2 q'l. 415 s. 4. 5 a. 41., 2. )758. 32q2. 3:21. 322"". )('q4. ]9

  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ~I

    I I I

    196~ 17910. 4571. 2978. 529 3.

    73304. 48390.

    1966 33187. 40 3 6. 29 7 5. 5661.

    51061. 31378.

    1967 19226. 38 6 4. 3220. 4600.

    62004. 29173.

    1968 15186. 4 65 3. 3991. 6 4 0 3.

    74899. 17424.

    1969 11338. 2 717. 21Cid. 7 52 5.

    5F'40. "..2986.

    1970 11740. 2850. 2 37 7. 5620.

    563:30. 26447.

    1 9 "/ 1 161 9 0 • 5111. 24 74. 35fll.

    73570. 25264.

    2 2910. 4 4 56. 2916. 933 5.

    69019. 79050. 23394. 3912. 29 26. 7364.

    54992. 26252. 13446.

    3863. 3116.

    13174. 96138. 24348. 12355.

    4514. :3991. 9989.

    63970. 15099.

    9770. 2585. 2077.

    1246:3. 46444. 1 ;: 4 7 5. 11348.

    2829. 2168.

    12391. 62455. 17198. 13622.

    4800. 2408. 5450.

    752[)8. 23696.

    13289. 4456. 2a33,

    20057. 59113.

    11735. 3794. 2894.

    1:3743. 62768.

    9958. 3 8 2 5. 2 89 2.

    37642. 90481.

    9 76 3. 4 3 6 9. 3976.

    29937. 70111.

    7645. 2473. 2077.

    20021. 41005.

    94 74. 279 2. 2368.

    31697. 60586.

    11284. 4 4 01. 2378. 8499.


    TABLE 2 (Continued)

    10873. 354 2. 2833.

    :34217. 58821.

    92f'2. 3519. 2885.

    23295. 76553.

    833 9. 3391. 2833.

    62024. 55(148.

    7284. :3 45 3. 2885.

    35651. 62697.

    7781. 3391. 2 83 3.

    .C:8845. 816'9.

    5791. 342 L 2888.

    92830. 541:36.

    6558. 3818. 2798.

    4904. 4424. 3774. 3729. 2747. 2715.

    49:382. 71299.

    5P062. 53555. 63591.134156.

    7519. 433 9. 3940.

    7116.3. 56424.

    6914. 2 3 4 5. 20A4.

    38337. 38199.

    6758. 26 9 5. 2:38 2.

    34699. 72477.

    6387. 4 28 2. 3 867.

    66407. 5621"6.

    57:6. 2296. 20 92.

    ::!b353. 38765.

    5790. 2636. 2419.

    42949. 63724.

    9541. 9275. 3981. 3626. 2364. 2326.

    14261. 23?80. 589:3:3.111293.

    5 70 2. 418 3. 3 86 7.

    6488 5. 46980.

    4 62 3. 218 2. 2121.

    28300. 20168.

    4 59 5. 2 59 9. 2419.

    39107. 48233.


    3 27 9. 2380.

    51272. 88576.

    7610. 3391. 3267.

    53801. 53261.

    5218. :338 8. 3308.

    73419. 69943.

    4291. 3619. 2530.

    69789. 82846.

    5405. 4129. 3922.

    92372. 43272.

    38 92. 2161. 2276.

    41006. 16366.

    3744. 2579. 2501.

    51237. 55810.

    73 8 5. 2932. 2428.

    94115. 56e9s.

    7836. 3213. 326 7.

    59666. 30322.

    4886. 3 2 5 B. 3308.

    64856. 49930.

    4187. 3 54 4. 2 so 2.

    69404. 53088.

    5140. 4 03 5. 3940.

    8863g, 34676.

    3 53 7. 213 0. 2568.

    49429. 16:328.

    3:375. 2564. 2719.

    42523. 401:38.

    6:D3. 2978. J587.

    6 934 5 • 4722f;.

    4 56 8. 3082. 3810.

    5 69 7 3. 33434.

    4068. 3 3 9 c. 2532.

    7 66 8 6. 60005.

    4926. 40 2 3. 4312.

    67323. n33l.

    313 2. 2f188. 3330.

    48172. 18120.

    308 7. 25S 0. 3124.

    60532. 36036.

    6557. 5894. 2725. 261Y. 2486. 2667.

    70113.lf'S724. 4 4 9 a 9 • s ·o G 7 1.

    4 72 5. 2 9i 8. 3639.

    63857. 52901.

    .flCjO, 3r2o. 3929.

    45860. 31806.

    3929. 33:3 o. 2866.

    65240. 52333.

    4793. 4012. 49 70.

    75860. 2600~.

    2R 4 3. 208 2. 4 B 69.

    45426. 15459.

    293°. 24 6 2. 38"7".

    60992. 31'765.

    545(1. 24'?8. 2P88.

    67efl9. 34650.

    1-.· flows start frcm week 1 (Oct 1-7) tc week s: (Sej:t. ~3-JC'l, t~>? flow for week 52 is the total flow bPtweP~ Sept. :J and 30 d1v1~€j t~ -Synthesized flows for the period Oct. 49 through Apr. 81

  • 1

    1912 l69Bb. 5073. 3 7 2 2. 6890.

    73525. 32120.

    1973 15112. 4 34 9. 30 57. 4201.

    5 so 13. 17546.

    1974 12505. 318 2. 2 4 63. 5B4 5.

    55012. 21924.

    1975 14144. 39 34. 3012. 5316.

    8084 7. 41632.

    1976 21330. 31196. 2 84 5.

    12263. 60466. 21055.

    1977 15213. 53 4 9. 3475. 4 J 20.

    67293. 36 7 4 0.

    197R 21436. 55 7 9. 3 395. 6 7 6 9.

    57994. 2!.936.

    TA~LE 2 (Continued)

    NA':'URAL WEI:KLY F'LO~JS.!/ fOR Sl:S I':'tlA R I':ER A"'; sn:sH I r:F.

    193CO. 4741. 3589.

    31208. 58e94. 21045. 1204 3.

    4401. 285 5. a 6 2 7.

    4 2076. 13608.

    910 2. 2 89 5. 240 s.

    13273. 53978. 30550. 12886.

    3994. 2998.

    10149. 74257. 36349. 19074.

    294 6. 28 28.

    34 39 5. 6281 o. 2393 5. l266e.

    5131. 33 SR. 75 3 7.

    76319. 35613. 20366.

    537 6. 3221.

    20719. 62681. 17876.

    13377. 461 s. 3494.

    30604. 55743.

    16499. 4065. 2601.

    28303. 44824.

    6700. 2896. 2389.

    21516. 51181.

    l('l 2 f; :- • 4 556. 3349.

    43564. 58593.

    12065. 354 3. 2616.

    32643. 4 4 99 4.

    5814. 2723. 2290.

    44503. 4 7619.

    84 78. 4~91.

    3267. 77716. 56133.

    8322. 33~1.

    2488. 35916. 515~1.

    4871. 26 7 2. 2184.

    57360. 50 5 29.

    7589. 62 90. 54.4 5. 3979. 3856. 3541. 2856. 2902. 29~ti.

    '-'75 .~4. 42ej4. 63847. 599~5. S8069. 70989.

    15485. 2893. 2ii3.

    29057. 58821.

    10437. 4920. 3276.

    21572. 63978.

    16959. 5270. 3216.

    28688. 63169.

    94 34. 284 8. 25 53.

    31116. 593i8.

    9972. 4 696. 3219.

    3486 s. 62 3 49.

    128 79. 520 l. 3175.

    22552. 62771.

    6982. 2806. 2:54 4.

    38560. 63217.

    8122. 4389. 3172.

    61347. 6198-L

    10596. 4 7 3 9. 3063.

    2 5196. 58 740.

    7414. 4 26 9. 3207.

    49249. 52417.

    6791. 3 30 6. 24 2 7.

    45603. 37825.

    67 3 6. 4136. 3094.

    77141. 54877.

    598 2. 320 9. 2301.

    74713. 59742.

    f.l.H. 413 6. 308 5.

    762 58. 3565 5.

    3 25 2. 2476.

    82150. 54057.


    3981. 308 3.

    57752. 38121.

    4896. 3161. 25 24.

    61144. 34150.

    52S8. rB9. J36 7.

    64368. 51237.

    4 783. 3090. 2995.

    54091. 24 306.

    430R. 4153. 3868. 3805. 3452. 2599. ~541. 2519. 2542. 2502. 2162. 2132. 2170. 2399. 3312.

    3915*'. 39336. 40758. 483B1. 48939. 44633. 33265. 49049. 42016. 24362.

    4691. 344 L 2841:).

    71819. 51926.

    51 R3. 267 7. 2561.

    d 3 7 3. 3 34 7. 2916.

    60748. 40080.

    4 405. 2668. :-'531.

    414 5. 34 4 3. 2927.

    74235. 35119.

    3709. 2667. n3o.

    65694. 56781.

    73 7 )4. ~:.537. 62128. 34680.

    7087. 6333. 406 7. 3959. 3170. ~426.

    87llli.lll840. 61972. 67468.

    83 76. 4 58 s. 3200.

    )6637. 538:'4.

    7179. 429f>. 3452.

    52575. 41760.

    58:3. 36 4 6. 3291).


    38 !2).

    fi53l. 40 39. 3377.

    45217. 31138.

    4:?60. 3294. 3038.

    72 396. 31860.

    34 96. 2f.B2. 3 541.

    60624. 13750.

    6915. 3 51 8. 33 76.



    6! 96. 3 719. ;so1.

    54310. 350('8.

    3996. 3081. 3601.

    69072. 44 500.

    3196. 2%7. 5010.

    5602 5. 20236.

    6246. 3361. 34 89.

    61670. 37 610.


    3 53 2. 3989.

    6('36(.'1. 2f96-.

    ~eeklv flo~s start frcm week 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 52 (Sert. :::3-30}, the flow ~or week 52 is the tota1 flow between Sept. 23 an~ 30 divl~~d ~y -S~nthes1zed flows fer tne period Oct. 49 through Apr. ~1


    ' I

  • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

    ' I

    1979 13298. 4810. 319:2. 8 79 3.

    7124 8. 27205 •

    1980 18773. 4931. 3344. 89 8 5.

    76877. 41331.

    1981 21:247. 4 6 6 2. 3620.

    14600. 115700.

    27857. 1982 17214.

    404 3. 2814. 655 7.

    57896. 7 615 7.

    1983 26100. 5929. 4 786. 9829.

    5894 3. 21571.

    TABLE 2 (Continued)


    12587. 4395. 30'7:2.

    18449. 93255. .26030. 2'2775.

    4 784. 3401.

    15510. 76930. 30314. 1€703. 1300. 34 4 3.

    40714. 97171. 24857, 160('10.

    3914. 27()0.

    15914. 59186. 4 65 71. 19400.

    5500. 4186.

    23.214. 47871. 25(157.

    10669. 4 26 2. 2899.

    31505. 83639.

    14605. 4435. 3 26 9.

    21319. 74906.

    15614. 4 08 5. 3 36 9.

    4::0857. f, 7 04 3.

    16214. 3 6 57. 2 70 0.

    31000. 78257.

    14814. 57 29. 3 82 9.

    40200. 4fl071.

    8195. 3 911. 2964.

    42264. 75231.

    11352. 4168. 3230.

    22436. 71178.

    795 6. 400 0. 2 68 5.

    6972 2. 67342.

    10306. 409 5. 31'197.

    37557. 50916.

    7 3 5 s. 3 7 8 2. 29 51.

    59100. 61788.

    9631. 3915. 3193.

    57698. 4 4 331.

    12936. 10415. 9464. 4133. 4272. 4S38. 3447. 3401. 3422.

    34114. 49114. 45257. 92029. 82914.103657.

    18571. 30 0 0. 2-:' 00.

    350('10. 67214.

    12300. 6514. 34 86.

    37000. 520::71.

    9929. 3 sn o. 2800.

    46400. 49800.

    10443. 544 3. 3 24 3.

    49700. 75200.

    8414. 350 o. 3 38 6.

    65386. 45043.

    914 3. 4 84 3. 3114.

    56386. 64386.

    5911. 3710. 2983.

    53485. 506 56.

    10190. 379~.

    3207. 52364. 41509.

    7562. 4707. 3371.

    43229. 77000.

    7271. 3500. 3357.

    55857. 38500.

    8214. 4671. 3157.

    4 52 71. 49200.

    5374. 3 40 5. 3119.

    50688. 38018.

    6 813. 3660. 3362.

    64839. 31392.

    7 40 s. 4 621. 3 4 50.

    52300. 60971.

    5771. 3514 0 3300.

    63100. 40171.

    7286. 46CIC. 3286.

    56800. 53514.

    5222. 33:25. 33 51.

    64893. 22.286.

    6890. 359 7. 35f>9.



    7113. 4 5 99. 37 4 2.

    6('1214. 44243.

    4 914. 3 8 2 9. 3514.

    69257. 378.29.

    6786. 4 514. 3 90 0.

    633(10. 452CO.

    :.054. 3158. 4 94 8.

    68273. '2'2524.

    5471. 34 21. 5062.

    69152. ~6452.

    5740. 407e. 5455.

    54143. 33757.

    4 4 29. 3214. 4529.

    SISCO. 41971.

    6214. 494 3. 5514.

    63443. 27000.

    !I Weekly flows start from week 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 52 (Sept. ~3-30), tre flow for week 52 is the total flow between 3ept. :3 a~d 30 ~iv1de~ by -Synthesized flows for the period Oct. 49 through A~r. e1

  • I I I

    TA EH.E 3

    I 1950 43908. 29117. 2233'). 16730. 13790. 12745. 13566. 112~7. 8263. 8486. 9512. 7965. 7384. 6941. 8078. 8C11. 741~. 72~9. 7571. 6572.

    I 5959. 5974. 5500. 5089. 4808. 4829. 4956. 5264. 5968. 6501.

    10176. 52328. 74936. 74650. 87927.102382. 88419.ll7563.112285.105677. 123061.131695.15J538.137306.134312.136557.109337. 92125. 67084. 76127.

    92561. 97161.

    I 1951 67519. 66614. 51920. 35232. 21703. 16143. 17412. 12027. 10900. 11124. 10884. 8560. 8026. 7242. 7042. 8017. 8225. 9091. 9128. B2Sl. I

    8407. 7118. 6926. 6439. 6118. 6707. 5943. 7413. d292. 12234. 26871. 67040. 67810. 67049. 68214.102416.114406. 94715.121856.123157.

    147370.128703.106340.113181.118847.100781.101177. 90190.100554. 77073. 9646~. 71611.

    I 1952 ~0531. 36647. 30195. 217153. 1:'~1.:19. 15165.

    11269. 10959. 9987. 7930. 7910. 6045. 611~. 600C. 605~. 6021. 5b83. 5C90.

    12798. 14454. 14597. 10704. 7721. 6756. 6000. 5923. 4742. 42£0. 4007. 5117.

    94858.102934.116650.113248. 83115. 68168. 64785. 57025. I

    I I I I I I

    5896. 13923. 32i78. 48173. 724l2. 92360. 108657.117456.117715.122851.118012.109236.

    57938. 86464. 1953 49328. 491::.4. 34080. 24900. 23341. 23921. 18098. 16167. 157(0. 11681.

    9569. 11434. 9717. 9564. 8249. 8558. 8561. 7557. 7490. 7371. 636i. 6033. 6099. 5284. 5G52. 5340. 5141. 5372. 60~7. 8315.

    26008. 38575. 51333. 75645. i6106. 841C2. 91417. 93951.12103d.113785. 12ll06.l23221.111~~1.136813.137032.123097.103946. 94908. 85757.1018~2. 138830.~C093:.

    19~4 44768. 49~J5. 5 ... 15 9 • 3 8 4 G8 • 2 2 3 6 2 • 2 2 5 00 • 1 9 6 7 5 . 8900. 9423. 9079. 8290. 7341. 6982. 6657. 59o2. tOSS. 5e43.

    :9651. 64795. 61916. 76641. 766~4. 54833.182666.107222.103076. 98938.

    16 3 7 1 • 1 2 4 9.2 • 11 09 4 • o712. 6591. 1ooa.


    ~2106 !...:587. 6609. 66.;:7.

    33326. 44.;19. 1Cl063. 91740.

    121.30. 49700.

    5589. 69i1. 7508. 83279.11076€.10395,_ 79086. 54075. 54 36.

    30476. 35842. 28349. 27077. 22645. 18580. 1J163 11185. 12573. 9135. 9012. 9947. d7l9. 9319. 8374. 7684. 7621. 7655. 76C1. 7054. 6876. 6749. 6740. 6}.73. 5476. 6072. 6355. 6163. 6074. 7523.

    153£7. 27019. 55~~a. 7~376. 85170.107563.106433.117490.130~27.149490. 1E33~~.158321.1542Bl.125396.130536.l34104.l07720. 8405i. 7562~. 83.242. so8· J.. 90884.

    1956 4eC 1. 5J300. 52957. 410~6. 24436. 18382. 15315. 14069. 12410. 9602. l08lq. 96i7. 10554. 9438. 9078. BOll. 8111. 83J6. 7949. 7652.

    7J01. 7i56. 6236. 6186. 5313. 5447. 5933. 5262. 5462. 6637. 12427. 46829. 54658. 72000. 93736.150597.165910.145252.138117.129368. 141350.139JE4.122908.l26406.12375~.11392c. 7B886. 6203:. 47315. 57219. 78587. 57761.

    I 1......----,--~

    1, hee;.;..:.v ! .... ~· ... s start

    I I

  • TABLE 3 (Continued)


    1957 3184 7. 26644. 21520. 21679. 19788. 21126. 18736. 13097. 11604. 8081. 7304. 6742. 7002. 7060. 7262. 7344. 7281. 7222. 7549. 6783. 7519. 6286. 5879. 5858. 5630. 5103. 5205. 4824. 559 5. 7579.

    14093. 30372. 56280. 72205.109300.142279.178909.135763.112330.103394. 108496.108911.100897.107220.1150~4.125555. 98941. 82600. 66069. 72590. 65488. 66847.

    1958 34454. 34575. 24224. 25445. 29117. 29336. 22682. 14985. 17i57 • .14453. 10406. 8362. 9636. S479. 9102. 9299. 7979. 7512. 7017. 6449.

    6706. 6769. 6577. 7133. 5655. 5082. 5660. 58.34. 64~1. 15 90(.. 10662. 18636. 4176~. 63809. 63654. 75399. 78308. 84072. 99058.102785.

    103651. 948 7 3. 90151.120563.111573.1C5419. 82602. 65000. 44834. 45239. 43'506. 38615.

    1959 30324. 28468. :6666. 27216. 20259. 18445. 13355. 9513. 10001. 732). 7292. 7962. 8613. 7239. 7412. 7370. 7555. 7395. 7143. 6529. 5969. 5176. 5094. 5159. 5448. 5423. 5640. 543tl. 6227. 7617.

    10839. 23743. 62607. 80472. 77267.102149. 81643.100695.125612.119711. 123872.129333.104259.101079.100347. 77839. 98052. 86150. 58722. 38338. 35639. 2.8438.

    1960 29030. 29992. 22826. 20245. 18005. !9834. l 38 03. 116 58. 12502. 8555. 9890. 9129. 8985. 9366. 8706. 8118. 7998. B 041. 7917. 8103. 8623. 9018. 8994. 7965. 7634. 7894. 7273. 6739. 8026. 9918.

    33264. oBC46. 8 2120. 83644. 94576. 96641. 86741.100916.115642.127103. l19182.123931.17v800.19;000.176719.189015.134594.102503. 72426. 97975. 89392.106901.

    1961 5170 5. 37725. 3\: 76J. 2 25 25. 126 74. 155.37. 134413. 12813. 1350t:o. 11712. 11149. 9481. 9280. 9857. 8413. 8727. aa1c:. 8876. 9082. 9591. 9900. 9229. 8255. 7767. 8185. 78.38. 8906. 8146. 8667. 10228.

    28174. 64817. 84075. 80654. 82125. 97265.115730.122123.12857o.l13CC7. 122769.130393.128479.122641.137169.:18560.111599. J32123. 6482.2. 904E3.

    77763. 19348. 1962 64 718. 408 76. 318 59. 3 3817. 24776. 21985. 18640. 16282. 16626. 12216.

    lC$14. 9057. 9337. 9211. 8405. 8587. 8484. 8293. 8437. s 368. 7739. 7411. 7009. 6872. 6719. 751€-. 7468. 7867 . 9323. ~969.

    20540. 20943. 52868. 69509. 85063. 95796.127575.125647.131419.137590. 1522B7.161963.180678.1564l4.118110.l16761.107602.107u£5. 81625. 66023.

    59088. 58142. 196.3 31178. 24348. 2251"'. 2322.2. 14519. 14850. 10152. sass. 8775. 8723. t 9478. 9908. 9861. 9165. 13465. 8262. 7996. 7351. 7256. 7176.

    67 39. 6876. 6402. 6401. 6153. 59 s 5. 579~. 5160. 5016. 5639. 8114. 20583. 68327. 800:4.104264.109091. 85982.106212.11~103.12~122.

    159300.161969.129193.115~17.104871.1041~8.106673. d4~il. 74285. ..1029. 65091. 62852.

    11 \

  • I I I

    TABLE 3 {Continued)


    I 1964 4546.2. 35505. 2994.3. 20584. 16084. 13974. 11861. 7797. 7459. 6526. 6482. 6298. 7156. 7779. 8184. 8181. 8309. 7391. 7015. 7044. 6671. 6351. 5710. 5167. 5194. 4924. 5112. 5080. 5127. 6099.

    I I

    6234. 14734. 30130. 44551. 68378.137927.113154.130444.136860.108425. 128782.127186.108428.112640.107884. 99618.102640. 71642. 48036. 39700.

    38225. 41221. 19 6 5 27 9 3 8 • 3 9 213 • 2 8 55 5 • 2 5 J 6 8 . 16 7 16 . 1 54 55 .

    9358. 8~64. 8624. 7969. 7709. 7629. 6468. 6072. 6017. 5961. 6140. 6182.

    21489. 28716. 6 ,135. 77287.106~88.117383.

    I 160970.156289,l15332.130948.11l939.1129l8. 87068.116064.

    12096. 11869. 12270. 9531. 6972. 6348. 6707. 6704. 6492. 6418. 7708. 8732.

    95667.111748.144774.141831. 88214. 67337. 68851. 71238.

    19*)6 57970. 40881. 39942. 41295. 31083. 22967. 19259. 17231. 13962. 8190. 8980. 8175. 7800. 8C50. 79il. 8213. 7994. 8129. 1 7955. 6656. 6576. 6268. 6494. 6687. 6061. 6495. 6720. 5864. 11178. 38232. 58985. 5~947.109891.110815.1C1072.11325~.

    10652. 7653. 63613.

    96537. 95732. 112446.115419.139262.132561.150571.135464.134475.1(9027. 86444.

    I 140034.101196. 1967 67~09. 49468. 31774. 22638. 14014. 9155. 9216. 6941. 5927. 5955. 5486. 6070. 6639, 6798.

    10456. 696 2. 5467.

    78571. 9 0987.

    8270. 7046. 4789.

    6577. 6803. 4999. I 6488. 5990. 5783. 6142. 5706. 5750. 5864. 3840. 10176. 33517. 47845. 46019. 63949. 64423.

    106370.119743.118396.115583.123717.156327.110053. 96355. 91006.

    93337. 81832.

    61336. 64114. 1 1968 43859. 46190. 31570. 23508. 19013. 16007. l0823. 13318. 12816. 10849. 9223. 8552. 7997. 8672. 8650. 8700. 8864. 8581. 9108. 8985. 8287. 8116. 7562. 7150. 7596. 7946. 7219. 7968. 10356. 17849.

    43558. 85592. 84823. 98473.128513.137609.171711.144743.123692.138546. 147356.121545.130967.111105.109034. 89516. 93243. 70645. 51645. 44064. I 34763. 29829.

    I 1969 18546. 13933. 5787. 5527. 6501. 63ci7.

    13199. 10256. 8739. 7845. 8127. 5710. 7957. 6723. 6440. 7669. 7539. 7392. 7265. 7:92. 6740. 6363. 6163. 5856. 6065. 5738. 5601. 5558. 7e98. 12362.

    9001u. 966D~.118465.111209.1l51lv.123307.1~5~o1.11835o. 98684.108171.119823. 7532~. 553l1. 53616. 42702. 39700. I 28629. 80229. 125735.119527. 36440. 34604.

    197C 27602. 39243. 32700. 16002. 15066. 10141. 9107. 7637. 7819. 57.34. 1 5730. 5460. 5422. 6288. 6716. 6967. 6679. 6880. 7034. 6579. 6491. 6482. 6328. 6063. 6009. 5872. 61~1. 6248. 7045. 9171.

    23597. 42622. 79017. 90576.110752.114(44.108046.115467.137293.149123. 133578.138792.148283.1477El.124133.118872.109683. G5764. 73957. 61226.

    54377. 39042. I I.!_; '-''eeidy f1o...,3 sta.~t frcm Week 1 (Oct 1-7 .' to 1-.'eeic. 52 (Sept. 2J-J.J J

    I I

  • TABLE 3 (Continued)


    1971 24958. ~ 1122. 19282. 17057. 15726. 13688. 1.3383. 11047. 10605. 9120. 86i8. 8685. 8015. 8053. 8243. 8366. 7908. 7311. 6857. 6062. 5833. 6029. 5569. 5240. 5138. 4865. 5200. 5524. 5344. 6230. 6941. 16084. 38446. 63738. 73277.105818.117307.119056.182134.161398.

    161463.148971.102895.105224.147290.131674. 96995. 87347. 92284. 64742. 58972. 53853.

    1972 29710. ~3996. 22152. 17829. 12583. 12306. 10498. 8666. C618. 7595. 7079. 8.362. 8265. 8424. 9466. 8379. 8446. 7971. 8571. 7594. 728 7. 6399. 6378. 5745. 6029. 6520. 6775. 6698. 6836. 6552.

    14483. 47584. 53202. 68593.111795.113148.116944.118835.121664.124905. • 147462.118639.115735.123117.115921.102627. 99551. 75340. 68338. 7184 2. 64769. 41482.

    1973 21506. 14672. 35958. 28931. 25442. 19223. 14392. 10877. 10650. 10434. 9534. 8676. 7894. 7967. 7543. 7000. 6736. €546. 6590. 6392. 6105. 6013. 5194. 5320. 5142. 5247. 5535. 4801. 4586. 5932. 553.3. 17690. 58830. 63104. 61209. 18992. 87819.135321.129443.115819.

    102725. 87018. 94787. 92223. 99601. 77736. 98525. 86027. 62687. 63975. 61009. 56062.

    1974 39089. 31808. 231185. 17985. 16811. 13702. 10291. 10.302. 10500. 8582. 7611. 7869. 8513. 8881. 8300. 8186. 8087. 8005. 7654. 8176. 8186. 7938. 8219. 7314. 6992. 6997. 678.1. 6770. 7370. 11310.

    35106. 74190. 57603. 70285. 92i80. 82818. 63457. 76000.101992. 92659. 91189. 89850. 96956. g1090. 96909. 69718. 76353. 86761. 75215. 55601. 44260. 48981.

    1975 25 571. 2 55 71. 17143. 13286. 11143. 11000. 10143. 10000. 10000. 9786. 9500. 9286. 9000. 9000. 8786. 8500. 8500. 8000. 6000. 8000. 7500. 7500. 7000. 7000. 7000. 7000. 6786. 6500. 6500. 7 286. 9214. 14571. 34429. 78029.112500.129429.11Cl86.135429.140857.142857.

    153429.137857.118429.110143. 99571. 96300. 84614. 67986. 61700. 89157. 94 271. 80457.

    1 :*7 6 45443. 33800. 31614. 21429. 16000. 12286. 9357. 7643. 6429. 6000. 6000. 6000. 6000. 6343. 6571. 6800. 6400. 6~29. 6000. 5600. 5371. 5200. 5343. 5400. 5400. 54t.O. 5400. 5400. 5714. 9000.

    46143. 98086. 66514. 62714. 62729. 926~9.121529.111571.114057.125857. 120429.116571.106671.111343.118571.102657. 90243. 67700. 4 2371. 38714.

    52857. 67943. 1977 32900. 298 57. 30000. 30429. 22000. 188 57. 19286. 17143. 15571. 14571.

    13429. 12286. 11714. 11571. 10143. 9571. 9500. 9929. 9357. 8643. 8786. 7786. 7143. 6643. 650 ). 6500. 6143. 6000. 6000. 6571. 8241. 18143. 56157. 88457.118829.158143.173000.172286.168571.149143.

    142286.150143.134857.13614.3.13342~.134000.134429. S9100. 73657. 97o29. 84771. 92643.

    1/ weekly f~ows start frcm Week 1 (Oct 1-7) to Wee~ 52 tSept. 23-30)


  • I TABLE 3 (Continued)


    I. 1978 56729. 46714. 33429. 24000. 18429. 15286. 12571. 7000.

    10057. 20171. 7914. 6800. 680C. 6800. 7486. 7343. 7200. 7029. 7000. 7000.

    I 6800. 6600. 6600. 6600. 6600. 6557. I' 13029. 44286. 59714. 56871. 63029. 69714. 118857.117es7.117286.124000.120143.105014. 6429.

    95271. 93.371.

    6457. 6800. 7714. 93529.112571.115143. 70643. 72129. 66700.




    I I ..J

    51814. 37700. 1979 J1ooo .• 45143. 32ooo. 2.6571. 19714. 134.29. 10286. 9857. 95oo.

    9500. 9214. 9000. 9000. 9000. 9000. 8500. 8500. 8143. 8000. 7714. 7429. 7000. 7000. 7000. '.'000. 6500. 6786. 8143. 11357.

    22714. 67143. 88214. 94371.125S71.125000.116286.104857.133000.129l43. 136143.151286.155429.137571.138286.143714.124143. 94457. 58329. 55400.

    92114.114229. 1980 6.5943. 83900. 55914. 38229. 39:ll4. 38829. 36929. 22286. 19286. 17357.

    15286. 13186. 12071. 11286. 10429. 9929. 9500. 9357. 9186. 9043. 8871. 8800. 8857. 9129. 8700. 8986. 9629. 10357. 12000. 14571.

    23714. 55629. 67929. 77014.109586.138143.141571.151286.147429.161143. 189857.190571.174857.172143.137714.131571.118714. 99286. 84429 83571. 107714.102143.

    1981 42571. 4·0143. 33543. 27486. 22557. 19714. 14143. 14143. 13714. 10429. 8429. 7286. 6929. 6857. 7429. 807!. 8143. 8571. 8857. 7571. 6714. 6071. 6000. 6000. 6214. 6571. 7214. 8000. 9143. 13429 •

    39857. 85714. 92857. 86171.105971. 99400. 94129.116714.120857.102600.

    I 152900.188857.171286.165714.162714.206714.133857.115571. 97457. 69414.

    56100. 48186. 1982 30457. 27586. 31114. 48527. 25657. 212.86. 17571. 14343. 13000. 12286.

    12000. 11429. 11000. 10286. 9286. 8857. 8500. 8071. 7571. 7071.

    I 7000. 6500. 5857. 5500. 5000. 5000. 5000. 5071. 5714. 6786. 9714. 27000. 55100. 61329. 70271.10l457.103629.108257.126000.101486. 102729.107000.138143.1J1000.104571. 93929. 81286. 80857. 82857. 94143.

    I 174571.104857. 1983 54957. 36271. 9943. 9086.

    I 9229. 8429.

    19786. 54829. 111.714. 99271. I 42171. 46829.

    2882,9. 8914. 7600.

    80286. 90614.

    22286. 18857. 16857. 10000. 8486. 7857.

    7057. 6771. 6600. 68714. 87286.107857. 95200.145143.113457.

    15143. 13714. 12286. 11000. 7800. 7600. 7686. 8600. 6543. 6443. 6886. 9257.

    77143.106571.122143.117714. 89814. 84929. 73629. 49714.

    1!7 Weekly flows seart from Week l (Oct l-7) to Week 52 (Sepc. 23-30)

    I I I

  • I I TABLE 4 I CO~P::':'EC WEEY.LY FLOWs.!/ FOR SUS 1 'J"•:.'\ RIVER AT \ot.'ATAt-;A DA~SI':'£

    I 1951 4521. 40 29. 3518. 2007. l: 4 q_ 1176. 1103. 104 2. 994. 903. 90 3. 90 3. 90 3. 82 8. 812 .• 812. 812. 7S 7. 66 7. 66 7.

    I 66 7. 641. 618. 618. 61 e. 618. 542. 700. 1071. 1861.

    492 3. 14338. 15945. 7915. 13828. 26696. 19247. 12238. 17232. 18464. 'H 682. 20740. 19074. 17891. 1~413. 15312. 14985. 2104 8. 24531. 15].37. 1511 a. 13323.

    I 1952 7559. 50 55. 3674. 28 55. 27 93. 2609. 1928. 1908. 1761. 1489. 14 89. 1489. 1489. 1329. 129 9. 1299. 1299. 1069. 819. 819. 819. 784. 730. 730. 7 30. 730. 796. 796. 796. 796.

    I 90 9. 1132. 1549. 3 35 7. 16784. 19892. 28174. 30555. 27039. 23527. 16714. 21361. 23150. 30727. 19888. 15618. 1185 5. 13935. 15561. 10522. 9086. 1087 6.

    I 1953 85 59. 7982. 5556. 4049. 3948. 3377. 2164. 2652. 1913. 1250.

    1250. 1250. 1250. EB 0. 8 20. 820. 820. 722. 598. 598. 598. 606. 678. 678. 678. 678. 4 86. 486. i 8 s. 1308.

    1000 7. 1366 6. 12435. 214 4 8. 166 52. 27821. 214R2. 17488. 20466. 17377.

    I 1569 s. 17070. 1774 5. 20931. 178 59. 14312. 14731. 17519. 14058. 12806. 10679. 81:\7. 1954 612fi. 5080. 3728. 2971. 1821. 17 38. 1608. 1497. 1361. 1174.

    I 1174. 1174. 1174. 1120. 10 99. 1099. 109 9. 98 2. 794. 794. 794. 716. 630. 63 o. 630. 630. 506. • 506. a·; o. 930. 4308. 8521. 13802. 158 2 3. 14807. 19799. 19022. 18245. 22.~.":'8. 19307.

    I 15396. 14 981. 14981. 24614. 200 4 9. 20049. 2004 9. 1893 o. 11256. 9676.

    9025. 5793. 1955 4 746. 4461. 3359. 3359. 2716. 2156. 2032. 1796. 1756. 16 57.

    1624. 1431. 1431. 154 6. 1561. 133 8. 124 9. 1179. 10 52. 1052.

    I 105 2. 149. 879. P79. 8 79. 879. 828. 828. 828. 828. ?-c; 19. 33 21. . 3882. 11626 • 12 7 71. 17007. 2772 7. 30081. 28168. 29660. 24 776. Hl24. 22869. 20805. 19270. 19771. 24039. 34H6. 17921. 13691.

    I 11128. 8 76 3. 1956 60 59. 4461. 3 63 3. 3129. 20 6 2. 1721. 1581. 1393. 1306. 1027. 102 7. 1027. 1027. 84 a. 810. 810. 810. 80 9. 750. 750.

    I 750. 739. 689. 689. 6 89. 689. 641. 641. 641. 641.

    1798. 8483. 12101). 24085. 15966. 27294. 3552.2. 26081. 2299C 24 3 3 5. 2E 536. 26'799. 26153. 24 666. 224 4 7. 2028 5. 16173. 13792. 114416. 160 4 6. 1563 7. 10015.

    I 1957 5279. 5279. 358 3. :noo. 2789. 234 2. 224 7. 2123. 20 35. 1908. 1852. 150 9. 1509. 1399. 1378. 1378. 1378. ; .:ao. 1193. 1193. 1193. 10 79. 920. 920. 920. 920. 83 7. 83". 83 7. 837.

    I 2452. 4269. 6969. :5611. 230 so. 31747. 28053. .'~ I flow for week S2 is the total flow between Sept. 23 anc 3C d1v1ciec

    by a.


  • TABLE 4 (Continued)

    COMPU':'EC WEEY.LY FLOWS!/ FOR SUS I 7tlA R IVfF: A':' ~-JA'!A !:A DA~~S I ':'E

    1958 7628. 2551.

    959. 3001.

    18442 . 512 B.

    1959 4604. 879 . 8 79.

    1801. :10819. 8131.

    1960 8534. 1656. 1097. 4 70 3.

    14 780. 15996.

    19H 9 778. 208 5. 124 6. 5 580.

    1 ~253. 1 no 59.

    1962 8 304. 174 2. 12 3 7. 3165.

    24076. 9699.

    1963 7677. 1684. 1203. 2138.

    3 3"81. 938.;.

    1964 7204. 1311.

    760. 524.

    22938. 7294.

    6 544. 1902.

    959. 5917.

    18442. 512 9. 4050. 1375.

    797. 2951.

    22556. 7669. 5B9 6. 1656. 106 2. 6668.

    170 0 3. 11980.

    -; 102. 1833. 1181.

    10306. 19937. lOlll.

    3663. 174 2. 1207. 3896.

    20979. 9 763. 5846. 1684. 1015. 2871.

    3134 3 . 8325. .. 06 7. lO.J ~

    69&. 5.21.

    21€46. 6~4 7.

    5337. 154 4. 1024. 8267.


    3875 . 1375.

    683. 12604 . nal6.

    324 3. 16 56. 1041.

    12a86. 23312.

    50 so. 18.3 3. 1097.

    17834. 20655.

    366J. 174 2. 1174.

    10571. 246 59.

    5094. 16B4.

    a7o. 16185. 26 765.

    4963. 10 38.

    t ~2. 699.


    5503. 183 9. 1 ooo.

    15742. 32829.

    2689. 1150.

    683. 17as 6. 18373.

    4051. 1541.

    996. 2005 s. 264a7.

    36 7a. 1776. 122 2.

    16989. 22581.

    3663. 16~ 5. 1174.

    15580. 22051.

    4 60 3. 13 46.

    a 70. 2617 3. 24772.

    3760. 913. 588.

    1548. 16:'1\ 1

    3 997. 1614.

    9 39. 16842. 23~46.

    2392. 1109.

    683. 14298. 14332.

    2692. 152 3.

    882. 20716. .20467.

    ., -.. , ,&.I.,_

    177 3. 1 5.35.

    15795. 2.3083.

    2 910. 162 6. 1174.

    25042. 194 8 7.

    3273. 1303.

    870. 29395. 22a82.

    2277. 888. 5 24.

    17791. 15 98 5.

    3287. l40B.

    939. 24 64 2. 17783.

    2068 . 1056.

    6a3 . 204 96 . 1847 4 .

    2292. 1360.

    a82. 1183 B. 18086.

    2516. 1 a 2 5. 15 35.

    14578. 19710.

    2187. 1626. 1174.

    25502. l94a7.

    ~4 27. 1303.

    a 10. 2003 9. 198 53.

    203 7. 8.3 0. 524.

    66-53. 12889.

    2E15. 1332.

    950. 24 6 4 2. 14415.

    1760. 10 35.

    666. 15311. 34121.

    2194. 12 95.

    694. 1:2~5.


    2319. 1a 4 6. 1617.

    23a10. 1 B708.

    218 7. 1626. 1335.

    49464. 194 8 7.

    2427. 1303.

    680. 2003 9. 20996.

    1803. 607. 588.

    4 5B4 5. 13741.

    2314. 1101. 1063.

    21247. 9969.

    1.352. 1051.

    666. lb247. 33290.

    2064. 1227.

    694. 1271 o. 16811.

    2058. 1601. 1617.

    29749. 13842.

    2187. 1462. 1335.

    4 2296. 19844.

    2427. 1284.

    6ao. :>0039. 17689.

    l.H9. a!6. 588.

    3825 7. 11603.

    2637. 1152. ll 53.

    1936 3. 6605.

    1215. 102 7.

    952. 20418. 20953.

    1962. 117 5.

    910. 13971. 14281.

    2118. 1317. 1783.

    24996. 9309.

    2067. 123 7. 1335.

    29941. la961.

    2243. 1203.

    6ao. 2003 9. 13124.

    14 54. a1 B. 63 7.

    27569. S90l.

    2991. 103 e. 1398.

    18442. 6605.

    797 0 984. 999.

    216B8. 1oe24.

    1656. 115 2.

    94 s. 1~936.

    2 2S 70.

    2126. 1297. 1 s 11.

    18341. 1 c 5 60.

    1742. 123 7. 1335.

    24659. 11972.

    1684. 120 3.

    6ao. 25591. 117 36.

    1358. ec 2. 64 6.

    22261. 7255.

    l ; weekly flows start from week 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 5: (Se=t. 23-30), the f!ow for week 52 1s the total flo~ between Sept. :3 and.30 d1v1cec by 8.

  • I I TABLE 4 (Continued) I COMPU':'ED WEEI~ LY ~tows.!/ FOR SUS ITNA RIVER A? WA':'A~A DAMSI7~

    I ).965 5814. 6506. 4 25F!. 338 7. 2593. 2408. 2383. 2656. 1708. 1175. 104 7. 952. 952. 680. 866. 866. 666. 621. 76.;. 76 4.

    I 764. 785. 809. 809. 809. 809. 1050. 1050. 1 .324. 1370. 170 2. 458'2. 7973. 14365. 26 s 9 e. 18020. 1924 9. 18396. 27(176. 25264. 25478. 23730. 20581. 18313. 16343. 25247. 16925. 9394. 14093. 17314.

    I 15844. 1e32 a. 1966 10948 . 6C87. 2852. 235 9. 204). 1676. 1481. 1412. 1361. 126 s. 12 2 3. 1174. 1129. 107 s. 1062. 1062. 106 2. 102 s. 98 o. 980.

    I 98:0. 983. 985. 98 5. 98 5. 98 5. 1091. 1091. 14 32. 1490.

    221 o. 28 7 3. 53 22. 1020 2. 16017. 3 7660. 26954. 22768. 19214. 15178. l4 4S6. 15132. 17122. 22511. 183?.0. 15064. 16252. 14606. 110023. 9733. 9f2 3. 7019.

    I 1967 5 52 5. 3 705. 2802. 189 6. 1290. 1192. 1192. 1192. 1173. 1119. 1119. .1119. 1119. 1105. 1106. 1106. 1106. 1077. 1037 . 103"'. 103 7. S65. 882. 882. 882. 882. 771. 771. 790. 910.

    I 140 9. 4044. 1406 6. 19660. 2353 3. 2218 7. 2906 9. 24227. 2370 ). 17634. 1756-4. 24423. 28466. 21t:65. 20177. 4.;109. 24653. 1655 5. 23511. 1387 5. 1006 7. 76 ... ;.

    I 1968 563.6. 4 692. 3669. 279 7. 2 340. 1987. !Pel. lel2. 1780. 1740.

    1740. 166 9. 165 7. 163 3. 1634. 1634. 1611. 1552. 1561. 15fi 1. 1561. 1561. 1560. 1560. 1560. 1560. 1544. 1485. 1556. 1662. 178 7. 2353. 10464. 27061. "1911. 2150 7. 2993 8. 303 56. 2209 9. 24724.

    I 22504. 21723. 2099::.. 1832 4. 16541. 13 759. 12436. 11024. 9099. 9115. 5821. 4 4 56. 1969 4162. 3593. 2768. 245 7. 2109. 1631. 1241. 1087. 901. eo9.

    I 76 7. 724. 68 7. 65 e. 640. 59 8. 598. 59 8. 58 7. 599. 630. 630. f 55. 6 7 3. 709. 7 32. ., 7 9. 919. !.196. 1696. 286 7. 5116. 9727. 17064. 10209. 11525. H689. 16092. 14614. ! 3051.

    I 16518. 16974. 14188. 11668. 12201. 6318. 5126. 4792. 5256. 4 59 s..

    393 9. 330 8. 1970 3018. 2841. 2489. 168 o. 1432. 120 2. 950. 84 2. 78 7. 735>.

    69 9. 694. 69 4. 6~ 6. 65 6. 62 8. 61 '· 618. 6::8. 589.

    I 5€9. 589. 605. 616. 64 5. 64 5. 769. 84 6. 969. 1176. 163 4. 3900. 13817. 12474. 15221. 12989. 12531. 11864. 19977. 2ooag,. l68S.5. 18059. 17267. 21606. 18880. 14586. 16486. 11350. 9396. 7477.

    I 7 616. 424 4.

    1971 4991. 4166. 3393. 2995. 2923. 27!?6. 254). 2249. 2013. 188 6. 176.1. 1614. 1446. 1328. use. lC' .. o. 95C. eeo. 821. 746.

    I 74 6. 730. 716. i 16. 716. 716. 717. 74 4. 808. 904.

    109 8. 1415. 2087. 36e 3. 65 58. 19251. 39740. 24136. 33340. 21395. 21771. 25092. 1632~. 2094 3. 3894 5. 34 919. 2135:i.. 16£;80. 19170. 12233.

    I 92Sl. eo 2 i.

    :!/ Weekly flews start from week 1 (Oct l-7) to we-ek 5:? (Sept. 23-30), the I flow fc r weeJ.: 5: is the total flow between Sef t. 2J a"\c )(I ciivided by £>.


  • TABLE 4 (Continued)


    1972 6619. 2016. 14 6 s. 238 6.

    22084. 11686.

    1973 4 2~6. 1210. 1008. 1227.

    18143. 660 5.

    1974 4607. 92 6. 66 2.

    205 9. 17876.

    7590. 1975 4537.

    1264. 1081. 2133.

    25455. 14847.

    1976 7559. 890. 746.

    344 0. 16954.

    5190. 1977 3729.

    172 2. 1197. 1314.

    205i2. 1.!.736.

    19i8 6782. 2015. 124 7. 3 355.

    18215. 629 3.

    5931. 1860. 1403.

    13753. 19683. 5278. 3976. 1186.

    9:9. 2355.

    1372fl. 5366. 3710. ee1. 663.

    5341. 16396. 9984. 4 509. 1264. 1051. 5138.

    24131. 1251.3 .

    6664. 8 5 s. 726.

    9779. 16164.

    5530. 3045. 158 3. 1156. 2267.

    21740. 987 7. 6882. 1955. 1212.

    11862. 18416.


    4501. 1860. 1416.

    13553. 16050.

    5515. 1186.

    868. 8066.


    2 55 8. 854. 64 8.

    9964. 15766.

    2402. 1264. 1040.

    11291. 22076.

    61.39. 809. 687.

    939 7. 16576.

    290.3. 1462. 1106. 820 5.


    6046. 1808. 1258.

    16195. 1806 ...

    )ill. 1790. 1351.

    1889 4. 18343.

    4 090. 1051.

    868. 11109. 15752.

    1938. 816. 636.

    2224 6. 14 730.

    1602. 1270. 1040.

    17252. 20265.

    3621. 778. 68 7.

    98 28. 20226.

    25 76. 144 2. 1106.

    12588. 19531.

    4 510. 1741. 1258.

    10959. 16600.

    3005. 164 2. 1351.

    31966. 19675.

    2727. 1026.

    868. 13811. 18754.

    1693. 811. 605.

    25280. 15504.

    1468. 120 3. 1040.

    23081. 16199.

    2720. 77 8. 687.

    1137 5. 26317.

    2139. 1400. 1106.

    19531. 18939.

    33 55. 1641. 1258.

    1166 o. 15674.

    2717. 164 2. 1329.

    20142. 1804 s.

    2210. 1026.

    d68. 17385. 14942.

    14 59. 77 8. 605.

    16013. 13265.

    1478. 120 3. 1040.

    304 59. 15474.

    1937. 750. 68i.

    23100. 19534.

    1963. 1326. 1106.

    29414. 17 329.

    2862. 155 7. ln5.

    l3979. 14572.

    2574. 164 2. 1241.

    3 5772. 18653.

    1887. 1026.

    879. 28985. 19441.

    1344. 76 s. 594.

    13675. 10498.

    14 78. 120 3. 1036.

    22880. 13658.

    1475. 739. ~4 4.

    24887. 15004.

    1839. 1294. 114 9.

    38957. 17519.

    2S .. P. 1496. 1251.

    19417. 12160 .

    24 31. 164 3. l24l.

    31327. 12473 .

    1 '736. 1035.

    879. 3134 4. 20:.)9).

    1230. 74 s. E ~0.

    l27e5. 14244.

    14 78. 1200. 104 7.

    28749. 11762.

    1173. 141. fi 7 5.

    1752 5 . 10554.

    1736. 125 7. 1149.

    31'128. 11066.

    2392. 140 3. 1251.

    16614. 8756.

    2:11. 152 8. 1189.

    21178. 11598.

    1519. 1008.

    8"9. 20593. 11210.

    112°. 70 7. 74 7.

    l 3651. 13395.

    1461. 112 3. ~14 2.

    25 700. 9359.

    lOll. 74 6. 839.

    16928. 6302.

    2(197. 1219. 1211.

    284 8 9. 864 3.

    2223. 128 s. 1251.

    20"03 • 92~i.

    2016. 1465. 1241.

    2 209 6. 15857.

    1356. 1008.

    929. 18980.

    782 3.

    1028. 694.

    1189. 14383.


    1264. 1123. 1354.

    23413. 15849.

    925. 74 6.

    1402. 16991.


    1902. 119 7. 1272.

    18502. 12215.

    2108. 124 7. 1322.

    .!96(18. 8372.

    !I Weekly !lows start fro~ ~eet 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 52 (Se~t. 23-30), the flow for week 52 is the total flow between Sept. 23 an~ ]~ divt~ed ty e.



    I 1979 4195. 4 701. 3 796. 2849. 2 7 36. 23~8. 1774. 1 sse. 1502. 148 ). 1349. 1214. 1170. 1185. 1138. 1138. 1138. 1059. 10£,7. 106..,.

    I 1067. 989. 1113. 1113. 1113. 1113. 1064. 1113. 1228. ! -;.a 5. 2451. 4 6 3 3. 1

  • I TABLE 5

    I CO~PrT£0 I.'EEKLY rLOt.;S.!_I FOR SL"SIT~A RII.'ER AT DEVIL CA ~ ':' 0 ~; I l 9 51 5002. t.t.60. 3893. 2 2 2 1 • 1390. 1308. 12 27. 11 59. 1105. li)~Q.

    1n29. 1029. 1029. 92A. 911. 911. 9 1 1 • 8t.9. 76 3. 7 6 3.

    I 7 6 3. 732. 693. 69). 69 3. 6 9 3. 6 3 2. 812. 1247. 216/l. 55 7 8. 16270. I€0':'l4. a 9 8 2. 15694. 28723. 20708. l31n8. 18542. 2N78. 23579. 2255f,. 2(i" 2. 20059. 16216. 17229. 16860. 236i7. 28251.., 17550.

    I 18128. 15345.

    1952 8578. s 735. 416 9. 3240. 3275. 3051. 22S6. 2 2 3 l . 2060. 1 7/." • 17 44. 1744. 1744. 1547. 1 ~ 12. 1 51 2 • 1512. 1 2 4 2. 91 3. 91 : •

    913. 876. 823. g23. 823. 823. 865 d65. 865. 8 6: .

    I 107 0. l 3 .t.. f! • 1841... 3994. 19808. 23151. 32788. 35561. 31470. 26t.55. 18796. 24021. 26032. 31..530. 22572. 17722. lH~t.. 15781... 18093. J 2 2 36. 10567. 12646.

    I 1953 1021..9. 9557. 6653. .t..B48. 4640 • .3958. 2537. 3109. 2 2 4 1 • 1518 .

    1 51 8. 1 51 8. 1 51 8 . 1076. 1001. 1001. 1001. 882. 728. 728. 7 28. 7 3 7 • 770. 770. 770. 770. 515. 515. 833. 138~.

    11682. 16151. 11..696. 2534 6. 19715. 32683. 25:;7. 20 5" 3. 2.t..0Hl. 1~114.

    I 17 H2. 18775. 1 9 5, e. 2t.005. 20575. 16t. B ~. 169~4- 2r:91. 1701..9. 1553!. 12951. 9ef.7. 1 9 5" i.:.2n. 615 2. 4 5 l 4 . ~ 59 7. 2199. 20!!5- 1 9 2 8. 1"96. 16 3 3. l3 7 ...

    I 1 :l 7.t.. • 1 3 i.t.. • 1374. 126 0. l 2] 6 • 123 6. 1 2 3 6. 110 5. 9 2 3. 923. 9 2 3. 834. 71 e. 7 18 . 7 1 a. 71 (I. 58 5. 58 5. lC'Cib. 1076. 5588. 1!! ){,. leOJ5. 2C67.:.. :9"01. ::!).:.45. .::!2525. 2160) . ~6:~2. 21613.

    I 17237. 16 7 '1 1 . 11;771. 29010. 2362). 2)62J. 2;623. 22350. 1 t. 2 B 8. 1~282. 1 1 4 56 . 7 B ">.

    1955 5953. 559J "21 1. "211. 3 3 l 6. 2637. 2"87. 2197. 2lt.O. 1995.

    I 1956. 17 13. I 7 2). 18 38. 18 55. 1589. 1 t; 8 3. ll.Ot. 1280. 1280. 1280. 1 1 53 . 1010. 1010. 1 01 0. 1010. 9 6 2. 9 6 2. 962. ~62. 3137. 4 1 50. 1..849. 14520. 1 59 5". 19123. 31175. 33fl22. 3167]. ]~:'94.

    2739t.. 2111..5. 2s2a2. 22103. 20433. 20965. ~5t.B8. 36l91. 18609. 1 .. :19.

    I 11555. 9100. 1956 6868. ~(·55. .:. 1 1 7 • 3 5 .t.. 7 . 2 32S. 1 9 3 8 • l 7 8 1 . 1570. 1470. 1 t 9 i' . 1 19 7. l 1 9 7 . ll 9 7 • 95e. 9 l 3. 913. 913. 91 4 • 8 9 2. B 9 2.

    I 892. 879. 849. 8l.9. 849. 81..9. 770. 770. 770. 770.

    2220. 1 0 4 55. 14922. 29687. 19760. 3!174. {,('1573. 2Q7on. :!6Zf..3. 17.:.06. 29885. 30181. 29.t..Su. 29030. 26510. 2~95&. 19099. 16306. ll.339. 2(,101.

    I 19SP-8. l:!.St.7.

    1957 6 5 77. 6 5 77. H62. " l J ::. • 3399. 2855. 2740. 2 58 7. 201. 2 2 l 3. 214 7. l ~ Sl. l 7 51. 16 l t;. 15 8 8. 1588. 1583. lSQQ, l J9 6. 1 3

  • TABLE ~ (Continu~d)


    195A 9403. 3300. 1109. 3551.

    20248. 600 8.

    1959 5~40. 1086. 1096. 24 71.

    23659. 10026.

    1960 10007. 1995. 1286. 5 31 ~.

    161.26. 188t.t..

    1961 1!591. 2 5 e3. 1 H6. ,581.

    22:'57. 12169.

    1962 9801. 196 0. 13 9 2. 3391.

    25543. 11257.

    1963 8737. 1872. 11.14. 2.660.

    37368. 10239.

    1964 8327. 1523.

    876. 590.

    25009. 8595.

    8067. 2460. llll. 7050.

    20248. 6 00 7. 48 73. 1699.

    997. 404 3.

    25632. 94 59. 6913. 1995. 1247. 7566.

    18898. 11.112.

    8:.18. 2 2 71. 141.6.

    12101. 23150. 12256.

    4324. 1960. 1359. 4173.

    22258. 11332.

    66 53. 1872. 1188. 3320.

    35407. 9083. 7011. 120~.

    802. 604.

    2 3601. 7361.

    6579. 1998. 1138. 981.9.


    4662. 1699.

    865. 17261. 20245.

    3803. 1995. 1205.

    11.617. 25911.

    H86. 22 71. 135 2.

    2091.0. 23981..

    024. 1960. 1316.

    11325. 26163.

    5797. 1872.

    9 3 3. 18711.. 302 )4.

    5 737. 1205.

    7 0 7 • 809.


    6784. 2228. 1110.

    18752. 36827.

    3236. 1403.

    865. 24455. 21943.

    47:il. 1857. 11 52.

    22750. 30054.

    4 36 0. 2 2 1 1 • 1505.

    19947. 24592.

    4 3 2". 1837. 1316.

    16690. 2l.614.

    5238. 154 0.


    4885. 1953. 1042.

    2 000 3. 26997.

    2770. 1351.

    865. 19652. 17188.

    3192. 18 3 5. 1019.

    23524. 2340t..

    3269. 2 20 3. l891.

    18628. 2 5061.

    3274. 1815. 1316.

    268:2. 21799.

    3522. 1490.

    9.33. 30261. 3:0055. 26872. 24729.

    '·347. 1047.

    679. 1790.


    2658. 1020.

    606. 20029. 177 H.

    4021. 1703. 1042.

    2:"116. 20048.

    2388. 1288.

    865. 23860. 22061..

    2716. 1537. 1019.

    13128. 20681.

    2981. 2268. 1891.

    17325. 21399.

    245@. 1815. 1316.

    28876. 21799.

    26 07. 1490.

    933. 23383. 21455.

    237t.. 954. 606.

    74483. 143('0.

    3443. 1611. 1071.

    Vl 16. 162 s 1.


    1262. 831.

    )7822. 40756.

    2599. 1559.

    790. 13610. 19984.

    2749. :294. 1996.

    28H8. 20310.

    21.58. 1'31~.

    1486. 5~010.


    2607. 1490.

    69 3. 233ll3. 22691.

    2100. 92 6. 67:..

    51153. 1~247.

    2 8 31 • 1331. 119S.

    23381. 11239.

    1563. 1276.

    831. 21239. 39763.

    2444. 11.74.

    790. 14093. 19226.

    2439. 1988. !996.

    35357. 15053. :634. 141!6.

    47891. 22209.

    2607. 146 5.

    693. 23383. 19122.

    1736. 93 4. 671..

    4 2 687. 12880.

    3 2 21. l 3 3 3. 1299.

    21304. '73 7.

    1405. 127R. 1187.

    23769. 25835.

    2322. 1378. 1035.

    15491. 16P2j.

    2508. 1604. 2 2 01.

    29708. 11262.

    2 321. 1392. 1486.

    33902. 22008.

    2410. liol4.

    693. 23383. 11.318.

    16 9C. 91.2. 730.

    30872. 10489.

    3B68. 1201. 1575.

    2024!.1. 77 3 7.

    985. 1226. 1246.

    ?4645. 1'349.

    1995. 1351. 1077.

    22156. 26586.

    26 34. 15 7 8. 2235.

    21299. 12778.

    1960. 1 H2. 1486.



    1872. 1414.

    693. 28908. 12804.

    1576. 922. 71.0.

    2t.270. 851.8.

    1/ Weekly flows start from week 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 52 (Sept. 23-30). the flow for week 52 1~ the total flo~ between Sept. 23 and 30 d1vid~d by e.

  • I TABLE 5 (Continued)

    I CO~Pl'TED WEEKLY Ftows!1


    I 196~ 7044. 7883. 51 s 9. 410~. 2914. 2687. 26H. 296~. 1906. 12 71. 113 3. 1030. 1030. 94). 928. 92 8. 92 8. 880. 820. 821). 820. 81-t. 870. 870. 870. 870. 1115. 1 1 1 s . 1~06. 145t..

    I 1899. 5130. 892 5. 1608~. .31961. 2 05 14. 21916. 209L2. 3082{). 28458.

    28698. 2b i30. 23181. 20872. 1~5e6. 28711. 19247. 10~93. 15833. 19452. 17801. 20591.

    1966 13634. 7579. 3550. 2937. BOO. 1042 . 1801.. 1721. 1656. 1554.

    I 1503. 1442. 1388. 1298. 1281. 1281. 1281. 1238. 1180. 118G. 1180. 1181.. 1187. 1187. 1187. 1187. 131 7. 1317. 1731. 1800. 2 714. 3540. 6557. 12569. 19703. 44111. 31569. 26668. 22505. 17390.

    I 16564. 17337. 19615. 26089. 21345. 17552. 21266. 17016. 11802. 11462. 11331. 8267. ~967 64 8 7. 4350. 3288. 2227. 1568. 1446. 1446. 1446. lt.22. 1361.

    I 1361. 1 3 6 1 • 1361. 1362. 136). 1363. 1363. 1325. 1275. 1 2 7 5. 1275. 1188. '078. 107S. 1078. 1078. 963. 963. 989. 113 a. 1624. 46~9. 16.59. 22624. 27061. 2~918. 326~8. 27209. 26620. 20076.

    19995. 27805. 32408. 25176. 23t.05. 51282. 28599. 19229. 270H. 1!.95c;.

    I 11597. 8 a 1 3. 1968 6430. 5353. 4187. 3191. 2670. 2265. 2lt.5. 2064. :o26. 1()69. 1969. 1888. 1875. 1868. H69. 181)9. 1842. 1 7 7 6. 1 77 9. 1 7 7 9 .

    I 1779. 1779. 1779. 1779. 1779. 177 9. 1750. 1684. 1764. 1883 . 2087. 2748. 12217. 31597. 25614. 24621. 34274. 34753. 25300. 27823. 25325. 21.447. 23623. 20824. 18816. 15653. 14145. 12539. 10453. 1 Olt 71.

    I 6687. 5120.

    1969 4751. '102. 31!10. 2805. 2386. 18t.4. 140t.. 1229. 101 7. 896. CS~9. 80 l. 761. 731. 711. 663. 66 3. 663. 660. 6:3. 707. 707. 735. 75S. 796. 822. 878. 1036. 1348. 1912.

    I 3208. 5727. 10892. 15104. 11446. 12.312. 15692. 17191. 15610. 13725. 17372. 17848. 14921. 12703. 13327. 6903. 5598. 5234. 5924. 5179. 4441. 372 9.

    I 1970 3613. 3401. 2979. 2011. 1615. 1349. 1065. 94). 8 8 3. Bt.O. 79 9. 793. 793. 78C. 7 81. 7 4 8. 73 5. 735. 739. 693. 693. 693. 698. 711. 74'). 745. 811. 69 3. 1021. 12!.0.

    I 183 3. 4383. 15525. 14018. 17146. 45505. 11.957. 1411,2. 23845. 2)076.

    19362. 20745. 19835. 24759. 21655. 167.32. 18910. 13021. 10991.. 8748. 8910. 4967.

    1971 6293. 5253. t.279. 3638. 3621. 34 4 9. 313 8. 2775. 2lo86. 2 J 21 •

    I 2166. 1986. 1779. 1 59 7. 1429. 1298. 1140. 1 OS9. 999. 90 8. 908. 889. 865. 86 5. 8~5. 865. 870. 903. 980. 1096. 1312. 1700. 2506. 4424. 7861. 21610. 44612. 27094 • .3742tt. 23189.

    I ~3596. 27197. 17694. 23161. 4)006. 38447. 23577. 18657. 2145'i. 13693. 10354. 8985.

    1 1/-~::~~;-f1ows start from week. 1 {Oe t 1-1) to week 52 (Sept. 23-30). the flow for week 52 is the total flow between Sept. 23 and 30 divided b y 8.



    I ---

  • • TABLE 5 (Cor.c1nued,

    C0'1Pt!TEO ~EEKL Y Ft.ows!1 FOR Sl'SITSA R I \'E R AT DE\'lL CA!"YO ~;

    1 97 2 7351.., 6590. 5002. 4124. 338b. 3056. :1896. 2735. 2602. 2389. 2389. 2205. 2205. 2182. 2001. 2001. 20fl1. 2000. 1 R8 5. 1807. 1807. 1730. ~718. 1639. 1639. 1613. 1483. 1Lo83. 1422. 14PJ. 2 Q.' 6. }7()70. 16823. 23452. 39387. 23332. 41437. 3628~. 2'-532. 24274.

    24261. 21623. 17632. 19568. 209SJ. 19219. 19865. 13:'!90. 12589. 17212. 12685. S72 8.

    1973 46 3J.. 428b. 5945. 4409. 2970. 2408. 20 56. 1894. 1654. 151 L. 1349. 1321. 132 L 116 2. 113 4. 1134. 11)4. 1142. 1142. 114·2. 114 2. 1050. 945. 945. :)4.5. 94.5. 949. 949. 949. 1003. 13 2 9. 2S52. 87 37. 12CJ.5. 14974. 19248. 32089. 34700. 22798. 20385.

    1 945 8 14744. 15905. 170)0. 2027 5. 161.55. 21018. 22260. 12074. 8425. 7115. 5779.

    1974 52 iS. 4249. 2930. 2220. 18 35. 1574. 1450. 1328. 1218. 1099. 989. 941. 913. 876. 8 7 0. 8 3 5. 822. 798. 76 5. 751. 71 7. 718. 714. 700. 666. ~66. 639. 665. 802. 1279.

    2 38 7. 6225. 11611. 25921. 29383. 18109. 15463. 144H. 15436. 16001. 198~7. HHl. 17539. 16605. 17493. 14~66. 11841.. 16072. 1.5.586. 87)[1. 8830. 1Hll8.

    l 97 5 .5IC.8. .5t 26. 2732 • 18 2 2. 1618. 16 22 • 1622. 1622. l(.~i . 14H. 14 79. 1479. 1479. 1473. 1394. 1394. 1394. 139 3. !365. 136 5. 1 313. 1274. 1272. 1272. 1272. 1272. 1248. 126;). 137.5. 1630. 2 55 9. 6184. 13592. 20770. 27708. 34462. 25886. 32527. 290H. 26155.

    28436. 26957. 24660. 2278Q. 18242. 17426. 15380. 13252. 10858. 18386. 17223. U515.

    1 9 7 fl 9346. 8243. 7 593. 4 4 7 8. 3159. 2241. 1707. 135G. 11!17. 1063. 1023. 983. 930. 920. 921. 888. 8 7 5. 876. 88 0. 880. 880. 856. 822. 822. 822. 822. 7.56. 792. 983. 1643.

    4311. 123:"!.. 11892. 12436. 14396. 26245. 28214. 19909. 19234. 18276. 18235. 17385. 1'831. 21250. 27600. 20486. 1.5736. 11079. 7164. .5867.

    ..5902. 628.5 • 1 97 7 4442. 3626. 34C,8. 3068. 2652. 2438. 2285. 2156. 2600. 2429.

    2200. 2020. 1867. 177 2. 1720. 16 2 9. 1.590. 1.50. 1487. 1461. 114 61. 1415. 13 55. 13.5.5. 1 3 5 .5. 1 3 55. lit 38. I 4 3 8. 1 .516. 1 59 2. 1712. 2974. 10764. 16.51.5. 25448. 33191. 43962. 3602~. 32148. 2000.

    22716. 2400'>. 19973. 21372. 206?:;. 1893.5. 19143. 12101. 9714. 13751. 131~0. 11099.

    1978 81 1 2. 8229. 7232. 5395. 4 0 7 J. 3474. )1)1. 29 04. 26Q~. 2 52 3. 2td2. 2, 34 0. 2163. 2060. 1942. 1843. 1770. 1663. 1 s 4 8. 150 J. 1503. 14 60. 147 8. 1478. 1478. 1498. 14 41. 14 41. 1" 41. 1522. 3504. }2j44. 16853. 11404. 121.50. 14917. 20720. 17729. 22092. 21324.

    10810. 20028 . 19646. 18933. 17917. 166.59. 13901. 10010. 10516. 948 0. 7126. .5317.

    ---------- I 1/ Weekly flows starr from week 1 (Oct 1-7) to week 52 (Sept. 23-30). the f}GW for week 52 is the total flew between Sept. 23 and 30 divided by f!l •


  • I TABLE s (Continued)

    I FLOi.'S_!/ Cr:-IPL'TED WEEKLY FOR srsiT~;A R I\' ER AT DE\' I L ca. ~;yo~

    I 1Q79 5005. 56 0 7. 4528. 3398. 3 2 6 7 • 2830. 2 121. 18 6 2. 1 7 9 ~. 1 7 t. 13 . 1 S Sd • 1.:.. 33. 1 3 8 l . l 3 59. 1306. 1306. 1306. 12.13. 1 2 1 R . 12 18.

    I 1 2 l 8 . 1126. 11 6 9. 1 16 g . 11 6 9. 1 1 6 9 . 11 31. 11 Bl. . 13(15, 16!..0. 2638. 4998. 116£2. 18601.. 30663. 26b83. 22397. 20220. 2501R. 2')C1R.;!,

    2i.8ll. 30205. 30868. 24867. 23326. 1883.1', 16043. 14232. 8834. 8 6 r)6. 12663. 10027.

    I 1980 H86. 9 50 l. &673. 4930. 4588. 4 14 a. 4 6 21. 3309. 3 l ~ 1 . 2576. 2321. 2 1 1 9. 1 9 1 8. 180) . 1 7 2 2 • 16 2 8. 1 54 7. 1507. 141.0, 13 7 2. 1319. 1~>20. 1 3 2 1 . 1 3 2 1 . 1) 21 . 1 3 2 1 . 1260. 1260. 1321.. 1800.

    I 3875. 9212. 13196. uaor. 18768. 28973. 22831. 29565. 25792. 29501. 29933. 31585. 28372. 3lt.t.O. 21402. 20230. 18346. 13413. 9786. 10465. 17592. 11492.

    I 1981 9434. 8.!.09. 6994. 5765. J..3a9. 39 2 9. 2932. 2 9 8 5. 299e. 2 2 16.

    1710. 1608. 1 5 t. 6. 1 52 t. • 177 5. 2066. 2 2 3 2 • 2262. :?2t.O. 1 8 6 ~. 1484. 1391 . 1 3 9 1 . l t. B:.. • 1 5 l 0. 1 s .2 9. 14.'.9. 1 510. 1608. ~083. 5196. 19239. 19321. 12733. 2088t.. 18091. 16425. 17674. 206t.t.. 16157.

    I 31!138. 37283. 33258. J6067. )4 7 0!. • 4t.B52. 355'"1. 23832. HB93. 1 3f.:: (" . 1136 6. 9 2 5 1 .

    l 9 82 65b9. f.. 1 9 (') . 6JE>l. 7376. t.l t.l. 3513. 3t.36. 2889. 25 ).: • :! ] 2 8.

    I 219 3. 2 l 1 5 . 2 1 1 5 . 20~4. 2 0 p J • 2 08 ".l. 2 08 3. 2106. 2 l 1 l. l 5!, :: • I l 1 9. 982. 1001. 1 0 0 1 • 1060. 136 3. l 2 R 6. 1 2 8 6. 1420. 1886.

    3 03 '. 7207. 1330:.5. 17920. 2054). 2 t. 6 5 r, . 20609. 27209. ;:6~C2. lf\710.

    I 23136. 23521. 26386. 22JCJ. 1538&. 13~8~. ll68l.. 13[1 )5. 1:: 5!.. 8. 15713.

    247l2. 13f.:'O. 1 9 a J 91.91. 7464. 6077. )51,2. 2760. ~)9('. :: 4 ')ll • ::::! q]. 2 23 5. 2 1 4 2 •

    2 142. 2142. 2 2 j' 4. 2 56 9. 2 2 2 5. 19 i' 4. 1 8 5 t. • l 8 1 3 . 1 7 6 9. 1902. I 1942. 1821. 1 7l 0. 16 02. l'i48. 14 27. l 3/.l. 1 36 6. 1 59 6. 2 1 58.

    4096. 9q47. 17176. 15253. 21996. 26t.45. 189t.2. 2310?. 22£194. 2 t. 2 3 2. 20875. 17t.2). 18!:101. 1'~944, 2~388. 23520. 2077R. d28t.. 1769!. 10946.

    I 91)44. 11085.



    1_!_1 '.;eekly flows start from week 1 ( 0 c t l- 7) to week c:., (S~pr. 23-30). the J-flow for week 52 1 s the total flow between Sept . 2] and 30 divided by 6.






  • I ':'ABLE 6

    I FLOW lJu(~AriON DATI\ 1\T WATM't\ i'A~l::) ITr FOR NA':'URAL CotlDI':'ICmS

    I ~\FT~·= l \·:rrl'= , Hrrr= 1

    I -{ 1 OCT- i OCT} ( 8 OC':'-14 0C7} 115 OC':'-21 C"C':') PERCEr!'!' DISCIIARGF. PERCF.n'T NSCIIARC:E r c f{~_· E~l':' 0 £SCIII\i1Gf

    I ( % ) (CFS) (%) (CFS) n> (CfS) 0.0 10959 0.0 8477 tl.O 6332

    I 3. 0 10239 3.0 8003 9. 1 6017 6.1 13939 9.1 7132 12.1 5717 1 5. 2 8352 15. 2 6733 21. :! 5433

    I 18.2 7803 24.2 fi356 2·L 2 Sl62 J 3. 3 7 291 33.] 6001 36.4 4661 36.4 6?12 42.4 5665 39.4 4429 4 3. 5 6365 4 5. 5 5348 42.4 3999

    I 51.5 '5947 54.5 476fi 4 5. 5 3HOI1 fl0.6 5556 63.6 -l-199 f 3. 6 3fi 11 n6.7 S1Q1 69.7 4:;.:17 6 9. 7 34 31

    I 69.7 4850 78.8 4010 75.8 326C 81.8 453~ fil.S 3785 7 0. 8 :?9 4 3 R 7. ~ 423-1 93.9 3lt15 E7.9 ~797

    I 9 3 . q 3956 97.0 3006 9 0. 9 2658 9 7. (I 32:::"' 100.0 =~38 9 3. ~ 2525

    10 0. 0 3015 10Cl.O 2~CO

    I WF.FI

  • ':'r\BLE 6 ( Col"!t 1nued:

    fLOW NJRATIOt~ DA':'A AT WATANA DAM.SI':'F FC'lR NATl"RAL cr.~:n r-:- I or:s

    ·.·: F: f: ,. = 7 \·, rn: = 8 \·:rEI'·"" 9 ( 12 t'~CW-1 ti ~!1)\:) ( 19 ~:ov- 2 5 ~·ov1 (:'!t> ~=('·!- ..., rr.c> -


  • tl TABLE 6 (Continued)


    I I

    WEEK=l3 W~EF!=l4 t·H::E:Y-=15 (24 DEC-30 DEC) (31 DEC- 6 JAN) 7 JAN-13 JAfJ)


    I ( ') (CFS) ( ') {CFS) (%) (CFS) o.o 1967 0.0 2203 0.0 1908

    I 3.0 1861 3.0 1939 3.0 1801 15.2 1761 6.1 1819 6.1 1701 24.2 1666 15. 2 1707 27. 3 1605

    I 30.3 1576 2 '· 3

    1601 3 6. 4 1431 39.4 1491 33.3 1502 42.4 1351 Sl.S 1411 39.4 1409 48.5 1204 54.5 1335 51.5 1322 57.6 1137 .I 57.6 1263 154.5 1241 6€.7 1073 60.6 1195 57.6 1164 72.7 903 69.7 1130 66.7 1092 7e.8 853

    I 75.8 1069 72.7 961 90.9 805 81.8 957 75.8 902 9 3. 9 677 94.8 905 84.8 846 100.0 639

    I 87.9 857 90.9 794 90.9 810 93.9 699 93.9 725 100.0 655

    I 100.0 686

    WEEK=l6 'WEEK=l7 WF:E.K::o:lR (14 JAN-20 JAN) (21 JAN-27 JAN) (28 JAN- 3 F'EB)


    I o.o 1963 o.o 2120 0.0 2144 3.0 1844 3.0 1855 3.0 1752 6.1 1737. 6.1 1736 9.1 1638

    I 18.2 1627 15.2 1624 18.2 1532 24.2 152R 21.2 1519 21.2 1432 27.3 1435 24.2 1421 27.3 1339 .. I 36.4 1348 33.3 1330 36.4 1252 4 8. 5 1266 48.5 1244 4 s. 5 1170 51.5 1190 51.5 1164. 48.5 1094

    I 54.5 1117 60.6 1089 66.7 1023 69.7 1050 69.7 953 69.7 894 72.7 870 72.7 891 i2. 7 836 81.8 817 75.8 834 81.8 782

    I 90.9 767 87.9 780 90.9 731 93.9 636 93.9 639 ')3.9 639 100.0 597 100.0 597 100.0 597



  • TABLE 6 (Continued)


    \'iEE~=l9 WEEJ~=20 h'Cf.J:o::21 ( 4 FEB-10 FEB) (11 f'EB-17 f'EB) ue FEB-24 FEB)


    o.o 1913 o.o 1652 o.o 1687 3.0 1689 6. 1 1564 3.0 1596 6.1 1587 9.1 1482 6.1 1510

    15.2 1401 12 .• 1. 1329 9.1 1278 18.2 1317 1 s. 2 1.259 21.2 121.0 24. 2 12.37 36.4 1192 33. 3 1144 39.4 1163 39.4 1129 3 6. 4 1083 4S.S 1093 42.4 .1n7o 48.5 1024 57.6 1027 54.5 lOll 54.5 969 6 3. 6 852 63.6 A61 57.6 917 72.7 800 .66. 7 815 63.6 821 78.8 75.2 72.7 772 69.7 776 87.9 707 p•.s 731 84.R 695 90.9 664 87.9 693 90.9 657 93.9 624 90.9 621 93.9 622

    100.0 586 100.0 588 lOC.O 588

    WEEK=22 WEEK=23 WEEl.=24 (25 FEB- 3 MAJ{) ( 4 MAR-1.0 MAR) (11 MAR-17 MAR)


    o.o 1585 0.0 1562 o.o 1562 6.1 14~8 6.1 1485 3.0 1483 9.1 1221 9.1 1279 6.1 1409

    24.2 1159 12.1 1216 9.1 1339 27.3 1100 21.2 1157 12.1 1271 36.4 1044 27.3 1101 1 F.. 2 1207 39.4 991 30.3 1047 24.2 114 7 54.5 941 39.4 996 30. 3 1089 57.6 805 42.4 948 33.3 1035 69.7 764 45.5 901 42.4 933 78.8 725 57.6 857 4 5. 5 887 84.8 68R 60.6 816 57.6 842 87.9 6~ 3 6 3. 6 738 63.6 760 93.9 6:.!0 69.7 702 66.7 7:!2

    100.0 588 81.8 66 fl 7 s. 8 685 87.9 63 5 fi4.R 6 51

    I 100.0 60 4 9C'. 9 HP. ll"r. n 587


  • I TAB·LE 6 (Continued)


    I I

    WEEK=2S WEEK=26 WF:E Y- =27 (18 MAR-24 MAR) ( 25 MAR-31 MA R) ( 1 APR- 7 APR)


    I (%) (CFS) (%) (CFS) (%) (CFS) 0.0 1562 o.o 1562 0.0 1619

    I 6.1 1392 6. 1 1392 6.1 1338

    12.1 1314 9.1 1314 9.1 1256 lB. 2 1241 18. 2 1241 21.2 1179

    I 2 4. 2 1171 .24.. 2 1171 27.3 1107 30.3 1044 33. 3 1044 36.4 1039 3 3. 3 986 36.4 986 3 9. 4 975 39. 4 931 42.4 931 45.5 915

    I 51.5 878 54.5 878 48.5 859 60.6 829 60.6 829 54.5 806 63.6 739 6 3. 6 739 66.7 757

    I 72.7 698 72.7 698 69.7 710 84.8 659 84.8 659 7 5. 8 667 90.9 622 90 . 9 622 84.8 626

    I 97.0 554 97 .o 554 90.9 551

    100.0 52.3 100.0 523 9.3. 9 517 100.0 486


    I o.o 1619 o.o 1785 o.o 1909 3.0 1519 3. 0 1601 9.1 1802 6.1 1338 6.1 1436 12. 1 1702

    12. 1 1256 15. 2 1361 1R. :' 1607

    I 21.2 1179 21.2 1289 ::? 4.2 1517 30.3 1107 27. 3 1221 27. 3 1432 4 2. 4 975 39.4 1156 42.4 1352

    I 4 8. 5 915 4 5. 5 1095 SL S 1277 51.5 859 51.5 982 57.6 1205 60. 6 806 57.6 930 l;3.6 1014

    I· 66.7 757 60.6 881 6 6. 7 958 69.7 710 72.7 835 78.8 904 81.8 667 81.8 791 81.8 854 8 7. 9 626 87.9 749 87.9 806

    I 93.9 517 90.9 709 90.9 il8 100. 0 486 93.9 672 93.9 678 100.0 "36 100 .0 640

    I I

  • TABLE 6 (Continued}


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