Page 1: « La Polarisation au secours de la Fusion » IPN Orsay, 7 novembre 2011 DT polarization and Fusion Process Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement Persistence

« La Polarisation au secours de la Fusion »IPN Orsay, 7 novembre 2011

DT polarization and Fusion Process

Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement

Persistence of the Polarization - Polarized D and 3He in a Tokamak - DD Fusion induced by Laser on polarized HD

The “Few-Body” Problems

Static Polarization of HD Dynamic Polarization of HD and DT

POLAF Project at ILE (Osaka)


J.- P. Didelez

Page 2: « La Polarisation au secours de la Fusion » IPN Orsay, 7 novembre 2011 DT polarization and Fusion Process Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement Persistence

DT polarization and Fusion Process

(Kulsrud, 1982)(More, 1983)D + T → 4He (3.5 Mev) + n (14.1 MeV) + 17.6 MeV

S = ½S = 1

S = 3/2S = ½

95% – 99%D + T → He5 (3/2+) → He4 + n

1% – 4%

S = 3/23/2




S = 1/21/2


4 states

2 states

2/3 of the interactions contribute to the reaction rate

If D and T are polarized then - all interactions contribute

- n and α have preferential directions Sin2(θ)- n from DD fusion are suppressed QSF (Jülich – Gatchina)

50 % Increasein released energy

The question is to know if the polarization will persist in a fusion process ?Depolarization mechanisms are small:

1) Inhomogeneous static magnetic fields, 2) Binary collisions,3) Magnetic fluctuations , 4) Atomic effects

(3.37 1011 J/g)

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Page 4: « La Polarisation au secours de la Fusion » IPN Orsay, 7 novembre 2011 DT polarization and Fusion Process Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement Persistence

Plasma Density n = 1014 (cm-3) ; Confinement Time τ = 10 (sec) Lawson Criterion (n τ > 1015 (sec/cm3)

Fusion by Magnetic Confinement – (ITER)


Plasma Volume = 873 m3

τ = 300 (sec)

Power = 500 MW

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Fusion by Inertial Confinement – (MEGAJOULE)

Plasma Density n = 1026 (cm-3) ; Confinement Time τ = 10-10 (sec) Lawson Criterion (n τ > 1015 (sec/cm3)


Target 3mm radiusCarbone &

4 mg cryogenic DT

2000 times compressed300 g/cm3

5 keV

825 MJ within 100 ps

J. MEYER-TER-VEHN, Nucl. Phys. News, Vol 2 N° 3 (1992) 15

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Inertial Fusion induced by Laser, Gain = Efus / Ein


G = 0.05

For polarized DT DTCS = DTCS × 1.5

G = 4

Mauro TEMPORALUniversidad Politécnicade Madrid, Spain

Code: MULTI – 1D

DTCS × 2G = 76

× 4

α 3.5 Mev

Ein = 185 kJ

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Fusion by Magnetic Confinement – (ITER)

Persistence of the Polarization

- Injection of Polarized D and 3He in a Tokamak (A. Honig and A. Sandorfi)

D + 3He → 4He + p + 18.35 MeV

(DIII-D Tokamak of San Diego, USA)

Expected: 15% increase in the fusion rate

- Powerful Laser on a polarized HD target → P and D Plasma

P + D → 3He + γ + 5.5 MeV

Expected: Angular distribution of the γ ray Change in the cross section

D + D → 3He + n + 3.267 MeV

Expected: Change in the total cross section Sin2θ angular distribution of the neutrons

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Powerful Laser (Terawatt)creates a local plasmaof p and d ions (5 KeV)

5.5 MeV γ ray fromp + d → 3He + γ

2.45 MeV n fromd + d → 3He + n

Tentative Set-Up

Polarized HD Target25 cm3

H (p) polarization > 60%D (d) vect. polar. > 14%

200 mJ, 160 fs 4.5 µm FWHM

970 nm, ~ 1018 W/cm2

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The “Few-Body” Problem


1/2 1

p d



dσ4/dωγ ~ (1+ cos2 θ) * (S = 3/2)

σ0 (10 keV) = 18 µbarn **1 - 10 radiative captures/laser shot ?

For polarized plasma, angular dependence relative to the polarization axis, but forward peaked, small cross section and almost impossible to detect the γ (EM background).

dσ5/dωn ~ sin2 θ *** (S = 2)

σ n5 / σ0 < 0.5 ; σ0 (1.5 MeV) = 100 mbarn ***

For polarized plasma, angular dependence perpendicular to the polarization axis, large cross section and “easy” detection of the very slow neutrons. Possibility to rotate the polarization of the RCNP HD target without any other change. High “D” polarization possible by AFP.

* M. Viviani ** G. J. Schmid PR C52, R1732 (1995) *** A. Deltuva , FB Bonn (2009), E. Kuraev, BFKL Dubna

HD Plasma5 keV


d d


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Page 13: « La Polarisation au secours de la Fusion » IPN Orsay, 7 novembre 2011 DT polarization and Fusion Process Magnetic Confinement Inertial Confinement Persistence

POLAF proposal (RCNP, ILE and IPN) with themulti-detector “MANDALA” at ILE - Osaka .

An energy resolution of 28 keV for 2.45-MeV DD neutrons is achieved with MANDALA.

13.42 m

Target Chamber

MANDALADD neutron energy [MeV]



t ΔE






D ~ 2.2 m

neutron detector

t10 cm PMT

10 fcm

BC-408 scintillat

or×422 ch

An energy resolution of 28 keV for 2.45-MeV DD neutrons is achieved with MANDALA.

13.42 m

Target Chamber

MANDALADD neutron energy [MeV]



t ΔE






D ~ 2.2 m

neutron detector

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Static Polarization of HD

B/T > 1500

Dilution Refrigerator 10 mK and 17 T (B/T = 1700)

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Mixing Chamber

Nb3Sn joints&Protection Circuit

NbTi joints&Switch

Main CoilCorrection Coil

Null Coil

Rough dimensions of the magnet






1K Pot














- 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 100





z (mm)

B (T)R(mm)














400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200










z (mm)

B (T)R(mm)

Static Polarization of HD : DR 10 mK, 17 T solenoid

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Lattice of the HD crystal

Polarized HD Molecule

H Hortho-H2

6.4 days

H H para-H2decay

(Honig, 1967)

Polarization of protons in HD targets

L = 1L = 0

L = 0

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Polarization of HD targets


Lattice of the HD crystal

Polarized HD Molecule

H H para-H2

(Honig, 1967)

18.2 days


D D D D ortho-D2

High relaxation time at ~1K temperature

Polarization of deuterons in HD targets

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Adding free electrons. For B=2.5 T and T = 1 K, e- polarization = 92%

Proton relaxation time >> electron




Initial concentration Needed

o-H2: < 0.02 %p-D2: < 0.1%


e- Proton or Triton

Dynamic Polarization of HD or DT

Solem et al. in 1974 reach 4% H polarizationwith HD containing 4 - 5 % H2 D2

Transitions made possiblethrough microwave excitation: ~70GHz



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Mass Spectrometer

Sampler Tanks


Extraction Valves

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Fusion is a MUST for future power plants.We have in Europe (and in France): ITER to study the magnetic confinementand MEGAJOULE for the inertial confinement.

The full polarization of DT fuel increases the reactivity by 50% and control the reaction products direction of emission. Dynamic effects huge gain.The cost of a polarization station (5 106 €) is negligible compared to the cost of a reactor (5 109 € for ITER).

A question remains: D and T relaxation time during fusion process ?

We propose “simple” experiments to answer this fundamental question, at least for the inertial confinement.Feasibility of the experiment confirmed for D + D → 3He + n Ongoing POLAF Project at ILE (OSAKA)

DNP of HD and DT must be revisited seriously somewhere!!!

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POLARIZATION: A MUST FOR FUSION J.-P. Didelez1 and C. Deutsch2

1IPN, CNRS/IN2P3 & Université Paris-Sud (UMR-CNRS 8608) Bât. 100, F-91406 ORSAY, France 2LPGP Université Paris-Sud (UMR-CNRS 8578) Bât. 210, F-91405 ORSAY, France

J.-P. Didelez and C. Deutsch, « Persistence of the Polarization in a Fusion Process », LPB 29 (2011) 169

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HD Target: NMR Measurements0.85 T – 1.8 K

Back conversion at room temp.for 5 hours is 30%

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HD Target: Production

Step I: HD purity monitoring – Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

HD quality on the market ?

Step II: HD production – Distillation apparatus in Orsay

Over 3 month of ageing necessary

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Distillation apparatus in Orsay

3 extraction point3 temperature probe

To mass spectrometer

Stainless Steel column filled with Stedman Packing:

Heater 1

Heater 2

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- Demontrate the persistence with an ultrashort laser and a polarized HD target (HIIF2010, GSI Darmstadt, August 2010)

- Develop the Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of HD (SPIN2010, KFA Jülich, September 2010)

- DNP of DT molecules (HIIF2012, ? )

- Fusion of polarized DT at Mégajoule (20??)

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