Page 1: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )

( (lambda (z) (define x (lambda (x) (lambda (y z) (y x)))) ( ( (x (lambda () z)) (lambda (z) z) 3 ) ) ) 2)

Page 2: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )

Expression Env Comment

1 ((lambda1(z) op1 op2) 2) GE (op1 op2)

2 (op1 op2) E1

3 Op1(define x (lambda2 (x) (lambda3(y z) (y x))))


4 Op2(((x (lambda5 () z)) (lambda4(z) z) 3))((op3 (lambda4 (z) z) 3))


5 op3(x (lambda5 () z))

E1 l3

6 ((l3 l4 3)) E1

7 (y x) E3 (l4 l5)

8 Z E4 l5

9 (l5) E1

10 Z E5 2

Page 3: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )

L1:p: zb: (define x ...)


E1z: 2x:L2

L2:p: xb: (lambda (y z) (y x)))

L5:p: -b: z


L3:p: y,zb: (y x)

L4:p: zb: z

E3y: L4z: 3

E4z: L5



Page 4: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


VectorsConstructors:(vector v1 v2 v3 . . .)(make-vector size init)

Selector:(vector-ref vec place)

Mutator:(vector-set! vec place value)

Other functions:(vector-length vec)

Page 5: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Example - accumulating

(define (accumulate-vec op base vec)

(define (helper from to)

(if (> from to) base

(op (vector-ref vec from)

(helper (+ from 1) to))))

(helper 0 (- (vector-length vec) 1)))

Page 6: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Bucket Sort• Problem: Sorting numbers that distribute “uniformly” across a

given interval (for example, [0,1) ).• Observation: The number of elements that fall within a sub-

interval is proportional to the sub-interval’s size• Idea:

– Divide into sub-intervals (buckets)– Throw each number into appropriate bucket– Sort within each bucket (any sorting method)– Adjoin all sorted buckets

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If we want ~3 numbers in each bucket, we need 3-4 buckets. Using 3 buckets we have:

Bucket 0.000 - 0.333: 0.31 0.10 0.05 0.23Bucket 0.333 – 0.667: 0.44 0.56Bucket 0.667 – 1 : 0.72 0.89 0.97 0.68

Sorting:0.31 0.44 0.72 0.89 0.10 0.05 0.97 0.23 0.56 0.68

0.31 0.10 0.05 0.23

0.44 0.56

0.72 0.89 0.97 0.68

Page 8: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


ExampleSorting:0.31 0.44 0.72 0.89 0.10 0.05 0.97 0.23 0.56 0.68

0.05 0.10 0.23 0.31

0.44 0.56

0.68 0.72 0.89 0.97

Now sort!Bucket 0.000 - 0.333: 0.05 0.10 0.23 0.31 Bucket 0.333 – 0.667: 0.44 0.56Bucket 0.667 – 1 : 0.68 0.72 0.89 0.97

Page 9: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


ExampleSorting:0.31 0.44 0.72 0.89 0.10 0.05 0.97 0.23 0.56 0.68

Adjoin sorted buckets:0.05 0.10 0.23 0.31 0.44 0.56 0.68 0.72 0.89 0.97

Page 10: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Analysis• Observation: If number of buckets is proportional to

the number of elements, then the number of elements in each bucket is more or less the same, and bounded by a constant.

• Dividing into buckets: O(n)• Sorting one bucket: O(1)• Sorting all buckets: O(n)• Adjoining sorted sequences: O(n)• All together : O(n)

Page 11: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )



• A bucket is a list• The set of buckets is a vector• The elements are sorted while inserted into the buckets

(very similar so insertion sort):

(define (insert x s) (cond ((null? s) (list x)) ((< x (car s)) (cons x s)) (else (cons (car s) (insert x (cdr s))))))

Page 12: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Implementation – for-each

• Scheme primitive• Similar to map, without returning a value• Useful for side-effects(define (for-each proc lst)

(if (null? lst) ‘done

(begin (proc (car lst))

(for-each proc

(cdr lst)))))

Page 13: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Implementation – cont.

(define (bucket-sort s) (let* ((size 5) (n (ceiling (/ (length s) size))) (buckets (make-vector n null)))

(define (insert! x) (let ((bucket (inexact->exact (floor (* n x))))) (vector-set! buckets bucket (insert x (vector-ref buckets bucket)))))

(for-each insert! s)

(accumulate-vec append null buckets)))

Page 14: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Polish Notation• PostFix Notation: operands before operators• Expressions with binary operators can be written without

Parentheses• Apply operators, from left to right, on the last two numbers

– 5 7 4 - 2 * +– 5 3 2 * +– 5 6 +– 11

• Stack implementation:– Init: Empty stack– Number: insert! Into stack– Operator: apply on 2 top stack elements and insert!

result into stack

Page 15: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Read & Eval

• (read) - returns an expression from the user• (eval exp) - evaluates an expression

• We will use these functions in:– (perform m) - receives a symbol of an operation,

applies it on the two top numbers in the stack, and returns the result to the stack

– (iter) - reads an input from the user. If it is a number it is pushed to the stack, if it is an operator we call perform

Page 16: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )



(define (perform m)

(let ((arg2 ((stk 'top))))

((stk 'delete!))

(let ((arg1 ((stk 'top))))

((stk 'delete!))

((stk 'insert!) ((eval m) arg1 arg2)))))

Page 17: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )



(define (iter) (let ((in (read))) (if (eq? in 'exit) 'ok (begin (cond ((number? in) ((stk 'insert!) in))

(else (perform in) (display "TOP= ") (display ((stk 'top))) (newline))) (iter)))))

Page 18: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )



(define (calc)

(let ((stk (make-stack)))

(define (perform m) ...)

(define (iter) ... ) (iter)))

Page 19: ( ( lambda (z)  ( define x     ( lambda (x)  ( lambda (y z) (y x) ) ) )


Simulation(calc)574-TOP= 32*TOP= 6+TOP= 11exitok

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