Page 1: “ Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way. ” 1 Pe. 2:4-17

“Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way.”

1 Pe. 2:4-17

Page 2: “ Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way. ” 1 Pe. 2:4-17


Page 3: “ Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way. ” 1 Pe. 2:4-17

4, As you come to him. • Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, in heaven. How do you

come/go to Jesus?

• Jn. 6:44-45, everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me. A reference to God’s word.

• 1 Pe.. 1:22 agrees: by your obedience to the truth. …2:3:, h having purified yours souls by obedience – baptism;; loveLove one another…; put away all…;; longLong for the pure spiritual milk. Obedience to the word – the mode of spiritual transportation. Illus.: Illus.: A late 90s early 2000s car commercial (Volkswagen?) pictured [moving/mobility/direction/velocity refers to longing and loving of 1:22-2:3 – the method of transportation] to him [the destination] – a stone: a parked car. There were several variants, all depicting that the car was so fast, it even looked like it was going fast when it wasn’t moving at all. One variant showed a police officer writing out a speeding ticket. Appl.: Thus is Tthe obedient man,: he may not appear to be moving, but with every act of obedience, he’s going to Christ, places ffast.

Page 4: “ Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way. ” 1 Pe. 2:4-17

5, you yourselves • like living stones, cf. 4 – a. A comparison between Christ and the Christian: rejected by men –

suffering, harm, persecution, 12, they speak against you; but chosen by God

• are being built up: [spiritual workout][often translated “edified”; being prepared, being readied, given the tools, supported]…

• to offer spiritual sacrifices. Ac. 17:27 gives the purpose of mankind in general, that they would seek God. Our text urposegives the purpose of that man who has found God – the Christian: to offer spiritual sacrifices to God. What are “spiritual sacrifices”? See below.

– 6, for, [proof: the reason Peter knows they are being built up is that] it stands in scripture… qIsa. 28:16 [the underlying assumption: whatever the scriptures say is true/will come to pass]: Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame. Conclusion: 7a, So the honor is for you who believe. [belief, loving, longing, and coming are ysed synonymously for obedience, cf. 7b-8]

– 7b-8, But [contrast between believer and unbeliever; a side tangent] for whose who do not believe… q Ps. 118:22; Isa. 8:14. : A contrast between the believer and unbeliever; a side tangent. “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence.” They stumble:

• 9aba, But you are…that you may py… [cCing, cf. parallels.

• a chosen race, Christ is a chosen stone

• a royal priesthood, v. 5, a holy priesthood

• a holy nation

• a people for His own possession, the most significant/important/moving fact. All of which emphasize value.

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9b, that [purpose on earth – because everyone in heaven will know the following] you may pProclaim the excellencies of Him who called you. Continuing the thought from v. 5, cf. parallels. Illus.: The historian’s purpose is to point out historical facts. Peter the Great; Alexander the Great; Cf., King Louis the Great (A.D. 1342-82): seized the crown of Poland; founded the university in Pécs; piously converted the pagans he conquered and put down heresy within the borders (even Louis the Great knew there was someone greater than he). How great! Cf. God, Who created the universe! But our praise isn’t limited to His creation, but also His character, cf.: 9c, of Him who called you The Christians purpose is to point out the facts of God, including: love, mercy, and grace, out of darkness/into His marvelous light; 10, not a people [Gentiles, unsaved, or both?]/now you are God’s people; you had not receivednot mercy/now you have received have mercy. True greatness – overpowering satan and loving enemies, worthy of proclaiming! C How? f. Ps. 40:1-2, He brought me out of the pit of destruction… 9-10, I have spoke of your faithfulness and your salvation.... Cf. 11-12.] who called you. How do they proclaim? Cf. v. 5, offering up spiritual sacrifices is the parallel thought. Key: vv. 11-12, they may see your good deeds and glorify God

• 11, Beloved, I urge you: [a command]

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as sojourners and exiles

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to abstain from the passions of the flesh which wage war against your soul. 12, [to] keep your conduct among the gentiles honorable. Vocal praise (Ps. 40) is one type of spiritual sacrifice. Another type of spiritual sacrifices: actions.

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so that when they speak against you as evil doers. Are the speakers evil doers? Yes. Are the Christians spoken of as having done evil? Probably. Early Christians were called atheists (Schaff, vol. 2, 43). Now its “hate crimes,” “intolerance,” etc.

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[are the Christians spoken of as doing evil? Early Christians were called atheists, cf. Schaff, vol. 2, 43]they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation – judgment. And sometimes the glorying will not wait until the day of judgment, e.g.: “It is incredible to see the ardor with which the people of that religion help each other in their wants. They spare nothing. Their first legislator has put it into their heads that they are all brethren” [Lucian (b. A.D. 125), rhetorician, Schaff, vol. 2. P. 375]. “‘Behold,’ they say, ‘how they [followers of Christ, lmt] love one another!’ … ‘And how ready they are to die for one another!’” [Tertullian (b. A.D. 155), ibid., p. 373]. Just like a playbook.

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This answers “How?”

Page 11: “ Little by little, day by day. Friends and flowers grow this way. ” 1 Pe. 2:4-17

They will see you now. Later they will glorify God: “You are God. Your ways are right.” “It is incredible to see the ardor with which the people of that religion help each other in their wants. They spare nothing. Their first legislator has put it into their heads that they are all brethren (cf. Jn. 13:34-35, lmt)” [Lucian (b. A.D. 125), rhetorician, Schaff, vol. 2. P. 375]. “‘Behold,’ they say, ‘how they love one another!’ Yea, verily this must strike them; for they hate each other. ‘And how ready they are to die for one another!’ Yea, truly; for they are rather ready to kill one another” [Tertullian (b. A.D. 155), ibid., p. 373].

• Observations:

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We are not our own masters

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People are watching us. We had better be on our best

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People will speak against usyou. We had better develop thick skin.

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We are not our own masters. We live to praise God.

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Application: 13a, Be subject to every human institution...for this is the will of God (15a). Many religions required human sacrifice. Islam requires a sacrificial pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime. Catholicism, voluntary poverty and celibacy bring you “more closely united with God.” Not in scripture. Instead, obedience to the government (Mt. 22:21; Rm. 13:1; Ti. 3:1). N.B.: there is no cost, you can do it anywhere, and it does not contradict your nature. This is an easy sacrifice.:

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The purpose/consequence of this command, is it to position ourselves to be built up, or to proclaim His excellencies, or both?• Observation: We are not our own masters

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• Exception: Ac. 5:29, we must obey God rather than men. If obeying the government requires that you disobey God, you must not obey the government. N.B.: Sin is the determining factor, not “common sense,” popularity, difficulty, hardship, etc. If obeying a law does not require you to disobey God, you must obey the law. If you do not, you’ve sinned. And you will answer to God for your actions. It’s this simple.

• Examples:

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Joseph: Ge. 40:15, even here, I have done nothing…; 39:6, so he left everything he owned in Joseph’s charge. Why? 39:3, his master saw that the Lord was with him. Cf. 41:38-39, since God has informed you….

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Daniel: Dn. 6:1-5, they could find no ground of accusation. … 22, I was found innocent…committed no crime … 25…27, fear and tremble before the God of Daniel. Just like a playbook. Most of us will never be such high profile.

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Jesus: Mt. 26:57, trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus – if they could have found a flaw, it would have proved He wasn’t the Christ. … Ac. 2:36-37.They will see

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