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qivana’smetaboliq® Lifestyle

Learn How to Correct Your Metabolism

for Life

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Table of Contents: Preface 2

Chapters1. The Magic of Muscle and the Power of Protein 5

2. The Foods You Need for a Metabolic Correction 14

2.1 Why You Need Protein at Each Meal 17

2.2 All Proteins Are Not Created Equal! 24

2.3 Carbohydrate Facts and Fiction 28

2.4 Understanding Your Unique Carbohydrate Needs 34

2.5 The Healthy Path to Carbs and Protein 40

2.6 The Healthy Path to Carbs and Fiber 43

3. The Fear of Fats: Debunking the Myths of Good Fats and Bad Fats 50

4. Get Moving! Physical Activity Is Essential to a Healthy Lifestyle 56

5. metaboliq for Athletes 64

6. metaboliq for Healthy Adults 78

7. Getting Started on Your metaboliq Lifestyle 84

8. metaboliq Rules for Every Day 94

8.1 Breakfast: It’s the Most Important Meal of the Day 97

8.2 When You Should Eat: The Timing of Meals 98

8.3 How Much You Should Eat: Learning Portion Control 100

8.4 Healthy Snacks and Drinks 104

8.5 Daily Physical Activity 108

8.6 Define Your Goals and Track Your Progress 110

9. Meals and Recipes for a metaboliq Lifestyle 114

10. Author Publications 144

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the metaboliq lifestyle is the world’s first weight management system clinically proven and scientifically engineered to correct the underlying cause of weight gain—your metabolism. The benefits of correcting your metabolism are more dramatic and produce far superior body changes that are healthier and more sustainable for the long-term. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is the only complete lifestyle management system unmatched for weight loss, ideal for athletes, and perfect for healthy adults. METABOLIQ is based on my research and clinical discoveries that improve your health through a unique metabolic correction that energizes your muscles to burn calories and fuel your daily activities. The METABOLIQ concepts of correcting your metabolism for life are proven to make you healthier and perform better at every age.

For the past three decades I have personally conducted dozens of research studies and published ground-breaking results in the areas of diet, obesity, sports nutrition, and diabetes, defining the link between muscles and lifelong health. Many diet programs reference my research to explain the role of protein in their diets; unfortunately, most get it wrong. Now you can have the secrets to lifetime weight management and muscle health that I discovered and published with award-winning research.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle will give you practical meal plans with real foods that offer your body the nutrients you really need; and I won’t just be telling you what foods to avoid. The truth is if you follow

simple guidelines, you can still enjoy most of the foods you love!

I will help you begin to understand why healthy muscles are the key to improving daily performance and achieving your ideal weight. You will see clearly how to effectively fuel your muscles each day to maximize your daily fat burn and maintain lean body mass for life. For the first time, the METABOLIQ Lifestyle teaches you how to correctly use proteins and carbohydrates to fuel your body and energize muscles to burn excess fat, resulting in improved body composition and a correct metabolism for life.

I will introduce amazing new concepts that finally clarify how much protein you need at each meal and explain how the ratio of carbs to protein can actually determine the health of your muscles. These simple concepts define the optimal macrobalance of any healthy meal. Eating macrobalanced meals accelerates fat burning 24 hours a day by triggering biochemical reactions that actually cause your body to build lean muscle and burn fat at each meal. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is a program you can use for the rest of your life. All of the diets in the marketplace have elements of truth, but virtually all of the popular diets are unsustainable and not developed to deliver long-term health.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is based on proven clinical research and solid biochemical science. It's expertly designed to help you rapidly correct your metabolism and will help you make simple course


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corrections to make better food and better lifestyle choices. It’s time to set aside all of the nonsense you’ve heard or read about diet and nutrition. By correcting your metabolism with the METABOLIQ Lifestyle, you'll soon experience the incredible rewards of looking and feeling great. You’ll have more energy, healthier muscles, and better moods, along with decreased body fat and stress. Feeling good is the secret to a healthy lifestyle.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is sure to permanently change your views about food and nutrition. It will debunk many of the theories that you hold to be true that are actually working against you. Not to worry—I’ll help you wade through the myths and lies you see in the popular media and diet books, teach you the truth about nutrition, and give you the tools for success.

Because of our convenience and indulgence-oriented society, adult health and weight management must be a deliberate and conscious process. Once new healthy habits are formed, then weight management can become a successful and unconscious habit—it can become a lifestyle. Healthy weight management and a metabolic correction are not based on magic pills or quirky diets. To have the body weight you want, you must travel a path to understanding your body with daily actions you need to do to protect and nurture it. Honoring your body will reward you every day of your life.

for years you have heard about high protein diets with a lot of confusion about how these diets work, how much protein you need, and how safe they are. These diets often quote my research to try to justify their recommendations. Now Qivana brings you the program that I developed and tested in my research laboratory. No more trial and error; no more guessing about what’s right.

Lifelong health begins with a healthy body comp-osition—meaning the right amounts of body fat and muscle. This relationship of body fat to muscle is defined as the percentage of body fat. As we get older, most adults become less physically active and overeat, resulting in an insidious upward trend in percentage of body fat from adding fat and losing muscle. These changes in body composition are the true risks that lead to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and overall deterioration of health. In fact, the World Health Organization reported that obesity and being overweight pose major risks for chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, and the Center for Disease Control now estimates that over 75% of all adults are overweight. The facts surrounding obesity are startling.

Now is your time to make a change and take control. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is the only complete and comprehensive lifestyle management system

1. The Magic of Muscle & the Power of Protein

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that is clinically proven and scientifically engineered to correct your metabolism, help you live well, lose weight, and look and feel better at every age.

Popular weight loss diets aren’t designed to protect your body; they’re designed to give you a quick fix and keep you coming back. Lose a little weight, regain the weight, and then buy another highly advertised crazy and unhealthy diet. Most products have exaggerated claims and unrealistic expectations. Fad diets don’t produce long-term health changes. You may get into the skinny jeans for a special occasion, but you’ll regain the weight and end up with more body fat in six months. Stop the yo-yo dieting. It’s time to eat the way nature intended and get on a path toward a healthy lifestyle. With Qivana’s METABOLIQ Lifestyle, you can successfully correct your metabolism and win the war on fat forever!

Muscles are the metabolic furnace of your body. The health of your muscles determines your ability to win the battle of the bulge! Weight control is not about body fat. Weight control is about helping your muscles do the work for you. Qivana’s METABOLIQ Lifestyle unleashes powerful proteins to unlock the potential of your muscles to forever control your weight and drastically improve your health.

Your muscles determine everything about your body weight, including how many calories you eat, what

foods you need, and ultimately how healthy you are. Many popular diet programs teach you to focus on negative thoughts about body fat. Instead, invest your time and emotional energy in positive thoughts about keeping your muscles healthy. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle has a revolutionary approach, called the macrobalance, to help you balance protein and carbohydrates in the proper ratios in order to correct your metabolism, keep your muscles healthy, and your body lean.

The concept of macrobalance is about eating the right proportions of high-quality proteins, smart carbs, and intelligent portions of friendly fats. Getting these portions correctly balanced at each meal sets off a chain of newly discovered biochemical reactions that actually cause your body to build lean muscle and burn fat at each meal. Eating macrobalanced meals will forever stabilize your blood sugar, reduce typical energy crashes, eliminate cravings, and halt hunger pangs. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle will help you rapidly achieve your body’s ideal macrobalance requirements and allow your body to re-establish its healthy baseline, correct your internal metabolic program, and restart your physiological functioning. Building macrobalance into your meals will correct your metabolism, change the composition of your body, and melt away the unwanted fat because your body can accelerate fat burning 24 hours a day.

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More important, you’ll experience precise weight loss by losing fat without deteriorating valuable lean muscle tissues. Your lean muscles will be nourished and energized, even during weight loss. You’ll look great and you’ll feel even better!

You may already understand that protein provides the amino acid building blocks to make new proteins in your body. But beyond this basic purpose of protein, some of the amino acids have other roles. The most important of these amino acids for adult health is leucine, which plays a special role in muscle health. My scientific discoveries offer a completely new understanding about dietary protein and the unique role the amino acid leucine plays in protecting your muscles. My research revealed that the amount of leucine at each meal throughout the day ultimately determines the health of your muscles and the composition of your body. Using this knowledge about leucine and the metabolic correction, we developed the unique formulas found in the METABOLIQ® Shake, the METABOLIQ® Bars, and the METABOLIQ® Lifestyle that energize your muscles and burn stored fat. These clinically proven formulas protect and repair your muscles and allow your body to lose weight naturally.

Here is a remarkable example from one of my research studies about the effect of leucine on body composition.

I compared two groups of adult laboratory rats with one group fed a diet based on a high content of wheat proteins identical to what you find in bread, cereals, and pasta; and the other group ate a diet high in dairy proteins. Laboratory rats were used because we can be absolutely sure what they ate. No late night snacking or drive-thru fast food! Both groups ate the exact same amount of protein and the same amount of calories, and both diets were balanced in all other nutrients except for a large difference in leucine. After only 10 weeks, the animals eating the dairy protein with high leucine had less body fat and more muscle, resulting in a dramatic drop in percentage of body fat. Then in three highly controlled clinical trials, I proved that overweight adults got the same weight loss results (published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2003, 2005, and 2009). You can experience these same results now by following Qivana’s METABOLIQ Lifestyle System.

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The secrets to this remarkable metabolic correction and the resulting changes in body composition lie in the unique role of leucine and the balance of protein and carbohydrates that you eat at each meal. Leucine energizes your body and turns on your muscles to their full metabolic potential. Leucine is an amazing molecule that activates your muscles to burn calories. I discovered the power of leucine while studying recovery after exercise. After a hard workout or competition, athletes often used drinks that contained electrolytes and carbohydrates for recovery. While these drinks work well for hydration and muscle glycogen, they do nothing to help your muscles repair and regenerate. Muscles do not really recover until you eat protein, and specifically until you get leucine. I have now applied these same principles in developing the METABOLIQ Lifestyle to energize muscle and get rid of body fat. This system is expertly designed to stimulate and maintain your active muscles that, in turn, lead to maximum use of body fat and rapid correction of your metabolism. The benefits of correcting your metabolism are more dramatic and produce far superior body changes that are healthier and more sustainable for the long term. By correcting your metabolism, your body will promote fat burning 24 hours a day by triggering newly discovered, natural biochemical signals. You will experience precise weight loss by losing fat without deteriorating the lean muscle tissues that actually burn the calories.

Correcting your metabolism will allow your body to maintain the calorie-burning muscles, even during weight loss, which means you will lose fat in a healthy, natural way. When you correct your metabolism the right way you will also feel great, avoid food cravings, and have more energy. Finally, you’ll be able to end the dangerous yo-yo diets of the past with this sustainable lifelong solution. By correcting your metabolism, your body shape, mobility, and overall lean body composition will significantly improve. The results will astound you.

If you keep your muscles healthy with the right choices of dietary protein and physical activity, you can correct your metabolism and you’ll win the battle of the bulge, lose the weight, and feel great! If you don’t make the right choices to protect your muscles, there is no diet that will ever work. It’s as simple as that. You may lose weight, but you’ll never keep the weight off. You’ll always be hungry, you’ll be confused about what to eat, you’ll be tired, you'll have no energy, and you’ll regain the weight. Now you finally have the choice to succeed with your struggle over weight. Qivana’s METABOLIQ Lifestyle gives you the power to look and feel the way you want.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle was formulated using decades of cutting-edge research demonstrating unique insight and superior understanding of the relationship between metabolic activities and body

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composition. You will experience real results with Qivana’s METABOLIQ Lifestyle. Its formulas, products, ingredients, and programs are the crowning achievement of more than three decades of research, millions of dollars, and proven human clinical trials. This system proves that sustainable weight loss and healthy body composition are within your grasp. Nobody else has this system and nobody else can deliver these reliable results.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle and the macrobalance are created from two simple concepts that you’ll learn to use at every meal. The first is the need to build every meal around protein. Just like at any special meal, protein should always be the entrée and the first decision you make for every meal. Specifically, you need 30 grams of protein to trigger the metabolic correction and to turn your muscles into fat-burning engines. The second concept is the importance to balance protein and carbohydrates at each meal. Most Americans eat four times more carbohydrates than protein, especially at breakfast and lunch. As you’ll learn in Chapter 2, too little protein and too many carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch are the cause of obesity. Correct these two aspects of your diet and you will finally have control of your body weight and your health.

You will learn to recognize these concepts in a simple pattern that we call the “Plate-Look.” When you learn to balance the protein part of your meal with the section of the plate we call Starchy (and sugary) Carbs, you will achieve the metabolic correction and begin to lose the unwanted body weight and body fat. You'll soon be on your way to a natural, healthy, and sustainable new lifestyle.

The next sections of the book discuss the science that is the foundation for the METABOLIQ Lifestyle and the unique discoveries about protein and amino acids that led to this highly successful weight loss formula. The pages ahead will give you a new perspective about your diet and the role of protein in adult health. However, if you would like to get started quickly with the actual diet and meal plans, jump ahead to Chapter 7: Getting Started on Your METABOLIQ Lifestyle (page 84). Today you can begin to achieve your METABOLIQ Lifestyle and change your body forever.

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with all of the advertising and sensa-tionalism in the media about diets, it’s no surprise that most adults are totally confused about what to eat. What’s good and what’s bad? Carbohydrates are good one day and bad the next. Complex carbohydrates are good, but starchy carbs are bad. Fish oils are good, but polyunsaturated fatty acids are bad. Cholesterol was bad for 30 years, but now it’s okay. Too much protein was said to be unhealthy, but now more protein ap-pears to be good. Wow. It’s no wonder most people are confused. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle will help you find your way through the nonsense and understand how to create a healthy diet.

Traditional nutrition teaches you a negative approach to food. Guidelines tell you what NOT to eat to prevent heart disease, and what NOT to eat to prevent weight gain. Negative approaches to eating fail because they leave you confused and frustrated. For 30 years Americans have been told that to prevent heart disease they should eliminate cholesterol and saturated fat from their diet. Guess what? Americans reduced cholesterol intake by 75% and lowered the percentage of fat in the diet and it didn’t help. Health statistics reveal that we have the same rate of heart disease today as in 1950—before all of the guidelines about fat and cholesterol changed the way Americans eat. These negative recommendations failed to cure heart disease, as promised, and instead produced epidemics of obesity and diabetes. The more Americans tried to

avoid fat and protein, the more they ate refined carbs and sugars, producing body fat and damage to muscles and bones. Now is the time to reverse this cycle of negative nutrition advice and learn about nutrition to protect your body. Skeptical? Listen to Mary’s story below. So many people face the situation described by Mary, and she found a new life and a new lifestyle with the METABOLIQ Lifestyle.

Mary is 36 years old, a teacher, and single mother. I first met Mary when I was presenting a talk about obesity and diabetes at a health fair in south Chicago. After my talk, Mary, who was very overweight, came up to me and said, “Your diet actually makes sense. I have tried every diet on the market. I sometimes lose weight for a while, but it always comes back and my weight actually gets worse. Your approach with protein seems like such a sensible solution to understanding nutrition. I think that I can do this.” About 13 months later, I was presenting another talk on the campus of the University of Illinois, and when I got to the end of the talk I asked if there were any questions. To my surprise, Mary stood up in the audience and said, “Dr. Layman, you changed my life!” She proceeded to come up on stage, hugged me, and took the microphone.

“Your diet changed my life-long struggle against obesity into a battle I'm winning. A year ago I weighed 243 pounds and had high blood pressure and high blood sugar. My doctor said I was

2. The Foods You Need for a Balanced & Healthy Lifestyle

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becoming diabetic and on my way toward all of the signs of an early heart attack. He recommended insulin, two blood pressure medicines, and a statin drug. I didn't want to become a walking drug store. I took your advice toward a positive and natural approach to nutrition and health. I have now lost 68 pounds during the past year. My blood pressure and blood sugar are normal. I never believed that losing weight could be so easy and that I could feel so great. Thank you for changing my life.”

A healthy diet is built around the correct balance of protein, carbs, and fats (the big things in your diet also called the “macro” nutrients), plus vitamins and minerals (the little things). Too often we hear sales promotions that vitamin and mineral supplements are the secret to health. I guarantee your health is more dependent on the big things than on the little things. Taking a daily vitamin pill will not correct a bad diet. If you don’t get the big things right in your life, the little things won’t make much difference. In the next few pages, I’m going to help you understand the truth about protein, carbohydrates, and fats so you can get the big things right. To get the big things right, you must design each meal around a correct macrobalance of protein and carbohydrates. The macrobalance is explained in detail on page 40, but first you need to understand more about your protein needs and your carbohydrate tolerance.

If you’re going to correct your metabolism and control your weight, you must first understand protein and its role in your diet. Protein must always be a central part of your diet. Unfortunately, for years you have probably heard statements like: “Americans eat too much protein,” “Avoid animal proteins because the cholesterol and saturated fatty acids are bad for your heart,” or “Too much protein is bad for your kidneys.” All three of these statements are false!

As a child you learned that protein is important to build muscles and strong bodies. It's intuitive that when you’re growing, you need protein. So we often think that protein is only important for children or guys wanting to build big muscles. Protein is certainly important for growing children, but it's just as important for adults. This is because every day your body needs to make nearly 250 grams of new proteins to replace old proteins, to repair tissue damage, and to adapt to new activities. During the course of a year, virtually every protein in our body gets replaced. Now compare this to growth needs that only produce 3 to 5 grams of new protein each day. Growth really is not a very big part of daily protein needs.

Also, as we get older, we become less efficient at making new proteins. After age 30, we begin to lose body proteins at a rate of about 5% each decade. The

2.1 Why You Need Protein at Each Meal

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proteins you lose come from your muscles and bones, and by the time you reach age 60 you may have lost significant muscle and bone strength. With each passing year you lose mobility and become more likely to be injured with a fall—unless you make the right choices with your diet and exercise. Equally important, each year you also have less muscle to burn the calories you eat. So habits that seem okay at age 30 can make you fat at 50.

Loss of muscle and bone becomes even more dangerous during weight loss. If you lose weight simply by restricting what you eat, then you will lose weight from every part of your body. You will lose body fat (which you want to lose), but you will also lose weight from your muscles, bones, heart, liver, intestines, and kidneys (which you don’t want to lose). These muscles and organs (called lean tissues) are obviously important to keep your body running, and these lean tissues are the parts of your body that burn calories. If you lose weight with the wrong type of diet, you will lose lean tissues and reduce your ability to burn calories. This makes it more and more difficult to lose weight or to keep weight off. The longer you use a bad diet, the fewer calories you can eat. If you can do the right things during weight loss and just lose fat while you protect muscles, then you can keep losing weight—and prevent it from coming back! This is about the power of protein and the magic of muscle found in the METABOLIQ

Lifestyle. The powerful protein formula, menus, and exercise plan are scientifically designed to prevent loss of muscle and bone during weight loss or aging. It targets and corrects the underlying cause of weight gain—your metabolism. With the METABOLIQ Lifestyle, you will lose the right weight and forever improve your body composition, no matter what your age!

To fully understand protein needs in your diet, you need to understand a little more about the roles of protein in your body. Generally when people think about protein needs, they think about building muscles. The proteins you eat and the proteins in your body are actually long chains of small parts or molecules called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids required to make all of the different proteins in our bodies. The proteins you eat are digested in your intestines and then absorbed into your body as the individual amino acids. These individual amino acids are then used to form the millions of proteins that make up your body. The process of building new proteins in the body is called protein synthesis.

There are many other roles for amino acids that are generally unknown or ignored by doctors. A role that is particularly critical to weight loss relates to the amino acid leucine. Leucine has a unique role as a signal to regulate protein synthesis in muscle. My colleagues and I discovered the unique role of

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leucine in 1998 while studying muscle recovery after exercise. We found that leucine functions as a signal, sort of like the spark from the spark plug in your car engine. Your car runs on gasoline and oxygen, but if you don’t have the right spark at the right time, your engine won’t run. Leucine is the spark for triggering synthesis of new muscle proteins. If the leucine spark is available at the right time and in the right amounts, there is a signal that tells muscles that they can build new proteins. The scientific name for this signal is mTOR. The mTOR signal triggers the complex molecular machinery inside of your muscle cells that the meal or snack has the right amount of protein to support the demanding requirements to repair and replace old proteins.

The process of making new proteins is called protein synthesis, and while protein synthesis is essential for every cell in your body, it's absolutely critical to

maintain the health and metabolic activity of your muscles. When leucine triggers mTOR to initiate protein synthesis, the process begins to burn stored energy (fuel), just like turning on your car burns gasoline. Your muscles turn on thousands of tiny mitochondria to burn fats and generate the fuel for your muscles. The fats used by the mitochondria to make fuel for protein synthesis come from fat stores that your body carries around your waistline and hips. Using this amazing process in just the right ways, you can now energize your muscles to get rid of that unwanted belly fat and lose weight naturally!

The really great news is that this complex science is now available to you in the simple and convenient approach of the METABOLIQ Lifestyle! The METABOLIQ Shakes, the METABOLIQ Bars, and the METABOLIQ Lifestyle deliver the right balance of proteins to provide the leucine essential for weight loss, correcting your metabolism, and creating a healthy body composition.

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The first step in correcting your diet for weight loss and metabolic correction is to understand how much protein you need at each meal, especially breakfast. That’s right, protein at breakfast. Most adults eat the majority of their protein at dinner and very little protein at breakfast and lunch. Typically an adult woman has a daily protein intake of about 68 grams. The majority of this protein, about 65%, is consumed after 6:30 p.m. at dinner, the last meal of the day. A typical dinner contains 6 to 10 ounces of meat. This is an unbalanced protein distribution. You may ask, “So what?” The problem with an unbalanced pattern is that the amount of protein in each meal is important to how your body uses the protein. Here’s why: any meal that contains less than 15 grams of protein contains too little leucine to trigger the process of building body proteins. It takes 30 grams of protein at a meal to fully stimulate healthy muscles. With an unbalanced protein distribution, only the dinner meal has enough protein to stimulate protein synthesis, burn the extra calories, and protect muscles. The breakfast and lunch meals are useless because they fall short of the range for stimulating protein synthesis. In the case of an average woman eating 65% (45 grams) of her protein at dinner, she is eating only 23 grams of protein split between breakfast and lunch. The average American breakfast of cereal or toast and juice contains less than 10 grams of protein, and most lunches with salads or deli sandwiches contain less than 15 grams (less than 2 ounces of meat, cheese, or eggs). Don’t wait until the end of the day to rev up your protein

synthesis—start the day right with a good breakfast and then continue that trend through lunch. Getting the proper balance of protein at breakfast and lunch is your first step toward developing a healthy weight loss diet.

You’ll be amazed how the power of the right protein will also reduce your appetite. The effect of protein on appetite or “satiety” is something you have probably already experienced when you had a high protein breakfast with eggs, meat, or dairy. It’s not a feeling of being stuffed, but one of feeling satisfied. More important, you realize that the meal seems to “stick with you.” You don’t feel hungry in two hours. The research is clear that when you eat protein at meals early in the day, your desire for food changes for the rest of the day. You eat less total food for the entire day. This is another proven value of the METABOLIQ Lifestyle System. The protein you eat at breakfast will have the greatest effects on your weight loss. Your mom may have told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, the facts prove this is still true for adults. This is a principle of protein distribution. Our menus will focus on getting protein at every meal with emphasis on increasing protein at breakfast and lunch and maybe actually decreasing protein at dinner. Your goal is not to consume an extra large serving of meat at dinner, but to distribute protein at each meal across your entire day.

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That’s right—all proteins are not created equal. For this reason, it’s important for you to understand what makes proteins different. Two terms we’ll use are protein quality and protein density. In general, animal proteins are better than plant proteins. You probably have heard the claims that soy proteins, beans, or legumes are good proteins or that they contain all of the essential amino acids. Well, these statements are misleading. Soy, beans, and legumes are the best proteins among plant proteins, but they are poorer proteins compared with all of the animal proteins. Further, while it’s true that soy, beans, and legumes contain each of the nine essential amino acids, the amount and balance are wrong.

So now it’s time to change the way you think about animal proteins. Animal proteins (dairy, eggs, meats, and fish) are always better than plant proteins. Animal proteins contain the exact balance of amino acids you need while plant proteins (wheat, oats, corn, soy, and beans) are not well balanced. Plant proteins evolved for the needs of the plant and not the needs of a human. In most cases, you can use a blend of plant proteins combined with animal proteins to get a good balance, but with animal proteins the balance is always correct. This is a very important point at small meals, such as breakfast or snacks, when the total amount of protein is limited.

The quality of individual proteins relates to the content of amino acids. There are over 20,000 different

proteins in your body. Some make up body structures like your heart, brain, liver, or muscles, while others function as enzymes, blood proteins, or hormones. These proteins differ in the number and sequence of amino acids. The proteins you eat also differ in the content of amino acids. Animal proteins contain the exact balance of amino acids your body needs.

Let’s consider an example and compare dairy milk with soy milk. Dairy proteins contain about 10% leucine, while soy proteins contain about 8% leucine. So an 8 ounce glass of dairy milk contains 0.8 grams of leucine while an 8 ounce glass of soy milk contains only 0.64 grams of leucine. An easier way to think about this difference is that you need to drink 25% more soy milk to be equal to human or animal milk. If you drink an 8 ounce glass of dairy milk, you need a 10 ounce glass of soy milk to be equal, and the soy milk will cost more and you'll get more calories. So when you look at the cartons and they say they are equal in protein, remember that’s not the whole story. The quality of the protein is not equal.

Another example is breakfast. Remember, breakfast is a critical protein meal and usually a meal with limited calories. You need to get the right level of protein at breakfast to protect your muscles and allow your body to get rid of fat. Let’s compare the protein in an egg versus toast. A large egg contains 7 grams of protein with about 8.8% leucine, while a slice of toast contains about 4 grams of protein with 6.8% leucine. It takes

2.2 All Proteins Are Not Created Equal!

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2.25 slices of bread to provide as much protein as one egg, and the bread will also give you more than 250 calories while the egg has less than 80 calories. This is the concept of protein density. Part of the value of protein foods relates to the amount of protein you get for the calories you eat. Animal proteins are always more dense forms of protein that give you the feeling of fullness with the lowest level of calories.

Protein density also illustrates that all protein sources are not equal. The table presents comparisons of common meats. The quality of the protein in each of these meats is the same, but the protein density is very different. Generally when you get meats at a meat market or restaurant, you purchase an amount of meat by weight (ounces or tenths of a pound). You need to recognize that the amount of protein in meats differs between cuts of meats and between animals and fish. Compare lean meats such as sirloin, pork loin, or chicken breast and they all have 8.1 to 9.2 grams of protein per ounce of meat. These meats have high protein density, so if you are trying to get 45 grams at dinner you only need about 5 ounces of meat. However, fish has a protein density of only about 5 to 6 grams per ounce. To get 45 grams of protein with salmon, you need over 8 ounces. This is one of the reasons you feel less full after a fish dinner. It simply did not contain as much protein. So when you hear that fish is a great source of protein, once again, that’s only part of the story. The protein quality is fine, but

fish have a low protein density so you must eat more fish at each meal to get the same amount of protein.

Another way to compare the quality of proteins is the amount of protein in a food in relation to the fat. You frequently hear that you should eat chicken or fish because they have less fat than beef or pork. The table again shows that is only part of the story. The column labeled PROTEIN/FAT illustrates the amount of protein you get for every gram of fat you eat. The larger the PROTEIN/FAT number, the better the protein choice. So at the top of the list with sirloin, you get 3.0 grams of protein for every gram of fat, while at the bottom of the list, catfish only provides 1.3 grams of protein per gram of fat. Catfish gives you more fat than hamburger! And if the catfish is breaded and fried, the ratio drops to about 1.0. Also, I’m sure you’ve heard that chicken is a lean meat. Well, chicken breast is a lean meat with a protein/fat ratio of 6.8, but a chicken thigh with the skin has a ratio of 1.7 and is equal to hamburger (ground beef). Similar to the

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catfish, if the chicken is fried, it has a protein/fat ratio of 1.0. One last example, fish, such as tuna, is a very lean meat with a protein/fat ratio of 27.0; but salmon, which you have been told is a great food, is a very fatty fish with a ratio of 2.0. The menus in the METABOLIQ Lifestyle will guide you through making good food choices. For now, I want you to realize some of the “facts” you have been told for many years are not really the whole story.

2.3 Carbohydrate Facts and Fiction We definitely have a love/hate relationship with carbohydrates. We love breads, pasta, chips, candy, and ice cream, but we’ve heard that carbs make us fat. The news media is full of a bewildering array of information about good carbs, bad carbs, whole grains, fiber, sugars, starches, fructose, lactose, glycemic index, blood sugar, and very low carb diets. How can we make sense out of the extreme views and misleading headlines that so often lead the news reports?

Carbs are confusing because of all the words used to describe them: whole grains, refined grains, complex carbohydrates, starch, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, lactose, and so on. The consumer is left to ponder what’s good and what’s bad. The first fact about carbs is that essentially all carbohydrates (except fructose)

become glucose (blood sugar) inside your body. So when you see bread or cereal companies trying to sell you whole grains or complex carbohydrates versus sugar and starch, you need to recognize they are simply trying to confuse you with better sounding terms. The carbs in whole grains are exactly the same as white bread when they get into your body. In the METABOLIQ Lifestyle, you want to limit all carbs that come from grain products (wheat, oats, corn, soy) and other starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas), so don’t get confused by food companies trying to use terms that sound better.

Sugar has become a centerpiece of the anti-carb movement, and rightly so. Americans have increased sugar consumption from less than 20 pounds annually in the 1800s to over 130 pounds per year. Sugar comes in the form of sodas, fruit juices, sports drinks, candy, ice cream, cookies, cereals, and even canned tomatoes and hamburger buns. Almost everything you buy in a box, bag, or can has added sugar. Check the label. For a healthy METABOLIQ Lifestyle, you must limit all of these types of processed sugary foods.

While eating 130 pounds of sugar each year is not a healthy lifestyle, all sugar is not bad. Consuming too much sugar is bad; but consuming some sugar is important for proper functioning of your brain, red blood cells, nervous system, and muscles. The

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METABOLIQ Lifestyle uses some sugar to get the optimal balance of protein and carbohydrates for muscle health and daily activity.

So, what is sugar, and are all sugars alike? Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrates. The term sugar refers to both monosaccharides and disaccharides. The term monosaccharide means one sugar unit and disaccharide means two sugar units. Monosaccharides include glucose (blood sugar) and fructose, and disaccharides include sucrose (common table sugar) and lactose (milk sugar). Common table sugar comes from sugar cane or beets and is a 50/50 mixture of glucose and fructose. All sugars are rapidly digested and absorbed into your body. Hence, sugars got the reputation as a quick energy fuel because they rapidly get into your blood. You see athletes using sports drinks, bananas, and candy bars for this quick energy. Unfortunately, while sugar gives you a quick burst of energy, you will also get a large burst of insulin and after about 30 minutes the insulin will cause a rapid drop in blood sugar and your energy level will crash. About the only athletes who still use carb-dosing are tennis players, and you’ll notice that at every changeover they are consuming more carbs to avoid the insulin crash. Most of us cannot afford 100 to 200 calories from carbs every 20 minutes throughout the day. Constant carb snacking will guarantee you’ll be fat unless you’re an elite athlete.

There is also a lot of negative publicity about fructose and high fructose corn syrup; again, rightly so. This corn-based sugar product is the major form of sugar used to sweeten American foods, and we clearly eat too much sugar, but that does not mean that fructose is a bad sugar. It means that too much fructose is bad. So, as with all foods, you need perspective about fructose.

Fructose is the sugar that makes apples, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, and all other fruits sweet. If you believe that fructose is damaging to health, then you must also believe that eating apples and strawberries is unhealthy. If fructose is always bad, then fruits are always bad. Once again, the truth lies in moderation. Fructose in small amounts has important sensory and metabolic roles. It provides an enjoyable, pleasant taste to foods. That’s why we like fruits. Fructose is almost twice as sweet as table sugar (sugar cane or beets), so fruit sugar produces sweeter taste for fewer calories. Fructose also enters the body without stimulating insulin, so you get less of a sugar crash after eating fruit than sugar or even bread. The belief that fructose causes obesity may be indirectly true because Americans eat too many total carbohydrates, about 350 grams each day, and 70 to 100 grams of those carbs come from fructose. In the METABOLIQ Lifestyle, total daily carbohydrates are reduced to about 120 grams and fructose is reduced to about 20 grams. Fructose in the METABOLIQ

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Lifestyle is used in very specific amounts and with the specific purpose to provide enjoyable sweetness while controlling insulin.

Another area of great confusion is with terms related to starch. Starch is a long chain of glucose. Breads, potatoes, pasta, cereals, rice, and pizza are all starch foods. These foods are rapidly digested and absorbed into the body as glucose. They produce a very rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin. Starchy foods taste great and provide a lot of instant “sweet” satisfaction, making it very difficult to stop eating them; while at the same time, insulin is continuously working to get the sugar out of the blood and into body fat. The more you eat, the more you want, and the fatter you get. You’ve probably heard the desire for carbohydrates referred to as an addiction—well, it is.

Confusion about starches comes from use of words like complex carbohydrates, whole grains, refined grains, and glycemic index. The first thing to remember is that all starches from all of the grains are simply a long chain of simple sugars connected together. The term complex carbohydrate just means a long chain of sugars. As soon as a food is digested and absorbed, the body does not know the difference between a simple sugar and a whole grain. All of the starchy carbohydrate foods have a high glycemic index because they produce a rapid rise in blood

sugar and insulin. Foods with high glycemic index lead to overeating and are associated with obesity and diabetes.

Cereal companies often advertise products as whole grains with lower glycemic index. These foods have lower glycemic index because of higher amounts of fiber that slow the rates of digestion and absorption and reduce the rise in blood glucose. So while the food produces just as much glucose, the glucose enters the blood more slowly. You still need to control the total amount of carbs you eat. Another problem with the advertising is that the legal definition of the term whole grains is broad. A whole grain food might contain a little fiber or a lot of fiber. To find the difference, you have to study the label and the ingredient list. We have developed a simpler concept called the carb:fiber ratio explained in section 2.6 that will help you select smart carbs in your METABOLIQ Lifestyle.

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young and physically active, then you need more carbohydrates for fuel. If you’re an adult with little daily physical activity, then you need very little carbohydrates for fuel. This is your carbohydrate tolerance. If you exceed the carbs your muscles need for fuel, then your body must convert the excess carbs into body fat. So now I bet you’re wondering what your carb tolerance is, right? For most sedentary adults, it’s about 100 grams per day. Keep in mind, however, that your age, body composition, and level of physical activity define your needs for carbohydrates. For most individuals trying to lose weight, your carb tolerance will range from about 70 to 150 grams per day. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle achieves a balance with about 120 grams per day.

To fully understand your carb tolerance and regulation of blood sugar, we need to talk about insulin. When you eat foods that contain starch or sugar, the body digests and absorbs these carbs and converts them into glucose. As glucose enters the blood, the body releases the hormone insulin. Insulin is often said to regulate blood sugar, but that’s not true. The liver regulates blood sugar and the body uses insulin as a safeguard only when blood sugar gets too high for the liver to handle. When you exceed your carb tolerance, then insulin must respond to eliminate the excess glucose into fat. After any meal that contains more than about 35 grams of carbohydrates, the body is forced to release

2.4 Understanding Your Carbohydrate NeedsCarbohydrates are found in plants. They provide the basic structure and energy storage for plants. Plants are mostly carbohydrates with structure derived from fiber and energy stored as starch and sugar. For humans, the structure of our bodies is mostly protein and our energy storage is mostly fat.

To understand the amount and types of carbo-hydrates you should have in your diet, you first need to understand the purpose of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simply a fuel. Just like gasoline is the fuel for your car, carbohydrates, fats, and protein are the fuels for your body. Without enough of these fuels, your body simply can’t make it up the hill! Most Americans get 45% to 60% of their daily fuel from carbohydrates. Fats and, to a lesser degree, protein are also fuels, but they have other roles. Protein is needed to provide the amino acids to make new proteins, and fat is essential to provide the fatty acids necessary to make and repair cell membranes and the protective covering around nerves. The only use you have for carbohydrates is as a fuel source. Your body needs plant foods, mostly vegetables and fruits that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. But total dietary carbohydrates need to be limited to your needs for fuel, especially the grains found in bread, cereal, rice, and pasta.

Your daily need for carbs is directly related to the amount of fuel you burn in your muscles. If you’re

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insulin to get rid of the excess blood sugar. If every meal exceeds your carb tolerance, then the body is chronically releasing high levels of insulin. This is the origin of the inflammation that causes heart disease. Further, the insulin causes the excess blood sugar to be converted into saturated fat in your liver and body fat. This is a very important point to understand and remember—exceeding your carb tolerance produces too much insulin and causes fat storage.

High carb diets and insulin lead to continuous storage of fat, particularly around the belly. This is called abdominal fat and produces the “apple shape.” A visual example of the effect of insulin on fat storage is the difference in body shape between men and women. As men become overweight, they carry excess fat around their middle, the “spare tire look.” This is a sign they are eating excess carbohydrates. Young women are different because their estrogen protects against insulin and directs

fat storage to hips, thighs, and breasts. However, at menopause estrogen declines, insulin takes over, and women with a high carb diet shift from the “pear shape” to an “apple shape” as fat storage is shifted to around their middle. This is the effect of insulin. The METABOLIQ Lifestyle corrects this insulin imbalance and produces amazing effects on body shape.

Are you still confused about carbs? Let me give you an example of how fuels like glucose can be both good and bad. I bet you’ve heard that carbs are a great fuel. Well, it’s like using nitroglycerine in a race car. If you’re running a high performance Indy race car, then adding an exotic fuel like nitro to the gas tank maximizes speed and performance. But if you or I go out in the garage and add nitro to the family car, we’re likely to explode the garage. If you’re an elite athlete likely to win the Olympic 100 meter dash, then carbohydrates are a critical fuel. But if you’re struggling with body weight, carbs are likely to explode your waistline. This is not the route to long-term success.

If carbohydrates are not required in your diet, how many carbohydrates should you actually eat? None? That seems a bit extreme, especially since plant foods such as vegetables and fruits are important for a balanced diet. Should you eat 50 grams per day, 150 grams or 350 grams? In 2002, the Food and

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Nutrition Board set an RDA for carbohydrates at a daily intake of 130 grams. Your brain and red blood cells use about 80 grams of glucose each day, so 130 grams was considered a safe margin above the requirement. This level of carbohydrates is equivalent to about 5 servings of vegetables, 2 or 3 servings of fruit and 3 servings of whole grains. Yet most dietary guidelines recommend eating over 50% of all foods as carbohydrates with at least 8 to 10 servings of grains, which provides over 350 grams of carbohydrates and nearly three times the RDA. This recommendation is not based on any direct science for the merit of carbohydrates—it’s based on the unsubstantiated “belief ” that fats make you fat and cause heart disease. If 50% of your daily calories come from carbohydrates and 35% from fats, where is the logic that fats are the cause of obesity?

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle focuses on the carbohydrates you actually need for optimum health. You need some plant foods in your diet, such as vegetables and fruits. Colorful fruits are more than just pretty; they are also important sources of other nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Some nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and selenium are impossible to get if you consume zero carbs. You should strive to get 5 servings of vegetables or salad and 2 or 3 servings of fruit in your daily diet. These plant foods are important because of their overall nutritional value. If you consume 5 servings

of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits, you will get about 70 grams of carbohydrates daily. If you add 2 or 3 small servings of high fiber bread, brown rice or high fiber cereal, you will meet your RDA need of 130 grams.

The METABOLIQ Lifestyle is a complete nutrition program. No gimmicks, no tricks—just good science in a healthy lifestyle that works. By making the METABOLIQ Lifestyle changes, you will correct your metabolism, lose the right weight, and forever improve your body composition, no matter what your age.

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Your body’s ideal macrobalance is created by getting the right amount of protein at each meal, and then balancing the protein with the right amounts of carbohydrates. The amount of protein at each meal determines the health of your muscles, and that must be balanced with your carb tolerance to control the insulin in your blood. To achieve macrobalance, these two concepts must be combined in the foods you eat. We created the macrobalance in the research laboratory to understand these complex biochemical concepts. The good news is we can now teach these concepts as two very simple relationships: the ratio of carbs:protein and the ratio of carbs:fiber. If you understand the amount of protein you need and these two ratios, then selecting the right foods is easy.

The carbs:protein ratio is simply the amount of carbs divided by the amount of protein, and is the basis for the macrobalance. Your goal at each meal is to keep the carbohydrates about equal to the amount of protein, which creates a ratio of one. At breakfast your goal for protein is 30 grams, and you can have an equal amount of carbohydrates. The carbs:protein ratio is 30/30 = 1.0. Let’s use this ratio to evaluate the typical American breakfast. A serving of cereal (about 3/4 cup) will have about 25 grams of carbohydrates with about 3 grams of protein. Doing the math, 25/3 = 8.3, which is totally wrong for weight loss and eliminating body fat. Adding a half cup of milk adds 4 grams of protein, but also 6 grams of carbs. The breakfast cereal

with milk has a carbs:protein ratio of 31/7 = 4.4. Any ratio above 2.0 will make you hungry and prevent you from losing body fat. Getting the protein right at each meal and the balance of carbs:protein are the most important principles of the macrobalance diet.

The total amount of carbohydrates you need each day relates to your level of daily physical activity, known as your carb tolerance. If you are highly physically active, then your carb tolerance is higher than someone who is sedentary. A young competitive athlete could have a very high carb tolerance and be able to eat a diet with a carbs:protein ratio of 4 to 5, while a sedentary adult probably has a carb tolerance no higher than a carbs:protein ratio of 1.0. As you start on the METABOLIQ Lifestyle weight loss program, the menus are designed with a ratio of 1.0 to 1.5. If you begin to participate in high levels of daily activity, you may need to add a few more carbohydrates to your meals. If you get above 60 minutes each day of moderate intensity exercise such as running, swimming, tennis, or elliptical training, you may be able to move your carbs:protein ratio up to 2.0. Do not get your carbs:protein ratio higher than 2.0 if you are trying to lose weight.

Consider another example of using the carbs:protein ratio. You probably have heard statements that beans or legumes are good sources of protein. Well, that statement is not the whole story. Most beans and legumes have a carbs:protein ratio of between 3 and 4.

2.5 The Healthy Path to Carbs and Protein

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That ratio is too high. To be a protein food for a weight loss diet, the food must have a carbs:protein ratio less than 2.0. Beans and legumes are okay carbohydrate foods because they are good sources of fiber and vitamins and provide a little protein, but they are very poor protein foods. A good example is a food like chili. First select a high quality protein food like beef or chicken, and then you can add beans as the carbohydrate part of the meal. While the beans are a good source of carbohydrates, they must always be combined with a high protein food like the lean ground beef in the chili.

Another ratio important to your food choices is the relationship of carbohydrates to fiber, or the carbs:fiber ratio. This ratio is developed from concepts of glycemic index, energy density, and merits of dietary fiber. Each of these concepts is individually important, but generally too confusing for most people to use in making daily food choices. I developed the carbs:fiber ratio as a shorthand approach to evaluating carbohydrate foods. The carbs:fiber ratio led to the development of the smart carb list starting on page 46. The smart carb list is your guide and will make it easy for you to select vegetables, fruits, breads, and cereals that will help you reach your weight loss goals.

The carbs:fiber ratio provides a simple and logical grouping of carbohydrate foods. Foods on the smart carb list have a carbs:fiber ratio less than 6.0, and are foods with low glycemic loads and high levels of fiber. These foods include most of the vegetables and berries. Foods on the list with a low carbs:fiber ratio provide high nutrition value with limited calories. Foods on the smart carb list can be used in your diet in virtually any amount. The only caveat to that statement is that you must always observe the carbs:protein ratio first. If you eat 10 grams of carbs from something like strawberries, you must also eat 10 grams of protein from something like cheese or deli meats. You can never eat carbs alone, not even as a snack.

Let’s consider an example of how to use the carbs:fiber ratio. As you look at foods in the tables on pages 46,

2.6 The Healthy Path to Carbs and Fiber

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the foods that did not make the smart carb list are often foods with good nutrition value like apples and bananas, or foods like bread that are an important part of American meals. The carbs:fiber ratio does not mean you should not eat these foods. Instead, the list highlights that these foods need to be used very carefully. Foods with carbs:fiber ratios greater than 10.0 (breads, potatoes, rice, and pasta) must be carefully controlled in your diet or they will prevent weight loss.

The carbs:fiber ratio is an important tool you can use while grocery shopping to help you choose foods with a proper ratio. One good example is selecting healthy bread. Read the nutrient label and you’ll notice that one slice of a typical white bread usually contains about 20 grams of carbohydrates with zero or 1 gram of fiber. That means the carbs:fiber ratio is at least 20. Obviously, white bread is not on the smart carb list. As you walk down the bread aisle, you will see packages that claim “whole grain” or “whole wheat.” These terms are sales gimmicks with no real meaning. Make sure you read the label. The carbs:fiber ratio does not lie. These products are often no different than white bread in their carbs:fiber ratio. Keep moving down the aisle to the “high-fiber” breads. Here you'll find breads with 3 to 4 grams of fiber. Bread with 20 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fiber has a carbs:fiber ratio less than 7.0.

The macrobalance should change your view of food. If you follow these principles, you get to take advantage of years of the most cutting-edge research in weight loss. You are the first to have the keys for a healthier lifestyle! For the first time ever, you will finally lose weight naturally by eating real foods correctly, safely, and adequately. Best of all, this program will correct your metabolism, increase your energy, and stimulate your whole body and well-being. The next chapter will explain why the macrobalance will never have you worrying about fat again.

The macrobalance approach is about empowering you to make correct choices with protein and carbohydrate foods. The carbs:protein and carbs:fiber ratios will help you to understand the food choices you make and give you the confidence you need to make informed choices every day. As you make your choices, keep in mind that good carbohydrate choices should have a carbs:fiber ratio of less than 6.0.

Carbohydrate Foods List

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The Smart Carb List Starchy Carbohydrates and Sugary Fruits So what makes a food a smart carb versus a starchy carb or a sugary fruit? If you study the smart carb list, you will find that all of the foods maintain low levels of carbs in relation to the level of fiber. Now look at asparagus at the top of the smart carb list. Asparagus has 7.6 gm of carbs and 3.8 gm of fiber, a ratio of 7.6/3.8 = 2.0. On the other hand, if you look at the list below, sweet corn has a ratio of 20.6/2.3 = 8.9. Smart carb choices should have a carbs:fiber ratio of less than 6.0.

The carbohydrate foods listed below have carbs:fiber ratios that are larger than 5.0. These starchy carbs and sugary fruits are often foods with good nutrition value, like apples and bananas, or foods like bread that are simply important to daily life. The carbs:fiber ratio does not mean you should not eat these foods. Instead, the list highlights that these foods need to be eaten in moderation and carefully controlled in your diet, or they will work against you and prevent weight loss and weight maintenance.

continued on next page

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Bread, rice, pasta, and cereal are examples of starchy carbs that must be restricted during weight loss. These foods contain refined carbohydrates that are rapidly released into the body and defeat the macrobalance you are working to create. However, all breads, rice, and cereals are not created equal. Most white and wheat breads will contain 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates with only 1 gram or less of fiber. These give carbs:fiber ratios well above 10.0. However, if you look for high fiber breads such as oat bran or 9-grain, you should be able to find choices that give a ratio of carbs:fiber closer to 6.0. Total carbohydrates are still important, so learn to make good choices that will work for you, not against you. Read the label and practice your math.

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