Page 1: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc

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VOLUMlil .il~ . (c.rritui~ . .. OA.RR.lZO~Q. NEW · .• .

NUMBER '7 ' ' .. , ..

' , _ _. '- '& '''"''' ' • I ·-··-

· Aniiy Te~~ April 12, 9 A. M ·. ·~ ~~~ ·~· ·~:.;::;,~:;;:.,:;,,-.;;,.;..;,;..;:;;;;;;:;:;:.;;;:.;;;..~~;;;.;;;..~~I!"'·:..,...,.....,_... -· ----: .:~

•"*•li:,"JW.<.l.if,;;~"! _!,Oijli•41P.~ ;,.;; a #. . -A l q >•• 'i?41"- j';il! •i~j I ' - • , ,

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4ltM.Y' ••• Mt\VY •••. MA~tN'JD~IN!'A.tion wide lil io~ihility 1'f'a~ Ft·r·. ' FORCE . . Men""f . Enter ArtnY

---Navy Re(tUting CQntirnles D~spite Shift of ~U:b,st11.ti~ns

W C t)~:~ftn, f\ l· 1- hns hPCfl pr •· mnt...t tn E~ 8·P iP thl• t>Uhmn

rlll• ••rviet

J't t' BPrml\n E Kt>lt •··ft n we"k for Srln Oil'g" nrtn Rpt>n•• in~ ao d•va her" w:t\1 hiJ p!<~•e•·t and el1tet


... ~ :·a .. '

C!•rll in be at full speed despit~, n re orrnngem1'nt of till? · stnti~"n art>rlf;l, ·•t wns ann(\unced b;v 1 A. Pauls~n. Specialiat First Clas11, tcic1 uiter in ;('hurgE> of the Nnvy Reeruitirg Offief' nt RoswAll. · U udt r tha chl:\ni!P eHwtivt- tn· . . Jay, ( h • v•'s, Eddy, Lincoln, O!{lro ••nd L<' • C<·untiea will bP ,.,,vcred by rerruitt-rP PUt of tht>

• Ros~> Pll offict>, P~tulsen said



A Duublc. ffoatur~




''Yuung men 17 )'Cars 111d ran v lu11tt•tr for the Nt1vy if lht>y urP clu11C to lht•ir 18th birLhdtlY. t'uul en Bllld Whlin me' tinQ thf' Lote or PCtron, C'lllls and• tbrilla tcru•ter ill the •t-Bp l'ttVI• towr·, 10 t lll im·grum.

• tht?~ wi I be ccw. rt·o by thi11 R· • ------------~~~~~... ·ruitiPg S 1 at jon, appl•l'a• '" . . ~-=~· ~-~~~~~--~~i :·~i'·~~-~~;:- ~ •' nh1tUic1 hovP thtir hirth rt•c •r •

: ill !Iii;:~...,.__:::-.. tlt-ulltt! M111gnu, 1 eue Manpino,

G . • ::::;; :~~:: '.' ;';;,... ... _.·:::~~ . with ttwm, nnd t~l~•·ul 1 hn VI' 1 ""'r • · ·"""'"' • · ·1 ll " · 1 1 Hnwt~ Ct~b· 1. nnu Ly uu Overman :ORGE ~. VICiteRS, ofth~ SS onr• TltU nvtu n) t} 1 lr s•a•• ou t 1•

cnJ. .. t Muine Dl5tinuuisl{::.d t~da! for h2roic ma!lcu of tbac .,., tWH ptll:lt'tO • sh)p du.rinn eleven months wl~~ll 4jtlycrcd munition5 ovem~a.s. Afly mofl, indu irg th• Of' uf

I .,. ,, }!UNl>AY, TUESDAY


'THE DESERT SONG·• 10 wrpztlo pl~nr: 3nd bo~b~r nt~c:hr;;\~o ~ubmar~nc ,and four WC!Y.'do on• drnft agP, who hfiVI• pnNoPd 1 ht>lr . nbuglm, it wa~ fin:~lly cnpp!d ~t.l :ti;UlP co Alr,crt:~n ports, but th~:: ma5tct uoph1·more ) i'l hill h nehoeol

R.. S Fngen RPolgna nuc~:cs.rlully heJchcd it. L:J(lz!l 't'llth c~v th:u War Bontb hdp•d to buy for d 1

: 1 IIomQ Service Qur fighting men, it w.u uruch by tttt~ rorpcdoc~, yet Vichcu wn it n~horc. ·n nr~ nt('r• 131 ' d <$n try ng f·•r

bl · . =·· _ .. , • ..! . •. . ....... . __ p;,; l :. ... . . , !!:!!"n.~:,! 11m:•:;::~..... tbe opl.'<'inl tra•uin!l couros th" 'Plc. Lndd Embry notifi"d " r , . ~ ·· =n~ ~ ,_~,--; \ .;~ ,_ ·------·- ~ Navy dler,. in rndar techn'cinl1

-\. Tecbnu:olor mUOJi:lll and· tb• · . !!tory of de1>~rt trtbeomen cnguged iu bnt.tlo. led by a gallant my1te17

• wife. the former 1 ouia~ Oes:nrr Aft~r mnny ye'lro (If faith(u' The "tate budget r~>qUr1rrd .ted $16,278,267 20; Total rt' wCJrlt ohruld {let detnils f,.9m Lht> wan. · that he bat "~tmed in Nf.w Yorlt R S. F~zcn bas rPal~-tnPd to be euhmnted to tht• tcgWn· 'uirfmPnts ns submitt~d tor trt~vel:nu recruiter, Pllul!~c'' d~id. PARAMOUNT NEWS Citr, but did not say when te ebnirmau at tho Red CrnS5 ture, has been assembled Un- 945·46 $18,451,633.56; Bud- ltinerorit>n [lt'(' n" folto.wo: Ala.

••• and ••• ,,

wnufd beat home. ffom~Setvice Work. Mr. Fng~:m dcr the SUP.ervision of n cc:m- jet excess over revt>nues $2 mupordn, th· firatnmtth•rd Mon. . , givPn mflny years totbia -wl• • •• • f .. . 97 6 36 M T ' toyo of encb m:>ntbr Cnrrizozn, "LIFE WlTH FEATHERSV

· · servil!!l nnd it> in wi~h deep~ mttteo conSlStlOg 0 State Au :;.... 3,3 6. ··- N · · e\ a X r.npitun and vicinity the firnt &nd F!'nmorc B•mcs arrivPd from · d't H b l:!t t r . t 1 n Jl. t" ' '",----~---~-

DI'tY¢ 'hetd•J t• bt with rc~r•t ~bl)t the chapter ac· 1 or _ nn~a • >J ll e omp ro • ,?u *" m. , . , ,, . -~~~ . third _1'ueofioyo of eocb month: ; ·. 'C»h Leflnd UJm~ wbfl eJpt! bts res'"·t'laUon.. ler Stbanttan and Mr. Bursey -~ Don't forget "'Mnma•s Baby A• tt.'oto. every Wcdneada.y, Oo.rls w UU!Ii.USDA l a TnU!tiD.fY

teltaMd trolll • Jar ~Ira. Dewey Stoke~. ebairmun of the Governor's office. , Bud- n ., • b W . Cl b . bad (>Very Thursday • Robb::~ every Elyco Knox, Ann Gilli:'J, Sally . . • ·. . . · . ~ tho Red Crc!!a of U11roln • . FO'i .. gaY en V omans u · Frldny.

-.llfle 1U1'0D nfr,and who is . _ h••nppainted Uen Btitn• ~ct confruns 1'78 pages of l~gaJ ,~t ~:0~ p. m. Grnde Stbool l Ue requc:~tcd tbnt nnyono do Eilere, Rlehard Lane hi tlow~otne QJ;J fur .Ol,Jlb· at tbo Uotnc · eorv!co Stcr~tary. D)$e. Totnl revenues anticspa.~~udtttmum. oiring inforruntion h£twciln trip::~ "A WAUf. fl WAC AND A

. . ~~r Burna baa. ta!tcn !>vcr bJ:J DQW ::•::.:.:::::~.!::-, :-q~=:'~:=,;<;."":' ;;;··:~-=o;:,·~,:=~:·:. .. ::::=:·~~~:=- ~ontoct lh" U. S. Na_vy R~l'ruit- MARINE" Sttatf~ la(!k N. Harkey wbo . f.lflli Wtll bo JD tbO' Red PI . L d . d 1 ... b ,. :.,t;)t~ " 4 . h N mg atatlon, RoOtvel•, Now M";r c •

b•• ~n viJiting his wife ~rd.s:J Offi"o !ft tbo C• urt Bo~tl ac~r, • 0 e nn Proof of ~ ~~!n~~fl~ ~m, SaJe at 1 e cwsl ien. . .. «! • • "' • . ~. ~':u.t~UAl corocd~ wll.b .a $riD• . JUt6_,..,..," b~tfS ·•Urteavo 1.'.1iub· mfirnintt fr o'nl ten Ulttit. =~~, ~· - • ···· ·~ = - · ~.. , = > =~~-==~ ~ ~, ~ Tho tNivchns roemtter from tho r,,qmmdo r<unc:ulc<!. liO tor .Spalcane, W~biggtofl, P1Pven. Linc:otn County chapter 1 BANKS AND THE WAR · I Novy Rortuitlnu Sub:lt tion in ., ~btr• ·fle ill •tatiorrld. ·f Red Cros9 feclo fortunote in! Rnnu ell will bo in the following . !HLE c'MKMORT~L

·ecuriog tho ccrvicen of Mr Burns ploePo on tho dutf'a oh«wh b"low: 1 "' A SMITH 11r Bardea•tlo.of C11pitan h•

~ivcd an bonmablo diseharg• from the U. S. Coast Guard and

b•t horne.

atoM at Japs On North PabtU •

~~m. Palnllnlnntb (Dclnyedl

-'i:tl(l Army, Navy, and !.lnroine Q!ul):J are tel:lnllnz up hero in drol­

for thin Important work. L ( t f y Alorr.ogortlo I ''SPORTSMAN•s Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&"

~ill continue to nasiot with tbc Arril 16 Morfling 'lome cervice wor~t aM will be io April 30 Mnrrnng · ulUl-

. I

'be r,ffir'P 00 1'hur.ndny nfwrnorn!S Perbop:~ you don't need to borrow right oow, Moy 14 Morn~"!I! .. fURY IN THE PAGiffC" ag !lb" hno for the p'lnt year. b ~1 oy 20 • M(lrmn~t I • • Otber worlt<'rn in the count, in ut como doy a loon n.ny bo jU!lt what you r~ Copit.nn 1 blti ptclUr• I& ap ~~·o·JrO'J for • t~• toome cervice nro 00 rottowo! quiw, 1\pril 2 bonoltL uf tho t;r,ppaod t,;bll·

Alex NennEJoberg Ft. St11nt n April 16 drcn'o ~o:~pnut. Mts Sarah Fiob~>r ~ C:1pltnr• When that time eomt:o. you I\C'0d go BO furtnet Apri 30 Mro. Bill Hnrt- R.uid,.,to than our b:mh for tbe typo ot credit ynu're nfter. May l4 _. .... ,. , , .. _ .. , .......... ·a•••=-..... ... Mrn L-eo H nneoek - Cnronn a~rc. bu.iile~ loano, IIOC'ttt'Ud lcmno, bomB IOfiYIO, ro- M ., 28 ~' '. = . ' . " '


' .

Carrizozo NOTICE Mrn. Berthn K Storm G er~c.e pair loana and pPrsoool bonlt Jonno oro ovnilobla April 3 Morr ing {j;o

Mr. Leo Joiner- Honrio under Joana. Think of uo OS o loan center Cor you April 17 M• rning - · Mro. Edith ('rowford·Corriz( zo and tbe ll'CJt of our community. May 1 MoroinS?I The Cotrrm ,z · Woman's ~lub Dr. N. R. Bolden-~ Corons Moy 15 Moroinu; wtlt gtve a btrtlhJay party April

lng h<:avy ll1r b~w,n at by-~ Jap tioop! en lbbclthuGp, t{oror lltl!l __. oUtS' b!arub fu the'Ulern Polnw,

Jefferson Oay Dinners - LINCOLN COUNTY AGENC'i I

May 29 Mornil'g 201.b. Every momber 111 as~cd to I bring a v~mtor or vi.!it.lra and

Albuqu~'>rquo, Apr. G.·- .lust ct'fl ea~b one- 10 nstted to brtng a the VI"'!l5· nt. the Urnveraity ( f pl:mny fur encb year or thelr age. &~crdmg to SfSgt. D:lv!d SUclt, n Sunta Fe. April 4 .••• ArrnntH•

Marum Col'p5 Comhat 'Corre.>1}tlllfk"lrt. neots are beipg completed ror lt wcrb' Hili way:. ~ $25 :a ptste dinnns in tour N€1'1

~ts W!a ll!'!rl!!l ~l't.ottw."nph:1 t>f u•~H \'lexieo dtirn an Jeffetoott Day, Jap-~!4 tuea5i nnv;v photo-in~ •'ride.y, April13, A L. AthertotJ, ters ~~ ~clfie wgots en the Oemocratie State CMitman, nr.~ou ~~~ .att4 ~~ Mntbt& Olr...air

, Cit.i2eno State Th'mk of Vaughn,

CnrrizOZ-l), N. M.

Member Federal Deposit lmurance Cbrpora.tion

~ow M~i~ r g 8 booklet dc:J~rib I . . mg the UldJgenouo cuttun'o of een.. workern ll'l 0 !1Ucb1gnn t<!tln-ual MeXICO !lnd :, 60 Pllt!P f('pnrt evy Oned up l\ 'tlery ht7' tnls• on f>10Xtt!o'a Rote in lnterne.tiooa! lloot lcadinll the Dt\Y omce.

• J& l!J "'ion wW Co•oPtr.&ttou, a conference held




A typ!~ ~!e w~ tho t~itlldtltr of twt; Mttttillflagcd b.:ltgeJ near I{o­ror ~tl,v. . mvh'lrr hb Lifllttning nt 400 mll§?j M' hi>Ulj A.ritly 1\lt t-t;.

•·. 1.tu F. WW~iln cf OlttQl'd, lM., made acrlal4Jhotograph!J of the l!.N•t'l.l

I'icxt. Navy Lt • .Alden Hop~Umt, Wil• ~bm'k. '\Ta., ~tun~ ~-ltlUt:dnl!ltiJ

' tho pt~ through ler.t l.nd ~tell tM t\\."!:i h11.,rgcs; t!Aretul11 eO\'Pl'td with tree! bttl!h tht t() tllt' rodhtaty n'bst!tvet tltev lOQkt!il like ~I'Jll$~ of' itte -K'orcJ~ all61'cllilt. ~ ~ ~t!li t1. l"lct'~ . .

e~,- c~, ho\ttes iit t®· N~ Citld t~ lhOdtln.r ddWti ~ ~-!1'()$1 ._ ~ lxil$8~ fn tho Sclommts llf. fur 1 ·hf ~d .'bep: IIMf ~· llo1h ltg5;

" ·Was U'.trt. ~ fit tift. the job.


~-aMilt1\~ btl~ t)¢ ~ Pft,llt<f-' ) fhtlhf, a.t.J. ·f'k~ kit tilt lt"Jit . 6 ....... ,.... to •L. .tv..- ·d{t· ln tbott

' ~ ~ -~· .

ntder tM 1M-trot 'lw:r8 wet~ l)OUil~· , dtd' With t~ltilncn)Otll'i«t '6llttlbt aMi ~-m•. !lrulh ·~.q. . .. . ~ .




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Page 2: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc

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v I R. G I L


Th• M I D D L I s


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Clean ~comics That Will Am~~e ·Bot4 Old ·and . Young ij ' - ' ' ' '. •. ..~ .-. . . '"" ' ' ... t ' . ,; . . ~ ' ' . . '

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POP-A Troubled Comeience


lANK· co~s ? •


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Sau11 UcJ :laid /o~~

:Jkc ~g~llng :knl


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Page 3: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc

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... J.atlmwnmJS~ a..t.nt am. r~•ll' "llor11

Dta••~ II lEllt:t:IJt Ja cc:~tt t:J: li'attem no. ~.

M.•m•~ •••••••••••••.•••• , .•.•...• ., •••• ~ ....•••......•.•........•.•...

. Who Won the War?

The anogance that baa oJwoyo ocrmentm11ho Gcrmon nnny wao typically el!tprec:.:ccl fn tbo foll o! JDl!, .eaya CotUol"a. Before tho armf5tlce, ft!l general otnfl hod ol­rcntly flturted tho lie that it bod not been defeated by tho Alllco,

. but by tho German Pl)Dp!o at home.

'I'ho b'cnp!l that lotor rctumcd tn BctUn mon:hcd through tho llrnndenburt vtctoey gate and dnwn tho Sfcgct!allco, or Avenue o1 Vlctlley, an though tbey had ean.quertd tho Viorld,

.......... :.ij :;if '6 b'IM\.,. 0 o.:-1W ·>*I,·,!!: 'C= .,, ·v~w ' .. ,. '( .. '

"' .


• ' .

MC~~~Jntalns of c~on::d! cruloina o'llet' thD clty Ol!l!i mohlng mom.molh huiMmso ~ctlLlt. . • • Hcod­&tW em ne.r~.b gleaming t7illi tright wo:r nm7ll whlcll ~\!l up llie illmC'.Jt. . • • Ti:o Flyms FGrtreC!l ~l'lir.ting• ewer tho Slaten d !Jh2rt7 llcl di;::~ins tt!l wm,;o ttl a e:at:rto tn tto !fon.!l lody wb Ctlttt!:$ a W:reh W. Ucclc ~.

~ntn un~· voiusya~ · their remarks M if Ult!Y wi~tc!l

were ~r:tlWtterc. • • Wotkers a <r..tiek c1an•


~te' •••• talk 1hro'Jib stand ca meel Cllrtli!!ts aw~y ,pteeious mmu.tts tt.ey ~ eAtt 11iWet" lio~ to tettteve, • • • Mo"ii!tt star$ ttl.!bin~t 'llt'cuntl wwn cun~ell l;y a fted ·of Pl:e'S$ agent!.

' J --

' -1 ll! . . ,,

Chic Eyelet Trim

'. . . .

·' . .

•• • •

' . . " . .... , .. ~

1ot O I 1 ',

',. . ... ~~ I I ! •

' .

8763 ~~

Prett7 BOWIC Ftoclc

YOU'll look pretty nnd very efficient in tbio om.oothly !ltUng

house frock with c:coUoped front clostng. Vee goy floral prints, plnk and whtto or bluo and white checked singhom.o, or crlnp polka dots. 'l't'Jm with brl,cht jumbo no. rae. .... -

(• Pa«em Uo. lr.C:J u &lelsn&.'l for al:n :!11, aa. ~. u. 44, .a, >tl. GO and u fJko :. ,...

QUbu 6\~ 7U<11 ct C:J or »t::ctl matnWJ I 71Ui11 rill no for tnmmt:£

Dre!ls and Rat ror Tot

A N ADO RADLE worm wenthc.r ~cnccmblo for a owcot ymmg

mlc3. Sho'U bo IJUfO to llb the ~SWinging oldrt an.d tho botilc:o loc­fng on tho drcoo. Tho Utt!c hilt lo eru:;y to moko-lt Qpeno uut fiat to launder.

• • • PaUom t;o, fr.CU IS Co.lltned t:T a~ &

II. t,. 0 en1 0 1~111.. Oll:o 3 <1r<!U KQUitn m 111l!!ll ct ZJ Cl' ~~~ll mtltt:naJLr: tw. U Jllflll ~..rnrt. 1r.t1u'll!l• WI '" " , Uu&rd.

Pinless Coiflu.rea The clabornto coifluroo o1 tho

women of nnu require no holrplll!l, hobby plntl, ncl!:l or cllp:J oo they ora hold ocmll'cly in ploca by their twiotD ond knnto.

. . ' ' . . ' •


Dull to 10 unusuallY larl!O demand aut omrtnt w1r c:ondiUonJ, all.cbur mon U.. Is required In nllln8 ordclll for a t.w Gl !be mGst pcp\ pattt:m numben.

II~WINO CtaCU: PA~Bl'l DEI"l'. llt lf.o~ WcU1 SL C~ap

~cl,,o l:l cent!! In colrul to: cad!. pcltltal destred. PaUtlm t~o. ~ .•.•• , .•.• , •... ott. ..••• tla~o~·•••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••• Ad.!!ra:l ••••••• ' ......... ., .. < ............ .

--~~-· --------------

Curfew Fashions Are Newest Style Theme

And now curlew fw.'lianst W'lmt with the new> curfew rulingo thoro arl.!:ett tllc need Gf cc!ltwnes of tess formtilltr ond ?ct. veey drec:JY tor tho ro-arrnngctl evening hmu'a. The reaction to ol1 thtD In thcr ~ of

4WU-forma1 street,. dtcc:J. Low brlt:f

Ut.&g wltb 80tlea answer the CW'• fe.w ~gs dcnignets are <ll'~at. ing hand$C,lmt'l t!lwrt-!engtb 10wn1 also sull!:l of tlcb fabrics such aa wnc. taacta, moit'e that lll'e en­hanced with sparkUns JcwoUed but. tong, ol' to tM d'res!l ()f uncluttered u simplicity they add u lntPDrtant jeweh'l> Dfoce or il tetchlns em:em· bln o1 matching necldaco. bracelet and eatrir.tgs. 'l'bl!l fCIU"ii~ ~cccnt al!<l 1$ gi'lten by wearing a bugo tcoe a1 tb~ wrustllne. Superb blouses ate worn 1ilith hattwron'l~ m.tlts"'a:nd tM 'hat. \)e it a tiny frowor eontectlon or a ~rtunnibs Wider brltn, adds the nnat note ot flattery.

·~ \• I .,..,_ ..... - e. --

' «,!., '• t


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• uvu 7/Jem/ . !

• : "U!t tnlU In Gmt FIOft" -1/£~ e ~· ~ Jib.~ b"t::.e r= cwlz .:1 : ~~ ~Jlf'~~~~ ~J/f! • ·············~·········

• • • • • •••


. '


Page 4: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc


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•• •


·- ~ I I! ~ ~ ~ :i ! ! II

Linmtu cOunt; Nen PaWJsh .. E~lfJ f.W.J


Kill"""' "" -ntt..laa• ..,..,. .f!ll,, ... ••'It·•• ~lit PMI oaw " 'CtQiejiiiO, l'ft• ··


-- ,. -~--·


-pinto beana-w.ill-tw-$5.'/6 a bun ~ e&ICQ, ...... tbo An IJf Maplil I, Qlt ,f lrllrf!lf pOQQdft. Cleaned 8Dd baJged

- ·------ -- ··- t. o. b. e11r at. country •bipplllg '•hev•~tt ..... •• ....... ,., tt.Do ,_ "-' point. In: 19·" ·pintos were sup•

Advertllllni Ratea Furnlsbecl on 'Requeat ported at $6.50, 00.0 •

Continued hf>avY marketi!lgli of Fliday ~ April 6, 1945 • -----·------- - cattle and calves is the 1945 WBr

11r1. Era I 1•1111, ltlller aa4 '••Ualltr ob for the n 'ti 1 •' i b •er produc­-:-----.""':_:-: .. ::-. .. :-:::=:::::::====- erP, who IV't 1\ sl, Ugllter teeord' Of


== I


--., .<>-; ····-~-,_ .. ~,, -'"":"':""' ·~.~ . ...,, ,..._,, _,..... .,.., .,.,_ .. --· ........ .: _ ... ____ .,., £ ... , '""Itt-••• - .• :.. .. , "''' _!11111.11 -·~;; •u.:ll[ll, 11!111111111 ~. I!I!LII(II.,II!I!LII(IIIJ(IIIIJ. 111!11. II!!!LII!!!II!!!IIIIIilllll . .41111!1. ... 1 ""£(111!1111011 11!111111!!_1 J.t!l!lli !'!IU ... ____ ""' ""'-' '-""'!) ·""6.. , .... , .... ,.... ..._, 1"'"'"'l,ll ... ii.OO!Iil~. :;_.,., 11!1111 1111!11 .... !IIIIIIIIII!!UI!IIIIII.. • ,-, "·' . ··i;- . . -·- I ..

. l' \'~· ' ! • '



. _,,,...._ ' . ' " "" ~-~ -

• ;

• .. ' .

,! ' ,, ' ' ~ ! ; ' . . . I o.f ••

. ,- .

' . A lot of troubled car~oriners WQQld pwbably like to echo }tJnior's words. n~·~ the pacdotic .motoris~ who waot to IJke: the best possible care of·their cars .•• who want co be sure to get a tioe quality anocor oiL They say, "We know we should ~e a oiL But how can we tell which

' .

' '

.r_ .

. I ~


' \),'

' . .. j'-

\ • j_,' •


---------. vu~--T

•l•uJZhl er goal cattle &f'ld

COIJNTY OF LINCOLN T. E. KELLEY, u administrator of tbo Eltate of Dr Melvin G. Paden. 'de· ooaard,

J'etltloner, va.

Dr. RUSSELL PADEN. ot all, Defendant•.

No. 6146

NOTICE OF SALJ.o; OF DKCEDENT'S REAL ESTATE Notice l!l hcroby iJven, That, In

pul"!!uante ol an order duly mado by r al I D!.trlct Court on tho 6th day ol II arch, 1946, In tb• above entitled

ealvn,is35,000,000 head.

BPcauae of the heavy decrease n the 1g44 pill crtlp, only a DPW

re ·•1r t tlaugh~r will m et wor mPa• req•drllrne'lta The goal is­alao t>lpPcteiJ t:n bring cattle nu11bPr:s Into sa(t>r relationship


with (t>Pd 1uppliea.

NOTICE OF EfEARI!'!G of Final Rtpnrt and Al'rount

raun, the undonliflod, 115 admlnlttrator In Tho Probate Court of Lincoln County of tbo Eotate of Dr. Melvin G. Paden, State of Now M xlco decoaiOd, Potltlonor will ull at oubhc In the Matter o' tbo ) auction, t.o tho hlaheat bidder, for cub, ED tate of Don B. ) In lawful mon"y of tho United State•, Engllah, Deceased. I

No. 1583

· JI yo~ ~o wonder bow to pick a quality . lubli~nt • • • PbilUps com~ to the re~cue.

· . Giv~ you one ~ way to make ceruua of · geuio,g quality motor .oiL ·

Jnst r.ead this simple, frank statement:

Phillips. offen Dlflay oils because prefer· ences Jtod pocketboolis vaty. But if you want our best otl, we tell you that PJii!t£' 66 MocorOifis our finest quality... e ~best grade and greatest value ••• amoaa p •.

lubd~nts Phillips offers·•to C:lr

. younelf.

... Warmerweatberisoauu. '·· foPaange (rom wioter·woro oU ... gct l.j• . ., by uklog Cor Phillipa66 Motod)iL

'0 • • ,• ' .

and •ubjcct to the eonfirma'Uon of oald T• MaJ'iD.I"'!t It;ogllah, Widow, Tucum· _ ! t a =• ·-~· ·-Court, on Tuoday, tho lOth day of earl, Now Mexico, and F. A. Englt.h RFC WlLLCONSIDER .Sugar Wrappers PERS ·w S dALESMEN WANTI!lD April, 1046, at. 12:00 o'clock noon, at Carnzozo, New Mc.>xlco, Guardian tbofront door of tho Lincoln Co·mty Ad Litem or Franlc Charl£a Eogllsb, LOAN APPLICATIONS Evoke Nostalgia - 1


0PEN-RAWLE.IGH R. OUTS:S Courthouco, In tho Vlllaco of Can;zczo Min r and to all unknov10 bob·a of tho -In said l'ounty ol Lincoln, aU tbt rliht, aald dceedant, and all unknown J>'flons TO INDUSTRIES . (U. a. Marino Cor~ Release) Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Barrinon of 1 are ocarcc but lD oo vast an or-title, lntcoi'C3t and atatt of tald Dr. clalmln~r any lien upo11, or rlibt, tiJia, or - ,. I Somewhen in the Palau •Ill· Cottage Cafo spent Ellllter in El ' ganization expnnaion creaw1 Melvin G. Paden, at tbe tlfllfl qf his lotercat. In or to. tho eJtate of th• aa!d (RCconstructlon Finance Corporntloo ands (Dt loyed)-Subalitutlo• of Pato visitina friends. new opp .rtunities. If ambiti-~~th,.,_l_ndacd !o tllhothpro~rt rth7t belralloaltedr deoodent. and to whom It may concern: Rclcco} 'lumpa of sugar durinl a IUtar cuo, willing to otart with IOOd ..-cr"" • anu 9

' I • t t 1' an You and each of vou are llcrtb" In ordfr to bt> or further asalst h · 11 enrnt"nrre nnd increase rapidlY, I •- t th ., .. ·!d •·•- .... qui,. ' ' ' . 1!1 ortane m galh~r• of Second ~ ... a. . .,

awrcs a "0 a a .... .,. ac notified, and notice Ia het11by iJvel), anee to business In reconvertil'lg ., , Mrs. Joe Payne and children, write for full information. Will

ed, by o~ratlon of law or otbrrwlse, \'lariarot Eoil!sb, Administratrix of Tho r 1 • riot Air Eneampmtnta b~!' rl· b b b • I 1

. utbor than or In addition wUaat of aald "'- f E rom a wart mo to a peacet1me lt.llted in a "avo ot 0 .... ~ ... • ... 11 tba• • o ave cen v1s t ng relat1veo oupply oaleo, advertising litera· Mtate o Don B. ngll1h, dtcnsed, ha:J R 1 Fi "'" .... •,;, • i .& - b · d h' k t dccc>~d at tho time of~~~ death. In and filed In the ab:>va entitled Court brr final eeonomy, econstruct on nnncc I swept thia Ia land. D nuC o, arrtve t IS wee to a ture ull you need. Rawlelgb't, to all tbat C'Crtaln lot, p.eoo, or parcel of report anti aceaunt u aucb Admlnlttra- will eonalder application• for loans I r£

8 t th dd ·•b guel!lta of Mn. Ralph PruPlt and Dept. N MC 211 118, Denver,

lud slttl\to In the County of Lincoln, tr!x, and tho Court bas appo!Jiiell to industry to includn working a 0 ?, or 8 10 en oat- Mr1. Rhoda Kobler for oeveral Colo. ltato of Now Moxloo, an• deacrlbctd ~ , the 30 day of AprJI, 1G4G at capital for compl1tion of non war 11 eel! was simpll. day1. · • • follows, tGowtt: " tht bow of 10:00 o'clock A. U., u the order~, interim finaneinR for ~n Emcraeocy supplill of IUJ&r -. ---- FOR RENT

Thdo tlhot n1 umboro~-10 .. m

1 iill1eu!~ .. 1

1l, buour and day tor btarlnc of obJoctlona celltd eontraele and IUb.con. packed in proceued nt1on1 wen . . an • t num ... .,~.. D """'~on any there be, to the approv11l and wra ed in Iabeii btarlo tbe Fcnmore Barneo nrnved from - ·- "--- ·-· ------''----!l6, Township o Buuth of Ran~t 12 aettlomea' of uld tloll ropDrt and ac· traetl, •• well u working capital PP t h d d f 1

1 . Denver Tue,11day to be with hio. FOR RENT -"Apartment Mod· Ea3, N. M.P. M. count, and the dlachargo of tbo said for war contracts and JUb·eon. name. 0 un re 8 0 popu arrea b · ern convonieoces. Call23J.

OAVINO AND EXCEPTING TIJERE- Yartarot En&]!sh.., such Admlnstratrlx, traett, A. J. McKinr.on, examiner Cauraota and eating pl&ctl rotber, Sgt. uland BIU"neo, wb o ·-----------------rROM tho trac:tu~U.lltydtoedent anll and •t th• hour on tho day named, thv in charge of tbe El Paso oftieo of throu1:1h0ut the United Stat11. wu rece~Uy released from n Jn~- FOR SALE coovayl'd by warranty...._ • foUowa, Probatt Court will p:orcrd to dGtermlt:e tbe Dallas Loan Agency, Recon· In crude improviHd mill ball• aneae pr11on cam •, and who 10 ------------

, to-• It: the htl.rablp of 11ld d~ccdont, tho owner- t ti F' ,.. tl aeroSJ tbls war-iearred lal•bd now homo on furlough. Ul 03nvoycd to E.O.F. tt.'llthkoa th• llblp of b!uald t,.ate and the lntereattf • l'liC on ana nee ~vorpora on. ·"' ,

!nt!l or May, 1001, dtttl rtecrded ln Pad1 ,.,~ctlvo claimant therow and announced tod•y. Mr. Mcltfonon Leatbcrnecka tlgbed refledtvtJ:r

' ' FOl< SALE - Morton's M o a t J Salt nod Tonderquick. The

Books of Deed R.ecotdl "Of thttelo lind the pl'reano entltfod to t!:o that: "In circumstances as· they reeo1:1nlzed nam,_ of fa. County, New Uodco, at vaco 2~, d!ttrlbutlon thereof. where private financial institu· miliar home-town re.tauraDta and to which refetmee Is ereby Tbe name an• post office a.darr.3 of tlon1 tJo not find It poulblo to botcls.

Cll) Conve)cd to tmolln• D. Parker en ·he llttornoy for the Admlofltratruc l• I d di R N y k K c· Cl lho 14th ,.f March, 1883, dHd roo John E. lla!l, 610 Slllllh!no DuiJdl!l& IUPP Y ~cede ere t, cconatru~ ew

4 or , an111 1tv, c:'fl·

rordod In Donk p of the Occd • l'l\o Albuqu.,-que, Now Mexico, tlon Fmaned. Corporation wi)J and, Cb.cago dozens ol eltlta ords of Unt.oln Couot1, Now Maalro Wllr.eas tbl bocorablo P lin conaider mak1og sucll loans d). wore represented. "' :~!:~"!!:~:to whlrh r;fl'ftoro ~ Aldu, .Judro of tho aald Court, ~~~ ,h: rectly, or In partl~ipation with Reason for the ·~ 1hortace, Mr. 0. s. Elliott mode a buni·

1D1 Convv)od to AMolom f4. Price on r:'a thereof, th!J ll3th day of Match. lendiDI inatilqtion& . lCI!Otding to auppiJ • WU the .al· Dill trip to Albuquerque Tuesdny I

Mr.. Mao Jordan and dough·, TlTSWORl'H CO., Inc. tlr, Elizabeth, made a buoinc .. o1 · · ~~-----------trip to lto•w•ll Frldoy. They I (•'OR SALE - t\1.en's Wolverini "ero accompanied by Mro. Holly ~hoeo Tho TITSWORTH CO., Ward. Inc

-- ~ .... --.==- -

NoUce th" lOtb of MGy, 19u1• docd I'll coni· · 1 Mr. MeKimmon also tev.ealed lotment of trampnrt IJIKt:for (ro- of tbia "tok. erllo Booh A·G or til• D"ffd nceoro, 8

• E. Gro~o. that Recoflatruction Finane~ Cor- ZI'D turkey beinK rUJhtd to P.aei· . _ House for Sale opposite cfLtcroln Couoty New MD:dc:o, at 1sllAL) !erk. oaration will make available to' fie basel for holiday mtnu. peared tho tir~t pay as merron· 'Ch h f Ch • t "aro 347• to •Melt ntenaa. IJ marto.aa bankl, a blanket form of partiei '' The rump ••aar didn't 11lya &be tcH aeeording to Staff Sgt John • urc 0 raa • her,.by mada; tl . t I t' '. · I

'" Co:1ve;..,d to BUsabetb n. LesUe en pa ·on Jpecmen ° conncc lon obortage here, ho"evtr U. Kirky, a Marino Corpa combat tho 12th day af June, lttt, dtd '"' NoUee for Pablleatloa with •eekcued bloain• which t

1bey Half tbo limitEd aupplr dfup. corrrapondent. I Mra. R. P. Posey

c:ordM tn Dook A•t of tl!e Deed may ma I to us nces eDtt>rpr cts. ~~~Uo~~~W.~ ST~EU~M~ Th~aptm~~~n~~t~* ~-=··=·=·==~··=-:·:···=·=·====:==··=-=·~·=-=·~-========-~========·=·~·-~-=··~·~-~-Muleo: a\ Pll' 149, to wllleh LINCOLN COUNTY taln requirements, will provide refaroncel.9 hen~b)' mao. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF for an automatic deferred partici· Tertileaac3 ca."ld!Uolllof u!o: Cuh, PUBLIC LANDS pation by Reccnstrqetion Corpo-

!!1 Eawtw m~::wy cf U:• Ucltd Statt::~; Santa Ft, New r.tuleo ration up to 75 per cent in any ao pu oom of tho t:ll:Chl.ll prl~ to le • Plld on tte da7 of t!:e Die, and tb NOTICF. IS HEREDir GIVEN, that aecur.d loan nOt ID exce£3 <if Wt!lte u~ co~:~ftrmaUcn cf nlo b7 punuct to the provWons o1 t!:t Actcl $250 000 wblcb may bo made by tki Dllu!c:a Court ac!2 dtll\'ll'lf cl a CoBJreh app:O'Y-ed June 20, 1910. tbt ••proved lending institutions by eo&~o"8yance. · latra or the State c1 Now Mexico t.M i nduatry. This form of partieipa.

DA""ED .. ,_ ... _ • .. ..... f .. __ ...._ &he rulea acd rerulatlo:'l! of U:t Staro ' • luUIUAI .. & .. ...., o ....,.,..., , --d·Om ... ,. 1 , cl ;n.., tion 11 for all practical purpoce3, ttC!5. &AU .... ~. ~ue ... omm.II•C:ler ~ub• '

T E K u~ AdmtQ!atrat. lie t.anu will cl!cr, at t~ubUa ul6 t!l t!:e I iU&ranly of loans by the cotpo · oft!;~ ~a~ :i Dr. MeMa g: hf&h•t and brat b!ddor at 10:00 a• dock ration to tho extent speeilied, Mr· Padtn, de::eued. A. U., on .Jurut 19lb, lSCG, at the ftollt Me Kinnon advised, and is con

.. R II ... ... door of the Cotm Ho~m~ lo the towtlcf temnlated to encouraae maJ.i n. • u~l)e .... , l!anlloso, eotmty .eatd L!ntoln Co~ r · b .• · · AUcrety f<l1 Admmtnntor. tr. New tlex!ro. thefollowtn. mum employmen& y uaunng m

THE OLD JUJ)CE SAYS ••• • J.;.' ' ..... ~ . '"'"'­... ~J

' ..... 0

• . f. c -

' ,, .. \ . ~

' of &be of sul-~~~~~~~r-~r---~·~-1\r.A post-war pa. Take Care of Ratioa Books •

' ..


' .

iii · ·- - -· · · · 'iKo- ·r =-..;_ .'* • _ '""''"''""~ -- --~ .'r-J--1 * _ taW'

• ··' - .. --- ...... --~-

'• \)

" .


Page 5: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc


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. • . .

• I

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' •


' . ..

,. '


-tLOD.dBS • ' • f


STAR . \

· .14eeta on the fu'st Tbursda.,..-•

ln each month. ' .

·V111itiog Stars cordially invited

Mrs. Margaret· Hoffman W. M. Mra. lna Mayer, SPcr~tary

PAt SalvJge mfcn:~nidioJ! ' ' ·-·.

• ,,

·. · . ·_· li!OMiJute duting · . •• . f •

· April and 'May. · ·. .. . Adv~tising sched utes iri aU U,

. a. d~ily newspape'rs have been do~l·d, and the campaign f>~· tended t'l all "ount.y sent wt! newspapers 'l !: 'ta.l of over 4,000 papera will he itlcludt-d in --tbe rt• ViSPd St'bE'dUIP,;


• 0 o ,L

• - ..

to ~ite t~this message .. ~ ' on· Saving Us.ed· Fats! "The help oi everT WP.mmt: Ja .netded in 6/ivinl used 14ts lot prm(lreds,of battlofi.eld and home· front e~senti.U$, lJut .som~J of us rl.on~t know o.ll the wws wa can r.Jo it. llcto are~ few pointe PvtJ

t111ily newspapFl' I II'Ju~d helpfttl,"··-.-~~ate S~th· . ·

+----....::·~---+.:-&,-9-;--F!.;-----~-l-'!!!:~l!illlB~~ ~~a~:!tl.i----Jh~=.=;;;=:;;;~ .. result of a tl:!st con·



. ·'


CABRIZOZO LODGE, NO all t1ucted in two 'areas <luring De-~ember, lnn<~'lry and Fe">l'ullry, in which doubled advertisil'lg pressure producPd approx•mately one-fourth more st~lvoge fat. The

bpPf al Meetinl!, 2r·d Tu~1.1d11y in (Jout-,J,. Rt>he.futp 1 •• ill app~:ar the eaehmontb. last two w• E'I(N j,... Mnr('h. durirg M. O. Lr ngley ..... NobleG·rnJ1d'1 all of "prtl, tmd llhe la3t two

. . John E. Wright ...... ~Qe -Treas W"t>lcs in May,

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH I nrreoaed f!lL aalvagP. arfvt>rt~sinjl is expected t lt•ep re it>ve. the critical sh:11 tag to • t fats qnd oils. War Fo••d Administration ~trltes,

"Military and indUIIfrial require

Coalora f.todge, No. 15 Meeting dates 2nd nnd 4th

Wednesdays of each month' at 7 p.m. .

Uayme Greisen, Noble GraPtl

rn~'nto f.,r {uta in 1945- nre m• rf' than two and a b'llf tirnPB 1940 I! w••rnm.,ntal induatristl uses and well ~ bove th'lae of 1945. Vlo muat also meet eat1ential civililln neerls. To mPet all nt>l'da, it will

Birdie WalkPr, ~eJ>retnry.

Profi!.,ional Directory -MRS. MA£ E "'4GLISH

NOTARY PUBLIC Loeated at CarrJz,,zo Rdwe


FuncraJ Director and

Licented Embalmer 'Phone 33

' ,

be ner.Poatuy to draw on sur ply oour«·ea other than tbo&e romi from imp 'rta and domPstir. pro·

0 • ducti·ln. The most fertil~ source ia used kitcb· n fats.'' •

Uoed cooking fat bri rgo tho houoewife f1.1ur centg a d lwo red t ,ken ration points per pound,

Cumor:o • • • • • •

" aod ~tivea iorlustry the raw mate· rialo to maim oyntbetic rubber, aoap, fabricn and gives fabric., phar·macaticala, painta nod var. niallea. and tbouoa nd& of other

N. Mex

BRENTON AND HALL Attorney!! at Law

Carrizozo Now Mexico Phone 63


Phono 30

,.. Am .,. ., ••tibt­,_., m, fd 10:.

* Buy Mor• War Bonds

.. ..

war and civilian e~entiala

Guam Amused By Japanese Propaganda -(U. S. Marmo Corp:~ Releuo)

Somewhere in tho Pac i!io <De­(nyed) - "Tho Amorlcano" h .. ,,.t only, one ohlp and o11e airplane and no annolint for either of 'hem. The food oborta~o in tho United Stntea io ao acute t b8t even President Roo::evolt baa to stand in line !or bin rico ration

" •••

Tbat waa the pictoro paint!d by .fop propagandists fo• the na t•veo of Guam hefor~ tho Mnrin•o rawo b:tck, aeeording to a delay ed diopatcb from T-S~rt. Nplle T Roberta, a Marino Corps combat ao re- poodent.

A native woman told Cpl. Dale F. Stnrr, or Hebron, Nob., that tho JapJ told them similar otorl s during "preacbiflg'' aerv· ices they wero reqaarod to attend during boura formerly devoted to

•• religious Ratberiogs. She oaid the fnntastia ,tones only amuiM · tho Guamanirma and convinced them that the Japg were really worraerl. DO YOU.



i .. :· .,_

~~(;"' \


~. · ..

~NY WOMJ;N 5~Ya "But l nov"r lutve fntfJ loft over.•• Certoinly lt's good economy, to re-use your fat!! •• , but U1erc'o alwoya come left over even after that ... and that little io mprc important thnn you can imoginc. Onlt one tablerPoonful of uecd fat will help mnltc 5 machln~ bullet;:r. Su there jW!t con't ever bo too littlo to oovcf Come on, ovcrybody, tcrapo your brolllni pan, yolll' to:~nter, aldllet. Save meat trlmminno and ccrops off at left-en Jililf~.


I . . \. "i'

. . ' -

' . it

' . . ~:

OTHERS tELL M!r "Dut my late are o!ten too duk to turn in." It doc=n't lll!lke a mite cf diflercneo hnw dnrk cr hlsckdied ... or ~hnt omclly thlngo lilra onion or fbb ~·vo cooked in YG".lr fat. E1:.ay drop or it will hclp llllll:o p:!J'otbutl!ll, eyntltctlc rubber, en:J~:l for the fi@tinG ond war front!!. Dtm't tcclllShllmcl to hand it ln to your butcher. U ynullXJe every bit of (at ycru pcl!ibly can. ytru'rc doinll Q Job to be. proud on

• •

I ~ '~

THEN YOU HEAR: •• But t7hat wrt of oontalncr wJ/11 uee?" Any Irlnd or tin can •Jill do. The ne:rt time yea cpen a can cr l'roit cr juice ()1 Ctl11p or VC{ietab!e:J, c:JVC it. But p!~ ccn't \:10 den ... it olmrot olwnyn bre.:llro end mdreo the fat-diffi'Xlt to wwge. When the con in full, tlmc it to yaur lrutdtc:-. For every per:r:d. ¥-ml'll get 2 red pcintll. If yau have any iliffia:!Zy <fu~dymu fatll, cm1 ¥-our Hm~ Demmw.rctilm cr Cc-'.mty Ai~t.

Approrrd bJ JT'FA ar.d OPA. Paid for 0, Ind.t/'7

e e --=-•---~---------------~---- --


Want A Good Job AfJer the War? New is tile time to prepare ror -From OPA, Albuquerque. (f vou ~r=an "lf'wq Ads carefully, you'll find tkat


Don't Jet. the present job eitua Book Four, for mt>ats, fatl, ~==~~~"="~~~~~:-::-:::::::=:'::"'::=::::::::::::=:=~===~ tioo deteive you into being aatis- valid through Marcb 31. Stamps - · ·- ---- ·--- - - · flH With illeomplete office.train· 'l'Gv ·thrt•USb X5 'Valid through (llf. April 28. Stamps Y5 "through

.If yo~lul: ttaiuin!J in book D2valid through Jun2. K~ep uul'ING;· 'rvPuwRI~t1G, Snou'.l' using red to'keoa. l!lAND, Comprometer, or -~ank BLUE STAMPS. X5 tbraUib P<*tint MacbiM, then you a~uld B2, Bo()k • .Four, for ptoc~eae~ ·ptattno• to 'ttatn' fot future se· fooda, nhd througb- Mareb:31.

·_ carit).. . Stamps C2 tbrougb G2 valid . ... Mail th• coupon belo.w for our through April 28 .• Stamp• 82

' CatalOJUifin.l eomplE!t•ln.rorma· through. M2 vahd throuab ti0n.W11Uimt required, coat June-2. · ·· _ eo-vat. •nd plaeement2portun.. _ STAMPS. No. 34r ·a··a dl itiN. Thtre I• ntf obligation. 35, Book Four, valid tach to,

.... Stt th• publiahfr of thil1 ptper tiye pounda. Stamp M. to t*· ,' aboat • •PtCial sch~lu• • b 1 p P!'" Feb. 28. Sbunp 3? ~o ex-

A• hu to oflet Pttt June 2. Applieattona for · · · · • · home tanning euaar may

NAil& ............ · .... ; • • • • • • madn ~fore Oatober a1; a ftftnwact · Sp_·_ aru Stamp 13, AV"'-A~' .... WI." ....... , ... .. :., ,_ • t.


lsa:o. STAM'PS~ Airpladt atttd~ . 1, anti .J, Book Tbm, ttch 1

valid tot out pair -of" ratloJ2e( . ihbel: . ~- l-


T-o Be Well Dres.sed .

Your Clothes Must Be Neat and Clean , '

so w}ly not take your suit,, jackets, dreJsea and trouaen to


' . ~ . '~

• • ... I I.

.. .

. .

. '

. ~.&80- LIVJ:. rr. ' '~~:t'QO£''SJlOW'~J&ODEO 110

.. '

• ' '


xt~el:lt. ~nn1.1al South\1it~swrn Live-·. ~

tt~~k S~Q\'11Uld Eighth Annual South• t{c$te~ CllampJonshlp llodco dates tave been changed to A}l):il 5, 6, 7, 8

~:Wd 9,.1945, nCCQrding to (\Jl announce-" iltel1l~-· madll toclay by the Show Of·

ficl4J.s. •

'.. 'l'®J,>-:raJiklng contestants of tOO ., q:»w}K)Y$' 'J.'\ Association wUl ride, l't\J'\A. -· 1l..ll!l bulldog the rugged rodeo

lsl~~-- .. Qt t>.on Nesbitt .and Verne Elll·


LnTTnannt.n~t Ba•.LnnA:ns

STA'I'ntt~NTR. ' ENVtU,Ol'llll

No lonr;er h t'to shlrt\valnt dress · regimented. '!'his year women can mnl1e a emi't anttcring vers.lon In plnlt rayon shantung with tailored lines. Pattern nt loc.1l !ltores; l\lnke It and buy Wnr Dondo with dollars ll!lVCd, U.S. 7 rcosary Dt('arlm•nl

0IRCUl.AR8 Busumss CAHD!5



" "


IN choos~ng our medicines we have been careful to selec.t thoae compounded by the greater-t

chemists in the world. They have built up their reputation because

they nre reliable.

Magazines, Candy, Cigars I Prescriptions ) CarefullY


Jlolland' s Drug Store

Silver Moon Cafe Carrizozo, New Mexico


Now Under New. Ma,..agement OPEN ALI; HOURS

.Short Orders And .Regular Meals " Line parties served on short notice


- ........ -- _ _, ---=· ..-.-

West's Sanitary Dairy Sweet Milk & Table Cream

,, .

Deliverc:d Daily JOE WEST, PROP.

- ----•_-,-..-- --- . - -~ - --

When in Nee~d /"of Pure Drugs 4 •

Or Anythin1 in Our Line "

Give Us A Trial ,, . ...

Paden's D.rug S~Qre Carrizozo, N. M. Pllone 20

Help I . . . ..

·The·-··· "

War-· . -~-· '•

, E:ffori··.

. '

,..; . • --·.

I) :. ,,


--- ,._ -

Buy War

Savina• . Bona•


I '



Page 6: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc

' . '

Jldeued b7 Waat.ns Jl~r•


THE SURRENDER o1 Lord Com. wallis and Ws British umy at Yort. town, Va., oq October 1.9, 1'181, marked tho real begfnnfng of tilt UnUed Statea lUI a nation. We were then 13 thinly populated states oc­cupying a nanow ltrip along the At­lantic seaboard.

.. - -~ . . ' . j ~- ' -~- i ~-'• '' ' '

• ' . .... ' '

I I I I . I I I . I


Children at IJ.ome Aboard Coast Gunrd Tr8Jlspone l}-t Sea ' ~ f;!f ,i,:. . . . ' •' ,_

' '

Bock o~f~th~at~~~~~r:~~t] ----e111ali!'tll\lltu ; of the grea~ central

eotlttln•ental ~alley. Beyond that the mountains and then the abores ot Uw PacUlc, a distance from PhlliadelpW. at aome 3,000 mlln. It wu a terrl• toey apareely populated by many d1f. rerent trlbea, speaking ~JCWeral Jan. (uagea, Uvlng under the nominal, but unrecognized I<M!telgntJ ot France, Spain, EnglAnd, RW!ala and the now United Statea. Out ot cucb a territory, worldnc agalnlt cucb ooodiUollJ, the people ot the Unl~ States, Chroueh voluntary effort, ba ve buUt the moat prosperous and powerful naUon the world baa ever known. We have worked at that lob tor 163 years.

Our development was through a proceoolon of volunteer rnnn fnml· Uos marching ever westwor~1 _seck· lng nov1 land on which to buU!J new homes and find new opportunl· Ucs. As market and soolDI ccntcra thoy catobllnhod vlllogca. Many of theco grow Into cltlca in which con· terod industry to meet tho needs created by tho forma. It was the plonocrlng fonncro and their fnqd­Uon thnt built our America. "----Bt~mirwbat as a ewuterv•n tberols oecarrlnt: now an advance eutward from Ra.ssla, throurll Siberia, to the ehorea ef the Pa· cllle, an enforced lndllltrtal ml· Jfatlon. llla nol composed of vol· unleera, b1d of men, woltll!'ll and families told to move, dlreoted b1 a dictator wflone purpose Ia the bulldlor o! a rreat lnduatrlal nation. ln a vast land thlll htls known

largely onlf tho crudo loa houocs of pollUcal oxUco, the vWogoa thot woro penal coionleo, nroot madom clllcs oro being buill as eentora ot lndUlltry to uUIIw tho prooucta of tho mlnCB and tho forcota.

By dJctlltorlal mothoda, without record to tho heartaches ar wlnhca of tho peuplo lnvol11ed, Otalln, wlthln a qUClrtcr of a century, has built an lnduotrlaJ &lant.

\Vhen &he war endJ thD l.odlll­trlal aaUQn.t of tho world, l.oclu4· tnr tbe Unlld Statu, wtD l!.na a oew eoroprllt01' faelnl thtm ln 'lrorlll markeu.

\Vbat the a~wer, l.o the not ,00 dlatul ruture, W£11 lUI CIUI be aoyooe'a Slberla wm tmnt upen ua u a new &a4 complete l.ndaitrlal rtant.


Tllt.9 tU.TIO:i lO A RiiJPUDLlC, a fc:doroUon of cnvort~lsn l!lt!l~a. tn tho C.O!C(!tlOll of Q (l>VOrtlmCllt fo: tho fcjoralfurl OJ~ tt.att WI a vol.ce tn prcpnrUc:l to1 lts ~alton, A port of tbot £lYDWm lj uur el~toraJ rollcgo moth~ or eteelfnl a Pretl-4t!nt an:1 vtco p:rell!denL Electlml of a direct pap-ular V<~te ot aU states troUid mean a c.entrallutkln at o;;nte ectUna offoiU 1n lara& ~~OOI.Ucn ctlntort~. w~omtnc, Nawd!, Arlrona aiUl othar otaten o1 wldo open flpacet woo!j bP codccted ac::l m!e all tt• run ut e compa1JD. Thoy 11.-ouU ~e but U'.o pn.'lr r-elotl:ma cl the 11\'U.t metropo.Utnn cceU~ns. To ho !"J.I't a ooar mlcs In tl'le btal po;r.l!ar -wlj looks halter for the b~e: Clan a wt:Jo m~ tn lhet olectoral vc~. ttl\ tho ronal\ ts the s3mtt !n ~eUca!fJ atl ~a.

• • •

• -" .! .•

. Troop Ua~J.Spoa !a now comlder Ule nurse17 •• a "muat.•• 'l'hous.atsc!s of refascet, repatriates and bable•

~r v. s. temeemen are be1D1 brou1ht to the Unlkcl. States aboar• the u. s. eo"t-ruatd·munecJ troop t~n&nsport!, movln1 east from the Orient and wes1 from Europe. !\lost of the cb1J11ren are bewildertd ht soon vueelve reassurance from Red Crou workera and member• of the 1hJp1' crew. .

Navajo 'Dust Bowl' Brings 'Disaster to Indians

. ' · Economic Qltaster for tJ!i,&OO ltldi•Uit II r•llltUy tatdn1 fottQ {jS tbe rttfled mesas Clf tbe NavaJo conntl')' tn Atlsonn And New 1\te:dco. A mUltots or more aheflv arc; tbe clltect came bf tbe potenUaJ blltht. 'l'he real problem of the Indian O.lftce I! the overpopulation 61 IJldlaw apan compuaUVdf unproducUve, deterloraletJ lands.

-~--~-----------~-~.~-----~- -·---------~---- .. -Man-Eating Tigers. ~ ~urma

No Fish Shortage n~ Wauconda

• •

1 Beethoven Standing

Lt.tcllfi• Vu B.eetJteven, flll6 of flse rrut eomposen, still stud$ ill tM J01in1 aqlla.te.

Child Oscar A'vard

........ •


r . .

., '

,. ,

' : . -~ . .. . T .u ...&. 'f A QJ?OJ~; . 04~ ~IWAN • liafd·boUt:d l.clon Hen.:!traon d!d isome wuflh tul!PQg to President JWosevelt when be arrived back from hm· economic ourvey of occu· pi¢d oennany.

HendetsQn was sent bY tbe White HOWle to consult with General Eisenhower regarding tbc eccm()mic setup in Germanx after the Arml·

But, while The former OPA

it, he was quite In verbal reporJ to the Pz~ldent re-2~,!·~~! .. •ri~gUgence pun of u; tb~ dil::;:r;::n~ r.nd

-~~g~r1~~~~~~~il~~ com· lCJ regarding plans [OJ' (lermll'lY.

Benderaen told FJ)B that • aeltbeJ the tJ. S. tnllltal')' nor the

&tate department blld done an:r· tbblr except the sloppiest sort of plaDDinr ahOilt runnlnf tbe cUatealt German elvWan econo­my after the ann.latlce. U. s . Antllalsador John Winant ID London, Henderson lntiJ.cated,

• bad been slltlnr on bls bauuehes •• a member of tbc tripartite eocumlsslon suppost:d to look Into this, b~& doblr noth1D1. Henderson reported tbat tbe plan

tor cutting Germany up p!to three :Uffercnt occtipna under tho British, American nrul Rua!;llan armlca simply would not work economical· ly. He pointed out tbat tbe Ger­man railroodo were act up to work ns n unit, not in three dlfierent cee­Uow. Likowlec with German lndua­trlca. Hendcrcon propoDcd, there­tore, tbot Gormnn cJvillan economy be run by 8 clvlllon comm1n.!l1on tepl"cocntintt tho Alllco \'Jhlch would have clulrso of tho entire country. lio oleo propo::::ed that tho mUltnry tnko ordoro from tho clvlllon hlnb eommlc::lion.

What tho Preoldcnt will do about tho Hcndcrcan report rcmolrnl to bo r.:ccn. When he r.:uggcated that llcn­doreon go boclt to Germany, tho lulnJ.lwUed olt-OPA odminlntroto'r rct~cd. Ho cold It wan lmpo!l!llblo \0 v:ork under U1o preccnt aotup. In­trtood be will ao to Chlno to mokc a otutly of price c(llltrolt:J for ChiotJg Itoi-ohelt.

(Note - \Vbat eom& Whltc Uons.e a.4vl:lers fear l! that the same c!ulos and lntJaUou whlcb ltllltd democraUo ,overnment In Gtrmany alter the tut wlr once araln wtn beeom& so rulnotlll that the German peopJe wlD ran b.aek OD anotber WUer or Eat,set.)


Mer~ and more atatc tccl!!Ioturc:J tmd mcmbcro c! ~oncrcc:J oro urf.i• !ng that a G.l. Joo olt ot tho pcoco table; al!;o that ho oogin by olttms 1n at tho lmportan\ thn Froncl.c~ United NaHan!! etmfcrcneo. Stlmo turthor pro~c.e thot Sumner Well~. formor un:icrccerctnry of otnlo and tho mon who originally plonncd fot tho pcocn machinery, attend tho fun Frmu:l.cco ennfcrcnto, pothop:J ao ad· vblr to tho co!tlli!r dclcaow ar n:l on unblo.cCJ:I ob:::Jrvcr with nn ru: to grin!l either for or ooainnt ony cno pt\Utleol pnrty.

Tho Moeylo.rul anti Rhodo Inland tcgi!llotureo oro tho lot!'!lt to trucll tho ldc!O of a G.J. Jco at tho ~oeo tbble, roculuUCM b~inll Introduced by Chortcn M. S~o ol Cumberland, 'MIL, and Joseph I'.Ullo of War· wic!t, R.. !. Tho Tel!Il!l and Sou!!: Co.rollrm tca~loturen havo ulrcod~ ~x~ rc:;nlutioW, wbllo SQmaw ;!chr.utn:a a! South Carolinn ant.l Rep. rc:::~tnUvo Joekcnn c1 Wn:llrlnr.tWP tavo introduced rccolutrow In tha U. S. oongrcro Ul'ginfl thnt tto GJ. 3oo attend llie t:m Frnncb:o C1m' !cr<mce O!l o C'..arter to th0 ilibJ pea~o ~tm. They D~ that hll be ru> hlghcr Uu:.n tho roclt c1 cet> c~nnt.


N~ .- 'Ihe Iowa poll, can-4uckd by the Dt!3 MoiDI!3 8t:m­tlay Rerirter, f011Ild th1t m ovn-­wheUninr majority gf JOWll!l.!, Sl pn etm, favCY~ bavtnr • memhtt of the armed forets at tb& l)Uee table.

' ,i ,, i

• •

' \, '

• ' . .

. . ~ .

. . ~J::;P wttN'f~-----


• CEDAR POSTS for SALE U:h\110 BEll CJ!DAD 1'01'1' tnabr WIUlltl ·~•. .,nrloild lots. low p_rtcu. 1~1t1 . •• ,. IQJI.IQe... u ..... ~ l'ul'J'. _ ..





I' ,,. . -·

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Page 7: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc


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' ' ; . ! ' "'--




' .

..... .!I!IIII ..... IIIIIIll!ll.!llill!liiii!III .. I!IIIIIII!IIJIIIIIII!IIIII!I!i!.t_,.\1!!!1!!'"""""""·•· ""· !11!1 "'"· . ---.......... .,., .. ,.., ·-· .,.,., . ...,....~, .,............,...=, ~. ~ •.. ,. ...•.. .. . ..

~: ' ~.

' . ... . --- . '' '.

.\ •. ·j· "' '. \ ·• '

~, /.


•• ' : '

. . ' ·.,

. . ' .

; ' '

' . '' _,.'

' -•

cent by the use ot electdo brood· era In lndilllUl tests. Elec;trle brcQdera 5tlVCd an avernae of l'.i mora pigs per Utter.

An clcctdc pig brooder 1.1 Inexpen­sive and CllBY to make. On maoy • farm there oro enough plcces oJ lumber to moke one or more brood­ern. The oketch ahowa how to make an electrlc brooder to put In one corner of tbe farrowing pen.

Ii'ot tho firnt few days IIPO • 150. watt lamp lf tho weather b ex­tremely cold. At the end of a week, a CO-vrott bulb moy oupply enough heat. When plgo are 10 days or two weelw old, heat con be dlncontlnued. lt ln lmpo:ttan\ to \We o rubbcr­

covorctl !!hop extcn!llen cord com· ploto vAtb rubbc.r-covcrcd cockct. Stondord braC!l ehcll cockcta oro not ouitod to thls typo of ucc. It ls alSo l.mportml\ to ptotcc\ tho broodor with a plank nollad acro::J!l the cor­ncr. en a norvouo oow emmet de. !!troy lt.

CntUc grub!l which oro responsible (or $100,000,000 onnunl loss In meat, milk and ,leather In tho U. S., cnn bo controlled by spraying catUe


IBlnNQ tlla~. ~- ~v,tll' Wept. JIC. Olea co '· J1l. En~ta•• 10 c:enta 1111' Pattern

~ N:----­Nam · Addru


ttlAI ~ ,SR tile .nt­f~wilh cudentllll

THESE cheery potholdcrs ore ulmost too pretty to usel

They're 6Y.J lncheo, hove two blue­birds s:waylng on n cherey tree bough with two cherry blo&oms

flltl!tg. "'*• or oftJce. No C!bllga!IQII. JEno ttfAliNG f« only • fiW doiJIIrt· 11101' ...

Call.,. wrh 1Mie1111

N •• ,.._ _______ _

M4m~•----------------C!Jt·-----'""lot. __


IJalancecl double action ••• for po.sitive action In the mixing bowl ••• for gratify .. ing results in the oven.

-Buy War Bonds and War Bavlnra Stamps-__ _._ ___ _:·:__ _____ -·· - .. ·----

TIRED, ACHY MUSCLES SJftllnt • Strtllna • lrulaet • SHff Jelnt•

,-• . ' • •


' .


• ,.

Page 8: · Mro Stotieo, chapter chnirtran oan en er or ou Anril 2 Mornmg,·· M£MORCf&" ~ill continue to nasiot with tbc


' " :·:

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jl ,1 jl

1 ' ' i '

I '

l '

' I • !

•' .[

~I I'


' ' ,, ' <-,·-·c,~- ::· 7·' :~ 4-.:;< ">;-*l:'yr. '""C ~:·It f.· CC '.,;


,, '

. •l.l t f'



• • . a way to show friendship to a French sailor =

l!na forelgocra ~laldng our dhores fi)r the fins dme re1po11d to che (dendllncu In cbo pbnse lla,·o tl 0'/u. Thue'l tho sood old home-wwn American Jp!rie behind lC ••• die tame ., whm JOU

tuft Coke a.c home, Coca-Cola stand• for lh' P411SIIUI wJnshn.-1111 become a bond ol 1ympathy bcnveeo klndly·miadcd Jolkte

tom.m 1/trotJ A!ITIIGilTY OP Till C:Oc.\oOOIA COMPAU't IY

M aanolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company o.a..cnta Uufldfq YandeU Dlv4. lA llln!b EJ Palo, T•••

--~ ---------

Carrizozo Auto Company

servi(e <






-- ----- __ _.,,., _ _._ -- ~-··

CARRIZOZO HDW. (O. Headquarters fnr fl'in<' Furni'UTe, Rug!l, Stoves, Palnl, Vn~nit~h, l{emt •ue nnd lbncb Supplies, Such as Win· Fenctng and Tvolo,

Phone 96 - ... ... Carrizozo, N.M. •

'' M8mn1a's Baby Boy''

APRIL 6, 1945

Grade School Auditorium

F.vt>ninu Pt>rfo•mani·e Matinee

f!:U' · P. \1 1:30 11 M.

H' me Talent Play Sponsored by •

Car. izozo \".'omen's Club .

· Yuu an sur- tn e ln:v a good t'Nt1lif¥1'i ol.trtt\n•tn\ , wtr.ll • .!'J up:e.d Cltlllf b H•t"lftt Oll1ftl· .

. I

\:,tOM& AND BR·I l'tC YOUR fRIENDS ' "

• .. _,

• ' '



·-··-· •


< . ·'

• a •


• •

... . ), ·.

. Mrf' fi,Omie J)uncan, ~h) bas ·. . ·· v itinz· ber eister•in l~w, '· M.l'i• l' ~~rold Halfman,. in . Lns · . ·

·. CrueFs '~< r several Q~ys returned


hoPie Sloturday. .,

· Mt. anc1 M:te. L S Conl~'Y Wtrt' ~ in towq Qo b~sinees yesterday. They are· new living in Dlirun whE>re Mr. C<'l:d•1 is working f,.r

Mt. ,al'ld Mrs. Clyde Lu•·ltf'Y ~ ("; lwP-fi!·in town {rom ,Nogal yestl'r·


· day. · · •

·fhe daughters of Rebek~h held ~fi a met tin~t ltlr:>t Wcdne•« even' •

· iag with a good c:rowd present.

0 ;.., \1

' •

< •


GEORQE S. tlE~SON l'lltllrnt--JiordiNi C~/~1

Sta Iff/. .A r ltz11ttz 1

• Mis! Ida Dell Bun~-· wbo underwent on operation t.o have a cyet rcmo ,..,d ft 1m 1 b" bottnm hf btr foot aloql two weeks ago

jl\O'C to get around wttb a crutcli

Mental Hazard Drivms n colt boU over n pond rc­

qulrcn o type of Qldll nltoa<!thcr different £rom lJ!tlna 1t a"roo::J o llltc­alzc p.atch of gl'ccn aruao. I don't lmow golt but men who pia:~ wc11 have me undorntand tho dlf·

' • •

,' . ., ' . ,_ -- ·.. . . . ' '

. '. ·, . I ·. ';q . ,: I.,


__ l: ·ur··· · . - ' . . . . . . . .,

• •

I I . '

have in stock.iP ,.

Drugs onrf Merlh·i es

Sbovt>ls, Spades, Forks

Hoes and Rakt>s

P1oe Fittings . '

Pump Leathers


Oils, Grea~t!e

Stock Salt . l


Boots and Shoe~ ..

Ladies' ·Ready .. to .. Wear Garments



< ,.

Our Price8 Are Reasonable·

The Titsworth Company, Inc. Capitan, N. M.

and hopes to ba ablo to dlicard tho crutch at-ortly. fcrcneo. _'l'hoy caU lt a mct1tol haz. ==============~========== ard, and lito ill tuU ot \hl)m. A men~

!if:"" . -

........ Q

Tbo infant daugbt<>r or EM3•c W, C. Dean and wife Is in tt e Turner hospital suff€lrlng lrorn pneumonJo. .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Glon Doraott and cbildrco wcro visitor• bere ta;t Sundeay to aco Mrs Bamca' brotb cr, Cpl. Loland Daroce, wbo was reccntlt rcloaacd from a Jap priJ. on camp.

tcl li.ozqrd cccmo to bo comcthlna that o!J~a·a threat but prcocntn no actual blrulrnnco.

Obcorv41Uon malton roo believe thot tho t:aanltuaa of monr world problema, currently Clfceucccd ln prl.nt or.!l on tho air, crentoo o tncn· tnt · btll!!ltd. .. Utter blanco:~ c,QU!:C"O ~copltt to tum tholr thout:..'bW owoy trom teem that concern them vltnl· ly. Pc:rtwor plonnlng lD a gnod ll· luetrot!o:n. It lD comcthlna thot nccdo tho cotln'll!l attention of fDIDlorm of thWililg Amori!.:lln!l,

Likt:t Sed!\~ Gb:~1$l! t hovo heard oovorol ~ntclliacnt

pcoplo rcc:cntl.v tall! oo It po:~twor plo.tmlng mlnbt bo comothlnc oum!do of. their '"'o?bi ~ o job fo: Zl>mo myrr

l'"'e Scnio- loft .,uterda"" for tcr~ c:cmmiUco of m¢Jltal alnnlo u ... " " c: cupc:moturol toinao. Actuo.U.v,

CbibunbuD, Mexieo, it.nicdt o;;l;y o omoU part Gf pn::twar.vlnn· l. t bn .., on"l! and ning nccrlo to bo central plonntna. l!V wo c p .. r · · It fo 0 Job for uo aU on!! U1o cooncr guco f' ur dnya on their anvual we ctr.rt it tho more promptly pre:J· eight tEcill~ trJp. Mrt. Gllmnctll pcrilv \';W !ol!m7 pOllee. Stokca, cJas3 IJnonl!ll', was fll People who lmoalno they ceo _. gho:;w nrc harmed M much by them chnrgo, • ao If they rcnlly cldotcd. l?cop!o t~ho

got alormcd at o btc un:lortcltin(l




Prin~d In Bia' TJPe

nru1 run owny from their port cf lt, oro in mw:l1 tho oomc cloca. Pion· rung 1.11 tar cvceylrody wllb 0 job, over.; firm \"iiUl n \ bunlnecn, evcey tnmUy \7Ith o form. Thtnao oro"co­£ng !o bn !llllcrcot. coon. emu '>/0 -.;ill need to ho ready.

1\ll1l10D!J Uuemp!oyed ,1 Spectre~:~ cl unemployment cho~tl

ln the cmo~to of war oro ceaey ·~ ccuugb ta trJehtcn even tho wi:;mrd 11 otnUsUclunn -:.-;ho hrlow hu\7 to t;rnc ~ 1;7lld tlgurca. That otrcct corner en­' tlmato: "!1} million without lch:J," iJJ

probably ~);;, hlsll. tunc:lcn bno 4!> milllaa ll~Pto WDittlncr now ot job!l they c!ln keep aftor tho war. Afi('r tb& \7!.'11", hll~'iOVC?, liS miillen Pill huvo to u-ork if llio nut!.:m EJ:rc:;p!lro. " 'rho dill'c.rcnzo lD 111 milli!I:l. Thl!l M!U"..Y Pill enmo from em- nrmcll ra:ccs Oicl from \7011' lnby ind~m­

\, tdeo; tm> mony to ho f1Jo. Fewer · )o'!J huntom \Mn tho\ moi!c 18\1 n

~fil bod yerur. Dut (ell~ ccu:lting ' tl:.o ~o!J' that t'Jill illo witb th.o wnr) ______ .,.._J,: uur lnduc;Uie5 oro oomg <ID nllllin;\

J;tCZJlct C5W tn::1 clt!lu!~ U!» ~ mil•

Rotreat Parade ceremony bon­orlnrc Bfven soldiers recent11 liberated from Jttpanes.e "'~';,.n camps in tbe. Philipt>ines wiJl be held Friday aftcrnooz1. April6, at Bruns Arnty G~n· eralllospita1. Santa Fe; N. . •

Gov. John Dempsey

rom In pcoccUme. It tl!l:!!l net ill· v11o mto~ o'i1ta, hut cnu lL a g:ilil c1 c~o mnn in fear •

. lnteWrtnt Gue.ssh:!J • wht» t'v'tm tho \701', mtn f~~tr.n

on1 from

otd WCI · bnvo t';oik 1om. .Aey~nriy · plan on o t:na­

man scnto. teo ·. utcp b tor cath d w in W!l own !l11.c~ m.• o1· nco to Bguro out obnut tltreo thitlaa u~at Jnlgilt hopp::n to bin husinc::l wl1~n ilcnco tumcn. Than Uno up tltts(t ''willa ho'' pootwar ctlongll!l l4 1•2-3 c:dor, tho mo:~t likely cno Arst. · ..

· attend as a special guest ~. wUl present the liberated

ericans with citations

. . Stt!lt N6, It l:Ylon wht~••s bt.'Gt t\'1 do fh c.ach . of lho tlitc1> casas. Tiy td tnok~ plans justuY ~ur Wl)~lt,.. eta wMte thfto work now. N<lhtidy tltn plan tor ~olf. Nobclly know! ,-our business llk<i you dq. . \\ Wb:t . tfi\ls, every man ehtlali l!!l\'et ®tck liet:es5 to- hl!l own dellbotate th!n'kinl• tUtil bt ft:la'dy to W(ll~t\ lifice. U ~ an Idea tot s11Wt bus!·

duttng their long · itnprls«~· • liitd. but !!illl.alt fkm.s norm~ em•

· · ,, ·. ·" ·· : "'"; •'• • · · · . .0101 as~ ct Amt!ti«:t'a W()l'~trl.-• Q : .

The Ltncoln Coun· News sol nl+

cctn••• job work; lst • •

7 •: • -. I -I --0 I I j" • I

" ..... f'A'E ., •. ,

·· ass work, prlce4 """"''~~ .......... . reasonably.· ~

• . ' i-

·' , .


WE now have for SALE


FEB o· •





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Lincoln County Motors

. <tiff Zumwalt


Phillips Products Phone 55


to bl\ndlet t'U\tiQnatly ltnown Md t"~dv~rtls~cl J)OMESTJC .. APPMANC£5. HOUSE. WARES. AND FORNITU.RE. ll'$tJUhiM at~ Jn~iftd ftont- ftn~ncfaUy J~ont!blt bu~i~ lie!Jiil'men Nld .Ul lnfonuiltlon wiU be ti!!lld tl'l etdet e.onltdetu:e.

Write (Ully. wite, ot ~t <IUf Athtt~"~Uet• .. t4tte office:. . ' •"'

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