Page 1: ТРУДЫ НАМИ - NAMI 260_2015.pdf · Poddubko Sergey – General Director of the Joint Institute of Me-chanical Engineering of the National Academy







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РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯМ.В. Нагайцев (главный редактор), С.В. Бахмутов (зам.главного редактора), В.Ф. Кутенёв (зам.главного редактора), А.А. Дюжев

(зам.главного редактора), И.А. Фисенко (ответственный секретарь редакционной коллегии), В.Б. Альгин, О.И. Гируцкий, С.Н. Девянин, М. Демич, Д.А. Загарин, А.М. Иванов, Н.А. Иващенко, В.Ф. Каменев,

Б.В. Кисуленко, И.А. Коровкин, Г.О. Котиев, В.И. Котляренко, Л.Г. Красневский, С.М. Левит, В.А. Москвин, С.И. Поддубко,

В. Предигер, А.И. Рябчинский, А.М. Сайкин, Г.Г. Тер-Мкртичьян, В.Е. Тольский, В.М. Фомин, В.М. Шарипов, А.А. Эйдинов, А.И. Яманин

Труды НАМИ / ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ». – М., 2015. – 224 с., 8 табл., 76 рис. – Аннот. рус, англ. – (Труды НАМИ; вып. № 260: сб. науч. ст.).

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Двигатели и комбинированные энергетические установки

С.В. Гайсин, М.А. Зленко, М.В. Нагайцев Технический уровень современных V-образных бензиновых двигателей ............................................................................................6

В.Ф. Каменев, Г.Г. Тер-Мкртичьян, И.О. Пугачев Системы управления современных дизелей коммерческих автомобилей .......................................................................................41

А.В. Козлов, А.С. Теренченко, Т.Р. Филипосянц Диметиловый эфир как альтернативное топливо для дизельных двигателей .......................................................................58

Р.Х. Курмаев, В.С. Стручков, М.А. Цимбалюк К вопросу обеспечения заданных температурных режимов элементов КЭУ при использовании их на АТС .........................................................69

А.В. Козлов, А.С. Теренченко, Н.С. Зуев Анализ преимуществ и проблем применения биодизельного топлива в двигателях с воспламенением от сжатия ......................81

Автомобили, тракторы, специальная техника

О.И. Гируцкий, В.П. Тарасик, С.А. Рынкевич Развитие интеллектуальных систем управления ..........................99

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А.И. Адамчук, И.А. Плиев, С.Ю. Романенко Современное состояние роботизированной гусеничной техники средней категории по массе ............................................ 116

А.В. Васильев, В.Ф. Кутенёв, В.В. Степанов О методике оценки износа протектора шин для конкретных условий эксплуатации грузовых автомобилей и автобусов ........127

А.В. Лепешкин Теоретическое обоснование закона регулирования привода ведущих колес прицепного звена автопоезда ........................................................................................138

Р.Х. Курмаев, К.Е. Карпухин, С.Н. Коркин КЭУ для привода колес прицепных звеньев автопоезда ......................................................154

К.Ю. Машков, В.Н. Наумов, В.Н. Харитонов, А.П. Федоренков Некоторые задачи и пути развития военной робототехники ..................................................................163

Труды аспирантов и молодых специалистов

А.И. Тараторкин Снижение динамической нагруженности фрикционов гидромеханических трансмиссий транспортных машин ............178

Д.С. Лихачёв, С.А. Харитонов, О.А. Наказной Перспективы использования бортовых коробок передач в гусеничных машинах ......................................................................190

С.М. Коротков Концепция разработки независимой подвески семейства автомобилей .....................................................................................196

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Президиум редакционной коллегии ..............................................203

Редакционная коллегия ...................................................................204

Presidium of Editorial Board ............................................................206

Editorial Board ..................................................................................207

Сведения об авторах .......................................................................209

About the authors ..............................................................................212

Аннотации ......................................................................................214

Abstracts ...........................................................................................220

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PrESiDiuM oF EDiToriAL BoArD

Nagaytsev Maxim – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FSUE «NAMI», Candidate of Technical Sciences – Editor in Chief;

Bakhmutov Sergey – Deputy CEO for Science of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor – Deputy Editor;

Kutenev Vadim – Chairman of the Expert Council of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor – Deputy Editor;

Zagarin Denis – Deputy CEO of FSUE «NAMI» — Director of «NAMI» Test Center, President of the Association of Automotive Engineers, Candidate of Technical Sciences;

Ivanov Andrey – Vice Rector for Research of the Moscow Auto-mobile and Road Construction University – MADI, D.Sc., Profes-sor;

Korovkin Igor – Executive Director of the Association of Rus-sian Automakers (OAR), Candidate of Economic Sciences;

Kotiev George – Head of Department, Bauman MSTU, D.Sc., Professor;

Poddubko Sergey – General Director of the Joint Institute of Me-chanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Be-larus, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Prediger V. – Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Osnabruck Uni-versity of Applied Sciences (Germany);

Fisenko Igor – Leading Expert of the Expert Council of FSUE «NAMI», Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor – Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board.

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Algin Vladimir – Deputy Director of the Joint Institute of Me-chanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Be-larus, D.Sc., Professor;

Girutskiy Olgert – Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor, Chairman of the Technical Com-mittee for Standardization TC 56;

Devyanin Sergey – D.Sc., Professor of Moscow State Industrial University (MSIU);

Demic Miroslav – Full Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia, Member of the Euro-Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the Academy of Transport of the Rus-sian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Engineering (Serbia);

Ivashchenko Nikolai – Head of Department, Bauman MSTU, D.Sc., Professor;

Kamenev Vladimir – Leading Expert of the Expert Council of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor;

Kisulenko Boris – Deputy CEO for Technical Regulation of FSUE «NAMI», Deputy Chairman of the World Forum for Harmo-nization of Vehicle Regulations, D.Sc., Professor;

Krasnevskiy Leonid – Professor, D.Sc., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Belarus);

Levit Semen Moiseevich – Deputy General Director of «AVL»AVL Leading Specialist (Austria);Moskvin Viktor – Professor of the State University of Manage-

ment (GUU), D.Sc.;Ryabchinskiy Anatoly – Professor of MADI, D.Sc.;Saykin Andrey – D.Sc., FSUE «NAMI», Department Head;

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Ter-Mkrtichyan George – Professor, D.Sc., FSUE «NAMI», De-partment Head;

Tolskiy Vladimir – Senior Expert of the Expert Council of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor;

Fomin Valery – Professor of the Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), D.Sc.;

Sharipov Valery – Professor of the Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), D.Sc.;

Eydinov Anatoly – Director of Green Vehicle Technology Plat-form Center of FSUE «NAMI», D.Sc., Professor;

Yamanin Alexander – Professor of the Yaroslavl State Technical University, D.Sc.

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ABouT ThE AuThorS

Adamchuk Andrew – Deputy general director on transportation systems for special purposes.

Vasilyev Andrey – Director of the Research Center for technical expertise SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Gysin Sergey – Deputy General Director – Director of the Uni-form modular platform Institute of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Zlenko Mikhail – D.Sc., Leading Expert of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Zuev Nikita – engineer-researcher SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».Kamenev Vladimir – doctor of technical science, professor, a

leading expert (direction «Ecology, hybrid drive and electric vehi-cles») SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Karpukhin Kirilll – Ph.D., FSUE «NAMI»Kozlov Andrey – D.Sc., head of division of engine working pro-

cesses theory and power unit simulation SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».Korkin Sergey – Ph.D., SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».Korotkov Sergey – management «systems, components and as-

semblies», department «Chassis» FSUE «NAMI».Kurmaev Rinat – Ph.D., FSUE «NAMI» / Moscow State Unvi-

ersity of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI).Lepeshkin Alexander – Ph.D., Prof. Moscow State Unviersity of

Mechanical Engineering (MAMI).Likhachev Dmitriy – design engineer of «Gearboxes» of depart-

ment «Systems, assemblies and aggregates» of Centre «Cars and tractors» of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Mashkov Konstantin – Ph.D., associate professor of of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman.

Nagaytsev Maxim – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman, General Director of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Nakaznoy Oleg – D.Sc., professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman.

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Naumov Valery – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head Chair of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman.

Pliev Igor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior ResearcherPugachev Ilya – design engineer control «electronic devices»

center «TSIIS» FSUE SSC RF «NAMI».Romanenko Sergey – Tracked vehicles Department head Center

«Special vehicles» FSUE SSC RF «NAMI», postgraduate.Rinkevich Sergey – head Chair of the Belarusian-Russian Univer-

sity, Mogilev, Rep. Belarus, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.Stepanov Vladimir – expert SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».Struchkov Vladimir – FSUE «NAMI».Tarasik Vladimir Petrovich – Professor of Belarusian-Russian

University, Mogilev, Rep. Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences.Taratorkin Alexander – Engineer of the sub department «Sys-

tems, assemblies and units» of the department «Motor cars and trucks» of the SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Terenchenko Alexey – Ph.D., Director of the power unit center SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Ter-Mkrtichian George – D.Sc., professor of the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (MADI), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Head of Sec-tor Center Energy devices SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Fedorenkov Anatoly – Ph.D., associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman.

Filiposyants Tewodros – Ph.D., Senior Expert SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

Kharitonov Sergey – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman.

Tsimbaluk Mark – FSUE «NAMI».

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UDC 621.43Gysin S. Technical level of modern V-shaped gasoline engine / M.

Zlenko, M. Nagaitsev // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 6–40.

The creation of the major components of the car, finding the original technical solutions, project development of advanced engines, which are the basic details must be carried out on the territory of Russia from the exterior design to the main components and assemblies that define the functional and technical level of the vehicle itself.

Fig. 11, tables 3, ref. list – 1 titles.

UDC 621.436Kamenev V. Control systems for the commercial vehicles diezel

engines / G.G. Ter-Mkrtichian, I.А. Pugachev // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 41–57.

The article contains critical analysis of modern management systems automotive diesel engines for trucks and buses ensuring compliance with the requirements of EURO-6 and above. Discusses the ways to improve electronic control of the fuel system of diesel engine and complex system of neutralization of the fulfilled gases.

Fig. 4, ref. list – 4 titles.

UDC 621.433.2Kozlov A. Dimethyl ether as alternative fuel for diesel engines /

A. Terenchenko T. Filiposyants // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 58–68.

The review of data about using dimethyl ether as a fuel for diesel engines is presented in the article. Systems of fuel supply for

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dimethyl ether and the dual-fuel system in which the main fuel is natural gas, dimethyl ether is used as pilot fuel are considered.

Fig. 3, ref. list – 8 titles.

UDC 629.064Kurmaev R. How to set temperature regimes HEV elements

works on the vehicles // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 69–80.

The article presents the problems of operation of vehicles with combined power plants, depending on the ambient temperature. As an example of the construction of the cooling system electrical components of a vehicle is considered a system of cooling and heating electric VAZ 1817 (ELLADA). The paper suggests possible ways of constructing a system of cooling and heating of electrical components vehicles with DEs that will improve their energy efficiency

Fig. 11, tables 1 ref. list – 2 titles.

UDC 621.433.2Kozlov A. Analysis of the advantages and problems of application

of biodiesel in engines with compression ignition / A. Terenchenko, N. Zuev // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 81–98.

The Article is devoted to a problem of biodiesel using in diesel engines. Questions of biodiesel fuel influence on technical and economic and ecological parameters of the diesel are considered. The analysis of multiple biodiesel injection strategy influence on working process and formation of toxic substances in diesel engine is carried out.

Fig. 10, tables 1, ref. list – 15 titles.

UDC 629.113; 629.331; 629.02Girutsky O. The development of intelligent control systems

transmissions of motor vehicles / V. Tarasik, S. Rinkevich // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 99–115.

The article describes the advanced designs of automatic control systems for automobile transmission. Stressed the importance and

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the advantages of automated transmissions. Considered Direct-Shift Gearbox as a kind of modern intellectual-governmental robotized transmission. This article is intended for specialists in the field of automation of control transmission of the car.

Fig. 5, tabl. 1, ref. list – 9 titles.

UDC 007.52;629.033Adamchuk A. The current state of robotic tracked vehicles middle

weight category / I. Pliev, S. Romanenko // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 116–128.

The article deals with the current state of robot tracked vehicles in the middle weight category. Provides an overview of foreign and domestic models , the comparative analysis , the basic ways of up-grading tracked vehicles .

Fig. 4, tabl. 1, ref. list – 4 titles.

UDC 629.3.027Vasilyev A. On the method of evaluating the wear of the tread of

tires for specific operating conditions of trucks and buses / V. Kute-nev, V. Stepanov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 127–137.

The article presents an overview and analysis of foreign and do-mestic research methods tire wear to quantify emissions tire dust in the form of solid particles. Results of the analysis will allow to de-velop research methods to determine tire wear in a stable and com-parable conditions of road construction.

Fig. 5, ref. list – 9 titles.

UDC 629.003.13Lepeshkin A. The drive wheeled trailer unit trains law regulating

// Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 138–153.

The article defines the main points and difficulty in designing a module independent suspension for a family of vehicles of different classes. Applying the concept of modular suspension for vehicles of

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different classes will significantly reduce the cost of production of new cars and increase the profits of the enterprise.

Fig. 5, ref. list – 2 titles.

UDC 629.365Kurmaev R. HEV to drive the wheels of trailer units train / K. Kar-

puhin, S. Korkin // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 154–162.

The article describes the different versions of the active trains consisting of the car – the tractor and trailer unit with a combined power unit. The values of the required engine power powerunit ac-tive trailing link for various road conditions.

Fig. 5, tabl. 1, ref. list – 3 titles.

UDC 007.52: 621.85Mashkov K. Some problems and the development of military

robotics / V. Naumov, S. Kharitonov, A. Fedorenkov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 163–178.

In recent years, revealed the ideological, technical and engineer-ing difficulties in forming the shape of the car chassis and creating robotic systems for special purposes and ensuring their profile and cross-reference in a variety of environments, soil and climatic condi-tions.

Fig. 4, tabl. 1, ref. list – 4 titles.

UDC 62-235+62-543+531.391Taratorkin A. Dynamic loading reduction of multiplate clutches

of the vehicle powertrain // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Mos-cow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 178–189.

The article is dedicated to investigation of formation of dynamic loading in vehicle transmission. The hypothesis about friction discs destruction due to influence of disturbance from engine and torque converter is put forward. Conditions of formation for parametric resonant oscillations are determined. The instability areas of discs parametric oscillations are identified in accordance with Mathieu

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equation and Ince-Strutt diagram. The actions are suggested which aimed to increase lifetime of the discs. The results of its efficiency estimation are presented.

UDC 629.3.014Likhachev D. Prospects for the use of steering planetaries in

tracked vehicles / S. Kharitonov, O. Nakaznoy // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 190–195.

The article deals with the prospects for the use of steering plane-taries in tracked vehicles, as an alternative to hydrostatic steering mechanisms.

Fig. 2, ref. list – 8 titles.

UDC 629.3.33Korotkov S. The concept of developing a family of independent

suspension cars / Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2015. Iss. N 260. – P. 196–202.

The article defines the main points and difficulty in designing a module independent suspension for a family of vehicles of different classes. Applying the concept of modular suspension for vehicles of different classes will significantly reduce the cost of production of new cars and increase the profits of the enterprise.

Fig. 5, ref. list – 2 titles.

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