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2292 Madrld, c;pain( April 5, 1944. .f

Subject: Publici t1 accorded _g~~~e~r:!:'_:J__fl~~-e_ll!~.{_QLl.~.r_c.~_?:41 1944 on Hazi and Japanese persecuvion · ~ .....

The Honorable


1·~-e ~~acre tar;. of State, Washington.

I .

t·uwlementing m;,- telq,ram ;-:o. 1101 of March 2CJ, J.OU, 7 p ,m. in reply to the Department's tele[ra'?l r;o. <'17 of l.'arch 2~, 1944 requesting that stepll be taken tv obtain pul;licity for the President' 5 state'!lent of t be latter date conde'IJ! the persecution of innocent peo!Jles by the Kazis and ti,e ,Japanese, I have the honor to enclose a cop;.c of thn Embassy's .:ate Verbale : Oo 22J2 of ;:arch 2•', 19~4 trar.snitting to the Ministry of ¥oreicn Affairs « copy and translati.o:~ of staLe;•!C'1t and requesting tfkit it be given tr.e fullest measure of pui::·lic'i.ty in :,pain.

The only •.1ent!.on knmm to have been made of this subject in the Sp.gnish press to clnte was i,L,t contained in a brl ef S;)T1dicatecl lTE dcs1 ;,tch which appeared in radric.' newspapers on :Jarch 26, 194-l, a cony an::l tr'lnslation of nhicl: are also enclosed, The &nbassy' s .>panis),-lant:,-uage !!ole til! de Informaci6n carried <Oxcerpts of the President's statement in its issue of Larch 28, 1944 and on !iarcb Jl, 1944 printed the translatecl text of the ctatement in full.

hespectfully yours,


l.VNote Verbale No, 22J2, March 28, 1944, with enclosuxes

2.1iCopy &. translation of news item, as stated

File No. 800 Nl'IB/Jf Original to Department

Cc,·'· !..,_ ·: · ·:..;- • ~ Carl ton J • l Eayes l


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;.:;,,bassy oi' til"' of iu•Jt, pl'(,aoa~s H.s ·'t:.

.· .. - .. · ·::-- _·. -·:·-... -.

·' .. ·- :--.

:ito ~:'J'\i'Cl~1~'"!1t:; ·tJlnt tiri.a pronOUJ.>C<ll•l\irli:. lly bl>El 'I:eHJ:dant. be

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-. .·. ·. ·. " .. ·- - . . .

22.32. datea Wl.::cli 2e, :t944 f'rOOl tile of · f<m~l·~o~ to the Uiiiiotry of ~-o~eign

. -· .. _ · .. · . ·_:-. .-___ .. _.-.:,. :. . : j . :. . .::.- :·- . . :~. - - . · . .-. ·_

5TA.TEUE!lT ·DYe J'F-fHDHIT llGOSLVKI .. T ..; MH,_Cif 24, •191,4

11The--Umtoo.Nations.· are. fi~ting to··make ·a.·,~~ld •. lh .. wMch ty~ and agp•ension _cannot c:xist,, a world h!lsed upon fi'$edoril~, eq\llil1.ty aa:l

ju~tiOtl, 11 wu1·ld 'irt llhich all persons regnrolees of race, color or

cr~d ;ln peace, honOl'llnd diJi,'tlity. ·

''IntJ;c :l.n lliDl!tofl:Ul"ope dM in 1mt~: or ASia th~ · iJyritlUiatic t01tu:re, am ffiUl'd\!r of olv.llimtS - nwn, WOillCU 8llcl C! -

by' tbe:Nal!ifi and thtufap!.lneso oontinoo unabated, In areas sul>;lug~tlld

b;,: the <l[;t;l'Eissora, irurocoot Polev, Gr.illChh Ncn'fiegiana:. ~:Utch1j,61ntJI!:o ."r·ench; Creel:s, Eusoians, Chinese, l"illpinos, arld many othQJ('a !U:'e ·

b<!ing starved· or frowri to death,. or mu1'Ciered in oo:W blood in a

oi\ of;ery. "' · .-- .. . :fJ

"'Ute sJ.aut;hters o:f ~·'arsaw, Lidicc:. l:lmrkov.iml :!anking, the

bratal tot't.Ul'e an:l murder by t.l;e .'apancseJ not only of clvi1iana

bu:~ of t•vr own &;<illant h•ter.\,,.?.n so1di>.:.l'a !.11'1:! !'J.iaz'B - these are

11Utrtlhlr, exa:.<;·lEH> qf wbHt goo~; OIL <:j~'Y by day, year in and year

oi1t, whero·J'ei:' -~he !:e.l!.i9 au1 t.he Jupar10Se are b !'till tilcy control,

free to ,foL1ow _thoir bnrba1'iC purpose,.

·• ,"In ona of t.he b.larlkest. crL1es of all history, hegPn by the

Na'zis in the dayu of po3oe and mul tip:J.ied by theut a hundred t:L110s

i.n ti;-ie of war, tho whoJ,esale "~'::ttElmati:c r:mrder of. Uw Je-11s of

b1irope gocis on unauatod ever.r lf(J\).r.. ic.s & r<1>s11U of t\''! !)\•ent.s of

the last f£1{1 <J.ayu, h'oJJtdredo of tnoMands of Je1rsJ who TrhHe liv:lng

vnder J?Sll'seClition have at least fotlnd <1 haven i"rom dentli in Jiililg<ll'Y

and tl:e Balkans, ai·a. n011 t~n~atalie<.i with l.lrmilliiv,tioil as Hitler's.

forces deacan<l I'!Ol'<; heavily upon J;.hese lontld.; '·'!hat th~~e itmooarit, .

people, whO have 11lread}' tmrvi"-ed a decade oi' Hit.1et· 1s !\lcy,,ultou]d/

pel'j,Sh on tho. V'Cl')' eve Of triUI!lph OVer the OSI''\JI'Jri1l,.ll 'ffirl:Ch :~heir .

persecution 5Jmbolill6a, -yrould be a L1ajr.>r•traced~-~ · ··

!'It is tlwt·el'o~'e i'i~Ung that \ve sl1~u1d ~~r,£\< !i''~:).ail.t oitr .. ·

dc~tenn.inat.i;m tl~&t none .l!ho particil~te ,tn tlloso 1.\Cf.s· r•.f7:;giivag;ecy-c: .. · sl',sll go ur:pturl.<;}~. The lhiitoo :iations have r.:OO.e it C(l~r that .·.·.•·•·

. thtly ldl,~ put'#!® the guilty and df.'l11.vor thc:r. up in ordertllat justice •.

be dolw;. Ti,at waming al)J'liM not only to the leaders but alSO to

the:l.r funetiomuies and anbordinateu. in C:rn:;aany and. iri :the eatellite'

countr:ies. . All ·mw kncrHinsly take part ·in the do porta tion o! J~ · ·

·to t.he:ir doath in i'olahd or llorwegir.ns and I':rEJnCh 'l;o ·their: death in

, Oerusny are> iuJJ,ty. wi tb the . .J.:Y.ecuti one:r, •·· l.ll who m_hare tll€1

¢lt ilball a}lnra tl~ pttnislment. · . . .

. .. ·. ,j,itler ;_; c=itting these crl.mes agairwt hu'ilanit~ j;ntJlJl ileJne of the GerJUlJJ j:>i:iople. ,I ask .e'Vecy German llJ)d> every l'll!n e'Vj:lrywilere

ui¥ler Na~i do:ninatiQn to sllow the world, by his $Ct;\.on t.pat in his ·.

heart he docs not share the11e i;n=arte. c~rinlil dellire3., him hide

thoae pursu.ed victimsj. help than to get:o:vor their bOrtiers, and do ••·· ~hat he can .to save toom. .t'ro:n the !lazi !1Bi~t;riu->n'. I aok r.dJn also :to ··

keep watch, 'and to. record tl1e evidence .thst :vd.ll _one day be;.~e!l to

.•conViCt the guilty.. · · · · · ·

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·./ ..

- •.. ·-o.··

.. "In the·~ea~tk~. 'and lint:l.l tnfviotoey tliat; is n<1\'f aeli\irfid is itoi11 t,he Ul)itild &tates '1'11;1.1 persevere in .ito efforts .t.o l'oeoue tho victi;as of: brutality of tl:e ·Nazis arid the Japri. Xnllofar. aa . ·.··

· tho' z:<OOafjs:i. t;;::' o! adlitacy o~~ations pe•~it, thia Goverrll'oent tr,Ln··· ii&e al:J; liieane at itil co:nn~and to a:t<t;t.lle ~aciape of all cinte~ned · .. vioti .iJ· uf tl.(; llaz:Larrl ,Jap axecut:l.orier, regardletw of ruce .or rel.igioii or color~ 7;e Pall upon, the rree peopJ.ks of Lu1•opo oini

·::Asia t.i.ul[}Qi'iilril;.r to opian· thelr frontiel'tl to all vioti.:u;. of .. ' opp:;€ssion. n~ shall find havens of rofu&a for thf1'Jl, art! we shall

i'ind thfl illElans for ,_hair mnintetlllnce and s.uppo1•t Ulitil the tyr:ari'~ itt driycn frora .t.heir ht>meJ.and:;,nnd they mo.y.retur1l•

·nrnthenan6 of juBtioe am lnMnanityiet all.t:radoiuo.lonng ptwr.J.e rull;r to thi~ :rigllt.eo\111 llnlei-ta.l~·" ·



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I .-1


~ : : { :~ '

, • · : '••!JJe J;icio:>;.Ew Uriidaa luclUl.n por -or!llilrutdnundo en el que 'n9 ...... ·.· ;~~$iaJ1 id 1tJ · t;ij> l!A lip·esi6n, W\ tllliMb l1asadt> dQ·l.~ l~be~tad, · en ln i<:U3ldad y' e11 :t~ juilticia, ur. Ull.ll1do on el (J."'!l todas l:ls i>ersome

'cs:tn:dist.inoi.6nde~ral'.U;·color o-cx·edo, puedi.m Vivli _E>n p£;r.,c6n,}1onor• · }' ~on~ii\n¥1~· fc · · . ·; ·• . ···• .· ·. ·· ... ·• .. ·.·. · . .

··•···l·J1tretallto,. en ~.a !ll('lyor P'!l'te de l',u1·opa•. if ena~,~~sl-ur.a'ree de . Asia, . J.n. tort'IU'a y el aS.fitrl.nato EJiste!:tAt:l.oo de peNlONIIi c:J,vncs• .. : .. ·

banhr-ee1 lirujore8 y nifioi> ~.pol' l?U nazis y la!l ja.pOlWSOS; !li.(>1le'n 111n . . dis~imtoi6n. · ,En la~ llii'nlui dO>nirw.d&.s por los Gogrflili)I'Gri, aeil"f1tl h®anoa inoeerltes, polacos, cl1ecos, noruoe;oe, holardesae1· daneses; fra1\eesos, grtegol.l, l'USos,-·o}1inol.l) f:l.lipinoll;, .y muol;os otl.•oa m!is· eilt4n·:por-eoiendo de Wmpre' o nturl.6i!t.louu de i'ri6 o caen aoasinnuos a sangre frla orl una cmn:pafia, diF bar1Jarie. 4 1 · ·,s lilat,anzas de VurfmYia, J,idicc., c1;)l'kov y hun.l{inc, la br1rtal\ to:rtura y el aseelnato pol• loG japamse:l no a6lo .de parn\inail civiles\ sino de ml(llltroll pl'Opios y /;\Viadorea. <~me:d.caMs. ~ !J!Iton . son il~iffo1PlOS dastacrdoa de ].o qne oc\!rre ditJ. por d!ll ;,-a.ilo <J()t'. t,'fiO 01\ . \ dih;,nO qt.>.iera I:;Uil lOB ll;;.Zj.f! Cl lo!J j.o.pone 3GS <hpU.i.le 1'1 el Cont,roll!iili tar, .lihrea lY.<ra desurt;o1l&r31m Mrbm·os fines~·-

r:n w1o de lo:'l critficmes ooleotivor.; •:14s repn!,:nantrir~ qnc re,'{iatra ·; · la h:i.:;torj.u tie to:J.os los '{.:tempos, tn:l.ciado por 1m• 'rozfli en Uempoo do pall ~f ;~·uJ.t:~!>liOado pon:·· elJ.uj Lli.S!nOB c'i.Clll VtlOOS 0n tj.,.;:·\!)OB de gUei-raJ _ ol. a3eSinai:.-o !li.~~.e; e.n ·nusa.·de lo? jlidi.on de r.ttr~rx..q sit~O irictlsil~-rte hOra. pvr _nol.'&• n conse?cue~:.p: de --l,OB u~~pr~-t_t~c~U~utos de o}":t0t.1 ill_t~:n.Oa diau, c"ntetllireti _d~ l_n~10a_ de -jtv.:~fo;; q,JC.~~- ·~·~lnq1H'i_ v:tv!.an. bajo -)B pereecuoi 6n · mb!o.n ;mco;·,trado al •.u3Ji0::! ur. c l.ipape n 1ll :r;.u'erte em J-;Uilf,rill yen los Halc!:i:wa, lie ven llhora iliilona:;l'.dos de ser f!llj.Quilados al l.l"l'llnpir lc,s .~\l!lrz:Js de. U. ~lo1· . e~ aciuel:U..s · tiorrna.; . t-:t. est as gentes inoeent,ei!l, que. han oqbrevl vido ·despu~s: de \ma (Mo~a de furia hit.lerian\\1 ,_Jxi:reci oa.en en ·J.i rilcrw vispar&: del trilli1ro a ee.uee de,la barbnrie::-sil•\Lt•li:wda pur .s\i pe:rsccuc16n·; scd.a mill tragedia de r,ran uwgnitud• · ·

:· --- ~ :· ~ ~ . . - . .

Tsa, por lo· tanto, apropiado q11~ :,>rocl&n~ido!l d<~ n;,tevO.'r,\lest,~ ·. detett-O.nacil>n de ln~r que nadie que heya }>artic:!.i)ado.eri ellt,oa aotoa. d.e bal·i.larie el~l,da el.:_castigo •. 18.s ~:aci otlilsllnid&s 4ail. P'l€st;o bien e_n

· ,olaro 'l''f.l• por~Of;uir~n "a . ios. culp.'\h:I,es. y .los • poi:Jdp~ Gil .in:nios ··de· la jnsti~:\.a. l:staiid'vertencia afocts no oj6lu>alos j~esl s:ln.o tambib a los fUnc'l.onarios .y ll.lo;r suboniin~;~dos en J.lenal\1.a yen loa p-::\!ao!J · satklit..e!h 'l'odoa lQfl CJ.UEl a !!t.lbiendaa pa:d;iclpM wi Ta cl.eport(uJi6n de jl)d:{o!) fEll'S SUI!lUefote (m i>oJ.onia. 0 onla de I!Ol'U!!ZfOS y frallCOSII(i' ,

.·para su·_lll\wrte•en J,;te:nania,.oon tanculpab~e~ co-n<~Ji.ri '\rerrh~oa. · Todos J.cs que 1)Urlici,.en fin·l.ii.culvabi1.:!,dad .pax't,f-Civ.o\#n>ei)· ~l91i~)ligo•

'Hitler out! CG<aoUerulo est.~:J cr1.11enes contra 1~ tru:lianj.d~-'en . nom'\.lre del pueblo a:uftiltn.. i'idr.ra toao alem.dn, -j a. todo liO:t,bre de ,

cunlquier pa!s bajo al de>llinio twzi, que d8Jlueatr9 aL:mn:lo por inui ·· aeeiones ·qUI) su coraz{m no abriga ·. est:6a vesruuco!l i:leseo!l cr;L;jinaJ.ea ~: ,i.;,lc·ayude. a la• oeultaoi6n !i~ estas· rlctuas_•·perse,;:nda~;; que_: lea· •. · i ..

. a~e B CruEr.\l" l.a. ~ntera y que haga 'ct1ant() ptiedajpPt'. l;lalvarloq .de • laS glll'?l'aB del vei'dugo ::1n1.1i. I,e pic~o W.11bi~n que v1.gile y t(>i:te not.f£

·-·---··- .Ji~~~s Pruebas ·que alg~i & serl!n ut:t)j_z<tctsw p•n·•l. st.nitcnr.;:tru·:a.~l,oa cillpabies; . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . .

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. : ' '',' -· __ .··,

. . • .. · I;ntretautoj r h~~~ . ;;m: ~G . }IJf~B· J.!) Yj.ctol'.tQ qt.~ ~& terio.'<OI) . a3egui•sda) .lqs Estndos JinidOS pe l'llBVl'll"Eil'dn en .8\ia e:sf'U~):'!:Oil pgr salva!' a llls ;\':!oUmas de b:rut<·.}.:l.clad d~ los nazi.s y de loa .. · .·

. j~_pi'h9.~Jeft:t~- :. E~1 ·?-~~~t~ ·J>er~1ltltn ln!;_·. o::lC.r!,9~-~.,·rw~- m.ll_i~~i~--~~5~~r,·_ -:o_~tf:~-,-:_

~~~;~~:f~.,?t&;~;~. i~;o~~~~:l'~:<!i;~~:e~-~~:.du;-zu~~i~c~~{th~~~:t.;~~,,;i;_· rm_zi-. ~! .. ~1<;•:; .. ~-n~H .-· .u:i.n r.:i.stir:c.Jl•n-_ c:c ;~~f:!.ZLl.s :·oelli~~6~1 .Q-· riQ:\.0r; U?.<:;~!1~~ Ul(~--~:~:~\-;~::d .. ?n~o- ~- ~0~ pi.i~~)~-~,?-_ j_;t~u~~:~ -c~'a; ·-,u-ror~- --~~- ri~i.-- ,. a-5-.::_t ·i:~:-~r\ · q1iE1 -~?~tin_· t.~-~~ ")(~;t'~:t-:tl.qn:t~- ft~s-- frop~r-tlS_ a·.-'oo:}~~ 1WJ .. _ V.~~~;~~-~4-~: ·_d.t1 ·_lil..

' ~~~"~-~--~.·_:.·_. ~.·:_;;J~.:_;,_:~o~-.. :~1;;;· ;.~;:'.~.F_,l···-.~~:._ ~-:~.-·.:.:l~.-~.~~--;f·!~;l·~, ;~~~!'~! l::s ~,' ::~; ~~~o~i;~~~;;6~t t.'Y~~. _ . .., ~ ... ~ '.:e. ~ ... , _ v;!< ~.'\1-~~:tthl ~-::;_..·resa-r --~-,:nu~_:)-~Of;a:rcso. ·

i·.n rA.··:·.hl~;~ J~ }.-r. ju~rt.Jc~C ,::.~:(!{, :l.t ;i,} _in .!l!~hGWi~~n de. t,:)df:J.:.r loG-_ pltobioS m:l:1.!ltn::: .. 1~: --li:-~ 1:~ t)(kT"'t:Ki a est-~l ~-:~1;;;1t..:1 (:;:\J~·t'ri~~-•"

\ \

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. ·EricJ.~~u~·~~~i2.i.t~:~~*~~~k Jfo·.~~ lla~~d~pr{i5; 1944;'r~ Oa,,l';Lt9p. f •·H• Ha;yes~ ;Ahieiioan AJI!b•s!!ll.dol'1 at Madr;id~. Spair) pri. ... 8U~j e.ot 'of{ .,Publioity /ICOorded PJ;'ei!L.~~p.t Is stilttl1lent. of .• March: 24)• 1944; on N!izi .aitl Jap~JJ.e'se Persecut:toh• · .. · · · · · · · · ·· · ·. '· · · · · ·· SOJJR:EI ·. " ,lEO i' (~riUhgiW!'~j;·},. :;, : ' .. ; ·• . ' · . . . . ' nlrifspa~r)i. Madrid, ,' . '

Mareli 281 1944. ·

·.~ ~ f ...

Roosevelt al pueblo fillpind y advert.encia a Alen\imia y al Jap6n · . q.- . ~

W~shinlfton• :25 1 10 noche~ El'preshlente Ro~sevelt, de;~pu~~ d~ haber permanecidO reQlUido QUatro d!as en SUS habitaciones a ~on..­

SSOUencia de un fuerte catarro, ha reanudado sus ac,tividades p~blicas con dos mensajes dirigidos 1 uno al pueblo filipino; .SIJ el que r~itera 1 en nombre do. los Estados, Unid,os, su promesa de futura independenoia1

y otro a todo el.ll)undo, en el oual,. con ttirridrtos <:I.e gran exierg.ta·, advierte, una vez mils, a Alemania y a:J: Jap6n que tOd.a!! sus acoiones contra las mino'rlas raciales y religiosas ser!in castigadas a la.cMra del armisticio.. El presidents norteamericariq . subray6. espeoialmente (m este menaaje la amenaza que pesa sobre_ las l)linoriae judias de lbl!

... Balcanes y pi~6 que todos loa paises neutrales 'presten refugio y c · .ayudil.. a los perseguidos por raza o re]j_gi6n,.;. EFE;,


Washin~ton, Ma~ch 251 10 p.m:; , President Roosevelt, after being confined -for four days to his prl vate ·rooms .bec11useof a heavy cpld1

has' renewed his public activities lrithctwO,mesaages; one directed .-·• . to tbe Philippine people in which he repeats, in the name ·.Of the United States, his promise of future::tndependence; and the other directed to the entire world and iii Which, ,in terms of great for!Je, he ,warns Qe:hJU).ny and Ja'pan once more'. that' all their actions: ' against racial and.· religious minorities. ·llill be punished a,t the ' time of the annistice. , The North AmE!rican President ·especially' emphasized in :f;hi I! message. the niensoe hovering over the J ewi9h ' ' minorltiea'in ~e Balkans and requested that all neutral countries

. lend refuge and aid :to those perae(luted.:,beqause. <)f race or religion~;. EFE . . . . . . .

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.· ·.-·_;. ,-_-,-. -.. :-- -··.

caNTnOt nopy .

. .

. ·· ·.···.·. Wltll reter~nce to m.f ~legrauu:ao., 90 Gro~Jc·· ~oil • . 30' transmitting .the text ·Jn trt41sl~;~:t;ion or .a cteclar• ·. ·. · :_i:l·t.1o_n b7 P .. r_s.m_ e Minister_ . 'l' __ sou_ de~_o os~~l1c1.~1 .. J'I._S .t_h . .,_._._•_ooo_ p. e_r_-.··_· .atlon O't the people or G:r~ece"l.D ~ttollitatlq th'e escape

and succor of.·,h ~e1'ugees from Europe • I . ha\'e the hOnor to enclo~e a oopJ ot tb.e original Creek• text ot tlW.t stat8lll!")J1t and. to 'report :that it was broadcast 1D Gre$k 1n the Greek: Gon~nt,o' traneii1S.eaiona frOm· th.e.

·· Cairo Broadcf.let$ng Station at. 1:16,. '1:30 aD.cll0:3'0 p~m. ~airo time on.·March 51· In addition; there 1e tr~:~niqilltt~ herewith a cop)" or en. article trom the P'roi!:ea 'lm;t,iu

. ot March 311 containlne; the text t;)f the deCluaUOA as ; released b;r· the Office of War Into:r.mli:t1onhoret .trans.;. lated into .h'onch;. · · ' · . · i ·.·. ··· · ·. · · . ~-

It mar be reina:rk~d t.bat when1 in accordaricl:' with the Depal.'tment~B telesralli. no• · 46 Greek, J4arch 2~1 l .. called upo~;t the Prlm:e Minister Wld intormed him o~ 'lil\8 . ,

. motives . uncterlJ1ns. tho Prelilident •s declara1>1on. ot -r~h ; U, and the deli1re or t}!.e War Rerugee Jbar4 the.~ if1Jdla1' statel'llents be~ obtained from Allied Gove1'.Dment8,_!h". ·' · ··'l'soUderos_·nprt~ssed his .clllepeat ther41ldth.~~ willlr&sly asr~utd to 1£!aue a: declnrad_on in eu.pport ot' •the President's views. - · · ·

·Aceol"di~g to ilitorma tt'on receiVed· he~e,~ 'lilie Gteek ~ .· people .for sOille .t1m.e been Jlll:\ter1aU7 assis~ing in the· escape ot. Jews t.o the Middle ~at ~1a the' existin& undersrc)und chu.nnela and appreciation ot their ettorts ..... · 1n thiS. regard has been expressed by the Zew11Jh Commun'-t7 in EQPt as reporte4. in. my deap&ltch llO•; E52 _ot ~h r-7. Prime Minis :tor 'l'Souderos t declaration eoutitu~es;·:an ·

· appeal·tor turtl1er endeav~r' _in this d1rec.t1oa{ ·

Respecti'ul171ova}'; ·

'(,·;·· , .. ').·

Page 10: );r

. . . ·, ... ·, .. :.· .

rrsouDEnos JUWIE !.a DECLoRNhoini l4~ aoosEV~L~ stl1t L;;;s . . R.i.!il!UGIES

te citre, le 30 (OWI) "' .B'ais~Utt )suite u i•appe~ lmce par le !'resident Roosevelt~ en 11:lveur doe refu61es, ta. E!Diianue~l 'l'souderQs 1 Prelllier m1n11Jtre .do qrt;toe, a falt les deoltiratione euiv~tes: · ·· · ·· · ··

.. "Dans .une ~ortante deolurt-~t~on, le President Roosevelt a,unetois,de plus denonce au monde civ111se lee crimes de nos ennem1s sou1Ues de sans, qui avec une 1iltene1te accrue, partio\llhrement dana les Bal. kana . et .la HQJ1Gr1e, . oontinuent par le mas1utore et lti tumine a exterminer des Diilliers de .vies hwliaines. · ···· · · · · · ·· · · · · ··. \

. ·. . .

"Lelanftage employe pari~ Pres1dent1ltiosevelta ete oelUi de l'inexorable ~ustice>qui ne mWlquera pas bientot de pun1r .leiiJ < ....

· · ~ aut·eurs··de~c~e -arimD-.-ar.ns precedents, u~ai que leurs sateUitea· . · et complice. Oette decbration oonstitue egalement la plus blaute · eXPression de,la aolidarite humaine envere toutes lea v1ct1mes de;ces outrae:es barbarea.

".rart1,1.geant pleinement les vues. et lea. s.ent1ments du chef eminent. de Sfi gande all1ee1 1' Amerique i> le gouvornement helle• n1que .· reoollllllllnde a tous les, Gl•eo&!l . de . pre~dre par~iculierement note des reo0llllllenc1i.t.t1ons du President Roosevelt, demandant au popUl~;;.tions des &llkflllsd'ddor au sauvetage eta l•nas1on, vers des pays neutres ou tUDis, des Ju1f's menaces ma1ntenant d•une nouvelle et 1nb.UIIIa1ne. Pl'irseoutj,on, et lles a~tres v1ot1mes 4e la ' . t;yrann1e nazte". · ·· · ·

Page 11: );r


/.. : .,_, · .. ·~ ~"' ··CONTROl CQP,¥,;;~·;,'5':, '.:~~'""''



Buenos Aires, Argentina( April~~ No. /.1/J j- 7


! i' e' ;':

1944. J

Subject: Reporting V~it of Delep,ation from the.Argen­tine Jewish Associations to Express Their Ap­preciation for President Roosevelt's StatementY

Regarding Refugees,

The Honorable


The 3ecretary of State, !!lashing ton,

I have the honor to report that a delegation of Jewish leaders celled at the Embassy on March 25 to ex­press appreciation for the declarl_ltion r.iaaeoyPresi­dent il.oosevelt regardint~ refugees and, in particular, the President's references to Jewish refugees. The delegation was composed as follows: Dr. Moises Goldman, President of the Delegaci6n de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas, (D.A.I.A.), Sr. Leon Cayani, Member of the Board of Directors of the D.A.I.A., and Dr. Jacob Hell­man, Delegate of the World Jewish Congress.

The officer of the Embassy who received the dele­ation thanked them on my behalf and stated that their visit would be reported to the Department in order that it mieht be m2de known to President Roosevelt.

Subsequently, there was received at the Embassy a copy of a telegram which the delegation sent directly to President Roosevelt in the sama sense. Transmitted herewith is a copy of the message,

As of possible interest there are also enclosed clippings from La Naci6n and La Prensa of March 25, which will indicate the very favorable treatment accorded the President's statement in the news columns of these pub­lications.

, /

\~ .


No. 1. Copy of telegram.

No, 2. Clippings from La Prensa and La Naci6n of ~ffirch 25:- ------

Fire no,


-l ;


Page 12: );r



Enclosure No. 1 to Despatch No, From American Embassy at Buenos Aires Re: Visit of Jewish Delega­tion to Express Appreciation for President Roosevelt's statement Regarding Refugees.


Excelentfsimo Seaor Presidents de los Estados Unidos de Norte America, D. Franklin Roosevelt, Departamento de Estado, Washington, U.S.A,

Hacemos llegar a V.E. la emoci6n de los israelitas

argentinos por las nobles declaraciones en defensa de los

perseguidos por el odio.


Goldman Presidents (Corrientes 1979, Buenos Aires).

Page 13: );r


No. 346 . Cf?jTROL COPY . TH[. roRCI(;"f SERVICE




I Lisbon, April 1, 1944

Subject: Transmitting Tear Sheet of Editorial and Transcript of Radio Address on Subject o~ President Roosevelt's Statement on Re:Cugees

The Honoruble


Tie Secretary of State ~ashington, D. C.

I have the honor to refer to the Department's telegram no. 85G, KarclL24, 1944, and to the Legation's despatch no. J43, hlarch Jl, 1944, regarding publicity and press comment in i'ortugal on the subject of publicity and press reaction to the President's statements on relief for the refugees of Nazi persecution, and to transmit herewith the tear sheet of an editorial, dated Karch Jl, 1944, from the Lisbon caper, "Jornal- do Comercio", together with a transcript of the address on the subject, transmitted over the Lisbon radio station "Emiss6es Atlantica". English summaries of these co;nments were transmitted by cable in the Legation's no. 973, April l, 1944.

The Legat io:1 will transmit to the Depart'llent any further publicity obtained here.

Respectfully yours,

For the Minister: t"\ r\

~ / \, 1.. · .. rt:u,· J \ \...·VJ-"-1!-t-.... :E:d.wa'rlk"i3. Crocker · .,

Counselor'of Legation

~osures: Tear sheet of Lisbon newspaper Transcript of Radio Address

891/JOO MCR/mvd

Page 14: );r

. _ .... -



/<~~:1~=':,.~,~~ ~~·J:~~:o· J46, ••ted April 1?1944, rr~ VOZ DE LISBOA





Roosevelt, o grande Presidents dos Estados Unidos da America do Norte conquistou, indisoutivelmente, a admira~ao do Mundo inteiro, afirmando-se uma das mais gigantescas figures dos ultimos anos. Estadista dos maiores, com uma visao extraordinaria ele previu a tempo qual o papal destinado ao seu Pais no momento angustioso que se atravessa. Inteli­gentemente, sam violenoias, arrastou a America em peso para uma luta que ha-de oontribuir para maier prestigio da grande Naqao e para que ela e os seus incomparaveis recursos possam vir a ser mais conhecidos e melhor julgados.

' Mas o Presidents Roosevelt, num memento dificil como o

que se atravesaa, em que o aeu cerebra tem de concentrar-se nos multiples e graves pormenores da hora que passe, nao deixou, por esse facto, de ouvir o seu cora~ao, coraqao generoso e nobre, coraqao digno de wn grande Chafe de uma grande Naqao. E assim, foi o seu coraqao que, sem esquecer o carinho que deve aos seus compatriotas, o levou a lanqar um apelo a favor dos emigrados, das inooentes vitimas desta guerra sam treguas, forqadas a abandonarem as suss Patrias, os seus lares ja destruidos, os seus haveres e, em muitos casos, os proprios antes queridos. Como n6madas ales caminham sam norte, por montes e vales, fugindo i perseguiqao e a morte.

Milhares, muitos milhares de infelizes refugiados, encontraram nos Estados Unidos abrigo seguro e acolhedor. l.:uitos milheres, porem, continuam a errar pelas estradae aem fim, sofrendo provaqoes.

E para estes que 0 Presidents Roosevelt, num grito Cristae, pede a proteq~ao dos paises livres da Europa e da Asia.

0 Presidents Roosevelt, depois do seu Pais tar sido o primeiro a dar o exemplo, apela para os sentimentos de solidariedade humana doe outros povos livres.

Portugal nao pode deixar de afirmar que asta de alma e coraqao oom o grande Chafe Americana, porque os sentimentos de solidarledade sao tradlcionais na gents Portuguese.

De resto as multas centenas de refugiados que palo nosso Pais tam passado, poderao afirmar o carinho que encontraram no povo de Portugal.

0 apelo do Presidents Roosevelt nao pode deixar de impressionar todos os povos do Mundo, porque servirt para ~emonstrar que num Mundo revolto, em que tudo e tragedia, luto_ e torQa, ainda ha alguma coisa a denunciar que os sentimentos · oristaoe e de solidariedade humane se nao extinguiram em todos o.s coraq5es.

Page 15: );r

I ..............



Dc:tEd ;,pril l, 19 . .:,.~


C'. 7:19p.m.

(ficfiir;;~~~r~ ~Ecl"Etc.r:· of Stc.tE, !' ·"·•·•!:'' IJF STAT£-

~:Ic,shin~ton. Ai---!h· 2 7'144 I '-----"-OMMIINf~IVISior; C!; . '~o:-r-r,,

973, ~o·ir:Jt, noon. ·co,_, Y-.

DEpc.r·~r:tEn"'c 'G 850, Letrch 2·~;.

Jou:;n;.L DE cou-:;c;c:cc· for u·,rch 31 Ecl.itoriclizEs o.s

follows on ~OOSEVElt 1 8 rEfUGEE statEmEnt:

"No onE 1:1L~' dEny hi;::;Jl. politicc.l c.ncl. r.;orc.l si:~nifi-

co.ncE of stc.tElnEnt m::>c:E by Booc>EVElt rscc.rdinJ UnitEd

St1'.tEs attitudE towc.rcls peoplE '''hom circunstc.ncEs ;l.CVE

forcEd to o.bcndon cEntro.l ::uropEC:n countriEs c:nd pcrts

of ;.sin. No civiliZEd nc.tion will icnorE coppwl of

thE ;.mEriccn PrEsidEnt to o.ll frEE pEoplEs of '::uropE

nnG ~sic to opEn frontiErs to rEfU3EEs flEEin~ horrors

of nc:.r, sEEkin~-: sl1.EltEr in c.ny cornEr of' norlc'_ ur!til

storm is ovEr. Portu:._~c.l iD countr~r of' linitr::cl rEsovrcEs

\'lh-ich conflict ~'L'.S ·plo.ccc1 in dElicc.tE intErnc.tionc.l

position. :sonEvEr, nEit~_:Er thEsE considErctiot'lS nor

c.n~.r othErs ctoocJ. in thE nc.y of cur countr:, ... ful:.t-.illinG

its duty, Gi vin~~ G En:::.:rousl:;- to Gll '.'Jho rEc.c~~.Ec..l.. ou::t. ...



·L -I

Page 16: );r

:. ~-


-2- ,;'<J73 1 ~ irst, noon, l'rom Lisbon.

frontiErS, BEC:J.USE 0:::' nhnt VIE witnESSEd £'.ncl. c1ic1, HE

::-.rc in better position ·i:;~:o.n c.n;,~onc to understand

Roosevelt's c.ppco.l, ;.mEl'ico.n PrEsident beliEvEs tl:c.t

persons v1ho hr.vE cv~n beforE v1:1r h:cd to r.bc.ndon coPn-

triEs will bE fo.ccd nith new cruEl chff'icultiEs

owin~ to invc.sion of L~t,_n:~c.r~r c~nd possiblE: intErvEntion

in£.. In vi Ev.r of n£li.f wc.vE of SL'..ffErinc~, i~oosEvElt in spokE with EnErgy ol' tions tr,c. t will bE

applied r.t end of' v1r.r to c.ll thosE who h£CVE bEEn guilt~,

of co.rr;;in;:; our dEEC~.s ol' violence".

Rndic stc. ti on VO~. D~·. LI SBO;. t follo'.7ing

commcntr.r~' of J.;c.rch t~lirtictll: "Roosevelt, the c;rco.t

President of the United :.,tc.tcs, obtr.ins ind.j_siJu'c::cbl~·-

the o.dmirr.tion of the entire world, c.ffin;Jinr.:; :-:imsclf

onE of thcr.10st ::;i::;::cn'cic figurEs of' recent, OnE

forEsnw corrEct ection for his countr:,"' in tiaE of

stress. Intclli::>;Entl:· uithout violence, hE t~lrHI thE

YtEight of .. ·~mEricc. into th::: stru,s~lE thus contribu.ti~10

thE prestigE of .o. gl'Eo.t n~.ticn r-.nd its

resources. President ~1ooscvclt,. in this difficult timE

WE o.rc now passing thro113h, hc.s not fr-.ilEd to opEn his

g cncrous o.nd noblE hwrt w'orthy of n grEC. t chi sf of o.


Page 17: );r


/ /

-3- ;;(973, Plrst, noon, from Lisbon.

grEett nr.tion. i.nd so out of his hEc.rt, hE hccs lccunchEd

ccn ccppEr,l in fc.vor of thE rEfugEES und innocEnt victims

of this wc.r forcEd to thEir countriEs ::-.nd

dEs troy Ed homEs. i.s nono.ds thEy wc.nd ErEd without com- in hills c.nd vr.llEys, flEEine; pErsEcution und Thousr.nds of unhappy rEfUGEES hc.vE rEo.chEcl thE

shEltEr of thE UnitEc'. '>tlltEs. l.:lln~· thousands continuE

thEir EndlE8S wc.ncJ.crin~;, suffErinG ~rEc.t privc.tion.

Of thEm !l.oosEvElt in hi8 Christio.n o.ppEo.l sEElw thE

protEction oi' thE frEE countriEs of !:uropE r.nd ;.sir .•

RoosEvElt o.ftEr his onn countrj" hr.d bEEn thE first to

sEt thE Exo.apl~, o.pp~lll8 to thE sEntimEnts of lmmc.n

solidc.rit;,· of othEr frEE pEoplEs, Portu:::;nl co.nnot to c.ffirra thc.t it::; hEo.rt is v1ith thnt of thE c_;rEc.t

i.mErican lmdEr bEcau::;E thosE sEntimEnts of solidarity

etrE: trr.ditional in thE PortuguEsE pEoplE. ThE uppEc.l

·of PrEsidEnt RoosEVElt cannot fail to imprEss all thE

pEoplES of thE VIOrld bECaUSE it SErVES to dEmonstratE

that inn world uphEc.val of c.nd tragEdy, the:re:

is still some:thinG to Extinguish in thE he:arts of ::-.1111

J.;urch tv11;:nty-se:ve:ntl1 DL.RIO NOTICil.S carrie:d pc.~e:

one: e:ditorial e:ntitlEd 11 Ye:s, lir. Pre:side:nt, gist of

which was curriEd by Unite:d Pre:ss on thr.t ·date:, Brie:f


------------ --------------

Page 18: );r


• •:


/ • -·..:- ~~~973, ~/irst, noon, from Lisbon.

EXcErpt follons: n-_-:ords Or RocsEvElt thc.t Christian

nppEnl in midst of o.c;on~· of our O_c...~rs v1ill su">7::l~r find

Echo o.nd syE1pa th~· in c...ll con sciEncES the t lool~ com-

pn.ssionc...t£1:- nt t!1is trc. .. ~_;u.:.l..~,. of civilizc.tion11 •

Clippin~s c.nd t::xt of broc..dcc~st b:::in~: c.irpoucl1Ed. •

.. , u;s

Page 19: );r




No. 343 .>(


The Honorable,




Lisbon, March Jl, 1944

Transmitting Clippings of PortugueseV Press Reaction/to President Roosevelt's Statement on Refugees from Persecution

The Secretary of State Washington, D. C.


I have the honor to refer to the Department's telegram

.. { '


no. 850, Jl.afqh .. 2Jt, 1944 and to the Legation's reply no. 905, March 26, '.1944·; regarding publicity and comments in the Portuguese press on the subject of President Roosevelt's recent statement ·~m :refugees and Nazi persecution end to transmit herewith the clippings on the subject from the Lisbon and Oporto da!~Y newspapers.

It wl'll be noted that Lisbon's leading daily newspaper, "Diario de Noticias", printed a front-page editorial on March 27under the caption of "Yes, Mr. President", in which the theme is one of complete agreement with the President's statements and a eulogy of Portugal's past efforts to provide a haven for the victims of this war and the refugees from persecution in Europe. It is stated that "Portugal--which, in so far as its resources and possibilities have and will permit, never closed nor will close its heart or its gates

n ;:J.

upon the distress and pain of others--has the right to be among the first to answer 'present!' to the appeal of Mr. Roosevelt." The editorial points out that hospitality is one of the main traditions of Portugal and of the Portuguese character, and that, although the country is small and its facilities for guests are limited, it has always attempted to harmonize its police requirements and the need to protect the nation and its neutral status with a tolerance of which there are many attestations. It is said that Portugal can be firmly conscious of having ful­filled her duty and that she has extended every cooperation to the international relief organizations operating within the country. The newspaper prides itself on having first proposed, three years ago, an efficient organization of protection for children who are victims of war. It maintains that the Portuguese Government was the first to take up the initiative for international child relief and offered services which were not tllen understood or accepted.



Page 20: );r

• - 2 -

No other editorial comment.has yet appeared, but all the leading Lisbon end Oporto papers, with the exception of "A Voz", printed the President's statement, or excerpts thereof, in prominent positions under very favorable headlines.

The Legation will transmit any additional official or press comment which may appe&r on this general subject.

Respectfully yours,


I pt6~losures: I

Portufucse Press on Subject of President's State~ent on Refugees

891/300 !.;CR/mvd

For the Minister: ,r\) <,.,

,( . . .... ~··'~:..._(_;·:, .. ~ """· J __ ,·,_·\ .... ___...-· y

Edward' 8. Crocker Counselor of Legation

Page 21: );r

CONTR01. "0PV ,

secretc.ry of strote,



95 1 Mc.rch 30. >(

fliy 94, Mc.rch 29 1 7 p.m.



Dated March 30, 1944

Rec'd 6:40p.m.

COM MUt·1if;.~ ·r~n~.IQ -_J,N!t.ll!:.t~;~ii:L

The Greek Prime Minister has todc.y issued a

declaration as follows in translation:

11 0n the 24th of March 1944 President Roosevelt

in a momentous declaration denounced once more to

the civilized world the crimes of our bloodstained

enemies who, with increased intensity, pnrticularly

in the Balkans and Hungary. continue 1 by slt:mghter and

the torments of starvation to exterminate thousands

of humcn beings. The language used by President

Roosevelt was the language of the inexorable justice

Wrrich will before long punish the perpetrators or

these umprecedented crimes, together with their

satellites and accomplices• This declaration

constitutes also, in ... the highest sense, an expression

or human

Page 22: );r

" ~--



• ) .,

-2-#95, March 30 1 from Cairo.

of human solidarity with all the victims of these

barbarous outrages.

The Hellenic Government, fully sharin~, t~.E!·:•:

· ·" -l'r"'· views =d feelings of the eminent ·11_5{te;s 1~' tm.~Hr

I great Ally the United St8tes of \Amert~roa., gq~ll'S's to

~ l .,

all Hellenes the request :that th~y t~~ll~m:\i':trl:!nt!l!ar ', I ~!.1) Rl:.C!JP.!J.\:"

notice of his recommendation that .tllSl.}.l'hiied Balkan

peoples help in the rescue and escape to neutral or

friendly countries of the Jews now threatened by new

and inhuman persecution or of any other victims ot

Nazi tyranny"•

Copies of this text have been furnished the OWI

for broadcasting to the Balkans and the Greek Government

will include the statement together with the declaration

by the President in its broadcasts to Greece over the

Egyptian state broadc~sting station~

In addition the Greek Information Office here is

releasing:· the message for use by the local and foreign

press and the Foreign Office is telegraphing the Greek

text to its EmBassies in London and Washingtoh for

releas'e to the American and British Greek language press•



~~-.---·-. --·



> 1

Page 23: );r

This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEd bEforE b conmunic£'. tEd to an~· onE othEr than a GovErnmEnt a,:;mcy. ( BR)

SEcrEtary of StatE,


9~~, L<m•ch 29, 7


? -- I/</.-~~ fr:-~~ Cair/ ;fj{ ~ ~4 DatEd Earch 29, 19·~1.

REC 1d 5:50 p,m,, 30th

· '~;' "":T nF STHE D!Vlfii0N OP

stc..tin: thc.t thE Ilolic~/ of his CovErnnEnt is in

accord uith thE PrEsidEnt 1 s statEnEnt c.nd thE vi Ens of

----------­thE --·a_r REfUGEE Boc.rd (DEpartMEnt's ',6, on-::-=:~<: j_"arch 2'~)

rEadily ExprEssEd willinGnEss to issuE a supporting

dEclaration thE tExt of uhich will bE tElEGraphEd to

thE DEpc.rtmEnt c.s soon c.s rElEr.sEd;,· tonorron,

ThE o·cil hErE is arro.nginG locnl publici t 0• fm• thE

PrEsidEnt's dEclarc.tion c.nd its inclusion in rndio

broadcnsts in Bc.lkan lo.nsuagEs ovEr c.vnilablE British

nnc1 othEr facilitiEs nne' it intEnds sinilcrly to

publicizE thE PrimE I~inistEr 's statEmEnt.

I hnvE not to.\{En thE nattEr up with thE Yugoslav

officials nov1 in Cairo o.s thEsE hc.vE littlE standing

or influEnCE in thE E;;istin;:; circumstancEo but \7hEn

nnd if

Page 24: );r



-2- }9t;,, Harch 29, 7 p.m., GR~':K, from Cairo,

ancl_ if lEndErship is EStablishEd llErE 1 will o_t ODCE

approach it ancl_ r.1EnnnhilE thE 0".-.l_,ts action o.bovE mEn-

tionEd v1ill proviciE Yuc;osluvia nith usEful covEragE.

Page 25: );r

First received in Dept. on_ April 4 in undecipherable condition.






The American Ambassador, Ankara

The Seol'etary of State, tlaahington

M.aroh 29, 194f


As my numbez• 14 the follot~inlb meeaaae 1s from the Am­

bassador and Hirschman for the War Refugee Board.

In our opinion •xoeptiona.lly well- timed ~1ae the Pre d ...

dent 1 s declaration of March 23. In the Turk and Balkan pl'881

as well as on the t>adio it has received cona1c1erable publ1c1tr.

It 1s our 1nformt,t1on that thia declaration has made a deep

impreeaiori on the people of the Balkans as well as in the \

Oentral EuropeRn states whore it is known at the prea~nt time.

Reliable information haabeen received by us from Bulgaria,

Hungary and Rumania to the etfeot that !.t would be desirable

to have the President's deolnration broadcast in all ot the . .

Sla vi~ and European language:e by the Algiere and American .

stations at least onoe a daF. In -add-ition to such daily broad­

oaeta we further suggest that the ~e~cer shoUld st~ees the

pen,alt1ee awaiting those ocurunittlnS or aiding 1.11 the QOmm1u~oh

ot atroo1t1ea against Jewe or any other minorities. ~eg~dless

Stno• a great many people

1n tb);• area do not have ,tai\101 1t 1118)lt ..,. well to oonsidel'

dropping pamph~·-•

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72

J11 B. H. Parks Date-SEe-! 4 .1972 •

Page 26: );r

.~ ::> .. , ...... '

f068 fPOlll 1\nllel'& _ ..

from a1r planes on bos~lns Mlealone te the oountrlee ot

KuPODe and the B&lkaDfto euoh ,..pblet• to Itt forth 'he

?re•1d•nt1 • deplaratlon. That the Unltt4 Nat1ont nov hi•• ;·

aaente t.n nerr paf'.JPIJ .tne De.Abn• f\1\d !ittl'I.'Pt who ..... malltr\1

a reoord of all of the persone •ho part1o1pate 1D ••'• or· persecution o~ violence agalnet the Jews o~ other m1nor1t1oe

~1aht well be etfeotlv•lJ 1noorporate4'1D a atatement appear-

' lftl ln euoh pamphlet• an4 uetd alao bf ra41o announo•••• ••

• ttaaotne:r 111111U\t at reet~ta\ n\ne; eaoeu••·

Page 27: );r

I MJK-795 This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEd bEforE bEing communicatEd to anyonE othEr than a GovErnmEnt Agmcy. (BR)

SEcrEtary of StatE,

via abington.

DatEd March 28, 1944

REQ 1 d 10:04 p.m.

1018, March 28, 9 p.m.


~wr REfugEE rEprEsEntativE No. 5 •

.Prior to rEcEipt of your cablE No. 893 war

REfugEE Board No. 1, locul rEprEsEntativEs of (JVVI I

alrEady had issuEd prEss rElEOSE and mt,dE broad­

casts. .PrEsS rElEaSE sEnt via radio to OWI officEs

in NaplEs, oari, Tunis, PalErmo, Sardinia and for-

ward points. Story appEarEd on front pagE of all four

n.lgiErs papErs on March 26 in StQrs end StripES on

March 25 and in Editorial of onE <>lgiErS ;papEr on

March 27. UnitEd Nations radio ~t algiErS broadcast

story in FrEnch, GErman, Italian and English on March

24 and 25. HavE confErrEd with CVii and following

is futurE program.

(1) FEaturE parts of PrEsidEnt's mEssagE will

bE rEpEatEd SEVEral timES this WEEk on UnitEd Nations'

radio in four language: s.

(2) Radio FrancE wfll bE asKEd to coopEratE. (3)


Page 28: );r

-2-, 1018, March 28, 9 p.m., from .l.lgiErs.

(3) ProminEnt FrEnch officials havE bEEn askEd

for statEmEnts by OiH on a nEw;> basis and in addition

will bE approachEd indirEctly with a viEw to Eliciting

somE favorablE commEnts.

(4) FurthEr prEss _rElEasEs will ~E ±ssuEd.

(5) PrEparation and dissEmination of bEing dis-

cussEd, Clippings bEing forwardEd by air mail, FurthEr

matErial will bE sEnt as soon as availablE,


ED b.

i !· ;'-

Page 29: );r

' .. -f




CON1R0l COP~ JM\' DVli-184


REc 1d 19:53 p.m. '' ·:,cw·'1" ilf-fTirr:

SEcrEtary of StatE, •'·''' 1BIOI'·I (V

MAR 2 '7 1944 '.7ashinc;ton,

905, TuEnty-si~th, 4 p.m.



( S":CTlON oili£0l£cnnn:.;._: ~·

DEpctrtmEnt 1 s 850, ).;1'.rch 2'~.

PrEsidEnt's st[ltEeEnt on rEfU[';EES \"J['.S pror.1inEntly

publishEd in all Lisbon [lnc'_ Oporto mornin.r; p[lpErs of

Enrch 25 with solE EXCEption of;. VOZ. DL.RIO D":

NOTICli.S l[lrc;Est Portuc;uESE d[lily printEd statEmEnt ctt

top of front pc.c;E us c1id PRU.lEIRO Ji.NC:IRO lEudinc; Oporto

p[lpEr c.nd JORNi.L Dt: HOTICL.S of Oporto. OthEr p[lpErs

co.rry sto.tEmEl~t prominEntly on insidE nEWS pugEs.

Typical hmdlinEs YIErE "UnitEd Nations fic;ht for world

in which ecll rC".c ES m[ly livE with p EO.C E, honor and

dic;nity, says RoosEvElt" 1'.nd 11 RoosEvElt o.ppEals to frEE

pEoplEs of <::uropE c.nc1. ;.sic. tc c;ivE shEltEr to victims

of pErsEcutions 11 , 'JEndin[ clippinc;s by nExt air pouch.


Page 30: );r

• BJR - 150 This telegram mu~t be paraphra!'ed before b_eing communicated to anyone other than a Governmental agency. ( BR)

Secretary .of State,




Dated March 26, 1944

Rec 1 d 4:51p.m.

' " ,-, , .. , :; I

905, March 26, 4 p.m. (SECTION TWO)

No editorial comment has appeared as yet but will

endeavor to utiliz;e press .contacts to give statement

fullest diE>cussion. We ar·e arranging for c0mmentary

over local commercial station.




Page 31: );r

ftOJit a..rloan Legation, Bern.

'lOa SeontarJ" t4 State

..., IIUOh 25, 19-'4

101 18,?'

~ coMlROl COP~

!be ~o1lov1ag meaaase ta tor War Retugee Board1 a


Ve n~er hernith to JOV te1egam o~ ll&l'ob 2,.,

1,, .. , ~ cfl~,!' A dDtl'l~1DS aaenOJ' aerv1olq 165 Sviaa papers

v1U N Sf.ven the Prea1dent•a natement.

one hundl"ed or more ¥111 o&RJ' lt, aooording to

put espe1enoe. Ve will oontaot eeveral lead1DS»t&l w1t81"e a view ~or favorable oollllli.GDt.

Ve Will approach two vell-lr:DOVD Bviaa o-htOH and

.0 thlll to st•• the nat._-' pr0111D.eao• dU$.DS their


the ott1o1al 81d.8a .Uo ¥111 be Hqlltated. 1Jul11'"~l7

to ~t thB aDUOunoement Sn CfHiila u.d ,..enoh aa a

aew .J.w.. 018AdUtSne. t•aot•· ftll be .~ed all4 cU.a­

\$lltd moae tae bin'de'&". Xt.le auaeated. that··­

l.Mfl•t• be ._ped oa eneai t01'1t0f7 ltJ' A11SAI4 alrO'I'a.ft· .... DECLASSTIITED .

Btate Dept. Letter, 1·11·?11 1972 By R. IL Parl!;s Date_ SEP 14 . ·

---·-- ·------- -----

Page 32: );r

Prealdent Roosevelt reiterate~ allied determlnn~on to punlah all ene~ leaAera and funotlonariea responsible for the "insane" savage t.reatment of refugees in Europe and Asia.

Mr. Roosevelt, in a news conference stat•·ment, aald that on the 11ve17 eve of triumph" over nazi barbartem 1 t waa fitting to prool.alm again "our detemination thllt none who participate" in the acta of aavage17 againat RuroJlean and Asiatic c1V111ana 11 ahall go unpuniehed. 11

"nwt wal'lliDC applies not onq to the leaders, but alaoti~c· their funotlonariea and aubordinatea in ael"lllaalT and in the aatelll te oountriea,• Hr. Rooasvelt aaid.

"All who lmowiagq take part in the deportation of Jewa t6 their deUh in Pola!ld or lforwegiana aliA i'ranch t. their death in Ge1'1118111' are eq11alq guilt¥ with the ezeout1oner. 41.1 who lhare the pUt ahall share the puaiahaent.,R

At. the aa11111 t111a M r. Rooaavelt. called on every 0e1'1118D and every .an ever;rwhare under llfaal dOIIlnat.lon "to show the world bf hia action that in hh U.Z.t he doea not share tMae lnaana orilllnal desires. 11

ll a asud the {f&l'lllln people eapeoial]¥ to help the puriiUed viotl•• escape ~D4 8 to keep watoh and to reoord the ev14en9• that one day be uaed to oonvtot. the guilty."

/ Waabingt.on Oi t¥ Jlewe Service J/24/44 - 11151 A. M.

Page 33: );r


...... to ... -·

MAR Z41944

rwsuat to ov totepboso ooaTewaaUoa tbt.a IJ'Oftlac. I dill to bllcato .- of ov ,._.t-'• HIPM' to pa\1loit7 vllloJa 11Juna16 'bo alTa to tu holllnt'o •••-• ltnol ,..., ftl8l'lba tile hd pe..-ttoa of tH lfttl

1. Ia Tlw of tH •••w 11111~ ol..,.tloa tu peatoot pooallllUJ of ...U. ..., ll"l llot Ill a ftlll ee.lo p.,.Ulotioa1 ,....- loolp.ol to Cl1aa1tce tllo a\tlft!o of tH aaa theb aatollltoo • ..,.1'4t.ea1F. tu ataoet p'a\lldtr ••• betllatolJ be atwa to \be rn.a ... ••• ... ..._, \ld'.,.. all pooes•t• ouuolo. n. .UeotlftAHt. of tJao .,._...,., dU ..., ... Ill WP ....., • .,.. tko edoat to whl4 ......... P'1ltltr ... be obtetul lei' u • • ~11' Ia ......... Vollol ......

I~ It lo aot n1J' &apon.Bt to .,.. oloal' P tu ..... people ad to all Ado aatollltq that the .,_ltd ~·· Tlw h a ••• oeleul'-t Geb uo& .... oe Ia d/1 fON of IUt.W•I.,....,... k atmabate tile .r..,. ..a o\hel' IUdW CI'OliP• ........ , all -' aotloa ,a ulldQ\ pantoSpaUoa Ia ••lhl ..,..,. i t.o d .. IIIJOI'taat. to _.. olcal' W d'l ponl\lo a...o Cll&lP Snt .. \lGll to ·a. eftf~ to ........... .,..,1 .... ,,. ...... of ..... , ........

'1 Aa la\UOI.ft ., .... .uol& , ...... ,.... .. .,.. of Mtllll ,-uolt1 dautla. laotdbs ·~··· t~.f,o ~ • .-•• • 41!1!feaWI' lllanl& 'M .... •• ,... tbto tJ")lto,lJ S81de&Cill * .................. alto ............ ,toa ............................. .. •• .. ....... ~ ,.••-- ,... .. 1. -·,.... , ...... , ~--·-- 01' ... , .. ...,., • ...,....._ ........... ··~ Ia eatl'l dU. ......... - bftU.t•• .......... ~

lt. ~ p»hl., elnJA •'l-·le oll_.... Ia ...... ....-•• b .................. '-""·· .id,l .. ·~ ..... .,..."' ... .. a.op.- ..... ·-· ..... • .... ,....., ........ ...... " te ll•tlldate .\he ht•-lltD·lll .......... _.,,..,.. ,....lltlt)' wttialtl uah'al· ....-.. .. ..._ •• •••• ••' '- ...,.......,

Page 34: );r

-·-t. lltJa a 'flw to o\talalq tJae wlteet Pt.lti\le llt ... baUoa b

llll'lllll oonplel IQrope it voul4 \t &ppS'toiatd lf Oil vota14 Otllel4et aU poatl'llllUl•• of boppt.q leaftete ut Ullll otb.el' aeane of ooaaaaloatloa vbltb -.r oal1t.

{Signed J. I, Pehle

Page 35: );r


February 17, 1944

TO: Mr. John Pehle, Acting Director, War Refugee Board

' FROM: Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of EUrope /

SUBJECT: Psychological Warfare

As an element in the psychological warfare to stop the massacre

of Jews within German-occupied Europe, it is respectfully suggested

that the Red cross proceed to set up lists of the individual names

and addresses (or former addresses) of all Jews who are now in Axis­

occupied territory or have lived there before and have disappeared

throUgh imprisonment, execution or deportation.

It is felt that the mere fact that such lists are being compiled

will have a very startling effect upon the nerves and ·the methods of

reasoning of the Axis public and authorities. It will give them the

first feeling that a serious and detailed accounting will be demanded.

The setting up of these lists iS feasible. The Red,Cross has

the necessary machinerY and experience, gained through the listing I

of all prisoners of war. The French paper 11 Pour La Victoire11


published extensive lists of people deported from France.

(Suggested to the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe by Professor Emil Lengyel of New York university, author, lecturer and noted authority on Euro~ean and Middle-Eastern affairs, who wrote, among others, 11The Danube ( 1939) ·and


11 ( 1941).

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -.... -.- •••• -.,,., •• li ••• !!_. 1: ••••••••••••

(Name of Applicant)

...................................... (Application Number)



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·u:~~~ · ~f: · i.~~ii~~~i · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

....................................... (Application Numberl ~



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........................................................................ !Name of Applicant!

.... ~ ............................... . (Application Number)

Memo to the Prel!ldent 10/9/44 with enclosure from '"r. Pehle

Memo to War Dept. 10/9/44 from Mr. Pehle


Page 44: );r


c 0

p y

l'uited States of America

Office Of War Information

Mr. rlerbert Katzki, United ~tates Refugee Board, Un:!_ted Stetes Embassy, Ist&nbul.

Dear Kr. Katzki:

Istanbul, '1'11


November 2, 1944

V1 i th regard to the s ta ternan t by Governor Dewey on Nazi J"lwish atrocities I would like to report the fol­lowing action on our part.

'l'he statement in its entirety was serviceo by us to the Agence Anatolie in French and Turkish, ~e also by personal telephone call directed it to the attention of editors of the following uapers:

Cumhuriyet, Tanin, Vakit, Yeni 0ab&~, Journal 'Orient, La Republique, La Turquie and Istanbul.

We also included the statement in our own daily radio broadcast from Ankara to Humania and Bulgaria.

As you know, the statement has been published in Istanbul, Journal d'Orient and Marmara, clipoings of which I am enclosing.

We have instructed our press review section to watch for the appearance of this statement in other put•lications.


Sincerely yours,

,/ (signed) Paul Foley

Page 45: );r

~~ ,,



adresse un Dewey

a vertissement aux nazis · "TOUS LES COUPABLES SERONT CHATIES


gouverneur de New- Y ark, tvl. fho- tissement aux Nazis (commandants


fut 20

qu'avec le concours du IJon>mandenu:nt supreme allie, e!le

une 2one interleure la plus grande partie

Franco::. Ceci marqua Ia phase de la- transformation du Co~

Jr:. Liberation Nationale en \Vashington, 27 A. A.- LeI mes les plus comminatoires I' aver-

mas E. Dewey, candidat republi - militair~s, membres du gouveme -110

,uueu>eu cain a la presidence des E.tats-U-, rnent allemand, leurs aides, leurs nis, a fait une proclamation disant: ~nstigateurs e~ l,e~rs adheran~s) ... q~· ""uuverwcmem accepte comme tel

« Selon des informations qui ar- Ils seront Inevltablement tratnes l'ensemble du peuple de Fran~ tivent aux Etats-Unis, de source ab devant Ia justice s'ils accomplis R La voie Ctait ainsi ouverte pour so'lument sfue les nationauxwsociaM saient

1leur projet, s'ils commet - ·reconnaissance formelle du Co~

listes, encerclf!1

s et sachant que leur taient ces meurtres brutaux, sacli ~ comme gouvernement provi -defaite est inevitable. ant recours ques. 're. L'ambassadeur de Sa I'v1ajes-a la methode terroriste connue des a Paris, re<;ut en consequence le gangsters et menacent d'extermi - << ]e suis henreux de noter que 3 octobre des instructions en vue ner leurs vraies victimes, (IPs Po-, notre dCpartement d'Etat 'informer le minjstre des Affaires lanais, les juifs, et les autres non- donne l'avertissement que << si ces de Fr.ance de Ia deci -Germains), enferme5 dans les abo- 1projets etaient executes, les coupa- du gouvernement de Sa Ma -minables camps de concentration bles de tels meurtres paraitront dans quelques rf!gions de Ia Polo- I en justice et seront chiHies pour gne et d' autres pays encore occu- leurs crimes abominables ». L' opi­pf!s par les Nazis. 'nion publique appuira entierement

« Le monde civilis6 est mainte- .la declaration faite par notre de -arant en position de donner en ter- partement d'Etat. »

L'Union sud-africaine et la Nouw e Zt!lande accorderent a Ia Fran

Ia meme reconnaissance.

. (Voir Ia suite page 4, col. 6.) (~---~

I )J

Page 46: );r


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r.w'l.wl'9"•bg"'• <1/n•~~·fflPf t~­j,..,'l w'b 'lbuU[•t. •• jllbw'i.u: Ri>L·~·­pw~mt Jp!_na'l.bp d.I.a~ w•'-n~b,w!.

u.~J!;"b r. ..... J~/UJ'p,.,_J ..... rtbL"t• ... ln.

a lo. t ?t"i.PP mltqp t-••t•• (,.._

rr ""''., 1'1: l.•rPI< .. t.""'f•r'• h. mJ~L /_l!.t C.rDl"i..p t.maiiiL 1 cl.lrur-

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•'tt "--~ ({' 6. ~rfo·~~d• p=­,_,.,_:JLbr,.,. ?DL9 ,..-,W~ I lJ.upbJfo l_b•LIU'- "'f,,l.g fuuunru .. &bpf! 'lu"ll.t• 8-!•1''1 •p fii•·M~.PtlP t"rr<wlt tr 'f&pJw'b t.~ (nL't.'fwl' '"bn<n{''l.l./'n</.


U}lliUUtDL~fi, ~·~ut 11. s n " "'

Rf>.ll.~Joo"t.~Ja-(!'1., '21 (U-'1·)·-P.alium ~BL~, 'I.~L bnrfp II'""'"Jqm­rp)f h 6wjuwq..,fiu,~u>li ph4Gtu~m., ~"'!~Ghrat p.d~JnphutGg uwu~6

&llahlnnu• puan.- "t.mgp~hrr r·•­' 1 .. , ...... ~ b~ .. 11hu: -r qqwG pk

prlrEy •l .. fulhuGe wGjwnLullltj.b]p k ' In .. sar ~··hd~ qp 1n~hG prlrGg

::~ ttdpw!to• ~n&l.rk&, Jlifi.!,,kG, fir'.wLi;. 1 rU, •i·qhrtlt~Unlrrt.l, qar• ~b'lrn­~ "•yny..,~ h!l mlin h]p funf~1hrnL .: tfky: l!'m~'l'"rturhGf jtrb6g pk UIJU

!u.l~dntt•lm•~9 S~nhfirn~lihrr uoms­

q"'ulku "II'"~ "'wsd••l>li II.L;&;;,.,_ llj~l1 hr?wlip~ hu m· UO•· ~·un un{ ... • rntr).ILli~ wtilflP)P ~l. mJu tfrut:.j16:

··- ~l'~t U'L'R~ria ,! L~U4USUP U5l.U4801>P.~I> 'Le

~nusuaut- ant-tuusut~ IJ.~I,:t'fl. 27 (IJ.·Il.·)·- l.~ut'l.

~wn~<L~r•<flfu 'i.e bpt~ r.~s~hp•Jfil Je. "'"''-",.· f' U[llBUJfL IT • Pcnl!tft hL

t•r~<L~r fl<h•f'"'"' twfswp••re t.. 'l.•r~i•rp "t·-+ .re ~l'r"' ~"t-1tt. .. 'iJo'bnnl'Jo't. 'lb/'l¥f.­

•r•'L-D c't,b ... -bwp 'h1w'LI' •<t.t[>'lo_ Jw'b"L 1l'~J, ,.1'1(1,9 fll¥<bpn<'l. if'-J' .,.'l..,~wl If • Pme'b f.onumm~wlt t 11.1.'1-l.•rl'/1 ,.ltpil' </<•f.uw'fr•~"/1~~ • I tf'"l lf<wlf••-w{' oJw'l.'l-lt·~Pfo<'t.u fJ•I,Df' ,_,.,.Jwr-if.lttf! r/'•'l.nL,,..,'b 8nLik,.,liunUI'b/' IlL •Ju NntaPJ.L ~,..,b-

6. •<uw'l.•t"'r• tJ'I.o~~f> "''"+ wa_ t ·- U..ft'l. Jol.t [,.< t',.t•f'-'l.wr .. ~ ... ,...... s--- •·' '"'


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Page 47: );r

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I I \ \

··st 1Dern iere Heure ~Ja-.~!!JII!!ll!liii!I!IIYIIIII!!!I\'lll!ll!l!ll!lB, ..... IIIJ!I!Il!JaWRillltJI!l!!!\!llr~--~~-,ll~~· Q ___ e proclamation de )ewey ___ les parachutistes de ':~~~ - Ia Vallee du Jourdain ,;: sur Its crims de guerre r:1n· Washingt·on, :?7 A.A .. --- Ll! gOI.lN•~l'"" P.,lu$_ com'rninafDire.-: l'av"f'rli~seuu~nL

.neur de New-York, i\I. T~homas E. aux Na~~ (ronllllHfllfi<lnfr.-.; mjlifai,·e::;:, ::O~""ey, candidat. ''epuUU.ica~n a la Pre membrf's tlu g-ouver·nrnH'nl. allenrandr 1sidtence de.:;_ I?lats-Unis, a fait une Jeun~ aide:s. leur::. instigat~urs eL leur~ ·proclam,afJ?i)n <Nsant ·: adherents) qurils seraient inevil<~blc-


~ S.elon d~'S informations :qui afjj-. menf., r·cdain('lnenl., fJ'niiH~~ en ju=-li­tv"ent. aux ~Eltats-Cni~ .. dP s~u~·cf' __ ~?su_- rp s'ils accompJis."niPnt. lPnr· proj.~f, Pum.ent. sure! les natlOnaurx-soc_Id. ~~es S'ils comm~tiairnt ~f'_:::. mP,UrLres brn-encr-J·c1es Pt sachnnt. fJIH' leu,· defn.rte · . . -·est, onl recDurs ;,. Ia me- taux, sac!Iques. thoDe fm'J'OJ·i.~f,r cnnnur d·e~ gangSL·e~s <r Je suis hf"ureux de flue no­el. mcnaoent. d'exl<•rmine,· leur, vraies trc departement rt'E1n1 n d;Oj;i donne

I;e Caire, 27 A:_A ~ Les tro;~ pam­ cfui ont; at.te:rri ---4lH· lc le_rri­

f.oire sn l.rouvant cnl:r~, .T8ru·sa.lem Pl la ;t\Ier Mbrtr, rt;sent. ar~ des offici<'I'S allemands. D'alplrcs o:c f[tre Von c~oit

1un de cPux-ci e~L at'ttbr. D'apres un~ nom•o]l]c dr l'nr ~t. un nppai'Ci ·emelleur ~·c T.S.F. nnt. 1<\t,e trouves sur les pa­achuttstes, '

le Dr Schacht a ete Iibera

Londres, 27 AiA. ~ D'apres un~ in­formation parvcnue il'c Stockholm, IQ ina~cler a:!Jen1anil ·nr·. Sqhacht qui

avalit eM arrete ~oo 'derniers jours J'Rr ~s Nazis a ete libter'e.

:vietinw..:. f~{e,_;;;; Pnlnn'l.i'"'. lr~ Juifs, ~t l'avrrl:issPinent qup, .-:: si f'es ·proj'3f:s >on ~s aulrr~ nnn-Ge,·mains), enfectnes Eifaicnt :pxificute:;;;:,, ]e_::: f'Onpnhlr;;; d'f' tcls \·on ~ans les abominablcs camp;;; d~ con- rrfcurtres eomparaitront. -~n jusl!ir·e et

m~- ~_: entrafion .{Jan~- ~ue·1;qi-Ie3" T'eg_t-nn.-.: d~ I ::;P-~ont- Chaties 1pn~~'r 1-eurs_ f'ti_m.e-.s n h~~ rN~~ a Pologne Pt d rt11lre3 pays fmcore mmahles 'i, L'Optnion publ+;i:que am~

4H.e ~ecnp~s ]Yl.l' Ie~ nazis. )'i,.ainp a·ppult~H l'flf,jp,.f'nif'Jll. la rlOCla;.. Aahip ve iba~ ~lllJlJiharrlrj Ira- • Le m~mdP. c.ivlil\se "'' mai·nlenant ration 'fa[fe par notrn ileparte'm,~nl Mbert Kara•u

1 :~ ,~p _ _]1os_i1ion ile -donner.}m fermel;_ I~ ii'N!at _ _ Ya•i !~leri idare elle.n-umu.m miidiirii: .~~~~~tl~J!~l:_ m -' ac:-.**-!'f~"!lttu:s,.•- . Vahit Ratt\iz IUQ .Cf!

'u _,,!;.!~·.. ·~--=:t:~o~>·t7M~~j_V.IU~.Jf!:_.::!~~-·~ ~-- --

Page 48: );r

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RB-2le Distrjbut~or read~ng r_1nl." arrRn§"e;r,Pnt.

of true by special


Secretary of State,

365~, November 3, x·


Da~ed Noverr.ber 3, 1~4~

'Rec 1 d 7:26p.m. ath


The Secretary's statemeni of October 10

re~~rdir~ German plans for future atrocities in

Poland was publiEhed here. The late date at

which D~wey's statement quoted in the Department's

circu1ar of OctobPr 24, 4 p.m. was received made

it relatively unnewsworthy and, in spite of

reports of prePs sect~nn, it hES not been

published locl'lly. It is, however, beir.g

drawn to the e.ttention of thE' Foreign 1-!inistl)r:

and other authorities with whom the Embassy

comes in contact.


DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 14 11·72

By R. H. Parks Date~ 4 1972


Page 49: );r






EJF-251 Distribution of truE rEading only by spEcial arrangEmEnt. ( ®2611& W)

SEcrEtary of StatE


9~1 NovEmbEr 1, 5 p.m.


I' London

DatEd NovEmbEr 1 1 1944

REc 1 d 9:50a.m., 2nd

r·· - . -tXE~~tiifilHH ~(~r11ff. .. ( L . \ ~ ._:, .\jN ()l:., :·

GovErnor DEwEy's statEmEnt of OctobEr 19 is bE­__.

ing broadcast in GErman by thE $SIE. ThE statEmEnt

is bEing usEd principally in connEction with thE ~ y -PrEsidEnt's warning of March 24 and SEcrEtary Hullls

vrarning of OctobEr 10. It is also bEing givEn to thE. y' t' '

:S::JC for its OVErSEaS SErViCE and to thE British prESS.

DuE to ovErwork in thE codE room thE circular tElE-

grrun containing thE statEmEnt was rECEivEd hErE on

OctobEr 25 but dEcodEd and dElivErEd to mE on OctobEr

30. Accordingly thErE has bEEn somE difficulty in

gEtting full publicity. HErEaftEr mEssagE.S to bE

publicizEd should bE sEnt US URGENT as it is ExtrEmElY

difficult to gEt thEm publicizEd aftEr thEy havE lost

rinrs. valuE. ;'

Local offi(C,!!:_":'Pf, OWI has bEEn vEry coopEra­·. ' I! I iJ

DECLASSIFIED • State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72

1 ,';·~·>.:~~~&tf,t~N . By ~ a Parks nate'.sEPJ 4 1972




: I

Page 50: );r

DEPARTM~~libvti<.f'l OUTGOING 'c;'"o:t· ,?.·l, J'btVISION OF OFtru: rt:adl. o~."~ u~ 10 a. . COMMUNICATIONS

STA\r£clg ~) onGemsnt.l ELEGRAM AND RECORDS




Referring youl" r(ia~ Octob&r 26. 3~ement appeared

/ New York Times October 20. :t'araphra~1ng autllori:r.ed.

~.llli : JI.}<:V: KG l0/30/44

:_'TfcT·,: I;ns ACTING (GL-:1)

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72

By- R. H. Paxks Date_S££?_,1 4 1972

. I

Page 51: );r


}'RO~·.: J\mericen Embassy, Lis bon

?0: Secretary of State, ~lashinGton CONTROl COPY October 31, 1944

NUl·ffi-'::R: 3 8llX

In connection •.11 th Embassy 1 s cable of October 26, .i•To.

3263, and with further reference to circular ~..ated October 24 fro1n the

Department , on October 20 the presG office received the Dewey state-

ment textUdlly in clear •


DECLASSIFIED .State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. H. Parks Date~ 1 4 1972 .



Page 52: );r

.. ...


RS-273 This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEc-. b!:forE bEing conLnJ.nica t =ci. to anyonE othEr than a GovErnmEnt AgEnc:r. (J.7o•CCS'T'BIQ'l!~)

SEcrEtary of StatE

·.-Jashin[:~t on

2078, OctobEr 30, 1 p.m.

y Anl:ara

DatEd OctobEr 30, 1941

TIEc 1d. 3:49p.m.


No. 174.

REfErEncE is maG.E to thE DEpartmEnt's and WTIB1


circular tElq>;ram of OctobEr 2t!o concErning a statEmEnt

"' of GovErnor 'J'homae E. DEwEy on thE subjEct of PolEs 1

JEws, an.·· othEr ;;·on-GErman nationals in tErritoriEs undEr

Nazi cont~'Olo

,\t om' rEquEst thE OfficE of' War Information in

Istanbul has givEn GovErnor Dn1Eyts statEmEnt gEnEral

circ·ulation to all Turkish nEwspc>pErs through thE Tuddsll ,.

prEss sErvicE AgEncE ;~nataliE an-. to i,nkara radio. ThE

rElEasE En:_-JEarEd in Ist .. nbul nE\'!SpapErs bEginning Oc-

tobEr 28.

1:/E shall advisE you in duE coursE· c;)f final covEr-




Page 53: );r


(\ '






Embassy does not know to what news service to attl'ibu.te

Governor Dewey's statement, nor source of issuance. Does Depart-

ment authorize release of statement?

The foregoing message is in reference to the Departmen~a

circular of october 24.



DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Lett~r, 1-11-72

By R. lL Parka Date---S£E., 1_4 1972

Page 54: );r


FROM: secretary of State, Washington

TO: American Legation, Bern ,

DATED: october 24, 1944 CONTROL COPY NU11BERt 3618 K


Reference is made to Secratary Hull's statement of October 10,

1944, reported in the aado Bulletin of October 10 •

. For your information, Governor Thomas E. De~ey, Republican can-

didate for President, issued the following statement on october 19,


"Information comes to this country from unquestionab:cy reliable

sources that the Nazis, trapped and knowing that they are faced with

with inevitable defeat, are now resorting to the known gangster

terror device of threatening to exterminate their very victims-­

Poles, Jews and other non-German nationals - now imprisoned by

them in their horrible concentration camps in parts of Poland and

other countries still occupied by the Nazis.

11The civilized world is now in a position in unmistakable terms

to warn the Nazis - mill tary commanders, members of the Glll'IIIBil

Government, their alders, abettors and supporters -- that certain and

inevitable Justice awaits them for these brutal and wanton murders

if their schemes should be carried out.

"I em happy to note that our. ~~'!:ll?i D~p~t fJB issued a

warning that 'if. theae plans are carried out thoee guilty of noh

_murderous aots, will be brought to jliiJI~if1ail{~~ ~~e penalty for · . DEC~SSIFIE~ ·. , 1 c: 0 . · ..

State Dept. Letter, l--11-'79 · · ' their · cro 1 4 1972 -By R. H. Pru:ks Date~ .

Page 55: );r

- 2-

their heinous crimea.' American public opinion will fully support

the statement issued by our Department of state."

You are requested to convey the contents of the foregoing statements

to the appropriate authorities and to use all possible means to give the

statements the widest publicity through any channels that may be avail-

able to you.



Page 56: );r



- - STAT E Dis t r·i t 1 · n ~E:ad1ng only



or T£J_EGRAM s..,Ecial


1944, :reported ln the ~die Bulletin of the same elate. ,.-

for your 1nforlilation, llovernor Thomt.~s u:. De\'ey, Republican

candidate for l·reai·.ent, issue& the following statement on

Gctober lS, 1944:

'<i,UO·tE lnf'ormat1on comes to this country from unc;uestiouably

reliable sourceG 1;hat the t<azls, trapped and knOl'Jing that they are

faced with inevitable d.efeat, are no1~ resorting to the kno~t:n

gangstel' tr::rror ti.ev1ce of thre:<tening to exterminate their vr.ry

victims -- ~oles, Jewa and other non-German nationels -· now

imprisoned by t.her.l in tiw1r horx·ible concent~atlon co.Jllps in .•arts

ot :r'oland and. other oountr16B still occupied by the Nnl!'.is.

The olv!lized worla is now in a position in unmietakable terms

to warn tm; Nazis -- m111tary commanders, members or the German

~overrunent, tl~ir aitR a1ders, abettors and supporters -- that

oertain ana inevitable Justice awaits them for thel?e brutal and

wanton murders 11' their ecllemes ehoulci be carried out.

1 am happy to no to t.i:lat' our- !>ta,~e 0~9-ti"tm~nt 1-.;;.e hl'usd a ;: J -

warning tllat INNc;RQ.UOT&; if., the~e- pl~n!l ~e carried out those e;u11 t:v

'. -;:~.;;\~W;f',:· i DE~L~~SIFIED State Dept: Letter, -1-ll-72 p

By R. H. Parks Date..s.Ee.J 4 1972

Page 57: );r

ot such llli!I'darouf\ acts will be brOUf;ht to justice and PaY the

;.-enal ty fat> theiJ> heinotHl crimes .i!:lW UUH:;R JJOTi:: American public

or,.i.nion 1dl.l .fltlly sup!)ort tHe statement iesue~- by our Jepurtn:ent

at :.tate. UN.;.UO'l'f;

Yt')u are requetJted to convey the contents of the: for~~oing

s~atements to tl1e appropriate uuthor1t!es and to usEr all yosalble

m~;anr; to e;1ve the statements the publicity throu.,;h any

ch~nnele that may be ava1lab:ut to you.

STF''I'TTNIUS \ .. e··~lr.'""' ( G·: 1

CG.J~ il.OCih: .Flease repeat fo:regoing to Stockholm tor JohMon ana 01F.en


10/23/44 NO!!:

Lisbon for ~or~eb ~nd Jexter Hadr1d for Huyea .Lon,ion for 1;1n;J.nt ana Hann.



Page 58: );r


CABIJ! TO HAlllufWN, ll!tBJI, AriD llllCLBI.LUD FROM WAll Rl!:!'tJG!i.Ji BOARD A!ID t4WAI\Tl4!W7.

- ltofel'tiDGe 1a ada to seoratart !i1Jll1a s\at~~~~~~m\ of Ootober 10, 1944,

reparMcl 1Q \be Radio Bullot!n of

For your ln!tmatiUon, Oowmor 'lhoaj'• E. ~. ftepubUolln IRUlll1da\e

!'or PrHident.l ~d tb11 tollolfing etat.l!!!lflllt. on :JctobiU' 19, .1.9441

0 ln!oaat.1on oaaou \o t.l:lb <21ND'bry ili'OII uuq ... Uonabl,y rllliablo

IJQUJ"Cee that tbll ~ale, U&ppad aJJ4 llnn'1Dil t.bat they ue faced wltb

llleYI.\able detut~ 1\1'8 nGll" ruonlng t.o the .lm.owa lJMgiWI' tuTOr

dnlae ot tbHe~ \0 utuaiDaM ~ "WWT v1Gt.1u - Polu,

.,..., and ottw' n~ naUOJIMlll - DCIII' 1.11prlaoruKI b7 tt.a lD

~ bon'lble GGaOSiltPt.lcm CIIIWJt 1a paftl of Pt4and aad ot.blr

oeuntr1eo nUl OOGUple4 by the Itad.e.

"'ffle o1Ylllsed world i.e now 1a a pq1tioD 111 unalatakable

~ to wvn \he lfule - .Ultaq coi.u.-., lllll4er8 ot ~

OeHim Go~. \beU aldva, abet.\ON &l1li qp~ - ~t

88l'tlliA and. 1118Y1table jut.S... awatta \be tor ~ bl'll\81 aacl

~- lllUClw8 lt thell' 1ob8M8 alloll14 1:te OU'J'W Mrt.

•I aa bapp,r to DOW that ov St.ate e.psnunt baa 1NUI4 a

1fU'Illa& tba~ •u \M" pl.ha an oanUct out \hOM auUtT ot aOh

ll!IU'tleNu aou wm 1:te bN11Jht. tG jwrt.loe end pay tbo penal.\7 tor

tbell' blt1Dolul Ol'illn. • Anerloaa pllbllo opinion will !\1J.lT eU!'J)OI't

the na~ '-"..s b7 ov nep~t ot•

tou &H requut.d to COI!oTeY the eon\enu of the torqo1D,s Arltuuta

to the •PPJ'O)B"Sa\8 au11horl'\le1 ucl to ue 1111. ~bl• MaDa to glft th

Page 59: );r

statements the widest publioity through any ohannela that may be avaUable

to you.

Repeat toa Ste:lnhD.l'd.t and Katllki, Ankara Johnson and Olaen, St.ookholm JforwJb and Dexter, Lisbon Ha,yes, .llacJri,d

11•'·5 l0/21/44

lfiniDt anti »mn, London

1.11aa "'haWlCey(Sec 'y )~A.brahamiSon, Cohn, DuBois 1 Friedman, Hodel, Luaer 1

~~annon, uccormack,P'iles

· .. ~ ~-r--. - :'(" . "'!':hd_ 10/20/U.

Page 60: );r


ll. S. Again Warns Nazis Ati;ocities · Will Be Avenged

The State Department, quoting Polish- ad vices that German author­Ities in Poland are planning "the extermination of tens of thousands' of innocent persons'' now held in concentration camps, yesterday reiterated previous warnings that those guilty will be brought to justice.

A department statement said: "The United States Government

has been informed by the Polish government that it had received reliable information that German officials in Poland are making plans for the extermination of tens of thousands of innocent persons of Polish and other United Nations nationalities, as well as Jewish de­portees from areas under German control who are now held in con­centration camps, particularly those at Brzezinki and Oswiecim.

"The United States Government takes this occasion to warn again the German government and Nazi officials that if, these plans are carried out those guilty of such mu.rderous acts will be brought to justiqe and p~ the penalty for their heinous crinies."

Page 61: );r



To Be Issued by the Secretary of State at noon 10/10/44.

The United States Government has been informed by the Polish Government that it had received reliable information that German officials in Poland are making plans for the extermination of tens of thousands of innocent persons, Polish citizens and other nationals of the United Nations, and Jewish deportees from areas under German JOntrol in Europe ip the concentration camps a.t Brzezinki and Osciecinl Tne United States Government takes .this occasion to warn again the German Government and Nazi officials tnat if these plans are carried out, those guilty of such murderous acts will be brought to justice and pay the penalty for their heinous crimes.

Dictated by G. \'larren l0/9/44:dg

Page 62: );r



No. 581/42.

(I . f' y


3339 Massachusetts Ave.,

August 29, 1944.

My dear Mr. Stettlnlus: With reference to your.,s­

teemed letter of June 24, 1944, regarding the statds of Jews interned 1n Germany and other Axle-controlled countries, I wish to inform you that .I have received the following report from the Secretar1ate of State:

I On the twenty first ot August the Apostolic Hun­

c1ature 1n Buchar,st sent a coamun1oat1on to the effect that the Rumanian Government declared that 1t 1s dis­posed to grant the request regarding the treatment of Jews but the Government likewise points out that con­centration camps tor Jews are no longer in existence there.

With sentiments of eeteea and every best wish, I remain

Sincerely yours,


Archbishop of Laodioea Apostolic Delegate

The Honorable j

Edward R. Stett1n1us, Jr.

Under Secretary of State

Department of State


Page 63: );r

.. ,



.. - ._~ • ~>-: .....

-..;: .. -.. "'



Deu.r John,

Than.1; you for ;.cour memorandum of 25 •,;hich h8.S just reached me sue-

gesting the possibility of the Secretary

ir.s~line a statement with regard to our

determination to brine to justice the

Gennan officers and men participating in

v crimes such e.s the sinking of the Mefkura.

I shal..L see th;-,t your memorandum is promptly

considered in the Department.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Mr. John Pehle, ·1\'ar Refugee Board,

cS Executive Office of the President,

\.c.shington, D. c.

... ~--- .

... . '- ~·-~.


Page 64: );r

-. ...

AUG 25 1944

DOM1 J • W. Pehle

Oa A\telltt 1, the WI&I'U4 tvlrlth boat ...,.._, pnoeedtac hom Oonttaua \9 labahl, with a lUll 111Ulbll' ot nf\Jpll flroaluiaia, wae attaoh& by thl'ee GwftlaA pati'01 lloata t.a the l1aok lea, d4 S1IJI1I 1tJ ptb'e A,.,. mUea fi'OIIl the fvld.ah oaaat. Al111ut a t• of the l'lfllge11 •• beaJ'd thl JllaiD "" bo'WIIIIl.

'l1w 4tta111 If tAt• aUaolc haft 'IIIID 4HOI'I'IIed la MOellt P-"11 l'lpO~til u4 la IIITeJ'al dttp&tOhel 17011 .AakaJoa, llOtablJ' 1446 Of A'a&ut 7 and U93 of Avcut 10.

It ha\'lq lito npeatedl¥ atatd that lt la till latoUta ef tbla Goftl'lllllllt ad of thl othll' tJal\tll'atitu te 'lll'lq to tn.l all the" 11141Ylduab ntpOQf.b11 tor val' Ol':latJ 114 atnolUet, oolllibra- • u .. Jdcht well 'lie ctrea to the f.tRU.IIt of a •tat ... t 'by the SaontU'I' of hate ....,.olq title GoYII'illleat• a Utttaf.uUoa te 111 te l\. t!Aat thl offlon ad _.... ot the Geftllla boate ~t.olpatf.ta t.a tht.t _... an t4eatltla4 aa4 lnuabt to 4uttoe.

I 11ellne lt would ha.,. a lal•t&S7 ,.,oblqloal .Ueet, 11etla la .ut.e couatrlll ad lltevhere, lf IV.Oh a ttatl!dllt "" tt 1lf ltiUI 4taliiiG lptoltltal)J- vlth .. l41atltlall11 0&11 If at ... OUf 4U.otl4 acabtt IMtll Hlqtea. 00Jd1l& at thl prom tS..e, tile ttat .... t ¥11114 alto lla.,. thl .Ueot of Gei'QU .,at.aat Oladttbc latt...a...te aati-lewtth atiWolttaa.

- -

· n t.e ~rea,lttl4, ol oovae, tbat the tutd.tll Go..,.. .. , !,sat a1n a lut •ue et Otaplalat qalut tblt an laTol't'lq tu ,...._ ot a fUll. " leh 'lllat, 11\l.t l 4o •• lutll.,.e that thle obOUitaa .. Oh14 llf.Utat• acdatt ov ltsuba '" ......... BU&Pttl4 ...... .

fllfRD&a} 3, 1. Pe!lt•

Page 65: );r


TO Mr. Friedman

FROM Mr • .Akzin




OAT£ August 21, 1944

J Mr. Kubowitzki, of the World Jewi~h Congress, ~uggests a public statement by the Secretary ~ State to}the effect that the officer~ and crews of the German ~hip~ that gank MAFKOBE will be tried for the murder of the refugees involved, He believes that such a statement, which is fully in line with our declaration~ regarding the trials of we.r criminals, will have a good psychological effect, since it will be directed specifically toward an identifiable case of atrocjfY directed againRt Jewish refugees.

/J 4,

Page 66: );r




:W A R R E F U G E E .B 0 A R D


:·r. J. ·;i. Pehle

I. !~. ',7einGt9in

DATE :\ugUst 24,· 19f,!,

J.Av)J /~(]·'_;:._,, ,[K·

In the li~' Of the t::.ost _J;ecent r:.i-lit2.ry d8Yelo_p:neDt.s, o_ur ·

/ \ -,ps~;cholo~-;.ic'-!1 w:-=!.rf~re i-~!.Obr21~-: durtn~: the n,e.xt feYi vJeeks .should t:.:-.l:e

subst::.J.ntic.lly ths lir:e su:6ested in yesterday's 18tter to Elser

fr6li1 :QrO~;:.ine!lt ;:,...r:teric;1p.s; .organiZations etc •. ,At the: Sa:i:e· time _()":'II

c&n be ·neeCled to br?§.cic::tst repe:..t.tedl_~~ ·t~ -~~rm..:'tn~ _the: ~-hret~i~-~ q-r punishment th·Jt -~~e hc.tve useCt vii th --su-CCBss -rn the program C.irectec1

' -· ----· ·-

a~E.i-nst _ t2e Hunc;:trii::t".!.- ~~c\ Dalk?-n- c-.0ve:rn;:l8~ts ._. -;~~o-, _in.-_-:th€:.-=Gerr~-?11-

-l;>it)-adC~s~s ,:;e can r:1olce use of -th'•:r. n.:.terial_ iii. our ·_:90ss8~~~on 4·~s-~~·~_?i:pg_ -L~-s¢8r:--h~~ _~:~-lit~-. atroci~:i:-'es co_irwitte9- by the Gesta:Po- and ·the A~Y~ . --. ·-.-

./ office &. long of \'1"-I' criminals. Selections frora that list can be

used by the. Ger;,nn desk at O".'ii in· programs intemd·ed to )>.revent i'urt!ter

:p~~SeCuti.Oi1.0f ·the J"B-:.·is in t~e labor:-C.nd concen"trt"it1o.!'l ~~?-!!lP~-; _-As -r

· in:foJ:~n.eC.: you~-: ~o·di- he.s- been basing -b-roadcB.~tS. to_: :d~~~M;·<:~_ir th~ report . . ..· - . _-. _ _. _-- .. -·

\~e recei,red, frol~ Bern describino; the .extermi)'latiqn~cmnps'e,t AuschV;i tz

and_:--Blr}celle..\1.: in -:3q.ste~n UpJ)8I- Sil8Sia-~ The · Cri-iries- IflB..t_~r-i~l ~10uld:

· eri'o.ble the German: c!el'lk to- continue -that


l ~· "

Page 67: );r



I l


v;r. ;r. \v. Pehle




DATE August 24, 191,/+

JAvj r. 1::. '1/einstein 'fiJI~

.:· "" "'" o<. "' ""'·""'"' ""."""" '"'"''""'""· '''U\ . psycholoe;ical warfare program dur:tng the next· few weeks :should tal'e ·

--1:T substantially the line suggested in yesterday's letter to Elmer

Davis -- namely, that the partisans in those countries still occupied

by,,the ?1azi s must be asked to make special ef:t:orts to prevent the ·l

Gestapo from murdering the Jews in Fra:nce, th.e Lo\>1 cpuhtries, Czecho-

slovakia and Poland. The pro~;rain can be implemented by statements prominent Americans; organiz,atlo~s ·etc. ,·At the sruile time owl: .· .

can be needled to broadcast repeatedly to GermaJ1y the.threlrts of

pullishnie~t that VIe have used With SUCCess in. th~ ·program directel1.

•. agail1st the Hungarian and, Balkan Govermilents. ~~;d, ill t~e G~rman broadcasts l'le can make use of. the rnateriai in our ~6ss!s;lon aescribfng' .

. - . _. ; -··.

atrocities coiJlllli.tted by the Gestapo a11<1 the A'rmy, Less~r has in hi~: ./

office a long list of v1ar. ·criminals. Selec1tions from thg,t iist can be

_··j .

hsed by tli.e. German desk at OWI in progrruns intended t() pi:'ennt. further

v.ers.eqhtion of th<'l Jews iri the labor.a.'nd concentrat'ion d~ps;' As I

tnf<mned .you; 'ovrr has 'been basing broadcasts to. &ei:>Jn!lly' oii t.he report . ·;.--

we .received froin Bern describing the extermination c?,inps 11t A~fi.Chwitz •• ,., . ---·.

and Bfrkenau fn.Eastern Upper SilE)S~a. The cfimes ~terial v16ulu

i -)-

Page 68: );r

"/ ·.

_-. 2 .. ~

ilidic~it~ t!l~t Htihgary vdll pull Qut of

ihe war:iiJ. the ver; :ear future,, I believe .that. we.need hot tear .a jJf . -,,

· last minute slaughter of the J"e\vs iri that country be<Jause, as. George

-Lanyi pointed out to me the diiy, before yesterd.ay, the H.ungariail

Govel'nment can easily handle the Germans once they decide to'jmlJ: the \ "--:-------

Hungarim~ Army out. of the ·Ea$tern front. · Duririg'the comirig weeks the

·. Hungariai1 desk at O~VI can appeal to the Hungari~n Government t() -ease . . . . •' .

the anti"'-semitic rer;ulations as a mean of restoring the prestige-of

the Hungarian nation,

With respect _to domestic public relations'•'- it might be wel+

for us t.o have: a discussion _of the !Uea:iure·~ ,the Board oli,gh~ to take '' _:· .···.-._

as it po1v<l out of thi;i picture, :-.·~·-.-····-·.··.·"--·····, -',-. _. - ·._.: ;.---

. . ~' ' - - .-.··· .. - .. · _· --·-.·. -.··.•-·-·

Page 69: );r




AUG24 .1944-•·· {1,-

Deil.r Yro DaVis!

we han received· d1aqu1etins reports that the Nazis r6()ently slaughter~ thousands of J'ews 1n the path of their re\reat throu&h tho Baltic states~ In tl).e;light bt thol!e acf! counts. which we have eV.ery reason to aaeep~ as alit.hent!o. \~6 feel that a general Nazi retreat through Franee. Poland aitd Cz6()hoolovakie: may wipe out the J'ews in thoae enern,V...oaQ\lpied rogi,ons. ~ · · ·

OJ 1 . We. woul. d appJeoiate 1 t. if you 1· .. ruoted .. · ·A .. ffiiF., t. o beam

an appeal to the Kaquls to make· a special effort to protect the thoUsands ot helpless men, women and ch114ren contined in

c concentration camps in Fran!! eo It 'would help lie in our life­saving mios!on. We also suggest' tll8.t r;ostE broadcast warnings to'l:he Nazi military authorities. ~emJnd!oo them or ~resident Roc~uwelt's statement that all men who .participate in the murder .ot J'ews wtu· be •. held·. accoun¥t~l.s for ~heir:. ~J!iilles. · ·

We are. fast approaching tll~ period we hav~ looked tori'!a'l'd to with.·both hope an11 tear~ .we contemplate with dlsmay that the defeated GIIJ'man a:rmy and the . gu1l.iorldden Gestapo will use their -waning power to consUllllli!lte Hitler's threat to ~e EUopa ·. · "J'ucienrein" •. Our. only means of' :f'Orestallmg the sl,aughtar is psychologtoal, warpu-8. · ·

' We have in OUr poasesstt>n much : ~Vf.d~e of how etteo~t:ve psyoho1og1cal wartare oan be in our work. J'or exwnple. we were · intormell :t'eoently by our repesentative f.n Ankara that the ·. thre!ltli of punishment .and the appe9ls to b.Ulllliilitar1an18l!l \)r()ad• east ·to. Hlingary through the . faoiltUea. ot your Ol'g8Jlbat1pn have··

. plAyed an 1tllpOrtaJ1t. part tn -the attltu4e ot the .. · Hungarian aover~~.ment toward. the 400.000 ;rewa st!U t}lln in that: oountey~ You haYe fl'leey reason to be proud of the. cooperatil)n . . oii has gtven us. fn that 4lreotton.. · .•. -•···. •... · · ·

. -. -. ·- _· .. - __ -·_ . :- - . . _·_:.._ ..... : ____ : ___ ~>~-· .·_-_- - .-_ --~:-_ .. _

. We 1'8P..,lally appreo1ate the help of· fir••. George ~~'J rfiglonal' apectaltst stationed 1\ei'e ,ln flashington• and Mr.o 1.ou1•11 j Rflfey, head of .the Hungartan desk ln Uew Y~lt· llr• t.ouls COwan ·. ball b~ &~pathetic raf!d helPful at aU ttm.ea. And we 8P!)l'eo1a~e t;he o~eratton weJl€l!e had tro:lilla-. Leo~~-~ · ·

Page 70: );r


- 2 -

In vieW of the .swift changes :fn the military situation, we must direct our main efforts towords k13op1ng alive those remnant.s of jewry in Nazi-oc~up1ed l5U]_.ope. We .. can do this only with your cooperation. We lfuggest that. repeated attempts be· made during the next few weeks to speak to the partisans in \ France~ the Low Countries, Czechoslovakia, and Poland urging tliem to :frustrate the Nazi pl~n t? exterminate the1r-1ew1sh compatri11ta.

We strongly urge that the Gernnn authorities be informed that the Govern.ment and people of the United States are shocked by the brutality of such incidents as ·the sinking of the SS ·

.JMefkura Vlhich is .described 1n the enclosed press release. We are determbied that the captain and crew of the German warship responsibie for the wanton murder of more than 250 refligees shall pay· the fUll penalty for that shocking crime. · ·

·.. . ./ Mr< Elmer Dal1s 0 Director, Office of Viar Information, . :n62 ~ social security Bldg. , 4th and Independence Ave., s.w., washington,. D. c.


Very sincerely yours;


Page 71: );r


·. rROMt TOi

.. ··D!TEDa 'Nl!MBER•

PARAl'~E. OF. TEI£diutJ.1 RECElvlm.•

Al4LEGATION, BERN Se0r8tary of State, Washiugton July 14, 1944 r · · · 4506 . .

I called ou Mr. Pel~t--!IQia.z, as fproast in my'~324, July 6, and conveyed. eXptsBBi9nof' I!.PJIX'GO~tiorn:ll>'diraoted-·-·­in JOur 222lp June 30 and the entire War Refugee problem was revie..,. · · · · \

l. ; Stating that he had receiveCI from Pres~et Rube; . a aopy r:r the latter's replY to my letter of.M8.y 22, my · 3144 and 3147~ Mr. Pelet felt tha.t,.an.v approach tO the . ·· Germans along the lilles ~ieated.. in )'our l4981 April 291 wOuld be res®ted and might jeopardize ICRC.'s. present . · eff'C'rts to furnish relief to the perse,cuted :t.n which he would t<ontinue to put formu"'l every· ass:tstan?e poSIJibie. ·

.2. In regard to the havens of r~f'Ugee(l!V letter of June 16 mentio~ed in mf 39551 June·2) 1 Mr• Pilat :~.•eoalled Swiss policy as previous]t IJt.ated rtispeoting acceptance of r.gfugeos who .. are continuall:y.arri\ring. Likewil38 1 Mr. Pllet referred to his efforts have so far b88:1l \'neucoessi'ul in o~tain!ng J?Gl'JD.Ssion for ohil~rer{ ,to CO!Jifi to .Sw,itZel'Jiuld . from ~rmen occupied terr11;ory and Gel'llltUlY• Iwas informed by.·· Mr. Pilet .that the interes'l;ed ee:I:'Vices of' hiS gov&rnme~tbad . now under consideration a proposaLto'the. Hungaris,nQI)VIirn'" · n:vnt .to i'ive.thousand. ohil,.dren Qn4 ~]tpeotant.motlleiri!i~ It was. his oxpaotation that. suitable arrarig~msnto be. mads so that they would no:t ~main in SwitzerJ.imd ~rmanently it' the ~·oposal was suocesstul. ·

.· 3. Mr• Filet stated, ill regs.l'd ·to rewrts of deporta- . tion of' soma 4001000 Jews from Hungary, that to know e:caot]t what had fuippened to those 'poox: people We.s difficUlt. So. · tar 250,000 had been taken as inili~ted by hie rfjpPrts.> It :l.s ,known that those eapablo of work;lrig ''.Sd been •cwed to labor camps but it n,ot known wbEft)u.;ened;to,th~ others •

. In Hungary arrest ot Je~ was af'f'ec:ted b1 Hun~iari authoriti!'S who then turned them over. to the Gestapo and. it :1.8 chimed that to this outrage~ action ~ ot ~he. Hungarl,an~~ were · oppoiled. In many instances Hunga 1ans had llleli pimisl1ed for endeavoring to assiilt' arid protect the Jews. It, was stated by Mr. ~l,et: that 1$ ~ been t<>1d there wer~~ in Hung817

·'About 80Q,OOO .Jews. · ·· · · · · ·

f _-

Page 72: );r


, 1.. 'f'h'" J.ntereet und oono111rn of the go·v.;rum0nt and people of .':>'1't1.tilerland f'or the .fateo.f tho Jews in Hunt:arr was stressed by Mr. Pilot o.lld he gnV>il Jll(l in atriotoat oon­fidonoe tho f'ollowlng informntiont

(A) In close touoll #;ith int.Nstod Swiaa Ja11ieh ort;!!nize.tions the Fed.M•e:l gl'!vsrnment ia £aoil1tat1ng oomm1111iw ootlono botw<~n orge.nillat:lona in Switae:rl.nnd end Jowillh ol'.-:(ln:!.zat.iona :i.n Hungary nnd ~n thie oonnootion 'h·. Sa1y Me.yer 1 s narnt~ m~s mont:!.oned by him,

(B) Oloea ('.ontaot is maintained with and asaistanoa rendered" to ICRC. Adireot appeal has been transmitt'Jd by hl1.m fl-am Preaident Huber to Re~nt l!orthy.

(c) Nov UJJd!lr aot1VD oonsidlll:t"ation is a propcsa.l to obtain permial'lion for 5000 children &nd oxpeotant mothors (nee aboe'e) •

(D) Inatrua':.ions haw bean isauoo to the SIP.oa Minister in Budapost to leave 'the HungarM.n Government in no doubt as to the a•titudo Qf' tho Sris:1 Guverlll!l9nt and Swiss people with regard eo thea'& peresc1.1t:l.ons. ·and to 1lllks 1 t clr ar to the Hungar~n Government that undoubtedly tho good relations emd high regll.];'(}. which tho Swit!s Government and p1Jopla had for ~ltmgat'Y would oo adversely oftectod by eontinusnaa of lih!.~> policy. In similar terms 1<11.". Plblet has spoktm to the ·~t:.llgitrian Charge in Bern.

5. Although the Regent has "washed his hands" of all respons.i.billty, r was told by Mr. Pilet that ho professed to ~ oppoasd to the pcrseouti<m o£ Jews. It is apparent that to oo ll&med as ooo of t.hoao l'lll!lponsible is teared by Horthy'. I propoaa to ask tho Swiss, unlesa you perceiVe some objection, to Pl'ssll the Huugarians for a reply to our note ot June 1.3 o,nd in doing ao call their attsilt.1.on to 'II'Arning to Leaders as well a:~ f'lmot'ionarios and subo1'dinatea in the statement of March 24 3.;,9wad lJJ' the Prssidttnt.


DCRtMAS1JC 7/19/44

Miss Chauncey (for the Soc '1) Abrahamaon, Akzin, Bernstein, Cohn, DuBois, Fl':ledman~ GaErton, Hodol, !4ughlin, · Ulssar, Luxt'orQ., Mannt Mannon, Marks, l'h:C:>n~)lr; .P{I.h1.;~. ~~ar~oy 1, !Jtturt, Weiniltt:Ln1 n. D. 1'/bit.e, Files



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._.·~.:. _,_._:;:. ~ _.-·· .

. ·-'--··

·-, -~.

.-'. ~· . ....

-:._ __ -1

! -I



Page 74: );r

-~ ·b.=~··


. ./. .t.morlou ;Legation, Barn

seo;J."ete.ry of State, Washington





cNl)' 7, 1944 43, CONTROL COPY Reterenoe ia made he;ewith;to Department'• oable of

June 28, No. 2~96.

on May 2 I oonvered to Minister Pil&t na well as to j

IORO the substance of Department's oable of April 29, No. 14981 f;

with the appropriate indication that we should appreciate it it

the Swiss Government would find it possible to associate itself

wl th euoh approaches to the German Oowrnment as might be

Ul\dertaktn by IORO •

With respect to procedure sussested in your oable of June 30,

No, 221 (?),.I have been in continuous oommunioation, both ~- . ~'\:Q.'"l>0~\\~1 .

torm$111 and lnformally~as well as oftioiallr, with appropriate

officials of the· swiss Government as have McClelland and othfr

ottioere of the Lesatton. I am oonv1noed that the Swiss have

done and will oonoo1ent1ously oont1nue to cl•lall ther teel they

oan do oonsietentlr without oompromlelng their position and

endangering their usefUlness otherwise as I have reported pre•

vtously. Their willinsuese UQder given oond1t1ons to approach

both oo~· and satellite sovermaents, their efforts to etteot

the relea~e of children f:rom eneJily terl'ltory 1 their continued

actUal. Clandestine recept~on and aooomodatlon ot ri!itueees

D regsr!lleas

ECLASSIFIED · State Dept. Letter, 1-11,72

By R. H. Parka Date_5fp_ 1 4 1972

Page 75: );r

' !

••...•...• ; / ;l .



regardless of prnot1oaJVp~f~~l'~ -~~~~ wit~ other indioatlona

test1ty to their numan1tGr1an aotivitles; and they hove always

aooordod eympathetio conelderntton to all propoaala1

whether \),~.... . .

or not they felt nble to .tnke aot1on, Your expresdon ot

appreo!ntion as conveyed in your oablt\ No. 2821 will be weleome, I

and at my first opportunity l shall oonvey it to M. Pilet-Golaz.


Page 76: );r

;; .. , •f

t:/ . . .. · .. · ... . . . (' 0 .............. 'J

..... ....._..,. of, ....... ~08

- AJII.IIlfiOll. -


Page 77: );r



TOt .. DATEih

SearetSr,y of Btato, Washington


June 28,p 1944


From ~ar Ret'upa BC6l'd •• its cable 46 to Harrison

We are ve17 diaappointed ovor 1Jha negative Intercross

answer wbioh your 3144 tutd 3147r IJ:(ly 17 ormtain&d.

· Since ap)arent~ ¥OU ~~u n~t ~ot AYn1la~ yourme~ of the aqthorimion which tht~ ll\111·t. a~tltt)flw<) Qt the Departmtlnt•o 1498, April 29, m!dniglltt ccmtainedp w ask tOOt "in lliis .:11~ you inf'~ approaoh the ~nt. Oonf1dent1alq "' hope that due to the great trad:lticp1s. ot h1lillanitari8nia of snt.-:rlaad that Govel'll!lrlnt will e~se .:f.ts 1r!fluen~ with the Germau. '~ioia.le 1n thiiJ regard in the !nteril1rot r.f ~l.ll'll\rlJlg th•se helpleu peoples'· survival.. .


Page 78: );r



FROM: Se::~ta::A:; ~:a::~·::~:::l::::n LC'lO~NTRO~L c py AJ4L!WATION, Bern IL C~j TO:

DA'l'ED: June 28, 1944

•· NUHBER: 2196

i'':rom liar Refugee Board ac 1 ta cable 48 to Harrison

We are very disanpointed over the n~gat1ve Intercross

answe1• t~hloh your 3144 and 3147, 1-la.y l? contained.

oinoe npparently you have not yet availed yourself

:';}, . of the authorization t~hlch the last sentence of the Department• s

1498, April 29, m1dn1ght,contalned, t~e aak that 1n this regard you

ln:t'ormally approach the S>,·llBil Government. Con:f'1dentis~ly tie hope

that due to the ~reat tradltlonn of humanitarianism of Switzerland,

·that Government t~1ll exerc1ae ita influence t'lith the Geman officials

1n this regard ln the interest of assuring these helpless peoples•





DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-711

~.a. H. Parka Date$ip-io 4 1972 . .


Page 79: );r




With reterenoe oar 1498, . ~pdl 29, u4 71118" 3144 BD4 3147 j

llq 17, Department :N&l'ets dl•ppof.ntiDW negative re1poue

lnterol"OII OOD.08l'I11JII CIDJ' 14 98 •

UD4el' the oircn:dlstanoes, Department; :reque1t1 tbat; 7011 na.

approaah the Idle Ocwel'!8ent alq the llnee of 1118" 1498.

Beariq in mlzld the P"•at hWIIAid.tal'Sen at

SwitserlaDd, tille Oovvmlent oonfldentl,y hopei that the Swiss

autharitlee w1l1 do their utmOit to tJo811111111t 11114 IUppori the abCWB

request in the illtereet of 8DIUdq the eunlftl ot the helple11

noUu oonoel'lll4.

TlliS IS. 1i11B BEBN OABU: NO. -46

June 15, 1944 3:00p.m. ii , n !Aiss Chauncey (for the Sec 'y) Abrahamson, Cohn, Laughlin, Lesser, Mann, Stewart, Central Files,

DuBois, Friedman, Hodeift Cable Control Files 1 . I

t\ \i ,\ I i

\ \ '\


\' \

I\ ' I

Page 80: );r



Secretary of State, 0W~~·'IMl~' ~· '"110lfT , American Consulatr-, Ge'it~~£; 0J1~~u~alJ 11 RDL



DATED: June 22, 1944 \c 01 w. ~s \'lUI..~~ t

NUMBER: 115 .:/

Reference is made to your '74 of Jun:e 2.

You ma~ inform Gruenbaum that warnings are constantly

( being shortwaved and otherwise transmitted to Hungary

regarding treatment of Jews. Also that efforts have been made i

\. through Idllroros.s and· various foreign channels to es.feguard

position of Jews in Hungary.

With reference to your last paragraph you may tell

Gruenbaum to submit any operational or financial problems to

Hirschmann in Ankara, either in writing or through Barlae.


DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72

.By R H. Parks DateSE£.1 4 1972

- I-

Page 81: );r


Reference iii made to your 74 ot' June 2.

You may inform Gruenbaum that warnings are const&ntJ¥ being .:h<~rtwavec: end otherwise tr~onnmit.t6d to HU.ngary reg<U'dillg treatment ot' J&v.s, .UI!o th .. t effort..J havtt been ,atu.lll tln·ough Ir.teroross and varlous foreign ohannela to aat'eguard position of Jew .. in Hwlgary.

ifith ::."eien:nce to yc·ur la.;t .,u .. .-a&raJ,h you may tell Grurmbaum to submit. LD,y OiJ.c::·utivr;al or iinanoial problems to H.lraohr.!arm in Anl<ara, either lL , ... r·ititl{; or tlu·ough 1>111'1.&6.

••••••lit•••• J.wi;. 21, 1944 2:~0 p.m.


Page 82: );r




' \

:t 1189


' .. ~ -

... CONf~OL CDPY c~t:t~0lC;~~;, ...

Atv;,EiiJ.&:Al:-J &QN.fiUI¥AT#.r~.FF~AL,:~..x"'"''" /~ y ·. Jerusalem, Palestine,

May 26, 1944.

sua.;rx,T:; Jewish Refugees from Hungary and Rumania.

Tf-H:: !'i.~t:CRETAHY OF STAT£,

I b..a ve the lwnor to refer to the Department's teloe;ram \Oo 101, dated f,'ay 11, 7 P.Mo, and my reply thereto Eo. 6:3 of i•'ay 13, 5 P.JI.'o relatint:, to the ar­rest of Je\~s in Hnn::ania and to the persecution of Jews in l!un0ary. The head of the Inuni~c,ration Depart­:nent of the Jewish Agency has now furnished additlon&l information on t:l1e subject. He states experience has sbown tbat persec,_;tion of Jev1s takes place in three stae.;es: first, all Jews are required to wear the bad.;;e, second, ':hey are denrived of their property and means of li velihcod, ar: d third, they are placed in concen trc.­tlon camps with a view to their extermination. At t~e end.. oi' t·:arch the first stage was reached in Hunc;ary ar.d Ilur;garia:'! 011 reporte:l the enactment of a law re­'1nirine· all Jews, incl udin; part Jewish, ha vins as much as one-fourth Jewish blood from the age of 6 upwards to VIGB.r the yellow badge. As evidence of the enforcement of this act, Hungarian papers reported early in March thut many arrests had been made for non-compliance therewith,

Jewish libraries all over Hungary have been seized. Andre Laszlo, former Minister of the Interior and now head of t:'c Jewish DC'partnent of the Ministry of Interior is reported to have requisitioned Jewish apartments for the acco!lmlodation of c!ungarians who have suffered in air raids. /;!unicipnl and Go'll'ert'!ment officials who are Jews have been dismissed and replaced by Hungarians. Zionist offices in Hungary have been closed. This is the second step, or the economic measures, which have been taken.

It is reported that hundr•eds of thousands of Jews are now being interned in camps and ghettoes. The names of the Ghettoes so far available are as follows: Szeged, Des, Debrecen, Nyiregyhaza, Beregszasz, Marosvasarehly, Szatmarnemeti, Nagybanya, Nagyszollos, Munkaca, lllateszalta,


Page 83: );r

. ' • -2-

Bezster.,;ce, Il:olozsvsr, Szudlm, Zenta, Nag;ykaroly, Miskolc, Maramaroszsiget, Baja, Nagyvarnd, Ujvidek, Kassa, Ungvar, Szolyva, Euszt, '3udnpest.

With rec:;ard to the arrest of Zionist leaders in Buclc.a­rest, the followin...:; infarmatior: has been received from· a refugee who left Rtu:mnia at the ~e,_;innin,;; of May through the Jewish At;ency.

The P.rres ts of' the leaders were effected on March 27, 1c4,1. They were caused by ti1e Jotention of two Polish Jews in who!Je possessior, .forc;ec:! docunents were focmd. The two ref\,gees admitted, ·N:1en examined b:c tlw c'ollce, that they l'1Hl received t;;e clocurr.ents fron Joseph l"rl.e:Unann, e. me··; of the Youth Zionist ::ovement in Bucharest. Durin2, a 3earcil of' :.;r. FrieJmann's apartment, t'fiO million leis were fou· d and cor,fiscate:d. '!r. FrieclnoEnn said that he he.d received t'1e money fpo~~ :cr. •,;ish'-1 r.en·'"lonistl, Chairman of the Zionist Orgar-.iza t ion ir, =:tie hares t. F1.1rther searches were made at ' the premises of persons active in tho Zionist organization an~ the Zionist Youth Movement. As a result of these search­es the follovrlnt: persons were put un oler arras t: Friedrnann, Benbenisti, Professor Beri, :'isher, Dr. Enzer, Rozenzweig, "uks, Scarlat, Baumohl, Tabaczn.!.k, Tennenbaum, Reissfeler, ·::eiss,' Picker, Segall, Vatarescu, Krell, Sch\'rartz, Igo Feclder, Freudy Peokler, Dubs, D:1mascevici, };egel, and ':lor sister, Jitler, Zussman, Paecht, Bui=, Schuler, Blmner, ::ec;ru, ac:;,;, ':aria Popescu.

At tl£ same time these people were arrested, the Qostaeo subnit+;eJ. to the R"l.inanian noll.ce photosb,_tic copies of letters and re!~·orts sent by representatives of the local Zionist organlzatioE to the Zionist orGanizations in Geneva aY:d Tstnnbul containin,s information concerning the position of Jews icl iolancl anJ '.i'ransdniestra. After about a fort­ni.::;ht J'isl1er, Reissfeler, Dr, Enzer, l'uks and Professor Berl ·11ere released. The representatives of the local Jewish conmmnity interveneJ with the authorities and ~:r. A. L. Zissu raised tl1e issue of the arrests in a personal inter­vievr with the Vice-Premier, Michal Antonescu, which­ed in the release of Rozenzweig and ~eiss. All of the ot2ers are reported to be still under detention and are to be tried before a Court Martial. The charges brought agai,,st them are "activities harmful to the security of the state, commlli'"lication with the enemy, and smuggling of Poli Jews to Rumania,"

71-,e refugee says tbere are reasons to believe that the authorities in Rumania are showin5 a tendency to alleviate 1 the conditions of the Jews there in the hol)e that this migh place them in a more favorable position with the alliod powers after the occupation of the oormtry and in interna- , tional discussions which will follow the war. He believes ." therefore t':at diplomatic intervention regardin;; the fate ofj the arrested Jews might produce results and says it is not I out of the question that as a result of such intervention i the proceedings mi5ht be wholly suspended and the persons released. Contrary to the original report that only 12 to / 15 persons remain in custody, it now apoears there are _J some 26.


Page 84: );r


t l __ -3-

Arrangements have been made with the Jewish Agency w;1ereby all information concerning Jewish refugees and their possible fate in occupied European countries will be made available to this Consulate General and immediate­ly upon its receipt it will be forwarded by airmail or telegraJh, denenqin~ upon the nature of the inforn~tion received. :'he A,cency acts as a centrali?.ed office where all Zionh:t r•·rorts are submitted and it is hope-d tcJ&t as cor.mlete ir,formation as may become available v:ill be fur­nished to this office.

Respectfully yours,

L. c. Pinkerton, Ar.;e ricsn Cons' Genere 1.


.. _

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