




Quickest, Ik. ami Shortest RouteTO THB




Talvla- - CtTeetHnnday.Jnne 17,177.EXPRESS TRALN

Memphis dally . 1 1 :.Vi p.mat Heoiphia . 5:20 P. HI

MAIL TRAINMemphis dally .lOJiO am

.11 :00 a. inArrlvi at MemphisSOMEBYILLE TRAIN

L4es H.OO p.mArrlwM t Memphis dally ex-ei- bunday) 8:10 m

Tlnw 20 minute luster than city Unie.

Toe 1 1 5 p.m. Express Is the UchtBlnjc Trainfrom Memphis. and will only stop at 'tleaa and at Terminal Point.

Xhe lO-JI- a-- Mall Train will stop at Regularstations.

Meaaervllle Trail will atop at Kenlnaaa ft'las etatlene.

The Mcatalaa-- K.prean Trill ma9h,ea Irk. rat tlur ever made to

2noxvlile, Lynchburg. Washington, and Easterneltkea.

Only IS henrn --Icm. ta Chattanoam.Only 4 aaara Mraapala ta Waahlatflon.

wl.h eorrepoiidlri economy ot time to otharKaatera ctlles.

It ckun af ( in to the various Springs andWatering Places In East Tennessee and Irglnla.Only one chants of Sleeping Coaches betweenMemphis and Washington. Baltimore, Philadel-phia. New York and Bo-to-n. bleeping Coachesbuilt expressly lor this Southern route and climate.Splendid lamllj accommodations.

fjra4 year Tleketa aad arc they are viaHemphla aad t.'harleeton K.K.

JOHSA.BT,Chief Engineer and Ueueral SupertnteudenL

u.iKr.v Hi iHrt.Ticket Ageul, 278 Mala st,

JAM. K. IF.X.General Passenger and Ticket Agent.

T.N.1IAVAXT,Assistant General FaoseTtger Agent.

LoulsTilleand N ashYille and GreatSouthern Railroad.

11-4- 1 o.n.. Kijcht Expreas-(Dal- ly, except8MuMay.-Corme- cts at Milan for fcU Louis andCtdea; at Mckenzie Tor NMh'llle.ChattMionga.Atlanta and the Southeast; at hrtaJor Hopklnsvllie. Henderson and Evansvllle; Louis-ville for all polula North and toft.l,io nn lur Kxprrna Connects for St.Louis and Chicago; at Louisville for all pointsWorth and East.:44 p.m. Parla Accommodation -- Dally

PuUman Palace Cars on either train to LouisrUle,and on night train to Nashville.

yor tickets or Information, apply at Ticket CWnce,

287 Main, northwest corner Madison street.J ana X. t'lyas, Bup'l Memphis Dlv.J aaaew Bpeed, Ticket Agent.

Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad

CHAKUK ur BCHKUIIHand after SUNDAY, May 13. 1877. train

ON wm run as follows:LeaTB. Arm.

New Orleans Mall dally at. ... 8:00 p.m 1:80freight and accoinmodiiUon

aally, except Sundays, at 0:30 m 8:50 a.m

Close eonneetloruj made at Orenaoa with tramsNorth and SoutH for all points.

Ur-- Wot further information, apply to

Ticket Office, 287 Main SU, and at Depot.M. Birke, Superintendent.J .nr. Mperd. Ticket AgenL


The Short Line to Arkansas and Texas.

TIME CAKIKlbatb: abkitb:

Hall train, dall- - 610 D m--Kelght trnln leave Hoie- - -

djld excepted) 7:IJ0 a-- 5:20 p.mPassengers going on this road will take trains at

toe Depot of the Louisville, Nashville and Urealttoutharn Railroad. -

Mali train makes close connection at Anrenta lotpouita on Little rtock and Fort Smith Hall road, andat Little Rock with Cairo and Fulton Railroad, foraoluU In Southwest Arkansas and Texas.

Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains.For tickets and Information apply at Tlcketmcea

278 and 2K7 Main street, and at the Depot, footofWashington street, or at L. and N. and Ot. So. Depot,or to tie undersUmed.

W. K. SMITH, Sup t, Memphis, Tenn.R. A. WILLIAMS, Passengei AgenUM. 8. 3 AT. . P. and T. A- - Little Rocfc.


On Shelby street, between BealeOJTTONHKD Apply to


On ExclianRestiwt; rents low. ApplyOUSES . . . . .H - 11 .1 ,t U...llann u.

No. : Howard's Row. with allSTOREHOUS8 K K.MfcACHAM.

rttonBlied-Co- r. Union an.l Third : lately oonipledby Bchoolneld. Hanauer Co. E. K. Meacham.

FFICES Pair cotton omees, with all water prlv- -o neges. over .1 nimiipi a nw. -

Nos. 87 ana :i'.t aouin vahiSTOREROOM. Clnb. 87 feet frtMit, wlth adepth of V6 feet. Apply lo R.;B. bNOWDUj


USINE68 N EN Ten more business men to callat ractoiy. ai I eecunu sirccu

With a capital of $1000 In a3JARTNER busliiM- - SoH) of It guaranteed.Address MANUFACTURER, this ofllce.

'OMAN To cook. wah and Iron for a family ofpersons. AOlireiW ri.,

Two In Memphis, and three to travelSALESMEN and Mississippi; 885 a month,hotel and traveling expenses paid to acceptablemen. All appl cants answered. If sUmp w In-

closed. Otieen City Ulass and Lamp Works, Cin-

cinnati. Ohio. lj24eodplana is wanted tor the summer

PIANO-- periou who will keep It In good

order ddre N B.. Appeal offl.e.

ILLINEB1 Flitclai mMl!nT.M H( F. - III l-- J. &rr iMcmiti nticvt.

lJ LOAN MONEY-Ap- ply toWOl. HIS Main street,


"T y OOMS Most desirable In the city and at summer1 v rates, ai i L loun St.. corner iw ww wim.

QUIT OK ROOMd-De-lra- ble suit of rooms, withonani. ai usi uranwi.

TJOARDIN I A suit of Ian?e. cool and elegantlyJ.J rumlslied rooms, tor a panv union irminu,In a private family where there are noother boarders;table A I ; private, if desired. AudreosJ. Harvey, city.

OOM Furnlsl-e- or uniumlshed front room.R with board; alio, at 1 It tnun si.

OOM AND BOARD An elegant room, wltbR hoard, at list street- -


UOGIESAND ROCK A WAYSB 8 Secoud hand lop,2 becuuo-haii- d Doctors' bugi tes,4 Second-han- d Oiien Buggies,8 Second-han- d pbaelous and Rock anajs.

All In ffiMMi rviMlr: for sale cheaD atcm fRl FK CO , 17 Main street

WTTON-rRl- S One Brooks Cotton press, stpampower attachment, gtxxl as new. very cheap.

Apply lO J. I. .1 1 H.SJ1 ,rt g Wl from w

A TARE A handsome black mare, "old Lexlng-1-1 km stork " six vera old. lfiAi bands high:

trots Inside ot th-e- e minutes, and has good saddlefalLs. ti. t-- uAU I M

T CRKAP.L One Ice-bo- nx7x.'l feet, lined with Iron: roldsten kegs ol beer, and room for milk, vegetables, etc

i 1A. Dtniu.i, yo. l eaie suOLNTER A tine saloon counter ar d four doors

K Apply at No. 44 Washington street.


Send for price list. Lumber Dealers.TTNUlNa Ven low. one power Engine,Xj Boiler and Fixtures. Apply at CVBBINS Afil'N SI nlon Ironworks. street.

STKAVKI).W On July 2d, one spottedCIO cow, with both ears crotpe. A llheral reward

will be paid for ber return to No. P8 Mosby street.comer w inchester nvemie.

A CLE One brown horse mule, about six yearsit dm. small scar on right hip; and oneBAialHE. ruiderwui be rewatxieii.

H. E. CANNON. Bethel Place,

W3W A white mnley cow. led around the neck. AVV liberal rewaru ior n-- r return to w m. uangan,Mel.'moreaventi. near pia'w remale i oii're.


Vy On July Ifl, 1S77. one milch row, yellow and-whl- te

spotted, with tour white legs, crop off right earand split on left one. The owner can get the cow byproving property and paying cnargea, hi ine oialiroond.


JNO. REID, BUILDER3X6 Serond IStreet.

aVSTAIHd A SPECIALTY. Estimates made forparties aaving losses by nia, ov any atk la my Una

TIIK APPEALWill bf sent to pri fons out of the citf dur-

ing thf rummer ot OSE DOLLAR a month.

The address may It changed tchenecer de- -


tired. .


Yesterday was gloomy.tst night was cool anJ plea;uil.

Co to Katival purk concert t.

Mouitotn arc unusually nuuierouad1 UisaKreeably painful.

T1ij r lilmul ktriki' is the theme of general conversation in this city. .

uood music win oe piajca ai f"""park to nijht, as this is the rvirular concertevening-- .

. ... . , .,Next luesday niKht an txcurhion iur k

benefit of St. Lazanis Episcopal church will

le ifivtn on the Cons Millar.II. C. Alley, the special Uetective li ft

i... l U... k'l.Lrintri. k for Northjrpuiuaj v. - iCarolina, where the latter is mulcted lorswindling.

Thursday mgbt neat a uioouli(,'hl picnicwill be niwn at Uie Hethell place, tour uiil.-- s

from Memphis, on the Tigeon Koout road.Admission, fifty cents.

The commissioners, yesterday afternoon,removed Tom Molan and John M'Neely frouithe police force, and apjxiinted in their placelake Urown and W. J'. Maxwell.

The DeSoto club boat, which is to takepart in the race, wus carried up Second street,

i ii.nnw v Ailsimx to the river, vesterday.The boat attracted general attention.

Hotnola, Adam Hfde and I he Mill on tneFloss, by George Eliot. Novels by CharlesUeade, Misa Muloch and other celebratea au-

thors, twenty centa a copy, at Mansford s.

The ladies of .U race church will give an-

other sociable Thiirfday evening, July 2Cth,

at the residence of Mr. T. II. Milburn, cornerTate and Orleans streets. Tickets fifty cents,refreshments included.

The firemen of company No. 2 haveerected a conifovtablelbath-housc- . rear ot

their ball, on Main street. The Imt: -- nouse isa credit to the good taste of the men whocompose this company.

lIeiJ. of the Washington street varieties,has been arrested for violating the UnitedStates revenue laws. An individual namedguinn gave assurance that lleid had plenty ofcapital, and would sustain a variety show.

At the election to fill vacancies in rankof the Bluff City Grays, the following namedmembers wer unanimously chosen: Secondlieutenant, Charles Leflingwell; junior sec-

ond lieutenant, Herbert Hhett; orderly, LouisIt. U. Hunter.

Do not fail to attend the Lstival parkconcert The programme has beenarranged with great care and cannot be oth-

erwise than entertaing to all who are present.The selections are from the best and mosteminent composers. There will doubtless bea large attendance.; The bale of new cotton from Texas, the

first new bi le of the sesison received here,was sold by auction opposite James & Sons,store yesterday morning, A. M. Stoddardauctioneer. There was a good attendance,and the bale was knocked down to Messrs.Hartmus At Co., at l ie a pound.

The favorite southern song writer, JohnT. Rutledee, composer of Sare the iu eetestKiss for Me, has in Whisprr You'll be Mine,Ijure, given us most decidedly the prettiestsong of the past ten years. It has a perfectlybewitching melody that sings itself right intothe hearts ot music lovers the world over.Hollenberg has it for sale.

Acting-Record- er Egnew yesterday trans-acted the following business : Henry G. Smith,nuisance, case continued for trial; Nettie Har-

mon, drunk, discharged; D. L. Gillespie andJ. E. France, keeping lottery, fined fifty dol-

lars each; John ledger, assault and battery,fined live dollars; Charles Boatall. drunk, dis-

charged; John Doyle, drunk, fined five dol- -

Chief Atny yesterday received a telegramstating that I'oiiceman w . 11. uueii, oi iuiscity, was in an unconscious condition and onthe verge of death at Bailey Springs, Ala-

bama, where he had gone in search of health.Mr. Udell was one of the best and most rclia- -I I. t' dm nsiliffk fnrpp Via wasgenerally esteemed and respected by all ofr - - . if. i . nAni8 acquaintances. iiu icuvua u, nuu uuinrce cnuaren. .


Mit. K. n. Dl-nca- of Geortria, is visitinghis brother, Captain 11. I . Uuncan, ot miscity.

Mkssiuj. Gko. W. Armistkad, and WestArmistead, of the Bolivar Bulletin, are in thecity.

Misa Alice Raises, of Nashville, who hasleen the euest of her cousin, Miss Laura

nslcy, lett yesteruay ior nome.Mit. G. F. Nkm.i. of the Winona (Miss.)

Press, is visiting the city in the interests olhis well-know- n and able jourriid.

M Ajoit R. H. WiLDBKROEU. commandautof ami prorcssor of natural sciences atllio ivcniucKy nuiiiary msiituie, is iu uiu cjljtfor a'week or so.

Dits. Paul Otey. Heber Jones. Brownand J. H. Nuttall, yesterday made a carefulexamination of a negro man who is peculiarlyafflicted with elephantasu. 1 he location, aswell as the development of the disease, hasaroused no little interest among tne puysi-cians.

Kkoxvillk. Chronicle. 21st: "Attorney- -

General J. B. Heiskell, of Memphis, arrivedin this city on last night s tram. Ju,-- o.W. Heiskell. also of Memphis, who ha-- s beenspending a few weeks at Rogersville, camedown yesterday morning. Both are stoppingwith their father. Colonel V. S. Heiskell."

Brownsville Bee: "It is our painfulrlnfv to record the death of Maior ThomasOwen, at his residence, three miles'west ofAjruwusviiie, i uiui, otui- - - iLstant. aged eighty seven yearr. IL. was oneof the oldest and most respected citizens ofthe county ot Haywood; truly a man ot wnoui:t 1 cowl in lii.r, thnrt w9 rit crllil.'L Dnelit. lionobt. rjonoiaUlo ana strai'.'ntior- -

ward in all of his thoughts and actions. Agood man lived true, worthy ardwell beloved by all who knew him. We willseldom look upon his like again. His remainswere interred in the family burying-groun- d

Wednesday evening.


Hteamltoat Cxruralon.Vridav nicht an excursion for the benefit

of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd will betriven on the steamer James W . Gaff. Thisorder ol charity is now encumbered with adebt due on the building, and it is hoped thatthe excursion will prove a financial success inorder to tav the amount due. Extensive arrangemenu are being maue to renaer unsone of the mot enjoyable excursions of theseason. The Sisters ot the Oood hliepherddeserve well of the Memphis public, and wehope that this excursion will be generallyand liberally patronized.


Thk July number of Hubbard's Xetrsia- -per Adcerttser has been received.

The catalogue of the Eat Tennessee universify, Knoxville, haa been issued

The catalogue of the Norwood high-scho- ol

irginia, has made lta appearance. .

The annual catalogue of Vanderbiltversity, Nashville, has been received.

TnK Tennessee Chop Report, for June,1877, has been issued in unbound form by J,B. Killibrew, commissioner of agriculture,statistics and mines.

The Spiritiml Magazine, edited andpublished by Rev. Samuel Watson, of thiscity, is equal to any former number of thisjournal. The present number contains startling articles relative to different phases ofspiritualism.

St. Nicholas, the justly popular andcharming angazine, has made its appearancefor August. The original style of the articlesin if. ichoias, ana the clever nietnou inwhich they are treated by their authors, coinmend this enterprising magazine to the atten-tion of all who appreciate the character of iprogressive and enlightened monthly. Itscontributors embrace men and women of thehighest order of talent.

The International TfEViEw.for Anaust"has made its appearance, and contains oi iginalarticles from eminent contributors on boiusidf s of the Atlantic. The contents are notedin 1 the following articles: "The Turk inEurope." by Charles Kendall Adams: OughtRussia to IVevail?" by Julius I von Brie,("I'he Old IhiUh and Flemish Mter, V,

Philin Gilbert Hamerton: "The Lite WorlFair," by General Francis A. Walker; "lje

Cornwall," by Ed arm I '. Whipple; J?'easihility of a Code of International ,ulnby the late Ex --Governor Emory Wojn.T T l . 4Tf 114. eF IjfuDnf ImArif'

lib, German and Italian Publications,showing the degree of literary activity whichdistinguishes these several nations at thepresr-n- t time; Uotemporary aix ieuer, r.I')," bv P. G. Hamerton; "CotemporaryEvents' The International Review is pub-

lished by A. S. Barnei & Co., Ill and 113...... . . VT V 1.linanis street, sxvw irai.The July number of the New York Sani-

tarian is unusually attractive and will affordvery general interest to all who read itapages. The Sanitarian being the organ ofthe medico-leg- al society, is conducted uponthe highest principles known to these profea-olrpa.- lv

a rmlit the characterof American scientific literature. The Sanitarian is devoted to the preservation othealth, mental and physical culture. It isedited and published by Dr. N. N. Bell.Dr. T. P. Corbally and J. Y, Culyer, C. E.,ai3 the associate editors.

T.i.-- a cmrul monlhlv rjublishedby John L. Shorey, at 'M Broomfield street,lSoeton, has made its appearance for August.This number of the Surerg should find awelcome in every household, for it aboundswitn interesting anu ciiit-tuuuui- wuimw,

i. . in a ct vie nf lx':iiitil'nl simmicitv. Ev- -, .,,t;,.l Frnm " A I):ivnt. the Beach." bv

Jane Oliver, to "My Pets," by Mamie, arecapital productions, isui we cannot nienuunone-ha- lt of the excellent content of the Au-.- ,(

v. ,.ru nrt.ic.le of which is handsomely and lntcliiifcntly illustrated.

r iiiviiiTT,a Mlfll7IVK if nil ntrloW Wll hthe productions of thought and culture-var- ied

as it is instructive. Lady BlancheMurphy concludes her paper ot the Uius- -t I ! 1, i , . in. Ii Vl the I'iLH- -Udicil i.iim., '

ties of Eltz, Auerbach, Drachentels andKheinfels. as well as the towns of Cologneand Worms, receive attention troruthis gifted writer. Rebecca Harding l'avisfurnishes from chapter three to five bar inter-esting article "A Law Unto Herself." LizzieW. Champney contributes a short article,called "Vena's Old Man," which unites theinspiration of Uncle Tom's Cabin, but is fear-fully dt fective in negro dialect and truthfulllelineatnmt!. tnoaffU ctuo nonoi inmemory of John Brown's spirit. Emilie

. . a. , 1 4IC51 "Poulson Uevotes turec stanzas u oieep,

triUULlon upuu limu ' .in j "" -- . ,Tturj'-- " Gillman C. Fisher gives a sociablearticle about the cafes of Paris, and Davidher tells ot the same institutions among uieMuscovites, his paper being entitled "In a

' " T Wpip Michell has a1 1 UO.'lltU A.AUnt.aa -page of verse entitled "The Marsh, andPenn Shirley a short story called "The NewSoprano."

The August number of Scribner 8 Monthl;is a "gem ot ntro uelignt, amusing Knowi-edtr- e

and also arousing wonder, while it in- -, , ... . . ..MM 1 ' 1 C 1 Iterests ana pleases, ino jisu oi uiuu.uu

embraces persons well known to the literaryworld, and in fact justly claims an unusuallylarge number of magazine writers of muchnote. Miss Kellogg's article on "HomeJapanese Melodijs," is sweet and simple asthe subject which she so gracefully treats,and gives a clear insight into the musicof this people. Lovers of sport will be de-

lighted as well as instructed with Charles E.Whitehead's contribution upon "NorthAmerican Orouse, accompaniea as it. is

StrawberriesTV ALA 0AV.Ul(aivs a"wav-w- - "

constitute the subject of an enthusiastic butg by John Burroughs,... . .. .. essay

r i . . . .. . ,.while J. ijgiingion aioniguiuurv uuca umbest in an illustrated paper upon therailway across the Andes, entitled, " ARailroad in tho Clouds.". Twenty-fiv-e

pictures serve to handsomely illustrateHenry Sandham's contribution upon "Cana- -

r,rvv4a " Mm Jpnpt ChasA Hovt's Tjic- -ture of nature in its untamed forests, fromMaine to Canada, is entiueu "uaoes in ineWwl., , UVUOi " TW.j ia an article,. of fresh., YlCt- -

' -

thnncrht. induced bv a summersrecreative journey through the lorests.- . IT 1 1 1 U n nMrs. rrancis nougson jjuiuctt which a.

good dialectic story, entitled "Smethurst-sess,- "

and Berthold Auerbach gives a lovenovelette, with tine illustrations by Prof. Taul

T ...i: Mnm I?lnurtuann, ot me ueiim awucuij.C. Wveth contributes a character-sketch- , entitled "Moses an Aaron," the subject ofwhich is a preternaturally pious and naturally

1 1 .Ua. vnininna in vrin O

j jiijrin ii; ivt jinmu. ' J..K,,f .jin infroarinop nn(l fthort UtOrV

called Swart Among the Buckeyes. A new"Hia Inheritance." is begun bv

Adeline Trafton, and already gfves assuranceof success. The poems in this number are"Summer Thoughts, by v. a. roster; "ite-flection-

by the author of "Deirdre;" "As-syrian Night Song," by R. H. Stoddard;

Mauri giU, Dy Sj. j. owudiiui, uuu'Guests," by Celia Thaxter.Trc TV.UTTT kn Srtpvcy MnTSTKI.Y. for Au- -

gust, is a work of great merit, generalnA mncf pyo! lonf. value, for it

alx)unds with articles of the choicest information which thorougn education, sys-- i

: .,.! ami ...imlpi'tirio-iilil- research onIKUldU j muu r,tl, ovf Ilia anflini-- mill contributors canin. ua.i u ' 1

afford. Dr. F. L. Oswald's article relative tothe importance ot the protection oi American...,. oi; ,mti', inlliipncpa and sad conseItJlUBLO, ilc wiiuuwu iu..vM..- ...I,:.. I. wio iil,-- ihpir imnnuWntU lllIILtn YY 11 1 11 ILOUlll r -

destruction, is a production of great scientifictrutn ami Historic hjihihis. ah .j.--


this article too perfect in theory to be true: .,.. fnr niiinnir other thincr the learned111 iPim-i-) -- v. tauthor says: " Y Jtereeer tobacco and cottonand cultivated tue worii oi rum nan maurapid advances, and in all the southeastern

..- -i e Ar;-- ;;. ami North Carolina, anathroughout Mississippi, Alabama, Georgiaana toutn aroun.t, tuc uavc-ci- . xuajrhout-- without seeing more than tour or fivetrees in a group." Our personal observa-tions, derived from an experience in travel

nonl v.--l ifi vro tt T 1A " irrOlin OI LfCtiS WJ UC

.Mw .a KM rn 4lian n voillifv nf nature. Thearticle, however, k of much merit, and if itsbehests be obeyed tnc otates oi . iue umuo

ltiir-.i- l nrnsneritv. and in- -111,11, U1.1V1.1 " I Ior.,l nf rotrrnn-ajlinr- would improve as IOtheir soil, climate and productiveness. Thesame lournal contains an intcrraung wuuo

V I,,r,r.a Crntrh. M. D.. F. R. S..tUn min'Ain miirrntmna of the Norwetzian

lemming, wnicn an stuacnw oi nauinu moiuijrwmniini,!!...... .a a tiiuA ipmm ns oi ijinmeus.Will I o,, ' -- - '

or Oeorychus lemmus, of Illiyer, a hue 8am- -. .i i : iu:. i i A

i r nl rjc fV fll lill t i I in 11113 ClI V IcLSliAC Ji v Ul. l . - -

.v-- t '.liaa tnonnrrmp. Inn ftintrularW 111 LCI JJ VVIV a - C.theory of the march ot these rodents, as givenDy Lf. in trquiu iu pvuiu vi iuw.iw wthat. of the. mitrration

.of birds in the Genius

- ran 1 i f T -lae iransiauou irumof Christianity,. .- i i i .ii iai a r

Saturt't ot tne JaoioenKon meinou oi uiecin- -...1 )i,.V nrVint-- turn .nrlnn nointit rinraJ- -tai nj;iituiut sr " " I

lnl .nUr l litr n areused without requirmg the adjustment ot theI! A , 1 ... rln innnOOtant- - flAinf. Id

. i it i e nan aiticie wormy tne purus-- u ui on yiwvuBat all interested in this branch of modernscience. The extract from the Economist en--

1.1 IUU , II V - - .- wu... .7Economy," presents novel, but philosophic

tltt 1 1 : A Afnets, lue wriir creuiia mc ricutuiuaii,'rt;Vr,r,nn;ap miVk tho first invention, and

denominates' Ettas Howe Lis follower. Otherarticles in this number are: "The Status ofWomen and Children," by Uerbert apencer;

A 11UU X AAA UUt;u nuv "A"-- 1" -by Thomas M. Brewer; "The Import otProtoplasm," by Michael otter; "Matches,by John A. Garver; a lecture on "MarcusAurelius Antonius," by Count Vaux, and aiaper on J maginauon, oy it. riiuuuwura,

the hterarv tociety of Washington,listriet of Columbia.

Lreubrie't Ureat Clearing; Sale.Reduction in shirt", 25 and Goc, worth

double. Bargains in linen hankcrcbieis, f Iand f 1 50 a dozen, i inest white nose in tnecitv, 8, 10 and 12Jc. F'ans, ruebings andveilings at cost. Fine napkins, every grade,

Trom 75c down, worth double.

aillllncry.anfl Straw Goods at Halfirice.

Towels, towels, towels, 10, 15 and.worth fully 2c more. Greatest barpetgparasols, 25, 35, 45 and 55c. Fine '60c, worth 1 50. SSpecialties in Hderwear, at . - wlnLenbries Breat Clearing Saly

c for hire at 55Saddle horses and bug-Uni-on

street..yshown that one gets

I r has been repeat two-thir- ofbetter results froij- -

than from fuU amountllooley s yeast rc;ig powder in the world,of any other lound out fact andi v u atro1 Ml through the country

i i itt Ln.rwn.3 rw nse popular preference abso- -prove thim"1lulely.

--KAAnsortinent of HatsCo-'- Main street.Atueidy'

E AixiiA. "Neunl" cures it. Sold byyodcs & Co-- t Memphis.

.t May Interest onr Lady Readers, know that the painful effects of sunburn

nnn n llpliciil. fct-- ci n 1 i m in 1 i t lul it n.- -n:(iVP(l iy Uie u,p of j & y Atkinson's toilet


Kentucky .Hilitnry Institute.Calt on Major R. H. Wildberger, at ;'.17

Main street, for information in regard to theentry of cadets.


The Court af Atbltratloo llecldea laPaTor ar the catr The Opinion

In rail.1-- throA nttornpvs selected to hear and

arbitrate the tax case between the city ofMemphis and board of education, yesterdayreturned the following opinion, which ex-

plains itself:Chancery Court of Shelby County Memphis bcnooi

Board e. The City ol Mempms.The undersigned, to whom the matters in

controversy in the above cause have beenBubmittea by me parties ior uecision, navmheard the parties and considered tne case,have come to the following conclusion. Weunderstand the single question submitted tous to be this: Whether, under the proviso of

ion upirpntv-thre- e of the citv charter, thecity had the right to use the tax laid-o-

the capital of merchants employed . intheir business. lor tne purpose oi payingthe "current expenses of the police and firedepartments. his question we answer inthe affirmative. 'I'he phrase, " lax on mer-chants," under our constitution, as interpre-ted by the supreme court, in our opinion, em-

braces the tax on the capital as well as on tlifioccupation of merchants, and in this sensewe think it is used in tne proviso to sam section. On the facts contained in tne agreectcase, we determine and decide that the boardof education if not entitled to a decree againstthe city for ten centji on every hundred dol-

lars of the tax levied and collected for theyears 175 and 1876, on merchant capital,and used by the city to pay the current cx- -

iienses of the police and fire departments.Given under our hands this twenty-fourt- h

.lay of July, A. D. 1877.ncnni l. rxiir.n.W. Y. C. HUMK3.C. F. VANCE.

1'rompt Payment----- "The Batesville (Miss.) Blade contains the

rn : i. ur a transaction whichwww- - - - -ioiiowmirsnows the prompt and honorable manner inwhich one of our best insurance companiesconducts its business:

On the morning ot the eleventh instant ourrpcwlpnnp in... f ll O tlWIl. of RatiPH- -un i aiuij I' .n...,..., - '

ville, Mississippi, occupied by Captain S. D.I'owell s family, was accidentally consumerby fire. We had, a few weeks previous toiUa Ktirimncr tnlrpn out. a noliev On the two- -

Story building for twenty-thre- e hundred dollars, and two hundred aouars on uie one-stor- y

building standing near by. in the Plantersinsurance company, of Memphis, through

VWtam-34arti- their agent in this district.The company w;is at once notified of the ac-

cident, and Mr. John G. Lonsdale, jr., theirefficient secretary, met us in this place, who,after hearing the supposed cause of the fire,promptly adjusted our loss by sight draft onthe company for the full amount of our in-surance, while clouds of smoke were yet risingfrom the ruins. Such prompt action on the

of the company in pa3"ing our loss isEart creditable to it, and fully accords withits reputation for honestyand good faith toward ita policy-holder- s whosustain loss or damage by fire, and we takegreat pleas-ir- e in recommending the Plantersinsurance company, of Memphis, to the peo-

ple of Panola county as a perfectly reliablesouthern institution, which every man desir-ing insurance should feel an interest in sup-

porting, they having already paid out a muchlarger sum for fire losses in this communitythan they can possibly get back soon in theway of premiums. j. A. cooi'Eit,

It. M. KYKfi.Batesville, Miss., July 13, 1877.

Mechanics Building and Loan Association.The stock in the Mechanics building and

loan association is being rapidly taken up.The first regular meeting for the purpose ofloaning out money will be neid on August8th. Parties desiring to borrow money at alow rate of interest, on real estate, should ap--dIv at once for stock to H. J . Ward, the secretary, at the office of the Planters insurancecompany, 41 Madison street.

Saddle horses and buggies for hire at 65Union street.- -

Sapdle horses and buggies for hire at55Union street. .

Fifty Sew StylesFancy stationery, very elegant and cheap,just received at Dod's, 279 Main street.

John . Sick. .

Baddies. Harness, Leather and 8haeFindings, at reduced prices. 860 Slain St.

SPECIAL. KOT1CCTTTE are Instructed to sell, on reasonable terms,

VV and at very low figures, the property knonas the CAPITOL HOUSE, comer of Summer andDeaderick streets. In the city of Nashville, Tenn. Avon small mlilll Innul Investment In the way of repairs, will render this one of the most desirablehotels or private boanllnghouses In the city. Foriunner iiiioimanon appiy 10 a. t. c ninwunxiSON, Keal E.ifcite Agents, 40 N. College street.Nashville. Tennessee.

STKAM BOATS.Notice to Mliiers. Ilnslneas Men and

Travelers ucneruii-- .

and after this date, July 2d, the Str.ON PHIL ALLIX will take the place of 5PS3aStr. A..I. White or- Jondaysfor A rkan&i City ami allway lamliiiRS. doing all way and bend business.i.nvH wonTiIV. at sharu n n.m.

Leaves every WEDNESDAY Tor Vlcksburg, at 5p.m., making all her usual landings, and connectingat Vlcksburp with the renowned Str. K. E. Lee for NewOrleans; will take all way and bend fiv.feht at lowestrates; also through freights and passengers to pointsbelow Vlcksburg to New Orleans. Shippers pleasebear In mind tne "Allin" must leaveat snarp a p.m.

JOHIM J. 1.1 ArtttAtitl, DUp kJ. T. WASHINGTON, Agent.


ror Louisville and Cincinnati. -

The elegant passenger f teiimer -

GOIJJUN CITY,J. D. Heeler master I S. M'lutye clerk

Will leave Glenn's Wharfboat THURSDAY.July 26th, at 10 am. For freight o- - passage applyto R. P. GLENN. Agent, cn Wharfboat.

TVTEMPHIS AND OHIO RTTEB PACKET CO.iy For Louisville ana iiuciiiuuu oieniuer

VINT. SHINKLE J. Kenniston, mister; M'Intyre,clerk will leave WEDNESDAY, July25tU, at Bp.m.Special Fare from Memphis to New York, 825 50;to Philadelphia, $24 50. Meals and staterooms onsteamer included. For freight or pissage apply to

R. W. LIGHTBURNE. Agent, iUrt Front t.

FOR NEW 0RLEAH8.For Vlcksburg, Natchez, New Orleam and Interme-

diate landings The elegant aeamer

Charles Morgan, 3ilAlf. Stein master I Harry Stein.......

Will leave Glenn's Wharfboat ?trSrT5fflaMDAY, July 2th, at 10 a.m.Ant' 'wh- - Jonatapply to R. P. GLENV


Memphis s"J Osceola Packet Line-Carry- ing UnitedStarelail.-Stean- ier . .

Osceola Belle, 1t a Andrew master I C. H. Fay. clerk

leaves Memphis every MONDAY aid WEDNES-DA- Y

at6 p.m., lor Randolph, Fulton Osceola andAsiiport. Passengers and shippers lease bear Inmind tlat we leave on time.




vesYERYat tt p m.ffor Friars Point and

all way and plantatlonnnu"f- -

J. T. WASHING"3."' 300 Front St.

FOpvVHITE RIVER.SIIT HAKKYXhite and Blaekt BlTur 17. &.aientpnis . Kail Idne. - . .

v, T--tn Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devalla

"S. '.' Des Are, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point,Siivf, Batesville, Powhattan and Pocahontas.He elegant passenger steamer

KUTII, . . j5anLeaves Memphis every SATURDAY, at 6 p.m., con-necting witn steamer McARTHUB for all points onBlack river.

Through rates of freight and passage to all pouitaon Black and White rivers.

For freight or passage apply on board or toJ. TTWASHING TON, Agent, 300 Front St.B, P. GLENN, Agent, on Wharfboat

Freight consigned to Milt Harry will be handledfree of storage, drayage and commission, and putthrough prom ptlj.Regular Independent Memphis andUnite Ativer Packet.For Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point,Mearcy and all Way Points.

The Regular Independent Packet, '

HABD CASH,Ed. C. Postal .I.Capiain

Will leave EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 5 o'clockp.m. Through bills of lading to all points on uppeiWhite and Black rivers.

Apply for freight or passage to ' -R. W. LI6HT&URN&, 55flfJ Front Street.R. P. GLENN. AkhiL on Wnarfhoat.

COPAUTXEIISIIIP.Notice of Copartnership.

HAVING formed a paraiershlp with A. R Humeson the Drug Business, at the place

formerly occupied by C. C Ward 4 fctro., I will bebappy to see all of my old friends and customers,also those of C. C. WanI 4 Bro., aod the publicgenerally, at our place of business,

No. 215 Hails Street.A. B. MORRISON.

A. R MORRISON. A. B. n I'M Ed.


.Dirusslats,Oi MAIN STREET, formerly oecupled by C.ZiJlOC. Ward 4 Bro., Memphis, Tennessee



W. A. GOODMAN. President.r. 1,. HAnlK.

UEOHIaE MITCHELL. Treasurer.J. A. SIMMONS. Secn-t.iry- .

ROBINSON 4 MA LONE, Attorneys.


Tho hnnk nf the mmtiant are onen for subscriptions, and stock can be obtained by applying to thec Ulcers and directors at their of bii.slnrss.

W. A. ItUUUMAJ,J. A. SrMsiOhS, Secretiiry

MECHANICSBuilding & Loan Ass'nCAPITAL, - 5300,000

Ol'KHKItH.G. V. RAMBAUT. President

JOS. HAINES.H. J. WAKD, Secretary.

JOHN LONSDALE, Jk.. Treasurer.SMITH 4 COLLIER, Attonieys.



The books of the Association are oen for sub-scription, arid stock can be obtalneil by applying toeither the Secreiary, ?t the olllce of the Planlers In-

surance Co., No. 41 Madison sliwt. or tho oIIUmtsand directors, at their place or business.

G. V. RAMBAUT, President,H. J. Ward, Secretary.

TO LOAN. STOCK KOR SALE. NOMONEY Dues. Fotinli Series. New Series orShares can be had at present In

The Itlnft City Itiiilding: amiLoan AsNociation,

which Is firmly established and very successful. NowIn Its second year. Six per cent. Interest allowed onadvance payments. Withdrawals on cue month snotice after one year's Is made. Statedmeetings are held on the third Monday or everymonth, at 8 p.m. Large amount ot moneys loanedout on real estate at every meeting,tjr Ofllce, 41 Madison street, basement.

G, H. JUDAH, PiesldentS. Sturm. Secretary.

SHXIaBY countyBUI1-D1K- Q



Capital, $600,000Board of Directors.



A. B. HAYNES, President,THOMAS HOLMAN, Jr., Vice President,

D. T. PORTER, Treasurer,W. J. McDERMOTT, Secretary.

BELCHER dt JORDAN, Attorneys.

The Stock Certificates and Pass-boo- or thyaliove conioratlon are now ready, and a n be had beapplying to the Secretary, 85 Madison street,west side of basement.

A. B. HAYNES, PresidentW. J. McDkrmott. Secretary


KENTUCKYCash Distribution Co.

Authorized by an act of the legislature for the sup-port-

the City School or Frankfort, will positivelyhave their Second Drawing In the city of Louisville,Kentucky,

OX AUGUST 30, 1H77,Or Money Will Be Kcfuiulcd.

$310,000 CASH IN PRIZES !

FAB3IER8 A DROVEKS B4XK,Louisville, Hy, Treasurer.

Tn, uitmt.ii T RK4tKirrPITT.I.V notifiet that 1

conseauence of the precedent established by thefiirnwcnmnanv. and not wlshlnir to make a scale:or fnictional drawing, the management have madea short postponement or sixty nays, w nue reKrei.Uni, ti mitt tne itiilnleence of their natrons even foithis short per od, It is on their account that thispostponement Is made, as many have expressedthplr ujiahen that this drawlm? should be a full one.

The company Is pleased to announce that theCourts or Kentucky nave uecmeu mai vue cuuiciunder which their distributions take place is

LEGAL BEYOND QUESTION.nniw sustained hv law. and the recelnls being mostencouraging, the nianasenient emphatically statethat tin drawing will positively take uluou on August aoiu,Or Money Will Be Jtefumtcd lu Full

LIST OK PRIZES.1 Prize of v 8 Q 0001 Prize of -

1 Pttze of 1 o.OOll1 Prize of. 10.0OH8 Prizes of SoOOO each IS.OiMi5 Prizes of SHOW) each 10,000

20 Prizes of $1000 each 20,00040 Prizes of S5'K) each 20 00(1

100 Prizes of 820O each 20.00OhOO Prizes of SllH) each 1C 0JBOO Prizes of $50 each a.v.OOi)

6000 Prizes of $10 each UO.OOO

6872 Cash Prizes, amounting to 110.000Whole Tickets. $10; Halves, $5; Quarters, $2 50;

11 Tickets. S100; HXlz Tickets, S300;6 Tickets. $500.

Remittances can be made by Hall, Express. Draft.P. O. Order or Registered Letter, made pa j able toW. Barrow 4 Co. All communications connectedwith the Distribution, or o ders for tickets, and

of Agents lo .sell Tickets, should head-dresse- d

to;. V. BARROW (M., Geii'l Mamigers,

Courir-Joum- al Building. Louisville, Ky.

B? Itcnieinber August SOth. Xotinicfor-dela- nrv. daw

s'l.uiiitiriit.Browne, the Plumber.

Gas Pipes,Water Pipes,

Steam Pipes,Stone Pipe,

Rubber Pipe,Bath Tab.Puiups,

Hydrants,Gam Fixtures! Has Fittings:


J. W. X. BROWNE,258 Second St., opp. Court Square


nt Kotice.No. 20H1 In the Chancery Court of Shelby county,

Tennessee L J. Langston, Adm'r of Mary K. Barnett, dee'd. vs. H. W. Peters etal.It appearing from the bill In this cau-e- , which Is

sworn to, th-i- t the defendants. H. W. Peters and hiswife. Belle Peters, Benjamin Collins. Moses Collins,J. R. Collins, .Tames Collins, Hugh Collins. CatherineHubbard and her husband, Hubbard, A. S. Ouss- -away and his wife, Amanda Gussawar, Sim-mons and his wile. Jerusua Simmons, Horace Miller and his wife, Josephine Miller, Alva Collins,Parmella Collins, widow or E. W. Collins, deceased,and guaidlan of his minor children, namesare not known: Alonzo A. Moss, Hugh Moss, OrvllleMoss. Annie Smith Mary Collins and her husband,Andrew Collins, ii.irrtt-- t Lungsion. Ira M. Camp andwife. Eliza Ciimp, and the unknown helm of JohnCollins, deceased name are unknown andwho are supixised to reilde in Arkansas,!, are all non-residents of the State of Tennessee:

It Is therefore ordered. That they make their ap-pearance herein, at the courthouse In the city cfMemphis, Tenn., on or before the first Monday InSeptember, 1M7 7, and plead, answer or demur to com-plainant's bill, or the same will be taken for con-fessed as to them and set for hearing expnrte; andthat a copy of this order be published once a week,forfour successive we?ks. In the Memphis Apiieal.

TbW2Md day of July. 1X77.A copy E. A. COLE, Cleik and Master.By E B. McHenry, Deputy Clerk and Blaster.Heiskell, Weather ford 4 Heiskell, Solicitors for

comiM'ta. )y25 wedAon-Reside- nt A'otice.

No. 2i!22 In the Chancery Court or Shelby county,Tennessee-- G. F. Farrow, Adm'r of J. M. Farrow,deceased, vs. P. S. Farrow etal.It appearing from the bill In this cue that It Is a

Instituted to wind up the estate of J M.froceealng as an Insolvent estate: It Is there-fore ordered, that all parties claiming to be creditorsof said estate make their appearance herein on urbefore Monday October 15. IK77. and have them-selves niade parties to this uroceedlng and file andestablUb their claims, or the same will lie foreterbarred: and that a copy of this order be piibllsLcdonce a week, lur four successive weeks. In the Mem-phis Appeal. TbLs 23d day or July. 1877.

A copy aitest : & A. COLE, Clerk and Master 'By E. B. M'Henry. Deputy C. and M.Weatberfora 4 Estes, Sols, for conipl'L wed


Meet the wants of those who need a afe and re-

liable medicine. The immense demand which haaso ranidlv followed their introduction is evidencethnt uiey'do supply this want, and proves them to be

I K MOST POPULAR P1LMever furnished the American people. The highestmedical authorities concede their superiority over allothers, because they possess alterative, tonic, and

properties contained in no --other medicine.Bcintt; strongly A they expel all humors,

correct a vitiated state of the system, and, be inepurely vegetable, they do not, like other pills, leavethe stomach and bowels in a worse condition thanthey found tliem, but, on the contrary, impart ahealthy tone and vigor before unknown.

OUR WORDS INDORSED.Dr. C. L. MITCHELL, Ft. Meade, Fla., says:. . . ' inmv the inferiority of your fills,

and Tvaut to set them used instead of tie roortUlettcompounds sold iu this country .' ...Rev, R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky., sayss

' 1 utt'M fills ar worth tutir weight iffo'u."

Ha'4 Sick Headache and Piles 30 Years.. . . llia well. Gaining strength and flesh

ez'eif day. ... It. S. Austin, Springfield, Mu.He Defies Chills and Fever...." 1174 Tutft tills, we defy chills.

Illinois owes you a debt cfgratitude. " . . .K. It. Uiiiley, Chicago, 111.

Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents. Office, 3;Murray Street, New York.

Grav hair is ehanaed to a oioisv black bv asingle application ot this dye. U is eusiiy applied;nets like magic, and is as harmless as spring water.Never disappoints. Sold by druggists. Price fl .CO.Office, 35 Murray Street, New York.

Memphis Medical A Miirsriral limtilatel'.'rt Tumi) Stkkkt, corner Wnshln!ton, for the

ami tmtmttlt ol Invaittis oj a nr.w sis-TE-

adapted to the GERM THEORY OK DISEASE.All ises and deformltltsi or the Eyes, and deaf-ness and ulcerations of the Ears, sclaltles: allothers of the Head, Throat. I.iinsrs. Heart, Liver,Stomac'.i, BoweU, Kidneys. Generative Organs, Skin,Bones and Malignant Ulcerations. Scrofula eventhose considered Incurable treated successfully.Cancer, Piles, cured without pain. Everyiiossible surgical oiieratlon iierfoniied. Lady Physi-cian attends latlies. Siedlcatd Baths, Color-ray- s,

Elei-triclt-, utlllzeil. Bet references.Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for clrculiu-- . Drs.Ma Rak. BtJMin . iijsKKT, Physicians and Sur-geons, lprietors. daw

lIZF.SC2SItT10X FKKK.T7V5B the sireiiy cure or Seminal Weakness, Lo tP Manhood, and oil disorders brought on by in-

discretion or excess. Ar.y dniiarlst has ths Ingrfdl-eiits- .

Address DR. JXQVK3 4 CO.,d. w Clnclccatl. Ohio.

mm? i the chennest and most delightful punra- -

JL tlve before the public is a delicious bevenige,and as pleasant and spatkling as a glass of soda-wate- r.

Far soiierlor to sickening pills. It is heldin high repute for the speedy euro of Constipation,Bi'.iotisne s, Torpid Liver. Dyspepsia. Loss of Ap- -petlle. Heartburn. i;onc, cour siuiuacu, riaiuieue.Sick Headache. Kidney A!T cttons, etc.

jr- - Every bottle warranteii equal In quantityand QUALITY WJiueoesi. w cww.J. P. DKOJltiOOLE A CO., Prop'rs,

Iwnisville. Ky.Bold bv all wholesale and retail druggists. daw


View of Marriage !W ' "j ' tl 1 "I'll nvcaioca. nnnm is V Ai' f .or.!id.,niB,l T.n?c:;so on tlia

i5 V 4 ? ,1 Vj? i..-- ot msri-ias- tisuntitlorit: the vc--

r! L1' of iveprecucvT. una

tfayKfCK.L ADVtSERItlisorufn ot crisn. lrotn Self

.Abuse, JZxcz:z?z, or Ecmfc Jf'.f.onsrj, v.izl tlic LvotXiunn of tr-. '4

:r.r--- p: ".- t- 1 -

A CL:iiOAT. 3L.i CTllBoa j r.:sr-.?- rs crdfSo-- t ;hrf 1 .rt- -i Ir.r-- 3 :

Cp.tia Wets. . .i ih'oot v.t 01 cf pne: ora.i tnrefs

C vn:,n:i- EiitliJ: .v i.;:eT;-:- :i M. 7" ( t

T U R IV I SH ftd. " Chronic Aliments, Scrorula, -- Blood Skin Diseases. Kr f.rtn til.irs.eaii oritud atamp to BATH CO., 03 5th St., Cincinnati.

IllWhy suffer with Dy spepsin. or Head,

jiclie, when they may be epeedily curedby Parker's r.iuircr Tonic 7 A dosebefore meals strengthens the appetite, andenables the stomach to easily digest itsfood. This pleasant, remedy promptlychecks DiarrUoeui without Const!,patinir the bowcln. Consumptivefind welcomo relief, and steadily gainitreng:tli from its Invigorating properties.It Is the best remedy for Conghs andColds, anf the A?cd and those toofeclilc to bear the cold of winter. End acoiiiforlia Ptrenth In Its vitalizingwarmth. Cramps, Colic. Dyicn.(cry, Ilcurtbnrn and Cliolcra In-fantum quickly yield to this remedy,and it overcomes l.licumatlsm and

ont by correcting acidity of the stomachand promoting healthy secretions.

Sold by all Druggists.

st Kfjt A T!TWtir,Tif 'fJMrm HESTOHEB.:

r zsi .1 let iiiiv yiiiiii.iiii iDiLrciifnep. wnrf E3 have tried in va-- evi-r- knownEl will learn oi a Ruuplo prescription. lillljj

ior tbo Fpoeily cure of nervousJlJ premut lire ieciy, lost nutihiinl, and elBSa.ii.ordcra tirouirht on by excesses. Any

unixw'. u::s 130 mia eaii.-nls- . AaurstPAV1P&OJI CO., SG Nu St., IV. V- -

Obstacles to Marriage Removed.I TAPPY 1CELIEK TO YOUJitt MEN from the ef

.1 L feefsof errors and abuses in early life. Manhood ISeMtoreif. Iiniieilltnent.s to Marriage

Kew method of tieatnicnt New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free.In sealed euveloiies. Howard AHMOt-ix-t ion,419 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pii. An InMltu- -tion having a high repuUitlon tor honorable conductand professional skill.

AMERICAN Soft Capsuie Co.'s Metallic Boxed Goodsnow ready. Address irtor K. Mauser, IVew York.



A HE now open for visitors, and will he until lateiV. In September. Board, per month. S:5: perday. j. special rates ior laiiiiues. visitors leavethe cars at Bon Aqua Station, on the Nashville andNorthwestern Hallroad, where hacks are alwayswaltu g to receive them. Call for cliculars at W. H.Seabiook 4 Co.'s Drug Store. No. 'M't Main streeLAddress Hussell 4 Winboiirn Bon Aqua Springs.

W. B. KI'SSELL.J. B. WINBOL'RN. Man:igers.

Tlie Hygeia IHotel,OLI POIXT COHt'ORT, VlnGIXIA.

within 1 00 ynrde of old Fort MonroeSITUATED the year. Siieclal attractions for sum-mer, with ample crfivtelty for ;"(0 guests. H;is allmodern Improvements. Six dally mails, and tele-graph olnee. Fifteen to twenty lirst-ela- steamersland daily (except Sunday), l."0 yards from the door.Superior beach for iiatliing at door-step- s, and goodfrom May until November. Boating, fishing anddriving siecially attractive. Send Ior circular des-cribing hjrglenic advantues, terms, etc

myH H. PUOKBtiS. Proprietor.


popular summer will be open for theTHIS of guests on the 14 Hi day of J air,1S77. Jll trains on the Penn. H. It. will stop atCresson. TOKKUE'S OWHESTKA lias been en-gaged for the season. Klshlng and Hiuitlng, etcFor terms, aldresi E. J. CN'UER, Sup't,

Pittsburg, Pa.

BAILEY SPRINGS,Lauderdale Counly, Alabama.

waters or these Springs are a specific InTHE Scrofula, Dyspepsia. i:lirorilc Diar-rhea, diseases of Liver, and Kidneys, and thosepeculiar to women. Aside from the ctirallve projier-tie-s

of the waters, the place Is one of the most com-fortable watering piaces In the South, with alltbepopular amusements, and Cue hunting and fishing.Route via M. and C. K. U. to Florence, thence bycarriages to Springs. Tickets from Memphis toSprings und return, including stage fare, good ui tilNovember 1st, $12 50. Impure for round-lrl- p tick-ets at all company stations on the M. and C. B. B.For circular and further Information address

Kl.l.Id A CO.. Propri-tor- s.

cni:iiToi. aotici.Kxriutnr's Aotk-- lo Creditors.

HAV1NO iiu.diiieil as Executor of II. I). Johnson.nil having accotuils and de-

mands against his are hereby notlttedto present them to me, its retjulred Pj law, or theywill be barred. July ., 1S77.

J. W. CLAPP, Executor,JutulO No. 15 Union street, Memphis, Teun.




CottOD Factors,GESEKAL

Commission IerelinnsAGENTS FOB THE


Xo.gGO Front Street, IleiuphiM.

T I HER A I. ADVANCES made on consignments.J J Bagging. Hoi and Ties furnished tocustomers.

Heferences br Permission union and rianiersBank. Slate National Bank.


Flaherty & Sullivan,


317 JSecond Street, near .Hon roe

AND WOODEN BintlAL CASKSMETALLIC Elecant Robes. Hents' Suits andCofnn Trimmings. Orders by telegraph sent prompt!)

C. O. n. Hieclal attention paid lo emrtaiming.

foic s.iiiii.CoimI MPmmrmT r ktale.

riiHK Board ol Education offers the Lot and Bu n.iI ing. No. 152 Main stivet, for sale, and have

Instructed this committee to receive bids for thesame. The lot Is 2 i by 14HVs feet, and Las a twostorr momv brick building iinon It. Parties desiringto purchase can make their offers to the committee.suiting me amount anu terms.


Building Committee. S Madlton street.

TEXAS!JOIl . IjK The whole, half or a third-Intern- e

est in a popular Weekly Newspapt with JobOffice and Bookblndery attached. It is .he ofncialpaper, and enjoys a liberal patronage. The Jo bOlllce and Bindery are complete, and have a goodrun of railroad and commercial work. City of rWOOpopulation and an excellent point Satisfactoryreasons given for selling. Address

LONE STAR, care this ofllce.

9ft-- WStone-Pip- e

Browne, the Plnmber, 258 Second




1 7 Court Street,

Are dolus Lithographing in asgood style, and at as low prices,as it can be done anywhere inthe Vnited States.

cnnriis.STAMiI31 CHECKS



S. C. TOOFS15 tloart Street.




Papers for the People

TeruiNOf Subscription. Irnily A. WeeklyDAILY:

One copy, one mouth, by mail 9 I OOOne copy, one yir. by mail IO OOOne copy, six months, by mall S OOOne copy, one week, in city .One copy, one mouth. In city 1 IO

WEEKLY:One copy, one year Si OOOnecopv. six months I 5J5



Klgbth iirand Draniu., 1877. at XewOrleans, Tuesday, Aa.ast 7th.'

LOllMIAA STATE LOTTEKY CO.This Instttutlon w;is regularly Incorporated by the

Legislature of the Slide f'ir Educational purposes InlhtlH. wilh a caplUtl ot $1 ,00U,OOU. to whl,-- h It hassince added a reserve fund of $850,01,0. Ita4. rand tstinzle NumlM-- r Vrawiu.s will takeplace innt!:-- . It tnuer scales or X'ostpuiics, Lookat the follov.atg ecbeuie:

CAPITAL PKIZK, :tO.OOO.lOO.OOO TioketM at Two Oollara F.aeh,

Half Ticket a. One Dollar.LIST OF PRIZES:

1 Capital Prize ?.'K).0C01 Capital Plbte laiHjtl1 Capital Prize .1.0CII2 Prizes of Sli'iOO r..tlM) Of l(h F.'.IO

2'l Prizes of WHI lO.lMkl(i)Prizesof 10- IU.IOti2iX)Pr!zesof BO Prizes or 'JO 10.000


V Approximation Prizes or S.'iOO 2" K4itroxlniation Piiesor 200 l,KOApproximation prize of lu: IKJJ

1H57 Prizes, amounUng to 91 10,40 JWrite for Circulars or send orders to

JI. A. OAI PIIIX.P. O. Box New Orleans. La.

Or No. 6 West Court street, Memphis, Tenn.


Capital Prize. T,n.noO. Tickets. 85 only.


Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.


KAILKIIAD LOMPAST,Mvai-BL- Tknnksskk, June 19, 1877. i

GENERAL meeting of the stockholders or theA Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad CompanyIs called to assemble at the courthouse. In Sardis,Mississippi, on

llonday, the 30tU Iay of July, 12 o'clock ni., to net upon the following proposi-tion, and the proceedings of the Board of Directorsof the company lately had In reference thereto, to-wn : A proposition to Issue the bonds of saldoom-pun- y

to the amount of $2,100,000. to be secured byuiortgtige, and to be used to enable the company toretire and discharge Its existing obligations, and toprovide the means required to aid In the construc-tion ol a Union I'asseiiger Deiiot on the river front.In Hie city nf Memphis, Tenn., and lo extend Itsndl-roai- l

ta said di'isA from Its piesent terminus Insuid city, with n branch or branches from such ex-tension to an Elevator or Elevators on the river frontIn sal.l city.

By order or the president and s. MoCoMB, President,

d. H. Lamb. Secretary.


State Female CollegeV I

MKnrius, TEXX.

Fall Session Opens Sept. 10th,

ARTIES diiirlng lufonnatlou as to accommoda-tions,1 terms, etc., send for catalogue. Mu-l- c

Ieiaitment furnl-bi-- d with ul:reij .NEW I'ltNO.--.All deiiartinenls thoroughly orgaiilze-- l and e egautlyfurnished. MRS. H. N. I rei.l-.nt- .


Staunton, Viriia.THE largest first-clas- s Instltinton for pme l idles

Virginia, with an phlfi crps ol twenty tivotechrs. i.iik-ii-s tli iir.--:t v e.;::M,.i in teuilier.1S77. For c II p irilctiiars,apply lo Ml So M. J. BALDWIN. ir;riiiMl.'

biaiiiiton. MigiKla.

I,TItHJ:k hOI T!!! H IKMIKs.1 IKrlc:. irlM. LMiU s AND 1,1

hsi;i'-ll.-li-- Pi i'.PrincllMil.-:-- Mrs. Wu.siin M. t'vi.v Mrs.

I'eukavi. Nos. I;7 and l'.Ui Noti-- Ciiarl. s s wlFrench the L'.tin.m.- - Spoken. i-- l

KLI.KVI E IIK.H M'llOUKItcillord inmlv. irlui.l.

On Va. and Tenn K. K., I.", nolo wc. l ol I.Mioti- -luirg. For lMsaiid young mei. corpsot

Instruction l'n. rough mid rouri romplete.Beautiful mid healthy local lo'i. Mnl llhinil provision for coiiifoit and Improvement of I up Is Ses-sion opi ns Neilrmler lil. For ci:.-u'ta- Information, address Wili.ias R. Ai..;it,principal, Heto-vii- r. i.




Ci yiKKHLA.MI I' 1. t i .A ISeven miles from tke University cf the tfoutu.

School year begins Mareh 15th.yearcis Decemler I nth.Second half term begins August tuh.

For particulars apply toMBS. M. L. YERGER, MRS. H. B. KM LI

Pkinciiv ls, Moffat, via Cowan, Tenn.,REFERENCES:

Rev. Charles Parsons, Memphis; Rev. Wm. C. Cr u. ',Jackson, Miss.; Hon. Wm. Reese, Nashville.: Or. p.R. Scott, Louisville; It S. B.n-k- . Vlck.-bnii- r. MNi;Ft. Rev. Alex. Gregg, Galveston; Judge J. T. ltu.-ks- .

Briars Point. Miss.; Hon. W. A. Percy, Greenville,Hiss.; Geo. Hansler, New Orleans; Gen. J. Goruiisand Rt. Rev. C. T. (julntard. Sewanee. Tenn..

KEXTl'CKIMilitary Institute.Thlrty-Heeon- d Annual KeMMion ItesinM

f irst jionaiy in rcpiemicr, is,;,FULL and able College Faculty. Prepare tory

thorough. Coilese Coure as ex- - iveas that of any Institution or learning In tlie ' eJStates. Happy blending or the Family and M ryMethods or Government. Pupils can obtain a fullPreparatory and Collegiate Course at as little cost asat any college in the land. TheComajercial Sciencereceives adequate attention. Mode of Instructionpeculiar, and tends to success. Short tiiiige-!lv- e

Essays on Mode of Government and pur-sued at tiie K. M. I. sent free on application, i nehealthful nature of location Is too well known to re-- o

'lire comment. Send tor catologue toCOL. ROBT. D. ALLEN,

sataw Fanndale P. O.. Franklin com sy Ky.


Jn.v 4, i S77.

THE next sesslonwllI orn on Thursday. Sep.27, lt7, and close on ThunHlay.

June 27, 1878.

The UniTersity is Hereafter Tntirely FreeThe only tee paid by students Is cue of SI 0 per ses-sion, for fuel, by those who room in the dormitories,and of So per session by those who room elsewhere.

The entire expenses need not exceedS15 per year.

Board of excellent quality may b? bad at $10 and$12 permonth,bypaytngmoTiUil,tn advance. Thenecessary expenses of a student, omitting booksand clothing, need not, therefore, exceed 125$150 per session The departments of Chemistryand Natutal History, and of Physics and Astronomy,are provided with a good supply of apparatus forexperiment anil illustration. The University, Lawand Society Libraries, contain several thousand vol-umes, and will be Increased. The course of Instruc-tion Is thorough, and the Faculty Is composed ofable, exertenced, christian men.

The University occupies a beautiful site, near theTillage of Oxford, In the midst of an exceptionallyheal thy section of country; and is. In a treasure, freefrom those seductive lnlluences by which so manyyoung men are led astray in our cities and large towns.

The Law Department has been reorganized, andwill be open for the re.eptton of students at the be-ginning of the next session.

For healthfulness and beauty of location, the facilities It affords for the acquisition of a thorougheducation, the moral and christian influences thrownaround young men. and tor cbkai-nks-

, this Institu-tion Is not surpassed by any of like grade In theUnited States.

ALEX. P. STEWART, Chancellor.H. Mt Sullivan, Secretary Trustees.

THE SHELBYVILLE (KY.) FEMALE COLLEGE,In ISt'.i, and located at Slieibyville,

In the beautiful blue-gias- s rc!;io:i o: central Ken-tucky, ;jl mtli cast cf I.ouIv.Me. by nil!, olfers

advantages In I. itl.r. Elocution, Mu-

sic and Painting. Board am.' tuition ioi ten months,$200. For announcement, a iilress

W. Fl. STUART. Principal. Slielhrville. Ky.

ST. I tii iH LXW SCHOOL,,Law lep't of tVattiiictrton Viiiveriy.THE regular annual term of Ihis Law School will

on WEDNESDAY OcrrOBEK in. s7J.Full course, two Urms. six months e;ich. studentsadmltlol to the senior class. o;i e iiiii'iii.i-- t iii. by

on or liefure Octob.-- loth. Tuition $ThIper term. Including use of Library.

For particulars, addressG. M. STEWART. Dean ft Law Kaciilty.

203 N. Third stiect, M. Louis. Mo.

Virginia 31ilitary Institute,LLXIXC.TON, VA.

rpiIOSE desirous of cbtolnlng admission Into this.1 v.e-- known St:it Instittitlo!i as Oi.lels, will aii-p- ly

without delay t. t lis un-l- r:.iyned.Piovlsioii Is nimls :' HiiI !lsci'!!!i:e and Instnic-tlo- u

during the month, of July and August prepara-tory to the resumption of regular studies on the histOf September. F'RANUIS H. SMITH.

Ju2rt eod SuperinteiidenL


THE Third Session will begin SepteniN 1. IS77.for the whole se.s.-,io- I n Biblical De-

partment, free; In Liteiary Dt partmen:, jslO; iuLaw Department, SfHO; other es. $15.

The Medlcsil Lertmeul wlil oiwu Octolier IsLFee tor attendance, $it5.

For ctibtlogues, apply lo J. M. Leech, Sccretatyofthe Faculty, Tenn.

daw L. C. GARLAND, rtiancellnr.

i;xiKTAiii:i:s.. H. HOLST. T. W. HOLoT.

UNDERTAKERS,3iii) Slain, ;p. Pea.HiUyALWAYS on hand, z large i t ;

and Caskets, and wooden feveiy deacilptloa.

tar-Ord.- -is pj unvtlyCases slilM-- vl I". . T.


To Builders.Marhleized Iron Mantels, or the latest

des-i?n- and Urates, nt low price?.


J S !

Also, the Breeher I'atent Polrtinjr andItnmpins Urate, in eoouoiny of fuel and utility,being without rival.



GROCERSAiid Provision Iealcrs


Bet, Monroe and" I'nion, MciiijiIiN, Tenn,


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