
Characteristics of Life- Start a New Page

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Learning TargetI can list and describe the characteristics of ALL living things.


It’s Alive!!!...or is it?• All living things must have ALL SIX of

the characteristics that we will learn.• If even one is missing it CANNOT be

considered alive!


VocabularyOrganism: a living thingOrganism is simply a science word we use to describe a living thing. An organism could be a plant, animal or bacteria—ANYTHING that is a living thing.


MADE OF CELLS1. All living things are made of one or more CELLS.

Cells are the smallest unit that can carry on all of the activities of life.

Some organisms are single-celled and others contain trillions of cells. (We will learn even more about very soon!)


RESPOND2. All living things sense and respond to change.

A change that affects how an organism acts is called a stimulus.

Stimuli (plural for stimulus) can be things like touch, light, sounds, or hunger – anything that causes a reaction.


OFFSPRING3. All living things reproduce.

Every type of organism has offspring (Yes, that’s right, even plants have “babies”).

Without offspring the species would become extinct.


DNA4. All living things contain DNA.

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid.DNA is found inside every cell! DNA carries instructions for the organism’s traits.

(We will learn much more about this during our genetics unit!)


USE ENERGY5. All living things need and use energy

Energy is the “gas” for life. Every cell needs energy to continue living. Most organisms get their energy from food. Question: Where do plants get their energy?


GROW6. All living things grow and change

All organisms grow at some point in their life. - Sometimes they simply get larger. - Other times they change (for example, a tadpole turns into a frog).


CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE(requirements for something to be considered living)

1. Made of Cells2. Sense and Respond to Change3. Reproduce4. Contain DNA (code of life – gives traits)5. Need and Use Energy6. Grow and Change




My Living Thing• Start a New Page• Add it to your TOC


My Living ThingOn this page you will draw an example of a living thing.

You may use more than one page if you want to do a rough draft.

You may also turn in your Final Draft on separate paper if you prefer.

Your living thing should be creative! It can be made up by you! It can be a real thing It can be one or more things


My Living Thing• Your living thing and justifications MUST:

Fill most of one page Be colored Fulfill ALL 6 characteristics of living things*.

- Number and Label all 6 on your drawing.** Be sure to EXPLAIN each one.

(Use PAGES 38-41 in your book for help)THIS WILL BE GRADED!


CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFESee pages 38-41 in textbook for details.

1. Made of Cells2. Sense and Respond to Change3. Reproduce4. Contain DNA (code of life – gives traits)5. Need and Use Energy6. Grow and Change


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