Page 1: ï Tftè Pennant”,. Was a I IKIfiDCDPL MusicalS uccess of . … · 2015-10-21 · - -' « V ni\ m ü A L SO D I S I V OF

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m ü A L S O D I S I VOF W1Ö N TA N âV v ;


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The Fallon County Times H asjaLarger Bonafide C fräflftio i, Than A ll OtheèfaUon Cpun^|ew Bpap3ír3 Gomfejifed3 4 KBÈ; MONTANA, ' THOXÉDAY,DEOEMÈ^

. . " v * ■ * i ï . - L . , _ . . . , - - • > * » ' . . i # » V . „ . * • • - i • » _ J

Tftè Pennant”,. Was a. ',*#;• ; - .-v\v . • {' r*Musical Success of

. < , l ^ *'.•«'¿«0 s , r . - > V f c ' S K ' , . } f - v

Bakert Schools.The opére tte^T ^ îÉ ennâ jit-îD u t on

h y the H igh1 School M usîcDepàrtment a t the L a ie Theatre'Tuesday’evening -was an unbounded success. - It com­pared favorably with the operetta produced la s t year considering the tim e spent in preparation! Therohorus work was much better “this year though the solo parts of the operetta -were not equal to those of last year. The’ main solo parts were again taken

Vbÿ W ater Schorsch and Anna Mae -Law ler who were such a delight à y e a r ago. _ Their love affair was to be nipped--in th e ,bud by! a scheming,

Asocial climber .mother, Florence ÎBarrell, who dominated her self made' husband George Hopper. .. They acted )>t; ‘■weH/'their im rts' but vwere'foiled b y ' ;i! ¡William' O lsqn r:whòr- a s . “Verdant * ^Gireen” a freshleìw as òne of thè high lights of the. é^n in g .- ; H is‘ ; freshie a ttire and nonçhalant ihàim er were great. He' was deeper than' he looked and. 8ucceeded in upsetting, the plot'of th e English lord. Milton H all and the nsuriouB jew, Myron .Olson. Milton Hall-.was; the "dontcherknow” high «IâsB -lord to Perfection. I t 's ’ unlikely ih k t he;/vyill pver beab le to live down h is evening’s role.-Myron Olson needed h u t heavier voice, h isen sem b le was ■Complété, even to the right pitch of •derby oyer h is ears. Dorothy BakeT as |

I IKIfiDCDPL. LiiiUuLnbn Dairy: Chiefs

Val Buena Flying Field,, D ec .ll4S g , Safe a t fas t a fte r several, hours .of-Tea^ fo f ^lm ,i'Cbl;;'Charles' A! Lindber&bu h e ro p f . the New York-to-PariS successfully completed th e firsts non.* s to p fliglit from W ashington to M eiico sCityiilanding here a t 2:39 p. m.,Rafter; 2?; hours and 10 m inutes in the a irK jl ■" T he huge crowd, num beihig betweeioi 25,000 and 30,000 persons, th a t - h a d anxiously, aw aited -the a rriva l-o f- 'th e : good, will ambassador, cheeredr.ide^ Hriously.'.as th e ; Sp irit of . St!;, . ^ u i s cam e over th e field a n d . landedi;S.^>^,J?

’ • - S ■ * * i t ji • ' - % * * , A ^ V *î'fA squadron of motor-.-polifce rushed id 'keèp%jçleitf tli^ fie ld^ ifrhéîe . Lind­bergh landed; in o rd er to esco rt himto' the p residen tia l Stand, bu t. w ithin s ;.m lnute'.thousands filled ,the field, rushing tow ard the Am erican aviator and overcom ing the police.

> r ■ ä>iT Coolldge Senda à Message

p^SVashington, .Dec.'“: 14—President jGçolidge today'telegraphed to ~ Charlés Aí liindbergh;;thát '^TUb“ ’ flight“ ’ “yill': m aW iaU ^;tóBÍst:the two" countrietpto. ^fimept>^endÍy^refafÍQP8.“.

H E 'SC O M lN Q lC f^^1 .VISIT '

Well what do- you know about it!

A g en t J . F . H ayes of The point before mid-kee H oad is advised that.. beginhhilf!'’$ ig h t': 'o r ithe 'final .date. Stopovbrs in February , I92s ,Tickets will be a t one fare for

These tickets' points in Illinois,(upper

„ . . ^¡W ednesday morning when tha t inice Isouri, soutn Dakota, W isconsin;aBd tqVLD ^umiuButMiuBiii oi ms journeyth e , grass widow did n e r part m .snow was failing so softly who should ,a t Atchison and Leavenworth, Kansas,'; itfhelng,tn k e n fo r granted th a t intends making everybody happy ana naa tne j alk Jnto rtf«nA w nM Santa .and Omaha, N ebraska., * r»inj&.Be’ttlers"\;irill ^consult -.the., Imml-

.f^U pn^D epartm ent in -advance and f i^ u la te |A ;p la h ;of acUbn so that ^fery^ay-iwlll count;/. ’

I o'.' nlv A*«« »<

walk into tkis office but old _ _____, ------------ , :Claus 'himself dressed up spang in a i They will be sold every Tuesdayf in new suit. Chuckling and laugh ing 'to each? month? ;DecembeVi beat “all get out”. Left .his^picture lnbiu|ivei' to' destinatlohs'.'in j A lbertai too. Said he was afraid^ MichlganrJMinnesota, 'M on.know him-all d ressed^ujp^i& 'pr^^b t^ 'tahati-^feasten i portion, ^Nebraska.-man tree

^^-jys ’ '< i6ht|nuatlon ,p f the policy . . - ,.............. .. , . . ___ . . ------- ,-------------- p rtybus;years;;nnd‘ is jpart of a . con-•‘have to undergo anotherHis o ld ‘suit Svas "plumb-'North-Dakota,--Saskatphewan, SouthIsif, “'-:'-‘,-, 'r ’ —- - - - -

* _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ » - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “

audience gùesBlng the origin ' of her vampish ways. The minor parts of the •cast and the boys’ and 'girls* chorus -gave good support. ‘ The boys entered into the spirit of the play and were •enthusiastic football players. They,wore their football outfits and were j . _____ _______ _trim looking. The girls- chorua wore !worn iand seeing how the country Dakota and Wisconsim •white uniforms, half¡qf-them touched!^® a lltt,.e more Prosperous, he th o ti These tickets will be limited ■off w ith blue ties And pennants and •“ *? w ’!?rl8f ttB; . I?e a ,ot to say twenty-one days and holderth e other half with red. During the M d h«s got a lot to bring to all the ! - ■. .. - r .u, , . . . m ust ¿ggustrleB, a n d ^Taw land.Tetter part of the evening they appear- !f 0,°d ]folks- He is going to visit the ' HOME AGAIN,-ed. in their Ugfatvpàrty gowns. T h e l^ hoolsaa “ "“J and can hardiy w ait! y es sir, there’s ho plàce-1'ke home stage was lighted,only by candles held ^ „“ T L Aak Palm er Johnson who càme from

- Ani'especially, posed' portfait of * Df.v C;V;W. ^Lars,on| chief' of .'the't- bur.ebu'.bf dairy^industries, depart- ‘ ment o/4&ki|icultuw,' who haS re- ~

...signedi to' become Director of the - Nations .January

C M c d j f a $ z i p .

Sii^Wmdks: :i ^. v'two girts,'Audrey Hansen and Neills- . Breen; two boyB, Arthur Knesal ¡and 7 W alter Blaser arid the County Agent -, attended .th e i 'tth National Boys and - ; Girls'* Ciuif;- Cbngwasy'lield November V 25 to December 2. *' -k’’ —> The .Milwaukee 'Railway Company, > by prbyldihg free transportation, has -, made th's trip possible for 4-H :Club - Mbmbers.und ,Exten|lon Agents Along' their'ra ilw ay jih es . : Js Vii -t'T heJrlp 'tb the. 4:H ,Club-.Congras« v*

jdisV; an . Aducatfbnal trip of - th e ', vevj' »•.*’ highest ;.; orders ? - Over.;... 1200' g club v>

m em bers’’from *44 SjLates vand Tirom „C^ada,P«>vinceS;Were in attendance. Tlie. jB^uiqattdnal*'‘oppoirtttai^rvand' 'the *. th r i l l d&iUtivtijl an d , Congress .of • th is ; -, character is . hard , to describe hut tto./,./ followlngw brief summaiy. of the-. fi-H , Club .Program will glye 'an idea d f’th© Value ot. the" trjp. -y . • Visit to . International^^Livestoctc Show

Barbecue .lunoh by. Sears Roebuck and-;‘Com'pany.'~;.-,; .Cv ’ ‘ ■'. „Reylew.jbf Club - Exhibits

Dinner,;andT‘Eh ter tainme

National -Dairy Council, effective'- 1, J928

MILES CITY HOSPITAL NEWSMr. and M rs.Hercy Sawyerjwpnt to ,

Miles City a w eek ago-. Tuesday .and ;’ r*— ' —


son and Companytertalhment by\WU-

t;j<Breàbt»8t;àf,lSw.Ut’;& Co. and .Armour Co.- and;trip. thru .Packing Plants ,

í>Luhchéb‘n ''i'a t;;;MórriBbn; • Hoîol ’ by ,XT«4I— 1 r ’* f- ““

-- -——/.iïhatiônaUy - known' operation /oad^ra, we mention ohly the followlng

yho . Bppke' at ’the-'Club,'Member’s ’own b a n q u e t : ' ' .. *

Rüssel! ' •!Q«<L*B:-: VreUiiÔ;Yë;.DrA,,< '

«voa a oiuici uvuupuu tuiu vault) u u o iS L " ^ i ^ o n ^ V W h o i e m a d e ° a very wm be glad to 8ee ^ ,m* and he saId the w estern part of the state-last Fri- T>y:the girl& and the. whole made ery | **r hope people are thinking about how day to visit with his folkkfuntil afte?,Vtetty scene. „«mhers to belpm qm ake others happy.and not the holdays when he wUl: resume J i tsTihe,.Entree^cte.hau-.four »«»Dera, juflt ahout w hat thev -want. ChriRtma«.- -----A»-- « 1 . - - - . * - - i -----------

' , ; y : . . . m v w , V * v / ’ v u u u u j r t u D | H M l u ;

'“ T ' -.the day; .with Her sister, Mrs. Saw yer;'"-»• and M artin Russell w—i : ---------

. . . . to-visit,the,.patient. , . ,, „ ..Willis;jDuffield,Stnineteen years of \ ~ Mrh.rSidiGqidenJs1 Improving;-VlnceJ

age, wa8;<Jound -frozen to* -death „ lasti-V'ha^bR qhu ix ro^r« lfb i|lgbut'' ^as?^ her yreqk F rtd n ^ b y hiB brother John near. Abpendixij^hadi>urtt^betore ■ the'^opert

nhniif whntt'hiiv wu». icoumo tun 'Lhe^DhffleldJ,honxesteoid in the FertileiArtoh-andiShe wns iumible to haVe anyadjj'-bf rwhich were the best, eyer- nrtf°hri ^ s tu ^Ies at. th^-Dniversity o fl- - ll is so if la ;t^ M o rq 6 u tt^ ^ 'fc - ' • ' ----- ^ -v „ i- tshould be a Joyous time, not a selfish Everyone w as• just, asi gladr

time. ^M âé MqCTain^and Ja n e R asjhussen in ^ s tq m e (the, la t te r a s a '-little -boy),

- T^fehediupcopnsiJack Jvw lqr/jEujgénej

•CariBon'' a n d ^ q b e i^ ^ c ^ ) s a i^ ^ t h e |r ta le of ¿woé'iin« happy goiluckÿ. manner.

Betty Lou Owen? and-Bobby Russell gave a duet ‘‘I ’ll Never. /P lay- With' Xou* Again” in typical child manner.


to each'' fbe earmarks*of e x p ö r t e t t c e j W l t h »that-raged ladt-waèk. Th« other-'ànd’to - children In p a r t ic u la r , V( education and .the struggle. f or exist;Qonfo f1!««« • * * “

went :to M ilesC ity ' Sunday to qpend: : .. .»«the day;.with Her slater, Mrs. Sawyer, tij ^«de^l-ion!iot;'>Woiiien8• Clubs'.v ??.•• ' • - ! eA7iwrT' i r»oVEN and Martin Russell went^^up yesterday nne^v w « ! ’ !?•'

YD^UNG;'^AR^o 0EATHND ,)to-vi8lt.,the..patlent.. ■ ~ -j-. ¿y ;;Y N i(8rtn'KB ^ ^Brsjdloy,, .F ^ p u sAfricnu explorer ;-.- - ’ \' r.K eakfaatl triP/thru, Mont- ,.gb jqo ry^ jjrd j^C q .. ,> f** if i t r ib •.to' ;Arg0^tbru.;ArKq/CPT,«'duett rPiobt ieif:'.iking' nftert'fObdjsbe^may have to eat her ChrláthúÍB i

Äbrothera'idlnner. in her rpreaantviuir'óÙTidinBH: /,

Santa Claus finds it takes-m ore work i ence. Palm er spent th is ' summer in every year to get around on Christmas practical salesmanship, atid saya' it’s a Eve because there are more people great life if you can make the grade. If he leaves you lotB of things share ‘Tke Baratow'brothers,, four in n u m b e r , . . u- , , .

sang and danced, and “were encored ,. wI*n people he c a n t reach anduntil the ir feet m e out. v ‘* over le t anyone go thru*Christ- %

Another outstanding feature of the lmai,Xrithout something to make th e m 1,, sae ■®a6let l r ^ £ 3 ha^ ' lan,t « à t just like Santa ClaUsTposed by Mildred? McDonald- "Jl

EKALAKA HONOREDWe see by the Ekalaka Eagle

- - Dinner served, t t all-, by I/H . • Ò. . f Trip ttroügfc;LfixcoIn - Párlti ' Jion jíóus'é, 'monkey,’; heÙ3a;vbird’ ;’ paramas’ ,and ■trbplbàlisÿrdûbs;«; --f ’ß } ' ' *%&' Final.'; banquet; ;by.courtesy • ;bî ; ten ’ At 11— > -- - - — ’ ‘ '

Dorothy Dennis^'jihJ dainty flowered •Colonial cotítumes. ' rr ; --

A full house’--.turned" ’ put. '.foi* .this «operetta and everybnév Wás “'freU.' áatia-

Here, join In good, and - Cheers for Santa Claus

loud. „ r “? ‘ Ismay spen t "the ^week ther e and ; hasxnree his ?500 saddle. ivhlch he -won in?the

___ world -chamirfbnship-bucklng-rcontestORTHOPHONIC. CONCERT- AT COM- ’jjj

m iim it v .place of bUBuiess* hopes toMUNITY CHURCH i------ -----— trophy,?, there ]

-the pupils acqiilre more There are a few exceptional

I fc“w » «vMwiHro« *ug ass au uao a otW/A vi ' , _ _. • • . *ÎÔÎÎÆ i'"»-™ ““” -» o - lnclndtag «U T 1 ° ° t 5 Î K Î ï ï ! - " “ ™m e re m b “ models from the low-nriced to occasion to meet Paddy Ryan or see

m ost noticeable of which is Anna Mae records hlm PerformLawler’s. Miss Heineck, music lushest Priced machine director, fills he r .position very w e ll ito be played on the machine Sunday;She was. assisted, with, some of the operetta numbers by Miss Beaversted.

CHRISTMAS EDITION NEXT WEEKOn account of an undue rush of jo b 1 «OZY

work and lack of space we were ‘ -unable to get out our Christmas edition this week as intended but expect to issue i t next week.

are all first-class reproductions of BAZAAR AND SUPPER GOOD high-class artists, and should therefore Saturday’s cold and snowy weather be an inducement to' all music-lovers kept the public from circulating as well to be there and listen. ,as desired but nevertheless the

Catholic ladles report their bazar and KAFE C H A N G E S H A N D S supper a success. Around $150 was

One of Baker's flourishing business- taken in and might, have been doubled es changed bands today, T hursday ,' with favorable weather. As has been when the Kozy Kafe was sold by the custom the past three years, Mrs.Mary Baker to Mrs. Constance Rimmer S F . Rambur donated a live turkey

•WCT-CDAK1C u n r i p c i i « m 1 cim a i •oi Minneapolis. The new owner is which was raffled off and foil to the. .M.T « n c B A i n^MUQ ltaklng possession at once and the lot of “Mrs. L. E. Baker, the holder ofLIMIT o n rE D ka ¡active management will be under two chances. A hand painted pillow

January 1, 1928, is the last date o n , Mr and ,Mra. Klm Kussick, also of like wise raffled was won by George which veterans find heirs of deceased j M j n n e a p o l , a - Raymond and another pillow by Wm.veterans may apply-for Mrs. Rimmer and Mrs. Kussick came O’Loughlin The needle work wentpensation. (Federal bonus). Absolutely , to Baker a week ago Monday to look well and the fish pond made lots of no applications accepted after January over the re8taurant field and decided children happy.1 There are thousands of veterans \they could make a paying invest^ e n t [

i^máyí^áveftqiqát'her ChrlétintiB

__ __ I repórtta-; aa' í ttbRtVBlílrigthat - ra^ed* íábl7w eék7jSé idai foW on ; W c q iK ^ ^ r t i ^ 6ttertott an d : son areseeing h i t t s ttté tf;tha t,he was leading-'wllb“him at Miles.« 'his horse by .the'^ialter. The1 horse ' . . . 1 í”------ - !was a nevriy1'acquired?one, and from , FALLON COUNTY.POULTRY» CORN reports ava ilab le 'a very ' unruly ’ one. j AND 8EED.-8.HOW P08TP.0NED. • - Willis was.-very scantily. dreBsed, be*' - The Fallon County Poultry.Cprn and ing without overshoes and-overcoat, 'Seed, show .which ..was ,ta have been and the!cold , being> very- in tense .h0M at.^lqvna on December, claimed ,a. victim -very easily. .j s tp q n ea 5; the cold weather’-i ? Indications ' w ére’ th a t the body -had X°ads^maklngilt rtmpoBBible lain there tor.* .two ;d a y a ;^ th ñ t^ th é r1-5 í? ií9J lstt1B.u»j-?5== ' . Ctt^ged j^had jbccurfed on " W e d n e s d a y , p a a r g e of the snpw ... -- >. 7 ^the most severe day of the.- present ALBÉRTIPOSTÍOÍ1’ W}cold 'spell. W illis, has been, chum« poppment -of.the show as everything *•!**.*»»»%#m ing-w ith Edward; vHoward -who ;hah>.?,aa ,ln .'rtadtaess and árrangements also been líving' alóne ion the Howard* bad;been made for a big show and a

- 1 - • - program f.Committee appointed by the

__ Commercial Club toevening, ahd it is probabl¡" tha t Willis vrith the County Extension'

r í.dln? or ®t’om the th a tDcoufd *be desired to make ” thS whifeh'-^as.«hoidi8t?fli^kahovNpYombop’’

uiaaddled in the b lrn i0und Himsl, Secretary and. manager had to plck cholce'Sead potatoes byt)arn* given careful attention and,much time ¡winning sixth place.In the.keenrcom-

to the many .details’'required to pre.',P®tltlou Iti this show.’ • pare for the exhibition and program.I* Exhibits,;at the Pacific,-,Northwest

, The Committee In charge will Potato .Show came from; the entire We see in last. . week a Spokane a announced a date for the show, prob .,•f ti/nauo . . . . .

f. c-AK

' .iv'.-1'



ably the latter part of January.

who have failed .to take advantage of the- go'vernment’s . offer of a free in­surance .'policy.-..Don’t! delay longer— th e re 'a re ’ ju s t th ree weeks le ft

■«Application blanks and instruction' sheets may. be, secured from th e ' Regional offlcai.of the.U nited States- Veterans’ bureau;-Helena, M ont,;from «ny the state and from -Sominanders of American Legion posts.

HOLLY. TOVARÍENOS Mrs.;N-..P- Nelson received a box of

holly from th e -Boh Lowrys ln Seattle, W oshlngtoifthis week and,* as request-

here. Mr. Kussick came Tuesday o f ’ DR. ALBERT SHERRILL this week and was of the . sam el SERIOU8 LY INJUREDopinion. The new people have had Word received In Baker tells of an experience along this line of serving j auto accident in the Black Hills the public before and are of enterpris- j country, whereby Dr- Albert Sherill ing spirit so tha t It Is evident th e y ! formerly of Baker, was Berlously in- wlll be able to serve the old and new jured. Mr Sherrill was run Into by patrons satisfactorily. (another automobile, causing a wreck

We extend them a general welcome and in ternal Injuries to the doctor, and wish them their share of business. ¡The .repo rt stated tha t Dr. Sherrill

¡is n ° t live, tout we hope

Spokesman,' tha t Bruce Burt, whose picture is also shown formerly of Baker, now at Spokane, had sold iq one month- 17- used- cars- and six new cars. Mr. B urt is connected with the T lahsport Motor Co. of Spokane and the m anager of that concern states th a t he is the reco rd .m ak ing____ _______ ____salesman, Mr. Burt sold during the The car wiU^arrive fro first ten months of 1927, 186 cars, and pand it “’is stated th a t the firm never *por further particulars readexperienced any difficulties w ith dis- advertisement In this week’s ISBue, sa tisfied 'custom ers among his sales, as .he tries in every case to pick out a car/fo r;b ls buyer, which will m eet the m an's needs and.deliver the particular type of Service desired.

T he 'friends of Mr. Bruce will be

Northwest and.Canada. Montana dem­onstrated the ' excellence of her pro­ducts by winning all but' one premium,

. fourth-place,- ln-the- -Bliss- Triumph Class and by winning second, third and

NEW FORD CAR AT KEIRLEMOTOR CO. ___________ .-------

The readers of the Times are invited fourth in-the hotly ’contested netted to attend the showing of the new Ford .Com Class,-car at the Kerlo Motor Co.’s show | ^ — ;-------’• ’------------room tomorrow, Friday,'^December 10., STATE CORN AND 8EED 8HOW AT

m Lemmon, S. FOR8YTH-Four bushel exhibits, and a big-box

the full 0i 10-ear exhibits, which had been ■ sent to Plevna fo r/the ' County' Corn Show, Were take» to Forsyth on Tues-

A day. of this'week where the State, Cornu.’1 and-Seed' Show is being' belt! ’ this-

GA8 EXPL08I0N AT MILE8 M. Russell .who returned from Allies

City this. * morning reports a explosion tha t . occurred there

(th a t fu rther reports will tell of im . ! proveinent in th e condition? of the

______^ 8A* doctor.-•^ IsJtondL iroitt im tqaett of i t t o inexperience DANCE AT O'DONNELL SCHOOL

H ew i.S tan d ." ;^ h e -hoUy -was picked jtortheJLowry's ‘yard knd J s -quite a

- • -^reat in this locality';of. the sage- brush.

ELIZABETH Ho’sPITAL NOTES -A n n « Scheide! of -Tlevna, wentJiome Satarttty.^ ' v - f *, : /

^Mrs i^ tter Wang of OllIe went home S*£M*y!:\ '■'--’'■in '*i

: -¿;EarI,Holmea from W illard'was brotLTiursda^ afternoon fa a ‘ nerious

' ^stage.qf appendicftisTrHe was'operated - -^•B'the 'same Vvdnfag-and is recovering -■’alcely.''';- ' r r S - ^ ' h ,

D RILLIN GMAC HINESOLD.O. ChrlstophezCattended^aj-meeting;

-of the. Montana Petroleum company, at lillea City; Tuesday.; - M rD . Mffler of the Florence .ofl. company..was also; tn MUes that day and sold _a Sparta

JDrilling machine. owned * by . hls - com; .A>any to the XIonCana Petroleum - Co. -who yrttl Ireep it-oh'hahd for 'drUUng jsew wells and to clean out old ones.

edjhéip fa f a s t a ^ g t t e ^ p l p e s ¿ n d j ; . Wfll be a dancév on ÏYidaÿ;^ December ’l 6th“a t the O'Donnell school

blotra to pieces, and five m em bers of ; f llftg ^ and two mUes east of£ b y ^ b ™ ^ ^ .tbe OUle Highway.

- !EXCHANGE-^i?T8 . : -] T fW 'N > D E U y E ^ N E TRAIN•The Sunday, school w orkers s ta r te d ... .JUM P* TRACK

the. Christmas-giTfag baU rollIng a f The railroad trains ..w ere delayed their supper. Wednesday'evening; T ie r ; th is week -on account ;,o f the heavy exchanged-slight gilts for fun and M is«!snowfall ,th ro the-' .Northwest. We Helen V an ' Metre drew , th e ,m ix e ,-a ; understand tra in ^Nb.J 16^Jumped the solid, " substantial, warranted-to-work - track somewhere fa tljn mountains, rolling pin. W hether this Is a forecast 'a n d accordfag j o reporta received, the of'her ¡intentions or the th o tfn ln ess of .firem an and some, other train official


An evening : of inusic was enjoyed week, December. 14-16*16. last Sunday by a packed house. This] Most of the exhibits .from Fallon

, ------- - - is the f i r s t . pre-Christmas concert County are froin.4-H Corn Club mom-U 0i*b! t efUuCeaB ia th.° attempted fa Baker. :bers. Corn And Potato CIub -Mem-Ij.? aDd t.h a tvhe aeems 10 >r The program was provided entirely bera from Plevna; are expected.!:to

o ^ In ff°Ui r 1 U* work be 18 m?®t 'by local talent' - .The;evening opened-attend the shbw '^Forsyth to competeby a ' prelude;; ^Intermezzo"' ' "Cavallerla, Ruaticana,

iPhiliippi A,large. Chorus

adapted to.

THE KINO YOU LOVE TO EAT Mrs* Simpson, the skilled

[0. evening opened - attend the show f® Forsyth to compete ’v ;ntermezzo" from in the Corn and Potato Judgtt^ CS£kS&&'''’ *1, played by Mrs. test« - H3horus Choir then j , * ---------1 //*■, . • • M O g V , V » w # M » V * * W M W * V * * j * j • * * * » ^ » ; / * 7 r

- - . — -------- candy fllIed the.-iofL, 'A .focal solo “Nazart ANNUAL. FIREMEN DAWCE'-CSa^Vv'V ;. A .7maker,.-bus excelled herself thiq. y e a r)etjj«* j,y Gounod was'/glven by D. R.) The annual. Firemen.’Dance *«•• vijnfein.the.:variety and quality of candy]Young.- Frederlck Bruggeman’then- held as usual bn;NeW, Yearts *• '.;• ‘ /-«>*;■produced. ; :-’H er Kandy Kitchen - t — ^ «/»- -i-- «'-- * ■ ■—, * wmu i .. A a vw Vi 4VA, VS »55vrnou iUO** UUIU as 1181101 , X 68r 81 ; 2U T'Sjproduced. " H er Kandy Kitchen /piayed /’On the Sea’’! by iSChytte. JBoth Saturday Dec ilsL; to which the pn bilq window display takes-the possessor Of 'numbers w;ere beautittlly-i>xec'nttd.; Is cordially invited, t The FhcsSie« a sw eet tooth by storm and when fa Mrs. 'L.'M. LaCross gAveJthrefl^^fat/dante is^consldered one of .the^¡idiosc” doubt as to w hat to get that particular bers, two - from the*' friend 'o f yours just" drop in add Ask '«guent Mrs. . Simpson. .Candy by the nickle, cross 1 pound o r box, it’s a ll bound to please, (control

• I t is^an]im usu^vtlilr “ “ ' " ' 'Baker's s lze .to .h are *ucn a u n t cwas ;jn these numbers, .*We always enjoy; jroii can buy ¿. ticket anyho^'-.air' Lh*;'..candy;factory and th e public appre-(hearing her «pd*■particnlariy -.«*3. ia funSs¡derived ;irom this - .

*— ------ -*----- 1 - - - - - - '-•- ' - -

...r - * C " .

a friend-remains to be seen.

MARKET REPORT - Thursday Dec/15, 1927

Farmers ElevatorW inter Wh«»t - -$0.98S p r in g W heat . 1 1)1W flT ........... . . 17«p*rtry SORyA ..... ... ... ..... ..................... 7«Oats ___!35

were killed

— . — — — p - ; « s o 7 l v w h u p j c u > u u o u t v t u u ’ i l m j s i

two. from the* . social affaigs of thent.Night" by,«Guitper,. ' \hlwdys',drawn' ,bis ‘ ¿fonts, >ss^ I t A I T A w a I a A A # : m M u n m a I o t a I m I I u a s - - - 1 * - ■ - « - . - 1 « • > ■

• I t is-an im t ix ^ th lng 'for a town of iakeris slze-to have such a first class ’jn ¿j,,

w i . 1« ^ f r n r i heftrlnB aer ,stud «parucuniTiy . no. ia sunns nam ed viroxa this ewiô*>âry i f 0,686 ««lections for ^ the Christmitt; used to d.effay'tha espensa® cf;iM fir®

« S : w JL ” * . ,Sh6 8U r 'season. She was accompanied a t the! deparimenf ^ n d to buy a& éesûrisplies ;her share n lc the local trade and _•___VH.<ti<__i ■' i w ur J : l*..many: outside orde:

•Mrs, P a u l- ’ H ubl has been

piano by- Mrs. PhillippL

NAOMI CIRCLE The Naomi Circle met with Mrs.

equipment « fer the protection ££ ia* city. ; J. ' * ‘

Everybody ¡come and attend Ihn Hfl* dance of t£fe winttr oeason, put os U,

af5t6/ n e4 q^bjsttry of the community Blanchard a t her home «Monday even* - get money'Sor a worthy cause, u-a id 'in .place of Mrs, 'Gapin who left jug,. All of the members .were'present! Lunch ■¿■111 be served and-is éade Balrer recently. 1 ' 1 - - - - 1

MR. AND MRS.are in v ite d to li'e gu ests o f the F a llo n ; C o u n ty T im ea s£ tb s Lake T h eatre S u n d ay or M onday for th e p resen tation o f

• •• “LADIES AW PLAY”P resen t th is clip p in g c t the box o ffice o f th e L ak e Theatsxs.

¡and enjoyed a good time. The election of officers for.itbo coming year tookplace Mrs. t\ dent, Mrs, Wm dent, Mrs. M. Tj F. T. Seeley J

iteih- Will- be presi-^¿nkland vice-presl- livicretary and Mrs.

J ;>:treasurar Theientereil' on pre­

sentation of a w ^Sing gift or rathor gifts to Mrs. Horror Sparks from the circle. The. hostesijjarved a deliciously dainty luhch a t KT e’clock.

the management: ,0 Enough ¿aid. .

L L iringsìoii


SUFFERS PARALYTIC 3TRCKK? Grandma ICreager, aged S3, sufieiraC.

a slight stroke oi-paralycte last .Thnifsw - day morifag and was taken io. ih» . home of her daughter Mrs. ETtmer ‘ Cato for care* ;She 'recave?bd'ah'crt.ivT ' aitarwcrS -end seems to ha .¿s he» usual health a^clc. '

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