Page 1: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

Europe: The Economy/People and their Environment pp. 324-334

Page 2: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment.

Heavy Industry

Page 3: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

The manufacturing of high-end electronics and specialty tools.

Light Industry

Page 4: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

Foods with genes altered to make them grow bigger or faster or be more resistant to pests.

Genetically Modified Food (GMO)

Page 5: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

A document signed in the city of Maastricht, Netherlands that created the European Union.

Maastricht Treaty

Page 6: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

A way of farming in dry areas that produces crops without any irrigation and relies on farming methods that conserve soil moisture.

Dry Farming

Page 7: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

Wet or dry acid pollution that falls to the ground; it harms not only the natural environment but also historic buildings, statues, bridges, and stained glass windows.

Acid Deposition

Page 8: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

People concerned with the quality of the environment.


Page 9: The manufacturing of machinery and industrial equipment

An overall increase in world’s average temperature; a warmer climate will melt polar ice caps and mountain glaciers, causing ocean levels to rise and submerge coastal areas.

Global Warming

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