
Vocabulary Lesson 3: Change

Gabriela RodriguezMichelle Hornedo

Ricardo Rivera

Evolve To develop or achieve gradually

The evolution of man from its origins as an ape.

Rome has maintained much of its ancient monuments but it has also evolved into a modern city in many aspects.

Immutable Not susceptible to change

Once dry and molded, a steel structure’s shape is almost immutable.

Plastic surgery has shown that the human body is not immutable and can be shaped and transformed to our liking.


Firmly established and having existed for a long time; deep rooted


Nail biting can be an inveterate habit for some people.


Capable of being shaped or formed easily

Clay is easily shaped or molded and its fun!

Clay is very malleable or easy to shape


A marked change in form, character or function

Caterpillars go threw the process of metamorphosis and turn into butterflies.

When exposed to a full moon some humans tend to turn into ware wolfs.


To adjust to a certain level or proportion; to regulate

When you modulate the sound in your computer you are regulating it.


Readily taking on different forms, characteristics or meanings

The X-Men character in this picture shift shapes therefore she is protean or takes on different forms


Occurring at irregular intervals

Rain is sporadic because it starts out soft and and ends up heavy meaning it has irregular intervals.


To change form or to transform

The transformer are aliens that transmute from cars to robots.


Unstable inconstant

The bridge is very volatile or unstable because it is broken and not well built.

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