
Tobie 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced clvlRan labor force-----------------------Prtf111leul, tethnkal, ind klldrtd wortcen ________ .. _____ ,,. __

Accountants ____ ... __ -------·------------------------.. ----- __ _ Architects-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- __ -- ---- ---- -- -- -Computer specialists-------------.. ------------------------ .... __ Engineers ---- __ ---- ------ .... - ...... ------ ---------- ---------- .... ..

Aeronautical and astronautical ---------------------------- .. - -Civil ------ ______ ------------------ ---------- ---------- ·--Electricol and electronic -------------------------------------Mecho nicoL _________________________ ---- ---- ---- ________ _ -Other engineus -- ------ -------------------------------- ___ _

Lawyers ond judge• ------------------------------------------

Life and physical scientists .... -------------------------------- .... Chemists .... __ .... ______ ------ ................................................. ------

Physicians, dentis1s, and related practitioners------------------ ... -Dentists -------- ------ ------------------ ___ .. ____________ _ Pharmacists-- --- _____________________ ,.. __________________ _

Physicians, medical and osteopathic---------... ---------------­Other related practitioners----------------------------------

Health technologists ond technician•----------------------------Religious workers. __ ------ __ ------------ ---------- -----------Social scientists ______ ---- ______________ ---- ________________ _

Social and recreation workers---------------------------------T eochers ........ ____________ ........ __________ .... __________________ _

College ond university ______ ------------------------------ __ Elemen1ory and prekindergarten -----------------------------Second.cry ---- ---- ---- __ ... ---- -------------- __ ------ ____ _

Engineering and science technicians .... ______ .... __ -----------------Draftsmen and surveyors ________ ··-- __ -·-------------------Electrical and electronic engineering technicians ________________ _

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science ___________ _ Airplane pilots. -- __ ---- __ ------ __ ,.. ___ -------------------- __ Writers, artists, and entertainers ____ ,. ________________________ _

Other professional, technical, and kindred workers _______________ _

M••1ttr.i Hd 1cl•lnlstroto", except ft111----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, ond soles managers------------------School ad ministrotors ________ ---- __ ..... _______________________ _ Specified managers ond administrators, public odministration------­Other specified managers and administrators--------------------Managers and odminis.trotors, n.e.c .• salaried ___________________ ,.

Manufacturing ____________ -- -- ___________________________ _ Wholesale and retail trode ________ ---------------- -------- __ Transportation, communications, and other public utilities _______ _ All other industries ____ ---- -- ---- ---- ---------- ____ ------ __

Managers. ond administrators, n.e.c., self-employed---------------Construction ____ ---------- ---- ------------ __ .... ------ ____ .. Manufacturing---- ____ ------------------------ _____ ,. ____ -~ Wholesale and retail trade---------------------------------· All other industries----------------------------------------

Silts worlctn ---------- -------- ------------------ __ _


Insurance agents, brokers, and underwriters--------------------­Reol estote agents ond brokers--------------------------------


Soles representati'tles, monufocturinq industries ---- ------ ---- ___ _ Soles representatives. wholesale trade ------ ____ ---- ---------- __ Soles clerks, retail trade--------------------------------------Sa~smen, retail trade ____ ------ __ -------------------------- __ Salesmen af services. and construction.------ ____ -------- __ ---- __ Other soles workers -- ---- ------ __ ------ ________ ,. ___________ _

Clericel aod klod.-d worhrs ___________________________ _ Bonk tellers and casMers -- ---- ---------- __ ., ___ ------ __ ., _____ .. Bookkeepers ond billing clerks---- -- ---- ____ ------ ---- ---- ____ _ Moil handlers and postal derk•-------------------------------­Other clerical ond kindred workers----------------·------------

Cnrfts•H ••d lthul,.d worlltn- .... -----~------------------Apporel croftsmtn and upholsterers -- ------ -.. -------------- ___ _ Bakers -- ---- ---- -- ____ ---- ---- -- ------ ---------- -------- __ Cobinetm akers__ ---- ------ -- __ ---- ---------- ------ -------- __ Construction craftsmen ---- -- _,.. __ -- ---- _______ ,.. __ -------- .... __

Corp enters __ ---------- -- __ -- -- ______ -------- __ ---------- _

-----------------Excavating, grading. and rood machine operators ______________ _ -

Electric Ion•------ -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ -Masons and tile setters-----------------------------------­Painter.s. constr1.1ction and maintenance, and paperhangers------­Plasterers ond cement finishers-----------------------------­Plumbers and pipe fitters----------------------------------­Other construction craftsmen-------------------------------

Fo(emen, n.e.c ____ -- ____ -- __ -~ -- __ ---- _____________________ _ Manufacturing ______________ -- -- __ -- .... ________ .... -- __ -- ___ _ Non manufacturing industries ------------ ------------ .. --- ___ _

line-men and .servK:emen, telephone and power------------------­locomotive engineers and firemen-----------~---------------- __ Mechanics and repairmen-------~-----------------_,. __________ _

Air conditioning, heoHng, and refrigeration --------------------Aircraft __ -- -- ____ ------ ____ -- ____________________ ------ _ Automobile, including body ____________ -------------------- __ Radio and television --------------------------------------­Other mechanics and repairmen -----------------------.. -----

Metal craftsmen, except mechanics ---------------------------­Machinists and job and die setters--------------------------­Sheetmetal workers ond linsmith•---------------------------­Tool ond die makers--------------------------------------­Other metal craftsmen-------------------------------------

----------------------Printing craftsmen __ -- ---------------- ---------------------- _

Compositors ond typesetters-------------------------------­Pressmen and plote printers, printing------------------------­

Stationary engineers and power station operators ---------------.. Other craftsmen ond kindred workers --------------------------

---5- 640 ARKANSAS

[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, Earners 16 years $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $11,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

old ond $1,999 lo to lo to lo ta to or All 50 to 52 over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

414 861 67 180 81 176 46 742 46 588 39 251 33 823 41 669 38 745 19 687 5 265 6 164

36 836 2 703 3 594 1 749 3 399 4 161 4 076 5 185 6 666 5 303 7 690 8 576 2 569 111 148 96 164 213 323 534 637 363 8 897 9 365

220 11 - 6 - 10 20 39 56 78 12 143 12 679 583 47 68 11 30 61 78 93 160 35 7 955 8 957

3 696 91 173 119 146 196 272 680 1 431 588 10 597 11 145 9 - - 5 - - - 4 - - ...

888 lB 42 25 40 34 27 t66 341 195 11 349 12 008 729 24 27 23 16 42 38 161 313 85 10 535 11 037 43B 11 28 19 9 21 43 73 199 35 10 377 10 774

I 632 38 76 47 81 99 164 276 578 273 10 303 10 B60 l 430 71 70 43 57 30 65 112 223 759 15000+ 15000+

782 86 74 37 25 45 56 115 237 107 9 183 10 264 340 44 45 6 11 15 39 56 101 23 8 357 9 320

3 602 180 121 63 70 136 140 202 721 l 969 15000+ 15000+ 562 8 5 5 5 14 32 5 74 414 15000+ 15000+ 949 90 14 22 36 55 44 137 335 216 11 142 11 644

1 670 61 77 36 20 49 59 37 226 l 105 15000+ t5000+ 421 21 25 - 9 18 5 23 86 234 15000+ 15000+ 577 50 72 42 75 60 36 161 65 16 6 825 7 645

3 253 426 507 294 495 555 386 279 263 48 5 807 6 042 249 17 17 15 - 6 11 32 75 76 11 767 12 500

507 101 67 41 117 51 3B 40 46 6 5 380 5 827 7 873 497 794 290 1 036 1 424 1 268 l 206 946 412 6 927 7 646 2 324 187 238 55 83 105 246 402 638 370 9 234 10 518 1 525 107 178 84 271 373 205 244 57 6 6 328 6 959 3 660 161 317 140 620 911 774 493 218 26 6 650 7 106 3 099 250 398 243 364 543 483 506 257 55 6 542 6 910 1 594 152 236 139 193 274 254 204 116 26 6 281 6 701

352 12 33 16 38 53 58 58 68 16 7 414 7 603 829 40 51 44 86 103 46 124 192 143 8 718 9 050 313 10 16 5 13 46 9 53 65 96 10 346 10 425

2 401 343 334 156 266 182 244 288 376 210 6 558 7 718 5 146 382 700 249 468 546 610 774 979 438 7 374 7 950

45 223 2 961 3 859 2 583 3 944 4 197 4 540 6 500 9 547 7 092 8 162 B 643 4 046 203 247 150 336 480 441 643 945 601 B 516 8 977 l 680 45 27 19 53 112 259 566 450 149 9 14B 9 470 2 767 83 t32 150 363 316 290 463 740 230 8 214 8 520 6 686 463 530 433 587 580 612 988 l 485 l 008 8 279 8 887

18 774 972 l 116 923 l 387 1 715 2 042 2 900 4 287 3 432 8 850 9 220 3 898 126 105 126 192 288 378 594 l 018 l 071 10 688 10 985 7 814 422 618 518 701 939 921 l 1B8 l 439 l 068 7 770 8 008 l 941 65 50 39 127 147 247 389 601 276 9 519 9 636 5 121 359 343 240 367 341 496 729 l 229 l 017 9 137 9 851

11 270 I 195 l 807 908 l 218 994 896 940 I 640 l 672 6 510 6 889 l 700 91 199 115 174 175 154 200 280 312 7 623 8 394

931 113 154 72 104 82 51 78 113 164 6 274 7 025 6 523 707 l 091 607 714 563 587 526 B96 B32 6 253 6 572 2 116 284 363 114 226 174 104 136 351 364 6 408 6 809

25 256 3 381 3 114 2 071 2 551 2 452 2 371 3 240 3 860 2 216 6 616 7 284 2 953 129 198 124 224 325 304 569 645 435 8 606 8 931 I 293 119 133 84 110 67 72 146 258 304 8 842 9 746 2 349 153 117 149 127 201 266 395 585 356 B 818 9 137 4 719 241 450 394 503 492 525 762 878 474 7 532 7 915 6 Bll l 582 l 354 698 734 623 504 552 538 226 4 673 5 635 4 020 415 532 431 489 544 432 451 539 187 6 263 6 633

993 119 106 72 126 95 93 179 150 53 6 774 7 543 2 118 623 224 119 238 105 175 186 267 181 5 391 6 540

23 367 3 357 3 500 2 355 2 592 2 668 2 741 3 686 1 982 486 5 954 6 702 l 629 590 389 157 167 117 93 71 30 15 3 154 4 887 2 292 237 324 292 345 33B 245 232 228 51 5 849 6 295 3 569 243 220 166 149 418 770 l 239 318 46 7 764 7 924

15 877 2 287 2 567 l 740 l 931 l 795 l 633 2 144 l 406 374 5 696 6 474

87 513 8 082 13 999 10 822 12 337 10 670 9 534 11 859 8 820 1 390 5 880 6 516 836 110 210 115 110 134 61 62 30 4 4 B52 5 554 365 31 40 31 71 8B 54 40 10 - 6 108 6 381 689 116 124 126 96 111 41 49 17 9 4 829 5 379

29 399 3 732 6 484 4 134 4 070 3 046 2 307 3 101 2 109 416 5 086 5 873 11 135 l 778 2 804 l 662 l 537 l 281 747 873 342 111 4 593 5 587 5 576 476 l 476 921 836 604 450 449 269 95 4 908 5 210 3 125 125 323 223 421 276 360 646 692 59 7 540 7 B03 l 922 256 389 298 309 163 203 198 95 11 5 058 5 779 2 728 557 651 422 428 219 151 210 69 21 4 370 5 447

652 78 121 103 83 110 53 65 28 11 5 289 5 986 3 050 314 392 375 330 273 260 482 535 89 6 418 7 098 l 211 148 328 130 126 120 83 178 79 19 4 996 5 816

11 930 363 526 740 l 445 1 584 l 896 2 561 2 365 450 7 6B9 7 844 7 068 165 258 396 B88 1 009 l 199 l 607 l 325 221 7 682 7 804 4 862 198 268 344 557 575 697 954 l 040 229 7 702 7 919 3 244 94 235 235 479 429 307 817 602 46 7 489 7 771

743 22 - 19 21 40 33 157 407 44 10 977 11 203 21 057 l 754 3 426 3 128 3 476 2 718 2 409 2 413 l 507 226 5 639 6 002

B30 98 89 82 123 140 80 133 63 22 6 164 6 566 269 - 23 32 31 44 62 60 17 - 7 073 7 270

8 987 911 l 8B5 l 387 1 482 l 105 864 778 471 104 5 210 5 595 l 117 126 227 168 130 116 119 109 84 38 5 28B 5 960 9 854 619 l 202 l 459 l 710 l 313 l 284 1 333 872 62 5 963 6 344

6 108 346 624 700 9313 927 974 904 632 63 6 481 6 828 3 040 158 312 348 545 522 501 385 254 15 6 301 6 590

812 64 148 122 77 73 109 124 84 11 5 935 7 052 756 35 32 90 83 143 113 171 74 15 6 965 7 102

l 500 89 132 140 233 189 251 224 220 22 6 B25 7 177 l 567 135 223 147 226 254 183 274 119 6 6 207 6 568

871 95 101 88 130 143 118 135 61 - 6 150 6 579 585 33 117 49 85 104 61 88 42 6 6 082 6 353

l 394 50 106 158 115 195 181 286 280 23 7 403 7 540 10 1Bl l 329 2 001 l 289 l 290 l 144 l 088 1 195 742 103 5 366 5 989


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More

THE STATE- Continued


Experienced clvlllan labor force- Continued

Oporatiwts, uctpt transport-------------------------- __ Assemblers __ -- -- __________ ------ ---- ------ ---- ---------- __ Checkers, examiners, and inspectorsi manufacturing--------------Garage workers and gas station attendants __________ ------ _____ _ laundry and drycleoning operatives, n.e.c -----------------------

~i:: ~~!~~~~v~~~ "~~~~~~~~:::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::: Packers and wrappers, except produce ____ ------ ______ ------ ___ _ Pain!e;s. manufactured o_rticles ---------- __ ---- -------- ------ __ Prec1s1on machine operatives __ ---- __ ------------------------ __ Sawyers ____ -- ---- -- __ ---- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- ---- -- -

Stationary firemen ____ ------ -- -- -------- ______________ ------Textile operatives ______________________ ------ ____ ---------- _ Welders and flomecutters ____ ---- ---- -- __ ---- ________ -------- _ Other metalworking operatives -- -- ______ ------ ______ -------- __ Other specified operatives __ ---- ---- ---- ---- ________ -------- __ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives ______________ ------ __

Occupation: Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified ----------------­Machine operatives, not specified--------------------------Miscellaneous operatives -- -- __________ ---- ______________ _ Not specified operatives __ -- -- ________ -------- __ ------ ___ _

Industry, Manufacturing __________________________________ ------ __

Durable goods __________________ ---- __________ ------ __ Wood products, including furniture ____________________ _ Primary metal industries __ ------ ____________________ _ Fabricated metol industries---------------------------Machinery, including electrical ____________ -------- ____ _ Motor vehicles and equipment------------------------­Transportation equipment1 except motor vehicles---------Other durable goods -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ____ ---- __ _

Nondurable goods ____ ---- __________ ---- __ ------ ______ _




--Food and kindred products __ ---- ______ ---- __ -------- __

Apporel and other fabricated textile products -----------­Poper and ollied products __ ------ __ ·--- __ ---- -- __ ---- _ Chemicols and allied products ____________ ------ ---- __ _


Other nondurable goods ______________ ------ -------- __ Not specified manufacturing industries ____ ---- __ -------- --

Nonmanufocturing Industries -- ________ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- --Transportation, communications, and other public utilities ___ _ Wholesale and retail trade __________________ ---------- __ All other industries __________ ---- ____ -- -- __ -- ---- ---- __

Transport tquipn1ent operatives ________ -- ____ -------- ___ _ Bus drivers __ -- -- -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ --Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs -- -- __ ---- ------ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -­Truck drivers and deliverymen .. - -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- .,_ -- -- -- -- -- -Other transport equipment operatives ______ ---- ______________ ---

loboren, except farm .. --------------------------------Construction laborers ______ -- -- ---- ________ -- -- -- -- -- ------ --freight, stock, and material handlers -- -- __________________ ---- -Other specified laborers ____ .... -- -- __________ ---- -- ---------- --Miscellaneous and not specified laborers ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers __ -- -- ____________ ---- ---- ---- __ -- -Not specified laborers ____ -- -- __________ -- ---- -- ______ .,_ --

Industry, Manufacturing __________ ---- ________ ---- ____ ---------- --

Durable goods ________ -- -- -- -- ____ ---- ---- ------ ---- --Wood products, including furniture-------------------- -Metal industries __ -- .... -- __ .. _________ -- -- ____ ---- ____ -




Machinery, including electrical ______________ -- -------- --Tronsportotion equipment ____ ---- __ ---------- ____ ---- --Other durable goods----------------------------------

Nonduroble goods __ ---- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -------­Food and kindred products----------------------------­

Not specified monufQcturing industries------------------ ---

Nonmonufocturing industries ---- ______ ---- ---- ---------- ---Railroads and railway express service---------------------Transportation, except roil roods -- ____ ---- -------- ____ -- --Communications, and utilities and sanitary services---------­Wholesale and retail trade -- ---- __ -- ------ -- ---------- --­All other industries-------------------------------------

F•111tr1 1nll fana n1onagtr1 __ ---- __ ---- ---- -- -- ------ --­

F1n11 labol't'n end fa"" foren1tn -------------------------­Paid form laborers and farm foremen---------------------------­Unpoid family workers ·- ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---------- -- --

Sertlc• wor .. rs, except privote househoWl -----------------Cleaning service workers-------------------------------------­Food service workers----------------------------------------­

Cooks, except private household-----------------------------­Busboys and dishwashers -- -- ------------ -- ---- -------- -- --­

Health service workers----------------------------------------Personal service workers------------------------------------ -­Protective service workers---- -- -- -- ---- -- ........ -------------- ---

Firemen, fire protection ------------------------------------­Guards and watchmen-------------------------------------­Policemen aod detectives------------ .. ----...... ----------.. ---~--

Private household worbn-------------------------------

11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.


Total, 16 years $1 to

old ond $1,999 over or loss

61 156 8 605 3 716 452 2 356 147 4 699 l 700

431 104 2 122 243 l 295 150 l 785 277

789 117 l 663 126 3 410 585

975 66 712 53

4 676 406 2 524 314

10 lOB l 565 19 895 2 300

B 560 862 3 656 329 5 114 719 2 565 390

16 330 l 686 9 251 l 064 3 474 499 l 352 105

688 118 l 729 149

157 20 346 27

l 505 146

6 959 592 2 052 325

244 50 2 110 74

681 27 l 872 116

120 30 3 565 614

716 66 936 127

l 913 421

30 771 4 186 1 921 903

737 200 22 531 2 398 5 582 685

35 384 10 539 7 059 l 769

10 742 3 426 10 159 J 537 7 424 l 807

2 242 467 5 182 l 340

4 036 800 2 360 452 l 264 281

444 42 205 54 107 16 340 59

1 641 342 837 201

35 6

3 388 1 007 795 89 186 59 419 106 872 263

1 116 490

22 500 6 082

21 215 9 241 20 799 8 957

416 284

25 204 7 718 10 071 3 438 3 808 2 116 1 597 688

731 594 l 315 225 3 010 883 s 309 486 1 051 11 1 923 335 l 788 88

436 325

Moles with earnings in 1969

$2.000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 to to to to

$3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999

15 271 10 960 8 729 5 949 l 164 872 604 293

354 361 479 396 1 269 684 479 233

122 89 35 21 4B8 373 272 262 210 133 116 206 562 391 259 156 199 129 116 97 292 437 296 211

1 384 666 322 196

159 150 152 62 1B7 179 13B 14 693 693 935 544 599 556 481 187

2 789 l 701 1 223 902 4 BOO 3 546 2 822 2 109

1 920 l 496 l 205 817 768 794 602 477

l 452 750 668 552 660 506 347 263

3 816 3 016 2 316 l 750 2 44B l 918 1 487 943 l 345 732 374 211

144 224 260 135 168 154 112 65 352 368 396 277

19 37 20 24 122 94 52 27 298 309 273 204

l 330 l 075 815 796 567 531 272 228 103 22 21 14 243 130 239 284 66 47 51 78

351 345 232 192 38 23 14 11

984 530 506 359 155 80 158 98 240 182 133 123 589 268 215 138

6 742 4 517 4 077 3 197 505 131 130 87 291 114 52 53

4 905 3 506 3 130 2 517 l 041 766 765 540

11 450 4 795 3 491 2 045 2 270 l 132 711 433 3 268 l 383 l 165 614 3 408 l 112 750 529 2 504 l 168 865 469

723 350 334 171 l 781 81B 531 298

l 445 723 506 194 961 438 262 122 593 214 116 39 133 Bl 59 62 69 38 34 10 39 32 12 -

127 73 41 11 461 285 244 72 268 145 112 27 23 - - -

1 059 445 359 275 165 117 148 156 63 25 6 11

137 53 61 38 327 137 62 38 367 113 82 32

4 711 1 918 2 021 1 442

7 99' 1 820 848 521 7944 1 793 84B 509

55 27 - 12

6 856 3 131 2 595 1 944 3 282 1 329 787 568

959 244 181 75 428 173 124 36 124 9 - 4 399 159 147 158 766 420 342 214 950 823 989 819

61 172 235 209 634 275 178 181 167 282 442 368

81 21 4 5

Median earnings (dollars)

Earners $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

to to to or All 50 to 52 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

4 212 4 670 2 233 527 4 611 5 239 116 142 57 16 4 278 4 702 206 223 156 34 5 660 s 962 105 155 38 36 3 024 4 190 30 9 21 - 3 828 4 285

192 204 64 24 4 BBS s 227 209 186 72 13 6 187 6 840

78 49 7 6 4 137 4 720 82 39 10 - 4 609 5 454

145 147 9 - 4 946 5 426 80 101 50 26 3 618 4 323

119 188 74 s s 740 6 612 19 44 18 - 4 648 4 972

501 526 264 114 5 584 5 B90 199 152 30 6 4 628 5 058 633 699 475 121 4 412 5 043

l 498 1 806 888 126 4 B03 5 463

713 953 548 46 5 002 s 628 268 297 101 20 4 921 5 375 397 381 150 45 4 515 5 379 120 175 89 15 4 459 s 137

l 271 l 592 773 110 4 883 5 522 626 535 163 67 4 581 5 100 140 105 44 24 3 841 4 421 156 289 32 7 5 7Bl 6 367 40 21 4 6 4 377 5 017 82 36 60 9 4 9B8 5 309 19 14 - 4 5 125 24 - - - 4 255 4 980

165 70 23 17 4 99B 5 435

641 l 057 610 43 5 592 6 243 63 46 20 - 4 252 4 699 21 7 6 - 3 39B 4 000

294 542 276 28 7 289 7 608 132 215 65 - 7 542 7 799 131 247 243 15 s 534 5 973

4 - - - 3 579 5 i78 227 214 115 16 4 348

65 67 27 - s 361 5 574 37 68 26 - 4 555 5 397

125 79 62 16 3 818 4 705

2 553 2 750 2 087 662 4 987 5 645 46 72 47 - 2 228 3 910 15 12 - - 3 158 3 576

l 988 1 998 1 460 629 5 146 5 686 504 668 580 33 5 391 6 003

1 279 1 094 491 200 3 249 4 360 267 274 165 38 3 551 4 689 356 375 110 45 3 190 4 431 307 259 145 112 2 905 3 946 349 186 71 5 3 522 4 415

118 43 31 5 3 809 4 591 231 143 40 - 3 405 4 347

207 114 47 - 3 686 4 429 76 27 22 - 3 515 4 182 4 4 13 - 3 Ja4 3 64B

39 23 5 - 4 580 5 220 - - - - 3 406 4 441 4 - 4 - 3 923

4 365 29 - - - 3 748 125 87 25 - 4 061 4 851 58 21 5 - 3 623 4 403 6 - - - ... . ..

142 72 24 5 3 297 4 397 67 29 19 5 5 179 5 764 16 6 - - 3 079 3 878 19 5 - - J 511 4 191 19 21 5 - 3 058 4 100 21 11 - - 2 371 3 535

1 039 1 507 2 259 1 521 4 238 4 688

218 192 247 129 2 342 3 275 202 182 247 117 2 363 3 284

16 10 - 12 l 465 2 000

1 260 986 553 161 3 425 4 485 234 221 170 42 2 973 3 B06 90 65 66 12 1 800 3 3B6 53 46 42 7 2 516 3 B37 - - - - 1 231 1 9B9

148 68 - 11 4 211 4 982 136 186 88 35 3 702 4 541 582 400 207 53 5 400 5 736 153 143 56 11 6 222 6 280 139 119 57 5 3 976 4 768 248 108 65 20 5 BOB 5 940

- - - - 1 342 1 436


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued


Experienced civilian labor force-----------------------Profess1011ol, tti;h1'1cal, and kindred worbn: ________________ _

Accountants .. _______________________________________________ _ Archi1ects-- ________________________ -- ______ ---- ____________ _

Computer specialists __ -------------------------------------- __ Engineers ---- ______ ---- ---- ____ ---------- ------ __ -----------

Aeronauticol and astronautical -------------------------------Civil -------- ---- -- -- __ -- ---------------- ---- -------- ____ _ Electricol and electronic-------------------------------------Mechanical ________ ---- ______ ---------------- ____ ------ ___ _ Other engineers ____ ---- ------ __ ---- __ ------------ ------ ___ _

Lawyers and judges --------------------------------.----------

Life and physical scientists-------------------------------------Chemists __ ---- -- ---- -- -- -- __ ------ ------ ---- -------- __ -- -

Physicians, dentists, and refoted practitioners---------------------Dentists ---- ______ ---- __ ------ ------ -- ---- -------- ---- -- ,,._ Pharmccists ______ ---- __ ------ -------- ------------------ __ Physicians, medical and osteopothk ------ .. -------------------Other related practitioners ______ ---------------- __ -------- __

Health technologists and technicians---- __ ---------- ___ ,. _______ _ Religious workers ______ .. _________ ------ -------- ---- .-- ------ _ Social scientists __________________ ---- ________ ---- __ ------ __ _

Social and recreation workers--------------------------------· Teachers __ ----_______ _ _______________ -------------- ------ _

College and university ____________ -------- ______ ------ _____ _ Elementary and prekindergarten ________ ---- ________________ _ Secondary __________________________ ------ ______ -------- _

Engineering and science technicians ________ -------- ____ ------ __ _ Draftsmen and surveyors ______________ ---- ________ .,. _______ _ Electrical and electronic engineering technicians-----------------

Tec1rnicians, except health, and engineering and science __ - .. -- _____ _ Airplane pilots ____ ---- ___ • -- ____ ---------- ---- ------ ---- --

Writers, artists, and entertainers-----------------------------­Other professional. technical, and kindred workers---- __ -------- __

Man1g1rs and administrators, except fal"lft ----------------­Buyers. purchasing ogents, and sales managers------------------School administrators ______________ ------------------------ __ Specified managers and administrators, public administration ______ _ Other specified mo:nogers and administrators ____ ---- ____ ---- ___ _ Managers and administrators, n.e.c., solaried ___________________ _

Manufacturing __________ -- ______________ ------ __ ---- _____ _ Wholesale and retail trade ________ ---- ____ ------ __ -------- __ Transportation, communications, and other public utilities------ __ All other industries ____ ---- _______ ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ __

M<lnogers and administrolors, n.e.c., self-employed---------------Construction ______________________________ ------ ________ _ Manufacturing __________________ ---- ____ ---- _____________ _ Wholesofe and retail trade----------------------------------All other industries ____________ ------ -- ---- ---- ---------- __

Sales woricen ________ ---- __________ .... ------ ________ _ Insurance agents, brokers, and underwriters ____________________ _ Real estate- cgents and brokers ________________________ ---- ___ _ Sales representatives, manufacturing industries ------------------Sales representatives, wholesale trade ------ ---- ---- ------ _____ _ Soles clerks. retail trade ____________ ---------- ____ ------ _____ _ Salesmen, retail trade ________ ---- __ -------- __________ ------ __ Salesmen of services and construction ____________ ---- ____ ---- __ Other soles workers-----------------------------------------

Clerical anil kindnd workers-------------------------- __ Book tellers and co shiers ____ -- -- __ ------ ---- ________ ------ __ _ Bookkeepers end billing clerks-- ______ -- -- __ ---- __ ---- ________ _ Mail handlers and postal clerks-------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers-----------------------------

CraftnHn ond •lndrecl workers _________________________ _ Apparel croftsmen and uphols!erers __ ---- __ ---- ---- ------ ---- __ Bakers __________________ ---- ____ ---- ------ ---- ____ ------ __ Col:ifnetmakers ________________________ ---- ____ ------------ __ Constru-ction craftsmen -- ____ -- ---- ------ ------ ------ ---- -- __

Carpenters ______ -- -- ____ -- -- ____ -- ---------- ---- ------ __ _ Excavatillg, grading, and r-0od machine aperalors ______ ------ __ _ Electricians ______ -- ---- __ -- ---- __ .,. ___ -------- ------ ---- __ _ Masons and tile setters------------------------------------Painters, construction and maintenance, and paperhangers ______ _ Plasterers and cement finishers ____ ------------------------ __ Plumbers and pipe fitters __________________________________ _ Other construction craftsmen __________ ------ ____ ---------- _

Foremen, n.e-.c ________ ---- .. - __ -------- ------ ____ ------ _____ _ Manufacturing ____________ ------ ______ ------ ______ ------ __ Honmanufacturing industries ------ ______ ---- ---------- ---- __

Linemen and servicemen. telephone and power-------------------Locomotive engineers ond firemen ______ ., ___ -------- ____ ------ __ Mechanics ond repairmen ____________ -------------------------

Air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration --------------------Aircra~ _,_ __ ---- -- ----- ---------- ---- ---- ---------------- _ Automobile, including body __ ------ __ -- ------------ -,---- ___ _ Radio and television--------------------------------------­Other mechanics ond repairmen -----------------------------

Metal craftsmen, except mechanics---------------------------­Mochinisfs and job and die setters---------------------------Sheetmetcl workers and tinsmiths ____ -------- __ ------------ __ Tool and die makers--------------------------------------­Other metal craftsmen-------------------------------------

Printing cr<lft smen-- ______ ---- ____ -- __ -- ---- .... ____ ---- -- ____ _ Compositors and typesetters ------------ ---- -------- ------ __ Pressmen and plate printers, printing ________________________ _

Stationary engineers ond power station operators ---------------­Other croftsmen and kindred workers --------------------------

5 - 642 ARKANSAS






[Dato bosed on sample, Sffl text. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, Sffl text]

Males with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, E'arners 16 years $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,DOO $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked old and $1,999 to ta to ta ta ta to ar All 50 ta 52

over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

52 403 15 032 18 621 1 286 5 186 2 678 1 715 1 179 465 241 3 200 3 980

2 014 253 305 181 351 379 220 141 125 59 s 764 6 038 32 - 9 4 6 - - - 13 - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

37 7 14 9 - - - - 4 3 ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

25 7 9 9 - - - - - - ... . .. 4 - - - - - - - 4 - ... -- - - - - - - - - - - -B - 5 - - - - - - 3 ... -

12 - - - - - - - 8 4 ... ... 45 6 12 5 - ll - - ll - ... ... 29 6 7 - - 5 - - 11 - ... ... 27 5 5 - - - - - - 17 ... . .. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

18 - 5 - - - - - - 13 ... . .. 9 5 - - - - - - - 4 ... ...

44 2 lO 20 7 - 5 - - -2 946

... 238 84 74 23 17 23 5 - 12 - 3 103

4 - - - - - - - - 4 ... . .. 49 12 - - 16 5 ll 5 - -

931 52 53 52 230 271 149 78 27 19 6 290 6 702 133 28 6 - 7 16 17 18 22 19 7 559 ... 256 9 22 16 58 103 26 22 - - 6 223 6 284 505 15 19 36 155 142 101 32 5 - 6 194 6 400 83 10 26 lO 5 16 7 9 - - ... ... 18 - 6 - - 6 2 4 - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

29 - - 5 13 4 - - 7 - ... . .. 4 - - - - 4 - - - - ... ...

62 lO 11 5 13 4 4 - 10 5 ... 421 65 91 48 44 45 39 49 33 7 5 148 6 039

1 115 191 246 109 106 157 119 as 75 27 5 108 s 818 41 13 - - 5 19 4 - - - ... . ..

189 - - B 8 27 71 39 26 10 7 725 ... 58 4 - 4 - 10 16 5 19 - ... ...

239 41 55 31 14 66 14 - 5 13 4 758 6 023 270 61 97 39 21 15 14 23 - - 3 526 4 015

19 - 14 5 - - - - - - ... 106 21 34 16 11 6 12 6 - - 3 882 -·· 13 4 - 5 - 4 - - - - ... ·-·

132 36 49 13 lO 5 2 17 - - 3 224 ... 318 72 94 27 58 20 - 18 25 4 3 851 5 106 47 15 3 3 18 8 - - - - ... ... 42 5 19 6 6 6 - - - - ... ...

183 46 52 12 34 - - 18 21 - 3 750 4 500 46 6 20 6 - 6 - - 4 4 ... ...

537 201 125 58 44 35 30 11 lS 18 3 080 3 920 28 4 5 11 3 - - - 5 - ... ... 21 5 - 5 - 6 - - 5 - ... . .. 22 - 12 - - - 10 - - - ... ... 28 - 6 - 6 5 - - - 11

224 108 49 24 13 14 - 4 5 7 2 163 2 972 67 9 32 12 6 4 - 4 - - ... ... 19 9 4 - - - 6 - - - ...

128 66 l7 6 16 6 14 3 - - l 939 ... 1 631 314 435 233 240 131 165 107 6 - 4 285 4 932

115 35 32 13 17 6 12 - - - 3 406 ... 26 11 5 5 - - - 5 - -

251 28 24 22 26 27 68 50 6 - 6 944 7 143 1 239 240 374 193 197 98 85 52 - - 4 028 4 563

6 003 1 264 1 897 l 131 837 363 288 183 24 16 3 832 4 475 59 15 16 20 3 5 - - - - ... ... 65 22 10 10 15 - 3 5 - - ... ... 43 - 24 19 - - - - - -

2 374 699 801 352 265 92 93 55 4 13 3 218 4 061 759 307 250 82 67 27 8 5 - 13 2 580 4 163 544 86 249 97 53 13 46 - - - 3 494 3 625

61 12 18 20 ll - - - - - ... ... 292 62 98 46 33 - 28 25 - - 3 714 ... 235 120 38 35 17 11 4 10 - - 1 958 ... 136 25 33 17 27 21 7 6 - - 4 588 282 83 76 51 43 20 - 5 4 - 3 526 4 482 65 4 39 4 14 - - 4 - - ... ...

398 16 52 49 100 81 52 32 13 3 5 820 6 154 260 4 38 23 61 63 37 25 9 - 6 063 6 397 138 12 14 26 39 18 15 7 4 3 5 436 5 554 55 9 25 5 13 3 - - - - ... ... 33 - - - - 10 B 15 - ' - ...

l 660 251 534 394 232 118 85 39 7 - 4 114 4 '365 18 6 2 4 - - - 6 - - ... ... 14 - - - 8 - 6 - - -

3 757 837 140 317 211 95 29 26 12 7 - 4 092 103 21 14 37 25 - 6 - - - 4 446 688 84 201 142 104 89 47 21 - - 4 415 4 629

315 17 76 83 65 23 33 18 - - 4 777 4 884 217 10 46 48 47 23 28 15 - - 5 096 5 149

5 - - - - - 5 - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

93 7 30 35 18 - - 3 - - ... ... 55 7 24 9 4 6 5 - - - ... ... 24 7 12 5 - - - - - - ... ... 31 - 12 4 4 6 5 - - - ... ... 25 - 4 7 4 6 4 - - - ...

921 228 331 183 136 19 5 19 - - 3 405 4 144


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Negro- Continued

Experienced civilian labor force - Continued Operatives, except transport ___________________________ _

Assemblers _,. ______ ---- ..... --------- -------- ------ ____ ------ __ Checkers1 examiners, and Inspectors; manufacturing-------------­Garage workers and gos station attendonts---------------------­laundry and drycleaning operatives, n.e.c -----------------------Meat cutters ond butchers __________ ---- __________ ------ _____ _ Mine operatives, n.e.c ________ ------ ------ ________ .. ___ ------ __ Packers and wrappers, except produce _________________________ _ Pain!ers, manu!actured a_rticles __ -------- __ -------- ___________ _ Prec1s1on machine operatives ______ ------ __________ -------- ___ _ Sawyers ____ -- -- ________ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- ____ ------ ---- __ _

Stationary firemen ________________________________ ------ ___ _ Textile operatives ____ ---- ________ ---- ____ ---- ______ -------- _ Welders and flomecutters ________________ ---- ________________ _ Other metalworking operatives ______ ---- __ ---- ____ ------ _____ _ Other specified operatives ---- ________________ ---- ..,._ ------ ___ _ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives----------------------

Occupation: Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified ________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified _________________________ _ Miscellaneous operatives ________________ ------ ______ ---- _ Not specified operatives ____ .. - __________________ -------- __

Industry, Manufacturing ________________________________ ------ ___ _

Durable goods __________________________ -- ---- -- __ -- --Wood products, including furniture ______________ ------_ Primary metal industries ________________ ---- ________ _ Fabricated metal industries ---- ______ -- __________ ---- _ Machinery, including electrical ____ ··--- ________ -------- .. Motor vehicles and equipment ____ ---- __ ---- ______ ----_ Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles--------­Other duroble goods---------------------------------



Nonduroble goods ____________________________________ _ -Food ond kindred producls-- __________ ---- ---- _______ _ Apparel ond other fabricated textile products-----------­Poper and allied producls.----------------------------Chemicols and allied producls ____ ---- ---- ---- ________ _ Other nondurable goods __________ ---- ________ ---- ___ _

Not specified manufacturing industries---- ______ -- -- -- -- --Nonmonufocturing industries ____________ ---- ---------- ___ _

Transportation. communications, and other public utilities ___ _ Wholesale and rel oil !rode __________ ------------------ __ All other industries------------------------------------

Tron sport equipment operatives ________ -~-- __ ---- ____ -- --Bus drivers ______________________ ---- ________ ---- -- ---- ___ _ Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs ____________ ---- ____________ -- __ Truck drivers ond deliverymen __________ -- ________________ -- -- -Other transport equipment operatives-- __ .,,_ -- __ ---- __ -- ------ -- -

labo,, exc:1pt fcmn ____________________________ ---- _ Construction laborers -- __________ -- __________ -- -- ---- -- -- -- --Freighl, sleek, ond material handlers __________ •• -- -- ---- ---- -- -Olher specified laborers-------------------------------------­Miscellaneous ond not Specified laborers------------------------

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers ____________________ -- -- ---- __ -- -- -Not specified laborers ________________ ---- ______ -- __ ---- __

Industry, Manufacturing __ -- -- ________________ ---- ---- __ -- ------ --


-Durable goods ____ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- ---

Wood products, including furniture------ -- ____ ---- -- -- -Metal industries ________________________ ---- __ ---- -- _ -Machinery, Including eleclricol ____ -- •• -- -- -- -- -- ---- •• --

-Transportation equipment_ .. ______ -- -- __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -Other durable goads----------------------------------

Nondurable goods __________ ---- __________________ ---- _ Food ond kindred products-- ______ ---- -- ---- ---- -- -- --

--Not specified manufacturing industries ____ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -

Nonmanufocturing industries ________ -- ---- ------ ---- -- -- ---Railroads and railway express service -- __ ---- -------- -- -­Transportation, except railroads -- __ -- ---- -- ---- -- ------ -Communications, and utilities ond sanitary services---------­Wholesale and re toil trade __ ---- __ ------ -- -- -------- -- ---


All other industries ________ -- ------ -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -

fal'1ft1rs and fam monag1rs ------------ .. ---------------­

farm laborers and fann fortm•n-------------------------­Paid form laborers and form foremen---------------------------­Unpoid family workers ---- __ -- -- -- ------ -- ------ ------------ --

Servfc1worbn,1xcept private householdl -----------------Cleaning service workers ---- ______ ------ ------------ -- ------ --Food service workers __ -- ______ ---- ---- -- -------- -- .. --- -- -- ---

Cooks, except private household------------------------------Busboys and dishwashers ________ ------ -- __ ---- ---------- ---

Health service workers -- -- __________ ---- ------ -- ---- -------- --Personal service workers ______ ---- -- -- -- ---------- .. ----- -- -- --Protective service workers ______ ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -------- ---

Firemen, fire protection ________ -------- ------ ---- -------- ---Guards ond watchmen-------------------------------------­Policemen and detectives ------ __ ---- -- -------- -- ---------- --

Private household worken __ -------- _., ______ -------- -----

1/ncludes allocated coses not shown separately.


(Dalo based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, medion, etc.) ond meaning of symbols, see textl

Moles with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Totol, Earners 16 years $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $B,OOO $10,000 $15,000 worked

old ond $1.999 to to ta fa to to to or All 50 to 52 over or loss $3,999 $4.999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more e-arne-rs weeks

11 413 1 924 4 289 2 246 1 498 662 352 313 85 44 3 764 4 306 BB5 BJ 326 137 194 B4 23 29 4 5 4 245 4 836 193 26 56 26 42 22 5 12 - 4 4 558 5 136 565 169 250 ~1 38 21 - 6 - - 2 908 3 347 136 37 59 22 13 - - 5 - - 3 051 273 35 109 74 27 4 6 11 3 4 3 862 3 B62 110 20 36 9 - 16 17 12 - - 3 944 ... 493 Bl 179 111 B7 14 12 9 - - 3 849 4 450 166 34 67 22 32 11 - - - - 3 463 192 3B 63 51 10 20 5 5 - - 3 841 4 284

l 039 169 514 213 6B 28 21 14 5 7 3 364 3 721

214 11 61 71 40 19 6 6 - - 4 493 4 595 172 10 74 40 35 B 5 - - - 4 050 4 226 453 81 131 114 BB 22 11 - 6 - 4 127 4 514 363 80 119 B5 47 5 12 15 - - 3 706 4 290

2 051 430 809 342 222 85 67 59 29 8 3 472 3 957 4 108 620 l 436 B48 555 303 162 130 38 16 3 997 4 565

l 794 252 581 381 270 102 83 BO 33 12 4 168 4 705 809 107 252 196 120 81 33 11 5 4 4 232 4 703 910 157 348 146 115 79 43 22 - - 3 713 4 441 595 104 255 125 50 41 3 17 - - 3 518 4 032

3 440 471 l 177 736 483 241 159 119 3B 16 4 098 4 605 2 300 331 799 4B6 331 146 lOB BB - 11 4 041 4 589 1 019 140 47B 211 89 53 36 l2 - - 3 546 4 015

370 32 48 70 70 35 46 62 - 7 5 500 s 750 164 52 54 31 5 11 5 6 - - 3 11 I 234 32 81 72 26 20 - 3 - - 4 056 4 365

34 14 6 - 6 - 4 - - 4 ... ... 69 - 37 16 16 - - - - - ...

410 61 95 86 119 27 17 5 - - 4 570 5 106

l 107 131 366 243 147 95 51 31 3B 5 4 233 4 651 361 76 110 IOl 43 26 5 - - - 3 900 4 236

37 10 21 - 6 - - - - - ... 196 14 74 26 41 13 14 14 - - 4 385 5 073 98 6 28 15 14 25 10 - - - ...

415 25 133 !01 43 31 22 17 38 5 4 490 4 895 33 9 12 7 5 - - - - -

668 149 259 112 72 62 3 11 - - 3 429 4 130 198 36 78 21 35 28 - - - - 3 615 3 776 191 24 75 49 26 17 - - - - 3 907 279 89 106 42 11 17 3 11 - - 2 953 4 077

4 631 952 l 702 178 578 218 177 105 33 28 3 602 4 144 339 222 Bl 18 14 4 - - - - l 527 ...

77 30 36 11 - - - - - - ... -·· 3 076 524 I 223 511 396 191 123 71 17 20 3 658 4 088 l 139 176 362 238 168 83 54 34 16 8 4 132 4 433

10 166 2 946 4 116 1 432 916 406 187 137 18 8 3 038 3 747 l 6B6 51B 665 313 102 53 10 19 6 - 2 977 3 707 2 911 770 l 148 421 36D 98 65 44 s - 3 194 3 903 2 867 l 124 I 209 284 115 57 39 28 3 8 2 512 3 315 2 702 534 l 094 414 339 198 73 46 4 - 3 494 4 015

l 045 182 387 139 17B 83 50 26 - - 3 760 4 446 l 657 352 707 275 161 115 23 20 4 - 3 348 3 B51

l 437 236 630 267 193 52 33 22 4 - 3 532 3 924 900 161 428 177 BB 16 9 17 4 - 3 350 3 664 545 114 301 81 4D 5 - 4 - - 3 053 3 228 117 21 11 34 23 11 4 13 - - 4 779 ... 65 - 43 9 13 - - - - - ·-· '" 25 7 3 11 - - - - 4 -

3 57i 3 98i 148 19 70 42 12 - 5 - - -524 69 195 90 1D5 36 24 5 - - 3 979 4 523 224 31 113 41 2B 11 - - - - 3 434 3 689

13 6 7 - - - - - - - ... . .. I 265 29B 464 147 146 146 40 24 - - 3 442 4 156

477 56 9B 66 102 96 35 24 - - 5 181 5 597 76 18 47 5 - 6 - - - -

!BB 26 82 30 22 23 5 - - - 3 659 3 913 175 43 105 15 4 8 - - - - 2 848 3 278 349 155 132 31 lB 13 - - - - 2 295 3 100

1 223 709 263 36 0 37 62 15 35 17 l 725 1 969

7 052 3 842 2 807 259 89 22 5 4 17 7 1 836 2 700 6 991 3 793 2 800 259 89 17 5 4 17 7 l 843 2 708

61 49 7 - - 5 - - - - ". . .. 6 309 2 217 2 366 812 474 203 110 78 32 17 2 792 3 458 3 565 l 204 l 436 511 22B 115 34 16 7 14 2 806 3 326 l 07B 516 326 122 64 23 14 5 8 - 2 141 3 364

420 154 134 80 43 4 5 - - - 2 B36 3 742 218 174 35 9 - - - - - - l 253 ... 304 47 107 34 41 22 32 21 - - 3 963 5 014 489 216 181 32 30 16 - 14 - - 2 315 2 919 288 42 97 51 59 10 7 5 17 - 4 098 4 725

7 - 7 - - - - - - - -158 29 73 21 - 6 7 5 17 - 3 370 4 024 105 13 12 25 51 4 - - - - 5 049 ... 309 219 70 11 4 5 - - - - 1 411 l 579


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Persons of Spanish Language

Experienced civilian labor force----------------------­

Professlonal, techakal, and kindred Vfork•n-----------------Acc:ountonts ________ -------- ______ ---------- ------ -----------Architects ____________________________ .... __________________ .... _ Computer specialists __ ------------ __ ---------------------- ___ _ Engineers ---- .... -- .... -------- ------------------------ ---------

Aeronautical and astronautical -------------------------------Civil -- ---- ____ -- ---- -------------- ------ -------------- ---Electrical and electr-onic -------------------------------------Me<:honical __ ---- ------ ---- ---- ------ __ ------ ---------- ___ _ Other engineers ____ ---------------- __ .. ----------------- __ .. _

Lawvers and judges ------------------------------------------

life end physical scientists-------------------------------------Chemists ------ __ ---- __ -------- ---------------------------

Physicians. dentists, and related practitioners-------- .. ------------Oentists ---- ---- __ ---- ---- ____ -------------- __ -------- __ .... Phormocists ______________ ------ -------- .... ------------ __ ., __ Physicians, medical and osteopathic---------------------------Olher re-lo1ed procti1ioners ---- .... __ ,, _____________ -------------

Health technologists and technicians __ ------------------------ __ _

:~~~l~~i~~i~~=~s_ :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Social and recreation workers----------------------------------Teochers ______ ,.. _________ ---- ____ ..... ____ .. ---------------------

College and university __ ---- __________ -------- __ ---------- ....... Elementary and prekindergarten------------------------------Secondary ---- ____ ---- ------ __ ---- -------- ------ ----------

Engineering and science technicians---~--------------------------Oroftsmen and survtyors-- ---- __ ------ ---- ---- ____ -------- __ Electrical and electronic engineering technicians _________________ _

Technicians, except health, ond engineering and science ____________ _ Atrpkme pilots __ .... -- __ ---- __ -------- ------ .. ----------- __ ---

Writers, artists, and entertainers ____ ------ ---- ---- -------- ____ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers ........ ---------- __ _

M•Htetl and admlttilfrators, excapt fo,,. ------------------8\J',terS, purchasing agents, and sales managers-------------------School odministrotors. ---- ---- __________ ---- -------- -------- __ _ Specified managers and administrators. public administration _______ _ Other specified managers and administrators---------------------Managers and administrators, n.e.c., soloried .... __________________ _

Manufacturing -- __ ------ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- ---- ---------- __ _ Wholesale and retoll trade------------------·----------------Transportation, communications, and other public utilities __ ,.. _____ _ All other industries ____ ------ ______________ ------------ ____ _

Managers and administrators. n.e.c., self-employed----------------Construction ______ ---- ------ .... ------ ,. ___ .... _______________ _ Manufacturing ____ -- .... __ ---- ____ ---------- ........ ---------- __ _ Wholesole and retail trade-----------------------------------All other Industries ______________ ---- __ ---- ·- ------ ------ __ _

Siles worken ______ ... __ -------- .... ---- -------------- __ lnsuronce agents,. brokers, and underwriters---------- -- -------- __ Real estate agents and ________________________________ _ Soles representatives, manufacturing industries ---- ____ .... ________ _ Sales representatives. wholesale trade .. _________ ..... ________ .... ____ _ Sales clerks, retell trCJde ______________________ ,. _______________ _

Salesmen. retail trade ____ -------- __ ---- __ ------------------ __ _ Salesmen of services and construction---------------------------Other soles workers ____ ------ ______ ---- ---------- ------------

Cl•ric•l •ad klft-d'9;d wolt•n-- .. --------------------------Bank tellers and cashiers------ __ -- ______ ------------ -------- __ Bookkeepers and billing clerks .. ____ ------------------------ ___ _ Moil handlers and postal clerks--------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers------------------------------

Craft1atn 11• •ittclntd worbrs __________________________ _

Apparel croftsmen and upholsterers-----------------------------Bakers -- ________ ---- -- ---- ------ .... ____ -------- ---------- __ _ Cabinetmokers __________________ ------ ________ ------ ------ __ _ Constructioni craftsmen ____ -- ------ ---- __ -------- ---- ------ __ _

Carpenters------------- __ -------- ____ -------------------- .... Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators----------------Electricions ____ -- -- ---- -- ---- -------- -------------------- --Mos ans and tile settiers -----------------------------------~­Painters, construction and maintenance, and paperhangers-------­Plosterers and cement finishers------------------------------­Plumbers and pipe fitters-----------------------------------­Other construction craftsmen --------------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c ____ ---- -- __ -- -- ---- __ ---------------------- _,._ Manufacturing -- ____ -- ________________ ---- ________ ---- ____ _ Nonmonufotturing ind\Jstries __ -- -- _,. ____ ------ ______________ _

linem.en and servJcemen, telephone and power------------------ .. -locomotive engineers ond firemen ______ -------------------- ____ _ Mechanics and repairmen .. _______ ------------------ ____ ------ __

Air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration _____ ,, ______________ _ Aircraft ---- __________________________ ------ ________ .... ___ _

~~~r:~~~'";.:~~l~~~g-~~~~============::::=:::::::::::::::::: Other mechanics ond repairmen ------------------------------

Metal craftsmen, except mechanics ----------------------------­Machinists and iob and die setters-----------------·---------­Sheetmetol workers and tinsmith•----------------------------­Toal and die makers---------------------------------------­Other metal craftsmen--------------------------------------

Printing craftsmen-------- __ -- __ -------- ________ ------ ---- -- __ Compositors and typesetters---------- .. ---------------------­Pressmen ond plate printers, printing .. ------------------------­

Stationary engineers and power station operators ----------------­Other craftsmen and kindred workers ---·-----------------·-----

5 - 644 ARKANSAS

[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Total, 16 yoars

aid and over





19 5

6 6




49 26 7 8

21 20

224 42

19 34 90 20 51 13 6

39 6

12 21

120 19

5 31 26 22


74 8

19 7



3 6

64 12 8


5 25

91 49 42 16

136 6

32 39 59

14 8 6

7 17 28

$1 to $1,999 or loss



14 9


22 8




5 6


$2.000 to




13 16 9 7

13 6


12 13





18 10

8 8


Males with earnings in 1969

$4,000 to







6 6


8 5


$5.000 to









6 15

8 7

6 6

$6,000 to




39 16




18 10 8




$7,000 to



20 9

11 7 4


7 7


31 21 10



$8,000 to







31 11

6 14




18 11 7





$10,000 $15,000 to or

$14,999 more




6 6


49 6

5 15 12

6 6


41 10

5 19




13 7 6 9


7 16





8 8



18 4 7 7

M&dlan oarnings (dollars)

Ellrners worked

All 50 to 52 earners weeks

s 289

9 323

8 000

5 222

6 690

6 684

6 "46

9 774

9 200

6 955


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued [Data hosed on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, medion, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Parsons of Spanish Language- Continued

Experienced civilian labor force- Continued Op1ntlv11, except tronsport ___________ .,. ________________ _

Assemblers -- ..... __ -- -- __ ---- ____ ------ __ ---- ____ -------- ____ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors, manufacturing---------------Garage workers and gos station attendants ______________________ _ laundry and drycleoning operatives, n.e.c ------------------------

~r:: ~~!~~~v~~~ n~~~~~~~~:::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pcckers and wrappers, except produce--------------------------­Poin!e!s, manufactured a_rticles ------ ---- -----.------- ------ -----Prec1s1on mochme operatives -- __ -------- ------ ------------ .. - __ _

~w""--------------------------Stotionary firemen __ ---- ---- ---------- -------------------- __ _ Textile operatives ____ .., ___ ------ -------- ____ .., ___ ---- ------ ----Welders and flamecutters __________ ------ -------- ____ ----------Other metalworking operatives--------------------------------­Other specified operatives -------------------..-----------------­Misce11aneous and not specified operatives -----------------------

Occupation1 Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified -----------------­Machine operatives, not specified---------------------------Miscellaneous operatives ____ ------------ -------------- ----Not specified operatives .. ----------------------------------


M~nuu::~1~u~i~~d; :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : Wood products, including furniture _____________________ _

Primary metal industries ------------ ... ----------------­Fobricoted metal industries ---------------------------­Machinery, including electricc1---- ---------------------­Motor vehicles and equipment-------------------------­Transportotion equipment, e>ecept motor vehicles ---------­Other durable goodS----------------------------------

Nondurable goods---- ______ ---- __ -------- __ -------- ___ _ Food and kindred products----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products------------­Poper and allied product'-----------------------------­Chemicols and allied products-------------------------­Other nondurable goads-------------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries-------- ____ ---------Nonmonufocturing industries ________ ------ ____ -------------

Transportation, communications, and other public utilities -- --­Wholesale and retail trade------------------------------­All other industries-------------------------------------

Transport equlp•••t operatives .... -------------------------Bus drivers -- ____ -- ---- -------------- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---------T-oxicab drivers and chauffeurs---------------------------------Truck drivers and dellverymen ............ ----------------------------Other transport equipment operotives----------------------------

Labertrs, except fann ----------------------------------Construction laborers ____ ---- -------- -- -------- -- -- -----------Freight, stock, and moteriol handlers----------------------------Other specified laborers -- -- ---- ____ ---- __ ---- -- -- -------- -- -- • Miscellaneous ond not specified laborers-------------------------

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers -- ________ ,._ -- -------- -- ------ -- -- .... Not specified laborers -- ________ ---- ---------- ____ ------ .. __

Industry• Manufacturing __________ ---- __ ,. _____ ------------------ ---

Durable goods -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------------------ ---Wood products, including furniture _____________________ _

Metal Industries __________ ----------------------------Machinery, including electrical ____ -- -------------- ---- --Transportation equipment .... __ .. _ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Other durable gaods---------------------------------­

Nondurable goods-------------------------------------­Food and kindred products----------------------------­

Nat specified manufacturing Industries---------------- -- ---

Total, 16 years old and


187 22


11 7 7 8

31 9

13 71

6 37 28

45 37 13



8 8




84 17

139 30 29 48 32

17 15



Nonmanufocturing industries------------------------------- 15 Roilroods and railway express service--------------------­Transportation, except railroads--------------------------Communications, and utilities and sanitary services---------- 6 Wholesale and retail trade ______________________________ _

All other industries------------------------------------- 9

f•naen ••ti,..,. 111n111rs ----------------------------­

,,,. te•onrs aH '°"' fere•••-------------------------­Paid farm laborers and farm foremen---------------------------­Unpaid family workers----------------------------------------

Servke worlt1rs, except private househoW1 -----------------ci.eoning service workers----------·--------------------------­Food service workers----------------------------------------­

Caaks, except private household __ -- __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -­Busboys and dishwashers -----------------------------------

He-alth service workers------------------ -- ___ .. -------------- --Personal service workers--------------------------------------Protective service workers ________________ ------------------ ---

Firemen, fire protection ------------------------------------­Guards ond wotchmen ---------------------------------- ... --­Policemen and detectives------------------------------------

Prlv1t1 ••ust••M werti:en .... ____ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -·---- -- .... -

!Includes ollocated cases not shown separately.



204 191


127 36 26 12 14 13 9


4 21

$1 to $1,999 or loss



7 19

5 14

12 12 7



58 23 19 7 9


104 91 13


21 7


$2,000 to



11 7


8 9


6 7 8




14 17


15 8



88 88



Males with earnings in 1969

$4,000 to


37 8

6 14


14 14 6



12 12

16 12

$5,000 to


14 8








34 12



$6,000 to






20 7


18 12

$7,000 to



$8,000 to





11 11





$10,000 to






$15,000 or


Median earnings (dollars)

Earners worked

All 50 to 52 somers weeks

3 859


3 000

1 962 2 102

5 279

4 392

2 2$5


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Toto I

bperienced clvlRon lobar farce-----------------------Pnifesstonal, technical, and ltU.dnd workers ________________ _

Accountants ___________ ,,,. ___________________________________ ,.._ Architects ____________ .. ___________ ---- _____________________ .. _

Computer specialists __ ---- ____ ---- ... ----------------------- ___ _ Engineers. ---- .... ---- ------ __ .,. ___ ------ __________ ---------- __ _

Aeronautical and astronautical-------------------------------Civil -------- ---- ---- ____ ---- __ ---------------------- ____ _ Electrical and electronic------------------------------.-------Mechanical .... ______ .... ____ .... ______ -- .... -- ________ ., _____ -- ___ _ Other engineers-------- ____________ ------------ __ ----------

lawyers and judges------------------------------.------------

life and physical scientists-------------------------------------Chemists ---------- ------------ ---------- -------------- __ _ Physicians. dentists, end related practitioners __ .,,. _________________ _ Dentists ------ ____ -------------- __ ------ -------- __ --------Pharmacists---------------- ________ ------ ____ ---------- __ _ Phy.sicions, medital and osteopathic---------------------------Other related practitioners-------- ________ ---- ______ ------ __ _

Health technologists and technicians __ ---- __ ------------------ __ _

~:~r~l~~j:i~rs~:~s- == :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: == :: :: :: :: == :::: := :: == :: :: Social and recreation workers _________________________________ _ Teachers .. _________ ---- ____ ---------- __ ---- ________ ----------

College and university ____________ ---- __ ------ __ ---------- __ _ Elementary ond prekindergarten------------------------------Secondary __ ---- ---- ____ ---- ---- __ ---------- ____ ------ ----

Engineering ond science technit:ions ________ ---- ____ ---- ---- _____ _ Draftsmen and SiJrveyors ____ ---- __ ---------- -- __ -------- ___ _ Electrical ond electronic engioeering technicians ________________ _ -Technicians, except health, and engineering and science ____________ _ Airplane pilots -- ______ ---- __ -------------- -- -- __ -- ------ ---

Writers,, artists, ond entertainers------------------------------ -Other profess Iona!, technical. ond kindred workers ____ ------ ______ _

Mantgers nd ad11l11fstratori1 e11:cept farm------------------Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales managers __________________ _ School odm inistrators ____________________ -------- ___________ _ -Specified managers and administrators, public administration _______ .. Other specified managers ond administrators ---- __ -------- _____ _ Managers and administrators, n.e.c., soloried .. __________________ _ --Manufacturing ______ ---- ______ ------------ ____ ---- ___ ., ___ _ -

Wholesale and retail trade---------------------------------- -Tronsportation. communications, and other public utilities _______ _ -All olher industries ______________ ------ ---- -------- ------ __ -Managers and administrators, n.e.c.1 self-employed---------- .. -----Construction ____ -- ---- __________ ---- __ ---- -- ------ -- -- -- __

Monufocturing ______ ---- __________ ---- ____ ------ ------ ___ _ Wholesale and retail trade ____________ -------- ____ ,. ___ ---- __ All other industries __________________ ------ ________ ---- ___ _

Seles worll:trs ____ ---- __________ ------ ---------- .. --- _ Insurance ogents, brokers, and underwriters ____________________ _ Real estate agents and brokers _______________________________ _ Soles representatives, manufacturing industries ------------------Soles representatives, who/esole trade __ ---- ---- ______ ------ -- __ Soles clerks, retoil trade ______________ -------- ________ ---- ___ _, feta ii trade ________ ------ ____ ---------- ____ ---- ___ _ of services ond construction ______________ ---- ____ -- __ Other soles workers ______________ ---- __ ---- ---- ____ -- ______ _

Clerical Hd kindred wan.en ___________________________ _

Bonk tellers and cashiers -------- __ ------ __ ------ ------------ _ Bookkeepers ond billing clerks ____ -- ---- __ ------ -- -------- __ -- _ Moil handlers and pastol clerks •• -----------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers-----------------------------

Croh11111 end •Jtulrtd worbn ______ .. __________________ _

Apparel craftsmen ond upholsterers----------------------------Bakers ______ ---- ______ ---- ______ ---------- -------------- __ Cabinetmakers __ -- __ -- -- __ - - -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- ---- ____ -- -- -- __ Construction craftsmen ---- __ ------ ---------------- -------- --

Carpenters ________ -- ---- ------ ------ -------- -------- -----Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators_ _____________ _ Electricians ________ -- -- -- -- __ ------ -- -------- -------- ---- _ Masons and tile setters-------------------------------- .. --­Pointers, construction and maintenance, and paperhangers-------Plasterers and c-ement finishers __________________________ .. __ _ Plumbers ond pipe litters. ••••• ----------------------------­Other construction craftsmen -------------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c __________ -- -- __ -- -- ---- -- -------- ---------- --Manufacturing -- __ -- ____ -- ____ -- ____________ ,.. _________ -- --Nonmo nu focturing industries ---- -------- -------- ------ -- -- __

Lineme.n and servicemen. telephone and power------------------­locomotive engineers and firemen------------------------------Mechanics and repairmen ________ ---- ____ --------------------_

Air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration ---- ---- ---- ---- ___ _ Aircrofl -------- ---------- ------ -- -- -------------- ------ -Automobile, including body ________ ------------------------ __ Rodia and television------------------------- .. ------------­Other mechanics and repairmen -----------------------------

Metal craftsmen, except mechanits ---------------------------­Machinists and job ond die setters---------------------------Sheetmetal workers ond tinsmiths ___________________________ _ Tool 011d die makers _______________ .,.. ____ ,. _________________ _

Other metal croflsmen -------------------------------------Printing craftsmen ____ --------------------------~------------

Compositors and typesetters--------------------------------Pressmen and plate printerS, printing ________________________ _

Stationary engineers and power station operators ------.. --------­Ot'1er craftsmen and kindred workers --------------------------



[Dato bosed on somple, see text. For minimum hose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and mooning of symbols, see text]

Moles with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (doll ors)

Totol, Earners 16 yeors $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

old ond $1,999 to to to to to to to or All 50 to 52 over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

72 658 7 295 10 195 6 683 6 969 7 688 7 781 9 895 to 533 5 619 6 675 7 346

9 842 494 682 418 632 887 999 1 536 2 336 1 858 9 053 9 875 963 21 49 30 40 85 116 206 256 160 9 364 9 838 121 - - - - 10 6 29 40 36 11 938 12 375 239 9 24 - 16 20 45 44 77 4 8 250 8 909

I 212 5 27 38 49 38 83 153 562 257 11 895 12 105 - - - - - - - - - - - -375 - - 9 22 14 9 37 183 101 12 637 12 787 258 5 5 20 5 6 5 41 138 33 11 522 11 955 120 - 9 4 4 6 17 13 46 21 10 761 10 793 459 - 13 5 18 12 52 62 195 102 11 731 11 861 492 21 23 23 6 5 14 36 88 276 15000+ 15000+

294 13 22 10 5 - 23 58 123 40 10 650 11 260 117 13 11 - - - 11 30 44 8 9 561 ...

l 179 89 46 16 24 55 34 52 249 614 15000+ 15000+ 149 - - - - - - 5 13 131 15000+ 15000+ 254 22 10 - 14 17 6 15 104 66 12 067 12 525 679 61 31 16 10 32 28 26 99 376 15000+ 15000+

97 6 5 - - 6 - 6 33 41 ... 230 25 31 15 34 28 21 59 17 - 6 357 6 857 559 52 45 53 49 88 90 86 76 20 6 915 7 112 193 17 11 5 - 6 11 19 58 66 12 371 13 060

103 25 13 11 11 10 6 7 20 - 5 227 ... 1 096 88 111 38 99 171 161 237 106 85 7 255 8 206

223 17 - - - 24 33 50 35 64 9 500 12 500 265 27 43 22 21 51 20 69 12 - 6 382 ... 472 33 46 10 53 88 96 95 40 11 7 063 7 610 815 31 77 68 121 135 125 126 96 36 6 819 7 157 364 26 33 18 55 76 66 40 43 7 6 658 6 945 169 5 14 16 22 16 19 28 33 16 7 605 7 921 176 5 10 - 5 29 - 36 64 27 10 234 10 395 81 5 - - - 16 - 11 26 23 ... ...

758 42 42 55 63 60 96 153 176 71 8 215 8 898 l 412 51 151 56 110 147 168 235 328 166 8 196 8 806

9 485 351 478 413 550 717 954 1 321 2 580 2 121 9 937 10 444 l 093 12 9 17 48 121 135 149 384 218 10 723 11 070

188 5 - 5 - 5 4 41 81 47 12 099 11 856 683 14 15 20 51 76 81 86 232 108 9 965 10 334

1 699 74 120 103 79 167 147 250 463 296 9 276 9 872 4 445 153 148 160 226 259 433 666 l 218 l 182 10 729 11 142

704 16 15 11 17 35 41 147 175 247 12 000 12 071 1 628 57 84 93 107 131 176 249 384 347 9 333 9 655

524 4 5 10 28 29 48 79 190 131 11 553 11 671 l 589 76 44 46 74 64 168 191 469 457 11 402 11 898 l 377 93 186 108 146 89 154 129 202 270 7 432 7 575

262 15 23 7 29 37 16 27 53 75 9 037 11 056 104 6 17 5 23 3 6 5 9 30 6 333 ... 775 46 104 96 82 33 123 71 lll 109 7 215 7 276 216 26 42 - 12 16 9 26 29 56 8 231 7 167

6 803 733 519 384 502 616 703 986 1 521 839 7 921 8 636 830 45 27 20 40 72 118 141 239 128 9 319 9 652 422 75 31 16 16 25 7 26 95 131 10 789 11 647 834 82 30 38 16 76 66 116 252 156 9 847 10 064

1 480 42 59 65 131 153 152 290 365 203 8 952 9 315 I 236 224 208 112 128 117 114 138 145 50 5 578 6 599

804 57 64 76 60 95 136 104 173 39 7 368 7 667 411 30 39 26 32 51 31 91 77 34 7 887 8 247 786 178 61 31 79 27 79 78 155 98 7 215 7 966

6 Ot5 664 881 495 627 756 841 1 016 552 183 6 450 6 989 326 104 55 40 40 15 45 16 6 5 4 100 5 453 307 19 39 41 40 58 47 10 47 6 6 250 6 595 856 42 42 39 36 128 219 276 57 17 7 644 7 710

4 526 499 745 375 511 555 530 714 442 155 6 240 6 809

16 077 912 1 685 1 571 1 810 2 155 2 270 2 944 2 446 284 6 956 7 344 94 11 13 15 7 15 22 6 5 - ...

139 9 5 5 16 45 40 14 5 - 6 767 6 922 160 24 22 22 22 30 11 25 - 4 5 545 6 000

4 217 275 715 507 569 500 494 645 434 78 6 085 6 684 l 118 76 240 132 161 172 128 124 76 9 5 689 6 407

553 22 71 71 65 91 85 101 41 6 6 522 6 485 609 11 47 22 97 57 84 140 140 11 7 839 7 700 384 29 76 59 70 27 36 70 17 - 5 400 5 750 573 73 129 92 93 55 71 31 18 11 4 918 5 696 113 19 19 18 14 16 2 12 7 6 5 036 ... 593 22 33 80 45 54 83 118 127 31 7 753 8 071 274 23 100 33 24 28 5 49 8 4 4 424 5 542

2 275 66 60 109 103 251 316 572 664 134 8 813 9 054 951 16 19 30 26 121 156 255 254 74 8 843 9 102

l 324 50 41 79 77 130 160 317 410 60 8 789 9 017 670 25 31 19 73 112 64 168 178 - 8 131 8 435 300 18 - 7 5 9 18 85 153 5 10 261 10 897

4 011 225 381 446 590 646 608 622 471 22 6 563 6 856 242 25 12 10 38 52 29 50 26 - 6 692 6 755 95 - - 4 11 10 22 31 17 - ...

l 568 110 212 200 229 303 154 181 167 12 6 109 6 385 249 6 24 45 24 39 44 35 22 10 6 654 7 000

1 657 84 133 187 268 242 359 325 239 - 6 977 7 210

l 301 47 102 141 145 152 301 255 152 6 7 211 7 437 727 29 75 66 110 69 181 132 43 - 6 916 7 212 263 8 17 48 18 23 61 46 36 6 7 287 7 557 178 5 5 9 - 28 29 50 52 - 8 520 8 568 133 5 5 16 17 12 30 27 21 - 7 383 7 360 514 35 50 30 33 76 40 167 83 - 7 825 8 209 294 28 33 23 16 43 31 83 37 - 7 129 7 855 163 - 17 7 17 33 9 50 30 - 7 633 7 833 206 - 11 18 15 6 21 43 81 11 9 488 9 698

2 190 177 295 252 232 313 335 342 220 24 6 444 6 733


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor force - Continued

Operatives, except transport------ __ -------- ____ ---- __ ,._ Assemblers ________________ ---------- ---- ______ ------ _____ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing-------------­Garage workers and gas station attendonts .... -------------------­laundry and drycleonlng operatives, n.e.c -----------------------

~;~:~~!~~~iv~~~ n~~~~~~~~== :::::::: :::: :::::: :::: :::::::::: :: Packers and wrappers, except produce _________________________ _ Paio!e;s. monu~octured o.rticles ---- ____________ ------ ----------Prec1s1on mochme operatives ____ ---- ____ ------------ __ ------ __ Sawyers ______________ ---- __ ------ ____ --------------------_

Stationary firemen ________________ ---- ------ ______ ------ ___ _ Textile operatives ______ ---- ____ ---- ____ ------ ______________ _ Welders and flamecutters ______ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ______________ _ Other metalworking operatives--------------------------------Other specified operatives ________ ------ _____________________ _ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives----------------------

Occupation: Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified ----------------­~?chwe operatives, ~at specified--------------------------

1sce aneous operatives---------------------------------Not specified operatives ______________ -------- __ -------- __

Industry: Manufacturing __________ -- __________ ---- ---- ____ --------

Durable goods-----------------------------·----------Wood products, including furniture __ -- -- __ ------ ____ ... - _ Primary metal industries -----------------------------Fabricated metal industries __________________ ------ __ _ Machinery, including electrical ________ ---- ____________ _ Motor vehicles and equipment ________________________ _ Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles--------­Other durable goods---------------------------------

Nondurable goods ______ -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -Food and kindred products ________ -- -- -- -- -- ------ ----Apparel and other fabricated textile products -----------­Paper and allied products-----------------------------Chemicals and allied products ______ ---- __ ---- ________ -Other nondurable goods ____ ---- __ ---- ---- __ ------ ___ _

Not specified manufacturing industries -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ --Nonmanufccturing industries __________ ---- -- ____ -------- __

Transportation, communications, and other public utilities ___ _ Wholesale and retail trade ______________ ---- ---- ____ ----All other industries------------------------------------

Transport equipment operatives ______ -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- --Bus drivers ____________ ---- ______________________ ------ ___ _ Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs __________________________ ---- --Truck drivers and delivery.,en ____________ ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -Other transport equipment operatives ________ ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ _

Loboren, except farm ____________________ ---- ____ ---- -Construction laborers __ -- -- -- __________ ---- __ ---- __ ------ -- --freight, stack, and material handlers--------------------------­Other specified laborers--------------------------------------Miscellaneous and not specified laborers ________ ---- __ ------ __ --

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Not specified laborers •• -- ______ ---- __ -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- --

Industry: Manufacturing ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- - ~ -- -- --

Durable goads __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- --Wood products, including furniture __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Metal industries ____ -- ________________ -- ---- -- ------ -Machinery, including electrical ____ .. -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---Transportation equipment __________ ---- ________ ---- ---Other durable goods -- ____________ ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -

Na~~~d0ob~~ i~:J:e·;i"pro-clu-ci;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Not specified manufacturing industries ____ -------------- --

Nonmonufocturing industries __ -- -- __ ---- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- --Railroads and railway express service ____ ---- __ ---- -- -- --






-------------Transportation, except railroads------------------------­

Communications, and utilities and sanitary services---------­Wholesale and retail trade -- ------ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- --­All other industries ---- __ ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---

Famen and farm managen ----------------------------­

Fann laborers and farm foremen-------------------------­Paid farm laborers and form foremen.--------------------------­Unpoid family workers----------------------------------------

Service worktn, unpt private household• -----------------Cleaning service workers-------------------------------------­food service workers----------------------------------------­

Cooks, except private household __ ---- __ ------ ---------------­Busboys and dishwashers -----------------------------------

.Health service workers ______ ---- -- ------ -------------- ---- -- --Personal service workers-------------------------------------­Protective service workers-------- -- ------------ -- ------ ---- ---

firemen, fire protection ------------------------------------­Guards and watchmen-------------------------------------­Po1icemen ond detectives------------------------------------

Private household workers __________ ..... -------------------

11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Doto based on sample, see text. For mlnimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with earnings In 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, Earners 16 years $1 ta $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6.000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

old and $1,999 to to to to to to to or Ali 50 ta 52 over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks.

7 780 811 1 835 1 322 1 089 877 723 775 287 51 4 933 5 570 495 105 142 95 82 16 5 3D 20 - 4 005 4 640 319 15 104 32 50 60 25 16 17 - 5 170 5 875 667 242 167 93 73 45 5 30 6 6 3 096 4 462 135 36 45 11 19 15 3 - 6 - 3 400 3 750 378 8 80 78 64 54 41 39 14 - 5 359 5 529 293 6 29 3 27 63 100 45 20 - 7 185 7 420 274 45 115 50 26 10 13 15 - - 3 600 4 029 106 6 37 25 5 10 18 5 - - 4 400 ... 284 10 41 71 42 55 32 33 - - 5 476 6 055 152 16 61 46 - 11 11 7 - - 3 967 4 100

210 - 24 23 22 19 25 69 28 - 7 680 7 780 69 - 5 17 14 5 6 17 s -

580 20 84 82 112 94 73 85 30 - 5 929 6 427 255 26 59 56 49 16 22 27 - - 4 759 5 367

l 307 121 381 264 173 106 75 115 50 22 4 574 4 761 2 256 165 461 376 331 298 269 242 91 23 5 381 5 960

864 50 143 171 123 120 104 105 42 6 5 553 6 113 550 29 113 94 92 70 92 45 15 - 5 424 6 025 631 54 162 82 92 70 62. 76 22 11 5 190 5 717 211 32 43 29 24 38 11 16 12 6 5 063 5 775

l 744 133 331 316 254 221 206 194 72 17 5 362 5 934 983 96 200 181 137 101 125 99 27 17 5 106 s 883 205 50 48 58 11 13 15 5 - 5 4 078 4 443 192 5 14 20 17 18 48 65 5 - 7 458 7 802 52 9 17 9 4 5 8 - - - ··-

248 15 48 43 49 51 11 19 12 - 5 367 5 650 5 - - - - - - 5 - - ... ...

72 - 25 30 5 4 8 - - - ... ... 209 17 48 21 51 10 35 5 10 12 5 363 5 941

741 33 131 128 117 115 77 95 45 - 5 671 5 963 191 12 25 60 41 43 10 - - - 4 975 5 097 23 6 11 - - - - - 6 - ... ··-

197 - 49 27 46 20 15 33 5 - 5 469 5 833 179 - 5 14 9 34 52 46 19 - 7 529 7 595 151 15 41 27 19 18 - 16 15 - 4 722 4 868 20 4 - 7 - 5 4 - - - ...

512 32 130 60 77 77 63 48 19 6 5 442 6 042 126 22 12 7 34 24 22 5 - - 5 647 ... 160 10 57 23 17 41 8 21 3 - 5 000 6 110 206 - 61 30 26 12 33 22 16 6 5 462 6 083

5 183 440 870 700 531 644 634 686 529 149 6 078 6 582 191 30 39 13 11 55 16 22 5 - 6 045 6 227 180 44 76 32 10 5 6 7 - - 3 211 3 674

3 600 279 559 516 411 445 465 476 315 134 6 079 6 580 l 212 87 196 139 99 139 147 181 209 15 6 612 7 064

4 622 1 103 1 394 637 559 360 220 256 SB 35 3 733 4 707 707 153 200 103 79 52 36 49 25 10 4 005 4 849

1 763 483 538 164 231 140 87 103 13 4 3 481 4 930 l 099 324 345 155 89 66 44 so 10 16 3 307 4 352 l 053 143 311 215 160 102 53 54 10 5 4 337 4 731

156 11 39 28 36 26 5 - 6 5 5 000 5 221 897 132 272 167 124 76 48 54 4 - 4 238 4 631

559 63 174 124 64 40 33 41 - - 4 343 4 688 346 40 115 94 51 18 18 10 - - 4 191 4 414 129 16 65 27 21 - - - - - 3 492 137 10 26 34 25 14 18 10 - - 4 956 5 460 36 14 7 10 5 - - - - - ... ... 19 - 6 13 - - - - - - ... ... 25 - 11 10 - 4 - - - - ...

213 23 59 30 33 22 15 31 - - 4 817 5 250 50 5 22 9 7 7 - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

494 80 137 91 76 62 20 \3 10 5 4 330 4 787 140 6 19 19 39 40 - 2 10 5 5 667 5 865 23 - 12 5 - - - 6 - - ... ... 86 11 22 21 11 12 4 5 - - ... ··-

\04 40 31 17 - 10 6 - - - 2 774 ... 141 23 53 29 26 - 10 - - - 3 792 ... 371 77 81 18 35 25 10 21 56 48 5 271 5 413

681 300 207 63 54 27 4 17 s 4 2 391 3 933 671 294 207 59 54 27 4 17 5 4 2 401 3 895

10 6 - 4 - - - - - - ... ··-5 681 1 320 1 530 662 580 619 423 337 163 47 3 988 4 927 l 673 378 610 285 129 144 24 46 41 16 3 503 4 010

913 494 241 73 50 13 14 s 23 - l 846 3 419 397 181 109 46 36 - 5 s 15 - 2 321 3 511 143 125 13 5 - - - - - - l 144 ... 658 60 174 85 84 101 106 48 - - 5 119 5 764 551 118 143 55 62 40 38 48 27 20 4 264 5 259

I 316 \12 177 122 179 263 215 173 64 11 6 259 6 473 361 6 23 35 52 84 69 62 30 - 6 768 6 815 435 57 120 62 40 56 46 42 12 - 4 653 5 288 455 38 24 25 75 113 95 58 22 s 6 580 6 668

118 80 33 - - 5 - - - - 1 475 ...

ARKANSAS 5 - 647

Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.lend meaning of symbols, see text]

Moles with earnings in 1969 Median earnings.

The State (dollars)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Total, Earners

of 250,000 or More 16 years $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked old and $1,999 to to to to to to to or Ali 50 to 52

over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6.999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks



bperlencad civilian labor force----------------------- 9 506 818 3 232 1 699 103 617 506 369 113 49 3 816 4 332

Profe11Jointl, technkal, 111ncl kindred worlctn _________________ 477 44 83 80 60 61 41 43 52 13 5 525 5 533 Accountants ____ -- __ -- __ ---- __ -- ~--- __ ---- ______ ---- _________ Architects .... -- ______ ---- ... ________________ .... _________________ Computer specialists------ ________ ,.. _________________ ,.. ___ ------Engineers ______ -- __ ---- __________________ ---- _______________

Aeronautical and astronautical -------------------------------9

Cfvil -- -- __ ,,_ -- ------ ------------------------------------- 9 Electrical and electronic-------------------------------------MechanicoL _____________________________ ---- ________ -· ____

Lo~~~~~ ~nngjni:.~eS- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :::::: :: :::: :::::: life and physical &cientists------------------------------------- 17 6 6

Chemists ---- ---- ----------------------------------------- 12 6 6 Physidons, dentists, and related practitioners ....... ------------------ 4

Dentists ---- -- -- .... ---- ------------------------ ------ ------Pharmacists ______ ---- __ ------------------ ____ -------------Physicians, medical and osteopathic---------------------------Othe-r related practitioners----------------------------------- 4

Health technologists and technicians---------------·---------- ___ 35 10 11 Rel~gious workers ____ ---- __ ---- ---------------------------- __ 41 8 11 10 12 Social scientists ........ __ ---- __ ---------------------------------- 4 4

Social ond recreation workers-------------------- .. ------------- 17 6 6 5 Teachers ______ ---- .... ________________ -------- __ .., ___ ---------- 124 10 16 6 23 24 24 21 6 292

College and university ______ -~-------------------- ___________ 14 5 9 Elemenlary and prekindergarten-·---------------------------- 44 5 10 11 7 Secondary -- ---- ______ -- -- .. - ________ ------------ -------- __ 56 5 23 5 4 14

Engineering and science technicians ________ ------------------ ____ 33 13 10 5 5 Draftsmen and surveyors .. ___ .... ________ -------- __ ---------- __ Electrical and electronic engineering technicians---------------- __

Technicians, except health, ond engineering and science ____ ------ ___ 4 4 Airplane pilots ---- ---- ____ ------ ---- -- ---·------ ------ __ --- 4 4

Writers, artists, and entertainers -- -- ____ ------ -------------- ___ 25 5 7 4 4 Other professional, technical. and kindred workers _________________ 156 15 29 28 24 9 12 17 22 5 250 4 964

M0Hg1rs ind: ad .. hlistrators, except farm ____________ ---- __ 226 15 31 31 31 49 23 10 26 10 102 6 413 Buyers~ purchasing agents, and sales managers __________ ------ ___ IS 5 10 School administrators ......... __________ ------ __ -------------- _____ 33 5 4 8 10 Specified managers and administrators, public administration .. _______ 27 4 4 5 14 Other specified managers and administrators --------------------- 59 14 6 26 7 Managers and administrators, n.e.c., soloried ____________ .., ________ 46 14 B 9 7

Monufac1uring .. _ -- ________ ------ ------ __ -------------- __ --- 4 4 Wholesale and retail trod•----------------------------------- 29 6 3 Transportation, communicotions1 and other public utilities _________ 5 5 All other Industries ---- ____ ------ __ ---- ---------- __ ------ ___ 8 4

Managers Dnd administrators. n.e.c., .self-employed---------------- 46 3 17 9 Construction __________ ---- ---------- ------ __ ------ ________ 26 3 12 3 Manufacturing __ ------ ____ -------------------- __ -------- ___ Wholesale and retail trade----------------------·------------ 10 Ali other industries-----------------------·----·--------·--- 10

Sales woricers ____ ---- __ ------ __ -------- ______ ------ __ 148 36 32 22 25 14 10 5 000 5 205 Insurance agents. brokers, and underwriters----------------------Real estate agents and brokers--------------------------------- 16 6 Sales representatives, monufo<:turing industries ______ .,. ____________ 8 Sales representatives, wholesale trade ... -------------------------- II 6 5 Soles clerks, retail trod•-- __ -- ---- -- ------------ ---------- -· ___ 43 IB 6 14 Salesmen, rel oil trade __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- __ -------- -- -------- --- 12 6 Salesmen af services and construction---------------------------Other soles workers __ ---------------------------------------- SB 13 12 16 14

Clerkol a11d kindred worken ________________ ... ____________ 598 78 133 90 68 48 95 80 4 978 5 418 Bonk tellers and coshiers ---- -- __ -- -- ____ ------ ------ __ ---- -- __ 41 16 5 8 12 Bookkeepers and billing clerk•---·------------------------------ s 5 Moil handlers and pos1al clerks---- -- ____ -------- ______ ------ ___ 156 9 15 18 17 8 40 43 7 275 7 450 Other clerical and kindred workers---- ____ ---- ________ ------ -- -- 396 53 113 64 51 40 43 32 4 500 4 758

CraftstHll and kladred worhn .. -------------------------- 162 152 333 253 166 48 124 81 4 379 4 748 Apparel craftsmen and upholsterers-----------------·----------- 8 3 5 Bakers ---- -- ---- -· -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -· ------·- ---- ------ --- 18 4 Cabinetmakers __________ ---- -- ---- ______ ---------------- _____ 5 5 o6i Construc:tian craftsmen 462 71 155 82 73 48 25 5 4 4 242

Carpenters ____ -- __ -============= = ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 62 9 25 5 14 4 5 Excavating, grading, Dnd road machine operators---------------- 94 10 25 18 10 28 Ele-ctricions. .. - ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____________________ ---- __ .... 15 8 7 Masons and tile setters -------------------- .. ---------------- 156 21 43 28 25 14 25 4 500 Pointers. construction and maintenance, and paperhangers-------- 50 17 19 9 5 Plosterers ond cement finishers ______________ .. _,, ______________ 42 10 19 7 4 2 Plumbers and pipe fit1ers ____________________________________ 21 4 6 11 Other construction croftsmen -------------------------------- 22 10 4

Foremen, n.e.c ____ ------ __ ,.. _____ ------ ------ -------------- --- B3 20 9 13 15 9 17 Man11focturing .. _ -- __ -- ---- -- -- -- ______ ---- ---- _____________ 62 11 9 8 15 9 10 Nonmonufacturing industries ---- ------------ -------------- -- _ 21 9 5 7

linemen ond servicemen, telephone and power----------------- .. -- 19 4 5 5 Locomotive engineers and firemen ________ -------- __ ---------- ___ 23 5 8 10 Mechanics o.nd repoirmen ____ -- ---- ______ -------------------- __ 235 20 45 78 38 10 34 10 4 673 4 965

Air conditioning. heating, and refrigeration--------------------- 6 6

Aircraft ------ __ -- -· ---- -- ---------- -·------------ --------Au1omobile, including body __ ---------·-------------------- --- 92 20 19 30 13 5 Radio and television ---------------------------------------- 26 9 11 6 Other mechanics and repairmen ------------------------------ 111 26 39 14 23 4 756

Metal craftsmen. except mecho.nics ----------------------------- 104 10 19 25 10 10 25 5 4 920 Machinists ond job and die setters-------·-------------------- 89 10 19 15 10 10 20 5 Sheetmetol workers and tinsmiths----------------------------- 5 5 Tool and die makers----------·-----------------------------Other metal craftsmen-------------------------------------- 10 10

Printing crafts men .. - ____ -- __ ---- ..... __ .. _____ ------ ____ ------ __ -- 20 13 Compositors and typesetters---·-----·-------~--------------- 14 7 Pressmen and plate printers. printing---------- ... --------------- 6 6

Stationary engineers and power station operators ------~-- .. -~-----4 289 Other craftsmen ond kindred workers --------------------------- 185 31 71 49 20 14 3 732


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More



Experienced cMllan labor force - Continued Opentives, except transport ___________________________ _ -Assemblers ________ ------ ____ -------- ______ .., _____ -------- __ -Checkers, examiners. and inspectors; manufacturing-------------­

Garage workers and gas station ottendonts---------------------­Laundry and drycleaning operatives 1 n.e.c -----------------------

---Meat cutters and butchers ...... ____________ ---------- __ -------- __ -Mine operatives. n.e.c ...... ________________ ------ ______ ------ ___ _

Po-ckers and wrappers, except produce ...... ____________ ---- _______ _ ~oin!e!s, manufactured a_rticles __ ---- __________________ ---- ___ _ rec1smn machine operatives ________ ---- __ -------- ___________ _

Sawyers __ -- -- -- -- -- ------ __ ,. ___ ------ ________________ ---- _

~!~~We0~~~:!~i!1!~0 _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Welders and flamecutters ________________________ ---- ________ _ Other metalworking operatives ______ -------- __________ ---- ___ _ Other specified operatives __________ ,. ___ ------ ---- __ -------- __ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives _,. ---- ______ ------ ___ _

Occupation: Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified -----------------Machine operatives, not specified __________________ ------ __ Miscellaneous operatives ______ ------ ------ ------ ------ __ _ Not specified operatives ________________________ ---- _____ _

Industry• Manufacturing ______________________ ------ _____________ _

Durable goods __________ ---- .. _________ .. _______ ------ __ W?od produc~s.' inclu~ing furniture .. _______ ------------_ Primary meta industries-----------------------------Fabricated metal industries ---- __________ ---- ------ __ ... Machinery, including electrical ... _____ ---- ________ ..... ----_ Motor vehicles and equipment ______ ---- __ -------- ____ .. Transportation equipment, except motor vehicles---------Other durable goods __________________________ ------ _

Nondurable goods ____________ ---- ____ ------ ____ ---- __ _ Food and kindred products ________ ------ __ ---------- __ Apparel and other fabricated textile products -------- -- -­Paper and allied products-----------------------------Chemicols ond allied products __________ ---- __ ------ __ _ Other nondurable goods __ ------ ____ ---- __ -------- ----

Not specified manufacturing industries ____________ ---- -- __ Nonmanufocturing industries ____________ ------ __ -------- __

Transportation, communications, and other public utilities -- __ Wholesale ond retail I rode __________________ ---- _______ _ All other industries __________________________ ---- _____ _

Transport equipment operatives ______ -- ____ -- ---- ____ -- __ Bll's drivers __ .... -- __ -- -- -- ____ ---- ________________ ------ -- --Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs--------------------------------Truck drivers and deliverymen ____________ -------- ____ --------_





Other transport equipment operatives ________ ---- -- -- __ -- __ -- -- ...

Laborers, except farm ____________ ---- __ -- -- __ -- -- ---- .. -Construction laborers -- ________________________________ ---- __ -Freight, stock, and material handlers--------------------------­Olher specified laborers-------------------------------------­Miscellaneous and not specified laborers-------------------------


Miscellaneous laborers ... ________ .,. _________________ ---- -- _ Not specified laborers ____________________________ ---- -- __ -

Industry, Manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ,._ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -

Durable goods __ -- __________ ---- ______ ---- __ -- ------ -- -Wood products, including furniture---- __ ,._---- -- ---- -- -Metal industries __________ ---- ____ -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -

-Machinery, including electrical ... - -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Tfonsportotion equipment ________ ---- -- -- -------------Other durable goods ________ ---- ------ -- -- -------- -- -·

Nondurable ~aads __________________ -- __ -- -- ------ -- -- --Food and kindred products_ _______ ------ -- -- -- -- -· -- ---

Not specified manufacturing industries---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---

Nonmanufocturing industries ____ ------ -- -- -- .... -- ---- -- -- ---Railroads and railway express service----------------------Transportation, except railroads __ -- ---- -- -- -- -- ____ ., ___ -Communications, and utilities and sanitary services----------Wholesale and retail I rode ______ -- __ ---- -- -- -------------All other industries ________________ ---- -- -- ---------- ---

Fa""•n and farm monagers ----------------------------­

Fam and farm fortmen --------------------------Paid form laborers and farm foremen ____ -- -- -- ------ ---- ---- -- --Unpaid family workers----------------------------------------

Service workers, except pri'late household' ----------------­Cleaning service workers-------.. ------------------------------food service workers ___ .. _______ ,.. __ ---- __ -------- -------- -- -- -

Cooks, except private household-----------------------------­Busboys ond dishwashers ---- -------- __ ---- -------- ------ --­

Health service workers-------- __ .. --------------------------- --Personal service workers--------------------------------------Protective service workers ______ ---------------------------- ---

Firemen, fire protection -------------------------------------­Guards and watchmen-------------------------------------­Policemen and detectives------------------------------------

Private household worken .... -- ------------------------ ---

'Includes allocated cases not shown separalely.


Tolal, 16 years $1 to

old and $1,999 over or loss

2 032 281 129 18 33 -99 25 51 13

102 -37 6

163 36 20 -35 6 62 -21 -26 -44 -60 26

508 5B 642 93

210 27 185 19 159 31

88 16

526 74 299 52

71 24 45 5

5 -70 11 - -

24 -84 12

216 18 90 12

6 6 42 -22 -56 -11 4

116 19 47 13 44 6 25 -

842 116 26 -29 15

516 70 271 31

I 650 363 251 49 444 96 501 195 454 23

78 -376 23

228 20 127 9 62 9 25 -17 -7 -

16 -101 11 45 5 - -

226 3 Bl -17 -54 -27 -47 3

56 34

328 159 328 159

- -1 895 486

832 177 462 192 161 52

73 55 193 24 139 39 37 4 7 -

21 -9 4

92 54

Males with earnings in 1969

$2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 to to la to

$3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999

691 476 334 115 57 12 32 6 15 5 5 3 40 28 - -19 6 13 -36 43 12 -13 - - 5 66 27 19 10 16 4 - -11 6 5 7 36 20 - -

6 10 5 -- 12 14 -

14 4 16 -11 5 13 5

196 154 68 14 155 140 132 65

34 57 40 17 56 33 48 17 32 33 40 18 33 17 4 13

126 124 117 39 84 58 57 11 19 17 7 -- 10 11 -5 - - -

32 9 9 6 - - - -8 16 - -

20 6 30 5

42 59 60 28 9 26 27 11 - - - -

11 5 22 -- 9 4 9 22 19 7 B - 7 - -

29 16 15 26 6 7 11 10

18 5 4 11 5 4 - 5

277 185 78 87 4 13 5 4

14 - - -151 102 67 53 108 70 6 30

681 281 182 86 119 51 17 6 204 47 57 15 186 63 24 16 172 120 84 49

18 18 30 12 154 102 54 37

87 66 40 11 49 48 21 -25 20 8 -

6 11 8 -7 5 5 -- 7 - -

11 5 - -38 18 19 11 17 9 7 7 - - - -

85 54 44 38 6 14 33 26

12 5 - -15 16 11 12 21 6 - -31 13 - -17 - - 5

134 26 9 -134 26 9 -- - - -

787 271 153 88 415 144 48 34 152 61 22 13 57 34 13 -13 5 - -41 27 3B 22 65 10 4 7 24 4 5 -

7 - - -17 4 - -- - 5 -33 - - 5

Median !l<lrnings (dollars)

Earners $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

ta lo ta or All 50 to 52 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

73 56 6 - 4 092 4 405 - 4 - - 3 632 ... 5 - - - ... ... - 6 - - ... ... - - - - ... 6 5 - - 4 349 ...

13 - - -- 5 - - 3 379 3 905 - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... 6 - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... 4 - 6 - ... ... - - - - ... ... 5 13 - - 4 000 4 056

34 23 - - 4 521 5 053

20 15 - - 4 772 5 015 9 3 - - 4 530 5 - - - 4 500 4 803 - 5 - - ... ...

34 12 - - 4 508 4 910 25 12 - - 4 233 4 826 4 - - - ... ...

10 9 - - ... ... - - - - ... -- 3 - - ... ... - - - - - -- - - - ... ...

11 - - - ... ... 9 - - - 4 B14 4 980 5 - - - ... ... - - - - ... -4 - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - -- 11 - - 4 625 ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - 11 - - ... ...

49 30 5 15 4 151 4 478

- - - - ... ... - - - - ...

41 22 - 10 4 363 4 676 B 8 5 5 :i 935 4 138

44 13 - - 3 357 3 910

" 5 - - 3 286 3 477 25 - - - 3 235 3 891 11 6 - - 2 597 3 546 4 2 - - 4 267 4 443

- - - -4 2 - - 4 108 4 327

4 - - - 4 106 4 354 - - - - 4 115 ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... -- - - - ... 4 - - - 4 083 ... - - - - ... ... - - - - - -- 2 - - 4 463 4 522 - 2 - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... ... - - - - 2 075 ... - - - - 2 075 ... - - - - - -

43 53 8 6 3 173 3 692 3 5 - 6 3 152 3 412

14 - 8 - 2 513 3 640 5 - - - 3 000 3 809 - - - -

5 788 20 21 - - 5 118 - 14 - - 2 938 ... - - - - ... ... - - - - ... -- - - - ... . .. - - - - ... ... - - - - ... . ..


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor fon:e -----------------------Praf1ssior1al, technical, and kindred worken ________ ------ __ _

Accountants ________ -------------------------------------- __ _ Architects __________ ---- __ -------------------------------- __ _ Computer specialists _________________________________________ _ Engineers __________ ---- __ ---- __ ------ ------ ---- -------- ____ _

Aeronautical and ostr-onouticol -------------------------------Civil -- ______________ ------ ------------------ -------- ____ _ Electrical cmd elettranic -------------------------------------Mechanical ____________ ---- ____ ---------------- __ ------ ___ _ Other enoglneers __ ---- ---------- ---- -------------- ------ ----

lawyers and judges ------------------------------------------

Life and physical scientists-------------------------------------Chemists ____ ---- ---- ---- __ ---------------------------- __ _

Physicians, dentists, and related practitioners------------ ________ _ O.e.ntists ____________ ---------------- ------------ ------ ----Pharmacists ______________________________________________ _

Physicians, medical ond osteopathic---------------------------Other related practitioners---------------- __ ------------ ____ _

Health technologists and technicions ______ ---------- ---- ---- __ ---Religious workers __ ---- ____ -------- ---------------- ---- _____ _ Social scientists __________________________ ------ ______ ---- ___ _

Social and recreation workers----------------------------------Teoc::hers __________________________________ ------ ____ ---- ___ _ College and university ______ ---- __ ---- ______________ ------ __ _ Elementary and prekindergarten------------------------------Secondary ____________________________________ -------- ___ _

Engineering ond science technicians ________ -------- ____ ------ ___ _ Droftsmen and surveyors ________ ---- __ ------------------ ___ _ Electrical and electronic engineering technicians _________________ _

Technicians, except heQlth, and engineering and science ____________ _

w~:~~~~naer~~l~;,s a-;d~~f;~t~i~;r~- == :: == :: == == == :: :: == == :: == :: ==: Other professionol

1 technical. and kindred workers ________________ _

Managers and administrators, except form-----------------­Buyers. purchasing agents, and soles managers-------------------School odministro1ars ____ ------ __ ---- __ ---- ---------------- __ _ Specified managers and administrators, public administration _______ _ Other specified managers ond administrators---------------------Managers and odminislrators. n.e.c., salaried ____________________ _

Manufacturing ________________________ ---- ______ ---- ______ _ Wholesale ond retail trade __________________________________ _ Tronsportofian, communications, and other public utilities--------­Ali other industries-----------------------------------------

Managers ond administrators, n.e.c., self-employed _______________ _ Construction ________________________ ---- ________ ---- _____ _ Manufac.turing ______ ---- ________ ---- __ ---- ---- ---- ---- __ ---Wholesale and retail trade __________________ ---- ____________ _ All other industries-----------------------------------------

Sales workers ____ ---- ______________ ---- ______ ---- ___ _ Insurance agents, brokers, and underwriters _____________________ _ Real estate ogents ond brokers ________________________________ _ Sales representatives, manufacturing industries __________ ---- __ ---Sales representatives. wholesale trode __________________________ _ Soles clerks. retail trade __________________________ ------ ______ _ Salesmen. retail trade ____________________ ---- ____ ---- ______ ---Salesmen of services and construction __________________________ _ Other soles workers _________________________________________ _

Clerical aad kindred workers ____________________________ _ Bank tellers ond cashiers _____________________________________ _ Bookkeepers and hilling clerks ______________________ ·-----------Moil handlers ond postal clerks-------------------------------- -Ot:tier clerical and kindred workers _____________________________ _

Craftsmen and kind"ld warkt1'5--------------------------Apparel craftsmen and upholsterers ---- __ ------ __ ------ _______ _ Bakers ____________ ---- ____________________________ ---- ___ _ Cabinetmakers __________________ ---- __ -------- ______ ------ __ Construction craftsmen __ -------- ------ -------- __ ---- _______ _

Carpenters __________ ---- ____________________ ------------_ Excavating, grading, and road machine operators ________ ---- __ _ Electricians-- -- __ -- __ ---- ____ ------ -- ------ -- -- -- ------ -- -Masons and tile setters ---- ____ ------ ------ _______________ _ Painters, construction and maintenance, and paperhangers ______ _ Plost.erers and cement finishers------ _______________________ _ Plumbers ond pipe fitters ______ ------ __ ---------- __ --------_ Other construction cr.Qftsmen -------------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c __________ ------ __ ---------------- ___________ _ Manufacturing ___________________________________________ _ Nonmanufocturing industries __ -------- __ ------ ______ ---- ___ _

Linemen and servicemen, teleptlone and power------------------­Locomotive engineers and firemen------------------------------Mechanics and repairmen ____________________________ ------ __ _

Air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration--------------------Aircraft ---- ---- ______ ---- __ -------- __ ---------- ------ __ _ Automobile, including body __ ------ ____ ------------------ ___ _ Rodia and television --------------------------------------­Other mechonks and repairmen -----------------------------

Metal croftsmen. except mechanics ---------------------------­Machinists and job and die setters--------------------------­Sheetmetol workers and tinsmiths---------------------------­Tool and die makers--------------------------------------­Other metal craftsmen-------------------------------------Printing crafts men __________________________________________ _

Compositors and typesetters-------------------------------­Pressmen and plate printers, printinQ-------------------~----­

Stotionory engineers ond power station operators ---------------­Other craftsmen and kindred workers --------------------------



[Octa based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures {percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Moles with earnings in 1969 Medion earnings (dollars)

Total, Earners 16 years $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked old and $1,999 to lo to to lo to to or All 50 lo 52

over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

169 665 21 631 23 737 14 416 15 249 15 257 15 006 24 537 25 754 14 078 6 642 7 748

19 993 1 385 1 553 688 1 202 1 568 l 542 3 307 4 861 3 887 9 245 10 395 l 942 64 144 48 122 103 180 416 604 261 9 490 10 154

157 5 4 - 6 - - 17 36 89 15000+ 15000+ 491 33 42 15 20 28 52 107 142 52 9 037 9 987

2 714 49 79 38 83 145 177 496 l 071 576 11 354 11 897 11 - - - - - - - 11 - ... ...

738 27 31 17 14 29 51 98 308 163 11 656 12 415 414 12 11 - 16 25 10 82 177 81 11 441 11 977 355 - 10 12 5 6 17 69 150 86 11 950 12 483

l 196 10 27 9 48 85 99 247 425 246 10 859 11 269 936 42 34 31 18 36 43 66 202 464 14 901 15000+

322 11 5 5 31 21 39 63 lll 36 9 556 9 950 240 5 - 5 31 15 34 43 81 26 9 395 9 825

2 142 156 168 64 79 91 53 171 320 l 040 14 516 15000+ 402 5 16 5 11 23 9 16 74 243 15000+ 15000+ 367 51 53 5 16 12 10 63 88 69 9 159 9 774

l 210 95 99 54 49 37 31 81 100 664 15000+ 15000+ 163 5 - - 3 19 3 11 58 64 13 491 13 606 417 59 69 27 30 56 32 54 63 27 6 420 7 453 870 85 85 69 102 125 85 153 122 44 6 752 7 208 275 - 9 12 16 8 28 16 116 70 12 091 12 673

305 91 52 10 15 68 22 13 34 - 4 950 6 427 2 987 226 323 92 240 335 273 532 600 366 8 017 10 465 l 069 80 92 30 42 21 36 85 374 309 11 985 13 722

443 66 93 10 43 69 43 59 50 10 6 138 5 948 1 268 43 118 52 125 230 175 360 143 22 7 377 8 570 l 574 123 169 115 172 187 112 363 284 49 7 188 8 347

850 80 91 56 95 103 69 192 136 28 7 000 8 229 163 - 13 10 10 15 9 49 57 - 9 000 9 295 752 29 15 34 28 57 50 132 181 226 10 856 11 940 169 - - 5 6 5 10 39 45 59 12 167 12 556

l 766 199 202 62 105 130 140 295 395 238 8 305 9 425 2 343 213 153 66 135 178 256 413 580 349 8 826 9 618

20 037 852 962 640 l 036 1 236 l 656 2 802 5 441 5 412 10 767 11 325 3 184 70 82 92 150 169 268 463 949 941 11 570 11 961

353 11 10 4 21 28 24 48 130 77 11 173 11 853 940 29 29 15 54 65 61 159 374 154 10 775 11 034

3 418 213 268 133 196 248 347 460 865 688 9 322 9 993 9 651 275 297 255 446 533 810 l 412 2 649 2 974 11 505 11 949 2 138 19 25 18 44 78 128 309 609 908 13 678 13 805 3 447 132 106 143 258 209 438 510 797 854 9 716 10 161

934 21 6 14 46 37 73 163 345 229 11 551 11 792 3 132 103 160 80 98 209 171 430 898 983 11 754 12 314 2 491 254 276 141 169 193 146 260 474 578 8 512 9 034

460 23 71 29 46 16 17 44 67 147 9 273 13 172 143 10 23 13 6 9 6 9 31 36 9 000 10 484

l 336 167 144 78 84 150 81 172 224 236 7 556 7 691 552 54 38 21 33 18 42 35 152 159 11 151 11 370

15 898 1 827 1 541 757 1 116 1 253 1 305 2 436 3 075 2 588 8 123 9 134 2 040 86 90 88 167 125 179 412 456 437 9 383 9 752

723 98 78 29 32 51 48 77 118 192 8 662 9 548 l 957 70 58 39 65 142 155 423 546 459 10 243 10 781 3 925 154 293 138 245 322 409 652 908 804 9 232 9 638 3 267 896 619 241 284 229 210 324 256 208 4 492 6 306 l 594 107 158 109 166 246 134 209 315 150 7 082 7 976

792 79 64 24 52 90 61 143 187 92 8 364 9 102 l 600 337 181 89 105 48 109 196 289 246 7 367 9 663

16 284 2 250 2 043 1 496 1 564 1 755 1 892 2 963 1 860 461 6 450 7 388 835 412 204 58 33 39 9 46 18 16 2 054 3 785

l 064 99 74 95 72 172 124 192 184 52 7 161 7 671 2 010 107 99 102 70 200 463 702 232 35 7 922 8 137

12 375 l 632 l 666 l 241 l 389 l 344 l 296 2 023 1 426 358 6 193 7 187

32 345 2 509 3 610 2 684 3 305 3 221 3 703 6 156 6 292 865 7 228 7 931 266 19 79 10 31 34 19 36 21 17 5 806 6 707 303 39 43 34 45 35 80 16 9 - 5 769 6 914 257 40 46 36 32 44 25 23 11 - 5 203 6 200

6 324 971 l 183 616 796 716 836 l 371 l 409 222 6 552 7 821 2 254 354 297 210 213 192 240 480 226 42 6 276 7 831

568 32 82 35 71 95 109 84 54 6 6 674 7 007 l 240 41 64 44 107 98 114 260 457 55 9 169 9 697

803 82 181 122 75 41 58 131 101 12 5 220 7 042 l 299 219 242 177 147 124 143 127 102 18 5 078 7 017

427 81 81 74 56 22 47 50 11 5 4 696 5 455 l 060 98 85 94 62 62 80 158 361 60 8 620 9 094

673 64 151 60 65 84 47 81 97 24 5 946 6 984

5 205 128 184 237 332 532 622 l 302 1 635 233 8 872 9 087 2 576 75 69 112 118 250 310 612 915 115 9 157 9 346 2 629 53 115 125 214 262 312 690 720 118 8 619 8 851 l 290 43 119 37 134 138 100 312 388 19 8 474 8 811

298 - 6 4 6 5 3 76 154 44 11 591 11 875 8 032 485 890 688 992 860 l 100 l 518 1 364 135 7 092 7 577

454 15 72 31 11 52 57 71 120 25 7 807 8 344 159 13 - - 20 6 17 43 45 15 9 093 9 316

3 183 200 404 323 471 369 378 543 448 47 6 524 7 141 481 51 57 46 34 45 46 120 63 19 7 163 7 857

3 755 206 357 288 456 388 602 741 688 29 7 303 7 734

2 101 84 171 195 234 206 224 488 470 27 7 708 8 342 979 53 63 86 115 117 124 271 144 6 7 448 8 157 438 16 51 6 40 65 34 61 165 - 8 230 8 942 263 6 10 20 18 10 31 82 81 5 8 890 9 343 421 9 47 83 61 16 35 74 80 16 6 656 7 417

l 170 62 97 116 138 140 82 220 262 53 7 390 B 214 528 44 48 38 46 59 42 110 130 11 7 690 8 540 470 18 49 74 69 78 24 75 69 14 6 321 6 738 481 20 15 32 34 64 119 89 96 12 7 634 7 777

4 618 618 777 479 531 443 491 703 473 103 5 819 6 709


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see textl

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More


Totol- Continued

Experienced civilian labor force- Continued Operatives, except transport ______ ------ ________________ _

As•emblers ____________ -- ---- ---- ______ ---- ---- ____________ _ cneckers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing---------------Gara~e workers and gas station attendants ______________________ _ Laun ry and drycleoning operatives, n.e.c ------------------------Meat cutters and butchers-- ________ ---------- ________________ _ Mine operatives, n.e.c ____ -- -- ---- __ ---- ____ .. ___ ---- ____ ---- __ _ Packers and wrappers, except produce ________ ,. _________________ _ Pointers, manufactured articles ____________ -------- ____________ _ Precision machine operatives -- ____________ ---- ---- ____________ _ Sawyers ______________ ..... ____________ ------------ __ ------ ___ _

Stationary firemen __ ---- -- -- -- -- ________ ---- ---- __ -------- __ _ Textile operatives ______ ..... -- _______________ ,, ---- _____________ _ Welders and llamecutters ______ ---- ______ ------ __ ---- _________ _ Other meta !working operatives ---- __ ---- ____ .,._ ---- ____ ---- ____ _ Other specified operatives -- __ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ____ -------- ____ _ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives-----------------------

Occupation: Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified __ ------ ______ ----Machine operatives, not specified __________ ---- __ ------ ____ _ Miscellaneous operatives _______________ .. __ ------ _________ _ Not specified operatives---------------- .. ------------------

Industry, Monufoctudng __________ -- -- __ ---- ____ ,._ ---- ____________ _

Durable goods ____ -- ______________________ ------ ______ _ Wood products, including furniture---- ________ -------- __ Primary metal industries------------------------------Fabricated metal industries ______________ -- __ ------ ___ _ Machinery, including electrical .... ________ ---- __ -------- __ Motor vehicles and equipment--------------------------Tronsportation equipment, except motor vehicles ---- _____ _ Other durable goods _________________________________ _

Nondurable goads -- -- ____ -- -- -- ______ -- -- -- __ ------ ___ _ Food and kindred products ____________________ ------ __ _ Apparel and other fabricated textile products ____________ _ Poper and allied products ______________ ------ _________ _ Chemicals and allied products--------------------------Other nondurable goads ______________________________ _

Not specified manufacturing industries -- .... -- -- ---- .... ---- -- -Nonmanufocturing industries ____________ ,._ ---- ____ ---- ____ _

Transportation, communications, and other public utilities ____ _ Wholesale and retail trade ______________________________ _

All other industries -- -- ______ ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ------ ---

Transport equipment operatives ________________________ ---Bus drivers ________________________________ ---- ____ ------ __ _ Ta)(icab drivers and chauffeurs---------------------------------Truck drivers and deliverymen ________________ -- ---- ______ ---- __ 01her transport equipment operatives ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

labarers, except fanr1 _________________________________ _

Construction laborers ____ -- ________ ---- ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Freight, stock, and material handlers----------------------------Other specified la borers ____________________ -- -- -- ____ ------ __ _ Miscellaneous and not specified laborers ______ .... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers __ .... ______________ -- -- -- __________ --Not specified laborers---- -- ·- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -

Industry, Manufacturing _____ .. -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -

Durable goods __ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---Wood products, including furniture ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Metal industries .... -- ________________ -- ---- __ -- -- ---- --Machinery, !ncludin.g electrical •• ______ -- -- -- ______ -- -- --Transportation equipment-- -- ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Olher durable goods __________________ ---- -- __ -- ---- --

Nondurable goods -- ---- ____________ ---- -- -- __________ --Food and kindred products----------------------------­

Not specified manufacturing industries------ -- -- -- ---- -- ---

Nonmonufocturing industries __ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- --­Railroa.ds and railway express service ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---Transportation. except railroads ____ ------ -- -- -- -- ---- -- --Communications, and utilities and sanitary services---------­Wholesale and retail trade.-----------------------------­All other industries ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- ---

Farmers and farm manag1n ----------------------------­

Farm labarers and farm foremen------- .. -----------------­Paid form laborers and form foremen __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -­Unpaid family workers----------------------------------------

Strvkt worken, except privaft hausthald 1 -----------------

Cleaning service workers -- -- -- -- -------- ---- ---- -- -- -------- --Food service workers ____ -- ---- -- ------ -- __ .... -- ---- -------- ---

Cooks, except private household -------- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -­Busboys and dishwashers -----------------------------------

Health service workers---- __ -- -- -------- ___ ,. __ ---- -- -------- --Personal service workers .... -- _., __ -------- -- .... -- ------ ---- ---- --

Pr~t;~~~~.sfi~~i~er::~~t~~~s == == :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: == ::: Guards and watchmen-------------------------------------­Policemen and detectives------------------------------------

Private househald workers ...... _____ ------ -- ------ ------ ---

'Includes allocated cases not shown separately,


Total, 16 veers $1 to old and $1,999

over or loss

21 291 2 798 981 146 869 53

1 441 490 206 30

1 083 84 51 16

1 053 179 238 20 409 26 461 65

270 4 207 24

1 506 146 627 BO

3 BOO 633 8 089 802

3 126 257 2 337 217 1 774 213

B52 115

6 632 617 2 523 313

819 JOO 191 18 324 59 570 29 17B 18

42 16 399 73

4 076 300 909 75 126 24 967 65 590 34

1 484 I02 33 4

I 457 185 299 44 513 64 645 77

13 466 1 320 715 73 477 117

a 732 789 3 542 341

13 548 3 834 2 270 501 6 309 1 007 2 93B 1 057 2 031 469

648 95 l 383 374

970 194 50B IOI 191 32 109 9 117 22 50 7 41 31

462 93 183 55 - -

1 061 275 196 24 53 20

221 26 314 71 277 134

l 088 425

2 039 1 080 1 98B l 056

51 24

13 456 3 267 4 042 l 003 2 032 l 003

713 216 454 380 809 176

l 448 486 3 922 310 I 413 37 I 033 214 1 313 49

220 84

Moles with earnings in 1969

$2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 to ta to to

$3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999

3 968 2 988 2 666 2 479 187 139 136 B7 80 110 119 103

390 183 17B 75 101 23 13 15 136 B2 95 119

9 - - 7 184 149 122 166 53 28 48 55 75 49 53 30

195 73 71 23

35 32 32 5B B9 40 16 22

146 1B3 195 195 113 149 99 72 738 529 498 455

1 437 l 219 991 997

479 367 365 374 401 433 330 255 442 305 220 207 115 114 76 161

1 114 945 820 796 618 547 351 335 257 242 120 62 34 58 44 26 92 64 40 40 BB 78 BO 93 15 22 14 Bl 9 13 - -

123 70 53 33

481 39B 469 457 113 112 155 161 35 35 17 15

138 129 llB 123 77 49 B4 23

118 73 95 135 15 - - 4

323 274 171 201 48 51 25 43

129 105 70 72 146 llB 76 86

2 307 1 563 1 538 l 444 61 30 52 81

224 35 43 30 1 399 1 071 929 936

623 427 514 397

3 732 1 886 1 433 l 101 634 448 321 155

1 622 811 651 574 878 332 214 239 598 295 247 133

170 119 B5 42 428 176 162 91

241 15B 121 69 151 105 74 53 62 53 24 20 26 27 28 15 42 14 22 5 21 5 - 9 - 6 - 4

90 53 47 16 38 2B 16 5 - - - -

357 137 126 64 33 lB 51 14 13 - - 10 82 57 29 10

127 48 39 25 102 14 7 5

178 85 68 '34

713 84 57 40 697 79 57 40

16 5 - -3 038 1 514 1 260 1 126 l 342 659 404 279

50B 172 13B B2 210 lOB 76 49

74 - - -204 103 69 132 331 133 142 7B 293 272 403 453 33 36 93 1B7

196 149 159 126 57 55 123 lOB

92 31 4 -

Median earning:s (dollars)

Earners $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

to to to or All 50 to 52 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

1 936 2 608 1 667 181 5 334 6 222 95 141 41 9 5 136 6 200

101 155 143 5 6 704 7 541 52 28 35 10 3 1B2 4 689

5 9 10 - 3 446 3 981 149 240 161 17 7 171 7 504

14 - 5 - ... 125 72 38 18 5 119 5 901

15 - 16 3 5 375 5 771 41 BB 32 15 6 050 7 226 23 11 - - 3 697 4 543

46 47 16 - 6 552 6 6B2 6 5 - 5 3 787 4 250

229 259 133 20 6 426 6 874 34 69 11 - 4 809 5 411

317 351 246 33 5 000 5 835 684 1 133 780 46 5 592 6 451

245 550 466 23 6 254 7 053 247 314 131 9 5 356 6 188 121 144 JOB 14 4 761 5 579 71 125 75 - 6 037 6 590

5B9 l 023 71 I 17 5 780 6 665 153 151 55 - 4 604 5 OB!

17 16 5 - 4 217 4 516 6 5 - - 4 750 5 091

13 11 5 - 4 172 s 227 7B 104 20 - 6 IDB 7 058 19 - 9 - 6 247 6 2B3 4 - - - ...

16 15 16 - 4 050 4 373

431 B67 656 17 6 853 7 705 134 101 5B - 5 997 6 441

- - - - 4 114 ... 145 184 65 - 6 272 7 229 43 226 46 8 7 651 8 405

109 356 4B7 9 8 618 9 227 5 5 - - ...

95 110 69 29 4 B05 5 540 30 38 20 - 5 260 6 3B7 30 23 11 9 4 605 5 175 35 49 38 20 4 B43 5 509

1 423 1 975 1 481 415 6 003 6 648 103 135 166 14 7 587 B 363

12 10 6 - 3 085 3 643 923 1 338 981 366 6 190 6 742 385 492 32B 35 5 739 6 293

538 644 330 50 3 576 4 633 66 75 60 10 4 000 4 730

317 358 150 19 3 662 4 B27 64 103 39 12 2 938 3 936 91 lOB 81 9 3 B28 4 752

59 2B 41 9 4 496 4 995 32 80 40 - 3 484 4 543

44 78 65 - 4 316 5 234 5 7 12 - 4 019 4 690 - - - - 4 028 4 531 - 4 - - 4 722 ... 5 3 4 - 3 738 ... - - 8 - ... . .. - - - -

39 71 53 - 4 906 5 9BB 23 13 5 - 3 921 ... - - - - - -

47 30 16 9 3 431 4 336 35 16 5 - 5 451 5 942

6 - 4 -- 5 7 5 4 044 4 147 - - - 4 3 354 4 3B2 6 9 - - 2 OBS 2 795

32 81 91 94 3 337 4 190

26 6 24 9 1 888 2 947 26 6 24 3 1 B83 2 944 - - - 6 ... ...

953 1 550 632 116 4 279 5 566 119 146 B6 4 3 517 4 267 54 43 32 - 2 051 3 993 33 10 11 - 3 338 4 529 - - - - 1 195 ...

BB 23 14 - 4 238 5 348 94 Bl 62 41 3 43B 4 798

524 l 189 407 71 7 439 7 945 220 615 160 32 B 327 B 476

59 67 4B 15 4 715 5 580 223 489 190 19 B 170 8 352

- 9 - - 2 565 3 150


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor force-------------------- __ _ Professional, technical, and ktn.drtd worken ________________ _

Accountants ____ -- -------------- __ ---------- -------------- __ _ Architects. ________________________ ---- ______ ---- ____________ _

Computer specialists __ -------------------------------------- __ Engineers ---- ______ ---- ---- ------ ------ ------------------ __ _

Aeronautical ond ostronoutical -------------------------------Civil -- -- -- __ -- -- ------ ---------------------- ---------- ---Electrical and electronic -------------------------------------Meche nicol __ -- ___________________________________________ _

Other engine-ers __ -------- ------------ ---------------------­Lawyers and judges ------------------------------------------

Life and physical scientists __ ---------------------- ____ ------ __ _ Chemists ____ -- __ -- __ ------ -------------- __ ---- __ ---- __ ---

Physicians. dentists. and related practitioners -------- ---------- __ _ Dentists -- -- ---- ______ -------------- ------------ __ .,. ______ _ Pharmoclsts ____________ ------ ______ ------ ____ -------------Physicians, medical and osteopathic---------------------------Other related practitioners __ ---- ________ ------ ____ ------ ____ _

Health technologists. iemd technicians __ ---------- ______ ---- ______ _

:~~f ~l~~i~~fs~~r_s_:: == ==: = =: == :: :: == :: :: == :: :: == == :: :: :: == :: :: Socio! and recreation workers ______ ------ ---- _________________ _ Teachers __ -- ________ ---- ________ -------- ---------- _________ _

CoUege and university ______ ---- __ ------------ ____ ------ ____ _ Elementary and prekindergorte-n ____________ ------ ___________ _ Secondary __ ... _____ ---- ------ ____________________ -------- __

Engineering ond science technicians------------------------------Droftsmen and surveyors __________ ---- ____ ---- ____ ------ ___ _ Electrical and electronic engineering technicians ________________ _ -Technicians

1 except health, and engineering and science_ ___________ _

Airplane pilots ________________________________ -------- ___ _ -Writers, artists. and entertainers------------------------------ -Other professional, technical, and kindred workers_ ______________ _ -

Managers and admln.tstrators, except farm-----------------Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers __ ------ _________ _ School administrators-- ________________ ---------- ___________ _


Specified managers and administrators. public administration------ __ Other specified managers and administrators-------------------- -Managers ond administrators. n.e.c., salaried ____ ---- ____ ------ ---

~h~r:::,~u~i~d ;etOfi;;d-; == := == == == :: :: :: := :: :: :: :: == :: :: := Transportation, communications, and other public utilities------ __ All other industries---------------------.-------------------

Managers end administrators, n.e.c., self-employed---------------Construction ______ ---- ___ ., ______ ---- ------ __ ------ ------ _ Manufacturing ____ -- __________ ---- ---- __________ ------ ___ _ Wholesale and retail trade __ ------ ------ _,. ____ ---- ------ ___ _ All other industries __________ ---- ____ ---- ________ ---- ---- __

Sales workers ---- ______________ ------ ______ ---- ____ _ Insurance agents, brokers, and underwriters ______________ ----- __ _ Real estate agents and brokers _______________________________ _ Sales representatives, manufacturing industries ________ ---- _____ _ Sales representatives, wholesale trade ---- __ ---- _______________ _ Sales clerks, retail trade ______ ---------------- __ ---- ____ ------Salesmen. retail trade -- ____ -- ---- -- __ ---- ____ ---- ____ ---- ___ _ Salesmen of services and construction ________________ ------ ___ _ Other sales workers __ -- ______ -- __ -- ____________ ------ ---- __ _

Clerico! ond kindred wark•rs __________________ ... _______ _ Bank tellers ond coshiers __ -- __ -- __ -- ____________ ------ ______ _ Bookkeepers and billing clerks __ -- __ ---- __ -------- ____________ _ Mail handlers and postal clerks.------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers-----------------------------

Craftsnien 011cl kindred warilers _________________________ _ Apparel craftsmen ond upholsterers ___________________________ _ Bakers ____ -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- ---- ------ -- -- --Cabinetmakers ______________________________ ------ __ ------ __ Construction croflsmen ---- -- ------ ---- -- -------------- ---- __

Carpenters ____ ---- -- ---- -- -- ---- ______ ------ ------ ______ _ Excavating, grading, and road machine operators_ _____________ _ Electricians-- __ -- __ ---- -- -- -- ---- ______ ------ ------ ---- __ _ Masons ond tile setters-----------------------------------­Pointers, construction and maintenonce, ond paperhangers-------Plasterers and cement finishers~- __________ ------ ____ ---- ___ _ Plumbers ond pipe fitters----------------------------------­Other construction craftsmen -------------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c ____ ---- -- ____________ -------- ____ ------ _____ _ Manufacturing _____ .,.. ______ ------ ____ ---------------- _____ _ Nonman1Jfocturing industries ____________________ ---------- __

Linemen and servicemen. telephone and power ______________ ..,. ___ _ locomotive engineers ond firemen------------------------------Mechontcs and repairmen ________ ---- ____ ------------------ __ _

Air conditioning, heating, and refrigeri0tion --------------------Aircraft -------- -- ---- ---- -- -------- -------- ---- ------ -- -Automobile, including body ____ -------- __ -------------- _____ _ Radio ond television--------------------------------------­Other mechanics end repairmen -----------------------------

Metal craftsmen, except mechanics ------ .. --------------------­Machinists and job and die setters---------------------------Sheetmetal workers and tinsmiths ___________________________ _

Tool and die makers--------------------------------------­Other metal croflsmen -------------------------------------Printing craftsmen ________________ -.. ____________ ,.. ___________ _

Compositors and typesetters-----~-------------------------­Pressmen and plote prfnters, printing------------------------­

Stationary engineers and power station operators ---------------­Other craftsmen and kindred workers ---------~----------------




!Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base for dedved figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, Earners 16 years $1 ta $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked aid and $1.999 ta ta la ta ta ta ta or All 50 ta 52

over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

48 956 9 543 13 291 7 839 6 363 4 549 3 082 2 785 1 289 215 4 210 4 852

1 890 193 245 117 246 296 212 349 190 42 6 486 6 811 54 - 16 - 4 a 6 15 5 - ... ...

5 - - - - - - - 5 - ... ... 10 - - - - - - 10 - - ... ... 36 7 9 6 4 - 5 - 5 - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

22 7 - 6 4 - - - 5 - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

14 - 9 - - - 5 - - - ... ... 20 - - - 5 - - 5 4 6 ... . .. a 5 - - - - - 3 - - ... -a 5 - - - - - 3 - - ... -

44 - 7 - 3 13 - 5 6 10 ... ... 19 - 7 - - 7 - - - 5 ... ... 5 - - - - - - 5 - - ... -

17 - - - - 6 - - 6 5 ... ... 3 - - - 3 - - - - - ... ...

53 - 5 10 - 17 11 5 5 - ... ... 186 35 40 24 39 15 21 3 4 5 4 750 5 154 - - - - - - - - - - - -

119 40 17 - 5 32 11 - 14 - 5 500 692 29 56 19 86 133 103 221 41 4 7 223 8 126 46 6 3 - - 5 10 6 16 - ... ...

170 17 36 5 17 34 27 29 5 - 6 294 455 6 12 14 58 94 66 181 20 4 7 659 a 535 99 13 16 26 22 16 - 6 - - ... ... 34 5 4 10 11 4 - - - - ... ... JO - 4 - - - - 6 - - ... ... 16 - - 7 - - - - 9 - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

157 23 34 16 23 25 6 6 13 11 5 239 391 41 45 9 55 37 49 70 79 6 7 173 7 907

1 041 138 175 87 152 125 67 138 135 24 5 793 6 276 80 - 16 9 22 4 11 9 4 5 ... ... 54 - - - 6 9 4 9 26 - ... ... 74 8 19 - 17 4 - 9 17 - ... ...

241 29 49 21 35 32 21 15 33 6 5 614 6 OJB 357 59 33 47 50 41 26 75 17 9 5 790 6 375

40 - 11 - 6 4 11 5 3 - ... 123 29 - 39 20 10 5 20 - - 4 833 5 225

25 7 - - 6 6 - - 6 - ... ... 169 23 22 8 18 21 10 50 8 9 6 643 7 900 235 42 58 10 22 35 5 21 38 4 5 341 6 328 83 10 31 10 9 11 - - 12 - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

116 32 16 - 13 20 5 16 10 4 5 769 ... 36 - 11 - - 4 - 5 16 - ... ...

906 230 245 109 73 110 67 39 23 10 3 820 4 736 131 14 11 22 20 25 20 9 10 - 5 925 ... 29 - 12 - - 6 - 6 - 5 ... ... 55 - - 4 6 17 14 10 4 - ... ... 62 9 11 11 5 16 5 5 - - ... ...

359 125 139 23 25 38 - 4 - 5 2 784 3 515 56 16 15 11 - 5 5 - 4 - ... ... 35 5 18 6 - - 6 - - - ... ...

179 61 39 32 17 3 17 5 5 - 3 462 ... 3 777 523 722 652 513 427 458 350 132 - 4 987 5 682

114 51 24 a 8 4 - 19 - - 2 500 ... 75 12 10 17 4 a 15 5 4 - ...

717 46 59 51 22 101 226 175 37 - 7 352 7 509 2 871 414 629 576 479 314 217 151 91 - 4 681 5 183

7 008 1 159 1 731 1 236 1 069 672 504 414 176 47 4 497 5 105 97 19 43 - 15 9 4 - - 7 ... ...

143 23 28 21 40 10 17 - 4 - 4 976 ... 89 19 32 17 6 10 5 - - - ...

4 965 2 377 506 605 457 264 156 170 145 50 24 4 170 495 159 116 as 35 21 27 43 5 4 3 526 5 031 203 15 58 20 29 22 49 6 4 - 5 293 5 438

51 7 7 5 12 11 9 • - - -403 52 114 104 40 23 20 29 14 7 4 341 5 021 505 132 149 90 40 31 24 15 16 8 3 617 4 918 355 77 62 74 56 12 36 32 6 - 4 520 4 985 168 34 26 60 27 21 - - - - 4 400 4 710 197 30 73 19 25 15 5 20 5 5 3 877 ... 552 23 70 113 106 95 67 55 23 - 5 660 5 747 288 8 18 58 40 68 34 48 14 - 6 294 6 656 264 15 52 55 66 27 33 7 9 - 5 152 5 027 147 9 44 8 35 12 6 15 18 - 5 357 5 700

3 - - - - - 3 - - - ... -I 574 231 349 275 304 176 117 70 42 10 4 753 5 103

16 2 10 4 - - - - - - ... ... 9 5 - - - - - 4 - -

4 589 758 122 174 141 149 79 56 27 10 - 4 958 95 21 26 13 5 13 - 13 - 4 ... ...

696 81 139 117 150 84 61 26 32 6 5 073 5 371

309 14 88 76 53 39 4 20 15 - 4 691 4 824 165 14 42 44 19 26 - 20 - - 4 602 ... 22 - 13 - 4 5 - - - - ... ...

9 - 4 - - 5 - - - - ... 113 - 29 32 30 3 4 - 15 - 4 859 4939 132 6 21 46 24 21 6 8 - - 4 848

61 6 21 18 - 8 - a - - ... ... 61 - - 28 17 10 6 - - - ... ... 67 11 5 14 5 17 15 - - -

l 518 298 446 209 217 127 90 101 24 6 4 072 4 831


Table 175. Occupation of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Negro- Continued

Experienced clvlllan labor force - Continued Operatives, except transport ________________________ ,. ___ _

Assemblers ________ ---- ---- ---- ------ ------ ------ -------- __ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing---------------Goroge workers and gos station attendants ______________________ _ loundry and drycleoning operatives, n.e.c __ ---- __ ---- ____ --------Meat cutters and butchers ____________________________________ _ Mine operatives, n.e.c ____ -------- ______ ---------- -------- ____ _ Packers and wrappers, except produce __________________________ _ Pain!e~s, manufactured a_rticles __ ---- ---------- ........ ---------- __ Prec1S1on machine operatives-------------------------------- __

--Sawyers __________ ---------- __ ------ __ ------------------ ___ _


Stationary firemen __ -- ---- ________ ------ -------- __ ------ ___ _ Textile operatives ____ ---- ________ ---- ____ ---------- ____ -----Welders and flamecutters __________________ ------ --------------Other metalworking operatives---------------------------------Other specified operatives __ ------ ____________ ------ __ ------ __ _ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives -----------------------

Occupotioni Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified -----------------­Machine operatives, not specified---------------------------Miscellaneous operatives __________ ------ ____ -------- _____ _ Not specified operatives-----------------------------------

Industry, Manufacturing __________ ---- ________ ---- ______ -------- __

Durable goods -- -- ---- -- ____ -· ________________ ------ __ W?od praduc\s: Including furniture ____________________ _

Pnmory meta industries -----------------------------Fabricated metal industries __ ---- ____ -------- __ ---- __ _ Machinery, including electricaJ ________ ---- ---- ---- ____ _ Matar vehicles and equipment------------------------­Tronsportation equipment, except motor vehicles--------­Other durable goads---------------------------------

Nondurable goods ____________________________________ _


Food and kindred praducts----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products -------------Paper and allied products ____________ ---- __ ------ __ ----Chemicals and allied products __________________ ---- ----Other nondurable goods ______________ ---- ____ ------ __ _

Not specified manufacturing industries-------- ____ ------ ---Nonmanufacturing industries ________ ---------- ---------- __ _

Transportation, communications, and other public utilities -- --­Wholesale ond retail trade---------·------------------ __ -All other industries ____________________ ---- ---------- __ -

Transport equipment operat1ves ____ ---- ------ ____ ------ __ _ Bus drivers ________ -- -- -- __ -- ____ .... -- -- ------ -- ---------- -- -Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs ______ ---- __ ---- -- -- ------ -- -- ---Truck drivers and deliverymen ________ ---- -- ---------- ------ -- - -Other transport equipment operatives ____ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -

Lobonn, exc:ept farm ________________ ------------ -- __ - -Construction laborers ________________ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Freight, stock, and material handlers----------------------------Other specified laborers ---- __________ .,.. _____ ------ __ ------ ____ _ Miscellaneous and not specified laborers -- -- -- -- -- .... -- ------ -- -- -

Occupation: Miscellaneous laborers ________________ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --Not specified laborers __________________________________ ---

Industry, Manufacturing __ -- -- ---- ---- __ ---- ______ ---- ____ ---- -- -- -

Durable goads -- ______ ---- __ -· -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- ---Wood products, including furniture -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- --Metal industries __ -- ________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Machinery, Including electrical-------- -- -- -- ------ ---- --

bW.~~pdo~:~~l~n g~b~i~-e~! :: == :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :--Nondurable goads -- -- ____ -· ---- __ -·---- -- ---- ------ -- ---Food and kindred products-----·---------------------­Not specified manufacturing industries-------- -- -- ------ ---

Nonmanufacturing industries ____ ---- _____ ., ---- ---- ------ ---Railroads and railway express service---------------------

-Transportation, except railroads ____ ------ ---- -- ---- ---- -Communications, and utilities and sanitary services---------­Wholesale and retail trade-------------------------------All other industries ---- ------ ____ -· ____ ---- -------- -- ---

F1m11rs and fanft 111anagen ----------------------------­

Fam1 labo~n ond farm foremen-------------------------­Paid form laborers and form foremen---------------------------­Unpaid family workers----------------------------------------

Servlc:e worbn, except private household' ______ .. _________ _

Cleaning service workers-------------------------------------­Food service workers----------------------------------------­

Cooks1 except private household-----------------------------­Busboys and dishwashers ----------------------------------­

Health service workers---------------- -- -------------------- --Personal service workers-------------------------------------­Protective service workers_ .. __ ----------- -- ---- ------ -------- ---

Firem1rn, fire protection ---------------------... --------------­Guards and watchmen-------------------------------------­Policemen and detectives------------------------------------

Private household workers .... ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---

'Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Data based an sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with earnings in 1969 Me-dian earnings (dollars)

Total, Earners 16 years $1 ta $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 worked

aid and $1,999 to ta ta to ta ta ta or All 50 ta 52 over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners weeks

10 296 1 430 2 607 1 991 1 546 1 091 695 575 332 29 4 558 5 154 474 77 118 96 83 51 12 28 5 4 4 43B 5 031 297 12 44 76 65 37 33 20 10 - 5 254 5 570 377 89 102 81 65 21 5 4 10 - 3 951 4 382 151 13 96 19 13 10 - - - - 3 302 ... 411 50 75 41 37 64 24 69 51 - 6 039 6 056 36 16 4 - - 7 9 - - - ... ...

678 122 123 116 89 122 56 24 20 6 4 810 5 526 155 7 43 22 33 37 5 - 5 3 5 167 5 636 133 9 41 41 21 - 5 16 - - 4 402 ... 356 50 171 52 59 5 17 2 - - 3 497 4 240

120 4 30 23 20 14 20 9 - - 5 150 ... 153 24 84 21 4 14 6 - - - 3 250 357 79 67 53 75 21 44 18 - - 4 613 5 534 341 46 77 B6 63 lB 5 46 - - 4 552 5 107

2 113 384 502 409 321 199 153 76 56 13 4 417 5 002 4 144 448 1 030 055 598 471 301 263 175 3 4 695 5 2B3

l 476 156 324 233 205 175 106 170 107 - 5 122 5 B19 1 301 137 312 331 220 119 110 39 30 3 4 609 5 023

924 83 293 215 120 112 49 31 21 - 4 400 4 B27 443 72 101 76 53 65 36 23 17 - 4 638 5 54B

3 479 392 810 69B 501 381 291 241 165 - 4 770 5 435 1 660 215 501 411 234 165 80 48 6 - 4 277 4 636

635 79 224 189 7B 44 17 4 - - 4 077 4 384 147 11 29 46 39 16 6 - - - 4 728 5 015 210 2B 79 49 25 16 13 - - - 3 949 284 23 49 60 43 42 28 39 - - 5 233 6 179 90 18 10 13 10 30 9 - - - ... ... 14 5 5 4 - - - - - - ... -

2BO 51 105 50 39 17 7 5 6 - 3 695 4 06B

l 795 173 298 287 267 212 206 193 159 - 5 522 6 292 518 55 B3 BO 93 B2 89 32 4 - 5 441 5 986 107 24 25 35 13 10 - - - - 4 129 36B 36 73 64 65 37 5B 35 - - 5 169 6 188 206 20 52 49 47 9 9 10 10 - 4 633 5 296 596 3B 65 59 49 74 50 116 145 - 7 260 7 420

24 4 11 - - 4 5 - - -665 56 220 157 97 90 10 22 10 3 4 360 4 665 130 11 48 33 10 24 - 4 - - 4 182 ... 277 20 97 70 49 34 - 4 - 3 4 307 4 548 258 25 75 54 38 32 10 14 10 - 4 537 4 B92

6 712 705 1 774 1 170 1 099 785 552 461 144 22 4 750 5 064 229 44 46 26 28 32 30 23 - - 4 942 6 500 273 57 153 15 22 15 5 - 6 - 3 039 3 143

4 193 396 1 086 807 642 494 349 312 85 22 4 761 5 016 2 017 20B 489 322 407 244 16B 126 53 - 4 967 5 180

8 816 2 169 2 816 1 494 1 015 622 274 290 108 28 3 590 4 255 1 6B6 342 533 379 258 Bl 43 31 14 5 3 B80 4 347 3 505 724 1 091 634 400 320 126 149 51 10 3 885 4 464 2 119 797 720 226 141 124 36 53 14 B 2 729 3 463 1 506 306 472 255 216 97 69 57 29 5 3 B94 4 527

452 52 129 100 71 32 42 17 4 5 4 450 4 725 1 054 254 343 155 145 65 27 40 25 - 3 592 4 375

751 135 201 137 111 59 34 52 22 - 4 2B8 4 972 434 73 134 94 69 48 - 4 12 - 4 106 4 605 lBO 24 59 53 24 20 - - - - 4 132 4 531 98 9 26 21 2B 10 - 4 - - ... ... 90 lB 37 9 17 5 - - 4 - ... . .. 41 7 12 5 - 9 - - B - ... ... 25 15 - 6 - 4 - - - - ...

317 62 67 43 42 11 34 4B 10 - 4 6B6 5 541 137 34 38 23 16 - 18 8 - - 3 B16 ...

- - - - - - - - - - - -755 171 271 llB 105 38 35 5 7 5 3 524 4 101 149 13 33 9 51 9 29 5 - - 5 3B2 ...

17 3 8 - - - 6 - - - ... ... 179 26 57 54 20 10 - - 7 s 4 120 4 198 206 32 85 41 34 14 - - - - 3 671 4 463 204 97 88 14 - 5 - - - - 2 114 2 455

315 199 53 14 5 7 13 11 13 - 1 583 2 476

1 562 899 574 35 22 21 8 - - 3 1 737 2 516 1 541 884 568 35 22 21 B - - 3 1 743 2 502

21 15 6 - - - - - - - ... ... 6 439 1 817 2 266 913 619 393 232 153 36 10 3 238 3 988 3 137 826 1 215 563 2B9 146 52 46 - - 3 222 3 782 1 279 521 407 130 95 SB 36 21 11 - 2 582 3 742

430 86 148 81 49 29 21 10 6 - 3 743 4 500 364 290 74 - - - - - - - 1 255 ... 394 89 131 50 38 51 23 B 4 - 3 649 4 411 471 145 163 31 56 lB 19 28 6 s 3 110 3 526 365 48 60 15 67 68 51 41 10 5 5 BBB 6 586

39 5 13 - 12 - 4 5 - - ... 1B9 37 44 15 30 33 21 4 - 5 4 900

7 000 129 6 3 - 25 32 26 32 5 - 6 953

194 81 83 21 4 - - 5 - - 2 386 3 000

ARKANSAS 5 - 653

Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970 [Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.} and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor fon:e ----------------------­

Professlanol, 11c.hnk9I, and kindred worktn-----------------Accounton1s ______________ -- ____________________ ---- ________ _

Computer speclolists ____ -- ____ ,. ___ ---------------- ---------- __ Librarians ______ -- -- -- -- __ -- ____ -- __ -- __ ------ ______________ _ Mothemo Heal s pe<:ialis. ts ____ -- -- ______________________________ _ Life- and physical scientists ____ ---- __ ------------------------ __ _ Registered nurses, dietitians, and therapists ----------------------

Dietitians ---- ____ ---- ---- ------ __ -------- ---- -------- ____ _ Registered nurses----------------------·-------------------

Health technologists and technicians __ ------------------------ __ _ Social scientists ______ ------------ ______ -------- __ ------------Social ond recreation workers----.----.-------- .. -·----- .. ·------- .... Teachers: College ond uni\fersitY-------------------------------

Elementory and prekindergarten ---------------------Secondary -------------- ---------- __ ------------ _ Other teachers ____ ------------------------------ __

Engineering and science technicians-----------------------------Technicions, except heolth, and engineering and science ___________ _ Wrhers, artists. and entertainers __________ ---------- __ ------ __

Actors and dancers ________________ ------------------------Authors, editors, and reporters _____________________________ _

Other professionol1 te-chnicat and kindred workers .• _____________ _

M•n191rs and admHiistraton. except farm----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales managers------------------Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar managers _______________________ _ School administrators---- __ _. ... ---------- __ ---------- __ ---- ___ _ Other specified managers and administrators-------------------­Managers and administrators, n.e.c., salaried------------------ __

Wholesale and retail trade---------------------------------­Managers and administrators, n.e.c.1 self-employed---------------

Wholesale and retail trade ______ ...... ______________ ---- ------ __

Salts worlcttJ ---- ------ -------- ____ ---------- ------ _ Demonstrators, hucksters, and peddlers ________________________ _ Insurance, real estate agents, and brokers ______________________ _ Soles clerks. retail trade ...... ____ ---- __ ---- ______ ,. _______ ------ __ Salesmen, retail trade __________ ---- ______ -------------- _____ _ Other sofe-s workers __ ---- __ ---- -------- ____ ------ ____ ------ _

Clericol i011d kindred worlcen ___________________________ _ Bonk tellers __________________ ---- ______ ------ -------- _____ _ Bookkeepers __ ... _____ ---- ________ -------------- ---------- __ _ Cashiers __ -- ________ ---- __ -- __________ ---- ____ ------------ _ Counter clerks, except food ________ • _________ ---------- ------ _ Enumerators and interviewers __________ ------ ________________ _ File clerks __________________ ---- ________ ------ ____ -------- __ Office machine operators ____ ---- ________ ----------_ ... __ ------_

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators--------------------Keypunch operators ---- __ -- __________ ---------- ____ ---- __ _

Payroll and timekeeping clerks •• __________ ------ ______________ _ Receptionists __ ---- ________________________ ---- __ -------- __ _ Secretaries ________________________________________ ------ __ _ Stenographers ______________ ------ ______ ---- ________ ---- ___ _ Telephone operators __ -- ____ -- __________ ---- ---- __ ---- ---- __ _ Typists ___________________________________________________ _

Other clerical and kindred workers -- ____ ---------------------- _ Craftsmen and kindred war .. rs _________________________ _

Foremen, n.e.c ________ -- ______ ---- ---------- ____ -------- ___ _

Operatives, except trans part ______ ---------------- _____ _ Ass.e~blers ____ -:- __ ---- -.--- ---- __ ---- __ -- ______ ------ ---- __ Botthnq and conn mg operatives .... __ ---------- ________ ------ __ Checkers. examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing--------------Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory ______ ---- _______ _ laundry and drycleaning operatives, including ironers -------------Graders and sorters, monufac1uring __ ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ------ __ Packers and wrappers, except produce _________________________ _ Sewers and stitchers ____________________ ---- ---- ____________ _ Textile opero1ives ______ -- ______ ------ __ -------- ---- -- ____ -- _ Other specified opera lives ________ ------ ------ ------ -------- __ Miscellaneous and not specified opera1ives ----------------------

Manufacturing ______ ---------------------- ______ -------- __ Ouroble goods ---- -- ____ ---- ________ ---- ---- ------ _____ _

Machinery, including electrical ____________ ------ ________ _ Other durable goods-----------------------------------

Nondurable goods. including not specified manufacturing ______ _ Food and kindred products-----------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products--------------

Nonmonufacturing industries ---- __ ------ ____ ---- ------ _____ _ Transport equlp11ent operatives ____ -------- __ ---------- __

Labonrs, exupt fonn ____ ---- ____ -------- ------------ _

Fan1tn e11d faM Manogtn ---------------------------­

Fa"" laborers and fal"l'll fonnten ---- ... --------------------Paid form laborers and form foremen __________________________ _ Unpaid family workers---------------------------------------

Service wortr.en, except private household 1 _____________ ,.. __

Cleaning service workers------------------------------------­Chambermaids and moids ---------------------------------­

Food service workers----------------------------------------Cooks, except private household-------------------------- __ _ Waiters and food counter workers __ -------------------------

Health service workers ________ ------------------------------_ Nursing aides, orderlie-s, and attendants ______________________ _ Proctital nurses ______ ---- ____________ ---- ____ -------- __ .. -_

Personal service workers -- -------- -------------- ------------­Hairdress.ers and cosmetologists----------------------------_

Prfvate household workers ____ ------------------------ __ Private household workers, living in---------------------------­Private household workers, living ouL--------------------------


Total, 16 $1 to years old $499 and over or loss

238 096 22 753

32 192 l 487 l 113 40

82 -904 54

27 -105 5

5 931 lBO 354 22

5 300 143 l 291 41

77 -1 109 51

930 57 JO 202 390 5 054 163

969 115 434 12 112 -913 129

20 -279 35

2 939 250

10 088 503 791 15

l 243 128 393 15

2 528 70 2 654 6B 1 113 28 2 479 207 1 753 135

15 781 1 853 l 119 185

767 31 11 3B4 l 34B

424 40 2 087 249

S9 128 3 601 l 570 24

10 296 429 4 467 392

986 129 418 116

1 013 121 l 544 63

193 -944 38 602 5

l 813 206 14 953 674

705 13 2 346 75 3 319 250

15 096 l 104

s 914 252 l 173 13

so 573 2 744 6 955 342

488 25 4 165 79

722 114 2 497 147

287 15 2 960 215

11 652 650 650 15

10 253 602 9 944 540 9 249 478 4 404 Jal l 900 89 2 504 92 4 845 297 l 642 132

816 31 695 62

762 79

3 722 428

1 065 204

2 306 828 2 206 789

100 39

41 805 s 451 4 772 729 l 582 211

16 991 2 628 8 093 895 6 563 l 370

10 057 547 6 367 349 2 46B 93 7 069 1 049 4 345 456

14 760 5 323 302 50

14 458 5 273

1Jncludes protective seNice workers and allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 654 ARKANSAS

$500 $1.000 ta to

$999 $1.999

22 091 37 884

1 491 2 621 29 137 - -

101 B2 - 6 5 -

276 509 14 48

236 450 57 134 - 4

44 Bl 46 91

370 736 117 192 95 216 39 35 19 10

106 106 - -

34 24 187 282

580 1 096 19 59

115 198 11 35 96 161 97 234 41 118

242 409 192 314

l 792 3 119 296 293

14 95 I 194 2 283

25 90 263 358

4 447 7 205 23 123

479 l 073 553 8B6 102 177

5B 93 129 136 114 186

11 56 73 96 21 23

222 255 l 027 l 533

35 49 156 262 322 404

l 206 2 005

273 S64 13 53

3 071 6 670 298 769 69 67

194 399 84 188

199 566 12 44

192 530 763 l 530

25 63 597 1 359 63B l 155 563 l 051 237 510

63 183 174 327 326 541 170 259 40 86 75 104

92 117

380 604

121 148

325 420 316 392

9 28

s 554 11 160 791 l 349 233 554

2 658 5 772 937 3 188

1 321 l 793 BOl l 747 586 l 246 110 304 912 l 630 4B9 l 007

3 965 4 160 92 115

3 873 4 045

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

$2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Eorners. to to to to to to or All worked 50

$2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners to 52 weeks

36 419 47 090 30 195 19 363 10 953 8 363 2 985 2 997 3 711

2 687 3 219 3 249 7 346 5 398 3 739 955 5 183 5 366 120 156 192 110 141 13B 50 4 388 5 6Sl - 5 24 20 - 27 6 ... ...

39 42 110 136 213 110 17 5 176 4 S98 - - 10 - 11 - - ...

17 10 5 9 17 20 17 6 088 639 l 086 909 620 637 872 203 4 303 4 987 65 79 45 28 11 33 9 3 354 3 500

544 979 821 545 YJ7 78B 187 4 363 5 046 108 298 248 164 107 114 20 4 030 4 602 - - 13 - 9 32 19 ...

72 190 102 387 66 77 39 5 037 5 3Bl 53 58 44 90 91 238 162 6 286 7 832

746 4B7 680 3 543 2 226 BB6 138 5 47B 5 718 400 207 326 l 634 l 350 616 49 5 687 5 930

BO 90 116 64 104 SB 31 2 731 4 053 62 79 60 36 48 57 6 3 B73 5 208 4 17 23 5 15 15 4 4 261 ...

110 122 121 73 53 54 39 3 045 4 087 - - 10 - - 10 - ... . ..

41 23 48 19 15 28 12 3 239 4 410 237 372 266 455 310 425 155 4 532 5 192

1 087 1 Sil 1 284 1 059 867 1 233 868 4 208 4 718 93 193 86 100 44 102 BO 4 192 4 671

23B 146 106 103 71 55 B3 2 75B 3 596 12 11 10 28 79 141 51 6 943 7 333

193 433 471 333 258 386 127 4 660 5 029 231 394 425 324 281 309 291 4 713 5 182 122 173 207 116 B4 110 114 4 360 4 581 320 334 186 171 134 240 236 3 1B4 3 609 243 257 122 128 89 126 147 2 969 3 3B4

3 S73 3 OS8 l 110 374 32S 290 287 2 31S 3 089 150 93 36 15 11 19 21 1 268 l B76 76 123 75 94 71 86 102 4 593 5 458

2 891 2 424 719 170 164 92 99 2 300 3 005 105 B9 16 25 8 4 22 2 543 3 323 351 329 264 70 71 B9 43 2 494 3 486

7 399 13 800 11 452 6 221 2 844 1 797 362 3 501 4 176 153 466 486 185 79 20 11 3 991 4 290

l 166 2 577 2 39B l 235 422 409 lOB 3 776 4 225 888 990 342 303 60 40 13 2 453 3 369 193 1Bl 114 67 12 11 - 2 440 3 294 49 51 13 10 8 9 11 l 376 ...

169 238 135 76 9 - - 2 713 3 789 173 413 371 131 79 14 - 3 571 4 207

- 61 55 10 - - - 3 4B4 4 012 12B 219 218 96 67 9 - 3 626 4 2Bl

41 123 206 124 44 15 - 4 427 4 538 253 526 263 69 9 6 4 2 B83 3 577

l 668 3 509 3 369 l 736 855 526 56 3 734 4 332 46 174 144 75 75 73 21 4 247 4 707

261 404 486 435 1B4 50 33 4 031 4 725 401 934 604 215 129 55 5 3 302 3 913

1 938 3 214 2 521 1 560 879 569 100 3 403 4 209

807 1 384 1 133 725 277 370 129 3 767 4 375 79 237 259 294 105 89 31 4 739 5 129

8 976 16 387 9 009 2 443 717 382 114 3 233 3 740 900 2 523 l 527 395 140 41 20 3 463 3 898

79 129 119 - - - - 3 031 3 797 562 l 435 1 021 312 91 66 6 3 591 3 980 130 135 52 - 4 5 10 l 867 2 578 893 466 148 56 20 - - 2 377 2 722

46 96 65 9 - - - 3 276 4 000 440 864 476 183 27 23 10 3 119 3 782

2 331 4 214 1 693 301 142 16 12 3 131 3 632 B6 175 233 40 6 - 7 3 777 4 278

l 880 3 155 l 859 487 192 96 26 3 21B 3 739 l 629 3 193 1 816 660 155 135 23 3 316 3 851 l 509 2 991 l 727 640 155 112 23 3 342 3 872

675 l 373 909 359 82 63 15 3 436 3 967 274 506 502 187 53 33 10 3 674 4 277 401 867 407 172 29 30 5 3 298 3 766 834 l 61B 818 281 73 49 8 3 262 3 794 311 459 279 29 3 - - 2 836 3 698 139 377 104 34 - 5 - 3 297 3 567 120 202 89 20 - 23 - 2 BBB 3 571

134 129 66 65 39 33 8 2 694 4 306

733 839 4S2 143 69 so 24 2 613 3 559

138 175 66 66 18 46 83 2 431 2 816

363 235 76 35 9 5 10 1 000 2 605 352 232 76 30 9 - 10 997 2 6B3

11 3 - 5 - 5 - ... ... 9 584 6 144 2 236 880 319 351 126 1 887 2 716 l 224 491 103 45 14 15 11 l 642 2 187

406 143 26 4 5 - - 1 626 2 136 3 642 l 665 378 135 31 67 15 l 556 2 432 1 B27 907 219 65 16 34 5 l 695 2 526 l 294 563 112 61 Jl 33 5 1 329 2 335 3 026 2 359 1 024 290 167 73 23 2 639 3 167 2 398 l 363 248 76 72 15 14 2 418 2 789

302 724 642 173 80 37 3 3 587 4 025 l 151 l 158 544 346 62 140 77 l 965 2 960

817 717 363 2BO 52 95 69 2 270 3 013

938 209 62 6 11 67 19 759 1 124 45 - - - - - - 1 078 l 321

893 209 62 6 Jl 67 19 753 l 117


Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued [Data based an sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued


Experienced clvlllan labor farce----------------------Profenionol, technkal, and kindred woric:en _______________ _

Accountants __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- ______ -- _________________ _

Computer specialists------ __ ---------------------------------librarians ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- __ ---- __ -- ---- ___ _ Mathematical specialists ________ -------- __ ------ ____ -------- __ Life and physical scientists-----------------------------------­!~ed nurses, dietitians, and therapists ---------------------

01ehhans __ -- -- -- ---- ---- ------ ---- ------ ---- ---------- --


Registered nurses -- __ ---- ---- ________ ------ __ -------- ____ _ -Health technologists and technicians ______ ------ ______________ •• Social scientists ________ ---- ____ ------ __________ ------ ______ _ SCJciol and recreation workers---------------------------------Teachers, College and university .. ______ ---------- ___________ _

Elementary and prekindergarten ---------------------Secondary __ ---- ________ ------ ------ ____ ------ __ _ Other teachers---- ______ ---------- ______ -------- __

Engineering and science technicians-- ________ -------------- ____ _ Technicians, except health, ond engineering and science ___________ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers------------------------------

Actors and dancers_ ___ ---- ________ -------------------- ___ _ Authors, editors, and reporters __ ------ ____ ------ ___________ _

Other professional. technical, and kindred workers ____ ---------- __

Managen and adMinlstraton, except fann ________________ _ Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales managers __ ---- ___________ _ Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar managers ____________ -------- ___ _ School administrators ____ ---- ______________ ------ ___________ _ Other specified managers and administrators-------------------­Managers and administrators, n.e.c., solaried--------------------

Wholesale ond retail trade ________ ---- ______________ ------ __ Managers and administrators, n.e.c., self·employed ---------------

Wholesale ond retail trade __________________________ ------ __

Salts wortcen ____________________ ------ ____ -------- _ Demonstrators, hucksters, and peddlers ______ ------ ____________ _ Insurance, reol estate agents, and brokers ______________________ _ Soles clerks, retail trade. ..... ____ -- -- -- -·-- -- ---- -------- ----Salesmen, retoil trade ________ --------------------------------Other soles workers ____________________ ------ __ ------ ---- __ _

Clerical and kindred worbrs ----------------------------Bonk tellers __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -------- ---- ---- -- -- ------ --

~~~~i~~:P_~~- :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :::::: ::::::::::::::: Counter clerks, except food ---- ____________ ------ __ ---- ______ _ Enumerators and interviewers ______________ ------ ------ __ ---- _ File clerks •. __ -- ______ -- ---- ---- -- -- ____ -- -- ---- __ ------ __ --Office machine operators -- ______________ ---- ____ ------ ------ _

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators -- -- __________ ---- __ Keypunch operators ---- -- ____________________ ---- _______ ,.. _

Payroll and timekeeping clerks .. __________ ------ -- -------- -----Receptionists -- -- ______ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---------- -------- _,.. -Secretaries ____________ -- -- ____ -- __ -- ____ ---- -- ---------- __ -Stenographers __________ ---- ____________ ---- ____ ------ ---- __ Telephone operators ____ -- -- ______ ---- ____ ---- -- __ -------- -- -Typists ________________________ -- -· -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --Other clerical and kindred workers __________ -- -- -- __ ---- __ ---- -

Craftsmen and kindred warkers _________________________ _

Foremen, n.e.c ________ -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- .. -

Operatives, except transport __ ---- ____________ ------ __ ... .. Assemblers __ -- -- ____ -- -- __ -- ...... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- .. .. Bottling and canning operotives __________ ---- -- ---- __ -------- --Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing-------------­Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory ---- -- __ -- -- -- -- -­laundry and drycleoning operatives, including ironers------------­Graders and sorters, manufacturing -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------ -- --Packers and wrappers, except produce ______ ---- -- -- __ ---- -- -- --Sewers and stitchers ____ -- ---- __ ..... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Textile operatives ______ -- -- ____ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- -

-------------------------------------------------------. --Other specified operatives -- ______ -- -- -- ---- ------ -- -------- --

Miscellaneous and not specified operatives __ -- ---- -- .... -------- -- -Manufacturing ______ -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Ourablo goods ____ ---- ______ -----· __ -------- __ ------ __ --Machinery, including electrical---- ____ -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -Other durable goods ... ___ •..• ____ ------ -· -----· -----. -

Nondurable goods, including not specifi&d manufacturing -- -- -- -Food and kindred products.--------------·---·---------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products--------------

Nonmonufocturlng industries ---- ---- ., ___ ---- ---------- -- -- .. -


Transport equipment operatives ______ ------------------ ... - -

laboren, except farm __ ---------- __ ------------------ __

Fan11rs and famt managers ----------------------------­

''"" laboren and farm foremen--------------------------Paid form laborers ond farm foremen----------------------------Unpaid family workers __ ---- ______ -- -- ---- ------ ---- ---- -- -- --

Service worlctrs, except private hov11hoht 1 ----------------­

Cleaning service workers -- -- -- -- -- ------ ---------- -- -- -- ---- -­Chambermaids and maids -------------------------------- --­

Food service workers----------------------------------------­Cooks, except private household-----------------------------­Waiters and food counter workers----------------------------

Health service workers __________ ------------------------ -- -- --Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants _______________________ _

Practical nurses ______ -------- -- ------ ---- ------------------Per.sonol service workers -- -- ---- -------- -------------------- -­

Hairdressers and cosmetologists -- ------------------------ -- --

Private household workers __________ ------------------ ---Private household workers, living in----------------------------­Private household workers, living out----------------------------

Total, 16 $1 to years aid and over

$499 or loss

37 683 7 106

3 866 202 26 -- -

109 -6 -

11 -493 24 136 18 343 6

71 -7 -

157 16 121 38

1 778 57 630 19

59 5 30 -10 -14 -- -5 -

344 43

496 62 8 -

97 30 so 9 85 8

107 5 58 5

149 10 112 5

526 81 42 5 18 4

353 60 29 4 84 8

2 251 415 26 -73 8

119 25 61 22 59 23 78 17 57 10 6 -

34 6 6 -

74 27 576 79

14 -151 11 170 29 787 164

633 55 35 5

7 229 532 I 199 91

23 -378 9 108 13 970 55

41 4 292 49

I 043 64 67 4

I 518 120 I 590 123 I 444 104

775 53 165 9 610 44 669 51 255 19 114 12 146 19

140 17

860 174

53 22

706 483 691 473

15 10

10 422 1 382 2 701 418

977 142 4 194 552 2 917 292

508 126 I 947 91 I 559 74

278 7 707 132 277 56

10 501 3 681 64 9

10 437 3 672

11ncludes protective service workers and allocated coses not shown separately.


$500 $1.000 to to

$999 $1,999

5 645 8 296

167 214 - 7 - -

16 9 - 6 - -

23 52 9 14 9 38 - -- -5 14

11 4 75 73 - 19 5 15 5 -3 -- -- -- -

24 15

80 89 8 -

17 5 - -4 16

16 23 11 13 35 45 23 36

96 114 4 5 - -

72 81 - 7

20 21

341 383 7 11 6 19

27 35 12 19 - 15

23 23 22 6 - 6

17 -- -9 7

84 71 - -

20 14 27 53

104 110

28 102 - 11

520 1 109 24 155

4 3 22 32 II 33 47 231 - -

20 78 118 111 - 5 109 278 165 183 146 163 66 73 23 23 43 50 80 90 57 40 6 13

19 20

9 16

127 112

- 16

69 65 64 65 5 -

1 338 2 995 387 806 115 343 611 1 383 384 I 058 121 9? 133 346 108 323

5 20 84 241 41 90

2 870 3 081 22 24

2 848 3 057

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

$2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 .Earners to to to to to ta or All worked 50

$2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earne-rs to 52 we•ks

6 404 4 881 2 101 1 586 903 587 174 1 734 2 404

257 348 519 1 026 658 401 74 5 220 5 150 5 a - 6 - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - -- - 23 31 21 9 - 5 210 ... - - - - - - - ... ... - - - 5 - - 6

80 117 86 so 12 44 5 3 577 3 770 34 31 4 7 6 13 - 2 794 ... 41 86 82 43 6 27 5 3 901 3 9.52

6 31 19 11 4 - - ... . .. - - - - - 7 -

3 5:i5 13 57 16 16 6 11 3 3 817 5 13 18 - 6 26 - 3 192

68 71 211 595 391 197 40 5 561 5 799 52 19 95 203 154 64 5 5 547 ... - - 4 10 20 - - ... . ..

10 - 8 - - 7 - ... . .. - - 7 - - - - ... ... 5 - 4 - - - 5 ... ... - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 5

5 i72 ...

13 32 28 99 44 36 10 ... 37 50 59 43 31 26 19 2 459 2 558 - - - - - - - ... ...

11 12 11 - 6 - 5 ... ... - 4 - 5 11 16 5 ... ... 5 - 24 18 - 10 -

2 i.:i:i ...

15 13 11 10 14 - - ... 15 - 5 4 5 - - i.56 6 21 13 10 - - 9 1 1 671 6 21 6 10 - - 5 1 778 1 813

126 81 10 4 - 4 10 1 754 2 437 22 6 - - - - - ... ... - 9 5 - - - - ...

69 56 5 - - - 10 1 549 2 409 18 - - - - - - ... ... 17 10 - 4 - 4 - ... ...

370 413 191 58 48 24 8 1 965 3 478 - 8 - - - - - ... ... 5 14 16 - - 5 - ...

23 5 4 - - - - 1 214 ... 5 3 - - - - - ... ...

18 - - - 3 - - ... ... 15 - - - - - - ... . .. 4 9 - 3 3 - - ... ... - - - - - - - ... ... - 5 - 3 3 - - ... ... 6 - - - - - - ... -8 IQ 9 4 - - - ...

97 154 58 22 4 4 3 2 557 3 626 - 4 1 9 - - - ...

32 30 35 - 4 - 5 2 953 ... 17 21 14 - 9 - - 1 547

140 155 54 20 25 15 - 2 111 3 319

161 119 87 41 19 21 - 2 817 3 699 - 4 - 11 4 - - ... . ..

1 661 2 260 782 267 60 22 16 2 875 3 430 206 410 239 63 II - - 3 301 3 808

3 9 4 - - - -3 543 79 161 65 4 - 6 - 3 292

11 24 12 - - - 4 1 909 2 i.7o 415 160 40 16 6 - - 2 366

17 11 9 - - - - ... 42 67 24 7 - - 5 1 987

3 4o4 269 367 85 21 8 - - 2 849 8 23 16 4 - - 7 ...

335 492 124 46 10 4 - 2 752 3 312 276 536 164 106 25 12 - 3 090 3 645 264 492 148 96 25 6 - 3 091 3 643 125 246 92 89 25 6 - 3 287 3 772 39 38 13 20 - - - 2 705 ... 86 208 79 UI 25 6 - 3 394 3 761

139 246 56 7 - - - 2 817 3 497 56 50 33 - - - - 2 205 ... 21 57 5 - - - - 3 088 ... 12 44 16 10 - 6 - 3 068 ... 38 24 23 13 - - - 2 737 ...

179 126 87 19 25 - 11 2 095 3 085

- 4 - - - 5 6 ... . .. 39 33 3 9 5 - - 365 2 381 39 33 3 9 5 - - 365 2 381 - - - - - - - ... -

2 930 1 281 304 100 52 29 11 1 832 2 390 717 266 67 20 9 - 11 1 677 2 182 277 88 12 - - - - 1 675 2 095

I 114 409 85 26 - 14 - 1 675 2 359 785 309 68 12 - 9 - 1 740 2 365 119 30 3 5 - 5 - 1 071 2 lBB 786 391 118 31 43 8 - 2 513 2 693 686 285 54 - 24 5 - 2 400 2 568

37 92 64 31 19 3 - 3 761 3 897 107 97 30 9 - 7 - I 571 2 000

56 23 4 - - 7 - 1 461 1 455

606 142 36 6 5 55 19 773 1 138 9 - - - - - - 772 1 i37 597 142 36 6 5 55 19


Table 17 6. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Penans of Spanish Language


Experienced cMHan labor foroa ·-------------------··-Proft111ow•I, technieol, and klndrff workers __ .. _____ - .. ______ _

Accountants ____ -- __ ---- __ ---- ____________ ., __________ ----- __ _ Computer specialists __ ------ .... __ ..... ---- _______________________ _ Librarians .... ____ .... ____ .... ---- ________________ ......... ____________ _ Mathemoticol specialists .... ---- -- .... ---- ________________ ------ __ _ Life and physical scientists .. -··--------------------- __ ------ __ _ nurses1 dtetitians, and therapists ----------------------

D1et1t1ans ________ ,. ___ ---------- ---------- -------------- __ _ Registered nurses ------ -------------- ------------ ---------­

Health technologists and technicians-------------------------· ---Social sdentlsts ____ ------ -------- ------ ----------------------Social and recreation workers _________________ .,. ________________ _ Teachers: College and universitY-------------------------------

Elementory and prekindergarten ----------------------Secondary ---- -------- ---------- __ ----------------Other teachers •••..• __ -- ----··------------ ------ __ _

Engineering and science technicians------------------------------Technicians, except health, and engineering and science ____ ------ __ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers -------------------------------

Actors and dancers __ ----·----- __ ---------------------------Authors, editors, and reporters------------------ __ .. _________ _

Other professional, technical, and kindred worker•-----------------Maatt•rs Hi 1ll•lni1trlton, except fanw _______ .. _________ _

Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales monogers -------------------Restaurant, cafeteria, ond bar managers------------ ________ -----School administrutors -------~ -------------------- ______ ---- __ _ Other specified managers and administrators __ ------ ______ -- .... __ _ Managers ond administrotors, n.e.c., soloried---------------------

Wholesale and retail trade .• ____ --------------·- ____ ------ ---Managers and administrators, n.e.c., self-employed-------------- ....

Wholesale and retail trade __ ---- -- ____ -·-------- ______ ---- __ _

Sales waders ---- ---- ---- ---- ____ ------------ ------ __ Demon st rotors, hucksters, end peddlers __________________ --------Insurance, real estate cgents, and brokets-----------------------­Soles clerks, retail trade------------------------------------ ... --Salesmen, retail trade------ __ ---------------------------- ____ _ Other sales worke:rs __ ---- -- -- __ ------------------------ ---- __

Cltrical 104 ki8",.d worken ____________________________ _

Bank tellers ---- ______ -------- __ ------ __ ---------------------Bookkeepers ________ ---- __ ---- __ -------------------------- __ Cashi<rs ________ -- -- -- __ -- ---- __ ---------- -·-- ·-------------CotJnter clerks, except food-----------~------------------------Enumerators and interviewers ______ -- __ -------------- -------- __ File clerks __________ -·---- __ ·----------------- ____ -----------Office machine operators __ -- -- ---- -- __ -------- -------- ------ __

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators---------------------Keypunch opera tars ____ -- ------ -- ____ ---------- ---- _______ _

Payroll ond timekeeping clerks----------------------------------Receptionists __ ---- -- ______ ------ __ ---- ---------- __ -------- __ Secretaries __________ -- __ -- __ -- -- -- _________________________ _

Stenographers -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ ------ __ -------- _ Telephone operators __________ -- ________ .... -------- ____ ------ __ Typists -- ---- -- ---- -·---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- -----------Other clerical and kindred workers---------·-------- __ •• _______ _

Cr1ftsmt1t 1nll khtdred workers .... -------------------------Foremen, n.e.c .. ___ -- ______ ---- __ ---------------- ____________ _

Ope111tlv11, except ttansport __ ---- -------------- __ -------Assemblers -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---------- ---------- ---- ---Bottling and canning operatives ____________ .., ___________________ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing __ ------ ---- _ .. -Oressmokers and seamstresses, except factory ------------------­Laundry and drycleaning operatives, including ironers --------------Graders and sorters, manufacturing ____________________________ _ Pockers and wrappers. except produce __________________________ _

Sewers ond stitchers __ ---- ---- ------ ---- -------- ---- ----------Textile operatives ---- -------- ____ .,.. __________________________ _ Other specified operatives -- -- ------------ ---- ---- ---------- __ _ Miscellaneous and not specified operatives -----------------------

Manufacturing __ -- -- -- .... -- _____ .... ---- ---------------------- _ Durable goods -- -- ---- -- ---- •• __ ------ ------ __ -------- ---

Machinery, including electrical .. _____ ------------------ ___ _ Other durable goods------------------------------------

Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing _______ _ food and kindred products------------------------------­Apparel ond other fabricated textile products---------------

Nonmanufocturing industries------ __ .. -..---------- ____ ------ __ _ Tn1•spert 1q"lp•111t operetives __ -------- ---- ______ ---- __ _ lekrers, except fen1 __________ .,. _____________ ----------

f•na•n utl fGnll ••negen -----·-----------------------Farm llbonn .. c1 far111 for1111111 _________________________ _

Paid farm laborers and form forernen ______ ------------ ---- ---- __ Unpaid family workers----------------------------------------

Serwk:e worktn, u:cept privlte househokl' -·-------------- ... Cleaning service worktrs -------------------------------------­

Chambermaids end maids ------------·---------------------­Food service workers---------------------------------------- ...

Cool<s, except private household-----------------------------­Waiters and food counter workers-.---------------·-----------

Health service workers.,. _____ ----------------------------------Nursin·g aides, orderlies. and attendants _______________________ _ Practical nurses __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ......... __ ---- ________ -- -- -- ----

Personal servke workers-----------.... --------------------------Hairdressers and cosmetologists---·--_,. ______________ .,.. ___ ----

Private hoosthld worken ______________________________ _

Private household workers, living in-----------------------------Private household workers, living ouf ___________________________ _

Total, 16 years old and over

28 5

16 13 8 7


8 5



12 17


15 18 6


14 12

16 6

34 71

21 60


202 38 B 6

22 36

58 34 34 30 9

21 4

19 11 8

164 4

60 26 29 54 29 11 46 19

22 6


$1 to $499

or loss




6 10


9 6 3

11ncludes protective service workers and allocated cases not shown separately,

5 - 656 ARKANSAS

$500 to





13 14

6 6 6


19 9 5


Females with earnings In 1969

$1.000 to








31 11

6 9 9 9 9

11 11



16 18 18

$2,000 to








8 6


9 19



11 4

$3,000 to



28 6

9 13


13 21


82 13

13 12

31 7 7 7

35 4

18 10 8 7 7

$4,000 to









26 7 8

7 4 4



B 8 8

$5,000 to









8 6

8 8 8



3 11 11

$6,000 to






$7,000 $10,000 to ar

$9,999 more



8 7


Median earnings (dollars)

Earners All worked 50

earners to 52 weeks

3 069

3 875




3 989

4 571


Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning cf symbols, see text)

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More


Tata I

Experienced cMllan labor force----------------------­Profes1lonal, technical, and kindred wortc.en-----------------

Acco untants ____ -- -- ____ -- -- __ -- -- -- __ -- -- __________ ---- ____ _ Computer specialists ____ -------- ____________________ .., ________ _

lihrarions __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Mathematical specialists __________________________________ ... ___ _ life and physical scientists __________ ------------------------ __ _ Reg~st~~ed nurses, dietitians, and therapists ----------------------

01et1t1ans ____ -------- __ ----·- ------------ ______ ------ ____ _ Registered nurses ____ ---- __ ---------- -------- _____________ _

Heo!th te.chn?logists and technician•-------------------------- __ _ Social scientists ______ ---- ____ ---- ____________________ ------ __ Social and recreation workers---------------------------------­Teachers: College and universitv-------------------------------

Elementory and prekindergarten ----------------------Secondary ------ __ ------ ____ ---- __ -------- _______ _ Other teachers ________ ------ ____ ------ __ -------- __ _

Engineering and science technicians------------------------------Technicians, except health, and engineering and science ____________ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers -- __ ---- ---- __ ---- ____ ---- ____ _

Actors and dancers ______________ ---- ____ ------ ____________ _ Authors, editors, and reporters-------------------------------

Other professional, technical, and kindred workers ________________ _

Mnagen a1ul ad,.lnbtratoN, exn't farm _________________ _ Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers-------------------Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar managers ________________ .., ______ ,.._ School administrators---------· .... __ ---·---- ______ .... -----------Other specified managers and administrators--------------------Managers and administrators, n.e.c., salaried ___________________ _ --Wholesale and retail trade __________ ---- ________ -------- ___ _ -Managers and administrators, n.e.c., self-employed-------------- .. -

Wholesale and retail trade-----------------------------------Sales worlcen __ -- ---- __ ------ ..... ____ .. _ .. ______ ,.. _______ _

Demonstrators, hucksters, and peddlers __ ·- ______ ---------- _____ _ Insurance, real estate agents, and brokers __ ------ __ ------------_ Soles clerks, retail trade ____________ -------- __ ---- __ ------ ___ _

--Solesmen, retail trade ________________ ----- .. -------.. _________ _ -Other sales workers---- ... ----------------------------·--------

Clerical and klndrwtd wotlc:ers ----------------- .. ---------· -Bonk tellers __________________ ·- ______ -- __ ------ ---------- __ -Bookkeepers __ -~-- ______________ .., _____ ------ ------------ __ _ -Cashiers ____ .... -· ______ ---- ______ ---- ____ -------- __ ..... - .. -- __ _ -Counter clerks, except food __________ ------ ---- ______ ------ __ _ -Enumerators and interviewers __ -· ____ ··--- -- ---- __ ---- __ ------ __ File clerks ____________________________ -------- ____ --·----- __ -Office machine operators---- -- __ -- .... ____ -- ---- -- ---------- __ _

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators _____ ,.. ____ ------ ___ _ --Keypunch operators ____________________ ---- ------ -·-- ------

PoyroU o~d timekeeping clerks ____________ ---------------------Recept1on1sts ____________ .. _________________ ---- ____ ------ __ _ Secretaries -- __ .... -- ____ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ _ ... ---- -- -Stenographers __________ -- __ -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ -- -- --Telephone operators ____ ,.. _________ ---- __ ---- __ .... -- __ ------ __ _ Typists ____ -- -- ·- __________________ ---- ______ ---- __ ------ __ Other clerical and kindred workers-----------------------------

Craftsmen and kindred worfctn __________________ ,.. ______ _

Foremen, n.e.c __ -- -- -- __ -- -· __ -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ., _____ --Operatives, except transport ____________ ---- ____ -- -- -- __

Assemblers ____________ -- ____________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --Bottling and conning operatives ____ .. _ -- __ -- _____ ., -- ---- ------ --Checkers, examiners, end inspectors; manufacturing-------------­Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -­Laundry ond drycleaning operatives, including ironers ------------­Graders and sorters1 manufacturing -- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -- -­Packers and wrappers, except produce .. _---------·-- -- ---- -- -- --Sewers and stitchers ______ -- -- __ ---- -- __ ---- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -Textile operatives .... ______________ ---- __ ------ -- -- -- ---- -- ---Other specified operatives _,.. _ .. -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- -------- -­Miscellaneous and not specified operatives----------------------

Manufacturing __ -- ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ --Durable goods __________ ---- -- -- ---- -------- ---- ------ --

Machlnery1 including electrical .... ---- -- ---- ---- -- ... ------ .. Other durable goods. _________________________________ _ Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing ______ _

Food and kindred products-----------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products ------------ --

Nonmanufacturing industries -- -------- -- ---- -- -- ---------- -.. Transport tqulplfteftt operatives ______ ------------------ __

laltaren, except farm ____ ... ------------------------- ---

fan1ers aed fam monagen ----------------------------Fam labann and fanw foremen ____________ .. ___________ _

-----------------------. --. ----. Poid form laborers and form foremen--------------------------­

Unpoid family workers----------------------------------------

Service worken, eJCttpt private hauseholcll -----------------Cleaning service workers------------------------------------­

Chambermaids ond maids ---------------------------·---- -­Food service workers---- .. ----------.. -----------------------­

Cooks, except private household----------------------------­Waiters and food counter workers---------------------------­

Health service workers __ ------------------------------------ --


Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants_ _____________________ _ -Practical nurses __ -- ---------- ------ -- ---- ---- ---------- ----

Personal service workers-------- ... ---------------------- ... -----­Hairdressers and cosmetologists---------------------------- --

Private hausthald work1n ____ ---- __ ------------------ ---Privote household workers, living In---------------------------­Private household workers, living out---------------------------


Total, 16 $1 to years old $499 and over or loss

48 249 3 181

8 077 317 352 7 34 -

120 4 27 -29 5

l 891 47 119 14

l 675 33 497 21

49 -307 16 196 38

2 075 87 794 10 267 14 168 -35 -

308 21 5 -

99 9 928 47

2 152 56 228 -230 5 132 9 486 10 818 15 332 -258 17 160 11

3 277 302 154 12 277 11

2 096 198 95 9

655 72

15 904 677 250 4

1 853 46 1 058 81

226 17 86 13

314 20 546 19 47 -

327 14 209 -354 28

4 663 168 254 -743 17

l 165 69 4 183 195

1 425 47 226 4

7 222 304 1 489 98

- -742 3 152 -347 4

34 -418 33 770 35

5 -1 593 86 1 672 45 l 523 40 l 220 32

563 17 657 15 303 8 SS -52 -

149 5

121 15

424 26

43 -64 16 64 16 - -

7 234 700 887 70 291 21

2 222 274 877 96 984 162

1 960 124 1 135 75

516 18 1 360 160

773 53

2 306 721 84 15

2 222 706

'includes protective service workers and allocated coses not shown separately.


$500 to


3 419

343 5 ----

50 -

50 12 -

10 10

148 25 14 14 -

16 -7


63 -

11 6

15 21 13 10 10

316 54 -

179 -


858 -

69 132 34 B

36 31 -

15 5

23 153

6 41 62


76 4

336 39 -

49 12

.31 -

19 26 -

83 77 52 47 21 26 5 5 -





6 6 -

908 119 37

316 86

176 155

74 38

204 83

465 22


Females with earnings in 1969

$1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 to to to to

$1,999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999

6 213 5 981 9 844 7 435

651 568 820 893 27 33 39 57 - - - -5 4 11 32 6 - - 10 - - - -

93 99 344 260 9 14 30 10

84 79 303 238 51 28 85 127

4 - - 8 16 12 36 10 - - 7 12

2M 157 99 121 39 87 5 M 55 23 24 29

6 30 10 34 - - 6 7

32 26 41 45 - - - -5 16 12 23

73 69 113 97

106 113 277 327 7 21 52 27

26 28 41 34 9 - - -5 25 32 111

39 29 108 113 27 16 48 57 20 10 44 42 20 10 29 16

474 596 755 403 29 31 11 -13 30 36 41

329 392 630 245 16 36 17 -87 107 61 117

1 590 1 522 3 677 3 260 41 17 67 73

148 118 360 482 176 207 218 85 39 20 46 29 17 13 24 -33 54 51 70 43 67 143 139

6 - 10 26 26 47 74 69 - 26 36 36

M 30 142 62 378 414 1 006 1 108

17 11 54 59 62 32 166 164

140 124 406 184 452 389 958 769

114 193 341 253 14 16 39 41

904 l 108 2 372 1 522 194 178 458 367 - - - -

84 86 226 224 26 24 56 30 63 133 93 19

4 7 19 4 47 59 102 87 73 119 322 150 - 5 - -

226 256 506 311 187 241 590 330 178 224 536 301 145 197 430 227 63 70 119 155 82 127 311 72 33 27 106 74 9 12 6 17 - 5 40 7 9 17 54 29

17 32 14 10

"4 105 95 71

3 - 13 -4 10 11 -4 10 11 -- - - -

1 550 1 481 1 390 696 211 282 149 37

95 101 33 4 623 498 387 80 246 222 166 51 262 204 142 13 264 286 527 354 202 209 330 153

31 27 150 140 286 224 182 155 173 1Sll 95 93

736 253 79 -35 12 - -

701 241 79 -

Median earnings (dollars)

$5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners to to to or All worked 50

$5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more eorners to 52 weeks

4 907 3 250 3 196 823 3 541 4 196

1 305 1 267 1 597 316 5 342 5 944 41 58 56 29 5 195 6 245 10 - 18 6 ... ... 5 31 28 - 5 800 ... - 11 - - ". ... 4 12 4 4 ...

228 216 480 74 5 230 6 090 8 6 28 - 3 750

6 228 183 204 427 74 5 276 55 41 77 - 4 406 4 742 - 5 26 6

5 486 ...

110 33 36 28 5 801 17 11 44 57 7 205

415 436 345 23 5 437 6 239 151 228 205 - 6 158 6 592

31 37 25 15 4 121 5 000 22 21 25 6 4 706 5 705 5 5 12 -

68 28 22 9 4 400 5 045 - - 5 - ... ...

14 6 7 -143 94 194 59 5 182 5 410

315 256 364 275 5 425 5 704 39 27 28 27 5 179 5 321 30 29 7 19 4 118 4 672

5 21 42 40 8 143 98 64 77 49 5 459 5 701

131 104 159 99 5 641 6 043 31 23 63 54 5 161 5 619 12 11 51 41 4 667 4 690 10 - 24 30 4 000 4 125

102 157 98 74 2 917 3 561 - 7 - 10 1 379 ...

42 39 33 32 5 179 5 716 29 54 25 15 2 872 3 456

9 8 - - ... ... 22 49 40 17 2 799 3 771

2 336 1 147 740 97 3 899 4 544 31 17 - - 3 940 4 288

370 144 101 15 4 385 4 761 113 28 18 - 2 676 3 673 34 7 - - 3 065 3 695

5 - - 6 ... 41 9 - - 3 275 4 375 65 30 9 - 3 790 4 417

5 - - -3 ii:ii

... 50 23 9 - 4 542 52 44 10 - 5 029 5 163 25 - - - 3 366 3 660

734 414 263 25 4 192 4 699 44 29 24 10 4 661 5 068

134 BO 30 17 4 326 4 806 93 47 35 5 3 462 3 894

595 298 250 19 3 832 4 558

161 71 140 29 3 828 4 536 72 19 17 - 4 878 5 111

395 152 112 17 3 404 3 799 75 44 31 5 3 514 4 022 - - - - - -

50 10 10 - 3 659 4 074 - 4 - - 3 250 3 400 - 4 - - 2 568 2 891 - - - -

3 506 56 15 - - 4 082 17 17 11 - 3 410 3 675 - - - - ... -

90 23 12 - 3 288 3 704 107 35 48 12 3 485 3 840 103 35 42 12 3 499 3 864 83 23 32 4 3 440 3 832 63 23 28 4 3 929 4 470 20 - 4 - 3 252 3 528 20 12 10 8 3 741 4 010 6 - - - ... ... - - - - ... 4 - 6 - 3 343 3 635

- 10 - - 2 172 ... 14 23 11 - 3 021 3 852

7 - 5 5 ... ... 8 9 - - ... . .. 8 9 - - ... . .. - - - - - -

258 158 87 6 2 310 3 155 10 9 - - 2 154 2 573 - - - - 1 921 2 470

37 7 - - 1 836 2 730 10 - - - 2 047 2 949 18 7 - - 1 588 2 395

119 93 38 - 3 287 3 819 42 46 4 - 3 023 3 485 so 41 21 - 3 960 4 420 72 42 29 6 2 134 3 125 58 37 17 6 2 491 3 274

6 - 42 4 965 1 417 - - - - ...

1 422 6 - 42 4 957

ARKANSAS 5 - 657

Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued [Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see textJ

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical of 250,000 or More




Experienced civilian labor force-----------------------Profuslono:I, technlccd, and kindred worlcen ________________ _

Accountants ________ ---- -- __ -- ---- ---- ____ -- -- ______ ---- ____ _ Computer specialists __ -- ________________ ---- _________________ _ Librarians ________________________ ---- ____ -- ________________ _

Mathemo ticol specialists __ -- -- -- -- __ ---- -- __ -- -- -- __ -- -- ____ ---life end physical scientists------------------------------------­ nurses. dietitians. 'Clnd therapists ----------------------

D1et11ions __ ------ ------------ ____ ,. _______________ ---- ____ _ Registered nurses ---- ------ -- __ ------------ ---- __ -------- __

Heo_lth te_chn~logists and technicions -------------------------- ---Social sc1ent1sts ____ ------ -------- ---------- -------- -------- __ Social and recreation workers ------ ------ __ ------ __ ------ _____ _ Teachers: College and university-------- ______ ---------- ______ _

Elementary and prekindergarten ----------------------Secondary ---------- ------ ---------------- _______ _ Other teachers---------------------- __ ---------- __ _

Engineering and science technicians ____ .. ________________________ _ Technicians. except health, and engineering and science----- ____ ..... __ _ Writers, artists. and entertainers-------------------------------

Actors and dancers ______ ------------ ____ -------- _______ ,.. __ _ Authors, editors, and reparters---------------------------.. ---

Other professionol, technical, and kindred wL-~ers .... ------ __ ---- __ _

Ma.1gers. ond adnilnlstraton, -except farm-----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles monogers ------------------­Restaurant, cafeteria, end bar managers-------------------------School administrators------------------ __ ------------ ________ _ Other specified managers and administrators---------------------Managers and administrators. n.e.c., .salaried ____________________ _

Wholesale and retail trod•----------------------------------­Managers ond administrators, n.e.c.1 self·employed ----------------

Wholesale and retail trade ______ ------ ______ ---- ____________ _

Salts worlttr:s ---- ---- -- ---- ____ ------------ ------ ___ _ D.emoostrotars, hucksters, and peddlers ____ ---------- __ ------ ..... __ lnsurnnce, real estate agents, and brokers .. ______________________ _ Sales clerks, retait trade---------------------------------------Salesmen, retail trade- __ -- -- __ ---- ------ ______ ---- ---------- __ _ Other .soles workers ______________________ ------ ---------- ___ _

Clerical and kindred worktn ____________________________ _ Bonk tellers __________ ---- ______ ------ __ ---- ________________ _

Bookkeepers ________ ---- ---- -- ____ ---- -- ------ ---------- ----Cashiers ______ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ____ -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --Counter clerks, except food-----------------------------------­Enumerators and interviewers __ --------------------------------File clerks ______________ ----·--- ______ ---------- ____________ _ Office machine operators ________________ ---------- ---- _______ _

Bookkeeping and billing machine operotors ---------------------Keypunch aperalors ---- ____ -- ____ ---- ____ -- -- ---- -- ---- ___ _

Poyrol~ o~d timekeeping clerks----------------------------------Recept1on1sts __ -- ______________________ -------------------- __ Secretaries __________ -- -- ____ -- ____ ---- ---- ------ __ -------- --Stenographers __________________________ ---- ____ -------- ____ _ Telephone opera tors __ ,. _________________ ---------- __ -------- __ Typists -- -- ____ -- __________ ------ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -------- -- -Other clerical ood kindred workers ____ --------------------------

Crafts"""' Hd kindred woricers __________________________ _

Foremen, n.e.c ______ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- -- -- ------ __ -------- ---

Operativn, ucept trtnsport __ ---- ______ -------------- __ _ Assemblers __________________ ---- ______ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ____ _ Bottling and conning operatives __ -- -- ---- -- __ ---- ______ -- -- -- -- _ Chec.kers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing---------------Dressmakers and seam stresses, except factory ____________ ---- ---laundry and drycleaning operatives, including ironers--------------Graders end sorters, manufacturing __ ---- ______ ---- ____ ---- ____ _ Packers and wroppers, except produce __________________________ _ Sewers and stitchers __________ -- ________ -------- ____ -- ---- __ --Textile operntives -- __ ---- -- ------ __________ ., _______ ---- _____ _ Other specified operatives ____ ---- -- ------ -- -------- -------- ---Mis.cel/oneous and not specified operatives -----------------------

Manufacturing -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ---- ---- ------ ---- -- __ ------ ---Durable goods ____________ ------ ---------- ------ ------ __ _

Machinery, including electrical ____ -- __ ------ __ ------ ---- --Other durable goods------------------------------------

Nonduroble goods, including not specified manufacturing _______ _ Food and kindred product•------------------------------­Appare/ ond other fabricated textile products---------------

N0-nmonufacturing industries -------- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- __ _ Transport tof1ulpn1tat op1r11tiv1s __________________________ _

lallortrS, except fann __ ,.. _________ -------------------- __

Fanun aad fam n1anag1n ----------------------------­

Fal'lft laborers and fami forem•n--------------------------Paid farm laborers and farm foremen---------------------------­Unpoid family workers----------------------------------------

Servkt wort1n, except private hou1thokf1 ----------------­Cleaning service workers-------------------------------------­

Chambermaids and maids ------------.. ------------------- ... -­Food service workers----------------------------------------­

Cooks, except private household---- __ -- ------------ -- ------ -­Waiters ond food counter workers----------------------------

Health service workers-------------------------- ____ .. ________ _ Nursing otdes. orderlies, and attendants .. ______ ,.. _______________ _

Practical nurses .. ___ ------------------------------ ... ---------Personol service workers ____ ----------------------------------

Hoird ressers and cosmetolo·gists ____________________ ---- ____ --

Private hounho.&d woril•n------------------------------­Privcte household workers, living in-------------¥---------------Private household workers, living out ___________ ,. _______________ _

Toto/, 16 years old and over

8 506

1 072 20

5 6

220 64

156 47 7

49 58

407 116 23 13



20 28 36 20 5

12 5

126 17

65 14 30

780 5 9


29 15 22

17 6

25 239

9 70 59


232 4

943 381

121 27

201 6

66 242

5 484 410 359 282 69

213 77 23 25 51




13 13

2 296 655 228 731 409 122 483 331 131 152 64

789 23

1 766

$1 to $499

or loss



10 10

5 34 10




5 6 6

6 6

11 5



72 24

28 10 10 10


121 42 16 41 19 11 8

3 12 5



'Includes protective service workers and ol/occt&d coses not shown separately.

5-.. 658 ARKANSAS

$500 to




5 42








9 7



85 2

3 14

26 30 21 16 16

239 71 26 97 36 43 23 16

11 7

344 11


$1,000 to



36 7



5 5 4

5 5



105 5

11 4

7 35

20 20


260 56

20 5


8 18

75 38 38 23 4

19 15 9


530 164 69

161 92 21 79 74 5

56 19

590 12


Females with ea rnlngs in 1969

$2,000 to



101 5

34 14 20 6

24 22

56 17

14 14 11







366 63



18 28 5

69 76 69 65 12 53 4 4



677 211 85

231 137 40

100 82 13 27 16



$3,000 to



128 8

52 14 38 19

14 7






5 95

14 13 78

62 4

705 100

59 12 50 6

16 108

165 189 164 116 10

106 48

25 25



466 116 28

145 90 4

141 91 46 27 6



$4.000 to




53 4

49 7

12 35 21 4 8



14 11 5 7


4 4

3 29

27 5



359 123

17 10 19

8 54

87 41 41 36 11 25

5 5



163 32 4

47 35 3

72 44 28 12 4

$5,000 to




17 3

14 11


76 16 10






4 9 9



82 13

7 B

34 20 16 16 16


41 10




$6,000 to




12 6 6 4

84 27 5





9 5


5 5

52 9

43 24 19

$7,000 $10,000 to or

$9,999 more



29 13 16

7 11

96 25



10 10














Median earnings (dollars)

Earners All worked 50

earners to 52 weeks

2 556

4 887

4 019

4 143

5 914 5 625

4 692

2 518

2 881


2 815

3 242

3 267 3 455

3 263

2 642

3 528

3 267 3 270 3 253 3 233

3 231

2 892

2 381 2 239 2 035 2 288 2 420 l 333 3 223 2 921 3 967 1 946



3 193

5 562

4 300

4 210

6 608

3 804

3 634

3 935

3 SU 3 954

2 895

3 732

3 613 3 547 3 543 3 558

3 490

2 839 2 673 2 463 2 809 2 786

J 524 3 235


l 555


Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued (Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum bose for derived figure• (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor force-----------------------Profen1onal, technical, ond kindred workers-------------- __ _

Accountants-- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- ______ -- ________________________ _ Computer specialists __ ------------ -- -- -- ---------- __ ...... ______ _ Librarians ________ ---- -- ---- -- .... -- ------ ------ -- -------- -- ---

tt1~t ~~~~~a~i~b1e~~i~~:isis :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::: :Regis.tered nurses, dietitians, and therapists ------ __ ---- ------ ___ _

Dietitians ______ ------ __ ,. ___ ---- ---- ---- ------------ __ -----Registered nurses ____ ---- ------ __ ---- ------ ---- ___________ _

Heo.ith te.chn.ologists and technicians __ ---------------------- ____ _ Social scientists---------- __ ---- __ ---- __ ---- __ -------------- __ Social and recreation workers __________ ,._., ____________________ _ Teachers: College and university ____ ---------- ______ ------ ____ _

Elementory and prekindergarten ----------------------Secondary __ ------ ____ ---------- ______ ---- ------ __ Other teachers __ -- ____ ------ ------ ---- ____ ---- ____ _

Engineering and science technicians ........ ____ ---- ________ -------- __ Technicians, except health, and engineering and science ____ ,. _______ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers ______ ---- ______ .... ____________ _

Actors and dancers,. ___ -- ______________ ---- ________________ _ Au1hors. editors, and reporters __ ---- ____ -------- ____________ _

Other professionol, technical, and kindred workers ________________ _

Manageri .nd adndnh:traton, except form-----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales managers-------------------Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar managers ________________________ _ School administrators .. ___ ---- ____ -- -- ---- -- __________ ., _______ _ Other specified managers and administrators ____________ ., _______ _ Managers and administrators, n.e.c., salaried __ -------- __________ _

Wholesale and retail trade __________________ ------------ ____ _ Managers and administrators, n.e.c., self·emplayed ----------------

Wholesale and re toil trade ____________________ ---- __________ _

Salts worktn ____ .... ______________ ---- _______________ _ Demonstrators, hucksters, and peddlers .... ______________________ ,._ Insurance, real estate agents, and brokers .... _____________________ _ Sales clerks, retail trade ______________________________ ------ __ _ Salesmen, retail trade .... ________________________ ,. _____________ _

Other sales workers------------------------------------------Clerical and kindred work.en ____________________________ _

Bonk tellers ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -Bookkeepers ______________ -- ____ -- -- ------ ---· -- __ -- -- -- -- --Cashiers ________________________ ---- __ ---- ____ -- ---- _______ _

Counter clerks, except food--------------------- .. --------------Enumerators and interviewers ... _____________ ---- __ -------- ____ --File clerks ________________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ ---- __ -Office- machine operators __________________________ ---- --------

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators ______ ..... ____________ _ Keypunch operators ---- ________ -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- .... ____ --

Payroll and timekeeping clerk•-- ______________________ ------ ___ _ Receptionists ______________ -- ____ ..... -- -- __ -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- --Secretaries ______________ ---- ____ ---- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Stenographers ______ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -Telephone operators __ -- ________ .......... ________ ---- -- ---- -- _____ _ Typists ________________ -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- ---Other clerical and kindred workers _____________________________ _

Craftsmen and kindred workers---------------------------Foremen, n.e.c .. - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---

Operatives, except transport __________________________ ---Assemblers __________ -- ____ -- -- __ -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---Bottling and canning operatives ______ ---- __ -- -- ---- -- ------ -- __ -Checkers. examiners, and inspectors1 manufacturing __ -- __ ------ --­Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory -- -- __ -- __ ---- -- ---L(lundry and drycleaning operatives, including Ironers ______ ... ______ _ Graders and sorters, manufacturing __ ---- __ -------- -- __ ---- -- -- -Packers and wrappers, except produce ..... ---- -- -- ---- -- __ ---- -- -- -Se we-rs and stitchers __ -- __ -- -- __________ ---- ---- ---- __ ------ --Textile operatives -- -- -- __ ---- ____ ---- -- ---- -------- ---- -- -- --Other specified operatives ____ ---- __ ---- -- ,.. _____ -- -- ------ .. - .. _ .. Miscellaneous and not specified operatives __ ,.._ -- -- __ -- ---~-- -- -- -

Manufacturing -- -- ..... -- -- -- -- __ .... ------ ------------ ------ ---Durablo goads ____ -- ______ ---- ------ ---- ------ ------ -- ---

Machinery, including electrical---- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- --Other durable goods __ -- ____ ---- __ -------- -- ------ __ ----

Nondurable goods, Including not specified manufacturing _______ _ food and kindred products ____ ---------- -- ---- -- -·---- ---Apparel and other fabricated textile products ---------------

No.nmanufacturing Industries ______ ---- -- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -

Tra"spart equipment aperatlves ______ .... ---------------- -- -Labaren, except fonn ____________________ ---------- __ --

fenntrs and farm waanagen -----------------------------Form laboren and fann foremen ___________________ ,. _____ _

Paid farm loborers and farm foremen----------------------------Unpoid family workers -- -- ---- ____ ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ --

Servke workers, ocept private household 1 ----------------­

Cleaning service workers-------------------------------------­Chambermaids ond maids ------------------ -------------- --­

food service workers ---- -- -- ------ __ -- ---- -- ---- -- -------- --­Cooks, except private household-----------------------------· Waiters and food counter workers_ .. -------------------------­

Health service workers------ -- -- ------ -- -----·-- ---- -- --------Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendant&...--------------------- -­Practical nurses -- ------ ---- -- -- ---- -- -------------------- -­

Personal service workers------~----------------·-------------­Hairdressers and cosmetologists -- ------ -----~-- .. _ ---- ------ --

Private household workers ____ .. --- ____ -- ---·------ ---- ---Private household workers, living in----------------------------­Private household workers, living out----------------------------

Total, 16 years old end over

112 602

16 990 563 179 333 36 54

3 030 169

2 730 l 056

62 525 474

5 111 2 109

484 251 68

665 4

159 1 990

3 723 598 494 195 699

l 389 623 348 272

7 894 342 732

5 321 191

l 308

38 166 850

4 395 3 072 l 005

104 913

l 687 197

l 032 407 879

9 464 438

l 601 3 196

10 155

2 170 447

12 784 l 510

79 l 368

487 l 199

39 l 470 l 220

121 2 135 3 156 2 770 1 227

547 680

l 543 276 191 386


1 507


199 194


19 299 3 188' l 363 6 611 2 788 2 780 4 318 2 388 l 17S 3 140 l 805

9 391 116

9 275

$1 to $499

or loss

9 631

713 2S ----

84 11 69 48 -

19 4

157 57 56 11 12

107 4

16 133

116 20 23 4

22 23 17 24 24

1 038 103 39

692 20


2 038 5

131 386

76 17 53 72 15 49 -

71 372

19 85

178 573

76 3

776 67

4 28 40 94 -

111 63 14

138 217 150 64 14 50 86 23 19 67




115 110


2 148 330 138 803 269 435 254 157 45

416 186

2 420 24

2 396

'Includes protective service workers ond allocated coses not shown separately.


$500 10


9 354

829 12 -

26 -5

86 s

63 23

3 SS 47

197 62 76 37 -

81 -

11 119

146 15 41 10 21 31 11 28 16

902 74 45

634 10


2 372 40

119 501 104

18 126

71 5

31 9

87 362

20 129 216 570

SS -

633 70 6

28 45

100 7

60 47

7 116 147 96 43 23 20 55 14 4





30 30 -

2 039 362 148 822 230 459 247 131 29

379 180

2 161 32

2 129

Females with earnings in 1969

$1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 to to to to

$1,999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999

16 032 14 462 19 196 15 456

1 277 1 272 1 471 1 311 47 23 52 95 16 11 s 23 31 12 20 20 4 - - -5 6 s s

139 173 398 337 6 16 49 16

128 140 349 30S 89 65 173 191 - 4 4 -

48 45 29 28 49 73 38 32

406 439 290 239 111 130 115 78 55 69 64 15 15 5 47 23 - 8 14 12

72 61 43 57 - - - -

10 11 16 11 190 148 174 156

260 308 515 525 44 31 82 125 46 95 125 39 22 14 5 -48 57 93 101 65 62 161 223 39 38 BO 118 35 49 49 37 19 44 40 37

1 279 1 272 1 619 671 46 36 43 25 67 104 94 100

940 940 1 188 429 18 19 77 -

208 173 217 117

3 872 3 972 6 893 8 096 79 83 189 372

360 385 833 957 456 463 580 333 144 187 171 148

6 14 11 11 118 140 193 105 239 126 356 352

22 25 50 50 164 56 216 220

15 19 47 116 90 84 218 171

772 813 l 583 2 429 13 35 41 54

134 166 281 316 398 329 542 742

1 048 1 128 l 848 l 990

203 240 476 473 15 22 80 63

1 531 2 242 3 934 2 224 215 229 525 313

9 11 26 13 119 151 449 367 44 116 157 43

175 464 325 30 12 10 - 4

172 237 333 278 116 187 547 194

21 27 36 16 342 427 622 294 306 383 914 672 244 307 852 611 115 161 406 320 35 68 139 206 80 93 267 114

129 146 446 291 27 17 58 53

7 38 79 29 62 76 62 61

71 60 66 57

182 279 303 183

21 32 5 3

13 24 11 -13 24 17 -- - - -

4 032 3 767 3 587 ' 1 802 856 697 677 163 428 332 259 45

I 638 l 644 1 011 401 777 821 393 201 671 567 408 140 445 642 l 207 727 246 433 864 385 83 88 151 241

577 435 419 352 320 264 257 233

3 291 994 310 111 31 18 7 4

3 260 976 303 107

Median earnings (dollars)

$5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners to to to or All worked 50

$S,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners to 52 weeks

10 653 7 070 8 556 2 192 3 355 4 244

2 132 2 579 4 507 899 5 761 6 282 94 81 89 45 5 293 5 867 10 38 49 27 6 645 7 582 43 76 91 14 6 191 6 4SS a s 19 - ... ...

12 12 4 - ... 342 353 845 273 5 871 7 021

9 8 18 31 3 949 4 500 324 326 801 22S 5 960 7 09S 187 88 170 22 4 681 5 210 19 7 20 s

5 575 6 .57o 67 102 116 16 30 16 119 66 4 813 7 306

655 975 1 630 123 6 177 6 278 209 507 761 79 6 577 7 221 28 23 93 5 2 797 6 000 63 28 16 6 4 457 5 547

6 - 11 5 90 40 70 44 3 267 5 326 - - - -

5 ij:i -34 13 9 28 5 911

269 228 404 169 5 279 6 133

409 412 548 484 4 984 5 632 78 55 116 32 4 856 5 338 20 36 37 32 3 336 4 838 - 18 20 102 10000+

95 97 116 49 5 079 5 815 192 176 241 215 5 674 6 000 86 93 76 65 5 099 5 355 24 30 18 54 3 776 3 714 13 30 14 35 3 825 3 763

499 238 224 152 2 572 3 606 4 - 6 5 959

82 37 77 87 4 170 5 227 296 132 45 25 2 420 3 471

22 15 - 10 3 370 3 574 95 54 96 25 2 711 3 795

5 398 2 907 2 260 358 3 991 4 731 62 10 5 5 4 078 4 262

874 335 327 74 4 386 4 919 189 59 105 - 2 417 3 888 100 59 11 5 2 955 4 102

5 17 - 5 2 786 110 44 24 - 3 101 4 500 192 158 92 29 3 942 4 720

5 14 6 5 3 630 4 440 154 83 47 12 4 000 4 714 89 61 51 - 4 978 5 253 74 34 50 - 3 493 4 223

l 582 887 574 90 4 342 4 876 117 68 62 9 5 316 5 724 267 143 64 16 4 017 4 799 407 218 146 20 3 880 4 658

l 330 814 749 105 3 952 4 748

281 145 151 70 4 074 4 598 94 67 71 32 5 431 5 706

765 327 291 61 3 308 3 730 72 13 6 - 3 331 3 847 10 - - -

3 797 114 44 54 14 4 219 30 6 6 - 2 987 3 430 11 - - - 2 497 2 727 - 6 - -

151 84 39 5 3 465 4 299 51 11 4 - 3 360 3 603 - - - - 2 685 ...

92 38 52 14 3 072 3 692 234 125 130 28 3 574 4 076 225 125 130 28 3 688 4 161

84 21 5 8 3 568 3 832 57 5 - - 3 960 4 007 27 16 5 B 3 363 3 746

141 104 125 20 3 797 4 424 26 36 17 5 3 983 4 776 10 5 - - 3 348 3 698 9 - - - 2 197 3 067

39 5 20 20 3 144 4 239

131 79 36 16 2 980 3 817

- - - - ... ... - - - - 433 ... - - - - 441 ... - - - - ... -

974 347 488 115 2 380 3 246 49 17 19 18 2 066 2 579 6 - - 7 l 924 2 333

120 32 38 22 l 977 2 710 69 14 10 4 2 144 2 643 40 18 28 14 1 739 2 668

525 168 88 15 3 473 3 966 89 41 30 12 3 263 3 657

398 90 47 3 4 795 5 293 170 104 250 38 2 455 3 570 109 77 152 27 2 820 3 902

25 31 31 17 1 035 1 355 - - - - 1 065

d55 25 31 31 17 l 035

ARKANSAS 5 - 659

Table 176. Occupation of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued (Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor force--·--------------------Profes don•t, technkal, and klndrtd worictn ________ ------ __ _

Accountants .. _________ -- ---- -- -- -- ______ ---- ________________ _ Computer specialists -- .,_ -- ---- -- -- -- ____ .... ______ ---- ........ ---- __ libro rians .... -- ---- ........ -- ---- .... -- -- __ -- __ .... ------ -- -- ---- __ .... .. Mathematical specla Ii sts .... ------ __ .... ______ .... ---- .... __ ------ ........ .. Life and physical scientists .... ----------------------------------­Registered nurses, dietitians, and therapists ----------------------

Dietitians ____ .... __ -------------- ---------- ------------ ____ _ Registered nurses __ -----.--- -- ------ -------------- ----------

Heo.lth l~chnologists and technicians •• ------ •• ---------------- __ _ Social scientists---- ______ ---- __ -------------------- __ ------ __ Social and recreation workers-- .. ------------------- .. ---------­Teachers: College and universitY------------------------------

--Elementary and prekindergarten ----------------------Secondary -------- -- -- ------ -------------------- _ -Other teachers __ -- ---- __ ---------------------- ___ _ -

Engineering and science technicians ______ ------------------------Technicians, except health, ond engineering and science ___________ _ -Writers, artists, and entertainers-------------------------------

Actors and dancers .... ______ ---------------------------.. -- __ -Authors, editors, and reporters ____ ---------------------------Other professional, technical, and kindred workers _______________ _ -

-M1a111rs Hd od•infstretors, except firm-.. --------------­Buyers, pun;:hasiog agents. and sales managers-------------------Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar managers-------------------- ___ _ -School administrators __ -- __ ------ -- ---- __ -------- ---------- __ Othe-r specified managers and administrators -------------------­Managers and administrators, n.e.c., saloried .. -------------------

-Wholesale ond retail trade ------ -- ------------ __ -----------­

Managers and odmlnistrotors, n.e.c., self-employed--------------­Wholesale and retail trade.--------------------------··-----

S1le1 worken- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------------------ __ _ Demonstrators, hucksters, and peddlers ____ ------ ____ ------·----Insurance, real estate agents, and brokers ______________________ _ Sales clerks. retail trade ____ ...... ___________ ---- ________ ------ __ Salesmen, retail trade __ -- -------- __ ---- ____________ -------- __ Other sales workers -- _; ________ -- -- .... ------------ ____ ------ _

Cleric•l •nd kindred woril.ers ----------------------------Bank tellers __ •• __ -- -- •• ---- ---- -- ------ -------- __ ------ ___ _ Bookkeepers -------- ---- __ -- ____ -------- -------- ---------- _ Cashiers ____ -- -- ---- ---- -- ------ -----------------------.. -- ..


Counter clerks. except food •• ----------------------------------Enumerators and interviewers ---- __ ---------- ------ ____ ------ .. File clerks •••• ---- ____ ---------------- __ ------ __ ---------- __ -Office machine operators---- ____ ----------------------------_ -

Bookkeeping and billing machine operators---------------------Keypunch operators ---- ---- ____ ------ ---- ------ ------ ____ _ Payroll and timekeeping clerks •• __ -------- __ •• ---- ____ --------_ -Receptionists ------ -- ____ ---- -- ------ __ ---------- -------- __ .. Secretaries __________________ ---------- ____ ----------------_ Stenographers ________ ..,._ -------- __ ---- ------ ------------ -- __ Telephone operators ______________ ------ -------- __ ------ ____ .. Typists __________ •• __ ·------- ________ ------ ________ ------ __ Other clerical and kindred workers-----------------------------

Cnftu1t11 and kindred woricers _________________________ _

Foremen, n.e.c ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ------ ------ ------------ -- --Operotlves, e-xctpt trHsport ___________________________ _

Assem biers ______ -- -- ---- ---- __ -- ---- ---------- -------- -- --Bottling and conning operatives--------------------------------Checkers. examiners. and inspectors1 manufacturing ________ ---- __ Dressmakers ond seamstresses, except factory -----------------­Laundry and drycleoning operatives, including ironers ------------­Graders and sorters, manufacturing -- ---- ------ ------ __ ---- ..... __ Packers and wrappers, except produce ____ ------ ________ ------ __ Sewers and stitcherS-- ---- -- -- -- __ -- ____ -------- __ ---- ---- -- .. Textile operatives ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- __ ---- ------ -- ----------­Other specified operatives -------------------------------- ... --­Miscellaneous end not specified operatives ----------------------

M.anufacturing ______ ------ -- ________ ---- __ -------------- __


Durable goods-------- -- ------ ---------------- -------- •• Machinery, including electrical •• ---- __ ---------------- •• _ Other durable goods------ •• -- ---- ------------ -------- -

---Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing ______ _ Food ond kindred products-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated 1•xtile products--------------

Nanmaflufacturing industries ---- __ ------------ __ ---- --------Tra11port e4ulp11 .. t operatives ______ ---------------- ___ _

l•berers, except ''"" ---- ------ .. --------------------- _

Farmen ••d fOfll •anagers ---------------------------­

fana l••onn attd '•"" fonnH•-------------------------Poid form laborers and farm foremen---------------------------Unpoid family workers __ ,., _____ -- ------ __ ---------------- __ -- -

Servke worbn, except private household• ---------------­Cleaning service workers------------------------------------­

Chambermaids and moids --·------------------------------­Food service workers---------------------------------------­

Cooks, except private household ------ __ -------------------- _ Waiters ond food ccu.nter workers-------------- .. ------------

Health service workers ____________ .. _-------------------------Nursing oides. orderlies, and ottendcmts-----------------------Procticol nurses __ -- -- ____ -- -- __ -- ____ .... ____________ ,.. ___ -- ..

Personal service workers ____ ------ -- ---- -------------------- _ Hoirdressers and cosmetologists ________ --------------------_

Privttt lteu1ehohl worlen __________ ---------------- ___ _ Privote household workers, living in---------------------------­Private household workers, living out -- -------------------------


Toto!, 16 $1 to years aid $499 and over or loss

40 032 5 252

4 535 204 14 -4 -

64 -- -6 -

591 3B 70 -

503 34 188 13

3 -151 5 28 -

2 027 56 766 15

19 -21 -17 5 46 9 - -4 -

590 63

479 23 29 5

157 4 42 -57 4

122 5 49 5 72 5 56 5

803 182 39 12 65 -

523 120 15 6

161 44

4 647 515 67 -

215 31 674 103 19B 17 - -

143 19 163 10 25 6

100 -16 -91 11

508 76 lB -

425 49 456 52

1 673 147

836 43 68 -

6 922 464 897 58 32 4

66B 14 134 12

1 160 84 26 -

632 60 455 22 58 -

1 292 81 1 56B 129 1 311 76

767 44 264 8 503 36 544 32 50 10

113 8 257 53 129 10

888 97

69 14

199 115 194 110

5 5 11 708 1 343 2 976 299 I 296 125 4 313 552 2 482 227

939 173 2 238 159 1 521 119

468 14 926 13B 516 67

8 817 2 242 55 7

8 762 2 235

1Jncludes protective service workers and allocated coses not shown separately.


$500 $1,000 to to

$999 $1,999

4 600 8 057

199 258 - -- -- 10 - -- -

19 21 5 -9 21 4 15 3 -

15 15 - -

85 117 14 19 - 4 - 4 - -4 -- -- -

55 53

53 39 - -

25 21 - 5 4 3

11 -11 -13 10 7 -

57 116 4 7 - 5

48 82 5 -- 22

536 670 - -5 29

139 106 30 49 - -

25 33 9 24 - -9 24 - -

16 4 42 58 - -

53 76 70 52

147 239

20 89 - -

428 944 64 139 - 9

17 54 19 B

100 165 - 12

39 67 - 46 - 16

78 239 111 189

71 132 38 77 18 18 20 59 33 55 10 7 - 7

40 57

5 4

82 105

- 15

30 13 30 13 - -

1 187 2 651 327 800 142 409 477 1 079 202 692 185 219 106 256 19 196 5 23

130 208 69 132

2 003 3 146 13 21

1 990 3 125

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

$2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners ID 10 lo to ta ta or All worked 50

$2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners lo 52 weeks

6 762 7 366 3 072 1 615 1 184 1 819 305 2 312 2 989

306 442 332 510 737 1 398 149 6 022 5 394 - 10 - - 4 - - ... ... - - 4 - - - - ... ... - 4 - 9 3 38 - ... ... - - - - - - - - -- - - - 6 - - -

48 131 94 89 33 84 34 4 410 4 846 16 33 6 4 - - 6 32 98 83 85 29 84 28 4 693 5 085 16 54 58 19 5 4 - 3 852 4 250 - - - - - - -

4 639 -9 20 18 7 18 40 4 ... 6 6 - 10 - 6 -

135 88 103 259 400 730 54 6 426 6 778 29 32 24 71 190 354 18 6 942 6 409 - 10 - - - 5 - ... ... - 12 5 - - - - ... . .. B 4 - - - - - ... .. , 7 12 - - - 9 5 ... ... - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 4 - ... ...

48 59 26 46 78 128 34 4 654 6 102

58 84 42 31 57 42 so 3 792 4 797 - 4 - 5 - 15 - ... ...

37 29 23 - 13 5 - 2 770 ... - - - - 7 5 25 ... '" 9 19 9 4 5 - - ... ...

12 22 5 22 19 12 14 5 273 ... 5 5 - 10 10 3 - ... ... - 10 5 - 13 5 11 ... ... - 10 5 - 13 5 11 ... ...

113 176 99 26 16 13 5 2 412 3 480 - 6 10 - - - - ... . .. 9 16 11 16 4 4 - ...

65 117 55 10 12 9 5 2 177 3 406 4 - - - - - - ... ...

35 37 23 - - - - 2 414 ... 636 1 157 532 261 162 172 6 2 947 3 737

9 18 34 - 6 - - ... ... 18 54 57 11 5 5 - 3 454 4 183

110 148 47 13 - 8 - 1 896 3 343 26 45 18 13 - - - 2 115 3 096 - - - - - - - - -

17 18 11 14 6 - - 1 833 ... 13 43 24 27 13 - - 3 593 ... 3 16 - - - - - ... ... 5 10 18 27 7 - - ... ... - - 11 - 5 - - ... ...

17 21 11 5 - 6 - ... ... 67 129 64 40 32 - - 3 085 3 711 - 12 - - 6 - - ...

44 106 64 21 - 12 - 2 784 3 727 50 97 60 38 17 20 - 3 041 3 993

265 466 131 19 72 121 6 3 083 3 656

139 293 153 53 26 13 7 3 433 3 716 11 20 7 12 11 - 7 ... ...

1 511 2 374 898 188 44 54 17 3 048 3 409 152 316 141 22 5 - - 3 112 3 698 - 11 8 - - - - ...

3 854 105 278 143 28 6 19 4 3 518 45 42 2 6 - - - 2 622 2729 450 325 30 6 - - - 2 513 10 - 4 - - - - ...

133 159 113 40 11 5 5 3 107 3 B26 73 249 51 5 5 4 - 3 347 3 5B9 10 27 5 - - - - ...

294 397 154 30 - 14 5 2 844 3 454 239 570 247 51 17 12 3 3 204 3 497 191 532 226 51 17 12 3 3 349 3 5B4 103 296 162 30 12 5 - 3 410 3 623 25 102 84 9 - - - 3 618 ... 78 194 78 21 12 5 - 3 302 3 718 88 236 64 21 5 7 3 3 271 3 543 - 11 - - 5 7 - ...

25 SB 9 6 - - - 3 284 ... 48 38 21 - - - - 1 623 2 321

10 37 20 33 - 4 6 3 959 ... 213 181 86 80 20 24 - 2 751 3 279

32 5 3 - - - - ... ... 24 17 - - - - - 433 ... 24 17 - - - - - 441 ... - - - - - - - -...

2 755 2 312 825 416 91 73 48 2 242 2 877 677 653 137 49 11 5 18 2 092 2 571 317 249 41 6 - - 7 1 932 2 320

1 222 636 259 48 17 10 13 2 040 2 629 770 354 177 37 9 10 4 2 156 2 601 219 102 28 - 8 - 5 1 509 2 420 406 699 277 244 53 26 12 3 275 3 681 322 563 159 43 lB 10 12 3 079 3 463

38 46 101 201 24 16 - 5 035 5 242 192 149 60 20 10 14 5 1 93B 2 328 llB 72 35 9 10 4 - 1 924 1 967

965 288 82 17 31 26 17 1 052 1 353 7 7 - - - - -

1 oso 958 281 82 17 31 26 17 1 350


Table 177. Selected Occupation by Maior Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Sex: 1970

The State

Male experienced clvlllan labor force ---------

Agriculture, forestry, and ftshtrles ----------------Professional and managerial workers. except farm ________ _ Cle-rical and sales workers ________ .., ____________ ,. ______ _

Laborers, except farm -------------------------------­Other blue-collar workers-----------------------------­Formers and farm managers-------------------.-------­Form laborers and form foremen ----------------------­Service workers, except private household -------~-------

M~--------------------Prafessionol, technical, and kindred workers--------------Managers and administrators, e)(cept farm ____ ,. _________ _ Clerical and soles workers .. ------------- .. -------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers ---.. -------------------­Operati"es, except transport--------------------------­Transport equipment operatives, and laborers, e)(cept form __ Service workers, e)(cept private household ---------------

Co11trvctioa __ ---- ---- __ -------- -------- __ ---Professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------Managers and administrators, e)(Cept form _______ .,. ______ _ Sales workers ______ -- ------ ------ ______ ---- ________ _ Clerico! and kindred workers -- ____ ---- ____________ -----Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport--------------------------­Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers, except form ---- ---- -- __ ---- -- -- ------ -----­Service workers, except private household ---------------

M11uf•cturing, total ---- __ .... ------ _____ .,. ______ _ Professfonal, technical, and kindred workers ______ .. ______ _ Manage-rs and administrators. except form------- .. -------Soles workers ____________________ ---- ______ - .. ---- __ _ Clerico! and kindred workers ____________ ------ ---- ____ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers ------------------------Operati\les, except transport -- ---- -- ------ .. ___ ---- -----Transport equipment operatives ---- -- ---- ------ .. - _____ _ Laborers, except farm --------------------------------Service workers, except private household __ ---- ______ ---

Manufacturlng, durable goods-------------------­Professional. technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except farm---------------Sales workers ____________ -- ______ ------ -- __ ---- ____ _

Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Croftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------­Operatives. except transport -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers, except farm -------------------------------­Service workers, except private household ---------------

M1nuf1cturfng, nondurable goods, Including not 1peclllld __________________________________ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers------------- .. Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ________________________ ........ __ ---- ---- .. Clerico I ond kindred workers -- ______ -- -- __ ---- ---- __ --· Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport.-------------------------- .. Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­laborers, except farm -------------------------------.. Service workers, except private household ---- .. ----------

TronsportatlH, con11Hnicatlo1s, and other put.Uc utllltlH -- -- -- -- -• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---·-- __

Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ---- __ -- ____ -- ______ ------ -- ---- -- -- -- • Clerica1 and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------­Operatives, except transport---------------------------Transport equipment operatives ____ ---- __ ---- ---- ---- --laborers, except form -------------------------------­SeNice workers, except private household ---------------

Whellsole trode __ ---- -- -- ------ ---- ------ -----Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Sales workers ______ .... __ ---- ____________ ---- __ -------Clerical and kindred workers_ _______ ---- __ ---· -- ---- ---Craftsmen ond kindred workers -----------------------­Operoti"es, except transport--------------------------­Transport equipment operatives ---- ------ -- ---- -------­Laborers, except farm -------------------------------­Service workers. except privote household -------------- ..

•• , •• hod• -- ------------ -- ---- --------------Professional, technical, ond kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ---- ........ ------ ---- .... ---- __ ------ .. ----- -Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen ond kindred workers ------------------------Operatives, except transport _______ .. ____________ ,.. .......... ..

Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers, except form -------------------------------­Service workers, except private household ---------------


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Persons wi1h earnings Percent

Toto!, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Median worked years aid $1,999 to to to to to to to or earnings 50 to 52 and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6.999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more (dollars) weeks

414 861 67 180 81 176 46 742 46 588 39 251 33 823 41 669 38 745 19 687 5 265 70.0

50 108 16 744 14 433 4 546 3 601 2 414 1 596 2 035 2 864 1 875 3 152 SU l 650 110 305 138 197 176 156 177 215 176 6 426 81.8

369 37 74 44 64 36 16 29 so 19 5 461 74.3 l 686 628 525 210 98 93 411 43 25 16 2 819 50.9 2 469 597 729 386 352 128 113 87 63 14 3 749 56.3

22 500 6 082 4 711 1 918 2 021 l 442 1 039 l 507 2 259 l 521 4 238 73.4 21 215 9 241 7 999 l 820 8411 521 218 192 247 129 2 342 42.0

219 49 90 30 21 18 6 - 5 - 3 344 43.4

4 958 390 564 532 474 613 652 849 668 216 6 847 76.9 383 21 9 6 4 20 15 87 161 60 10 916 96.6 355 21 30 11 18 17 33 39 118 68 10 360 93.5 258 13 20 14 46 27 45 65 19 9 7 200 88.4

l 382 76 117 140 113 198 187 294 212 45 7 251 83.2 l 878 207 285 222 164 273 264 311 130 22 6 223 68.6

590 47 88 136 92 73 80 42 20 12 5 261 60.2 112 5 15 3 37 5 28 11 8 - 5 892 80.4

46 457 6 no 10 162 6 043 5 472 4 474 3 701 4 658 4 216 1 621 5 167 55.1 1 471 43 111 132 99 109 107 283 387 200 8 951 85.8 3 918 194 334 228 369 362 332 565 833 701 8 496 77.2

161 33 7 6 12 21 17 14 34 17 7 088 n.6 810 106 56 54 80 90 161 104 96 63 7 118 73.8

27 837 3 321 5 870 3 763 3 713 3 020 2 437 2 997 2 243 473 s 260 52.6 2 896 302 608 368 346 252 252 326 341 101 5 491 50.9 2 147 223 765 378 213 189 122 132 109 16 4 226 66.0 6 795 1 798 2 278 l 044 593 396 267 221 154 44 3 404 41.1

422 90 133 70 47 35 6 16 19 6 3 820 60.7

113 426 12 218 23 425 16 547 1S 436 12 180 9 841 11 799 8 847 3 133 5 293 73,1 5 291 212 328 199 436 605 691 l 048 l 306 466 8 333 87.3 6 091 298 328 223 378 486 553 926 1 463 l 416 9 664 90.2 3 073 508 223 202 192 212 298 429 635 374 7 669 82.8 5 132 411 871 770 757 721 524 659 359 60 5 679 79.4

25 687 1 470 2 875 2 805 3 902 3 684 3 344 4 272 2 968 367 6 466 81.2 42 417 4 752 10 933 8 230 6 393 4 214 2 981 3 203 1 450 261 4 671 69.1 7 860 757 1 753 1 284 1 236 1 058 666 658 374 74 5 110 69.6

13 927 3 087 4 958 2 170 l 628 821 573 413 181 96 3 564 55.8 3 948 723 1 156 664 514 379 211 191 91 19 4 143 69.7

61 516 7 791 16 042 11 116 9 829 6 962 5 445 5 654 4 019 1 658 4 938 70.1 2 798 115 170 126 227 312 396 572 649 231 8 185 87.4 3 388 204 237 133 228 243 313 469 795 766 9 433 86.7

963 76 35 82 69 61 107 131 236 166 8 766 87.5 2 654 170 516 491 475 317 261 253 132 39 5 316 75.3

15 493 970 2 070 1 945 2 429 2 239 2 000 2 251 l 409 180 6 149 79.2 27 251 3 182 7 493 5 771 4 451 2 620 l 677 l 445 456 156 4 511 66.8 4 025 467 l 122 662 567 468 254 274 173 38 4 640 63.0 9 798 2 244 3 759 1 501 l 069 527 330 173 113 82 3 413 54.1 2 146 363 640 405 314 175 107 86 56 - 4 173 68.5

44 910 4 427 7 383 s 431 5 607 5 218 4 396 6 145 4 828 1 475 5 930 77.7 2 493 97 158 73 209 293 295 476 657 235 B 511 87.2 2 703 94 91 90 150 243 240 457 688 650 9 941 94.5 2 110 432 188 120 123 151 191 298 399 208 7 215 80.6 2 478 241 355 279 282 404 263 406 227 21 6 203 83.9

10 194 500 805 860 l 473 l 445 l 344 2 021 I 559 187 7 010 84.4 15 166 l 570 3 440 2 459 l 942 1 594 1 304 l 758 994 105 5 059 73.2 3 835 290 631 622 669 590 412 384 201 36 5 560 76.4 4 129 843 1 199 669 559 294 243 240 68 14 4 034 59.9 l 802 360 516 259 200 204 104 105 35 19 4 097 71.2

35 133 3 641 5 012 3 300 3 957 3 561 3 767 5 516 5 084 1 295 6 465 75.5 l 967 141 202 116 181 172 202 348 450 155 7 849 78.7 2 982 139 162 78 215 191 312 544 916 425 9 449 87.\

350 6 9 27 46 27 35 115 64 21 8 435 93.7 2 968 146 336 280 345 407 503 606 316 29 6 926 83.7 9 580 344 634 883 1 173 l 181 l 331 2 026 I 842 166 7 432 86.l l 693 164 358 199 333 205 157 191 64 22 5 377 73.l

11 389 1 715 2 127 l 139 1 217 973 l 004 1 412 l 347 455 5 586 65.5 3 529 867 983 458 394 349 181 217 58 22 3 826 61.3

675 119 201 120 53 56 42 57 27 - 4 146 68.3

11 933 1 766 2 770 2 371 2 414 1 982 1 766 2 137 2 278 1 449 6 073 80.3 391 17 28 21 21 38 36 62 123 45 9 113 88.2

3 598 192 252 199 305 309 333 486 730 792 8 860 88.7 4 761 259 418 390 506 503 535 781 895 474 7 569 87.0 l 395 172 297 2\3 251 156 114 72 94 26 5 062 77.9 2 284 122 250 308 383 324 268 361 231 37 6 244 81.7 l 381 200 398 293 158 122 87 64 44 15 4 316 70.5 3 368 303 604 700 561 420 324 262 145 49 5 137 76.0 l 487 396 473 199 207 91 54 45 16 6 3 469 59.4

268 105 so 411 22 19 \5 4 - 5 3 160 56.3

57 703 11 991 10 834 6 201 6 549 5 521 4 363 4 764 4 789 2 691 4 972 73.6 l 336 114 56 54 59 103 BB 185 408 269 10 110 85.9

15 177 1 344 l 906 l 208 l 598 1 720 1 613 l 779 2 330 l 679 6 891 88.5 ll 442 2 151 1 974 1 157 l 308 1 214 1 020 l 052 l 132 434 5 336 78.l 3 450 l 106 839 311 367 255 162 201 160 49 3 476 63.3 8 588 856 1 664 l 247 l 418 1 095 866 809 499 134 5 372 78.2 7 005 2 036 l 692 1 051 827 562 268 410 112 47 3 733 63.3 3 436 685 762 620 485 363 233 187 60 41 4 437 69.2 4 099 l 980 1 178 328 306 132 59 65 35 16 2 118 44.0 3 170 1 719 763 225 181 77 54 76 53 22 l 844 44.8

ARKANSAS 5 - 661

Table 177. Selected Occupation by Major Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State

Male experienced cMllan labor force -Continued

Fi11ne1, ln1111nnce, and rtol estott .. --------------­Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers ond administrators, except form---------------Sales workers ______ ------ ---------------------------


Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, exc:ept transport -- ---- __ ---------- -------­Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers. except form -------------------------------­Service workers. except private household ---------------

luslneu .... repeir servkes -------------------­Professional; technicat ond kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except farm-------------­Soles workers ---- __ ---- -------- __ ---- -------------­Clerical and kindred workers-------------------------­Crahsmen and kindred workers----------------------­Operatives. except trans port -- __ -- __ -- -- -- ---- ---- -- --


-----Transport equipment operatives __________ .. _______ .. ___ _

laborers, except farm ------------------------------­Servke workers, except private household --------------

hrsoaitl servl-ces ______ ____ ---------- ---------Professional and managerial workers1 except form-------­Clerical and sales workers----------------------------Craftsmen and operatives, including transport_ __________ _ laborers, except form -------------------------------Service workers, except private household __ ------ ______ _ Private household workers -------------------------~-

E1tt•rt•hua111t aed re-c:notitn services------------­Professionol, technicoJ, and kindred workers------------­Managers. and administrators, except form--------------Safes workers ____ ,. ________________________________ _ Clerico I and kindred workers __________________ --------

Craftsmen ond kindred workers ----------------------­Operatives, except transport-------------------------­Transport equipment operatives-----------------------Laborers. except form ---- __ ------ __ ---- ---- ____ -----Service workers. except private household --------------

Profenianol and releted senices. ________________ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers------------­Managers ond administrators, except form--------------Sales workers __________ .... ________ -- ------ __ ------ __ Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------Croftsmen and kindred workers ______ ------------ -----Operatives, except transport ________ ---- ______ ------ __ Transport -equipment operatives ---- __ ----------------­Laborers, except form ---- __ ---- __ ------ ------ ------ -Service workers, except private household --------------

Pu•lk administration------ ____________ --------Professional, technical. and kindred workers------------­Managers ond admintstrators, except farm-------------­SaJes workers __ ---- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- -- -------- -- __ Clerical and kindred workers ________ ------ ________ ----Croftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------Operatives. except transport ______ -- ---- ------ ---- ----Tronsporr equipment operatives -- -- ______ ---- ---- ---- .. laborers. except form ---- __ -- -- -- ________ ---- __ -----Service workers, except private household --------------

Female experienced civilian labor force-------

A1riculh1te, forestry, and fisheries--------------­Professional and managerial workers, except farm--------Clertcol and soles workers -- __________ -- __ ------ ---- __ laborers, except farm ------------------------------­Other blue-collar warkers·---------------------------­Farmers and farn'l managers-------------------------­Farm laborers and form foremen---------------------­Service workers, except private household --------------

Mltll•t -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -Professional, technical, and kindred workers ____________ _







Managers and administrators, except farm-------------­Clerical and soles workers---------------------------­Crahsmen and kindred workers ----------------------­Operatives, except transport---------------------- .. --­Transport equipment operatives, and laborers, except form_ Service workers, except private household --------------


Co111trutfJon -------- ------------------------Professional, technical, and kindred workers------------­Monogers and administrators, except form--------------Soles workers ---- ______ .,,. ------------ __ -------- ----Clerical and kindred workers __ ---- __ -----------------­Cro~smen and kindred workers ----------------------­Operatives, e)(cept transport -- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---­Transport ecwipment operatives ----------------------­labore-r.s. except form -------------------~----------­Service workers, except privot& househotd ---------------

5 - 662 ARKANSAS


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Persons with earnings Percent

Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4.000 $5,000 $6.000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Median worked years old $1,999 to to to to to to to or earnings 50 ta 52 and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more (dollars) weeks

11 631 1 077 1 121 715 860 921 1 029 1 752 2 276 1 880 8 106 84.6 639 46 19 11 47 71 IOI 144 127 73 8 340 90.0

3 017 167 77 90 128 148 263 421 858 865 11 250 92.6 4 591 286 341 218 355 406 413 744 981 847 8 743 85.4 1 829 206 221 136 165 222 184 340 265 90 ~ 840 80.8

487 52 77 100 63 41 32 82 40 - 5 230 65.5 15 - - 15 - - - - - - ... ... 77 26 20 5 13 8 - - - 5 ...

371 147 143 32 31 - 12 6 - - 2 538 58.8 60S 147 223 108 58 25 24 15 5 - 3 395 77.0

11 966 2 041 2 441 1 461 1 623 1 097 980 1 002 898 423 5 025 72.6 508 64 71 10 25 51 61 96 79 51 7 541 76.6

I 20S 89 141 62 140 132 137 119 230 15S 7 281 86.2 392 49 49 23 69 55 22 50 60 15 6 109 79.6 407 80 58 50 62 14 62 47 19 15 5 250 64.6

6 664 1 004 1 434 949 955 625 559 578 430 130 4 942 75.9 l 628 326 357 234 275 180 86 77 44 47 4 551 64.I

177 43 50 24 26 - 23 6 5 - 3 820 59.9 397 191 128 36 26 6 5 - 5 - 2 117 29.7 588 193 153 73 45 34 25 29 26 10 3 320 60.0

8 886 2 782 1 955 1 088 772 544 467 483 461 334 3 699 67.9 1 944 188 220 198 220 202 162 196 276 282 6 723 88.6

50S 189 67 87 49 27 2S 29 27 s 3 896 67.9 1 8S3 435 513 290 162 126 139 101 68 17 3 916 66.1 I 06-0 719 213 68 38 IO 7 5 - - 1 474 33.5 3 088 926 861 424 299 172 134 152 90 30 3 436 70.I

436 325 81 21 4 5 - - - - l 342 51.4

2 776 892 747 227 237 174 182 111 128 78 3 328 55.0 417 76 95 36 38 30 55 2S 31 31 s 039 46.0 625 135 118 30 63 44 77 48 67 43 5 468 68.8 53 26 10 - 5 - - 5 7 -

168 80 47 6 17 s 4 - s 4 2 170 43.5 244 73 71 18 2S 2S 15 12 s - 3 380 70.I SS - 12 6 30 7 - - - - ·-· --· 32 5 12 - - 6 4 5 - -

388 142 140 61 26 10 9 - - - 2 743 53.4 794 3SS 242 70 33 47 18 16 13 - 2 347 51.0

35 397 6 155 5 862 2 223 3 163 3 542 3 172 3 594 3 814 3 872 6 083 66.7 20 288 I 778 2 212 903 2 086 2 615 2 262 2 373 2 665 3 394 7 243 69.3 3 26S I06 IS8 83 146 223 413 868 861 407 9 160 80.0

ISS 17 46 16 20 s s 13 15 18 4 906 62.6 I 442 541 304 134 116 81 85 100 71 JO 3 184 ss.o I 693 250 296 287 274 184 153 85 148 16 5 049 73.2

471 151 138 49 39 42 25 22 5 - 3 225 56.9 319 115 90 50 44 11 9 - - - 2 989 54.9 644 366 161 32 34 32 6 6 7 - 1 760 40.4

7 120 2 831 2 4S7 669 404 349 214 127 42 27 2 593 57.5

17 487 1 373 1 850 1 488 2 030 2 228 2 307 2 969 2 422 820 6 899 84.3 2 586 67 153 141 206 203 315 370 757 374 9 124 87.9 2 955 102 138 155 364 331 299 496 802 268 8 357 90.1

25 - - 6 9 - 5 5 - - ... 4 887 316 347 282 302 636 877 1 466 538 123 7 639 85.5 I 565 177 322 122 139 175 245 245 127 13 6 129 79.9

251 25 45 32 27 42 37 36 7 - 5 870 67.7 301 36 105 53 21 43 22 14 7 - 4 179 65.8 722 194 228 70 81 70 24 45 10 - 3 465 65.0

4 195 456 512 627 881 728 483 292 174 42 5 570 83.9

238 096 82 728 83 509 30 195 19 363 10 953 4 776 3 587 2 053 932 2 870 52.9

4 825 2 612 14U 294 192 67 76 19 58 44 1 847 46.2 155 41 43 22 10 22 8 - 9 - 3 698 55.5 672 211 268 93 61 14 22 3 - - 2 933 59.2 336 174 126 15 15 - 6 - - - 1 931 35.7 209 105 78 17 - 4 5 - - - 1 990 31.6

1 06S 473 313 66 66 18 35 11 45 38 2 380 70.8 2 306 1 573 598 76 35 9 - 5 4 6 1 466 33.0

82 35 37 5 5 - - - - - ... ·-· 396 37 93 125 45 33 33 16 14 - 4 544 78.5

25 - - 5 5 - 4 5 6 - ... ·-· 10 - - 4 6 - - - - - ia·.2 275 27 63 99 30 28 17 11 - - 4 480 25 - - 5 - - 12 - 8 - ... ... 51 5 30 12 4 - - - - - ... . .. 5 5 - - - - - - - - ... -5 - - - - 5 - - - - ... ...

2 043 382 655 320 264 170 82 92 53 25 3 953 64.2 90 4 19 10 5 15 15 18 - 4

133 20 3S - 14 16 - 22 16 10 5 821 73.7 22 5 8 9 - - - - - - ... ...

l 141 183 418 185 189 93 53 10 5 5 3 854 71.2 333 77 75 62 32 25 8 26 28 - 4 234 52.9 88 15 33 11 5 9 - 5 4 6 ... ... 23 - 3 9 5 - - 6 - -

182 63 54 34 14 6 6 5 - - 3 037 40.1 31 15 10 - - 6 - - - - ... ·-·


Table 177. Selected Occupation by Major Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State

Female experienced cMllon labor force­Continuea

Manufacturing, total--------------------------­Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ---- __ ---- ---- ---------- ------ ---- -----Clerical and kindred workers---------------------------Craftsmen and kindred workers ---- __ ---- -------- _____ _ Operatives, except transport __ ---- ______ ------ ---- ____ _ Transport equipment operatives ------------------------loborers, except farm ........ ______________ -------- _____ _ Service workers, except private household ---------------

Manufacturing, durable goods-------------------­Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ------ ---- ____ ---- __ ------ ________ ---- _ Clerical ond kindred workers ____ ---- ------ ------ ______ _ Craftsmen ond kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport--------------------------­T.ronsport equipment operatives ------------------------laborers, except farm ---- ____ ---- ---- ____ .. _____ ------Service workers, except private household ---------------

Monufocturing, nondurable goods, lncludlng not specified __________________ ,. ___ ---- ________ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except farm---------------Sales workers -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- ------ -Clerical and kindred workers ____________ ------ ________ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers------------------------Operatives, except transport __________________________ _ Transport equipment operatives __________ ------ ---- ___ _ to borers, except form ---- __ ---- ________ ---- _________ _ Service workers, except private household ---------------

Trnsportatlo", communications, and oth•r public utllltlos ______________________________ ------Professional, technical, and kindred workers ____ ---- _____ _ Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ______________ -- -- __ -- -- __ ---- -- __ -- __ _ Clerical and kindred workers ______________ ---- ________ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers ------------------------Operatives, except transport ______________ ---- ________ _ Transport equipment operatives ____________ -- -------- __ Laborers, except form ______________________ ---- __ ----Service workers, except private household ---------------

Wholesale trade ____________ ..... __ ---- __________ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers ____ ---- _____ _ Managers and administrators, except farm---------------Sales workers ________ -- ____ -- -- __ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -Clericol and kindred workers ________ -- _____ , ______ -- __ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers ------------------------Operotives, except transport __ -- __________________ -- -- _ Transport equipment operatives ____________ -- -- ____ -- --laborers, except form -- ____________ -- -- -- -- ---- __ -- --Service workers, except private household __________ -- -- -

Reta II trade ____________________ ---- ---- _____ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------Managers and administrators, except farm __________ .. ___ _ Soles workers __ -- __ -- -- -- __ -- ____ ---- -- ---- -- -- -- ---Clerical ond kindred workers __ -- -- ____ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---Craftsmen ond kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport---------------------------Transport equipment operatives ____ ---- -- ---- ------ -- --Laborers, except form ---- ____ -- -- __ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ----Service workers, except private household ---------------

finance 1 Insurance, and real estate----------------Professional, technical, and kindred workers _____________ _ Managers and administrators, except form ____ .,. _________ _ Sales workers ________ -- ---- -- -- -- ..... -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -Clerical and kindre~ workers __ -- ______ -- -- ---- ---- ---- -Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport -- -- -- -- _ .. -- -- -- -- --------­Transport equipment operatives -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -----­Laborers, except farm ---- -- __ -- -- __ ..... -- -- -- ---- -- -- -­Service workers, except private household ---------------

Business and repair senkes --------------------­Professional. technical, and kindred workers--------------Managers and administrators, except form ______________ _ Soles workers __________ -------- -- -- -- -- -- ..... ---- -----Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- --Operatives, except transport ------ ____ -- __ ---- ---- .... ---Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers, except form -------------------------------­Service workers, except private household ---------------

Penonol senlces .. _____ -- -------- -- -- ---- -- -- --Professional and managerial workers, except form--------­Clericol and soles workers----------------------------­Craftsmen and operatives, including transport------------M Laborers, except form ----------------------------.. ---Service workers, except private household _______________ _ Private household workers ----------------------------


(Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Persons with earnings Percent

Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8.000 $10,000 $15,000 Median worked years old $1,999 to to to to to to to or earnings 50 to 52 ond over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more (dollars) weeks

61 804 13 371 28 919 12 473 4 000 1 608 684 447 162 140 3 212 55.2 1 241 193 328 307 115 125 87 57 15 14 4 324 67.2

547 53 136 56 75 40 58 50 57 22 5 380 80.l 484 203 137 50 28 22 9 12 17 6 2 569 61.0

7 942 1 297 2 716 2 270 893 456 161 117 10 22 3 969 69.2 3 843 505 1 553 892 493 169 110 89 27 5 3 824 63.6

44 974 10 375 22 707 8 493 2 263 719 239 95 31 52 3 067 52.0 165 22 59 37 25 17 - 5 - - 4 041 40.6

1 994 525 979 306 86 53 10 11 5 19 2 964 44.5 614 198 304 62 22 7 10 11 - - 2 717 45.6

24 760 4 661 11 010 5 727 l 982 707 321 184 93 75 3 402 57.6 413 56 135 89 28 45 29 21 - 10 4 174 61.0 223 25 49 34 15 10 23 16 35 16 5 233 73.5

73 22 12 6 6 10 - - 11 6 3 640 577 1 208 1 106 435 202 47 49 10 6 4 032 70.0 2 057 300 927 423 196 71 77 50 13 - 3 572 61.4

17 099 3 354 8 109 3 879 1 220 330 129 33 19 26 3 281 55.0 90 18 28 20 12 12 - - - -

4'io 864 228 387 141 58 20 10 4 5 11 3 054 301 81 155 29 12 7 6 11 - - 2 897 48.5

37 044 8 710 17 909 6 746 2 018 901 363 263 69 65 3 096 53.6 828 137 193 218 87 80 58 36 15 4 4 385 70.3 324 28 87 22 60 30 35 34 22 6 5 417 84.6 411 181 125 44 22 12 9 12 6 - 2 392 59.4

4 302 720 1 508 1 164 458 254 114 68 - 16 3 898 68.5 1 786 205 626 469 297 98 33 39 14 5 4 132 66.2

27 875 7 021 14 598 4 614 1 043 389 110 62 12 26 2 948 50.1 75 4 31 17 13 5 - 5 - - ...

1 130 297 592 165 28 33 - 7 - 8 2 905 42.6 313 117 149 33 10 - 4 - - - 2 530 42.8

6 915 1 373 1 762 l 370 1 393 505 262 132 96 22 4 235 66.5 183 14 32 44 40 10 13 10 15 5 5 038 83.6 223 14 37 45 31 38 29 11 18 - 5 500 85.2

56 7 15 10 16 4 - 4 - - ... 5 541 963 l 400 l 229 1 218 437 196 59 22 17 4 332 67.9

148 5 22 10 35 6 12 30 28 - 6 333 83.1 68 19 22 5 14 5 - 3 - - ...

396 212 126 9 26 - 5 10 8 - 1 868 33.3 94 50 24 18 - - 2 - - - ...

206 89 84 - 13 5 5 5 5 - 2 333 65.0

3 940 983 1 447 717 382 134 88 76 83 30 3 364 62.7 90 15 37 6 11 6 5 10 - - ... ...

250 22 57 26 31 20 5 20 39 30 5 645 86.0 292 87 80 43 9 11 32 16 14 - 3 475 61.0

2 345 480 880 496 311 77 46 25 30 - 3 574 66.7 96 28 16 26 6 15 - 5 - -

600 215 270 111 4 - - - - - 2 630 47.5 31 6 20 - - 5 - - - - ... ...

172 83 70 9 10 - - - - - 2 086 44.8 64 47 l 7 - - - - - - - ... ...

42 136 19 036 15 802 3 433 l 684 798 453 331 413 186 2 257 53.9 390 97 95 48 50 39 28 19 14 - 4 063 63.8

4 507 l 320 1 308 512 409 258 228 121 280 71 3 427 76.4 13 711 6 097 6 044 882 220 200 33 93 74 68 2 251 55.4 10 121 3 380 4 078 1 535 707 229 85 64 16 27 2 824 57.8

699 260 222 53 88 22 22 10 18 4 2 806 58.4 I 379 415 684 131 107 22 15 - - 5 2 803 61.1

60 17 32 - 5 6 - - - - ... ... 556 322 172 38 14 5 5 - - - 1 727 48.6

10 713 7 128 3 167 234 84 17 37 24 11 11 1 503 37.3

10 708 l 854 3 744 2 414 1 407 667 208 212 107 95 3 870 71.2 146 6 38 37 24 24 - 12 5 - 4 784 77.4 724 69 114 107 158 110 46 73 24 23 5 456 86.5 813 155 213 86 94 77 26 60 51 51 4 448 72.6

8 545 1 394 3 187 2 163 1 109 452 125 67 27 21 3 806 69,8 18 4 5 9 - - - - - - ..... ... 71 11 43 6 - - 11 - - - ... . .. - - - - - - - - - - - -

23 11 6 6 - - - - - - ... 368 204 138 - 22 4 - - - - 1 804 65.8

2 892 899 1 050 398 253 136 51 33 38 34 3 042 57.3 295 96 69 30 44 26 25 - 5 - 3 493 38.3 198 9 68 46 23 7 6 10 13 16 4 478 72.2 102 51 34 10 7 - - - - - 2 000 41.2

1 636 507 632 220 129 82 20 13 15 18 2 984 58.1 265 75 87 34 38 16 - 10 5 - 3 322 74.3 187 61 72 42 12 - - - - - 2 903 51.9

7 - 7 - - - - - - - ... -42 22 10 5 - 5 - - - -

2 ci56 160 78 71 11 - - - - - - 51.9

27 679 19 799 5 788 945 487 189 116 166 138 51 1 398 49.2 1 079 376 267 110 97 65 17 66 57 24 3 225 69.1 l 745 685 761 174 58 43 16 5 3 - 2 493 57.4 2 437 1 144 1 112 114 27 13 5 - 22 - 2 134 58.1

162 101 51 10 - - - - - - 1 604 44.4 7 496 4 045 2 450 475 299 57 65 41 43 21 1 853 52.5

14 760 13 448 1 147 62 6 11 13 54 13 6 1 098 43.6


Table 177. Selected Occupation by Major Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State

Female experienced civilian labor force­Continuea

Entertahuntnt and recreation nnkes _____________ _ Professlonal1 technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and administrators, except form--------- .. -----Soles workers ____ ------ -------- ---- -------- ---- -----Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport--------------------------­Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers, except form ---------------------------.. ---­Service workers. except private household ---------------

Professio•al Hd related servkes ________ ,. ________ _ Professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------­Managers and odmioistrators, except farm---------------Soles workers _________ .,. -- ------ __ ------ -------------Clerical and kindred workers--------------------------­Craftsmen and kindred workers -----------------------­Operatives, except transport--------------------------­Transport equipment operatives -----------------------­Laborers. except form -------------------------------­Service workers, except private household ---------------

Publk od•l•lstrotton ------ __ ---- __ -------- ____ _ Professional, tec.hnicaf, and kindred workers------------­Managers and administrators, except form---------------Soles workers ---- ________ ------ __ ---- ---------- ___ _ -Cloricol and kindred workers-------------------------­Croftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------­Operatives., except transport-------------------------­Transport equipment operatives ----------------------­Laborers, except form -------------------------------­Service workers, except private household --------------




[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Persons with earnings Percent

Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4.000 $5,000 $6.000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Median worked years old $1,999 to to to to to to to or earnings 50 to 52 and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6.999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more (dollars) woe ks

l 240 661 384 58 85 10 13 18 11 - 1 876 40.2 179 101 50 4 20 - 4 - - - 1 772 47.5 87 25 32 - - 5 4 14 7 - ... ... 56 43 13 - - - - - - - ... ...

418 217 122 30 39 5 5 - - - 1 926 39.7 9 - 4 - 5 - - - - - ... . ..

14 - 10 4 - - - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -5 5 - - - - - - - - ... ...

472 270 153 20 21 - - 4 4 - 1 748 36.9

66 180 20 148 20 377 6 372 8 290 5 995 2 304 l 635 783 276 3 270 45.l 28 518 4 808 4 943 2 654 6 940 5 056 1 958 1 317 637 205 5 267 36.7

1 467 250 321 163 112 220 119 150 98 34 4 997 61.1 113 51 36 15 - - 5 - 6 - 2 306 50.4

13 876 4 829 5 356 2 082 826 494 153 88 23 25 2 788 54.7 261 76 132 27 5 11 10 - - - 2 826 54.0 618 171 363 66 11 3 4 - - - 2 760 65.9

41 18 12 - - 11 - - - - ... ... 134 47 67 11 4 - - 5 - - 2 597 59.7

21 152 9 898 9 147 l 354 392 200 55 75 19 12 2 148 48.2

7 338 1 573 2 025 1 276 881 641 406 410 97 29 4 056 68.9 625 97 160 76 62 67 73 70 20 - 4 730 72.2

1 118 148 315 221 123 96 70 115 22 8 4 434 75.0 19 5 4 5 - 5 - - - - ... ...

4 984 l 140 1 365 876 651 440 221 215 55 21 3 981 67.3 82 11 13 10 13 9 16 10 - - ... . .. 35 5 5 13 6 6 - - - - ... ... 11 - - - 4 - 7 - - - ... ... 22 9 13 - - - - - - - ...

442 158 150 75 22 18 19 - - - 2 840 64.5


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Tobie 178. Occupational and Geographic Mobility Between 1965 and 1970 by Race and Sex: [Doto based on sample~ see text. For meaning of symbols, see text}

The State



.... ------------------------Em,:~.~~i~n~C7t~l.-;.i~al~ a-n(f kindr~ -;o~k

Managers and administrators, except for Sales workers---------------------­Clerico! and kindred workers---------­Crof1smen and kindred workers ------­Operatives, including transport Laborers, except form

farmers and farm managers form laborers and farm foremen -----­Service workers, except private househo Private household workers ___________ _

Unemployed -- ____ ---- ------ ---- ---- __ Armed Forces __ _ Not in labor farce

Female ______ ---- ____________ _ Emploved in 1970 ________ ------ ------ _

Prolessional, technical, ond kindred work Monagers and administrators, except far, Sales workers----------------------Clerical and kindred workers _________ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers ------­Operatives, including transport Loborers, except form---------------

Farmers and farm managers Form laborers and farm foremen -----­Service workers, except private hauseho Private household workers _________ _

~;~~m;~e~-========:::::::::::::::: Not in lobor force---------------------


Mole ____ ---- __ -------- ------

Em~;~e~~i~n~(~~ch-nico( a-nd- kindr~d-;;_.~rk Monagers and administrotors, except for Soles workers---------------------­Clerical and kindred workers---------­Craftsmen and kindred workers Operatives, including transport laborers, except form

Farmers and form monag_ers ---------­Farm loborers ond form foremen -----­Service workers, except private hauseha Private household workers ___________ _


X~~~S1F~:~e~-=::::::: :::::=:::::::::: Not in labor force--------------------

female ____ ---------- ____ ,...,... __ _ Employed in 1970 --------------------­

Professional, technical. and kindred work Managers and administrator$, exeept for Sales workers--------------------­Clerical and kindred workers---------­Craftsmen and kindred workers------­Operatives, including transport laborers, except farm

Farmers and form managers Form tob<Jrers and form foremen -----­Service workers, except private househo Private household workers ___________ _

Unemployed __ -----------------------­Armed Forces-----------------~--~-~-Not in labor force---------------------

Persons 25 years

old and over

497 145 336 483 33 074 43 622 21 376 17 931 74 867 68 014 22 035

21 381 14 962 18 813

408 13 358 4 942

142 362

560 451 199 399

28 362 10 608 14 610 45 234 5 214

38 333 3 438

1 385 2 236

34 642 15 337 10 418

190 350 444

70 838 39 935 1 567

648 427

1 084 5 116

12 034 7 640

1 145 5 111 4 823

340 3 275

381 27 247

87 880 31 823 3 387

315 407 997 314

5 180 763

63 400

8 909 11 088 2 551

12 53 494

11neludes "Occupation not reported"' not shown separately4

Total working•

357 036 296 781 26 878 40 387 19 043 15 549 67 732 60 071 18 221

19 411 12 874 16 336

279 10 851

269 49 135

183 546 129 353 20 209 8 451 9 332

30 840 3 556

22 720 l 917

1 075 1 084

20 868 9 301 4 643

22 49 528

44 628 33 731 1 116

534 332 928

4 482 10 232 6 419

l 005 4 301 4 150

232 2 597

-8 300

30 381 20 342 2 717

231 276 461

97 2 759


36 212

5 829 7 300 l 064

-8 975

Professional. technical, Managers and

and kindred administrators, workers except farm

26 824 37 854 24 717 33 435 20 704 744 1 638 26 351

616 1 720 449 977 606 l 182 472 1 372 68 393

41 277 - 105

123 314 - -

224 294 83 16

l BOO 4 109

24 920 8 964 19 220 6 616 16 927 251

294 4 858 197 249 765 583

28 83 193 145

- 16

- 21 - -

773 390 43 20

205 91 - -

5 495 2 257

1 13S 729 996 522 879 -56 315 - -- -

20 15 - 80

22 94

- -- -

19 18 - -

29 65 -

110 142

2 933 309 2 539 266 2 257 38

- 156 22 -- -- 21

60 -- 16

- -- -200 35 - -

93 -- -

301 43

Soles workers

20 012 17 669

460 2 291

12 624 541 615 639 148

77 63

211 -

321 23

1 999

12 708 B 952

229 438

6 781 639 92

377 45

33 -

282 36

273 -

3 483

346 268


182 --

25 43



346 234


137 --

44 ---

34 ---


Occupation of workers in 1965

Clerical Craftsmen Operatives. laborers, and kindred and kindred including except

workers workers transport form

15 647 69 124 65 000 24 010 13 347 58 603 56 148 18 826

536 877 592 314 1 049 2 614 l 575 520

462 798 860 321 9 500 635 1 066 389

735 47 876 6 164 2 122 554 3 293 40 404 3 368 145 l 130 2 305 10 285

93 277 721 97 18 360 918 531

255 743 1 543 856 - - - 23

395 2 444 2 328 l 337 59 24 19 19

l 846 8 053 6 505 3 828

38 412 4 476 29 191 2 249 28 069 3 405 20 882 l 547

817 20 246 21 l 187 124 225 15

647 170 197 72 24 283 251 888 187

149 2 241 484 39 542 312 17 066 164 39 70 387 901

- 38 24 -36 - 63 22

355 103 l 160 63 14 76 142 63

714 192 1 315 66 - - - -

9 629 879 6 994 636

1 022 4 452 9 965 7 691 889 3 572 8 464 5 918

61 17 41 18 - - 41 18 - - 63 53

610 50 53 37 25 2 916 340 449

102 197 6 948 837 49 210 647 3 981

- - - -- 125 68 126

42 57 263 376 - - 23

78 229 429 493 - - - -

55 651 l 072 1 287

505 199 2 459 396 359 164 2 039 313 23 - 56 21 25 - - -- - 15 -

234 24 26 -- 41 19 -

12 - l 677 42 - - 19 207

- - - -- - - -

65 42 162 -- 57 65 43 - 35 44 -- - - -

146 - 376 83


Farm Service Did not work Formers laborers workers, Private Armed in 1965 ond

and farm and farm except private household Forces work in 1965 managers foremen household workers in 1965 nol reported

29 499 21 304 16 798 472 16 727 113 382 21 812 14 394 13 047 297 JO 990 28 712

98 119 255 - 1 741 4 455 641 73 277 - 1 209 2 026 149 117 220 - 849 1 484 128 84 368 - 1 070 1 312

l 310 725 929 - 2 421 4 714 1 717 I 955 753 - 2 266 5 677

589 994 324 - 531 3 283

15 812 696 152 - 303 1 667 966 9 134 16 - 162 1 926 377 497 9 753 66 438 2 039 25 - - 231 - 129

574 1 272 574 20 424 2 083 - - - - 3 911 762

7 113 5 638 3 177 155 1 402 91 825

2 081 5 140 27 038 13 156 374 376 511 l 358 l 463 18 336 8 944 158 69 888

43 53 205 17 23 B 130 - 47 498 - 20 2 137 - - 341 63 - 5 278

43 51 714 34 65 14 329 38 40 - 23 1 635 59 187 1 038 366 14 15 599 39 70 139 77 - 1 521

732 20 17 - - 310 268 567 36 28 - 1 152 95 282 14 665 981 13 13 761 41 186 643 7 378 - 6 036 41 230 872 284 - 5 775 - - - BB 80

682 3 447 7 830 3 928 128 300 788

2 825 7 823 3 &21 354 1 002 25 20& l 680 4 910 2 926 275 558 5 646

- - 22 - 121 330 27 - - - 23 91 - 34 - - 95

23 - 18 - 18 138 126 158 69 - 127 507 259 581 134 - 177 l 625

81 399 131 - 48 1 173

819 18 - - - 140 232 3 520 - - - 810 113 200 2 552 66 44 629

- - - 209 - 108 213 564 236 - 103 575

- - - - 260 121 932 2 349 659 79 81 18 866

397 3 019 6 655 10 394 45 57 454 144 576 4 715 7 244 27 11 454 22 - 41 - - 670 - - 30 - - 84 - - 28 38 - 131 - - 78 34 - 536 - - - 217

22 so 241 288 14 2 407 - 52 53 77 - 339

22 - - - - 27 20 130 14 28 - 188 58 158 3 849 771 13 3 067 - 1S6 381 6 008 - 3 788 20 169 384 220 - l 487 - - - - - 12

233 2 274 1 556 2 930 18 44 501



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Table 178. Occupational and Geographic Mobility Between 1965 and 1970 by Race and Sex: (Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State

TOTAL- Continued

Spanish Origin or Descent

Male -- ______ ------ ---- _____ _

Emf ;~fe~~i~n~?,7t~chniCO( ~-n~f kin-dr~d-WO~k Managers and administrators, except for1 Soles workers---------------------­Clerical and kindred workers---------­Craftsmen and kindred workers ------­Operatives, including transport loborersl except form

Farmers and form managers Form laborers and form foremen _____ _ Service workers~ except private househol Privo1e household workers ____ ------ __

Unemployed _________________________ _ Armed Forces __ • Not in labor force

female __________ ---- ________ _

Employed in 1970 --------------------­Professional, technical, and kindred work Managers and administrators, except far Soles workers---------------------­Clerical and kindred workers __ Craftsmen ond kindred workers Opero1ives, including transport Laborers, except farm

~~~e{o5b~~:r!0;:d fo~~l~~men _____ _ Service workers, except private househo Private household workers ______ ---- --

Unemployed------------------ __ ------Armed Forces __ _ Not in labor force


Male------------------------Employed in 1970 --------------------­

Professional, technical, and kindred work Managers and administrators, except fan Soles workers ------ ------ __ -- ---- -­Clerical ond kindred workers __ Craftsmen ond kindred workers Operatives, including transport __ -----­Laborers. except form ---------------

Farmers and form managers---------­Form laborers ond form foremen __ ----

~~fv'~~: h'::::b!(d e~~er~te~~~-o~~-~~~~h-o~ Unemployed __________ ------------ ___ _ Armed Forces -----------------------­Not in labor force---------------------

female ______________________ _

Employed in 1970 --------------------­Professional, technicol, and kindred work Managers and administrators, except farm Sales workers---------------------­Clerico! ond kindred workers---------­Craftsmen and kindred workers Operatives, including transport Laborers, except form ---------------

Formers ond form managers Form laborers and farm foremen -----­Service workers, except private househal Private household workers __ ---- _____ _

Unemployed __________ ---------- _____ _ Armed Forces-----------------------­Not in labor forc•---------------------

Persons 25 yeors

old and over

5 462 3 BOS

379 438 226 100 811 835 176

223 347 273

-J99 83

1 372

6 478 1 840

312 38

142 225

41 411


42 23

400 193 184

-4 454

429 027 292 526 25 873 37 886 J8 358 16 011 65 177 59 010 19 545

20 J47 J3 338 16 773

408 l1 J22 1 021

124 358

493 643 178 078 24 826

9 666 13 055 40 100

4 770 34 088 3 063

1 275 l 867

30 870 14 498 8 936

148 306 4BJ

>Jncludes "Dccuporion not reported" not shown separately.

Professional, technical, Managers and

Total and kindred administrators, working1 workers excep1 form

3 996 372 383 3 397 350 363

338 301 -380 27 286 187 - -74 - -

79J 22 24 705 - 53 153 - -223 - -323 - -223 - -

- - -199 - -

- - -400 22 20

1 989 187 41 1 193 123 -

193 123 -38 - -

106 - -86 - -41 - -

253 - -13 - -24 - -23 - -

269 - -147 - -74 - -- - -

722 64 41

317 448 21 819 33 325 266 957 20 253 29 695

22 268 17 247 642 35 898 1 279 24 052 16 797 429 J 359 14 344 301 827 60 999 439 844 54 084 389 1 078 J6 611 44 393

18 657 21 199 11 966 - 43 lS 054 104 258

279 - -9 045 J95 252

141 17 J6 41 305 J 354 3 362

165 866 21 889 8 121 120 8J4 17 568 6 210

18 657 lS 738 208 7 968 272 4 730 8 801 JSJ 228

28 544 S70 501 3 383 28 83

2J 336 144 J04 l 747 - 16

983 - -997 - -

J9 337 622 320 9 061 43 20 4 084 180 91

22 - -40 946 4 141 J 820

Occupation of workers in 1965

Clerico I Craftsmen Operatives. Laborers, Soles ond kindred ond kindred including except

workers workers workers transport farm

139 146 541 777 201 101 146 483 714 136

- 19 - - -- 2S 25 17 -

101 - 2S 19 -- 57 - - 17 - - 433 66 42 - - - 513 -- 45 - JS 21

- - - - -- - - - 24 - - - 41 32 - - - - -

18 - 20 - 42 - - - - -

20 - JS 63 23

63 262 74 304 29 63 115 S9 179 13 - 2S - - -- 16 22 - -

63 - - 22 -- 71 JS - -- - 22 19 -- - - J22 -- - - - 13

- - - - -- - - - -- - - 16 -- - - - -- 20 - 36 -- - - - -- 127 lS 89 16

17 948 13 965 60 865 57 408 21 785 15 941 12 224 52 480 50 303 17 228

376 469 S8J 502 272 1 971 855 2 056 1 272 449

11 626 377 63J 704 272 451 9 03S 595 896 389 571 618 44 036 5 102 l 789 530 447 2 633 37 28S 2 976 129 145 859 2 027 9 807

37 75 216 456 59 63 18 23J 769 424

187 J85 642 J 290 768 - - - - 23

213 338 2 OlJ 1 911 1 136 23 42 24 19 -

l 771 1 361 6 350 5 175 3 421

11 584 34 099 3 898 27 041 2 106 8 365 26 206 3 123 19 754 l 4S9

18S 710 - 246 -393 1 061 J24 199 JS

6 544 601 170 154 50 S37 22 836 208 746 164

92 128 2 144 463 39 3J8 478 290 16 464 164

45 39 lS 344 879

- - 38 24 -- 36 - 41 22

2J5 303 58 9S7 63 36 14 76 116 63

197 S25 182 1 235 66 - - - - -

3 022 7 368 593 6 052 58J


Form Service Did not work farmers fa borers workers, Private Armed in 1965 and

ond form and farm except private household Forces work in 1965 managers foremen household workers in 1965 nor reported

416 527 147 - 165 1 301 262 414 147 - 80 331

- - - - - 41 - - - - 15 43 - 22 - - - 39 - - - - 26 -

22 22 20 - - 20 - 39 - - 39 91 - 49 - - - 23

223 - - - - -17 282 - - - 24 - - 127 - - so - - - - - -

50 46 - - - -- - - - 63 20

104 65 - - 22 9SO

24 108 362 295 - 4 489 24 46 188 190 - 647 - - - - - 119 - - - - - -- - 21 - - 36 - - - - - 139 - - - - - -- - 43 21 - 158 - - - - - -

24 - - - - JH - 23 - - - -- 23 104 42 - 131 - - 20 127 - 46 - - 18 - - 110 - - - - - -- 62 J56 105 - 3 732

28 579 19 560 14 928 472 6 458 105 121 21 221 13 423 12 007 297 5 048 20 S21

74 85 J93 - 739 2 666 5S6 73 23S - 593 1 395 149 75 147 - 449 l 112 128 64 319 - 570 l 097

1 204 664 807 - 993 3 185 l 595 1 694 599 - 863 4 063

S24 866 244 - 326 2 608

15 660 614 152 - 145 1 345 951 8 799 - - 130 1 242 3SS 469 9 311 66 240 l 479

25 - - 231 - 129 574 1 068 414 20 245 1 832

- - - - 658 222 6 784 5 069 2 507 155 507 82 546

2 007 4 620 24 181 12 749 210 327 567 J 284 1 255 17 061 8 77S 110 57 154

43 53 205 17 - 6 169 - 47 401 - 20 1 678 - - 302 63 - 4 254

43 51 632 34 40 11 516 20 - 40 - 23 1 364 59 1J3 783 366 14 12 738 39 70 120 46 - l 316

694 20 17 - - 292 268 S23 36 28 - 870 77 192 13 9S7 942 13 11 520 41 186 568 7 279 - 5 437 41 209 772 284 - 4 852 - - - - 46 80

682 3 1S6 6 348 3 690 54 265 481

0 m

~ r­m 0

n ::c )>

~ n -I m ~ en -I n en

> "' ~ z "" ~

"' I

°" °" ....

Table 178. Occupational and Geographic Mobility Between 1965 and 1970 by Race and Sex: (Doto based on •ample, see fext For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State


··----------------Employed in 1970 ------------------------Professional, technical, and kindred workers __ _ Managers and administrators, except form ____ _ Sales workers-------------------------Clerical and kindred workers ______________ _ Craftsmen and kindred workers ------------­Operatives, including transport--------------­Laborers, except farm ----------------------Farmers and form managers ______________ _

Form laborers and form foremen -------------Service workers, except privole household _____ _ Private household workers_ _______________ _

Unemployed ______________________________ _

Armed Fortes --------------------------­Nol in labor force---------------------------


Managers ond odministrolors, except form ___ _ Soles workers-------------------------­Clerical ond kindred workers----------------­Craftsmen ond kindred workers -------------­Operatives, including transport -------------­Laborers, except form --------------------

~~:•ia•b~~:r1":!'d 'f.~~~~~!,;;e;::=::=::::=::=::_ Service workers, except private household ____ _ Private household workers_ _______________ _

~~:s'~~e;-========================== Not in labor force-------------------------

Persons 25 years

old and over

68 118 43 957

7 201 5 736 3 018 1 920 9 690 9 004 2 490

1 234 1 624 2 040

-2 236 3 921

18 004

66 808 21 321

3 536 942

1 555 5 134

444 4 245


110 369

3 n2 839

1 482 42

43 963

•Includes "Occupation not reported" not shown separately.

Professional. technical, Managers and

Total and kindred administrators, working 1 workers except form

39 588 5 005 4 529 29 824 4 464 3 740 4 610 3 457 102 4 489 359 2 299 2 246 187 361 1 205 148 150 6 733 167 338 5 987 83 294 1 610 24 -

754 20 78 908 - 62

1 282 19 56 - - -

1 806 29 42 128 66 -

7 830 446 747

17 680 3 031 '43 8 539 1 652 406 1 552 1 189 43

483 22 128 531 46 21

2 296 195 82 173 - -

1 384 49 41 170 - -92 - 21 87 - -

1 531 151 70 240 - -559 25 -- - -

8 582 1 354 437

Sales workers

2 064 1 728

84 320 998 90 44

109 19

40 -

24 -

108 -


1 124 587

44 45

237 102 -

59 -

33 -

67 -

76 -


Occupation of workers in 1965

Clerical Craftsmen Operatives, Laborers, and kindred and kindred including except

workers workers transport farm

1 682 a 259 7 592 2 225 1 123 6 123 5 845 I 598

67 296 9\l 42 194 558 303 71 85 167 156 49

465 40 170 -117 3 840 I 062 333 107 660 3 119 392

- 271 278 478

18 61 265 38 - 129 149 107

70 101 253 88 - - - -

57 433 417 201 17 - 19

485 1 703 1 330 407

4 313 578 2 150 143 1 863 282 1 128 88

107 20 - 21 126 - 26 -46 - 43 22

1 447 43 142 23 21 97 21 -64 22 602 -- 55 43 22

- - - -- - 22 -

52 45 203 -- - 26 -189 10 80 -- - - -2 261 286 942 55


Farm Service Did not work Farmers laborers workers, Private Armed in 1965 and

and farm and form except private household Forces work in 1965 managers foremen household workers in 1965 not reported

920 1 744 1 870 - 10 269 18 261 591 971 1 040 - 5 942 8 191 24 34 62 - 1 002 1 589 85 - 42 - 616 631 - 42 73 - 400 372 - - 49 - 500 215

106 61 122 - 1 428 1 529 122 261 154 - 1 403 1 614 65 128 80 - 205 675

152 82 - - 158 322 15 335 16 - 32 684 22 28 442 - 198 560 - - - - - -- 204 160 - 179 251 - - - - 3 253 540

329 569 670 - 895 9 279

74 520 2 857 407 164 48 964 74 208 1 275 169 48 12 734 - - - - 23 1 961 - - 97 - - 459 - - 39 - - 1 024 - - 82 - 25 2 813

18 - - - - 271 - 74 255 - - 2 861 - - 19 31 - 205

38 - - - - 18 - 44 - - - 262 18 90 708 39 - 2 241 - - 75 99 - 599 - 21 100 - - 923 - - - - 42 - 291 1 482 238 74 35 307

Table 179. Occupation of Employed Persons by Education, Race, and Sex: 1970

The State


Mole ompleyo4, 16 yeon oW ...i ""------------------Pro.fessional, technical, and kindred workers ____ .. __________ .. __ _ Engineers .... __ ---- __ ---- ........ __ .... ________ -------------- __ Lawyers and judges------------------------------------­Life and physical scientists-------------------------------Physicians, dentists, and related proctltloners. ______________ _

Health workers, except practitioners -----------------------Social and recreation workers ........................................................ .. Teachers __ ------ ---- __ ----- _____ ------ ____ ------ •• ----Technicians, oxcepl health-------------------------------­Writers, artists, and entertainers---------------.. ---------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers -----------

Managers and administrators, except form ...................................... .. Solari.ti ---- ______ ---- __ ------ ______ ------ ____________ _

Manufacturing ........ ---- ------ ............................. ------ .... ---Retail trade •• __ -- -- __ -- -- -- ------ ---- ---------- -- ----All other Industries ______ -------------------- ____ ---- __

se~:i~1F\~~1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: All other industrios •• __ -- •• ·- __ -- ____ ---- •••• ----------

Sales workers---- __ ---------------------------------------Manufacturing and wholesale trade-------------·--·---·-·

Retail t rode __ ---· -- -- -· •• -- -- -- ---- ---- ------ -- ---- -- --All other industries. _____ -- ---- •• -- •• ------------ -- -- -- •

Clerical and kindred workers •. ------------------------·-·-­Bookkee!l'rs and billinQ clerks --------------------------­Moil handlers and postal clerks -------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers·-----------------------

C raftsmen ond kindred workers •• -- -- •• -- __ ------ -- -- -- __ --Co rptn1ers-- ____ -- ---- -- -- -- .... -- ---- .... ---- -- ..... --------C o-ns tructio n crof1smen, except carpenters----------------­Automobile mechanics, including body repairmen-----------­Mechanics and repairmen. except auto -- .. -----------------Machin is ts ________ ---- __ ---- __ ......... ______ ------ __ ------Metal craftsmen~ e-xcept mechanics. and machinists----------foremen, n.e.c ____ ---------- --------------------------Other craftsmen and kindred workers---------------------

Operatives, except transport------ __ ------------------ .......... Assemblers ______ -- -- ---------- -------------- ---------Gara9e workers and gos station attendants----------------loun.d!Y and drycleaning .operatives, including ironers .. ______ _ Prec1s1on machine operatives __ .... __ .... -- -- .................... ____ .... .. Other operatives, e-xcept transport __ ----------------------

Durable goods, manufacturing -------------------------Nondurable goods, Including not specified monufocturing __ _ Nonmanufactu ring industries ........ __ .... ____ .... ____________ _

Transport equipment operatives----------------------------Truck drivers ____ -------- -----------------------------


Other transport equipment operatives----------------------Laborers, except form-----------------------------------­

Cot1struction laborers .... ---------------------------------Freight, stock, and material handlers. ____________________ _

01her laborers, e-xcept farm -----------------------------Manufacturing industries ______________ .... ------ _______ _

Farmers and form monagers------------------------------­Farm laborers ond form foremen---------------------------Service workers, except private househofd1 __________________ _

Cleaning service workers .... __ ---- ________ ----------------Food service workers __________ ------ __ -----------------Health service workers -------------------------------.. -Personal service workers __________ ----------------------Protec1ive service workers ------------------------------

Private household workers --------------------------------

Fem1lt ••ployed, 16 yean •W 11111 over---------------Professional, technical, end kindred workers _________________ _


--Registered nurses __ ---------- __ .... ---------------------­Health workers, except nurses--------------------------­Teachers, elementary and secondary schools -------------.. -Technicians, txcept health---- ____ -----------------------


Other professionat technical1 and kindred workers -----------Managers and administrators. except form .. ., ______ .. _________ _ Salaried ---- ------ ____ ---------------- ------ ______ ----

--So~~f::I:~(.~- :: == :: == == == :: :: == :: :: :: :: :: ==== :::: == :: :

--Retail !rode--------------------------------------------

Clericol ond kindred workers------------------------------­Bookketpers and cashiers-------------------------------­Office machine operators ........ ---------------------------­Secretaries, stenogrophers, and typists------------------ .... Other clericol ond kindred workers _______________________ _


Craftsmen ond kindred workers---------------------------­

Operatives~ except transporf------------------- .. ----------­Sewers and stitchers ------------------·----------------laundry and drycleaning operatives, including ironers--------Other operatives, except transport ________________ ,. ______ _

Durable goods, manufacturing ....... ---------------------­Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing ---Nonmanufacturing industries __________ -------- .... __ ---- ..

Transport equipment opera1ives ---------------------------­laborers, except farm-----------------------------------­Farmers form mar1agers ... ----------------------------­Farm laborers and farm foremen----- ... ---------------------Service workers, except privote household1 __________________ _

Cleaning service workers---------- __________ ---- _______ _ food service workers----------------------------------­Health service workers ---------------------------------

Practicol nurses __ ---------- ---- ---------------------Personal service workers ...... -----------------------------Protective service workers .... __ ---- ---- __ ------ _________ N

Private household workers ------ --------------------------

11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 668 ARKANSAS


[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Years of school completed

Elementary, High school 8 years

Total or less 1to3 years 4 years

404 491 117 225 16 056 121 454 36 819 1 585 1 661 6 639 3 646 117 154 813 1 443 13 14 88

771 26 19 84 3 612 36 5 150 1 047 96 59 320

500 16 16 95 7 996 62 96 424 3 890 242 360 1 667 2 384 121 256 694

11 530 856 682 2 304 44 988 6 450 6 539 16 108 32 105 3 240 3 842 11 619 5 098 430 635 1 736 8 328 1 044 1 096 3 622

18 679 1 766 2 111 6 261 12 883 3 210 2 697 4 489 6 870 1 784 1 558 2 403 6 013 1 426 1 139 2 086

25 298 2 770 4 458 9 636 7 809 697 1 422 3 043

11 511 1 702 2 341 4 424 5 978 371 695 2 169

23 247 2 149 4 100 9 813 2 281 118 239 917 3 568 284 417 1 927

17 398 1 747 3 444 6 969 83 853 25 205 21 013 30 214 JO 245 4 522 2 701 2 553 16 808 5 982 4 559 5 257 8 881 3 136 2 644 2 707

11 803 3 055 2 816 4 860 2 513 622 599 1 078 3 426 767 943 1 445

11 690 2 416 2 636 4 699 18 487 4 705 4 115 7 615

58 598 20 479 15 660 18 629 3 492 965 1 031 1 255 4 603 1 405 1 864 1 ODO

642 243 169 176 1 584 472 373 628

48 277 17 394 12 223 15 570 21 741 8 923 5 321 6 379 14 184 3 947 3 658 5 467 12 352 4 524 3 2« 3 724 29 840 10 942 8 425 8 800 16 481 6 520 4 890 4 442 13 359 4 422 3 535 4 358 33 280 15 309 8 960 6 900 5 850 2 783 1 562 1 214

10 451 3 501 3 619 2 531 16 979 9 025 3 779 3 155 8 466 4 407 1 853 1 799

22 722 9 827 4 360 5 863 20 082 13 107 3 963 2 366 25 293 9 177 6 760 6 403 10 065 4 940 2 757 1 628 3 867 944 I 470 768 1 306 272 306 445 3 157 958 699 1 071 5 232 1 329 1 055 2 180

471 225 157 83

245 206 47 331 56 755 94 199 33 066 1 052 1 988 7 114

5 455 399 778 2 358 2 171 105 217 828

15 541 111 188 1 098 565 29 71 272

9 334 408 734 2 558 JO 867 1 461 2 263 4 720 6 770 546 1 169 3 263 4 097 915 1 094 1 457

17 180 2 473 5 036 7 661 14 981 2 237 4 649 6 603 61 931 2 228 7 751 37 442 15 967 571 2 689 9 652

I 529 47 140 1 077 19 459 201 1 153 12 248 24 976 1 409 3 769 14 465 5 828 1 433 1 848 2 157

48 644 12 180 16 975 18 091 11 586 2 510 4 304 4 511 2 470 1 088 802 504

34 588 8 582 11 869 13 076 15 185 3 138 5 157 6 399 15 863 4 399 5 535 5 525 3 540 1 045 1 177 1 152

765 208 244 276 3 812 1 356 1 179 1 155 1 575 502 470 467 2 579 1 268 611 613

43 530 13 862 14 403 12 715 4 794 2 461 1 470 707

17 502 6 349 6 584 3 894 10 206 2 474 3 346 3 577 2 490 278 683 1 257 7 640 1 234 2 071 3 542

223 40 54 91 15 429 9 308 3 987 1 788


1to3 years 4 years ar more

42 383 37 373 6 472 20 462

738 I 824 85 1 2"3

107 535 128 3 293 274 299 I 143 230 441 6 973

1 245 376 714 599

2 597 5 091 7 882 8 009 6 255 7 149 1 046 I 251 1 660 906 3 549 4 992 1 627 860

701 424 926 <436

5 411 3 023 1 617 1 030 2 267 777 I 527 1 216 5 240 1 945

720 287 770 170

3 750 1 488 6 097 1 324

392 71 866 1« 357 37 981 91 203 11 259 12

1 426 513 1 613 439

3 320 510 199 42 307 27 42 12

111 -2 661 429

975 143 934 178 752 108

1 473 200 570 59 903 141

1 871 240 264 27 710 90 897 123 367 40

1 614 t 058 509 137

2 488 465 628 112 609 76 194 89 384 45 561 107

6 -25 585 21 336 5 372 17 540 1 385 535

476 545 1 204 12 940

136 57 2 171 3 463 1 554 869 1 085 707

469 162 1 640 370 1 275 217

12 553 1 957 2 710 345

240 25 5 170 687 4 433 900

312 78

1 260 138 261 -

60 16 939 122 461 30 351 53 127 39

31 6 105 17 94 42 79 8

2 316 232 145 11 618 57 759 50 267 5 699 94

38 -267 79


Table 179. Occupation of Employed Persons by Education, Race, and Sex: 1970-Continued [Dato based on sample, see text. For meoning of symbols, see text]

Years of &c!IOGl completed

The State


......... ,.... 16 .,.. .. old 111111 ·------------------Professional, technical, and kindred workers _________________ _

Engineers ________ ................. ---- ____ ............. ____ ------ __ ---- ....... ... lawyer> ond ludge• -----------------------------------­life and phy•ical scientists -----------------------------­PhYjt~lans,kdentlsts, ond rel•!~ practitioner•--------------­Hea wor ers, except practitioners ----------------------Social ond recreation workers __ ---- ________ ---- _________ _ Teachers ____ ------ __________ ------ __ -------- ____ ---- _ Technicians, except health ____ -- ------ ____ ------ ________ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers ----------

Man'l:~'d and adminlstrotors, except farm·------------------So -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---· -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ----Manufacturing __ -·-- __ -- -- __ -· ______ -~ •• ________ -· __


Retail trade ------ ---------------· ·--·-------····-·· _ -All other industries •• -----------·----------------------Self-employed __________ -· ---- ______ -·-- -·-- ____ ------ _ -Retail trade __ •••••• ---- -- -- -- -- ---- __ ------ •• __ -·---All other Industries ______ -- -- -- -- -- -------- •• ____ -----

Soles workers •• __ -- ____ •••• __ -------- __ ---- ____________ • Manufacturing and wholesale trade---·-------------------Retail trade ---- ______ -· __ •• -· __ ---- __ •••• ---- ---- ____ _ All other Industries. ___ ---------------------------------

Clericol ond kindred worker•-------------------------------8ookkeepers ond billing clerks --------------------------­Moil handlers and postal clerks -------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers·-----------------------

Craftsmen and kindred workers -- -- •• __________ •• ---- •• __ •• Carpenters ................................. __ ............................. __ ....................................... .. Construction craftsmen, except carpenters ......................................... .. Automobile mechanics, including body repairmen--------·---Mechonk:s and repairmen, except auto ........................................... .. Machinists. _____ •• ____________________________ ----·- __

Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists----------foremen, n.e.c __ ------ ------ ---- -------------- ____ ,,, __ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers---------------------


Operatives, except transport ____ ----------_ .. __________ ------Assemblers ______ ---- ---- ---- __ -------------------·---Goroge workers and gos station attendants---------·-----­loun_d:t ond drycleoning _operatives, including ironers-------­Prec1s1on machine operatives .. _--------------------------­Other operatives. except transport __ ----------------------

Durable goods, manufacturing ---------------------... -- ... Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing ---Nonmonufacturing Industries-- ________ •• ---- •• ____ •• -- _

Transport equipment operatives----------------------------Truck drivers ........ ------ .... -------- .... -------------------Other transport equipment opera1ives ---------------------

laborers, except form-----------------·------------------Construction lo borers .. _______ -- ---- __ ......... __ ---- __ ............ .. Freight, stock, and material hondler•---------------------­Other laborers, except farm ·------------------------·---

Manufacturing industries ........ -- .... ______ .... __ .... -- ____ ...... .. Formers and farm managers ............................................................. .. form laborers and farm foremen--------------------------­Service workers, except private household'---------- -- __ ---- _

Cleaning service workers .... ____ -- -- -- ______ -- .... -- -- ---- --Food service workers -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- .... -- -- -- -- -- -


Health service workers ----------------------------------Personal service workers _______ .,. -- ---- -------- -----------Protective service workers ____ -- -- ------ -------- ---------

Private household workers __ •• __ -- __ ---- __ •• ---- -- •• -- -- ---F•••lt ••ployed, 16 yton ohl 1H aver .. --------------

Professional, technical, ond kindred workers ••• ------------------Registered nurses -- ____ ---- ---- -- ---- -- ----------------

Health workers, except nurses •• ------ -- -----------------­Teachers, elementary ond secondary schools---------------­Technicians, except health -- -- -- -- .... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -­Other professionol. technical, and kindred workers -----------

Managers and administrators1 except farm .... ----------- ... ------Solorled ____ ------ ________ ------ ------ __ ---------------

So~~lf~:,~~~e~-== == == == == :: :: == :: :: :: :: == :: :::: ===: ===== --

Retail trade •••••• ----------·- __ ------------------------Clerical and kindred worker•--------------------------------

8ookkeepers and cashiers·- __ ·------- __ -----------------­Office machine operators .. ------------- -- ---------------­Secretaries, stenographers, and typists -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Other clerical and kindred workers-------------------------

-Craftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------------

Operatives, except transport-------------------------------­Sewers and slltchers ------------------···---------------laundry and drycleoning operatives, including ironers ______ .... _ Other operatives, except transport -- •• ______ -- •• -- -- ---- -- -

Durable goods, manufacturing -- -- -- •• -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- •• Nondurable goods, Including not specified manufacturing ---­Nonmanufocturing industries ..... -- ---- -- -- .... -------- ------

Transport equipment operatives ---------- ---------------.. --­laborers, except farm -------------------- ···------- -------

~:~:efa5b~~:r~~~ Ta~'::'~~m;n-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Service workers, except private household•--------------------

Cle<Jning service workers .......... __ -- -- -- .... -- -- .... -- ---- ---- ---food service workers-------------------- .......... -----------Health service workers ·---------------------------------

Practical nurses __ ------------------------------------Personal service workers .. -------------------------------­Protective service workers -------------------------------

Private household workers ____ ------------ -----------------

•includes allocated cases not shown separately.



49 752 2 029

24 12 45 27 98 49

953 118

62 641

1 091 682

19 148 515 409 247 162

523 71

357 95

1 579 26

252 1 301 5 698

724 l 446

824 813 165 127 398

1 201

10 863 802 5Sl 2S5 185

9 070 4 986 2 403 1 681 4 474 2 293 2 181 9 427 1 293 2 7B1 5 353 2 517 1 153 6 280 6 303 3 574 1 073

29B 509 2B7 332

36 757 3 835

343 232

2 398 40

822 520 302 218 566 534

2 219 177 47

792 I 203


6 663 I 060

942 4 661 2 476 I 6B7

498 130 774 68

416 10 411 2 627 4 166 1 934

300 756

16 10 589

Elementary, High school 8 years or le'" 1 to 3 years

25 035 12 027 216 94

9 7 - -- -- -

33 -- -5 12

30 14 11 4

128 57 391 187 135 114

s 10 63 41 67 63

256 73 163 32 93 41

160 152 26 28

123 91 II 33

294 384 6 5

32 17 256 362

2 636 1 474 471 154 786 329 372 252 301 228

67 26 38 40 99 122

502 323

4 830 2 919 215 224 297 174

99 73 62 36

4 157 2 412 2 421 1 309

896 644 840 459

2 322 1 233 1 225 663 I 097 570 5 512 2 336

B31 303 1 407 B14 3 274 1 219 1 448 585

808 194 4 825 1 171 2 B75 I 77S 1 962 978

290 379 43 77

225 110 127 SS 166 108

13 283 10 277 131 243 36 72 25 36 20 Sl - -

50 84 192 135

Bl 75 111 60 145 192 141 192 89 377 5 40 - -- 78

84 259 123 200

1 307 2 379 133 342 341 352 B33 l 685 389 864 309 667 135 154

71 22 392 200 35 24

249 93 3 908 3 695 1 291 912 I 689 I 590

408 685 27 46

158 213 - 6

6 641 2 717


4 years I to 3 years 4 yeors or moNt

a 453 I 316 1 921 222 293 1 204

4 - 4 - - 12 6 17 22 - - 27 8 28 29

10 11 28 64 53 819 34 27 13 - 23 24

96 134 226 137 94 282 90 61 282 4 - -

18 21 5 68 40 277 47 33 -30 22 -17 11 -

149 51 11 11 6 -

103 34 6 35 11 5

473 301 127 s 5 5

96 78 29 an 218 93

1 176 313 99 64 25 10

255 S8 18 143 45 12 225 SS 4 57 lS -49 - -

104 49 24 279 66 31

2 579 469 66 343 16 4

74 6 -60 17 6 75 12 -

2 027 418 56 1 076 158 22

652 177 34 299 83 -808 89 22 367 38 -44\ 5\ TI

1 325 232 22 139 20 -400 76 4 706 136 18 408 70 6 127 11 13 269 15 -

l 130 448 75 4S1 160 17 268 126 10 103 51 24 104 54 16

72 33 -SB - -

8 186 2 317 t 694 614 507 2 340 140 64 31 103 47 21 235 175 1 917

6 24 10 130 197 361 97 51 <IS 61 40 45 36 11 -

163 52 14 148 43 10 886 728 139

84 44 4 18 29 -

325 327 62 459 328 73 170 47 26

2 608 317 52 524 61 -193 45 11

1 B91 211 41 1 066 142 15

638 SB 15 187 11 11 30 7 -

174 8 -4 - 5

61 13 -2 303 462 43

360 64 -730 142 15 677 154 10 164 63 -280 92 13

6 4 -l 076 125 30

AR~NSAS 5-669

Table 179. Occupation of Employed Persons by Education, Race, and Sex: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. For meaning al symbols, see text]

Years af school completed

The State

PERSONS OF SPANISH LANGUAGE ...... ,.., ... , 16,.... ........... , _________________ _

Professional, technical, and kindred workers __________________ _ Engineers ______ ,._ .... _,. .... __ .,. ___ ---------------- ................ __ lawyers and judges------------------------------------­life and physical scientists -------------------------------Physicians, dentists, and related practitioners _______________ _ Health workers, except practitioners -----------------------Social and recreation workers ............ -----------------------Teachers __ ------ ____ -------- ---------- ------------ ___ _ Technicians, except health ------ ____ ---------- ------------Writers, artists, and entertainers-------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers -----------

Managers and administrators, except farm ....................................... .. Salaried-------- ______ ---------------------------------

~~~~f~~d'!I~~-=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: All other industrie•------------------------------------

Se~-employed -------------------------·---------------­RetaH trade------------------------------------------All other industries------------------------------------

Salts workers--------------------------------------------Monufocturing and wholesale trade------------------------Retail trade--------------------------------------------All other industries------------------------------------ __

Clerical and kindred warkers-------------------------------­Baokhepers and billing clerks ---------------------------­Mail handlers and postal clerks --------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers-------------------------

Craftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------------Carpenters ............ __ ............ ____ ------ ____ ............................ __ _ Construction craftsmen, except carpenters------------- .. ----­Automobile mechanics. including body repairmen------------­Mechanics and repairmen, except auto ---------.. -----------Machinists .... ---- __ -------- __ ---------------------------Metol craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists-----------Foremen, n.e.c ---- ........ ---- .... ---------------------------Other craftsmen and kindred workers----------------------

Operatives, except transport ........ ----------------------------~nm~~----------------------Goro9e workers and gos station ottendGnts ---.. ------------­lou~d!'Y and drycleaning _operatives, including ironers---------Prec1s1on machine operatives ................... ---------------------Other operatives. except 1ronsport ---- -------- ........................ ..

Durable goods, manufacturing ------ -------------------­Nondurable goods, including not specified manufacturing ----Nonmonufacturlng Industries ................ --------------------

Transport equipment operatives __ ---------------------------Truck drivers ---- ____ ------ __ ------ --------------------Other transport equipment operatives---·------------------

laborers, except form ____ -- ________ -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---Construction laborers ............ -.--------- .... ____ --------------Freight, stock, ond moteriol handlers----------------------­Other laborers. except form __ ---- ---- --------------------

Manufacturing ind us tries ____ ---- .... _ ............... ________ -----Farmers -and form manoge-rs-------------------------------­Farm laborers and farm foremen----------------------------Service workers, except private household1 ___________________ _

Cleaning service workers ______ ---------------------------Food service workers-------- __ -·-----------------------­Health service workers ---------·------------------------Personal service workers ____ -------- __ -------------------Protective service worker.s -------------------------------

Private household worker.s ---------------------------------

fo•ofo .. ployO<I, 16 yoon oW ...i .. ., ----------------Professional, technical, ond kindred workers------------------­

Registered nurses __ ------------------------------------­Health workers. except nurses .... ------ .... -----------------­Teachers, elementary and secondary schools ----------------Technicians, except health -- ____ ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- •• -- -- __ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers -----------

Managers and administrators, except farm--------------------Saloried -- __ ---- __ ---- ____ •. ---- ------ __ ------------ __ _

s.~~11::..e~:.e~-========================================== Retail trade ---------------- ---------- ---------------- __

Clerical ond kindred work•rs-------------------------------­Bookkeepers and coshiers ·---------------·---------------Offic-e machine oper-o1ors ____ -- -- __ -- ---- __ ---- .. ----- ____ .. Secretaries, stenographers, ond fyplst•---------------------Other cltricol and kindred workers ________________________ _

Craftsmen and kindred workers-----------------------------Operatives, except transport ____ ---- ____ ------------------ __

Sewers and stitchers ------ .. ----------------------------­laundry and drycleanlng operatives, including ironers---------Other operatives, except transport ___ ,. ______ ,. ___ .. __ ,. ______ _

Durable goods, manufacturing -------------------------­Nondurable goods, including nat specified manufocturing ---­Nonmonufocturlng industrlts----------------------------

Transport equipment operatives-----------------------------laborers, except form __ ------•• ____ ------ -------- --------. Farmers ond form· managers .. _________ ., _____________ .., ______ _

Form laborers and form foremen---------------------------­Service workers, except private hausehold•--------------------

CleonlM service workers--------------------------------­Food sarvk:e worktrs .. ----------------------------------­Heolth service workers ----------------------------------

Practical nurses __ ------ -- ----------------------------Personal service workers _________________________ ,,. ______ _

Protective service workers ---------.. -------------.. ------­Private household workers -----------·---·-----------------

'Includes ollocoted cases not shown separately.



Toto I 8 years or Jess

1 759 440 178 -33 -5 -6 -

15 -- -- -60 -- -21 -38 -

235 19 183 -52 -62 -69 -52 19 12 7 40 12

114 10 46 10 42 -26 -Bl -19 -7 -

55 -362 BB

16 6 52 21 32 16 93 18 8 8 6 -

91 7 64 12

185 89 22 16 - -- -7 -

156 73 80 25 22 14 54 34 92 36 55 26 37 10

153 57 23 16 43 -87 41 37 24 38 7

187 113 134 21 36 15 33 -13 -9 -

25 6 - -

987 129 205 -

24 -33 -81 -11 -56 -41 4 29 4 12 -39 -24 -

264 10 42 -6 -

92 -124 IQ,,

12 8

189 38 21 -7 -

161 38 106 25 39 4 16 9 - -6 -

17 8 19 11

173 44 4 -

76 26 47 7 11 -46 11 - -

22 6

High school College

1 to 3 years 4 years 1 to 3 years 4 years or more

329 540 199 251 - 15 28 135 - - 14 19 - - - 5 - - - 6 - - - 15 - - - -- - - -- - - 60 - - - -- 15 6 -- - 8 30

48 83 39 46 35 78 24 46 16 20 - 16 14 31 10 7 5 27 14 23

13 5 15 -- 5 - -13 - 15 -15 50 18 21 6 17 6 7 9 14 12 7 - 19 - 7 8 37 14 22 - 11 - 8 - 7 - -8 19 14 14

70 160 34 10 6 4 - -5 26 - -7 9 - -

22 48 5 -- - - -- 6 - -16 39 19 10 14 28 lD -35 53 8 -6 - - -- - - -- - - -7 - - -

22 53 8 -9 38 8 -- 8 - -

13 7 - -7 42 7 -7 22 - -- 20 7 -

62 21 13 -7 - - -

20 10 13 -35 11 - -9 4 - -7 13 - 11

35 25 14 -42 41 24 6 12 9 - -13 12 8 -- 7 - 6 9 - - -8 4 7 -- - - -

173 326 197 162 - 50 33 122 - 17 7 -- 6 14 13 - - - 81 - 5 6 -- 22 6 28 - 14 14 9 - 8 8 9 - 6 6 -- 28 6 5 - 13 6 5

37 91 112 14 - 14 21 1 - - 6 -7 30 48 7

30 47 37 -- 4 - -81 63 - 7 4 17 - -7 - - -70 46 - 7

50 31 - -20 15 - -- - - 1 - - - -6 - - -9 - - -- 8 - -

37 62 25 5 - - 4 -

20 18 7 5 4 29 7 -- 11 - -

13 15 7 -- - - -3 6 7 -


0 m

~ ,..... m 0 ("'\ :c )>

~ ("'\

-I m Al (;; -I n en

= i "' ~ UI

I °' .... .-

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total employttl __ ----- ------ -----____ ---- ___________ _

Profnsloul, tedaikol, n4 kla*-4 wllbn --------------------Accountants _ -- ---------- ------ ---- - ---- ---- ------ -- -- -- ---- --Architects ______ ---- --------------- -- -- ---- ---- - ------ -- -- --

~:t!.~~.;~~-~~~=-~====~========================== CiviL ___________ ------ ---- -- ---- ---------- ----- -- -----Electrical and electronic-----------------------------------­lndustriol --------------------------------------Mechanical _ ------------ - ---- - ----------- -- ------ -----Other engineers----------------------------------------

Mathematical speciorist•---------------------------------­life and phY$ical scientists----------------------------------Chemists ___________________________________________ _

Pe~nne.1 on_d labor relations workers •• -----------------------­Social scientists----------------------------------------

Enw~=:~~~~~!~~~io~~-=========----============== Electrical and electronic engineerin9 technician•-------------------­lndustriol and mechanical engineenng technicians --------------­

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science----------Writers, artists, and entertainers ______________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------

Mu...,.. ood ••illstnton, urept fani ---------------­Buvers, purchasing agents, and soles managers ---------------­Otller managers and administrators --------------------------Salaried _______________________________________ _

Self-employed ______________________________________ _

Solos wotlien __________________________________ _

Cltricol oM kw.H worbn ---------------------------

~~=~~--===----==--=========--===--======--====--===--= Estimators and investigators, n.e.c -------------------------Office machine operators-------------------------------Shipping and receiving clerks ___________________________ _

Stock clerks and storekeepers ---------------------------­Other clerical ond kindred workers -------------------------

Cnftsaoo ou ldldm wort.on---------------------­Blacksmiths, forgemen, hommermen, ond boilermakers -------------Brickmasons and stonemasons ___________________________ _

Carpenters-------------------------------------·---Crone.R!.en, derrickmen, and hoistmen -..-----------------------Electncmns __ --------- - ------ ------------- - -------Excavating, grading, and road machine operators---------------Foremen, n..e.c ----------------------------------Mechanics and repoirmen---------------------------

Aulomobile, including bodY---------------------------­Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers----------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinist•-------------­Pointers, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers_

~=:~::.'Ws~:~~r~========================: Stot"ionory engineers and power station opero1ors _____________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred worker•----------------------

Assemble~~.'.._~~-~~_:-_:-_-_:::=::_-::=:::-_:-_-:_-_:=::::= Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ____________ _ filers, polishers, sanders, and buffers _______________________ _

Poin!ers. manufactured a_rticles ----------------------­PrectSaon machine operatiVes ----..- ......... -------------------Welders and flamecutters ___________ ------------------Other specified aperotives--------------------------------Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified _________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified ----... -------------------Miscellaneous aperativH--------------------------Not •pecified operatives -------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text)

Persons 16 yeors Agriculture~

old and forestry, Construe-over and fisheries Mining tion

649 697 54 588 5 164 44 129

69 885 1 400 383 l 561 3 728 44 106 109

224 16 - 20 655 - 15 15

3 727 17 127 670 139 - 11 -892 4 5 499 727 - - 57 715 - 5 17 437 - - 65 817 13 106 32

71 - - 6 876 24 66 32 384 - 36 5

l 640 10 4 27 325 - - 6

3 526 92 42 527 l 091 13 5 159

383 - - IS 61 - - -

rm 133 5 42 3 349 103 9 26

so 835 961 9 81

SS 855 402 361 3 942 4 815 25 54 93

51 040 377 307 3 849 34 585 275 228 2 112 16 455 102 79 1 737

42 478 114 23 189

15 178 979 529 1 973 13 376 414 108 620

6 086 7 - 11 l 528 12 15 185 2 095 15 38 33 2 822 24 13 18 3 107 17 17 71

56 164 490 338 1 035

89 681 783 1 383 25 777 350 - - 47

1 483 - 3 I 348 JO 404 142 30 8 193

803 4 62 189 3 059 18 61 1 365 5 001 145 289 3 553

12 849 152 310 1 286 21 468 229 207 963 9 064 47 12 205 3 941 23 18 53

1 949 - 5 427 2 829 15 - 1 809 2 903 - 43 2 034 1 955 4 12 19 1 390 5 270 73

19 297 46 73 4 418

107 242 963 I 786 2 534 9 475 21 - 33 6 244 - - -1 687 8 - 12 1 078 - s -1 788 14 5 19 4 773 61 82 823

53 843 319 l 694 1 233 11 797 350 - 85 5 260 54 - 91 7 786 113 - 197 3 511 23 - 41


furniture, lumber,

and wood Total products

169 691 30 114

6 434 523 851 111

- -193 30

1 384 54 122 -43 9

170 5 563 26 212 9 274 5

- -269 -205 -514 72

16 -I 418 102

512 65 128 -56 6 45 6

983 14 761 134

6 607 1 456 1 042 174 5 565 I 282 4 553 791 I 012 491

3 602 273

13 053 l 661 1 778 330

73 5 157 5 530 30

1 665 229 1 031 106 7 819 956

21181 5 011 121 18 47 -

788 250 482 132 984 Ill 655 455

7 802 1 130 5 029 574

511 43 3 188 213

1 333 274 429 95 409 29

1 776 19 395 45

5 443 1 666

u 632 11 511 9 133 1 037 6 244 319 I 571 924

922 357 1 618 241 2 609 242

37 142 4 499 10 521 1 508 4 592 723 6 166 820 3 114 841


Durable goods

Fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

cloy, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery, and gloss ferrous nonferrous including not except ~uipment, products industries industries specified metol electrical on supplies

3 922 994 4 635 6 301 6 504 15 593

87 40 248 252 385 714 19 - 28 25 48 104 - - - - - -- - - 10 16 17

14 - 101 47 174 245 - - 18 - - -- - 4 16 - 4 - - 10 4 15 59 4 - 31 13 76 124 - - 23 9 39 25

10 - 15 s 44 33

- - - - - -7 - 34 - 4 13 7 - 34 - 4 IJ 9 4 14 22 10 74 - - - - - -

22 36 56 113 65 176 - 26 27 113 42 93 - s - - 5 61 - - - - 12 5 s - - 9 4 -s - - JO 28 26 6 - 15 16 36 59

254 44 94 304 350 325 19 10 6 SJ 55 74

235 34 88 251 295 251 190 34 88 232 243 w 45 - - 19 52 14

115 9 27 118 172 65

242 70 318 542 719 1 079 55 19 25 103 78 86 - - - - - 15 - - 17 24 7 - 6 21 21 42 25

18 8 52 91 96 151 13 4 20 36 85 168

156 33 200 274 394 627

720 255 1 254 1 365 1 554 2 157 - - 14 18 15 4 16 - 15 8 - -5 - 21 19 29 -

15 27 130 14 15 23 JO 15 85 26 29 139 62 6 II 5 5 -

234 50 352 329 319 799 173 20 241 149 393 735 45 - 10 10 48 20 88 17 198 373 659 722 13 108 116 237 40 99 8 - 3 50 30 71 5 6 34 19 5 18 - - - 16 11 9 - - 22 16 - 4

91 6 12 86 4 234

l 339 430 2 064 3 055 2 922 9 436 - - 77 510 718 2 883 45 - 86 231 235 1 321 18 11 53 159 33 111 26 s 25 71 30 127 17 71 18 127 389 489 55 64 117 551 386 414

367 88 480 614 344 1 401 303 59 689 321 208 910 126 28 201 233 328 888 279 41 242 132 121 512 103 63 76 106 130 380


I °' .... t..t

~ e E


~ r­m 0 ('").

:::c )>

~ n -I m ~ en -I n en

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE- Continued

Tet1I employe4-Continued

~&;t1:rl~~·~~~;=~~~~=====~================== Other transport equipment operatives ___________________________ _

........ , .... pt .... --------------------------------­freight, stock, and material handlers-----------------------------

2,ti:~i::".!~d lo~~~~·-=============::..--============-============= Not specified laborers-----------------------------------------

hlWI worbn-----------------------------------------

Sonlco ....._, 1oc1H111 pm ... •NseMW -------------------

~=:=:. =~: ::~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Guards ond watchme•---------------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household--------------------

Femele employed----------------------------------­

Prefo1sloul, t .... lcal, •d ldolrff wtdon ----------------Accountonls _ ---- _ -- ------ -- _____ ------ ---- ___ ---- ---- ____ _

fli:':~~e~~r.~:irr:~~;;i;<i;::::.:::::::::-_::::::.::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::::::.: Registered nurses, dietitians, and therapists _______________________ _ Social scientists--------------------------------------------Writers, artists, and entertainers ________________________________ _ Other professional, technical, ond kindred workers-------------------

Muo..,. ad •ioistnton, .... p1 m. -------------------Salaried ____ ----_--------_---------------- - ----------------Self-i!mployed _ -------------------- ------- ------------

Salo•'"'*""-------------------------------------Cloricel utl kW..d worbn ----------------------------

~:~~P~~~-======================================--===== ~~~rl.~~~-=-~x:_~~-~--===::..-::::::.:::::.::::::.:::.::::::::..-_::::::::.::: Office machine operators ----------------------------------Bookkeeping ond billing machine operators _________________ _ Receptionists -------------------------------------­Secretaries __ ---------------- _ ---- - ----------- ----- ------

~cF.~~~;7.~~i~;;~i~;;s=~====~================== Crafts1H1 ... ldodm won1r1 --------------------------

Foremen~ n.e.c ---------------------------------------

o,.m1w ... except_.,.,.--------------------------Assemblers ________________________________________ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing _________________ _ Packers ond wrappers, except meot and produce ----------------­Other operotives, except transport ---------------------------

Tru.,.n -.. .. Hf .,.mlwu ____________________ _

............. pt Jene---------------------------fa ......... _____________________________ _

Sonlce worbn, ........ priwm ... .., .. ---------------­Cleaning service workers ------------------------------­Personal service workers --------------------------------­Other service workers, indud"ang private household----------------

(Dala baud on 1amplt, Ht lext. For meaning of symbols, soe text)

Persons 16 yeors Agriculture,

old and forestry, Construe· over ond fisheriH Mining lion

,. 685 665 305 1 996 s 303 106 14 38

16 689 489 255 1 818 8 613 70 36 140

17 092 2 OU 277 5 741 12 OSI 41 171 157 16 891 I 750 59 s 582 2 444 121 - -s 706 121 47 9

46 958 46 951 - -... 723 291 117 409 14 859 186 n 192 10 797 11 - -

I 945 35 40 67 57 122 59 5 150

245 2G6 5 704 409 2 044

33066 133 2S 95 1 125 34 10 29

82 - 5 4 105 - 4 4

6 103 - - -78 - - -

965 - - -24 608 99 6 58

10 867 45 10 138 6 770 25 10 96 4 097 20 - 42

17 180 22 - 22

61 931 709 291 1 193 11 166 283 41 476 4 801 - - -1 025 4 - -l 038 6 5 26 1 529 15 27 17

166 - - -I 919 68 - 18

15 351 143 84 415 699 14 5 17

3 409 30 39 69 20 994 146 90 155

5 821 13 25 313 1 159 9 11 6

41 644 179 48 83 5 983 5 - 25 4 007 - - -2 510 84 - -

36 144 90 48 58

765 7 5 22

3 812 357 - 152

4 154 4 154 - -51 959 85 5 26 4 794 54 - 15 7 640 - - -

46 525 31 5 11


Furniture, lumber,

and wood Total products

7 752 2 166 1 259 79 3 997 1 256 2 497 831

15 359 6 711 5 452 l 962 5 225 3 538 I 091 370 3 591 918

- -4 370 725 2 632 426

84 8 837 250 817 41

59 551 4 244

1 223 45 244 19

21 4 32 -76 9 8 -

316 5 526 8

556 61 492 59

64 9

517 28

8 030 975 1 331 219

56 5 108 11 168 11 433 30

10 -127 5

2 120 317 65 -

724 83 2 898 294

3 707 527 830 21

42 889 2 197 5 818 370 4 007 131 2 J70 56

30 894 J 640

144 38

I 923 313

- -569 53 252 41 22 2

295 10


Durable goods

Fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

clay, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery. an~lass ferrous nonferrous including not except ~uipment, pr ucls industries industries specified metal electrical on suppl"ies

539 20 107 139 42 2n 30 11 - 19 - -

420 6 42 60 15 81 89 3 65 60 27 152

544 74 360 407 216 515 291 8 105 128 78 241

53 6 36 48 40 88 28 16 16 100 23 19 in 44 203 131 75 167

- - - - - -82 52 163 126 144 369 64 24 110 90 97 218 - - - 5 5 4

12 25 48 20 26 61 6 3 5 11 16 86

341 64 401 1 306 1 372 6 950

5 - 5 11 35 101 5 - - 3 10 28 - - - - - -- - - - 4 -- - - - 5 31 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - 5 8 16 42

14 5 11 9 3 34 10 5 11 9 3 34 4 - - - - -

- - - 6 21 5

127 41 171 310 373 638 44 19 20 79 59 65 - - - - - 11 - - - - - -6 - - 10 5 15 - 6 12 15 33 25 - - - - - -5 - 17 4 15 6

37 12 95 127 109 183 - - - - 10 -5 - 11 21 36 70

30 4 16 54 106 263

21 - 39 55 72 396 - - 15 5 9 27

141 10 152 805 839 5 545 - - 22 241 325 2 073 9 - 25 100 100 863

32 - 11 59 34 107 JOO JO 94 405 380 2 502

6 3 - - - ' 22 - a .. 18 149

- - - - - -5 5 15 12 JI 73 s 5 9 - - 13 - - - 5 - 4 - - 6 7 Tl 56

0 m

~ r­m 0 n :c > ~ n -I m ;:it) c;; ::::! n en

> llllJ

~ "' l:

"' I °" .... w

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total •ployn_ --------------------- ________________ _

Profosslo1al, ftduiical, oU kiadrff Wofton -------------------ACCOUQIOnls -- - ------------------------------ ---- ---- -- ----Architects __________________________________________ _

Computer specialists--------------------------------------

Ent~::J~aC=-..-_:::::=::=:::::=:=-..-:::::=-..-_-::==::::::=:::::: Civi1---------------------------------------------Electricol and electronic ______________________________ _

Industrial _ -------------------------------- ___ _ Mechanical ______ ------------_____________________ _ Other engineers---------------------------------

fij~~~i::~~~!~~~~=~~=========================== Pe~onne) o~d labor relations workers ____________________________ _ Soaol sc1tnt1Sts -------------------------------------------

En~~:~~~:~-d-~~~~~-·~~~~~-~~~========================= Electrical ond electronic engineerinq technicians ________________ _ Industrial and mechonitol engineenng technicians--------------

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science _____ .... ____ _ Writers, artists, ond entertoiners __________________________ _ Other professional, technical. and kindred workers--------------

llU"ftrs 11d o•ilistnttrs, tlttpl form ------------------­Buyers, purchasing ogents, ond soles monogers ------------------­Other monogers ond administrators ---------------------------Salaried _________________________________________ _

Self-employed ---- __________ ------ ______________ ---- ____ ---__ _

Soles weditrs. ______ ---- ------ - -------------------- --

Clerical u4 kmdn• worktn ____ -------------------- __

~:~i;.;p~~~-===-----===========================---======= Estimators and investigators, n~e.c --------------------------

g:,Cinmo~~j'1~e~:~i:~0~~iks--========~--===============~=---=== Sloe~ c'lerks and storekeepers----------------------------------­Other clerical ond kindred workers -----------------------------

,,.,,_ ud kla4ml wort•n --------------------------

:~~~~~~·::~ !o:3~oe:~;::=:-~~r:_~~~-~~~~~~~~-============ Carpenters _ ---------- _______ ------- __ ---- ---------_____ _ Cranemen, derrtckmen, and hoistmen -----------------------------Electrician• _ ---- ___ ------- __ -- --------- ---- __ -------_____ -Excavating, grading, and rood mochine operators--------------------Foremen, n.e.c -------------------------------------------

Mi;::on.::b~=~ ;~:'Jr:;.eb.i.1;::=:::=:=:=:::::::=::::==:=-..-::::::=:: Machinists, job setters, ond toolmakers --------------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists _______________ _ Pointers,. construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers_ Plumbers ond pipe fitters----------------------------------­Printing craftsmen __ -------------------------------------Stationary engineers ond power station operators __________________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers ___________________________ _

o,-i.n, .. ..,, """""" -----------------------------Assemblers ____________________________________ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing.,.. ___ ~_ ...... _______ _ Filers, polishers, .sanders, and buffers---------------------------

~~=1=~~ ::~~~:1:~=a~C!;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Welders ond flamecutters ------------------------- ----- -------Other specified operatives __________________________ _ Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified_ _____________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified ---------------------------Misullaneous operatives ________________________________ _

Not specified operatives ------------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Durable goods- Continued

Motor vehicles Other

and motor tronspor-vehicle Aircraft tot ion

equipment ond ports equipment Ord nonce

I 566 336 3 405 3 354

107 24 77 290 27 - 29 18 - - - -- - - 5

36 6 21 93 - - - 6 5 - - -- 6 - 16

17 - 5 33 9 - 16 12 5 - - 26

- - - -- - - 19 - - - 8 15 - 4 16 - - - -

16 13 9 92 16 4 4 32 - 6 - 31 - - - 9 - - - 5 6 5 10 5 7 - 4 37

99 15 212 83 17 - 83 37 82 15 129 46 76 15 102 46

6 - 27 -43 5 60 -

103 53 294 227 12 - 49 6 - - - -5 - 6 -4 5 - 10 6 5 56 23

39 5 31 69 37 38 152 119

377 83 998 594 - 4 6 -- - - -

27 - 258 23 9 - - -

26 - 65 30 - - - 5

78 - 174 229 123 38 78 117 104 - 11 19 31 17 67 82

26 5 79 44 19 5 47 -- - 47 10 - - - -- - 4 15

38 14 173 39

686 132 1 286 1 617 137 76 280 640 31 23 76 270 24 - 47 6 43 5 39 33 41 8 5 19

117 - 214 89 116 - 204 108 76 6 87 155 17 14 74 93 62 - 156 73 22 - 104 131

Other durable


12 501

372 35 -7

114 --

12 38 11 53

-6 6

27 -

511 28 4 9 -

53 80

339 40

299 237



937 80 9

18 55 76 95


2 001 3 -

22 -

43 4

332 235 -


17 23 4

16 -

1 135

7 140 1 398

706 97 68 69 79

3 176 672 301 453 121


Manufacturing- Continued

Food Apparel

ond other and Textile fabricated

kindred mill textile products products products

21 410 4 030 14 557

520 146 205 128 10 35

- - -16 16 13 58 41 20 - - -5 - -- - -

44 16 11 - 5 s 9 20 4

- - -52 - -35 - -54 44 45 - - -

111 14 5 10 5 -- - -- - -- - -

22 5 40 79 16 47

1 121 112 249 200 20 13 921 92 236 805 87 222 116 5 14

803 21 64

I 526 307 652 387 6 71

19 - 10 14 5 4 58 23 10

164 45 144 41 32 30

843 196 383

2 663 549 I 101 5 4 -5 - -

59 5 5 5 - -

61 12 12 JO -

1 260 202 537 609 223 206 138 - -67 44 42

32 - -20 - -

7 6 -10 20 5 97 7 5

396 26 289

9 150 2 543 11 848 389 63 69 640 284 764

5 6 -- 4 -48 10 -75 5 5

4 483 2 171 9 969 1 373 - 461

333 - 51 1 558 - 367

246 - 162

Nondurable goods

Rubber ond Other Printing, miscel- nondurable

and i:Jl:d publishing, Chemicals Janeous goods, incl. and olfled and allied plastic not specified

products industries products products manufacturing

9 376 7 107 5 514 4 GSI 14 414

608 823 566 186 261 69 33 76 29 27 - - - - -9 21 16 6 11

75 24 154 52 55 - - 70 12 16 - - - - -

19 - 20 - 4 31 24 29 26 15 4 - 30 - 15

21 - 5 14 5

- - - - -26 - 87 II 10 21 - 56 II 10 15 14 43 28 4 8 - 8 - -

285 10 146 49 48 22 10 10 - 5 - - 5 - II 4 - II - -5 - 8 3 -

16 714 12 - 12 100 7 16 8 94

270 477 321 133 349 36 121 50 11 23

234 356 271 122 326 234 270 266 110 268 - 86 5 12 58

90 939 289 33 312

802 1 407 704 338 1 072 77 208 47 42 97 - 5 - 5 5 - 35 - 13 4

57 85 35 - 43 164 93 73 31 140 67 50 35 58 47

437 931 514 189 736

2 045 1 926 973 552 2 003 5 - 4 - 21 3 - - - -

22 - 20 - 23 79 - 10 - 23

197 15 45 28 35 42 - 15 4 11

489 261 360 220 447 461 87 181 150 236

22 - 6 5 JO 184 5 49 79 84 1511 - 70 9 14

14 5 22 12 s 107 5 86 6 15 122 1 526 17 - 5 107 11 25 - 37 63 11 69 44 1 047

4 201 1 100 1 685 2 -419 9 068 109 27 222 206 292 221 78 158 2n -484

4 - - 39 34 38 - 29 5 17 16 - - 28 22 75 - 78 s 38

1 114 286 350 425 6 947 1 455 218 392 847 781

521 235 167 164 95 470 87 226 310 257 178 169 63 118 101

"' I Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: °' .... ~

,.. = The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ; of 250,000 or More "'

0 m ~ )> r­m 0 ("") :::c )>

~ n ~ m ~ en ::::! n U>

THE STATE-Continued

Total employe•-Continued

~~~:'J!~~':~~~~~~~;=~=·=~~~~========~==:::::::::::::: Other transport equipment operatives ______ ---- ____________________ _

La .. ren, except ftlra -------------------------------------Freight, stock, and material hondler•--------------------------------

~~~~1fu!'::U~dla~:~~~s -======================================= Not specified laborers -------- ------------------------ ___________ _

hm w•rken _______ ---- _________ ---- ____ ---- __ ------ __

Senlce worlctrs, hicldl19 priYote •nselloW -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -­Cleaning service workers -------------------------------------­Personal service workers---------------------------------------Guards and watchmen ______ ----- __ ---------------------------Other service workers, including private household--------------------

Female employH ---------------------------------------

Profe11lo1al, teculcal, u4 klllllre~ workers-------------------Accountants _______________ ---- ------ ------- ________________ _

fN:~~~e~h:.'k::'11i;~~iilis!s::===============================--===== Registered nurses, dietitians, ond therapists_ ______________________ _ Social scientists--------------------------------------------­Writers, artists, and entertainers--------------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers-----------------

Maa .. ers 1ad ••iaistrat•n, except firm --------------------Salaried _____ ------ __________ ---- ________ ---- __ --------- _____ _ Self-employed ----____ ----_______ ----------- ------ ------

Salts workers ________ -- -- -- ------ --------- ------ ---- -

Clericel Hd klodred worlcen --------------------------

~~~~~p:=======-----===========---====--================== Counter clerks. except food---------------------------------Fde clerks------------------------------------------Office machine operators----------------------------------

Bookkeeping ond billing machine operators_ ___________________ _

Receptionists --------------------------------------------Secretaries--------------------------------------------Stenographers ------------------------------------

~i~~s:~l;ri~liiiiii k"i~llr;.r;•rit•r.-=============================== Cnrltsmn aod kladm worlcen --------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c --------------------- -------------- ----- -----

Optntirn, except tre1spert ----------------------------Assemblers ___________ ----- __________ ------------------ __ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ________________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meot and produce ------------------­Other operatives, except transport --------------------------------

Tnasport •••ipmHt openth11 ____________________________ _

laHren, except firm-----------------------------------

,..,. worluin ______ ---- -----------------------------

S.nice worlcen, lodHlq priYoto •nHho11-------------------­Cleoning service workers -------------------------------------­Personal service workers --------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household----------------

[Doto based on sample, see 1ext. For meaning of symbols, see text)

Durable goods- Continued

Motor vehicles Other

ond motor transpor- Other vehicle Aircraft tation durable

equipment and parts equipment Ordnance goods

43 11 187 149 279 11 - 16 - s 21 4 129 80 60 11 7 42 69 214

62 5 191 241 899 15 - 46 124 128 11 5 60 9 651 9 - 3 85 37

27 - 82 23 83

- - - - -46 8 100 153 370 35 4 62 101 103 - - 13 4 12

11 - 25 31 32 - 4 - 17 223

227 75 592 1 113 6 400

16 - 11 42 124 11 - 5 14 16 - - - - -- - - 5 -- - - 11 -- - - - -- - 6 - 32 s - - 12 76

- - 16 13 47 - - 16 13 36 - - - - 11

- - - - 22

44 36 168 91 677 12 - 37 - 65 - - - - 9 - - - - 12 - 6 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 50 - - - - -4 - - - 6

22 13 87 31 112 - - - 1 7 6 - 12 12 71 - 12 27 49 340

32 11 73 36 659 5 - 9 23 71

119 28 280 845 4 651 20 14 74 409 1 269 11 6 12 120 614

5 - - 9 154 83 8 194 307 2 614

5 - 9 - s

5 - 24 63 154

- - - - -6 - 11 16 61 6 - 11 12 10 - - - 4 7 - - - - 44

1970- Continued

Manufacturing- Continued

Nondurable goods

Apparel Rubber and Other Food and other Printing, misceJ· nondurable ond Textne fabricated and~~f: publishing, Chemicals laneous goods, incl.

kindred mill textile ond allied ond allied plostic not specified products products products products industries products products manufacturing

2 504 59 62 474 127 212 110 290 974 6 s s 52 16 8 22

1 220 29 46 235 22 120 30 121 310 24 11 234 53 76 72 147

2 4'3 150 184 651 113 556 162 708 l 134 Ill 136 247 169 226 96 207

277 21 4 77 - 26 - 275 229 - 24 33 - 51 18 30 823 18 20 294 14 253 48 196

- - - - - - - -660 143 192 235 125 208 118 351 457 106 139 139 I09 135 98 115

21 - - 6 - - - 6 34 25 39 71 10 57 15 45

148 12 14 19 6 16 5 185

6 890 1 904 12 532 l 533 2 882 1 211 1 011 8 503

207 48 108 53 273 46 24 69 49 5 16 18 19 14 6 6 10 - 7 - - - - -17 - - 6 - - - -9 - - 5 - 6 - -- - - 8 - - - -- - 10 - 254 3 - 6

122 43 75 16 - 23 18 57

62 - 81 8 108 19 6 52 SI - 81 8 96 19 6 35 11 - - - 12 - - 17

57 7 21 6 226 4 6 108

904 223 440 367 1 059 471 195 713 266 6 71 58 172 35 36 68

6 - 10 - 5 - 5 5 - 7 s 8 55 - - 10 - 21 8 - 49 19 5 3

44 18 10 37 80 26 - 37 - - - - 5 - - 5 21 - - - 16 16 - 12

167 51 80 153 146 209 99 70 - - - 14 - 17 - 16 70 20 40 36 154 44 13 20

330 100 216 61 382 105 37 472

152 40 561 49 360 17 13 587 117 13 388 15 31 12 8 61

4 953 1 485 11 155 973 734 584 743 6 650 271 42 61 42 22 204 176 183 462 203 729 141 61 115 35 270 965 181 170 124 74 19 37 133

3 255 1 059 10 195 666 577 246 495 6 064

43 - - 9 6 - - 11

396 84 112 54 108 64 10 241

- - - - - - - -116 17 54 14 8 6 14 72

41 5 45 5 8 - 14 22 - - - - - - - -75 12 9 9 - 6 - 50

c ,,., ~ r­m 0 ("') :::c )>

~ ("')

-I ,,., ::0 v; :::j (") (/)

,.. :ID

~ "' l: UI

I °' ..... UI

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More


Tobi employed __________________________ ------ ______ _

PrOfusloul. ta<hlcol, .U kilulretl wotbn -----------------Accountants--------------------------------------------Architects ______ ------------------___________ ----- __ ------Computer specialists ------ ------------------------ ----- -------

En~ih!~oJ::-=:-_:=:::=::=::::::::=::=:-_:::::=..-=:::=---==== Civil__ -- ---- -----___ ---- _ ---- __ --------_______________ _ Electrical and electronic ______ --------------------------------Industrial -----------------------------------------------Mechanical ______ ---- _____ ---- ---- ___ ---·-_ ------ ------ _ Other engineers-------------------·-·--------------------

Mathematical specialists------------------------------------­Life and physical scientists---------------------------

Chemists ______ ------ ____ ---------- __ ------------ ______ _ Personnel and labor relations workers_ __________________________ _

~;:i~;~:~ -~~:~~~~~~:~=======~~=================== Electrical ond electronic engineerinv technicians_ ________________ _ Industrial and mechanical engineenng technicians------------------­

Technicians, except health, and engineering ond science---~-----------Writers, artists, and entertainers ______________________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers-----------------

... ., ... ollll •'"illiltrolon, except form -----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, ond soles managers --------------------­Other managers ond odministrotors ---------------------------Salaried ___________ -----_________________ ---------· __

Self-employed ________________________________________ _

Solo1 worl<en ____________________________________ _

Clericol ud tWnd worbrs ---------------------------


i~i~~J~r~;~~i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other clerical and kindred workers ---------------------------------

,....._ .. .U ldHntl w..ton -----------------------

:~~~':!t!:; ~0:3~~0e:~:!'!~se~~~-~~~-~i~~~~~s_:-_::=:::=::::: Carpenters-----------------------------------------Cranemen, derrickmen, and haistmen ---------------------------Electricians------- ____ .....,. ____ ----------------------Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators------------------Foremen, n.e.c ------------------------------------------Mechanics and repairmen----------------------------------

Automabile, including bodY--------------·------------ -----­Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers----------------------------Metal croftsmen

1 except mechanics and machinists _______________ _

Painters, construction and maintenance, ond plasterers and paperhangers_ Plumbers and pipe fitters---------------------------------Printing craftsmen ________________________________________ _

Stationary engineers. ond power station operotors----------------­Other craftsmen ond kindred workers-----------------------------

Assemble~~.'...~~~~~....::=::-_-::=:=...-_-....::::::=::-_-::::::::::::::::::: Check.ersl exominers

1 and inspectors; manufacturing ________________ _

Filers, po~shers, sunders, and buffers ______________________ _ Painters, manufactured articles------------ ...... --.----------------

~:fj~~: a~:c,~r;:~ee;::::.e_s_=======================~-==:::::::: Other specified operotives-------------------------------------Machine operatives, m is<elloneous specified __ ----------------__ ---­Machine operatWH~ not specified ------------------------------


[Data based on sample, see text. Far meaning of symbols, see text!

Railroads Trucking and service

railway and Other express ware- trans par- Comm uni-service housing totion cations

7 327 10 226 5 026 6 700

72 71 228 939 16 33 5 70 - - - -6 s - 10

17 7 87 271 - - - -

17 - - 5 - - 10 239 - - - 7 - - 77 6 - 7 - 14

- - - -s - - -5 - - -4 10 11 34 - - - 6

16 - 8 138 - - - 39

12 - - 88 - - - -4 5 112 21 - 6 - 356 4 s 5 33

627 803 397 420 9 44 - 17

618 759 397 403 618 521 328 386 - 238 69 17

31 76 9 140

982 1 107 602 3 173 20 210 68 148 24 43 17 34 45 49 5 33 56 19 - 46 49 144 26 4

111 26 - 15 677 616 486 2 893

2 704 878 361 1 853 19 - - -- - - -

68 18 17 -4 - - -

116 - 9 14 30 13 6 10

275 322 40 104 718 470 205 13

6 405 46 4 254 17 10 -49 - 10 -35 - 25 7 20 - 5 8 - - - -

25 12 24 7 I 091 26 10 1 690

411 341 213 56 5 - - 9 - - - -- - - -- - - -

12 5 - -129 19 JO -46 143 200 6 - 75 - 11

46 18 11 11 101 63 62 13 70 18 - 6

Utilities ond General

sanitary Wholesale merchandise services trade retomng

12 165 22 911 13 900

833 472 165 77 159 so - - -

25 27 9 270 68 -- - -25 - -

197 3 -21 8 -13 5 -14 52 -- - -

14 - -9 - -

39 43 36 15 10 -

182 49 -95 27 -27 5 -- - -

33 6 15 47 58 38

131 52 17

939 3 844 2 422 66 827 693

873 3 017 1 7'19 633 2 151 1 206 40 866 523

150 5 036 7 244

2 678 3 177 2 432 415 1 041 365 121 6 694 45 20 46 76 138 so 4 390 138

129 275 245 1 888 2 007 894

3 832 2 367 567 10 - 6 - 11 -4 71 50 5 35 -

191 53 4 110 18 8 498 611 144 706 981 228 36 254 46 36 85 s 16 21 -5 27 -

87 so 6 - 26 4

392 15 -1 770 363 112

608 1 998 231 12 69 -- - -- 25 -- 9 -

10 32 -105 114 7 244 1 076 208 25 203 4 64 138 -

130 267 6 18 65 6

Retail trade

Automotive dealers

and Eating and Other Fi nonce Food gasofine drinking retail and real

stores stations places trade Insurance estate

17 770 19 101 16 335 35 956 7 463 14 955

102 111 111 1 262 241 548 45 65 - 100 107 196 - - - - JO -- - - 11 33 65 - s - 31 13 24 - - - - - -- 5 - 6 - -- - - - - -- - - 5 13 6 - - - 7 - -- - - 13 - 18

- - - - 9 -- - - 5 - -- - - - - -

21 11 11 23 46 51 - - - - 20 5 10 - 25 - 1 - 5 - - - 7 - s - 10 - -- - - - - -- 15 - - 5 JO

10 5 59 77 9 38 21 - 41 990 16 137

4 659 4 502 2 515 6 135 722 3 009 415 249 47 775 104 48

4 244 4 253 2 468 5 360 618 2 961 1 375 2 169 911 2 786 544 2 708 2 869 2 064 1 557 2 572 74 253

2 659 3 633 321 1% 635 3 296 2 131

4 104 1 759 927 5 316 3 031 7 422 241 1 061 102 2 112 229 l 608

2 935 55 686 469 44 86 11 31 - 10 100 257 33 5 29 25 87 340 74 11 - 139 17 -

396 88 23 199 4 17 414 SOB 85 2 362 2 5SO 5 114

403 3 716 73 4 385 63 432 - - - 6 - 11 - 6 - 15 - 7

16 11 - 344 8 120 " - - - 8 - -- - - 67 - 2

- 5 - 40 7 25 182 148 15 304 10 64

51 3 404 9 1 628 5 17 15 3 271 5 117 - 5 - 55 - 64 - -- - 6 26 - -- 5 - 106 - 17 - - - 46 - -- - - 21 11 5 - 6 - 6 5 18

154 76 41 1 700 17 146

1 961 4 545 161 1 343 16 74 7 16 8 76 - 5 - - - - - -- 14 - 30 5 -- 66 - - - -- 5 4 5 - -- 20 - 84 - 5

1 829 4 326 107 876 5 44 44 69 12 105 6 5 15 - 19 87 - 9 46 18 11 64 - 6 27 11 - 16 - -

1970- Continued "' I Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: C>o .... C>o

,.. = The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ~ of 250,000 or More "'

0 ~ )> ,..... m 0

n :::c )>

~ n --i m ~ en :::! n en

THE STATE-Continued

Totol employed- Continued

~~:1:rl~~0:~~~~:;=·;=~~~~============================ Other transport equipment operatives ____ ---- ______________________ _

LaHnn, ea:cept fam -----------------------------------­Freight, stock, ond material hondlers--------------------------------

~i~~~1rt::O~~dl~~:~~~s_:::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::=:::::: Not specified laborers-------------------------------------------

""- ....... _______ ---- -- --------------- ------ --- --5erYicl worten, loclldllf pmll• •n11•old --------------------

~!i;.c!:~ =~: ::~=~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Guards and watchmen ________ ------------------_----------- __ Other service workers. including private household--------------------

Female employed ______ ------------------------- -------

Profe11lnal, teduiical, ood ldiulretl w..ten --------------------Accountants ---- __ ------ ____ ---- ------ __ ---- -- -- ---- __ -- -- -- -- --

f3:':~~e~~r.1~~li:~~entisi5===========================--=====---==== Registered nurses, dietitians, ond therapists _______________________ _

So~ial scien!ists ---------:------------- ------ ------------ ---Writers, artists, and entertainers _______________________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------------

Moa•1•n •H •Wstratw11 except farm --------------------Salaried _______________________________________ ------ _____ _

Self-employed __________ --- __ -------- ----- ------------ -------

Salt1 werken ______ --- ----------------- ----- ------

Cloricol ud kletlrod worbn --------------------------------

~~~~~:~=====--============================================ ~~~~k~,~~~~ -~x:_e~ -~~ -======================================= Office machine operators --------------------------------------

8oo~ke~ing ond billing machine operators_ _____________________ _ Recept1omsts __ ---- ____________________ -------- ---- -- ----__ Secretaries ____ ----- __ ---- ______ ---- ______ ---- ____ ---- _ ---- __ _

i~r.!~~~~.~=~i~~~r.;~~~s~======:::=========:::::::: cnr1t ...... , kldm w..ten ---------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c ------------------ ------------------------ ------

Operatirn, except trn1p1rt -------------------------------Assemblers ____ ---- _________ ------ ________ ---- --- __ ------- __ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ________________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meat and produce-------------------­Other operatives, except transport -------------------------------

r ... .,ort l.lipelll operllfHI-------------------------

Laltoten, 1.xcept ,.,. -------------------------------------

farm werten ---------- ---- -- ---- _ -- ---- _ ------ ---- _

5onlc1 w..te,., lodetllq prhll1 •0011uld ------------------­Cleaning service workers ------------------------------------­Personal service workers------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household------------------

[Doto based on sample. see text. Far meaning of symbols. see text]

Railroads Trucking and service

railway ond Other expr~ss ware. transpor- Commun~ service housing tation cations

l 465 6 099 2 679 10 25 288 20 -52 5 712 71 5

1 388 99 2 588 s 941 747 189 44

73 594 70 5 93 3S 57 9

613 20 17 s 162 98 4S 25

- - - -94 104 278 65 22 58 83 54

9 21 67 -11 2S 11 4 S2 - 117 7

237 837 748 3 252

- 17 10 130 - 12 - 42 - 5 - -- - - -- - 5 -- - - -- - - 24 - - s 64

21 46 52 41 21 40 48 37 - 6 4 4

5 - - 32

135 612 279 2 973 5 169 57 138 - 22 6 34 - - - 16 - 9 3 37 3 19 - 36 - - - -- 11 13 IS

45 135 52 211 5 8 - 5 6 35 5 64

71 204 143 2 417

24 13 6 46 - 6 - 11

5 18 5 9 - - - 9 - - - -- 10 - -5 8 5 -

11 79 275 -15 23 15 5

- - - -21 29 106 16 - 29 38 9 s - 20 -

16 - 48 7

Utilities ond General

sanitary Wholesale merchandise services trade reramng

1 266 3 356 237 43 1 449 167

531 1 7Tl. S9 692 18S 11

1 527 1 618 212 S83 891 242 573 267 14 207 91 7 164 369 19

- - -332 343 320 251 202 195

- 17 29 31 2S 19 so 99 77

l 920 4 236 9 284

36 87 84 - 62 2S

1l s -- - -- - -4 - -- 11 31

21 9 28

69 276 102 69 193 576 - 83 226

19 312 5 874

I 579 2 513 2 034 322 781 336 109 4 676

- 26 105 16 69 33 52 125 44

9 - 6 21 45 4

385 701 113 18 30 5 83 70 2S

573 662 693

59 98 120 - 10 60

31 642 172 6 Tl. -- - -- 150 14

2S 470 158

36 36 6

37 183 SI

- - -54 89 134 27 48 45 - - 24

27 41 65

Retail trade

Automotive dealers

ond Eating ond Other fin once Food drinking reloil ond real

stores stations places trade Insurance estate

563 359 50 2 263 11 66 301 137 34 991 - -239 184 16 986 11 32 23 38 - 286 - 34

2 949 283 70 1 118 14 349 2 87S S9 23 387 - lS

20 164 9 501 7 257 - - - SS - 33

S4 60 38 24S 7 44

- - - - - -363 193 12 107 1 429 62 924 118 118 269 293 57 f/15 - 6 78 21 - 34 5 10 21 5 10s

240 69 11 7SO 1 094 - 160

6 794 2 188 12 001 TS 171 3 041 7 740

45 52 42 169 47 110 21 47 - 4S 42 47 - - - - - lS - - - - - -5 - 16 - - 4 - - - - - -- 5 17 40 - 18

19 - 9 84 s 26

1 229 253 1 129 1 622 93 619 2S6 116 384 671 89 563 973 137 745 951 4 56

1 490 212 227 7 178 408 420

2 612 1 386 770 4 197 2 437 6 169 200 890 92 I 8S3 225 I 435

2 093 35 578 425 39 86 7 - 19 19 - 11 3 19 - 25 85 97

33 5 15 25 45 249 5 - - 5 4 99 3 16 - 20 30 40

77 211 36 460 I 126 1 358 - 5 - - 20 30

11 30 4 58 277 306 255 175 26 1 312 590 2 557

94 45 25 425 5 13 42 - 6 22 - 4

481 160 62 496 16 59 - 9 - 34 - 5 - - - - - -

20 - 4 24 - -461 151 58 438 16 54

16 6 - 36 - -527 12 15 100 - 29

- - - - - -230 62 9 731 948 35 321 34 6 110 106 35 224 - - 48 21 - 16

196 56 9 573 821 - 81

0 m

~ r­m 0

n ::c )>

~ n -I m ;;it:I v; ~ n <n

> ,., ~ "' l:;

"" I

°" .... ....

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250 ,000 or More

THE STATE Tehl •ploye4 _____________________________________ _

Pnfnslonl, ,. ... lul, •• UNrM wortm ------------------Accountants _____ ----____ ---------_____ -----____ -----Architects---- _____ -------- ________________ ------------ _____ _ Computer specialists----------------------------------------

En~i~=~aC:::::-_::::::_-_::::::::::::::::::..-_:::::::::::::::: Civi1---------------------------------------------Ele<:trical and electranic---------------------------------lndustrial ------------------------------------------Mechanical ______________ ------ ------ __ -----------------Other engineers-------------------------------------

Mothematical specialists------------------------------­Life and physical scientists--------------------------------

Chemist•---------------------------------------------Personnel and labor relations workers ___________________________ _

Social scientists-----------------------------------------

Eni;.::~d-~~~~-~~~~~~:-_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_: Electrical and electronic engineerin~ technicians __________________ _ Industrial and mechanical engineenng technicians--------------­

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science------------Writers, artists, and entertainers ________________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers---------------

MIHfll'l IN ... .._, 11cept '- ---------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers ---------------­Other managers and administrators ---------------------------

Salaried-----------------------------------------­Self-employed ----- ------------------------------ -

Siies worten-----------------------------------

Clorlctl ad klolllff wolhn -----------------------Bookkeepers------------------------------------------­Cashiers ---------------------------------------Estimators and investigators, n.e.c ---------------------------~ ma~~jn~.=;~·~rks::_-_-_-_-_:::=._-:::=::=:::::..-:::::..-:::::..-::::-_-_: st:t'd.rks and storekeepers--------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers----------------------------

~ ..... - ....... -----------------------­Blacksmiths, forgemen, hammennen, and boilennakers ------------Brickmasons and stonemason•-----------------------------Carpenters --------------------------------------Cran~en, derrickmen, and hoi1itmen -----------------------... -Electnctans -----------------------------____ ------ _____ _ Excavating, grading, and road machine operators-----------------Foremen~ n.e.C----------------------------------Mechonics and repoirme•-------------------------------

Automobile, including bodr----------------------------­Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinist•---------------­Pointers, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers_

~i::;J:rscr"a~s~:~~r~-========================= Stationary engineers ond power station operators _______________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers _____________________ _

Opontlns, ...... _.,... ________________________ _

Assemblers--------------------------------------Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ____________ _ Filers, polishers, sanders, and buffer•-------------------------Poin!t!!5, manu!actured a.rtides ------- ____ ----------------- __ Preci110n machine operatives _ _,,_ ...... __ ... ___ ... ________________ _ Welders and flamecutters ___________________________ _ Other specified operatives ____________________________ _ Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified _______________ _

Machine operatives, not specified ------------------------Miscellaneouo operotives-------------------------------Nat specified operatives --------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see lext]

Other personal

Hotels services, and including

Business Repair lodging private services services places household

5 035 ID D73 5 661 32 517

723 12 15 545 18S 7 39 10

- - - -SS - - -38 - 5 6 - - - -- - - -

JO - - -6 - - 6 s - - -

17 - 5 -- - - 5 4 - - -- - - -

191 5 6 6 25 - - -83 15 4 -33 - 4 -s 10 - -- - - -5 5 - 41

96 - 9 260 41 so 22 217

611 806 1 105 1 410 51 16 5 12

560 790 1 100 1 468 383 295 456 811 177 495 644 657

413 19 35 209

1 615 612 157 1 257 228 2n 100 282

11 4 113 76 132 17 - 5 132 - 16 5 13 - - 23 29 9 s 11

1 070 375 623 8S5

459 6 413 177 647 6 114 - -- - 4 17

13 11 44 162 9 - - -3 16 22 -- - - 13

34 83 20 37 181 5 282 16 45

s 3 700 - 12 6 66 6 -- 8 - -

27 31 28 34 12 10 9 22 4 - - s 5 4 6 -

159 858 22 312

495 1 »2 uo 2 8'2 - 43 - 22 - - - -- 14 - -- 76 - -- 59 - -

13 600 - -147 326 12S 2 751 lS 131 - 24

15 5 8 314 S1 - 16

6 11 - 21

1970- Continued

Entertain-ment and

recreation services Hospitals

3 993 21 301

511 6 892 6 61 -- 26 6 26 - -- -6 s - 6 - 8 - 7

- 6 - 40 - 10 - 43 - 48 - 43 - -- 6 ~ - -- 25

369 20 200 6 554

740 571 17 78

723 493 473 489 250 4

127 26

589 3 072 81 212

258 66 23 21

6 74 - s

10 136 211 2 558

259 447 - 10 7

18 20 - -4 23 5

20 67 66 97 - 11 - 20

- -10 55 - 23 - s - 60

129 67

12 471 - -- -- -- -- -6 -

43 445 - 16

11 -7 11 6 6

Welfare, rerigious, Other

Heahh and nonprofit professional services, Educotional Educational membership and Pubfic

except services, services, organi- related adminis-hospitals government private zotions servjces tration

14 034 31 349 ID 247 9 349 10 121 24 1411

4 373 23 452 5 120 4 939 4 927 3 226 28 64 19 21 786 469 - - - - 178 -- 63 s - 42 so - 37 5 21 287 305 - - - - - 6

- 11 5 6 121 140 - - - - 10 20 - 11 - - 14 27 - - - - 25 14

- 15 - 15 117 98

- 9 - - 6 30 27 138 - - 43 209 - 56 - - 22 36

26 37 28 40 14 349 28 49 - 8 17 n 18 140 74 17 349 264 - 6 10 6 142 28 5 - 5 - - 62 - - - - - 5

34 35 5 - - 328 11 199 47 231 199 84

4 201 22 681 4 937 4 601 3 006 1 061

576 2 226 547 643 222 4 022 3 15 10 14 4 82

573 2 211 537 629 218 3 940 487 2 211 491 629 194 3 940 86 - 46 - 24 -5 33 63 79 66 " 2 171 4 592 1 452 1 715 2 926 10 306

313 248 78 11S 437 465 10 123 Sl 32 - 3S 21 - 11 5 10 262 14 so 7 12 83 176 - 9 s - 6 45

22 41 10 28 142 1 791 4 121 1 290 1 523 2 390 9 181

271 714 111 115 225 1 245 - - - - - -- 7 - 4 - 7 17 85 33 33 25 63 - - - - 5 -

10 36 17 - 6 38 - 13 6 - 6 44 23 107 10 14 18 149 24 269 45 17 20 543

3 188 41 - s 114 - - - - - 33

- - - - - 44 11 SS 33 8 6 49 5 38 14 11 16 35 5 26 4 22 3 3 - - 4 - 11 47

176 78 15 6 109 190

162 230 41 53 142 307 - - 5 - 11 -- - - - - -- - - - - 8 - - - - - -- - - - - -4 42 - 6 7 27

132 107 16 27 90 134 16 23 6 - 16 35 10 4 - - 9 43 - 44 21 15 - 38 - 10 - 5 9 22

"' I Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: °' .... ext

,.. = The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ~ of 250,000 or More



~ r­m 0

n ::c )>

~ n -I m ~ (/)

:::! n (I)

THE STATE-Continued

Tot.I employed- Continued

~;!~~?:l'v~~~~~~~~~=~;=~~~====~=======~=====~===~= Olher fronsport equipmenf operafives---------- --------------------

1.aiNtnn, except f•,. ---------------------------------­Freight, stock, and maferial handlers.------------------------------

~i~~~1t:':!~dl~~~~~s-=================================== Nat specified laborers--------------------------------------------

hrm workers ___ ---- ____ ------ _______ -------- ____ ---- __

Senlce werlien, lllddlitt priwote ....... w _________________ _

~!~~::, ~:~~: ::~~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::: Guards and walchmen _______ -------------------------------- __ Other service workers, including private household------------------

Female employe4 -------- -------------- --------- ------­

Profe1oiollol, lecMlcal, ood llldrH werlien -------------------Accountants _ ----- __ ------ __ ------ _____ ---------_____ ---- _


~~0tiSIS================================ Regisfered nurses, dietitians, and therapists _____________________ _ Social scientists ------------- ------------------ ------ -------Writers, ortists, and entertainers _____________________________ _ Olher professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------------

... .,.,. ood •wm.ton, except larw ------------------Salaried _____________ ------------ ____________ --------- ---- __ Self-employed ______ ----- ________ -- -- - ------ _ -- -- -- ----------

Soles woiken ________ --------- ------------ --------- __

Clericol oo• •"'*"• woikon ----------------------------

~~~~~P.'.".:~==========--================================== Counter clerks, except food------------------------------------File clerks __ --------------- --- ------------------------ ---- --Office machine operators ---------------------------------Bookkeeping and billing machine operators ______________________ _

Receptionists ------------------------------------------Secretaries ---- ---- _ ---- __ -- ------ -- -- - -- ---- ---- ---- - ------ -Stenographers ---- __ -------- __ --------- __ ------ - -----_ ---- __

~~~~·:~ieriCiilOnii-k"in"dred"w-O;iC;r.-=:.---====================== CnftnoH oo• llld...t werlien ----------------------------

Foremen, n~e~c ---------------- ------ ----------------------- --

o,_i. .. , excepl-•porl ----------------------------Assemblers __________ ------------- __ ---- __ -- ------ -------Checkers_, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ________________ _ Packers ond wrappers, except meal and produce ------------------­Other operatives, except transport -------··--------------------

Tno.,.rt •••ipmHI operotiHI -----------------------------

l.Uaren, except f•na ----------------------------------

Fono werlion ------_____ ------ ------ ________________ _

Sonia worbn, hodHl19 priwote •H11 .. W -----------------­CJeoning service workers -----------------------------------­Personal service workers-----------------------------Olher service workers, including private household _______________ _

(Dara based an sample, see lexf. For meaning of symbols, see fexf]

Other personal

Hotels services, and including

Business Repair lodging private services services places household

42 162 25 544 26 18 - 339 10 49 14 72 6 95 11 133

97 302 57 l 17' 27 - - BO 31 247 38 783 17 33 6 79 22 22 13 236

- - - -580 135 3 190 23 885 344 55 1 399 307

16 16 686 6 B75 182 - 18 4 3B 64 l 087 16 699

1 129 1 133 3 709 25 554

285 28 37 308 110 4 15 4

4 - - -- - - -- - 4 152 5 - - -

44 - - 92 122 24 18 60

144 76 475 429 97 25 145 196 47 51 330 233

108 6 15 lOl

l 326 574 620 1 121 215 249 77 248

11 - 102 76 17 25 244 337 53 - - 22 91 - 5 5 - - - -

48 19 38 93 283 67 46 132 20 - - -

193 5 - 15 395 209 108 193

20 276 16 120 5 - 5 10

113 83 104 2 296 - 18 - 16 - - - -6 7 - 4

107 58 104 2 276

- 14 - 26

5 32 16 168

- - - -128 44 2 426 20 985 95 7 1 165 154 16 16 538 4 752 17 21 723 16 079

1970- Continued

Entertoin· ment and recreation

services Hospitals

32 41 - 5

22 34 10 9

361 HO 18 77

291 75 7 -

45 18

- -l 231 9 597

283 1 392 329 212

30 69 589 7 924

1 193 16 384

186 5 334 - 9 - -- 16 - 4 019 - 10

54 10 132 1 270

107 243 70 239 37 4

BO 20

424 2 838 70 202

176 66 16 23 - 63 6 59 6 5

11 325 24 799 10 61 18 208 93 1 032

l5 19 6 19

18 316 - -- -- -

lB 316

- 12

5 80

- -4SB 7 522

91 6e4 57 186

310 6 652

Welfare, religious, Other

Heolrh ond nonprofit professional services, Educational Educational membership and Public

except services, services, orgon~ related admini•· hospifals government private zations services tration

29 171 41 16 47 298 6 20 - - - 17

10 47 6 11 - 235 13 111 35 5 47 46

51 210 131 107 60 736 6 11 12 16 - 166

40 148 B6 65 51 414 - 15 - - 27

12 36 40 26 9 129

- - - - - -6 319 6 714 2 657 1 682 2 206 4 656

639 2 500 924 789 78 722 254 674 504 677 B9 88

15 58 18 - 16 284 5 481 3 482 l 211 216 2 023 3 562

10 266 24 672 6 879 4 051 6 214 7 758

2 002 l5 536 3 637 l 177 1 597 634 13 16 6 11 161 116 - 6 - - - 6 5 35 - - 5 4

1 495 193 45 33 14 42 - 27 - 7 17

11 61 29 111 84 7 478 15 198 3 557 1 022 1 326 442

259 556 195 170 111 l 101 224 556 164 170 97 1 101 35 - 31 - 14 -5 16 21 25 26 19

2 042 4 112 l 250 1 593 2 649 5 393 308 237 68 110 388 360

10 99 41 32 - 25 - 29 10 - 9

46 86 lB 21 5 123 5 31 7 12 59 106 - - - - 6 11

534 128 129 40 47 76 698 1 814 557 960 1 110 1 189

24 42 - 117 54 144 119 300 93 132 86 404 298 1 346 327 169 900 2 957

71 116 21 l7 32 74 18 45 6 - 5 23

114 63 22 32 86 42 - - 5 - 11 -- - - - - -5 6 - - - 6

109 57 17 32 75 36

- 11 7 - 5 l1

7 - 3 2 24 19

- - - - - -5 766 4 262 1 723 1 035 1 614 465

364 518 243 297 38 106 1B5 563 437 602 73 59

5.,217 3 181 l 043 136 1 573 JOO

0 m

~ r­m 0 ("') :I: )>

~ ("') -I m ~ U> :::! n U>

t e Vt > ~


I 0-.... '°

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More


Total employed ______ -------------------- _______ -------

Profulluol, t-kol, u• r.adnd wmen ------------------Accountants--------------------------------------------Architects __ ----------_____ ------___________ ---- _______ _

~~ii!:EL~~~~~~===~=-~:======-~======::::========== CivL--------------------------------------------Electrical ond electronic-----------------------------------lndustrial -------------------------------------­Mechanical--------------------------------------Other engineers-----------------------------------

Mothemoticol speciar1Sts---------------------------------­Life and physical scientists----------------------------------

Chemists---------------------------------------------Pe~onne! a~d labor relations workers---------------------

~~!i.~~~d5~~~!~~~~~~===~========~-~~-~~-~== Electrical and electronic engineerin~ technicions-------------------lndustriol and mechonicol engineering technicians-----------------

Technicians, except health, ond engineering and science ______________ _ Writers, artists. and entertoiners----------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred worker•----------------

Maopn od •w.1n111n, ueept...,. -----------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers -----------------­Other managers and administrators -----------------------------

Salaried--------------------------------------------Self-employed _______________________________________ _

~ ......... ______________________________________ _ Clerical n4 kidre• woibrs -------------------- ___ _

~~~~~p~~--==---======--=====--============---==--====== Estimators and investigators. n.e.c --------------------Office machine operators----------------------------------­Shipping and receiving clerks------------------------------------­Stock clerks and storekeepers----------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers--------------------------------

,,.,_,. ......... wmen ----------------------------­Bku:ksmilhs. forgemen, hommermen, ond bailermokers --------------­Brickmasons and stonemasons-----------------------------Carpenters ____ .:..._ ________________________________ _

Cronemen, derrickmen, ond hoistmen --------------------------Electricians ----- •• ------------_ ----___ ----______ ---Excavating, grading, and road machine operators-----------------Foremen, n.e.C--------------------------------------Mechanics and repairme•------------------------------

Automobile, including body--------------------------­Machinists, job sellers, and toolmakers-----------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics ond machinists ____________ _ Painters, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers_

~:i~~::A.~~~ ~:_r~===========:::==========: Stationary engineers and power station operators ________________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers ____________________ _

OpenitlwH, exeopt -.,.rt----------------------Assemblers _____________________________________ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ____________ .. filers, polishers, sanders, and buffer•-·----------------------­Painters, manufactured articles -~---.. -----------------------­Precision machine operatives------------------------------­Welders ond flamecutter•.------------------------------­Other specified operatives.-----------------------------­Machine operotWe.s, miscellaneous specif1ed----------------------­Machine operatives, not speeffitd ---------------------------­Miscellaneous operatives-------------------------------Not specified operotivff -----------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text)

Persons 16 years Agriculture.

old and forestry, Construe-over and fisheries Mining tion

122 266 1 761 1 269 7 824

11 132 124 114 676 1 321 5 5 54

131 16 - 11 266 - - 6

1 254 - 51 313 41 - 6 -

379 - - 254 268 - - 9 158 - 5 12 125 - - 27 283 - 40 11

53 - - 6 318 - 30 27 121 - 25 5 629 - - 18 246 - - 6 973 13 15 163 356 13 5 75 185 - - 10

10 - - -211 17 - 16

1 087 7 9 21 11 643 66 4 35

11 724 19 41 965 1 317 - 5 28

10 407 19 36 937 8 420 15 30 628 1 987 4 6 309

10 370 - ' 96

22 547 95 81 619 2 259 15 15 141 1 369 - - 5

620 - 5 85 883 - - 27 704 - 7 6 707 6 7 15

16 005 74 47 410

17 166 48 400 4 073 48 - - -

243 - 3 234 1 090 - 5 831

117 - 39 34 581 - 40 255 541 - 104 348

2 484 16 77 253 4 136 6 81 222 I 567 - 6 34

980 19 - 5

376 - - 109 629 - - 419 594 - 34 380 632 - 7 10 206 - 10 12

4 509 7 - 961

14 950 65 444 299 1 960 5 - -I 060 - - -

215 - - -175 - 5 -298 - - -620 9 42 110

6 764 30 397 140 1 580 10 - 18

931 11 - 15 959 - - 11 388 - - 5

1970- Continued

Furniture, lumber.

and wood Total products

24 540 2 039

1 424 35 195 16

- -72 -

281 -35 -10 -so -67 -44 -75 -- -

58 -53 -

108 4 16 -

264 9 97 -34 -5 -

17 -303 -110 6

1 186 92 224 6 962 86 836 57 126 29

1 256 74

2 445 153 285 -23 -59 -99 8

260 37 155 -

1 564 108

4 162 448 6 -- -

66 36 40 4 91 -41 5

1 059 128 802 48 72 -

705 18

191 5 70 4 86 5

565 -65 17

1 075 178

10 712 813 1 878 99 1 060 40

208 140 109 39 277 3 304 10

3 663 243 1 408 74

775 96 681 53 349 16


Durable goads

fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

clay, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery, and 31ass ferrous nonferrous including nat except e3uipment, pro ucts industries industries specified metal electrical an suppfies

736 273 844 854 926 3 758

11 11 109 51 85 163 - - 19 3 8 32 - - - - - -- - - - 16 -- - 39 11 28 38 - - 18 - - -- - 4 6 - -- - 6 - - 11 - - - - 6 11 - - 6 5 5 4 - - 5 - 17 12

- - - - - -7 - 24 - - -7 - 24 - - -- - s - - 17 - - - - - -

11 11 22 31 6 35 - 6 12 31 6 17 - - - - - 18 - - - - - -- - - - 4 -- - - - 23 5 - - - 6 - 36

61 - 15 58 57 89 9 - - 20 11 21

52 - 15 38 46 68 47 - 15 34 46 68

5 - - 4 - -31 5 15 33 58 20

49 19 42 111 144 303 5 6 14 33 10 31 - - - - - 9 - - - 8 5 7 - 5 4 - 9 5 - - 12 17 22 - - 4 - 16 39

44 8 20 58 87 190

156 87 239 222 234 747 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - 6 4 5 -- 17 6 - 9 -3 - 13 - 6 17

14 - 11 - - -63 17 49 33 42 147 34 10 66 44 59 160 19 - - 10 4 6 10 11 28 75 73 270 5 32 19 42 9 27 8 - - 12 21 -5 - 23 - 5 -- - - - 5 s - - 12 - - -

14 - 6 12 - 121

260 110 251 291 310 2 142 - - 6 28 114 658 16 - - 15 20 309 - 7 9 5 - 18 6 - - 10 - 20 - 19 - 20 18 197

12 21 20 104 47 15 58 22 56 45 25 312 n 13 69 8 36 234 22 11 29 13 14 238 62 7 52 21 - 104 12 10 10 22 36 137


I Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

o­m 0

,.. = The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas !i: of 2 50 ,000 or More «It

0 m

~ r­m 0

n :J: )>

~ n -I m ~ U> ::::! n V>


Total omployH-Continued

Tru1plN'f 941 .. nt op1n1tln1 ________________________ ------

~~~kdriv':rs0~~-~~~t~~-~"-:=========-~=====::::::::::::::::::::: Other transport equipment operatives_ ____________________________ _

lallonn, except far11 -----------------------------------­Freight, stock, and material handlers-------------------------------

~i~~~1ff.;.,~dla~';~~;s -=======--====================::::::::::: Not specified laborers------------------------------------------

Firm worken ---------- ______ ---- ________ ---- _________ _

Service worhn, illd1dlo1 pmoto ••usHoW _______________ _ Cleaning service workers --------------------------------------­Personal service workers-------------------------------------­Guards and watchmen----------------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household--------------------

Female employH ---------------------------------------

Pref111iDHI, tec•aicll, ud liaUff w.,.en ------------------Accountants ________________ -----_______ -----______________ _ Computer specio~sls ------------------ ----------------- --- --­Life and physical scientist'------------------------------------Registered nurses, dietitians, and therapists ______________________ _ Social scientists ----------------- __ ------------------ ------­Writers, artists, and entertainers-----------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers------------------

Muqen ad ... il.istraton, except farm-------------------Solaried_ _________________ -------- ____ -------------------Sell-employed __ ------ ---- ---- ____________________ ---------__

s•1 wortcen _________ ------ ------------------ ------

Clericol Hd llHre• worbn ------------------------------

~:~~~~p~~=================:::::::=:::::::::::::=======::::::==..--::::: Counter clerks, except food--------------------------------------File clerks------------------------------------------------ --Office machine operators __ ----------------------------------Bookkeeping and billing machine operators_ ______________________ _ Receptionists ----- ____________ ---- __ ---- ---- -- ---- ---------Secretaries -----___ ---- _______________ ---- -- ---- ---- __ -- -- ---Stenographers _____ ------- ---- _________ ---- - ---- -- - ----- --

~~~~~~Jirfiila~d-kilidred-wiirkers--:.=-_--::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::: Croft1m11 Hd Uitlm w11brs -------------------------

Foremen, n.e.C----------------------------------------------

Assemble~r~~·~-~~·~~-~'!:'_:::=..--:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing __________________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meat and produce --------------------­Other operatives, except transport -------------------------------

TrH11ort ••uipmnt open1tfn1 _________________________ _

laltonn, except farm-----------------------------------

f•m werlutn __ ---__ -- ____ ---- __ ------ -- -- ------- -- -- --

Sertic• weners, illcluiq '"""'' ....... w __________________ _ Cleaning service workers ---------------------------------­Personal service workers-------------------------------­Other service workers~ including private household-----------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text!

Pers ans 16 years Agriculture, old and forestry. Construe·

over and fisheries Mining lion

5 241 18 40 224 1 039 10 - 5 2 500 3 32 175 l 702 5 8 44

4 917 175 101 700 1 865 - 59 42 1 881 175 13 658

187 - - -984 - 36 -

1 203 1 203 - -16 016 14 37 102 2 621 - 21 54 2 023 - - -

460 - 1l 8 10 912 14 5 40

50 018 227 57 639

• 272 6 10 46 352 - - 9 34 - - -24 - 4 4

1 931 - - -49 - - -

332 - - -5 550 6 6 33

2 245 5 - 82 l 814 5 - 76

431 - - 6

3 531 - - 8

16 497 62 17 413 1 964 1l - 115 1 137 - - -

245 - - -329 - - 11 575 - - 11 35 - - -

357 19 - 12 4 723 20 5 169

261 - - 12 l 222 - 5 36 5 684 12 7 47

1 426 - 9 64 226 - - 6

7 235 15 16 -l 467 5 - -

747 - - -370 10 - -

4 651 - 16 -130 - - -441 23 - 16

108 108 - -10 126 8 5 10

906 - - 10 l 453 - - -7 767 8 s -

1970- Continued

Furniture, lumber.

and wood Total products

120 1%6 207 9 428 66 185 51

1 211 253 435 75 217 62

61 4 568 112

- -554 45 230 22

12 -94 19

218 4

9 239 546

215 5 54 5

7 -- -

20 -8 -

100 -96 -

119 -106 -

13 -165 -

l 502 97 224 -

19 -20 -21 -81 B - -

17 -420 39

6 -127 6 567 44

160 83 113 13

6 041 334 l 425 52

747 21 284 9

3 585 252

15 5

164 18

- -BB 4 22 -- -66 4


Durable -ds

Fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

cloy, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery,

••!J"'" ferrous nonferrous including not except ~uipment p ucts industries industries specified metal electrical an supplies

15 17 21 30 - 17 4 11 - 9 - -

73 6 17 14 - 6 8 - 4 7 - 11

64 21 12% 43 27 109 52 5 24 - 2 62 5 - 6 9 3 6 - - 1l 15 - -7 16 Bl 19 22 41

- - - - - -12 3 30 15 ll 61 6 - 4 4 6 25 - - - - - -6 - 26 - - 25 - 3 - 11 5 18

15 12 77 133 156 l 917

- - - n - 46 - - - 3 - 10 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - 20 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - 8 - 16

5 - 6 - - 18 5 - 6 - - 18 - - - - - -- - - - 10 5

10 12 29 75 62 185 5 6 9 33 JO 17 - - - - - 5 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - 4 5 - - - - - -- - - - - 6 5 6 4 31 30 39 - - - - - -- - - 5 9 22 - - 16 6 9 91

19 - 12 - 4 124 - - - - 4 8

39 - 24 35 75 1 572 - - 6 8 15 590 - - - - - 241 5 - - 15 10 44

34 - 18 12 50 697

- - - - - 5

12 - - 5 5 23

- - - - - -- - 6 7 - 9 - - - - - 4 - - - - - -- - 6 7 - 5

0 m

> r­m 0 ("'\

~ )>

~ ("'\ -I m ;:o c;; :::! ("'\ en

,.. llCI

~ z "' l;:;


I °' C» .-

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total employed ______ -----------------------------------

Profession!, tedlllicol, u• ldalln'1 wtrlr.en -------------------Accountants _ ------ ---- ---- -- ---- - -- -- ------- _ ----- - ---- -Architects __ -- -- ----------- -- -- -- - -- ----------- ------ - ----

~~;::::; ~~~i~~~~~======================--================= Chemical _____________________ -----__________________ _ Civil _______________________________________________ _

Electrical and elec:tronic.----------------------------------lndustriol ____________________ -----____ -----------______ _ Mechanical ---- ______________ ------ ______________ ------ _ Other engineers-----------------------------------------

~t°'he'doticol. speci~Jist~ ------------- _ -- ---- ------- ------- __

che':ni:1~y-~~~~~~~,~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Personnel and labor relations workers----------------------------­Social scientists _ ------- ----- ---------------- --------- -------

EnW~:ft~~ge:~~-~~~~~-t~~~~-~~~==~::::~::::::~::::::::::::::: Electrical ond electronic engineerin9 technicians _________________ _ Industrial and mechanical engineenng technicians----------------­

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science-----------­Writers. artists, and entertoiners---------------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers------------------

Maa191n 11• ••iaistntors, 11ce,t firm --------------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers ---------------------­Other monogers and administrators ------------------------------Solo~d---------------------------Self .employed ______ ---- ---- -- - -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- - -

Sales worbrs ________ ---- _ ---- - -- ---- ___ ------- ---- __

Clerit1l ... kln•ro• workm ------------------------------

~~~~~~p~~=::.::=:::::::;=====--=========================::_-..=::::::::= Estunators .and 1nves.t1gotors, n .e.c _______ -- ------- ------ ---- __ _ Off-.Ce machine operators------------------------------------­Shipping ond receiving clerks-------------------------------------­Stock clerks and storekeepers----------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers-------------------------------

CrwftsmH ••• kiftnd workers----------------------------­Blacksmiths, forgemen, hammermen, and boilermakers--------------Brickmasons and stonemasons ___________________ -----------------Carpenters ___ ------ ____ ---- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ------ -- -- ---Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen -----------------------------Electricians ___ ------ ---------- ---- - -- -- --------- -- -- -- ---- ---Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators---------------------Foremen, n.e.c --------------------------------------------

MA~;::':Ob\I:~ i~~r:j;;ge~dY====---============================ Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers----------------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists. _________________ _ Painters, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers_

~~;:;/:;~::;.~:~ ~~~~~ = ===== == ============== ======= ======= Stationary engineers and power station operators __________________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers ____________________________ _

OplfltivH, exc.,1 trus,.rt -------------------------------Assemblers ________________________________________ _ CheckersJ examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing __________________ _ Fifers, polishers, sanders, and buffers ____________ .,.. _______________ ..

Painters, manufactured articles----------------------------------

~::~n o~dct~!"r:e~::f ::!v_~5 _=.:==:=::::-:_-::::::::::_:::::::::::. Other specified operatives---------------------------------------­Machine operatives, miscelloneous specified-------------------------­Mochine operatives, not specified ---------------------------- ------Miscellaneous operatives _____ --------___ ---- -----.-------- ------Not specified operatives ---------------------------------------

[Dota based on sample,. see text4 For meaning of symbols, see text]

Durable goods-Continued

Motor vehicles Other

and motor tronspor~ Other vehicle Aircraft tation durable

equipment and ports equipment Ordnance goods

126 30 190 206 4 345

10 4 30 89 127 6 - 10 - 18 - - - - -- - - 5 -4 - 5 41 41 - - - - -- - - - -- - - 16 7 - - - 5 21 4 - 5 6 -- - - 14 13

- - - - -- - - 5 -- - - - -- - 4 - 16 - - - - -- 4 5 33 11 - 4 - 10 6 - - - 10 -- - - - 5 - - - 5 -- - 6 - 16 - - - - 25

21 6 36 5 96 6 - 10 5 5

15 6 26 - 91 15 6 21 - 77 - - 5 - 14

20 5 17 - 95

9 - 87 10 339 - - 13 - 36 - - - - 9 - - - - 11 - - - 36 - - 23 - 24 6 - 5 - 50 3 - 46 10 173

31 9 193 52 763 - - 6 - -- - - - -- - 5 - 6 - - - - -- - 13 5 10 - - - - -- - 46 21 105

15 4 47 12 75 10 - 5 - -16 - 38 14 81

- - 11 - 8 - - 16 - 4 - - - - -- - - - 5 - - - - -- 5 11 - 469

25 6 450 28 2 632 6 - 154 11 682 - 6 50 9 441 - - 18 - 11 - - 20 3 -- - 5 - 15 9 - 28 - 16 5 - 41 5 915 5 - 40 - 300 - - 55 - 101 - - 35 - 110 - - 4 - 41

1970:::_ Continued

Manufacturing- Continued

Apparel food and other and Textile fabricated

kindred mill textile products products products

1 977 249 l 242

65 19 51 12 - 11 - - -6 - 13

11 5 4 - - -- - -- - -

11 - -- - -- 5 4

- - -- - -- - -

19 4 9 - - -7 10 5 - 5 -- - -- - -- - -5 - 5 5 - 4

181 22 50 35 6 -

153 16 50 140 16 50

13 - -186 11 23

200 21 118 33 - 22 5 - -- - -5 - -

51 - 10 4 5 13

102 16 73

264 66 120 - - -- - -- - -- - -4 - -- - -

89 16 70 55 15 27 13 - -- 23 -- - -- - -- - -- - -

11 7 5 105 5 18

605 97 861 28 12 17 20 - 69 - - -- - -- - -- - -

315 85 696 146 - 55 24 - -54 - 18 18 - 6

Nondurable goods

Rubber and Other Printing, misce~ nondurable

and~tll:d publishing, Chemicals laneous goods, incl. and allied and allied plastic not specified

products industries products products manufacturing

806 1 971 I 601 338 I 329

11 267 206 23 43 4 10 36 5 5 - - - - -- 21 11 - -- 7 38 5 4 - - 17 - -- - - - -- - 10 - -- 7 6 - -- - 5 - 4 - - - 5 -- - - - -- - 22 - -- - 22 - -- - 22 8 -8 - 8 - -- - 46 - 18 - - - - -- - - - 6 - - - - -- - 8 - -6 222 9 - 6 - 7 6 5 10

36 158 125 19 52 9 43 33 - 5

27 115 92 19 47 27 88 92 15 22 - 27 - 4 25

34 350 145 21 113

71 375 232 33 129

" 46 12 12 6 - - - - -- 28 - - -- 16 10 - 6 9 13 21 5 11 - 5 8 - -

56 267 181 16 106

86 598 341 47 159 - - - - -- - - - -- - 4 - -- - 4 - -5 4 11 - -- - 11 - -

30 47 107 27 22 22 13 78 4 14 - - - - 5

15 - 19 10 4

- - 33 - -- 5 - - -- - 32 6 10 14 524 12 - -- - 13 - -- 5 17 - 109

422 166 307 171 665 18 7 3 19 16 11 - - 17 37 - - - - -- - - - 11 - - - - -- - 22 - -

142 35 103 17 543 142 63 82 52 17 61 31 45 10 25 48 21 48 39 9 - 9 4 17 7

"" I Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

°" GI> i..:.

> s= The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ~ of 250,000 or More


0 m -i )> r­m 0 (") ~ )>

~ n -i m ~ (./) -i

n (./)


Totol employed- Continued

Deliverym !:'~1:d~o~'~:~~·~-~·~~~~~~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: Truck drivers __ ------ ____ ---- ________ ------ __ ------ ____________ _ Other transport equipment operatives ____ ------ ________ ------------

lllt•nn, except f1,. ------------------------------------Freight, stock, and maleriol handlers ______ ---------------------- ___ _

~i~~~1::~:~:d1~~~~;~;s _========================================= Not specified lo borers ____ -- -- __________ ---- ---- ---- __ -- __ ------ __

Fe,. worten -------- ---- __ -------- ---- ---- -------- ---- --

Senice worti:en, i•ck1111ia9 private lllHfelMN --------------------

~~:~":i ~:~~~: =~~~:~! ========================================= Guards and watchmen ___ ------------------ ____ ---------------- __ Other service workers, including privote household _________________ _

Femole employed-------------------------------------

Pr.f1HiH•I, tedl1ic.1f, •Id kiatlntl worken --------------------Accountants _ ---- ______ ---- ------ ________ ---- ---- ------ ______ _


i:~fe~l;;1;====--====================--============= Registered nurses~ dietitians, and therapists ____ -------- __ ------------Social scientists -------- ----- _______ ------ _ ------ ________ _ Write rs. artists. and entertainers ____________ ---- _________________ _ Olher professional, lechnicol, and kindred workers-------------------

MHagen ... 1•illistr1t•rs, H"pt firm--------------------

~~~----------------------------Self-employed--------- --- ---- ____ -------- -- ---- ---- -- -------

Siles workers_-------------- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ------ ------

Cltrical 1od kiomd worbrs ------------------------------

~~~~i~~:p~~~======================================--=======--== Counter clerks, except food-------------------------------File clerks -- ---- -- - ----- ------- - ------------- ----- -- --- -Office machine operators-----------------------------------

Bookkeeping and billing machine aperatars---------------------Receptionists -------- ---- ---- -- ___ ------------ ------ ------ -Secretaries __________________________ ---- _____________ ---- _

Stenographers -------- --------------- _ ------ ------ ___ _

6~c~:~1;r;~i;.;ikind~;d".;o;:k;;s-======================---::======== Craft1m11 ud tm•ntt w1.t1rs ---------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c ------------------------------ -------- -----

o,enti¥11, except tnJasp1rt -----------------------------Assemblers ___ ------- _____ ------ __ ---------------- ______ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing _______________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meat and produce ------------------­Other operatives, except transport ------------------------------

Traasport •••ipm11t opeqtins __________________________ _

L.laoren., tntpt ftrm ----------------------------------

fa,. w1rl1rs ------ -- ------ -- ----- ------------- - ---- --

S1nict WHbn, ildetll•1 print1 h111tHW -----------------­Cleaning service workers ---------------------------------------­Personal service workers------------------~-----------­Other service workers, including private household-------------------

(Doto based an sumple, see 1t:x.t. for meaning of symbols, see 1ext1

Durable goods- Conlinued

Motor vehicles Olher

and motor transpor- Other vehicle Aircraft ration durable

equipment and ports equipment Ord nonce goods

10 - 25 - 34 - - 5 - -

JO - 8 - 4 - - 12 - 30

- - 29 l 143 - - 10 1 38 - - - - 75 - - - - 14 - - 19 - 16

- - - - -- - 73 21 116 - - 19 17 23 - - - - -- - 4 4 -- - - - 93

8 - 223 35 2 889

- - 6 - 54 - - - - 7 - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - 6 - 16 - - - - 31

- - - - 6 - - - - 6 - - - - -- - - - 16

3 - 42 10 256 - - 6 - 36 - - - - 9 - - - - 6 - - 5 - -- - - - 36 - - - - -- - - - -3 - 16 10 31 - - - - -- - 7 - 20 - - 8 - 118

- - 29 4 406 - - - - 17

5 - 146 15 2 080 - - 39 7 628 - - 12 5 395 - - - - 55 5 - 95 3 1 002

- - - - -- - - - 40

- - - - -- - - 6 31 - - - 6 5 - - - - -- - - - 26

1970- Continued


Nondurable goods

Apparel Rubber and Olher food and other Printing, miscel- nondurable and Textile fobricated Paper publishing, Chemicals laneous goads, incl.

kindred mill 1 .. tile and allied and allied and allied plastic not specifi~ products products products products industries products products manufacturing

293 - - 72 28 39 - 23 146 - - - 15 4 - 4 128 - - 59 8 25 - 4

19 - - 13 5 10 - 15

146 - 6 57 12 164 20 64 97 - 2 25 7 9 16 10

6 - - 9 - 9 - 27 - - - - - 5 - 12

43 - 4 23 5 141 4 15

- - - - - - - -30 13 13 10 17 42 4 81 15 13 13 4 11 36 - 12 - - - 6 - - - 6 - - - - - 6 4 -

15 - - - 6 - - 63

303 58 975 199 639 201 66 647

12 10 36 12 78 9 - 6 - - 11 4 5 9 - -- - 7 - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - 8 - - - -- - 5 - 73 - - -

12 10 13 - - - - 6

6 - 11 - 57 5 - s - - 11 - 50 5 - 5 6 - - - 7 - - -

15 7 4 6 70 - - 32

100 16 89 27 240 146 15 88 16 - 22 6 46 6 6 -5 - - - - - - -- - 5 - 9 - - -- - - - 12 4 - -5 - - - 11 6 - 6 - - - - - - - -- - - - 11 - - -

34 11 9 5 44 93 4 6 - - - - - 6 - -

10 - 5 - 37 6 - -30 5 48 16 70 25 5 76

17 6 54 4 81 1 - 9 11 - 49 4 - 7 - -

139 19 177 133 109 16 51 472 11 2 17 5 7 3 19 16 9 - 49 5 - - - 10

64 6 6 62 - - 8 -55 l1 705 61 102 13 24 446

- - - 5 - - - -5 - 4 12 - 18 - 22

- - - - - - - -9 - - - 3 - - 13 4 - - - 3 - - -- - - - - - - -5 - - - - - - 13


0 m

~ r­m 0 n :c )>

~ n -I m 2!:! V> -I n V>

I l:

"' I

°" I»


Table 180. Occupation of Employed Penons by Industry Group and Sex: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total employed ________ ------------ ________ ----- ______ _

Profenioa•I, t .... i<ol, aod kiolkff w..ten -----------------Atcounhints ________ ------ _____________________ ------ ____ _ Architect•-------------------------------------------Computer specialists----------------------------------------Engineers --------------------------------------------Chemical __________________________________________ _

Civil------------------------------------------------Ele<:tricol and electronic _____ -----------------------------Industrial _____ ---------- __ ------ ---- -------- -------- ---- __ Mechanical __ --------------- ____ -------- _______ ------Other engineers ---- _ ---------------------------- -------

t1t1~:~~~!~~~~~~=::::-_::::::::::::::::=~~=========== Personnel and lobar relation• workers _______________________ _

~~~~:~J-~~~~~~~~~=-~================~=~ Electricol 11nd electronic engineerin~ technician•-------------------lndustrial and mechanical engineermg technicians --------------·--­

Technicians, exupl health, and engineering and science--------------­Writers, artist.s, and entertainers-------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------

•••pn ... ••lllillnilfrl, ucept ,_ ----------------­Buyers, purchosi~g agents, and sajes managers -------------­O!her managers Clnd administrators -----------------------------

Salaried---------------------------------------------Seit-employed ------ -------- __ ------__ ------ ------ - --------

Soles wodlen _________ ------------------ --- - -- ---- --

tltrical ... klMtff ........ ------------------------------

~:~~~~==--=--===============::::::::_-::::::::::::::::::.-:...-:::::: Estimators-and investigators, n.e.c -------------------------

~einm0o~Jn~e:~i~~o~iris-:=:======~--==:::::::::::==:::: Sloe~ i/erks and storekeepers--------------------------------­O!her clerical and kindred workers ---------------------------

CnffsmH ••• kiodrH w..ten ----------------------------

:~:~!~:$ ~0;3~oenne;::~se~~~-~~-~~i~':~~~-s-=====~~=~::::: Carpenters---------------------------------------------Cranemen, derriekmen, and hoistmen --------------------------Electricians---------------------------------------------Excavating, grading, and road machine operators-------------------Foremen, n.e.c -----------------------------------Mechanics ond repairmen-------------------------------------

Automobile, including body----------------------------------­Machinists, jab setters, and toolmakers---------------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists _______________ _ Pointers, construction ond mointenonce, and plasterers and paperhangers_ Plumbers and pipe fitters ------------------------------Printing craftsmen ---__ -- -- __ ----- __ ·-------------- -------Stationary engineers and power station operators ____ ,.. __ .. __________ _ O!her craftsmen and kindred workers ______________________ _

o,..-.., ncept .._.,... --------------------------·-Assemblers-----------------------------------Checkers, examiners., and inspectGrS; monufocturing _____________ _ Fifers, pofishers, sanders, and buffers-----------------------·­Pain!•!•• manu!nctured a.rticles --------------------------·­Prec1s1on mochme operotwes ----------------------------·-Welders and flamecutters ____________________________________ _

Other specified operolive•----------------------------------Mochine Operatives, m iscelloneous specified ..... --------__ ----- --- ,,. ... Machine Opfrotives, not specified -----------------------------


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols. see text]

Railroads Trucking and service

roilwoy ond Other expr~ss ware- transpor- Communi-service housing tation cations

2 754 1 996 1 120 2 253

18 1 53 480 4 - 5 49 - - - -6 - - 5 - 7 10 172 - - - -- - - 5 - - 5 150 - - - 7 - - 5 6 - 7 - 4

- - - -- - - -- - - -- - 11 19 - - - 6 4 - - 119 - - - 25 - - - 83 - - - -- - 22 4 - - - 79 4 - s 27

208 142 140 144 - 11 - 12

208 131 140 132 208 119 133 132 - 12 7 -

22 15 4 44

337 266 202 1 104 - 26 17 51 5 11 6 4

32 11 5 5 32 - - 42 17 54 10 -32 10 - 6

219 154 164 996

I 298 242 83 411 15 - - -- - - -27 - - -

4 - - -78 - - 4

- - -105 90 25 24 324 143 42 5

124 14 -174 6 - -49 - 6 -20 - 10 7 IS - - -- - - -20 - - -

467 3 - 371

115 33 35 22 5 - - 4 - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -

23 5 - -12 28 14 6 - - - 6

19 - 11 -46 - 10 6 10 - - -

Utifities and General

sonit.ary Wholesale merchandise services tr ode retoHing

2 455 6 973 3 335

259 260 82 7 67 21 - - -

16 5 4 60 57 -- - -4 - -

41 3 -5 8 -5 - -5 46 -- - -5 - -- -

16 28 10 4 10 -

40 31 -20 20 -10 5 -- - -15 - 4 29 41 32 67 21 11

172 1 196 455 20 300 197

152 896 258 152 744 236

- 152 22

30 1 644 1 602

526 1 434 649 23 226 80 17 4 143 21 5 15

4 86 36 4 141 67

12 119 53 445 853 255

701 lll 105 - - -- - -- 11 12 - - -

48 14 -14 5 -

109 251 68 136 353 51

13 78 13 5 33 -6 - -5 - -4 20 -- 5 -

35 - -339 139 74

74 416 85 - 14 -- - -- - -- 9 -- 12 -

27 14 -31 233 85 - 46 -- 45 -

16 37 -- 6 -

Retail trade

Automotive dealers

and Eating and Other Finance Food gasoline drinking retail and real

stores stations places trade Insur once estate

2 973 3 478 2 577 6 739 3 265 4 355

33 36 22 347 173 258 20 - - 28 64 66

- - - - 10 -- - - - 33 31 - 5 - s 13 16 - - - - - -- 5 - - - -- - - - - -- - - - 13 6 - - - - - -- - - 5 - 10

- - - - 4 -- - - 5 - -- - - - - -9 11 - 19 30 36 - - - - - 20 - 10 - 10 - -- 5 - - - -- 5 - 5 - -- - - - -- s - - 5 5 4 5 12 35 4 29 - - 10 245 10 55

599 743 415 I 036 369 813 100 52 10 175 42 17 499 691 475 861 327 796 232 4()9 279 600 312 767 267 282 196 261 15 29

277 778 81 2 353 971 756

858 336 251 I 162 1 640 1 951 44 127 20 243 101 208

572 10 170 129 32 45 11 18 - - 73 78 22 - 14 11 82 125 37 - - SS 12 -39 41 12 42 4 6

133 140 35 682 1 336 I 489

138 729 12 678 49 205 - - - 6 - 5 - 6 - - - -- - - 51 - 33 - - - - - -- - - - - 2 - - - 10 7 -

87 3S - 67 10 34 27 627 - 125 5 -

4 570 - 12 - -- 12 - 5 - -- - - - - -- - - 10 - -- - - 9 - -- - - 6 II -- - - 5 14

24 49 12 389 11 117

307 706 16 248 11 6 7 16 - 15 - -- - - - - -- 4 - - - -- 35 - - - -- - - - -- 9 - 6 - -

286 630 11 160 5 -- 9 - 26 6 -9 s 11 - -5 3 - 24 - 6 - - - 6 - -

"' I Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: 1970- Continued

°' CD .... > :: The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ~ of 250,000 or More Cit

0 m

~ r­m 0 (")

:c )>

~ (") -i m ~ (/)

:::! (") en


Total employed- Continued

Tro11port eff•lpmeat oper11tiwe1 ---- ---- --------------- ------

~~~~1ri'v~':-so~~-~o-~t~m_~n-=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Other transport equipment operatives-------------------------------

lalMlrers, except farm ------------------------------------Freight, stock, ond material handlers _______________________________ _

~i~d~::::.d1~~~~~s-======================================== Nol specified laborers -------- ---------------------- -------- ------

Ferm wo,.ers ____________________ ---------------- __ ---- __

Senko worbn, lndodlog print• hHsohoW ___________________ _

~!~:~:, ~:~~: ::~t=~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Guards and watchmen __________ --------------------------------Other service workers, including privote household ___________________ _

Female employed------------------------------------­

Prof111in11I, techolCal, ud klndnd worli1rs --------------------Accountants __ ---- __ ------ ------ ____________ ---- ________ ------

~§!1~j£.~1~;~~!~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrtters, artists, and entertainers __ --------------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------------

Maaqers H4 •dmiaistraten, except farm ---------------------Salaried ___________ ----------- ------ -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- - -- --Self-employed ___________ ---____ ------ __ ------ ------ - -- __ - ---

Sales w1rk1n _______ -------- ---- --------- ---- -- -- -- -- --

Cloricol 1u klHred worliers ----------------------------

~~~~fe~P~~~=====::::=:::::======~-====--_::========================= Counter clerks, except food -----------------------------------File clerks--------------------------------------------------Office machine operators------------------------------------

Bookkeeping ond billing machine operators_ ____________________ _ Receptionists ______ ---- _______________ ---- ______ ------------ -Secretaries _ ---- ---- ____ -- ---- - -- ---- -- ------ -------------- -

~~1~{~;;~~=(;~~j=~~;~=======~~=============-~==~~= Cnft1111a aa4 k&ulrecl woli:en ----------------------- ----

Foremen, n.e.c --------------------------------------------

Operatives, except tn11port ---------------... ---------------Assemblers ________ ---- __ -- -- __ ------ -- ------ -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing __________________ _ Packers ond wrappers, except meat and produce -------------------­Other operatives, except transport -------------------------------

Truspert •••ipm1at 11pentiwe1 ____________________________ _

t.Hren, e.xcept farm-------------------------------------

Ftlrm w..ters ________ --------- ---- --------------- -----

5enlco worliors, laclodl91 pri¥1te •••11hoW -------------- -----Cleaning service workers ------------------------------ ... ----------Personal service workers-----------------------------. ... ----------Other service workers, including private household-------------------

[Dalo baHd on somple, see text. For meaning of symbol•, 50e t .. tl

Railroads Trucking and service

railway and Other expr~55 wore- transpor· Communi~ service housing ration cations

538 I 137 431 5 19 37 5 -J8 1 074 10 -

501 26 416 5

194 136 53 16 21 128 17 -27 - 2J -81 - - -65 8 J5 16

- - - -24 18 119 27 9 J8 39 20 - - 22 -6 - 5 9 - 53 7

84 185 256 1 154

- - 5 73 - - - 28 - - - -- - - -- - 5 -- - - -- - - 8 - - - 37

5 14 35 12 5 14 35 12 - - - -5 - - 5

55 127 94 1 033 - 26 17 49 - 11 6 4 - - - 16 - - - 21 3 - - 36 - - - -- - 6 3 - 37 25 88 5 - - 5 - 5 - 35

47 48 40 776

15 7 - 20 - - - -

- 5 - 4 - - - 4 - - - -- 5 - -- - - -4 15 58 -- 6 5 -- - - -- 11 59 7 - 11 2J -- - JO -- - 28 7

Utilities and General

sanitary Wholesale merchandise services trade retailing

329 664 60 11 296 21 80 300 33

238 68 6

300 438 79 103 283 76 127 75 -26 9 -44 71 3

- - -64 90 118 26 41 62 - 5 15

13 16 5 25 28 36

433 1 457 2 188

11 34 39 - 19 9 6 - -- - -- - -- - -- 11 25 5 4 5

11 121 151 11 89 145 - 32 6

- 90 1 271

372 961 536 18 182 76 17 4 138 - 20 10 - 35 11 4 73 30 - - -- 14 -

86 361 52 5 20 -

20 36 -222 223 219

19 34 68 - 10 29

4 9J 70 - 14 -- - -- 32 5 4 45 65

6 10 -- 79 6

- - -10 30 47 - 13 12 - - J5

JO 17 20

Retail trade

Automotive dealers

and fating and Other Fi nonce foad gasoline drinking ref oil and real

stores stations places trade Insurance estate

183 70 9 355 - 8 76 50 9 163 - -

102 J6 - 92 - -5 4 - 100 - 8

523 47 23 2J8 II 29 5J8 23 6 79 - -

- 22 - 116 4 J8 - - - - - -5 2 17 23 7 11

- - - - - -55 33 I 678 342 41 329 20 15 34 61 36 171

- 6 37 6 - 5 - - - - 5 56

35 12 l 607 275 - 97

1 070 374 1 596 3 005 1 588 2 007

13 5 - 57 35 52 9 - - 8 30 13 - - - - - 5 - - - - - -- - - - - 4 - - - - - -- 5 - 15 - 14 4 - - 34 5 16

152 60 191 278 46 186 58 33 101 222 46 177 94 27 90 56 - 9

153 31 43 1 336 155 153

587 244 207 889 I 317 1 504 38 92 20 217 97 178

414 5 152 125 27 45 7 - 5 10 - -- - - 6 60 28

22 - - 11 40 66 5 - - - 4 9 - - - 4 - 21

41 75 20 119 504 407 - 5 - - 15 4 5 10 - 23 174 135

60 57 10 374 400 620

29 8 6 124 5 4 29 - - 14 - 4

84 22 5 90 II 6 - 9 - - - -- - - - - -

15 - - - - -69 13 5 90 lJ 6

- - - 5 - -40 - 6 26 - -- - - - - -

12 4 1 138 200 19 102 - - J7 23 19 S9

- - 2J 6 - 5 12 4 J 100 171 - 38

0 m

~ ,..... m 0 ("') :::c )>

~ n -I m ~ V> =::! n V>

t ~ ... l:;



Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

LITTLE ROCK-HORTH UTTlE ROCK SMSA Total employed __________________________________ _

Pnfo11io11I, tecblcol, •• killifre4 worl<en __________________ _ At:.countonts _______ ---- ____ ------ ____________________________ _ Archttects ___________________ ------ ________ ------ ___________ _

~;i:~io~~i;~~~=========================================== Civa ---------__________________________________________ _

Electricol and electronic_-------------------------------------Industrial ____________ ----- ________ ----------- ------ ---- __ Mechanical ___________ ------ ------ __ -----____ -----________ _ Other engin~rs ------- ------------ - ...... _ ... _____ ----------------

Mathematical specialists ________________ ---------------_______ _ Life and physical scientists-----------------------------------

Chemists_----_-------- ____ ----- __ --------- ------------Per~onne_I a~d labor relolions worlter•------------------------------

~~~~~~~~~J-~~~~~!~~~~~~~=~~~=====~~=============== El~ricol and electronic engineeri119 technicians_ __________________ _ Industrial and mechonicol engineermg technicians ----------------­

Tec.hnicions,. except health, ~nd engineering and science------------Writers, artists, and entertamers _______________________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers-------------------

M•11ors~ ... ••mlstntors, except fttm -------------­Buyers, purt;hosing agents, and sales monogers ------------- _ Other monDQers and administrators -----------------------------Salaried _______________________________________ _

Self-employed ---- -- ---- ---- -- ------------------------ ------Soles worim ___________________________________ _

Ciorical ou km.In• worlors --------------------------Bookkeepers _____________________________________ _

Cashiers---------------------------------------------Estimators and investigators, n~e.c ---------------------------­Office machine operators------------------------------------­Shipping and receiving clerks-------------------------------­Stock clerlts and storekeepers----------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers ----------------------------

Croltsmoa ••• llUnd workers---------------------------

=~~~~~!~:$ !0:3~oen~~::~:~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~--_::::::_~:::::: Carpenters-------------------------------------------Crone."!en, derrickmen, ond hoistmen ----------------------------Electnc1ans __ ------ --------_________ -------- _ ------ ____ _ Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators------------------Foremen, n.e.c ----------- --------------------- -------------Mechanics ond rer.oirmen ------------------------- ------ -------

Automobile, inc uding body-----------------------------------­Machinists, jab setters, and toolmakers--------------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists_ _________________ _ Painters, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers. Plumbers and pipe fitters--------------------------------------Printing craftsmen---- ___ --------------- __ ---- __ ---- _____ _ Stationary engineers and power station operotors------------------­Other craftsmen and kjndred workers----------------------------

Assemble~~..:_~·~~-':_·~..::==========--=====--=====----== Checkers, examiners, and inspectors, manufacturing _____________ _ File-rs. polishers, sanders, ond buffers ________________________ _ Pointers. manufactured articles----------------------------­Precision machine operatives---------------------------------Welders and flomecutters_ __________________________________ _

Other specified operativeS.----------------------------------Mochine operatives, miscellaneous specified ___ ---- __ -------- ____ _ Machine operatives, not specified ------------------------------

:~~c:;~f!~s 0~~~~~;::s=================::::::::::::

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols. see text]


Hotels personal services,

and including Business Repair lodging private services services places household

2 010 I 926 891 5 631

327 38 20 90 61 - 20 -- - - -

15 - - -11 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -6 - - -5 - - -- - - -- - - 5 - - - -- - - -

103 5 - 6 15 - - -51 - - -16 - - -5 - - -- - - -5 - - -

49 - - 48 17 33 - 31

217 190 76 282 29 - - -

188 190 76 282 147 120 48 165 41 70 28 117

m 26 20 62

696 253 161 309 93 49 11 69 - 4 30 31

56 - - -60 - - -13 - - 12 16 - - 11

458 200 120 186

130 1 071 37 66 6 10 - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- 6 5 -- - - -

19 23 4 9 48 895 11 6 - 577 - 6 - JI - -- 3 - -4 5 6 -- - - -4 - - -- - - -

49 118 11 51

181 188 21 592 - - - 16 - - - -- 3 - -- 17 - -- 9 - -- 71 - -

102 SS 21 SSl - 22 - 4 - 11 - 4

79 - - 10 - - - 7


Entertain-ment and recreation

services Hospitals

162 7 481

157 2 941 - 28 - -- 11 - 21 - -- -- -- 6 - 8 - 7

- 6 - 30 - 10 - 20 - 48 - 27 - -- -- -- 6

105 20 52 2 724

150 186 12 27

138 159 122 159 16 -40 12

121 1 043 s 27

54 20 8 4 - 31 - 5 - 41

54 915

21 234 - -- -- 10 - -- 10 - -- 32

11 44 - 11 - -- -- 41 - 23 - -- 32

10 42

14 223 - -- -- -- -- -- -

14 207 - 11 - -- 5 - -

We!fore, religious, Other

Health ond nonprofit professional services, Educational Educational membership and Public

except services. services, organ1- related ad minis-hospitals government private zations services !ration

3 136 5 759 2 004 2 313 3 332 7114

1 215 3 741 1 222 I 040 1 607 1 368 5 21 - 16 295 285 - - - - 94 -- 10 - - 19 33 - 11 - - 120 101 - - - - - -- - - - 40 61 - - - - JO -- 6 - - 5 12

- - - - 20 5 - 5 - - 45 23

- - - - 6 26 22 JO - - 20 111 - 4 - - 10 14

13 19 14 :z; 6 103 13 33 - 8 15 52 s 10 6 - 117 88 - - 6 - 68 6 s - - - - 23 - - - - - 5

13 8 - - - 69 II 9 - 79 81 75

1 133 3 610 l 202 912 834 425

199 383 111 237 95 885 - 6 6 JO - 34

199 an 105 227 95 851 193 an 94 227 85 851

6 - 11 - JO -5 5 22 35 35 24

651 603 202 578 832 3 072 78 35 9 20 90 lSl - 14 9 - - 31

lS - 6 s - 103 9 - 7 12 43 141 - - - - - 4 - 14 - JS - SI

549 540 171 526 699 2 591

76 71 38 38 52 367 - - - - - -- - - - - -- 17 - 6 7 14 - - - - - -

10 - 4 - - 14 - - - - - 12 - 17 10 9 13 38 - 4 - - s 163 - 4 - - - 29 - - - - - 5

- - - - - 12 - 7 18 - - 7 - s - 7 6 5 - s - 16 - 3 - - - - 6 7

66 16 6 - 15 87

11 23 6 20 32 45 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -

11 23 - 6 23 20 - - - - 5 9 - - - - 4 11 - - 6 9 - 5 - - - 5 - -


I 00-0D 00-

,.. "' i E

0 m

~ r­m 0

n ::c )>

~ n -I m

'° u; ::j n en

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Penons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total employotl-Continued

~~~k'Jrl~~o~o~;~=~=~~========~==================== Other transport equipment operatives------------------------------

Lllboren., excepl flm -----------------------------------Freight, stock, and material handlers ________ ---- ____ ---- __________ _

~i:~1ft~:u~d1ai~~~s-=======::::::::====::::===================-~==== Not specified lciborers -------------------------------------

-hna w1rktn ------------------------- ---------------- --

Senrlce worbn, lllchMll19 pmate ......... ------------------

~'::~:, !:~~: ::~:~: ====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Guards and watchmen ________ ------------------------------------Other service workers, including private household------------------

Female employed----------------------------------­

Pnfnsloul, tedlttlcel, ... kladted worlcen ------------------Accountants-----------------------------------------

fa:~~~·~~::i:i'i:~~~1;;is======================================== Registered nurses, dietitions, ond theropist"--------·-------------Social scientists----------------------------------------­Writers, artists, ond entertainers-------------------------------­Other professionol, technicol, and kindred workers-------------------

..... '" 1U a•Wstraton, except f.,. ------------------Salaried ____ ---- __ ---- -- - ----- ---- - -- ---- - -- ------ -- ---- --Self-employed ___________ -- ________ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -

Soles worlen ________ ------ ---- ____ ------ -- ---- -- _ ---- --

Cltrical au kiulro4 worbn -------------------------------

~~~~~~p~~~================================================== ~a:~~~le_i:_k~~:..·~~~ ~~ -==================================== Office mochine operators-------------------------------------

Boo~ke~ping ond billing machine operators ______________________ _ Reception ts ts ______________ ---- __ ------ ________ ·------- ____ -----Secretaries _______ ------ ------- ____ -- ---- -- ------------ - -- ---Stenogrophers ___________ ------ ------ __ ------ ------ ___ --------

~g~~~i;ric~l-~~d-ki;d;;J-~;:k:;r~-============================= cnr11 ............... •..ten -------------- ---- - -- ---- --

Foremen, n.e.c --------------------------------------------

Operotlw11, ••Clpf lroHporl ----------------------------Assemblers-------- ____________________ ------_____________ _ Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing _________ -------Packers and wrappers, except meot and produce -------------------­Other operatives, except transport -------------------------------

Tnuport o""ipllntopentln•-----------------------LaNren, except ftra -----------------------------------ftmo ....... _____________________________________ _

Sonic• worlors, ioclHlll1 pmato ......... ------------------­Cleaning service workers ------------------------------------­Personal service workers -------------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household---------------

(Data based on sample. see text. For meoning of symbols. see text]

Other pers_onol

Hotels services, and including

Business Repair lodging private services services places household

22 51 5 149 16 - - 108 - 14 - 17 6 37 5 24

40 72 - 147 4 - - 29

18 57 - 87 5 5 - -

13 10 - 31

- - - -246 37 551 3 934 156 24 182 48 11 - 202 1 145 74 - - -

5 13 167 2 741

890 372 591 4 323

139 13 6 41 37 - 6 -4 - - -- - - -- - - 5 - - - -

22 - - 10 76 13 - 26

16 18 27 111 8 5 10 61 8 13 17 50

22 - 10 19

557 230 127 263 93 44 11 57 - - 30 31 5 19 61 60

12 - - 3 34 - - -- - - -28 - - 35

123 32 5 20 10 - - -92 5 - 5

160 130 20 52

9 48 5 11 5 - - -

81 34 21 422 - - - 10 - - - -6 7 - -

75 27 21 412

- 7 - 10

5 9 - 33

- - - -61 13 395 3 413 45 7 150 23 l1 - 137 809 5 6 108 2 581


Entertain· ment and

recreation services Hospitals

5 22 - -5 22 - -

57 41 - 8

57 40 - -- -

- -297 2 772 63 375 74 84 - 36

160 2 277

331 4 945

56 2 041 - 5 - -- 6 - l 473 - 10

20 10 36 544

19 50 15 50 4 -

23 6

93 901 5 27

45 20 6 6 - 30 - 16 - -- 52 9 348 4 46 7 88

17 268

5 5 - 5

8 119 - -- -- -8 119

- -- 12

- -127 1 804 13 181 26 58 88 1 565

Welfare, religiousp Other

Health ond nonprofit professional serv;ces, Educational Educational membership and Pubrrc

except services. services, organt- related odminis-hospitals government private zations services tration

6 19 - 5 - 66 6 - - - - -- 19 - 5 - 55

- - - - - 11

18 23 - 24 19 138 6 - - 6 - 22

12 18 - 16 14 89 - - - - - -- 5 - 2 5 'll

- - - - - -955 891 403 406 660 1 219 79 327 188 182 13 127 28 94 84 139 20 34 6 20 4 - - 101

842 450 127 85 627 9Sl

2 092 4 062 1 478 1 196 1 751 2 428

502 2 694 953 371 484 294 - - - 11 so 64 - 6 - - - 6 - 6 - - - 4

322 48 20 5 - 29 - 16 - - 5 10

11 - - 46 28 7 169 2 618 933 309 401 174

84 184 43 45 32 148 84 184 37 45 32 148 - - 6 - - -5 5 - n 12 10

604 566 191 520 696 1 822 78 35 9 20 86 139 - 14 9 - - 21 - - - - - -

31 - 5 15 - 40 5 - 7 12 33 91 - - - - 6 11

Bl 11 10 JO JO 24 273 335 66 267 304 512

19 5 - 24 20 56 38 32 17 77 34 216 79 134 68 95 209 723

18 9 12 11 - 21 - - 6 - - 5

11 16 6 14 21 18 - - - - - -- - - - - -- 6 - - - -

11 10 6 14 21 18

- - - - - -- - - 2 9 -- - - - - -

868 588 273 222 497 115 39 87 67 57 13 17 28 84 84 117 20 22

801 417 122 48 464 76

c m

~ r­m c n ::c )>

~ n -I m ~ cn ::! n en

i "' a';;

en I °' CD ....

Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Tot•I employe4 _____________________ ------ ------ _____ _

Pnfnolool, ledoolcol, IH klodrff worbn -----------------A&.countonts _____ ---------- __ ---- __ ------ ------ ____________ _ Architects------------------------- - ------------ ----- --

~~i~!'E~a~~~~~=========~~~~================:====== Civil ______________________________________________ _ Electrical and electronic _____________________________________ _

Industrial~-'------------------------------------------Methanicol _______________________________________ _

Other,er1gineers ----------------------------------------Mathematical specialists ______________________________ _

LifeChand_p~ysicol scientists----------------------em1Sts __________________ ------- ___________________ _ Personnel and labor relations workers ____________________________ _ S<icidl'scienlists ----____________ -------------- ___________ _ Erig1neering and science technicians __________ ---- ______ ----- -------

Draftsmen_: ____ -------________________________________ _ Electrical and electronic engineerin~ technicians ---- _________ ------ _ Industrial and mechanical engineenng technicians -----------------

Techllicions, except health, and engineering and science-----------­Writers, artists, and entertainer•----------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers----------------

, '. ••11en 1u ••lolstrtttn, 11upt 1.,. --'------------­~uyers,.purchasing agenl~ •. and sales managers -------------------­Other managers and adm1n1Slrolorso-----'---------------------Saloried ______________________________________ _

Self-employ~---'~-~---------------------------------Solos wottm _________________________________ _

Cloiinl ... kildrH ....... ---------------------------

~~~~~:~:_.::.. __ .::..-=:==--------~=--=:=====--====--.::..-=:===--==-~=== ~ea1:~h1:!!~~~:J~~o~~~~~====:::::::==::::::::: Shipping and. receiving clerks _________________ ; ____________ _ Stock clerks and"s!Orekeepers --------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers------------------------------

CnoftsmH ~ klodrff '-••bn -'---------------------

:~~~!~:;~~.:J~::~:::~:~~~-~~-~i~~~~~~~-==:.--====~---=== Carpenters-----------------------------------------Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen·-------------------------Eledricions--~------~-----------------------------Excovoling, grading, and road machine operators------------------

~~::~~~i~-r.JT:~~-=~=-=~========~~=~=-=~=--~~= Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers-------------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and machinists _____________ _ Pointers, construction and mainjenance, ond plasterers ond paperhangers_

~~~i:i~:i.'lt.~:~~~============================ Stationary engineers and power station operators ________________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers------------------------

Opentlwn, except tna•port ----------------------------­Assemblers---------------------------------------Checkers, exominers:, afld inspectors; manufoduring_~---.-----------­Filers, porishers, sanders, and buffer•---------------------------­Painters', monufoctured articles---------------------------­Precision machine operative1 ------------------------Welders and ffomecutters------------------------------Olher specified operatives------------------------------­Machine operatives, miscellaneous speeified---------------------­Machine operatives, not specified ---------------------------­Miscellaneous operatives-----------------------­Nor specified operatives--------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Persons 16 yearo Agriculture,

old and forestry, Construe-over and fisheries Mining tion

210 108 4 424 246 15 418

36 983 109 - 751 2 517 - - 62

157 4 - 5 667 - - 15

2 719 3 - 360 194 - - -718 - - 242 419 - - 41 476 - - 12 364 - - 34 548 3 - 31

56 - - -365 - - -262 - - -

1 059 - - 21 337 - - 5

1 820 10 - 198 736 5 - 99 195 - - 10 40 - - 4

815 10 - 8 2 410 38 - 23

24 061 44 - 54

23 717 43 13 1 696 3 754 13 - 81

19 963 30 13 1 615 16 373 15 9 1 131 3 590 15 4 484

23 99% 48 22 82

54 815 136 42 1 509 5 504 59 21 272 3 816 5 - 6 1 421 - - 271 2 '199 - - 41 2 550 6 - 28 2 117 - - 21

37 108 66 21 870

33 591 108 49 7 713 81 - - 11

547 - - 490 2 109 5 - 1 572

340 - 6 93 1 231 5 - 640

517 10 5 315 5 6'19 18 24 392 8 230 23 5 471 3 246 4 - 22 1 241 6 - 27

746 - - 227 1 353 - - 839 1 057 5 - 677 1 344 4 - 6

494 5 5 13 8 672 27 4 1 940

32 710 97 83 718 2 234 - - 2S 2 104 - - -

323 4 - 6 291 - - -427 - - 11

1 510 8 5 200 14 953 38 78 363 4 037 37 - 30 3 213 - - 16 2 450 10 - 37 1 168 - - 30

1970- Continued

furniture, lumber,

and woad Total products

57 274 5 846

3 544 124 493 22

- -163 5

1 017 32 182 -109 -67 -

278 19 199 5 182 8

18 -169 -169 -201 17

28 -570 10 135 10 30 -32 -21 5

540 10 324 23

3 393 439 781 93

2 612 346 2 438 313

174 33

2 526 131

7 alo 584 727 100 47 4 94 10

386 5 786 67 431 39

4 539 359

10 309 1 242 41 -22 -

161 46 110 7 245 11 103 4

2 808 314 1 952 123

334 10 995 73

450 21 109 19 95 5

1 112 37 141 6

1 965 576

22 913 2 341 2 125 181 2 104 62

258 165 202 68 354 32 998 27

7 773 746 3 588 376 2 922 435 1 654 198

935 51


Durable goods

Fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

cloy, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery, and gloss ferrous nonferrous including not except ~uipment, products industries industries speeified metal electrical an supplies

802 718 246 2 821 4 332 4 419

9 38 11 293 389 223 - 5 6 25 32 35 - - - - - -- - - - 41 -4 10 5 155 187 101 - - - - - -- - - 73 - -- - - 5 - 34 - 5 - 7 51 58 - - - 35 75 9 4 5 5 35 61 -- 4 - - - -- 9 - - 10 -- 9 - - 10 -- 5 - 9 17 38 - - - - - -5 - - 80 56 22 5 - - 49 41 -- - - - 11 14 - - - - - 8 - - - - - -- - - 13 10 17 - 5 - 11 36 10

75 44 20 216 231 115 21 6 10 59 48 46 54 38 10 227 183 69 47 38 10 227 176 69

7 - - - 7 -71 25 28 81 140 88

91 66 16 299 601 309 12 10 - 37 55 23 - 8 - - 6 -- 5 14 -6 5 - - 62 27

10 7 - 44 39 35 - 3 - 21 75 34

63 3J 16 192 350 190

101 167 46 634 1 083 848 - 6 - 11 - -- - 6 - 5 6 5 - - 6 10 -- 48 - 18 3J -- 5 5 16 28 22 - - - 5 5 -

44 39 15 200 214 181 32 5 - 60 243 393 12 - 17 16 19 - 9 5 93 381 119 - 44 9 86 116 15 - - - 17 23 10 - - - 9 5 2 - - - 4 - -- - - 6 - 5

27 11 6 103 20 87

182 216 90 1 006 1 498 2 569 18 10 s 102 279 805 15 7 5 77 126 793 s - - 8 11 11 - - 4 28 6 14 - 13 - 30 161 60

21 52 - 281 347 50 25 73 27 158 175 120 32 30 14 121 103 240 41 56 24 108 164 188 20 24 6 47 53 138 5 21 s 46 73 150


°' CD CD

t ~ E

0 m

);! r­m 0 n ::c > ~ n ~ m ~ en ~

n U>

Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMNIS, TEHH.-Allt., SMSA-Continued

Total ••plore4- Continued

~~rr.E.~~~~;_~=~=:~~~=====~~=============== Other transport equipment operotives-------------------------------

IAIHNn, tlCtpl ft .. ----------------------------------­freight, stock. ond moteriol handlers----------------------------

~i~~I=~ 1oi~!:~s _:::::::.:::::::-_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_::::.::::::::: Not specified laborers--------------------------------------------

..... worbn _______ ---- ___ ------ ____ ---- __ ------ _____ _

s.r.i.. ••• .. n, _.....,print• ....... w _________________ _

~=:~~ =~: ::1:~: ==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::: Guards ond watchm••---------------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household------------------

fe•alo .. p1o,et1 -----------------------------------...... .-•• -lcol, ............... .,. -------------------


fn:':~~e~::;~:ifi:~~niiSiS..~--::=:~_:::::::=:=:=:::=:::::=:=:===:::::::= Registered nunes, dietitians, ond therapist'---------------------­Sociol scientists--------------------------------------------­Writers, ortists, and entertainers-------------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred we>rkers ------------------

M••Ofen 1atl 1•1111stnr1on, except farm ---------------------Salaried ___ -- ---- -- ------------ ---- -- --------------- -- ----Self-employed __ ------------ -- ------- -- - -- ---- - ------------

s•s worten ______________________________ _

Clerical n4 llatln4 woitors -----------------------------

~:~~~~~~====~-===============:::::=:::::=:=:=:=:::::=:_-:::::::::: Counter clerks, except food------------------------------------file clerks----------------------------------------------Offi<:e machine operoton --------------------------------------Bookkeeping ond billing machine operoton _______________________ _

=::;:i~;t~~=========================================== !rE'~~::.;.~~1i;~;;J=;~i;;s~=-~====~~==============~~=

Cnftsau ud kiHrH ..,.en------------·--------------foremen, n.e.c --------------- ------------------------ ------

Operethff, ... .,t -·pert----------------------------Assemblers --------- ---- ------ ----------------- -- ---- -------Checkers, examiners, ond inspectors; monufacturing _________________ _ Packers and wropperi, except meot and produce ------------------Other operatives, except transport _______ ---- ------ ---- _ ---__

r ... .,111 ..,,,.ut .,.mm. _________________________ _ IAlknn, H<ept lent---------------------------------...,_ •-n-----------------------------------------5-nke ••,..n, lirdHiotl print• ....... w _________________ _

~~::, =~~: ::~:~ ::::::::=======:::::::::::::::::::: Other urvice workers, including priuote household-----------·--

[Dala based on somple, see text. for meaning of symbol•, see text)

Persons 16yeon Agriculture,

old ond forestry, Construe-over and fisheries Mining lion

13 674 77 23 497 2 116 3 4 24 6 670 68 19 388 4 888 6 - 85

14 603 449 9 2 205 7 034 11 - 70 5 342 428 - 2 135

676 5 - -1 551 s 9 -3 29S 3 29S - -

42 728 62 5 247 7 156 15 - 154 4 616 5 - 11 l 058 14 - 33

29 898 28 5 49

113 5S9 471 37 1 249

17 113 20 - so 586 - - 9 179 - - -49 - - -

3 067 - - 5 62 - - -

663 20 -12 507 - - 36

2 n4 - - so 3 149 - - 50

625 - - -8 204 17 - 6

31 833 111 19 909 4 620 48 15 219 3 078 5 - 6 l 001 - - -

898 - - 5 l 704 - - 36

196 - - -936 9 - 13

9 587 22 - 335 438 - - 10

3 224 7 - 51 13 347 20 4 234

2 187 - 7 90 449 - 7 9

12 071 11 6 15 l 313 - - 5 l 252 - - -1 305 - - -8 201 11 6 10

371 - - -l 498 34 - 96

265 265 - -29 243 13 5 33 3 180 - - 21 3 185 5 - 6

22 878 8 5 6


Furniture, lumber,

and wood Total products

2 896 288 599 31

I 044 133 1 253 124

J 255 549 1 543 301

630 59 224 43 858 146

- -l 421 148

865 61 44 18

171 30 348 39

15 75(> 1 3"9

4SO 7 59 -35 -5 -

53 7 - -

135 -163 -214 11 193 18

21 -260 -

4 257 363 537 68 41 4 91 -96 -

252 5 11 -69 11

l 299 91 42 -

399 72 1 431 112

1 063 2"5 240 17

• 815 641 1 268 85 1 252 18

906 9 s 389 529

70 -4t7 40

- -210 JS

55 4 20 5

135 26


Du ruble good•

Fabricated Stone, metal Electrical

clay, Primary Primary industries, Machinery, machinery, an;1.Jla .. ferrous nonferrous including nol except a!3u~~~;~ p ucts industries industries specified metal electricol

196 28 - 69 187 21 16 - - 16 - 4

160 - - 34 29 5 20 28 - 19 158 12

55 48 35 95 150 187 31 17 10 1-4 50 123 9 4 3 16 11 5 - 15 5 20 30 14

15 12 17 45 59 45

- - - - - -15 16 - Sl S3 67 15 10 - 43 311 57 - - - - - 6 - 6 - 5 - 4 - - - 3 15 -

l19 45 30 350 506 2 351

- 4 - 7 21 30 - - - - - 10 - - - - 9 -- - - - - -- - - 7 12 5 - - - - - -- - - - - 5 - 4 - - - 10

• 5 4 17 21 -6 5 4 17 21 -- - - - - -5 - - 10 " 20

62 36 16 175 283 180 12 10 - 37 27 14 - 8 - - - -- - - - - -- . - - - 12 5 6 5 - - 20 7 - 5 - - 6 -- - - 12 10 -

27 13 16 79 107 48 - - - - 6 -6 - - 4 27 311

II - - 43 74 68

4 - - 29 IJ 157 4 - - 10 - 25

32 - 10 107 140 1195 6 - 5 45 42 635 9 - 5 14 14 6'B - - - 6 6 21

17 - - 42 78 610

- - - - 6 4

10 - - 5 6 59

- - - - - -- - - - 10 6 - - - - 10 -- - - - - 6 - - - - - -

c m

~ r­m 0

n ::c )>

~ n -I m ;;:o c;; -I n (I)

> ::11:11

~ Ut

l: UI

I °" CD

Tobie 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMPHIS, TENN.-All., SMSA Total ampleyed _________________________________ _

Profnslu1l, tochial, •• kidrotl worbn -------------------Accountants------------------------------- ___ _ Architects ____________________________________ _

Computer specialists--------------------------------

Enth':'i~ai:::-..::~---==---==-----=--------==::=::..-::::::::~-:::=:: CivR-------------------------------------------Electrical and electronic---------------------------lndustrial -----------------------------Mechanical ________________________________ _

Other engineers ------------------------------­Mathematical specialists------------------------------­life and physical scientists----------------------------

Chemists----------------------------------------Pe~nne.I a~ labor relations workers ________________________ _ Social scientists------------------------------------Engineering and science t~hnicions _________________________ .,.,.._

Draftsmen ______________________________________ _ Electrical and electronic engineerin9 technicians ____________ _ Industrial and mechanical engineermg technicians -------------

Technicians, except heahh, and engineering and science----------Writers, artists, ond entertainers __________________ _ Other profe$$ionol, rechnical, and kindred workers-----------... ...,. ...... ..._...., .... ,, ..... --------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers ----------------­Other managers and administrators ---------------------Salaried ____________________________________ _

Self-emplayed ------------------------------S.1 w..ten _______________________________ _

Clerical ... klHr .. werten -----------------------

~~~~~P~~-::::-_-:_-_:::::::_-_-_:::=::-_-_::::_-::::::-_::::::..-:=:::..-::::-_-_::::: Estimators ond investigators, n.e..c -----------------------­Office machine operators --------------------------­Shipping and receiving clerks----------------------------­Stock clerks and storekeepers-------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers----------------------

'-" ... """'""' ....... --------------------=~:.,~!~:~ ~:r.~::e.::::.~:~~~-~~~~!~~~~~s-=---===--==--===~= Carpenters-----------------------------------Cronemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen ----------------------Electricians----------------------------------------Excavating, grading, and road machine operators-------------­Foremen, n.e.c ----~~-~---------------------­Mechanics ond-repairmen-------------------------------Autamob~. including body--------------------------­

Moehini51s, jab setters, ond toolmakers------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics ond machinists ___________ _ Painters. construction ond maintenance, ond plasterers ond paperhangers_

~:~~~:~~~========================= Stationary engineers and power station operators _____________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers ___________________ _

Assemble~~~-~~~-~~--:_-_::::::..-:::=::_-_-:::=::-..::::_-_::::_-:: Checkers, examiner.s, and inspectors; manufacturing ...... __________ _ Filers, polishers, sanders, and buffers ___________________ _ Poin!ers, manufactured o.rticles ---------------------------­Prec1SJon machine operatives----------------------Welders and ffamecutters _______________________________ _

Other specified operatiVH---------------------------------Mochine operatives, miscellaneau• specified ___________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified --------------------­Miscellaneous operatives-----------------------..-..--Nor specified operatives----------------------------------

[Data based an sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text)

Durable goods- Continued

Motor vehicles Other

and motor transpor· vehicle Aircraft talion

equipment and parts equipment Ordnance

1 347 67 JU 770

25 - 6 50 5 - - 5 - - - -5 - - -s - - 25 - - - -- - - -5 - - -- - - 11 - - - 5 - - - 9 - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -5 - - -- - 6 6 - - - -- - - -- - 6 -- - - -- - - -5 - - 14

88 - 37 36 17 - 4 5 71 - 33 31 60 - 33 JI 11 - - -62 - 7 7

155 17 34 70 17 - 16 -- - - -- 5 - 5

16 5 - -20 - - 9 30 - 5 5 72 7 13 51

321 10 108 75 - - - -- - - -

15 - 42 -- - - -- - 8 4 - - - -

70 - 22 19 190 10 - 33 169 - - -18 - 4 8

10 - II -- - 5 -- - - -8 - - -- - -

10 - 16 11

523 35 104 448 86 - 31 191 38 - - Bl - - 5 -

26 - - 17 10 11 5 -52 - - -66 5 21 50 30 - 5 30 64 19 4 56 54 - 4 14 97 - 29 9

Other durable


3 950

98 12 -5 7 ----J 4


10 -5 ---5

22 32

173 23

150 134



435 26 -7 4

71 18


727 -5 ----

110 38 -


29 14 4 --


1 808 111 43 35 17 17 10

1 121 90

114 149 JOI


Manufacturing- Continued

Apparel Food and other and Textile fabricated

kindred mill textile products products products

7 761 I 119 2 044

327 15 55 80 - -- - -

15 - -43 - 14 - - -- - -- - -

34 - 14 9 - -- - -5 - -

43 - -43 - -32 - 11

- -71 10 -- - -- - -11 - -- - -6 5 20

32 - 10

431 73 123 128 23 15 303 50 108 291 45 92

12 5 16

376 15 105

957 203 211 138 11 20

5 - -9 - -

76 15 -146 50 54 42 11 11

541 116 126

1 114 155 163 - - -- - -

14 13 -4 - -5 - -

16 - -378 77 84 252 24 17 52 5 -44 11 15 30 6 -- - -

15 - -4 14 21

44 5 -308 s 26

2 785 513 1 246 68 s -

169 51 73 4 - -- - -- - -

16 - -1 358 457 897

498 - 101 359 - 83 214 - 73 99 - 19

Nondurable goods

Rubber and Other Printing, miscel· nondurable

and~fl1:d publishing, Chemicals loneous goods, incl. and allied and allied plastic not specified

products industries products products manufacturing

4 451 3 106 J 617 3 508 3 917

290 364 899 161 167 39 6 183 20 18 - - - - -5 - 77 6 4

112 - 222 46 49 29 - 133 20 -5 - 25 - 6 5 - 18 - -

28 - 25 10 16 26 - 16 5 II 19 - 5 11 16

- - - - 9 - - 88 14 5 - - 88 14 5 9 16 21 6 lO - - 23 - -

71 - 186 33 9 JO - 15 - 5 - - 5 - -- - 7 - -- 4 - 7 -

17 338 59 13 10 37 - 40 16 53

%04 291 414 108 135 37 112 81 25 28

167 179 403 83 107 167 135 398 79 93

- 44 5 4 14

141 422 405 62 231

492 560 1 133 336 441 58 56 110 5 33 - 6 10 4 4 - 21 4 10 4

18 6 105 18 18 49 30 73 58 24 47 9 40 36 5

320 432 791 205 353

741 1 046 816 509 404 - 9 15 - -- - - - -- - 10 - -- - - -24 9 67 33 8 37 - 5 22 9

261 95 384 220 81 158 36 179 98 61 - s - 10 19 64 - 34 62 15 29 7 7 20 10 - - 11 10 -25 - 5 25 -

114 an 29 - 4 16 - 55 4 13 13 15 15 216

2 06I 280 1 340 1 803 I 988 36 15 87 59 36 96 33 66 242 127 - - - 14 -6 - - 10 6 6 - 4 5 -

24 - 73 10 35 534 61 317 102 1 '460 574 43 194 l 005 102 538 85 321 173 90 186 43 217 104 110 68 - 61 79 22

"" I Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: : [Data baHd on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text] 0

> =: The State ~ Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas ~ of 250,000 or More "9

0 m -I )> r­m 0

n :::c )>

~ n -I m ~ c.n :::! n c.n


Total employed- Continued

~:~~:1:rl~~~~~~~~;~~~~============================ Other transport equipment operatives _____________________________ _

LaHren, except farm------------------------------------­Freight, stock, and material hondlers-------------------------------

~i~~~l:n~~ ~&~~~~s-======::================::================= Nol specified laborers-------------------------------------------

hrw workers _______________________________ _

Senko worbrs, loclNIOf priYote ... n .. W -------------------­Cleaning service workers ---------------------------------------­Peuonal service workers----------------------------------------Guards and watchmen ____ ------------------------------------Other service workers. including private household _______________ _

F•ale employed ____________________________________ _

p,..Jesdooal, t .... lul, aid W.4re4 w..ten -------------------Accountants ____ ---- -- __ ---- ---- -- _ -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Computer speciafists __ ------- --------------------- ------ ------­Life and physical scientists-----------------------------Reg]ster~d n!irses, dietitiOns, and theropists_ _________________ c __

Social sc1entists_----------------------------------­Wrilers, artists, and entertoiner•---------------------------­Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------

Mnagen ...... la;stnton, H'8-pt farm ------------------Salaried _____ --------------------------------------- -- -- --Self-employed __________________________________________ _

Sales wmen _____________________________________ _

Clerical utl k!Hnd workers --------------------------

~~~~';P~~-----=--..::========-----=======--====------==---=--===== Counter clerks, except food -----------------------------File clerks-------------------------------------Office machine operators -----------------------------Bookkeeping and hilting machine operators ___________________ _ Receptionists -----------------------------------Secretaries -------------------------------- ------Stenographers ------------------------------- -----

h~~!~~!Or'iCQfii;;d-t(;;dred-workers-============================= ,,..,,_ ............ wmen -----------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c ------- --------------- ------ ----------- -----

Assemble~!~~~-~~~-~~~=================~======== Checkers. examiners, ond inspectors; manufacturing __________________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meot and produce -------------------­Other operatives, except transport ------------------ -------------

Trusport ~•ipmHI operatiYu _____________________ ------

Labonrs, except farw --------------------------------,.,.. worften _____________ ----------------- _____ ---- __

Senlce workers, lad"""1 prlwote hH-W -----------------

2~:~":1 ::~~: ::~~:~ ::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::=::: Other Hrvice workers, including private household----------------

Motor vehicles

and motor vehicle


38 6

16 16

96 49 17

3 27

-39 28 -7 4



-80 17 -3 -

16 --

25 --


54 -

155 30 32 4



-7 --7

Durable goods- Continued


Air croft tronspor-

lotion and ports equipment Ordnance

- 29 30 - 6 6 - 23 19 - - 5

- 27 44 - B 23 - - 10 - 9 5 - 10 6

- - -5 11 10 5 4 10 - - -- 7 -- - -

47 66 452

- - 3 - - -- - -- - -- - 3 - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

- - -12 25 46 - 16 -- - -- - -- - -5 - -- - -- - -7 4 5 - - -- - 5 - 5 36

5 7 19 - - 6

30 22 373 - 7 177 - - 62 - - 13

30 15 121

- 9 -- 3 11

- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

Other durable


136 18 23 95

356 38

282 -


-102 41

5 8


l 331

14 9 -----5

11 11 -


236 21 -4 8 ---

41 -

20 142

145 16

791 60 43 20




-12 6 -6


Manufacturing- Continued

Nondurable goods

Apparel Rubber and Other Food ond other Printing. misc el- nondurable and Textile fabricated Pa/i!r publishing, Chemicals loneous goods. incl.

kindred mill textile ond al ied and allied and allied plastic not specified products products products products industries products products manufacturing

870 62 38 212 47 255 154 236 438 - 12 12 13 5 6 10 286 20 16 68 23 104 17 68 146 42 10 132 11 146 131 158

559 33 81 205 49 223 258 205 344 22 54 147 29 170 87 26 39 - 6 14 16 - 12 127 44 - - 5 - - 31 -

132 11 21 39 4 53 128 52

- - - - - - - -342 50 22 91 47 132 117 110 221 40 14 55 36 107 76 4

5 - 4 - 6 - - -29 - - 5 - 12 41 17 87 10 4 31 s 13 - 89

1 749 360 1 349 1 135 874 l 553 384 1 380

55 - 10 32 131 99 12 25 12 - - 6 - 22 - -- - - - - 26 - -- - - - - 5 - -- - - - - - 12 7 - - - - - - - -- - - 8 116 6 - -

43 - 10 18 15 40 - 18

8 5 15 11 47 26 9 11 8 - 15 11 40 26 5 6 - 5 - - 7 - 4 5

34 - 31 7 85 19 - 30

570 119 138 276 367 831 157 285 102 11 20 30 50 77 s 20

5 - - - 6 10 4 4 6 5 6 10 29 28 - -- 4 6 s 10 36 5 5

66 10 - 14 6 62 12 18 - - - - - - - -

16 - - - - 6 7 7 162 29 34 91 130 276 53 61

6 - - - - 24 - 6 55 21 5 10 7 80 30 19

152 39 67 116 129 232 41 145

98 11 51 38 94 34 10 29 40 11 46 24 9 21 - 11

894 196 1 080 706 136 489 185 933 31 5 - 19 7 65 13 36

101 20 73 74 26 50 19 63 453 16 19 149 9 124 17 40 309 155 988 464 94 250 136 794

13 - - 15 - 5 - 7

36 9 16 32 4 34 11 33

- - - - - - - -41 20 8 18 10 16 - 27 4 10 - - s 16 - -s - 4 - - - - -

32 10 4 18 5 - - 27

0 m

~ r­m 0 ("') :I: )>

~ ("') -f m ~ U) -f n U)

> ;111:11

.~ z "' > "' "' I °" "°

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMPHIS, TENN.-AIK., SMSA Total employed ________ ------ _____ -----______________ _

PnfosAoaol, ttdiolcol, u• ldollrH wotlcon -----------------Acc.ountonts ----------------------------------------------­Architects __ ------------ __ ---------- -- - ---- -------------- --

~Ea~~;~~;=~~=======~~=~~===============~~== Civil-----------------------------------------------Elettrica\ and e\ettronic ______ ------ _ ---- ________ ----- ____ _ Industrial----------------------------------------------Mechanical ______ -------_----------------_--------__ Other engineers-------------·--------------------·-----

Mathematica\ speciorists~--------------------------------­life and ph'f$icol scientists------------------------------

Chemists--------------------------------------------Per~onne) on_d labor relations workers ___________________________ _

SoCIOI scienlists --------------------------------------

EnW~:ft=~~~~~~:~~~~~-=:==-..::====-..::================ Electrical and electronic eng1neerin9 techniclons-----------------­lndustriol ond mechanical engineering technicians -------------------

Technicians. except heolth, and engineering and science _____________ _ Writers, artists, and entertainers _____________________________ _ Other professional, technical, and kindred workers--------------------

... ...,. ...... iolstnt ... , •••••• farm ----------------­Buvers, purchasing agents, and soles managers -----------------­Oiiier managers and. odministrotars ---------------------------

Salaried-----------------------------------------Self-em played -------___ -- _ -------------______ --------

Soles wwrbn _____________________________________ _

Clerical ... kioir .. worken --------------------------

~~P~~:_~==-----===--==---===========--====-...:::::::::::=--=---===:::: Estimators ~nd_investigotors1 n.e.c ___________ _: __________ .:. __

~~~a;~Jn~e~!'i~~a~riCS::..-::::===--==::::=::..-::=::===========--===--= Stock clerks 0and storekeepers--------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers----------------------------

Crafts.ea ... ldoired worton ----------------------

~~~!~~!:~ ~:l~~::~m~!!:'se_~~':_~~~-b-~;~e-~~~-::_-::::=::::::: Carpenters-------------------------------------Cran"!".en, derrickmen, ond hoistmen --------------------------Electnctons -----------------------------------Exi:ovoting, grading, and rood machine operators-----------

~:1::,~n:~~ ,;--~.,-_-_-_-_--=:--=::-_-_:=:-_-=._-_::_-::--=:-_::.:: Automobile, incl'J'ding bodY------------------------------­

Machlnists, jab setters, and toolmakers-----------------------Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and mochinist•------------------­Poi°'ters.:con5truction ond maintenance, and plasterers ond paperhangers.

~:ii:;~::,~.~:~~-============================== Stationary engineers and power station oporolor•--------------------Other craftsmen ond kindred workers-----------------------

0,.mlra, oxcopl -.,.rt-----------------------Assemblers _ _:. ____________________________________ _ Checkers,. eXominers1 and inspectors; manufacturing ______________ _ Filers, polishers, sanders, and buffers _______________________ _ Pain!, manufactured a.rticles ---------------------------­Prectsron machine operattVes ---------------------------­Welders and flamecutters -------------------------------Other specified operatives ___________________________________ _ Machine operatives, miscellaneous specified ______________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified--------------------------­Miscellaneous operaliYts------------------.---------------­Not speci~ operatives----------------------------------

[Oota based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Railroads lrucking and service

railway and Other express ware-- tronspor- Comm uni-service housing tation cations

3 346 1 105 3 555 3 444

79 19 221 387 25 37 5 30 - - - -- 6 7 5

19 12 48 81 - - - -

15 6 - 4 - 6 - 73 4 - - -- - 48 -- - .c 4

5 - - -- - - 6 - - - -- 20 16 15 5 - - -6 - 10 54 - - - 6 - - - 48 - - - -- 4 130 31 8 s 5 147

11 5 - 18

252 453 247 186 4 5 6 12

248 448 241 174 248 404 228 169

- 44 13 5

29 108 37 16

641 I 437 931 1 151 39 99 22 43

5 61 14 18 32 23 - 49 40 14 1l 34 29 410 56 -18 53 24 31

478 777 806 l 676

1 101 663 353 922 - - - -- - - -5 4 11 -5 24 - -

49 - 10 -8 - 8

134 249 43 59 349 351 240 44

6 322 133 17 52 - 5 -15 - - -33 - 11 -17 - - -- - 4 5 - 4 5 -

434 31 16 814

132 130 Ul 5 - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -6 - - -

42 20 4 -27 65 91 -- 22 - -

9 11 5 -28 12 56 5 20 - s -

Utilities ond General

son~ory Wholesale merchandise services trade retailing

6 149 20 143 10 475

428 771 225 29 183 45 - - -

14 74 5 159 130 5 - - -

21 9 -91 - -

8 9 -9 6 -

30 106 5 - - 8

11 31 -11 20 -15 75 53 - 72 -

70 40 -44 22 -15 10 -- - -

19 33 -21 81 84 90 52 25

208 3 107 1 342 5 976 713

203 2 131 6'19 166 l 827 559 15 304 70

9 4 204 4 310

1 050 5 560 2 954 54 805 258 22 59 521 70 59 130 37 463 124 16 599 192 27 357 281

824 3 218 1 448

1 680 1 949 435 5 - -5 11 -5 23 18

32 30 -95 20 -27 4 -

319 638 113 300 682 110 57 159 26 34 30 8

7 9 -12 5 5 92 5 3 - 36 5

110 14 4 637 442 169

260 1 19S 306 - 33 -- - -- 11 -- 10 -- 22 -

40 41 6 92 647 274 16 160 -

9 147 4 84 84 13 19 40 9

Retail trade

Automotive dealers

and Eating and Other Fin once Food gasoline drinking retail and real

stores stations places trade Insurance estate

6 571 6 012 1 310 14 976 s 278 10 826

59 94 132 616 255 512 18 32 27 37 133 208 - - - - - -- - 6 - 19 91

10 5 JO 31 43 29 - - - - - -5 - 10 - 5 8 - - - - - -- - - - 38 5 - - - 10 - 5 5 5 - 21 - 11

- - - - - -- - - - - -

- - - - -27 JO 24 25 37 19

- ll - 4 6 - - - 15 5 17 - - - 5 5 17 - - - 5 - -- - - - - -- 10 - - - 11 4 10 54 66 - 52 - 16 1l 442 14 79

I 063 1 003 950 2 196 510 1 968 161 125 46 431 91 79 902 878 904 1 765 419 1 889 481 577 520 1 076 407 1 748 421 301 384 689 12 141

696 1 295 134 5 258 2 228 1 937

l 916 594 702 2 571 2 181 s 293 132 216 56 448 189 710

1 331 26 396 426 54 147 5 9 - 38 82 T.f7

19 6 62 43 61 433 JO 32 - 146 5 5

226 35 5 149 19 193 270 183 1 321 l 790 3 742

201 l 296 41 1 490 54 235 - - - 5 - -- - - 14 - -- - 4 56 8 56 5 - - 6 - -- - - 20 - -- - 4 - -

67 108 11 173 15 31 41 1 124 6 288 - -5 1 062 - 15 - -- - - 15 - -- - - 5 - -- 12 - 35 - 74 - - - 19 - 8 - - - 1 19 10 - 4 - - 19

95 48 20 843 12 37

977 1 366 97 750 - 23 - - - 12 - -- - - - - -- 11 - 10 - -- 32 - - - -- 5 - - - -- - - 10 - -

912 1 291 77 600 - 5 10 - 20 27 - -14 - - 22 - -26 20 - 35 - 18 15 7 - 34 - -

"' I 0-

"° ~ ,.. ,.,

= z e

0 m

~ ~ m 0

n :I: )>

~ n -I m ~ en =:! n en

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMPHIS, TENN.-All., SMSA- Continued

Total employed-Continued

~~!~tJ~l~:!~~~~~~;=~·~~~========~~====~========= Other transport equipment operatives _________________________ _

lehren, except,,,.------------------------------------­frright, stock, and material handlers-----------------------------

~~~~l~=-~d :.,:~~~s _::::-..=::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::: Not specified laborers----------------------------------------

hrw wotbn-----------------------------------------s ... k. worbn, ltclffl .. priyoto ......... -------------------­

Cleaning service workers ---------------------------------------­Personal service workers----------------------------------------Guards and watchmen ____________________ -----------------------Other service workers, including private household------------------

Female employed-----------------------------------

Pnlesoloool, techlcol, nd kildrod worlien ------------------Accountants _______ -------_______ -------- ___________ ------

f~:~~e~~::C~/i~~nii5t;::::::::::::::::::=::::::=:::::::::::: ~~i~:e:ci~n~rs~~e~~ ~~~~~~·-~~~ !~~~~~~~~=============--=========== Writers. artists, and entertainers ________________________________ _ Other professional. technical, and kindred workers-------------------

llu .. ers ... 1•Wstnton, 1.xc1pt t.1111 -------------------Salaried __ - - ----- ------- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- --Self-employed _ ----- ---- _________ -------------------_____ _

Solos worlien ____________________________________ _

Cleric•I nd kiltlnd worliers -------------------------------Bookkeepers----------- ---- -- ---- - -- ---- -- ----------- -- -- -Cashiers--------------------------------------------

~f:~~~k~~~k-~ :..~~~ -~~ ..:::===========================::::: Office mochine operotors --------------------------------------Boo~k~ping and bil6ng machine operators _______________________ _

Recept1omsts __ ------ ------ ---- ____ ---- __ ------------______ _ Secretories ___ ---- __ ---- ___________________________________ _ Stenographers ______ ------ ______ --- ---- ---_____ ---- __ -----

~rr.~~liriCOliiiid Iind'8d-wofkers-:::::::::::::-_:::=:::==::::=:::::::

Cnlft,.n ... W.dnd worlim ---------------------------Foremen, n.e.c ---- -------------------- __ --------------------- --

Assemble~~~~-:~~~_'._":'_::=:::::::=:::::-_:::::::=::::::: Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing _______________ _ Packers and wrappers, except meat and produce ------------------­Other operatives, except transport --------------------------------

Tru1port •ipa•t opemwu ____________________ _

b&onrs, 1xcept l•m ----------------------------------Firm worken _________________ ---- __ ---- ------ ______ _

S...lce worbn, ltdfflat prfnlt •n .... W -----------------­Cleaning service workers ------------------------------------­Personal service workers------------------------------------Other urvice workers, including private household ______________ _

[Doto based on sample, see text, For meaning of symbols, set trxt]

Railroads Trucki~g ond service

roilwoy and Other express ware- tronspor· Comm uni-service housing tat ion cations

773 3 240 I 157 s - 89 5 -

42 3 012 43 5 731 139 l 109 -292 122 97 12 63 727 66 6 38 37 17 6

158 31 - -33 27 14 -

- - - -47 163 349 60 23 107 53 33 - 16 188

14 25 28 II 10 15 80 16

ISO 715 719 l 902

- 23 17 83 - 17 - 24 - 6 - 5 - - - -- - - -- - -- - - 28 - - 17 26

5 24 29 29 5 20 25 29 - 4 4 -- 4 a -

115 544 312 1 730 - 77 16 38 5 49 10 6 - 4 - 22 - 3 - -

11 - 11 34 - - 5 -- 10 10 4

17 99 62 44 16 - - 23 12 72 14 113 54 230 189 1 446

14 - 5 40 - - 5 6

- 24 6 -- - - -- - - -- 24 6 -- - - -

10 21 124 -- 53 - -- - - -6 22 218 20 - 19 19 4 - 3 136 -6 - 63 16

Utilities ond

sanitary services

818 -

296 522

1 546 789 546 140 71

-ISO 75

6 24 45


55 5 9 -4 -

11 26

11 II --

613 40 22 10 5

31 -

15 81 25 SI


20 6




-35 26 -9


General Wholesale merchandise

trade retailing

I 692 147 590 75 824 47 278 25

1 345 363 I 022 343

108 5 49 4

166 11

- -320 393 201 114

14 72 24 21 81 186

5 052 6 112

100 ID 46 12 16 -5 -- 10 4 -

17 24 12 34

217 424 207 402

10 22

273 3 274

3 69' 2 310 657 252 49 489 86 228

131 83 381 106 28 11 67 -

1 077 136 62 5

200 110 989 971

75 100 30 41

339 227 10 -- -

108 88 221 139

49 -195 41

- -105 286 55 49 5 72

45 165

Retail !rode

Automotive dealers

and Eating ond Other finance Food gasoline drinking retail and reol

stores stations places trade Insurance es fate

169 184 64 480 5 25 91 48 38 169 - -43 97 14 192 5 15 35 39 12 119 - 10

I 303 121 10 500 5 144 1 281 21 5 199 - 11

22 59 - 239 s 107 - - - 10 - 5 - 41 5 52 - 21

- - - - - -180 59 5 180 1 115 40 689 56 41 127 195 30 427 4 - 69 28 10 54 9 4 5 25 - 76

111 14 4 979 867 - 132

2 087 557 5 040 7 020 2 305 s 545

6 10 47 147 57 111 - 5 10 16 38 53 - - - - 10 28 - - - - - -- - 6 - 5 -- - - - - 6 - - 12 30 - 5 6 5 19 101 4 19

211 44 304 634 75 287 131 25 167 422 75 259 80 19 137 212 - 28

350 35 92 2 679 226 598

1 090 387 621 2 046 1 198 4 290 111 178 51 417 183 614 825 14 358 408 48 138 - - 4 10 4 16

11 4 16 28 & 113 16 6 53 39 53 282 - - 5 4 12 85 - 5 - 6 24 57

38 70 58 325 679 830 - - 5 5 17 41 7 5 10 46 370 283

82 105 66 762 460 I 916

48 25 9 269 17 19 - 5 - 31 11 9

212 17 65 426 - 5 - - - 12 - -- - - - - -

38 - 32 34 - -174 17 33 380 - 5

5 - 13 4 - 6

81 13 - 13 - 3

- - - - - -84 26 3 819 732 32 226 11 17 40 102 25 158 4 - 32 28 7 24

69 9 3 817 &2 - 44

0 m

~ ,....... m 0

l""'l :::c )>

~ l""'l -t m !:!:! (I')

::::! ('") (I')

~ "" ~ UI

I °' "° w

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMPHIS, TENN.-All., SMSA Total .. p1oyu ___________________________________ _

PmnllioMI, ..... IHI, •• ldoln4 worbn ----------------Accountants ---- _ ---- _________ ---- ---- ______ ------_______ _ Architects ____________________________________________ _

Computer specialists------------------------------------------

Ent::-"icoL-==..-=::::::-_-=::=:=..-::::::::::=::=:::-..::::=::::::=:::-_:::: Civi1-----------------------------------------------Electricol and electronic _______ -----------------------------Industrial -------------------------------------------Mechanical __ ----------------------------------- _____ _ .Other engineers -----------------------------------

~~~:~;~~~~~~~===========-~==================== Personnel and labor relations workers __________________________ _

Social scientists ------ -------------------------- ------ -------Engineering and science technicians __________________________ _ Draftsmen _____________ --------------___ ----______ ---- __ Electrical and electronic engineerinv technicians ___________________ _ Industrial and mechanical engineering technicians----------------

Technicians, except health, and engineering and science--------------­Writers, artists, and entertainers-----------------------------­Other professional. technical, and kindred workers--------------

••lftn td n.W.1r11tn, except'- ---------------­Buyers, purchasing agents, and soles managers -------------------­Other managers and administrators --------------------------Salaried ____________________________________________ _

Self-employed ---- - ----- -- -- - -------- - ---- -- ------ ------~ ...... _______________________________ _ Cleriul ... klMiff ••rbn -----------------------

~~:!p~:::====---=====---====--==--==----==------======----= Estimators and investigators, n.e.c --------------------­Office machine operators ------------------------------------­Shipping and receiving clerks------------------------------­Stock clerks and storekeepers--------------------------------­Other clerical and kindred workers----------------------------

Cnitts.n u• klHntl w..ten ------------------------­Blacksmiths, forgemen, hommermen, and boilermakers---------------Brickmasons and stonemasons ________ --------------------------Carpenters------------------------------------------------Cronemen, derrickmen, ond hoistmen --------------------------Electricians----------------------------------------Excavating, grading, and rood machine operators-----------------Foremen, n..e .. t------------------------------------------MA:;:,n::bH:~ :cf:d~~ebody::--======--==--=====--====---===== Machinists, jab setters, and toolmakers-------------------Metal craftsmen. except mechanics and machinists ______________ _ Pointers, construction and maintenance, and plasterers and paperhangers.

~::,rs;o'Ws~:~~~========================== Stationary engineers and power station operators _____________ _ Other craftsmen and kindred workers ____________________ _

Assemble~~..:_~'_!-~~_:::::::::::-..::==..-=:::::_-_:-_::: Checkers. examiners, and inspec_for.s; manufacturing _____________ _ Filers, pofishers, sanders, and buffen-----------------------­Pointers, manufactured articles------------------------------­Precision machine operotivei ------------------------... ------Welders ond flamecutten------------------------------Other specified operoti•e•----------------------------------Mochine operatives, miscellaneous specified _____________________ _ Machine operatives, not specified -·------------------------M~effoneous operatives ............ --------------------------Not specified operotives --------------------------------

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols. see text]


Hotels personal services,

and including Business Repair lodging private services services places household

5 145 4 210 3 616 17 700

915 141 319 252 146 - 96 -

- - - -67 5 - -83 20 25 -- - - -34 - - -16 9 lS -21 - - -- 6 - -12 5 10 -- - JO -

12 - - -12 - - -

142 5 31 4 22 - 12 -

158 14 5 5 so 9 s 5 25 s - -- - - -- 6 - 33

226 4 86 118 S9 94 54 92

629 365 427 396 47 2S 17 -

582 340 410 396 476 232 366 263 106 108 44 133

357 118 75 141

l 856 504 l 054 919 197 109 138 66 lS 52 91 44

152 13 16 3 116 s S4 -26 6 15 19 31 13 11 -

1 319 306 729 787

333 2 075 105 324 5 8 - -- - - -

22 5 21 5 19 - - -5 - 5 -4 - - -

33 52 13 47 87 l 660 5 37 9 988 - 19 - 29 - 6

12 - - -4 2S - 17

12 - 14 -15 - 10 -- - 5 4

115 296 32 208

286 460 87 1 618 6 5 - 8 - - - -- 9 - -- 43 - -- 29 - -- 129 - -

105 127 82 1 547 II 21 - 32 24 - s 5

140 86 10 - 11 - 16


Entertain· Health ment and services,

recreation except services Hospitals hospitals

l 957 12 993 5 2l7

442 4 391 2 306 - 65 -- - 5 - 10 4 - 18 8 - - -- 5 -- - -- 5 8 - - -- 8 -- - -- 31 9 - 14 -

11 15 JO - 48 -- 46 16 - - -- - -- -6 - -

274 12 10 1S1 4 146 2 244

183 213 112 s 28 -

178 l8S 112 140 18S 108 38 - 4

18 17 19

299 2 120 l 120 35 77 228 72 88 7 - IS 4 - S9 -s 14 9 8 97 -

179 I 770 872

84 333 141 - 6 -- - -- 31 -- - -4 18 -- - -- 16 5

16 60 7 - - -- 6 -- - -6 42 -- 33 -- 29 10 5 48 11

53 44 108

53 249 50 - - -- - -- - 7 - - -- - -- - -

43 210 30 6 10 -- 4 -- 13 13 4 12 -

Welfare, religious, Other

and nonprofit professional Educational Educational membership and Public

services, services. organt-- reloted ad minis· government private zations services !ration

15 776 4 425 4 389 1 150 14 90I

10 051 2 255 1 761 3 941 l 916 40 18 6 602 180 - 4 - 133 6

55 - - 42 79 25 5 25 321 227 - - - 12 -5 - 8 157 75 s - 12 SS 29 5 - - 18 6S - s - 18 24

JO - 5 61 34

5 - - - JO 41 5 s 12 33 13 - s 12 6 31 9 34 9 200 38 - 19 15 52 45 10 - 390 136 - - - 30S 24 6 - - - 41 - - 4 6 - 13 7 467

45 21 189 213 74 9 727 2 183 1477 2 197 4S2

691 304 363 209 l 195 6 6 6 - 8S

68S 298 3S7 209 1 110 685 248 357 178 I 110

- so - 31 -19 26 74 69 43

2 OIO 562 l 128 l 504 5 289 56 30 61 189 168

211 33 21 s 39 - - - 7 112

32 32 14 98 115 - - - 5 131

56 6 6 - 212 I 725 461 1 026 1 200 4 512

396 51 131 125 887 - - - - -s - - - -

4S - 13 - 39 - - 5 - 5

35 6 29 - 45 - - - - 'J!J

61 6 5 - 189 36 18 28 21 269 4 - 5 5 54 - - - - 28

10 6 - - 5 46 - - - 78 37 - 5 - 35 18 5 13 5 31 58 - - 4 35 45 10 33 95 99

45 45 24 129 451 - - 5 10 5 - - - - -- - - 7 -- - - - 4 - - - - -7 - - - -

21 24 14 102 315 5 - - 10 32 4 - - - 17 8 21 5 - 67 - - - - 11

"' f °" : .. ,. i E

0 m -f

~ ,..... m 0

n :::c )>

~ n -f m ~ en :::! n en

Table 180. Occupation of Employed Persons by Industry Group and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Tetal -ployed,- Continued

?;::1:l'!~~~~~~;:;=~~=-=-==-=================== Other transport equipment operatives ___ ---- __ ----------- ------ _

laHran, except f•,. ----------------------------------Freight, stock, and material handlers ___________________________ _

2::~.:.~d1o"::~-======--===--========================= Nol specified laborers--------------------------------------------

"""" worbn ---- ---- __ -- ____ -- ------ - ---- -- - ---- ---- --

Senlce ................ , ....... " .... "'----------------­Cleaning serv'ice workers ----------------------------­Personal service workers ----------------------------------­Guards and watchmen-------------------------------­Other service workers, including private household------------------

Female employed ___________________________________ _

Pmos...,ol, tedielcol, nd ""'*" worbn ----------------Accountants-------------------------------------------

f::::~~e~~r.~~r'i:~~~ti;t;:::::::::::==========---================ ~~rs'ci~.::r~~e:~ie!~~~·-~~~~~~~~~======================== Writers, artists, and entertainers ________________ ---------------Other professional, technical, and kindred workers----------------

Mu1ten ud ••lllsi.oton, '""pt 1 ... -------------------Safaried __ ----- -- __ ------- -- ---- ---- -- - ------------------ -Self-employed_------ __ ----_------------____ ---- -- ____ -----

Sales wod<en_ -------- ---- ________ ---- __ ---- _ ---- _

Clerico!""" klllllred ........ ------------------------------

~t~~~~==--=======--=================--=================== ~~:k;~k..5.'.:~:~~~~~-====================================== Office machine operators------------------------------------

Bookkeeping ond billing machine operators-----------------------­Receptionists --------------------------------------------Secretaries _ ---- __ ---- ________ ------ -----____ ------_____ _

~~E~{~~;~~=~i~~=;~~;;.=~=~~::::=::::=-===::=:=:::::::: Cnrfts•n u• ldlllln4 wod<en---------------------------

Foremen, n.e.c -----------------------------------------

o,.mi. ... excopt _,,.,. ----------------------·------Assemblers __________________________________________ _ Checkers, examiners, ond inspectors; manufacturing ______________ _ Packers ond wrappers. except meat and produce ---------------­Other operatives, except transport---------------------------

,....,.,. .......... , ........ -----------------------LGINren, exupt fan1 ----------------------------------

fa• .... •n--------------------------------------Sonlco w..Un, lodHIOf prlwoto h1 .... W ------------------­

Cleaning service workers -----------------------------------­Personal service workers---------------------------------------Other service workers, including private hou11hofd ______________ _

!Data ba11d on 1omple, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Other personal

Hotels services, and including

Business Repair lodging private services services places household

120 233 18 352 61 16 14 222 53 108 4 56

6 109 - 74

72 152 37 647 4 23 5 117

22 119 10 448 13 - - 4 33 10 22 78

- - - -577 155 1 564 ll 044 296 28 780 155

4 25 254 2 662 201 15 6 26 76 87 524 JO 201

2 329 727 2 209 14 500

300 31 98 106 84 - 21 -10 - - -6 - - -

22 - 6 49 - - - -

47 - 36 25 131 31 35 32

96 24 11 71 92 14 70 58 4 10 11 20

103 21 29 101

1 519 352 784 833 197 90 114 60 15 27 91 44 20 5 135 346 58 5 lD 8 95 5 25 -

5 5 - -44 11 40 80

414 73 195 48 46 - - -

202 21 15 24 428 115 159 223

19 122 6 75 9 4 - 14

74 54 73 1 319 - - - 8 - - - -

25 - - 18 49 54 73 1 293

5 10 - 10

19 46 - 147

- - - -194 67 1 138 11 831 151 12 629 103

4 16 172 1 845 39 39 337 9 883

1970- Continued

Enterto"1-men! and recreation

services Hospitals

47 40 4 4

22 8 21 28

139 115 - Bl

111 24 7 3

21 7

- -622 5 515 134 883 196 127 20 32

272 4 473

673 9 572

133 3 189 - 18 - 5 - JO - 2 164 - 14

44 5 89 973

35 83 29 83

6 -44 13

232 1 888 35 72 48 78 - 3 - 68 - 48 - 8 4 153

77 582 - 20

19 255 49 609

4 45 - 10

23 183 - -- -- -

23 183

12 -7 63

- -183 4 108 57 497 35 111 91 3 500

Welfare, religious, Other

Health ond nonprofit professional services, Educational Educational member.hip and Pu bric

except services~ services, orgont- reloted adminis~ hospitals government private zations services tration

20 42 6 10 48 486 13 20 - - 10 17 - 11 - 4 - 250 7 11 6 6 38 219

13 69 27 69 18 767

- 9 15 10 - 613 4 51 12 25 18 116 - - - 18 - 5 9 9 - 16 - 33

- - - - - -1 436 2 376 1 149 822 1 107 3 874

172 l 088 487 349 35 233 58 139 236 338 - 56 9 52 30 5 9 169

1 197 1 097 396 130 1 063 3 416

3 488 11 056 3 120 2 299 3 670 3 716

955 7 137 1 635 612 1 270 391 - 5 5 - 96 63 - 18 - - 5 32 - 18 5 - - -

593 83 15 28 8 16 - 28 - 4 - 6 5 7 13 104 75 20

357 6 978 1 597 476 1 086 254

70 338 134 66 74 137 70 338 115 66 56 137 - - 19 - 18 -• 5 4 25 12 17

1 076 1 816 493 1 059 1 373 2 387 214 56 25 61 147 96

1 207 33 21 5 29 - 5 - 3 5 4

17 36 15 22 1 97 - 32 32 JO 78 68 - - 12 - - 5

219 25 5 23 11 32 451 763 204 612 633 363

11 5 - 2 13 90 50 202 41 158 32 455

107 485 138 147 442 1 153

34 36 11 5 11 11 - 6 6 - - -

16 11 22 5 77 46 - - - - 10 -- - - - - -- - - - 5 21

16 11 22 5 62 25

5 - - - 5 4

4 4 5 18 4 134

- - - - - -1 320 1 709 816 509 844 512

123 555 257 115 20 60 47 116 187 291 - 19

1 ISO 1 038 372 103 824 503

0 m

~ r­m 0

n :c )>

~ n -I m ~ (I)

~ n (I)

= ~ "' l:

"' I 0-

"° "'

Tobie 181. Occupation of Employed Negroes by Major Industry: 1970 [Data based on sample, see t .. t. For meaning of symbols, see text]


The State

Total .. ployed-------------------------Prolu.._J, tedool<lll, -~Ida~ wlfifls ______ _


w!~~~~l!r~~~~~~~==~===================== Social scientists ---------------------------------Engineering and science technk:ions ------------------­Technicians, except health, and engineering and science --­Writers, artists, and entertainers -- ------- __ ---- _ ---­Otlter professional, technical. and kindred workers -------

M1Ufen old ••lolstnton, •• .. pt,.,. ________ _ Buyers, purchasing agents, and sales managers_ ________ _ Other· managers and administrators ___________________ _

Salaried--------------------------------------_ Self-employed-----------------------------------

Salos worl:on ________________________ _

Clericol ud tlatlrod worbn _______________ _

Bookkeepers_-------------------------Cashiers and receptionists-------------------Office machine operators ___________________ _

Secretaries, steno9raphers, and typists--------------­Shipping and stack clerks------------------Other clerical and kindred workers _________________ _

Cnftsau 11d klatlro4 werl:on ----------------­Blacksmiths, forgemen, hammermen, and bailermaker•----Carpenters _____________________________ _

Construction craftsmen, except carpenters -------__ Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen ______________ _

Foremen,-n.e.c -----------------------Mechanics and repairmen--------------

Automobile, including body-------------------Machinists, job setters, and toolmakers ___________ _ Metal craftsmen, .. cept mechanics and mochinists _____ _ Printing craftsmen-------------------------------­Other craftsmen and kindred workers------------------

Assemble~~:-·~~~~~-====:::::::::_--::::: Checkers, examiners, anil inspectors, manufacturing ____ _ Precision machine operotives.----------------------­Welders and flamecutters -------------------------Other operatives, except transport ___________________ _

y,_lport .ipmHt tponmrH --------------

~::1:rv~~O~~~~~~:--====-~================= Other transport equipment operatives-----------------

.... ,.,., ox .. pt ,.,. __________________ _

Freight, stock, and material handler•----------------

Fara worten -------------------------

Soniu w1rbn, .. ..,t priYote ..... Hiii _______ _ Cleaning service workers_ _______________________ _ Food service workers------------------------­Persanal service workers----------------------Guards and watchmen ____________________________ _ Other service workers, except private household workers ....

Priwmt• itOlfHNlcl .... .,, __ : ___________ _

Negroes 16 years old

and over

16 509

5 164 58 31 56

700 22

119 39 80

4 759

1 611 49

l 562 944 618

I 089

3 798 90

274 77

835 730

l 792

6 264 15

750 1 504

91 428

1 688 838 258

81 67

I 382

17 526 1 690

517 195 508

14 616

4 604 652

2 333 1 619

10 201 3 006

7 917

16 714 6 201 5 239 1 265

17l 3 838

10 921

Agriculture, forestry,

and fi5heries

• 839

32 ------4 5



11 5 ---6 -

69 -8 9 --

25 11 11 --


185 ---

10 175

136 -

97 39

391 11

7 917

92 56 17 -9



Nondurable goods,


Durable not specified

manufac-Mining Construction goods tu ring

331 3 676 15 416 8 579

5 21 59 16 5 3 10 -- 4 - 4 - - 11 22 - - - -- - - -- 4 15 38 - - - 3 - - 5 5 - 10 18 14

I 85 71 14 4 - - -4 85 71 14 - 42 26 9 4 43 45 5

- 15 15 38

11 24 316 289 - 6 - -- - 4 -- - - 4 - 7 33 32 - 5 174 129

JI 6 105 124

69 I 674 1 569 563 - 3 8 -- 571 63 7

29 an 264 49 5 14 53 -4 23 148 129

18 18 187 118 - 5 B 21 - - 169 17 - - 78 -7 - 5 52 6 168 594 191

145 191 8 351 5 346 - 5 1 429 203 - - 323 194 - 4 168 10 - 46 323 14

145 136 6 108 4 925

20 188 949 580 4 3 22 70

10 169 477 275 6 16 450 235

73 1 366 3 419 1 117 36 26 1 268 500

- - - -- 112 667 476 - 52 490 383 - 15 50 22 - - 10 14 - 3 53 13 - 42 64 44

- - - -


comm uni-cations, and other public


4 480

65 11 14 5 4 -

10 --


29 -

29 19 10


356 -

10 5

15 66


580 --

91 -

58 242

63 53 --


365 5 --

29 331

1 305 38

646 621

1 417 502

-359 237

31 42 34 15


fnh!rfain· finance, insurance, Business ment ond Professional Public

Wholesale Re toil ond and repair Personal recreation and related odminis-trade trade real estate services services services services !ration

1 738 8 475 950 1 137 15 404 557 15 012 I 915

JI 22 13 40 40 14 5 279 in - - - 7 - - 18 4 - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - - 18 -- 4 - - 8 - 680 4 - - - - - - 7 15 - 5 - 9 - - 32 6 - - - - 13 - 14 5 - 5 5 7 8 - 36 4 fl 8 8 17 11 14 4 474 130

45 610 36 10 149 30 367 87 4 41 - - - - - -

41 639 36 JO 149 30 367 87 19 216 32 - 112 19 363 87 22 423 4 10 37 11 4 -32 891 73 6 9 - - -

162 504 239 50 146 28 1 005 657 5 23 5 4 14 - 15 13 2 168 - - 5 14 46 25 - 5 26 11 - - 11 15

25 11 75 21 46 7 426 137 87 183 7 - 21 - 17 35 43 114 126 14 60 7 490 432

129 652 30 515 100 19 181 114 - - - 4 - - - -- 28 11 - 27 - 35 -4 42 15 12 22 7 59 24

11 8 - - - - - -12 18 - - 6 - 17 13 68 456 - 454 12 6 40 44 25 332 - 350 - - 19 4 - 5 - 3 - - - -- - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - 3

34 95 4 42 33 6 30 27

448 920 12 163 1 080 6 269 45 6 26 - 6 10 - - -- - - - - - - -7 - - 6 - - - -

24 15 - 27 - - 20 -411 879 12 124 1 070 6 249 45

483 713 24 37 79 - 47 43 137 357 - - 15 - 6 -322 242 13 12 14 - 13 43 24 114 11 25 50 - 28 -

302 662 66 151 647 64 205 251 159 376 5 8 26 - 36 53

- - - - - - - -126 3 431 457 165 2 233 396 7 659 541

62 582 391 141 845 126 2 549 287 18 2 561 19 4 403 151 1 915 33 12 - 11 - 746 27 367 36 5 - 5 10 - 5 6 28

29 288 31 JO 239 87 2 822 157

- - - - 10 921 - - -

"' Table 182. Occupation of Employed Persons of Spanish Language by Maior Industry: 1970 I 0- [Data based an •ample, He text. For meaning of symbols. see text]

"° 0-Manufacturing ,.. ,., Nondurable Transpar-

:Ill!: The State Persons. of goods, talion, > Spanish includi~ comm uni- Finance. Entertain-z language, Agriculture, not specifi cations, and insurance, Business ment and Professional Public

"' 16 years aid forestry, Ou rob le monufac~ other public Wholesale Retail and and repair Personal recreation and related adminis-> "' and oYer and fi•herie• Mining Con•truction goods turing utilities tr ode trade real estate servsces services services services tration

Total employed--------------------------- 2 746 301 - 160 411 282 155 86 355 129 17 107 34 534 105

Prefenil•al, tachkal, aU kildred werbn ________ 313 - - - 9 24 14 6 - 14 - 8 27 273

Accountants __ -------------------- -------- ---- _____ - - - - - - -

!~:~;~~~=f.·~~~~~~~========================== 33 - - - 9 10 14 6 - - - - 6 -

72 - - - - - - - - - - 8 - 64

Social scientists ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Engineering and science technicians-------------------- 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Technicion5, except health, and engineering and science __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Writers, ortisls, ond entertainers _____________________ 36 - - - - 8 - - - 8 - - 13 7 Other professional, technical, and kindred workers __ ---- _ 225 - - - - - - 6 - 6 - - 14 191

Mn•1ers •ad 1 .. ilistraton, axcept f1n1 _________ 276 - - 18 41 19 27 ti ao 30 a 12 - ~I 23

Buliers, purchasing agents, ond sales managers __________ 42 - - - 20 6 - - 16 - - - - -Ot er managers and administrators __________________ 234 - - 18 28 13 27 11 64 30 8 12 - 23

Salaried--------_-------------- ____ ---------- ___ 170 - - 6 21 13 27 11 46 23 - - - 23 Self-employed------------------------------------ 64 - - 12 7 - - - 18 7 8 12

s•1 worti:en _____________________________ 153 - - - 5 10 - 31 66 41

c1er1 .. 1 ... ltlHre• worton _________________ 345 7 - - 14 25 19 14 20 37 29 14 - 120 I 46

Bookkeepers __ -------------- -------- ---------- _ 49 - - - 8 - - - - 18 - - - 23 Cashiers and receptionists __________________________ 54 - - - - - - - 20 - 6 7 - 21 Office machine operators ________________________ 12 - - - 6 - - - - 6 - - -Secretaries, sten~rapher5, and typists ________________ 99 7 - - - - 12 14 - - - - - s: I 11

~~w:,.i~Y.~~~1 ·:~d kf~~~~ ;-.-,:-k•,.============--===== 12 - - - - 6 - - - - - - - 6

119 - - - - 19 7 - - 13 23 7 - 21 29

Ctaft1mea u4 kWlre4 warken ---------------- 374 - - 96 79 58 45 7 4' - 26 Blacksmiths, furgemen, hommermen, and boilermakers ____ - - - -Carpenters •. ______ ----------- ____ -------- ____ 16 - - 16 Construction craftsmen, except carpenters-------------- 52 - - 37 - 15 Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen _________________ - - - - - -Foremen, n.e.c ---------------------------------- 91 - - 17 35 14

1~ I ~I 18

Mechanics and refioirmen ------------------------- 125 - - 14 26 7 2~ I :::I 2~ I :::I =I g I 7 Automobile, inc uding body------------------- 32 - - - - - 7

Machini515, job sellers, and loolmokers ________________ 12 - - - 4 - 8 Metal craftsmen, except mechanics and mochinists ------- 6 - - - - - 6 Printing craftsmen--------------------------------- 7 - - - - 7 -Other craftsmen and kindred workers------------------ 65 - - 12 14 15 24

Opentiwu, except tro11port ------------------- 374 6 - 13 209 88 -' -' 91 -I u I 1 I -I 29 Assemblers _ ------- ___ -------------- ------------ 54 - - - 41 13 Checkers, examiners, and inspectors; manufacturing ______ 14 - - - 6 8 Precision machine operatives _____________________ ---- 13 - - - 13 -Welders ond flamecutters --------------------------- 38 - - 6 17 - - - 91 :::I 13 I 71 :::I

15 Other operatives, except transport _____________________ 255 6 - 7 132 67 - - 14

Tno.,.,i ·~•lpme1t opentlns ----------------- 92 - - 10 18 - 22 17 15

Deftvei;i:men and routemen -------------------------- 30 - - - 6 - 7 17 -Truck rivers ----------------------------------- 55 - - 10 22 - 15 - 8 Other transport equipment operatives------------------ 7 - - - - - - - 7

Lllltonn, exupt •------------------------ 159 21 - 23 13 40 13 - 26

0 Freight, slack, and maleriol handler•----------------- 43 - - - 6 10 7 - 20

m -I )>

Fone wotbn ------- ------ __ ---- -------- ___ 261 261

.- SerYke wori:ers, except prfwote h11seh.W -------- 307 6 - - 6 18 15 - 91 7 4 35 - 104 I 21 m Cleaning service workers---------------------------- 40 6 - - 6 9 15 - - - - 4 0 - -

Food seTYice workers.------------------------------- 109 - - - - - - - 82 - - - - 27 .., Personal service workers _____________________________ 55 - - - - - - - - 7 - 35 - 13

::c Guards ond watchmen----------------------------- 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 - -)> Other service workers, except private household workers __ 99 - - - - 9 - - 9 - - - - 60 I 21

~ Pri••I• •HseltoW worten -------------------- 22 - - - - - - - - - - 22 ("') -I m ~ (./)

-I ;:::;; (./)


Table 183. Detailed Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force and Employed Persons, by Sex: 1970 and 1960

The State

Totol __________________ ------------ ------ ________ _ -A9rk•hore, f-llTy, Hd fll""'"I ---·····•·•·••··••·-··· -

Agricultural production __ ------ ____ ------ __ ---- ------ ------ __ _ ---Agricultural services, except horticultural. ••••• _________________ _ Horticultural services -- -----------------------------------.. __ Forestry--------------------------------------------------_ -Fisheries __ ........ ---- .................... ---- ........ __ ................. -------- ____ .. -Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries- ollocoted ___________________ _ -

Mlolot •• -- -- -- -- ______ •• __ •••••• ··----__ ------•••• _ ---t:~1~r~~~g_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ---

Crude petroleum and natural gas extractions ........................................ .. Nonmetallic mining and quarrying, except fuel. __________________ _

Mining- allocated ------------ -------------------------------

CH1tn1etloe •••••• -- •••• ---- •••• --------•••••••••••• ----

Generol building contractors __ ---- __________ ---- __ •• _________ _ General contractors, except bu~ding __ --------------------------Special trade contractors .......................................................................... .. Nat specified construction __ ------ __ -------------- -------------Construction - allocated .......................................................... _________ _ -

Mu1fac ....... ______________________________________ _ -11.rUlo ...... -------------------------------------------Lumber and wood products, except furniture. ___________________ _

logging •••• -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- •• -- -- -- --Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork -------------------------Miscellaneous wood products ................ -----------------------

furniture and fixtures ............ ------------ ____ ,. _____ -- .. ------- __ Slane, clay, and glass praducts-------------------------------­

Gloss and glass products----------------------------------­Cementf concrete, gypsum, and ploster products ---------------Structural cloy products. _______ ----------------------------Pottery and related products ______ ------ ______ •. __ ------ ___ _ Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral and stone products-..----------

Metal industries •• __________ •• ______________________ ------ __ •

Primary metol industries -----------------------------------Blost furnaces, steelworks, rolling and finishing mills _________ _ Other primary iron and steel industries --------------------­Primary aluminum industries-----------------------------­Other primary nonferrous industries---------------------- --

Fabricated metal industries ---------------.. ----------------­Cutlery, hondtools, and other hardware--------------------­Fabricated structural metal products -----------------------Screw·machine products .... __ ..... __ ---- __ ........ ____ ---------- __ Metal stomping ____ ------ ---- ---------------------------Miscellaneous fabricated metal products -------------------­Not specified metal Industries-----------------------------

Machinery, except electrical.. •• ________ -------------------- ---Engines and turbines ____________ .... ____ ---- ____ -- -- ---- -- -- _ Form machinery and equir.ment------------------------------Canstruction and moterio ·handling machines ______ ---------- ---Metalworking machinery ---- __ ---- __ -----·---- ---· -- ---- --­Office and occounling machines-----------------------------­Electronic computing equipment •. -- -------------------------­Machinery, except electrical, n.e.c •• -------------------------­Not specified machinery------------------------------------

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies -------------------­Household appliances ---------- -- ------ --·- ---- ---------- -­Radio, television, and communication equipment---------------­Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies, n.e.c ------------­Not specified electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies-------

Tron sportation equipment ____________ -- -- -- .. _ ..... -- -- ......... ---- .... -Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment------------------­Aircraft and parts •. -- ------ -- ------ ---------- ------------ -


------------------------------Ship and boat building and repairing _________________________ _ -

Railroad locomotives and equipment--------------·--------- .. -Mobile dwellings and campers------------------------------­Cycles and miscellaneous transportation equipment -------------

Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ___________ _ Scientific and controlling Instruments------------------------­Optical and health services supplies -------------------------­Photogrophic equipment and supplies-------------------------Watches, clocks, ond clockwork·operated devices ______________ _

---------Nat specified professional equipment -------------------------

Ordnance •• -- __ -- •• __ ---- __ ---- -------- -------- -- -----------Miscellaneous manufacturing industries-------------------------­Manufacturing, durable goods- allocated •.•• ---------------------

Noodoni•tt 1ood1 ------ ---------- __ --·--------------- ---food and kindred products •••• ---------------------------------

Meat products __________ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -------- ---Dairy products .• ______ ---- ______ ---- ______ -- __ ---------- ---Conning and preserving fruits, vegetables, and seafoods----------Grain·mill products ---- ---- ---------------------------------Bakery products __ ----------------------·--------------- --­Confectionery and related products.--------------------------­Beverage Industries •• -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- -Miscellaneous foad preparation and kindred products •••• --------­Not specified food Industries---------------------------------

Tobocca manufactures ---- .... -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- .... -- ........ -------- -­Textile mill products------------------------------------------

Knitting mills---------------------------·---------------· --Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool and knit goods --------­Floor coverings, except hard surface -------------------------­Yarn, thread, ond fabric mills-------------------------------­Miscellaneous textile mill products ----------------------------

Apparel and other fabricated textlle products --------------------­Apparel and accessories -- -- ---- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- --------­Mlscello neous fabricated textile products-------------------- ---


[Data based on sample, see text. For mooning of symbols, see text]


Experienced civilian lobar force Employed

16 yeors old and over 14 years aid and over 14 years old and over

Mole Female Male Female Mole Female

424 607 261 340 428 640 262 914 408 173 246 702

51 872 6 486 48 984 6 145 46 162 5 319 42 718 4 769 43 174 4 837 40 736 4 168 3 161 1 048 3 230 1 048 2 964 965 1 026 87 1 069 87 1 016 87 1 1S3 138 1 153 138 1 lOS 138

3S3 35 358 3S 341 31 3 461 409 ... ... ... . .. 5 033 419 4 832 419 4 561 "" 1 1S5 so 1 155 so 1 146 so

191 9 191 9 172 9 2 258 305 2 258 JOS 2 078 295 1 228 55 l 228 SS l 16S SS

201 - ... ... ... ... 47 236 2 207 43 952 2 140 39 035 1 990

8 680 371 8 687 371 7 841 342 12 324 638 12 331 638 10 750 587 16 341 824 16 365 833 14 979 788 6 569 298 6 569 298 s 46S 273 3 322 76 ... ... ... ...

115 519 66 025 110 655 62 100 105 615 55 907 69 799 t6 263 66 297 24 722 62 193 21 676 20 505 1 633 20 568 1 637 19 448 1 486 5 138 158 5 182 158 4 852 lSO

12 641 1 065 12 653 1 069 11 930 949 2 726 410 2 733 410 2 666 387 6 775 3 002 6 800 3 002 6 496 2 762 3 701 374 3 701 378 3 574 352

708 75 708 7S 696 S9 1 616 101 1 616 101 1 554 95

761 119 761 119 728 115 Sl 22 51 22 51 22

565 57 565 61 54S 61

10 654 1 976 10 675 I 976 10 187 l 771 5 289 481 5 294 481 5 169 465

131 6 131 6 117 6 880 63 880 63 813 58

3 195 329 3 200 329 3 170 318 1 083 83 1 083 83 1 069 83 5 365 1 495 5 381 1 49S s 018 1 306

558 204 563 204 543 194 2 010 454 2 015 454 1 874 364

49 19 49 19 49 19 423 218 429 218 361 177

2 099 553 2 099 553 1 984 515 226 47 226 47 207 37

s 300 1 540 5 306 1 54S 5 138 1 377 5 10 5 10 - -

377 32 377 32 362 26 988 132 994 132 958 118 711 204 711 204 685 189 294 392 294 392 294 372

49 19 49 19 49 14 2 812 737 2 812 742 2 726 644

64 14 64 14 64 14

9 040 8 025 9 049 8 02S 8 652 6 950 l 918 l 179 1 918 I 179 l 838 1 082 2 258 2 637 2 263 2 637 2 098 1 912 4 655 4 059 4 659 4 059 4 513 3 812

209 lSO 209 150 203 144 4 788 1 104 4 788 1 104 4 413 894 1 468 298 1 468 298 1 339 227

371 110 371 110 261 75 1 008 237 1 008 237 954 171

93 - 93 - 93 -1 317 262 1 317 262 l 242 241

531 197 531 197 524 180

l 021 3 445 1 021 3 450 968 3 217 226 352 226 3S2 226 335 161 222 161 222 161 222 459 1 920 459 1 92S 423 1 808 175 944 175 944 158 845 - 7 - 7 - 7

2 494 1 661 2 499 1 669 2 246 1 121 1 884 1 931 1 890 1 936 1 771 1 746 3 637 l 572 ... ... .. . ,. .

45 024 39 263 43 662 36 879 42 078 33 774 15 208 7 737 15 259 7 753 14 559 6 904 5 439 4 403 5 464 4 414 s 133 4 002

930 141 936 146 929 140 2 174 l 934 2 174 1 934 2 052 1 604 2 438 376 2 446 376 2 329 343 l 09Q 412 1 097 412 1 072 367

63 61 63 61 56 52 1 579 245 1 584 245 1 537 231 1 322 105 1 322 105 1 278 105

173 60 173 60 173 60

19 - 19 - 19 -2 155 1 964 2 15S 1 968 2 126 1 904

378 776 378 776 378 770 141 36 141 36 141 36 627 492 627 492 624 469 831 538 831 542 820 523 178 122 178 122 163 106

2 OBS 13 544 2 090 13 571 2 030 12 5S9 1 878 13 150 1 883 13 177 1 827 12 207

207 394 207 394 203 352


Experienced civilian labor farce Employed

14 yeors old and over 14 years old and over

Mole Female Male Female

417 494 182 437 394 139 170 651

97 953 I 121 93 833 6 353 90 179 7 473 86 382 5 814 3 130 413 2 999 321 3 114 106 2 983 82 1 146 106 1 093 106

384 30 376 3(1 ... . .. . .. . .. 5 198 266 4 585 263

778 29 749 29 488 8 31S 8

2 617 197 2 303 194 l 315 32 1 218 32 .. . . .. . .. . ..

40 037 1032 35 505 959 8 766 160 7 773 149 7 041 175 6 244 163

15 698 358 13 922 332 8 532 339 7 566 315 ... ... ... . ..

92 439 29 892 86 374 27 153 56 299 8 510 52 053 7 129 30 831 946 28 909 856 8 833 76 8 242 67

19 106 548 17 889 520 2 892 322 2 778 269 5 821 1 318 5 36S 1 191 4 048 316 3 718 284

990 102 852 86 1 397 41 l 292 37 1 029 128 974 116

57 20 57 20 575 25 543 25

5 382 597 4 577 538 3 003 103 2 384 91

135 4 104 -485 12 398 12 643 3 508 3

1 740 84 1 374 76 2 379 494 2 193 447

369 83 340 74 790 80 721 76 119 27 112 25 229 112 215 102 820 188 769 17()

52 4 36 -2 589 385 2 497 3S3

123 17 119 15 229 25 221 25 301 24 290 22 340 26 327 24 195 128 192 116 26 a 25 8

949 118 913 108 426 39 410 35

2 710 2 020 2 573 1 882 391 145 371 135 727 514 690 479

1 193 1 153 1 133 1 074 399 208 379 194

2 378 259 1 957 239 733 39 618 31 306 24 108 12 486 53 4S2 S3 511 83 466 83 233 30 213 30 109 30 100 30

554 1 320 539 1 286 58 7 53 6 38 8 35 7 4 8 4 8

409 1 292 406 1 261 45 5 41 4

584 135 548 122 1 402 1 214 1 370 1 078

,. . . .. . .. ... 35 908 21 265 34 115 19 223 13 807 5 464 12 867 4 770 3 227 2 470 3 034 2 252 1 730 262 1 690 249 1 538 1 4S5 l 313 1 078 2 090 239 1 967 229 1 837 607 1 792 571

151 40 126 32 1 535 148 1 462 140 1 460 178 1 289 165

239 65 194 54

S8 4 58 4 1 276 1 000 1 235 921

105 241 105 207 200 46 196 42 222 200 222 196 507 492 482 4S5 234 21 230 21

1 234 7 963 1 171 7 131 1 098 7 802 1 053 6 988

136 161 118 143

ARKANSAS 5 - 697

Table 183. Detailed Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force and Employed Persons, by Sex: 1960-Continued

1970 and

The State

M .. •fac1wriot-Contlnued M ................ •-Contlnued

Paper ond allied products. ___ ----------------------------------Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills----------------------------­Miscelloneous paper and pulp products ------------------------Paperboo rd conto iners and boxes __ ---- __ ---- ______ ---- ---- __ _

Printing, publishing, ond allied industries ------------------------­Newspaper publishing and printing---------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries, except newspapers ------

Chemicals and allied products ----------------------------------Industrial chemicals ------ --------------------------------­Plastics, synthetics ond resins, except fibers-------------------


Synthetk: fibers--------------------------------------------Drugs ond medicine.s ,.. _____ -------------------------------- .. -Soaps and cosmetics ...... ----------------------- .. ----------- .. Paints, varnishes, and related products ----------------------­Agricultural chemicals •• - __ -------------------------------­Miscello neous chem leafs -- __ ------ ---- -- ---- -- -- •• -------- -­Not specified chemicals and allied products-·------------------


Petroleum and cool products-----------------------------------Petroleum refining ____________ ------ ____ ---- __ ------------_ -Miscellaneous petroleum ond coal products---------------------Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ______________________ _ -Rubber products ____ ---- -------- ------------------------ __ -Miscello neous plastic products ____ -- ______ ·--- ____ ---- ______ _ -

Leather ond leather products -- ------ -------------- -------- ___ _ Tanned, curried, and finished leather ------------------------­Footwear, except rubber -- -- ---- __ -- -----------------------­Leather products, except footwear---------------------------

Manufacturing, nondurable goods - ollocated ____________________ _

Not 1Jetlfio4 a1 .. foc111rio1 IH11trio1 ----------------------

TrwHpertotlH, ce••nkttions, 11cl otlter pvbHc 1tllitles __ ........ Tra1p1rt1tlea ................ ---- ---- -------------------------

Railroads and railway expre$$ service-------------------------­Street railways ond bus lines----------------------------------Toxicab service ------ ------ ------ -- ------------------------ _ Trucking service ---------- -- ---- __ -- ____ --------------------Warehousing and storage-- ...... ------ -- ____ -------------------- _ Water transportation __ ---- -- ------ ---------------------- -- __ Air tronspcrtotion ---- ------ -------- ------------------------ _ Pipelines, except natural gas---------------------------------­Services in.cidental to transportation __ -- ---------------------- --

C•••••k•tlt••-- ------ ------ -- __ ------ ----------------Radio broadcasting and television ____ -- __________ ---- ____ -- .... --Telephone (wire ond radio)-----------------------------------­Telegraph and miscellaneous communication services------------ --

Utlftle1aid11nlteey 1tntkt1 ----------------------------­Electric light and power--------------------------------------Electric-gos utilities ____ ---------------- __ ------------------ __ Gos and steam supply systems--------------------------------Water supply ____ -- -- -------------- ------------ ---- ------ __ _ Sanitary services ____ -------------~---,. ___ ------------------ __ Other and not specilled utilities. ______________________________ _

Tn•aportatiH, CIHtUIUtak•ffoa1, ind 1tt.1r twlllfc utilitit1-affocattd

Wfloltsalo ood 19toD trod•-- •• ------ ______________ ---- __

WHllHle -·------------------ -------- ------------ --Motor vehicles ond equipn1ent--------------------------------­Drugs, chemicals, and allied products--------------------------­Dry goods and oppore1--------------------------------------­Food and related products ---- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- --·- -- ---- -- -­Form products-raw materials--------------------------------Electrical goods ------ ------------ ---------------------------Hardware, plumbing, and healing supplie•----------------------­Not specified electrical and hardware products------------------­Machinery, equipment, and supplies----------------------------Meta Is and minerots~ n.e.c ............. ____ -- ____ ---- ____ .... _________ _

Petroleum products __ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- •• -- ---- -- ---·-- -- -­Scrap and waste moterials------------------------------------Alcoholic beverages •• __ ---- __ -- __ ---- __ ------ __________ ---- --Paper and its products----------------------·----------------lumber and construction materials __ ..... __ ---- ......... ______ ---- -- .... _ Wholesaler., n.e.c __ -------------------- ---------------------Hot specified whole sole trod•-------------------------------- -­Wholesole trade- allocated --------------------------·--------

Roni tntlt -- -----------------------------------------Lumber ond building material retailing----------------·--------­Hordware ond farm equipment stores--------------------·-----­Generol merchandise stores-----------------------------------

Deportment ond moil-order es1ablishments •••.• ---------------­limited-price variety stores ------------------------------ --­Vending machine operotors ------.--------------------.. ------Direct-selling establishments ---- -- -- ____ ---- ---- ---- ---- ___ _ Miscellaneous general merchandise stores .. --------------------

Food stores ------ ____ ------------------------------------ __ Grocery stores __ ---- ____ .,. _______ .. _____ .... -------------- ___ _ Dairy products $fores __ -- .. - .... __ ---- __ -------- ------ ..... -- __ --Retail bakeries ________ ------ __ -------------------- •• -- •• --Food stores, n.e.c -- -------------------------------------- ..



--------------------. -------


Motor vehicle dealers __ --------------------·--·-------------­Tire, battery, ond o<eessory dealers •• -------------------------­Gasoline service stations ---------------------------- ... --.. -----

---5-698 ARKANSAS

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see 1extl


Experienced civllion labor force Employed

16 years old and over 14 years old and over 14 years old ond over

Male Female Male Female Male Female

7 981 1 613 7 993 I 617 1 ass 1 537 5 333 531 s 339 535 5 246 500 1 217 413 1 217 413 1 195 393 1 431 669 I 437 669 I 414 644 4 326 3 050 4 821 3 056 4 704 2 BBB 2 108 1 173 2 598 1 179 2 528 I 151 2 218 1 877 2 223 1 877 2 176 I 737

4 410 1 308 4 410 1 313 4 303 1 216 2 253 289 2 253 289 2 193 253

43 49 43 49 43 38 10 - 10 - 10 -

213 314 213 319 213 319 77 15 77 15 77 9

140 32 140 32 140 32 631 96 631 96 616 96 438 347 438 347 411 3D9 605 166 605 166 600 160

1 257 136 1 257 136 1 200 126 929 121 929 121 897 111 328 15 328 15 303 15

3 288 1 186 3 296 1 192 3 044 1 017 2 759 759 2 767 759 2 546 648

529 427 529 433 498 369 2 359 6 256 2 362 6 273 2 238 5 623

- 5 - 5 - 5 2 294 6 103 2 297 6 120 2 178 5 475

65 148 65 148 60 143 1 936 2 469 ... ... ... ...

696 499 696 499 644 457

35 787 7 247 33 830 6 898 32 609 6 654 21 662 l 931 21 696 1 945 20 786 l 831

7 231 251 7 231 251 7 090 237 2 103 391 2 113 396 2 072 379

639 114 644 114 625 114 8 548 653 8 548 653 B 047 623 1 446 238 1 451 238 1 347 214

687 56 696 65 631 53 643 146 648 146 638 140 137 10 137 10 110 6 228 72 228 72 226 65

3 S08 3 349 3 S12 3 360 3 452 3 263 785 248 789 248 768 242

2 545 3 032 2 545 3 043 2 514 2 952 178 69 178 69 170 69

8 612 1 593 8 622 1 $93 8 371 1 560 4 057 835 4 057 835 3 991 825

488 82 488 82 488 82 1 556 286 1 556 286 1 506 274 1 034 348 1 034 348 1 004 348 1 430 42 1 440 42 1 340 31

47 - 47 - 42 -2 005 374 ... ... ... ...

78 750 S2 886 76 391 49 960 74 097 46 926 19 161 4 435 18 409 4 11S 17 957 3 926 1 690 299 1 690 299 1 637 281

689 223 689 223 665 215 234 134 234 134 224 134

4 856 I 193 4 876 1 193 4 705 1 113 860 193 865 193 837 183 741 174 752 174 736 169 617 129 623 129 623 124

7 - 7 - 7 -2 352 568 2 357 568 2 333 545

347 47 347 47 343 47

I 7ll 317 1 7ll 317 I 704 317 596 38 600 38 576 38 441 90 441 90 438 90 181 45 181 45 174 38

1 023 142 1 023 147 986 141 1 580 424 1 580 424 1 540 401

428 94 433 94 429 90 808 325 ... ... ... ...

$9 589 48 4Sl 57 982 45 84S S6 140 43 000 3 475 641 3 484 641 3 362 622 2 929 681 2 940 681 2 871 655 4 767 9 840 4 827 9 864 4 665 9 308 2 607 5 156 2 624 5 161 2 542 4 892

690 1 590 701 1 598 674 1 449 193 31 198 31 198 31 259 1 322 271 I 322 265 1 254

1 018 1 741 1 033 1 752 986 I 682

11 256 7 056 11 553 7 D98 11 261 6 836 10 236 6 290 10 520 6 320 10 254 6 122

172 82 172 82 172 76 353 452 353 459 342 415 495 232 508 237 493 223

6 867 1 027 6 873 1 037 6 729 1 007 2 275 521 2 279 528 2 190 509 7 842 663 7 954 669 7 599 626


Experienced clvilion labor force Employed

14 years old and over 14 years old and over

Male Female Male Female

5 9n I 228 5 BOO I 143 4 684 317 4 550 297

605 425 590 385 688 486 660 461

4 187 1 43D 4 055 1 376 2 646 756 2 556 740 1 541 674 1 499 636

4 939 524 4 741 503 734 34 705 33 293 40 282 39

16 - 16 -50 4 50 4

504 189 484 179 95 34 86 34

370 9 355 9 459 25 441 24

2 418 189 2 322 181

1 606 76 1 549 76 I 183 62 1 133 62

423 14 416 14 1 D21 392 951 355

909 214 847 193 112 178 104 162

I 803 3 184 1 688 2 9« 14 - 14 -

I 741 3 103 1 626 2 892 48 81 48 52 ... ... ... ...

232 117 206 101

31 449 5 090 29 993 4 817 21 963 1 032 20 708 980

9 464 211 B 968 207 2 691 217 2 663 201

752 40 660 36 6 695 296 6 285 284 1 036 145 902 129

527 44 460 44 3D9 27 302 27 342 9 329 9 147 43 139 43

2 279 2 802 2 246 2 674 542 158 538 150

1 596 2 560 1 576 2 444 141 84 132 BO

7 207 1 2S6 7 039 1 233 2 680 523 2 642 517 I 097 211 1 082 208 1 592 331 1 538 317

884 167 862 167 877 16 842 16 77 8 73 8

. .. . .. .. . . .. 69 220 39 601 66 614 37 206 14 174 2 398 13 661 2 2$7

996 135 978 135 511 144 494 136 219 83 214 79

3 899 599 3 729 530 1 187 205 1 144 192

489 100 478 97 375 77 366 76 72 11 70 11

1 134 221 1 102 213 334 58 320 55

1 586 221 1 550 217 549 18 525 17 454 70 434 66 354 58 338 55 650 67 621 63

l 018 218 972 206 347 113 326 1D9 . .. .. . . .. ...

SS 046 37 203 52 953 34 949 3 7UJ 391 3 "579 386 3 519 477 3 440 465 4 353 8 526 4 2D9 8 036 2 719 5 355 2 631 5 089

564 1 799 543 1 643 139 20 135 19 301 561 291 533 630 791 6D9 752

10 934 5 994 10 562 5 761 9 201 5 139 8 887 4 939

250 127 242 122 256 254 248 244

1 227 474 I 185 456 6 427 533 6 252 500 1 333 190 1 297 179 8 067 433 7 623 393


Table 183. Detailed Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force and Employed Persons, by Sex: 1960-Continued

1970 and

The State

w1oo1 .. o1o ood nttol tntl1- Conllnued Rtttlll tntdo- Continued

Miscellaneous vehicle dealers __ ------ ______ -------- ___________ _ Apparel and accessories stores, except shoe stores---------------Shoe stores ---- -------- ------------------------------------Furniture and home furnishings stores-------------------------­Household appliances, television, ond radio stores ---------------­Ealing and drinking places------------------------------------Drugstores -- ____________________ ---- ____ ---- ------ ________ _


Liquor stores ---------------- -------------------------- -----Form and garden supply stores _______________________________ _ -Jewelry stores---------------------------------------------­

Fuel and ice deolers .•• ---------------------------------------Retoil florists---------------- __ ---------------------- ______ _ Miscellaneous retail stores ______________ ----------------------


Not specified retail trade--------------------------------------Retail trade- allocated -- ------ ------------------------ ------ _ -

flill .. ct, 1'1Hnaate, oil l'ffl 11tote -----------------·------Banking __ -- -- -- -- __ -- -- ________ -- ________ ---- -------- -- __ _ -Cr&dit agencies ________ ------ __ .... ---- __ -------- ______ .... ____ .. -Security, commodity brokerage, and Investment companies ................ .. In suronce __ ............ __ ---- .... ____ .... ______ ................................. _____ _ --Real estate, Including real estate-Insurance-law offices ___________ _ finance, insurance, and real estate-allocated .................................... __

--luslHH ud npolr 1ervkt1 -----------------------------

Business services .... ---------- ... ------------------------- ---- _ -Advertising ________________________ ------·--- ____ ------ __ _ -Services to dwellings and other building•-----------·---------­Commercial research, development, and testing labs ---------- __ ~m~layment and temporary help a_gencies .---------------------

usmess management and consulting services ______ .,. __________ _


Computer programing services ....... ----------------------------Detective and protective services ..... ---- __________ .... __ ---- -- .... Business services, n .e.c __________ ------ __ .... ---- ____ ---- .... __ --

Repair services ---- ------------ .... ---- __ ---- .. --------------- .. -Automobile services, except repair-------.. ------------------­Automobile repair and related services---------------------- __ Electrical repair shop•---- __ ------------------------------ __ Miscellaneous repair services ____ .... ______ ..... __ .... __ .... ---- .......... ..

Business ond repair services- allocated .... ---------------------- .."111I 1enlc••-------- ---- ........ ---------------------


Private households __ -------------------- ------------------ __ Hotels and motels------------------------------------------­Lodging places, except hotels and motels---------------------- __ laundering, cleaning, and other garment services-----------------


Beauty shops -- __________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Borber shops------------------------ -- ---------------------Shoe repair shops-------------------------------------------Dressmaking shops ______________ -- ---------------- ------ -- --Miscellaneous personal services __________ ---- ________________ _ Personal services- allocated .... _____ .,. ____ .... ____ -- ____ -- ---- ----

Eatert•IA•••t ond rotreatfon strvkH---------------------Theaters and motion pictures _____________________________ ,.. ___ _

Bowling alleys, and billiard and pool parlors--------------------­Miscellaneous entertainment and recreation services ------------ -­Entertainment and recreation services-allocated-----------------

ProfHtfoHI aad nleted 1ervk11 ________________________ _

Health services ______ -- -------- __ ---- ------·--- ------ ------ -Offices of physician•-------- ______ •• __ ----------------·--- -Off1<:es of dentists •• -------- ______ -------------------------Offices of chiropractors------------------------------------Hospitals -- ------ ------ -- ---- __ ---- -- ------------ ------ --Convalescent institutions __ -- __________ ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Offices of health practitioners, n.e.c --------------------------H&olth services, n.e.c --------------------------------------

Legal services ........ __ ................. --------------------------------Ed1Jcotianal services ......... ____ .... __ ........ __ _: ___ ..... ---- ......... -------- -

Elementary and secondary schools----------------------·----Government------------------------------------------ -­~m• - --- --------------------

Colleges and universities ____ ------------------------------ --


Government ..... -- -- -- -- -- __ .... __ -- .... __ -- __ ---- ..... -- .......... -- -­~~~ - --- - - - - - - - --- - -------- -

Libraries •• -- -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ ---- -- -- -- --

---Educ:ational services, n.e.c ---------------------------------­

Not specified educational services .... ---- -- .. --- .. - -- -- -- ........ -- ---

Museums, art galleries, and zoos --------------.. ----------.. -- ---Religious organizations __ -- ---- ____ -- -- -- - ............... -- ------ -- -- --Welfare services __ ..... __ ........ ______________ .... __ ......... ____ ........ -- ---Residential welfare facilities-----------------------------------­Nonprofit membership organizations •• ---------------------- -- -­Engineering and architectural services ---- .. ----- .. --------- .... -- -­Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping servic••------------------ -Miscellaneous professional and related services -----------------­Professional and related services- allocated -------------------- --

----Pollllc od•l•latntloo ------------------------------ -- ---

Postal service -- ______ -- -- -- ---- __ ---- -------- -- ---- ---- -- -- -Federol public administrallon -- ---------- ------ -------------- ---State public administration ________________ -------- -- ---- ---- -- -local public administration •• -- __ -------- __ -- -- __ -- ---- ---- -- -- -Public administration- allocated ---------------------- -------- --

UHmplopol pm•••, loot worl<od 1959or1atllor1 ------------l•do•try Ht roporlod• ________________________________ --

•See text for explanation,


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]


Experienced civilian labor farce Employed

16 years old and over 14 years old and over 14 years old and over

Mole Female Mole Female Male Female

524 75 539 75 514 69 921 3 030 945 3 046 934 2 8B7 533 720 543 731 510 673

2 308 826 2 318 832 2 242 801 1 285 565 1 285 sos l 257 527 4 598 13 241 4 876 13 475 4 592 12 214 l 542 2 149 1 579 2 174 l 563 2 057

776 403 782 403 777 389 1 240 334 l 262 334 l 221 315

415 484 426 488 426 447

778 138 778 138 768 132 2B5 698 290 710 265 685

l 67B 1 412 1 720 1 412 1 681 1 350 729 944 729 944 713 891

2 566 3 003 . .. ... ... ... 11 804 11 196 11 362 10 670 11 204 10 286 2 477 4 488 2 477 4 491 2 463 4 362

767 986 767 986 757 957 466 282 466 282 443 267

4 453 3 160 4 468 3 170 4 437 3 051 3 162 1 725 3 184 1 741 3 104 1 649

479 555 ... . .. ... ... 12 277 3 393 11 752 3 192 11 339 3 068 3 041 2 237 3 061 2 251 2 920 2 143

364 96 369 96 366 86 695 154 700 154 667 145

74 43 74 43 63 38 172 311 172 311 167 278 218 361 218 361 209 341 156 74 156 74 150 69 285 29 285 29 255 29

1 077 1 169 l 087 l 183 l 043 1 157

8 650 938 8 691 941 8 419 925 558 157 563 160 527 150

4 861 298 4 887 29B 4 747 292 1 129 147 l 135 147 l 106 147 2 102 336 2 106 336 2 039 336

586 218 ... ... . .. . .. 9 346 31 173 9 028 28 890 8 668 27 194 1 631 15 463 1 72B 15 661 l 624 14 655 1 842 3 413 1 869 3 423 l 769 3 09B

237 632 247 637 214 626 1 698 3 172 l 730 3 172 l 664 3 001

301 4 825 308 4 847 308 4 743 1 790 61 l 814 61 1 792 56

186 24 191 24 186 24 13 395 13 395 9 382

l 128 670 l 128 670 l 102 609 520 2 518 ... . .. ... ...

2 886 1 412 2 757 1 329 2 583 1 220 606 318 614 331 597 321 347 189 358 192 343 176

1 757 787 1 785 806 l 643 723 176 118 ... ... ... ...

36 200 70 295 34 958 66 219 34 474 64 677 8 806 27 478 8 835 27 530 8 710 26 702 l 331 2 417 l 342 2 426 l 337 2 365

586 842 590 842 590 806 74 38 74 38 74 38

4 995 16 851 5 001 16 876 4 923 16 409 712 5 678 712 5 691 693 5 467 197 132 197 132 197 129 911 l 520 919 1 525 896 l 488

l 202 l 080 1 208 l 084 l 204 1 062

17 254 32 126 17 377 32 202 17 157 31 620 10 127 24 770 10 246 24 825 10 145 24 366 8 676 20 172 B 766 20 197 8 687 19 830 l 451 4 598 1 480 4 62B 1 458 4 536 6 463 5 784 6 467 5 795 6 378 5 697 4 743 4 064 4 747 4 069 4 681 3 998 l 720 1 720 1 720 l 726 l 697 l 699

54 620 54 630 54 616 600 952 600 952 570 941

10 - 10 - 10 -62 71 62 71 62 71

3 854 1 602 3 869 1 622 3 834 1 599 646 1 679 664 1 679 659 l 648 55 208 55 208 55 208

839 642 867 647 802 621 1 048 191 1 048 191 l 022 186

776 715 776 715 772 695 192 270 197 270 197 265

l 466 4 233 ... ... ... . .. 17 767 8 127 17 354 7 826 16 677 7 479 4 342 1 168 4 347 l 168 4 311 1 129 5 229 3 137 5 239 3 137 4 702 2 914 2 689 1 586 2 698 l 586 2 669 l 553 5 059 1 930 5 070 l 935 4 995 1 883

448 306 ... ... .. . ... 130 474 ... ... . .. ... ... ... 22 785 17 126 21 149 15 503


Experienced civilian labor farce Employed

14 years old and over 14 years old and over

Mole Femole Male Female

431 47 419 45 734 2 246 700 2 142 564 454 552 445

2 079 609 2 012 571 1 267 352 l 230 323 4 116 12 339 3 842 11 259 l 637 1 773 1 603 1 690

573 305 564 305 609 58 586 55 473 328 465 322

920 107 895 107 308 443 294 439

2 430 1 078 2 337 1 040 512 520 492 486 . .. .. . .. . . ..

9 049 6 633 a 837 6 429 1 365 2 108 l 351 2 057

697 693 690 676 413 159 409 151

4 183 2 250 4 109 2 176 2 391 1 423 2 278 1 369 ... . .. ... . ..

10 525 1 307 10 093 1 246 l 805 868 1 707 823

352 60 344 56 300 64 281 61 288 99 270 94

33 113 30 107 123 83 115 79

9 - 9 -112 11 105 11 588 438 553 415

8 720 439 B 386 423 885 79 848 76

4 329 108 4 149 103 l 571 136 1 519 132 l 935 116 1 870 112 . .. ... . .. . ..

11 461 39 769 10 791 37 245 3 115 27 146 2 739 25 190 2 269 3 222 2 133 3 047

323 670 306 635 2 157 3 691 2 076 3 452

356 3 435 351 3 377 l 773 24 l 751 24

344 33 344 33 13 920 13 901!

l lll 628 1 078 57'1 .. . . .. ... ... 2 610 975 2 404 93-1

729 459 6B2 447 531 85 475 BO

l 350 431 1 247 407 .. . ... ... . .. 23 732 37 489 23 353 36 631 6 434 13 632 6 307 13 1-40 1 186 1 643 l 168 1 558

589 582 581 551 133 56 131 53

3 744 9 096 3 654 8 835 287 l 209 284 1 150 173 92 171 BB 322 954 318 905

l 052 607 l 048 580

9 765 19 907 9 641 19 654 6 075 15 808 6 006 15 609 5 626 13 548 5 567 13 387

449 2 260 439 2 222 3 145 2 533 3 098 2 499 2 056 l 485 2 034 l 468 1 089 1 048 l 064 l 031

109 589 108 582 312 759 307 748 124 218 122 216

82 37 81 36 3 534 1 160 3 495 l 132

541 699 533 680 212 408 209 398 721 432 690 416 701 76 673 76 525 344 m 344 165 187 155 175 . .. ... ... . ..

14 270 5 460 13 628 5 272 3 999 805 3 911 791 4 006 2 492 3 575 2 382 2 215 l 081 2 179 1 050 4 050 l 082 3 963 l 049 .. . ... . .. .. .

. .. ... ... .. . 9 551 6 795 8 829 6 0~4

ARKANSAS 5 - 699

Table 184. Detailed Industry of Employed Persons by Race and Sex: 1970

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

Totol employed, 16 years old and over----------------

Atrlcultur., fonsby, and fisheries --·--- .. ----------------­Agricultural production---- __ ------ __ ------------------------ __ Agricultural services, except horticulturaL .............. -----------------Horticultural services -------------- ---- ------ ...... _____________ _ Forestry---------------- __ ------ .... ________ .,. _______________ .... Fisheries __ -- -- ____ ------ .. _________ .... __ .... ________ .... ------ __ .. ,.. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries-aUocoted ...................... _ .. _______ _

llllltoiag -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- --Metal mining -------- ______ ------ __ ------------ --------------Cool mining ------ .... ------ -----------------------------------Crude petroleum ond noturol gos extractions .......... -----------------Nonmetalltc mining cmd quarrying, except fueL ...... -----------------Mining - allocated-------- __ ----------------------------------

Co11tniic:tio1 ............ -- ---- ------ -------------------- ---General building contractors -----------------------------------General contractors. except building-------------------------- __ _ Special trade contractors--------------------------------------Not specified construction __ -------------------- ------ ------ __ _ Construction- o llocated ______________________ ---- ---- ________ _

M••lilf1c:h.trill1 ---- -- ---- ---------------- ---- -------- --DwnWt 1ootl1 ..... ________ ------ ------------ --------------Lumber and wood products, except furniture _____________________ _

Logging •• -- __________________ ------ ______ ---- ___________ _

Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ------------------------­Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------------

Furniture ond fixtures ____________ ----------------------------Stone, clay, and gloss products-------------------------------­

Glass and gloss products----------------------------------­Cemen1, concrete, gypsum. and plaster products ---------------Structural cloy products __ .,. _______ --------------------------Pottery and related products------------------------------ __ Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral and stone products-----------

Metal industries ________________ -------------------------- __ _ Primary metal industries ------------------ .. ---------------­

Blasl furnaces, steelworks, rolling and finishing mills-------- __ Other primary iron and steel industries ---------------------Primary aluminum industries -- ------ ---- ____ -------- ---- __ Other primary nonferrous industries------------------------

Fabricated metal industries ---------------------------------Cutlery, hondtoals, ond o1her hardware ____________________ _ Fabricated structt1rol metal products-----------------------Screw-machine products ------ ------ -------- ____ -------- _ Metal st om ping ________ ---- ---------------- ---------- __ _ Miscellaneous fabricated metal products-------------------­Not specified metal industries-----------------------------

Machinery, except elec?ricoL .. ____ ------ __ ---- ---- ---- -------- _ Engines and turbines---- __ ---- -- -- ________ -- -- -------------Farm machinery ond equipment__ ___________________________ _

Construction and moteriol-hondling machines------------------Metalworking machinery ---- __ ------------.---- ---------- __ _ Office and accounting mochines-------------~----------------Electronic computing equipment ____ ---------- __ ---------- ___ _ Machinery, except electrical, n.e.C---------------------------­Not spedfied machinerv------------------------------------

Electricol machinery, equipment, and supplies--------------------Household appliances ____ -------- ---- ______ ---- ____ ------ __ Radio, teJevisron, and communication equipment---------------­Electricot machinery, equipment, and supplies, n.e.c -------------Not specified electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ______ _

T ronspor tation equipment... ___________________________________ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment-------------------Airoroft and ports..---- __ -- ---------------------- ------ __ _ Ship and boot building and repairing _________________________ _

Railroad locomotives and equipment-------------------------­Mobile dwellings ond campers------------------------------­Cycles and miscellaneous transportation equipment -------------

Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ___________ _ Scieiltific and controlling instruments------------------------­Optical and health services supplies -------------------------­Photographic equipment and supplies------------------------­Watches, clocks, and clockwark-operoted devices-------------­Nat spe<ified professional equipment -------------------------

Ordnance ---- ______ ------ ------ ________ ------ --------------Miscellaneous manuf.octuring industries-------------------------Monufocturing, durable goods - allocated •• -------------- _______ _

Nodu,.ble 9ood1 --------------------------------------Food and kindred praducts------------------------------------

~:1~ ~~~~~~\~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::::: :::::: :: Canning and preserving fruits, vegetables, and seafoods ------ __ _ Grain-mill products- ................. ------------------------ __ ---- __ Bakery products __ ---------------------------------------­Confectionery ond related products __ -------------------------Severo ge industries __________________________ .. ___ ---- _____ _

--------------------------------------------------------------MisceUaneous food preparation and kindred products ____________ _

Not specified food industries---------------------------------

Tobacco manufactures ______ ------ ______ ---------------.. ------Textile mill products------------------------------------------

Knitting mills ____________ ------ ______ ------------------ __ _ ---Oyeing ond finishing textiles, except wool and knit goods -------­Floor coverings, except hard surface -------- ... ---------------­Varn, thread, and fobric mills- .. ---------------------------- .. ---Miscellaneous textile mill products -----..................... ______ ,. _____ _

Apparel and other fobricoted textile products--------------------Apparel and accessories---- __ -------- __ ------------------ __ _ Miscellaneous fabricated 1extile products ..... ------------------ __ -

5 - 700 ARKANSAS

[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State

Total Negro Persons of Spanish language

Mole Fe mole Mole Female Male Female

404 491 245 206 49 752 36 757 1 759 987

48 884 5 704 8 274 565 258 43 40 320 4 100 6 773 407 225 27

2 906 965 327 70 26 -983 87 188 5 7 -

1 105 138 71 - - -336 31 35 - - 7

3 234 3B3 880 83 - 9

4 755 409 317 14 - -I 146 so 91 - - -

172 9 - - - -2 078 295 104 14 - -l 165 55 92 - - -

194 - 30 - - -42 085 2 044 3 511 165 160 -

7 841 342 623 48 40 -10 743 SB7 716 41 23 -14 960 779 I 200 47 46 -5 465 273 556 19 38 -3 076 63 416 10 13 -

110 133 59 558 17 413 6 582 466 227 66 140 23 092 12 096 3 320 271 140 19 394 1 482 5 758 435 42 8 4 B17 150 1 411 23 - -

11 91B 945 3 738 300 42 8 2 659 3B7 609 112 - -6 476 2 762 551 382 34 29 3 574 348 563 20 11 -

696 59 23 - 11 -l 554 95 234 - - -

728 115 227 20 - -51 22 - - - -

545 57 79 - - -10 166 1 771 l 659 134 40 14 5 164 465 951 40 16 8

117 6 39 - - -813 SB 200 - 7 -

3 165 31B 529 40 9 -l 069 83 1B3 - - 8 5 002 l 306 708 94 24 6

53B 194 48 B - -l 869 364 198 14 16 -

49 19 - - - -355 177 19 25 - -

l 984 515 408 47 8 6 207 37 35 - - -

5 132 l 372 464 65 61 9 - - - - - -

362 26 35 - - -952 llB 211 14 - -6BS 189 22 - 33 -294 372 5 6 5 -49 14 - - - -

2 726 639 1Bl 45 23 9 64 14 10 - - -

B 643 6 950 750 B29 54 2B l B3B l 082 79 124 11 7 2 093 l 912 337 397 25 9 4 509 3 B12 307 271 lB 12

203 144 27 37 - -4 413 B94 417 54 22 7 l 339 227 161 23 - -

261 75 21 - - -954 171 47 21 6 -93 - 21 - - -

1 242 241 71 10 - -524 lBO 96 - 16 7

968 3 212 122 677 - 30 226 335 - - - -161 222 5 - - -423 1 803 93 548 - 11 15B B45 24 129 - 19

- 7 - - - -2 241 1 113 740 363 - -1 765 1 741 1B7 76 - 6 3 368 1 447 8B5 285 7 9

43 349 36 009 5 190 3 179 185 87 14 520 6 B90 1 833 725 64 28 5 113 3 993 428 476 18 14

923 135 28 - 6 -2 052 1 604 97 72 9 -2 321 343 427 67 10 14 1 072 367 139 26 3 -

56 52 16 5 - -1 532 231 305 38 - -1 278 105 371 25 14 -

173 60 22 16 4 -19 - - - - -

2 126 1 904 368 126 4 12 378 770 - 6 4 12 141 36 42 10 - -624 469 197 52 - -820 523 102 3B - -163 106 27 20 - -

2 025 12 532 22B 1 359 - 21 1 822 12 180 217 1 355 - 21

203 352 11 4 - -

Standard metropolitan statistical oreos

Little Rock-North Little Memphis, Tenn.-Ark. Rock

Male Female Male Female

72 248 50 018 166 549 113 559

l 534 227 3 953 471 653 91 2 592 217 66 48 293 90

197 22 390 17 54 - 5 5 - - 11 6

564 66 662 136

1 212 57 209 37 922 36 36 -- - 4 -

7B 5 85 18 174 16 58 19 38 - 26 -

1 185 639 14 169 1 249 l 145 79 2 410 269 I 649 253 2 161 262 2 784 232 6 203 491

875 57 1 944 128 732 18 1 451 99

15 301 9 239 41 518 15 756 8 876 6 151 18 709 6 972

795 99 2 787 553 111 5 48 8 420 45 2 2B7 472 264 49 452 73 69B 447 1 690 816 651 85 6B3 119

44 - 90 42 284 15 493 58 114 64 32 -- - 17 -209 6 51 19

l 749 222 3 360 425 1 028 89 8B9 75

15 6 192 8 246 6 4Bl 37 732 71 B6 5 35 6 130 25

721 133 2 471 350 33 8 28 15

427 83 1 656 133 35 5 30 lB 16 - 178 47

1B9 20 433 92 21 17 146 45

770 156 3 826 506 - - 54 3B 5 - l B04 105

32 6 361 47 20 - 223 20 33 6 91 11 15 10 65 14

649 134 l 195 252 16 - 33 19

l 771 l 9B7 2 06B 2 351 36 100 464 439

l 241 l 066 B31 l 102 43B 800 726 790 56 21 47 20

815 231 1 35B 419 11B B l 041 306 30 - 20 47

117 43 145 11 15 - 11 -

103 16 122 35 432 164 19 20

520 2 373 292 211 20 11 15 -16 15 268 206

387 1 761 5 5 97 586 4 -- - - -

171 35 318 452 255 106 937 478 681 410 1 390 642

6 287 2 975 22 539 8 596 1 674 303 6 012 1 749

457 B9 1 352 190 211 36 461 66

12 5 112 158 143 14 733 323 355 92 1 OOB 375

14 8 264 199 284 15 649 87 139 16 1 268 279 59 28 165 72

4 - 140 B3 191 58 759 360 - 7 69 64 - 5 350 71 4 - 14 -

96 17 185 109 91 29 141 110

267 975 695 1 349 240 929 292 835

27 46 403 514


Table 184. Detailed Industry of Employed Persons by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas

of 250,000 or More

MDW1fochlrlet-Continued NHd1rolile t•od•-Continued

Paper and allied products-------------------------------------Pulp, paper. and paperboard mills---------------------------­Miscellaneous paper and pulp products ----------------------· Paperboard containers and boxes----------------------------

Printing, publishing, and allled Industries ------------------------Newspaper publishing and printing ________ ---- ________ ---- __ • Printing, publishing, and allied industries, except newspapers -----

Chemicals and allied products ---------------------------------Industrial chemicals ------------ ------------------------ __ _ Plastics, synthetics and resins, except fibers _____ ., ____________ _. Svnthetic fibers -------- ---- ____ ---------------- -------- __ _ Drugs and medicines ________ -----------------.. ---------- __ _ Soaps and cosmetics ____ -------------------------------- __ _ Paints, varnishes, and related products ------·----------------Agricultural chemicals ____________ --------------------------Miscellaneous chemicals __ ... ___ ,,, ___ -----------------... ---- ..... __ Not specified chemicals and allied products--------------------

Petroleum and coal products-------------------------------- __ Petroleum refining __ ---- __ ----------------------·---------_ Miscellaneous petroleum ond coal praducts-------------------­

Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products----------------------­Rubber products __ ---- ---- ------------------------------ __ Miscellaneous plastic products __________ --------------------_


--Leather and leather products----------------------------------­

Tanned, curried, and finished leather------------------------­Footwear, except rubber-------- __ -------------------.. ------

--Leather products, except footwear ____ -- ________ ---- ---- ____ _

Manufacturing, nondurable goads- allocated ______ --------------_

Not 1p1Clf1H •••fmctttrlag U.dustrles ---------------.. ·------Tr.nsp•rtatl .. , t1••nkatlow1, anti other puWk utRitle1 _____ _ -

Tnn1port1tlon ______ ---------- ---------- -------- .. -------

-Railroads and railway express service --------------------------­Street railways and bus lines .... --------------------------------Toxicab service ---- __ ------ ------ ------------ ------ ____ ., ____ _ Trucking service __ ---- ------------------------ __ ---------- __ _ Warehousing and storage ____ ----------------------------------

~~tt~~~~~~~:fi~~t~o_n_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pipeliries, except natural gas----------------------------------­Servtces incidental to transportation .... __ -------------------------

c ••••• 1c.ttoa1 .... -- ------------ -- ---------- ---------- ---Radio broadcasting and television ---------------------- ------ __ _ Telephone (wire and radiol--------------------·---------------­Telegraph and miscellaneous communication services .. --------------

UtRftles 1nct 111ft1ry servlces -----------------------------­Elec1ric light and power ---------------------------------------Elec1ric--gos utilities_ _______________ -- ____ ·- ______ -- -- -- ______ _ Gas ond steam supply systems---------------------------------Woter supplv -- ---- __ ---- __ ------ -------·------------ ------ --Sanitary services ____ -- -- -------------- -- -- -- -------- ---------Other and not specified utilities .... -------------------------------

TrH1port1tio11, co1111u1dcatlo111, 111tl other public uitAltl11- olloc1t1d_

Whoh11l1 awtf ntaU trade ______ ---- __________________ ---Wholo1olo lnld•---- -------- ---------------- ---- ------ ---

Motor vehicles and equipment .. ---------------------------------Drugs, chemicals, and allied products -- -- -- ______ -- -- -- -- ---- -- --

~~l~~~sr:l~~edpg;:,r3~~ts-=:=========================== =======: Farm products- raw materials--------------------------------­Electrical goods ---- __ -------- ---------- -------------------- -­Hardware, plumbing, and heating supplies-----------------------· Not specified electrical and hardware products-------------------... Machinery, equipment, and supplies-------------------------- --­Me-tol$ and minerals, n.e.c ...... ----------------------------------

Petroleum products __ -- -- ---- ..... ________ ............. ______ -- -- __ -- ---Scrap and waste materials .. _______________ .,.. ___________________ _ Alcoholic beverages ______ ---- ______ -- -- -- __ ---- -- -------- -- ---Paper and its products---------------------------------------­lumber and construction materials------------------------------Wholesalers, n.e.c ........ ------ -- ------ ---.. ------------------ -- --Nat specified wholesale trade.---------------------------------­Wholesole trade- allocated __ ------------------------------ -- --

••tel ,,. •• ---- ------------------------------------ -- --Lumber and building material retailing ------------------------ --­Hardware and farm equipment starts---------------------------­General merchandise stares------------------------------------

Deportment and moil-order establishments------------------ ---

~:,i~~;~:~hTno:i~~r~~ss :::: :: :: :: :::::: :::::::: :::::::: :: Direct-selling establishments ------ ------------ ------------ --­Miscellaneous general merchandise stores -------- ------------ __

Food stores ...... ---- ______ ---------- ---- -----------------.. -- __ _ Grocery stores __ ...... -- ------------------------ ------------ ---Dairy products stores---------------------------------------Reta ii bakeries ____ .... -- -- ....... ---- -- ---- .... __ ---- ...... -- ------ -- -- -Food stores, n.e.c ------------------------------------------

Molar vehicle dealers-------------------------------------- ---Tire, ~ttery,_and ac?essory dealers-------------------------- ---Gasoline service stations ............................ ------------- ------------ --


[Data based an sample, set text. For meaning al symbols, see text]

The State

Total Negro PelSans of Spcnish language

Male Female Male Female Male Female

7 843 l 533 719 97 35 -s 240 496 503 25 21 -l 195 393 118 40 - -l 408 644 98 32 14 -.. 225 2 882 204 164 32 8 2 054 1 145 84 17 10 8 2 171 1 737 120 147 22 -.. 303 l 211 684 111 25 8 2 193 253 384 4 16 -

43 38 4 8 - -10 - - - - -

213 314 - - - 8 77 9 10 - - -

140 32 22 - 9 -616 96 162 19 - -411 309 49 74 - -600 160 53 6 - -

I 200 126 224 6 - -897 111 90 6 - -303 15 134 - - -

3 040 1 011 507 113 9 -2 542 648 482 91 9 -

498 363 25 22 - -2 235 s 606 106 208 7 10 - 5 - - - -2 175 5 458 102 176 7 10

60 143 4 32 - -I 813 2 314 317 270 9 -

644 457 127 83 10 -

34 450 6 994 4 06$ 415 127 28 20 757 1 822 2 624 157 67 -

7 090 237 986 14 33 -2 067 379 369 42 - -

620 114 38 29 - -B 047 623 745 34 34 -I 342 214 380 20 - -

622 44 39 - - -633 140 43 15 - -110 6 6 - - -226 65 18 3 - -

3 448 3 252 112 168 21 16 764 242 6 18 5 9

2 514 2 941 94 150 16 7 170 69 12 - - -

• 361 1 560 965 51 31 12 3 991 825 152 27 9 12

488 82 13 12 - -1 506 274 90 5 - -1 004 348 181 7 8 -1 330 31 529 - 14 -

42 - - - - -1 884 360 364 39 8 -

76 299 49 674 6 168 4 045 306 135 1B 675 4 236 1 510 228 72 14

1 637 281 44 - 6 -665 215 32 6 - -224 134 17 7 - -

4 692 1 113 396 97 26 -832 183 49 12 - -725 169 19 - - -617 124 47 - - -

7 - - - - -2 328 545 116 29 17 6

343 47 /JO - - -l 704 317 63 9 - -

572 38 124 - - -438 90 32 - - 8 174 38 13 3 - -986 136 167 3 - -

l 540 401 212 31 23 -424 90 58 - - -767 315 55 31 - -

57 624 45 43• 4 658 3 817 234 121 3 353 622 331 16 11 -2 860 655 193 8 - -4 616 9 284 349 329 52 13 2 532 4 887 194 168 36 13

663 l 441 46 62 16 -193 31 4 - - -253 l 254 30 59 - -975 l 671 75 40 - -

10 976 6 794 863 430 25 12 9 982 6 092 758 394 25 12

172 76 11 10 - -342 408 20 10 - -480 218 74 16 - -

6 723 997 481 31 23 -2 186 502 170 9 13 5 7 505 620 467 24 24 -

Standard metropolitan statistical areas

Little Rock-North Little Memphis, Tenn.-Arl<. R0<k

Male Female Male Female

607 199 3 316 l 135 94 29 1 328 355 44 17 989 587

469 153 999 193 1 332 639 2 232 874

626 282 1 081 348 706 357 1 151 526

1 400 201 4 134 1 553 885 45 982 125

s 7 93 22 5 - 43 10

48 - 943 667 37 - 472 378

110 27 127 43 41 17 264 51 26 9 156 16

243 96 1 054 241

75 6 403 87 33 - 280 62 42 6 123 25

272 66 3 124 384 160 41 2 892 252 112 25 232 132 17 10 195 224 - - 6 -6 5 25 -

11 5 164 224 448 SIB l 529 798

131 113 270 181

a 466 2 112 19 330 4 269 5 345 525 12 422 1 514 2 670 84 3 196 150

351 119 969 147 164 11 351 85

1 637 144 5 481 476 174 41 900 239

50 - 374 41 245 82 905 353 - 6 29 5

54 38 208 88

1 099 1 154 l 542 1 902 285 67 321 123 764 I 076 l 185 I 738

50 II 36 41

1 382 282 4 OBB 510 593 155 1 126 150

78 12 1 153 267 266 44 203 26 173 65 122 32 272 6 l 430 26 - - 54 9

640 151 1 271 273

16 385 9 690 38 919 26 568 5 516 1 457 15 091 5 052

399 123 l 825 525 239 117 818 437

66 10 428 361 I 105 254 2 280 645

37 12 702 315 383 89 841 215 170 29 602 196

7 - 6 -1 041 302 2 548 803

225 37 320 94

235 64 779 128 99 11 238 35

182 53 279 47 \OS 29 480 106 326 42 899 152 493 152 1 250 671 104 45 241 108 300 88 555 214

10 869 8 233 23 821 21 516 561 99 854 228 152 46 339 109

I 147 2 188 3 663 6 812 795 l 620 2 822 5 326 138 181 205 449 43 11 102 7 70 229 171 394

101 147 363 636

1 903 I 070 4 484 2 087 I 652 920 4 089 I 603

58 12 75 31 101 92 138 324 92 46 182 129

I 127 172 2 220 267 454 106 812 108

1 274 64 2 155 103

ARKANSAS 5 - 701

Table 184. Detailed Industry of Employed Persons by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

WloolHolo Oll4 ntal trMt- Continued Rold lnft- Continued

Miscellaneous vehicle deolers----------------------------------­Appa.rel ond accessories stores, except shoe stores----------------Shoe stores -- ---- __ ---------- ---- ---- -------------- ------ __ _ Furniture ond home furnishings stores--------------------------­Household appliances, television, and radio stores ---.. ------------­Eoting ond drinking places-------------------------------------Drugstores ____ ---- __ ---------- __ ------------------------ ___ _ liquor stores -- -- .... -- ......... -- .... -- -------- ---------- __ ............ __ .. .. Form and garden supply stare'---------------------------------Jewelry stores -- ____ -------- __ ---- ---- ------ ________ ------ __ _

Fuel ond ice dealers-------------------------------------------Retail florists -- -- ____ -·------ __ -------- ---- ------ ---- --------Miscellaneous retail s lares ____ -- -- ------------ ____ ---------- ---Nol specified relail trade -·------------------------------------Relail trade- allocated ---------- __ ---- ______ ---------------- __

Rade•, a.a..-.ce, real ntate ------------------------Banking -- ---- __ -------- ____________ ------------ ---------- _ -Credit agencies ............. ---- ------ ------ ......................... ------------Security, commodity brokerage, ond investment companies ________ _ -Insurance ............ ---------- ................. ------ .... __ -------- .............. .. -Reol estate, including reol estate-lnsurance-law offices _________ _ -Finance, insurance, and real estate- allocated ___________________ _ -

lodMH -· ........ IO<Ykll ---------------------------· -Business services ---- ---- ---- ____ .. ___ ---------- -------- ------Ad verti'Sing __ -- ---- ........ ---- __ ..... -- ---- -------- ____ ---- .. ___ _ -Services to dwellings ond olher building•·--------------------­Commercial research, development, and testing labs -----------­Employment and temporary help agencies --------------------­Business management and consulting services .. ----------------­Computer programing services----.. ------------------------­Detective and protective services ---------------------------­Business services, n.e.c ------------------.. -----------------


Repair services ------ ---- -- ........ ____ ........ _____________ ,. ______ _ -Automobile services, except repair -------------------.. -------Automobile repair and related services .. ______________________ _ --Electrical repair shop•---- ____ ---------- __ ------ ______ ---- __ Miscelloneaus repair services .... ---- __ -------- __ ---- ..... ---- .... __

--Business and rep.air servk:e.s- allocated--------------------------Pm .. 1l 1tnlc11 ...................... _________________________ _

Prlva te households -- __ ................. ---- ---- ____ ---- .... __ ....... ----- __ Hotels and motels-------------------------------------------Lodging places, except hotels and motels _______________________ _ laundering. cleaning

4 and other garment servk:es _________ ,.. ______ _

Beauty shops •• ---- ____ -- ---- ---------- -------- ____ ---- ---- _ Barber shops ____ ---- __ -- -----------··· ____ ---- -------- ____ _ Shoe repoir shops-------------------------------------------Dressmaking shops __ -------- ____ .. ------------- ______ .., ______ _ Ml.scelloneous personal services _____________ ...................... ------Personal services - allocated -- -- ---- -- -- ____ .... -- ------------ __

hterta••Ht u4 ncrw1tli11 1ordc11 ____________________ _ Theaters and motton pictures __________________________ .,.. ______ _

Bowling alleys, and billiard ond pool parlors --------------------­MiscelJoneous entertainment and recreation services-------------­Entertainment and recreation servk:es-allocoted -----------------

Pnf111leool ou nlohtl 1orvk••-------------------------Heolth services __ ---- ---------------------------------------

Offices of physicians -- -- -- -- -- •• -- ---- ---- ---- -- __ ---- ----. Offices of dentists __ -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _ Offices of chiropractors ---- -- -- -- ------ ______ ------ _______ _ Hospitals __ -- -- -- -- •• ---- -- ---- -- ---- --·------------- ___ _ Convoles<ent Institutions -------------------------------- __ _ Offices of health practitioners, n.e.c --------------------------Health services, n.e.c --------------------------------------

legal services ........ -- ---------.. ------------------------------

Educational services .... ---- -------------- -------------u ------­Elementary ond secondary schools---------------------------

Government -- -- ........ ---- .... ---- ......... __ ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- .... Private ---- -- -- - - -- ---- ------ ---------------- -- ---- -- --

Colleges and universities__---------------------- __ -------- __ Government---- -- ---- -------- ........ ------------ ------ ....... .. Private __ ---- .......... - -- -- ........ ---------- -------------- -- .. ..

librories __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- ------------------ -- -Educational services, n.e.c -----------------.. -------------- __ Hal specified educational services----------------------------

Museums, art golktrles, and zoos-----------------.............. -------Religious organizations---------------------------------------



Wttfore services ---- ___ ,. __________ ------------------------ __ -Residentiol we~are facilities -- ------ --------------------------­Nonprofit membership organizations---------------------------­Engineering and architec1ural services --------------------------Accounting, audiling, and bookkeeping services __________________ _ Mlscelloneous professional and related services -----------------­Professional ond related services-allocated---------------------

- -lobtmlelo ----------------------------------Posto! service -- ---- ---- __ ---- ____ -------- -·-- -- ---------- --Federal public odministrotion --------------·------------------­State public odminislrotion-- -------- -------------------------­local public administration-------- __ ---------------------- __ -­Public admlnlstrollon- ollocoted -------------------------------

5 - 702 ARKANSAS



[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The Stole

Total Negro Persons of Spanish language

Male Female Male Female Male Female

499 69 28 3 7 -910 2 871 91 135 15 -500 667 - 6 - -

2 232 795 168 36 7 6 1 257 527 68 28 16 9 4 334 12 001 674 2 245 26 64 1 526 2 032 68 27 - 6

771 389 44 31 7 -1 199 315 129 10 - -

415 443 19 28 - -768 132 39 - - -260 673 5 53 - -

1 639 1 350 26 10 8 6 713 891 72 63 - -

2 382 2 809 373 295 - -

11 637 10 781 533 417 86 43 2 463 4 359 195 149 38 7

757 957 15 11 - 8 443 267 6 - 7 -

4 422 3 041 91 123 41 20 3 082 1 640 192 82 - 8

470 517 34 52 - -

11 846 3 262 995 142 65 22 2 906 2 129 239 92 10 22

361 86 31 - - -662 14S 111 32 6 -

63 38 9 - - -167 278 33 27 - 6 209 341 4 10 - -150 69 11 - - -25S 29 10 - 4 -

1 039 1 143 30 23 - 16

8 390 922 661 50 SS -522 147 57 21 22 -

4 727 292 454 11 8 -1 106 147 55 - 25 -2 035 336 95 18 - -

550 211 95 - - -I 915 29 263 2 125 13 279 31 76 1 S39 14 466 806 9 626 - 30 1 742 3 088 403 947 7 -

210 621 14 42 - 7 l 638 3 001 243 780 6 13

301 4 727 21 333 - 26 1 771 56 216 4 9 -

181 24 42 - - -9 382 - 44 - -

1 102 609 188 130 9 -492 2 289 192 1 373 - -

2 700 1 293 364 193 20 14 589 308 19 36 - -332 173 16 16 - -

1 615 704 276 110 20 8 164 lDB 53 31 - 6

35 635 68 466 4 681 10 331 178 356 8 685 26 650 1 038 4 128 28 150 1 326 2 356 66 149 12 22

586 806 - 35 - 15 74 38 5 - - -

4 917 16 384 784 2 362 9 87 693 5 454 118 1 407 - 7 197 129 4 9 - 7 892 1 483 61 166 7 12

1 198 1 058 34 18 5 12

17 045 31 5Sl 2 615 5 094 105 158 10 037 24 318 1 897 4 131 15 102 8 602 19 805 1 611 3 307 8 73 1 435 4 513 286 824 1 29 6 374 s 686 605 839 S9 44 46n 3 993 428 563 32 16 1 697 l 693 177 276 27 28

54 606 16 21 - 12 S70 941 97 103 31 -

10 - - - - -62 71 4 - - -

3 819 1 579 379 128 18 s 641 1 648 100 1S9 - 6

S5 208 12 13 - -783 616 83 68 - 5

1 022 186 14 6 7 5 772 69S 4 12 8 8 192 26S 15 23 - -

1 361 3 939 383 682 7 7

17 082 7 758 1 306 609 62 43 4 306 1 129 273 32 7 4 4 692 2 914 433 287 5 24 2 664 1 S53 181 150 lS s 4 984 1 878 362 108 3S 10

436 284 S7 32 - -

Standard metropolitan statlstlcol oreas

Little Rock-North Little Memphis, Tenn.-Ark. Rock

Male Female Mole Female

249 32 268 79 249 616 692 1 628 85 89 361 275

359 140 909 462 239 147 516 192 981 1 596 2 270 5 040 405 366 715 865 192 75 395 109 60 22 154 59

115 99 203 214

51 s 77 5 50 178 76 238

362 309 842 713 98 87 317 350

756 727 1 S06 l 573

4 025 3 595 8 254 7 850 721 885 1 643 2 597 253 303 709 820 198 133 698 319

1 677 1 588 2 973 2 305 928 Sl2 1 860 1 423 248 174 371 386

2 674 1 262 6 299 3 056 1 120 890 2 816 2 329

12S 24 480 319 237 66 372 199 39 12 147 89 74 175 130 397 75 123 203 306 80 19 148 99 98 5 322 70

392 466 1 014 850

l 465 247 3 103 572 173 91 579 126 748 29 1 199 172 251 37 54D 96 293 90 785 178 89 12S 380 155

l 608 4 914 4 677 16 709 192 1 844 645 8 295 276 468 1 393 l 942 24 123 84 267

48S 611 892 l 926 8S 821 232 l 907

261 11 600 29 27 6 136 19 - S7 19 146

114 118 28S 147 144 8SS 391 2 031

531 331 1 284 673 152 67 490 239 39 56 lOS 55

302 170 S33 298 38 38 156 81

8 571 15 524 16 745 33 205 3 580 7 037 5 150 13 060

344 597 759 1 398 156 204 394 433 21 5 15 11

2 536 4 945 3 421 9 572 95 723 lOS 735 49 11 103 43

379 5S2 353 868 341 288 824 501

2 223 5 540 6 025 14 176 l 454 4 465 3 380 11 382 1 169 3 383 2 875 9 237

285 1 082 sos 2 145 538 618 2 301 2 230 393 402 1 645 1 S54 14S 216 656 616

6 90 127 195 225 367 217 36S - - - 4

18 46 50 14 701 456 1 191 1 067 183 473 249 762

7 84 10 75 296 183 640 395 404 94 948 224 289 150 712 389 81 62 148 15S

448 1 111 798 2 387

4 756 2 428 11 192 3 716 919 114 2 493 421

1 324 904 3 4S3 1 662 1 046 1 019 S03 22S 1 301 282 4 347 1 193

166 109 396 215


Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the labor Force by Sex: 1970

[Data based on somple, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male, 16 years old and over--------------------Atplcalt1lro, lorootry, on Hohedu __________________ _

Agriculture __ -- -- -- __ ---- ---- -------- ---------- ------ __ Forestry and fisheries ---------------------------·-------

Mlolog -- -- ---- ------ -- -- -- -- -------- -- ---- ---­

Cuotnctloo -----------------------------------­

fll••mhlriot-----------------------------------Duroble good•-- -- ______ ---- ---- ______ ------ -------- ----

Logging __________ ------ ______ ------------ ---· __ -----Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork_ ___________________ _

Miscelloneous wood products--------------------------­furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ·-----------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______ -------------- __ --·--Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ---- ·- __ ---- ------------ ___ _

Offtce, accounting, and computing machines _____ .,. ______ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies _____________ _

Radio, television, and communication equipment _________ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipmen'---------------Alrcroft and ports ------------------------------------Other tronsrortotion equipment -------------------------Prolessiono and photographic equipment, and wotches _____ _ Ordnonce __ -- -- ____ -- ____ ------ ______ ---- ____ ---- ___ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated .••

No~':·~~~3:~~s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Canning and preserving produce. seafoods, and beverages .........

~~~:;'it:d1~d~~iri;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yorn, thread, and fabric mills---------------------------Other textile mill products ______________ ---- ---- ____ ----Apparel ond other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------­Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------­footwear, except rubber-------------------------------Other nondurable goods ____________ --------------------

Not specified manufacturing industrles----------------------TnHportatlo1, t•••nk1tio11, 11cl other pultlk vtllltlt11 _

Roilrogds ond roitwoy express service---------------------­Street rollwoys ond bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing -------------------------Water transportation __ -- -- -- ____ ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- --Air transportation ______ -- -- __ ---- -- -- ---- -- -- __ ---- -- ---All other transportation -- --------------------------------Communications ---- __ ,. _____ .... ------------------ --------Electric and gas utilities ________ ---- ---- __ ---- ---- __ -- -- --Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

W~oltsolt OH ntol tnolo ------------------------­Wholesale trade ---- -------- ------ ------------------ ---­

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade-------- __ ---- -- ------ ----------------------

Hardware, form equipment, ond building moteriol retailing ---General merchandise stores ______ -----------------------food stores---- -- -- ----------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing ------------------Gasoline service stations _______________ ,.. _________ ,. .. ___ _ Apparel ond accessories stores .................... - ................ -------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places. _______ ---- -- ---- ---- -- -- ----Drugstores .... -- .... -- .... ---- -- .... -- ............ -- ------ -- -- -- .. .. Other retail trade-------------------------------------

Rll•ac•, lannact, •ltd real ••tete ..................................... .. Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance .... __ -- ---- -- -- ---- .......... __ ---- .............. ---- ..... -- ----Other flnonce and real estate -----------------------------

e.dH11 Hd npoir ltnkH------------------------Advertising __________ ---- -- ______ ------ -------- -·-- ----Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services------------------------------------­Other business and repair services-------------------------

,.,.. .... nrvlco1 -------------------------------­Private households -- -- -- ---- ---- __ -- -- -- ------ -- ---- ----Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------­loundering, cleaning, and other garment services-------------Borber and beouty shops-- -- ------ -- -- ____ ---- -- ---- -- -- -Other personal services----------------------------------

bhmlo•tot olHI ...- 1orvlc••----------------­Prof1111taot OH rWtff services--------------------

Health services ---- -- -------------------- ---------------Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, privat•-----------------------------­Welfore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

P•Wlc odmlolstntltll• -----------------------------Postal service -- -- .... __ ---- .................. -- -- .... -------- ---- ...... .. Federal public adm lnistrotion __ ---- -- ------------ -- ---- ---­State and local public administration -----------------------

Uoe•pltye<I p111oa1, ltst worttH 1959 or ...tltr•-------

Experienced civilian labor force

Total White Negro

424 607 369 296 54 355

51 872 42 197 9 511 so 366 40 807 9 395

1 506 I 390 116

5 033 4 710 323 47 236 42 889 4 282

115 519 96 616 18 740 69 799 56 648 13 037 s 138 3 646 I 487

12 641 B 604 4 011 2 726 2 088 633 6 775 6 168 603 3 701 3 103 592 1 616 I 364 252 1 Oil 741 270 4 278 3 545 725 s 365 4 578 787 5 300 4 7B7 502

343 338 5 9 040 8 208 816 2 258 1 870 382 1 468 1 230 216

371 350 21 2 949 2 698 251 I 021 682 139 2 494 1 664 830 5 521 4 356 1 154

45 024 39 404 5 571 s 439 4 958 462 3 753 3 332 421 I 090 944 146 4 926 3 989 923

831 724 107 I 324 1 044 280 2 085 1 836 249 7 981 7 236 745 4 326 4 095 221 4 410 3 674 730 1 257 1 026 231 3 288 2 703 585 2 294 2 188 106 2 020 1 655 365

696 564 132 35 787 31 364 4 373

7 231 6 188 I O:ui 2 103 1 722 374 9 994 8 721 I 246

687 643 44 643 600 43

1 004 928 76 3 508 3 390 112 6 101 5 835 266 2 511 1 720 786

78 750 71 862 6 604 19 161 17 509 1 595 5 716 5 193 486

59 589 54 353 5 009 6 404 5 837 550 4 767 4 376 384

11 256 10 224 922 9 666 B 939 711 7 842 7 341 496 I 454 1 348 IOI 3 593 3 309 259 4 598 3 851 727 I 542 1 458 68 8 467 7 670 791

11 804 11 230 569 3 244 3 024 215 4 453 4 362 91 4 107 3 844 263

12 277 11 211 1 045 364 333 31 448 417 27

5 419 4 878 541 6 046 5 583 446

9 346 7 092 2 221 1 631 784 847 2 079 1 628 451 1 698 I 428 256 2 091 1 851 240 I 847 1 401 427

2 886 2 502 379

36 200 31 233 4 818 B 806 7 720 l 065

13 847 11 578 2 168 3 407 2 910 491 5 394 4 BOO 583 4 746 4 225 511

17 767 16 299 1 451 4 342 4 052 273 5 229 4 669 560 7 748 7 187 561

130 91 39

>includes allocated coses not shown seporotely. •See text for explanation.


Weeks worked in 1969 of the experienced civlllon labor force

Persons of Spanish 50 to 52 27 to 49

language Total weeks weeks

1 849 416 656 291 034 .. 510

216 50 763 29 664 14 745 286 49 285 28 569 14 soo - 1 478 1 095 245

- 4 969 3 820 855

167 46 543 25 612 15 aoa 486 113 621 82 967 22 869 280 68 624 48 047 15 771 - s 037 2 403 2 046

42 12 3n 8 096 3 431 - 2 678 1 765 649

43 6 703 4 971 1 309 11 3 663 2 838 664 - 1 612 1 251 313 7 995 674 234 9 4 255 3 439 678

24 s 298 3 7B5 1 153 61 s 250 4 225 747

5 339 293 39 54 0 931 6 439 1 966 25 2 235 1 659 441 - 1 433 966 355 - 362 230 76

22 2 923 1 B51 763 - 1 010 731 179 - 2 468 2 057 358 7 5 241 3 577 I 163

196 44 306 34 429 6 92B 18 5 295 3 889 951 9 3 6B5 2 596 726 3 1 OBS 920 113

34 4 880 3 701 831 - 823 709 73 4 1 314 1 035 208 - 2 061 1 611 266

35 7 88'1 6 521 1 087 32 4 212 3 293 569 25 4 376 3 604 596 - 1 238 1 013 182

20 3 252 2 689 429 7 2 258 1 449 550 9 1 938 1 399 347

10 691 491 170 143 35 255 26 583 6 715 33 7 170 5 754 1 186 - 2 073 1 003 868

40 9 BBB 6 986 2 251 - 680 383 189 - 637 479 123 - 9B9 665 210

21 3 461 2 948 379 9 6 065 5 294 607

22 2 458 1 762 481

312 77 068 57 841 11 664 72 18 974 15 208 2 618 26 s 643 4 457 761

240 58 094 42 633 9 046 11 6 332 4 931 1 007 52 4 652 3 498 630 25 10 888 7 795 I 796 49 9 590 7 867 1 187 24 7 706 5 240 1 475 15 1 422 1 093 145 23 3 535 2 647 513 26 4 300 2 408 90B - 1 518 1 129 201

15 8 151 6 025 1 184

86 11 646 9 850 1 242 38 3 216 2 820 283 41 4 417 3 922 357

7 4 013 3 108 602

65 12 024 8 704 2 197 - 364 285 57 - 445 330 48

30 5 293 3 952 900 35 5 922 4 137 I 192

31 8 989 6 095 1 574 - 1 516 504 447 7 I 991 1 267 :ui3 6 I 658 1 328 158 9 2 040 l 615 308 9 1 784 1 3Bi 278

20 2 796 1 533 646

178 35 463 23 614 a 310 28 B 680 6 926 1 153 63 13 536 6 '197 4 938 42 3 312 1 778 977 18 5 315 4 310 586 27 4 620 3 603 656

75 17 519 14 751 1 885 7 4 304 3 772 404

18 5 118 4 316 Mil so 7 671 6 376 92<>

- ... ... ...

Year lost worked of experienced workers not in lobar force

1to26 weeks 1960-63 196~ 1969-70

37 112 1S 617 37 245 64 434

6 U.4 3 625 7 9S7 18 481 6 216 3 sso 7799 18 279

l:ui 75 138 202

294 268 557 480

5 123 1 991 4 965 • 625

7 785 3 241 7 642 11 285 4 806 2 133 5 066 7 287

588 181 578 522 850 628 I 329 I 292 264 78 213 306 423 171 379 477 161 109 287 320 48 40 103 w 87 59 146 l:ui

138 41 198 210 360 8'I 225 440 278 161 408 506

7 10 15 15 526 92 293 639 135 13 74 153 112 107 233 302 56 67 98 121

309 43 127 311 100 12 17 130 53 26 103 296

501 269 432 1 277 2 949 1 099 2 524 3 861

455 64 305 448 363 108 308 512 52 15 35 75

348 127 223 461 41 34 36 53 71 67 24 78

184 57 110 183 2Bl 136 368 402 350 7'I 2BO 368 176 17B 272 393 43 106 237 109

134 26 BB 169 259 5 78 1B3 192 97 160 427 30 16 52 137

1 957 1 693 3 108 3 391 230 709 1 252 581 202 101 239 169 651 227 501 941 108 14 68 149 35 23 24 97

114 39 125 135 134 69 169 162 164 172 285 436 215 135 279 363

7 563 2 053 5 313 9 679 I 148 450 I 017 I 670

425 116 336 536 6 415 1 603 4 296 B 009

394 214 369 577 524 170 330 621

1 297 304 816 1 441 536 144 365 619 991 126 463 1 022 184 27 127 262 375 104 24B 376 984 188 525 I 136 IBB 42 163 256 942 284 890 1 699

554 266 729 921 113 43 146 230 138 85 219 184 303 138 364 514

1 123 297 765 1 317 22 s 30 27 67 II 35 41

441 87 300 394 593 194 400 855

l 320 577 1 356 1 933 565 156 386 645 341 134 407 620 172 64 203 172 117 53 175 126 125 170 185 370

617 135 342 1 176

3 539 696 2 383 4 431 601 198 726 934

l 601 162 733 1 465 557 73 178 427 419 117 392 744 361 146 354 861

183 831 2 UB 2 701 128 207 457 244 321 312 976 I 364 375 227 619 882 ... ... . .. . ..

ARKANSAS 5 - 703

Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the Labor Force by Sex: 1970-Continued

[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

FHele, 16 yetr1 old and o- ------------------~. t-tty, ...i 11s11or1os __________________ _

Agriculture ____ ----·- ________ ---- ------ -------- __ ------Forestry and fisheries -------------------------·---------

Mlolq ------ -- ----·- -- -- ---- -------------- ---­

C .. smocllM ·--------- ---- ---- -------- -- -- -- ----MoowfK1wloltl---- ---- ---- ____ ---- ______ ------ ---

Durable goods ________ -- ____ ---- __ ---- __ ------ __ ---- ----Logging ____ ---- __ ---- ---- ______ ---· ---- __ -· ---- -----Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork •••• ----------------­Mlscellaneous woad products--------------------------­Furntturw and foxtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primory iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrou.s Industries _________________ .. ________ _ Fabricated mttal industries, Including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ______ ---- ____ ---- ____ ------

Office, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _

Radio, television. and communication equipment _________ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ _____________ _ Aircraft and parts -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment-------------------------Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches_ ____ _ Ordnance ... _ ..... ____ ..... ---- ______________ ---- __ ..... __ ---- __ Miscellaneous monuloctures and durable goods-ollacated __ _

Nondurable goods •• ________________ ------------ ________ _

Meat products ---------------------------------------Canning and preservtnq produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products-------- __ ------------ -- ---- ·--------­Other food industries------------------------·--------­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill products-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------Chemicals and allied products __________________________ _ Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products--------------­Footwear. except rubber __ ------------------------ -- -­Other nondurable good'--------------------------------

--Not specifHtd manufacturing industries _____________________ _

Trmsportatll1, et•••katt.11 ad 1tlttr p..Wk ut111t1e11 _ Railroads and roll-way express service ______ .. ___________ ----Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-- ... ·--------------------­Water transportation -- ------ ------------------------ ---­Air transportation __ -- ---- __ -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- _ All other transportation. ________________________________ _ Communications __ ......... ---- __ ........ __ ---- __ ------ ______ ----Electric and gas utiiitits----------------------------------Water supply, sanitary services, ond other utilities -----------

WHlesolt ••• rttol '"" -------------------------Wholesale trade ____ -------------------------------- ----

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade ---- __ ---------------·------------------ -----Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing -­

General merchandise store•-------------------------- ---Food stores __ ---- __ ----------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing----·-------------Gasoline service stations ________ ... _____________________ _ Apparel ond accessories stores ___ .,.. _____________________ _ Furniture, home furnishings, ond equipment stores---------­Eoting and drinking places------------------------------

g~;::;~':;~il iiad".-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, 1111Hft11Cl

1 Giid reel Utah __________________ _

8onking ond credit agencies ______ .. _____ ------------------lnsuront•-- ......... ______ -- __ -- -- -- ------ -- ---- ------ -- -- --Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

hslon1 ud ..... 1orvltt1 ------------------------Advertising -- ..... -- __ .... ---- -- ---- -- ------ ---- ---- -- -- -- --Commercial research, management, and programing services ••• Automobiht services __ -----------------------------------Other business ond repair services ......... ____________________ _

,_ .............. --------------------------------Privote households ____ ---- __ ----------------------------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, -cleaning, and other garment services .................... - .. -Barber and beauty shaps---------------------------------Other .personal services ............. __ ........ ----------------------

hnmla .. 11 .............. 1onfctt _____ _. __________ _

.... , .................... 1onlc11 --------------------Health Hrvlces ------------ -------- ---------------------Educatlonat services, government -- ........ -- -- .... -- -- __ ---- ..... -­Educational servicH, private __ ---------------------------­Welfare, re-Hgious, and nonprofit membership organizations_,,. __ Other professional and related services-----·---------------hllllc •1o1s1N11eo1 ____________________________ _

Postal service __ -- ·----------- ---- -- .................. _ ..... ---- ----Federal public administration __ ---------------------------­State and loco! public administration __ ---------------------

-pleyod p1n111, lest w..ttl<I 1959 0< .....,, _____ _ -

Experienced civilian labor force

Toto I White Negro

261 340 219 872 40 938

6 486 5 441 1 018 6 313 5 268 1 018

173 173 -419 405 14

2 207 1 983 218

66 025 58 130 7 755 26 263 22 090 4 120

158 133 25 I 065 720 345

410 275 129 3 002 2 575 427

374 350 24 101 101 -69 69 -

412 372 40 1 495 I 381 108 1 540 1 446 89

411 391 IS 8 025 6 907 1 rJi7 2 637 2 006 631

298 264 34 110 97 13 696 653 43

3 445 2 683 758 1 661 1 102 559 3 503 3 063 429

39 263 35 640 3 536 4 403 3 879 502 2 179 2 043 122

412 376 36 743 621 122 538 500 38

1 426 I 332 88 13 544 12 034 I 494 1 613 1 504 lrJi 3 050 2 833 207 1 308 1 172 136

136 130 6 1 186 1 012 164 6 103 5 899 20t) 2 622 2 305 312

499 400 99 7 247 6 787 454

251 237 14 391 349 42 891 829 62 56 56 -

146 131 15 196 164 32

3 349 3 165 184 1 203 I 146 51

390 377 13

52 816 48 206 4 577 4 435 4 178 257 1 386 1 272 114

48 451 44 028 4 320 I 322 l 298 24 9 840 9 459 371 7 056 6 560 458 I 623 I 570 53

663 639 24 3 750 3 598 152 I 391 I 317 74

13 241 10 625 2 585 2 149 2 099 40 7 416 6 863 539

11 196 10 727 435 5 474 5 314 160 3 160 3 009 128 2 562 2 404 147

3 393 3 240 153 96 96 -

478 468 10 455 418 37

2 364 2 258 106

31 173 16 745 14 384 15 463 5 087 10 355 4 045 2 893 1 147 3 172 2 337 835 4 886 4 537 349 3 607 1 891 I 698

1 412 l 199 213

70 295 59 246 10 891 27 478 23 110 4 330 25 130 20 920 4 146 6 996 5 794 I 181 4 131 3 730 385 6 560 5 692 849

• 127 7 416 699 1 168 I 128 40 3 137 2 785 346 3 516 3 238 272

474 347 127

'Includes allocoted C0$1s not shown separately. •See t .. t for explanation.


Weeks worked In 1969 of the experienced civilian lobar farce

Persons of Spanish 50 ta 52 27 to 49

language Total weeks weeks

1 055 243 682 129 886 68 994

43 5 916 3 079 1 295 36 5 743 2 948 1 280

7 173 131 15

- 402 311 70

- 2 170 1 402 461

264 62 082 34 286 17 340 152 24 881 14 332 6 702

- 141 61 52 8 991 583 243 - 374 231 48

35 2 912 I 745 773 - 364 190 91 - IOI 55 30 - 69 54 10 8 412 292 89 6 1 418 862 364

15 1 470 810 410 - 400 213 126

28 7 636 4 291 2 206 9 2 540 1 335 821 - 274 148 98 - 101 76 25 7 656 278 242

30 3 243 1 744 862 - 1 618 1 057 369

15 3 202 I 910 820 112 36 711 19 659 10 530 14 4 110 2 100 1 187 - 2 025 902 629 - 401 225 78

14 728 397 180 8 517 330 129

12 1 360 823 340 32 12 584 6 474 3 764 - 1 537 1 031 301 8 2 902 1 908 tnl 8 1 292 921 259 - 126 115 11 - 1 152 622 303

16 5 795 2 719 2 lrJi - 2 182 I f1i2 631 - 490 295 108

28 6 984 4 643 1 327 - 241 160 47 - 365 147 136 - 854 564 157 - 44 16 11 - 129 99 16 - 191 115 36

16 3 264 2 159 621 12 1 187 887 178 - 384 288 56

135 48 735 27 071 11 274 14 4 119 2 622 763 - 1 257 707 256

121 44 616 24 456 10 511 - 1 282 879 258

13 9 155 5 157 2 045 12 6 582 4 105 1 309 5 l 577 1 066 3rJi - 624 374 123 - 3 589 2 162 703

15 1 324 825 300 64 11 840 4 905 3 531 6 2 023 1 244 378 6 6 620 3 739 1 555

43 10 873 7 742 l 903 15 5 356 3 987 846 20 3 083 2 161 540

8 2 434 I 594 517

22 3 120 l 831 666 - 91 57 20 - 435 193 81 - 425 358 35

22 2 169 1 223 530

76 28 190 l3 901 7 713 30 13 964 5 973 4 052

7 3 692 l 942 911 13 2 977 I 855 690 26 4 464 2 551 1 186 - 3 093 I 580 874

14 l 277 525 381

370 66 585 30 029 25 538 164 26 238 16 877 5 538 101 24 116 5 763 14 353 57 6 610 1 795 3 329 16 3 899 2 494 743 32 5 722 3 100 1 575

60 7 348 5 059 1 026 4 I 140 839 92

41 2 619 I 660 401 15 3 362 2 413 496

- ... ... ...

Year last worked of experienced workers not In labor force

1 to 26 weeks 196~ 1964-68 1969-70

44 102 21 695 64 499 79 610

1 542 1 860 4 865 8 028 1 515 1 855 4 814 7 975

27 5 51 53

21 56 60 71

307 184 385 603

10 456 4 146 14 627 17 029 3 847 I 255 5 275 6 383

28 9 25 52 165 27 159 253 95 17 103 141

394 173 558 653 83 54 110 120 16 s - 24 5 10 21 21

31 30 61 59 192 63 277 233 250 74 327 340

61 11 78 55 1 139 333 1 438 1 572

384 73 540 572 28 27 140 94 - 78 49 62

136 14 120 182 637 143 702 988 192 29 309 559 472 174 876 I 054

6 522 2 842 9 269 10 521 823 270 1 044 1 449 494 313 815 725

98 15 79 54 151 88 244 304 58 35 86 116

197 26 168 201 2 346 1 018 3 463 3 497

205 135 297 330 385 239 706 745 112 61 261 334 - 22 11 10

227 65 271 362 967 285 1 294 1 179 459 270 530 l 215

87 49 83 125 l 014 799 l 623 l 502

34 42 70 20 82 23 117 55

133 38 185 221 17 6 32 22 14 37 SI 70 40 30 29 48

484 455 799 653 122 103 214 207 40 16 68 67

10 383 5 688 15 694 19 859 734 476 l 098 1 287 294 206 395 476

9 649 s 212 14 596 18 572 145 131 294 287

1 953 1 127 3 117 4 134 1 168 608 1 943 1 962

202 127 314 410 127 30 111 123 724 463 1 041 I 237 199 128 356 398

3 404 1 574 4 914 6 039 401 217 700 646

1 326 807 1 806 3 336

l 228 169 2 354 2 454 523 317 902 I 022 382 327 796 632 323 225 656 800

623 232 799 l 116 14 29 31 42

161 37 105 152 32 9 103 125

416 157 560 797

6 576 2 991 9 170 10 056 3 939 I 493 4 926 5 060

839 493 1 669 1 724 432 401 915 815 727 286 963 869 639 318 697 1 588

371 132 453 1 011

ll 018 4 058 12 573 15 712 3 823 1 725 5 236 5 254 4 000 I 261 4 294 5 453 1 486 361 I 203 I 384

662 272 908 1 255 1 047 439 932 2 366

l 263 680 l 896 2 168 209 88 233 250 558 350 736 769 453 207 861 969

... ... .. . ...


Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the Labor Force by Sex: 1970-Continued

[Data based an sample, see text. For meaning of symbols. see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More

unLE ROCK-NORTH unLE ROCK SMSA Male, 16 yean old and over-------------------Agriculhlnri, fon1try, •••fisheries _________________ _

Agriculture __ ------ __ ------------------------ __ ---- __ _ Forestry ond fisheries ----------------------------------

Mlol•t ------ -- -- ---------------------- ---- ---Coa1tnctlon -------- ---- ---------------- ___ ,. __ _

M•1ulf•chlril9 ______ -- ______ ---- -- -- ____ ---- -- --Durable goods ________ ---- __ ---------------------------

Logging ---- ---------------- -------------- ------ ___ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork ___________________ _

Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------­Furniture and fixtures-------------------------------­Stone. clay, and glass products ------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary iron and steel induslries -----------------------Primary nonferrous industries_,. __________ ---------- ___ _ Fabricated metal Industries, including not specified metal __ _ Machinery, except electrical ------------------------ __ _

Office, accounting, and computing machines ___________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies------ ______ _

Radio, television. and communication equipment_ _______ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment-------------­Aircrah and parts -----------------------------------Other transportation equipment __ ------------ ------ ___ _ Professional and photographic equipment, and watches •. __ _ Ordnance ______________________________ ---- __ ---- __ _

Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ Nondurable goods ________ ------ ________ ----------------

Meat products ____ ---- ---------- ---- ·----- ____ .. ____ _ Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products---- ______ -------------------- ______ _ Other load industries--------------------------------­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill praducts-----------------------------Apporel and other fabricated textile products ____________ _ Paper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------Chemicals and allied products _________________________ _

Petroleum and cool products--------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products--------------­Footwear, except rubber------------------------------Other nondurable goads ____ ------------------------ __ _

Not specified manufacturing industries ________ ---------- ---Transportatlo11, co1111unication1, and otller put.lie utllit-les 1

Railroads and railway express service ____________________ _ Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------Trucking service and warehousing ________ ------------ ___ _ Water transportation __ ------------------------------ __ _ Air transportation ... - ______ ---- __ -------- ____ -------- ___ _ All other transportation------------------------------ ---Communications ____________ ---- __________ ---- -- ---- ---Electric and gos utilities--------------------------------­Woter supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------

Wholesele a.ii retail trade------------------------Wholesale trade ______________ ---- -- -------- ---- ---- ---

Food and farm products ------------------------------


Retail trade -- ________ -- -- ---------------------- ---- ----Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing -­General merchandise stores __ ---------------------- -- --

--Food stores ____________ ------------------------------Motor vehicles ond accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations-------------------------------Apparel and accessories stores ________ -- -- ____ -- ---- -- --Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places. •• ---------------------------Drugstores ---- __ .... ---------- -------- -------- ---- ----Other retail trade-------------------------------------

F1H1ce, la1urt111tt, anti real e1tat•-------------------8anking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance ________________________ ---- __ -------- -- .. - -- --Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

l•sfHss 11cl...,..,. serwkes _______________________ _

Advertising __ ---- ---- ------ -------------------- --------Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ ---- -------- ---- -- ------ __ .., ___ -----Other business and repair servlces-------------------------

Pen•••l s.rvlces -------------------------------­Private households ---- ---------- -------- ------------ ---­Hotels ond lodging places --------------------------------laundering. cleaning. and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shops--------------------------------­Other personal servicH----------------------------------

Entortala•Ht •H recrecatlo• services ________________ _

Proftssiolol Htl rtllotff services--------------------Health services ____ ---------- ---------------- -----------Educational services, government -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- - - ---­Educational services, private __ ---------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Pullllc etl•lol1tm1oo1 -----------------------------Postal service .... __ ---- ------------------------------ ----federal public administration ____ --------------------------State and local public administration-----------------------

U•t•playtd pono•1, last wo,.td 1959 °" Htlltr•-------

Experienced civilian labor force

Total White Negro

74 219 64 081 9 986

1 563 1 025 533 l 505 967 533

58 5B -1 220 1 089 131

7 628 6 758 870

15 747 13 004 2 728 9 162 7 496 1 661

111 100 11 4B8 33B 150 27B 129 149 723 621 102 669 519 150 289 232 57 266 202 64 767 695 72 725 657 68 793 693 95 48 4B -

1 771 l 574 197 1 241 1 094 147

124 108 16 JO JO -

673 557 116 568 443 125 175 142 JJ

l 001 688 JlJ 6 447 5 415 1 022

4BB 351 137 304 197 107 J55 275 BO 593 462 131 96 76 20

101 92 9 273 218 55 633 557 76

1 J42 l 276 56 1 405 1 270 135

75 48 27 272 200 72

6 - 6 504 393 111 138 93 45

8 740 7 625 l 083 2 699 2 371 323

354 JOO 54 1 981 l 716 244

50 50 -249 2J1 18 227 193 34

l 103 1 065 J2 950 BBB 62 460 2B8 172

16 782 15 103 1 648 5 590 5 05B 522 1 159 l 022 1J7

11 192 10 045 l 126 718 657 61

l 184 l 061 123 l 943 l 7Bl 162 l B75 l 75B 117 l 342 1 232 110

348 295 48 618 5B6 22

l 022 793 223 405 390 15

1 7J7 1 492 245

4 072 3 879 188 979 92'1 45

1 687 l 644 43 1 406 1 306 100

2 743 2 435 302 125 99 26 200 180 20 932 845 B7

l 486 1 Jll 169

1 668 1 159 504 192 5B 134 JJO 190 140 492 416 76 355 304 51 299 191 103

545 417 128

• 655 7 233 1 369 3 612 3 022 574 l 714 1 402 2'11

537 400 137 1 202 999 192 1 590 1 410 175

4 850 4.354 496 919 761 158

1 40J l 269 134 2 362 2 198 164

6 - 6

'includes allocated cases not shown separately. 2see text for explanation.


Weeks worked in 1969 of the experienced civilian labor force

Persons of Spanish 50 to 52 27 to 49

language Total weeks weeks

420 72 847 57 414 10 871

13 1 527 958 415 13 l 469 913 410 - 58 45 5

- 1 215 1 010 151

34 7 527 5 316 1 773

74 15 493 12 284 2 319 41 9 009 6 B85 1 542 - 111 68 37 - 482 311 134 - 272 196 40 - 712 570 93 - 665 528 122 - 289 214 70 - 266 213 50 - 762 670 70 9 714 554 132 6 775 614 115 - 48 42 6

18 l 759 1 J68 268 18 1 22'1 934 211 - 118 108 s - 3-0 19 -8 669 416 185 - 557 402 103 - 175 171 4 - 942 677 184

2J 6 J51 s 304 739 - 476 377 74 - 294 245 33 - 350 304 31 4 587 482 55 - 96 81 15 - 101 92 9 - 269 219 31 - 630 526 96

10 l 330 l 057 175 9 l 390 l 244 128 - 75 62 13 - 266 248 15 - - - -- 487 367 64

10 133 95 3B 39 8 632 7 079 l 234 6 2 676 2 167 474 - 342 2B2 34

20 l 965 l 561 297 - so 34 16 - 243 194 33 - 223 158 28 5 1 099 94B 118 - 950 B61 63 - 450 358 72

99 16 352 12 721 2 222 50 5 515 4 613 626 20 l 146 940 131 49 10 837 8 108 1 596

7 708 582 104 5 1 136 B85 135 6 1 B89 l 412 Jl6

16 1 860 1 562 188 7 l 293 908 219 8 348 257 47 - 606 425 126 - 946 533 191 - 394 307 37 - I 657 1 237 233

30 3 992 3 468 369 6 965 823 105

17 1 664 1 514 106 7 l 363 1 131 158

15 2 707 2 112 409 - 125 104 21 - 200 167 16

15 912 730 133 - l 470 1 111 239

- 1 586 1 224 220 - 160 98 33 - 304 194 51 - 487 412 60 - 347 291 35 - 2B8 22'1 41

14 525 364 73

66 8 507 6 683 1 258 9 3 570 2 960 415

11 l 662 1 062 466 23 514 324 137 18 l 197 986 127 5 1 564 1 351 113

36 4 784 4 195 421 7 908 841 61 7 1 380 1 241 90

22 2 346 1 999 249

- ... . .. ...

Year lost worked of experienced workers not in labor farce

1 to 26 weeks 1960-63 1964-68 1969-70

4 562 1 851 4 205 6 642

154 117 264 419 146 117 258 419

8 - 6 -54 44 94 49

438 281 412 820

890 351 795 1 069 582 189 437 697

6 9 30 13 J7 J2 86 69 36 6 15 10 49 37 70 9B 15 - 7 40 5 - - 23 3 8 5 24

22 10 42 42 28 s 39 30 46 20 2B 21 - 5 - -

12J 2J J9 65 84 8 22 40 s - 6 15

11 - - 5 68 - 15 42 52 12 17 44 - - - 20

Bl 27 38 159 3-08 151 352 349

25 10 4J 6 16 B 33 32 15 15 5 22 50 15 43 46 - - - 5 - 10 - 4

19 6 15 7 8 13 25 13

98 9 82 64 18 44 49 89 - - 12 -3 - 12 9 - - - -

56 21 33 52 - 11 6 23

319 298 503 sos 35 155 286 113 26 21 36 10

107 46 61 143 - - 6 6

16 6 6 21 37 5 16 16 33 11 22 27 26 12 21 49 20 17 22 50

l 409 275 829 1 577 276 70 218 294

75 8 42 44 l 133 205 611 l 283

22 22 48 lB 116 20 45 137 161 31 82 16B 110 25 34 106 166 5 59 140 44 5 25 68 55 4 41 23

222 33 61 291 50 5 35 48

1B7 55 lBl 284

155 37 140 136 37 - 37 28 44 18 57 46 74 19 46 62

186 35 117 291 - - 7 5

17 6 4 6 49 8 40 B9

120 21 66 191

142 87 166 292 29 27 43 43 59 17 54 112 15 9 25 50 21 - JO 16 18 34 14 71

88 21 47 221

566 121 430 757 195 55 169 343 134 10 111 116 53 19 37 59 84 26 53 92

100 11 60 147

161 184 331 506 6 67 53 17

49 41 123 267 9B 35 132 169

... ... ... . ..

ARKANSAS 5 - 705

Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the Labor Force by Sex: 1970-Continued

[Data based on sample, see text, For mooning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More


Female, 16 yean old and over ------------------Agricoltv.-, 1 ... 111y, ... Robtriol __________________ _

Agriculture --------------------------------------------Forestry and fisheries -------------- ---------------------

lllalog ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ------ -- -- -- -----­

CH1tntctl0• .. _ -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- --- - ---- ---- ---­

ll••f omirlat---- ---- ---- -- -- ---------- ------ ---Durable goads ______ -- ---- ________ ---- ________ ------ ----logging -- -- ---- __ ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -------------- -Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork_ ___________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, clay, ond gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primory Iron and steel industrtes ------------------------Prim1:1ry nonferrous industries ........................................................... .. Fabricated metal industries, Including not specified metal ___ _ Machinery. except electrical ---- ---- ____ -------- _______ _

Ofr.ce, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _

Rodio, 1e~vision, and communication equipment----------Motor vehicles ond motor vehicle equipment ______ .. _______ _ Aircraft and parts ________ ---- __ ---- ______________ ----Other transportation equipment -------------------------Profes•ionol and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance_ .. ___ .. -- ------------------------------------Mi•celloneous manufactures and durable goods-ollocoted __ _

Nondurable goods __ -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- ------ ---- __________ _ Meat products--------------------------------------­Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages ---Bakery products -- -------- ----------------------------Other food industries---------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mill•-------------------------­Other textile mill products------------------------------

-Apporel and other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Paper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publi•hing, and allied industrie• -----------------­Chemicals and allied products---------------------------Petroleum o nd cool products ____ -- ---- ______ ---- _______ _ Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products ----------------Footw-eor. except rubber .... ______ -------- __ ............ -- ____ _ Other nondurable goods--------------------------------Not specified manufacturing industries .. ____________ ,. _______ _

Ttt1n1pert.tio1, c1-••u1lcatlo111, aad public utllitles1 ... Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing -------------------------Water transportation .... __ .... -- ---- ------ ------------------Air transportation .. - ____ .... -------------------------· ........... All other transportation ______ ---------- __ ----------------Comm unicotions ---- -- ------ ---------- __ ----------------Electric and gas utilities -- __ -- ---- -- -- ____________ ------ _ -Water supply, sanitary services. and other utilities-----------

WlrleS.111t •Ill ntall·----------------------- ... Who~sale trade __ -- __________ ---------- -------- --------

Food and form products ---- ---------------------------Retail trade-------- -- -- ---- -- -------- -----------------­

Hardware. farm equipment, and building material retailing __ -General merchandise stores .... ---------------------------Food S-tores ____ ---- __ ---- -------- -- ------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing ------------------Gasoline service stations -- ___ --- -- ________ .... ____ ---- __ --Apparel ond accessories stores __ -- -- ____ .... -- ---- .... ---- _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places __ -- ------ __ ------------------Drugstores -------- ------ -- ------ ____ ---------------Other retail trade------------------------------------

--Fllaact, l1111r11ace, .. 11 retl eshlt. _________________ _ -

Banking and credit agencies------------------------------Ins uronce ..... ---- .... -- -- ---- ---- ------ -- ---- ---- -- -- -- ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

lushte11 ••• ...,.rr s.,..k•s------------------------Advertising ..... __ .... ·---____ .... ---- -- -- ________ .,._ ..... -- -- ...... Commerciol research, mC1nagement, and programing services __ Automobile services ______ .. _____ .. ___________________ .. __ _


Other business and repair services-------------------------PtrsHel strvk•S ---------------- .. ---------------

Private households -- -- ---------- -- -- ---- -- ------ -------­Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, ond other garment services .. __________ _ ---Barber and beauty shop•-------------------------------­Other personal services----------------------------------

btert.ll•ent •ftll recn-otton strvk11 ................... _ ........... ..

PrtftHioael alMI nlotlMI ,.,.Jm ------------·-----­Health se111ices ---- -- ------ -- -- -- -- ---- __ ---------- ---­Educotio-na I services, government-------·-- .. --------------Educatiana I services, private-------------- ......... ---- __ .... __ _ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations __ _ Other professional ond related services--------------------

P•Wk •Iol•tmlo•' ----------------------------


Postal service ------ ------------------------------------Federal public administration--·- -- ------ ---- ------------­Stole and loco! public administration ----------------------

Uumplop<I p1r1001, lo•t worlitd 1959 or urlltr•------


Experienced civilian labor force

Total White Negro

51 808 42 608 9 127 245 210 35 245 210 35 - - -

57 57 -661 627 34

9 730 7 710 2 00$ 6 536 5 109 1 418

5 5 -55 40 15 49 39 10

474 327 147 85 73 12 15 15 -12 12 -77 66 11

145 143 2 171 141 30

21 15 6 2 079 1 790 284 1 115 989 126

8 3 5 5 5 -

243 222 21 2 535 1 832 699

40 34 6 553 377 176

3 076 2 532 538 94 BO 14 20 15 5

109 98 11 111 93 18

17 17 -41 28 13

1 019 689 324 203 203 -661 653 8 201 192 9

6 6 -66 45 21 5 5 -

523 408 115 118 69 49

2 161 2 001 160 90 90 -

119 104 15 191 169 22 - - -

82 72 10 55 55 -

1 177 1 080 97 216· 206 10

71 71 -10 164 9 292 859

1 471 l 405 66 266 252 14

8 693 7 887 793 145 140 5

2 270 2 131 139 1 082 I 041 41

320 308 12 64 64 -

752 689 63 308 282 26

1 753 1 379 361 388 380 8

1 611 1 473 138 3 659 3 476 183 1 211 1 190 21 1 605 1 520 85

843 766 77 1 313 1 247 66

29 29 -168 158 10 120 116 4 996 944 52

5 133 2 522 2 605 1 934 561 1 367

625 407 218 622 409 213 847 761 86

l 105 384 721 353 272 81

15 780 12 908 2 833 7 152 5 849 1 291 4 147 3 402 729 1 489 1 099 386 1 201 l 059 142 1 791 I 499 285 2 49$ 2 234 261

114 90 24 953 836 117

1 314 1 210 104 57 52 5

>Includes allocated coses not shown separately. •See text for explanation.

5 - 706 ARKANSAS

Weeks worked in 1969 of the experienced civilian labor force

Persons of Spanish 50 to 52 27 to 49

language Total weeks weeks

258 48 715 29 608 11 240

- 231 137 37 - 231 137 37 - - - -- 57 52 5

- 655 505 102

51 9 238 5 731 2 082 43 6 223 3 736 1 441 - 5 5 -- 49 22 14 - 39 23 11 - 474 294 115 - 80 41 22 - 15 5 5 - 12 12 -8 77 59 14 6 141 110 21 - 171 127 24 - 21 16 -- I 981 1 282 373 - I 076 618 254 - 3 - -- 5 5 -7 235 113 87

22 2 402 I 295 640 - 36 26 5 - 513 322 115 8 2 897 l 945 606 - 86 54 22 - 20 16 4 - 103 65 19 - 104 66 23 - 17 11 6 - 41 31 10 - 954 647 181 - 184 130 41 8 646 420 137 - 195 146 49 - 6 6 -- 66 47 15 - 5 5 -- 470 301 99 - 118 50 35 7 2 069 1 430 348 - 90 70 14 - 110 67 16 - 186 112 36 - - - -- 70 60 6 - 55 46 6 7 1 146 778 207 - 211 155 26 - 71 47 14

33 9 303 5 757 1 857 14 1 384 960 230 - 246 148 54

19 7 919 4 797 l 627 - 130 87 25 5 2 110 1 359 384 - 1 018 637 188 - 309 223 so - 64 40 6 - 697 433 114 - 285 150 82 8 1 497 782 377 6 369 242 64 - 1 440 844 337

22 3 577 2 495 634 15 l 196 850 192 7 l 570 1 113 261 - 811 532 181

- l 178 623 287 - 24 19 -- 149 71 23 - 108 93 11 - 897 440 253

20 4 764 2 790 1 096 6 1 786 919 455 7 585 331 147 7 579 409 101 - 811 525 148 - 1 003 606 245 6 314 134 56

98 15 019 I 270 4 409 41 6 878 4 747 1 264 37 3 979 l 415 l 906 15 1 406 358 635 5 l 147 736 235 - 1 609 l 014 369

21 2 310 1 684 327 - 108 70 5 6 844 601 137

15 l 260 942 173

- ... ... . ..

Year last worked of experienced workers not in labor force

l to 26 weeks 1960-63 1964-68 1969-70

7 867 3 899 11 233 12 476 57 26 208 265 57 26 196 253 - - 12 12

- 18 6 9 48 75 106 72

1 425 503 1 956 2 420 1 046 279 1 098 1 539

- 5 - -13 - 12 42 5 4 19 5

65 53 90 157 17 10 16 35 5 - - 9 - - 5 7 4 4 15 17

10 7 11 10 20 - 26 53 5 - 15 -

326 74 247 358 204 28 146 145

3 - 10 IQ - 11 10 -

35 5 42 56 467 63 469 629

5 13 35 16 76 30 91 144

346 224 858 858 10 13 35 35 - 6 20 37

19 5 21 24 15 4 16 43 - 8 16 17 - - 19 -

126 85 384 321 13 4 18 54 89 29 155 95 - 11 27 44 - 5 - -4 5 9 34 - 9 57 27

70 40 81 127 33 - - 23

291 282 347 346 6 4 11 -

27 6 29 6 38 - 24 35 - - 10 -4 16 12 21 3 5 10 4

161 210 192 193 30 26 59 43 10 - - 5

1 689 989 2 917 3 407 194 133 322 307 44 36 66 65

l 495 856 2 595 3 100 18 12 30 28

367 216 735 848 193 88 322 288 36 43 56 98 18 5 18 15

150 98 257 246 53 26 61 89

338 189 563 781 63 25 150 126

259 154 403 581 448 300 774 770 154 116 248 279 196 116 328 242 98 68 198 249

268 86 237 407 5 14 10 10

55 21 34 78 4 4 41 28

204 47 152 291 878 472 1 325 1 320 412 171 572 544 107 74 230 167 69 74 167 161

138 87 199 182 152 66 157 266 124 22 96 234

2 340 937 2 717 2 756 867 400 l 169 1 020 658 254 763 780 413 93 307 245 176 78 261 260 226 112 217 451

299 189 544 470 33 7 28 6

106 97 230 193 145 70 270 231 ... ... . .. ...


Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the labor Force by Sex: 1970-Continued

[Dato based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Experienced civilian labor force

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male, 16 years old and over--------------------A1rk•lto,., f.,.11ry, .. ~ fl1horle1 __________________ _

Agriculture ---- ---- -------- ---- ---------------- __ ------Forestry ond fisheries ______________ ------ ________ • _____ _

Mt.lot ---- ---- --·- -------------------·-- --·---CH11T1tctloo -------- ____ ---------------- __ ------Moollfemrlog •• __________________________ ----•• _

Durable goods •• ---- •• __ -- •• -- ____ ---- __ ---- __ •• _______ _ Logging __ •• ---- __ ---- -- ________ ---- •••• ______ ---- __ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwark--------------------­Miscellaneaus wood products --------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Slone, clay, and glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary Iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous Industries .• ____ ---- __ ------------ __ _ Fobricoted metal industries, Including not specified metal ·-·-Machinery, except electrical ------------ -------- ____ ----

Office, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _

Radio, televislon, and communication equipmenf----------Molor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. _____________ _

Aircraft and ports -----------------------------------­Other transrortation equipment------------------------­Professlano and photographic equipment, and watches •••• __ Ordnance ................ __ .................. M ............ __ .... ________ ---- __

Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- allocated __ _ Nondurable goods •. __ ---- ________________ -------- __ ----_

Meal products ____ -------- -- ---- ---------------- -----Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products ________ ------------------------------Other food industries .• -------------------------------­Yam, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill product•-----------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied industries __ -------- ____ ----Chemicals and allied product•--------------------------­Petroleum and coal product•---------- __ ---------- __ ---­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber------------------------------­Other nondurable good•-------------- -- ----------------

Not specified manufacturing industries------------------ -- --lni••p•rtot&on, co1.u1111•, encl othr puWk utlltilosl _

Railroads and railway express service _____________________ _

Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------Water transportation ____________ ---------------- -- -- ----Air transportation .. _______ -------------- __ ---------------All other tronsportotlon •••••.•••. ------------------------Communicotions ________ -- -- ____ ---- ---- -------- -- -- ----Electric ond gos utilities------ -- ---------- -------- -- -- -- -­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities-----------

Wholt1olt Hd retol tnode -------------------------Wholesale trade ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --

Food and farm products -------------------------------Retail trade __ •• ______ •• ---- ------------------ -- -- -- -- --

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores ........ -------- -- ________ ,. _____ -Food stores---- __ .... __ -- ---- -- ---- ---- .. _____ -- --------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing __ ------ -- ---- -- -­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel and accessories stores •• __ -- -- -- -- -- __ -- -- - - -- -­Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores---------­Eating and drinking places -- -- -- -- .... -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - .. Drugstores ......... ______ ---- ------ ------------------ -- --Other retail trade-------------------------------------

Flaa1e1, lw11mntc1, llHI n•l 11t•te------------------­Banking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance .... ____ ............ __ ........ -- -- -- ................ -- ......... -- -- -- --Other finance and real estate __ ---- -------- ---------- ---- -

l11lu11 Htl repair 1ervk11 _______________________ _

Advertising -- ------ __ ------ ---- -- ------ ----------------Commercial research, management, and programing services ...... Automobile services __ ---- ------ ------------------------­Other business and repair services •• -- ---- •• -- -- ------ ---- -

Ptrs••al 1trvlct1 ...... -----------------------------Private households ______ -- -- •• -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ------Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------­Laundering, cleaning, and other garment servlce•------------­Borber and beauty shap•--------------------------------­Other personal services----------------------------------

bnrhllo•HI ed ,.metlto 1ortlet1 •••• ------------­

Pn1ft11Mal aH nt.tff 1ervk11 --------------------Health services ______ •• ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -----Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, private -- ------------------ ---------­Wetfore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations.---­Other professional and related services---------------------

P•Mk •lwhtrotlo•' --------------------------·-­Postal service __ ------ ----------------------------------Federal public odminlstrolion .- -- -- -- ------ ---- -- -- -------­State and local public administration -----------------------

Uo••plo.,..i pan•••, ltst worltttl 1959 er eorller•-------


173 259

4 263 4 247



15 352

43 119 19 603

51 2 422

452 l 768

691 501 700 246

2 603 3 917

160 2 195

908 l 110

41 331 297 327

2 452 23 230

1 368 787

1 038 2 982

203 596 733

3 407 2 290 4 224

418 3 196

25 l 963

286 19 837

3 2Sl 978

6 592 400 936 62S

I 552 2 495 1 63S

40 408 15 482 3 080

24 926 1 2Sl 3 776 4 672 3 444 2 308 l 071 I 474 2 482

729 3 719

8 455 2 390 2 991 3 074

6 541 491 517

I 840 3 693

4 913 707

1 538 964 851 853

1 345

17 074 5 242 4 795 1 327 2 167 3 543

11 652 2 518 3 772

- 4 929



121 884

1 799 l 783



10 214

27 484 11 941

18 915 182 925 337 208 337 132

l 744 3 096

140 l 521

637 697

41 233 270 229

1 264 lS 349

603 436 616

1 634 98

322 449

2 418 2 067 3 356

249 2 150

2S 926 194

13 558 2 557

696 4 526

321 790 394

l 399 l 926


31 243 12 035

2 127 19 208

971 2 977 3 389 2 964 l 886

878 l 215 l 527

642 2 759

7 414 2 203 2 761 2 4SO

5 102 478 478

I 316 2 830

2 857 as

I 075 624 643 430


12 sea 3 790 3 326

923 1 513 3 036

8 619 I 510 2 634 4 230


•includes allocated coses not shown separately. •See text for explanation.



50 914

2 442 2 442


5 106

15 568 7 637

33 l 507

270 843 354 293 363 114 848 815

20 666 268 413 -

98 27 98

l 188 7 839

765 351 414

l 348 105 274 284 989 223 858 169

I 040 -

I 019 92

6 259 694 282

2 066 75

146 231 153 569

l 351

8 955 3 412

932 5 543

280 797

l 163 480 401 193 2S9 932 87


1 036 187 230 619

1 413 13 33

509 858

2 036 618 463 340 208 407


4 441 I 438 l 458

404 654 487

3 027 l 002 l 138

699 49

Weeks worked in 1969 of tho experienced clvlllan la bar force

Persons of Spanish 50 to 52 27 to 49

language Total weeks weeks

834 170 153 121 961 35 441

15 4 138 2 033 1 524 15 4 122 2 022 l 524 - 16 11 -- 219 164 35

55 15 045 8 739 5 025

146 42 396 30 980 8 914 47 19 287 13 532 4 551 - 48 20 23 - 2 374 l 666 544 6 447 268 164

11 1 730 l 245 390 - 691 468 183 - SOl 346 129 - 695 490 180 - 227 154 68

12 2 589 l 845 546 14 3 90S 2 949 750 - 160 137 14 - 2 1S9 l 37S 655 - 903 638 223 - l 099 838 232 - 41 27 11 - 317 189 76 4 297 242 45 - 322 233 68 - 2 346 I 523 616

99 22 823 17 236 4 298 - 1 338 1 042 267 - 769 570 156

15 l 017 744 195 - 2 933 2 12S 603 - 203 139 46 - S84 428 119 3 733 523 146

18 3 383 2 57S 662 15 2 256 l 6S5 359 35 4 183 3 327 669

7 413 337 54 - 3 169 2 522 S91 - 25 25 -6 I 817 l 224 431 - 286 212 65

49 19 652 15 083 3 739 19 3 230 2 507 607 - 968 717 234

15 6 547 4 981 1 326 - 394 222 136 - 929 807 87 - 616 386 170 - l 542 1 239 231 6 2 487 2 128 289 - l 625 l 178 395

203 39 397 28 448 7 092 62 15 278 12 388 2 143 23 3 021 2 455 378

141 24 119 16 060 4 949 - l 242 885 290

13 3 713 2 612 6S4 20 4 S24 2 862 91S 19 3 392 2 782 468 20 2 230 l 267 596 10 I 040 665 244 - I 458 l 047 322

32 2 288 I 174 504 6 707 475 1S4

21 3 525 2 291 802

40 8 395 6 784 1 086 27 2 369 I 874 314 6 2 979 2 581 303 7 3 047 2 329 469

31 6 436 4 567 1 356 - 47S 381 74 - Sl7 383 90 7 l 810 I 272 431

24 3 634 2 531 761

21 4 811 3 127 1 125 4 687 286 225 7 I 504 I 023 332

10 940 639 219 - 838 599 173 - 842 S80 176

- 1 287 695 314

167 16 833 11 491 3 964 80 5 183 3 788 1 006 24 4 707 2 645 1 648 23 l 290 59S 462 21 2 146 1 693 310 19 3 S07 2 770 538

107 11 544 9 850 1 267 12 2 Sll 2 156 261 48 3 726 3 198 389 47 4 896 4 195 S39

- ... ... ...

Year last worked of experienced workers not In lobar force

l to 26 weeks 1960-63 1964--68 1969-70

12 751 3 053 9 095 18 164

581 308 827 1 840 576 308 821 l 840

5 - 6 -20 5 19 28

1 281 294 853 2 072

2 502 642 1 895 3 216 l 204 344 852 l 619

5 - 5 18 164 122 123 186 15 11 53 38 95 17 57 111 40 15 46 66 26 9 46 36 25 5 40 41

5 16 7 13 198 27 59 178 206 22 154 256

9 - 4 9 129 9 53 126 42 - 25 33 29 35 82 117 3 - 6 14

52 7 19 68 10 - - 10 21 - 14 30

207 58 134 347 l 289 293 l 025 1 587

29 44 41 46 43 4 52 126 78 - 31 38

205 54 145 177 18 5 6 21 37 6 19 28 64 - 9 101

146 40 98 191 242 34 168 228 187 28 107 169 22 11 23 34 56 37 204 124 - - - 9

162 30 122 29S 9 5 18 10

830 490 l 224 l 168 116 218 446 125

17 25 BO 90 240 73 27S 330

36 12 34 37 35 - 19 66 60 26 76 SS 72 15 20 62 70 30 71 130 52 30 134 115

3 857 545 l 831 4 630 747 168 518 l 065 188 22 143 19S

3 110 377 I 313 3 565 67 43 !OJ 19S

447 107 207 492 747 35 272 800 142 26 88 179 367 33 89 326 131 23 SS 174 89 35 46 98

610 33 164 619 78 8 32 154

432 34 257 528

525 122 245 405 181 18 52 67 95 43 59 68

249 61 134 270

513 53 296 544 20 4 6 17 44 - 18 15

!07 18 93 199 342 31 179 313

559 131 480 905 176 47 109 203 149 31 154 353 82 13 84 96 66 II 73 42 86 29 60 211

278 9 173 SIG

1 378 216 642 1 622 389 72 230 340 414 48 143 460 233 II 36 180 143 39 141 286 199 46 92 3S6

427 238 610 l 154 94 76 112 140

139 124 346 650 162 32 148 258 .. . . .. ... .. .


Table 185. Industry of the Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Race and Sex, and Weeks Worked in 1969 and Experienced Workers Not in the Labor Force by Sex: 1970-Continued

[Dato based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More

MEMPHIS, TENN.-ARK., SMSA- Continued Female, 16 years old and over------------------A1ricuhuN, ftr1dry, entl fl•htrf41 _________________ _ -Agriculture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ ________________ _ -

Forestry and fisheries ... ----------------------------------Mlolo1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ---- __________ _ -C•astruttM• ______________ ---- ____ ---- ________ _ -Maniuf1c;turill9 .... __ -- __ .... ______ -- ---- ___________ _ -

Durable goods ______ -- ---------------- -------- __ --------logging ---- ---- ------ ---------- ------------ ------ __ -Sawmills, planing mills, ond millwork_ __________________ _ -Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------­Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone~ c:lay. and gloss products ------------------------


Cement, concrete, gypsum, and ploster products-------­PrlmCJry iron and steel industries -----------------------

--Primary nonferrous industries ______ ------------------ __ -fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal __ _ -Machinery. except electrical ------------ -------------- _ -Office, accounting1 and computing machines ___________ _ -Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _ -Radio, tel·evision. ond commt.1nication equipment ________ _ -Motor \!ehicles on.d motor vehicle equipment _____________ _ -Aircraft and ports ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment------------------------Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ______ -- __ ------ ---- .. _ ---- ---------------- _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __

Nondurable goods __ -- ---- ------ ---- ---------- __ ------ __ Meat products ____ -------------- ---.. -------------- __ Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products -- -- __ ---- ---- ------------ ---- ------ _ Other food industries--------------------------------­Yorn, thread, ond fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill producls-----------------------------Apporel ond other fobricoted textile products ____________ _ Poper and allied products----------------------------­Printing, publishing, ond allied industries----------------­Chemicals and ollied products-------------------------­Petroleum ond cool products--------------------------­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products--------------­Footwear. except rubber-----------------------------­Other nondurable goods-- -- ---- -------- ---------- -----

Not specified manufacturing industries---------------------Tn11n.port1tlo11 co11•unications1 and otlttr publk utUfflu 1

Railroads and railway express service __________ ,. _________ _ Street railways and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing------------------------Waler transportation ____ -- ______ ------ -------------- __ _ Air transportation __ ---- __ -------------- __ --------------All other transportofion ________________________________ _ Comm unicotions __________________ ---------- ____ ---- __ _


Electric and gos utilities ____ ,. ______ -----------------------Water supply, sanitary services. ond other utilities----------

Whluale ond ret•U tmle ------------------------Wholesale !rode ---- ____ ---- __ ---------- -------- ---- __ _

Food ond form products------------------------------Retail trade ______ -- ______ -- ____ ---- __ -----------------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores __ ------------ __ .... - .... -------food stores------ -- __ ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ ------ -Motor vehicles and accessories retailing ----------------­Gasoline service stations---------- -- ---- -------- __ ----Apparel and accessories stores ________________________ _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ _ Ealing and drinking places-----------------------------Drugstores __ ---- -------- -- -- ---- -- -------- -- -------Other retail trode------------------------------------

FfHnce, illsunau. 11tll ,..,., tst•t•---------------- .. -Banking ond credit ogenci&s ---- .. ~-----------------------lnstironce ______ ------ ---- ---- __ -w-- -- __ -------- -------Other finonce and real estate----------------------------


IHl .. ss ••II npolt servkts ______________________ _ -Advertising -- -- -------------------- -- -------------- __ _ Commercial research, management, ond programing services--

-Automobile services -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ------ ---- ___ _ Other business and repair services ____ ---------- -- -- ------

Ptn••ll strwlces ------------------------------­Privoto households------------------------------------ -Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ___________ _ Barber ond boouty shops--------------------------------Other persona I services __ ---- __ ---- -- __ ...... ______________ _

bterteJ.•Ht elltCI ,.creation servkes _______________ _

Prtfesslual Hll nMtH Hrvkts ------------------­Health services -------- ---------------------------- ---­Educational services, government-------------------------Educational services, private ____________________________ _ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit member.ship organizations ....... Other professional and reJated services--------------------

Pobllc ad•llllslnltlon• -------- --------------------Postal .service -------- ------ -- -------------------------Fed<rol public odm inistrotlon ______________ ---- ____ -------Stole and local public odministrotion ----------------------

U11•ployd pmo11, lest wortcad 1959 or 11rller•------


Experienced civilian labor force

Total White Negro

119 693 76 275 43 109

592 201 391 581 190 391

11 11 -37 26 11

1 293 1 114 169

17 039 10 503 6 500 7 646 3 882 3 748

8 - 8 507 157 350 84 36 48

855 320 535 124 102 22 63 63 -45 40 -30 30 -

410 349 61 547 417 130 30 30 -

2 646 1 289 I 352 1 338 533 805

328 142 186 47 47 -71 67 4

227 214 13 510 200 310

1 207 472 729 9 188 6 538 2 630

198 143 55 256 162 94 387 309 78 970 800 170 119 76 43 269 174 95

1 537 947 586 1 180 785 391

931 833 98 1 656 1 350 301

87 82 5 414 349 65

- - -I 184 528 649

205 83 122 4 394 3 504 890

150 139 11 147 136 11 752 622 130

41 36 5 372 336 36 178 134 44

1 950 1 490 460 443 387 56 67 46 21

28 286 21 898 6 273 5 292 4 724 566 1 024 822 200

22 994 17 174 5 707 348 297 51

7 193 6 368 815 2 232 1 585 595

516 473 38 120 94 26

1 999 1 640 359 683 606 77

5 545 2 868 2 643 940 758 182

3 418 2 485 921

8 028 7 070 952 3 472 3 153 313 2 363 2 025 338 2 193 1 892 301

3 281 2 643 638 319 282 37 522 482 40 314 213 101

2 126 1 666 460 17 741 4 501 13 184 8 926 635 8 278 2 321 1 264 1 057 2 058 756 1 302 1 983 1 394 589 2 453 452 1 958

745 543 198

34 119 21 437 12 605 13 407 8 678 4 689 11 251 6 414 4 817

3 195 2 105 1 085 2 375 1 750 625 3 891 2 490 1 389

3 840 2 698 1 137 436 202 234

1 737 1 354 378 1 448 1 076 372

298 137 161

'Includes allocated coses not shown separately. 2see text for explanation.


Weeks worked In 1969 of the experienced civilian labor force

Persons of Spanish 50 to 52 27 to 49

language Toto I weeks weeks

534 113 797 59 176 36 597

- 512 187 167 - 501 176 167 - 11 11 -- 37 26 5

- 1 246 822 295

69 16 345 8 912 5 298 39 7 334 3 629 2 878 - 8 - 8 - 500 317 137 - 79 39 20 6 830 535 233 - 111 75 36 - 54 50 4 - 45 22 15 - 30 20 10 - 404 264 102

16 517 313 147 - 25 15 10

17 2 587 963 1 338 - 1 308 504 681 - 319 185 89 - 42 32 10 - 71 37 27 - 217 112 72 - 475 197 225 - 1 099 518 409

30 8 814 5 185 2 347 - 198 137 36 - 238 116 73 8 358 211 108

14 944 603 258 - 119 69 28 - 269 178 65 - 1 494 824 469 - 1 154 699 325 - 906 542 237 - l 595 997 343 - 87 74 13 - 388 229 91 - - - -B 1 064 506 301 - 197 98 73 6 4 281 2 736 1 019 - 150 120 25 - 147 59 69 - 735 488 165 - 41 19 22 - 372 264 74 - 168 101 47 6 1 898 1 159 464 - 443 357 60 - 67 45 4

101 26 709 14 258 7 218 12 5 150 3 277 1 193 - 995 592 250

89 21 559 10 981 6 025 - 337 214 69

19 6 899 3 621 1 762 10 2 153 1 169 530 - 507 296 136 - 105 53 37 - 1 966 1 146 431 - 658 376 197

48 5 021 2 107 1 741 - 878 434 223

12 3 035 l 565 899 51 7 701 5 096 1 692 23 3 330 2 286 671 28 2 300 1 560 476 - 2 071 1 250 545

6 3 075 1 502 853 - 315 185 96 - 488 183 157 - 304 229 32 6 1 968 905 568

46 16 512 7 916 5 612 18 8 281 3 618 3 001 14 2 210 1 209 633 7 1 970 1 148 555 7 1 900 925 668 - 2 151 1 016 755

- 690 303 182

248 33 018 14 806 13 574 121 13 079 8 529 2 988 81 11 021 2 401 7 084 40 3 071 872 1 639 - 2 291 1 275 6'J7 6 3 556 1 729 l 256

7 3 671 2 612 682 - 429 342 67 - 1 682 1 351 212 7 1 377 835 330

- ... ... ...

Year lost worked of experienced workers not in labor force

1to26 weeks 1960-63 1964-68 1969-70

18 024 8 711 23 429 29 505

158 301 629 1 136 158 301 629 1 136 - - - -6 - 6 11

129 62 215 314

2 135 1 288 3 363 4 031 827 422 1 430 1 705 - - - -

46 6 68 103 20 19 13 16 62 46 123 142 - 28 12 26 - - - 16 8 6 12 -- 5 6 9

38 32 110 81 57 53 93 104 - 4 - 11

286 96 585 527 123 - 291 309 45 21 61 62 - 6 32 16 7 6 - 30

33 - 24 66 53 9 62 104

172 89 229 419 1 282 861 1 892 2 269

25 14 14 52 49 14 81 75 39 30 31 60 83 55 180 203 22 37 65 26 26 19 61 69

201 231 423 510 130 72 146 182 127 89 161 214 255 114 262 253 - 5 11 37

68 23 71 53 - 31 71 6

257 127 315 529 26 5 41 57

526 357 749 749 5 15 47 30

19 12 43 13 82 45 Bl 125 - 10 4 9

34 29 60 65 20 9 43 44

275 169 339 346 26 37 74 31 18 8 10 20

5 233 2 400 6 941 9 05' 680 312 888 1 057 153 61 259 190

4 553 2 088 6 060 7 995 54 31 63 64

1 516 759 2 169 2 399 454 158 414 596

75 33 108 143 15 - 42 16

389 226 555 627 85 88 143 182

1 173 338 1 606 2 242 221 95 221 313 571 360 739 1 413

913 655 1 323 l 406 373 269 622 649 264 232 374 371 276 154 327 386 720 193 612 996 34 11 41 104

148 21 78 139 43 5 26 53

495 156 467 700

2 984 1 476 4 169 4 587 1 662 756 2 446 2 205

368 123 432 609 267 165 492 495 307 157 383 340 380 275 416 938

205 82 175 393

4 638 1 641 4 553 6 070 1 562 676 1 650 2 051 1 536 463 1 515 1 768

560 157 405 598 409 120 418 598 571 225 565 1 055

377 326 687 760 20 23 46 72

119 224 346 376 212 64 260 283

... .. . ... .. .


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Mole, 16 yean aid and over--------------------A1rlc•tt.n, fonsll'y, ood flslotrlu •••• ______________ _

Agriculture ________ .... ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ---- .... ------ __ .. _ Forestry and fisheries ______________ ---- __________ ---- __ _

Mlelng ------ ------ ---- ------------------------

Cu1tnctle1 -----------------------------------­

MH•f1<h""9---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Durable goads •• ____________ ---- ____________ -------- ___ _

Logging ____ ------------------ -------------- -------- _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ____________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and glass products -------------------------

Cement. concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries .................... -----------------Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electrical ---- ________ -------- _______ _ Office, accounting, and computing mochlnes--"----------

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment .. ________ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehide equipment ............................. .. Aircraft and ports ------------------------------------Other tronsrortation equipment-------------------------Professiono and photographic equipment, and watches .......... .. Ordnance ......................... __ ................ __ .... ______ .... ____ .... ___ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods._ -- ------ ------------ ------------ -----Meat products ____ -------------- ---------------------Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products ____ ---------------------------- _____ _ Other food industries __________________ ------ _________ _ Varn, thread, and fabric mills---------------------------Other textile mill products _____________________________ _

Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied industries _________________ _

Chemicals and allied products __ -------------------------Petroleum and cool products_ _______________________ ----Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber ---- ---- -------- ---------- -----Other nondurable goods ____ ---------------------- _____ _

Not specified manufacturing industries __________________ ----

Tra11portatila, co••a111klffH1, .. t1 other p1bUc 11tmtie11 _ Railroads and railway express service-------------- _______ _ Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------- ..... - .... Water transportation ____ -- ______________ ---- __ -- _______ _ Air transportation. ___________ -- ---- ------ ---------------All other transportation __ ---- ______ -------------- __ ------Communications -------- ---- ------------------ -- __ -----­Electric and gas utilities---------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholesale ood nhH Inn------------------------­Wholesole trade ------ -- -------- __ -------------- -- -----­

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade ________ ------ -- ---- ------ -- -------- --------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores ______ .... ---------------------Food stores------ -- -- ---- ---- -------- -------- ---- ___ _ Matar vehicles and accessories retailing------------------Gasoline service stations ____________ ........ __ ---- __ .... ____ _ Apparel and accessories stores ______ --------------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores. ________ _ Eating and drinking places ______ -- ---- -- -------- -- -- -- --Drugstores -------- ------ ------ ---- -------------- ----Other retail trade -- -- -- •• -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ -- -- ---

n. .. ct, bm•ra•ce, ••ii r1•l Htt1ft __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------l11suronce .... -- ... - ......... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

l•llHn .. t1Npolr1tnlc11 ------------------------

~~~- ----------------------Commercial research, management, ond programing services ...... Automobile services -- ---------- ---------- --------------­Other business and repair services.------------------------

Ptno•ol strvlctt .... __ ----------------------------Private households ______ .... __ ........ -- .... -- ----- -- ---- --------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shaps---------------------------------Other personal services -- ---- ____ -- ---- -- --·--- -- ---- -- --

Eatemle•Ht oo4 rt«Htito sonlcts •• --------------­

Pnfessleaal ao4 """'" 10Nlct1 --------------------Health services -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- -----Educational services, government--------------------------Educational services, private ..... ---- ................. ----------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

hWlc •1tol1tntlo•• -----------------------------Postal service .... ------ ----------------·----.. ------------Federal public administration _____________________________ _

State and local public odminlstrotlon ------·----------------

•Includes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. For mooning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

Total wage and employed salary workers Total Federal Stole

404 491 290 346 51 447 16 239 16 945

48 884 24 567 1 383 642 682 47 443 24 on 583 164 360

1 441 490 800 478 322

4 755 4 499 39 17 15

42 085 27 390 6 353 1 311 3 136

110 133 103 990 2 361 1 826 280 66 140 61 900 1 278 968 172 4 817 3 352 6 6 -

11 918 11 333 49 33 -2 659 2 565 22 6 11 6 476 6 288 so 22 3 3 574 3 478 21 4 11 1 554 1 487 17 - 11

930 913 6 6 -4 234 4 162 61 16 20 5 002 4 913 38 11 10

5 132 4 973 30 - 14 343 343 - - -

8 643 8 558 35 12 13 2 093 2 088 - - -1 339 1 309 4 - 4

261 2'46 10 10 -2 813 2 76S - - -

968 951 5 s -2 241 1 447 791 760 31 5 133 4 647 lSO 77 SS

43 349 41 520 1 030 834 84 5 113 4 929 90 67 IS 3 584 3 533 20 9 -I 072 1 058 5 - -4 751 4 613 31 6 15

820 797 s s -1 306 1 277 12 - 7 2 025 1 966 29 7 -7 843 7 803 18 13 5 4 225 3 956 24 6 11

4 303 3 593 658 638 8 1 200 1 200 - - -3 040 2 993 35 IS 9 2 175 2 118 30 16 -1 892 l 684 73 52 14

644 570 53 24 24

34 450 28 175 4 191 361 648 7 090 6 988 102 44 31 2 067 842 1 195 29 313 9 389 7 782 109 66 9

622 506 90 55 17 633 496 55 16 17 956 801 11 - 11

3 448 3 368 61 21 28 5 985 5 387 577 56 95 2 376 570 1 735 12 106

76 299 62 630 550 247 130 18 675 16 930 68 20 30 5 524 4 997 23 10 13

57 624 45 700 482 227 100 6 213 5 500 16 - -4 616 3 911 68 52 s

10 976 8 145 59 36 6 9 408 8 266 29 18 11 7 505 5 '404 '46 5 -1 410 1 156 4 - -3 489 2 569 15 6 -4 334 3 113 Hl8 57 33 1 526 l 274 - - -8 147 6 362 137 53 45

11 637 • 700 651 423 66 3 220 2 886 297 257 26 4 422 3 922 127 107 20 3 995 2 892 227 59 20

11 846 7 440 225 95 76 361 272 10 10 -422 3()8 25 6 -

5 249 3 204 45 22 6 5 814 3 656 145 57 70

8 985 6 568 51 11 15 1 539 1 '467 - - -1 952 1 577 10 - 6 1 638 l 202 - - -2 072 923 10 - 4 1 784 1 399 31 11 5

2 700 2 165 130 26 21

35 635 13 222 18 431 2 019 9 179 8 685 3 374 3 526 1 164 1 636

13 677 - 13 677 557 6 993 3 368 3 297 - - -5 298 4 185 508 135 217 4 607 2 366 720 163 333

17 082 - 17 082 9 261 2 697 4 306 - 4 306 4 306 -4 692 - 4 692 4 692 -7 648 - 7 64ll - 2 664


Unpaid Self-employed family

Local workers workers

18 263 61 071 1 627

59 22 221 706 59 22 082 701 - 1'46 5

7 212 5

1 906 8 252 90

255 3 615 167 138 2 859 103

- 1 428 31 16 530 6 5 66 6

25 132 6 6 75 -6 so -- 11 -

25 11 -17 51 -16 129 -- - -10 38 12 - 5 -- 26 -- 5 -- 43 5 - 12 -- - 3

18 302 34

112 735 64 8 94 -

11 31 -5 9 -

10 99 8 - 18 -s 10 7

22 30 -- 22 -7 234 11

12 52 -- - -

11 12 -14 21 6 7 103 32 s 21 -

3 182 2 025 59 27 - -

853 26 4 34 I 453 45 18 26 -22 82 -- 139 s 12 19 -

426 21 -1 617 71 -

173 12 626 493 18 1 6S7 20 - 484 20

155 10 969 473 16 693 4 11 588 49 17 2 604 168 - 1 107 6

41 1 988 67 4 244 6 9 894 11

18 1 039 74 - 245 7

39 1 567 81

162 1 281 5 14 37 -- 373 -

148 871 5

54 4 136 45

- 79 -19 89 -17 1 971 29 18 1 997 16

25 2323 43 - 56 16 4 353 12 - 426 10 6 1 139 -

15 349 5

83 400 5

7 233 3 913 9 726 1 776 9

6 127 - -- 71 -156 605 -224 1 521 -

5 124 - -- - -- - -4 984 - -

ARKANSAS 5 - 709

Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THI! STATl!-Continued

Total- Continued

Female, 16 yoan old and over------------------Agrlcto"-, Mmy, .. d flshtrln • _________________ _

Agriculture __ ---------·-· __ ---- •• -------- -------- _____ _ Fonislry and fisheries ---- ______ ---- ____ ------ ---- ____ ••• ..... ---------------------------------------­

c ... fllldlH -----------------------------------­

lll•tfoctvrilt-----------------------------------Durable goods ______ •• ---- __ ------------------ •••••• ___ _

Logging __ •. ____ ------ ------ ____ -------- ---- ____ -----Sawmills, planing mills. and miliwark. ___________________ _ Mlscelloneaus wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone. clav, and gloss products ------------------·-·----

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products --------­Primary Iron and steel Industries ----------------·------­Primary nonferrous industries-------- .. ------------------Fobricoted metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except eloctrical --------------···------- ----Office, accounting, and computing machines. ___________ _

Electrical mochinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio. television, and communication equipment---------­

Mator vehicles and motor V11hicle equipment---------------Alrcraft and parts ------------------------------------Other tronsr.rtation equipment ------------------------­Professiono and photographic equipment, and watches__----Ordnance __ •• ---------------- __ ---- __ ------------ ___ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods-- __ ---- ______ ---- __ ··-------------- __ _ Meo! products -- __ -------------- ---------------- -----Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products--------------------------------------Other food industries---------------------------------­Yarn, thread, ond fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill products----------------·-------------Apparel and other fabricated textile products ____________ _ -

-Paper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

-Chemicals and allied products------------------------ __ Petroleum and coal produclS---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products----------------Footwear, except rubber -------------------------- ____ _ Other nondurable goods ________ --------·-------·-------

Not specified manufacturing industries ______ ----------------


Trwsport.tlta, ctm•ui•i&c1tloa1, ••ti other pUUc utilities 1 Railroads and railway express servic•---------------------­Street railways ond bus lines ----------------------·----­Trutking servke and warehousing ... -----------------------

--Water transportation ____ -- ... ---------------------------_ Air transportation •• -- ____ ---- ------ ------ ---- ______ ••••

-All other_ tra~sportotio n ______ -- •• ---- ______ •• __________ _ Commun1cat1ons ---- ____ ---- -- __ ........ _ .. _ ---- ------ ---- ___ _ Electric and gos utilities ......... ----------------------------­Woter supply, sanitary service-s. and other utilities---.. ------

w .. 111• ood .. t.a tndt ------------------------Who le sale trode ---- ------ __ ---- •• ---- •• ________ •. ____ _

-----Food ond farm products ------------------------------

Retail trade .• ---- ---------- -------------------- ----------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores-- -- .... ____________ ------ ___ _ food stores------------------ __ ----------------------Motor vehicJes and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations-------------------------------


Apparel and accessories stores ____ ---- .... __ ---- __ ---- __ _ furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking placeL----------------------------Drugstores __ ......... ____ .... ____ ................ __ ---------- _____ _ Other retail trade -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ____ -- -----

Rance ... H,.Ht, DH nol esteh __ ,. ______________ _ -Bankiog ond credit agencies---- .. -------------------------Insurance .... -- ____ ---- ............. -- -------- ........ ---- ............. ----Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

tnloeu Hd ropolr sonlcts •.••••••• _____________ _ -Advertising ---- __ ---- ----------------------------------Commercial research, management, and programing services •• Automobile services -- ------ -- ------ --------------------

--Other business ond repair services ............. _________________ _ -

Pononl 1onlce1 --------------·-----------------l'rivote households--------------------------·----------­Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering. cleoni'1g, and other garment services_ __________ _ Barber and beauty shops--------------------------------

--Other personal services _________________________________ _

httrtwfo•HI OM_ ... 1enk11 ••••••••• -------­

PNft111uol OM rtloltd 11nlc11 -·-·---··--···------Heahh services------------------------·-----------------Educationat services, government------------------------­Educational strvk:es, private .... ---------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Pollllc ..i.loklntlu• -----------------------------Postal service ___ ,.. __ ,._ ------ ---------- .. -----------------Foderol publlc odmlnistrotion •• -------- __ •• __ -------·-- ---­State and local public administration-----------------------

'Includes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 710 ARKANSAS

[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

Total wage ond employed salary workers Total Federal State

245 206 180 028 47 112 • 239 16 627

5 704 3 195 190 82 99 s 535 3 146 76 26 41

169 49 114 S6 58

409 397 6 - -2 044 1 316 434 199 188

59 558 57 835 1 094 708 232 23 092 22 279 547 355 140

150 130 - - -945 908 2 - -387 381 - - -

2 762 2 734 3 3 -348 320 - - -95 72 - - -64 64 - - -

401 401 - - -1 306 1 297 9 4 -1 372 1 330 11 - 11

386 386 - - -6 950 6 829 97 35 48 1 912 1 868 36 2S 11

227 212 - - -7S 7S - - -

592 S92 - - -3 212 3 170 42 21 21 1 113 850 258 252 6 3 188 2 986 12S 40 S4

36 009 3S 139 512 331 92 3 993 3 931 27 16 6 1 835 1 817 6 - -

367 361 - - -69S 672 - - -523 518 - - -

1 381 1 373 8 8 -12 532 12 384 98 47 31 1 533 1 515 10 - -2 882 2 749 21 s -1 211 1 023 188 188 -

126 126 - - -1 011 982 29 29 -s 4S8 5 396 39 10 23 2 462 2 292 86 28 32

457 417 JS 22 -6 994 6 249 605 53 109

237 232 s - -379 198 1S9 14 so 837 786 - - -« 33 5 - 5 140 126 14 5 -185 160 5 - 5

3 252 3 189 40 11 24 1 181 1 094 87 13 11

379 119 255 - -49 674 41 536 506 184 147 4 236 3 909 29 8 15 1 296 1 213 5 - 5

45 438 37 627 477 176 132 1 277 1 044 6 - -9 284 8 588 65 41 5 6 794 4 473 59 29 17 1 568 l 352 9 5 -

620 393 4 - -3 538 3 011 18 11 -l 322 l 071 5 5 -

12 001 10 333 195 51 50 2 032 1 938 6 - 6 7 002 s 424 110 34 S4

10 781 9 866 480 321 74 5 316 s 024 292 22S 51 3 041 2 820 74 53 5 2 424 2 022 114 43 18

3 262 2 460 131 21 55 86 69 - - -

448 370 33 11 6 439 290 6 6 -

2 289 l 731 92 4 49

29 263 24 973 140 69 28 14 466 14 327 - - -3 709 2 902 57 26 10 3 001 2 617 24 14 -4 783 2 557 27 13 8 3 304 2 570 32 16 10

1 293 1 089 21 18 -68 466 31 112 35 747 2 336 14 113 26 650 18 408 7 814 1 012 3 107 24 672 - 24 672 963 9 323 6 879 6 276 - - -4 051 2 598 1 347 189 930 6 214 3 830 1 914 172 753

1 751 - 7 758 4 248 1 582 1 129 - 1 129 1 129 -2 914 - 2 914 2 914 -3 431 - 3 431 - 1 553


Unpaid Self-employed family

Local workers workers

22 246 14 015 4 051

9 1 544 775 9 1 544 769 - - 6

6 - 6

47 196 .. 154 433 196

52 179 87 - 15 5 2 14 21 - - 6 - 19 6 - 24 4 - 19 4 - - -- - -5 - -- 9 22 - - -

14 16 8 - 4 4 - lS -- - -- - -- - -- s -

31 62 15

89 249 109 s 26 9 6 12 -- 6 -- 10 13 - 5 -- - -

20 40 10 10 - 8 16 87 2S

- - -- - -- - -6 15 8

26 48 36 13 s -

443 59 81 s - -

95 16 6 - 11 40 - - 6 9 - -- 9 11 5 18 5

63 - -255 s -175 5 551 2 081

6 133 165 - 42 36

169 5 418 1 916 6 138 89

19 526 105 13 l 563 699 4 90 117 4 120 1()3 7 436 73 - 141 lOS

94 1 222 251 - 36 . S2

22 l 146 322

85 311 124 16 - -16 100 47 53 211 77

55 479 192 - 12 s

16 40 s - 93 so

39 334 132

43 3 908 242 - 127 12

21 66S as 10 268 92 6 2 194 5 6 654 411

3 161 22

19 291 1 373 234 3 69S 342 86

14 386 - -- S90 13 228 98 8 989 343 127

1 928 - -- - -- - -1 878 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Male, 16 yean old and over--------------------AplHlhon, fonahy, u• lbloorlo1 •• ________________ _

Agriculture __ -- -- ______ ---- -- •••• ---- -- •• ------ __ ---- __ Forestry and fisheries ---- ____ .. ___________ -------------- _

Mlolotl ----------·- ----------·----------------­

Cuatnocllu -- ------ ----------------------------Ma••hlchlrlog ______________ ---- __ ---- __ -------- _

Durable good•------ ____ ---- •• __ •• ---- ______ ---- _______ _

~~e.9~1kpianii19-;;;";n;.-;;~d-.niii.;;;~i<:::: :::::::::::: :: :: : Miscellaneous wood product•---------------------------Furniture and fixtures ............................ __ ............ ------ ____ _ Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel Industries -----------------------­Primory nonferrous lndustrles--------------------------­Fobrlcoted metal Industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, eKcept electrical ----------------------------Office, accounting, and computing machines-------------

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies. ____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment__-------­

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment---------------Aircraft and ports ..................................................................... - .. Other transrortotion equipment -------------------------Professlono and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance ____________ -------- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- _____ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-ollocoted ••.

No~~~o~~3~~~s :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :::::: :: ::::::::: Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages ...... Bakery products--------------------------------------Other food Industries·---------------------------------Yorn, threod, and fabric mills __________________________ _ Other textile mill products __________ •• ______ ---- •• __ ----Apporel ond other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied Industries -- -------- ---- ___ _

Chemicols and ollied products--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber ond mlscelloneous plostic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber ------ __ -----------.. ---------- _ Other nondurable goods ... -----------------------------

Not specified monufocturing Industries __ ------------------ __

Tru1,.mtM•, co••nkatka11 encl ,,.., puWk uttlttie11 _ Railroads and railway express service ______ .. ______________ _

Street rollways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing ---------.. ---------------

~~t:~~~~~~~~o~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: All other. tro~sportation ______ -- __ -- -- __ -- __ -- __ -- __ -- ----Comm un1cat1ons ---- __ ---------- ---- ------------ --------Eledric and gos utilities .......... ----------------------------­Water supply, sonitory services, and other utilities ----------·

Whalt1ol1 ood rotol tmlo ------------------------­Wholesale trode ---- -- -- -------- ---- ------------ -------­

food ond farm products ···-·-·------------------------Retoil trade ____ -- -- ---- -------- ---- ---- -------- -·------

Hordwore, form equipment. ond building materiol retailing __ _ General merchandise stores ........... -----------------------Food stores -- -- •• -- -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --Motor vehicles ond accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations-------- __ -------------------- .. Apporel and accessories stores-------------------------­furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores •••••••.•• Eating ond drinking ploces .- ____ •• -- ---- ·- -- __ •• -- -- -- --Drugstores ............................ ----------------------------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

F11111ce. ll1t1n1K1, •"4 ml ................ --------------Banking ond credit ogencles ------------------------------Insurance ................. __ .... __ ---- ________________ ------------Other linonce ond real estate-----------------------------

1 .. 11111 u• ropalr 11Nk11 ------------------------Advertising ---- __ ---- ------------------ -------- --------Commercial research, management, and programing services_ .. _ Automobile services .... ---- ....... ---------------------------­Other business and repair servlces-------------------------

Ptrto•al 11nlu1 ____ -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- ---- -- --Private households-------------------------------------­Hotels ond lodging ploces -------------------------------­laundering, cleaning, and other garment servlce•------------­Borber and beauty shops---------------------------------01her personal services -- ....... -------------------------"'---

Entartall•Ht aH ncnatltn 1enlc11_.,. ______________ _

Pnf111loul o..i rofotod 11nk11 --------·---------·-Health services ---- __ -----------------------------------Educotional services. government-------------·-----------­Educational services, private __ ---- ........ __ -- __ ......... -- .... -- ---­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations----Other professionol and related services ____________________ _

Pullfk H•lobtntlao• ------··--·-----------------­Postal service ---------------------------------- --------Federal public administration •..... -- ---- __ ---- •• -- -- -- •• -­Stole ond locol public odminislrotlon -----------------------

'Includes allocated coses not shown seporotely.


[Data based an sample, see text. for meaning of &ymbols, see text)

Private Government workers Totol wage and

employed salary workers Total Federol State

49 752 39 681 6 770 2 166 1 599

a 214 6 807 136 76 55 e 168 6 724 113 62 46 106 83 23 14 9

317 303 10 - 10

3 511 2 715 333 73 65

17 413 16 315 849 641 101 12 096 11 367 509 369 86

1 411 1 243 - - -3 738 3 701 27 11 -

&fl 592 17 6 11 551 537 14 - -563 553 10 4 6 234 228 6 - 6 239 227 6 6 -712 673 39 16 14 708 675 21 - 10

46-4 445 14 - 14 5 5 - - -

750 744 6 6 -337 337 - - -161 161 - - -

21 17 4 4 -235 235 - - -122 122 - - -740 433 307 '1!17 10

1 072 1 009 44 19 21

s 190 4 834 327 264 15 428 423 5 - 5 402 397 - - -139 134 5 - -864 839 21 6 5 102 102 - - -266 259 - - -228 207 21 7 -719 713 6 6 -204 199 5 - 5

684 457 214 202 -224 224 - - -507 497 10 10 -102 86 16 16 -321 '197 24 17 -127 114 13 8 -

4 065 2 855 957 78 101 986 943 43 16 12 369 145 224 - 54

1 125 941 14 5 -39 16 23 15 -43 43 - - -62 42 - - -

112 107 5 5 -255 205 so - 10 710 185 505 - 25

6 168 5 617 111 41 31 1 510 1 451 11 5 -

445 441 - - -4 658 4 166 100 36 31

524 514 - - -349 317 11 5 -863 666 20 9 6 679 668 6 6 -467 426 14 - -

91 91 - - -236 228 4 - -674 566 15 - 11

68 68 - - -707 622 30 16 14

533 412 102 45 16 210 155 50 31 11

91 75 16 11 5 232 182 36 3 -995 714 50 33 5

31 31 - - -24 20 - - -

511 389 11 11 -429 274 39 22 5

2 125 1 893 20 11 -806 800 - - -417 413 4 - -243 219 - - -237 87 - - -422 374 16 11 -364 325 34 3 7

4 681 1 725 2 862 418 1 027 l 038 590 416 194 135 2 136 - 2 136 183 769

479 479 - - -574 457 71 19 19 454 199 239 22 104

1 306 - 1 306 747 111 273 - 273 273 -433 - 433 433 -543 - 543 - 181


Local Self-employed


Unpakl family


3 005 3188 113

5 1 278 53 5 1 278 53 - - -- 4 -

195 451 5

107 242 1 54 220 -- 168 -16 10 -- - -14 - -- - -- - -- 6 -9 - -

11 12 -- 5 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -4 19 -

48 22 7 - - -- 5 -5 - -

10 4 -- - -- - 7 14 - -- - -- - -

12 13 -- - -- - -- - -7 - -5 - -

778 230 23 15 - -

170 - -9 152 18 8 - -- - -- 20 -- - -

40 - -480 20 -39 415 25 6 48 -- 4 -

33 367 25 - 10 -6 14 7 5 164 13 - 5 -

14 27 -- - -4 4 -4 93 -- - -- 50 5

41 19 -8 5 -- - -

33 14 -12 231 -- - -- 4 -- Ill -12 116 -9 212 -- 6 -4 - -- 24 -- 150 -5 32 -

24 5 -1 417 94 -

87 32 -1 184 - -- - -

33 46 -113 16 -378 - -- - -- - -362 - -

ARKANSAS 5 - 711

Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued


Ft•llle, 16 years old end over------------------~., aH tklioriol -------------------

AgriculllJ re ____ ---- ____ -- -------- ---- ------ ____ ---- ----Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlolot --------------------------------------­

Coo-----------------------------------­... .....,,,...-------------------------------------

Durable goad•-- ________ -- ------ ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- ----logging -- __ ---- -- ---------- ---- ---- -- ------ ---------Sawmills, planing mms. and millwork ___________________ _ -Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------­Furniture and fixtures ---------.. ------------------ .. --­Stone, cloy, and gloss products ------------------------

---Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products -------­

Primary Iron and steel industries -------------------------

Primary nonferrous Industries .................................................................... ... -Fobricoted metol industries, including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electricol ----------------------------Office, accounting, and computing mochines ___________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _

Radio, tektvision, and communication equipment ________ _ Molar vehicles and motor vehicle equipment _____________ _ Aircraft and parts __ ------ ____________ ---- ____ ---- __ _ Other tronsr.rtation equipment ------------------------Professiono and photog,ophic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ____ ---- __ ------ __ ,._ .. _---- ____ ------ __ .. ___ _ Miscellaneous monufoctures ond durable goads-allocated __

Nondurable good•-- -- ---- ______________ -- ____ ----------Meat products --------------------------------------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods. and beverages __ Bakery products __ -----------------------------------Other food industries--------·--- ____ -----------------Yarn, thread, and fobric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill praduct•-----------------------------Apporel ond other fobricoted textile products ____________ _ Poper ond ollie<l products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and ollied industri••-----------------

Chemicals and allied praducts-------------------------­Petroleum and cool product•--------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products --------------.. Footwear, except n,ibber __ ---- ____ ---- __ ------ ---- ___ _ Other nondurable goods __ -----------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries---------------------

Trcaa1,........le1, coaMHklflo11, ud otHr p11Wk utllltles 1 Railroads and railway express service--------------------­Street railways ond bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service ond warehousing------------------------Water transportation __ ------ ---- ------ __ ---- -- __ ---- .... .. Air transportation-- _________ .... -------- -- ---- __ ---- .... __

~~:~~~i~~'tt~s:s0~~t~~~==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Electric and gos utilities--------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------

Wloolonlo utl rttoll mde ------------------------Wholesale trade ________________ ---- ______ ------ ---- __ _

Food and form products ------------------------------Retail trade -- __ ---- -----------------------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores ........ __ .... ____ .... ---------- ___ _ Food stores-----------------------------------------Motor vehicles ond accessories retailing-----------------Gasoline service stations ________ .. ---------------------Apparel and accessories stores __ ------ .. ----------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ _ Eoting and drinking places ____________________________ _

Drugstores __ ------ -- ---- ---- -- ---- __ ---- -------- -- _ Other retail trade------------------------------------

FiMtK:t, lt11r11cece, oH nol uhltt _________________ _

Banking and credit ogendes -----------------------------lnsu ranee ________ -- ______________________ .... ________ .... _

Other finance and real estate----------------------------

Advertisin~~~·-:-~_·:.~~~::::::::::::::::::::::: Commerc.ial res~rch. management, and programing services __ Automobile servaces -- __ ------ ---- __ ---------------- ----Other business ond repair services------------------------

Private h:..=.~~-=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------


----~u~rin~, cleaningh and other garment services .. __________ _

0ther ,;~so:f ~:'rv~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_ -"''""°"""' .............. llf'fkll-----------------

Health se::C~~·-':!_~::_~_::::::::::::::::----Educationol services, government----------------------==== Educational services, private __________ .,._------------------Weffore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations Other professional and related services _________________ ::::

~··' 1··~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: era pu f1e odm1mstration .. ____________________________ _ Stole and local public administration ----------------------­

•Includes ollocote<l cases not shown separately.


[Dato based on sample see text Far meaning of symbols, see text]

Government workers Private

Total wage and employed solory workers Toto! Federal State

36 757 29 119 6 702 1 255 2 279

565 453 13 6 4

565 453 13 6 4

- - - - -14 14 - - -

165 118 36 • 17

6 582 6 234 311 184 16 3 320 3 064 243 149 72

23 23 - - -300 298 2 - -112 112 - - -382 375 3 3 -20 20 - - -- - - - -- - - - -

40 Ml - - -94 94 - - -65 54 11 - 11 6 6 - - -

829 780 45 13 28 397 380 13 8 5

23 23 - - -- - - - -

31 31 - - -677 654 23 11 12 363 230 128 122 6 361 330 31 - 15

3 179 3 099 56 30 14 476 470 6 - 6 110 110 - - -26 26 - - -

113 108 - - -38 38 - - -88 86 2 2 -

1 359 1 339 11 - 8 97 97 - - -

164 149 5 - -111 90 21 21 -

6 6 - - -113 110 3 3 -176 176 - - -302 294 8 4 -

83 71 12 5 -415 366 49 12 13

14 9 5 - -42 23 19 3 5 54 54 - - -- - - - -15 10 5 5 -32 32 - - -

168 165 3 - 3 44 35 9 4 -7 4 3 - -

4 045 3 604 63 33 11 228 217 5 5 -109 109 - - -

3 817 3 387 58 28 11 24 24 - - -329 314 - - -

430 265 4 4 -43 38 5 5 -24 14 - - -

141 141 - - -64 59 5 5 -2 245 2 076 37 11 11 27 27 - - -

490 429 7 3 -417 354 53 34 4 160 142 18 14 4 123 103 14 14 -134 109 21 6 -142 117 16 4 7 - - - - -10 10 - - -32 32 - - -100 75 16 4 7

13 279 12 910 36 H 7 9 626 9 621 - -989 949 -15 15

780 765 -- - -337 130 7 7 1 547 1 445 -14 7 7

193 184 3 - -10 331 4 765 5 513 599 1 980 4 128 3 030 1 073 218 3 951 440 - 3 951 302 1 342 1 143 1 126 - -368 230 133 -

741 379 Ml 65

356 39 133 609 - 609 346 150 32 - 32 32 287 - 287 287 -258 - 258 -- 150



local Self-employed fomny

workers workers

3 168 157 79

3 73 u 3 73 26 - - -- - -

11 11 -41 33 4 22 9 4 - - -2 - -- - -- 4 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -4 - 4 - - 4 - - -- - -- - -- - -- 5 -

16 - -12 24 -- - -- - -- - -- 5 -- - -- - -3 9 -- - -5 10 -- - -- - -- - -- - -4 - -7 - -

24 - -5 - -

11 - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -5 - -3 - -

19 342 n - 6 -- - -

19 336 34 - - -- 15 -- 141 20 - - -- 5 5 - - -- -

15 132 -- - -4 43 11

15 10 -- - -- 6 -15 4 -5 t -- - -- - -- - -5 9 -- 324 t - 5 -- 25 -- 15 -- 200 -- 79 9

3 6 -2 934 49 4

415 21 4 2 307 - -- 17 -

28 5 -184 6 -113 - -- - -- - -108 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More THE STATE-Continued

Panons of Spanish Language

Mala, 16 yaan old and over--------------------A9rfcutturt, fo,.stry, and fisheries---------- ______ ... __

Agriculture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- ------Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlal•1 ---- -- ------------------ -------- --------Coa1tntc:t&o1 ..... __ ---- __________ .... ------ ______ ----

M•••f•ctur1R9 ..................... ---- -------------- -- -----Durable good•-- -- -- -- -- -- ____ -- __ ---- ______ -- ______ ----

Logging __ -- ---- -- ---- ---- ------ ---------------- ____ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork--------------------­Mlscelloneous wood products------·-------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products-------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______ ---------------- __ ,. __ Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, except electrical ---------------------------.-Office, accounting, and computing machines-------------

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment_ ________ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ _____________ _ Aircraft ond ports -·---------------------------------­Other tronsportotion equipment ---------- ---------- -----Professional and photographic equipment, end watches _____ _ Ordnance __ -- ---- -- -- -- __ ------ ---- ____ ---- ----------Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods - allocated __ _

Nondurable goods ____ ---- ______ ---------- ____ -----------Meat products -- -- -- -- -- __ ------ ---- -- ____ ------ ----· Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bokery products-------- ________ ---- __ ---- ____ --------Other food industries -- __________ ---- __________ --------Yorn, thread, and fabric mills •• ------------------------­Other textile mill products------------------------------Apporel and other fabricated textile products ______ --------Poper and allied products------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied industries _________________ _

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------­footwear, except rubber-------------------------------Other nondurable goods __________ ------------ _________ _

Not specified manufacturing fndustries ______ -------- ______ ,,,_

Transportation, conununlcatlons, and other public utHlt1111 .. Railroads and railway express service _____________________ _ Street railways and bus lines ------------·---------------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------Water transportation __ -- -- .. ___ -- ____ ---- -------- -- __ -- --Air transportation .... -- ---- -- ____ .... __ ------ -- -- -- ---- ---- _ All other transportation------ ________ -- __ -- __ -------- -- __ Communications ---- __ -- -- ... - -- -- .... -- ---- -------- -- -- -- --Uectric and gos utilities-· .... ____ ... ------------------- __ -- __ Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ---------- _

w•olesale and rttan trade------------------------­Wholesale trade __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- ---- -­

Food and form products ----------·--------------------Retail trade __________ -- ____ ---- -- -·-- __ -- __ ---------· --

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing --­General merchandise stores_ .. __ -- __ ------ .... ---- __ -------Food stores -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ------ -- -- -- ------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations .... __ ---- .... ------ __ ---- ---------Apparel and accessories stores _____ .................. ------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating ood drinking places __ -------------- __ -- -- -- -- ----Drugstores -- -- .... -- .... -- __ .... -- -- ---- -- -- -- .... ---- -- ----Other retail trade-----------------------------·-------

fln111ct 1 IAsunnctt and rnl estat•------------------­Bonking ood credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance------ -- -- -- .... -- -- ---------- -- ---- -- -- --------Other finance and reol estate ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -· -- -----

Busl1tss a1ul ropalr 11nk11 ---------------- ---- ----Advertising ____ -- ---- ------ -- -· -- ---------- ---- ·--- ----Commercial research, management, and programjng services ...... Automobile services -- ------ -- -- ·--- -----· -------- ---- --­Other business and repair servlces.--------·---------------

Penonal ••"Ices ------ -· ------ __ ,. _______ ---- ----Private households ____ ------------------ •• ---------- ----Hotels and lodging places -------------·--·---------------Lcnindering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber ood beauty shops--------------------------------­Other personal services----------------------------------

Entertaiiu..ent and recrHtlo1111rvlct1 .... ---------------

Profaulo•al altd related 11rtkt1 ............ --------------Heolth services ---- ........... -- .. ------------ ---- ------ ------ -Educctlonol servlces

1 government ______ ,.. _____ .. ____________ _

Educational services, private--------------- -- -- -----------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations-·-­Other professional and related services-·-------------------

Public ad•lnt1tntlan 1 -------------- ---- -----------

Postal service __ -------· ---- ---------------- ------------Federal public administration __ ---------------------------­State ond locol public odmlnlstrotion -----------------------

llncludes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see 1.,1. For meaning of symbols, see text)

Total employed


258 258


34 11

7 9


61 5

54 25



185 18 9 3



35 32


9 7 9


127 33


21 9


306 72 26

234 11 52 25 43 24 15 23 26


86 38 41



30 35


7 6 9 9


178 28 63 42 18 27

62 7 5


Government workers Private wogeondl-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1

salary workers


202 202


433 258


28 ll

7 9


61 5

54 25


175 18 9 3


35 32


9 7 9

99 33


14 9 8

288 72 26

216 II 52 18 38 24 15 23 20


79 38 34 7


14 35




80 13

42 18 7




26 6







79 't


62 7 5


Federal State


26 6






12 7 5











17 9 a



Self-employed workers


38 38


7 7







19 6


Unpaid fomily



18 18

ARKANSAS 5 - 713

Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More THE STATE-Continued

Persons of Sponlsh Language- Continued

Female, 16 years old and over------------------Agrlc"""'"· ION•lry, au lbherlfl __________________ _

Agriculture .. _______ ------ __ ---- ------ ------ ------ ------Forestry ond fisheries -----------------------------------

Millot -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ------------ -- -------- __

c .. strvctit1 -- -- -- -- -- ............. -------- -- .... ------ --

Mnulot"""'9-----------------------------------Duroble goods------------------------------------------

logging ____ ------ ____ ---- __ -------- __ ------ ____ -----Sowm ills, planing mills, and millwork_ ___________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, ond plaster products--------­Primary iron ond steel industrits ---------------·--------Primary nonferrous industries ....................................................... .. Fabricated metal Industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electr lcol ------ ---------- __ ---- -- -- __ Office, accaunling, and computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies .......................... .. Radio, television, and communication equipment_ .. _______ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment ______________ _ Aircraft and ports -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment --------------------.. ----Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance ____________ -------- __ ---- ____ ... ------------Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods. _____ -- -- ____ -- __ ---- ____ ---- ---------Meat products ____ -----------------------------------Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products ______ -- -- ---- -- ---- ____ ------ -- -- ----Other food industries---------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill products-----------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, ond allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products__------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------footwear, except rubber ________ ------ .... ______ .... -- ____ _ Other nondurable goods-- __ ---- __ -- -- __ -- -- ____ -- -- ----

Not specified manufocturirig industries ............. ----------------

Tn111portatlo1, co••••k•, aad other publk utlltlts1 .. Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines -----------------------------Trucking service and warehousing_. _______ ., _______________ _

Water transportation __ ---------------------------------­Air transportation __ -- __ -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------ ---- -- ---

~~ ~~~~i~~~io5ris0~~·~~~ :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :::: :: :::::::::::: Electric and gos utilities ________ ..... ---- __________ ........ __ ----Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholeso~ Htl rat•I tradt -------------------------Wholesale trade ________ -- ____________________ ---- __ ----

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade __ -------------------------- __ --------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores ____ .. ___ ---------------------Food stores ____ -- -- ____ -------------- ----------------Mota~ vehicle_s and a_ccessories retailing ________ ... ________ _ Gasoline service stations-------------------------------Appo rel and accessories .stores ____ ---- __ ---- -- -- -- .... ----Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking ploce'------------------------------Drugstores ---------- ------ ------------------ --------Other retail trade __ ---- ---- ------------ ---------------

flctaac•, l11•n11e1. ••Ill reel tshltt __________________ ..

Banking ond credit agencies------------------------------lnsu ranee .. _____ ---- ____ ---- .... __ ------ ____ ------ .... ---- __ Other finance and real estate------ .. ----------------------

8111Hss .. t1...,.., services------------------------Advertising ________ -- ------ -- -- ------ ---- -- ---- ---- ----Com merclal research, management, and programing services ...... Automobile services------------ __ ----------------------­Other business and repair .services .. ------------------------

Pmual ••rvlc11 --------------------------------Private households -- ------------ ------ -----------------­Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber ond beauty shopS--------------------------------­Other personal services---------------- __ ----------------

htorhar.•11t IHHI rocrootlon 11Nkts.---------------­

Prol•HloHl ead rwletod '""le"--------------------Heollh services __ ---- __ -- -- ---- __ ------------ -------- ---Educational servicH, government __________ ,.. _______ .,. ____ ., .. _ Educational services, private ______________ .. ---------------Wetfore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services------------ .. --------

Pultllc ld•iolstrotloo1

____________________________ _

Postal service __ ------ ---------- ------------------------federal public administration __ ---------------------------­State and local public administration -----------------------

•includes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 714 ARKANSAS

[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Total employed


43 36 7

227 140


8 6


28 9

7 30


87 14


12 21



16 12

135 14


13 12 5

15 64 6 6

43 15 20 8



76 30 7

13 26


356 150 101 57 16 32

43 4

24 15

Government workers Privot•f-------------------------1 wage and Self-employed


Unpaid family

workers salary workers


11 11

227 140


8 6

28 9

7 30


87 14


12 21



16 12

124 14


13 12

15 64 6

43 15 20 8



55 30

7 18

224 127

57 16 24



124 23


43 4

24 15

federal Slate


4 4

28 4



68 19 49








17 17




Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Male, 16 yean old and over------------------­

Agrlcoltltn, f ... 1hy, ood ft1llorlel •• --------------·-Agriculture -- -- ---- ------ -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- ---- -------Forestry and fisheries --·- ---- __ ---- •• ---- •• --·-·- _____ _

Mlalot -- -- -- ------ ---- -------- -------- ---- ---

c ....... 11u ----------------------------------­

M111flchlriot---- •• -- -- •• __ ------ •• -- •••• __ ·---Durable goods_.-· -- -- -- -- __ ------ __ ---- ------ ---------

Logging -- -- -- ____ ---- ---- ______ ---- ____ -------- ___ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork.------------------­Miscellaneaus woad products--------------------------Furniture and fixtures ________ ---- .... -- __ .... ------ _____ _ Stone, clay, ond glass products --------------------·-·-

Cement. concrete, gypsum, and ploster products-------­Primary Iron and steel industries ----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries •• ------------------------Fabricated metal industries, Including not specified metal __ _



Machinery, except electrical -- •• -------- __ ---- ____ •• ----Offtce, accounting, ond computing machines-----------­

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies-------------Radio, television, and communication equipment ................ ...

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment •. ----·-------Aircraft and parts -- ---- __ ---- •• ---- -- ____ -- __ -------Other transportation equipment •••• ________ ---- ______ •• Professional and photagrophlc equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ............ -- .... -- ........ -- ........ ---- -- ------ -- ---- ---Miscellaneous manufactures ond duroble goods-allocated •.

Nondurable goods •• -- ______ -- ____ ------ ____ ---- ---- ___ _


Meat products ------------ __ -------- -----------------Canning and preserving produce, seofoodsr and beverages __ Bakery products •• -- ---- ______ •• ____ •• ---- __ ---- ____ • Other food industries -· •••• ______ •. ____ ------ __ ---- __ _ Yarn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill products.---------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products __ ----------­Paper and allied products-----------------------------

-------Printing, publishing, and allied industries _________________ _

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and coal product•---- __ ---------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------­Footwear. except rubber ---------- ---- -- ------------ --Other nondurable goods ________________ -----------------

Not specified manufacturing indu•tries ______ ----------------

TnHportatlH, to••uakatloH, 11ul other publk ut11hht11 Railroads and railway express service_,.. ____ ------------ ---


Street railwoys and bus lines·-·-------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing -------- __ --------------­Water transportation -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ..... -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- --Air tronsportation ________ -------- -------- ------ ------ •• -All other transportation-------- ____ ----------------------Communications __ ---- ---- __ ------ ------ ----------------Electric and gas utilities ________________________________ _ -Water supply, •anitary •ervices, ond other utilities -----------

Wholo11te ood ntol 1tod1 ------------------------ -Wholesole trade •• ______ •• ------ __ ---------- ------------

Food and farm products ................................. ------------- .. --Retail trade __ •• ---------- -------- ----------------------

Hardware, form equipment, and building mo1erial retailing ---General merchandise stares •. ______ ---------------------Food stores ____ •••. --•. __ ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ----.. Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-------------.. ----Gasoline service stations ............................................................. .. Apparel and accessories stores. _________ ----------------Furniture, home furnishings, arid equipment stores .................. .. Eating and drinking places----------·-------------------

g;;:~;tr~~jl i;a·d;:==================================== n.1ace

1 i1111rt1R1, .. ti ..... t1fafl __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance __ -- -- -- __ -- ....... _ .... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .... -- -- -- ..... ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

B11lae11 nd ....... 1mkt1 ------ ------------------Advertising -------- •• ----------------------------------Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services ......... -- -- -- __ ---- ..... -- -- ---- -- -- -- -----Other business and repair services ________________________ _

Ptr1Hol 11nltt1 --------------------------------Private households •. -- -- -- -- •••••• ---- ·--- -- ---- -- ---- --Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------­Laundering, cteoning, and other garment services------------­Barber and beauty shops--------------------------------· Other personal services----------------·-----------------

Eotertela•••t • ..i ncnatloo 1er;kt1 ________________ _

PNft11leool 1u nloted 1ervkt1 --------------------Health services-----------------------------------------Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, prlvote-----------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership orgonizallans ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Pollffc 1d•lal1Mtioft 1 -----------------------------

P-astal service ------ ------ -------- ... ----- ....... _ .......................... .. Federal public administration ______________ ------------··--State ond local public admlnistrotlon -----------------------

•includes allocated cases not •hown seporately.


(Dato based on •ample, see tex1. For meaning of symbols, see Jextl

Private Government workers.

Total wage and employed salary workers Total Federal State

72 IQ 54 910 11 513 4 315 3 798

1 534 973 84 26 58 1 480 973 34 10 24

54 - so 16 34

1 212 1 190 16 8 5

7 185 4 784 1 171 400 573

15 301 14 819 171 114 36 8 B76 8 604 87 71 16

111 87 - - -420 409 - - -264 253 - - -698 666 5 s -651 631 6 - 6 284 273 6 - 6 261 255 - - -767 762 - - -721 707 - - -770 760 6 - 6 48 48 - - -

1 771 1 755 6 6 -1 241 1 236 - - -

118 llB - - -30 24 6 6 -

667 656 - - -520 515 5 5 -171 127 44 44 -936 879 9 5 4

6 287 6 094 71 35 15 457 442 8 - -296 291 - - -355 3SO 5 - -566 558 5 - 5 96 91 5 5 -95 90 - - -

267 259 8 - -607 607 - - -

1 332 l 293 - - -l 400 l 361 20 16 4

75 75 - - -272 268 - - -

6 6 - - -463 403 20 14 6 138 121 13 8 5

I 466 7 600 677 51 107 2 670 2 652 18 5 B

351 305 42 - 10 1 811 1 655 32 16 5

50 46 4 - -245 218 21 4 17 218 201 - - -

1 099 1 084 15 10 -937 840 92 5 9 445 76 369 - 5B

16 385 14 707 203 132 38 5 516 5 275 28 5 23 1 142 1 086 6 - 6

10 869 9 432 175 127 15 713 659 6 - -

1 147 1 056 42 42 -1 903 1 620 38 26 6 1 830 1 694 23 18 5 1 274 1 010 12 5 -

334 301 4 - -598 4SO - - -981 825 20 20 -405 346 - - -

1 684 1 471 30 16 4

4 025 3 528 226 169 27 974 870 93 93 -

1 677 1 541 71 56 15 1 374 1 117 62 20 12

2 674 2 016 74 31 16 125 108 5 5 -194 151 10 - -921 670 22 12 -

1 434 1 087 37 21 16

I 608 1 213 12 - 6 192 179 - - -300 275 6 - 6 485 417 - - -346 185 6 - -285 227 - - -531 453 38 - -

8 571 3 557 4 078 1 029 I 875 3 580 1 184 2 001 835 1 061 1 697 - 1 697 69 677

526 516 - - -1 187 980 110 40 36 1 581 B77 270 B5 101

4 756 - 4 756 2 348 1 057 919 - 919 919 -

1 324 - 1 324 l 324 -2 347 - 2 347 - 1 046


Unpaid Self .. mployed family

Local workers workers

3 400 5 760 65

- 461 16 - 457 16 - 4 -3 6 -

205 1 22' -21 305 6 - 179 6 - 24 -- 11 -- 11 -- 27 -- 14 -- 5 -- 6 -- 5 -- 14 -- 4 -- - -- 10 -- 5 -- - -- - -- 11 -- - -- - -- 42 6

21 122 -8 7 -- 5 -5 - -- 3 -- - -- 5 -8 - -- - -- 39 -- 19 -- - -- 4 -- - -- 40 -- 4 -

519 173 16 5 - -

32 - 4 11 117 7 4 - -- 6 -- 17 -5 - -

78 5 -311 - -

33 1 468 7 - 213 -so -

33 1 255 7 6 48 -- 49 -6 245 -- 113 -7 252 -4 29 -- 148 -- 136 -- 59 -

10 176 7

30 271 -- 11 -65 -

30 195 -20 584 -- 12 -10 33 -10 229 -- 310 -6 298 15

- 13 -- 19 -- 58 10 6 155 -- 53 5

38 40 -1 174 931 5

105 390 s 951 - -- 10 -

34 97 -B4 434 -

1 351 - -- - -- -1 301 - -

ARKANSAS 5 - 715

Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total- Continued

Female, 16 years old and over------------------Atrl••hwro, forestry, ond flrhtrifl __________________ _

Agriculture -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- -------- -- ------ --Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlolot -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- •• -- ---- •• ·­

CoHtnctlu -----------------------------------­

M1nllfoctvrio1-- -- -- •• -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---Durable goods •• ____ ---------- __ ---------- •• ___________ _

~~~!:W1&.·Pi~~in9-mitts.-~~ci-;;,iff.;;~;k::::::::::::::::::::: Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture ond fixtures ------------------ .. -------------­Stone, clay, ond glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron ond steel Industries-----------------------­Primary nonferrous lndustries---------------------------Fobricated metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery 1 except electrica 1 --·- __ ---- -- ______ ------ ___ _

-Office, accounting, and computing machines ___________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment. and supplies _____________ _

Radio, television, and communication equipment_ _______ _ -Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ ____________ _ -Aircraft and ports ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------

--Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ -Ordnance •. -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- --Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ -

-No,t.~~·~:~3~c~~s:: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: :::::: :: -Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products------------------------------------­Other food industries--------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Olher texlile mill product•-----------------------------Apparel ond other fabricated textile products. ___________ _ Poper and allied products -----------------------------Prinling, publishing, and allied industries ________________ _

Chemicals o nd ollied products ________________ ------ ___ _ Pelroleum ond coal product'---------------------------Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ........ __________ _ Footwear~ except rubber------------------------------Olher nondurable goods __ -- ____ ------ ---------- -------


No1 specified manufacturing industries .... --------------------Tro1111p1rtttlo1, COM1.uaketfo1U, wnd other publk utilftle11

Railroads and railway express service--------------------­Street railways and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing------------------------

~~·~~~~~~~~~::~~~=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: All other transportation---------------------------------Comm unicotions -- -- -- ..... ---- -- .... -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- .... ---Electric ond gos utilities--------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------

W~oluolt ood reton tnde -----------------------­Wholesale trade -- •• -- __ -- -- -- -- __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -

Food and form products ------------------------------Retail lrode -------- ---------------- -------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores ______ ------ ______________ ....

Fcod stores -- ---- ------ ---------------------- -------Moto~ vehicle.sand a.ccessories retailing-----------------Gasohne service stations _____________________________ _ Apparel and accessories stores .... -------- __________ ,. ___ _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores---------Eoting and drinking places _______ .,. ---- .... __ .... __________ _ Drugstores ------ -------- -----~-----_,. ___ -----------Other ref oil trade ______________ ·----- _______________ _

filloHe, hisvra..c•, oad l"lal Hl•1t-------------... ---­Banking and credit agencies-----------------------------Insurance ______________ .... ____ ------ ____ ---- -- __ ------ _ Other finance and real estate-------------·--------------

1 .. 1 .. 11 11d repoJr senk••-----------------------Advertising -- -- •• -- -- ------ ____ ---- ____ ---- -- •• -- ____ _ Commercial research, management, and programing services ..... Automab11e services __ -----------------------~---------­Other business and repair services------------------------•ol 11rvb1 -------------------------------Private households------------------------------------­Hotels and lodging places ---·--------------------------· laundering, cleaning, and other garment servlces ___________ w

Barber and beauty shops-------------------------------­Other personol services---------------------------------

bttrteh11111t mncf rtcrHtlo• 1trvk11 .......... -----------­

Prof111i..ol 00tl rolottd HrYkes -------------------



Health services-----------------------------------------Educotlonol services, government------------------------­Educational services, private .... __ ---........... -------------~---Welfare, religious, and nonprafit membership arganlzations __ _ Other professional and related services--------------------

Po•Hc •d•hllatmltn• ----------------------------Postar service ---- __ ..... ------ ---- ------ __ -------- -- -----Federal public administration •. ---- -- ------ ---- -- --- --- --­Stole and local public administration ----------------------

•Includes allocated coses not shown separately.

5 - 716 ARKANSAS


[Doto based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

Toto I wage and employed salary workers Total Federal Stole

50 018 36 532 11 498 2 502 5 277

227 156 28 15 13 227 156 28 15 13 - - - - -

57 51 6 - -639 357 228 128 90

9 239 8 974 192 52 102 6 151 6 014 112 21 87

5 5 - - -45 45 - - -49 49 - - -

447 443 - - -85 85 - - -15 15 - - -12 12 - - -77 77 - - -

133 133 - - -156 152 - - -

16 16 - - -1 987 l 943 37 10 23 1 066 1 052 10 10 -

8 8 - - -- - - - -223 223 - - -

2 373 2 341 32 11 21 35 35 - - -

516 463 43 - 43

2 975 2 860 67 31 15 89 84 - - -20 20 - - -92 86 - - -

102 102 - - -17 17 - - -41 39 2 2 -

975 955 14 5 9 199 189 10 - -639 592 16 5 -201 197 4 4 -

6 6 - - -66 66 - - -

5 5 - - -523 502 21 15 6 113 100 13 - -

2 112 1 985 127 11 23 84 84 - - -

119 94 25 4 10 185 185 - - -

- - - - -82 73 9 - -55 50 5 - 5

1 154 1 147 7 4 3 211 184 27 3 -

71 30 41 - -9 690 8 845 156 89 42 1 457 1 397 13 3 10

266 246 - - -8 233 7 448 143 86 32

145 131 - - -2 188 2 110 38 27 5 l 070 841 16 5 7

310 283 5 5 -64 44 4 - -

705 669 11 11 -287 264 - - -

I 596 1 439 29 22 -366 351 - - -

1 502 1 316 40 16 20

3 595 3 378 169 120 30 1 188 1 123 65 49 16 I 588 1 518 61 45 5

819 737 43 26 9

1 262 1 030 75 12 44 24 24 - - -

154 123 12 6 6 120 101 6 6 -964 782 57 - 38

4 914 4 241 28 10 18 l 844 1 817 - - -

591 458 - - -611 560 4 4 -832 512 14 6 8

1 036 894 10 - 10

331 299 6 6 -15 524 7 216 8 055 977 3 871 7 037 3 911 3 070 764 2 022 4 062 - 4 062 128 1 370 1 478 1 360 - - -1 196 831 359 42 237 1 751 1 114 564 43 242

2 428 - 2 428 1 082 1 044 114 - 114 114 -904 - 904 904 -1 301 - 1 301 - 1 019


u,npold Self-em ployed fomily

Local workers worktrs

3 719 1 776 212

- 43 -- 43 -- - -6 - -

10 42 12

38 73 -4 25 -- - -- - -- - -- 4 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 4 -- - -4 7 -- 4 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 10 -

21 48 -- 5 -- - -- 6 -- - -- - -- - -- 6 -

10 - -11 31 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

13 - -93 - -- - -11 - -- - -- - -9 - -- - -- - ·-

24 - ·-41 - ..

25 565 17•1 - 27 21) - 10 111

25 538 104 - 9 ~i 6 40 -· 4 158 5" ·' - 11 11 4 11 j,

- 25 -- 23 -7 122 6 - 10 5 4 129 17

19 44 4 - - -

11 5 4 8 39 -

19 115 42 - - -- 14 5 - 7 6

19 94 31

- 631 14 - 27 -- 133 -- 37 10

- 306 -- 128 4

- 20 6

3 207 243 10 284 51 5

2 564 - -- 118 -

80 6 -279 68 5

302 - -- - -- - -

282 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Male, 16 yean old and aver--------------------Agri<•lture, forestty, ond f11llorles _________________ _ -Agriculture ____ ---- ______________ ---- ---- __ ---- __ ... ___ _ -Forestry and fisheries -- -- -- ____ .... __ ---- ____ .... __ ---- .... __ -Mlolog ---- -------- ------ ----------------------Coastnctlt• __ ............ ------ ........ __ -------- ______ _ -•... , ........ __ -- ---------------- ---------- -- --Durable goods ____________________ ---- ________ ---- ____ _

logging ____ ------ -------------- ---------------- ___ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork-------------------­Miscelloneous wood products-------------------------.. Furniture and fixtures-------------------------------­Stone, clay, and glass products ------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products .............. .. Primary Iran and steel Industries -----------------------Primary nonferrous industries .... __________________ .... ___ _ Fabricated metal Industries, Including not specified metal __ _

Machinery, except electrical ---------------- -----------Office, accounting, and computing machines ___________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment_ _______ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment--------------Aircroft and ports -- ---- __ ------ ..... ______ ., _______ -----Other transrortotion equipment------------------------Professiona and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ____ ---- ____ .... __ -------- ____ ---- __________ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- allocated __

Nondurable goads ____ -------------------------- ____ ----Meat products -- ______________________ ------ _______ _ Canning and preserving produce, seafoods. and beverages __ Bakery products __________ ---------------------------Other load industries--------------------------------­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill praducts-----------------------------Apparel ond other fabricated textile products-------- ____ _ Poper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------Petroleum and coal products __________________________ _

Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------Footwear, except rubber .... __ .... __ ........ ---- _____________ _ Other nondurable goods __________ ---------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries .... -------------------

Tn11port1tio11, co••unk1tlons, ond other pu,Wk utilitle1 ~ Railroads and railway express service--------------------­Street railways and bus lines---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing------------------------Water transportation -- ------ ........ -------------- __ ---- __ _ Air transportation ____ ------------------------ __ -- ------All other transportation ________________________________ _

Communications ---- __ ------ ------------------ .... -------Electric and gas utilities ________________________________ _ Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------


Wll1le11le and retaD tnde -----------------------­Wholesale trade ---- -- ---- -- ---- ------ -------- -- ------­

Food ond farm products -------------------------------


Retail trade __ ------ -- -- -- -- ---------- -------- ----------Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores __ -------------- ____ ---------Food stores -- ---- -- ------ ---- -------------- __ --------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing -------- ---------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel and accessories stores .. ------------------------.. Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment store-s _________ _ Eating and drinking places------------------------------Drugstores -- ---- -- ------ ---- -------------- ----------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

n.eate, laHlrHCI, Hd re1l 11t1fe __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies -------------------- ----------Insurance _______ .., ______________________ ----- .. ______ ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

l.alae11 ••II replllr 11rvk11 ------------------------Advertising __________ .... -- -- ---- _,.. ---- -- ---- - - ---- -- ----Commercial research. management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ -------------------------- --------­Other business and repair services-------------------------

Pmonel Hl'YICIS --------------------------------Private households-------------------------------------­Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shaps--------------------------------­Other personal services ------------------------ -- --------

Ent1rhlla•11tt 1M recrtttloa servk:11 ........ ------------­

Pnfe11lo•1I 1M rte.ted 11rvlc11 -------------------­Health services ---- -- -------- ------ --------------------­Educational services, government __ ------------------------Educational services, private ________ ---- .... ____ -- __ -- ------Wetfore, religiou$, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Pu•llc od•lnlstrotlo•' -----------------------------Postal service .... ---------- -- --·- -------~ ----------------Federal public administration-- -- __ ------ -- -- -- -- -- -------­State and local public administration-----------------------

•Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. Far meaning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

Total wage and employed salary workers Total Federal State

9 446 7 366 1 544 602 326

529 421 6 - 6 529 421 6 - 6 - - - - -

131 131 - - -773 596 38 - 5

2 540 2 463 55 38 12 1 540 1 494 36 24 12

11 11 - - -116 116 - - -140 140 - - -84 84 - - -

142 136 6 - 6 57 51 6 - 6 64 SB - - -72 72 - - -68 68 - - -95 89 6 - 6 - - - - -

197 191 6 6 -147 147 - - -

10 10 - - -- - - - -

116 116 - - -108 108 - - -29 11 18 18 -

28B 284 - - -955 932 11 6 -119 119 - - -103 98 - - -80 75 5 - -

113 113 - - -20 20 - - -

3 3 - - -49 49 - - -76 76 - - -51 51 - - -

135 122 6 6 -27 27 - - -72 72 - - -

6 6 - - -101 101 - - -45 37 8 8 -

1 013 770 175 - 15 299 294 5 - -

54 54 - - -220 176 9 - -- - - - -

18 18 - - -25 25 - - -32 32 - - -62 55 7 - 4

163 35 128 - 11

1 570 1 491 34 21 6 513 513 - - -137 137 - - -

1 057 978 34 21 6 61 61 - - -

112 104 5 5 -156 142 9 3 6 104 9B 6 6 -99 Bl 7 - -48 48 - - -22 22 - - -

204 192 - - -15 15 - - -

236 215 7 7 -111 128 39 21 5 45 29 11 11 -43 31 12 7 s 93 68 16 3 -

293 199 13 13 -26 26 - - -20 20 - - -82 52 6 6 -

165 101 7 7 -495 442 - - -134 128 - - -134 134 - - -76 61 - - -48 20 - - -

103 99 - - -128 10& 20 - -

1 337 617 708 213 216 558 274 280 174 93 291 - 291 20 74 130 130 - - -188 150 34 13 6 170 63 103 6 43

456 - 456 296 61 158 - 158 158 -104 - 104 104 -154 - 154 - 61


Unpold Self·employed family

local workers workers

616 524 12

- 102 -- 102 -- - -- - -

33 139 -5 22 -- 10 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 6 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 4 -5 12 -- - -- 5 -5 - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 7 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

160 56 12 5 - -- - -9 28 7 - - -- - -- - -- - -3 - -

117 - -7 45 -- - -- - -7 45 -- - -- 3 -- 5 -- - -7 11 -- - -- - -- 12 -- - -- 14 -

13 14 -- 5 -- - -

13 9 -- 81 -- - -- - -- 24 -- 57 -- 53 -- 6 -- - -- 15 -- 28 -- 4 -

20 - -279 12 -

13 4 -197 - -

- - -15 4 -54 4 -99 - -- - -- - -

93 - -

ARKANSAS 5 - 717

Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More UTTlE ROCK-NORTH UTTU ROCK SMSA-Continued


fetllale, 16.,..... old Hd over------------------Aplcolhn, '-try, ...i llsloorios------------------­

Agrieulture -------- ·----------- -·---- __ ---------------­Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------..... -------- -- ------------------------------

c .. ,_.... -----------------------------------­••mm.riot---- ---- -- -------------------------

Durable good•---------- •• __ ----------------------------Logging ---- -- •• -- ·--------------- ____ ---------- -----Sawmills. planing mihs, and millwork ____________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products-··-----------·------------Fumiture ond fixtures ______________ .,. ________ ... ________ ..

Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­

Primary Iron and steel industries -----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries------ __ ------------------­fobrlcoted metal industries, Including not specified metal ----

Machinery, except electrical ----------------------------Office. accounting. and computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplles--------------Radio, television, and communication equipment----------

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ _____________ _ Aircraft and ports ------------------------------------Other transportation equipment -------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ord nonce -- ------ -- __ ...... __ ---------- -------------- ........ Miscellaneous manufactures ond durable goods-allocated •••

Nondurable goods __ -- ---- ____________ ---- ---- ---- -------Moot products -------------------------·-------------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages ---ll<lkery products __ -- ------ ·--------- ---- ------ ---- ----Other food industries-----------·-----------------·---­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mm products-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals ond allied praduct•---------------------------Petroleum and cool products_. _________________________ _ Rubber and miscelloneous plastic products---------------­Footweorf except rubber---------------------.. ---------Other nondurable goods ________ ------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries----------------------

T,..s,ortwtiol, com••lcetft•s, u4 otHr pulifk ltlltles 1 _ Railroads ond roilway expres.s service ____ ..,. ________ .. _______ _ Street railways ond bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and worehousing -------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholesole~~~~~-~~~-========================= Ref:.-Hr::;~ !~~~-~~~~~~-===============================

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retelling __ _ General merchandise stores ________ ------ ____ ------ ____ _ Food stores ____ ---- ______ ------ ______ -------- _______ _ Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­~osolinJ° serice slafi?n•-------------------------------ppare an aceessones stores ............... __________________ _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment store.s _________ _ Eating ond drinking places __ ----------------------------

g::tr':r:l1 im'de-===:=:::=:::===:=:::::=:=:=:=:::=:===

Bonking o~~i:":i:~. ~-~-~~============:=:::== lnsuranct ............. ---- ____ .... __ ........ __ ------------------ ----Other finance and reol estote -----------------------------

Advertisin~~:~-~-~:::::::::::::::::::::::= Commercial research. management, and programing services __ _ Automobile service•--------------------------------- _ Other business ond repair service•---------------------=-==

~~· .~~~~:-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~%.derin~, b!°ning, ond other gonnent services ____________ _

Other r~~sonol ~~~::~:=:::::=:=:=:=:::=:::::::=:=:::=: fatorhlloeffl """'""""""" ....i. .. ________________ _

tt ,,.,.. .......... ~ •orrict• --------------------~d'ucc.1'.:.o;;~:~ie;;,-ij~;,:,;-.;;;;.j·-------------------------Educational ~~rvkes. private ____ :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Welfare, relog!"us, and nonprofit mtmbership organizations ---­Other profess10nol ond related services---------------------

~al 1se;:-~~~~:=:=:=:=:::=:=:=:::::=:::::=: S ro ,::iu ~1adm1n1Stration ____________________________ _

tale o public administration -----------------------

•lncludts allacoted cases not shown separately.


[Doto based on sample, see text. for meoning of symbols, see text]

Total employed

8 595

27 27


1 843 1 289

5 10

138 12


30 6

273 120


9 637

6 153

sos 14 5

11 9

13 300



115 49


15 22


88 10

714 56 14

728 5

135 41 12

63 21

311 8


177 21 85 71


10 4


2 474 l 306

189 207 86



2 740 I 255

701 386 137 261

237 24

101 101

Government workers Private I------------------------.....; wage and

salary workers

6 686

14 14


1 755 1 228

5 10

134 12


30 6

248 117


9 614

6 144

485 14 5

11 9

11 291



111 42


15 22


85 10

742 56 14

686 5

135 34 7

63 21

296 8


143 7

71 65


10 4


2 396 1 301

184 207 40



1 359 776

386 81



1 765

4 4


73 57

25 3




2 3

4 7



Federal Stole


20 14

3 3





4 4


42 39







11 4





Self.employed workers


' 9

15 4





Unpaid fomlly


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Male, 16 yaan old and over-------------------­

A9rlcolhtn, f...,stry, aa• ll• ...... -------------------Agriculture __ -- ---- -- -- -------- ---------------- _______ _ forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlolat ---------------------------------------­

Custnoctloto -------- -------------------- -------­

Maoolactorloi-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- -- -------Durable goods ________ ------ ______ ---- ____ --------------

Logging ____ ---- -------- ---- -- -- -- -------- __ . _ -------Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ____________________ _ Mlscelloneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, clay, and glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries--- .. --------------------Primary nonferrous industries •• ---- ____ -------- __ ---- __ _ Fobricoted metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, except electrical ------ -------------- --------Off1te, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, teJevision, and communication equipment _________ _

Molar vehicles and motor vehicle equipment---------------Aircraft and parts ------------------------------------Other transrortotion equipment -------------------------Professlona and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance ______ -------- ______ ------------ ____ --------Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goads-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods •• ______ ------ -- ---- ____ ------ __ -------Meat products __________ ---- ____ ------ ------ __ -------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products--------------------------------------Other food industries ______ ---- ------ _________________ _

Yarn, threod, and fabric mills·--------------------------Other textile mill products ________ ---- __ -------- --------Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum ond coal producls---------------------------­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber ---------------------- ---------Other nondurable goods ____ ----------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries ______ ........ ~------------

TnHportetioll, ct••ok•tioH, aH tthr p1blk: vttltles t _

Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ... - ... -------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing------------------------­Woter transportation __ ----------------------------------Air transportation ____ ---- ________________ ------ __ ---- __ _ All other transportation----------------------------------Communlcations ------ ---------- ---------------- --------Electric and gas utilities •• -------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities-----------

W~olosole aod retol trod•------------------------­Wholesale trade ------ ------------ ------ -------- -------­

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade ________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- -- -- --

Hardware, farm equipment, and building moteriol retailing __ _ General merchandise stores ______ -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -Food stores __ ----------------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations-------------- .. ----------------Apparel and accessories stares __ ...... ---- -- -- ................. -- -- ----Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places •• ----------------------------Drugstores __ -- -- ______ ...... ------ __ -- -- -------- -- -- ----Other retail trade __ ---- ____ -- -- -- -- ---- ------ -- ---- -- -

flluc., ilHnlMt, Hcl rHI tltof'e ____ ................... _ .................. ... Bunking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance ............ __ ... _ ............ ____ ...... __ ... _____ ........... __ .......... -- _ .. __ ----

Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

l1dH11 ucl repair 11rYlct1 ........ ---------------------Advertislng ________________ -- -- -- ---- -- -------- --------Commercial reseorch, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services------------------------------ -- ----­Other business and repair servlces-------------------------

Ptnual Hnkt1 __ ..... ______________ ------ ........... ----

Private households-------------------- -- -------- --------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleanlnghond other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty s •PS--------------------------------­Other personal services ------------------------------ ----

hhrtalltmHt •ltd ml'ffflla 1tnlct1 ______________ .., __

PrefHsioool a .. relolff StnlcH --------------------Health services-----------------------------------------Educational services, government -- --.. ----------------- ---­Educational services, privat•--------------------·----- ---­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related servlces---------------------

Pulllle •1o11tntloa•----------------------------­Postol service -------- ------------------------------ ----Federal public administration __ ------ -- ---- -------- -- -- ---­State and local public administration-----------------------

'Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

fotol wage and employed so1arv workers Total Federal

164 549 128 026 26 425 9 063

3 953 2 528 165 34 3 937 2 523 165 34

16 5 - -209 193 6 -

14 169 11 107 1 240 556

41 518 40 335 710 262 18 7<n 18 139 356 145

48 36 - -2 287 2 251 15 6

452 43B 10 -1 690 1 642 20 3

683 665 6 -493 482 6 -673 644 29 13 216 211 5 -

2 471 2 415 46 20

3 826 3 785 22 11 156 152 - -

2 068 2 032 25 6 831 831 - -

1 041 1 016 8 8 20 20 - -

297 286 11 7 292 281 11 -318 285 33 33

2 327 2 132 115 38

22 539 21 975 335 117 1 352 1 323 29 14

761 744 17 -1 008 989 14 14 2 891 2 804 42 9

185 166 14 -574 570 4 4 695 656 23 -

3 316 3 258 51 13 2 232 2 12B 21 -4 134 4 098 17 10

403 403 - -3 124 3 085 29 7

25 25 - -1 839 1 726 74 46

270 221 19 -19 330 14 3« 4 611 473 3 196 3 021 175 89

969 554 410 10 6 390 6 052 106 20

374 323 41 27 905 814 91 20 S8B 520 20 5

1 542 1 514 15 10 2 482 455 2 023 169 1 606 223 1 377 6

31 919 35 064 470 232 15 091 14 123 1B5 70 2 982 2 721 33 21

23 B28 20 941 285 162 1 193 1 090 9 -3 663 3 3'18 123 100 4 484 3 921 25 21 3 300 3 083 13 -2 155 1 840 17 -1 053 990 4 -1 425 1 106 11 5 2 270 1 940 25 15

715 629 5 -3 570 2 944 53 21

• 254 1 111 399 163 2 352 2 230 100 69 2 973 2 653 39 27 2 929 2 228 260 67

6 299 5 213 170 42 480 430 - -498 439 14 4

1 778 1 473 32 5 3 543 2 871 124 33

4 677 3 186 48 21 645 612 - -

1 477 1 424 20 5 892 752 10 5 832 467 - -831 631 18 11

1 284 ' 073 68 16

16 745 7 172 7 346 1 090 s 150 2 004 2 118 889 4 no - 4 720 119 1 305 l 254 - -2 090 1 841 124 9 3 480 2 073 384 73

11 192 - 11 192 6 174 2 .493 - 2 493 2 493 3 453 - 3 453 3 453 4 850 - 4 850 -


3 6$9

19 19 -6


111 44 ---4 6 6 5 -5

3 -4 ---4 --


63 10 --8 9 -9 9 9

4 ---5 4

181 29 5

11 -5 --

46 28

73 33 7

40 4

14 --6 --6 -


60 12 12 36

39 ---


6 -6 ---4

2 386 407

1 855 -

59 65

532 --



Unpaid Self .. mployed family

Loco I workers workers

13 703 11 885 213

112 1 186 74 112 1 175 74 - 11 -- 10 -

442 1 811 11

337 468 5 167 214 -- 12 -

9 21 -10 4 -13 28 -- 12 -- 5 -11 - -5 - -

21 10 -8 19 -- 4 -

15 lJ -- - -- 17 -- - -- - -

11 - -- - -64 80 -

155 224 5 5 - -

17 - -- 5 -25 45 -5 5 -- - -

14 16 -29 7 -12 83 -3 14 5 - - -

22 10 -- - -

23 39 -15 30 -

3 957 371 4 57 - -

395 5 -75 22B 4 14 10 -66 - -15 4B -5 13 -

1 BOB 4 -1 343 6 -

165 3 306 79 B2 777 6

5 228 -83 2 529 73

5 94 -9 136 6 4 512 26

13 204 -11 287 11 4 53 6 6 303 5 4 300 5 5 81 -

22 559 14

176 738 6 19 22 -- 2B1 -

157 435 6 ., 905 11 - 44 6

10 45 -27 273 -52 543 5

21 720 23 - 21 12 9 33 -5 130 -- 359 6 7 177 5

48 143 -3 170 2 227 -

822 1 028 -2 746 - -- 51 -

56 125 -246 1 023 -

4 486 - -- - -- - -

4 347 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Total- Continued

Felllale, 16 years old and aver--------------·---

A9r1 .. 1tvre, fomtry, •• R11oorlu ••••••••••••••••••• Agriculture ____ ---- __ •.•. ------•••••. ·---------•••• ·---Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Miiiot ------------······--·-------·---·------­

Cu1tnctloa ------ •••••• ------ -··------- ---- ••••

M11•f1<hrillt------··------········----------·-· Durable goods .••• __ ·---------•.•••••• ---------- •••• ----

Logging .••••••• -------------------------------------Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork .••.•••• ____________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­furniture and fbttures --------------------------------­Stone, day. and glass products ------------·------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products------·-­Primary Iran and steel industries----·-------------------Primary nonferrous industries------------------ ____ -----Fabricated metal industri<ls, including not specified metal ••••

Machinery, except electrical •.•••• ------ ---- ---------- •• Office, accounting, and -computing machines ____ .., _______ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies •••••••••.•..• Radio. television, and cammunleation equipment _________ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment ______________ _ Aircraft and ports -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------­Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches •••.•• Ordnance .... __ ---- __ ---- ............ ____ ........ ---- ____ ..... __ ...... .. Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated •.•

Nondurable goads. ___ ---- ____ ------------------·--------Meat products -------- -------- •• ------------·--------Canning and preurving produce, seafoods, and beverages ...... Bakery products---- •••• -----------------------------­Other food industries----------------------------------Yorn, thread, and fabric mills ••• _______________________ _ Other textile mill products-----------------------------­Apparel ond other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper ond allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals ond ollied praducts--------------------------­Petroleum and coal productL----·····-···-------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------Footwear, except rubber __ .. _____ .,_ ---------.. ------ -----Other nondurable goods ______________________________ _ -

Not specified manufacturing industrtes----------------------

Tm11,.n.tkH•r ct•••1lc1tloa1, 11.I ott.or puWk 11ttlftle•• Railroads and railway express service--------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------Trucking service and warehousing ______ .. _______________ .,,_

----Water tronsportotion __ .... ____ .... __ ------ ____ ------ ____ ----

Air transportation .... ________ .... ---- __ .................... ---- __ -----

~~~~~~i~~~i::s0~0~~~:::: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :::::: :: :: :: :::--Electric and gos utilities. ..•••.• -------------------------­Water supply, sonitory services, and other utilities -----------

W•olosoto ood ,.,,a Ind•···-···------------------Wholesale !rode ••.• __ •. ______ •• __ ---- •.•••••••••• ------

-Food and farm products ------------------------------Retail trode ____ -- •• -- ---------------- ------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and buildlng material retailing •• General merchandise stores ........ __ .... ------------ _______ _ --food stores -- .. _ -- -- ---------------- ------ ------------Motor vehicles ond accessories retailing-----------------Gasoline servK:e stations __ ---- -- -- ---- -- ______ -- __ -- __ --Apparel and accessories stores-------------------------­Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores----------Eatlng ond drinking places •. -------- •.•• ---- ____ ---- ••• -Drugstores ,.. ___ -- ------ ____ -- ------ __ ---------- .... __ _ -Other retail trade •. ------ •• ···--- ---------------------

Filtuce, ia1t1rt11tC•t •" re.t ••fete-----------------­Banking and credit agencies·-·--------------------------

--In suronce ____ .,.._ ---- __ ---- __ ---- .. _____________ .., _____ ----

Other finance and real estate----·-------------------·----ludu11 ""I repair Hf'YkH __________ ... ___________ _ -

Advertising __ ------ -- ------•. ---- •••. -- --·- ---- ----·- ----

Commercial research, management. and programing services .... Automobile services •• ____ •• -- •••• ------ -------- •.•••• __ Other business and repair services __________ ,. .. ___ ... _______ _ -

Ptn11ol 1onkt1 --·--····-··------·-------------Private households •••••. ---- __ •.•••••••• ·--------- ____ _ ----Haltls and lodging pfocts ------·----------------··---·-­Laundering, cftoning, ond other garment services •••. -------­Barber ond beauty •hops------------------·-----------·­Other personal services----------------------------------

-Eiitortoll•tol """rocrootloo 1tnric11 ••••••••••••••••

Profos"°""f •od relo!ff 11roltt1 ------------·-------Health services---- •. ------------------·----·-----------


·Educationaf services_ government---------.. ·------------..... Educational services, private ..... --·------------------.. ----­Welfare, religious, ond nonprofit membership argonlzatlans ----Other professional and related •ervices ----··---------------

Pvbflc n•i.btrotloa• -----------------------------Postel service _,,, ------------ -----------------------"'-----Fedora! public admlnistrotian.- --------------------------­Slate ond lacal public administration----------·------------

•includes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 720 ARKANSAS

[Data based an sample, see text, For meaning of symbols, see text]

Private Government workers

Toto! wage and employed salary workers Total Federal State

113 559 86 815 22 805 4 072 4 213

471 309 20 10 s 460 309 15 5 5

11 - 5 5 -37 37 - - -

l 249 l 045 144 92 25

15 756 15 230 374 171 63 6 972 6 663 248 120 23

B 8 - - -472 459 13 - -

73 68 - - -816 788 18 - -119 114 - - -58 53 - - -45 45 - - -30 30 - - -

350 335 5 5 -506 502 - - -25 25 - - -

2 351 2 277 74 40 6 l 102 l 068 34 16 6

306 281 20 - 9 47 47 - - -66 66 - - -

211 211 - - -452 402 so 311 -

1 120 1 030 68 37 8

8 596 8 393 112 46 37 190 190 - - -245 245 - - -375 375 - - -939 913 9 - 9 109 100 4 4 -251 246 - - -

1 349 l 313 19 - 19 1 135 l 118 17 10 -

874 830 20 10 -1 553 l 543 10 - 4

87 87 - - -384 380 - - -- - - - -

l 105 l 053 33 22 5 188 174 14 5 3

4 269 3 552 676 87 47 150 150 - - -147 46 101 - 4 715 660 32 20 -41 41 - - -

353 331 22 - 9 178 163 7 7 -

1 902 1 838 59 43 11 443 70 373 4 10

67 27 40 - -26 568 24 717 464 272 45 5 052 4 874 311 13 6

960 929 15 5 -21 516 19 843 426 259 39

337 319 4 - -6 812 6 517 165 143 9 2 087 l 783 33 22 -

454 439 5 - -103 73 5 - -

l 903 1 810 35 14 -654 559 - - -

5 040 4 698 128 48 30 865 829 6 6 -

3 261 2 816 45 26 -7 850 7 262 385 230 24 3 417 3 191 226 161 20 2 305 2 223 68 55 -2 128 l 848 91 14 4

3 056 2 711 52 19 9 319 305 - - -494 466 5 5 -298 243 5 - 5

l 945 I 767 42 14 4

16 709 15 772 147 43 15 8 295 8 274 - - -2 209 2 080 39 17 11 1 926 1 834 61 21 -1 936 1 507 5 5 -2 343 2 077 42 - 4

673 600 11 - 6

33 205 15 510 16 809 1 019 3 717 13 060 8 676 3 985 614 853 11 056 - 11 056 248 2 257 3 120 2 870 - - -2 299 1 730 553 74 319 3 670 2 234 1 215 83 288

3 716 - 3 716 2 129 257 421 - 421 421 -

l 662 - l 662 l 662 -1 418 - 1 418 - 225


Un1X1ld Self-employed family

Local workers workers

14 520 3 075 864

5 101 41 s 101 35 - - 6

- - -27 23 37

140 92 60 105 35 26 - - -

13 - -- 5 -lB 10 -- - 5 - - 5 - - -- - -- 5 5

- - 4 - - -

28 - -12 - -11 5 -- - -- - -- - -12 - -23 10 12

29 57 34 - - -- - -- - -- 17 -- 5 -- 5 -- 12 5 7 - -

lD 5 19

6 - -- - -- 4 -- - -6 9 10 6 - -

542 18 23 - - -

97 - -12 10 13 - - -

13 - -- 8 -5 - 5

359 - -4D - -

147 978 409 19 75 65 ID - 16

128 903 34-4 4 4 10

13 115 15 11 172 'i9 5 - 10 5 19 6

21 33 25 - 54 41

50 175 39 - 15 15

19 316 84

131 153 50 45 - -13 - 14 73 153 36

24 162 61 - 14 -- 23 -- 35 15

24 90 46

89 749 41 - 17 4

11 85 5 40 21 10 - 407 l7

3B 219 s 12 55 -

12 073 744 142 2 518 344 55 8 551 - -- 216 34

160 12 4 844 172 49

1 330 - -- - -- - -

1 193 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male, 16 years old and over-------------------­

A9ricuttun1, forestry, and flllt•ri••------------------""

~;;;~~~u~~d-fi;t,;;ie;-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mlolot ---- ____ ------------ ____ ----------------

CH•-Heo ------------ -- ------·----------- ----Mo•uf1cf111·ill1-- __ .. _____ ---- ---- ---- ________ ---- _

Durable goods __________________________________ ------ __

Lagging ---- ---- -- -------------------------------- ---Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork ____________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, clay, and glass products -------------------------

Cement. concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries -----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries .... ------------------------­Fabricated metal industries, Including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ___________________________ _

Office, accounting, and computing machines ........ ________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _

Radio, television. and communicotion equipment_ ________ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment--------------­Aircraft and ports -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment -------------------------Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance-------- ... ----------------- __ ----------------Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-ollocoted_ __

Nondurable goods ____ -------- __ ---------------------- __ _ Meat products ____ ---- ---- __ ------------ ---------- __ _ Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery product•-- ____ -------------------- ____ --------Other food industries----------------------------------Yorn, thread, and fabric mills __________________________ _

Other textile mill products------------------------------Apporel and other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Paper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, ond allied industries _________________ _

Chemicals and allied products __________________________ _ Petroleum and cool products -- ---- __ ------------------ __ Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber-------------------------- .. ----Other nondurable goods ____ ---- __ -------------------- __

Not specified manufacturing Industries ______________ .,._,,, ____ _

T,.11port•ti111, c0Mmunkatlon1, anti other publk utilities 1 .. Railroads and railway express service -- ____ ---- ---------- __ SJreet railways ond bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing------------------------­Water transportation __ ---- .... -- ..... __ -- .... ------------------Air t.ronspartation ________________ .. - ____________________ _

All other transportation __ ---- __ ------------------------ __ Communlcotlons ______ ------ .... ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ------ __ Electric ond gos utilities •••. --------------------·--------­Water supply, sonitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholt1ol• o•d .. 11M trade ________ ---- __ ---- __ ---- ------ __ --------

Food ond form producls -------------------------------Retotl trade __________________ ---------- -------- __ ------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing __ _ General merchandise stores ______________ ---------------food stores __ ---- __ ---------- __ ----------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retoiling -----------------­Gasoline service stations-------------------------------Apparel and accessories stores .. _________ .,. ______________ _ Furniture, home furnishings. and equipment stores _________ .. Eating and drinking ploces------------------------------Orugstores __ ---- ________ ------ __ ---- ----------------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

l1Hac1, l11ure1c1, 011d reel est1te __________________ _

Banking ond credit agencies------------------------------Insurance_ .. -------- __ ------------------_ .. __________ ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

1•111111 '"ti npelr stnkH------------------------Advertising __ ---------------- ____ ------ ----------------Commercial research, managtment, and programing services __ _ Autornobilt services -- -----.------------------------------Other busin&Ss and repair services ____ -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -

PtrHR1l 11nlct1 -------------------------------­Private households __ -- ------ ---- __ ---- -- ---------------­Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shops __________ -----------------------Other personal services __ ---- -- -- __ -- -- -- ------ -- -- ---- --

Eat•rt•il•••t aH rterHtlH 1orvk11 ________________ _

Prol111lo11l au relotod mvk•• --------------------Health services ______ ---- ---------- ---- __ ------ ---------Educational servicts, government ____________ ........ __ .......... -- --Educational services, private ____ ------ -- -- ---- -- -- ------ --Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional ond related services---------------------

Pulilk ooloololstratlao• .• ---------------------------Postal service -------- ------ ----------------------------Federal public administration ______ ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ------ --Stole ond local public administration-----------------------

•Includes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Data based an sample, see text. For meaning of symbols, see text)

) Private Government workers Total ' wage and

employed salary workers Total Federal State

47 314 36 449 9 024 3 231 964

2 195 1 684 76 28 8 2 195 1 684 76 28 8 - - - - -

57 51 6 - 6

4 471 3 591 350 101 64

14 613 14 097 459 148 82 7 113 6 848 237 88 40

33 27 - - -1 412 l 397 15 6 -270 265 5 - -769 756 13 - 4

346 340 6 - 6 285 279 6 - 6 352 328 24 8 5 108 103 5 - -775 736 39 13 5

777 759 18 11 3 16 16 - - -

599 580 19 - 4 228 228 - - -370 356 8 8 -- - - - -

85 81 4 - 4 27 27 - - -94 80 14 14 -

l 096 1 013 67 28 9

7 424 7 177 218 60 42 754 739 15 6 4 330 313 17 - -398 398 - - -

I 272 l 227 37 9 8 98 84 14 - 9

264 260 4 4 -255 241 14 - 4 923 882 41 13 4 209 199 4 - 4

835 818 13 6 4 154 154 - - -

I 017 993 20 7 -- - - - -915 869 39 15 5

76 72 4 - -5 965 3 667 2 185 206 148

659 559 100 42 29 282 122 155 10 -

I 964 1 811 73 20 11 69 39 30 22 -

129 101 28 10 -207 203 - - -146 141 5 - -569 153 416 36 26

I 327 183 1 144 6 25

a 348 7 729 300 133 42 3 208 3 022 146 56 24

877 840 25 16 4 5 140 4 707 154 77 18

266 252 9 - 4 733 672 49 37 3

1 104 988 15 15 -437 413 9 - -376 350 11 - -184 173 4 - -253 232 5 5 -810 718 25 15 6

B7 82 - - -890 827 27 5 5

968 796 149 37 28 187 153 34 lB 12 220 211 4 - 4 561 432 111 19 12

1 314 l 117 89 33 14 13 13 - - -33 33 - - -

- 472 415 5 5 -796 656 84 28 14

1 855 1 66' 26 5 -568 556 - - -416 402 14 5 -283 259 5 - -200 118 - - -388 333 7 - -470 428 28 - 4

4 259 1 621 2 557 478 466 I 388 518 830 383 160 1 427 - l 427 44 241

394 394 - - -591 493 77 9 27 459 216 223 42 38

2 799 - 2 799 2 069 102 980 - 980 980 -984 - 984 984 -670 - 670 - 95


Unpaid Selt .. mployed family

Local worktrs workers

4 822 1 771 70

40 400 35 40 400 35 - - -- - -

185 530 -229 57 -109 28 -- 6 -

9 - -5 - -9 - -- - -- - -

11 - -5 - -

21 - -4 - -- - -

15 - -- - -- 6 -- - -- - -- - -- - -

30 16 -116 29 -

5 - -17 - -- - -20 8 -5 - -- - -

10 - -24 - -- 6 -3 4 -- - -

13 4 -- - -19 7 -4 - -

1 831 109 4 29 - -

145 5 -42 76 4 8 - -

18 - -- 4 -5 - -

354 - -l 113 - -

125 300 19 66 40 -

5 12 -59 260 19 5 5 -9 6 6 - 88 13 9 15 -

II 15 -4 7 -- 16 -4 67 -- 5 -

17 36 -84 23 -4 - -- 5 -

80 18 -42 108 -- - -- - -- 52 -42 56 -21 149 12 - 5 7 9 - -5 19 -- 82 -7 43 5

24 14 -1 613 11 -

287 40 -1 142 - -- - -

41 21 -143 20 -628 - -- - -- - -575 - -


Table 186. Industry of Employed Persons by Class of Worker, Race, and Sex:

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Negro- Continued

hm•lt, 16 yevs ohl and•-------------------Aplc-,, .U fh...._. __________________ _

~:~~~u~';iiis'herie~ ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --...... ---- ------ ----------------------------­c .. 1mctln ----------------------------------­

••olactwrlot-------------------- --------------


Durable goods-- -- -- __ ---- ------ -------- -------- --------logging ____ -- ____ -- ------------ ------ ------ ---------Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork-------------------­Miscellaneaus wood products-------------------------­Fumtture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products ------------------------


Cement. concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary Iron and 1teel industries -----------------------

--Primary nonferrous industries ____ .,. _______ ... -------- ___ _ -Fabricated metal industries, Including not specified metal __ _ -Machinery, except electrical ----------------------------

Otr1ee, -accounting, and computing machines ...................... .. -Electrical machinery, equipment, and suppli"--------------

Radla, television, and communication equipmenl----------Motar vehicles and motor vehicle equipment _____________ _ -Aircraft and ports ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------

--Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ -Ordnance .... -- ---- -- ---- -----.... -----------------------Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goads-allocated __ -

Nondurable goods __ -- -----------------------------------Meat products -- __ -----------------------------------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Ra kery products ______________________ -------- ------ _ Other food Industries---------------------------------Yorn, thread, and fabric mms ______________ .. __________ _

Other textile mill products-----------------------------Apporel and other fabricated textile products ____________ _ Paper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied Industries-----------------Chemicals and allied products _________________________ _ Petroleum and coal products ____ ------ ____ ---------- ---Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products --------------­Footwear. except rubber-------.. ----------------------Other nandura ble goods __________ -- ____________ ------ _

Nat specified monufacturing lndustrie•---------------------

Tr11spMtotktn, ct•t111t11kflltH, aall atlter puWlc utllftletl Railroads and railway express urvice --------------------­Street roilwoys and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing ------------------------Water transportation __ ------------ ____ ..... __ ............ ______ _ Air tronsparta tion .... -- ------ ---- .... __ -- ..... ______ .... ____ .... __ All other tronsportatio n ____________ -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ _ Communications __________________ ---- .... -- ............ __ ..... -- .. Electric and gas utilttios ________________________________ _

Water supply, sanitary servkes, and o1her utili1ies ----------

W .. lo1olt oo4 n!GI lraft ------------------------Wholesale trade ______ ---------------------------------

Food ond farm products ------------------------------Retail trade __ -- -- -- ____ -------------------------------

Hordware, form equipment, ond building moteriol retailing --General merchandise s1ores ________________________ ----

Food stores .... ---- .... ---- ..... ---------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing -----------------Gasoline service stations _____________________________ _ Apporel and accessories s1ores ____ -- -- .... ------ -- __ ..... __ _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ _ Eating ond drinking ploces-----------------------------Drugstores -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- __ ------ ------ -- -- ---- ---Other retail trade------------------------------------

n.uc1, •11ra11te, ud l'HI 1rtste ____________ ,. ____ _ Banking and credit agencies ____________ ,. ____ ,. __________ _



--Insurance .. ___ -- __ -- -- ------ ---------- -- __ -------- ---- _ -Other finance and real estate ----------------------------

Advertisin~·~~~~~ ~-·~~~~==::::::::::::::::::::: Commerctol research, management, and programing services __ Automobile services-----------------------------------­Other business and repair services ... -----------------------

Pon...t Hnln1 ---------- ------ ---------------Private households------------------------------------­Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other gorment services ___________ _ Barber ond beauty shops-------------------------------­Other personal services------------------·--------------

Eahrt.••Ht IMI tHl'Htloa 1ervk11 ........ ----------.. -

Pnf1111Hal au rtt.to4 11nlc01 ------------------­Health services---------------------------------------­Educational services, government ........ -- -- ..... ---- ---- ---- ---Educational services, private ________ ---------------------Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations --­Other professianol and related services--------------------

PHlic .._lolalmlon•---------------------------­Postal service -------------------- ------ ---------------Federal public administration ________ ------------------ ---Stole ond local public odmlnlstrotlon ----------------------

'includes allocated coses not shown seporately.



[Data based an sample, see text. Far meaning al symbols, see text]

Prlvote Government workers

Total wage and employed salary workers Total Federal State

39 716 29 424 9 417 1 409 1 413

270 165 10 - 5 270 165 10 - 5

- - - - -11 11 - - -

159 142 8 8 -5 775 5 471 262 127 33 3 341 3 137 193 95 6

8 8 - - -315 302 13 - -

37 37 - - -511 488 18 - -22 22 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -41 36 5 5 -

118 118 - - -- - - - -1 177 1 119 58 28 6

667 643 24 10 6 169 162 7 - -- - - - -

4 4 - - -13 13 - - -

270 233 37 25 -656 595 55 37 -

2 329 2 240 58 27 27 51 51 - - -87 87 - - -78 7R - - -

161 152 9 - 9 38 38 - - -88 83 - - -

516 495 9 - 9 355 350 5 5 -

76 67 4 - -239 235 4 - 4

5 5 - - -59 59 - - -- - - - -

576 540 27 22 5 105 94 11 5 -835 688 147 50 9

11 11 - - -11 5 6 - -

115 90 25 13 -5 5 - - -

33 29 4 - -44 44 - - -

441 402 39 33 6 56 7 49 - -21 4 17 - -

5 555 5 128 213 98 24 496 476 14 4 -169 159 10 - -

5 059 4 652 199 94 24 45 45 - - -

688 625 41 31 5 551 484 12 5 -

29 29 - - -26 13 - - -

320 305 11 - -68 68 - - -

2 321 2 170 107 38 19 162 135 6 6 -849 778 22 14 -914 782 126 47 13 296 227 69 42 9 326 321 5 5 -292 234 52 - 4

562 503 33 9 5 37 37 - - -35 35 - - -91 70 5 - 5

399 361 28 9 -12 252 11 847 100 15 10 7 673 7 666 - - -

969 938 12 6 6 1 188 1 137 46 9 -568 371 - - -1 854 1 735 42 - 4

176 163 7 - -12 127 4 524 7 501 450 1 224 4 495 2 553 I 894 164 355 4 737 - 4 737 175 689 1 037 1 016 - - -

587 339 248 50 99 1 271 616 622 61 81

1 oao - 1 080 605 90 219 - 219 219 -360 - 360 360 -352 - 352 - 76


Unpaid Self-employed family

local workers workers

6 665 740 65

5 80 15 5 80 15 - - -- - -- 9 -

102 37 5 92 11 -- - -13 - -- - -18 5 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -

24 - -8 - -7 - -- - -- - -- - -

12 - -18 6 -4 26 5 - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 5 -- 12 -- - -4 5 -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 4 5 6 - -.. - -- - -6 - -

12 - -- - -4 - -- - -- - -

49 - -17 - -91 185 %9 10 6 -10 - -81 179 29 - - -5 22 -7 46 9 - - -- 13 -

11 - 4 - - -

50 41 3 - 11 10 8 46 3

66 6 -18 - -- - -48 6 -19 21 5 - - -- - -- 16 -

19 5 5

75 300 5 - 7 -- 14 5

37 5 -- 197 -38 77 -7 6 -

5 827 96 6 I 375 48 -3 873 - -

- 21 -99 - -

480 27 6

385 - --- -- - -

276 - -


Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970 [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male employed __________ ---- ------ ________ ----

Agrltultvr., fonsl1'y, aid flsheriOI _________________ _ -Agriculture ____ -- ____________ -- -- -- •• ______ ---- _______ _ Forestry and fisheries __________________ ---- ________ -----

Mlol•1 ---··- ---- -- ---------· ----------·-------

C111trvctlo1 __ ---- __ ---- .. _____ ---------- ---- ----

M1Hfoctwriog __________ ---- ____ •• __ •• ----•. ___ _ -Durable goods ________ •••••••••• ----------------------·· logging __ •• ---- ______ •• ____ -------- -------- ---- __ •• Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork_ __________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products ________________ ---- _____ _

Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and glass products ------------------------


Cement. concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary iron and steel industries-----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries __ ------------------------

--Fabricated metal industries. including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electrical .... -- ________________ ........ ----Ottke 1 accounting, and computing machines------------ -Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Rodia, television, and communication equipment ................ ..

Motor vehicles ond motor vehicle equipment _____________ _

Aircraft and ports ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment __ ------ ----------------Professional and photographic equipment, ond watches •• __ _ Ord nonce .••. ____ .. ____ ...• -- -- ---- •• __ --·- __ •• __ ••• Misc-elloneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated ....

Nondurable goods ____________ •. -------- __ ---·------ ___ _ Meat products .... __ .•.• ______ -- __ •••• ---- __ ---- ----

----------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __

Bakery products ____ ---- •• ____ ------ ____ ---- __ ---- •••. Other food industries--------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------

--Other textile mill products _____________________________ _

Apparel and other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Paper and allied products------------------------------Printing, publishing, ond allied industries ____ ---- __ --------Chemicals and ollied products __ -- ••.••• -- ------ ---- ---­Petroleum ond cool products •. -------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------­Footwear, except rubber------------------------------


-Other nondurable goods ________ •• ---- •• ________ --------Not specified manufacturing industries ______ ----------------

Trt11sportatlon, co•nni1nkotlons, and other publk utiUtl111 Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------


-Trucking service and warehousing ---- ............ ---- ---- __ ...... .. -Water transportation __________ -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- .... _,. __ Air transportation ______________ -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -All other transportation---- __ •• -- -- ---- -- -------- --------Communications ______________ -- -- ---- .... -- -- ---- -- ---- --Electric ond gos utilitles---------------------------------­Woter supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ---------- -

Whole11le 11111 ntall trade-------------------- ........ -Wholesale trade ____ .. __ •. ____ -- .. -- -- .. -------- -- -- ----

Food and form products-------------------------- .. --- -Retoil trode __________ ---- ____ -- •• -- -- -- -- ------ ---- ----

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores ____ -------- -- -- -- ------ ---- .. Food stores .... ________________ -- ---- .... -------- ---- ----Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gas.oUne service stations------------------------------­Apparel and accessories stores--------------------------f.urniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores .................. .. Eating ond drinking ploces------------------------------Drugstores ______________ ------ ------ ----------------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

FIH.ce, hm1rt1ct, and real estate ........ ---- .. ---------­Bonking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance ____________________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Other finance ond real estate -----------------------------

11111111 •IHI repair 11rvkH .. -----------------------Advertising __ ........ ____ ------ ______ ---- ---------- --------Commercial research, management, and programing services .. ..,_ Automobile services ________________________ -- __ -- -- .... -- -Other business and repair services-------------------------

Pene••I services ------------------ ... -------------Private households .. __ -----------------------------·---· Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------­Loundering, cleaning, ond other garment services ••• ---------­Borber ond beauty shops ••••••• ----------------·---------Other personal services .... ______ -- -- -- -- ........ -- -- -- ---- ----

hterte••Ht Hcl ncnatlon servkts ____ ,,, ___________ _

Profesa&o11l 111d retated 1trvfc11 ....................... -- .... ----Health services ______ .................. - -------- -- -------- -------Educotionol services, government-- ... ----- -- ---------------­Educational services, private .... ---- -- ------ -----.. ---------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

P•~llc odml•lstntlen • ____ •••••••• -- ----•.•• -------Postal service ........ __ .... ---- __ ---- _ .. ------ -------- --------Federal public odm inlstrotlon •••• -- •• -· •••• ---- •• -- •••••• -­State ond local public administration-----------------------

'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.


Persons 14 and 15 years old Total

3 682 404 491

696 48 884 691 47 443

5 1 441

- 4 755

7$ 42 085

960 110 133 245 66 140

35 4 817 12 11 918 7 2 659

20 6 476 - 3 574 - 1 554 - 930 5 4 234

16 5 002

6 5 132 - 343 9 8 643 5 2 093 - 1 339 - 261 - 2 813 - 968 5 2 241

130 5 133

715 43 349 20 5 113 5 3 584 - 1 072

14 4 751 - 820 - 1 306 5 2 025

12 7 843 479 4 225

- 4 303 - l 200 4 3 040 3 2 175

173 l 892 - 644

49 34 450 - 7 090 5 2 067 5 9 389 9 622 5 633 5 956 4 3 448 - 5 985

10 2 376

1 238 76 299 69 18 675 lB 5 524

1 169 57 624 20 6 213 49 4 616

285 lO 976 25 9 40B 94 7 505 34 1 410 lO 3 4B9

258 4 334 37 1 526

357 8 147

37 11 637 - 3 220

15 4 422 22 3 995

68 11 846 5 361 - 422

25 5 249 3B 5 814

212 8 985 85 1 539 31 l 952 26 1 638 28 2 072 42 1 784

50 2 700

242 35 635 25 8 6BS 89 13 677 23 3 368 52 5 298 53 4 607

55 17 082 5 4 306

10 4 692 16 7 648

16 and 18 and 20 to 24 17 yeors 19 years years

9 183 14 779 44 919

1 185 1 674 3 371 1 167 l 659 3 266

18 15 105

32 58 458

401 I 064 3 859

1 410 4 651 15 835 541 2 747 9 474 102 128 571 113 419 1 075 24 134 271 58 377 913 29 91 361 10 13 116 11 23 106 - 122 507

10 152 916 9 215 847 - 10 55

23 434 1 852 11 118 473 9 66 196 - 11 26

28 214 557 10 50 191 5 53 336

110 25B 749 869 1 861 6 310 174 312 755 47 169 683 19 2B 100 56 169 598 19 27 llB 7 67 256

39 126 276 10 186 1 207

292 252 674 18 121 402 10 5 94 17 107 512 73 185 348 BB 107 2B7 - 43 51

243 635 3 463 17 60 614 46 84 150 82 148 841

5 24 28 11 6 Bl 6 27 105

33 101 654 6 77 553

26 62 173

4 190 4 051 9 352 200 604 2 200 83 230 721

3 990 3 447 7 152 102 182 611 266 225 745

1 421 99B 1 319 164 235 1 169 478 621 1 160 92 103 251 97 164 298

880 300 571 167 101 182 323 51B 846

56 127 955 4 57 412 - 10 372

52 60 171

230 407 1 255 5 lB 33 5 - 4B

122 188 563 98 201 611

257 375 695 60 70 11l

109 135 158 33 89 126 18 31 161 37 50 139

197 190 288

830 1 355 4 287 146 223 621 451 618 2 140 130 310 606 44 132 398 59 72 522

152 192 1 101 3 26 136

40 45 294 15 93 629

Persons 16 years old and over

25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 yeors Med Ion years years years years years years and over ago

48 942 41 725 81 151 80 844 35 309 26 997 20 642 40.3

4 352 3 832 8 684 10 754 5 675 5 041 4 316 46.2 4 182 3 666 8 417 10 460 5 478 4 912 4 236 46.3

170 166 267 294 197 129 80 44.2

527 426 1 188 1 152 423 322 169 42.4

4 974 4 555 8 848 9 361 4 238 3 126 1 659 42.0

16 124 13 000 23 236 20 013 7 881 5 314 2 662 36.7 9 452 7 659 13 624 12 214 5 130 3 515 1 784 37.3

578 612 1 055 932 370 235 234 39.0 1 187 l 141 2 577 2 435 l 445 1 034 492 42.9

217 265 468 588 319 276 97 43.9 863 677 1 251 1 277 526 350 184 37.8 444 406 773 796 340 242 92 40.9 216 198 412 382 98 67 42 40.4 125 127 217 158 46 79 38 38.4 613 499 B79 979 397 196 42 39.3 932 590 1 109 BOO 242 166 85 34.2 976 609 l OBl 857 292 178 6B 34.3

77 4B 71 47 30 5 - 33.1 1 6B3 l 232 l 6Bl l 156 332 162 88 31.3

441 348 379 208 70 31 14 30.l 205 223 253 198 79 64 46 34.3

20 55 64 49 20 11 5 37.9 548 278 522 383 163 90 30 31.l 165 167 170 169 21 15 10 32.0 285 263 517 486 202 B2 12 38.5 611 515 1 007 951 336 335 261 3B.2

6 571 5 269 9 467 7 650 2 712 l 773 867 35.8 685 677 l 090 822 316 l5B 124 34.7 496 378 749 5BB 180 166 128 35.3 161 148 328 158 62 68 - 37.4 649 566 1 047 982 269 30B 107 38.2 134 99 178 129 85 17 14 35.7 237 152 29B 162 75 46 6 32.8 342 191 454 356 127 65 49 35.8

1 477 1 060 1 B58 1 334 460 226 25 34.9 571 482 705 54B 304 181 216 33.4

530 44B 1 063 1 121 355 212 33 41.0 93 llB 256 355 183 62 24 45.7

605 526 671 423 B2 69 2B 32.7 319 220 469 367 BB Bl 25 33.7 272 204 301 305 126 114 BB 34.7 101 72 145 149 46 26 ll 3B.B

4 524 3 584 1 415 7 700 3 327 2 405 1 154 41.4 B90 429 1 217 1 749 1 083 766 265 46,8

95 79 235 484 322 326 246 52.1 1 353 l 311 2 480 1 983 669 287 235 3B.9

BO 35 214 133 42 44 17 41.5 92 90 192 l04 24 17 16 36.9

ll l 72 133 231 104 122 45 46,0 595 489 728 603 117 103 25 33.5 B25 625 l 449 l 48B 547 377 3B 41.3 225 220 403 553 309 231 174 46.4

8 457 7 760 13 908 13 911 6 242 4 454 3 974 38.1 2 237 2 485 4 097 3 651 1 438 1 031 732 38.9

610 720 1 lOB l 048 447 349 208 38.6 6 220 5 275 9 811 10 260 4 B04 3 423 3 242 37.B

769 669 l 225 l 196 693 426 340 41.3 601 389 772 733 346 267 272 36.l 921 B47 l 517 l 572" 991 626 764 34.9

l 284 l 051 2 OlO 2 076 605 442 372 39.0 777 681 l 192 l 310 536 400 350 35.3 lOl l2l 197 225 110 11l 99 36.9 446 361 632 691 344 215 241 41.0 291 230 666 622 336 278 160 32.7 182 167 268 181 85 56 137 33.9 84B 759 1 332 l 654 758 602 507 40.9

1 435 1 350 2 565 2 443 1 001 800 905 42.4 460 390 695 492 249 222 239 39.l 603 564 1 097 1 054 292 216 214 41.0 372 396 773 897 460 362 452 46.9

1 477 1 297 2 485 2 353 1 093 653 596 40.1 44 60 70 62 31 ll 27 37.9 96 46 121 52 19 5 30 36.3

669 545 1 137 1 062 500 269 194 39.7 668 646 . 1 157 1 l77 543 368 345 40.9

713 667 1 497 1 673 864 951 1 293 46.7 88 67 163 275 171 154 380 52.7

147 94 257 347 205 189 311 47.2 120 162 340 288 152 172 156 43.5 206 1B5 42B 326 158 223 336 45.2 152 159 309 437 178 213 110 46.1

170 178 427 519 228 217 286 42.7

4 552 3 534 7 105 6 411 2 678 2 340 2 543 39.6 826 653 2 014 2 174 796 621 611 44.3

2 158 1 505 2 466 1 888 995 877 579 34.9 426 330 444 500 215 176 231 33.2 426 453 1 219 1 099 416 400 711 44.8 716 593 962 750 256 266 411 38.5

1 637 1 542 3 793 4 554 1 652 1 374 1 OBS 45.3 226 345 1 079 l 379 509 377 226 47.5 335 435 l 097 1 470 465 347 164 45.7

1 020 735 l 539 l 632 651 631 643 43.3

ARKANSAS 5 - 723

Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample see text For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see textl

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE- Continued

Fe•Dle ••ployn ------ -- -----·----------------A.,tcoltvn, f.,.1try, Old R1horieL------------------

:~;~~~~~ndfl'ihe;~s·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Millot ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ------ ---- ---- -- ----

c ... 1n1ct1oo -- -- ---- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- ---- ----

Mao•factwliit-------- ---- -- -- -- ------ -· -- -- -----Durable goods •• -- ____ -- ------ ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ----Logging __________________ ------ ____________________ _

Sawmills, planing mills, ond millwork. ___________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products-----------------.. --------­furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone. cloy, and gloss products ------------------------ -

Cement, concrete~, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______________ ., _______ -----Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, txcept electrical ------------------~---------Office. accounting. and computing machines ......................... ..

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _ R.odio, teltvlsion~ and communication equipment_ _______ ..,

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. ____________ _ Aircraft and p.ort$ ---·------------------------------­Other tronsportation equipment -----------------------­Professional ond photographic equipment, and watches ••••• Ordnance---- ______ ------ __ -- __ ---- ____ ------ ---- -- .. Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- ollocoted ••

Nondurable goods •. __ -- -- ---- ·--- __ ---- __ ---- __ -- -- ___ _ Meot products -------------------------------------­Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beveroges __

~~t.'."it:J1~d~~j;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yorn, thread, and lobric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill products----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products------------­Poper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------

-------------. . --. -

Chemicols ond allied product•-------------------------­Pelroleum and cool product•--------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products--------------­Footwear, except rubber------------------------------

. ---Other nonduro ble goods •. ____ -- -- -- __ -- -- ______ ---- ----Not specified monufacturing industries ____________________ _ -

Tn•IJ«htie•, t•••••it1tio•1, .. 11 oft.or pt1Wk utlllties' -Railroads and railway express service ____________________ _ Street railways and bus lines _______ .,. __________________ ,._ T.rucklng service and warehousing------------------------

---Water transportation,. _____ ------------·-----------------Air transportation ___ ... ---- __ -----------------------------~~~!~i~~~~s::~a!~~ :::: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: :::::: :: ::::: --Electric and gos utilities--------------------------------­Wattr supply, sanitary services, and other utilities----------

Wholenlo on retoll md• -----------------------­Wholesale trade ---- ---- __ ------ __ --------------------­

Food and farm products ------------------------------Retail trade------ ____ ---- ____ -------------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and buikling material retailing __ General merchandise stores ________ --------------------food stores-------------------------------------- __ _ Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------Gasoline service stations ______ -- __________________ ----Apparel and accessories stores ..... ____________ ---- ______ _ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ _ Eating and drinking places ____ -- -- ______ ---- __ .• ______ _ Drug st-ares ...... __ ..... ________ .... __ ------ ---------- ---- __ _ Other re toil trade ____ -- ________ ---- __ ------ __ ---- ___ _

Fllintt, ll11•ra1tet, oad ,..S t1t1te _________________ _

Banking and credit agencies __ ---- .... ---- ____ ------ ---- __ _ Insurance ..... __ .... ______ ---- ____________ -------------- __ ... Other finance and real estate----------------------------

............. ,.,.. .... k .. ______________________ _ Advertising ---- ______ ------ ---- ------ ------ __________ _ Commercial research, management, and programing services __ A11tomobUe services-----------------------------------­Other business and repair services-.. ----------------------

--------------------------P111 .... """"' ------------------------------­

Private households--------------------------------------Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------laundering~ cleaning, and other garment services ___________ _ Barber and beauty shop•-------------------------------­Other personal services --- .. -- ...... --------.. ---------------

&tem ... 11t °"' l'ICftllle• stn1c11 _______________ _

Pnftuloaol •od rolohd 11nko1 -------------------Heotth services ------ -·-------- ------------------------Educolional services, government __________________ ,. _____ _ Educational services, privat•---------------------------...... Welfare. religious, and nonprofit membership orgonizollons __ _ Other professional ond related services--------------------

PoWlc H•lolsln!IN• -------- --------------------Postel serv•ce _.,. __________ ,.. ____________ .,. ________ .. _____ _

Federal pubric odministrotton ••.••• ------ __ ---- -------- --­Stole and local public administration----------------------

'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.



Persons 14 and lS years old Total

1 496 245 206

94 5 704 94 s 53S - 169

- 409

9 2 044

220 59 558 79 23 092 - 150 4 94S - 387 - 2 762 4 348 - 95 - 64 - 401 - 1 306 5 1 372 - 386 - 6 950 - 1 912 - 227 - 7S - S92 5 3 212 8 1 113

53 3 188

141 36 009 9 3 993 - l 835 - 367 5 695 - 523 - l 381

27 12 532 4 I 533 6 2 882

.5 1 211 - 126 6 1 011

17 5 458 62 2 462 - 457

20 6 994 - 237 - 379 - 837 9 44 - 140 - 185

11 3 252 - 1 181 - 379

507 49 674 5 4 236 - I 296

502 45 438 - 1 277

24 9 284 42 6 794 17 1 568 6 620

22 3 538 6 1 322

213 12 001 25 2 032

147 7 002

27 10 781 3 5 316

10 3 041 14 2 424

29 3 262 - 86 - 448 3 439

26 2 289

297 29 263 189 14 466

15 3 7fH - 3 001

16 4 783 77 3 304

45 1 293

219 68 466 52 26 650 35 24 672 34 6 879 25 4 051 73 6 214

29 7 758 - I 129 - 2 914 5 3 431

16 and 18 and 20 lo 24 17yeors 19 years years

4 035 10 632 34 269

120 179 456 120 179 446 - - 10

- 24 36

- 65 276

443 2 999 10 492 104 927 4 173

4 6 25 20 29 124 - 15 49 6 79 367 - 15 60 - 5 5 - - 6 - 16 66 - 34 163

4 4S 244 - 10 66

23 345 1 297 - 106 424 3 - 72 - - 7 3 12 119

13 195 839 4 5 162

24 131 573

339 2 054 6 262 114 268 673

9 78 210 - 22 24

16 25 127 6 16 68 5 82 357

67 707 2 283 - 57 198

27 172 561

- 57 205 - - 28 4 43 198

36 374 998 55 153 332 - 18 57

33 526 1 479 - 7 25 8 15 3 4 48 141 - - -- 10 42 - 3 18

11 354 926 - 49 258 6 25 29

1 802 2 379 5 141 43 186 685 18 61 200

1 759 2 193 4 456 9 61 150

262 453 913 224 268 534

11 56 151 15 26 39 94 127 239 19 57 129

816 672 1 263 112 180 201 197 293 837

59 628 2 282 22 306 1 284 24 171 719 13 151 279

49 160 646 - 5 9 21 18 83 6 25 60

22 112 494

474 715 2 378 296 185 569 59 85 289 47 59 184 21 302 986 51 84 350

117 93 112

877 2 688 9 891 325 834 3 301 333 833 3 885 62 572 1 139 70 129 440 87 320 1 126

61 176 1 010 - - 42 26 69 398 35 104 525

Persons 16 years old and over

2S to 29 30 to 34 35 lo 44 4S lo 54 SS to 59 60 lo 64 65 years Median years years years years years years and over ogt

25 933 22 832 50 740 50 782 21 142 14 526 10 315 39.9

513 488 1 328 1 280 674 427 239 43.3 508 473 1 301 1 199 669 417 223 43.0

s 15 27 81 5 10 16 48.4

61 41 111 80 42 14 - 3U

255 220 341 475 208 77 127 41.0

8 648 7 302 14 124 10 536 2 655 1 536 823 34.9 3 603 3 181 s S27 3 907 881 536 253 34.3

13 6 43 29 11 10 3 39.9 121 123 200 199 63 44 22 37.8 51 7S 61 71 29 18 18 35.6

383 358 725 555 188 80 21 37.6 34 41 92 74 17 10 5 37.6 14 5 27 16 13 5 s ... 6 6 9 15 14 - 8

54 56 116 55 27 4 7 35.7 177 214 366 256 64 25 7 36.8

218 197 327 260 35 27 15 34.4 64 47 100 86 11 - 2 35.6

1 287 917 1 762 1 035 124 118 42 32.9 396 284 S14 147 12 12 17 30.5 29 39 39 33 4 4 4 31.2 - 15 18 30 s - -

:14'.o eo 102 171 84 16 5 -555 475 643 392 21 50 29 30.0 112 167 296 248 75 31 13 38.6 483 390 659 571 188 110 59 34.9

4 978 4 058 8 485 6 523 1 748 995 567 35.4 442 391 787 878 259 153 28 36.4 203 182 397 481 151 86 38 40.9 67 46 104 69 21 14 - 37.4 61 52 170 160 38 38 8 38.9 87 73 122 102 26 23 - 35.9

236 153 300 171 55 22 - 30.3 1 905 1 552 3 065 2 137 504 214 98 34.2

179 221 374 340 63 55 46 38.0 436 256 644 397 149 111 129 34.8

144 152 343 188 43 59 20 36.4 6 10 34 26 10 6 6 40.6

115 161 224 192 49 a 17 34.5 825 613 I 339 933 220 74 46 34.0 272 196 582 449 160 132 131 38.8 67 63 112 106 26 5 3 37.1

799 606 1 535 1 176 341 263 236 35.4 34 19 40 S5 36 12 9 43.4 30 63 82 84 40 16 38 43.6

113 82 211 116 60 31 31 36.4 - - 11 5 17 6 5

2'1'.~ 38 - 39 5 - - 6 14 17 37 56 11 - 29 45.6

341 244 714 482 79 64 37 29.9 161 115 212 209 72 59 46 35.4 39 26 110 87 6 34 17 40.9

4 013 3 814 10 109 11 666 5 257 3 157 2 336 42.6 550 436 891 894 213 213 125 37.4 194 136 261 266 60 54 46 36.S

3 463 3 378 9 218 10 772 5 044 2 944 2 211 43.1 96 97 315 288 139 65 57 42.2

524 626 1 899 2 364 1 101 676 466 44.8 535 589 1 440 1 673 728 491 312 43.7 208 190 420 334 123 45 30 JM 27 23 169 166 72 61 22 45.7

178 180 S71 991 564 273 321 48.B 152 94 240 292 164 103 72 43.8 986 915 2 460 2 634 1 208 632 415 40.5 173 155 354 437 231 129 60 40.5 584 509 1 350 1 593 714 469 456 43.0

1 401 1 291 2 258 1 627 515 366 354 34.0 795 701 1 104 701 196 123 84 31.8 359 375 651 436 148 74 84 33.3 247 215 503 490 171 169 186 41.1

455 331 602 581 155 162 121 34.8 28 5 16 18 5 - -71 28 93 87 21 16 10 35.3 34 34 113 112 11 26 18 40.4

322 264 380 364 118 120 93 33.7

1 830 1 922 5 330 7 135 3 809 2 886 2 784 47.8 524 759 2 400 3 635 2 331 1 877 1 890 51.9 249 308 761 896 459 249 354 46.2 178 199 674 906 360 278 116 46.8 603 357 919 1 002 303 170 120 36.3 276 299 576 696 356 312 304 45.2

91 118 267 233 64 49 79 36.7

7 204 6 088 13 035 14 117 6 648 5 057 2 861 40.7 2 518 2 210 5 359 6 219 2 736 2 123 1 025 42.7 2 698 2 412 4 644 4 789 2 449 1 850 779 39.7

564 549 1 129 1 333 751 425 355 39.9 434 354 752 827 367 340 338 43.0 990 563 1 151 949 345 319 364 35.2

663 611 1 700 1 876 774 532 355 43.0 63 64 253 329 183 122 73 49.3

274 261 728 704 229 136 89 40.9 3<n 263 629 800 351 244 171 42.6


Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970-Continued !Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male employed-----------------------------·--Atflc•ltun, fonahy, .. d t11htrle1 ••• _______________ _

Agriculture -- __ ---- ____ ---- __ -- -- ---- -- ---- ------ ---- __ Forestry and fisheries ---------------------------------·-

Mlolat ---- ---------·-------- ------------------

Ce11tnctlo1 ,._ ---- ________ ---- __ ------ __ .. ______ _

Durable g!'d;~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lagging ---- ---- -------------------------------------Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork--------------------­Miscellaneaus wood products··-------------------------Furniture and fixtures ..,_ ... ___ ..... ____ ---- ______ ---- ______ _ Stone, clay, and glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel Industries -----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries--------- ..... ---------------­Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Mochinery, except electrical ____ ------ ---------- ---- ----Offtce. accounting, and computing mochines-------------

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment _________ _

Matar vehicles and motor vehicle equipment----·----------Aircraft and parts ------------------·-----------------Other transportation equipment -------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ••• __ _ Ordnance ____________________ ..... ______ ...... ---- __ ------ __ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

No~~~rta~~~S~:i~s:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :::: ::::· -Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products •• ------ ______ ------------------------

-Other food industries -- -- -- __ •• -- -- •• -- __ -- .• __ ---- ---­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill products. .. --------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products·------------­Paper and allied products ---------------------·-------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products---- __ --------------------­Petroleum and cool products----------·----------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------

-Footwear, except rubber __________________ ---- ____ ----Other nondurable goods. _____________ ·-----------------

Not specified manufacturing industries _____________________ _

TnnHportatlo•J co••Hk:•tlo11, Hd other pubHe utllltle11 _ Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railwoys and bus lines -----------------------------Trucking service and warehousing ____ ---- __ ------ ---------Water transportation __ ---- __ ----------------------------Air Ira nsportotion •. ________________ ---- __ ------ -- -------All other. tra~sportatian •. -------------· ------------------Cam mun1cat1ons ______ -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- -- -------- --------Electric and gas utilities---------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholtaolo ood ntoA Ind•-------------------------Wholesale trade ---- __ ---- ____ --------------------------

Food and form products ______ ---- ------ ------ ---------~d n~ ----------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stares-----------------------------Food stores -- ______ -- ---- ------ .. ----- ------------ .. __ _ Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -----Apparel and accessories stores __ -- ____ -- __ -- ____ -- -- ----Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places ______________________ -- -- ----Drugstores ________ -- -- ____ -- -- -- -- ...... -- -- ........ -- -- -- --Other retail trade-----------------·-------------------

Flloac1, bl1.,..1te1, •• .- reel 11tm ____________ -- -- __ -Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance ... ___________ ---- ______ -------- ______ .... __ ------Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

l•sfHH 1•d npalr 11nk11 ................................... --............ .. Advertising __________________ -- -- -- __ -- ______ -- -- -- -- __ Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ -- -- ______ -- -- -- -- __ -- -----· ---- ---Other business and repair services-------------------------

P1n"8111rvfc11 -------------------------------­Private households --------------------·--------- --------Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------­Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services-------------Borber ond beauty shops ________________________________ _

Other personal services __ -- ____ -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -------

ht1rtol1H .. Rt aH recreation 11nk:11 ________________ _

Prolo111tffl •od nlate~ 1onkt1 --------------------Heahh services ______ ---- ____ ---- ------ -- ---- __ -- ------ -Educational services, government----.-------- .. -------------Educational services, private __ ----.. -- ____ -------- -- ---- __ Wetfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

PoWk •1o1ttnt1oo 1 ••• -------------------------­

Pastal service __ ----------------------------------------Federal public administration .. __ -- -- ---- __ -------- -------­State and local public administration -----------------------

'includes allocated cases not shown separately.


Persons 14 and 15 years aid Total

691 72 248

32 1 534 32 1 480 - 54

- 1 212

3 7 185

299 15 301 73 8 876 - 111 6 420 - 264

10 698 - 651 - 284 - 261 - 767 - 721

- 770 - 48 5 1 771 5 1 241 - 118 - 30 - 667 - 520 - 171

52 936

226 6 287 - 457 5 296 - 355 - 566 - 96 - 95 5 267 - 607

188 1 332

- 1 400 - 75 - 272 - 6

28 463 - 138

9 • 466 - 2 670 5 351 - 1 811 - 50 - 245 - 218 4 1 099 - 937 - 445

233 16 385 11 5 516 - 1 142

222 10 869 - 713

12 1 147 40 1 903 - 1 830

10 1 274 14 334 - 598

62 981 6 405

78 1 684

27 4 025 - 974 s 1 677

22 1 374

5 2 674 - 125 - 194 - 921 s 1 434

25 l 608 8 192

10 300 - 485 2 346 s 28S

- 531

44 • 571 4 3 580

17 1 697 - 526 17 1 187 6 1 581

21 4 756 s 919 6 1 324 5 2 347

16 ond 18 and 20 to 24 17 years 19 years years

1 650 2 044 '899

56 40 162 56 40 154 - - 8

6 10 134

35 100 608

273 616 2 135 90 408 l 328 11 - 21 s 28 22 - 3 33 - 63 77 - 7 68 - - 22 - 8 48 - 11 68 5 27 122

- 64 126 - - 10

11 125 362 11 90 304 - - 4 - - 9

10 24 146 6 15 76 - - 11

42 33 135

183 197 807 12 18 60 5 9 91

10 10 20 - 7 56 - - 5 - - 3 7 12 50 - 24 126

117 68 193

3 26 83 - - 18 - 6 35 6 - -

23 17 67 - 11 -

37 145 953 6 42 224

15 18 39 11 2S 169 - - 5 - - 26 - 10 12 - 21 221 - 13 106 - 5 55

952 768 2 045 21 170 611 5 40 115

931 598 1 434 28 21 73 61 58 170

240 157 251 11 50 274 98 81 221 19 21 71 4 26 50

326 27 99 55 20 46 89 137 179

16 35 373 - 14 171 - 10 159

16 11 43

52 104 263 - 5 19 5 - 12

23 43 88 24 56 144

39 49 116 10 - 25 12 15 11 10 28 37 - - 28 7 6 15

55 15 39

86 135 729 26 83 224 41 18 196 - 6 60 8 18 94

11 10 155

43 27 342 3 5 38 - 5 62

21 17 231

Persons 16 years old and over

25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 SS to 59 60 to 64 65 years Med~n ye ors years years years years years and ov&r age

9 618 8 463 15 165 14 764 5 124 3 935 2 886 39.3

159 117 263 285 111 140 131 43.9 153 117 24S 285 169 134 127 44.0

6 - 18 - 12 6 4 ... 155 119 233 340 105 86 24 4U

888 859 1 680 1 716 663 444 192 41.6

2 246 2 088 3 233 2 613 1 088 667 342 35.9 1 303 1 230 1 81S 1 S20 6611 348 166 3S.4

15 31 7 20 6 - - 31.4 30 61 89 79 5S 30 21 42.2 15 41 33 S9 34 19 27 46.2 53 47 175 124 102 26 31 41.2 82 76 171 138 70 35 4 40.4 40 22 84 83 19 10 4 41.9 28 30 69 48 - 28 2 37.4

108 98 170 167 100 45 - 40.8 159 97 104 130 30 28 19 32.4

135 110 170 90 54 19 2 32.7 5 10 10 - 13 - - ...

286 268 30S 266 90 36 22 31.9 217 195 214 127 50 25 8 30.0 32 38 13 21 10 - - 33.0 10 5 - - 6 - -

112 74 177 67 42 15 - 32.8 86 86 104 122 15 5 5 34.5 15 53 52 29 - 7 4 36.3

137 115 176 160 54 55 29 35.3

912 844 1 381 1 087 403 302 171 36.5 38 55 102 89 38 11 34 39.5 42 32 41 48 15 13 - 30.2 31 43 130 64 26 21 - 39.9 S5 89 124 133 12 66 24 41.1 26 lS 22 19 4 - 5 ... 17 - 31 34 5 5 - ... 36 47 35 38 18 13 11 33.0

108 148 141 38 10 6 6 31.5 195 138 242 168 120 40 51 33.4

186 161 381 332 116 102 10 41.3 17 12 10 14 4 - -98 48 34 36 - 5 10 29.8 - - - - - - -63 56 88 74 35 20 20 35.6 31 14 37 6 17 17 s 38.5

1 139 885 1 710 2 109 768 538 182 41.3 308 154 454 762 379 276 6S 46.9 27 26 56 72 58 26 14 44.0

245 262 461 419 151 35 33 39.2 7 12 15 6 - 5 - ...

39 38 66 36 18 17 s 38.0 31 36 23 68 17 10 11 43.7

184 139 244 209 27 50 4 34.4 147 9S 192 286 46 40 12 40.6 62 52 70 110 43 40 8 41.9

2 091 1 922 3 097 3 020 1 078 765 647 36.3 735 736 1 319 1 117 345 256 206 38.7 153 132 262 217 86 83 49 39.8

1 356 1 186 1 778 I 903 733 509 441 34.7 116 94 132 119 66 42 22 36.9 123 110 230 263 43 35 54 37.2 213 213 267 284 149 68 61 32.1 308 246 371 343 88 86 S3 35.7 161 124 184 2S3 70 S8 24 33.1 22 32 4S 58 lS 27 24 3S.4 89 81 108 108 44 39 49 39.S 85 73 143 134 37 31 26 27.3 55 69 71 23 24 17 25 31.9

184 144 227 318 197 106 103 39.8

574 508 898 132 363 202 224 40.6 19S 118 206 110 86 Sl 23 34.S 247 246 405 369 96 70 75 39.4 132 144 287 3S3 181 81 126 46.5

416 277 516 494 276 149 127 39.4 22 24 19 14 5 - 17 33.4 33 31 Sl 31 lS 5 11 38.1

151 96 147 167 117 48 41 39.0 210 126 299 282 139 96 58 40.3

186 168 350 309 104 115 172 42.0 s 26 18 21 22 20 45 50.7

37 19 72 49 21 21 43 42.8 47 52 115 90 39 32 35 41.0 65 39 97 59 6 14 38 39.2 32 32 48 90 16 28 11 45.3

41 21 97 118 35 47 56 44.0

1 129 979 1 989 1 765 738 516 505 41.2 382 323 872 934 377 215 144 43.6 262 227 391 218 15S 125 64 37.7 53 86 116 69 25 54 57 40.0

115 109 2S2 268 119 72 132 44.9 317 234 358 276 62 50 108 36.8

594 513 1 099 1 163 425 266 284 42.8 70 114 247 272 98 37 35 44.3 73 165 307 434 136 97 45 46.2

442 220 499 423 182 128 184 39.9

ARKANSAS 5 - 725

Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970-Continued [Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas af 250,000 or More


Female e•ploytd ------------------------------~. foro1try, ood ......,.. -------------------

Agriculture __ ------ -- ---------- __ ------------------ ----Fore$try and fisheries -----------------------------------

Miilott ---------------- -- ----------------------

c ... ~ ----------------------------------­

,. .. -'"""'------------------------------------Durable goad•------------------------------------·-----

Logglng ---- -- ------ __ ---- __ -·-- ____ -------- ---- ___ _ -S<lwmills, planing mills, and millwork.-------·----------­Miscellaneous wood products--------------·----------­furniture and fllttures ------------------------·------­Stone, clay, ond gloss pr<>ducts ----------------·-------

----Cement, concrete, gypium, and plaster products ___ .,. ___ _ -Primary iron ond steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous Industries _________________________ _ -Fobricoted metal Industries, including not specified metal --­

Machinery, except electrical -----------------------------Office, accounting, and e<1mputing machines ___________ _ -

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies--------------Rodlo, television, ond communication equlpment----------Motor vehicles ond motor vehicle equipment. ____________ _ -Aircraft and ports ------------------------------------Other transportation equipment-------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, ond watches ____ _ -Ordnance-------- __ ---- __ ------------------------ __ _ -Miscellaneous manufactures and durable gaods-ollocated •• -

NoM~~;·:~3~~~· :: :: :::::: :::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::: --Conning and preserving produce, seafoods. ond beverages __ -Bakery products--------------------------------------Other food industries ---- -- -- -- ________ ------ __ --------Yorn, thread, and fobric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill product•----------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products------------­Paper ond allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------


Chemicals and allied praducts .------------------------­Petroleum and cool products--------------------------­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic pr<>ducts --------------­Footwear. except rubber------------------------------

----Other nondurable goods ______________________________ _ -Not specified manufacturing industries----------------------

Tru1portotloa, ct••uolcotlon1, ...i otlto< plWlc vllltlo1• -Rairroods and railway express service __________ .. _________ _ -Street railways ond bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing -----------------------­Water transportation __ --------.. ------------------------

---Air transportation .... -- -- ------------------ ------ ---- -----All other transportotion .-------·-------------------------Communications ____ -- __ -------- -------- -------- ---- __ _ Electric ond gos utilities--------------------------------­Wolor supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------

Wloolt1alo ood nhl t<odo ------------------------Wholtsole trade ------ -- ---- -------- -------------------

Food ond form products ------------------------------


Retan trade-------------- __ ----------------------------Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing --General merchandise $tores •. -- ________________ ---- ------Food stores------------------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing------------------GasoUne service stotions -----.......................................... -----Apparel and accessories stores ____ ... __________ ................... .. Furniture, home furnishings, ond equlpme.nt store•---------Eating and drinking places ____________________________ _ Drugstores .............. -------.. __ --------·- ............ ________ _ Other retail trade------------------------------------

n...ce, .. , .... ,, 11114 nol tstde---- .. ------------­Bonklng and credit agencies -----------------------------Insurance ........ ---- -- .... ---- ............ -------------------- ---Other finance and real estate ----------------------------

hsloe11 1od...,.., ..... k .. ______________________ _

Advertising __________ ------ __ -------- ---------- ---- __ _ Commercial research, management( and programing services .... Automobile services------------------------------------Other business and repair servlceL-----------------------

Pon .. ol urrices -------------------------------Private households -- __ ---- --·- ------ ---- -------- ------ _ Hotels and lodging places ------------------------------­laundering, cleaning, and other garment services-----------­Borber ond beauty shop•--------------------------------Other personal services---------------------------------

&temiuont aotl rocrH11o1 ,....,.., _______________ _

l'Rfts ..... l ootl rtltlff IO<Ykll -------------------Health services----------------------------------------Educational services, government ........... -------------------


Educational services, privot•-------------- --------------­Welfare, religious. ond nonprofit mombership organizations --­Other professional and related services--------------------

---hMlc •llll•tntlo•'---------------------------­

Postol service ------ -- ---------------------------------Federal public administration .. __ ------------------------­State and local public administration ----------------------

'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.

5 - 726 ARKANSAS


Persons 14 and 15 years old Total

289 50 011

10 227 10 227 - -- 57

- 639

25 9 239 9 6 151 - 5 - 45 - 49 - 447 - 85 - 15 - 12 - 77 - 133

- 156 - 16 - 1 987 - 1 066 - 8 - -- 223 5 2 373 - 35 4 516

16 2 975 - 89 - 20 - 92 - 102 - 17 - 41 4 975 - 199 - 639

- 201 - 6 - 66 - 5

12 523 - 113

6 2 112 - 84 - 119 - 185 - -- 82 - 55 6 1 154 - 211 - 71

95 9 690 5 1 457 - 266

9(1 8 233 - 145 - 2 188 9 1 070 5 310 - 64 - 705 - 287

35 1 596 5 366

36 1 502

4 3 595 - 1 188 4 1 S88 - 819

18 1 262 - 24 - 154 3 120

15 964

76 4 914 44 1 844 5 591 - 611 5 832

22 1 036

13 331

27 15 524 5 7 037 6 4 062

10 1 478 - 1 196 6 1 751

15 2 428 - 114 - 904 5 1 301

16 and 18 and 20 to 24 17 years 19 years years

702 2 059 7 763

- 20 15 - 20 15 - - -- 5 -- 27 66

47 432 1 683 27 298 1 283 - - s - 6 16 - - 16 - 17 so - 5 -- 5 -- - -- - 35 - - 13

- 6 22 - - 10 s 99 329 - 70 222 3 - 5 - - -- - 33 9 138 6'16 - - 4

10 27 109

20 134 384 - - 4 - - 11 - - 3 - - 20 - - -- - 2 4 46 109 - 12 29

11 46 113

- II 27 - - -- - 1() - - -5 19 56 - - 16

13 184 507 - - 6 4 6 -4 6 27 - - -- - 21 - - 3 5 146 341 - 7 94 - 9 10

352 430 1 124 4 58 287 4 17 31

348 372 837 - 21 16

64 93 200 49 20 84 - 15 34 6 - 5

30 12 59 - 10 52

147 112 160 12 32 40 40 57 187

24 303 900 - 126 299

15 111 4!19 9 66 112

3 65 338 - 5 -3 - 34 - 4 32 - 56 272

65 132 409 40 - 55 8 15 75 6 19 53 6 70 152 5 28 74

43 34 44

121 375 2 301 68 209 986 27 41 614 9 43 234 - 28 150

17 54 324

34 52 369 - - 12

14 19 104 20 33 238

Persons 16 years old and over

25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 years Median years years years years years years and over


5 752 4 133 10 266 10 163 3 757 2 803 1 920 31.1

43 20 51 31 31 16 - u.o 43 20 51 31 31 16 - 38.0 - - - - - - - -4 5 34 4 5 - - ...

81 77 101 111 58 29 19 41.a

1 389 1 275 2 094 1 622 289 288 120 34.2 963 874 1 404 945 161 144 S2 32.9 - - - - - - - ... 4 7 5 3 - 4 - ... - - 10 18 5 - -

38'.i 42 76 126 75 39 17 s s 11 29 30 s - - ... 5 - - - 5 - - ... 6 - 6 - - - - ... 4 9 15 14 - - - .W'.5 13 18 41 34 14 - -

31 10 41 31 11 4 - 37.2 6 - - - - - - ...

353 266 456 361 39 S2 27 33.9 198 155 29S 97 B 4 17 31.4 - - - - - - - ...

- - - - - - - -17 39 86 43 s - - 37.6

390 360 484 266 16 44 20 30.0 5 5 14 7 - - -

93 73 91 63 27 23 - 31.3

395 390 669 652 122 144 65 37.5 5 23 19 11 12 10 5 ... - 5 - - - 4 - ...

42 8 23 11 - 5 -3'i.9 22 5 14 21 5 10 5

- - 6 11 - - - ... 22 - - 5 5 7 - ... 98 146 190 286 53 29 14 39.4 22 48 58 26 4 - - 33.8 89 65 159 90 17 43 6 34.7

32 19 37 61 - 11 3 38.l - - - - - - 6 ... 9 14 20 10 - 3 - ... - - - 5 - - - 3<i.9 54 57 143 115 26 22 26

31 11 21 25 6 - 3 34.3

264 146 411 358 14 79 66 33.0 15 s 9 29 14 6 -18 29 - 33 15 6 8 45.8 28 25 51 11 13 5 IS 35.5 - - - - - - - -33 - 23 5 - - - ... - - 3 25 s - 19

118 63 239 188 22 21 11 28.6 28 9 31 29 5 5 3 25.8 5 - 17 9 - 11 10 ...

917 830 2 144 1 982 929 557 425 40.6 191 186 275 279 73 64 40 35.1

41 49 48 60 10 6 - 34.1 726 644 1 869 1 703 856 493 385 41.4

14 18 31 29 11 5 - 36.1 107 143 504 517 261 155 144 44.7 118 117 280 237 66 64 35 40.3 54 56 94 26 18 - 13 34.6 5 9 25 - - 7 7

44 34 13() 163 130 55 48 47.7 52 20 36 35 45 18 19 37.6

176 108 396 257 116 89 35 37.4 50 24 42 104 35 10 17 41.0

106 115 331 335 174 90 67 42.4

509 381 623 502 148 102 103 30.8 205 137 213 150 23 14 21 29.1 208 212 260 189 51 28 25 29.3 96 32 150 163 74 60 57 41.3

185 118 222 193 61 54 23 31.7 8 - 11 - - - -

20 - 44 31 11 11 - 39.5 15 13 17 33 - - 6 33.5

142 105 150 129 5() 43 17 30.6

30I 339 964 1 175 536 514 472 47.0 59 83 289 474 301 259 284 53.4 25 36 152 118 so 31 81 44.0 21 74 144 16S 57 62 10 44.2 90 49 151 159 71 61 23 38.2

113 97 228 259 S7 101 74 43.B

37 25 82 34 10 - 22 31.5

1 794 1 435 3 050 3 514 1 377 916 564 40.7 721 647 1 358 1 651 704 447 246 41.5 4!17 411 843 937 364 263 75 40.3 116 153 265 357 121 99 81 41.9 144 99 244 279 87 as 80 42.3 326 125 34() 290 101 92 82 35.9

221 112 490 567 229 178 106 42.3 24 21 6 33 - 6 12 35.() 64 74 235 230 89 46 29 42.5

133 80 210 282 129 115 61 42.()


Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970-Continued [Data based on sample, see text. Far minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning af symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


Male employed--------------------------------A9rlclltun, f...,1try, .. ~ ft11iottu __________________ _

Agriculture -- __ -- -- -- -- __ -- __ •••••• __ ---------- _______ _ Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlolot -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ·------- ------

c .. 1tnctll• ---- ---- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- ---- --.... 1oc_, __________________________________ _ Durable goads __________________________ ------------ ___ _

logging __________ ---- ________ ---- •• ------ •• ____ •• __ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and mlllwork •• ------------------­Mlscellaneous wood products---------------------------Furniture and fixtures ____________ ---- __ ------ __ •• __ ---Stone, clay, and gloss products --------------------------Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary Iron and steel industries ------------------------


Primary nonferrous industries __ ,,, ______ .,. __ ------ __ ---- __ Fabricated metal Industries, including not specified metal __ _

--Machinery, except electrical ---------------------------Office, accounting, and computing machines ____ ,,, ____ ,. __

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Rodia, television, and communication equipment_ ________ _

Motor vehicles and matar vehicle equipment---------------Aircroft and ports __ •••• ____ •• ________ ------ _________ _

Other transportation equipment ------------------------ -Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ -Ordnance __________ ------_., .... __ ---- .... ____ ---- ____ ----Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __

NaM~·~~J~~~s:: :: :::: :::: :: :: :::: :::: :: :: :::::::::: Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products ____________________ •• ____ •••• ---- ---Other food industries ________________________________ _ Yorn, thread, and fabric mills _________________________ _

Other textile mill products----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products------------­Poper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------

Chemicals and allied products -- -- __ -- ____ ---- -- -- __ ----


Petroleum and coal products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------

-Footwear, except rubber __________________ ---- ..... ____ ...... Other nondurable goods. _________ •• ______ --------------

Not specified manufacturing industries ...................... ------------

lreH,omtloa, com•nlcetltns, 11111 ... ., pultllc utlftfl11 .. Railroads and railway &)(press service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------Water transportation ____________________ ---- ---- --------


Air transportation •••• -- -- -- -- .. ---- -- •••• ---- ------ ----All other transportotian ________________________________ _

Communications ---- __ .......... -- -- -- ........ ---- ---- ......... ---- ......... Electric and gas utilities .... --------------------------------Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

WIMlo1alo ood r.tal tndt -------------------------Wholesale trade ---- •• -- -- -- -------- __ ------------------

Food and form products ---------.,·-------------------Retail trade ---- __ •• __ ---- __ ----------------------------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stares. ___ -------------------------Food stores------------------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing ------------------Gasoline service stations ______ ........ ______ ---- -- ---- -- .. _ -Apparel and accessories stores ... -- -- -- -- ---- .... -- ---- ----Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores---------­Eoting and drinking places •••• -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- --Drugstores -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------------ ----------------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

ffHICt, laHftlllCt, lllld rol tthh .. _ ................................... ... Banking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance .. ___ ............ -- -- .... -- .... -- ........ ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- --Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

... 1 ......................... _______________________ _ Advertising ____________ ------ ____ ------ ____ •• __ ---- •• __ Commercial research, management, and programing services ...... Automobile services •••• ______ •• -- •• -- -- -- ---- •• -- ------ -Other business and repair services ...................................................... ..

P9no•DI 11rvkt1 -------------------------------­Private households--------------------------------------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services_ ___________ _ Barber and beauty shops •• -- -- •••• -- __ -- __ -- ---- -- -- -----Other personal services------------------ ............................. ___ _

btertale•Ht .... !'ffNafltR 1trvlc11 ........ -------------

Profes1lout aotl rolatotl 1onk11 --------------------Health services ------ __ ---------------------------------Educational services, government ...................................... _________ _ Educational services, privat•------------------------.......... .. Welfare, religious, and nanpraflt membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

P""'1c adooloktntloa• -----------------------------Postal service ............................... ---- -------- ---- ---- ---- ----federal public administration __ •• -- •• -- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -­State and lacol public administration -----------------------

•Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


Persons 14ond 15 years old Total

1 148 166 549

55 3 953 55 3 937 - 16

- 209

25 14 169

493 41 51' 73 18 709 - 48 13 2 287 5 452 4 1 69<1 - 683 - 493 - 673 - 216 - 2 471

- 3 826 - 156

11 2 068 - 831 5 1 041 - 20 - 297 - 292 - 318

35 2 327

420 22 539 - 1 352 - 761 - 1 008 - 2 891 - 185 - 574 - 695 5 3 316

365 2 232

- 4 134 - 403 - 3 124 - 25

50 1 839 - 270

4 19 330 - 3 196 - 969 - 6 39<1 - 374 - 905 - 588 - 1 542 - 2 482 - 1 606

427 38 919 14 15 091 14 2 982

413 23 828 25 1 193 47 3 663 97 4 484

4 3 300 27 2 155 6 1 053 - 1 425

97 2 270 18 715 92 3 570

6 8 254 6 2 352 - 2 973 - 2 929

26 6 299 - 480 - 498

10 1 778 16 3 543

33 4 677 5 645 5 1 477 6 892 5 832

12 831

33 1 284

46 16 745 5 5 ISO - 4 720 6 1 305

27 2 090 8 3 480

- 11 192 - 2 493 - 3 453 - 4 850

16 and 18 and 20 to 24 17 years 19 years years

3 484 5 878 19 582

91 165 265 91 160 265 - s -- - 10

92 340 1 439

518 1 557 5 296 132 649 2 589 - 5 4

17 80 265 - 11 53

18 77 287 - 26 59 - 14 22 - B 64 - 6 12

28 90 358

12 75 347 - - 9 5 71 395 - 11 173 6 29 139 - - -6 52 59 - 6 71 - 6 65

40 107 411

386 902 2 686 5 24 160 - 53 99

23 97 138 32 73 309 4 20 18 5 8 75

16 36 74 18 179 449

196 125 267

19 107 485 - 5 35 9 26 290 - - -

59 149 287 - 6 21

71 293 1 707 4 40 253 6 5 56

28 86 529 - 12 57 6 16 97 - 9 22

15 57 270 - 35 217 3 13 59

2 047 2 355 5 507 131 402 1 724 33 64 347

1 916 1 953 3 783 18 26 91

148 342 9<17 820 618 679

54 48 419 141 143 324 67 138 156 16 52 170

475 228 359 69 47 144

108 311 534

5 86 1 076 - 49 649 5 17 272 - 20 155

109 218 753 4 4 57 - 5 47

48 66 229 57 143 420

124 178 402 31 12 21 75 90 208

5 27 29 - 4 48

13 45 96

166 74 157

225 534 1 941 71 249 563 56 115 627 33 85 251 30 28 162 35 57 345

36 78 1 022 - 16 212

12 31 134 19 23 618

Persons 16 years old and over

25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 years Median years years years years years years and over age

21 SU 18 117 35 603 34 007 12 548 9 191 6 544 39.1

361 351 698 981 339 357 345 45.5 361 351 698 981 333 352 345 45.4 - - - - 6 5 - ...

31 10 65 57 u 6 8 43.2

1 678 1 556 3 381 3 155 1 159 885 484 40.9

5 856 4 920 • 940 8 287 3 026 2 158 960 31.9 2 729 2 104 4 117 3 695 1 280 875 539 37.8

- - - 4 6 12 17 200 305 465 452 145 189 169 40.9

19 33 88 115 59 49 25 46.9 207 184 355 348 119 46 49 37.0 69 42 223 151 56 42 15 41.5 59 35 168 109 44 37 5 41.9

154 104 152 101 38 33 19 35.4 44 42 37 41 20 - 14 36.l

421 215 642 425 157 75 60 36.9

542 386 893 1 009 314 192 56 41.2 34 24 74 15 - - - 36.5

463 300 416 308 76 25 9 31.7 274 114 190 59 10 - - 29.2 159 129 252 181 82 43 21 37.3 - 5 10 - 5 - - ...

37 39 43 49 5 7 - 29.3 55 28 79 31 6 11 5 32.5 50 31 62 69 24 11 - 36.1

309 261 400 411 168 140 80 35.9

3 070 2 794 4 771 4 525 1 728 1 274 403 38.0 199 220 313 251 112 49 19 37.2 84 112 170 161 49 28 5 36.9

239 150 204 98 32 14 13 30.2 378 331 677 566 251 195 79 39.8

9 26 29 40 17 14 8 40.3 41 76 162 110 36 55 6 40.1 51 81 133 192 65 24 23 41.7

525 462 835 575 161 85 27 35.3 281 209 467 302 161 139 85 35.8

665 674 1 032 749 206 146 51 36.l 37 50 117 81 32 26 20 41.4

312 253 281 1 022 535 352 44 48.8 4 - 4 17 - - - ...

245 150 347 361 71 147 23 35.9 57 22 52 67 18 9 18 40.6

2 391 2 025 4 976 4 578 1 553 l 239 497 41.4 334 194 649 868 334 392 128 46.4 69 122 234 292 95 76 14 44.7

888 873 1 766 l 389 437 277 117 39.5 26 26 95 66 40 35 17 41.9

216 120 279 125 23 23 - 34.9 67 28 119 176 88 57 22 47.8

258 146 375 323 42 46 10 35.7 239 229 774 617 227 105 39 41.7 83 126 412 475 178 157 100 47.3

4 511 3 950 7 255 1 054 2 707 1 840 1 693 36.5 1 931 1 781 3 515 3 186 1 094 728 599 39,5

350 392 676 562 287 137 134 39.5 2 580 2 169 3 740 3 868 1 613 1 112 l 094 33.9

145 115 247 246 105 111 89 43.2 450 395 480 541 187 105 108 29.8 329 286 530 549 349 163 161 26.9 441 393 703 754 235 153 100 39.2 221 236 457 318 131 104 80 35.3 119 60 150 98 97 87 81 33.9 191 143 232 338 121 53 109 41.1 185 174 277 315 84 Bl 92 27.0 109 72 97 95 43 14 25 29.5 390 295 567 614 261 241 249 37.6

1 149 992 1 780 l 551 636 445 527 39.6 435 320 411 265 104 87 32 30.7 412 429 797 679 178 92 92 39.4 302 243 572 614 354 266 403 47.8

961 717 1 305 1 100 456 345 335 38.0 76 74 108 72 25 40 20 37,3

124 72 100 76 24 17 33 35.1 265 156 329 377 127 79 102 38.8 496 415 768 575 280 209 180 38.1

495 446 713 942 409 422 546 44.7 12 73 65 96 75 93 167 55.8

191 130 256 254 59 86 128 36.7 77 74 147 220 114 85 114 49,0

130 83 116 198 83 75 95 46.8 85 86 129 174 78 83 42 42.0

126 105 210 181 92 73 100 35.7

2 505 1 746 3 589 3 244 I 272 939 743 38,9 725 506 915 1 195 442 263 221 40.0 734 507 1 185 747 349 275 125 37.7 205 121 245 197 63 55 50 33.2 176 250 397 468 212 170 197 45.0 665 362 847 637 206 176 150 38,3

I 524 1 299 2 691 2 870 877 489 306 41.1 219 151 693 872 195 82 53 44.4 294 324 843 1 240 366 169 40 45.7 935 766 1 080 695 277 234 203 35.6

ARKANSAS 5 - 727

Table 187. Age of Employed Persons by Industry and Sex: 1970-Continued (Doto based on somple, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, medion, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More


F••ale ••ployed ------------------------------Agrlcllh1IN, ,.,..,...,, aod fhffriea __________________ _

Agriculture __ -- ____ ---- ---------- -------- ---- ______ ----Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

...... -- ---- ------ ------------------------ ----c .. 11nct1o1 ------------------------------------

Muofactwlo1 •• ---------------------------------Durable goods ____ -- __ ------ ____________ ---------- _____ _ Logging ---- __________ ------ __ ---- ______ ---- __ -------Sowm ills, planing mills, and millwork ____________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone, clay, and glass products -------------------------

-Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­

Primary iron and steel industries --------.--------------­Primary nonferrous indus1ries ........ -------------- --------

---Fobricoted metal industries, including not specified metal __ _ -

Machinery, except electrical -·------ --------------------Office, accounting. and computing machines------------ -Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies_ ___________ _ -Radio, television, and communication equipment ................. .. -Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment _____________ _ -

Aircraft and parts ---------------·------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------ ------------

--Professional and phatogrophic equipment, and watches ____ _ -Ordnance ________ .,. ___________ -------------- .. _-------

Miscellaneous manufactures and duroble goods-allocated ••

Nondurable goads_ ___ -------------------- __ -------- ___ _ M1<1t products ---- ---- ---------- ---------------- ----Conning and preserv~ng produce, seafoods, and beverages .... Bakery products __ ----------------------------------­Other food Industries--------------------------------­Yarn, thread. and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill products __ --------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products------------­Poper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------Chemicals and allied products ____ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- •• __ Petroleum and cool products ______ ---------- __________ _ Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products --------------­Footwear. except rubber------------------------------Other nondurable goods ______ -------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries---------------------

Tra1Hportatloa, ce.••uk1tlo1H, anti 1tt.1r public utffftkis 1

Railroads and railway express service--------------------­Street railways and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing ------------------------Water transportation ____ ---------- ________________ .., ___ _ Air transportoticn .... -- ______ .... __ ---- ______ --------------All other transportation ________________________________ _

Communications ------ __ ---------- ---------- ---- -------Electric and gas utilities ______________________ ,. _________ _ Water supply. sanitary services, and other utilities ____ .. ____ ..

Wlltltsato ••• retoR tnde ------------------------Wholesale trade ____ -------- ------ ---------- ----------·

food and form products -----------------------------· Retail trade-------------------------------------·-- •• _

Hordwore. form equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores __ -- -- __ .... __ -- -- __ -- .... _____ _ Food stores ..... ---------- -- ---- -------------------- -- -Mato~ vehlcle_s and o.ccessories retailing ______ .. _________ _ Gasoline service stations -- __ ---- __ -- ____ ------ _______ _ Apparel and occe$5aries stares-------------------------f11rniture1 home furnishings, a11d equipment stores .. _______ _ fa ting and drinking ploces ---- ____ -- ____ ---- ______ •• __ _ Drugstores ______________ ---- __ .... ____ -------- ---- __ _ Other retail trade------------------------------------

fiHIH, hHlnllctl, Did rwtl •lfltt ...... --------------­llanking and credit agencies -----------------------------Insurance ................ -- -- -------------.. ------------ -------Other finance ond real estate----------------------------

luslHll Hd re,ofr 11rvkt1 -----------------------Advertising ______________ ---- ---------------·----·- __ _ Commercial research, management, and programing services .... Automobile services ..... ---- ---------- ---- ___________ .. ___ _ Other business and re-pair se.rvices .. _____________ ,. ________ _

Persuel 11rvlc11 ---- ---- ------ __ -------- -------Private households--·------- ____ ------ __ ---------------Hotels and lodging places ------ •. __ ---- __ -------- __ -----Laundering, cle<Jning, and other garment services .. __________ _ Borber and beauty shops--------------------------------Other personal services -- ---- __ .... ______ ------ ______ .... __ _

Elttrtala•t11t utl ritcrt1tlo11 1ervlc1s ................... ____ ,,_ __

ProfoHloHI ... rolllhd 1ertlc11 ----·--------------Health services ______ ------ ---- ____ ---- •• __ ------ __ -- --


-------------------Educo1ionol services, government------------------------­

Educational services~ private-----------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizotions --­Other professional and related services--------------------


PuWlc odmlohtmlo•' --·-------------------------Postal service __ ---------------------------------------Federal public administration----------------------------­Slate and local public odminlstrotion ----------------------

•Includes ollocoted coses not shown separately.




Persons 14 ond 15 years old Total

579 113 559

5 471 5 460 - 11

- 37

10 1 249

102 15 756 25 6 972 - 8 5 472 - 73 6 816 - 119 - 58 - 45 - 30 - 350

- 506 - 25 - 2 351 - 1 102 - 306 - 47 - 66 - 211 - 452

14 1 120

68 8 596 - 190 - 245 - 375 - 939 - 109 - 251 6 1 349 - 1 135 5 874

4 l 553 - 87 - 384 - -

53 1 105 9 188

6 4 269 - 150 - 147 - 715 - 41 6 3S3 - 178 - I 902 - 443 - 67

164 26 568 - 5 052 - 960

164 21 516 - 337 7 6 812

16 2 087 4 454 - 103 7 l 903 - 654

S2 5 040 5 665

73 3 261

3 7 850 3 3 417 - 2 305 - 2 128

II 3 056 - 319 5 494 - 298 6 1 94S

187 16 709 114 B 295

9 2 209 10 1 926 - 1 936

54 2 343

23 673

51 33 205 13 13 060 s 11 056 - 3 120

15 2 299 18 3 670

17 3 716 - 421 - 1 662 5 I 418

16 and 18 and 20 to24 17 years 19 years years

1 481 5 05" 17 857

14 10 56 14 10 56 - - -- - 5

10 59 140

103 559 2 644 25 172 l 259 - - -- 9 97 - 6 11 - 25 53 - 13 7 - - -- - 12 - - 5 6 4 39

6 - 117 - - -- 57 573 - 5 271 - 5 79 - - 12 - - 11 - 11 32 - 6 73

13 36 138

78 374 1 367 - 10 26 - 8 20 5 21 50 5 35 144 - - 7 - - 28

10 25 170 - 44 167

15 22 168

15 119 315 - - 12 4 12 47 - - -

24 78 213 - 13 18

13 385 1 084 - 5 6 - - s - 73 86 - - -- 6 125 - - 30 3 235 678 - 36 118 5 - 4

758 l 716 4 106 11 329 954 - 48 193

747 I 387 3 152 - 28 63

198 465 1 029 87 142 242 - 25 69 6 11 9

57 83 227 - 30 86

24-0 278 803 76 93 102 83 232 522

54 578 1 955 4 233 I 030

18 225 601 32 120 324

51 172 607 - 6 108 5 25 122

13 13 33 33 128 344

204 348 1 312 103 70 206 32 9S 365 10 54 163 28 95 310 31 34 268

45 88 103

196 I OU 5 347 74 374 2 233 44 214 I 763 25 171 416 40 90 312 13 169 623

33 121 498 - 6 91

10 61 193 16 54 164

Persons 16 yeors old and over

25 to 29 30 to 34 35 lo 44 45 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 6S years Median yeors years years years years . years and aver age

12 840 11 759 24 155 22 173 I 214 5 932 4 094 31.2

45 80 111 83 36 21 8 37.6 4S 80 113 77 36 21 8 37.2 - - 5 6 - - - ... 13 • - 11 - - - ...

161 168 249 331 58 28 45 3U

2 349 2 021 3 808 2 753 775 512 232 3U 1 230 1 065 1 672 l 057 2S9 1S9 74 33.8

- - - 8 - - -37:6 53 54 88 130 24 s 12

11 15 9 11 5 5 -103 98 272 15S SS 48 7 39.7 22 12 16 30 10 - 9 38.4

6 7 10 21 5 - 9 ... - 5 5 15 - 8 - ... - 6 5 9 5 - -

74 41 81 62 17 15 11 36.4 99 61 85 IOI 25 12 - 32.5 10 9 6 - - - -

605 448 525 117 26 - - 29.S 321 202 274 29 - - - 29.3 38 54 59 56 9 6 - 32.9 - - 16 19 - - - ...

14 5 20 10 - 6 - ... 21 32 63 21 18 5 8 36.5 53 81 140 84 10 5 - 3S.9

137 153 288 229 5S 44 27 37.9

1 093 931 2 106 1 648 493 348 158 37.2 10 21 81 18 13 11 - 38.5 38 42 91 37 - 4 5 36.6 46 42 130 51 5 13 12 36.8

118 138 2S3 158 24 47 17 36.2 18 21 38 21 4 - - 37.2 49 25 48 72 29 - - 39.9

166 166 299 325 116 67 5 39.6 117 110 347 241 72 29 8 38.7 100 80 169 152 74 48 46 38.1

244 146 373 191 69 61 20 32.9 12 23 - 31 4 - 5 27 15 61 158 25 28 7 46.6 - - - - - - - -

148 102 216 193 S8 40 33 34.4 26 25 30 48 23 5 - 39.0

524 468 773 651 231 88 52 31.4 10 4 23 55 24 12 11 49.9 - 26 so 52 4 10 - 43.5

102 106 147 145 24 24 8 34.6 - 6 - 10 20 - s

128 25 47 22 - - - 26.8 19 31 38 30 27 3 - 37.4

186 160 341 210 74 15 - 25.9 40 45 76 81 43 4 - 33.l - 9 17 10 5 4 13 ...

2 384 2 3-46 5 552 5 427 1 754 I 466 l 059 31.6 S71 523 I 145 916 211 240 152 36.2 93 115 203 190 45 34 39 36.5

l 813 1 823 4 407 4 511 1 543 l 226 907 39.2 27 19 78 73 20 9 20 39.0

475 490 1 332 l 514 615 408 286 40.6 168 244 492 452 103 82 75 38.3 62 53 73 129 6 26 II 37.5 5 17 22 29 - - 4 36.6

116 88 281 450 216 214 171 47.2 51 81 151 162 57 23 13 40.2

604 496 I 221 893 223 171 111 35.8 67 74 196 143 55 38 21 36.0

238 261 561 666 248 255 195 40.2

988 737 1 384 1 202 416 339 197 32.4 502 392 620 409 105 78 44 29.4 312 231 392 318 78 97 33 29.9 174 114 372 475 233 164 120 43.I

419 294 634 487 204 111 77 34.7 45 18 60 74 - - 8 30.l 72 86 47 54 43 22 18 31.3 43 22 78 59 16 16 s 38.2

259 168 449 300 145 73 46 35.9

1 188 1 550 3 583 3 913 1 964 1 403 1 244 45.4 350 566 l 783 2 274 1 175 935 833 49.7 226 237 431 432 161 141 89 38.5 128 229 434 425 272 155 56 43.7 284 218 428 351 123 26 73 35.8 200 300 507 431 233 146 193 41.7

62 64 105 119 18 59 10 33.0

4 407 3 662 6 977 6 276 2 536 1 706 I 080 37.8 I 740 l 364 2 691 2 490 I 054 688 352 37.8 I 504 1 375 2 426 2 064 825 574 267 37.6

340 321 653 630 262 143 159 39.4 287 195 459 4-06 191 162 157 39.9 536 407 748 686 204 139 145 36.2

300 361 972 920 222 199 90 40.6 47 28 103 96 14 30 6 38.7

130 153 456 476 92 68 23 41.2 114 157 354 315 95 97 52 Ml.8


Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced dvlllan labor force -----------------A9rit11tture, forestry, .. d fl1htrie1 ______ .. ___ .. _______ _

~~u~~----------------------Forestry and fisheries ---- __ .... __ .... ______ .... ------ ____ .... __ _

Mlolog ---- ------------------ ------------------Constructloa ________________ ......................... _______ _

Ma•ufactvring __ .... __ ........ ______ ........ ------ ------ __ .. Durable goods •• ____________ -- -- ________________ ---- ___ _

~~!9~ifts~-pi~~i~ii ;;;iii;:~;;d-~111..;~~k :: :::: :::: :: :: :: :: :: : Miscellaneous wood products ---- ------ .... ------------ __ _ Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products -------------------------

Cement. concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ........ ------ ................ ------ __ _ Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electrical -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- __ ---- ___ _ Office, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment __ ., ______ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment--------------­Aircraft and parts -----------------------------------­Other tronsrortotlon equipment-------------------------Professlona and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance ________________ -- -- _______________________ _

Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goads-allocated. •.

Nondurable goods .• __________ -- -------- __ ---------- -----Meat products -~ ........ __ .... ____ ........ ---- .... ---------- -----Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products ____ -------- -- ---- -- __ ------------ ___ _ Other food industries ........ -----------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill products .. ---------------------------­Apporel and other fabricated textile products--------------Poper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied industries -- __ ---- ------ ___ _

Chemicals and allied products.. -- -- ---- -- ------------ __ _ Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber-------------------------------Other nondurable goods ____ -------------------------- --

Not specified manufacturing industries _____________________ _

Trensportatlon, communkatlons, ond other public utlRtlesl _ Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing -------------------------Water transportation ____ -------- -- ---- ---- ------ ---- -- --Air transportation ____________ -- -- -- ------ ------ ---- -- ---All other transportation ______ -------------- -- ---- ---- -- --Communications ---- ________ -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- -- --Electric and gos utilities _________________________________ _

Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholesale 111id NtaU trade-------------------------Wholesale trade ____________ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -------- -- --

food and farm products -------------------------------Retail trade ________________ -- -- ---- ------------ -- ---- --

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retalllng -- _ General merchandise stores •. ____ ------ -- ------ ---- -- __ -Food stores ______________ ---------- __ -------------- --Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ ---- -- -Apparel ond accessories stores __________ ---- __________ --furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking ploces .• ----------------------------Drugstores ________ ------ ------ ---- -- -------------- --Other retail trade-------------------------------------

fhlaact, lll1uranee, and real estate __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance .. ___ ---- ______ ---- -- -- ------ -- -- -- .. "----------Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

lusl11ess 1111 rep•lr servke1 ________ .,._ -- ........ -- -- -- --Advertising ____________ -------- __ ------ -------- ---- __ --Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ ---- ---- ------ ---- -- ---------------Other business and repair services ________ -- ---- ------ ---- -

Ptnonal services --------------------------------Privote households ____ ---- __ -- -------- -- -------------- --Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shops--------------------------------­Other personal services----------------------------------

Entertallu111nt and ncreation aervlctt ________________ _

Pnaf111Jo111I anll rehltell stnlces --------------------Health services ------ ---------- -------- -- ---------------Educationol services, government-------------------------­Edur;ationol services, private-----------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related service'---------------------

Pu•11c odmlolslfotloo• .----------------------------Poslol service -- ---- -- ---- -------------- ----------------Federal public odminlstrotion •• --------------------------­Stote and local public administration-----------------------

•includes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Moles with earnings In 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners years old $1,999 to lo to to ta to to or All worked 50 and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners to 52 weeks

414 861 67 180 81 176 46 742 46 588 39 251 33 823 41 669 38 745 19 687 5 265 6 164

50 108 16 744 14 433 4 546 3 601 2 414 l 596 2 035 2 864 1 875 3 152 4 048 48 635 16 516 14 014 4 377 3 419 2 293 1 490 1 917 2 767 1 842 3 113 3 991

1 473 228 419 169 182 121 106 118 97 33 4 530 5 260

4 958 390 564 532 474 613 652 849 668 216 6 847 7 426

46 457 6 110 10 162 6 043 5 472 4 474 3 701 4 658 4 216 1 621 5 167 6 222

113 426 12 218 23 425 16 547 15 436 12 180 9 841 11 799 8 847 3 133 5 293 5 980 68 516 7 791 16 042 11 116 9 829 6 962 5 445 5 654 4 019 1 658 4 938 5 641

5 004 1 115 1 870 623 492 294 178 184 142 106 3 4B3 4 425 12 358 1 796 3 977 1 959 1 552 995 754 585 480 260 4 207 4 969 2 675 378 921 503 263 216 114 109. 88 83 4 077 4 703 6 691 725 1 896 1 439 903 657 389 277 252 153 4 503 4 927 3 663 290 684 473 536 369 485 468 210 148 5 717 6 266 1 612 109 311 170 240 152 233 226 105 66 5 900 6 346

995 119 154 185 172 94 90 96 63 22 5 230 5 644 4 249 161 366 550 583 523 611 974 400 81 6 B88 7 282 5 289 509 977 1 021 873 532 441 453 380 103 5 158 5 751

5 250 362 777 762 898 722 515 534 490 190 5 B06 6 214 339 16 15 63 65 15 41 58 55 11 6 700 7 236

8 926 671 1 542 1 471 1 688 1 021 761 887 708 177 5 461 5 937 2 235 134 382 337 287 246 205 327 263 54 5 922 6 712 1 433 145 210 289 199 170 121 132 127 40 5 364 s 993

362 10 58 52 68 65 54 35 11 9 5 897 6 632 2 923 392 748 489 418 275 230 189 127 55 4 657 5 616 1 005 100 208 137 115 144 60 127 71 43 5 500 6 252 2 468 92 339 349 485 379 325 261 179 59 5 936 6 165 5 225 926 1 315 814 584 506 317 343 291 129 4 456 5 329

44 219 4 368 7 224 5 332 5 494 5 159 4 340 6 102 4 765 1 435 5 944 6 586 5 278 579 1 269 793 834 587 448 385 253 130 4 997 5 583 3 685 571 783 643 477 402 246 309 172 82 4 760 5 581 1 080 73 56 127 115 162 191 204 118 34 7 037 7 309 4 874 447 849 714 744 705 435 446 378 156 5 574 6 137

823 39 187 183 172 61 35 80 51 15 5 015 5 308 1 307 97 268 219 194 177 89 136 111 16 5 358 5 836 2 053 236 508 283 195 251 156 148 202 74 4 998 5 789 7 878 291 689 434 863 964 1 095 1 803 1 418 321 7 637 7 940 4 200 755 603 389 446 411 390 525 509 172 5 791 6 649

4 371 261 420 313 365 526 519 1 005 696 266 7 579 8 078 1 238 101 116 112 105 128 166 279 185 46 7 343 7 736 3 247 207 438 424 423 384 266 512 523 70 6 342 6 725 2 258 311 585 471 376 212 161 73 52 17 4 495 5 136 1 927 400 453 227 185 189 143 197 97 36 4 487 5 095

691 59 159 99 113 59 56 43 63 40 5 252 5 662

35 133 3 641 5 012 3 300 3 957 3 561 3 767 5 516 5 084 1 295 6 465 7 177 7 170 291 432 390 663 927 I 204 1 403 1 700 160 7 733 8 040 2 073 863 509 164 176 124 75 103 49 10 2 682 4 516 9 802 911 1 634 1 011 1 100 972 1 027 1 430 1 139 578 6 252 7 043

680 83 127 41 70 74 71 87 91 36 6 257 7 347 637 43 72 33 66 78 52 128 117 48 7 510 8 248 989 225 317 147 71 21 53 69 34 52 3 700 4 075

3 449 219 263 285 426 334 286 760 697 179 7 691 8 227 6 061 203 494 506 859 710 792 1 264 1 089 144 7 326 7 571 2 458 536 748 503 272 148 79 89 57 26 3 853 4 324

76 636 13 757 13 604 8 572 8 963 7 503 6 129 6 901 7 067 4 140 s 266 6 093 18 933 1 766 2 770 2 371 2 414 1 982 1 766 2 137 2 278 1 449 6 073 6 734 5 628 715 874 778 655 654 550 595 486 321 5 682 6 363

57 703 11 991 10 834 6 201 6 549 5 521 4 363 4 764 4 789 2 691 4 972 5 878 6 327 642 1 250 898 927 705 550 571 519 265 5 403 5 938 4 614 929 712 387 457 503 391 430 475 330 5 611 6 573

10 782 2 928 2 186 971 1 182 947 699 902 656 311 4 285 5 472 9 569 908 1 564 1 013 1 313 1 175 1 040 1 069 996 491 5 990 6 473 7 642 1 849 1 932 1 198 909 604 348 380 310 112 4 033 4 775 1 416 370 210 84 105 138 109 113 193 94 5 419 6 655 3 530 591 643 378 369 323 342 295 374 215 5 415 6 362 4 226 1 743 805 353 292 155 193 238 251 196 2 919 4 894 1 513 411 193 46 52 73 57 155 310 216 6 747 9 353 8 084 1 620 1 339 873 943 898 634 611 705 461 5 223 6 028

11 631 1 077 1 121 715 860 921 1 029 1 752 2 276 1 880 8 106 • 759 3 211 222 303 201 236 294 316 500 667 472 8 134 8 605 4 417 206 242 190 293 426 441 827 1 055 737 8 993 9 314 4 003 649 576 324 331 201 272 425 554 671 6 604 7 806

11 966 2 041 2 441 1 461 1 623 1 097 980 1 002 898 423 5 025 5 705 364 31 61 15 29 46 22 56 80 24 7 000 7 841 445 74 4B 9 21 33 54 70 101 35 7 694 B 857

5 290 861 I 124 766 817 500 433 314 324 151 4 662 5 401 5 867 1 075 I 208 671 756 518 471 562 393 213 4 969 5 754

8 186 2 782 1 955 1 088 712 5-44 467 483 461 334 3 699 4 741 1 491 1 027 316 72 4 27 13 17 15 - 1 452 1 949 1 974 696 519 196 110 71 50 76 149 107 3 121 4 275 1 637 309 312 193 221 161 120 108 102 111 5 020 5 527 2 009 432 495 315 262 136 129 134 76 30 4 246 4 664 1 775 318 313 312 175 149 155 148 119 86 4 822 5 503

2 776 892 747 227 237 174 182 111 128 78 3 328 4 810

35 397 6 155 5 862 2 223 3 163 3 542 3 172 3 594 3 814 3 &72 6 083 7 006 8 675 1 035 1 751 654 579 709 542 602 863 1 940 6 449 7 210

13 510 2 sea 2 064 630 1 196 1 608 1 529 1 738 1 556 601 6172 7 258 J 296 977 559 185 345 218 276 378 279 79 4 605 5 960 5 301 962 917 458 694 665 515 495 460 135 5 452 5 915 4 615 593 571 296 349 342 310 381 656 1 117 7 505 9 338

17 487 1 373 1 850 1 488 2 030 2 228 2 307 2 969 2 422 820 6 899 7 276 4 3D4 216 200 188 188 519 826 l 485 579 103 B 020 8 154 5 1D6 386 464 281 353 530 626 766 1 209 491 7 861 8 561 7 651 643 1 090 998 1 441 1 127 829 697 607 219 5 760 6 071

ARKANSAS 5 - 729

1970- Continued Tobie 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: [Data based an sample see !ext For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning al symbols, see lextl

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued


bptrieacod dYlllaa ltlkr force -----------------

Alaricohu~~-~-~~::::::::::::::::: ----Forestry and mheries -----------------------------------

11""°' ------ -------- -----------------------­c--*" ---------------------------------­•nofoctwtlot---------------- -----------------

Puroble goods •••• -- •• ------ ---- •• ---- •• --------------;;,-iii.-o~d-,;;ili'.Zorl<::::::::::::::::::: ~=nd :.~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stone, cloy, and glou products -----------------------

Cement, concrete, (IVpsum, ond plaster products------­Primary Iron ond steel industritt ---------------------­Primary nonferrous industries------------------------­Fobricoted metal industries, including not specified metal __

Mochinery, except electrical -------------------------­Office, occounting, and computing machin••----------­

Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies------------Rodio. television. and communicotkm equipment _______ _

Motor Yehicles ond motor vehicle equipment-------------Aircrolt ond ports ----------------------------------Other tronsr.rtotion equipment -----------------------Professiono ond photogrophic equipment, ond watches ___ _ Ordnance ____ -- ---- -------- __ ------ ----------·-----Miscellaneous monvfoctures ond durable goads- ollacated.

Nondurable goods __________ ---- __ --------------------_ Meat products ---- ---------- -----------------------Conning ond preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages _ Boicory products -- ______________ ---- ---- ---- --------Other food industries--------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------Yorn, thread, ond fabric mffl>------------------------­

Other textilt mill products---------------------------­Ai>porel and other fabricated textile products·----------­Poper ond ·~:~.products ,---.-----:-----------------­Prmling, pu mg, and ollied 1ndustroes.----------------


Chemicols ond ollied product•--------------------------Petroloum and cool prodUCIS------·--------------------

--Rubloer ond miscellaneous plastic products----------------r;:ohe~:,;,i':,.~·~ ~".'::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·

Hot specified monulocturing industries .. _________________ _ -----

I T...,.mtloe, -• .. lmkas, H4I o!liw poWic 1f1lhlM Roiroods ond railway express service.-------------------­Street railways ond bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking servict ond warehousing ------------------------


~~~!K~i~I~I~~~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~I~~~~~I~I~~~I -----Water .supply. $0nitory services. and other utilities _________ _ -

:~--ri?:~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __

~r::o':e~~~~~~~-~~o~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ---Motor vehicles and accessories retailing----------------­

Gasoline $trvice stations----------..----------------------Ai>porel and accessories sf ores ____ ---- __ ------ ________ _ -~r~tture,d h3~tfurnishings, and equipmont store•---------

~~tr~~a :;~:~~~~~============:::::::::::::::: ----

r:::~;;:~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----

Advert~~-~~-~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: ===' rese_orch, monogemen!, ond progroming servicos ••

---Other bvsin.'s~~ tfPoir·;;;,;;c;;:::::::::::::::::::::::: --

--=te ~-::;~_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

~~ !~~~ ;;-.;;g;~,;;;n1•~~~~;:::::::::::: --Other personal sZ..icef _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --

htertalMoftt .... rocnatloo ........ _______________ _ -PnftulooaltodrllolHHnlcos

~":'.,~';,';~k;;.-9;;;,;;;~i--- -- .:::::::::::::::::::_



Other profess10nol ond related services---------------------

=l•e~ Od~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: State a~u i:.1 ~J!~~~\::!;;·-~---·--·------------------

p 1 rattan--------·------- .. ------'Includes alloco!ed coses not shown separately.


. Total, 16 $1 ta yeors aid ond over

$1,999 or loss

52 403 15 032

9 19$ 4 909 9 083 4 878

112 31

311 56

4 168 l 226

18 219 2 890 12 671 2 029 1 475 338 3 907 556

616 106 598 127 582 73 252 35 270 38 709 27 769 173

497 54 5 -

795 103 378 41 206 41

17 -247 42 129 30 812 53

I 042 268 5 416 841

453 83 403 96 141 38 898 168 107 9 267 29 240 58 721 63 211 39 730 98 231 33 574 28 93 15

347 84 132 20

4 213 904 1 028 100

374 196 l 194 214

44 21 43 s 67 24

112 19 259 20 773 226

6 359 1 803 1 541 288

472 93 4 818 l 515

535 68 355 133 898 326 688 94 492 155

96 24 259 93 677 352 63 31

755 239

509 124 201 39

78 18 230 67

993 279 31 9 24 -

530 135 408 135

2 057 l 073 788 565 427 221 241 60 226 110 375 117 367 128

4 637 1 374 l 037 209 2 086 606

468 175 562 220 484 164

1 375 266 262 26 524 109 538 102

Males with eamlngs In 1969

$2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 ta ta ta lo

$3,999 $4,999 $5.999 $6.999

18 621 7 286 5 186 2 678

3 414 452 166 75 3 364 426 166 75

50 26 - -69 60 13 38

l 504 640 367 154

6 936 3 443 2 537 1 100 4 958 2 493 1 741 704

723 193 103 51 1 793 742 445 206

283 158 40 13 270 135 26 26 219 76 127 41 111 23 47 18 57 88 70 10 68 139 150 62

225 202 104 45

158 92 105 64 - 5 - -

297 172 159 45 117 116 68 22 65 46 30 6 7 - - -

134 35 32 4 58 16 14 11

174 205 252 93 427 194 84 27

l 927 931 777 378 181 76 56 38 171 85 32 -

16 38 24 17 315 180 167 57

53 26 19 -121 54 36 19 120 19 31 7 212 89 163 49 115 30 9 13 190 123 105 100 57 411 43 32

139 107 60 46 66 9 3 -

171 47 29 -51 19 19 18

1 426 614 613 358 148 137 249 236 97 53 14 8

490 144 197 51 13 - 4 6 14 11 8 -32 11 - -31 22 29 11

108 55 26 30 369 115 51 6

2 326 1 048 631 263 551 352 195 69 153 107 66 29

l 775 696 436 194 251 112 67 21 lll 39 22 16 276 108 64 46 303 167 85 25 218 69 30 8 32 6 19 15

110 56 - -191 6B 56 s 26 6 - -257 65 93 58

173 107 61 16 81 46 22 -5 34 6 5 87 27 33 11

357 176 85 28 12 5 - 5 4 9 - -198 100

143 39 23

62 46 -661 149 88 37 190 29 4 174 23 -104

4 -33 25 6

77 14 21 116 50 -34 31 154 45 14 26

1 244 397 453 440 452 136 82 49 388 113 250 300 120 30 47 28 161 52 31 40 123 66 43 23 H7 lSS 158 143

15 35 114

21 37 64 57

206 81

56 80 25

Median earnings (dollars)

$7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners ta to to or All worked 50

$7,999 $9,999 $14,999 mare earners to 52 weeks

1 715 1 179 465 241 3 200 3 no 73 30 52 24 1 173 2 754 73 25 52 24 1 862 2 729 - 5 - - 3 000 ...

4S 21 s 4 4 5oe 4 843

124 115 25 13 3 141 3 ,.,

656 466 141 50 3 793 •no 377 273 55 41 3 737 ... 321

18 36 5 8 3 105 3 557 105 34 19 7 3 559 "011 16 - - - 3 428 3 729 7 - - 7 3 274 3 699

36 10 - - 3 '1?1 4 464 14 4 - - 3 640 3 775 4 - - 3 4 455 4 724

98 142 16 7 5 803 6 ()23 14 6 - - 3 880 4 493

9 10 - 5 4 397 5 025 - - - - 3983 10 9 - - 4 486 5 9 - - 4 267 4 599

10 - 4 4 3 '108 4 717 10 - - - di6

... - - - - '". - - - - 3 190

15 9 11 - 4 873 s 071 25 17 - - 3 185 3 795

274 193 86 9 3 93B ... '463 6 10 3 - 3 586 4 028

15 4 - - 3 234 3 47S 3 5 - - 4 434 4711

11 - - - 3 784 4 447 - - - - 3 679 4 4 - - 3 727 3 942 5 - - - 3 033 3 507

69 72 - 4 4 961 s 377 s - - - 3 157 3 370

76 22 16 - 4 626 5 317 4 - 9 5 4 531 5 070

66 70 58 - 5 217 5 670 - - - -

10 6 - - 3 047 3025 5 - - - 3 804 ...

162 107 6 23 3 687 44U 83 69 6 - 5 51B s 740 - 6 - - l 908 4 070

SB 27 - 13 3 563 4 191 - - - - ... ... - 5 - - ... ... - - - -

4 :i73 ... - - - -15 - - 5 4 027 ... 355

6 - - - 2 870 3 266

122 88 38 40 3 184 3 726 41 18 7 20 3 751 4 211 15 - - 9 3 869 4 409 Bl 70 31 20 3 007 3 571 8 8 - - 3 590 3 969

16 7 11 - 2 802 3 670 22 34 15 7 2 891 3 MS 9 - - 5 3 650 3 810 - 12 - - 2 835 3 253 - - - -- 2 664 3 545 - - -- - - 5 l 923 2 936 - - - -26 9 5 3 3 678 3867 - 13 10 5 3 509 3 769 - 6 - 5 3 519 3 432 - 5 5 - a io:i 3 672 - - 5 -

2S 32 11 - 3 218 3 926 - - - - ... ...

11 - - -14 14 7 - 3 313 3 893 - 18 4 - 2 965 3 906

14 18 9 8 1 917 2 an - - - - 1 395 l 833 - - 5 - 1 932 2 770 - 5 - 8 3 163 3 461 - 4 - - 2 078 2 091

14 9 4 - 3 216 3 850

- - - - 2 721 3 171 338 193 128 70 3 518 3 81M

49 32 7 21 3 369 3 734 218 119 69 4 434 4 904

38 23

10 10 10 2 983 3 545 9 20 20 9 2 758 3 143

24 12 22 7 3 268 4 132 156 96 40 4 4 416 5 097

73 49 6 6 919 7 074 -55 27 17 4 609 5 325 -28 20 17 4 3 621 4 061


Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings . 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued 1n [Data based an sample, see tex1. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Males with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dallors)

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8.000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners

Areas of 250,000 or More years aid $1,999 to to to to to to to or All worked 50 and ov&r or lass $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners to 52 weeks

THE STATE-Continued

Persons of Spanish Language

Experienced cMHan labor fo~e ----------------- 1 763 345 365 123 168 160 117 173 211 101 5 289 6 4-46

A9rlcuttun1, forestry, and fl1htrles ---- _______________ 268 118 102 18 6 4 2 314 2 639

~;;~~~~u~~riiish;;i;s-=================================== 268 118 102 18 6 4 2 314 2 639

Mlolog ------------ ---- ------------------------Co11tntctlo1 ________ .... ____________ ------ ________ 163 34 36 14 12 6 30 25 5 393

M1111f1ctvria9 .... -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- - 480 44 102 57 60 59 67 63 18 10 5 617 6 349 Durable goods __ ---------- __ ---------------------------- 274 25 74 45 20 16 53 29 12 4 844 5 917

logging ____ ---- ------ -------- ------------------ -----Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork _____________________ Miscellaneous wood products---------------------------

42 7 22 8 5

Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------- 43 7 12 9 Stone, cloy, and gloss products ------------------------- 11 11

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products---------Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------ 7 Primary nonferrous industries .... ---- -- -- -- ------ __ -- .... -- _ 9 9 Fabricated metal Industries, including not specified metal ---- 24 7 Machinery. except electrical ______ .... ________________ ---- 61 10 23 11

Office, occounting1 ond computing machines------------- 5 Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ______________ 48 21

Radio, television, and communicotion equipment .. _________ 25 11 Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ ______________ Aircraft and ports ________ -- -- -- ..... -- -- -- .... __ ---- -- -- --Other transportation equipment------------------------- 22 Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ______ Ordnance ________________________________________ ----

Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- allocated ___ 7

Nondurable goods. _______ ---- __ ------------------------- 196 19 28 12 40 33 14 34 10 5 975 6 537 Meat products ____ ---- __________ --------------------- 18 8 4 6 Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages --- 9 9 Bakery products ____ ---- __ ---- __ ---------------------- 3 Other food industries ________________________ ------ ____ 34 6 18 Yarn, thread, and fabric mills---------------------------Other textile mill products------------------------------ 4 Apparel and other fabricated textile products ______________ Poper and allied products ------------------------------ 35 6 12 Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------ 32 10 14

Chemicals and allied products -- -- -- -- -- -- __ -- ____ -- -- --- 25 10 Petroleum and coal products----------------------------

11 Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------- 20 Footwear, except rubber ............ ---- ........ -- .... ---- ---- -- -- .. 7 7 Other nondurable goods ____ ---------------------------- 9 9

Not specified manufacturing industries .. _______________ -- .... -- 10 10

Tra1sportat&oa, co•munkotlons1 and other publk '1tilftte11 .. 131 14 26 6 23 20 22 13 5 848 Railroads and railway express service ______________________ 33 6 20 Street railways and bus lines -----------------------------

13 13 Trucking service and warehousing __________ .., _________ ., ____ 33 7 Water transportation __ ---- __ ---- -- ---- -------------- ----Air transportation .... ______________ .... ---- ........................ -- ...... All other tronsportolion __________________________________

Communications .... ____ -------- __ ------------------------ 16 Electric and gos utilities ........ __ -- .... __ ------ ---------------- 9 9 Woter supply. sanitary services, and other utilities ----------- 22 14

Wholesale and ntaA trade------------------------- 298 60 54 16 55 19 33 45 6 182 6 946 Wholesale trade ____________ ---- __ ---- ---------- __ ------ 72 10 11 6 19 26

Food and form products ------------------------------- 26 6 13 7 Retail !rode ____ ---- ______ ------ ________ ---- ------------ 226 50 54 49 19 14 19 5 444 6 484

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing --- 11 7 4 Genernl merchandise stores .... ---- -- ---- ----------------- 44 5 24 10 Food stores .... ---- __________ -- -- -------------- ---- ---- 19 6 7 Motor vehicles and accessories retailing------------------ 49 9 13 Gasoline service stations------------------------------- 24 7 Apparel and accessories stores ........ -- -- -- -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 7 Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores .................... 23 15 Eating and drinking places __ ---------------------------- 26 21 Drugstores ------ -------- -------------------- __ ------Other retail trade------------------------------------- 15

R1t111:e, ht1111ra1tc1, Hd r1al estate ___________________ 86 20 13 32 15 Banking and credit agencies-----------------.. ------------ 38 11 6 15 Insurance-.. ________________ -- -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 41 9 7 10 15 Other finance and real estate----------------------------- 7 7

IHIH11 awcl npafr strvkH------------------------ 65 10 12 15 Advertising ______________ ---- __________ ---- ____________ Commercial research, management, and programing services---

30 8 Automobile services __ -------- ---------------------- -----Other business and repair services -- -- ---- __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- - 35 7 10 4

Pen•••l 1ervlc11 -------------------------------- 31 16 Private households __________ -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------- 7 laundering, cleaning, and other garment services .. ____________ 6

g~h~;rp~~sdo~~r~~~~~~~~================================= 9 9 9

bt1rtallr1Ht awd recreation Hnkes _________________ 20

Pnfeui. .. 1 Hcl nllted 1HYk11 -------------------- 146 45 13 24 35 6 308 10 556

Health services ------ ------------ -------------- --------- 28 6 22 Educational services, government-------------------------- 31 23 Educational services, private .... ---------------------------- 42 8 6 Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---- 18 18 Other professional and related services _____________________ 27 14

h•llc od11lolstntloo• ---- -------------------- ----- 75 7 14 21 7 12

Postal service ---- ......... ---------- -------- ------------ ___ ,,. 7 7 Federal public administration ________ ---------------------- 19 Stole and local public administration----------------------- so 21

•includes allocated cases not shown separately.


A.Qf: .. llJd n _ '7'1 _

Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



b:perienced civilian labor force -----------------A1rit11thtre, fore1try, 1ad f11htrles __________________ _

Agriculture __ -- -- -- __ ---- ______ -- ---- -- -- __ ---- __ ------Forestry ond fisheries ____________________ ---- __ ------ __ _

Mlol"I ---- ---------------------------- __ ------

Co••tnction __ ------ ----------------------------

M•o•loctvriot---- •• -- -- -- -- -- -- •• -- ---- ---- ---- _ Durable goods .• __ -- ____________ -- -- __ -- ---- ___________ _ Logging ______ -------- ------ -------------------------Sawmills, planing mills, ond millwork. ___________________ _ Miscellaneous wood products---.. ----------------------­Furniture and fi>Oures ------------------------ .. -------­Stone, cloy, and gloss product• -------------------------

Cement, concrete. gypsum, ond plaster products--------­Primory iron end steel Industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______ ---------------... __ ---Fobricoted metal industries, including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ____ -- -- -- ---- __ ---- _______ _

Offk:e, accounting, and computing machines ___________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies __ ---- __ -----

--Radio, television, and communication equipment_ ________ _ Mo1or vehic.les and motor vehicle equipment _____________ _

Aircraft and ports ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ________________ ,. _____ ---- ________________ _

Miscellaneous manufactures ond durable goods-allocated __

Nondurable gaods ____ -- __ ---- ______ --------------------Meo! products ------ ------ __ -----------------------­Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products------------------------------------­Other food industries--------------------------------­Yorn, threod, and fobric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill products-----------------------------Apporel and other fobricoted textile products ____________ _ Poper ond allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------

Chemicals and allied products-------------------------­Petroleum and cool products--------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products--------------­Footwear, except rubber------------------------------Other nonduroble goods ____ ---------------------------

Not specified monufocturing Industries---------------------

Traasport1tion, cH111unkation1, and other pubHc: utiHtles' Railroads and railway express service ____________________ _

Street railways and bus lines ____ ------------------------Trucking service and warehousing ------------------------

~~tt%~~~~~~:i~~t~~~====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:~~~i~~~ios:so~o-t~~~ :: :::: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: :: :: ::: Electric and gos utilities--------------------------------­Woter supply, sanitary services, and other utilities----------

W•oltsole oad ntoD trod•------------------------Whalesole I rode ------ ______________ ---- ---------------

Food and farm products ------------------------------Retail trade ______ ---- __________ -------- -------- ______ _

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ General merchandise stores ____ -------- __ --------------Food stores ________ ---------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing----------------­Gasoline servke stations-----------------------------­Apparel and ac.cessories stores-------------------------Furniture. home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ _ Eating and drinking ploces-----------------------------Drugstores ________________ ------ __ ------------ -----Other retail trade------------------------------------

FiHact, huuroece, and reol Ht•••-----------------­Banking and credit agendes -----------------------------Insurance ______ ---- ____ ---- ____ -- -- -- __ -- ________ ---- _ Other finance and real estate ____ ---- ---- __ ---- ------ ----

lusl•111 Hll re,.lr nrvkH-----------------------Advertising ---------- ------ ---- -- ---- __ ,. ___ -----------


Commerclal research. management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ ----------------------------------­Other business and repair services-------------------------

P•rsoaal services ---------- ... --------------------Private households ____ ------------------------------ __ _ Hotels ond lodging ploces -------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ___________ _ Barber ond beouty shops-------------------------------­Other personal services---------------------------------

Eatert1NIMt11t •ff recrntlon 11rvk11 _______________ _


Pref1sslo11l 11tl ... lattll HrYlcH --------------------Health services ______ ---- ____ ---------------------------Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational serv,ces, pdvate ---------- ------------ ---- ---­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional ond related services---------------------

Pu•ll< a<loolnlslnltion• -------------- ---------- -----Postal service ____ ---- ------ ----------------------------Federal public administration •• ____ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- __ .,._ ----State and local public administration----------------·------

11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 732 ARKANSAS

(Doto based on sample, see text. Far minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with eomings In 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 lo $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners years old $1,999 to to to to to to to or All worked 50 and aver or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners to 52 weeks

72 658 1 295 10 195 6 683 6 969 1 688 7 781 9 895 10 533 5 619 6 675 7 346

1 506 452 427 127 127 96 32 69 98 78 3 410 4 757 I 448 439 409 123 121 96 32 65 85 78 3 394 4 743

58 13 18 4 6 - - 4 13 - ... ... 1 215 34 93 55 108 164 264 277 185 35 7 581 7 851

7 518 561 1 118 750 679 763 751 1 117 1 237 542 6 853 7 787

15 464 l 207 2 577 l 778 l 723 1 744 1 621 2 235 1 824 755 6 256 6 913 8 995 742 I 678 1 253 1 105 946 899 1 206 811 355 5 746 6 557

111 6 36 18 24 13 4 - 10 - 4 750 482 47 167 98 45 43 41 20 5 16 4 276 5 041 269 36 88 55 30 19 9 22 5 5 4 191 4 516 712 117 165 147 55 59 66 26 25 52 4 503 4 910 665 25 107 51 116 64 106 143 10 43 6 523 7 206 289 15 48 15 46 33 46 65 5 16 6 621 7 189 266 8 46 64 45 30 23 23 27 - 5 333 5 5« 756 9 33 51 54 69 167 236 120 17 7 970 8 124 714 41 112 89 101 97 94 91 70 19 6 144 6 678

775 70 118 55 157 81 62 99 86 47 5 920 6 600 48 - - - 6 6 9 7 15 5

1 759 123 272 257 197 165 147 291 256 51 6 185 7 OBS 1 229 83 204 172 155 118 90 185 182 40 6 004 7 000

118 - 14 10 22 16 10 14 22 10 6 813 7 200 30 - 11 - - - 10 9 - - ...

669 56 158 146 105 82 46 40 30 6 4 825 5 750 552 52 127 57 47 80 21 BO 61 27 5 851 6 645 175 6 10 20 21 33 30 13 27 15 6 924 6 985 942 146 214 135 86 95 63 99 57 47 4 822 5 745

6 336 454 890 506 596 779 698 1 024 998 391 6 927 7 389 476 20 101 64 77 84 39 27 39 25 5 688 6 035 294 37 BO 31 26 39 18 32 9 22 4 968 5 750 350 21 17 33 30 69 53 63 46 18 7 094 7 302 587 28 88 48 60 115 37 69 99 43 6 604 6 874

96 5 8 17 9 - 10 21 26 - ... . .. 101 - - - 19 - 11 16 44 11 10 511 269 23 45 46 21 12 22 5 63 32 5 976 7 568 626 4 121 54 137 66 89 99 39 17 5 978 6 394

1 324 215 145 55 71 117 170 260 228 63 7 347 7 910

1 390 29 91 78 70 158 188 317 331 128 8 511 8 782 75 7 9 4 - 22 8 16 4 5

266 5 41 31 31 38 26 47 37 10 6 658 6 875 - - - - - - - - - - - -

482 60 144 45 45 59 27 52 33 17 4 822 5 488 133 11 9 19 22 19 24 5 15 9 6 289 ...

a 609 495 803 705 850 947 1 140 1 608 1 633 428 7 443 7 811 2 676 92 106 127 292 318 571 501 631 38 7 706 7 883

342 35 58 40 41 72 37 44 5 10 5 927 6 306 1 953 123 215 161 138 170 247 443 303 153 7 686 8 080

50 - 5 - 4 6 7 11 17 - ... ... 243 25 13 5 23 29 12 60 64 12 B 483 8 898 223 48 74 38 5 5 11 13 5 24 3 716 4 273

1 099 39 52 63 89 110 73 261 311 101 8 946 9 336 950 40 23 68 128 145 114 156 224 52 7 623 7 938 450 35 109 113 50 37 25 44 32 5 4 717 5 044

16 292 2 286 2 239 1 522 1 696 1 768 1 614 1 768 2 187 1 212 6 228 7 000 5 505 330 651 543 587 640 597 690 928 539 7 003 7 531 1 146 109 152 139 i05 108 149 147 168 69 6 630 7 182

iO 787 1 956 I 588 979 1 109 1 128 1 017 1 078 1 259 673 5 785 6 721 703 39 97 66 74 151 52 95 104 25 6 500 6 714

1 131 187 152 83 100 130 130 114 121 114 6 335 7 046 1 884 385 242 177 244 210 211 221 135 59 5 566 6 374 1 851 127 260 160 209 179 270 267 269 110 6 947 7 352 I 287 286 263 200 186 114 66 76 85 11 4 473 5 241

348 79 52 28 27 51 15 19 66 11 5 556 6 552 600 78 58 54 69 79 74 36 86 72 6 557 7 180 942 394 158 79 40 20 39 54 70 88 2 975 5 838 394 IOO 51 8 9 20 13 15 112 66 7 692 10 911

1 641 281 255 124 151 174 147 181 211 117 6 055 6 961

3 987 354 345 241 223 272 411 568 901 672 8 519 ' 134 965 81 95 63 58 84 120 154 225 85 7 846 a 356

1 664 86 61 69 84 121 211 290 458 284 9 379 9 655 1 358 187 189 109 81 67 80 124 218 303 7 575 B 830

2 707 350 461 269 284 326 306 288 280 143 5 963 6 541 125 21 22 5 - 5 11 16 40 5 7 864 9 125 200 22 22 5 5 12 25 25 59 25 8 720 9 640 912 107 174 75 135 158 101 73 66 23 5 741 6 146

1 470 200 243 184 144 151 169 174 115 90 5 750 6 5()4

1 559 361 320 183 163 87 120 144 103 78 4 538 5 306 160 112 43 - - - - - 5 - 1 429

4 Mi 304 118 76 39 18 4 16 15 8 10 2 895 477 59 64 64 62 51 49 56 29 43 5 831 6 186 339 33 94 45 46 17 31 36 22 15 4 944 5 359 279 39 43 35 37 15 24 37 39 10 5 608 6 818

520 89 101 88 71 56 38 25 37 15 4 795 5 651

8 497 861 1 297 651 638 826 745 1 021 1 193 1 265 6 970 1 721 3 565 308 600 290 300 382 294 332 405 654 6 745 7 266 1 657 193 228 123 80 179 177 294 263 120 7 144 8 151

514 87 90 43 76 43 23 76 51 25 5 487 6 067 1 197 157 173 106 95 109 148 149 179 81 6 619 7 205 1 564 116 206 89 87 113 103 170 295 385 8 BOO 9 955

4 784 245 414 314 407 639 739 775 855 396 7 505 7 783 908 20 22 42 38 138 207 299 107 35 7 937 7 942

1 380 57 89 75 87 111 149 165 381 266 9 479 10 273 2 346 133 277 186 266 381 367 301 340 95 6 816 7 111


Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced clvlllon labor fon:e -----------------

-Atrlculhon, fon1try, ...i f11krte1 _________________ _ Agriculture -- ________ ---- __ ---- ______ ---- ---------- ___ _ Forestry and fisheries __ - ... -- ________ ---- ________ ---- ____ _

Mlolot ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ---- ____ ---- _________ _

(H&h11ctloa __________________ ... ________ ---- ___ _ .... , .. _, __ --------------------------------Durable goods ________ ---- ________ ------ ________ ---- __ _

Logging ---- ------ -------- ------------ --------------Sawmills, planing mills, ond millwork_ __________________ _

Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------­Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and gloss products ------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary iron and steel industries -------------- ..... -------Primary nonferrous industries .... -- __ ---- __ ......... _________ _


Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ______________ ---- __ ---- ___ _

Office, accounting, and computing machfnes -------------Electrical machinery, equipment, ond supplies _____________ _

Radio, television, and communication equipment ................... .. Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment _____________ _ -

-Aircraft and parts -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance ........ __ ........ -------- __ ........ __ .... __ .... __ .... __ .... ----Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- allocated __

Nondurable goods ________________________ ---- _________ _ Meat products ______ ---- ______ ---- __________ ---- ___ _ Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages .... Bakery products __________ -- ____ ---- __ ---- ____ ---- -- -Other food industries--------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------

-------Other textile mill products ______________________ ---- -- --

Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and coal products -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- __ -- -- -- -­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------Footwear, except rubber __ .... ------ -- .................................. .. -Other nondurable goods __ ------------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries ........ ---------- ........ ----

Tro1apert.tio•, co•••nk1tlen1, aftd other pubHc utllitlts 1 ..

Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines -----------------------------Trucking service and warehousing __________ ---- ---- -- -- ---Water transportation .... __ ................ ------------------------Air transportation ........ ---- ........ -------- ____ ---------------All other transportation ______________________ ---- ---- ----Comm unicotlons ________________________________ ---- -- --Eltctric ond gas utilities ____________________ ---- ------ -- --Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

W~olt11lt ood ntoR mdo ------------------------­Wholesale trade ---- __ ---- -- -------- __ ---------- -------­

Food and farm products -------------------------------Retail trode ___________________________________________ _

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ _ General merchandise stores ______________ ---------------Food stores------ __ ----------------------------------Mato~ vehicle.• and a_ccessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel and accessories stores-------------------------­Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stares-.. -------­Eoting and drinking places------------------------------Drugstores ____________ -- ______________ ---- __ ---- ----Other retail trade ________ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---

Ra .. ce, ilnn11e1, 1Rd real 11tete .. _________________ _

Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance ______ .... ____ .... __ -- __ ........ ____ ............................ -- --Other finance ond real estate-----------------------------

IHIHsa ••• npafr 1ervk••------------------------Advertlslng __________ ------ ____________ ------ __ ---- ----Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services ................. --.. -- .. ------------------------Other business and repair services .................................. --------

Ptnt119' 11nlc11 ____ ---- ______ .... -- ------ .... -- ........ Private households ________ -- ---- -------- -------- --------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shop•·--------------------------------Other personal services---- .... ____ .. _____ ---------.. --------

httrhlll•Ht 1U reueatltn 1trflct1 .. _ .. ____________ .. _

PNl111loa1l 1n nloted mvk11 --------------------Htolth services-----------------------------------------Fducational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, private-----------------------------­Wetfore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional ond related services---------------------

Putallc odmlolstratloo• -----------------------------Postal service _____ ,. __ ----------------------------------Federal public administration-----------------------------­State and local public administration-----------------------

llncludes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, ate.) and mooning of symbols, see text)

Males with aomlngs In 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $2,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Eornera yaors old $1,999 to to to to to to to or All worked 50 and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners to 52 weeks

9 506 1 818 3 232 1 699 1 103 617 506 369 113 49 3 816 4 U2

514 234 196 46 17 15 - 6 - - 2 235 29U 514 234 196 46 17 15 - 6 - - 2 235 2 988 - - - - - - - - - - - -126 20 37 11 3 9 37 • - - 4 545 ... 865 172 348 131 95 19 34 55 6 s 3 497 3 175

2 619 348 885 585 417 184 133 61 6 - 4 Ul 4 us 1 586 231 548 362 239 83 eo 43 - - 4 039 4 451

11 6 5 - - - - - - - ... 150 15 76 47 8 - 4 - - - 3 579 ... 140 21 49 45 17 4 4 - - - 4 000 ... 97 46 14 27 4 6 - - - - "'

146 9 46 10 36 18 17 10 - - 5 222 5 433 57 6 27 - 7 6 7 4 - - ... ... 64 s 10 26 23 - - - - - ... ... 67 - - 11 13 - 29 14 - - ... . .. 68 - 27 12 6 18 s - - - ... ... 90 12 28 6 40 4 - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

197 33 54 46 28 23 10 3 - - 4 250 4 429 147 29 39 31 23 17 5 3 - - 4 177 ... 10 - 4 6 - - - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

112 20 61 23 8 - - - - - 3 180 ... 115 30 58 16 s 6 - - - - 2 948 ... 33 - 6 9 10 - 4 4 - - ... ...

286 34 110 78 41 4 7 12 - - 3 982 4 223

988 113 333 210 173 87 48 18 6 - 4 229 4 445 137 11 41 28 31 20 6 - - - 4 589 ... 97 27 52 10 - - 4 4 - - ... ... 75 21 7 24 13 10 - - - - ". ...

131 7 54 26 25 14 5 - - - 4 173 ... 20 - 3 12 5 - - - - - ... ... 9 - - - 9 - - - - - ".

51 15 14 13 9 - - - - - ". ... 76 - 16 9 37 - 9 5 - - ". . .. 56 5 39 - 5 7 - - - - . " ...

135 12 23 44 23 18 4 5 6 - 4 739 4 886 27 - 9 4 - 10 4 - - - " ' ... 66 - 22 15 7 8 10 4 - - ". . .. - - - - - - - - - - - -

108 15 53 25 9 - 6 - - - 3 472 ... 45 4 4 13 5 14 5 - - - ... ...

1 044 121 269 242 158 121 66 52 - 15 4 545 4 113 323 23 11 46 119 66 27 31 - - 5 685 5 805

54 - 4 31 5 8 - 6 - - ... 232 27 90 29 14 13 39 15 - 5 3 978 4 759 - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 5 8 5 - - - - - - . " ... 30 9 21 - - - - - - - . " ... 32 8 6 14 - 4 - - - - ". . " 62 - 9 23 11 14 - - - 5 . " ...

167 18 75 59 9 6 - - - - 3 747 3 983

1 564 357 540 292 165 113 62 1B 17 - 3 574 4 224 491 35 181 130 74 38 17 9 7 - 4 227 4 440 131 5 42 38 25 11 10 - - - 4 487 4 500

1 073 322 359 162 91 75 45 9 10 - 3 195 4 020 56 6 23 10 7 6 4 - - - ...

111 28 35 17 4 8 11 3 5 - 3 571 ... 162 51 22 31 16 20 22 - - - 4 258 ... 107 11 53 22 16 5 - - - - 3 604 ... 106 28 38 29 5 - - 6 - - J 316 ... 48 4 24 - 5 15 - - - - ... ... 22 14 4 4 - - - - - -

212 110 65 33 4 - - - - - 1 927 3 068 15 7 8 - - - - - - - ...

234 63 87 16 34 21 8 - 5 - J 241 3 770

161 38 54 30 13 11 - 5 s 5 3 574 3 560 35 9 17 4 - - - - - 5 ... ... 36 5 - 23 3 - - 5 - - ... ... 90 24 37 3 10 11 - - 5 - ... ...

298 59 106 49 34 5 17 24 4 - 3 691 4 183 26 9 12 5 - - - - - - ". ... 20 - 4 5 - - 11 - - - ... ... 87 24 31 10 5 5 6 6 - -

165 26 59 29 29 - - 18 4 - 3 915 4 667

440 160 166 35 39 11 7 18 4 - 2 723 3 246 102 66 36 - - - - - - - 1 545 ... 126 63 47 12 4 - - - - - 2 000 ... 76 20 22 9 14 6 - s - - ... ... 44 - 35 5 - - - 4 - - ... ... 92 ll 26 9 21 5 7 9 4 - ... ...

123 16 53 29 5 20 - - - - 3 717 3 157

l 295 237 447 118 120 87 80 70 46 20 3 837 4 276 558 73 230 91 59 37 37 27 - 4 3 791 4 325 261 50 88 35 18 24 20 22 4 - 3 830 3 895 125 41 31 4 22 - 8 5 4 10 3 387

4 567 187 33 54 36 4 22 4 8 20 6 4 181 164 40 44 22 17 4 11 8 18 - 3 909 4 474

457 56 131 61 37 22 70 51 25 4 4 680 s 311 147 4 - 21 15 18 45 38 6 - 7 344 7 456 128 23 44 26 11 - 15 4 5 - 3 864 4 115 148 17 65 14 11 4 10 9 14 4 3 754 4 700

ARKANSAS 5 - 733

Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced clvl1ian labor force -----------------Afrlcllltwn, f1N1tty, ... fkMrle1 __________________ _

Agriculture -- -- -- __ -- ------ ---------- ------ ____ ---- ----Fore•lry and fisheries ____ ---- ______ ------ ____ ------ ___ _

....... ---------------------------------------CN1tnctloe -----------------------·----------­

M•ofachlriot •••• -------- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- ----Durable goods •• __ ---------- __ -------------------- ____ _

Logging ______________ -------- -------- ------ _______ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ___________________ _

Miscellaneous wood products-------------------------­Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------­Stone, clay, ond gloss products ------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary iron and steel Industries-----------------------Primory nonferrous industries ______________ ------------Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal __ _

Machinery, except electrical ---------------------------Office, accounting~ and computing machines ___________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment ________ _

Motor vohicles and motor vehicle equipment_ ____________ _

Aircraft and parts ----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------Prof<ssionol and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance .• __ ---- __ -------------- __ ------------ ____ _ Miscellaneous manufactures Qnd durable goods-allocated- ..

Honduroble goods. ___ -------- __ ---- __ -------- _________ _ Moot products ------------------ --------------------Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ Bakery products __________ ---------------------------Other food industries ________________________________ _

Yorn, thread, and fabric mills-------------------------­Other textile mill producls-----------------------------Apporel and other fabricated textile products ____________ _ Paper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------Chemicals and allied products -- ______________ -·-- _____ _



Petroleum and coal products--------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------­Footwear, except rubber ---- __ ---- __ ------------------


-Other nondurable goods ____ ----------------------------Not specified manufacturing industries_ ____________________ _

Trui1pwtotlu, H••nlatfo11, Hd ether paWk utllitles' Railroads and railway express service __ ------------------_ Street railways and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service ond warehousing ---- __ -----------------­Water transportation -- ---- -- ------ -- -------------------Air tronsportotion ______ ---- __ ------ __ ---- ---------- ----


All other transportation----------------------------------Comm u-nications ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- __ -------- __ ---- ___ _ Electric and gos utilities---------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities-----------

-Walo11le ...i ntaR 1n1d1 -----------------------­Wholesale trade ------ ------ ---------------------------­

Food ond form products -------------------------------Retail trade--------------------------------------------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ _ Gen-era I merchandise stores __ ---------------------------Food stores------------------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing -----------------­Gasoline service stations-------------------------------Apparel and accessories stores_.,.., _____ ------------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places __ ----------------------------Drugstores ---- ____________ ---- ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ----Other retail trade -- ------ -- ------ -- -------------- -----

n.-ce, il1fltf"011C•, ull All 11t•tt------------------­Bon'king ond cc:redit agencies ------------------------------lnsuro nee .... __ -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- .., ___ ---- -------- ---- __ .... Other finance ond real estofe -----------------------------

loshotu n4 ....... '""""------------------------Advertisf ng __________ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- ---- ____ ---- ----Comm erciol research, management, and programing services .. __ Automobile services -- -- -- ---- -- ---- ------ __ ------ ______ _ Other busintss and repair services ______ ,. _________________ _

Pan.1191 nnlces -------------------........................ .. Privole households-------------------------------------­Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, (leaning, and other garment services ........................... ... Barber ond beauty shop•---------------------------------Other personal services ---- __ ---- ____________ ---- ____ ----

111,.mfa•ut Hll n-• "'"k"----------------­Prate11ioHI and nlotH 1orvk11 --------------------

Health services ---- __ ------ __________ ---- ____ ---- __ -----fducotlonol services, government--------------------------Educational :services, private .............................. ---------------~ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professlonol and related services---------------------

POile odalalstmioo• ----------------------------­Postal servlce -- -- -- -- ---------- __ ------ ------ __ --------Federal public administration .• ---- __ ------------------ ___ _ Stole and local public adminlsfrafion -----------------------

•Includes allocated coses not shown separately.

5 - 734 ARKANSAS

[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Males with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 lo $4.000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8.000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners years old $1,999 lo to to ta to to lo or All worked SO and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more earners to 52 weeks

169 665 21 631 23 737 14 416 15 249 15 257 15 006 24 537 25 754 14 071 6 642 7 741

4 037 1 753 1 073 283 216 155 116 114 195 132 2 495 3 846 4 021 1 743 I 067 283 216 155 116 114 195 132 2 501 3 867

16 10 6 - - - - - - - ... . .. 219 25 33 23 22 24 26 25 21 20 6 271 6 750

14 986 1 178 2 462 1 546 1 382 1 233 1 117 1 925 2 418 1 025 6 182 7 133

42 335 3 887 5 607 4 440 4 215 4 128 3 872 6 576 6 955 2 585 6 714 7 746 19 262 1 819 3 oss 2 511 2 283 2 026 1 546 2 580 2 327 1 115 5 984 6 973

48 11 4 11 10 8 - - - 4 5 i36 2 364 324 647 420 280 163 116 150 14S 119 4 S02

442 37 69 87 79 60 SS 18 14 23 5 3S4 5 S92 1 730 15S 401 303 241 176 93 89 86 186 5 025 s S57

691 72 107 90 69 87 70 75 70 51 6 086 7 000 SOl 42 72 85 64 74 49 44 30 41 s 805 6 415 69S 16 99 116 133 106 63 103 34 25 s 876 6 329 227 28 26 49 31 16 s 23 44 5 s 339 5 550

2 S89 239 377 276 334 297 172 320 392 182 6 231 7 446 3 905 179 330 239 339 368 468 904 883 195 8 065 8 806

160 4 4 5 6 9 - 29 54 49 12 130 13 194 2 159 145 252 284 255 239 234 365 2S9 126 6 600 7 986

903 26 69 136 89 100 78 208 174 23 7 404 8 670 1 099 54 135 172 118 212 91 140 137 40 6 333 6 735

41 10 - - 3 - 5 - 16 1 7 224 317 51 73 47 31 - 29 59 16 11 4 734

297 19 39 21 33 25 24 57 45 34 7 479 7 542 322 15 32 76 48 49 15 22 29 36 5 792 6 513

2 336 464 464 320 279 220 106 255 157 71 4 750 5 737

22 787 2 045 2 SOB 1 902 l 973 2 080 2 287 3 954 4 S92 1 446 7 387 8 286 1 338 98 69 S9 146 153 201 300 301 11 7 716 8 318

769 71 127 90 42 86 141 88 86 38 6 634 7 215 1 017 113 104 90 127 158 213 106 85 21 6 472 7 131 2 922 254 372 342 319 327 272 432 412 192 6 532 7 496

203 29 4S 32 19 11 11 27 24 5 4 859 s 893 S80 SS 129 115 52 54 31 45 6S 34 4 922 6 1S7 733 86 126 96 90 66 44 75 52 98 5 650 6 619

3 383 219 341 290 358 322 372 59B 668 215 7 434 8 231 2 256 366 217 126 124 132 175 377 566 173 7 931 9 308 4 170 248 372 328 262 389 359 926 772 514 8 274 8 920

413 28 23 21 43 37 54 98 78 31 8 010 8 473 3 169 144 174 108 195 207 263 705 1 309 64 9 400 10 037

25 - 4 - - - - 9 - 12 ... ... 1 809 334 405 20S 196 138 151 168 174 38 4 807 5 855

286 23 44 27 29 22 39 42 36 24 6 909 7 735

19 608 1 403 2 350 1 521 1 773 1 911 2 247 3 803 3 703 897 7 377 7 972 3 224 79 19S 126 284 309 583 750 768 130 8 096 B 498

963 93 79 29 95 147 154 188 164 14 7 250 7 781 6 519 471 617 487 539 659 827 1 430 1 073 416 7 588 8 090

394 27 56 25 21 46 51 56 79 33 7 431 8 739 929 40 43 61 70 79 99 244 221 72 8 594 8 930 616 101 18S 53 54 45 44 56 47 31 4 415 6 083

1 S42 96 141 46 135 140 89 301 499 95 8 824 9 472 2 487 92 173 150 277 199 250 602 682 62 8 341 8 647 1 620 154 639 375 175 138 44 54 30 11 4 045 4 275

39 280 6 666 5 651 3 254 3 758 3 274 3 443 4 701 4 959 3 574 6 095 7 318 15 255 1 260 1 665 1 265 1 476 1 353 1 536 2 153 2 496 2 051 7 396 8 104 3 016 295 422 202 334 309 352 407 411 284 6 825 7 429

24 025 5 406 3 986 1 989 2 282 1 921 1 907 2 548 2 463 1 523 5 277 6 832 1 242 140 226 112 157 129 93 165 126 94 5 911 6 879 3 713 747 644 251 376 247 351 476 387 234 5 570 7 179 4 516 1 436 795 390 323 332 353 448 238 201 4 069 6 Q4.4 3 377 310 378 232 356 352 345 456 714 234 7 175 7 816 2 22S 513 483 244 299 166 147 136 162 75 4 477 5 759 1 034 216 197 74 77 75 101 92 70 132 5 390 7 193 1 446 158 193 154 183 162 102 151 190 153 6 216 7 250 2 265 925 424 132 183 128 118 134 130 91 2 979 5 755

707 184 114 33 44 38 24 86 121 63 5 511 a 014 3 500 777 532 367 284 292 273 404 325 246 5 261 6 880

8 395 736 864 528 536 709 666 1 305 1 567 1 484 8 243 9 U2 2 369 163 371 142 189 304 241 357 363 239 7 064 7 939 2 979 123 110 144 174 192 236 626 765 609 9 631 9 991 3 047 450 383 242 173 213 189 322 439 636 7 331 a 805

6 432 165 1 046 559 626 626 464 775 917 554 6 192 7 305 475 53 29 8 11 15 11 97 136 115 10 496 11 689 517 65 39 25 66 35 37 73 69 108 7 770 8 948

1 806 267 335 198 168 213 135 189 229 72 5 613 6 626 3 634 480 643 328 381 363 281 416 483 259 5 961 7 019

4 771 1 162 1 204 367 408 310 300 391 372 257 4 053 5 704 676 355 229 51 25 2 - 14 - - 1 904 2 854

1 504 303 357 92 93 71 82 181 174 151 5 000 7 470 935 146 241 65 120 93 88 66 83 33 5 129 s 996 825 178 175 100 84 55 74 70 58 31 4 595 s 284 831 180 202 59 86 89 56 60 57 42 4 568 5 675

1 275 421 336 91 43 91 55 64 107 67 3 289 4 754

16 793 2 240 2 384 1 146 , 247 1 427 1 205 1 826 2 563 2 755 6 967 • 317 5 171 637 853 486 407 474 341 383 498 1 092 6 427 7 339 4 703 560 678 256 347 500 346 733 801 482 7 030 8 559 1 268 321 266 79 112 69 74 79 172 96 4 595 7 033 2 146 365 294 167 175 205 175 259 340 166 6 351 7 264 3 sos 357 293 158 206 179 269 372 752 919 9 562 1l 393

11 534 595 727 658 953 1 369 1 495 3 032 1 977 728 7 980 1336 2 511 86 109 71 94 207 525 905 411 103 8 361 8 568 3 716 200 208 178 348 536 282 546 931 487 8 388 9 081 4 896 266 325 347 469 601 639 1 536 589 124 7 689 8 045


Table 188. Industry of the Male Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced clvlhan labor force ----------------A1rfcolhore, 1.,.111y, ud lbhorlu _________________ _

Agriculture __________ ------ ________ ---- ________ ---- __ _ forestry and fisheries ----------------------------------


Mlolag ____ ------------------------------------CH1tnoctloo -------- ---- ------ ------------------MHufocturiog ____ ---- -- -- -- __ ---- __________ ----

Durable goods ________ ---- -- ____________ ------ __ ---- __ _ Logging __________________________ ------ ___________ _

Sawmills, planing mllls, and millwork-------------------­Miscelloneous wood products--------------------------Furniture and fixtures __ ------ ____ ---- ________ ---- ___ _ Stone, clay, and glass products ------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products-------­Primary iron and steel Industries -----------------------Primary nonferrous Industries ______ ---- ________ ------ __ Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal __ _ Machinery, except electrical ____ ---- ________ ---- __ -----

Offoce, accounting, and computing machlne•------------Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies ____________ _

Radio, television, and communication equipment ................ .. Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment-------------­Aircroft and parts -------- ------ ---- ----------------­Other transportation equipment ------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches ____ _ Ordnance ........................ -------- .... ---- ................ ---- ........ .. Miscellanea us manufactures and durable goads- allocated __

Nondurable goods ________________________ ---- _________ _

Meat products ------------ ------ --------------------Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __

~~~~~--------------------Other food industries---------------------------------Yarn, thread, and fabric mills _________________________ _ Other textile mill products----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products------------­Paper and allied products ----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries-----------------

Chemicals and allied praduct•-------------------------­Petroleum and coal products -- -- -- -- -- __ -- ---- __ -- -- --­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------Footwear, except rubber __ -- -- -- -- ---- __ ---- ____ ..,_ -- --Other nondurable goads ____ ---------------------------

Nat specified manufacturing Industries ______ ---------------

Tninsportatltn, c•••nnlc1tlon1, 1ad otlilH' puWlc utllftles 1


Roilroads and railway express service---- ____ ---------- ----Street railways and bus lines ---------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-----------------------­Water transportation __ ---- -- -- ---- --------------------­Air transportation ... _ -- ---------- -- -- ---- ---------------­All other transportation __ ------------------------------­Communications ......... __ ------ ---- ---------------- -------Eleclric and gas utilities ________________________________ _ Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ----------

Whot.Hlo od retoA tnid1 ------------------------Wholesale trade ---- __ ---------------------------------

Food and form products ------------------------------Retail trade ________________________________ ---- -- ---- -Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing -­General merchandise stores ...... --------------------------


Food stores------ ..... ----------------------------------Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------ -Apparel and accessories stores .......... -- -- ____ -- .... ---- ...... -- --Furniture, home furnishings, ond equipment stores---------­Eating and drinking places -- ---- ------ ------------ ------Drugstores ________ ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Other retail trade-------------------------------------

Fkt11c1, la111rHc1, u41 ml tstm _________________ _ -Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance ________________________ ........ __ ---- -- -- -- -- -- --Other finance ond reol estate -----------------------------

&Msl1111 11d repair 1tnlcH---------------- ... -------Advertising ____________________________________ --------Commercial research. management, and programing services ........ Automobile services __ ......... __ -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---Other business ond repair services-------------------------

Penn1l 1enlce1 --------------------------------Private households ________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ----Hotels and lodging places -------------------------------­laundering. cleaning, and other garment services------------­Barber and beauty shops-·-------------------------------Other personal services ______ ------------ ---- ......... ---- -- --

Ellhlrtalo•oot Hd ,..,. •• 1orvlc11 ________________ _

Prel111t...I od rolalff 111¥k11 --------------------Health services ---- __ -------- ------ ---------------------Educational services, government--------------------------Educational services, private ............. ------ ..... ----------------We~are, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Pololk umlol1trolloo1 -----------------------------

Postal service ---- __ ------------------------------------Federal public odminlstrotion-------- ------ ---------------­State and local public administration -----------------------

•includes allocated cases not shown separately,


(Dalo based on sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see !ext]

Moles with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $2.000 $4,000 $5.000 $6.000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000 $15,000 Earners yeors old $1,999 lo to to to la ta lo or All worked SO and over or loss $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $7,999 $9,999 $14,999 more tarners to 52 week>

48 956 9 543 13 291 7 139 6 363 4 549 3 012 2 785 1 289 215 4 210 4 852

2 264 1 262 722 88 68 55 37 11 11 3 1 794 2 677 2 264 1 262 722 8B 68 55 37 11 18 3 1 794 2677

- - - - - - - - - - - -67 16 17 13 5 7 9 - - - ... ...

4 914 1 074 1 407 896 619 361 210 216 91 40 3 966 4 645

15 059 2 012 3 817 2 849 2 306 1 545 1 061 887 469 43 4 572 5 140 7 431 1 082 2 188 1 596 1 201 694 2B2 300 56 32 4 279 4 734

33 6 4 11 4 8 - - - -1 471 256 595 335 167 56 39 9 - 14 3 612 4 138

260 12 63 68 57 34 16 10 - - 4 809 4 814 805 103 310 172 159 53 - - - B 3 932 4 443 354 so 91 6B 69 52 14 - 10 - 4 529 5 031 293 33 67 68 64 52 3 - 6 - 4 684 4 932 358 16 67 59 B2 66 33 35 - - 5 451 5 684 114 21 18 49 19 7 - - - - 4 367 ... 839 123 247 181 144 84 42 12 - 6 4 273 4 995

808 Bl 154 72 170 106 7B 124 23 - 5 571 5 930 20 4 4 - 6 - - 6 - -

4 .ii5 649 Bl 160 201 97 61 19 30 - - 4 930 268 6 51 104 47 39 10 11 - - 4 740 s 333 413 44 95 103 53 68 2'I 13 8 - 4 655 5 178 - - - - - - - - - - - -

98 14 36 24 6 - s 13 - - ... ... 27 6 9 10 2 - - - - - ... ... 98 4 26 32 10 26 - - - - ... ...

1 104 265 313 211 162 73 7 54 15 4 3 834 4 476

7 536 986 1 608 1 242 1 081 840 768 587 413 11 4 945 5 616 735 64 49 M 112 124 118 125 99 - 6 794 7 276 333 58 99 78 24 42 27 s - - 4 122 4 542 402 54 70 63 91 36 73 11 4 - 5 154 5 843

1 310 154 314 249 183 158 156 85 11 - 4 751 s 448 105 17 41 26 9 6 6 - - - 3 732 ... 262 38 87 62 26 36 8 5 - - 4 097 4 521 284 30 87 65 51 34 17 - - - 4 385 4 740 977 134 183 16B 203 105 97 71 11 5 5 017 5 606 213 SD 62 53 7 14 24 - 3 - 3 823 4 479

822 106 216 202 132 93 36 27 10 - 4 441 4 891 169 13 19 12 39 32 31 8 15 - 6 047 s 667

1 030 61 105 79 91 100 127 228 239 - 7 622 B 047 - - - - - - - - - - - -

894 207 276 141 113 60 48 22 21 6 3 739 4 417 92 14 21 11 24 11 11 - - - ... ...

6 102 705 1 612 1 055 965 616 517 364 183 15 4 696 5 015 677 39 92 54 175 135 116 50 16 - 5 877 6 140 276 47 55 22 50 36 39 27 - - 5 280 5 944

2 032 188 408 347 299 240 262 209 74 5 5 244 5 538 69 13 33 - 7 6 10 - - - ...

139 14 26 17 32 34 - 9 7 - 5 391 5 786 222 48 96 22 16 19 10 - 11 - 3 313 3 585 143 17 29 18 44 - - 14 16 5 s 170 5 456 569 40 122 101 157 84 42 9 14 - 5 137 5 199

1 336 135 597 358 116 74 21 14 16 5 3 786 4 010

B 537 2 028 2 348 1 493 1 155 665 379 338 90 41 3 908 4 566 3 286 497 853 762 508 303 193 152 9 9 4 385 4 665

877 121 251 132 159 85 B8 32 - 9 4 504 4 835 s 251 1 531 1 495 731 647 362 186 186 Bl 32 3 464 4 463

275 24 121 73 37 6 - 9 5 - 3 876 4 311 783 214 221 89 135 44 30 30 10 10 3 606 4 644

1 125 381 260 119 119 112 53 81 - - 3 396 4 665 475 79 153 107 69 22 10 6 24 5 4 051 4 374 383 98 99 75 60 19 5 7 16 4 3 889 4 612 193 64 79 21 15 7 - - - 7 2 823

5 097 254 19 73 46 43 40 21 3 9 - 4 761 820 371 259 48 64 41 16 10 11 - 2 301 3 531

81 17 22 B 18 - - 16 - - ... 862 264 208 145 87 71 51 24 6 6 3 606 4 597

1 011 178 260 228 108 BO 45 60 41 11 4 296 4 761 187 25 49 47 18 22 7 - 13 6 4 415 4 78'1 226 25 11 51 33 25 20 38 23 - 5 78B 6 531 598 128 200 130 57 33 18 22 5 5 3 710 4 319

1 355 276 431 176 171 165 57 34 32 13 3 863 4 679 13 - - 8 - - 5 - - - ... ... 33 10 6 12 - - - 5 - - ...

4 59:2 493 99 148 69 57 88 23 4 s - 3 993 816 167 277 87 114 77 2'I 25 27 13 3 740 4 852

1 926 702 777 139 127 53 34 59 14 21 2 672 3 208 587 306 215 41 18 2 - 5 - - 1 918 2 738 435 162 184 19 26 12 - 27 - 5 2 603 3 198 320 72 153 34 33 10 13 - - s 3 150 3 686 199 62 80 21 13 - s 12 6 - 2 938 3 130 385 100 145 24 37 29 16 15 8 11 3 276 3 442

410 134 175 69 28 28 21 5 20 - 3211 3 815

4 282 800 1 272 525 400 416 293 371 177 28 4 131 4 512 1 387 275 482 246 110 140 SS 33 30 13 3 737 4 330 1 405 198 335 111 96 174 117 279 91 4 5 609 s 136

380 93 142 41 47 14 10 17 16 - 3 366 3 741 644 153 198 83 69 54 53 17 12 5 3 707 4 178 466 81 115 44 78 34 SS 25 28 6 4 841 5 596

2 959 286 453 3118 411 488 419 440 154 - 6 044 6 503 998 56 56 35 45 130 284 298 94 - 7 623 7 779

1 109 133 126 127 245 302 72 64 40 - 5 688 6 061 675 85 210 114 93 50 37 70 16 - 4 373 4 802

ARKANSAS 5 - 735

Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



bperitllCH civilian labor force -----------------Alric•"-· fonslly, aid lh .. rlo, __________________ _

Agriculture __ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- --Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlalot ---- ------------------ ------------------

CH1tnttlcNI -------------.. ---- __ .. ______________ _

···'·"""""------------ -- -- ------ ---------- ---Durobi. goods __ ----------------------------------------

Logging ____ -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ____________________ _ Miscelloneou1 wood products---------------------·----­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primory nonferrous industries .... ________ .... ____ ............ ____ _ Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, except e~trical -------------------.. ·-------Offace, accounting, and computing machines .............. _____ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and suppli., ---------- ___ _ Radio, television. ond c.ommunication equipment_ ................ ..

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipmen'--------------­Aircroft ond parts -----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment -------------------------Professional and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods __________________ ---- ______ ------ ____ _ Meat products ____________ ---- -------------- ____ -----Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products __ ---- ____ ---- __ ---- __ ----------------Other food industries---------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill produc1s-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Poper and allied products ------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied industries _________________ _

Chemicals ond allied products -- __ -----------------------Petroleum and cool products ____________ ---- ____ -- __ ----Rubber and miscellaneous plosHc products---------------­Footwear~ exctpt rubber-------.. -----------------------Other nondurable goods ________ -------------------- ___ _

Not specifted m anufocturing indus1ries •• ____ -- -- -- ... -- __ ----

Trm11portttloa, C•••••k•tiH1, Hll o~r publk utftftlt•' _ Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street roifways and bus lines ----------------------------­Tmcking service and warehousing -----------------------... -Water transportotion _,.. .... _______________________________ _

Air transportation ____ ---------- __ ------ __ ---------------All other lronsportotian ____________ ---------------- ------Communications -- -- ________ ------------------------ ___ _ Electric and gos utilities----------------------------------Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities _________ .. _

WholeHlt .. t11 ntal trff• -----------------------.-­Whalesole trade ---- -- ---- ------ -----------------------­

Food and form products-------------------------------Retail trade ____ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- ----

Hardware, form equipm-ent, and building material retailing __ _ General merchandise stores ________ ---------------- ____ _ food stores _______ .. __________ ---- ____ ------------ ___ _ Mota.r vehicles ond accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparef and aci:essories stores ... ------ __ ----------------f11rniture, home furnishlngs

1 ond equipment stores _________ _

Eoting and drinking places_ _____________ -------- __ ------Drugstores -------- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -------- --------Other retail trade ______ ---------- ____ ----------------_

fluact, it1.,.11C1, ucl n•I utote ___________ .. ______ _ Banking and crodit agencies __ ---- __ ·--· -- ----------------lnsu ranee ______ -- -- __ ---- __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----Other finance and real estate-----------------------------

lodHJI nd repol< ""lcH------------------------Advertislng ---- ------ ------ ------------ -- -------- -- ----Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services .......... -----------------------·- .. -------Other business and repair services __________ -- ---- __ -- ---- _

PenMol 1ervlct1 --------------------------------Private households ______ ------ ____________ ... ________ ----

Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering, cleaning, and oth~r garment servk:es ___________ ,._ Barbor and beauty shops--------------------------------­Other personal services----------------------------------

btertalo•ett""" rocrtotloti """""----------------­

PNltodoul o..i nlahtl mvlcts --------------------Health services ---------------- ---- ---- -------------- ---Educational services, government---------- ...... ------------­Educational services, private-----------------------------­WeJfore. religtou.s, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services---------------------

hWlc ••bfnllH• -----------------------------Po•tal service __ -- -- -- ------ -- -- ____ -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ----Fedora! public administration _____________________________ _

State and local public administration-----------------------

'Includes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Females with earnings In 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4.000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners years old $499 to to to to to to to 10 or All worked SO and over or loss $999 $1,999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6.999 $9,999 more e<1rners to 52 weeks

238 096 22 753 22 091 37 884 36 419 47 090 30 195 19 363 10 953 8 363 2 985 2 997 3 711

4 825 1 159 597 856 785 678 294 192 67 95 102 1 767 3 086 4 658 I 159 597 B26 74B 653 273 161 49 90 102 I 694 3 032

167 - - 30 37 25 21 31 lB 5 - 3 660 4 433

396 5 5 27 38 55 125 45 33 49 14 4 544 4 U6

2 043 117 80 185 222 433 320 264 170 174 78 3 964 4 744

61 104 2 940 3 420 7 011 9 508 19 411 12 473 4 000 1 608 1 131 302 3 413 3 944 24 760 941 1 191 2 529 3 449 7 561 5 727 1 9B2 707 505 168 3 565 4 077

136 4 13 15 36 29 14 21 - 4 - 3 000 975 61 60 B7 163 294 150 54 47 25 34 3 396 3 909 368 27 41 37 78 91 67 5 5 - 17 3 Oil 3 629

2 B99 65 160 305 4B2 952 661 16B 53 39 14 3 460 3 905 355 JO 33 50 51 75 67 40 15 9 5 3 447 4 306 92 - 10 21 16 3 24 5 4 4 5 ... ... 69 - 5 - - 20 23 11 5 - 5 ... di<i 412 9 IQ 20 51 57 126 3B 31 65 5 4 46B

1 418 32 65 JIB 154 530 375 76 35 23 JO 3 642 4 037 1 461 37 90 142 255 330 376 154 47 14 16 3 626 4 328

400 II 6 39 53 103 103 66 II 2 6 3 BB3 4 489 7 610 27B 253 766 938 2 343 I 971 646 217 17B 20 3 670 4 191 2 529 58 52 274 376 749 580 193 121 122 4 3 674 4 334

268 6 lB 27 63 4B 76 14 5 11 - 3 417 3 921 101 - - - 7 11 32 34 5 12 - 5 015

3 949 656 15 65 59 91 214 13B 43 - 21 10 3 45B 3 237 155 190 394 506 1 120 69B 121 32 16 5 3 333 3 B21 I 61B 43 34 128 134 406 314 349 153 4B 9 4 204 4 901 3 177 199 154 3BI 440 1 041 639 20B 57 40 IB 3 39B 3 B21

36 554 1 969 2 223 4 424 5 951 II 665 6 677 2 003 901 607 134 3 31B 3 B68 4 091 225 241 671 72B I 305 685 141 45 35 15 3 13B 3 741 2 021 145 254 342 3JO 444 404 52 18 49 3 2 869 4 023

401 36 27 36 25 B4 93 80 8 12 - 3 911 4 753 715 13 96 95 85 156 153 41 41 30 5 3 439 4 215 517 25 21 26 66 142 173 42 6 9 7 3 B49 4 380

I 360 27 60 JS5 159 441 40B lOB 22 - - 3 67B 4 164 12 553 640 782 I 57B 2 294 4 663 1 B27 517 154 70 28 3 211 3 670 1 533 75 3B J3B 125 264 322 257 190 120 4 4 393 5 002 2 866 170 159 29B 322 923 509 232 lOB 103 42 3 524 3 92B I 292 32 • 37 55 137 441 250 142 113 74 11 3 B73 4 317

126 - - 11 4 30 37 9 IB 17 - 4 4B6 4 635 1 152 71 57 148 171 290 305 4B 3B lB 6 3 445 4 223 5 7B2 32B 261 586 1 124 I 884 I 212 227 103 47 10 3 314 3 B39 2 145 182 190 305 401 598 299 107 37 23 3 2 9B6 3 650

490 30 6 5B JOB IB5 69 15 - 19 - 3 232 3 648

6 915 298 460 615 589 1 173 1 370 1 393 505 394 118 4 235 4 848 241 - 20 22 11 30 24 2B 35 56 15 5 482 6 654 359 53 72 85 49 46 23 15 5 - II 1 641 3 389 844 51 90 84 74 150 165 110 47 56 17 3 B20 4 524

38 6 - - 17 - 10 5 - - - ... 129 11 9 5 - 10 10 21 17 46 - 5 929 173 15 14 24 43 24 II 26 II 5 - 2 779 3 875

3 253 87 162 274 291 484 693 793 261 151 57 4 474 5 034 I 187 45 46 51 40 250 295 2B3 94 65 18 4 547 4 844

379 10 23 52 49 85 104 40 6 10 - 3 653 4 100

46 076 5 333 5 406 9 280 • 963 8 286 4 150 2 066 932 948 712 2 337 3 274 3 940 255 289 439 587 B60 717 382 134 164 113 3 465 4 177 I 216 110 109 154 209 276 198 91 4 39 26 3 094 3 868

42 136 5 078 5 117 8 841 B 376 7 426 3 433 I 684 798 7B4 599 2 243 3 173 I 143 37 75 169 213 267 229 94 19 31 9 3 290 3 727 B 999 948 1 020 I 573 1 878 I 999 B27 366 125 177 86 2 510 3 346 5 741 593 58B 1 297 1 OOB 1 026 508 376 158 105 82 2 3B9 3 220 1 428 47 91 142 IB4 316 318 144 B2 70 34 3 791 4 425

504 66 40 63 122 72 55 44 24 7 11 2 680 3 500 3 516 335 278 730 822 772 272 84 41 80 102 2 505 3 168 I 168 103 102 193 195 216 160 86 36 32 45 2 954 3 855

II 469 2 09B I 953 3 118 2 377 I 088 310 210 92 114 109 1 540 2 433 I 955 147 255 342 490 502 147 14 23 20 15 2 477 3 103 6 213 704 715 1 214 1 087 I 168 607 266 198 148 106 2 436 3 300

10 708 292 451 1 111 1 102 2 642 2 414 1 407 667 420 202 3 908 4 394 5 356 J02 167 458 474 I 524 1 382 719 306 IB5 39 3 969 4 360 3 025 72 153 332 312 594 708 436 221 136 61 4 070 4 564 2 327 118 131 321 316 524 324 252 140 99 102 3 530 4 158

2 192 248 257 394 432 618 398 253 136 84 72 3 186 3 913 86 10 5 5 9 17 B 18 4 5 5

430 43 40 64 54 60 52 3B 50 19 10 3 233 4 833 367 23 lB 30 41 I 69 73 56 28 10 19 4 034 4 323

2 009 172 194 295 328 472 265 141 54 50 3B 3 033 3 6B6

27 679 6 990 5 587 7 222 3 805 1 983 945 487 189 282 119 1 175 1 757 13 891 4 977 3 BOO 3 B55 905 IB6 67 18 22 42 19 759 1 129 3 592 556 542 910 783 412 179 80 50 40 40 I 767 2 473 2 851 252 273 703 966 362 140 49 39 36 31 2 204 2 578 4 369 448 492 1 018 834 715 370 276 52 100 64 2 272 3 008 2 976 757 480 736 317 30B 189 64 26 64 35 1 341 1 914

1 240 191 200 270 178 206 58 85 10 31 11 1 848 3 231

66 180 4 699 5 251 10 198 10 121 10 256 6 372 8 290 5 995 3 939 1 059 3 275 3 790 26 070 I 177 1 698 3 608 5 936 6 141 3 276 1 376 1 204 1 254 400 3 100 3 596 24 089 I 618 1 765 3 590 2 302 1 799 I 65B 5 094 3 815 2 012 436 4 585 5 101 6 5BI 783 911 I 551 829 492 393 737 473 301 Ill 2 055 3 500 3 860 531 397 616 373 778 375 499 155 114 22 3 017 3 646 5 580 590 480 833 681 1 046 670 584 348 258 90 3 197 3 963

7 338 481 377 715 676 1 349 1 276 881 641 816 126 4 056 4 764 1 140 99 67 141 129 155 127 BO B9 232 21 3 865 4 821 2 613 225 151 269 153 323 293 411 313 406 69 4 633 5 68B 3 358 1'2 123 279 376 849 81B 357 210 16B 36 3 894 4 358


Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued


Experienced clvlHan labor force -----------------A1ricattan, forestry, Hd fl1Mrlt1 __ .. _______________ _

Agriculture -- -- -- __ -- ______ -- __ ---- __ .... __ .... -------- ___ _ Forestry and fisheries ____________ ------ ________________ _

Mlohot ---- __ ------ ------------ ------------ ----

(H11Twctloa ...................................................................... ..

Muofochlrlot---- ____ ---- __ ---- ______________ ---

~ro~~~S- - - - --- - - ---- - - - - ----Logging __________________________________ ---- ------ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork ____________________ _

Miscellaneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, cloy, and glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, ond plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ---------------------.. --Primary nonferrous industries .................................... ---------Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery. except electrical ---- ____ ---- __ ---- ---- _____ _ Office, accounting, and computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment---------­

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment---------------Aircrofl and ports ________________ ---- ---------- _____ _ Other tronsrorlation equipment -------------------------Professiona and photographic equipment. and watches _____ _ Ordnance __________ ---- _____________________________ _

Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

NaM~~a:~~3:~t~s :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: :::: ::: Canning and preserving produce, seafoods. and beverages __ _ Bakery products ______________ ---- ---- ____________ ----

Other food industries---------------------------------­Yorn, thread, and fabric mills---------------------------Other textile mill products _____________________________ _ Apparel and other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ----------------Footwear, except rubber ____ ------ -------------- -------Other nondurable goods •• ____ --------------------------

Not specified manufacturing industries----------------------

Traa1portet5o1, com1aualcottoa1, ••d other puWlc utilhle11 _ Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing ------------------------­Water transportation __ ---------------- __ ----------------Air transportation ____ ---- __ ---- ____ ---------------------

~::~~~i~~~~5ts0~~·~~~ :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: Electric and gos utilities---------------------------------­Woter supply, sanitary services, and other utilities ---------- ..

w•oltisaJ. Gld nit•• tnlle ------------------------­Wholesale trade ---- __ ------ ---- __ -- ---- ---------------­

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade __ ------ __ ------ ------------ ------------ ----

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores ____ -------------------------Fa~ mres ____________________ _

Motor vehicles and accessories retailing------------------Gasoline service stations ____________________________ -- _

Apparel and accessories stares--------------------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places ______ ---- ________ ---- _______ _

Drugstores -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ----Other retail trade-------------------------------------

flHeca, ll.sun1<11

ud NOi t1tate __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance •• ____ ---- ____ ---- ______ ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

IHl1es1 utl n,.tr 1enlctl------------------------Advertising __________ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- --Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services ------ __ ------ -----------------------Other business and repair services ______ ... __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Penuel 1trvlct1 -- .. -----------------------------Private households ________________ ---- __ ---- .. _____ -- -- --Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shops--------------------.. ------------Other personal services __________________ ------ __ ---- -- __

hhlrhllo• .............. 1o1 ·-"-----------------

Pnftuleul aH nletetl 1ervlc11 --------------------Health services ------------------ -----------------------Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, private-----------------------------­We~ore, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Polllk Ml•lolatrotloo• ----------------------------­Postal service -------- -------- --------------------------Federal public odministrotion ____ ---- ---- __ ---- ---- -- -- ----State and local public administration -----------------------

'includes ollocoted cases not shown separately.


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text)

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 lo $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4.000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners years old $499 to to to to to to ta to or All worked 50 and over or loss $999 $1,999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners to 52weeks

37 683 7 106 5 645 8 296 6 404 4 881 2 101 1 586 903 587 174 1 734 2 404

859 550 11 96 52 52 3 9 5 5 6 390 2 300 8S9 550 81 96 52 52 3 9 s 5 6 390 2 300

- - - - - - - - - - - - -14 - - 5 - 5 - 4 - - - ... ...

213 50 16 40 24 40 28 4 5 6 - 2 021 ... 1 217 571 535 959 1 560 2 339 886 283 93 38 23 3 001 3 548 3 920 267 204 504 806 1 194 622 227 58 27 11 3 150 3 673

2S 4 9 2 - 4 - 6 - - -329 28 30 24 83 112 25 4 6 6 11 2 994 3 516 119 22 13 18 46 lS s - - - - 2 141 ... 409 20 28 68 117 108 65 - 3 - - 2 756 3 219

24 - - - 4 13 7 - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

40 - - - - 21 12 - 7 - - ... ... 108 6 12 19 10 46 12 3 - - - 3 152 ... 84 - 7 36 25 6 6 4 - - - ... ... 15 - - 9 - 6 - - - - -

1 062 SS 47 148 208 387 173 35 - 9 - 3 189 3 725 615 23 33 73 149 203 113 12 - 9 - 3 145 3 851

20 - 4 - - 9 7 - - - - ... . .. 13 - - - 7 - - - - 6 - ... ... 40 5 3 11 6 4 11 - - - -

3 200 711 40 21 85 156 267 116 21 5 - - 3 628 548 32 15 39 56 131 106 131 32 6 - 4 009 4 722 388 SS 15 54 88 71 77 23 5 - - 2 79S 3 330

3 268 286 331 443 731 1 104 259 56 35 11 12 2 785 3 426 445 61 60 57 84 147 31 5 - - - 2 530 3 470 122 10 23 18 30 19 11 - 4 7 - 2 333 ... 36 10 - 9 - 10 4 3 - - - ...

119 3 19 25 26 23 15 - 8 - - 2 481 ... 38 4 - - - 5 22 - - - 7 ... ... 79 6 2 10 13 33 8 7 - - -

1 380 93 121 168 353 506 112 13 14 - - 2 873 3 389 106 - 10 25 24 34 4 - 9 - - 2 750 ... 198 33 14 20 31 85 10 - - - 5 3 012 ... 130 10 6 13 21 57 12 7 - 4 - 3 263 ...

6 - - - - 6 - - - - - ... ... 164 17 16 26 40 49 13 3 - - - 2 575 ... 187 12 21 28 68 47 11 - - - - 2 478

3 .47i 258 27 39 44 41 83 6 18 - - - 2 463 99 18 - 12 23 41 5 - - - - ... ...

406 54 47 45 74 84 67 13 4 8 10 2 770 3 674 9 - - - - - 4 - - 5 - ... ...

42 11 - 8 6 17 - - - - - ... ... 62 6 15 16 10 4 11 - - - - ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -9 s - - - 4 - - - - - ... . ..

32 - 2 3 13 7 - 7 - - -3 :i.i:i

... 169 11 20 18 28 31 44 - 4 3 10 ... 39 7 4 - 4 10 8 6 - - - ... ...

7 4 - - 3 - - - - - - ... ... 4 000 666 664 1 135 918 392 99 53 28 14 31 1 590 2 311

221 27 14 62 40 37 19 13 - 9 - 2 188 3 288 89 5 4· 30 9 17 19 5 - - - ...

3 779 639 650 1 073 878 355 80 40 28 5 31 1 560 2 296 24 - - 15 - 5 4 - - - -

2 006 2 735 313 51 38 67 84 67 - - - - 6 386 75 94 104 72 10 6 10 - - 15 l 231 1 866

53 4 4 21 16 5 3 - - - - ... . .. 19 - - - 5 5 - 4 5 - - ...

152 6 - 45 46 36 6 4 4 - 5 2 543 ... 69 9 s 6 33 11 - - 5 - - ...

2 264 422 408 653 529 171 53 12 6 5 5 l 462 2 199 40 10 10 5 15 - - - - - - ...

459 62 91 157 78 45 a 10 a - - 1 487 2 156

430 36 46 120 56 82 24 36 16 10 4 2 232 2 917 155 10 29 50 20 25 5 13 3 - - l 770 1 935 128 10 10 18 16 23 10 18 13 10 - 3 435 ... 147 16 7 52 20 34 9 5 - - 4 l 971 ... 149 23 7 26 44 11 23 6 9 - - 2 420 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10 - - - 6 - 4 - - - - ... ... 37 s - 11 4 6 5 6 - - - ...

102 18 7 15 34 5 14 - 9 - - 2 324 ... 13 209 4 075 3 212 3 885 1 372 397 130 48 5 62 23 194 1 324 9 623 3 395 2 693 2 766 564 109 38 9 5 25 19 763 1 119 1 048 149 147 362 293 75 18 4 - - - l 630 2 033

801 59 56 228 321 86 34 17 - - - 2 179 2 520 318 56 56 104 56 23 11 5 - 7 - l 452 1 457

1 419 416 260 425 138 104 29 13 - 30 4 l 079 1 546

200 34 29 50 26 50 7 - - 4 - 1 740 ... 10 217 939 930 1 860 2 187 1 316 747 1 096 705 420 77 2 644 2 172

4 128 211 251 667 1 546 877 307 119 70 52 8 2 592 2 775 3 969 359 385 744 376 154 314 730 539 311 57 3 782 4 563 1 080 167 139 218 151 70 79 145 63 42 6 2 106 3 750

369 73 44 95 39 60 25 21 6 6 - I 711 1 980 731 129 111 116 75 155 22 Bl 27 9 6 2 127 2 852

639 108 78 75 91 113 87 34 33 20 - 2 643 3 753 40 4 11 3 5 - - 6 5 6 -

2 965 4 306 306 54 24 37 42 39 54 28 18 10 -257 40 28 35 33 74 33 - 10 4 - 2 773 3 423

ARKANSAS 5 - 737

Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970-Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More

THE STATE-Continued

Persons of Spanish Language

Experienced civilian labor forte

Agric111h1..-.. , fon1try, and fisheries .. ------------------Agriculture ___ ., ________ ------ ____ ---- ------------ __ ----Forestry an.d fisheries ----..------------ .................................... ..

Milll•t ---- -- ---·-- -- -----··· __ ---- -------- ---·

Construcflo• -------- __ -------- ............ ------ ------

M 11•f•cturie9 .... -- ..... -- -- .-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Durable goods __ ----------·----- ______ ------------------

Logging ---- ---- __ •. ---- __ --·------- ____ •• ____ ------. Sawmills, planing rnills, ond millworL. __________________ _ Miscellaneo1Jis wood :products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Ston•, clay, and gloss products ----------------------·--

Cement. concrete,, and plaster products--------­Primary kon and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______ ---------------------Fabricaled metal industries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery. except electrical ----------------------------Office, accounting, ond computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies--------------Radio, television, ond communication equipment_ ________ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ _____________ _ Aircraft and parts ------------------------------------Other transportation equipment ________ -------- ___ ., ____ _ Professional and photographic equipment, and watches,.. ____ _ Ordnarice __ -- ____ -- -- __ -- -- ____________ ---- ____ ,.. ____ _ Miscellaneous manufactures and durable gaods-allocoted __ _

Nondurable goads •. __ ---- •.•• __ ---- ______ ------ ________ _ Meo! products ________ •• ________ ------ ______ ------ __ _ Canning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products •• ______ •• ____ •. ______ -------- •• ------Other food industries----------------------------------Yarn, thread. and fabric mills __________________________ _

Other l•xtile mill products-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing. publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied product•--------------------------­Pelroleum and cool products----------------------------Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products ____ ,.. __________ _ Footwear, except rubber------------------- ... ----------­Other nondurable goads __ -- ---- __ ---- --·------- __ ---- __

Nat specified manufacturing industries __________ ,.. __________ _

Trt111sportotlon, nmmunlcatlons, and other public utilftles1 _ Railroads and rnilway express service _____________________ _ Street railways and bus lines ----------------- ... ----------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------Water transportation ____________________ ---- ______ ------Air tronsporto ti on ...... ____________ ..... __ ------------ ________ _

~~:~~~ 1~~~i;~5o~~a-t~o-~ :: :: == =~ == ====== :::::: :::: :: ====== Electric and gos utilities ____ -- -- __ -- -- ____ ---- ________ -- --Waler supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Whole11lt 1nd retail trade-------------------------Wholesale trade ---- ______ •. -- -- -- -- ____ ---- ·--- ____ -- __

Food and form products -.------------------------------Retail trade __ -- ________________ ... - ________________ ------Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing __ _ General merchandise stores-- -- -- -- -- ____ ------ ____ -- -- _ Food stores -- -- __ -- -- -- ... - -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- ---- ----Molar vehicles and accessories retailing __ ------ _________ _ Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel ond accessories stores--------------------------Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ______ ----Eating and drinking places------------------------------0.rugstores __________ ------ __ ---- ____ ------ __ --------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

Fi11111ce, huutt11ir:e, and real estate __________________ _

Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------lnsu ranee ______ ---- __ ---- -- -- __ -- -- ____ ---- ___________ _ Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

.. luslneu Hd repair strvlces ---------------- ------ __ Adverl1s1ng ____ ---- __ ---- __ -- __ ------ __ -------- ___ .. ___ _ Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services ________ -- ---- -- ---------- __ ------ __ _ Olher business and repair services-------------------------

Pern1111I strvlct:s --------------------------------Private households ____ ------ •. __ --·----- ----------------Hot•ls and lodging places --------------------------------Laundering. cleoning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber and beauty shops--------------------------------­Olher personal services----------------------------------

E•tertaiR•tnt mnd ncrtatlon servk11 ________________ _

Prohulo11I an4 related services _________ ., _________ _ Health servkes -- __________ ------------ __ ---------- -----Educational services, government--------------------------Ed1Jcationol services, private ______________________________ _ Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professlonoi and related services---- __ ---------------

P•bllc .c1 .• 11111tntloft I ------ ---- -- -- ---------- -----

Postal service __ ---- __ ---- ------ _,. ------ ------------ ----Federal pubfic administrction _ ... ___________ .. _______________ _ Slate -and local public administration-----------------------

11ncludes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Dato based on sample, see text. For minirnum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Total, 16 years aid ond over


35 28 7

239 138



2B 9

7 30

101 7

14 8

12 28





16 12

120 14


13 12 5

15 55 6

43 15 20 8



55 22 7


327 136 101 50 16 24

50 4

41 5

$1 to $499

or loss


12 7

25 7

11 7



$500 ta



9 9

21 6







15 7

20 6 7


6 14 5 7

$1.000 ta



11 11

39 2B

9 9





6 16

48 26 22

Females with earnings in 1969

$2,000 to



42 23







48 19 15 B

$3,000 ta



87 55



32 7

7 12

35 B


9 lB



72 47

B 11 6

$4,000 to



30 11





47 22

7 13

$5,000 to



6 6

15 B 7



16 3


15 4


$6,000 to




14 7 7

$7,000 ta



25 5


$10,000 or


Median earnings (dollars)

All earners

3 069

3 063 3 091

3 016

2 385

l 909

3 146 3 340 2 767

Earners worked 50

to 52 weeks

3 989

3 509

4 191


Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced clvlHan labor force ----------------­

Agricutnre, fore1try, and fisheries-------------------Agriculture ____________ -- -- __________ ---- ______ ------ .....

Forestry and fisheries -----------------------------------

Ml•lll1 -- -- -- -- ------ __ ---- -· -- ____ -· __ ------ __

Co•stnfction ------------ __ ---- ------ ------------Mo1n1facturiag .... .... ____ .... ____ ---- .... ____ .... ________ _

Durable goods _________________________________________ _

Logging -- -- ---- -------------------------------- ___ _ -Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork---------------------Miscelloneous wood products ............ __ .... ________ ------ __ _ Furniture and fixtures -------------- .. -----------------­Stone. clay. and glass products -----------.. -------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, ond plaster products--------­Primary 1ron and steel industries -----·------------------Primary nonferrous industries ______ ------ ____ ,. ________ _ -Fobricoted metal industries, Including not specified metal ----Machinery, except electrical ---- _______________________ _

Office. accounting. and computing machines ____________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _

Rodia, television. and communication equipment _________ _ Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equiprnenL ____________ _ -Aircraft and parts ______________ ---- -- ____________ ----

Other transrortation equipment-------------------------Professiona and photographic equipment, and watches ...... __ _ Ordnance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -~ -- ---- -- ..... -- -- -- --Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods- allocated __ _

Nondurable goods ______ -·---- -- ---- --·--- ---------------Meat products ---- __ -·-· ------ ·- --·--- ---------------Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ Bakery products-----------------------· •• ------------Other food industries-----------·---------------------­Yorn, thread, ond fobric mills---------------------------Other textile mill products ______________ ---- ___________ _ Apporel ond other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Poper and allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products-------··-----------------­Petroleum and cool praducts---------------------------­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber------------ .. -----------------­Other nondurable goods __ ------------------------------

Not specified manufocturing industries _____________________ _

Tre11port•tlo1, co••unlc•tlons, .ad etller public utUlties1 ... Railroads and railway express service----------------.-----­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing---------- .. --------------Water transportation ____ -- ________ ---- -- ---- __ ----------Air transportation ... ___________________ -- ____________ -- __ _

~~:~~~i~~~iasris0~0 .. t~:~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: =~== Electric ond gas utilities------·-·- -- ---· -· -------- -------­Water supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholesale 1111 ntaU trade-------------------.. -----Wholesale trade __ ---- __ ---- ______ ---------------- ------

Food and farm products -------------------------------Retail trade ____________ -· -----· ··---·------ ------ ------

Hardware, farm equipment, and building material retailing --­General merchandise stores .... ---------- -- ---------------Food stores------ __ ---- __ -·--------------------------Mato~ vehicle.sand o.ccessaries retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel ond accessories stores .. -------------------------Furniture, home furnishings. and equipment stores _________ _ Eoting and drinking places-----------·------------------Drugstores ____ -- -- -- .. _____ -- -------- ------ -- --------Other retail trade-------------------------------------

FIH•t•, ll1urt11ce, 1111 nel estefw __________________ _ Banking and credit agencies -------------·----------------Insurance ..... -- ..... -- -- -- -- .,.._ -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- ...... -- --Other finance and real estate -----------------------------

lu1lu11 ••ti rep1lr 11rvkH------------------------Advertislng ______ -· __ ------ -- --------------------------Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services __ ------------------------ ----------­Other business and repair services-------------------------

Pm•••l 1ervfco1 ... ----------------------- ... -------Private households -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -­Hotels and lodging places -----·-------------------------­Laundering, cleaning, and other garment servlc•S---·--------­Barber and beauty shop•------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ------- -­Other personal servlc••----------------------------------

hterhllR•ent 11d ncrt1t1tlon 1ervkH----------------­

PrGf111lott•I 11d rtMtff strvkts --------------------Heolth services ---- __ -----------------· -- -·---------·---Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, private-----------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations---­Other professional and related services---------------------

Public d•lolstnrtlo•' -----------------------------Postal service -------- __ --------------------------------Federal public administration __ -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- ---- -- -­Stole and local public administration -----------------------

11ncludes allocated coses not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Females with earnings in 1969 Medion earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $500 $1.000 $2.000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners years old $499 to le lo to lo to to to or All worked 50 and over or loss $999 $1.999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners lo 52 weeks

48 249 3 181 3 419 6 213 5 981 9 844 7 435 4 907 3 250 3 196 123 3 541 4 196

226 23 22 18 33 53 6 31 15 15 10 3 321 3 774 226 23 22 18 33 53 6 31 15 15 10 3 321 3 774 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

57 - - - 5 5 16 - 10 11 10 ... ... 631 11 17 20 69 96 52 150 89 92 35 5 337 5 665

9 196 367 376 995 1 157 2 756 2 027 737 401 325 55 3 618 4 076 6 191 223 248 702 824 1 941 1 411 434 206 166 36 3 566 3 987

5 - - - - - - 5 - - - ... ... 49 - 6 3 14 18 3 - - - 5 ... ... 39 - - 10 6 23 - - - - - ... ...

470 4 27 49 69 218 72 16 11 4 - 3 394 3 608 80 - - - 15 31 13 10 6 - 5 ... ... 15 - - - 10 - - - - - 5 ... ... 12 - - - - 6 6 - - - - ... ... 77 5 5 - 7 17 10 9 B 16 - ... ...

141 - - 5 10 43 41 15 15 12 - 4 305 4 538

167 6 5 14 27 27 64 12 - - 12 4 070 4 306 21 - - 5 - 10 - - - - 6 ...

1 968 66 43 229 185 497 496 205 114 124 9 3 928 4 452 1 070 23 25 134 102 182 267 131 101 101 4 4 258 5 047

3 - 3 - - - - - - - - ... -5 - - - - - - - 5 - - ... ...

235 - 4 28 37 68 70 28 - - - 3 713 4 125 2 396 116 142 297 364 853 495 92 22 10 5 3 327 3 780

36 - - - 10 15 11 - - - - ... ... 508 26 13 67 80 125 130 42 25 - - 3 544 3 718

2 887 131 122 276 316 766 603 303 195 156 19 3 781 4 297 81 5 5 - 16 16 26 4 5 4 - ... ... 20 - - - - 9 11 - - - - ... ...

103 10 6 4 3 17 21 32 4 6 - 4 548 ... 104 - 13 16 4 25 15 5 10 11 s 3 760 ...

17 - - - - 6 - - 6 5 - ... . .. 41 - 2 - 10 19 - - 10 - - ...

949 27 32 82 136 373 181 63 23 26 6 3 529 3 818 184 19 - 29 5 31 51 21 17 11 - 4 157 4 510 646 40 32 73 67 95 131 84 57 59 8 4 122 4 705

195 - - 5 22 25 22 44 48 29 - 5 534 6 083 6 - - 6 - - - - - - - ... ...

66 - 3 5 - 8 38 9 3 - - ... ... 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - ... ...

470 30 29 56 53 142 102 41 12 5 - 3 472 4 054 118 13 6 17 17 49 13 - - 3 - 3 122 ...

2 069 84 124 124 161 263 423 436 189 220 45 4 658 5 209 90 - - 5 6 8 16 11 20 24 - ...

110 15 23 17 24 14 12 5 - - - 2 000 ... 186 16 22 6 25 10 42 21 16 25 3 4 333 4 811 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

70 - 4 - - 4 - 15 12 35 - ... ... 55 - 3 5 17 3 6 5 11 5 -

1 146 24 53 72 79 129 260 293 93 110 33 4 831 5 313 211 24 - 6 - 44 68 27 22 11 9 4 463 4 770

71 - 4 5 10 5 14 17 6 10 - ... ... 9 123 640 842 1 326 1 484 2 111 1 264 668 336 274 178 3 128 3 787 1 358 69 73 106 164 267 300 205 69 74 31 4 000 4 513

236 17 17 26 25 55 44 30 - 16 6 3 600 4 410 7 765 571 769 1 220 1 320 1 844 964 463 267 200 147 3 001 3 656

130 6 - 19 9 29 30 21 11 5 - 4 067 2 105 136 188 275 305 639 286 126 58 56 36 3 232 3 701

958 65 63 166 154 164 109 137 59 29 12 3 189 4 229 298 4 5 27 23 77 100 21 14 14 13 4 130 4 511

59 - 23 7 10 3 - 5 - 4 7 697 45 46 118 117 193 111 21 11 17 18 3 117 3 674 271 9 24 36 59 53 28 24 13 11 14 3 142 4 760

1 482 189 212 334 319 234 72 53 36 14 19 2 019 2 884 358 24 31 47 41 162 35 - 10 8 - 3 222 3 476

1 407 93 177 191 283 290 193 55 55 42 28 2 857 3 460

3 567 96 97 359 312 721 805 636 323 159 59 4 247 4 795 1 196 27 31 119 86 267 275 217 108 52 14 4 247 4 761 1 566 40 40 159 119 288 390 307 149 65 9 4 351 4 793

805 29 26 81 107 166 140 112 66 42 36 3 961 4 886

1 124 61 92 173 175 179 151 138 67 62 19 3 302 4 470 24 5 - - - - 8 6 - 5 - ... ...

144 11 18 15 16 4 20 17 24 19 - 4 400 ... 102 - 7 - 11 24 12 25 17 6 - 4 750 854 52 67 158 148 151 111 90 26 32 19 3 013 4 149

4 673 903 776 1 192 799 422 278 127 82 78 16 1 552 2 154 1 778 524 409 528 234 57 - 10 - 12 4 946 1 450

569 46 113 153 126 44 49 17 15 - 6 1 820 2 441 564 37 36 80 177 128 59 14 20 13 - 2 729 3 115 792 45 94 169 151 111 99 63 37 17 6 2 583 3 429 970 251 124 262 111 82 71 23 10 36 - 1 420 1 769

308 54 40 58 32 87 8 14 5 10 - 2 063 3 466

14 965 833 967 1 754 1 583 2 749 1 986 1 604 1 515 1 621 353 3 853 4 455 6 863 265 332 621 746 1 841 1 186 556 507 663 146 3 797 4 299 3 979 205 221 462 337 301 303 619 754 647 130 5 259 5 793 1 386 143 175 296 228 114 114 102 56 123 35 2 346 4 337 1 138 114 130 148 87 238 151 138 62 61 9 3 378 3 988 1 599 106 109 227 185 255 232 189 136 127 33 3 676 4 289

2 310 102 66 194 171 402 419 366 218 329 43 4 525 5 165 108 18 7 4 3 5 5 19 10 31 6 5 632

s939 844 32 28 94 27 98 88 144 104 205 24 5 382 1 260 42 21 89 126 287 314 188 97 83 13 4 207 4 669

ARKANSAS 5 - 739

Table l 89. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued (Dato based an sample, see text. For minimum base far derived figures (percent, median, etc,) and meaning of symbols, see text]

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labar lorn -----------------

Totol, 16 years old and over

8 506

Agriculture, forutry, Hd fl1h1rles___________________ 31 Agriculture -------- -------- ---- -------- ---------- ------ 31 Forestry and fisheries-----------------------------------

Ml1l•1 -- -- -------- ---- -- ------ -------- -- ------

C••1tn1clitn ____ -------- __ ------ __ ------ _______ _

M1•1fec-hl..W.t---- ------ -- -- ---- -- ------ ---- -----Durable goods------ -- ______ ---- -------- ---------- -- ----

logging __________ ---- ------ -------- __ ---- __ ---- -----Sawmill$, planing mills, arid millwork ____________________ _ Miscellaneous woad prodklcts ____________ ------ ____ -----furniture and fixtures ---------------------------------Stone, cloy, and glass products __________ ---- ______ -----

Cement, concrete,, ond plaster products--------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nof\ferrous industries ____________ ------ ____ -----Fabrica1ed metal indus1ries, including not specified metal ----

Machinery, except electrical----------------------------Office, accounting, 011d computing machines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and suppUes _____________ _ Radio, television, and communication equipment _________ _

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment_ _____________ _ Aircraft and parts-----------------------------------­Other transportation equipment -- -- __ -~ __ ---- -·-- .... -----Professional and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance __ -- ------ ______________ ---- ____ -------- ----Miscellaneous manufactures and durable goods-allocated __ _

Nondurable goods ________________________ ---------- ____ _ Meat products ________________________ ------ ------ __ _ Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _ ~~~~·~m __________________ _ Other food industries ____________ ------ ____ ---- ---- ___ _ Yorn, thread, and fabric miUs-----------------·---------Other textile mill products ________ ---- __ -------- ____ ----Apparel and other fabricated textile products _____________ _ Paper ond allied products -----------------------------­Printing, publishing, and allied industries--------·---------

Chemic:a\s and allied prodocts--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products ---------------­Footwear, except rubber-------------------------------Other nondurable goods_ _________ ------ ____ ------------

Hot specifie-d manufacturing industries ____________ ----------

Tnasport•tion, co1tu111t1lcotians, and other public utilities I_ Railroads and railway express service---------------------­Street railways and bus lines ----------------------------­Trucking service ond warehousing-------------------------Water transporto tion __ ---- ________ ---- ______ ---- _______ _ Air tronsportotion __________________ ------ ---- ____ ---- __ _

~~:~~~i~~~ro5ts0~~a-'~~~ == == == == == == == :: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: Electric and gas utilities ____________ ------ ____ ---- _______ _ Waler supply, sanitary services, and other utilities -----------

Wholesale 111d rehil trodt ____ ------ ---------- ____ _ Wholesale trade ______ ---- __ •• ____ ---- _________________ _

Food and farm products-------------------------------~d ~h----------------------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchandise stores __ ---- ______ -------- ________ _ Food stores -- -- -- ____ .... -- __ -- -- ---- -- ---·---- ---- ----Motor vehicles and accessories retailing-----------------­Gasoline service stations------------------------------­Apparel and accessories stores--------------------------furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores_ ________ _ Eating and drinking places------------------------------Drugstores -- __ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ----Other retoil trade-------------------------------------

fiH1c:e, hu•rHC•, a11d reol est1t•------------------­Bonklng and credit agencies------------------------------Insurance ______________ ------ __ -------- ____ ------------Other finance ond real estate -----------------------------

IHIHH ••ti rapolr services------------------------Advertising ______ -- __ ------ __ -- -- ---- -- -------- --------Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services -- ---- ---- __ -- -- ------------------ __ _ Other business and repair servlces-------------------------

PtrHHI senlcts --------------------------------Private households ______________ ------ __ ------------ ----Hotels ond lodging places -------------------------------­Laundering., cleaning, and other garment services __ ----------_ Barbe.rand beauty shops. _______ ,.. ________________________ _ Other personal services __ ---- ---- -------- ----------------

htert1r.•11t eall rec-raatlo" services ________________ _

ProfeHMHI 11d ne.t.d servkes ---------.. ----------Health services ____ -------------------------------------Educotionol services, government ..... __ ----------------------Educotianol servicts, private ________ ----------------------W.elfore, religious, ond nonprofit membership orgonizotions ---­Other professional ond related services---------------------

'''"' 1d•l1lstnt1ta1 ____________________________ _ Postal service ____ ---- ---- __ ---- __ ----------------------Federal public odministrotion-- ---- __ ------ ---------------­State and local public administration-----------------------

!Includes allocated cases not shown separately.

5 - 740 ARKANSAS


1 889 1 348

13 5

147 12

11 2

30 6

274 121

21 661

6 166

492 10 5

11 lB

13 299


104 49


15 22

B6 5

762 66 14

696 5

123 39 12

63 26

300 B


113 21 85 77 62

10 4


2 388 1 2B9

195 201

Bl 622


2 694 1 245

703 373 142 231

250 24

109 101

$1 to $499

or loss


61 54




11 5

37 6




6 5

542 345

10 5


179 21 33 B4 10 31


10 16

$500 to



76 3B

22 15



2 14





10 5



402 293

17 4

lB 70

252 61 80 56 25 30

$1,000 to



240 164

3 5


23 3

11 77

24 70


24 6

153 14 5


17 17



51 11 7


732 396 82 30 22



338 141 78 45 16 58


28 12

Females with earnings in 1969

$2.000 to


1 644


306 224


20 16

6 146

20 76


5 46

11 6


274 20

4 254

54 15 7

lB 14 98 B



11 7


6 4


444 200 63 90 12 79


489 280

B6 70 11 42


10 12

$3,000 to


1 703

693 467


55 5


6 6

BB 11

4 254



6 146

34 25





139 9

130 5


24 7


4S 4

14 27

163 33 23 48 6



526 397 30 19 45 35


21 36

$4,000 to



403 321

44 7

75 55

116 6


77 5 5 4





34 5 5






10 15 11 6

297 1B7 42 45 13 10


22 20

$5,000 to



93 71

27 12





22 B




26 3

18 5

10 6

115 63 96 15 16 25

10 6 4

$6,000 to




16 J


184 63


14 5 4 5

$7,000 to



9 9

49 12

7 30

189 29

115 39


16 6


$10,000 or



4 4

25 3


Median earnings (dollars)

All earners

2 556

3 377 3 415

3 464

3 705 4 282

3 238

4 015

3 30B

3 394

3 088

3 462

2 369

2 346

2 639

2 163

1 B29

3 144

1 342 1 016 1 9B2 2 62B

1 292

3 169 3 301 5 026 2 021 3 200 1 940

3 246

3 310 3 292

Earners worked 50

to 52 weeks

3 193

3 695 3 725

3 964

3 635

3 631

3 586

2 811

2 797

2 B05

3 817

1 782 1 556 2 406 2 898


3 618 3 536 6 226

2 571

4 105


Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor force -----------------Agriculture, forestry, and f11heri11 ____ ..... -------- -----

Agriculture __ ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- __ ----Forestry and fisheries .. ----------------------------------

Mining ________________ ------ ---- __________ ----

Construction ________ ---- ---...... __ -------- ---- ___ _

Manufacturing ........ _____ ,. __ ---- __ -----------------Durable goads-- -- __________ ---- -------- __ ------ ---- ___ _

lagging ____ -- -- -- ---- ____ ------ __ ---- -------- ______ _ Sawmills, planing mills, and millwark--------------------­Miscelloneous wood products--------------------------­Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, clay, ond glass products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, ond plaster products --------­Primary iron and steel industries ------------------------Primary nonferrous industries ________ ---------- .... __ ----_ Fabricated metal industries, including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electrical ------------ ... ------------.. --Office, accounting, and computing mothines ____________ _

Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies _____________ _ Rodia, television. and communication equipment _________ ..

Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment __________ .. ___ _ Aircraft ond parls --------------------·---------------Other tronsrortotion equipment ____________ ------ ____ ... -Prafessiana and photogrophic equipment, and watches ____ ,._ Ordnance ____ ---- __ ------ __________ ---------- ____ ----Miscellaneous manufactures and du rob le goods- allocated __ _

Nondurable goads ____ ---- ______________ -------------- __ _ Meat products ____________ ---- __ -- ____ ------ -- __ -----Conning and preserving produce, seafoods, and beverages __ _

g~;:;~t:d'1~<l~~iri;; :: :::: :::: :: :::::: :: :::::: :::: :::: Yorn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other textile mill products-·---------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper and allied products------------------------------Printing, publishing, and allied Industries _________________ _

Chemicals and allied products ____________ ------ ____ -----Petroleum and cool products ____________ -- ________ ------Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products---------------­Footwear, except rubber-------------------------------Other nondurable goads __________ ---- __ ---- __ ----------

Not specified manufacturing industries ______ ---- ___________ _

Transportatlo11 1 coMmunicatlons, and other public utllltle1• _ Railroads and railwoy express service _____________________ _ Street railwoys and bus lines ____ ---- ---- ____________ -----Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------Woter transportation ____________________ ---- ___________ _ Air tronsportation ____________ -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ..........

~~:~~~i~~~~s,f5o~~a-t~~~ :::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: Electric and gas utilities.--------------------------------­Water supply. sonitory services, and other utilities -----.. -----

Wholesale Hd retail trade-------------------------Wholesale trade ---- ______ -- -- -- -· -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------

Food and form products -------------------------------Retail trade ________ -- -- -- .... -- -- -- -- -- -- __ ., _____ -- -- ----

Hardware, farm equipment, and building moterial retailing ---Generol merchandise stores ______________ ------ -- __ -----Food stores .... -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- ---- ---- ----Mota~ vehicle.s and o.ccessaries retailing ____ ------ ____ ----Gasoline service stot1ons ---- .. --------------------------Apparel ond accessories stores .... ____ ..... __ -------- -- ____ --Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores ________ .,_ Eating and drinking places .. -----------------------------Drugstores -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- -----­Other retail trade-----------------------------------·-

Fl1ance, i111uranc1, ancl real estate ____ ---------------Banking and credit agencies ------------------------------Insurance ______ -- -- -- ------ ---- -- ---- -- ---------- ---- .. -Other finance and real estate .. ----------------------------

lullHn and repair 11nlc11 _______________________ _

Advertising __ -- -- ---- .. --- ------ ------ -- ------ ----------Commercial research, management, and programing services __ _ Automobile services -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- -----Other business and repair services_ _______________________ _

Penonal services __ ------ __ ---- ____ ------ _,. __ ----Private households ____ ---- __ ---- -- -- -- -- -------- -- ------Hotels ond lodging places-------------------------------­Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services-------- __ -- -Berber and beauty shops---------------------------------Other personal services ______ ---- ------ __ ------ ------ ----

Et1tertall•ent alHI recreatl.a servlct1 ________________ _

Prof111lonal 11d rehlted servlc11 --------------------Health services ___ ... __ ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---------------Educational services, government-------------------------­Educational services, privote-----------------------------­Welfare, religious, and nonprofit membership organizations ---­Other professional ond related services -- ---- ------ -- -- -- ---

Public •d•l•lstrotlo•' ------ __ ------------ ---------Postal service -- ---- -- ......... -- ---- -- ---- -- -------- --------Federal public administration __ ---- -- ------ -------- -- -----­State and local public administration-----------------------

•Includes ollocoted coses not shown separately.


[Doto based on sample, see text. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning al symbols, see text)

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 ta $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners years aid $499 to to to ta ta to to to or All worked 50 and over or loss $999 $1,999 $2,999 $3,999 $4,999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners to 52 weeks

112 602 9 631 9 354 16 032 14 462 19 196 15 456 10 653 7 070 8 556 2 192 3 355 4 244

479 175 48 66 84 55 18 18 - 5 10 1 250 2 971 474 175 48 66 84 55 13 18 - 5 10 1 212 2 900

5 - - - - - 5 - - - - ... ... 37 - - 6 - - 12 4 - 7 8 ... ...

1 204 32 73 70 136 122 322 156 104 142 47 4 525 4 987

16 280 754 643 1 503 1 959 4 333 3 344 1 774 870 843 257 3 757 4 449 7 303 319 289 724 963 2 069 1 623 683 242 290 101 3 656 4 220

8 - 4 - - 4 - - - - - -500 33 27 44 76 142 80 42 32 24 - 3 493 4 051 79 22 5 12 17 9 - 5 4 5 - ... . ..

830 38 14 57 113 262 192 102 31 21 - 3 737 4 llO 106 - I - 8 4 15 55 17 3 4 - 4 473 ... 49 - ! - 4 4 - 28 6 3 4 - ... . .. 45 8 5 - 5 - 5 9 - 8 5 ... ... 30 - - 5 - - 16 5 - 4 - ...

399 - ll 42 48 76 93 69 20 15 25 4 242 4 801 513 14 26 39 41 87 86 89 32 85 14 4 576 5 272 25 - - - - - 5 - - 11 9

3 847 2 587 72 72 226 305 730 787 256 55 46 38 4 329 1 308 11 27 108 131 474 408 106 21 9 13 3 795 4 235

314 16 13 40 43 94 56 18 20 14 - 3 479 3 955 42 - - - - 5 31 6 - - - ... ... 71 - - 5 12 30 13 - - 11 -

217 - 4 30 50 40 47 24 10 6 6 3 613 4 400 475 9 23 44 73 252 44 10 8 12 - 3 351 3 725

1 087 107 85 172 176 323 118 31 27 35 13 3 011 3 546 8 780 424 350 736 978 2 219 I 690 1 077 623 534 149 3 857 4 619

198 10 - 5 20 29 46 25 39 19 5 4 761 5 260 238 17 12 38 45 33 31 46 10 - 6 3 212 5 000 358 21 14 37 36 95 59 83 9 4 - 3 747 4 713 944 14 30 78 63 194 186 166 127 69 17 4 500 5 175 119 7 5 10 4 56 27 5 5 - - 3 598 ... 269 7 7 33 30 73 84 25 10 - - 3 788 4 316

1 479 71 66 98 240 603 257 88 30 26 - 3 439 3 758 1 154 31 34 74 144 228 198 165 135 116 29 4 333 5 217

887 54 37 93 80 166 123 142 64 85 43 4 110 5 244 1 595 72 47 139 154 332 439 221 86 95 10 4 122 4 654

87 - - - - - 38 12 11 15 11 ... 388 25 15 17 18 79 31 33 42 105 23 5 273 7 170

- - - - - - - - - - - - -1 064 95 83 114 144 331 171 66 55 - 5 3 290 3 944

197 11 4 43 18 45 31 14 5 19 7 3 500 ... 4 252 168 236 365 430 437 617 751 524 619 105 4 794 5 624

150 6 - - 14 8 17 11 53 36 5 6 358 6 642 147 9 21 54 4 5 23 6 16 5 4 I 806 716 27 33 60 56 72 56 102 115 164 31 5 529 6 425

41 - - - - 5 5 20 11 - -372 10 28 9 32 22 26 33 44 160 8 6 591 7 265 168 20 5 18 37 29 15 17 - 17 10 3 138 3 816

1 893 67 121 161 184 243 342 403 190 155 27 4 499 5 332 443 2 9 21 62 19 72 133 68 42 15 5 274 5 547

67 17 - 5 12 9 5 5 - 14 - ... ... 26 177 2 602 2 437 3 982 3 915 4 983 3 491 2 226 1 208 945 388 3 031 4 002 5 063 247 224 477 478 781 I 149 731 469 395 112 4 282 4 948

979 51 57 ll3 109 172 173 132 55 87 30 3 927 4 848 21 114 2 355 2 213 3 505 3 437 4 202 2 342 I 495 739 550 276 2 723 3 706

327 29 26 29 25 68 83 52 10 5 - 3 801 4 474 6 857 643 640 1 014 1 091 1 434 841 613 319 195 67 3 028 3 923 2 006 203 221 256 292 388 287 160 121 52 26 3 080 4 010

486 15 22 53 43 110 71 78 35 40 19 4 000 4 978 94 - 5 17 16 24 8 5 13 - 6

3 o9o 3 688 1 946 207 167 279 270 556 192 139 40 69 27 612 33 45 58 89 184 93 49 29 15 17 3 440 3 856

4 942 744 641 1 096 1 098 757 333 96 58 65 54 1 991 2 759 873 121 129 137 110 179 149 31 10 3 4 2 450 3 648

2 971 360 317 566 403 502 285 272 104 106 56 2 602 3 700

7 646 312 349 735 793 1 554 1 866 1 033 548 301 155 4 043 4 575 3 324 81 137 280 321 720 1 021 436 206 94 28 4 120 4 521 2 286 90 87 175 240 440 539 387 218 99 ll 4 206 4 760 2 036 141 125 280 232 394 306 210 124 108 116 3 609 4 429

2 995 277 285 444 454 452 481 273 101 134 94 3 083 4 451 304 5 9 31 43 62 76 47 - 20 ll 4 026 4 662 475 38 54 66 78 71 64 30 21 33 20 3 021 4 734 289 35 13 JO 30 60 68 43 13 8 9 3 942 4 426

l 927 199 209 337 303 259 273 153 67 73 54 2 721 4 326

16 377 3 114 2 840 4 492 2 534 1 689 766 335 196 268 73 1 482 1 974 8 227 2 106 1 899 2 918 844 268 87 22 26 40 17 I 037 1 374 2 188 229 209 438 383 420 259 125 70 39 16 2 569 3 317 1 956 144 186 281 656 533 96 42 8 - 10 2 559 2 915 l 875 223 178 340 265 278 229 109 77 152 24 2 742 3 777 2 131 482 368 515 386 190 95 37 15 37 6 I 418 1 883

681 98 123 118 99 84 63 52 9 29 6 2 015 3 847

32 808 1 904 2 124 3 189 3 143 5 181 4 026 3 366 2 971 4 565 939 3 896 4 512 12 985 517 529 l 043 1 455 3 075 2 336 1 503 865 1 282 380 3 959 4 557 11 010 517 678 1 158 1 289 885 777 1 010 1 585 2 693 418 5 199 5 032 3 026 304 387 764 439 346 202 -240 147 172 25 2 132 2 896 2 291 258 267 421 274 307 278 192 127 152 15 2 728 3 923 3 496 308 263 503 386 568 433 421 247 266 101 3 507 4 628

3 666 125 196 362 215 306 450 665 539 691 110 5 269 sm 429 16 4 33 14 26 17 32 65 212 10 7 I 06 7 331

1 677 23 35 79 58 88 183 395 365 367 84 5 943 6 268 I 377 82 143 227 97 164 221 204 109 114 16 3 851 4 955

ARKANSAS 5 - 741

Table 189. Industry of the Female Experienced Civilian Labor Force by Earnings in 1969 and Race: 1970- Continued

The State Standard Metropolitan Statistical

Areas of 250,000 or More



Experienced civilian labor fon:e -----------------A9riclllhort, 1 ... alTy, .U flahorin __________________ _

Agricultu,.. ---- -- ---- ------ ______ ---------- -------- ----Fo,..•try and fisheries -----------------------------------

Mlolot ------ ------ -- -- -- ------ ----------------

c ... 1noe11oo -----------------------------------­

... oo1ac....., __ ---- ------------ -----------------Durable good•-- __ ------ __ ---- ______ ------------ __ ------

Logging __ -- -- ______ ------ ____ ------ __ ------ ---------Sawmills, planing mllls, and millwork--------------------­Miscelloneous wood products---------------------------Furniture and fixtures --------------------------------­Stone, clay. and gloss products -------------------------

Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products--------­Primary iron and stoel industries -----------------------­Primary nonferrous industries ..... ---------------- .. --------fabricated metal industries, Including not specified metal ___ _

Machinery, except electrical ---- ---------------- --------Office. accounting, and computing machines ____________ _ Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies_ ____________ _

Radio, tetevi.sion. and communication equipmenL .. --------Motor vehides and motor vehicle equipment ............................ .. Aircraft and ports -----------------------------------­Other transrortotlon equipment -------------------------Professiona and photographic equipment, and watches _____ _ Ordnance __ -- -- ____ .... __ ........ -- .... ------ ---- ............. ------Miscellaneous monufactu,..s and durable goods-allocated __ _

N ond uroble goods ________________ ------------ __________ _

Meat products -------------.. -------------------------Conning ond preserving produce, seafoods .. ond beverages __ _ Bakery products-------------------------------------­Other food industries---------- __ ---------------------­Yarn, thread, and fabric mills--------------------------­Other te~tlle mill products-----------------------------­Apparel and other fabricated textile products-------------­Paper and allied products -----------------------------­Prin1ing, publishing, and allied industries------------------

Chemicals and allied products--------------------------­Petroleum and cool products---------------------------­Rubber ond miscellaneous plastic products ----------------Footwear, except rubber ________ ---- ________ .... ---- -----Other nondurable goods--------------------------------

Not specif10d manufacturing lndustries----------------------

T,_s,wtatio1, co•••k1tions, ud other ,.wk vtlRtits 1 _ Railroads and raLlway express. service _____________________ _

S1re-et raitways and bus lines. ----------------------------­Trucking service and warehousing-------------------------

~~tte:a~~°r!~~~oa~~~~=::::::::::~:::::::~:::::::~:::::::: All other transportation---- __ ----------------------------Commun icatlons ---- __________ ........ ---- ---------- --------Electric and gos utilities---------------------------------­Water supply, sanitary services, ond other utilities -----------

W~olesate oe4 ,.tol tndo ------------------------­Wholesale trade -- ---- ---------- -------- ---------------­

Food and farm products ---------------------- .. --------Retail trade __ ---- ---- ---- ------ -------- -------- --------

Hardware, form equipment, and building material retailing ---General merchondise starts ........ -------------------------Food stores------------------------------------------Motor vehicles and occessories retailing .................................. .. Gasoline servict stations _____ ... -------- .... ---------------Apporet and accessories stores_. .................... _______________ _ Furniture-. home furnishings. and equipment stores _________ _ Eating and drinking places -- __ -- -- -- ---- ________ -- -- ----Drugstore• -- -- ------ __ ------ ------------------------Other retail trade -------------- -----------------------

Filiuce, lil1tll'9ace, llHI rtctl Htate ............................... - .... .. Banking and credit agencies------------------------------lnsu ranee .... -------- ____ -------- -- ------ ----------------Other finance and real estate-----------------·-----------

l•shoeH ........ smkfl------------------------Advertising -- -- -- -- __ -- ------ -- -- ---- -- ____ ---------- --Commerciol research, management, ond programing services ...... Automobile services-------------------- __ ---------------01her business and repair services-------------------------

Pon...i ssrvlc:ts ---------------- ---------------­Private househokls -------------- -------- ----------------Hotels and lodging places --------------------------------laundering, cleaning, and other garment services ____________ _ Barber ond beauty shops--------------------------------­Other personal servkes ------ ......... -------- ----------------

ht.mlo•tot ...t _,.. sonk11 ________________ _

, .. , ......... rtlotH 11Nkol --------------------Health services ---- -------------------- -- ---------------Educot!onal serv?ces, go.vemment -- -------- ----------------Educat1onol servtces, private ____ ,. _________ ----------------We~are, religlou•, and nonprofit membershlp organizations ---­Other professional and related services ---- __ ---------------

PoWk -lolstmlto•----------------------------­Postal service ---- ---- -------- ---- __ ---- -------- --------Federal public administration _____________________________ _

Stole and local public administration-----------------------

•Includes allocated cases not shown separately.


[Data based on sample, see text. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text]

Females with earnings in 1969 Median earnings (dollars)

Total, 16 $1 to $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $10,000 Earners years old $499 to to to to to to to to or All worked 50 and over or loss $999 $1.999 $2,999 $3.999 $4.999 $5,999 $6,999 $9,999 more earners to 52 weeks

40 032 s 252 4 600 8 os1 6 762 7 366 3 072 1 615 1 184 1 819 305 2 312 2 989

324 161 30 43 60 22 8 - - - - 517 ... 324 161 30 43 60 22 8 - - - - 517 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11 - - 6 - - 5 - - - - ... -159 22 29 31 27 23 13 1 3 4 - 1 919 ...

6 174 397 326 766 1 049 2 253 986 223 72 72 30 3 244 3 638 3 575 213 170 424 584 1 280 662 144 46 42 10 3 310 3 670

8 - 4 - - 4 - - - - - -343 28 27 44 61 118 53 12 - - - 3 097 3 546 43 17 5 7 11 3 - - - - - ... ...

532 27 9 42 92 183 132 36 11 - - 3 525 3 825 18 - - - - 6 12 - - - - ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -61 - - 6 4 35 11 5 - - - ... ...

121 - 12 - 26 37 18 17 7 4 - 3 608 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 327 51 45 155 175 437 359 59 17 19 10 3 543 3 914 790 II 11 79 80 315 240 35 11 4 4 3 679 3 992 186 16 13 35 25 64 22 6 - 5 - 3 063 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -4 - - - - - 4 - - - - ... ...

13 - - - 9 - 4 - - - - ... 275 9 18 17 52 169 5 - - 5 - 3 246 ... 644 65 37 118 129 224 42 9 11 9 - 2 791 3 336

2 485 181 152 321 453 940 293 75 26 24 20 3 144 3 591 55 10 - - 10 19 11 5 - - - ... ... 94 5 12 22 21 13 9 12 - - - ... ... 64 - 5 5 10 24 15 5 - - - ...

160 5 13 13 22 55 13 9 11 12 7 3 491 ... 43 - - 5 4 34 - - - - - ... ... 95 - - 23 4 41 27 - - - - ...

559 22 17 41 131 280 43 11 10 4 - 3 245 3 541 381 9 17 51 90 140 65 4 - - 5 3 168 3 628 89 17 9 23 5 26 - 5 - 4 - ... ...

293 33 20 58 52 53 60 12 5 - - 2 683 3 650 5 - - - - - 5 - - - - ... -

65 4 s 6 13 30 - - - 4 3 ... ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

582 76 54 74 91 225 45 12 - - 5 2 956 3 504 114 3 4 21 12 33 31 4 - 6 - 3 515 ... 832 as 80 106 117 170 133 82 5 37 17 3 165 4 046

11 - - - 5 - 6 - - - - ... ... 11 - - - - 5 - 6 - - - ... ...

119 16 22 5 7 33 4 12 5 4 11 3 288 ... 5 - - - - 5 - - - - - ... -

36 - 5 - 5 4 - 18 - 4 - ... ... 44 5 5 4 19 8 - - - 3 -

4 29.4 432 48 48 69 50 91 91 24 - 11 - 3 Oil 56 2 - 5 6 5 20 12 - - 6 ... ... 21 4 - - 7 - - 5 - 5 - ... ...

s 690 850 693 1 088 1 231 1 104 411 137 86 47 36 2 173 2 952 533 36 21 85 114 156 78 18 25 - - 3 067 3 778 190 - 10 38 51 47 18 15 11 - - 2 922

5 157 814 672 l 003 1 124 948 333 119 61 47 36 2 080 2 870 45 - 8 13 - 15 4 5 - - -

766 116 83 116 127 191 65 32 7 18 11 2 535 3 554 549 90 68 61 109 120 52 22 15 7 5 2 509 3 330

29 4 4 12 - 5 4 - - - - ... ... 26 - - 6 5 2 - - 13 - -

3 292 351 45 31 45 67 127 32 - - 4 - 2 813 77 9 - 10 33 12 9 - - 4 -

2 394 412 348 519 622 322 112 14 21 10 14 l 842 2 407 178 29 36 40 32 26 15 - - - - 1 600 742 109 94 181 129 128 40 46 5 4 6 1 928 2 910

856 62 54 105 129 258 125 61 49 13 - 3 302 3 656 290 28 23 14 43 100 58 13 11 - - 3 370 3 800 312 9 8 26 33 108 44 43 28 13 - 3 741 3 907 254 25 23 65 53 50 23 5 10 - - 2 264 2 929

553 75 58 143 112 70 68 24 - 3 - 2 004 2 137 32 - 5 8 10 9 - - - - - ... ... 34 - - - 11 7 11 5 - - - ... ... 96 17 7 5 15 32 15 5 - - -

391 58 46 130 76 22 42 14 - 3 - l 704 l 992

12 110 2 622 2 355 3 809 1 909 1 012 219 62 45 48 29 1 283 1 622 7 645 1 933 l 743 2 768 810 246 73 9 21 25 17 1 053 1 372

961 118 116 274 205 184 32 11 4 5 12 1 900 2 326 1 256 86 107 169 473 364 42 15 - - - 2 562 2 748

564 85 73 134 129 85 35 9 10 4 - 1 925 2 095 1 684 400 316 464 292 133 37 18 10 14 - 1 272 l 606

185 24 31 39 36 37 18 - - - - 1 962 ... 12 066 878 860 1 764 1 987 2 251 988 876 805 1 471 186 3 242 3 557 4 556 276 238 469 792 l 501 612 387 101 130 50 3 335 3 648 4 700 277 313 627 707 352 197 359 590 l 156 122 4 376 3 952 1 022 101 118 331 212 89 44 49 29 40 9 1 882 2 426

587 70 71 123 97 90 45 16 19 56 - 2 304 2 978 1 201 154 120 214 179 219 90 65 66 89 5 2 628 3 257

1 072 76 84 157 98 166 98 143 119 124 7 3 729 5 109 227 16 - 24 - 17 14 18 45 93 - 6 544 6 950 360 17 18 35 26 49 57 93 52 13 - 4 614 5 335 361 39 52 86 37 83 13 9 22 13 7 2 095 3 477


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