Page 1: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------


VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY- ::2, 1993 •

. - - ----- ·- . --- - ---D ·1 T 'b . . • . - - . ,-- --::::- ~EW ,\DYERt.LSbfE.NTS. · a1 .Y r1 uhe. ,/ ~1r10 . ~~utrtistmcnt!.i. NEW ADVERTISEia:ns:

0 Tud T1uuu:-a: _is pulill•h«d (dnil~·I £'\:., _/J.. - ..i..-= ..i::;v_ · · -S11bscr;iptio11 andA1lverti>iug Bl\IC11. 1 •• ~- a· O_l\_F __ FA.,-:::)E ...,..L:l . Candles·! Ca~esll ·Candlesll' MA"NHEIM INSURANCE CO. rrom ih" •Ubscrilicr'• onlc•·. r.t 1hu • Ull Sul. i!J 'Suifl.ioRIDER, Marine ~nly.

\ ~or r his prcml~•. :\llll!nry-roncl j , $hirm.':tt uf1>.011)T P.\!'F.RS hnojullt i>rcn oponccl nL · ~ E"!lr,, _ wnrly ,oppo~1to the C'ulonlnl • .H n<•l' lt<•r,..our.;. whlch wlll bo ·w AX CANDLES-I lb. p:1cketa Ct11>lk1l JIUd i\JiiCU Exceed 'l' wo.

Bwlcl,'.('t'· E111ro11c<ttooitlt:rfro111 Bnn- 1 . . · . . . , -. , . . . , --;. , . , . . , , . , - PA RA}'IN OA.N~LES- 1 lb. p:ickol! nu1l-o.HtllfJUIUlou Dollars.

uc~1T~~~~,~~~~ii\~::·"rr:;~~\~~"t'1~~ c· !e~f!'~ '°'· .Aff a~ !k~wast-IB r1"-ces-- - SPERM C.ANDtES-l ib. p!lCkcts. , ~~~.~~~;;'it~ ~~'~.;~J~~n3';~i:,";ht,~ ' .. -~-,.)~:~--~-~1 .. ~--~· ·'-"·~ ~~ -~ -~ ...... -~ ·'"'~·--=· .. ~ b!tsq;~~;~Y fn':'j~J'i'~oolgobu~ o~nclles . J:~~o~·~!~~~\~ .. ~:~ ICribeN outside of tffc ·colon\• Sl.60 ' ThCSl':\NJ··• ... \)tni:wnntl(I now b~· !.>.~riles n.·bullcllngnncl house-- Jo"h.,.., J . o·neilly, H . M' M • . per uru6inclullln::1,sstni;":...h1 !Ill f< r 1· .tung. We hnv" :it.o n lot or · I ~ .Jill On onroe c:>seo :t)":l le lu :id,· :i1 ·c. ~ . . !"" WATER STREET, ,. • J

161'" ho nd,·crtlsin r:l!C'I will be OJ)D l)JE'("·.'-.:_', ' l~ ,'L .. 1 (~ H'l':!j;~ ·D ":\{.\ GED •vv 60 ecn er inch ror th~ flnit inscr- I • , rt. • no\··t · St. John•a. . ~ent ror Nowfoundlaud. . t lon nn ~; rent• P<'~i ch r...r Mch \\"h:ch wn 1;h"N1 :iw:iy reg:irdl or eo•t. On Sale, b~h Subscr_ibet, J2S,t2l,ood. '

<'nch 011tlnu:11lon. On qunrt<'rh·, D ~ ncd iueata BLlcnlita-uaorted,BoU.r, all kinda o

comlln1ntl n. Smnll :isoal nd,·er- . SIG·~- O F T~ LEOJ?.A.ED .

. ~1t?'.~ ~::1~~ir~11 'i-~" t;~nir.!:1~n~~~ C M C pH [ ~SON FLOllll,,POll.. • , Jo .POU ~ F . GUS~HUE, tiOn\n d ~cent• for oJcry thr'eo wor.I• ~ • Loh~, J>cllMt HalllJI d coo, Oan- Dealer In StovlMI, Goth Grat.ea d

hnlt··~· nrh· etr vtnrl contractts n di~· ----- OhoAoA T.ea Ooll'ee Cocoa 811.,.r ~ •\ c!lui1i. ro1i1 th~sc rMes will be mncll'. • ! T S""r::;"1 Bra~' Ole!M. and 'Ooba:iioiaUe.; •;• .&..L.L~ TT •;•

liiY" llHln<•• l<;t tcrs or eorrcsp1>ml- \,..) ~ • Rico, uaoadlan Oatme~ 8cotoll'Oa&- Worbbop : Newe•u! Stree~

.r :4£~:if.1~r::1i:~:~t;~~:~:~:;~~~:::: Only Christopher's Lung Bals~m Ei~¥~~5~ J~~T~~~, ( F 'I' \1 ' t" ' "D HOREllOl'''D J"IIN J. O'REILLY, Wlthflllll&OC'lcofS&o"9a: 'l'bnraN.


···-r«lul f •• J ... ,-.r -;-:I.) ) ' · " . \ ... , ' ... , · At the old •tand, 90 Wa .......... :I Tlw r.11 ous en1cd,· forC.m;:l». Cold• nnd nl~ th'°nt nncl Lun~ Al!'ectl~na. nov4 P.O.llaowread:rtorecelTeorden

MA K E T N 0 T E S • T I:! ,. ·h:( pr~p .. ,·»1 lun\b:ia CIU"l'd tl~w11111ds ~nil will ouro you. BQ'J D STREET t>P Lobeter l1am. ll!lri,lw. . • . .-1 }~ .•. ''.' ,. ':!'"'l. l~··":J~J· ·<'I· ".!~c·. 1,,,. /101/C". lr/111/1 <Ue ul If.I Tl'O.Y''S .._, AND -FRESH MINED

-/ f'.TJ h e ,Wll ~~~~le Prices, I ''.".' . ;;~~~£ ?;;,,~!~ ~:·" IEiv ~erR;;: 10 ~~~::~ Norl~ ___ S0yTd0Il~N~ .. Coal (~ bri:< 11crd1111t,J.!,._1·r.1:l.i' I l•• C M U S OPENED -, ..,. .,. ~

::-.1111!11 ··r··h1111,lo!qr•1tl :11;1 ' abinet - 'laker and pholsterer. A•OIJolco !lcloc or :Sow Te&11 ExDoll4, ror11alo by 1 \: 1 1 , Cnrcl~ In pWn, emboeaed and ranc1 p R g & s

"1:c ... .... '·I" r·t• · · · -· .: I~ \l"i· hrn lO iah>ml hi.J frlend-1 :mil :hl' publiu !(l'nernlly thM ho has commcu- abapcdl Jewelled aocl other new aoii • 0 arson on. !-.~ "' •.1·n ' · i•• r •tt~.I : 1 1 ... ,1 b1i-i11•· - o• '"own •cc.>:u1t, ;111d 11 \>:'t'parCU to ~upph· :iuhortc.tnotlco unlquu uylea, from le. to 60c. each. \\_,.,t 111•1: •· pr.•1tl. I .t;.: :l '" I ~11el:l--e•1..;F·.:•nil •r.-, pln!t_ a1~l fan1~. • '6rWo wcluld draw apeclal ati.,DtloD \\ -.t!L h .• 1.1 .• 1tL -i: •• !I ~ ., • toourt.°cketaor NEW YEAROJJU>s BY Cl:IIT, WOOD& CO. l .11.r.1•lr.:r. per •:t I. ...... .. ·1 ;.. u pho lferi.ig and F rcnch Polisl1i ng. ~~~l~tnl~6 .. Wei,::. ~~d a':,1:iz~·r~:~ 8 barrels Jft"lme, l'resb O~ton. ll 1< I.. I'" .1:L.-----·· _ _ ;o, 1 1 • Pannlpa, Onrro14 lllld blood-rod t\,.I " ', ,_.:nu ........ .... ;~ ., ! To:r11lni:or:l1 cl<'"'<'riptiun•. Xc\\d Po>•I•. Bn!h1JotrndM1. 11o•ottes, &.c., :con- pect \"e Y· Beel.5 por wtonmcl" Oacouna from ~._,1 • IV· , 1 !'"'' tuu .... ; ,. "" J •1a111h nn h~ml ·"''l..,::1r·1<"11t.-.0:-•ll 1. J.-J '.' •>rk•hop fur the prc•cnt, To~~~of:UD~lc~ln~ G~~~t!ityu:'J Oh:irlotlotown .P.E.I. nov Soil 1 \•• ")l'·rtun ... ;;.;, ,. f:0.42, OFF'JOHNSTREET.HEAO BRHlll'SSQU~RE. Fan~iriGooduuitableforNEW xEAR STOVES·& G: GRATES ~col jl, (ii}F"lll pcn 111 ;,:! "" Jnnlll.~_;!,;;:· cw .. --w PR.E!iENTS. · ·

~~.~ ... ~i;v~:"~;.i;:,\·.·~.· I~~:;: r:r J - D UI.lo , -y- &-db NEW OATS. ert~ll.~~:c~~Ji~~tl~;~~~.r. llcrriuf:. L11'r•1le1r.rr hrl. :i ''.V :.i3. ·- - - - • And to orrtvo ID a row dl\ya·.1>r. c .... ·Su 111.;, ·' ·•'I Watrhmakers. JcwrllL'?'l\,1 t:m~rarers, OpticiaUJi, 300 p AIRS of SASHES

Hn~ "':-Tu •"· S D~ le' • D 1:1\Jl By CLIFT, ~OD & ·CO •, .i.:oo DOORS . oJl ol•n. Flour,~.t.rl .. at····~-.'c~x.$ I all toti t•U L arae tOCR ~ ntsre.y niew D 3,800Bu1holaneavyBlack01ll9.' A'l' R CALLAHAN'S. }"jour. ><'r brl. -ni••n<ll' :l :1lltul v.1 .--- • ~ --ALJ, Kl~D!{ OF-- , 1n;.·~~$.;;s!i:,.~uor. dcc:.!,l· llreul, • u. I. l"'r h.1,;.... 1 7ll S'~ Pot Shew.· 76 rat livo OcQlffl. --'--------::-----Brc.ul,~· u.~,J••'rht:? . ... :l i U o;;iooc"ooc-c>oco o o~c:c:c.c'::>oooccoc'>occoooo ooe r-"O I 11r Alb PE I J(e T'OSene 0i , Cornn eil, 111·r 1.r1.::.... 3 70 . "°' . , - "-"· arr o ' rom ertoo, . . ..._

O•lm• l.t•": ~oc:;i~. :.rin . ~ e "VV:e ]_ e r y Af4TKRICJU COAi:~ ~~~1K!~~o~92J?c.~CO Sugar, · htb'"'o J>llT'cwt$tf'°GO to . o oo_o i. c .o o_§__o o~· o o c .o o o o _o co.; ooo o oo-o o o~ O_!?~ Now Ln'lJllng n t Uto wbnrr or :!5 hl\lrCl\llh& Jtcro5one 011 (160 lCBL). Sugsr, r,m~lnle<l, prc·"l !lallto H Supplied nt ah notice. , '\ . · JOHN WQO"'S ·& SON F.x

11Amoll&Oorkum"from noat.on.

Sujj'lr, uaf.;p<"r c" t ....... 10.611 ~C'J U nov23

· Pork,~ brt:,n~;t~~~~-~-s2o 1111 Weqding and E:ngagernenf Rihgs a Spec· alty. 450 to~~·r13~~t"'tehigh . $1-O O . · PoA<r brl.,· ru1 •· 2 I 00 29() WATER STREET, C 9 A. L Roceh·ed per e.o. " Oapo Breton\' " ~~t· t<-• ~·rl., pri1u1• lU< ... ~2 00 .nov-7.ood,lf _., __ ~\ few doo"' w~11t or Boele'• Covo Fur Sto d N t t~E~"r~ gg!p?~~ ~':,"';~r ;:.&i~.lnr P'i>n. f"' url.. rump ....... ~~ 00 nace, Ve an U • CLll'T, ·w oOD & CO. P , fCtbrl., ju><b ...... 1;. Of,. .. ::unvericJc•· Brnn.d. PCBLff1 XOTICE. Sent homo at LowesL lhrlce"t. rat•a llo Oougall'a whrr. Pork, t<-r l1rJ., l~tl! . ...... ~O llO whllstdlacbarglng. TEn!i.80.\Bll. --· - ----~~---)lilun J"'r lb. ············· ~3 tu~ .. Boston Kero Oil ,u,LPR01·1m:TOn so.-Pno - Jru11z,tr ~iISI"I"-/(jl~. 1ior lb. . ... ........ 11 w Ii • • pcrty ntrectOJI by tho now lines or

Beef.J r t..rl ...•............ !l:.(llo 11 no Now I.nncled ~trcet nrc hereby notlnccl that tllO NOT/CE. ~r11 · ' SI 0 n Kol • per ir•I .•...••. ~. I~ 25 Brls. Boston Kerosene Oil. ' \\:ri~~ ~f !;,~~:'.11~~11"1~1nb1ot~3~!ri~~ I:i l1c1·cl>yy~·c11,t11"t<m111>cr- ml l~an s 10\V-l'O I . P-, r lirl. (roun•IJ .. .. :l ill • novl~ CLTFT. "'WOOD&. 00. \mllo, cltlmnc~ .. or olhor mntcrla l 01 oonroundrcm ,·ln1r oralt.orluga111 or u

"\ !'.e. r lirl. (oplit). ... l 00toli.5U • - • nny \"!liac rem11h1lll1t on the lnnd ap- the Surveyor'• AJIK:S or Streethnce Cab • J><'r Joi........ l 00 Furn 1tu re 6. J"" 'proprlnted rorpublfc o•o, must be ro- or grncllnl!' within llro Street• of St. THE LARGEST IN TOWN.

p.rLrl •.• ,........ I ~o ' <K' ''a 1novcd ·wilhouL dclny. Attention LI J olin••, wlll bo prooccoted at lnw It 11 uow llllell "1th FANCY GOODS Canol9.)Jer Lfl............. :? 0<1 -- 1· nl•o de. lrc1l to the pro,•lalons or and" rawftrcl or Twenty Dollani wi.ll nnd Loya for Obristo>aa. · =1,JF. btl ..••..... 2 50 W 8 lftr'IANO J' ~~,;:.~~~a~t~~~~~';~;~~c~~~~ rf~ J:.:,a;~;~:~;vflf'I':~dir~·w.~·~;,!',.\~: nov.2$ Celal')' J>ft "bfl..1.. •••• ••• ·· ' 2 00 • • ~-t.. build, It Ill ni'C"""'1IT to mako n Wl"lt- lion orthe p:in y ao ol!'endlng. . C per lb ......... ••·•·• 1:. ('abloehnnker &; fpltolsler<•r ten :ipplicntlon to tno Run,oyor Oen"- • H.J. B. wooDs, H11111. 1,.r lb, Canadi>n, 11 to !!O ' ' crnl ror tho lino or street., nnd :ti.lo to Surveyor General. All 1>er11011s trllo ?11<11J lt<11•e



• Ham, Jm lb. l!c<lf .. 1,...... ~:I tu ~~. { ll"vrl •!.nl': CJ.If~:; l/mward l I rumlsb " plan or, the lnt~ndod b~lld- clftlm• ror compqnndon ror dnmagl.'8 IWv. u.1~r IL .•.... ·····•· · H to~O Ar.· 1)/,(lln"MI : ~t!O D•ct/.-1 lng,_tobonppro\Cdorb) thoSun ey- p M h ' eu11Alned by ilio alter11tlon or ihe ........ -· ' • ' 11 SI _, I O< uooernt..:. • a e· r 8Lroei !loco, &nil who lla\'O not alroa-..,;1<•• IL"r -.oz............... ~5 .wrli. Sired, ' I (J' • a .... ) \ u. J. B. WOODS, • • ' dy appolntod arbltra~n1. aro ll•raby Turnip•, pt'r brl............ I ri l.20 All klbda orPurnituro mnclo to order- 'noYI. · j Surveyor Ocne.rl\I. BOOT & SH Q EM AKER noll6od to aubml,l:i. 1tl\t.Qlllont or tbo Ouio04, p•rl~·--·· ·· ····· '6010 100 Venetian Blinds --... -1- - •nmotot.boSur"TorGonoralwitbout Blier, ~h1>qtr. t1t1r lb... 7 to ~ 1 • · ) JUST 1n :c1;LVED dela .-cloc7,tr --------

D d Blind JIM rebuilt his pl• oo or bmlnoso on .llullo (the >r.) per lb. 7 tu 10 a o. s_,. ~x . tmr. 1'04li~ from X•w York nud Ordnanco Stl'Oat, or posllo .Railway FRESH OYSTERS.

111 1.L.\SEOVS. Blind Rouers, .•tmr. Cohnn from ~l onlrral, Dopot, whoro he wll bo prepared to Co>l>HI'. ton . Sydney. . G 00to5.50 I execute 11 11 ot"dcn)n hla \Inc with dee· C03t, )'ict i•, pr.100..... 4 so And Ornaments for Furniture 250 Brls . N;pw Ilca ry ~r~¥~iidtn~'d~Yiit!~. ~~'dd8;0r:i._1 1tock lLittlo 0 • 1:1', pr lOD 5 00 KEPT IN STOCK:. "1\ fr ~s s wth<lr, ib prlb....... 38 to ~-0 S' OJdeni left either n~ 1110 wort:- ..J..V..L-1:!:.1 M K E HO E u•tMr, eolo, pr lb. ...... IQ to!!~ 1bop or ohowroom will rc;.c•lve • p~ -r::::> ""C7'" • ' Le.11h r, h .. pr lb.... 35 prom pl at.tention. . novt,t ,.<,rp . ~ _i:v ~ - MllnnrAclurer or-~

I Le>lh 11plit, pr lb. ...... !!O I B I '-rO'T j B t & Sh Oats, rr b111he1..•........... 55 to GO I . _ _, i ~'. . · n Drls. Prime ~less Fork, 00 S qs,

I • Rr11n, rcw.t . .. ...... ....... I 50 IMPORTER OF WATOllF,S AlSt> I 50 llrls. J,olus, 11'/IOU ."SALEand m: AIL . • C:tlll• Feed, lOOlb; a..cka I 80 OLOOK.S, E~GAGE~IBN't' A~D 2a0 B1·ls Clauss ncer c.~u ~ I 200!b rb 3 GO W£DDl~O n·• ;s. 1 I • • ' ' . • Slneo tho Oro, 11.!. Kl!DOE b~q-

.... n ... r to .......... ·•···· 211-410 SpccUclcs, "}'nullcnl ln•trumenls t50 nrls. York \'Ille nccf. MO\'Cd hla atoro to tbe rcnr or lb old Ir :Fqdrl r, pr ~ ........ .... - - PlpMo.ncJJewcllery or all ltlncle. •

1 ___ nnndll'llOO W.t.Tllll STRE.ET. Entra ce

t' Ki!ro. il,pr .• 11...(· ··· jBw22 306 w auir Stroot. St. Jobn'1, N.ftd. l HLj'JARN& CO 'Z .. :~r8St~g~[J:'g!,~';;: .. ~~:~~e1:'°m Jo 111 . pr. hr ..... . ...... • ,PO \oppo8lte P. &. J,. T~11•!o r1•>. 110\-!!S .I!)

:!O bRrrel.I or ranll~· Prl'ah Oy1tor.1~ Just O.T lvod Crom P. E. Island. •115 CUI WOOD .~ CO.

5 ·50, 00

ARrni.'H. miPBEtt t20.H t lnch llemlou. 80 M Hemlock Frninlng-, / = - 1 IBI" All orders Oiled wlU. prompt.-.U Publi~ ice. GA s sro v ES. P.E .L PRODUCE wddoepnlcW11D~Y



"\j . ~fW.!.~=~~il~::.~·a~f.

N~ISANCES ~ ON SA l, E BY • m. son 300 000•000000000~000 TB

. P:,..,LIO A.RE ". OTIPl~.D" Tile S t. .T111111 ·.~ (:mt I .i111tt I 011· f~ W ood & eo Oor. Colonial and· Gower ltreei.. Very Su~ncfr "" ·' •· Oompnnv bovo juot rcceh-ed1\ ship- lJ, (on t e old •lte). '

thR~ Oro wlll boll 1.Mm•e-to-houso mcnt orblUIStovco pero.• . ',A•syrlnn.• I Tho cnrgo or .i1e • lenmcr M. A. Provisions, Groceries, Pl~ned Shi' ngles • .... , vl11lt lion by tho S:ml(ory Police, un- Tl.,.nSto,·cs mlly now boacen nt tho I Stnrr rrom Qhorlo(totown con,sl•Ung • der Y ordeni; AS PalJllo lloRllh om- Con11lnny•s OOjcc. fi"' For rurlhcr or :!000 bushel• npw OATA, )00 brla. Tobncco, Cirnn."Pl>tntooe1 Tumips.

cer i i;,j;lt. John's, nnd under tho pro· pnrtfi:'ulflni, np~y to(; I Pot•~ocs, 2.J t.rlo. Cni·rol.9, 30 to1111 lmta, llte., &c. villa~ or~ PubllcH~nllb Act, 1689_, W . ./...E' T' l IB P.E. ltland II Ry (•mnll bide). nov4. .A.t C1u~rentPricef!I I!'. w . HORWOOD,ltllLL. llud ~bo Act.a In amendment t ltorcor. J.'< l ' .1.' ' nov6 t.o I/ey nultADoo Is rolUlcl on 1my pro- dccH. 'see. t , J ohn'• Clna l.t.' Co St1:md11rd )lnrl>_lc Works. _.....,_ ___ ~------- 18'"Tlfet411hlngles aro admitted to mla~and the order lo romovo ~e KOBE FLOUR re tho F!Ni:ST lo tbe llarkci, Hm within tw.,oty•f<>tlr hou"" l• liot ~1 OCJ< 13 \ RY · . 1 - .t.L80 ,-

:~a ate!l'~;~=C:t!~~~{:~t'it'. aVi:JiliFT wocfo&'co JAMES MaclNTYRE, -- J0,000 Dreued Clapbeard, an4~he upeIU10or ao doing will be • PllOBll.ICTOR By Clift Wood & Co • ARCH H CAMPBELL recove-red rrom the ol!'ender i ummar- PORTY "OASKS \ - ower-ttreot-Fooi T~ea\re Bill. ~· K b ' . • • • ' llv. 'If .iew or the present daner Extr'actofHemlockBark 200 Barr o • P1ou.i--u: abor. ' '·I U r h""' It•- h John'•, No\Vf'ouud!Olld. Aaayrlall. dec211 ~Ho.alalpal Dook It l priJll'Ulo-1\.

Via ta Ono !J v,..ra, ,. OJ'- - "Lion" brnnd, a J>ortle.n!l\' 2'1 - J ed L tbepubllc ~ ln r.· O NUMl!'H.Q, HISAOSTON•S, ~ ..;i;;::::;=•""----.---------~:;, or~::.ropl'!tlOuawllho un CODTO:tyGUES T OMB:· .. :::~;~6:,;~~:~~ Wills 8c Sons. :BARBADOS/ MOLASSES. • • P~bl~ il:a?t-:sTu er . MARBLE WORK AROlllT~j(~ SUPmuffBN- ' l?Ot084LB tfr ~

llH HD cmLEF£ED FOR llE. FOR SALE DY E~~~~en1:rTI'~~~l~ w~:t:.~r~ DENTS. & L TE s s I ' R, By £LIFT !!h.00 & CO P. & L. TES !ER moderate Chl\rgo. Oftlce: UOr. Pr~ott aod Duck- • .OHOIOE

-::t GO b p and G01ha1rb-:g. Br1lll, • A{rew cuea or cholco Ood· Tonpea. Deslms sen• on Application. ~0r!i~~~·,.~11106 :::..a:- &om lO BARB'DOS MOLASSES 60 pPrtahjJ&ttle:P-. oon:1 decl6,~ . ao..-11';\y • , """11,tlw~. ~ •~_.a-.i.. '




.. By Mrs. ~1exa11der MeYel{Jli .lflller.

•The impudentupsl4rt I' she ex­claim&. • Whnt cciuld abe me.111 by 1uch talk 1 It is not true, of course. H ow could she hold tmy tlrunaging aecret or youfa 1 The idea.'

·The idea. i~eedi' said lln . \V111. l\!P, but in a vety faint voice. •What could ahe know 1 She was trJing JO Crighten me and make me take her 't.ek. She wu a fool for her paiDt ' rm too old a Wd to be wliere!._!iD!~~e.\!!~ eauaht .With cbaft' lfi

•!lien 7011 baYell't UJ llOl'lt, ~ really, A1111t KatbeziDe r. S... llanm a ub, relieved, for -edaing · Kn. mliirf--. Thamdyb'a loob and ~ bas ~ for1bii eomehow impreued and atartltd illnlll iiDtl her. lido o~wide

• A aecretl No, child, don't bo allly. In Come into the houe and (IP to bed.• ington &. Git - • But, ob, auot Katherine, 1 forgot C111hionablo aud wealth to tell you: Alex Warren jumped aeek their amusement into the w11ter nf~r~that girl; Uc 11.t the.'lbore or in tho ounwm, but may be drowned I' a.• 1]iese form but a 1mall per cent..

• J,et him drown then: What doc-s ofThe multitude. there is still • la1ge i~ mutter to us 1 Como to.bed, Sercun, p~pclrtion left to present A busy and il's onor ten o'clD4:k.' bustling I nppeaN110C. They Wtllk

OHAPl'ER .Xlll. }"tvK dnys after Uiat tmgic night,

Alex Warren, walking slQwly along Pcn°"ylvania A.\'enue, come.i foco to fo.ce wilb 11 Jruly0-lbe Wt onu be would have thought o( meeting io W:uhingtou- M rs. Thomdyke. -

&th sl4rt, rind stop; both speak ut once.

•Oh I Mr. \\'nrreu, tlll'n you were not drowuetl, uft~r ull !' C~llims bit ruother-i11-law, i.!!A.IJIJlUf\reliufi-

'No,' he nnswer>; nod then both pnuse. .A 1•isible realrniut foUs uu both. Mr.'Warrcu bn~ never m .... ~i Mrs. Tborndyke. A few nrtful word:i from ) Jrs. Wnrren ha\'O drop­(>l"<I 'n sinister suspicio11 in his mind ngoios t her I but, in spite of his pre­judice, his hcnrtsoftcns into n nddcn pity ns h~ looks nt her uow.

She is dressed from ~end to foot in mouruing-he.ivy,lusterless black. A Wack cmpc \'eil of the tbickes.t, hcn•·iesL qunlity is thrown O\"Cr he; lionnct, n11d fall~ almost to her feel. ·On h~r l>cn11t1f11 l, high-Lrt'tl fncc is blnmpcd nn expression or utter, hope­less desIX1ir.

lier h"3vy eyes, tlmt seem to sec nothing through tlicir milt of unshed tenr.s,nole meclmnicnlly lhnt he WCllr 3

mourning too, not ostentatious wourning. but·n simple, well-fitting blnck suit nut! cmpc-bnuded hnt. There hns been some chnff nt first nt hi~ rcnppcnroncc in nc" ·apapcrcircles in this guise. A few who know of tho w~olthy nunt down on the cnst­ern shore inquire kuowilM:IY if' tho rich old party hnd died ond Mt him her fortnnCl ;' bu~ Alex, witb thCl 111-conic nuswer, 1 Another rclntion,' dis111 is..<es the subject nL once nnd fore,•cr. So there is no tboro chnff, 11nd, nrter a little, Uie first wonder dies out;nnd it becomes a gcnomlly ncccpwl fcict t.bnt, lliough Wnrre has I011t n relJ!tion, it is nobody's bos­iucss but liis own, nud ho d008n't mcnn to become on object of condo­lcuce:

B ut though be bas put on mourning for ibc yo1t11g liride so tra11ic:illy lost in tbe very hour of her bridal, tb• stc.m significance or ~h• ch11oge does not.atrike him so forcibly ood sharply 1111til he · seea • lf rd Thorn­dyko,'i inky earb of woe. Then be realizes, with~ sudden bitter thrill, wh~l this dtll-k nighL'1 work bns been to her. Ji thrill or pl'Ofolhfd­est pit)' goes t hrough hi1 benrt.

•Aro you h ere alone f Or is Mn. Warren, or-noy 011e-witb you t' he il&lu!, in a :!::en 'Unusual cm­barriJmtn~.

1 · I am quit.e 1110 ' be iulswc/s. briefly 6od quietly.

• Ybu)ha n not left. Wanca Hall -f.or goOd niul all f' he uk.s, or ra. thu auerta,(or aometbiogiu bu ton• vaguely suggests it.

• Yu ,' she answert. There. is a drenry , almoaL pntbetic

quiotn.esa iu nil her\wo~ n~d even pctvndiug her manaer. She does nbt •ccm to WOl!tbat people g1anoo al them'cUiio.taly u they •taod talk-


S]o1rly nloug the crowd~ p.we, past thn lnryc fiue shops nnJ palatial hotels, nnd emerge nt Inst in the bellutiful wall-kept pnrk surround. iug the gro nd white mnrblo C11pitol Ih~. oqn shaded SC!ll close besid~ a lenping fountain, H1cy sit down nud rest, two i:loomy blnclc .6gurt1, seeming scnrcely suited to the bright nnd sunny sceoe, the green, gross, the bright Oowera, and the little wjt-tcriug birds hopping gayly alougthc wide gravcUed walks, chirp­ing in the gladntu or 1heir happy henrts. ·

·· Aro you \hinkiug of teaching agniu r he nsk$ dncr a pause, io which be hns been rllvolving in his mind her wt remark.

1Thers i11 no other alternative. r lul\'c n little moncy-11 very Jiltlo­thnt I saved while I taught at War. ren Hall. After tbnt is gone-if I live-I musi seek another siluntion.'

'.Pho lone is. one of nhnost" npnth~ tic indifference. '.!'lie (nee matche:a tho tone iu its stony cnlm, it.s bopa­lcts sndneas. P lninly, life b111 no­thing left for her. A md-oyed aad­l!Cl,lrted, Jon~omau while yet in her bcnuliful prime. W hat is the history of her life T-lhe mys!Alry, tbnt infold her liko n gnnntlllt 1 He hM cea.'cd to lhiulc, ns Mu. Warren and Serenn'a subtle ituiou11tiom ooct vnguoly mndo him, that it may be a shameful mystery. WbnL disgrace could to&cli this proua, pure-r11ced womnu, with that air or cold reserve slilelding her so effectunlly from vu!- • gnr curiosity . · •I bad tl!ougbt tbn~ Warren Hall

wo.s your homo for lire,' be observes, in n hnlf-inquiring tooe.

She tunu and looQ at .him. A llash of wmtlj[ul pride speaks up for a moment tb'C hopeless andoe5' of the melau~ol{ face.

1 •IL seeiil.ed so,' ahe ans wen. •They woro well contenL to have" me. My aet\'iCCS and untie\ were maoifqld\ and oorrenly requitlcd. l'bcy al­;.ays clnimed lhnt my ' inomnbrnnce'

'little Gay, prcclu~d tlie justice of a llberal Mlary. Still we ~tnye<!-it wns at least n shelte r for our forlorn licnds-umil tbat drcndful nijlht'­sho shivers, nnd her low"voioo brenlcs slightly-thnt dreadful nigM when my darling- my darling--dicd-and they dro\•o me oot to face the world alone.'

Alex W "T11. sprini,>s to his feet.

~)' God were th ey se cruel r bo

en 11 n tempest of '"rotb. ~ Why w bttd you done r

• 1 told Sero1111 the truth-that b\r poisened toug_ue bad driven my liu.le one to lier ( ebe alone had killed her. }.nd I.hen they heaped the cruele3t abuH upon .mo, and drove mo ou~ in the nighl. and tbo dnrkness t6 nolt whllt sbd­ter 1: oould.'

•She devels t' muttered tho youn11 conupqndont. ' A nd where did you go then 7'

• 1"went to some kind, humble people I lu1ow in town and atayed

. EOo~ ... Oil l'esrill pap) •




Page 2: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------

- -"'\ \

!~ "-, J

. I "'J . v



.. ,


Too Jlutlr Adminislrafae llachincrr. Tho Cum1<liu11 Cu:•ll·· {Lou1lou),

•i,uo1cs, nppro,•iugly, the fi:>llo\l'iug fk>m <>lotter o/ )Ir. '1' . .)l. J:u.1cl, )I. I'.,

'- \Tho hll.i bceu tlelin•tin~ :ultlrc~ ... o rn· · 4•uGdn nml tho 1 ·nilcJ St<1tc• n~1i11$l

l t omo l:ulo :-• "l hn\'c, sny~ )lr . .ilus:icll, fou111l n

I·' dty 1£.roni; fl>c)ius lll'•'',"iliu~ 1h.•t untler Confctlcfutiou tho l'.irli.1111uut •)'•tcm hu bcon • o\'01·Jonc. 1si thr . nritirne l 'ro\'iocc,., 1•;opus1l>1 lnw .11>.

<ly hetm m;1<lo ~ •111nli:.lm~t• 1111 t 1r Lcgi151:lturcc..· .. \ nil ·' fi·l·ltu,:.;- i .. gro ·iug- tlrnt n ( \ tlr:ll l'.\tlia111t:nl,

'litl witlo muuicit"-' :ln'l cuuut ~· iu· " ituu ~, wunhl ~1 ''"'· uftie(•\l fur

.. t!.'ln.1d~ 1'hi:. w ~ir .Juh11. )ltc· •~!\>Id'• OWU or ' liOn. .\ml \\Ith l\'Pubr f:O' oruuu.~1pt, ~ginuin;; with tlH' townthip. S"Oinl;' on to tht' t'O\mty, Wen to ti1u l''n.wil(e:e, nthl cn,liu;.: \rith t~~ Uvmiuiun P.1rli.lmeut , JK'OJilo' ll\'·

• gin to think tbc~· Ju.!y h.\\ o too mnc11 or J &:->o'l thiu;;. Ct·rt~iul.'• ~i:;Ju

.( :

,--; l .o:;i•latnl'ti forth• 111illion• of 1"'01Jc 7 .tppt.·~ra !\ hrgl1 :iiupply. This uur;l1l

10 be ... ;.1, howen ·r ; thuy J o •·.·

(~ tti'·ol) liulc. for tho simply rn-vn th 1t

t oTO i• little for them to 110." l'ho' )Ir. l!ussollis prub.1uly influcnccil

t· jc the ,,1Jo,·c rc:inuki, IJy hi• pr\'ju1li\·l,

~r·,.,.__ ·~· .1iru.t ll qmu_1:u10 fur lru1'111l, iicn·r· I . ..... CXl~U>llCC of th1• 1•i.L 1lc"

f• n u <>r more. l'lihc.>wli l~1.1L l1w m.1iut4·11·

' a lC:\?' of :rn .rnnnal pro,·i11d.1i· . linruent, i:1 n l11xu1y \\ laich 1~.1~ h1•.1\"·


i~· on th,, pNplc, p.1rtic111.11h: of tlw i;11~r pNrinct·s. \ri1l1 th(\ c:-a~4.:p· li'o1-:tr 011t'\riu, thu ·inci J < tv\·• r. :· ult:ub ;\re un:iLlc to 11 .k1• l)()t l1 l"iJ1~it 1Ul'tt, wiU1 t h...i ~11L .. iliu w~idl t!:t•\' 11•

ctin> from Ott:\w.1; !\Ui 1Jt,. t l;lt: . 1.•rcn· :--o...\.-.ou witn\. ..... l' ;L"·u ,j, 1·

- k. c 01/b'mg fur f,,·01~ :·1um tlu.· l .., l:O\•otm1--ent. 't'h:_f_.•r !1 . .,,

~N:\3Jy h..-\1l 1u t \! ott tu .tirt_., t t'\ •ti.:1 · ~c~• ib l'ru,·iuciJl 410\t-t' 111•·1i:

f(o111 IL ukru111r y ; .11111 1i.,. .\1..lil;\.,, )'rcn·ioco will h:l\u ;o 110 1Ju, ;..in1t· J,. ..

~±'ro long. Ju o.nlcr 10 J""l' up 'I' J ':l.l'QDCU, :i Bl'\n atiou 1•oliry li:r..i lu I'° p ~UCll iu <WOry 11t.•p:trt111!!nt of th 11l1ulic ll(lrvicc, 03puciolly the kcopiu • ot ro>ds oud l>ri<1P:5 in rcpoir. .

W hen. II~ amollar pro1·iucc• \r.•ro .. ~ ~otl or .c.•jolod info jojm'i>i; 111 · r· t nus with lhu lorgor pro1·i1 "/


l noun, ihoy {.""'" up whntowr or I aaloli\'o imlepondonco thny I t 1 ;;,tr?y of lho oom~. It i• true the

n me of 1-e .. ing o (l>rlinniro1 m· 10.1ine1l ; bnl iL "'"" ouly a mon.

lldow. l'nJor tho pro1•i.iob, of th~ llritilh Xorth.A111orit::1 Ad. tho m tk­

/; ia~ of the t'u.tnn11' 'foritr the u111..,.i· ,. lion of impott we., tho r.:gul•ti11n of

lil<le ud commette, 'lwJ oil other iu1-pj,n.nt law1 ,..,,., gi"reD to the GoJ!l.·rol

Qegi.1a&111e, ud ~u loe:il legi•l uure•

~ left a!mvl1 lo .,.hnini•t. r thm

padl, llnd &ci i- a f.·w 1 ..... , ob ~ht• •lone with ••11111 if nut

r pnrpeea u.r • monic:p•l~it·•. only a qnes\ion of limo how mu~h

lcillger the local 101,-ialaturea, with nil tleir ox~naii·o ~nplwrnolb, "ill he

-ltept,up. Thoy hovt• •lro,~y v;,._.1 tlloir .. , oucl oro 11 "tul1•mtc1l through 1 timont, M I o wrou:l11•1l cling to th pnllry .ll'llpping>< of their ft)nuor nntuo ce.

! 'onfod~ ion lfQundetl tho 11 •. uh /' kni!ll o r 0 lcgilhth•u Uit1"pon1loncu

of tho ro11•\, pro•pcrou• liUlo colo­nie1 of rc;i< Rrit~iu on tho Gulf of SL f.n, onu, nu1l >oO it would io<l ,vith ~uwfoundl•nd.

I M6d°el of th;' Eurydice.' )(r. John :French, IOU of the IJ tO

U..j)!Ajn corpc rr9nch, h.u n inodol ._. ofiha ah J.urv1Ul:o •I hiJ , .. iJcn<o l. . .on King'• d, w$ieh iA wtll \fOrth ~ ~iug. o:\Stll'Cll 23 iotlios from /t•o qu•rlor to ~cod or lh• jibboom,

• •nd ir .. complotctl hy .ll.r. }·rquchju•I 'J be!oro Ibo July firo, 'tfter bciu" in h~nd. About ten mo11t,l>1. The n~ol is full rigged goip;r' free, nud with

~orf • litc11 of c:inv:1S act. F.,ery 1hy,

h l!,ord._ nu1l block, la in ils l'l•co, Iu lo tho bo•ta, c.1boos,, companiou­

way, port nnd •t.llrWl\l li11hl boud•, \ °' ' blnn¥1o, 11.<lpa loadlni; to thq qunrtor d ick, ~·ith bnw rnilil around thua.1mc, nro perfocll Th1eo Jflinituru .nilom ·a~ntl on thu look·out !0Nll1oocl, ono 1 im ia nt tho "heel! nnolbor nt Jiu·

• \ d nkoy·winch, \Yhi\c. tho blnck wol: hlla juat omor~d from Clio gnll~y wilh " cotro .. pot in -ono hlllld nnrl n pinto in tho o ther. Othor figuiu occupv dUTeryit partir oft.ho dtck. The Eng· IDlh ]Jatign ftoobl f rom lb• 10iuon pc•k nnd l!wr1. :Bainc,,Johnltouu'• fJa" u

·a)oW11 al tho moip 1011. A ltotethor l ' th modul ii ono of tho m09t 1W.ri>et of

I' 'IW kilJ..d tbiU Ibo writer h .. overl lolln.


ltr. F'Nlnch bas Nlfuaed f30\r~r it, na !}At t um would not · rcmuudrtitc him tor th- limupent iireomtructing it.


, Feb. 2, 1893 . ) 'l'~c Daily '.fi:lbm (e. ~t. John's, N

~~a~~.·md Com~re~QO~fhd~Prow_s_e __ ~N_n_v!A~vn~•~m~~=E~M1=~n=s=.~~~~.~.~1=1r=ru=,=~u=r=rt i=~=m=m;1~=. ~\~~~~~T~~=~~;u=~~~~.~~~~{ss-~E~-~~~=~~~ NEW YORK LETTER'. On!hr l1ireor~lli·i1;11lmh .lnly, I002. G RAND \LAKE

\.. '\..!Jh!l ttth. l. ~

WJIE.\T. Th .. ;n.:1t'uf J-.;\:?",r. :li'/111;.1~11 1

~ id'} l :l.G, t T'.'P ;,.,I, I '."i.000 111: ltl·! ... ; tlh• ;\Cl'\: •• :,;.• t..f J •.J;! \\",,:; :1~1:1:1I,130, ~· l1·l l l;t. !, t'lO}I Jl.i,!11~•.t'OO l I hl'I•. Tho popnbtfou h ... ;:~. it11 •l .• !"(,Int J."i 111i11iv11-.. l'h\: p1.1 C'.tpi\ ' i1l1"l•·1' " iu 1tl".1:1•.t .. u Uu·.(• ... 11 of 7ll uiilliuit.,.lm ... h· •' Ii; p1•r r•·~r t~ t' lauuw t.'Ull 11111rtiui1. The.• ,.un1l in ... r~.l..t' of If 111 illhn1"' Ht .: .. .t1•1;.. ... ·.t,P\Y..: t' 1<11,t dn fur !t ·r l·bim th .. : 11..,Hhinl, of tho l:i m1lliou. in· 1 , ......... in pt.:p.11.t~iu!t h}\t· ],.. ·v1mfl•y J.:uh or prt·f,·;.1•H •' i:tli ~Iii .Ill u ( dt!t-t.

IL app1· •f"> cun.·nmpllua l'l~·.-.. f.1 t•·• th1n 1h· 1 .l11cth.1tJ c,;f w1.!\lt. ·Thi w,::l·I'• .. a111•ly iu lt\OU. un,11itlt• c..f th\' l 'uit1•ol ~i t. .n.1 l '\· r.1'•11, w.;. l.i30 n1iilion 't>•"l"l" .\m· t.•t ic.;\ tlu.·n ;:r w t:l!J million\lJ. 111 JS!J:.! ti;.· w(lrl·I"• 'i'iM1 out .. hh· of ruit"·,1 ~u:c1 •n·l t'.~ l·l a \\ t ... 1.G~:.! williun l•:i...hc1... . \ \ l'r.'l;._'l' fur t:\"t'lt

~·~.if .. JI···~ ,.,._i.o( I .•if~ rnillluu huah 1,. \'J1iU;1I :..t.Ut•., :1;:11 <".·n:t1b iu "Pl ·' ,.4 prl.•lluttit.'11 1k11:1:.: lhc •l"'C.\\l~ f1ud1 t:m ~u :;;[ 1,1illiun t.·1~h~·J... l'11H· ·1 z-.\Lh:• -.u\.1 fron1 nup u f }:"" '1 !v utl11•t t:•Jll1l·

trh.•., _:. • uillioa ln: .. Jll'I· . It ·1pp~· 1h W<l · c th onl)i r<":H111y J./1\'" in~ in pt!)\ uctfon . •I n"'mnptiu~ nt th11 fiUh'. • I

'c rct.;1ll no l'-~l ".l.UI\ tin! J1.\'\

l,y, u \Yu?b1' \)l' , .f,on' t1yiug- tu \\·inlt·r wlin.H . Tllittg th· n llir. ,la,\• nutnmn IHhl bD\\;N 1.·uhl ... ,. :ht:r 1.1 f 1:,'l:? ntl l~!•:l. i ·rol·~ f..,Ho,,i11;.rt·\'t•r1· .~t·1~l!n:1 u-ut:.lh- mu•lm .. "· t uh· :\i1:..11ll fi.-, tu ;.; J •r c 0 ·;1:.' J'ldi. : i.:1~! ~. \'.', ~i.ti ·i· I,!•!,• dt'-Ht1ll:l" ;,.'J- i!1:d W' •' will J, t1""''" r ~:1• ,\·:r.~.,.-t1 .: l }' .. i111.t~· 1ct•·i1·t... t,. I.,\,· . .. . t·.nn .ry •, l ~ .~, ~lr ~ \\I •• 1' i:t •'11~ UP.., .. ';·I Tt •l d.1

0\s ! ·:_ .. J. al i;•1 •. Jl•l i: 1i

l.1."t I ·~:r:? '• <',1 }t \frfl•

I. 1 j "-'II ~· i' .. 7:11 \rt• f•:"\(•1

J.n,·in•· • :: !1· """'i· !:~ ·1 • l t'\t .l if 1:1 . Ul.1::~1. tl· li.:1 · llJ J "1 '"' 'I ll"U :!.·· !u : ··t'tl t.· .. 1 nti1.

('Ol!X. 1'b tiop i hc.1 :~ •·•wit i 11 i.11 '

..)~UH .II l\t•!.I" l,•"'i. f t 11; v ( r,. ···ipt .. uni~· . t. ·11~ l i I' t· r(':1t in· !l(•1 :-. rvntr.i··! ;;:-ld1· in ( "hir 1 •l'· 'J'J.,. 1\1.•1&1 11111 !t·r t"\t:L. n11 ~1:i·Jll i 1·111ph ,. !'Ii. 11hit1d1t::rn .. ?i)lt t•f Jl•l WI! th r "'ttl'li'1~·1 CJ\·,·r \;iii. ,t•· ~. 'l'h-·n·

:. •t•ni.. no r1..l.>rm lu t:XJ•~ t )•1.nk lO,JooQ,::J&t ,<:ll nt low 101·<b, i{. Ollc·hnl f tlli' i)...

rt~ .11,~ut •oem·ity 11f ho""' i .. 1111 .. l!umt1n .\h~ th .. t. l:'Lr&;t' Ct)u.•r.~t<u' .1rt• cnnc .. mtmtin:; a line of cu1 u t:ou tt.tcl" fvr )lny dclin·ry. 'rJw .,n·•.tgo pti\:~ (\ Ci\ih corn in c:hic.&:.;u fur 10 yt•.•t" l I lt1i- w~n alw\tl I~ .<out•, \I hirh w~, tl1u :wcr:tgc ptico iJr 1b!>.::f, ill-:"-tiu"t nr1 o\'er•so 111 11!91 of :;~g ccui., au•l in 11:1$3, of GI} cunt . Tho lo,r, .. t n.vcr.iga ot . ..1uy nn,• p~!\l' \\" 1 :'\ I~ c.tnt-1 ju 18.s!l. I~ wuulcl •t·t111 iuvt ~tor~ c.iu11or u1lk<' a ·riou~ lrrur iu htt\·iu" ·' J•roduct 111.11 i• cllinb nt ,1..,1it i\; :..\"'rt:tg•J f1.1r ,;a..,h yoou for ai'.tlt·tn ~~A. p~t. C 'oru i ~ nmY \runh nhonl i~ c-·nh t~ f,·oJ to hn~•· .\ 1IOll' i• 1<ilJ of nu llliu~u.,-fmncr who \I II.•

n k, 1 w !1it h '1'1U t;vini; to dv \\ il11 wJn Yi Ali1l Ju~." lHlrcorn.'~ "\\"li:'\t fur I" aai·I Iii» "w111irer, In 1rhic11 11t· l'f'..l)'OU1lt'tl, •• \UtlD;,.r IJl311 ! uel <'r tlo l111t OD•l thing-, ) n...-\ UlOn~y lO ltU,. curn :o fc •I hogs tC>-eoll lo j!jd money t.q li.1) wrn to , II to t."'l 111011ry to lmy eoru tu fwetl hot;• tu ··11, t tc." .\ 'ol:1tt1;"' woul11 nut ~\· mote_.

0\TS. 'fhr. vi~iblc contium:~ dt: r1 iu:.;.

,:;•l\tilncnl "Com• In 1io~tonn.1nt. !'on· 111mcn nl;,,orh uppli1·A f. ... 1er th· n f.11·· mcrs rol'l•ni•h t11rm. ~lnrkot flul'l113· liowr "~cm to U.• plnying t>~ with lhoii;· in othor i,>r.1iu pits. "·u h\vo 1111n:v fri~ll•I• in the co1omorrial Stol"" 1rhu look fo>r ·10 cc·oto.'I~ iu Chic:.11:0, in the ne~r future.

l'JtOYf l OXS . •'\ ut·' Ti n : Fu:L •

~No. t .) • P .\Ttlll"t" l°IT1.l'.\'Wllt'R ( {..'t11•1011-}..f;rm·n~

Public Notice I h.wv h\"f"lt ,, M•t\':\llL with )Ir.

Timutliv I hi nu~ Fn,.\tw .• tt. r J:o.-ul for nhout n'ino w.uw .h th·· limo of tho Hr,· "''' h.d


l1•u Cuw1-. tiix cowo il"cro in tho htJn, l~)himl Urim ' how.f'. ,\ fl1·' W~l 1uilkctl \hO.·C .ix CUl\'d

(.\1111~orii•1ln1l \\'. l:l''ll '"''" mill:· jtl'o~ with tno), J wou L in1ioe ulhur 1'1rh 10 milk tloc otlll'rfunr cow•~ I "cut i ll thi. 11.lfll finJt, [ Wolll UOl HlllOldng. ( h 111 nu pi pt. in 1")' muuth thnl •l•y.

·1 wn1 in thu li.un nl.out l 1•n ininulc. h.,r.,,. 119.o 0 ,. l.rok•' uut; I """' lhu hac lir l int t.• ""mt Jaw": t '-"Orlil1r of lhc l•un •• jt 1111ltir 1hu 1'\lt)(, It '"'' lolowini; • ~·lu ur win1l fro111 tl;u \\'l~t­\\,\fll, .Ulll tJM ~;VJ•Lc mud h1wo. CUUll! frum o huu.,., to \tfoclw•r•l uf ou.... 1 ;;ut tl111 tOWtl 3n1l lion- out. I ui.:do ltu illMl>pl 1u 1'111 out lh•• lihl. lly llw timl~ J ;.:\It ont 111\' co\\ .. JA11 hvr \.'• :lw whulu pl.\C~ \\'.U5 .ilh1.. Tln:rf '~ nu wat.•r 11nly iii th,. pump. I\\\.,. fif­h-~·u Jninuh.·• fru111 lh• fin· ·.I .tm uftlrt! 1)11f"tc tlh' lir.t t.:ni;iu.., rnrn ~nin.·il. TI1cl'\1 \,n .. nu ,r.\tt1r in tlw hytVmt only >rin•I. 'flwn• ,, .. ' ' 111n1: Ml('"r o r tium nut :t. ,1ro~1 uf w1k w:i.~ tht0wn ''" the fir«. Wu h •l ix or '0~1 ton• u( h1y •hugdlr.·r. l:il~ ti\'u or l'liX __,cwt. in L11lt l1uh 1 .l

crnght ""'· There w.'" unly o • C.1.•k of lto,.,,.l)ltO on in lho •hul'· fft.J11re hnd\L.!~11 wull•r thrown on thr firr• whoir th~.tgino c~mr, tlirn· wJ.'<' .1 ;:ou<l clw1co to 1111t out-+!1e>lire. If lions·• ho1l !i.•1•u pnllad 1lown, tho firu might h.\\o been s to11pcd. ~·ur 1111• lit~ )1.df nu hour no ath•zopL w m .•le

IQ[' 1lu1 tir,.. hi•

I' \Tl!lt ' l\ :.-:, l'ITl.P.\Tl:!l'J;:, J.1.11~.

:-;,,·uni .u11~ 111"', .. ~ ~;t. .John·~, t!ti 1 ; th •lo\' •.·f .~II~ I t, ,\, I)., ibti~.

!I \\', l'Ut>\\·s1:. Sli!' ·nili 11~-. :'\11°1.

I Y.' \01·1.1 , ~ ., ... : I .1:11 :t •t\.mtuf:\lr. Th1u•i1v f!iin··

l\\'u ~•·Ji' • tut of n.;.il!dn1; i:v\•.< f r-.:­nwtnl~·r F1id.1y, ~· Ji of .1~11~-. 1•\.-tli11;.;

vf 1111.• gt•·lt tit"l'. t tu th 1 .,·.·11i11;; \ bo\' u:nm'4l \rilli:uu J;,. rn, '"' h" i " it:1~1 pl~yi.:11 hl )Ir. lhiu; ... 111.1 1'·.'1i·k Fi tr.p:tlrid: Wt'l•' tpilking ~! .. • rvn·~ with uw. \\'r- tom:n,·uc1. .. l iuill.i1.;.;­,.uw •. lhoul i.-Hi ot t. :JO p.111. \\\•all


~'lktil lir>~iu onr •L•l•loo. Fil:p 1:l i-·k.

thcr •Cr\'3nt of )fr. llri1w'~ Ii, (, 1i. ~u 1\lhl milk iu :t.ll1''h•1 I.ii n or l.l'f' ht.•JtiJUI t iw ! ·,:i:. '\,\\\1 milk1•1t

r.r...,iu 1hu lr.11u huhin1l"J1•) hun~~. J•it i p.,lrh:k w. 11 nut b'OU · f wtn° lli un·r ~'"'11 or eight ntinuh-11 )1 fiJn· we lu•.1nl tl1u nlnrlll o r fir~ fn.111 }'it11u11ick. \\"hen ho •·nn ... 1 lir<•. I r n 11°11 into tlw clwellin~ 11011•"· Tl,,. , t.•l of :he lmu \<'hcr1• FillJ1'•1rick I. .1! I ••· 11 u1il!<­inh "'"'' OU tito. l J1 "' 1M;f•U !\ t-,.t• unt of )Ir. Jimolhl llr111,. fur clo1·cf1· yc•r•. Fit•'f> 1tricL: h. ~'"'" n ten·nut or ) Ir. l;riu.:'" for n1 ..... ~ll t·i-.;lit yt\.·u-1. llu hi.I Uc•·u tnruo•l air ,. An1'1 time• mil ta\::c·u lt~k :lpiu. ·

loor .\ '.\X :.-: XOJllH!;.

in.irk. Swuru ht.•fu1u UU!·, :it :-o;t:'l'l, this 'l~lh •I>)· uf ,\ug-11 1, .\.)),, IS9:!.

l•. w. l'ncnr::n-:, Stip .. n•h .1~-, :'(ft,l,

(No. :l. fr \1Ml\" Jh..11 1~ (Ja°i!l!Jt1°), 11 uru: •

I lh·o m1·1~ Urinu',.. 1 w.h on th,\ ~poL wll!'n l m Hl'o l1;uko uul : i: \'•1-~

·lx•twurn I.~ p. 111. n111l 1.1;. I""'· I ~\W ilhl "nlUkO rrOHl Jhint..' J :tt ll \\'Jw1t

· 1huy l·P':t> t••• .1l1t111 of fin· 11 w.~. m-.irly h.1lf nn h~ur fro111 tlo•· nl.11111 uf firu 00fut4J t ile ;,tc.1111 (•nglnc urrh'l.'11. \\' Jiun t.lio _qkam cftkiuo ntriH.'•l it. , ... l-. ual i11 wuuPint: urdrt; till.lam \\a, ;101.. UJ'. Them .. w~ly n1JU111. twu :t111l a h1l f f,·cl uf w11 111 till' t u1k. Som" week• '"1il"' t 1.1~ lho fin• • n~iuo hnd bt-t·H pr.\t"h"'ill(.:" tip th1•h.' .uul l!ic t~lnk wa. .. Ual'n • 1111,m• t11:t:1 tluN~·p:l : .. • 1up· tirtl , ·mil w, Jlt!\'Cr r~lilll'•l. .\t tlit• liml· uf tin· fir.! it Jn1I ouh· two i\!Jtl a 11 tl f fd'l 'J'Ja,. t rnk n:1 .. 1nuru ~It u1 h'H f1.1 t 1lc1·p. Sul1-Jn .. pt ttur ~ullh·.'" lultl 1111· tu s;:• t .t 1•0Jo to 11 ".:!\Ore t11c •l•·plh o t l\o.l•·r in tlw 1.1llk. The fi r<• in th1 .l! tc:uu t 11;..oi 1.<- woultl not l,uru, lUil liu 10 \\" uul CH•JU;.:h uf w.11cr in tl111 r~ ... 1·f\·u1r ro tmtnp. 'I It·~·uu 1·11· ~in+• wu .. uu :ltr i.:rountl an i1uur or mon1 l ... ·fv1e it ~~u\. into \\'ut kiu~ unlcr. Thi y 1· 111tt lu my pl11c1• :1D1l ;,"tit..) wo n.1 llut1:1 uf Ji.c•tUtl·H~ oi), l ilt• firo hc1,r.m to l1urn up tlwn; 11uL il n·:._~ UCil until tf10 -,t;•:\ru t.'n~im1 ~ut w.1t~l' throui;-h tho lo.,..u nl tho h1·;"l ~f l.011.:'• ll ill, tlnt tJi1 , 1te!l111 •:11g:mu tt•Jlly lwg-.1n lo wo1k. Thi• "'''" folly"" hnur afte r th1· 1·11gin1• nnh·etl. '1'111" flru J1:itl Hl.)1 ~ot cl O\\'U lllQll' th:m \W() 1aUU!fl'l'SOn lho F1t:"liw.1tf\r nn1l Jx;fun1 the t.!llginv be~ ;:•11 lu w111I.. )ly 80Jl·i11·l11w, Kolly, ~ountlNI tltt• t:\nk nf1f'r ~lu~ pt J" tico; Ill' fuuurl Olli \' tl .. reo f"t•t of wnlcr in 11. "'""'1; .1 ii fur S11u·l.n<pcc1<ir S 11lho "'tha fire; ! ouly fuun•l

1·0 '1wl ~ 11'.!tf f•·e~ in ii. 1 n r:x m.- nor..:.


LAD~~RS .. AIT' lit, 11'1,-;1,;;l~/1•1'.v /11 S t. J ohn'd, nr o.not lllcd th!\\ , hy Lnw, n subDtnnllnl Lntl.<lor abnll bo llxo<l to tho Uoor or c.l •ory D»·olllng l!oufll> nnd ltOJ>~ tu good repair, uxcup~ whcu a rc'"Ull\r nee~ lo tho roor, rrom t h o lnsl3o, Is provldctlb end Huch lntldor llhhll bo pr ovttlod y tho p roprietor o r auclt Dwclllng llouan. Anti 11vcry p roprltltor or" D\lo:Olllng llouao who sbnll nl.'lito tJ(•f1\Ult theroln 'nhnll ror e very ofrerico forfel~ nnd pay a. lino or I wo. dollnnJ, to bo roco,•ered wlUl costs Inn aummor wny \lororo nny Sllpc11dinry JlllLI ror t e Oontnil

~~lro:!· .,~:!ti.!.'\~ 'dr by :rt..!.~1e.~! goo<IH nnd clMatteh<. ~ l.:iw will bo inrictl) enforced, a.nd nil oll'enders prosecuted wbo nave ao~rovtded ~~~~~~~,.11:~h~1:.dden thin ten


M>~.rp Ltpl'ndlary Mag!Ara•. --~--- --

• Hin J:xcollonoy tho Oovornor 1 n Council hM boen ple""ctl to nltnr tho nam • or tho followlJig aoLUomcnl.8 :-

•• uutt~I'• l t lnntl," Uom1 v ista Brty, t.o b~·" SL Bre.ncln.n.0

" l,ower S hon! lfarbnr,'' Trl11i1y B:tv, t > bo "Clnrenvllto . .n

Sci:rctary•o 01\lcc, J 11I1. 31, 1893.

T I.IJ>: NT,:W ,

Photo~raphic Studio. Cor. Victorin nml Qo,.•or Sl8.

i:. Wo LOYN, PltO l>lt,[ETOR . .

'i'hia Studio wh(ch hn.s been built nnd fitted at great cxpclllO, is now open for l.n.Jnra.

l·:n:BYTJll~U ~mW ! I Tl:~ ln•trumen l.111 01.tlngB and occce·

fiorie11 ar.o tho ncwcwt. nnd •m08L Imp roved.

l'U!CES fOll WOllK WILL llE MODEl\ATK Aa o;(ponsoe ttrO noL 80 g r coL

as tbu oltl Wntor S Lt'cclOBl.nbllahmcnt . E11lnrgcnlClll8 mndo f'rom ncgnllvce or nny :wnllnblo prcturo In O il, Or ny­on tir lntlin Ink, or by t h o Bromide procest.. ®"Tho n ow populnr JOltl~ Oll portrnll, -. b COV)' gold (r11mo for $7.(111, Snmp)ea can be ocen nt the Stu<l!o.- fcb2 61,ood .

TOBE LET On building leases 1 1111 tint \\' ~tc,., l'roperty •i·

tue.te on tho south sld t> of W onir St., lntely iu t hi occnpMcy or Metllll'll. llttt\'oy & C A l8o-AU that wator­slde lntoly he d by tho Coast.Bl Slenm· ship Co. Alao-ellg;blo Building lots eltuRto on tho Slgnnl 11111 rond. For terms, apply to

'Vll .1. IA:lf C l .Al'!', Solicitor.

OFFICE:-Nco.r Senmn.1UJ1 Home. ~b!?,31,lh,s&t. •


D Tlit~ Down-Stairs purl ion of IH'w woo1h•n liou .. q on

All'Xnntl<'r Jtl'<!Cl. Apply t<> T homq5 .\lurph~, :!I ~loxnndcr 8t.rccl.- fb2 '!.: 1<'01· ,..ale- h y toudc"' l'

• Now J,ylng nt P. a: L. Tes. sler'a (upper premli!ea). Thia vcdel h:ui bucn recently rcbulll nnd enll\J'g· cd, 11lcatbod with Or~nhonrt PIAnk, for tho proaocutton of tho so111Rahory, and Is now ~Oii tona gro<!ll. and 2711 to1u nett. Pnrticulnrs can bo obtlllncd from t he Truatcea nt lho o mco or I'. &.J,, TCMler.

rldf' Sen led tenders to ho add.eased lo tho nndorelgnct nnt.l wlll ho rccol· \'Cd unlil noon on l'"Cbnrnry 8th.

W. J. S. DONNELl,Y} Trualoea J. OOODFEl,t.OW ·

rcb1 ,.n,w,th,r&.. R-1-~~Vl--S-I_O_N _____ -

Oj'"lltc LI.~/ oj' J 11rOi•x j o1· St . Jn1111 ·.~. f1>1· l'cm• 189.'l.

'l'hc J .l~tR orOrnnd lllltl P e U.yJ u • rom now untlor r ovl•lon wtll be opoo rur tho lnapcctton .g( tha publlo ror two weok• from lhlll tlat.o, t\Hbo pornry Court Howie, Soamnn•1 H omo.

/ D. W. PROWSE. J . 0. CONR@Y ,

Sllpend l•ry ?>fftailltratea ro r Nfld. Ja!!.!."•ry 31st 1893.-81.



'20 TU BS :l\L S. BU TTER.

2Cases,Egg s . 'l'WEN'l'Y-1"1VE OENTS PER DOZ£~. .

W .. E. BEARNS , .

C~psl A Full Stock Now on Hand.

Of all the Favorite Styles in 0 I o I '• ' f, '

Saiilt Bonaventure's College TJfJS COLC.EGB ftffiJl'I/.~. "' 11w1fr1·11/f' t·.r111:11sc. r .1·1·£·llc11t

nd\•nnt<>go• to aLudcnts. 'l'ho bu 1.l lhl11Ct1• of It• slLunllon, 1h" equipment o ll-o 1choola nncl lho g enornl rurnlshiug or the ~•tnbllahmonL lcrwo nothing to bo d eal r ed for tho comfort nntl lmprovcmenL o r t ho pup,18.

Three Counes:-Proparatory, Commercinl nnd !dntricul:ition (London Univ•ty

- TE.RMS :- Dny Pupll.8, ~12, ' tr., e tc ., per nnnnm, nccordlni; to cln .... --J.Jo u rc.lcr'"'-~ l Cl() J)PI' u unutu.

Prospe~lullCll :ind oth"r pnrticulon1 011 nl'pHcntlou 10 1

. J . :r ... ~Y .... A."JV.£'ERY.

50 Packages Choice Dairy Butter, 160 pnckngcs Choice Komo11M1kn lluucr 20 hair bnrroJ...rlp P~rk-t! J>Ccinlly for l'11mil~· nso,

600 Dushcls Hc• y Blnck Onu, 00 ion• Best llny, :!00 !;nok1 Ilrnn, 60 Snck• Mn rllo, 60 Sncks Shortn, 60 hrlw. Yellow Corn ~lent, . 60 hrls. Milt! Cured U:inle-1ho \'cry best lmportl'll, tO brl•. ~llld ~urcd Oncon



.. --llO " ' •.•-- . -.. 1\y u sing the•l 1.v\l. .\ l:l's & )IOl:l:JS' l'lrfcrtt'l

Spectacles ::-; and :-: Eyeglasses. Few are the Troubles Affecting the Eyes

vwhich cannot be relieved and cured by the timely us~ of a pair of l'::l<'Jl-l.l '"I~C"f.r Spe c•t.a.c l el"4 J,>rop«..•r ly l'"it.:t<'d.

Cnll ou tho only nuthorllt>d ngent1 who hru< tho proper ayete m nnd ln!ltru· manta ort.Cttttng t ne •lght nntl Rlt,lni;glt1R1ee.

l~ir.9~M~Nt4 Brazil '~ Squar~

flmal.1 ............ 60 c~nta ptr pnlr Largl.'.: .......... 60 t:t•nts per J"'lr Nlekel.plltl:cdSl.20 per po r


nud'Ho111c-f'arnlahlng Storo, l(J Now Gowor'Slrect. Sign orlho J.nC411dt!I· ceoL Lnmp.-JRu23.


stMltlo Llbrnry- lotcot luues. Wh b in nn Ace, by Mt9. O.J cnken,26<1. Sklrmlllhlng, by !lrt1. 0. J onltt!ll, 23c. Bessie Lnng, by Alice Oorkrnn, !!k. Tho Olty of Slirraa, by W. Alhworth Tn)~lor, 2Sc.

Around n Sprlng,by OWll.A\•O Droz,~ In Hot H IUltc, by Mary E. Unllftb :!6c. \3'nree Bower •• Wllo, by Pi>ul ten.

An~~· ~0m11U In Pari11 l50c. llilss lfi,, ldt!llda, bv A.O.OrunLor, l50c. Sir John Lubbock's Beat Hundred

Books, 40c~50C., llO. Rou1lcdi:o' llwny Llbrt1r~, 14c.

·Sometltlug cad, ''ol. 47 • ·Witnker'a A l\nnC, l&93-0lotl1 11nd

Poper Binding. Collins', IA>lta'• nntl Smith'• Dlorlc.,

1593-vnrtouo olxcs. . GAJUtE'r'.r BYRNE,

jnnl' Bookseller Md St.Atlonor.

Northern Mail Service Jlailx trill be :nc.~Jlfllr11 etT

\ivory Montlny nnd Thuniiln1·, until f'urthcr notice, ror Shon! llnrbor,

·Rnndom nnd Smltl>' .. Sounds, 'l'rlnlty, Cnlnllnn, · llomwlatn, King•• Cove, Olode Sountl, nnd Onmuo, closing llt 9 n'.nl. And mnlls wlll be despatched C\·ery Monday from !?ntl Jnttunry, closing nt 8 o •ciock, 11.m:.t for Ooo•o Dny,Indi~m,Sah•agc,uottcl'• 18ld, Ooosebe lelMd,Orccn• ond, Pool• Ialonll, th tllatrlctoorTwl~lngntellnd Fogo,'i.n4 for Whlh>U11y. • Tlicrowll\ be no Rej{l•trntton on m o,.ntnc or de•· patch, nJ\d nll nlall matter p· 1t~d nnor 8 •.m. w!U ~6n1oln In oOlce unl\I IOllowlng week. Books :md pntcel.8 or nn) deocripllon wlll not lxl ror· wordcd,.and tho publlo 11ro recom­mended to m..U.. nowapnpol'll on Ute SMurdny, BR whdh owing to on unuau. .-11nOwc of L<lttere o.nt.f P11port1, lho l etters would bo delayed tr tho wholo woro dealt with lndh1crln1lnnteJy. Pa port! wlll, 1Ju11chcuc, be l<eptboek for next despnlch. Tho oOlcc wll\ bo opened nL 7.20 tl.ln. fOr tho MIO of ~!.;Imps, commencing from llnd Jan•· .a.ry, 18!13.

. J. O. FRASER, I'. !II. 0. Oeoernl Pott OOlce,

St. John'•~ d ee. 28th, '92-Zw


0hSale I!>EN~!?E ~~1~ !~,!~~Y. 10001~~~~:.r::t~ers

Ca binet-Ma~er. and upholsterer. . ecoon.... C h olc"

Wlllhl'll to lnl'orm h ill frientls.nnd tho IU'hllc ccl.rl\11): thnt ho hM COnllllt!D• CIDCKEN FEATHERS. ood buslueu on b11 own account, 11nd Is prcp.rctl lo 1upply nlahoi:teel notice :ioo BMSTE \DS all~lll.llAC!! o!Fum lture, plain nnd rancy. All- lit! d ,_ '

(}111\ os an oues ..

. l!ph'ol~ering and French Polishing. " WdODS'CENTRALllARDW'R&



H<·porLI al.ow tho( t 'hic.'ld~ 1•ickr•l 18 po- cent. I hog- inro ~~rull•·r I. lh~n "''ruu i"'iio1l L_;~ <e.c10u. l!c· li:tblc tli\im'\tC'J iwlir\tu thl• ~!\Mtu• ... p:iddng Ll1l'r t will I .. ! uwlcr · l ,Goo, 000 hofr, agai~t !?,7U1j,fJ(IO l.1 l will· tC'r. Thb1 ineli~t"' th ·rt· L •1 Ct r 11 11rr ••nt, T hr f11li1~ off in "'' ii:;l.1 IO •l.<tO cr1u '"' l ~ 1•0UU•l .... ho~. "Phu, r 1r the :\\"t;r.•;.:1• w.:•i=;l1t h i:e 1~t·u tl~Iowc"t iu-tl -cAtl.-, aucl tluJ nct.ip: h \\'Ch cu thf' lighh-:.t. ~in,·u I}!"~. I~· . CHttly, lhu hu"" ""9't1 fut i.D:i In

. 100 JkUIUtl.i, which '' .~ lllf' hirih1· ·l "inc<' '.\by, 1~s3, .\t 1111 l'iin• Jil,., woulll C\.l!l: O\'i:r :-:to.:10 Jhi r l111utlr1·1I,

but V\'1•r '""11.:iO 1·11r 111m•lr1:d .u11l contr~\ct J"Jtk u\'t't ;~:?1l.:\H pol' 1,,,,,.1, 'Fol" moutli~ p.1~t th11 pn.wluct li:u· lwt'l1 3~1 i• now helow i i. t'»•I t~ m.muf•c· tut<·., )(O>t o r lhu ·2•011 lhu rxpurt tle1n:nut wn.•\.,l:i{,go j l t'('t•nt ly iL hM fnllen urr. :Sl<>"1• huw 110 m•l• rinl inet"·"'o. -Thr ¥ uw Englnml 1lomnu1l r~r 110~ hos. 11\0t'll llllll'IUnlh· bri;e.>0ml •hir,ii(ci11< of mrnl• h


1·.t· 1.1•1111 ma•l~oi!'on Stol t.'-<. The '"''" o f trad~~ \p:'l~krr" ;flul 0111 1clfo1-1 turt­liLtllO to l>t> nt dri lllCO. 1'hi\ h,\., lwC1n •tho ';::a"'° .. iuet· 1111'1· u1umf"r. Fh1ct:i.1tion< in tl10 ~rkcL 111 mu11• r<1pid, ·~d mor. <UHily nlrcrt"l hy hoi; n>C<•iph aud ,.,th,;:;r.. , !h'm for ye.11•. l'.1tkiDJ: h•L 1rceL: · )Ii C'hic"WJ w~• 2!):?,000 ho~ n~.lind .J;"i5,000 I ·t. year, nnd "~ :JI l'<>ill~• 11"'1 loeen :i,. 37!!,DOO hoS", •l(lin•t fi, iG!i,OOQ hoip

Sw~1n 1 •. r.,.., me, ~t St .. lohu'o, t hi• !Ith •lny ~r .\Ugtbl, ,\,II., 1802.

• 1>. \\' . l'JlOWSE, 81ipondior7 No1•foundland: (to bo conllnuodj

«'bniln ratt deacripllon•\''t"'c o1 :!.....~" ustrR c•1 lllOt • ... c., . con· 13 ·NEW GQ\UER·ST. ~ t · ~~ I p t <.. ti d R ~ .. • . And houoo .tumiablng ILOl'Cl,

•t.auUy hand and tu"rnea~rder. U1QrWorklh op ror th~p OHnll,1 t\ -;

· NO. ~2, OFHJQHN STREET,~ BRlZILL'SSQUlRE. Sign JncaudeKont L~mp. (" IMtrcuon. .- jl\JllO,aod,ly • ~ . an17,2l,w4:~


Page 3: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------


) -._T1le Daily _>i·lbune, St JoJm's,_Newfoumlland, Thursd~ty, F~b. 2, 1893. )

~=c-==_~==--=~~~--~-~~-~~~===~===~ =====;:=::::::;:=;::~===~======:;;:~=

i_ cl~grajllHC __ :~L_)..,.o..,s=\l="atcl1. !~:1~i;1~J::f.~:E:~;\g;:~~~~?:;: ~-'111:.r_~,1~~~~;~;}~1~~;:1.~l,iJ~:~ii :o:w .U1\' 1:1np;i·:~n:NTS. ~ pe~4 ... _~!.~1:_ ~u.~ll;\tillfe1, r Sale!_. M:.;~!"~J:_~E~y~~~co. •.. • n·ch·tl lJ\' ;in• illn. t1io11s <.:um,tlOlht \• <N ' ~II u ti.. '9;1) D 1111 en . ... . it?rnnce. aml Oana(la. \s1~~;\~!;·L":::11:;~\ll::~;:~:;:.t:llt::i~ ~~f~:~:E~~;<l~:~~r::~~:~~·::t;~~~~~~ ' ' l~ ~w· ·1·-L' ' L' ·1·A- ' M' : 'p' R,- .-E. w.-. ' ' ' . . c.Jasl)~~.(\Jl·l.~~R·~il~~es~yl~, i:Do·ccenollntdr!e~al,"0· .. f "r-~11·y of j ho ''UtOllMion of His lluli· log, bui, hoyou<l tho •hod:, tho other. N OTI c E . m -

" '"'"• " ol<·titll T" 11,111111 will hu , un:; '"''.' nil rish1: Tho ""c;ine will ho \ ......-- 1 • • Agont and Attornoy rorOll.lllldll llnd ·

··11r: IRISH IJO!L'E RULF BILL in 1l1u \' .. ,i .. J11 n. ilk.1 in thu nftur· rn1<otl from tho bottom ~~ ~oon M .Tito ultc1,!Uo1~ :.SJ the Public i• . . · ?Ivrowullnnd. · · I le. • ' 1 111 · - llwn. poasiulQ ' called IQ~clion •lti<ifili~St. Jo/1n'• Wllll-.dndur,thoH'olldny~o11orrorhlsEnttreSt.ookorJ?rnpcry. Ooodant • •

·~-- J.l-l\.u1h·r !h·1 clir.ictiou :lllcl_ JH• Rcb11iltli11q • .1lr~ :...:. 'bl"Cllth· llc c.h 1cQcl ¥rices. Spcclnl BnrgaUUI In L.~dlos• ) on M MonrOA .. ' f ~ S t' 110.";;"uf'th ~~d .. ty loruaniolic il?- .1 l I , " •" \"illO\" , 'E ·~ Drc1111 ,Olstor"1Jncl.toU11 C11pca,Muas,Sl:>ye,Bolilory · : • • --<;> ~

.UOmg·s \y -· 0.VU. CO la,. k r.•I>, ci .. cr0,.,., j ":lih thi• I \.Ok b"- tli:·.,.- \\ 10. WOU l. ll f ..uC " ., " ' VERY ARTY. WALL WITlrJN nml Gloves, 11nn nil goo.WI o(. priaslng fashion. Agent for Newfoundlnnd. ; ..,;.:r tho limits pro~cribcd for loo ot cc S · k t if 'bl 21 d

- ---- ""ntr.·.!1-i:c.•uti"< c~m111is.ion, rni• ·.-·•h • ·--- Uon or bnlldln1?'1 or ston~. brick As the whole Remaining toe n:ms , poS.Sl e, J:..211_,:..1_.;.•"°--·---~------ll .\l.1nx. ¥ .. l\·h. ~. J~()~, \\ Ill ) , . gh"n tu tho people ill iJllr Ju cu1l\·e1 .. ntion wilh nJ'.nk onlob l or other unlntlnmmnblo nrntorhU~ be cleared out no Reasonable offer will be· refused s . I t B ·11

11 .\ ol;Jf, :rc•I?\ ~ .. , ...... ,,, t' .:tleb ~·~' C~lll~h··· in J:om·· ,luring 11...,,1011 thi• rnurolngnTmocs1: rcportor .uked ~l:~lro~r'1i~C\o:Oi?'t~ • ..;1~~ ~~0J~c:! - . ' ~ILLIAM FRE"W" . \lec1a 0 Ul ( ers.

1. ucc• !t "' l • · t .. n ·''!:<•!. , l'.m.uh \ \' ""'" ' why iL w~s. thn~ nll th'• Imel ltol nuir no wood orJ.nllnmmnblc mntcrinl • -'-·I •t• ,.,1 th. ,1,,. 011 FMi .i, wine" I I- flu ;Jro l l:h, t . 1r', 1hu nomu 1ourch~s roclccl ta thum. Tho nn&wcr or nny descrtpllon, except doors, decomborlO Mnrkct.-HollSO DUI .

.. I\\!_ l't .n·" re , ;. ill • '..:i pru 1lnyof Iii• l1 oli11u» .-u · ur., a •01· lt.1•, ~hn• porch"• hoJ lJeton lmil~ fo:ull door-rrnmca, wit11low->1R1h<'ll, w)n. e;_ ::as: ___ t l a._·~: , i .. iniimn• of •Inly. ,.um T,· o. u 11, will ~ung in tho tho. w ra uud th:at nouu other lmd dow-ft::lmON nu roor-b nrding, ahnll p d J ust arrived-

~ The 111 ift 11ull l~ttl.- Bill.h '" l1ucll 1::1-'ifiooufS lltl 1~1.11i.1 ~ln:;i;ioru in thu thcru UXC•l'~ n _ruw crip1°1 .... but thoac ~~£.'~<ft,~··~~- ld~~rl: od:iS'~:;J~: re~p arc A CARGO OF~M ER, " rnlt!i~}1t 1!. JI i 1 llh ml~ t~ ~~ill l:. l \· · ;lfo: IHOOll. • , ltll\~r WO~~ tnlJl~tQ\l ~y n llltlnl on tho iog: and every •hhnno shnll <rx.tond

-,,.,,.,1 ,.,, . 1 . 11 ,,• , t''(' .. t f J.i- llul!":; 1hu .J)\011'<• yc·or, hoth 1iorch. [ Hlill, S.'1•1 thu tupollor, to n hcigM no le hnn t-,•o ·rcot b ! \ . '' r.- u <\l~ll\O 1,, .IUI . l '· J f I'' " l l f f d • er fl1o 1.:,Jt l.·;;ih:t1••\\ill h."''' t\\ u .1l11111~·· ·"l•l. 111<1<es.toue 1~rcotcr11,x· 1o t.'n nny~no wnu to in out nbovo thcrrldgc-p o. u.:rn Ooul. •Ungof ·

, ·pct I' ·h'u il , 1 I' . l h I c,L 11 1• llol11i<.•" wrll 1.-ccivo lhu Cn- n p.rttculnr w1doworcnppl~, '""'only l'I. J.B. WOODS ,, & l ~-'--'"' 1111'1 ui·:1~,;0~,.: 11 ::~ ·nl~\~~:;~~~-.~111~~.~;,~ .: tholic .\ --~~1a:i~nj.. nf J:oml! and the to discu\'ur th~ section nud hi! c:\u till SurveyorOe ncral. TO BUIL ERS CONTRACTORS 45 .w. .Lii. m a.w&UWL



Th" :-;"' t '"..ti\ J. ... ,Ll.iwi,:.h .,·iu·• l"'o1;l« of J;~"'" "'.. "''."'"! sroup•. by the. for!n•ll~n of tho. \rir<lh! ~··here --''----~------- ; 60 M fl;.2 inch HilDJOok I ... "" tJ,,. f 'v.I l:ill r; .. .,in .. tlh' 1 .. , ~. l f•- h'.ro1gn pt1i:111/l>g<• ma.'· pl:u thr obJcotof1111&Ullrch11 lom1c1l0<~." S'f'A1'U'f0RY NO'J'IOE AND -OTHE. RS. · 100 M ft. all

-. t 11 1 .1 • 4" • ' •• ·" 11 J'bcc du1111:: Rll thu months of,ihe Jcnr ·"I gu1)1)()ao110.":msworc t.11cotlic13L ~

i "'j.' 10~·(.~·"'' ""'''Yi~""'-'\J't·I~ l ~:•:l,.i.dtl101·willllilrecci1·tM1,y1ho " ll111lro1~\\·os il tbnt wiclow••n•l TOCBEDITQR.,.. 100 '·120 11 Pl .J T""""d . R.I G ed 60..,. ~l u;;; l"t'i -O!llJ"nv. ·t· J~lllUC• ' 11"1." F .1thor, ' proviJoJ tlno am111sc· cripple.. only, Sot porches. Do not' Ill IJ, IDW, lJlll611e IUU l'IOf .m; . ''. mcut• be """'" wi1h tho ccutr•lox~cu- other pcopJb t<lnuircto be 111.Ut• com· 111 l/1r 'l"ller o/ 11.r } u/ .A:c:c SPRUCE BOARDS

if .1 · '

., ~ ~l.\~!<l!'ill, 111/< u/ SI. Jolt1<' , iit tlir :\E\\" .l~•\·i:t:Tl,.;E~IEXT". li ,. 111mi.,•i~11, •clin:; in comt>loto forl.•blofl<! woll " C:!ldr.,/ J>i,f.-irl ,1 -'"•ir/t••mllflutl, • •

, ,. v11l l'ith :hv l1ouor:n-~ prcsidon~ , "\\'ell, you aeu, the wid • lfOro 'h«~l' Urot·cr,,·,- I\ · i:. ll~n• ns. : .\ ""'' . ·hili. \'iC.>r of !111' lloliuo"", ppoaetl, by tho Committee. lo ho ll"i•lmr, drr•:<1ml.

}~;,•.;'1'~"n~~:\~.~- '.'·c~l~~~·:•.~roon... " iu. wid1 iL.- wo1~i110~· 111·llSi•lout of llblo lucloyo//li1% Aud thu"ft. ~ •'11o<1 Purauru1t t.o tho pro,· l•lon. ortho P. &' LO· N• TS.A.LEE BYSSI:ElR , ' " Act pn.'11od ln th~ 4lst year or tho ( /•




PhoCoJ:T~phic ' 111<1io l·:. \\". L"""· I ''" •·<11llal .-x~culi \'u oomm1 ... iun, '.\Ion· 1>0rcl1~1. whil!\ cripples; " 10 <cro reign ofller Present lltaJOtit•· hu ltuled \\.:at... .efith." or.:mi-.1..·~ to lt..•t \\': l·tllp, ) '( .:.i~_no_r t;i.wtl~, t:.:\(Htti TcU4kcl1i, -<it:n..i consi.<lun...J to- ho nblu H' do 11~.r ' THE- TnUSTEa .Acr lS7S u NoUce Hom.t• tu"'J:.- \ . .J'homn~1 .,rur11h.'" I ' l • I t" b l to - •1 I I t 11- rntt·h.;•• ... 111;; pru·•r.nmuc. noi. nng,'4l0t. pore lO~ unt wtrtt no: 1.-... ere r a: ,·an u.J pcyson" o :\ m ..

: 1 '.,:•ltn-. l '.trocchi ho.' i,,.11~,J Um woll conahuo<cd. ThQn yqu inuskm· lbg bo On:~t rs bf or who m,.y

T IE P P I \ I ~· I · l I l I 1... b.t 'Id I hn1•0 . • oln[m r d11mnnd upon or l 0 ~~ Is 1-0 n:iL" f.I D ' f lb\\ in;: t..w· r :o I "' l' \l I01IC .,. . 'l•Ntn!" I Int llntucr lo. II por!l IC8 cfTeotlng 0 E&t ·e or AS!!Ct.S or ANN

L ~j I tJ .!:)., nn . '"'; '' \<II., GIVOI! to thoso .vho Jui.I mnn to MANNINO of s~. J11h11•s, la tho , • , j, ,._. 11.i::· 1·.- which. uuw fil'u Y"""' wurk for them, bnl thoy 1rcru loo loz~· 'Control dllltrlct of Nowfoundlni\d_,

1 - - I si tll.!t· , \\lJ I ti~dJ lJ l)i\·ith'.l'N\'i\foacc . .10 \•reel thom." deceased, who dic<l a.t s~. John's, P'A•p;miitllS lo G1·c1J11I fa•n!. OU ·~· ... :-1;;1;• : 1iull uf tho. :>o_mt•ir;u ". \\'ull, il i•. " c;oo!l thiug 10 lJo. ~~~~. ~~J~~,~~~ ~~fit ,;.!t:tt~

l l'out:t;. ·''" .the"t Iv ' '" h{1•1•1i;• ful· "Wt•low ROtnbhtni!!, thoui;h L <Ion'! wr.• grnntcd rorlb or Lho Supremo . - • ' I 1illcJ, 1 i~1· :;c ~:"HU\\ nppruachiug bciug: "StUI.! \\"i\h lhoCummit~C'~, 1n :1grucing Cour.t. on Lho dn~' or AprU, .A.

P11l! i'r.1::m111111t• nf tuc• .. \ 11;;-1i-1 I the tif;j .. ·h f1um ''>·tin which,. in tho tiu t thoy nul ablo 10 111> nnJlhiui:. D. 1692, to tno, P.ATDl\-K J. Scorr, 01 1·;' '-:"t ... - L':th· . ot •• ~.:t~~l~~ 1 aI lh.>\\' •i" l:u .1g~· · rh• . v:· ·\ ruH~~·~i .. : lctl p, . .,.. huuwu "Sou1u of th<"m .who were St. John1a,, tho t,.:','1",,' .... 1111,.~',·,'1 th< lthh1.t..1on t: .... hu1 .\lici1:y tb:1 .. 1·~.hull1au\ 'roi-th101y two mcn,hutt~ulll nnroe Exccutorln tho&a ld \ VUl nnmcd ,n-re

h • ' • • 1 • 1 ·i · 1 · l l • •1 Tl 1 1? .... hereby requested to aond to tl10 )

,..,,. L"I : :• ,.,;n.1111: Jll 11 oo in 1.1u ron· v:n 1 t ''' t o>nm1 t<o. 1uy '1uu " "" undcrsiguea, lo tho nddrcH gh•cn ·-- - . i . 1.t .,f tJ1 .. .-l1il·h, 11 "f · "'"" thruu:;h '1'101 iJcol with po1d1c1 !inti, uncl tl,1cn b()!Qw, tlio p:irLlculnrs, In wzlthlllJ. or

~ 1: tL.-:11. , .:. 1}.. • .. 'h ·i .l pr .. • j :h • .. ~;"}·· ··. ,,r!tl I."> unite in cd \lin: tine; if ~~ihh· i.·\ 1•t) On•1 li\'in; in thu~c lhclr c lnin1$, on or bcfof'O the 1{if· 1. t ~ti.· hH:ih . .,.. _-f11!11h:o1.· CJ f • .,.i,J. Jl~·au:itil '. ~h·' fi;·:i\".\l of our" _1r1io( <fhouhl. rccr_i~·u n Fimtl~r pro~, tc~nth clny or Fcbrun\•y, A. D.1893. !uh 1. .. 1. 1. !.tu "111. , ...... 11.t I .1tlu·1. l.uL lcl tlus Ii.: the rulo hon. Or co11rn1 11 poJp!lMlr'o too l.c Aud notico Is h~rcby l?h·cn, tbnt nt~or

l · f l · ~l lho I.LS~ m<>ntione<i dnt-0, (tho 16th 1- 111 p1op"1.11iv11 fur th,. ':f<Lii.•.. ct ·' ~ck:i·r:i•io1, •0 h>ppy-lh:1l _ult <>· 1 '".I'"' np I'""''.'""" '' r '"IDS SllJ'IP Fcbrui>n.- A. D. IS!l3), I, the snld Exe-

l' .. ; d ll , l! c::,. ·~, .ml :o rnd te ;!,,. I "'""I ul :lw lu\U lhat '' 1luo him froi\1 wnh tho nt"1ur1ul, woll, they Jc '\'U cutor, 1\:1(1 pro\C~d lO distribute tho :ilhf-11 :o ·-'·" l' l( iu 1lt .. j"'"'" hi.• -~u-., '\cty <•ffurt mny lie .lirucletl I tu ho le!t without thorn." :l'ISCUl ~ud proportv or ll!o 8Biddt1 ····nL t'h,h' ,,:iii t tl.:l· p l u~u in. t 1:,· tu iucr..:: ."'iug tho :,plcmlorof (ho .\pos· ..... ccru::.e<l nmong:it tlt~. 1 ... e~t"ces ill t"ho ~.111.:h ol '''" (;"'"• 1h tlw k<t ll11· ,. : l< •• ,,,.,.,_ ... '" in;,t.rnctiui; tho_ r_oung in Local and Other !+ems. snld Will nnme<l, nu.l •ach otllor pnr-

..j :r · • l I I l tic• ns mny be cntilk:l lo 4bBr<! thcre-lY8 uf U··~·cmh r lti!1.! .... ..,.~ "!,f1 1 1~t1.1tt:' u1:tnue-. .to ro l0\' t 10 I -------------- i 1 i d 1 t th cln'roo

. I f f I I l 16 ~ I ti o"r·,,~Aht1c• hng tr11°•~srhn°1th~v...9h.J' no11!cc. ~llClh.tll w1t I •• h~~IUh ~ v ; •. ,. ~ ~ .. t:lry udt lC. poor, . o.s c_~·-- II.' Tl1b Vi,·11/iti1rf~al.e ton Trcp:i$,',CynL l s~·J I 1' 1 "th d I .. ihiJt C •. ~ •; .. ::o Zuc ·!11 vf the !')o . •t:· '""'~ ~1 !\ll tv ~pa~r:it-rng, -~ Ji f; !\,1!1. to.J OY bou 1 WC'.st. Dated n~ t . o m'.u, l 1 11 tl a.yo r 1lC..ilh,._l'li t.-r-Wtl! \:"l)Udullu \\~ith 111 J•O~~thll', mil ':.U :.m• Uttm:ut hm1ls tlu.> .. ' ""' Je.m1:\fYt A. D. 1S9;J.

• 't• llc!11u1,J.11hmk-~·h. ,, 1~ Uoci f.,r , r.on;:th of u1c·h 11u:u, tho Cntholic · P. J. SCOTT,.

ln1JJiT l;ruujrh\. nt ti~·~-.., 'thl• ituctrim.•. '1' h.".sf6:llm.1r 'rliu loft l{:lli!.1x fot E:rrculoro/lhc IVill of thctat..eA~N"

l,iaco~111J J'uLfi •. ., •·f ,·. U·~·· Insomuch, 1h~n, rut tho Uol.'' }' iliW port r.t \ .JU. this •!toruiug. MA_:.o.'lso, <,!. r ~ .., ... Adtlreitq-No. 3.10 '.\':itor~trcct:

:?-Ou occ..-·iou -of .tho 1:1>ip ny of tl1ur, n1111ro,ini; !ho wishes of the~ · ~. nnll,l?lw ....- st. ~ohn!o. ~93 tll<' Huly_l;other will 1cco!·•v '',thu mil~u"<! wit.h iho duo keeping ~ 'J'hQ 1(0/1111/cw h~_•ajyod from !loo·

d~I."' of tho mu~l'llL•," ndlllll!ml: '" ut tl_u• . fosltl'a.I, \,.,.. oo!llm1tt•d ten, lo Clifl Wood & C'o.; hur cari:o l~ pr•·&uncc thu rh11Jrcu bclongiu" to £0 mo in Ju~ heu1gu~· 1ho honornry . will \io ruAtLy lo dbchorgl) to-11101row

\be f.uniliu< uf llonu·," who toguihur pre~iduncy uf tho oorurni£oion1 wl:ich nf,urnoou. · i<ith tlwir't'Ut• witt pn:.entan ulrur· '""" lllc>r. wolromu to 1M, \'IC.'1 mi? to hi" lloline- .. ~ M I '·"' 0 ( hi, HoliJtci.s, 1 hog yuu Thu ~tcmuor J:<tylr ond JV;.,,1,,,,.



DON'f ·BOTHER Trym tOftn\'tl your 1nonoy nnd deprlvo youl'clclror n good ault or clol11ee.

Your mont!y 11111 go ln spite or yon. Como U> ns ,.. ~ ' nnd wo wlll provldo for yon _

A Cood suit of Clothes ~ . .

,......_~you c..;; p~ ~your c1rcu-;;;;tru1ces wlll pormlt, -~o h ;n ·c t'ht' F lucNt C l oT.h c .. a nd bcRt T~·oocl,.. .


Kennedy· 8[ Malon~_.

Spl'lngdnlo 81.roet. ______ ,___ - ----Jau!2-l


OrdeMt :uoe now bclni: received for

Onr.pcntn· nail Dulldlng ... $1.60 per yr, 'Tbd Dnl!cltng N"ewa ......... 6.'.?0 pol' yr. Tho UIWlt r11tod Builder ... 2.00 por Jr. Tbo Scinntlflo American

T.\11.(lH:; AXU <:J.01'1Ll!·:H.', Bulldera•Edltlou, llh1•~ Opp011lto O. i\lnc)lh.crson•s, Wnter l:ltroot. ' trnted, \vlth coloured mu~,ly pin tes .......................... a.oo per yt .

Sclcntllln Am'on Weekly .. 4.00 per yT. Tho,Drick BuUdor, tnus-

i!':!~;;~i;JO" 'E;;g:i;;~·e~;·TL-:> cfai~l:i !l!nkor, Tho Grocer, Tho Drt1pcr llJld . nll Brilleh nnd Ameriun joumal1 de-

T he Newfoundland .·· t::i~~ r~:ll:~/:;J:~~ l~ade.o, lndaa· ·

FURNITURE and MOULDING~OMPANY, Ltd., "4~c~.ll .at1b~crlp~ }'ayablo In

' Aile PllEPAnr.D To DELIVER • S . E . GARLAND

No. t -and No, 2 CLAPBOARD, . .

In qunntitltu :1t rcquirod, :is Lowcst<Mnrko~ Rntw , for cnah.

:?9G U"ulr r Slr<d, AND 25 ,\ NJ) 27 D~'J) STREET. jnn~3 · ·

J-1°iJl'qr1l "" oncl uf .Tnuu,rv lhu with'.nco, )ly Lord hi•h'>p, L•1ie nra • till umlurgoiug repnil'>' 011 '-"Dtr:l o<~catil·,, wmwilt~ uf thu to cn1ploy all )<JUr nulo<l 110licitu1lo tho llry ]luck, nud will !IOI b. run1ly

/:; jnl ilc .. f•.l•h 1till J>r""'UI 10 lho SQ,·. ::l)•I pi<I.'' in nrr.wging nll me.lD> fur to comu j'I' fur 11uot iwr wu•k. • · •1tii;11 l'untitl tl1c "Sti••ntiGe l!omug.-" ving to thu :ipprooehing •olomnhy q!' •VIU • Jt.1Jint1 ''~tholi·· \trll•r-.. "ll• tb~ true •Jl\onJOr Of lhu O~)obr:1tfon lt11•to•l I<. tLo l:om~n Circle gf :ic1ini :h .i pr•t•dc1J iJ.... ludo~!, t)10 nuw ~01..,_ii IJ; nt1tl l'iign.11 me-rit .. whc-rowilh thi~ t~lOt-t

'l'ltc wo11t1r1f11l lm·rrei;t f/wl ill ever \•whcro tnken in innitcrn llcr· tllintnti to !110 World's Colu)11blnn l>x· position hn• crcnted ru1 enormous de· 1nnn1l for nn Ht~lorlcll~ Record or nil mn.ln' fcntures or tho GrenrwoRt.O•~ l,.;\Jn. The IVortd!f t?o!tcJ71bian E...:· poaitlon Jllu• !ra lcd'lneelll tlli• dcmnud nud Is the only Cl!tnbllabcd nnd o.u. U1ru.1~ic o!-gan or t ho Fnlr.

Stoclc nl \\T1 vs 011 hn.ud. ; nlso- •

Matched and Rough Lumber, Mouldi~gs', MnhiI's Gin&


' ..... \

. '

1-011 vce:uion uf the lo'cut of tho wi><· Poutilf Imo enriched hiw>1elt in l\,•1•~ri5i<>n o! tho lmm>0ul•te ('oucop· hi~ rchtiou not only IO tho L'huroh, Hon 01 t.ourtlo.1 <•" L. 11) ti.~ Citcloof bu: ll•o to ci\il society, dqring theau Inn IJ/lllll&Clll•to uf t lw Yuulh o! llv1111> reccut )'C>f', require ~b.-<olutcly lh.•' lf•ll'-Jl,...\ll to lh•Jloli1rn • 1in nl!Jum tlw gr>litudo 11uJ.fidoli1~or Cntholici. ~oul:linmg in ~JlJ>'! r)e-;i31:., thu luw:mb their 8Uf"'""" le~Jor may be ilo!o1 uf 11.>•1" for llis Holinc~ 1norr ni.nit',...i o\'un in face of lhoir~d­lturln..:tlco ycnr l !12 in tn·,ny piuu in· '"•:"'iri<'t'. . \nd ill M mue~ "· th~ro ftitut1on1 of lfo1u•" \t"ill be ro; Oll foot frc<1ue,,~ p1lgr11n·

5-Un Feb. Hi .. nol 17 bor~ will oi,>e• to Howu, I c~rneaUy llc..iro thnL t"l:c t•kite for 1npRNh• 0 ,4u>; tlw "'· ..your lordshi!>, in nny que..i~ion (b•~

tcp!icu thy tho lloly F thur of tho Tt~l- m.1y bnvo to h~ referred to mo (n! llD·

•n pili; 'tru1gcs. ik-J clu, ~rith tho honomblo coli· G-U Fob. 18 H i$ lTolinc.ia will miUoo), nnd in any mntl<lr concO.ning

tc,1il'u· ". prc•idency of the ponun· th~ llU<lot·ioking nnd tho 11.lPJ'Y 1~eco 112-

.(', ,•nt c 1wttco fur oongrcues, 11romo ph•hment ·of thuo holy ptlgnmogo, r tl1e colobr,tioia; tho cc11tr:1l ox· sh;tll frooly apply for i.nformMion nud

cnl \'ll~illco, "nhn•ofthoJubilco CDnnsel to my.nlf. l .cL u. nil unite 1. -," .wd tho commlUeo of Rom•ll in our plnus .1n•J our c~orL'. th:it tho :icl cs, \rho 11;u 11rea~nt tho \'cry rich nminor:ibl~ n••11ltf'.chio\'e<Lby tho groco

:OJOU which thu lfuly Fntbo.r will woor of Co..1, :inti in lhu .._1cord6tnl jubilou ci1milollu..-i11g llny in St.1>eter'e. On rnoy ho tilJl<'nt~cl ·niltl increo.•cd in the hi.• ol:c:uion. thoro "ill IJ<> pril!oJJtccl •)litco1uil jubilee to o.rhii:J1 wo so oogcr·

His Holin...., n aynoptib picluro of ly look fon .. ard, through which wo he )'crmnucnt work• founded iu J>Or· tru• t to oobin front tho J)i1·ino i;ootl·

~I memory of Hi& Epi.cop•I J ubi- nc .. , pmyrng .ilsu thnt you m•y re-l>t'. • cti\·i} t-Hi_tr i;:oo,1 from God .

i ~ !\oh. 'i, tho~•ion of thr Your ~10•> d~\'oted colle:1g<w, 'nhilc llill JI in0tts"wil dl!Sccnd into l't, ,crnn '.\l \Ill'• 1'.rnr. -P.\11occ111. :it. L'utor clcbrate . rn .... tl1oro, ...... wl1ieh wi.l ist 1111 tl)O'pilgrim• pro•· clll in Rome, niftl tho ,<.:Jtholico uf llornc. \ .:111' Down went the Engine.

tL-ln 1)10 :1!£)<:1:.:i;ilic.1 of 'St. J ehu lAtcr;1n, on fcb. ~o. in tho. houro of 12 M Pl d ' th · W t thu .1ftet11don, thll nnuiwronry of tho en unge In e a er.

J<.{oc11on of lii• JlolioCJs tu lho 80,·cr· -----uicu l'ontific:Al'10,J>CUrrio" on that <!Ay, .\ bouL S.311 this moruinr_.: '"hilo n

In •olemn Tc Il<nlll will b.; chnnted . ....._ 1n11ulx:r of 111011 ullj,'ll!;u•l iu bni!diug • 9-0ti Feb. 21, 2! nml ~3 •olcnu'1 , )fl""rs· Uon·oy;t wl111rf nt llroukin;;'• Ainctiqii. Ifill be hclil in tho Church wero tlril·\og p'ilc• with ~ •to.1111 pil<'· of f:faft Loronio hi l'•nispurno, \\·her11 driver, !hafboam• which supportc.l th11

"\ tht.> Holy Fathor rtscl1h·eJ ~piscopR\ rn!lr.h~nC 1-,.\,vP "\\'.tY uud t!Ut;ine, mull, coiurcr:1tion fift{ye>ra nr;o. ~ nn,l tiritl~1rcro phmsccl inJi~crimin·

I fO-Ou t h<I bc~1·0 of tho jnbilco, ly.,i0tl1n colol wo1(cr oou•nth. ) fr.

unru<'ly, J.'ob. 26. tho l:llntrnl c:xccuti\'o fill k, whu '"'!' .lrh·iug the cngino, oou1miSBio~ nft.or ]uwjug giveu nuu· nml wo othor c1en wero in lhO l1oui.o vuit.i of clothOI! to ono hundred 1100r built o"or the mncliin• ni \i.ho li1 f

lf •raon•, by means of l110 Ru111•nin11 t'ho :\Ceidont(tillt strnngc 10 "''Y h~y

'. "'1<i<·ty, )'"ill cpn1ltht thorn to tl10 i.1blo wcro neith~ \,110\70ccl nur •c u ly or thu Enchnrht ii\ the Ch~ch of s~n iujuretl. though thoy r•c··h·<tl • DIU

_:.- J,,,rt nzo in Panispt-nut, flU< nfiorwnnl.11 hrt\iAcit. 1'Ju .. ,:: wero JJUttiu~; ~ "''"' 1fill gh•e them 3 dinner, nt which tlwy pile in'plocu ~nil Ml•ecl ii olmOK~ tu ~ho !till lio •et\ ed hy lndi~lll gentlemen r.oquirll<l height. whoo it C3ught in oftho' ltoinnn nobili~y. . .01110 of tho old hnlf-burnud piles bo·

I .I :t


Ll- l n th1t..111onth of 'ubtuory, And low, nod lfi\h tile -.train tho uppor rfi tha Church <}C Cho Holy Apostloa, n h!J."n• g;i1·0 lYA)' tunrtll"ing the wholo 10lomn lit.orary nt1d rnusical A.cadomin pomphor1111lin into tho wnlor. T.velvo in honor of Hi1 llolinc_. " 'ill bQ giTon man iook iho plunge, md aomo ofthem

The :1choon~r O•prf:; lina nrri \'od in •ix ·lo~• from Boston ~ Clil\ Wootl & C'o., tlio cnrg,o \rill llO dolh·cre.t rro111 lholr wltntf to·m<ltt-ow 3rd ins t.

'i')l(t at~awor 1 ·irybu"u l ttkt went \J\!.lf 1~1. 7 o'olock la.,~ ·ovouing, hkiug lhu follo>ring pMSengcr.. lHIS<lci l;,i-.111 lf. Kelly,l [ni P. Wholnn, Rynu, Cnpt. CeofTroya, nml 6 in •••orng..o.

\\' c beg to romind ohr ro.idcrs of iha liblcrlllin.1nun~ lo bo hohl .•~ St. Thoin.3'• School-room to-uii;ht. IL i• UUQe;;.."l:/\ry lo ~A)' moro thnu thnt tboao·~;ii;o wish to •Co tho cntcrtnin­rl1out Ahould go cnrly. ..

T hu mcmbor1 of tho Soci•l Club t\ro holdiug t\ 1.moki~o concort, nt tlio~r room•a nt s.:ro to-::ighl. ;\fr . . r. ~-1.:e.itill"g .will prCJoiclo, 111ul ~I r. \\". Pnfl'OU• wffi]Con.luc~ tho musicnl por· tiou of th~~unuo.

\..., ,\ cor~spomlout writes 111 the of·

fccL th\! "one of tho c.1h111cu io 111 tho haLit of 1 ... n·iug· his l1orso s t:\Juling on X uw Ct owl r-st rtot. for l hrco or fonir ho111• •lmi11i; ihc10 cold night•, wilh­uul ;\rug or f\IJ.)" othor CO\'tring ovor him, until the poor .anin\nl i1 ucaly frOY.1!t1 "ti ff." O\ir corraspoudam. wnnt3 to know "when; tho s.P.t:.1\. i• , th>tauch ett111lnct iii n\lowod to bo pcrpctmtod.

Tito owuors o r Iha nl•cl: f)iam~ud Lino of •lcombonts aro mom~., of tho cou>p•ny to which thu )<ov.1 Scotia l;·gi•lot uro l>M gil'on R !~'""' Qf tho cc'l 111in08 in C• jlu llrolou. Tho cum· tMn.'' <-~11ec.l 10 1<orl: tf10 mine• ~o l'igo1011•h', th•L 1bor will lowor the l•<ico or c0·1l in tho United f;! con· HitlL•r.,My.


O'Toou~Lmvm.-At Romnn On­l hollo Cn\hcdrn11 by tho V~nornble Archdenoon Porr1st11l, on tho !?II ult.,

r . T . 0 1Tool0i U> llflll9 L. A. Lowis , II\ or Conce t lon linrbor.

IlciltlJ5. OANNlNO.-Qn Wcdnc?ldnv latlu.11t,.

Wllllnm 8. Onn1>tng, lntc R.lll.Q.111ged 61 ycara; funeral to-morrow (J:"fldllY), aL II o •ruook from hie lntc realdonee, John R. McC'Owan, E.q., Forest:-rond: (Tienda and acqunlntnnces r eapoct.­ruUy -requeatci:l to att.end wlt"b<tUt fur ther notice. ' \


DO YOU WA.NT 6 richh· illusLra­t.ed Encycloprodln or the Columbtn11 Expollitlon to enjoy yoursclfnnd lcnvu to your children?

IF SQ, sulmcrlbo for ~ho W orld'• Columbian Ezposit!on ltlu1trnlccl. This Is ono chnnco inn 1tro tlmo. 'rhi• Is tho only World 's Fillr wo•hnll o,-er ijOO. W e mnsL not lpt th'4 cbunco p!IAs by. Tho publlcnllon to ha• been pt!bli:Jhod monthly. Until tho opell1ng of tl:c Ex11osllton 1t will bo published •mnl-m11ntlily. During tho Fair IL will bo lr.suod weekly.

Subscription for 12 copies ... ti.76 SulJsc ription rur 21 copies... 7.00 ~·r-om J an., '93 lo J nn., '94 (In

nil 3S eopie•l-:.-:................. 9.50 • Q41' Sand Sile. for onmple copy.

World '• Fnlr Alb111n or Vlew~s only 20 cente.

D ..-F. 'VYll ~.

TRl':lJO"T .I! P.I .. Solo ni:ont fo r Nowfounjlcrnd.

jnnwtr ___ ~1---·-·----Cheap Stu~ding \Ve ha\lo on hnntl no nssortme.nt. o r \ s T U DDIN G , Vario\18

loughta nnd sizes, .whiCh '"o ' will dispose or

H·ard w-9od, &c. 1rurning q; Inacl2ine Work. Planing-,


Public 'Notice. CAR Y:> .

Se(l fetl f<'11t1r r.< 1l'ill he l'C· JNO. ~cJ?Y."-~TE cclvc<.I :>L thia omcc u11ti1 12 o'clock OFFICE :~H Ducl.·worlh Slrcot, St. "" 4th dayofFcbrunry, I J ohn's, JS".F. .dcc~,tm for the •u~•h· of Four Hundred Tons or Unrd, · Qu/\rry Sp~ll• for. mnc- N O':C'l:OE. , :ulnmiz.iug JUrposea. Tenders to 1u.nte price 11cr ton for which such Sp<tlls will be dcllvcrod . whcre re­quirc<I, within the' burnt district or St. Jolm•s, :uul to be mnrkcd " ' l'c 1i · tie r• for l.,ln:lrr1· Spall• ." · Tho Sun·oyor Oonor:il (10<><1 noll bind hhn­sol f~o nccopt the.lowcoLtender.

"'l,I. J . D . WOODS , . ~ Surveyor General. Snrvoyor Oenornll• Oillco.

Jnn :?3th, l693,ood.

Not l ee iM llcr cb'J yli-c11 to all pcrsonl< who mny hnvomndc nppllcll­tion nt tho Surveyor Gcncrnl'• oroco for Mtnornl Timber or Agrlculturnl Ornnle, Licenses or Lense• prior to the Sth dny of July, 1892, th:it their BP.plicnl1011• nnd nil records or the oa'mo wore dCj!troyed In tho fire ot that dnto. Appllcntion for lhe, re· uowntor tho srud Grnnts, LI•~ or •NOTICE Lca.aos, wlll be received a t tho obo,•e

..l... • • omco (upon aatl!f,ctory proor being given oftbc tiling or lha snme,)1 nnil

''\ - ' tnko prccedcnco or all others ror tho Pe1wo11.~ 'i,ttl cbtc11 /() ..1l fr •. enmo locntlon, unLU lbo llMtL dny or

IBRh' AN MlTOBEIJL, Qroccr nnd ·Mny noxL nrtcr which dnto nll nppll­l>ro\'laion Dealor,aro,~ercby request.- cntions win bo trc.~tcd iis h{lvlng been ed t.o mnlto \mmodlato pAymont to mado for tbo llitlt time. Dated l\t St.

Glvc11 the beat lintlllfaotloll.

.Af.L ._i,lEtmi\XICS !Bii.IT That l~widoubtcdly the~

ndhcsll'O thoy hn1:0 over 11Sed.

.EVERY H OUSEK.EEP:EB Ghould Rave a Bottle nnd Sho wW find it Mende EVERYTBIWO.

Retail. Prices 100£NTS AND 16 1:iEN'fS per bottle, with. b bnah nod cnp to ne. .a-To , bo had from almqst 3ny SE!OP·KE~BR lo I.own. .Por wholosnle lot.a ae111l to



\ BAitRJSTER;AT-LAW~ Soltcltol'f'Soa)ry._etc. omco, r preilOnl, Mlltt.llcy.t<ond, Knight oot opp. Bnnnennnn Pnrk. dool7tr

SEWING MACHINES. FRA.1\TTTD. LJT.LV, John'•, this 6th dny of Dcceruloer, x AM Inn 11osltlon to' ro1mlr nil

.l.ll .ll. tlcl'ti .I. A D 1892 kinds or Sowlnc -llicblnes, lllld will .At a :r ...... o,,- Fig·n1.:e. J~t,tr, ~~--~.!\.. · " · II. J.B. WOODS, nppreolllto orders rror.n "!Y !"lends.

P & L TE,SSIER ON SALE ;T . ' 81 rocryor.Goncral. ORDERS FOR SB\\'ING JtUOBIBES. . · P , & L. TESSIER S . S"T will fill nll ordoMt rorlhe voey

. <>OB ~ E LEONARD & SONS boat o r Stock, nt tho moat liberal

DICK. S ~~· C ZO L ayer Musc~i;{ Ra.isins· • · ::~o'~~e~~.;r t>°~t u:reo~~-'f~: ~ • 20 hnlfboxos I.ayer Muscntol Rnlslne. . London, Ontario. · my l'ricnda. ,'JOO lratei• S f/•eet. 20 qir. boxll!I Ln!;or M118cat.el Rnlalne, ENG JNES & BOILERS &Q:l\fy present nddresa Js No. l

60 boxes LoOllO l\Iusoatcl Rnlslnsd FOR ALL PUR~ES. Lion ';¥lUBr0. Popnla\' Gtuucs for 50 boxes Vnl0!1llln Rnleina. r potP Sten.m P ump• nnd Hc11tore, OcneM\ F. W . BOWDEN. Winter Evenine-s. FOR SALEl Y IUAOIDNERY. 11(. Jouu ,tm. "

S 0 d n::-' 0 P.iftOGERSQN SON, OomplotoSnwnndPlndlug llfUIOu :__..;.._ ______ _ llnlmn, udo, rnn ~~·OO 11mo, OU!. Electric J;igltt ~hlgh!19t G t] ' G t & St 6~~';;.M~~~~~~'m~~b~J::~•, ~~~: '30 Tub!IBll'l'TER, lll~~:.r.;~~0~Ia1og110 '"l.<I pn~tl- • ;..i.o ll(l ra es J ov~s noes, Oheokon1, P otor oddle•s Trip J.60 Barrels Oood POTATO"ES 1 culnMt to '~· V


U> Now York, nud olhers. 16 Bnrrole Selected QARROTS, GEO H EVANS C & Co 160 Dozen EGOS, , • • > Of nll lle1Gription1 DI KS ., 1000 Lbs. Wt;)OL1's ' ?.4naqor En.slqrn hforltimo BrAnoJt, We have a very Choice

nn21/ Bookbin<ro"' nnd Rt.nttonera. k~ fo~h~~A rro:U Obarl~tt.etOwd. 411 \ ~er-S~re•t, S~. I 11 ' · . . . COOKING STOVE ' Har JJ.el"IS ~eatbe~ nov•,llw. Freight from Bo~to,n . We highly l'0COJDlJlend.

SH G-LESI _ -curF'r, v.;ooD,. eo. . • .. --..---, ··- • TIIE goen. 11 uunmn " lltUn

tOOsld \CSO 1011thor,,tw11er :rOCIFT,WOOO&CO •'rom B0titob <Iii Sp~~~~'!-eo~~~~J~~~~eet.- g 'l'hA ee fron1 Louisburg. At Munlclpnl Doek, or~o l tho6lh Fl2nry. 1n1r, nod ov~tnlna1n • 00 :!!'. ' I !If. C-Odnr Sput; \ f ine n111\ Ap !,)• 0 MoaMt. AT• . Tlrunnltlilog ITno. r-

~N, LE oo.,stntos R- C II . h \. Snwu Sht.01rlc if W :, & rt,,. a a an

Which wm bo 30ld cbenp• t-0 eloec t, OOCL ""1•y ' • • At TRmmra ollloe. S&lce, Jont8 Jno27. • Alieute. i,an111,1w .,/'

. ~

Page 4: · ). VoL tt. st. J"ohn's, NeWfoundla.nd.. 'J:'.n.~y-. Fe"bru.a.rY-::2, 1993 • . - ------






~---Tho following wom wu wrlllcu by ~!co Koofo, formerly of Carbo­ncar; In rellgloo, flstor M. Dnrnard of tho order or tho Slaters or Morey, HOf&nlburg, FrllllkllnCo., N ,Y. Sor­&0&nt Wlna\ow, to wh<fm_ we nro lo·

..... clobtod fdr n copy o r tho poem, which la boautlf'ully printed In green nnd irold, Worms ua that thcro :iro 11a



DlAoy na a!xtoon young women from Newronndlc.nd In tho Now Yotlt bra_n~borpiooalcr,whlch ltAJlaovoral tlourllblng cducati9nnl cstn\lllsh­monta lo £h11.omplro atntc. •

ODE T&'COLUMBUS. C:1ombua, ~~r tbls fnlr ~new wo:ld

10-day, la glorlo~1 I nd, the nntion or tho

ft-co, '.fho crown uf nil tho. ch,er !shcd

• . dream r ycnra, I • From Heave llbou look'at to ace '

\ Fulnlled t · rondcat hope.


From br d Pnc lllc'a •now-c11ppcd mountain pcnka, •

T o whero tho blue Atlan1la w3len1 roll, From Arctic llopc1, 10 Chili '• aonth•

orn Jhorc, Almost rrom pole to polo,

Ascend• to Ood !'rom many million hCllrta

Tho \"Oleo or p r11yor nnd pr11lso.

Thy joy In Ucav•n In g rcntcr, uot bcc11u1c . •

The •• Occ:tin gntes unlocked \)·ere" by thy hnnd,

!S()t for thy triumph or tho mm thou'at. won ... By tbl1 rnlr lnnd ,

Prom d11r'lmei1 brought to light.

Ab no I fnr purer j oys a rc thine, T he sorrows by tho vcty I rlumphl



Theac m~do t hee Uko tho chosen onca or Ood-

Tho followcr~m who iaui;bt Ula leasoo from ho cro88.

t Thy chalaa-t roas t'hat won r!ly c ro1'•n-ln i~

Forgo t! ncglccle , and l11dea1hnlone, Dcpr ved of cla.lm to lands so trnly

,....- tblno; ~ ,.\!J thla bu "·on n hii;hor place in ' ~- qllu- . t A glory nil t blno own.

~ Bch tl)d I tbo land Is truly thlnt>­lhc hcar ta

OC all, o•en all tho little 'onH •re taught,

T o lovo and honor lheo And aU- becau10 thy meek eudurnnco

mndo Tbco llko Uio Lord- ror thou didst

work and wait. r Thy chain• and CAW1ed tllls !and

to bo Tho ho111,110Uho opprcose.d ori!v&y • -ellmo .

:r'ho notion o rtho f£Ao.

Oolumbua, tho wilt RI~ Who hRI tbla New Wort.lifiahfonad


all so Calr And mado ofjttho dwcnlug.ortfio

treo • •


That Ho pro.ervo It by RIA caro from , 1n11aellty,

Prom mltrole keep ll, blcu It ever.

Ania C~J: hom o!Ft!cdom, make '' boipe or 0 rit;y.



Ta IAr CltrgJJ alld CathoJir Laity of Ill~ Uni/~/ SI t•,

' ltsnaDD FATH : D r.An lln1:nl" 110 :f-:Tho Supori and Dil'ilclora of our S.chooJ. ha.a gun the prop•m· tory wark for holding a Cnlholio Edu ca, Ilona Exl1ibit at lhe Columbi•n Ex­

• on, and wo have received Msur­cu from tb~m, lhnt ample matori•I 1111.'rro,•ided to ilhatmta our edu· ticmal work and molhod1. Tho hold·

•DI! of th~ Eclucaliooal Exhibit in· ~· a co11.1idanble outlay o! monoy.

/''1'he nrioo• illllil ution1, which take Jl•rt io lho o:rbibit, will, it ;. truo beor

... portion or tho exponso, but if the p roj ect i1 to be eolirely 1ucceuful, ""

j, c y lo malto the ox'liibil \\"orthy of


t hno a fund "llpon which we m•y d w to profide wh\levor m•y bo ne·

f. uur ol tsbOn i.h the caoao of ucaliou. ~-Tho Secretory aod MOD r must~oivo pay for thu

. -wort, • uru• o r informlllioo, with

.. J <•lariod clerka, IJIUSt bo kep~ oirculoN, pamphltta ~-l.t&logue. oft he exhibits

• musl be. publi1bad and di1tributod, 1ana the rooma in which tbo o><hibits

. ' •

"ill be plocct!, mu&t bo odomod •nd mnd• attnctfv1. It ia alto the iotcn· lion to ;uko • ~omplele colloction°':l>C

• all booka writton iti Engluh by Cnth,,.• jlic •.)lthoN, •ud to publish A IOU\'CDU volome, ghing • hbtory of C•tholic

'\ education in tljO Uoitod &tata. l n ff\Ct, tho maDllJ:l)rl •re nn:ria\.t to mako lhia o:rbibit '10 eomplole and iotarcs· ling, th~il will t.ecomo and romoin n memonblo oYeot in lho hbl()ry of Am·

/•rican Catholic education.

Bnt to do thia, they mual hoTO • aumcieot 1no;na ~ tboir~poa:il, •nd 1inco th~ it a print& on rpriae, they are compelloCI to appeal t tho Catbolio clerll')' and laUy, to come to their aid.

+the-Roly FWior haa:int hitnpoatolic b1-iog to all 'lrho e put in tho. Jl'Otlt, and we-{ul co daol lhat argu­menll an not needed to iDdnco Iha



Ca.t1rolio clor<>y nml I 1il\·, tu Nllttilmtc trhM will be


n10\1h· '"uiH~·il•llt 1('1 nitl1'•• our L'>tholic :-luc.1tiu11 1l E"'hihit. which will!.., the uni» 1li•th1cthc 1,;,,. tholic fulture iu the \\"urlcl'r Fair, ouc of ito 11\0ol irnportrtnt • n, l \·:1ltn\ile 1lc­p~lrlmcnt!.. ~en. iu.onr d.~y •hill lrt' 4"'.liu h:.'rc :eu~h .m op11Vrt nuity to b~iog 31tr ulucoiJon1! wo1k, which i•

intim:lloly :te.iodnlcll ,\\ith nll our bighe•t dntcrc-t• "" L'.11 hulk"' nrnl Amcrh:.·m~, to public Rtll!ntiuu r ml iD5l-C~ti\lu. 1-"or muhilmlt".i , thi1 ~~· hibit will 11'! th<) stnu1l:ml, whcicb~· they wil.1 mc"'!uto 1 hu wortlt nu\! •lllri· OOC\" or our l \'8lC m nnl1 metl1otl1. Lnt no One rcm11i~ inJilfct('nt w11er tt~1 intur6 ts nro i11,·olrc1I. If t h•i cshiuil i.i what we ha\'o rcn:o,OH to huJi.,,·e it will t.c, it will:1w.1kcn 1ww fc•I, nm! gi\•c a fr~.J1 impul~O 10 IU t,!lU.tU Of L'otholic i:Ju e< · · thu \'11ite1! St:it'11. \r l' confith.11 y l>eliM·t' th:\t this :ippell will rnrct "ith n i;1•11rt011s ~ponStl frum ti ch nnll Jk>Or, :\Utt t h.1t multi1111lc• of tho (:iithful 1hnll hwe the .:11i;t1ctio11 tu k11u11 tlut 1 th1•y h:l\"o p.L:t in thi1 W\lrk.

ContliLutiou .. 111. ,y 00 j(\Ul to }:i,::ht He» .• I. J .• 'p>IJing, l'rcsiileot Cat ho· lie £duc.11iu11>! E<hiliil, )i. } :. corurr 35tb 8111,.1, a111I \\'nb.1·h .\1<n11e. Chic>i;o. Ill. i '

.Jaw..,, L' 1rJin•I Gililion•, ,,rchl.i;hor of n.,ltirooro; ) I ich1cl A. l 'orrig;in, \ rchbis hop of Xow York; Willi•m

I · t:hlor, .\ rchbiohop of C"iucln· uot" ·P>tricR .\. Fc~lin~, A1chl1W1ol' orClucngi> : \\'illi11111. !I, Gr11.- . , \rdF hishop ofOrego11 L'it~· l tlohu lrdnud, Arcl1Li•hop oi l:'t . l'nul; F1•11ci• J n11Mcn•, .\rcli1>i~hu11 of ~uw Url•.m•' Fmnci• X. 1\.11xcr . • ~rchlii•hop ~f )lilw:mkcC'; l ' etcr Hieluml_ l\cnrirk, .\rchbi•hop uf St. !.011i1; l 'olrick \\'. Uiunl•n .. \rd1lii•hop of;;on F1.11irioco; Patrick ,I. J:y1.n, .\1ch\ii.ihop vf l'hil· nJdphi.,: .ttihu 1:. ~>lpoiuto. ,\rclr· lo1.hup of l'aulo Fe.; J ohu .J-i•cph \\"il!hms. :trchllishop o!IJ~. :<!n.

Tll~ \E\\U' ~l.\llRIEIJ eorn.E.

(;h:u·nctcrls t ks qf'Princcs• J l n rlc n nd the C rO\\ u Prin~" of R 1111-mauiu.

l.u:<tio:<.~E,!mun1I· \'otcs ·~·,!or }>rinc:C':." )l.1ric nnJ l'riucu J•\·rJin.uiJ 1hus' '"lt i:t no 'll"l'rut. th:l: !lriuce" .\l;irie is J evotc.lh · nt1.1chcd lu l 'ri11cu J'~rdin;mJ, w110, .. 11u '1011\Jt, 1,,y thij time h~ ttttitc from his un· f~rtuuato l'""'ivn fur QuccrtJ'ijLlhcth'o m>id of lron.h-. l'tincu t'ol\1ion111! ought to fool hir;iily Ontturr1! l·~~t 10 prcful'l'ntu of Princcas ~!nrio, who, I 11 she • ceo so olis1>01tC<l, mir:ht prolJ,, ~· hM-.1 morrioJ n plince who nt t ho ·•· cnt time is thu l~t motch in " \,·orld. Prince ... :\Iorio i• not onl~· ""Y (Jrclty, b ut is liright •ml cle\•cr, RDd bus inherited hor tnolbor'• force of cb11rnc:for. '

Prii:ce'" :\lnrio, in chonn of poroou anti minJ, "'"'' p1obnbly tho p1izo in tl:u -royal m~lrimoniol mork..i. };,. copting tho l'rincc04 )fnud of \\'ales, ahe i• the prollie.1 o! the Qutrn-. tit· cont!oots. • he •f>C'~ks •nil 1ut!s }"reneh, Cernao, Englioh lip.\nuh •nll lblian, Uttt.i f= l•uh· •n1l 1la11ru .. ith gnict. She i• -.,1(.wi!lotl •n•I ••ry h•ught:r "'ith•I, M \fell u d iah· ing athletic nn1l nther incline•! to I·• bcwtroog. The crow-// prinro of Roumaoia is litor:iry, \IJlf>Ot••I to ,.;.,. lent oxerciflO Of •ny !.'\or!, miltl·mnn· oerecl and mlhor oentiwont•I. Th• czar, it i, atakd, f.,,,. thal the Prin· ccaa llltrio ... m exert h~r influence for Eag14nd ai:d Corm .. y i11l1ho JJ.,IL:itnd. ond •t first opro-e<I tho mnlch. 1-:w. peror \Yi!linm, howe\'cr, brought tho. wr 10 lonus.

Ratios of IHegitimacy. .-l hblu of alnU.ties o!illegitmncy in

'Europe, published by 1llr . .,\(~rt f..,.(. 'llnrell, 1how1 Iha !ri311 111 lio tho most. virtuous o!. •II tlu) r•opleo, tho ~tio of illogit imoU> births nmuui; tl"m being20 inavor~· 1,000.- Tho hngli•h mt4 it 48, •nd tho Scotch ~2 por 1,000. Tbua \fO moy roughly say thnl for., •. ery cbihl bom uu~ of wedlock in l ro· lanJ,,,)o •re born in fa1gloud •nJ three in Scotlnnd. In Europe •I h ri;u l re· lanJ i• clO'ioly followe1! in its ploC\l of !1onor bf n .... in, \filh tho low rnto or 28 per l ,OOQ, •n•l liy lloll•o1I with tho n ta of 3:! per l,000. Tire ltnlion and f'rorich mica nro rc.epccti•cly 74 •nd 2 per 1,000, comr•rc.d with the Scotch. Among countrioa 1hat • l1o w tho highesl 1•roportioq1 or illcgitiw•cy aro Sweedon, Soxony;"'" n .u·nrio •nd .Au1t.aiG, in which tho rntc r.ingu from 100 to l~o· per l,000. AuJlrfo is nt t.llo oppq•ito ~le from J rolnn•I, nnd takes th'li.lo)l'eet ploco in mornlity amons. tl(o .Europo•n nntio111 \Tith n rat~o! I G per 1000, Tho enquiry into t • conics of thuo \'arying rntta

gitimocy raises com1>liCAtoJ nod f o ereatfog probl~m1. Tho causco gen· era ly 1uppoeed lq be pri\cipol f •cto1'1

.io tho mnller >ro (JO•crt)', ign and lho coDt~niD3lion of gro•I itiea. Enmioinll" tnainOuence of thu r. Iltffingwoll-flnda it very alight. l u lNl•nd, lhe l\ weat mica orv io the J>OO!e.l coootna. R11.1ai1, with ouo Of l'lllU1 it ODO Of lhu JlOOl'­nt countries, •nd the onthor affirm• "there a now hare 111.!:h uniforw rel"' lion between Ibo ioaJeonco of A people


""\ -

Tb~ Dnllv Tlibnne, St - . . I

Tbm·,s.lay, Feb. 2,

_, 1111•1~1 .. )lr6\'•l•·UC~ of ilkgirnM'y M 10 ju-1,ir~· thu h)J•llht,is• .th11 )f.~'l.J'h·!"r of uilli"Ldchu')ueucy 111 en~· 1hs tr1ct or country c.>n 1.., 11r.:urnlcly ,1c...,ribe1l 118 C•U•ctl !11" it• )10\l'llJ. .\8 litll~ C.lll the iutfu~nce of {{r(~\L cilh:j AC·

count fur tlw 1•rc,·nlrmce o ( illrj;i1iiuo· c\" . .Eduflltion •1111 croctl •!>i'"" t{> h"'·o lfttlo infh11nc... \\'~ '""'~.•eek t!•e rc>I (Jctor• In nrcu nnd lrr1t•ht)-. lri;1~· lnth·o i-c,11tl':\iulit upon 111nr1 h J,:c, "'tw...ial UAUR"'" nt.Ul:- qlhcr circnml'ltnuct..·!t.'1-Fl·ur~ l/,e Scic.liCt'~ .\/v11thltt·

nil ~1ig t. · Af(cn1·nrd l ca1mo hero, n lik \\'n$hinglou: l lived here OllCI! WO years, WhCU ffi)' Jnughtcr wns n child. $he wroi bom here. 1 h1t1·1• n kind of 101·u fl,)r the pince.'

• Aunt Catherine is ns cruel nmf ,·indicth-o M •ome nnlutorc~I hea­then,' ho brc:1k11 unl nng1-illy. •Aud ~rc1~1, brought up b)( bcr, is no bculc. The ..:cngennc\ of htal"ttl >Till cnrtninly ovcrtnkl' both of them for t l1cir 11~ck~tlncss.' ...

She t1U'ni t'- h im •udden)y withnn cngor ftu.'!h in the great &irk eyes, •Yengcuro is in my lljlnds, lfr. \\' nrren. l kno"· s<>mcJ iuir thal wnuld .brinn dowu their pn in the duM, nm\_r:ri'I them fonwcr. 11 l nso it ngnin~t them 1 Shnll 1 tnku tu y ro~n:;t for ull they hn \"O Jone io mol' - •

'rhoru is ~i\cucc rorn mi11utl.'. J!e docs nol nnswor, nnu nft<•r n liltlcr sho goes on c~gerly:

' It won)J l)ll n grcnt 1"3Wnge for llll', and yet it would only be right. It wd\1hl be du net or jllSlicc to nn­

<•t hcr t hnt ha'< nlrenlly been (ll() long tlclnyL'\I, l hnvc bt'Cn wcnk nud ~1'1n.'<l 1hcm, lhiuking tlint )'C!hn1.s I nwed the m 11 little gr:ilitui.le. H11t-,-11ow-11ow there i3 not\)in:t to hiu. J cr : I wHI ~how thc~nt the <:ro<l-<ltn w(irm will t um· •

Hut then Alci.. Wnmm ;,h3kcs his l1t11d slt11dy'.

• Xo. ) I N. ThurnJyk~,' he n11-1we1-s, gm»dy, • 1 will not oonnscl yon to n r~wngc like . l.H them go, aml.)cn»e them lo the , . ..,11. gcnce of God, who ncl"er fori,-cts to puni~h i11 His om1 sOO<l time. I Jo not bclie1·0 it is right for ll:i to t:1kc thcso petty humnn . revcugc~ 11p1111 our foes. \'engcnOQ is n 11i,·i1:c (•fl' · rognli\'c. 1..qnvc it ~jl,11\·cn,'

~he studies hi111 with 11 keen, iu ­tcnt, lwlr dt1rprisc<I gn7.e.

• A re ypu so noble ?' s l1e :l!<ks nt lcuglh. • \\'oil, but, )J r. \\':irrcn, SUJ>po.;c tlu1t some one has bccu "rouged, nm! uothing cl·c Lm this rc»cn'->o of" bich l ~pcnk cull righl th11 ' hong. Wluit thcu 1'

, 1 T'' o wrtJag3: c::\U n<:\'cr !113 ke n

rig ht,' he nusw~r<, 'llowly. • I cnn only counst-1 you to let il I."'• )lrs. Thorndyke. You nrc a.ngry, nnd your <cn,e of right nnd \Hong mny he lrnrpt.-d by the srunrt of your pnin.'

lnto tho dark eyes of the wtpngcd worunn comes n gm"'• thoughtful look n~ if she were quelltioninl? her-•clf. •

• If you k11ow nil, if ~·on quite Ull·

dc;:;il\tid. 1 liulic\'e yon would think quitd /differently,' she answer:; like one Jiscn!l8i11g n · vexed prubl1•111 ;

" but it shall )>o ,ns you My. l "ill k'tl\"C!'il nfono now; J " ill lenw ittn tirno 1111<1 to.God-unless-'

Dul witl• thnt Inst 1oro\0 i.><> un. ~po' ·n she pn use~. lt<-r 511<1 eye:.• guziug ouJ....u1>0n thc henutiful, flow-1?1')' t1CC·nH,lcforc her, seeing c»cry­tl~ • ns lhrough n gl11Ss darkly'­tbc slmdo" y l"cil of SOITO\Y dim111inl! the hluc nnd •miling s ky, fotl!ni: t lrr rosy tints of tf10 flowc.,., hushir.;: tho j oyous ~ongs of the birtb until thl'ir hl\pp~· &lmin~ £1'1· 111 att1111c1I t" oor­rr1w. , • Y 0 11 know,' hy •.1,v<, n f1cr :i min­

ute's tboughtfnl s tudy t>I the quiet fore, • the p<KI hn• \\'riUc n, •To err is humnn, to !urr;i»c di\·int•.''

• Thcf\' i• no tolk or forgi»cn~s,' she nns wl'r:; n little s hortly ns s he turns bnck to hilll. · l do uol iutcml to forr:ivr Mrs. W nrrcn nnd her nic(!(', I only forego my nffcngc bc­cnuae you Mk mo. I t is onotbcr thing to forgive them:• .

' W ould it pnin you too much to te ll mo nll l hnt Sereno said to her thnt nig ht, )frs. Thorndyke 1-I menu whnt she anid to Gnbricllo 1 ' ho cn1110 U> me · so incohcrenlly-

1111id thnt ercnl\ had been enying somc.ll1ing-l could llCllrcdy gntl1er ' t, sho WM so ugilated. Then be­fore 111<1 smool11 iL) ov~r. for I co11lll 11ot tell n lio to that in nocent child, you know-she broke from me, nnd- nn.d-' suuddtring. he atop nud bide!l bis fa.ce on bis blnc~ cont elee,·~.

{to be continued).

1~t Co·odfeUow & Cos.

saleVery Cheap Aa tcrlli:e apnco 11 roqulrcd fo r other purj>O&Cll,

Joisting a11d gtucldhii--assorted gizes. LATHS, SHINGLES.

Aloo oit atoro {ooobnshehl Jic n vT" lllnclc .Ont.-. BrM, 011ttlo f'ced ' ' and Po tntoce, nt Priceil lowe~ In tl•1% trade.

S TORA GE Parties rcqulrlni: storage cnn bo accommoaatcd nc><t week with space to

contain ~000 brll. F1our and 1000 brla. Pork. Froatproof ,·nulls on pron11Acs c:npnblc orbaidln~ lnrgc .qu.~nlltl(l(\ oCpNiahable goo<hJ. To nrrh-e nc~t ~eek 11 cargo or Kiln-dried Ploughed an'd Tongued Mnlclted Botll'd and Jotating-long fongths. •

JOHN L. O'DWYER. · - .

FISH ERl·ES : 1893. ' The nndcrsli;ned n ro p ropnrln1: n foll ntoCk ofNci.tluir u1-.,I T ,.-lno of their own innnufucture, oulllt!Jlo for LhoNewfonodhuid nndLabrn<lor l"lllh· cries oftS1l3 nnd Invite ~ho ra,.ornblo attention or t heir pntrono bn tb1> l&lnnd. Pn;tlcula r nttcntll>n given to tho mnldni> ofCod1rapeandSeinr1 :md

Wiiii~ffi'"'Stowe, Gloucester Net & Twine Co.,


~e:ceived per·Recent Arrivals. .nrn }'OH ::;ALE ur

P .&L.TESSIER ' The followlng llll'<J1 t111rnt ~f 1".-LUJ I.J! FLO UR :

500 brls. Kobe. 500 b1·s . Azalea F F L 0 u ·R

500 IJrls. Dia11101ul • 600 l>rls.Shamrock

500 bl'ls. Su rprise

AOOtn·l s. l(alny<t L 200 brls. Ar1·~hirc.llosc ()

400brls.Rcliable ~ S 600 ch~c Xo. I & 2_ Ex's 200 b~. Crescent S 4 0 0 brls"{ .~~~~~~~~1:1'.~ .l!~:vorite.

!11 >1ldi1ion I<> thc .. \·e "·• ~lso bolt!



f:JE:sr SARBADpS "MOLASSES n Punc heons, Tlercee and B11rrcl1. $elected Onnadlan and NOVA Scotlnn.

BUTTER. Bright, Grocery Sugnr. 'J:'EAS In bnlfoheall!, cnddlca, 7Jb, lib nnd l lb paokal1t11_, llnrvey•a1and Brownlnga No. I nnd

l'l'o. :i BREAu. In bags and blllf·b1Ll19.

GLASGOW; FAIRY AND STERLING SOAPS Tobaeco In box ... half boxe. and qnador boua. • •

And a run atock o! Oonoral Stcro Goodo and OJ'Oceri08. All ofwh!on wlU bo 1 dltpoaed or a~ prl""' at our Retail &11d Oasb 8lora.

P. & L. TESSIEil:L nov4,tf .

Arlllils of Jo~ ,Prin~g ·execute~ at tlm ' TRIBUNE " OFFICE.



...,.,==-===========-~ -,,---==.::--.-~ ?lriu J,llurrti:itmrnts. " . .



J:om~mb.·r that the j1rowrb &nya

" Opportnnily Has .No Hair Brl1i So tuk" Tin,. by the F orcl...:k.

: ---- ·- .\ THIS /S YOUR GREAT CHAN~E~


t~~~~~ 11gv L8Rll0 1il :.:.~" ..... DICKS & CO, "(. C. GAMBER'G, . soo water street. I Pamter, Paper-hanger ~\:. lnri:<' .. ~::J;;;c n cccont I AND DECORATOJt,

nooks "II •!""" and rullnga-Sta- lJ'"orkJJllQP: Allen's Squan. tlonnry or ~\•Cry dc•crlptJon al lo w I . priccs-omcc rcqWBltcs.._ In grcnt. All onlDra Jlrolll(lt!y nttendetl to . . \'Rr loty. n,ov4,toy -J, ---~·-·

A lnl'i:<• fU<Mort111 <>n t o f" LUll"'BVR I !nl<-bottlc•. Wcldou•s, f\nd Young f,Ul\f BER! .l.U ~ • LRdl~a• JournRI for Jnnunry-Wcl~ t!onff' llBz..~nr r<>r J nn1111ry, Dcllnca- 0 tor for Jnnunry Rb\' lew o r Jle- BY Cl.IFT, WOOD&C . \•lcw•, Ornphlr. for December. so ooo reo~ 2-lnohl_P. & T .

' '' •' lclou.>4' JCi1lt1 e r. OroT- ' FLOORJ.N0-.1'10.1. r hot, nod fnncy \\'Ork only 6 ccnta :!5 ooo Hardwood Pllulk- aU ..... ench. omco nnd Pol!kct Dlarl~s, At ~Iunlcllll\I Dn•ln- Nortb 81••· 1 93. \Vhhtoker'A, Uucll's, .Am• loi•••nndBow-Bell•a Almnnno,18!13. fan5 ------------

jan7. u02R1~9c~~ .. ~'tS~,~~~· P.E.I. BUTTER! NOTIC:Ip. - F6R SALE BY

ALL p~~RSONS WHO II.AVE CLIFT, WOOD & co. elnimll ngnln•t tb~ Est11to of tho lmto 100 Small Tuba P.E.I. Butler. Ann :l.!n1uring, forme rly of St. Jobn•a, The ~t and but nrtlcl•. Imported • widow. dccll:lM'd. uo rcquC!tcd to "'A rurni•h 83 mc1.nndnllpcrsonslndebt- AG M'CQLJBREY ed to anid .:Stnto nre required lO , ,

1 mnkc pn\•mcnt on 'br bcrore the Jut In do» o r J tinnnry inotant, to Mis& Anntc Manurlloturer and dealer '"ef1 Ln\,·!or; niece of deceased, 330 \\"ntcr dcaorlpl!OD or

StreetoftO r.J.SCOTT, DOMESTIC T(NWARE E:xcculo• IAtc A.Mnnnlng, dcc:cascid.

St. John••, Jnnunry 2nd, 93. Oppoalte Olin, W ood & Oe.•a p ,. • Ofllce: 330 \ \'nter Street. ' mlsea, Wntor-•t., St. Jobn•a, 1',F.

2iw.2 . .::w~·-----------:-:- STO\ 'E ·, TIN\\' .AJU:; GlfT TO EVERY ONE OF OUR RUQ.ERS. E:SUfAl.U:O W4lnl,

HOl0 S EKEEPJms· REQUIS.1'(118,

"A YARD 0, PANSIES.'' llAJU) WAl!E, &c., &o.

By •pcclnl nrrnngemcnl wll.l1thep11b- D ,~es s C(l Cla1JIJoa11J ~~~".?<.~~ :::t1~~~1~~:~o::'t0~F::~Jr U. thesecxquh;ltQ Oil Picture•, 30 inclica ion¢, n con1pn11lon lo a -'Ynrd or Ro· ~ .um sea " whtcball h1\\'e&eenandndmlrod. S B d This c:rqulalt~ pirturc, " A Ynrd or \Pli pared pruce oar P AM!e• "wa& painted by tho ,anmo ~ noted n'rllst who did tbo" R~•." It Now la~dlng a~ 11 the •nmo slzc,ftnd 19 pronounced by ~ J>-~ ,.,..,9SSii:=!r'e art .. r111c. to be rnr 111pcrfor to the ---_QC.I ....,_... "'(' "Ro•ea." Th• reproduction la eqnAI e)t. achr . Loulla.' In every respect to 4'eorlglnal, wlilch 30 ) f . D,.,,..ed CIJ!pboard, coat SSOO, and accompnnylng It arc 1o ·:.t. P . T. nnd o. Spruce Boards, ruu dlrec11on• ro r rran•lng Ill nome .. t ~ T . a.co1tora fow<:ent•, l hua forming" p Oli L ess1er. beautJrul ornamen~ ro r your pnrl11ror • • • aanperb Ohrlltmnagln, worth atfeJUt Potatoes and Turnips. M.00. Send your nomo nnd addrCl!S Selllne Ohea.P to tho publlaher , W. J£!<1'o·n•os DE· • I MORA T, 16 Eut Hth Street, No ... • .AT PITTS' WHARJ? York wltb. lbreo 2-cent •tampa to pny for ~c'dng, malllnlf, oto.,nnd mru1tl9n tha' you are a render or the DAI LY TntDONBI and you will recolve by •<:· tum mo l ' one or the•o »alunble Works of Art.-;1An4,31,cod . •

CA.ED-Dn. KENDALL.- Re&ldcnec a:>.i

Surgory~junollol) o r Duclcworlh nnd Gower oto.- Oppoelt.e OaUa~an , 0 1111& &. Oo.

Roura: 10 11.m. • l! to S nn .30 to, p.m.

jn.ntG,tm lny, Onls nml cnUlo Feed

AIJ!o a r~w barHll earrol<I Tho toltg1nph lines arv intertuptod

ot Grconspond.

.J}'ST ~/VED

Sleigh Bells. NECJ{, BACK & DOD~


WOons·s ~ '0ontral BardwaH an• Jlou & P1ir·

nllhloir I t.ore, \I • ew Gower-SW. For aalo by lho aubacrlben : SIGI OF llvCAlfDJIClUIT ~-

Ay , ,_ 100 TONS PRIME TIM. H . c::AOE _ ~


•L- h 37 Bntclllnp1 '::lt:reet, St. Johll't,rN,f'. S- Tn nelta o 100 and 200..,. no · Otnc& honN-8 Ml 10 a.m.: S'\><f"4 jut Y' & L. ~SIER.. p.m. and 1 tc 8 p.m •1 ..

•i ,·

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