
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:3-4)

These words of St. Paul might seem familiar to you, as they are found in our funeral service, and are paraphrased in our baptismal service. The words are important, as they point to the key events of the Christian faith, the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For most of us, this is not our first journey through Lent. We know the end of the story – Jesus’ glorious resurrection from the dead. But, knowing this, I feel that we sometimes don’t allow ourselves to have the whole Lenten experience. We may just want to skip over Lent and get to Easter. We may want to avoid the “buried into death” part. But doing so gives us only part of the experience.

Newsletter- March 2014

Author Everett Gill states that, “You and I already know about the resurrection. But what if we did not know? That may be the true darkness of Lent: to contemplate discipleship without the resurrection. If we went through Lent without knowing, Easter would be all the more joyful for us.” (From Learning the Cost of Discipleship.)

Only by truly experiencing the depths of Lent, can we truly experience the great joys of Easter. So please walk with me this Lenten season. Easter will mean the most to those who have faithfully walked the Lenten road to the cross with Jesus.

Lent is not designed to be convenient. Instead it is a season to re-examine our discipleship and our commitment to our Lord and His Church. Lent raises the basic questions regarding our relationship with God. What steps will we take on the walk with our Lord? Will we be a part of a small group? Will we take the time for daily devotion and prayer; for daily reading God’s Word; for reading Unbinding your Heart, for daily taking the time to reach out to a stranger or neighbor; daily giving ourselves to being the Body of Christ in this world, in our communities? Will we faithfully attend worship services? Lent is

truly a day by day experience of being called to faithful living.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Lenten Worship Schedule

Wednesday March 5: 7:00 p.m. Ash WednesdayWednesdays March 12, 19, and 26: 6:00 p.m. Free-will Soup supper at parish hall – sign

up to bring soup, salad or dish. Please come even if you are not signed up for a small group that evening.

6:45 p.m. Unbinding Your Heart studySundays in March: 8:30 a.m. Prayer time in library 8:30 a.m. Confirmation in the parsonage 9:00 a.m. Sunday School in the basement 9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School (March 2 only) 9:00 a.m. Unbinding Your Heart study (begins March 9) 9:15 a.m. Choir rehearsal10:00 a.m. Worship

Special Offerings During Lent

Special offerings during Lent and including Ash Wednesday will go to the Tanzania Companion Coordinators. They are hoping the send some members to Tanzania this summer. If you wish to

contribute to World Hunger instead, simply write World Hunger on your check or envelope.


The Grand View University Choir from Des Moines, Iowa, will be performing at Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church, on Saturday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 23, at 10:00 a.m. as part of its twelve-day 2014 Spring Tour through the Eastern United States. The choir will be singing in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. The tour program consists of masterful choral works from the renaissance composers Palestrina and William Byrd, the modern European and American choral tradition represented by Knut Nystedt, Howard Helvey, and David Childs, and arrangements of the rich spiritual and Appalachian hymn tune heritage by composers such as Alice Parker, Allen Koepke, John Ferguson.

The Grand View Choir tours extensively throughout the United States as well as regularly in Europe. Wherever they sing, they have been praised for their excellence in musicality, blend, programming, and attention to detail.

Dr. Kathryn Pohlmann Duffy is Chair of the Grand View University Music Department and director of the Choir. She holds degrees from Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa; Kansas State University; and the University of Chicago, where she earned her Ph.D. in musicology.

Grand View University, with a student body of approximately 2,300, is a four-year, liberal arts college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To

learn more about Grand View, go to

Housing needs during the choir performance: The choir needs housing for their 17 women, 12 men and four staff. Let the church office know if you are available to host. Students will be housed in pairs so that they feel more comfortable with their host families. If a host requests more people pairs may be combined. Staff are flexible and can be housed alone, together, or with any of the pairs of students. The office has a list of allergies and diet restrictions in order to assist in matching students with hosts.

Supper will be served at the parish hall after their rehearsal for the entire choir on Saturday evening around 5:30.

Congregation Council and Church Finance Notes

The Council met on Thursday, February 20, 2014. The next regular Council meeting will be Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Financial Report 2014 General Fund Activity (as of February 25,

2014)Gifts $46,969.71Ministry Expenses $32,943.07Net Income $14,026.64

SELC Receives Gift of Cemetery Addition

It was the wish of Don Lauer to gift an addition of land to our cemetery in memory of Dorothy Lauer. This

wish has come true with the settlement of the Don Lauer estate by Art and Rose Lauer and Art's siblings. The addition is a net of .24 acres which adjoins the west end of our current cemetery. The Lauer’s will continue to farm this land until SELC believes it is needed. Besides the land, the Lauer estate paid all legal costs including a survey and recording of the deed. SELC expresses its deepest gratitude to the Lauer family.

Churchmen Meeting

The Churchmen officers for the coming year are Monte Kann, President; Ray Meth, Vice President; Gary Anderson, Secretary; and R. L. Chrisinger, Treasurer.

The Churchmen will have a prayer breakfast for all men on April 5 at 6:30 a.m., at the parish hall, 201 Academy Avenue, with R. L. Chrisinger and Monte Kann as hosts.

Spring Conference 8 Meeting

The Spring Conference 8 Gathering will be Sunday, March 30, at 3:00 p.m. at First Lutheran in Fairfield.

Women of the ELCA (WELCA)

This Lent we’re joining Lutheran World Relief’s request for Personal Care Kits. When any natural disaster strikes or political conflict flares, families often have little chance to gather their belongings before fleeing the danger. They arrive in a refugee camp, or other place of safety, scared, vulnerable and dirty from travel. The simple items included in a Personal Care Kit allow them to wash away dirt and sweat with the fresh scent of soap and the softness of a towel, reminders of someone’s care and concern for their plight.

Men, women, children, Confirmation and Sunday School students, please consider participating each week. Each week, we’ll collect a different item that we’ll use to assemble Personal Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging situations. Following are the items for one Personal Care Kit.March 9 Two Bars of Soap (4-5 oz., any brand, in

original wrapping)March 16 One Bath Towel (light weight, 20” X

40” to maximum 52” X 27”, dark color recommended)

March 23 One adult-size toothbrush (in original packaging.) This year, toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap.

March 30 One comb; sturdy, with packaging removed.

April 6 One nail clipper (metal, attached file optional), with packaging removed.

April 13 (PALM SUNDAY) Two bars of soap (4-5 oz., any brand, in original wrapping)

If you are unable to provide these items, perhaps you might consider contributing financially toward the shipping of the kits. LWR’s approximate cost to handle and ship one Personal Care Kit overseas is $2.65 (including the addition of a tube of toothpaste). Feel free to contribute to this by marking your check or envelope to WELCA.

Mission Sewing Plea for Assistance

Each Wednesday WELCA gathers at the parish hall at 9 a.m. for mission sewing. WELCA continues to be in need of more hands to assist with various tasks such as tying or knotting. Everyone is welcome to assist. You

are encouraged to give whatever amount of time you can give. If you have thought about joining but Wednesdays are not good for you, please contact Betty Molander. Alternative arrangements may be made so you can be part of the mission sewing. WELCA is very appreciative of all help.

Sunday School HappeningsBusy, busy, busy! Lots of things are happening in Sunday School this Spring. We’ll be spending our Sunday mornings learning about Jesus’ ministry and preparing for Easter. Lessons for March include:

Jesus Gives the Beatitudes (March 2) Jesus Teaches that We are to be Salt & Light

(March 9) Jesus Walks on Water (March 16) Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree (March 23) Jesus Blesses the Children (March 30)

In addition, the children will sing as part of the Palm Sunday worship, and we’ll begin practicing in March. As we will be practicing in March and April, regular attendance is very helpful. Winter can be a difficult time to get out in the mornings, and schedules are busy year-round. If you need assistance getting your child to Sunday School, please contact us. We can certainly arrange for ride sharing!

As our spring service project, we are asking the Sunday School children to support Lutheran World Relief’s appeal for donations to be used in personal care kits. Starting March 9th, please have your child bring an item for these personal care kits. We’ll collect them as part of our offering during Sunday School.

By now, you’ve surely heard about the Unbinding Your Heart study that our congregation will be participating in during the season of Lent. This “E-vent” includes our Sunday School kids! There will be a

one-hour small group on Wednesday nights for Sunday School kids in the church basement after the soup supper. (Childcare will be provided for those younger than preschool-age.) This is a six-week event. We’ll be digging deeper into faith and the practice of prayer. This is a great opportunity for you children to learn about having a living connection with God.

In addition to the Wednesday lessons there will be materials on how families can participate in faith activities tied to the Unbinding Your Heart study. Each week these materials will be distributed to parents and will provide a week’s worth of simple, 5-10 minutes faith building activities. Even if you cannot participate on Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings, consider using these family activities as part of your Lenten journey. Please contact Emily Kann ([email protected] or 319-254-2254) to be included on the distribution list for the weekly activities.

Looking Forward

PARENTS- a few dates for your calendar. We plan to have Vacation Bible School the week of July 21st. We’ll continue to have a four-day, evening event. More details to come. Also, the year end Sunday School party will be May 18th. This will be the last day of regular Sunday School, as well.

And, a word of THANKS…Parents you make our Sunday School program possible. Thank you for your continued support- not only bringing your child to Sunday School, but providing supplies, teaching and giving encouragement.

Social Ministry

The Social Ministry met on February 10. They have

had an increase in requests for milk support for Kindergarten through second grades. They now have 4 schools with 27 students they support for a total of $604 for the remainder of the school year. Without this support, students would not receive snack time milk. The Social Ministry will sponsor a food drive March 23 through April 20. There will be an Easter breakfast fundraiser on April 20. The next meeting of the Social Ministry will be March 4 at 5 p.m.

Souper Bowl Sunday

Our congregation participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 2. $356.60 was raised and 50 cans of soup were presented to the Fellowship Cup. Thank you for helping make the Souper Bowl Sunday a success!

Tanzania Companion Coordinators

Join us as we dedicate our new Tanzania banners March 2. One of the banners we will sign and send to our companion congregation Ngaeni. The other banner will be displayed in our sanctuary to remind us of this special relationship.

Prayer Vigil

We will have a 24-hour prayer vigil beginning at 9:00 p.m. on Ash Wednesday (March 5) until 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 6. There is a sign-up sheet on the Unbinding Your Heart table in the narthex. Sign up for a half hour prayer time. There can be two persons for each time slot. You can also choose to pray at church or at your own home. There will be someone at the church throughout the prayer vigil to monitor the door (use the west entrance).

Confirmation Happenings

The confirmation students packaged and sent out 22 care packages during February. They will be working on leading the worship service on Ash Wednesday, March 5.

Worship and Music

The next Worship and Music meeting will be Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 7:45 p.m.

Food Pantry at SELC

The Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church continues to have a small food pantry available. It is available to anyone who has a need. Freezer meals may also be found in the basement freezer.

2014 Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly

The 2014 Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly will be held on Friday, May 30 to Sunday, June 1 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Coralville. The assembly will gather under the theme “Led by the Spirit.”

“Week after week we confess, ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit.’ But sometimes we take that Spirit for granted. The Spirit is God’s own presence among us. Like a holy wind, or a life-giving breath, the Spirit blows in, around, and through us. We gather remembering that we are ‘Led by the Spirit’ in all that we say and do in the name of Jesus.” Bishop Michael Burk

The assembly will include the election of the bishop. According to the constitution of this synod, “the bishop is elected to a term of six years and may be reelected.” Bishop Michael Burk was elected bishop of this synod

in 2008. Bishop Burk shared with the Synod Council and with rostered leaders at the Fall Theological Conference that he is open to continuing this call and “would be privileged to serve a second term if elected.”SELC has the opportunity and responsibility to send two voting members to the Assembly (one male, one female) as well as a youth voting member. Please prayerfully consider your serving in this way. Let Pastor Mark know if you are interested or have any questions.

Lutheran Services in Iowa

A Passion for Changing Lives

March is National Social Work Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the many highly trained professionals who dedicate their lives to helping others through the field of social work. Social workers are found in all areas of community life, helping millions of struggling families and individuals find resources, discover their strengths and access tools needed to build a better life.

LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and proud to have so many dedicated social workers bringing life-changing services to Iowa communities. Your support and prayers help us carry out our mission of responding to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. Keep up with LSI’s 150th anniversary news at Join us on Facebook at

Sharing the gifts

Your support and prayers help LSI’s (Lutheran Services in Iowa) social ministry programs give new hope and new opportunities to Iowa kids, families and adults. Have you ever thought about how the people LSI serves also bring wonderful gifts to their communities? Our LSI staff would like to share some of these gifts with you and how they are inspired daily:

“Our elderly group gives the gift of warm welcomes to anyone who enters the Refugee Community Services building.”

“A woman I support through our services for people with disabilities is actively involved as a volunteer for food drives, fundraisers and many other activities. She feels an obligation to give back to her community as a thank you for the services she receives.”

“One of the moms I support has the best work ethic I have ever seen!”

“One of my proudest moments was hearing a girl who has struggled greatly with self-harming in the past share her story to her peers and become a mentor to them. She encourages them to respect themselves and value their self-worth.”

“One of our moms gives the gift of knowledge to friends and family about the parenting skills she has learned through our program.”

“One of the people I support gave up his place in line to an elderly woman. You should have seen the pride on his face when she complimented him!”

Thank you for supporting critical human services in your community and making stories of hope, healing and wholeness happen every day!

New Member Reception

We will be receiving new members at SELC during the worship service on Sunday, April 27. If you are interested in joining our congregation, or know someone who might be, please contact Pastor Mark or the church office.

Soup Lunch

Wayland MYF will host a soup lunch on Sunday, March 9 at 11:30am. They will serve a variety of soups, salads, relishes, cookies, cakes and drinks in the Wayland Mennonite Church fellowship hall (basement). They will accept a free-will offering for the meal so that they can go to DOOR Atlanta for a service project this summer. All are welcome to eat!!

Lutheran Day on the Hill

Join Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) and members of the Southeastern Iowa Synod on Monday, March 10, 2014 for Lutheran Day on the Hill in Des Moines. This day is essential in giving a voice to those who are not heard, for seeking social justice and for empowering people to exercise their right and responsibility to be part of the legislative process. Participants will learn more about advocacy, hear from special guest speakers and have the opportunity to talk to their legislators about critical issues facing children, families and adults. 

The day will begin at 9:30 a.m. at Elim Christian Fellowship with advocacy training and speakers. Later

in the morning, participants will make their way to the Iowa State Capitol Building to meet with legislators. The day typically ends between 2 and 3 p.m.

Transportation will be provided once again for this year’s event. Charter buses will be leaving Iowa City at 7 a.m. with a stop in Newton at 8:15 a.m. This is a great way to be part of the day without the hassle of driving. It’s also a time of fellowship with a great group of people!

Sign-up to participate in Lutheran Day on the Hill today! You can find more detailed information and online registration or by calling 866.584.5293. Please register by February 23 to guarantee you will receive a t-shirt. Registration will be open until March 6. This event is free to participants and lunch will be provided.

Reminder about Federal Privacy Laws

Because of Federal Privacy Laws (HIPPA), if you or a member of your family are hospitalized, and would like Pastor Mark to visit, you must contact the church and let us know. While the hospital may ask what church you are affiliated with and you ask the hospital to contact your pastor, they may not. Please let us know. You can reach the church office at (319) 254-2216.

April Newsletter Deadline

The deadline to have your group meeting times and activities or other items listed in the April newsletter is 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Submit your items to Mary McLerran in the church office at 254-2216 or email Mary in the office at [email protected].

The monthly newsletter is available to view on our website at The newsletters are located under “calendar”, then “newsletter”, just click on the month you wish to read. Also, watch the SELC website’s online calendar for any changes that may occur during the month.

2014 Yearbook and Membership Directory

The 2014 Yearbook and Membership Directory will be printed right after this March newsletter is distributed. You should be able to pick up your copy in the narthex during Sunday Worship on March 2. Copies that remain after the first Sunday will be mailed to each member.

Thank You Received Thank you to the members of the congregation

council and evangelism committee who provided the summaries for the chapters of Unbinding The Gospel in last month’s newsletter.


THANKS ARE DUE . . .to the confirmation students who assisted with preparing care Malcolm and Glenda for their extra care while cleaning the church during these winter months; they have cleaned the carpets of all the ice melt which is an unending battle this Duayne Hultquist for his tremendous job of keeping the sidewalks and driveways free of the snow and ice accumulations.

PRAY FOR:ELCA missionaries Rev. Brian and Christine Palmer in Liberia.for Rev. Eliewaha Ezekieli and people of Ngaeni Lutheran Parish, our partner congregation in Tanzania.friends and loved ones experiencing health concerns.

Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church1897 140th Street, P. O. Box 88, Swedesburg, Iowa 52652-0088

Telephone (319) 254-2216 www.swedesburglutheran.orgemails: [email protected] [email protected]

1897 140th StreetP. O. Box 88Swedesburg, IA 52652


Unbinding Your Heart study March 9-April 16

Worship begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Handicap accessible. website: www.swedesburglutheran.orgemail: [email protected]

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