
Enlightenment ideaso Social and political criticism

Reason natural rights Historical progress

Ancient privileges Noble prerogatives

o Provided a language Dissatisfaction with obstacles

o Public opinion Challenging traditional authority

o Critical spirit from idea to political theoryo Stripped away sacred vision of monarchy

Scandals Reading public

More informedo Aristocracy against the third estateo Freedom of the presso Taille

Social/economic injustice Equality Questioning authority

Aristocratic resurgence against absolutismo Constitutional government

Personal liberty Freedom of speech and press Freedom from arbitrary arrest and imprisonment

o Habeas corpus Third estate Not governed by lords

o Spiritual or temporal hope of a new era National assembly

o Self-given sovereign power Night of August 4

o Liberal noblemen surrendered their hunting rights Rights in manorial courts Feudal and seigneurial privileges Tithes abolishes

Taxes to the church Special privileges over territory

o Abolished Dues from eminent property

Peasants had to pay compensation feeo Abolished in 1793

Kept all their land and moneyo No loss unlike other countries

Feudalism abolished o Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

Men are born and remain free Equal in rights

o Libertyo Propertyo Security

Freedom of thought and religion Prosecuted for laws

Can’t just make up some All people allowed to run for office if they qualify Law is the expression of general will Al public officials and armed forces to serve the nation First priority

o Taxes raise only by public opiniono Nation for the sake of all may confiscate personal property

Has to be compensatedo Constitution

Destroying the institutions of the old regime Rid of current

o Old monarchical ministerso Government bureau organizationo Sovereign power in the hands of the legislative assemblyo King only has veto power

Weak executive branch Distrust of power like of Louis XV

Active v passive citizens Same civil rights Active citizen have the right to vote

Landowning males Economic policies

Confiscate all the property of the churcho All was sold for profito Resolve debt

The Church doesn’t have any source of incomeo dissolved Church schools

Offered free educationo Church a form of public authority

Pay for its maintenance Poor needs religion

To respect the property of the more wealthyo Civil constitution of the clergy

Set up French national church Parish priests and bishops

Elected by the body of government that elects other important officials

Election based on property/ citizenship No restriction base on religion

Archbishoprics abolished No papal letter could be published

Without government approval Dissolved religion vows

o The reign of terror Repress anarchy Civil strife Counterrevolution

o Committee of General security Supreme political police

o Against hostiles or people suspected of counteractivity Inhuman to atrocious

De Christianization Committee Toleration of all peaceable Catholics

Robespierre Tried to unite everybody Cult of Supreme

Political crisis of 1797o First really free election

Candidates Constitutional monarchists At least royalists

o Impending royalist sentiment in the republic Regicides and republicans feared

Violated constitution to prevento Napoleon Bonaparte

1769 to minor nobility in Corsica French military schools 1793 young Jacobin soldier

Helped drive the British from Toulono Promoted to brigadier general

1795 broke up a royal demonstration 1796 commanded an army

o crossed the Alpso drove the Austrians from north Italy

soon became independent from the government weak or preoccupied government lived off of local requisitions n Italy

o self-supportingo civilian government in Paris dependent on him

Foreign policy Italians dissatisfied with their old government

o Turmoil and chaos

Many revolts of the people of their governments and the pope Combined with some of the revolutions established Cisalpine Republic

in the Po valleyo Modeled after the French systemo Milan capitalo Directory wanted to return Milan to the Austrians

Compensation for recognizing French ownership of Belgium

Napoleon wanted to keep both Belgium and Italy

o Needed expansionist republicans in legislative rather than royalists

Negotiationso Austrians negotiated with Napoleon

Defeatedo British negotiated with French in Lille

War going badly Whigs disapproved of the war

o Charles James Fox Government suspended habeas corpus

o Rowdy pro-French and republican radicals Poor crops

o Bread scarcityo Famine threatened

Suffered from Inflationo Needed money to support allied troops in the continent and the

war effort Bank of England suspended gold payment to private citizens People restless

o Ireland in revolto Mutinies in the fleet

Turned to Austriao Only remaining allyo Austria taken over by napoleon

Made peaceo Peace of 1797

Royalist in France in favor of peace A restored king would return conquests of the republic

o Abandon Holland and Po valley Republicans more wary

Losing control of their own generals Constitutionally bound to keep Belgium Return of the old regime for peace

o Worth it? Coup d’état of Fructidor

o September 4 1797

o Directory asked for help from Napoleon Sent Augereau to Paris

Under pressure council annulled the elections from the previous springo “defending the revolution”o “keeping nation from falling into the old regime”

Violated own constitutiono Quashed most democratic electiono more dependent the army

Fructidorian government Broke negotiations with England Campo Formio

o October 17, 1797o Treaty with Austria

Austria recognized French annexation of Belgium Left bank of the Rhine river Cisalpine Republic

France recognized Austrian annexation of Venice and most of

mainland Venetia Spread of revolutionary republicanism

o Genoa to Liguria Republico Pope deposed of in Rome to Roman republico Southern Italy established Neapolitan Republic

Parthenopeano Switzerland established Helvetic Republico Left bank of the Rhine river

German princes driven out Compensated by church territories in Germany

o France regulate distribution Set their eyes on German bishops and abbots

o Previously the land of Holy Roman Empire Land rush and estate speculation

Coup d’état of 1799o After Fructidor

Gave up maintaining a free or constitutional government Uprisings Quashed elections Purging both lefts and rights sides

Ineffective dictatorship Financial instability

o Lack of confidence in the governmento Napoleon assigned to command the army against England

Invasion too premature Strike at England indirectly

o Invaded Egypt to threaten India

1798 outwitted the British fleet and set his troops don at the mouth of the Nile

Threatened the Russians Nile part of the Ottoman Empire

o Had their own plans for the Middle East Austria objected French organization Second Coalition

Austria, Russia, and Great Britain General war again 1798 the British fleet cut off the French fleet in Egypt

o Won the battle of the Nile 1799 Russian troops operated as far as Switzerland and north Italy

o Cisalpine Republic in ruins Abandoned his army in Egypt and appeared in France

o People in the directory wanted a change Sieyes

Voted for the execution Louis XVI “confidence from below, authority from above”

Bonaparte became their general Distaste from the Five Hundred and the ancients

o Coup d’état Brumaire November 9, 1799 Solder drove legislators from the chambers New form of government

Consulateo Headed by 3 consuls

Napoleon the First consul The Consulate

o Napoleon Child of the enlightenment and revolution Belief in his destiny

Became more blown up as time went ono Follow his “star”

Very smart Amazing leadership skills

Crisp speech Rapid decisions Quick grasp of complex problems

o Enlightenment despotism Image that people were sovereign

People only create the world not interfere with it Governments authority when used to represent the entire nation

o Issued the new constitution as a general referendum Majority approval Universal male suffrage

Voted for people who were just there to be voted for, “notables”

o Image of republicanismo Notables

Could not initiate or discuss legislation Only reject or enact it

Tribunate Could discuss public policy

o Could not enact ito Council of the state

imitated the old regime Prepared important legislation

Under the presidency of the First consul First consul head of the government

Did not openly represent anybodyo Less resentment- strong feelings

Political machinery quickly abandonedo Internal order

Secret political police Powerful and centralized government

Prefecto Ruled over each regional departmento Under direct orders from the minister of the interior

Second consul – Cambacereso Regicide

Third consul - Lebruno Maupeou’s colleague

Foucheo Minister of policeo Hebertist

Talleylando Minister of foreign affairs

Spend the terror in the US Favored constitutional monarchy

Guerilla in the west Laws and taxes imposed in Brittany and Vendee New peace between factions

Napoleon pardoned exileso Aristocratic emigreo Deportees of the republican coup d’état

Required to only serve him Peasants no longer in danger from partisans Rebels

Napoleon the pillar of order 1800 Napoleon nearly killed by a bomb

o Actually set by royalistso Claimed it was set by Jacobin conspiracy-

Used as excuse to rid France of old republic sympathizers

100 former Jacobins deported 1804

o Exaggerated Royal plots against him Invaded independent state of Baden

Arrested and shot the Duke of Engheino Actually innocento Related to the Bourbons

Please the old Jacobins Peace with the Church

o Napoleon - rationalisto Religion a convenience

Muslim in Egypt Catholic in France Freethinker in universities in Paris Religion a toll for manipulation

o Catholic revival Refractory clergy important part in the counterrevolution

Destroy the emigre’s power in the French clergyo Needed authority of the pope

o Concordat with the Vatican Outcries from the Jacobins Vatican gained

Pope had the right again to depose French bishopso Constitutional and refractory bishops ha to resign

Public displays of Catholic rights allowed Clergy paid by the nation

o Lost their source of income Napoleon gained

Pope recognized the republic Vatican agreed lay to rest matter of former tithes and church lands

o Clear titles for land originally taken from the Churcho No more questions about Avignon

Originally papal state seized by the French in 1791 Papacy has to recognize French religious tolerance

o Catholicism was the religion of the majority of the French people Harmless cuz true

o Ensure image of religious diversity Salaried Protestant ministers as well

Disarmed the counterrevolutiono Could not still claim Napoleon was godless

Basis of many of their arguments against him Peace and order restored

Stabilityo Nation could focus to law and administration

New administration - First consul and his advisorso Picked and chose the aspects from the old regime and the revolution

Opposite of anything feudal Public authority in the hands of employed agents of the government

Legal authority only to the nationo No more special privileges

Public office and military commissions could be exchanged People rose to the top based on ability rather than connections or money

“Careers open to talento Individual capacity to seek employment

Qualification for government positions based on educationo Increasingly status was based on level of education

2 systems Some spent 12+ years studying Others left to join the work-force at 12-14

o Scholarships given Usually only benefitted the upper middle class

o Intellectual life Strictly monitored and censored Napoleon suppressed those who questioned the government Exiled Germaine de Stael

o Published books that displeased Napoleon Critical debate impossible

Economic and financial stabilityo Discontinued tax exemptions

Everyone supposed to pay Not seen as reducing status to do so

First introduced in 1789 Actually enforced in 1799

o Able to plan out and organize use of moneyo Concentration of financial management in the government

A budget introduced Established a sound currency instilled people’s trust in credit again

o Bank of France introduced to manage money Napoleonic Codes

o Civil code Civil and criminal procedure

Commercial and penal codes Legally and judicially uniform

All French citizens have the same rights New law of property

Economy of private enterprise Banned organized labor unions

Harsh on employees

o Their word in court would only be accepted with approval from their employer

Criminal law codes more concerned with giving the state power to seek out and deal with

criminals than giving the alleged criminals legal rights to defend themselves

Patriarchal view of familial rights Gave people the right to divorce

o Left women with limited propertyo Gave men almost full custody of minor children

Character of France Socially bourgeois Legally egalitarian Administratively bureaucratic

The Consulateo General peace and good will

What the Third estate most wanted were turned into law Except a parliamentary government

o Peace with the papacy, Great Britain and continental powerso Dependent republics

Holland Italy

o 1802 Napoleon was elected consul for lifeo 1804 a plebiscite declared France an empire and Napoleon the emperor

Repercussions of the French revolutiono Napoleon surpassed all other rulers in imposing political unity in Europeo Revolutionaries at the doorstep

Terror to the patricians The “Jacobin”

French imperial systemo Conflicting powers

Declaration of Pillnitz 1791 Believed a European coalitions against France would be impossible

o First coalition Partition of Poland and the dissolution of the polish state France broke the coalition in 1795

British withdrew their troops from the continent Prussia and Spain made peace

o Bourbon Spain formed an alliance with regicide republic kept Louis XVIII from his monarchical rights

o Spain made an alliance with France Against Britain

Ancient hostilities Possessions of Gibraltar Naval influence in the Mediterranean Attitude towards Spanish government

o Second coalition Russian ambitions hampered by the English

Withdrew Suvorov’s army from western Europe Peace of Luneville 1801

Signed by Austria Dissolved the Second Coalition

Peace of Amiens Signed by British

o No wars between European powers 1792 – 1814 Peace interim

o Advantageous to France Used peace to further his interests

o Dispatched an army to Haiti to quash the revolutions Toussaints L’Ouverture and the effort to establish their own republic Wanted to revive French colonial power in America

o Reorganized Cisalpine Republic

“Italian republic” Names himself the president

Helvetic Republic “mediator” of the Confederation of Switzerland

Germany Rearrangement of territory

o Treaty of Campo Formio “shame of the princes” Expelled the German princes from the left bank of the river

to the right bank of the river bribing and fawning over the French

gain favor for territory French support against other Germans

Ecclesiastical principalities and 45/51 free cities annexed HRE reduced

Prussia Bavaria, Württemberg and Badeno Consolidated – enlarged there lands

Ratified in the diet of the empire 1803 Depended on Napoleon for maintenance

Third Coalition 1805o Britain and France went to war in 1803

American contacts menaced by British navy Army in Haiti decimated by disease Suspended ideas of creating an empire

Sold the Louisiana purchaseo 1804 Napoleon named himself Emperor of the French

Maintain hereditary rights to the throne HRE in ruins

Francis II declared Austria an empire

Began integrating the Danubian monarchyo 1805 France and Britain signed an alliance

Tsar Alexander Io Grandson of Catherine the Great

Educated to be an enlightened despoto Tutor later became a pro-revolutionary in the Helvetic republico Suspect in the murder of his fathero Surrounded himself with a group of young liberal men of all nationalitieso Regarded the partitions of Poland a crimeo Seen as the protector of Germany

Hope for the futureo Rival of Napoleon

Future arbiter of central Europe Seen as leader of all the Jacobins

Russian aggrandizemento Conception of international collective security

indivisibility of peaceo Europe between law and force

Society with rights secured by international agreement and organization Society that trembled before the rule of cynicism

o Entered into the third coalition with Great Britain 1805 signed a treaty with Great Britain

Negotiated with Ottomans and the Mediterranean behind their backso England paid Russia to raise troops

Peace of Tilsito Preparations to invade England o Large forces on the Channel coast

Use his own fleet to divert British fleet then storm the defenseless island British lined their coasts with lookouts, signal beacons and raised a home

guardo Austro-Russian armieso British fleet under Lord Nelson

o 1805 Austrian and Russian troops moved westwardo August 1805 Napoleon moved 7 army corps from the Channel to the upper Danubeo October 21 1805 British troops killed the main body of the French and Spanish navy off

Cape Trafalgar Supremacy of the British navy

o Eventually Napoleon one of the most formidable navy in Europe Wanted to control Europe

o Great victory of Austerlitz Russia army withdrew from Poland Austria made peace with France

o Treaty of Pressburg Napoleon took Venetia from the Austrians

Annexed it to his kingdom in Italy Venetia and Trieste used to for shipbuilding the Napoleonic fleet

o Made Bavaria and Wurttemberg into a kingdom Baden into a grand duchy

o HRE dissolved Third Coalition collapses

o Prussia didn’t want to join the Third Coalition Went to war with France

Saw Napoleon’s intentions for European domination Battles of Jena and Auerstadt in October 1806

Crushed famous Prussian army Prussian king and government refuge in the eats

Protection from the tsar and the Russianso Napoleon pursued the Russians

Battle of Eylau indecisive

Battle of Friedland June 14 1807 Finally defeated the Russian army

o Alexander I unwilling to retreat into Russia Invasion could lead to revolts of the peasants/serfs and the nobles Feared playing the game of the British 1804 willing to negotiate with Napoleon

Treaty of Tilsito Russia

Alexander’s destiny was n the East Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan and India

French and Russian Empires allies Against Britain

Lasted 5 yearso Prussia

Occupied Berlin Took away all Prussian lands west of the Elbe

Confederation of the Rhine Economic warfare

o “peace of the continent” Franco-Russian alliance

o Hell-bent on taking over Britain- issues Naval approach failed Economic warfare

o Political control to stop British shipping and trading Keep them from their ports Prevent British exports especially from Americas and Asia

Ruin British commercial firms Violent business depression

o High unemploymento Fall in value of currencyo Rising prices

o Revolutionary agitation Could not maintain their national debt

o Borrow money from its citizenso Finance the maintenance of their army and navy

o 1806 Berlin Decree No part of Europe allied with or dependent on France can’t import British goods

Extend to all of continental Europeo Treaty of Tilsit

Russia and Austriao Russia, Prussia and Austria declared war on great Britaino Napoleon ordered Denmark and Portugal to adopt the continental system

Denmark important place in Europe British feared Danish alliance with Napoleon

Attacked Copenhagen and seized the Danish troopso Outragedo Sided with Napoleon anyways

o Portugal Refused to comply Satellite colony of Britain Napoleon invaded

Wanted to control the entire European coastlineo St Petersburg- Trieste

o Manipulated Bourbon Charles IV and his son into giving up the throne 1808 Instilled Napoleon’s brother joseph onto the throne

Backed by the French army War with Spain

o Spanish saw Napoleon's soldiers as godless villains Guerrilla warfare

o Britain send a expeditionary force under the Duke of wellington Sustain the Spanish guerrillas

Peninsular War o 5 years

o July 1808 French general surrendered an army corps without fighting in Bayleno Same year another French force was surrendered to the British in Portugal

Fueled an anti-French movement in Germanyo Austria prepared to go to war with France for the 4th time

National German resistance Austrian War of Liberation

o Summoned a general congress in Erfurt September 1808 Talk with Alexander

Assembled other monarchs to impress Alexandero Disfavor with Alexander

Napoleon had tried to re-establish a Polish state Grand duchy of Warsaw

Didn’t support Russian expansion into the Balkans

o April 1809o German princes declines to join the war – thanks but no thankso Napoleon wins the Battle of Wagram

War quickly overo Alexander was passive through the conflicto October Austria made peace

Danuban monarchy survived a fourth defeat Took large parts of its territory

Dalmatia Slovenia Croatia

Consolidated into the Illyrian Provinces Talleyrand

o Napoleon’s foreign ministero Napoleon overreaching himself

Assured the tsar to just wait Made a safe place for himself when Napoleon falls

o Acted like an aristocrat of the Old regime France as a part of a whole of Europe

Balance between countries Peace only achieved if France decreased its power

o 2 major European powers in alliance Against the principles of the old regime

Metternich – post 1809o Austrian conduct of foreign affairs

Austrian foreign minister for 40 yearso German from west of the Rhine

assimilatedo Napoleon laughing at Austria’s faceo Russia the real problem for a state in the Danube valley

Make nice with France again Go along with Napoleon

o Used to be the Austrian ambassador to France pre 1809 Napoleon

o Currently preoccupied with no children Little affection or loyalty in his marriage with his wife Josephine

Divorced her in 1809o Marry a younger women to produce heirso Spectacular marriage

o 1810 Married Marie louse Daughter of the Austrian emperor Niece of Marie Antoinette

o 1811 A son was born Entitled King of Rome

o More consideration for French noblemen They “knew really how to serve”

Hereditary Napoleonic nobility Bind their fortunes to the house of Bonaparte

o Talleyrand Prince of Benevento

o Most coalitions allied with France Organization of the Napoleonic Empire

o Peak of the empire 1810-1811 Entire European mainland except the Balkans

French Empireo Belgium and the left bank of the Rhine

Additional lands officially unnamed Allied states

o Prussia, Austria and Russiao Denmark and Swedeno All at war with Britain

Continental systemo Appointed his brother Louis King of Holland

Had liking to the Dutch Let them trade with British Napoleon dethroned him and consolidated Holland into the empire as well

o Exert direct force over certain ports Annexed the German(up to the western Baltic) and Italian coasts

Included Romeo Imperial value- impressiveo His son the King of Rome

Pope Pius VII protested Napoleon had him held captive in France

o French empire Governed by departmental prefects

Report straight to Paris by 1810, 130 departments existed

o Confederation the Rhine All of Germany

Prussian and Austrian in the east French in the west

League or all German princes Sovereign 4 made into the kings of Saxony, Wurttemberg, Bavaria and Westphalia

Westphalia Synthetic state

o From Hanoverian and Prussian territories and parts of old Germany

o Named Jerome his brother the King of Westphaliao Often appointed family members to positions of authority

Brother Joseph 1804 – 1808 King of Naples

1808 – King of Spain Louis Bonaparte

King of Hollando 6 years

Caroline Bonaparte Queen of Naples

o Married to Joachim Murat Ran out of brothers to give the throne to

o Kingdom of Italy Lombardy, Venetia and most of the papal states

Napoleon the king Appointed his stepson Eugene Beauharnais as viceroy

Letitia Mother of the Bonapartes Madame Mere

French occupationo Military conquesto Occupation of French troopso Native satellite government

Support of naive people Draft a new constitution

Power of new government Relationship with France

o Internal reform and reorganization Modeled after the French program and revolution ideas

Napoleon the reformero Called his system liberal

One of the first to use in a political senseo Constitutions

Government rationally “constituted” Logically divided up and mapped out

o Enforced his Civil Code on all dependent states Nature of justice and human relationship

Applicable to all A nations laws didn’t have to reflect national character and history

o Rights are right regardless of countryo Enlightenment ideaso Against anything feudal

Decimated the manorial system Lords lost any control over peasants

Move, marry, sue peopleo Basic American rights

No special privileges Didn’t really work everywhere

Only Belgium and Rhineland fully abolished feudalism and the compensation that had been previously mandated

Poland Peasants only gained freedom under French

occupationo Lords still economically dominant and

unharmed No other dominant class Napoleon had to give in

Not as successful as France Lord gone landlord remaining

o Equality of individual personso Government complete authority over its citizenso Wiped out legal cases

“estates of the realm” People all equal

o Careers “open to talent” Church’s power disappeared everywhere in the French empire

Church courts abolished Inquisition forbidden Religious toleration enforced

o Same rights State based on territorial residence not alliance to a belief Rigid stance against Catholic clergy Same polices in Spain

o Provoked Spanish rebellion Napoleon compromised with the nobility about economy Economically

Broke up guilds Peasants could enter whatever trade they wanted All towns under same laws

o So special antique libertieso Broke up oligarchies and patriciates running towns

Internal free trade encouraged Metric system Law and administration different branches of government Land tax Common tax Appraisal and assessment of land Direct collection in place of tax farming New accounting and statistics methods introduced

o Pretty enlightened Except legislative bodies

Napoleon’s fanso People in commercial and profession classes

Enlightened Anticlerical Equality with nobles Free trade and knowledge

o Confederation of Rhine and the German princeso Policies enforced by local leaders

Certainly repression Pretty mild in the scheme of repression

o Secret police More spying than hurting

o People pretty positive to Napoleon’ Most accepted in northern Italy and southern German Spanish hated him

Strong catholic strongholdo Royalist sentimentso Counterrevolutionary movement for independence

Disdain from eastern Europe Land of serfs and lords

Prussia reformed with strong French influence Russia

Alexander backed pro-French minister Speranskio Napoleons reforms

Ideas of the enlightened despotism and the French revolution melded together Imposed without too much violence or civil strife

Dependent states required to give him war material German Dutch Belgians, Italian ,poles and Spaniards n his armies

o Most of the army outside of France Low taxes People happy

Napoleon’s ambitionso CRUSH THE BRITS


o Needed an ideology supported by the states in the French Empire and all of its allies Enlightenment Against medievalism/ ignorance and obscurantism Cosmopolitan

o In awe of the Romans Influenced arts and architecture

Imperial glory/splendoro Suppressed critics workso Encouraged scientific discovery

Essential and rational foundation of modern knowledge Rewarded scientists

Great Britaino Successful against the French Empire

Resentment from Europeans Especially form bourgeois and commercial classes

o In competition Upper classes didn’t really care Modern Carthage Mercantile and profit seeking Enslave Europe in its financial and commercial system Threatened to monopolize European market for manufacture goods

o Better machinery Money power

o Wars of commerce and trade Europe needs to be freed from the British monopoly

o Using sea power to ensure dominance n seaborne commerce/ tradeo British blockade

Intention not to cut of food or weaponry Self sufficient

Keep imports form enemy hands Kill enemy commerce and shipping

o Weaken navy and overall standing in the global market Willing to import British goods

British blockade v continental systemo Each seeking to harm each other’s trade and commerce

Destroy exports Build up markets

o French continental system Create a new economy centered around France Overarching economy instead of national economies Destroy British navy

Continental navy take control of the seas Berlin Decree

o Prohibited imports from England and British colonieso Great Britain often had neutral ships stop in England before going to the rest of Europe

Stock up on British goods Napoleon needed to prevent this

Milan Decree of December 1807o Neutral ships if they had contact with the British would be subject to confiscation in a

Continental harbor United States

o Couldn’t trade with either of the 2 major European powers Would violate one of the power’s policies

Threat of waro Jefferson imposed a commercial isolation

Real bad for US Renew trade relations with whichever power would allow them first

o Napoleon offered US defend against enforcement of British controls

o Expansionist party Wanted to annex Canada

Right opportunity British occupied with the Spanish

o Complete the War of Independence Free NA completely from British power

o War of 1812 No real outcome Inefficiency of military institutions in the new republic

Failure of the continental systemo Dream of a united Europe not enough to warrants the sacrifices that had to be made

British monopoly of sugar, tobacco- colonial exports People more willing to secretly smuggle it into the empire than oppose

Britain or abide by the continental system British manufacturing able to be replaced

Continent self sufficient Sugar beets instead of sugar cane

o Transportation Much transportation between parts of the continent was by shops

British controlled the seas Land routs used more often Improved roads

Land based transportation was unable to support economic needso Tariffs

Idea of Continental tariff union Napoleon ignored

Dependent states wanted to establish their individual sovereignty Lower internal tariffs Kept tariffs against other dependent states

o Widen ts trading scope Forbade satellite states from raising high tariffs against France

Protect French industryo Restricted from Middle Eastern and American markets

Economic stagnationo People in the oversea trading business devastatedo French ports idle

French population annoyed o Same problem with the British blockadeo Eastern Europe devastated

Need raw materials from the west Restricted from British goods Unable to access gods from Eastern continental states

Limitations of land transportation Manufacturers and laborers unable to sell their products Aristocracy grew a new reason to dislike the French and support the British

Major importing and exporting class

Continental system impact on Britaino Failed to reduce British trading and hurt British commerce and overall economy

Trade with Europe significantly reduced Made up by trading with Latin America

Control of the seas Export of British cotton rose

Industrial revolution Annual income of British citizens doubled

Resistance to Napoleono Resentment from invasions

Continental system Claimed to be only benefitting the French manufacturers Europeans being use as tools to Napoleon

o People tired of the lack of peace Wars and conscription Loss of life and liberties

to what end? Insatiable appetite for power and spender

o Dependent states protected themselves with tariffso Local rulers sided with public opinion to keep their thrones

Louis of the Netherlands Murat of Naples

o Nationalism Resistance against international of the Napoleonic empire

Nationalism – antiFrench Antiautocratic Mix of conservative and liberal

o Value of history, customs and particular institutionso Self-determination, participation in government

Representation and freedom of the individual Movement and ideas outlasted Napoleon

England All classes rallied together against Boney

o Napoleonic wars save England from a lot of social anguish Put aside ideas of reforming the parliament and violating

historical English liberties Industrial revolution

Unemployment, dislocation revolutionary agitation

Spain Resistance to eh French

o Desolate their land Spanish constitution of 1812

o Modeled after the French constitution of 1791 Counterrevolutionary

o Reinstate the clergy and he Bourbons

Italy Napoleon better liked Less anti-French

o Praised the enlightenment ideals and efficacy of the French system

o Anticlerical Broke habit f loyalty to t previous rulers

o Consolidated Italy Hopes of uniting Italy completely

Poland Liked him a lot Encouraged them that one day Poland oud be reunited

o Fight for him faithfully Koscusko

o Didn’t trust Napoleon Czartoryski

o Russian tsar for the reunification of the Polish kingdom Germany

o Rebelled against the French armies and the idea of the enlightenmento Time of the French revolution and the Napoleonic Era

New cultural movement, romanticism Challenging the dry abstraction of the enlightenment

o New themes of literature, music art and historical research Intellectual leaders

o Nationalism Century after the Peace of Westphalia

Least nationally minded World citizenship HRE too weak to be a symbol of the German national culture No clear boundaries A hot mess Upper classes adopted French fashion, customs, language and

mannerisms 1780 changes started to occur

o J.G. Herder Protestant pastor and theologian Idea in the philosophy of the history of mankind French was frivolous

Imitation of other cultures was shallow and artificialo German ways different but no less o True culture comes from native roots

Life of the Volk, common people Sound civilization must have a national character, Volksgeist All nations are different but none better than each other

Slavs Voltaire and other philosophes

All peoples progress on the same path to a similar civilization Herder

Develop their own geniuso Endless diversityo Infant richness of humanity and God

Romantic thought Genius and intuition

Broke down fundamental enlightenment ideas Good is good for everybody Good poetry now was anything that expressed an inner genius

o No more rigid classical rules Good laws reflect local conditions and national idiosyncrasies

Could not be a national unifying set of laws nor international Each nation should follow its own path

Not meant for political contexto French revolution

People could make the state serve them once they took over Earned them the dignity of citizenship

Free individuals Contributing to the affairs of the country

Unified state Freedom Rise above other nation of Europe

Germans felt humiliated German princes squabbling over land and person gain

o National awakening against Napoleon and the German princes and upper classes

Superior value of the common peopleo Political and national greatness

Great national German state Distinctively German Solve their problems

o Moral dignity to the citizeno National pride

o National philosophy vague Little they could physically do Father jahn

Young men of calisthenics for the Fatherland Parade around Germany to make fun of aristocrats in French costume Suspicious of foreigners Jews and internationals Anything could corrupt the Volk

o Germany in Its Deep Humiliation Palm the publisher executed

o Tugenbundo League of virtue or manlinesso Develop own moral character

Fichteo Moral and metaphysical philosopher

University of Jenao Inner spirit of an individual creates its own moral universe

Emersono Approved of the French revolutiono French republic

Freeing of the human spirt Furthering human spirit and moral stature “forcing men to be free”

Accepted the Terror General will

o Closed Commercial State Totalitarian system

Planned an organized the economy Isolating itself from the rest of the world

Develop its own identity and the characters of its citizenso France conquered Germany

Intensely self-conscious Volksgeis

o Spirit of the people can be expressed in language history arts etco Addresses to the German Nation

Ineradicable German sprit National character

More noble that of other people Needed to be kept pure

o Isolationism Profoundly different

o French army ignored his lectures Too nerdy

o Regarded as a national hero Reforms in Prussia

o 1786 Death of Frederick the Great Prussia fell into a lull

Too much power and successo 1806 Battle of Jena-Auerstadt

kingdom collapsed western and polish territories taken away

territory only stretched east of the Elbe rivero stationed ninth corps in Berlin

o Least influenced by the French German patriots attracted to it

Center of the German movement for freedom Prussianizing of Germany

Rebuilders of Prussia were not Prussian Problem was the military

Napoleon could only be overthrown with military forceo Problem morale and personnelo Lacked sense of membershipo No hope of promotiono No patriotism and spirit

Scharnborst and Gneisenau Served in British Hessian regiment

o War of American independence Power of patriotism

Close observer of the French Revolution Feeling of equal participation

o Capable people to fill important positions in army and government

Regardless of social status Reconstruction of the state

o Prerequisite to reconstruction of the armyo Baron Stein

Succeeded by Hardenberg From western Germany Hostile to Prussia

Barely civilized Best hope of leading Germany

Committed to the philosophies of Kant and Fichte Duty, service, moral character, responsibility Common people enlightened to moral life

o Self-actualizationo Membership in a community

Equality more than legally Less rigid Prussian caste system

Property exchanged between social classes Soldiers form al classes in the army Burghers given extensive freedom

Municipal systems became the model for the following century Europe

Abolition of serfdom Impossible to threaten the Junkers who

controlled the military 1807 abolished hereditary serfdom

o Peasants could move marry start new trades

o Peasants remaining on land Subject to forced labor and

lord’s bidding Liable to manorial fees


o Peasant tenures into permanent private property

1/3 of the land became private property o the lord

Junker estates grewo Reduced patriarchal power of lordso Legal status and freedom of movement

Foundation of modern state and economy

Hired agricultural workers Junkers raised position

o Avoided revolutiono Stein exiled in 1808

1811 Europeo Russia and Turkey fightingo Napoleon controlled all of mainland Europeo Continental system failed

British economy could have done better Industrial revolution made the nation very wealthy

o Use this wealth against Napoleono Hopeless battle in Spaino Europeans growing restlesso Napoleon could not be destroyed by

British army or navy Austrian or Prussian forces Patriots and nationalists

o Last hope Russia Alexander dissatisfied with French alliance

Nothing but annexation of Finland (who wants Finland?) No assistance in war against Turkey Napoleon married an Austrian

o Had to tolerate French-Poland Russian upper class unhappy

o Reopen trade with England Anti-Bonapartists

o Alexander the face of European salvation Russian Campaign

o December 1810 Russia withdrew from Continental system Trade with England Napoleon wanted to crush the tsar

Grand Army dispatched to eastern German and Polando Largest military operationo Conglomeration of all countries under the French empire

Hopes to meet Russia in Poland or Prussia Russian fought on their own grounds

o Needed to delay to get their troops from the Danube up to Russia

1812 Napoleon led the Grand army into Russia Short war 3 weeks supplies (too many self-esteem classes)

o Everything went to hell Wanted a decisive battle

Russian troops evaded Live off the land

Hard to find enough sustenance in Russia even in the summer

Wanted to outnumber the Russians at Borodino Lost too many people along the march Russians outnumbered them Send in Old Guard at a critical moment

o Too far from home Napoleon won but with huge costs

o Russian lost more men but emerged somewhat orderly

o September 1812 Napoleon entered Moscow

In tatters Disorganized army and enemy at his door

Tried to negotiate with Alexander Refused After 5 weeks ne ordered a retreat

o Blocked off to the southo Take the route they had use to try to invade Russia

Early and harsh winter 1/3 of the army died of the weather, internal

conflict, 1/6 taken captive’

Anti-Napoleon states all banded together Prussian and Austrian government switched to support the Russians

Anti-French riots in Italy British government supported the cause financially

Duke of Wellington finally crossed the pyreneso All extremes came together

British capitalism and eastern Europe feudalism Spanish clerics and German nationalism Divine right monarchies and democrats and liberals

Napoleon abandoned his troops in Russiao Rushed to Paris and raised a new army

Untrained unsteady Napoleon lost a bit of his genius

o Battle of the Nations Largest gathering of soldiers for a battle Napoleon’s troops creamed

Instabilityo Coalition was splitting

Disputes over how much power France should have Who got to negotiate with Napoleon Type of government

o Alexander Dethrone Napoleon Dictate peace in Paris Give French throne to Berdatte

King of Sweden Formerly French marshal Would depend on Russian support

o Metternich Keep a Bonaparte on the throne

Clear the French out of the rest of Europe Reduced France dependent on Austria

o Prussians Divided

o British French out of Belgium Napoleon dethroned Put a Bourbon on the throne

o Viscount Castlereagh British foreign minister Negotiations in January 1814

Napoleon still fightingo Used British subsidies to buy British war goals

Britain and Austria feared Russian powero Quadruple alliance

Britain needed the continental powers to defeat Napoleon 20 year agreement against the French

150,000 soldiers each to enforce peace terms Russia Austria Prussia and Britain

o April 4 Napoleon abdicated at Fontainebleau

Lack of French supporto Wanted peaceo Some wanted republico Some wanted an empire under Napoleon’s sono Some wanted a constitutional monarchy

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