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LEGISLATIVE DECREE NO. 1 of 1 June 1963.Approval of the text of the Criminal Procedure Code


HAVING SEEN Article 62 of the Constitution;

HAVING SEEN Law No. 5 of 30 January 1962, delegating to the Government the power to issue the Criminal Procedure Code;

HAVING SEEN Laws No. 21 of 6 July 1962, and No. 4 of 29 January 1963, which provide for the extention of the time-limit laid down in the above law;

HAVING SEEN the final text of the Criminal Procedure Code prepared by the Commission referred to Art. 2 of the Law delegating the power to issue the Code;

HAVING HEARD the Counsil of Minsiters;

ON THE PROPOSAL of the Minister of Grace and Justice;


Article 1

The attached text of Criminal Procedure Code is hereby approved and shall enter into force three months after its publication in the Official Bulletin of the Republic.

Article 2

A copy of the Criminal Procedure Code, published in the Official Bulletin shall be sent to each Regional Governor, each District Commissioner, and each Local Administration, to be posted in their respective offices for thirty consequtive days, that all persons may take cognizance thereof.

Mogadicio, 1 June 1963.



The Minister of Grace and JusticeAHMED GHELLE


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QARAAR SHARCI NO. 1 ee 1 June 1963Nuqulka la Ansixiyay ee Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta


MARKUU ARKAY Qodobka 62 ee Dastuurka;

MARKUU ARKAY Sharciga No. 5 ee soo baxay 30 January 1962 oo siiyay Xukuumadda awooda ay ku soo saarayso Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta;

MARKUU ARKAY Sharuucda No. 21 ee soo baxay 6 June 1962, iyo No. 4 ee soo baxay 29 January 1963, kuwaas oo siiyay fidin wakhtigii xadidnaa ee uu jideeyay Sharcigii hore;

MARKUU ARKAY nuqulka kama danbaysta ah ee Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta oo uu soo diyaariyay Gudida ku xusan Qodobka 2 ee Sharciga siiyay awooda soo saarida Xeerkan;MARKUU DHAGAYSTAY Golaha Wasiiradda;

SOO JEEDINTII Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladda;


Qodobka 1Nuqulka halkan ku lifaaqan oo ah Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta waxan halkan ku cadaynayaa in la ansixiyay waxanu dhaqan galayaa seddex bilood kadib marka lagu daabaco Faafinta Rasmiga ah ee Xukuumadda.

Qodobka 2Nuqulka Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta ee lagu daabacay Faafinta Rasmiga ah ee Xukuumada ayaa loo diri doonaa Gudoomiyaha Gobolad kasta, Maamulaha Degmo kasta, iyo Dawladaha Hoose iyadoo loogu gaynayo mid walba xafiiskiisa mudo dhan soddon maalmood oo isku xiga, si ay dadkoo dhami u wada fahmaan markiiba.



Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo CadaaladdaAHMED GHELLE


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Article 1Criminal Jurisdiction

Criminal Jurisdiction shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and of the Law on the Organization of the judiciary by:

a) District Courts;b) Regional Courts;c) Courts of Appeal;d) The Supreme Courts.

Article 2Jurisdiction and Composition of the Courts

1. Except as otherwise provided by this Code, the criminal jurisdiction and composition of the Courts both in regard to the subject matter and territory shall be determined in accordance with the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary.

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, and except as otherwise provided in any special law, the Criminal Section of the District Courts shall have jurisdiction over all offences punishable with imprisonment up to three years or fine up to Sh. So. 3,000 or both.


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CUTUBKA IQaybaha Maxkamaddaha


Qodobka1Awooddaha Qaanuunka Ciqaabta

Awoodda qaanuunka ciqaabta waxa loo fulinayaa si waafaqsan Dastuurka iyo Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka, waxana fulin doona:

a) Maxkamaddaha Degmada;b) Maxkamaddaha Gobolka;c) Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka;d) Maxkamadda Sare.

Qodobka 2 Awoodaha Garsoor iyo Dhismaha Maxkamaddaha

1. Haddii aanu si kale u sheegin Xeerkani, awoodda qaanuunka ciqaabta iyo qaab-dhismeedka Maxkamaddaha labadaba marka loo tixgalinayo mawduuca taagan iyo xuduudaha awoodooda qaanuun waxa loo go’aaminayaa si waafaqsan Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka.

2. Iyadoo taasi jirto wax kasta oo ku jira Farqada 4 ee Qodobka 2 ee Xeerka Nidaaamka Garsoorka, haddii aanu si kale u sheegin sharci gaar ahi, Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda Degmada ayaa lahaan doonta awoodda garsoor ee danbiyadda ciqaabtoodu tahay xadhig gaadhsiisan ilaa iyo seddex sano ama ganaax dhan ilaa iyo Sh.So. 3000 ama labadaba.


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Article 3Definitions

For the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise:

a) the term “ Law on the Organization of the Judiciary ” shall mean the Organization of the Judiciary approved by Legislative Decree No. 3 of 12 June 1962;

b) the term “ Court ” shall mean any of the judicial organs enumerated in Article 1 of this Law or any section of the such organs;

c) the term “ high Court” shall mean:

1. The Supreme Court with regard to the Courts of Appeal;2. The Courts of Appeal with regard to the Regional Courts and to

District Courts which are located within the jurisdiction of the same Court of Appeal;

d) the term “ lower Court” shall mean:

1. The Courts of Appeal with regard to the Supreme Courts;2. Regional Courts or District Courts with regard to the Court of

Appeal within whose jurisdiction they are located;

e) the term “ Competent Court” shall mean the Court which has jurisdiction over the offence or the proceedings;

f) the term “ President of the Court” shall mean the Judge who presides over the Court or over a section of the Court;

g) the term “ Judge” shall mean the Judge who exercises judicial function in a Court;

h) the term “ competent Judge” shall mean a judge who exercises his function in a competent Court.

Article 4Subject Matter Jurisdiction

1. To determine whether the Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter, regard shall be had to the maximum punishment established by law for each offence for which a charge has been brought, taking into account any aggravating circumstances, but excluding the effects of recidivism.


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Qodobka 3Qeexitaano

Sida uu qabo Xeerkani, haddii aan sidan ay u dhigan yihiin si kale u tusmaynin:

a) weedha “Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka” waxa loola jeedaa Nidaamka Garsoorka ee lagu ansixinayay Xeerka Tirsigiisu yahay No. 3 ee 12 June 1962;

b) weedha “Maxkamad ” waxa loola jeedaa xubin kasta oo garsoorka ka mid ah kuwa ku taxan Qodobka 1 ee Xeerkan ama waax kasta oo qaybaha caynkan ah;

c) weedha “Maxkamadda Sare” waxa loola jeedaa:1) Maxkamadda Sare oo loo tixraacayo Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka;2) Maxkamadda Rafcaanka oo loo tixraacayo Maxkamaddaha Gobolada iyo

kuwa Degmooyinka kuwaasi oo ku yaal awood garsoorka Maxkamadda Rafcaanka.

d) weedha “Maxkamadda Hoose” waxa loola jeedaa;

1) Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka oo loo tixraacayo Maxkamadda Sare;2) Maxkamaddaha Gobolka ama kuwa degmooyinka waxa loo tixraacayaa

Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ee xuduuda awoodeeda Garsoor ay ku yaalaan iyagu;

e) weedha “Maxkamadd Awood u leh” waxa loola jeedaa Maxkamadda u leh awoodda garsoor dambiga ama garmaqalka;

f) weedha “Madaxweynaha Maxkamadda” waxa loola jeedaa Garsooraha ah ka maamula Maxkamadda ama qayb ka tirsan Maxkamadda;

g) weedha “Garsoore” waxa loola jeedaa xubin ka tirsan garsoorka kaasi oo ka shaqeeya hawlaha garsoorka ee ka socda Maxkamad;

h) weedha “Garsoore Awood u Leh” waxa loola jeedaa Garsoore shaqadiisa ka haya Maxkamad awood leh dhexdeeda.

Qodobka 4Saamaynta la Xidhiidha Awoodaha Garsoor

1. Si loo kala aqoonsado in Maxkamaddu u leedahay awoodii garsoor ee mawduuca taagan iyo in kale waxa tixgelin la siinayaa ciqaabta ugu badan ee uu u jidaynayo sharcigu dembi kasta oo eedayntiisa la hor keeno, iyada oo fiiro loo yeelanayo duruuf kasta oo adag, laakiin waxa ka reeban ka ka dhasha caadaystaha dambiyada.


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2. Whenever any Court considers that it does not have jurisdiction over the subject matter of an offence, it shall make a ruling to the effect at the request of the prosecution or the defense, or on its motion.

3. No-compliance with the provisions regarding jurisdiction over the subject matter shall render the proceedings void and a declaration to the effect may be made by Court, also on its motion, at any stage of the proceedings-that is, trial or appeal or revision.

Article 5Territorial Jurisdiction

1. The place where the offence was committed shall determine the territorial jurisdiction.

In cases of:a) a (( continuing offence)), orb) a (( permanent offence)),

the place where the last act or omission in a continuing or permanent offences occurs shall determine the Court at which the offence shall be tried.

2. When:a) it is possible to determine the Court which has jurisdiction in

accordance with the paragraph 1 of this Article, orb) the alleged offence was committed outside the territory of Somali


Supreme Court shall designate the Court which shall try the case.

3. Objections as territorial jurisdiction shall be raised in the Court which is alleged not to have such jurisdiction, by the prosecution or the defence, as soon as the fact of such alleged lack of jurisdiction comes to the notice of the parties concerned. Or the Court on its motion may declare it self incompetent.

4. Non-compliance with the provisions regarding territorial jurisdiction shall only render the proceedings null and void, if timely objection was made in the manner described in the preceding paragraph and as a result of such lack of jurisdiction the rights of the accused were prejudiced.


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2. Mar kasta oo ay Maxkamad kastaa u tixgaliso in aanay u lahayn awood garsoor dambiga hor yaal waxa ay taasi ka soo saaraysaa qaraar xaqiijinaya codsiga uga yimi dambi oogaha ama eedaysanaha ama Maxkamadu ay soo jeedinteeda ku keentay.

3. Dacwad la’aan ku timaada qaybaha la xidhiidha awoodda garsoor arimaha khuseeya waxay kaliya ka dhigaysaa garmaqaladii qaar aan lahayn qiime sharciya ku dhawaaqida natiijadana waxa samayn karta Maxkamadda, kuna samaynaysa soo jeedinteeda, marxalad kasta oo ay garmaqaladu socdaan, horgaynta hore ee Maxkamadda ama Rafcaan ama Ku-noqoshada.

Qodobka 5Awood Deegaanka Garsoor

1. Goobta dembiga lagu galay waxa go’aaminaya awoodda garsoor ee deegaanka.

Xaaladaha ah:a) “dembi socda”, amab) “dembi joogto ah”,

goobta uu ka dhacay falkii ugu dambeeyay ama fal la’aantii ayna socoto ama tahay dambi joogto ah oo dhacay waxa go’aaminaysa Maxkamadda ah ta dambigaasi qaadaysa.

2) Marka:a) ay suurto gal tahay in Maxkamadda leh awooda garsoor ay go’aamiso

si waafaqsan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan, ama b) eeda dembiga lagu galay meel dibedda ka ah dhulka Jamhuuriyadda


Maxkamadda Sare ayaa tilmaamaysa ta ay tahay Maxkamadda qaadaysa dacwadu.

3. Marka diidmo awoodda garsoorka deegaanka ahi ay ka soo baxdo Maxkamad lagu eedaynayo in aanay lahayn awood garsoor oo uu sidaasi sameeyo dhinaca dembiga oogaya ama difaacu sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ee xaqiiqadaasi eedaynta ahi aanay u haysan awood garsoor waxa la ogaysiinayaa dhinacyada ay khusayso, amase Maxkamadda ayaa soo jeedinteeda shaaca kaga qaadi kartaa in aanay awood u lahayn.

4. Ashkato la’aanta qaybaha la xidhiidha awoodda garsoorka deegaanka waxa keliya oo ay ka dhigi doontaa garmaqaladii kuwo aan sharciyan la isticmaali karin, haddii diidmo mudaysan lagu sameeyo xaaladahaasi aynu ku soo xusnay farqada hore oo gebagebadu ay waydo awooda garsoor markaasi xuquuqdii eedaysanaha waa lagu xad-gudbay.


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Article 6Joinder of Accused or Offences

1. There is joinder when:

a) more than one person is alleged to have taken part in the commission of the same offence, or

b) one person is charged with more than one offence.

2.The competent Court, within the meaning of Articles 7 and 8, may, upon request of the prosecution or the defence or on its own motion, order that the persons or offences be tried separately for reasons of conveniences.

Article 7Effects of Joinder on Subject Matter Jurisdiction

Over the Offences

1. When there is joinder within the meaning of Article 6 and:

a) some of the offences come under the jurisdiction of the Assize Section of the Regional Court, while other offences come under the jurisdiction of the General Section of the Regional Court, or of the Criminal Section of the District Court, all the offences shall be tried by the Assize Section of the Regional Court;

b) some of the offences come under the jurisdiction of the General Section of the Regional Court, while other offences come under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Section of the District Court, all the offences shall be tried by the General Section of the Regional Court;

c) some of the offences come under the jurisdiction of the Military Penal Section of the Regional Court, while other offences come under the jurisdiction of another Section of the Regional Court or of the Criminal Section of the District Court, all offences committed by members of the Armed Forces even if they have ceased to be such members after commission of the offence, shall be tried by the Military Penal Section of the Regional Court. The jurisdiction regarding offences committed by a person not belonging to the Armed Forces shall be determined within the meaning of sub-paragraphs a) and b) of this paragraph.


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Qodobka 6Eedaynta iyo Danbiyadda Wadajirka ah

1. Waxay noqonaysaa mid wada jir ah marka ay:a) In ka badan hal ruux lagu eedeeyo inay wada galeen hal dambi

ama;b) Ruux kaliya oo lagu eedeeyo inuu galay in ka badan hal dambi.

2. Maxkamaddaha awooda u leh, sida ay dhigayaan Qodobada 7 iyo 8 waxa ay ka codsan karaan Xeer Ilaalinta ama dhinaca difaaca amase Maxkamadda lafteeduba, amar ah in dadka amase dambiyada si kala gaar ah loo kala qaado sababo lagu kalsoon yahay awgood.

Qodobka 7Awoodaha Garsoorka ee ku Taagan Dambiga Wadajirka ah

1. Marka ay jiraan wadajirka la ujeedo ah Qodobka 6 marka:

a) ay qaybo dambiyo ahi ay hoos yimaadaan awoodaha garsoor ee Waaxda Tashiga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka, halka ay dambiyo kalana ay ka hoos imanayaan awoodaha garsoor ee Waaxda Guud ee Maxkamadda Gobolka, ama Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamaddaha Degmada dhamaan dambiyadda waxa lagu qaadayaa Waaxda Tashiga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka;

b) qaybo dambiyo ahi ay hoos timaado awooda garsoor ee Waaxda Guud ee Maxkamadda Gobolka, halka ay dambiyo kalena ka hoos imanayaan awoodaha garsoor ee Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda Degmada, dhamaan dambiyadda waxa lagu qaadayaa Waaxda Guud ee Maxkamadda Gobolka;

c) qaybo dambiyo ahi ay hoos timaado awoodaha garsoor ee Waaxda Ciqaabta Ciidanka ee Maxkamadda Gobolka, halka ay qaar kalena ka hoos imanayaan awooda garsoor Waax kale oo Maxkamadda Gobolka ah ama Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda Degmada, dhamaan dambiyada ay galeen xubnaha Ciidamadda Xoogga ahi, xataa haddii ay ka baxeen xubinimada Ciidanka, kadib xiligii ay galeen dambiga, waxa lagu qaadi doonaa Waaxda Ciqaabta Ciidamadda ee Maxkamadda Gobolka. Awoodaha garsoor ee la xidhiidha dambiyada uu galay ruux aan ka mid ahayn xoogagga Ciidamadu waxa ka go’aan qaadashadiisa la waafajinayaa ujeedada ku cad xarfaha a) iyo b) ee farqadan.


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2. The non-observance of the above provisions regarding the effect of joinder with respect to jurisdiction over subject matter shall render the proceedings null and void, and such determination may be made also by the Court on its own motion at any stage of the proceedings.

Article 8Effect of Joinder on Territorial Jurisdiction

1. When there is joinder within the meaning of Article 6 and when two or more Courts have territorial jurisdiction, then all offences shall be tried:

a) by the Court within whose jurisdiction the most serious offence was committed, or

b) when a number of offences of equal gravity were committed, by the Court in whose territory the largest number of the offences was committed.

2. When it is not possible to determine the competent Court in accordance with the preceding paragraph of this Article, the Court of Appeal shall designate the Court which shall try the case; or the Supreme Court shall designate the Court which shall try the case when the Courts are located within the territorial jurisdiction of different Courts of Appeal.

3. Failure to observe the provisions regarding the effects of joinder with regard to territorial jurisdiction shall only render the proceedings null and void, if timely objection is made in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 5, and as a result the right of the accused were prejudiced.

Article 9Conflicts of Jurisdiction

1. There is a conflict of jurisdiction when two or more Courts:a) take cognizance, orb) refuse to take cognizance of the same offence.

2. In cases of conflict, the Court of Appeal shall designate the Court which shall try the case, or if the Courts in conflict are located within the territorial jurisdiction of different Courts of Appeal, then the Supreme Court shall designate the Court which shall try the case.


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2. Ku dhaqan la’aanta, qaybaha kor ku xusan ee la xidhiidha dhaqan galka eedaymaha ama dambiyadda wada jira oo loo eegayo awoodaha garsoor ee ku taagan maadada waxa laga yeelayaa mid aanay sharciyan waxba ka jirin, go’aan gaadhista noocan ah waxa samayn karta Maxkamadda iyadoo soo jeedinteeda ku soo saaraysa marka lagu jiro marxalad kasta oo garmaqaladu socdaan.

Qodobka 8Saamaynta Dembiyada iyo Eedaymaha Wada jirka ay ku leedahay Awood

Deegaanka Garsoor

1. Marka ay jiraan eedaymo ama dambiyo wadajira oo ah sida ku macnaysan Qodobka 6 iyo marka in Maxkamaddo ah laba ama in ka badani ay leeyihiin awoodo garsoor ee deegaan. Markaasi dhamaan dambiyadda waxa lagu qaadi doonaa:

a) Maxkamadda ah ta gudaha deegaanka awoodeeda garsoor uu ka dhacay ama lagu galay dambigii ugu wada khatarsanaa, ama

b) marka tiro dambiyo ah oo miisaankoodu isku mid yahay ay dhacaan, Maxkamadda deegaanka awoodeeda garsoor lagu galay tiradda dambiyada ugu badan.

2. Marka aanay suurtogal ahayn in la go’aamiyo awooda Maxkamadda sida uu jidaynayo oo kale farqada hore ee Qodobkan Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ayaa tilmaamaysa Maxkamadda ah ta qaadaysa dacwadda; ama Maxkamadda Sare ayaa tilmaamaysa Maxkamadda ah ta qaadaysa dacwadda marka Maxkamadduhu ay ku yaalaan deegaanka awoodooda garsoor oo ka duwan ta Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka.

3. Marka lagu guuldaraysto in lagu dhaqmo ama in la raacao qaybaha la xidhiidha natiijooyinka eedaha iyo danbiyadda wadajirka ah marka loo eego xuduudaha awoodda garsoorka waxay kaliya ay dhigaysaa garmaqaladii qaar qiime sharci ah aan lahayn oo waxba kama jiraan a, haddii diidmo mudaysan loo sameeyo si waafaqsan farqada 3 ee Qodobka 5, markaasi gabagabadu waxa ay noqonaysaa in lagu xadgudbo xuquuqdii eedaysanaha.

Qodobka 9Is khilaafka Awoodaha Garsoor

1. Wuxuu dhacaa is-khilaafida awoodaha garsoor marka ay laba Maxkamaddo ah laba ama in ka badani ay:

a) u galaan (badheedh ahaan (u kas ahaan) ama b) diida in ay ku galaan badheedh (u kas) dambi isku mida.

2. Xaaladaha khilaafku jiro, Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ayaa go’aaminaysa Maxkamaddo ah ta dhegaysanaysa, dacwadda, hadiise Maxkamaddaha is khilaafsani ay ku yaalaan isku xuduudaha dhul ee awoodooda garsoor oo ka duwan Maxkamaddaha


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Rafcaanka, markaasi Maxkamadda Sare ayaa go’aamin doonta Maxkamadda ah ta dhegaysanaysa dacwada.

Article 10Disqualification of the judge

1. A Judge may not take part in a judicial capacity in any criminal proceedings if:

a) he participated in the same proceedings, as a judge in another Court;b) he acted in the same proceedings as:

i) a prosecutor,ii) a defense Counsel,iii) a representative of any party,iv) a witness,v) an expert or technical consultant;

c) he is the party on whose report, complaint or request the proceedings were started;

d) he has any personal interest in the proceedings;e) he is married to, is an ((ascendant)) or ((descendant)) of, is a brother or

sister of, married to an ((ascendant)) or ((descendant)) or married to a brother or sister of any person who is taking part in the proceedings in any of the following capacities:

i) Judge,ii) Prosecutor,iii) Defense Counsel,iv) a representative of any party,v) or any person who has any personal interest in the case;

f) he has given advice or expressed his opinion on the subject of the case outside the exercise of his duties as a judge.

2. A judge shall disqualify himself as soon as he becomes aware of the existence of any of the cases enumerated in paragraph 1 of this Article, and he shall refer the matter, through the President of the Court, to the higher Court which shall pass the necessary orders as provided in paragraph 3 of Article 11.

3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article apply also to assessors. An assessor shall disqualify himself as soon as he becomes aware of the existence of any one of the causes enumerated in paragraph 1 of this Article; and such assessor shall refer the matter to the President of the Court who shall arrange to replace him with another assessor, according to the assessor’s roll.


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Qodobka 10Awood ka Qaadista Garsooraha

1. Garsooruhu awoodiisa Garsoore ahaan kagama qayb gali karo wax garmaqalo ciqaabeed ah haddii:

a) uu ka qayb galay garmaqaladan la mid ah, isaga oo ka ahaa Maxkamad kale Garsoore;

b) uu garmaqalo la mid ah ka ahaa;i) Xeer Ilaaliye;ii) Qareenka difaaca;iii) wakiilka dhinac uun;iv) maragyo;v) khabiir ama la taliye farsamo;

c) uu isagu ahaa dhinicii sameeyay war gelinta, ashkatada ama codsaday in garmaqalada la bilaabo;

d) uu ka leeyahay isagu wax dan shakhsi ah garmaqalada;e) uu guursaday isagu, ((cid uu dhalay)) ama ((la dhalatay)), walaalka ama

walaasha, guursaday, ((cid uu dhalay)) ama ((la dhalatay)) ama uu guursaday walaalka ama walaasha ruux wal oo qayb ka qaadanaya garmaqalada oo leh in uun awoodahan hoos ku qoran:

i) Garsoore,ii) dambi ooge,iii) Qareenka difaaca,iv) wakiilka dhinac uun,v) ama qof kasta oo ka leh wax dan shakhsi ah dacwadan.

f) uu isagu talo ka gaystay ama ku cabiray fikradiisa arrin ah dacwada oo ka baxsan gudashada shaqadiisa Garsoore ahaan.

2. Garsooraha sida ugu dhaqan badan ayuu awooda iskaga qaadayaa isaga laftiisu marka uu ogaado jiritaanka mid kasta oo ah sababaha ku taxan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan, waxaanu isagu u gudbinayaa dhacdada Maxkamadda Sare isagoo u sii marinaya Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda, taasi oo qaaraar ku soo saaraysa amarada daruuriga ah sida ku xusan farqada 3 ee Qodobka 11.

3. Qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobkan sidoo kale waxa la dalban karaa khabiiro, khabiirka laftiisu sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ayuu isku casili doonaa marka uu ogaado jiritaanka mid kasta oo ah sababaha ku taxan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan; khabiirkanina waxa uu u gudbinayaa dhacdadaasi gudooomiyaha Maxkamadda kaasi oo u habayn doona badalkiisa khabiir kale, iyadoo la tixgelinayo doorka khabiirka cid ay dhaleen, ama la dhashay/latay, walaalka ama walaasha, guursaday ciday dhaleen ama la dhalatay ama guursaday walaalka ama walaasha ruux wal oo ah ka kaga qayb qaadanaya garmaqalada xilalka.


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4. Any violation of the provisions of this Article shall render the proceedings null and void, and the Court may also so determine on its own motion at any stage of the proceedings.

Article 11Transfer of Proceedings

1. When considered necessary in the interest of justice or public order:a) the Supreme Court may transfer the proceedings; upon request of the

Attorney General or of the accused:i) from one Court of first instance to another Court of first instance

having equal subject matter jurisdiction;ii) from one Court of Appeal to an other Court of Appeal;

b) the Court of Appeal may transfer the case, within the limits of its jurisdiction, upon request of the Office of the Attorney General or of the accused, from the Criminal Section of a District Court to the General Section of a Regional Court.

2. When a judge of the competent Court:a) is himself the defendant, orb) is the injured party,

the higher Court, upon the request of the Attorney General or of the accused or also on its own motion, shall transfer the case to another lower Court having equal subject matter jurisdiction.

3. When a Judge of the competent Court is disqualified from taking part in a case for the reason stated in paragraph 2 of Article 10, the higher Court may:

a) order that the trial be held in the competent Court without the participation of the Judge so affected, or

b) transfer the case to another lower Court having equal subject matter jurisdiction


Article 12The Office of the Attorney General

1. The Office of the Attorney General shall exercise the functions laid down in Article 8 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary and any other functions conferred by law.


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1. Gaf kasta oo loo gaysto qaybaha Qodobkan waxa laga dhigi doonaa, waxba kama jiraan qaanuuniyan waxa kale oo ay Maxkamad u go’aamin kartaa soo jeedinteeda marxalad kasta oo garmaqaladu marayaan.

Qodobka 11Bedelka Garmaqalada

1. Marka tixgelin daruuri ah oo danta cadaalada ama nabadgalyada guud ay jirto:a) Maxkamadda Sare ayaa badali karta garmaqalada; kadib markuu sidaasi ka

codsado Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama eedaysanuhu;i) ka badalaysa Maxkamadda ay ka dhacday marxaladii koowaad una

bedelaya Maxkamad kale oo marxalada koowaad ah lehna awood garsoor oo la siman;

ii) hal Maxkamad Rafcaan ilaa iyo tu kale oo Rafcaan;b) Maxkamad Rafcaanku waxa ay dacwada u bedeli kartaa iyadoo ku eg

xuduudaha awoodeeda garsoor marka ay ka hesho codsi Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama eedaysanaha, iyadoo ka bedelaysa Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda Degmada una bedelaysa Waaxda Caadiga ah ee Maxkamadda Gobolka.

2. Marka uu Garsooraha Maxkamadda awooda u lehi:a) uu isaga laftiisu yahay difaac ama;b) dhinaca dhibanaha ah,

Maxkamadda ka saraysaa, marka ay codsi ka hesho Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama eedaysanaha ama iyadu soo jeedinteeda ay ku samayso, waxa ay u bedelaysaa dacwada Maxkamad kale oo hoose lehna awood garsoor oo la siman.

3. Marka Garsooraha Maxkamadda awooda u lehi u qalmaynin inuu qayb ka qaato dacwada sababaha ku cad farqada 2 ee Qodobka 10, dartood, Maxkamadda ka saraysaa waxa ay;

a) waxay amri kartaa gar-oogida ka socota Maxkamadda awooda u leh in aanu ka qayb gelin gar-sooraha sidaas ahi, ama;

b) codsan karaan in dacwada loo badalo Maxkamad kale oo hoose oo leh awood garsoor oo la mida.

Waaxda II


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Qodobka 12Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

1. Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu oogayaa hawlaha ku cad Qodobka 8 ee Xeerka iyo shaqo kasta oo kale oo sharcigu sugo.

2. In Court proceedings, the Office of the Attorney General shall be represented by:

a) the Attorney General or one of his Deputies before the Supreme Court and the Military Penal Sections of the Courts of Appeal and Regional Courts;

b) the Attorney General or one of his Deputies or a Police Officer designated by the Attorney General before the Assize and General Sections of the Courts of Appeal and Regional Courts;

c) the Officer commanding the Police or the Finance Guards within whose jurisdiction the Court is situated or another Police Officer designated by him, in conformity with the functions attributed to the latter by law, before the Criminal Section of a District Court.

3. for the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “Attorney General” shall mean the person representing the Office of the Attorney General in accordance with the preceding paragraph of this Article.

4. The investigation and suppression of crimes shall be carried out by the Police under the direction of the Office of the Attorney General.

5. When so considered necessary, the Attorney General may, at any stage of the proceedings, order that his own Office shall take over the investigation or the prosecution of any case.

Article 13The Accused

1. An accused is a person who, even without any warrant having been issued by a judicial authority, has been placed in a state of arrest under the control of a judicial authority, or who has been served with a summons to appear before Court.

Such a person shall be considered as the accused during all stages of the proceedings, until such time as the judgment of conviction or acquittal has become final, or until it has been decided not to proceed further with the case, which shall be equivalent to an acquittal, or until the decision to close the case is confirmed.

2. the accused is presumed innocent until the conviction has become final.


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3. An accused, after having been finally convicted or acquitted or after orders not to proceed with the case have been lawfully given, cannot be charged again on the same facts, even if those

2. Garmaqalada Maxkamadda Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa matalaaya:a) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama mid ka mid ah ku xigeenadiisa Maxkamadda Sare

horteeda ama Waaxda Ciqaabta Ciidanka ee Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka iyo Maxkamaddaha Gobolka;

b) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama mid ka mid ah Ku Xigeenadiisu ama Sarkaal Boolis ah oo uu magacaabay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud Waaxda Tashiga iyo Waaxda Guud hortooda ee Maxkamaddaha Rafcaanka iyo Maxkamaddaha Gobolka;

c) Sarkaalka taliyaha u ah Boolisku iyo Cashuur-ilaaliyayaashu isagoo ku sugan awooda garsoor ee Maxkamadda ku taal ama Sarkaal Boolis ah oo kale oo halkiisii matalaya oo waafaqsan hawlaha uu aqoonsaday ka danbe, ee Waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda Degmada horteeda.

3. Ujeedooyinka Xeerkan, haddii aan macnaha guud u tilmaamin si kale, weedha “Xeer Ilaaliye Guud” waxa loola jeedaa qofka ka wakiilka ah Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud si waafaqsan farqada hore ee Qodobkan.

4. Baadhitaanka iyo xafidaada sirta dambiyada waxa fulin doona Booliska, iyaga oo raacaya awaamiirta Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

5. Marka tan loo arko lagama maarmaan Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu, marxalad kasta oo garmaqalada ah, amri in xafiiskiisu samayn doono baadhitaanka ama oogayo dacwad kasta.

Qodobka 13Eedaysane

1. Eedaysane waa qofka, xataa aan looga soo qaadan haysan wax amarka ay soo saartay hay’ad garsoor, lagu hayo xaalad xadhig ah oo ka soo fulay hay’ad garsoor, amase u xidhan yeedhitaan rasmi ah si loo horgeeyo Maxkamadda horteeda.

Qofka sidaasi ah waxa loo qaadanayaa eedaysane mudada marxaladaha garmaqalada oo dhan, ilamaa iyo xiliga go’aanka xukunka Maxkamadda, gebagebadiina soo baxdo ama ilamaa iyo inta la go’aaminayo inaan la sii wadin dacwada, taas oo la mid ah iyadoo dambi lagu waayay, ama ilamaa iyo go’aanka joojinta dacwada la cadaynayo.

2. Eedaysanaha waxa loo qaadanaya in aanu dambi lahayn ilaa iyo ugu dambaynta xukunku soo baxo.


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3. Eedaysanaha, kadib ugu dambayntii markii la xukumay ama dambi lagu waayay amase kadib markii la amray in aan la sii wadin dacwadu markinkeedii sharciyaysnaa ama nidaamkii sharci ee ay lahayd mar kale laguma eedayn karo isla xaqiiqooyinkii, xataa haddii

acts may be regarded as constituting a different offence, except under the provisions of the following paragraph of this Article or under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 77.

4. If an accused has been found guilty of an act which has had a consequence constituting a different and more serious offence, then the accused can be charged again if such consequence had not occurred or was not known to the Court at the time of conviction.

5. In those proceedings for which a written authorization is necessary, such authorization shall be requested by the Attorney General before any warrant is issued against the accused. If the accused has been caught in the act of committing an offence (in Flagrante delicto), the authorization shall be obtained immediately.

Article 14The Injured Party

1. For the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “injured party” shall mean the person who is injured by the offence, or his legal representative.

2. The injured party may apply to the Court in order to refer from the accused damages for any civil liabilities arising from the offence.

3. Petitions Under paragraph 2 of this Article shall be submitted to the Court, in written or oral form, before the beginning the summing up of the case by the prosecution as provided in Article 119.

Article 15The Defense

1. The accused may be defended by one or more defense Counsels.

2. In the cases indicated in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, the court shall appoint an ex officio defence Counsel for the accused whenever the accused has not appointed his own defence Counsels.


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3. The appointment of an ex officio defense Counsel shall not be refused without reasonable justification.

4. Where there is no conflict of interest, two or more accused may be represented by a single defense Counsel.

5. An accused who has been arrested shall have the right to confer freely with his defense Counsel at all stages of the proceedings.

falalkaasi loo tixgeliyay inuu ka dhalanayo dambi ka duwan, marka laga reebo qaybaha hoos tagaya farqada hoos ku qoran ee Qodobkan ama sida ku xadidan qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 77.

4. Haddii eedaysanaha lagu helo dambiile ku noqday fal kaasi oo cawaaqibkiisa uu ka dhalanayo dambi ka duwan oo aad iyo aad u halis ah, markaasi eedaysanaha waxa lagu dacwayn mar kale haddii cawaaqibkaasi aanu dhicin ama aanay ogaan Maxkamaddu wakhtigii ay dambigaasi xukunkiisa soo saaraysay.

5. Garmaqladaasi marka lagu jiro kuwaasi oo qoraal awoodsiin rasmi ahi ay tahay daruuri, awoodsiinta rasmiga ah waxa codsan doona Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud intaan wax amar Maxkamadeed oo lid ku ah eedaysanahu aanay soo bixin. Haddii eedaysanaha lagu qabtay fal uu ku galalay dambi (uu faraha kula jiro), ogolaansha rasmiga ah waxa loo heli doonaa si degdeg ah.

Qodobka 14Dhinaca Dhibanaha

1. Sida ay tahay ujeedooyinka Xeerkani, haddii aanu macnaha guud u tilmaamin si kale, weedha “dhinaca dhibanaha” wax loola jeedaa qofka ah ka ku dhaawacmay dambi, ama wakiilkiisa sharciga ah.

2. Dhinaca dhibanaha ahi wuxuu arji codsi ah u gudbin karaa Maxkamadda uu ku dalbanayo khasaarihii uu ka masuulka ahaa eedaysanahu ka soo baxay dambiga dhexdiisa.

3. Araajida codsiga ah ee ku xusan farqada 2 ee Qodobkani waxa loo gudbin doonaa Maxkamadda, qoraal ahaan ama hadal ahaan, ka hor intaanay bilaabmin xiliga uu dambi ooguhu soo koobayo soo jeedimihiisa sida ku xusan Qodobka 119.

Qodobka 15Difaaca

1. Eedaysanaha waxa difaaci kara Qareen kali ah ama dhowr Qareen difaac.


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2. Xaaladaha ku cad xarafka b) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 14 Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka, Maxkamaddu waxay u magacaabi doontaa Sarkaal ah Qareen difaac markasta oo uu eedaysanuhu aanu qabsan karin Qareen difaac.

3. Magacaabista Sarkaal Qareen difaac ah looma diidi karo iyadoo aanay jirin cudur-daar macquul ah mooyeene.

4. Marka aanu jirin khilaaf xaga danta ahi, eedaysanayaal ah laba ama in ka badan waxa matali kara, Qareen keli ah oo difaac.

5. Eedaysanaha la soo xidhay, wuxuu ikhtiyaarkiisa si xor ah xaq ugu leeyahay inuu qabsado Qareen difaaca, marka lagu jiro dhammaan xaaladaha garmaqalada.

6. The injured party may be represented by one Counsel only.

7. A Counsel may act on behalf of and appear for the party he represents, except when that party must appear in person.

Article 16Duties of the Defense Counsel towards the Accused

1. A defence Counsel shall not, without reasonable cause, abandon his duties as a defence Counsel nor absent himself from hearings in Court in such a way that the accused is deprived of legal assistance.

2. If any defence Counsel violates the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Court may order that he:

a) pay a sum of money not exceeding Sh. So. 5,000/- to the accused as compensation; and

b) pay a sum of money, not exceeding Sh. So. 2,000/- to the State Treasury; or

c) be suspended from practicing his profession for a period not exceeding one year.

3. The abandonment of his duties by a legal Counsel for an injured party shall not in any case prevent the proceedings from continuing.


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CHAPTER IIInformation, Complaints and Reporting of Offences, Police

Investigations, Suppression of Offences


Article 17Authorities to whom Complaints and Reports regarding Offences

shall be made

Information, complaints and reports of offences shall be made to a Judge, to the Office of the Attorney General or to any Police Officer.

6. Dhinaca dhibanaha ahi wuxuu wakiilan karaa Qareen keliya.

7. Qareenku waxa uu u taagan yahay isagoo ka 8. Matalaya Maxkamadda horteeda dhicii uu wakiilka u ahaa, marka laga

reebo dhinaca qof ahaantiisa u hortagaya Maxkamadda.

Qodobka 16Waajibaadyada Qareeenka Difaaca Dhinaca Eedaysanaha

1. Qareenka difaacu ma uu, iyado aanay jirin sabab macquul ahi joojin doono shaqadiisa Qareen difaac ahaan kamana habsaami doono dhegaysiga Maxkamadda, markan oo kale waxay noqonaysaa oo laga eedaysanaha oo laga xayuubiyay caawimadii qaanuunka.

1. Haddii Qareen difaac ee kasta oo ku xadgudba qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobkan, Maxkamaddu waxay amri kartaa in isagu:

a) bixiyo wadar lacag ah, oon ka badnayn Sh.So. 5000/- uuna siiyo eedaysanaha mag ahaan, iyo

b) bixiyo wadar lacag ah, oon ka badnayn Sh.So. 2000/-, kuna shubo khasnada Qaranka; ama

c) waxa laga mabnuucayaa ku shaqaysiga xirfadiisa mudo aan ka badnayn hal sano.

2. Joojinta uu Qareen sharci ahi ku sameeyo shaqooyinkiisa ah dhinaca dhibanaha sinaba uma maanacayso in ay socoto oogitaanka garmaqaladu.


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CUTUBKA IIWarka, Ashkatooyinka, Wargelinta Dambiyada, Baadhitaanka

Booliska, Qarinta Dambiyada


Qodobka 17Awoodaha kuwa Ashkatooyinka, Warbixinta la Xidhiidha Dambiyada waxa lagu


Warka, ashkatooyinka iyo warbixinaha dambiyadda waxa lagu hagaajinayaa Garsooraha, Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama Sarkaal Booliis oo kasta.

Article 18Reporting of Certain of Classes of Offences

A public officer or a person entrusted with a public service who becomes aware of the commission of an offence in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State shall immediately report the offence.

Article 19Reports by Members of the Medical Profession

A member of the medical profession who renders professional services to any person who appears to have been involved in an offence in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State shall report the matter immediately. This provision shall not apply when the report would expose the person assisted to criminal proceedings.

Article 20Reports by the Public

1. Every citizen who has knowledge of the commission of an offence against the Personality of the State for which the law prescribes the punishment of death or life imprisonment shall immediately report the offence.

2. Any person, even if he is not the injured party, who has knowledge of the commission of an offence in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State, may report the offence.


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Article 21Complaints

1. The person injured by an offence other than those for which proceedings are initiated by the State may submit a complaint for the institution of proceedings in accordance with the provisions of Article 84 of the Penal Code.

2. The right of making complaints may not be exercised when the injured party has:

a) expressly or tacitly renounced such right;

b) started civil proceedings for restitution or recovery of damages;

c) reached a settlement of the damage arising from the offence.

Qodobka 18Warbixinta Qaybo Dambiyo Gaar ah

Sarkaal dadweyne ama ruux lagu aaminay adeegyada dadwaynaha, oo ogaada gelitaan dambi ah mid tabaalooyinka sharci uu bilaabay Qareenku markiiba wuu u soo sheegayaa.

Qodobka 19Warbixinaha Xubnaha leh Xirfadda Caafimaad

Farqada ah xirfadle caafimaad kaasi oo u qabta adeeg adeeg xirfadeed qof uun kaasi oo ay u muuqato in uu ku dhex jiro dambi ah kuwa talaabooyinkiisa sharci uu oogayo Qaranku isla markaasiba sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ayuu u soo sheegayaa. Qaybahan laguma isticmaali doono marka warbixinta ay kashifto ruuxa gacan siiyay talaabooyinka ciqaabta ah.

Qodobka 20Warbixinta Dadweynaha

1. Muwaadin kasta oo ogaada dhicitaanka dambi lid ku ah karaamada iyo jiritaanka Qaranka kaasi oo sharcigu dhigayo ciqaab ah dil ama xabsi daa’in isla markaaba wuu soo sheegayaa dambigaasi.


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2. Qof kasta, xataa hadaanu ahayn dhinaca dhibanaha ah, kaasi oo ogaada dhicitaanka dambi ku saabsan kuwa uu Qaranku uun bilaabayo garmaqaladiisa, wuu soo gudbinayaa warkiisa.

Qodobka 21Ashkato

1. Qofka dhibane ku noqda dambi aan ahayn kuwa talaabo sharci ah uu ka qaadayo Qaranku waxa uu u gudbin karaa ashkato si loo bilaabo oogitaanka talaabo sharci ah oo loo tixraaco Qodobka 84 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta.

2. Xaqa lagu samaynayo ashkatooyin waa in aan la fulin marka dhinaca dhibanaha ahi uu:

a) si cad oo hadal la’aan ah uga tanaasulo xaqiisa;b) bilaabo garmaqalo madani ah sidii cawil celin ama loogu magdhabi

lahaa khasarhii soo gaadhay;c) laga gaadhay heshiis khasaarihii ka soo baxay dambiga.

Article 22Form of the Reports, Information and Complaints

1. Information, a report or complaint relating to the commission of an offence may be in written or oral form and:

a) if in written form, shall be signed by the person concerned;b) if in oral form shall, by the authority receiving it, be:

i) recorded;ii) read over to the person concerned, andiii) signed by such person.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be observed insofar as applicable to the withdrawal of the complaint or the refusal to accept the withdrawal of the complaint.


Article 23Definitions

1. For the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term “Police” shall include:


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a) the Police Force;b) the Finance Guards;c) any other military or para-military Service and any civil organ of the

State which is required by law to collect information about, and to enquire into, specified types of offences and to provide the proof necessary for the application of the penal law.

2. For the purpose of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise:a) the term “Police Station” shall include a territorial or special unit of one

of the Forces or Services referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article;b) the term “Police Officer” shall mean every member of the Forces or

Services referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Qodobka 22Qaabka Warbixinta, Warka iyo Ashkatooyinka

1. War warbixin ama ashkato la xidhiidha dhicitaan dambi waxay noqon kartaa qoraal ama hadal afka ah:

a) haddii ay qaab qoraal tahay, waxa saxeexaya qofka ay khusayso.b) Haddii ay hadal afka ah tahay maaamulka ay gaadhay waa uu:

i) diiwaangelin;ii) u akhriyi qofka ay khusaysoiii) ka saxeexi qofkaasi.

2. Qaybaha farqada hore waxalagu kormeeri ilaa xad sida ay ugu haboon tahay inuu ka noqon karo ashkatada ama diidi karo in uu aqbalo ka noqoshada ashkatada.


Qodobka 23Qeexitaano

1. Muhiimadda Xeerkan, haddii aanu macnahan guud si kale u tilmaamin, weedha “Boolis” waxa ku jira;

a) askarta Booliska


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b) cashuur ilaaliyayaashac) milateri kasta oo kale ama kaaliye shaqo qaran oo ciidanka ah iyo xubin

kasta oo rayid ah kana tirsan Qaranka, oo sharciyan looga baahan yahay inuu ururiyo wararka ku saabsan, iyo inuu eego/fiiriyo noocyo gaar ah oo dambiyo ah iyo inuu sameeyo cadaynta daruuriga ah ee uu u baahanayo Xeerka Ciqaabta.

2. Muhiimadda xeerka, haddii aan macnahan guud si kale u tilmaamin;

a) Weedha “saldhig Boolis” waxa ku jira deegaanka ama cutub gaar ah oo ka mid ah xoogaga ama shaqaalaha ku xusan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan;

b) Weedha “Sarkaal Boolis” waxa loola jeedaa ciidamada iyo shaqaalaha ku xusan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan.

Article 24Investigation

1. A Police Officer in charge of a Police Station who receives, in the manner provided in the previous section or in any other way, information relating to the commission of an offence shall immediately:

a) notify the Office of the Attorney General and the competent Court:b) conduct, either personally or through his subordinates, such

investigation of the alleged offence as he shall consider necessary.

2. The Police Officer who undertakes the investigation may:a) examine any person whom he believes to be acquainted with any of the

circumstances of the case and,b) record, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph b) of Article

22, any statement made by any person so examined.

3. No statement recorded during the course of the investigation shall be used in any criminal proceedings against the person making the statement unless it falls within the meaning of a confession as provided in this Code.

4. When, during the course of investigation, it appears necessary to obtain a warrant of arrest or search or seizure, the Police Officer undertaking the investigation


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shall apply to the competent Court for such warrant, at the same time informing the Office of the Attorney General.

5. In case of urgent necessity the Police Officer undertaking the investigation may, without a warrant:

a) arrest a person suspected of committing a crime, in accordance with Article 38;

b) undertake a search or seizure, in accordance with Article 58.

Article 25Diary of Investigation

1. The police Officer undertaking the investigation shall daily record the details of the investigation, in the appropriate diary, mentioning specifically:

a) the date of the beginning and end of the investigation;

Qodobka 24Baadhitaanadda

1. Sarkaal Boolis ah oo Xukuma Saldhig Boolis oo ay soo gaadhaan xaaladaha ku xusan waaxdii hore ama hab kasta oo kaleba, war la xidhiidha dhicitaan dambi isla markiiba wuxuu:

a) ogaysiinayaa Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo Maxkamadda awooda u leh;

b) wuxuu isku dubaridayaa oo fulunayaa, isaga laftiisu ama isagoo kaashanaya ku xigeenadiisa, baadhitaanka eeda dambiga isagoo u tixgalinaya sida uu u arko lagama maarmaan.

2. Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee fulinaya baadhitaanka waxa uu;a) imtixaami doonaa qof kasta oo uu rumaysan yahay inuu ka warhayo

duruufo kasta oo dacwadu leedahay iyo,b) diiwaan gelin doonaa, si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka b) ee Qodobka 22

war-bixin kasta oo uu yidhi qof kasta oo uu baadhay.

3. Hadal cad oo la diiwaangeliyay markii uu socday baadhitaanku looma isticmaali doono talaabo sharciya oo dambi uun ah kuna lid ah qofkii cadayntaasi sameeyay haddii aanay noqon mid la ujeedo ah qiraalka uu sheegayo Xeerkani.


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4. Marka lagu jiro wakhtiga baadhitaanka ee loo arko inay lagama maarmaan tahay amar xidhitaan ama mid fatashaadeed ama mid xayiraadeed, sarkaalka booliiska ee fulinaya baadhitaankaasi waxa uu ka codsanayaa Maxkamadda awooda u leh amarka noocaas ah, waxaanu isla markaasi ogaysiinayaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

5. Xaalada degdegu yahay lagama maarmaanka Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee fulinaya baadhitaanku, waxa uu isagoon wadan amar Maxkamadeed:a) Xidhi karaa qofka uu uga shakiyo inuu dembi galayo, si waafaqsan Qodobka 38;b) Fulin karaa fatashaad ama xayiraad si waafaqsan Qodobka 58.

Qodobka 25Xusuus Qorka Baadhitaanka

1. Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee fulinaya baadhitaan waxa uu maalin kasta ku diiwaan galinayaa faahfaahinta baadhitaanka, xusuus qor ku haboon gaar ahaana ku xusaya:

a) taariikhda uu baadhitaanku bilaabmay iyo ta uu dhamaaday;

b) the action taken during the investigation;c) the circumstances arising from the investigation;d) the evidence obtained.

2. Any warrants or orders received from or any superior, a Court or the Office of the Attorney General, shall likewise be recorded.

Article 26Closure of Investigation

1. Police investigation shall be brought to a conclusion without any unjustified delay.

2. The Police Officer in charge of a Police Station, as soon as the investigation has been concluded, shall prepare an accurate report containing:

a) the facts of the case, and any surrounding circumstances which may affect the criminal proceedings;

b) details of the evidence obtained;c) personal details or any other information useful in identifying:

i) the accused,


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ii) the injured party,iii) any person having information concerning the circumstance of

the offence.

3. The report called for in the preceding paragraph shall be sent forthwith to the Office of the Attorney General together with:

a) the investigation diary;b) the records relating to the investigation;c) materials objects seized in the course of the investigation.


Article 27Assistance from Members of the Public

Every person, when lawfully and reasonably so requested, in case of urgent necessity shall lend assistance to a Judge, to the Office of the Attorney General or to a Police Officer, in order to:

a) take into custody or prevent the escape of any person whom the said authorities are authorized to arrest;

b) prevent or suppress an offence.

b) talaabooyinka la qaaday xiligii baadhitaanka;c) duruufaha ka soo baxay baadhitaanka;d) cadaymaha la helay.

1. Awood siin iyo amaro wal oo uu ka helay masuul, madax wal oo ka saraysa, Maxkamad kasta, ama Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, sidoo kale waa uu diiwaan gelinayaa.

Qodobka 26Dhamaadka Baadhitaanka

1. Baadhitaanka Boolisku sameeyaa waxa lugu dhamays tirayaa isga oo aan yeelan dib u dhac aansababtiisu cadayn.

2. Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee maamula saldhig Boolis marka ugu horaysa ee baadhitaanka la soo gebogebeeyo, waxa uu diyaarinayaa warbixin dhamaystiran oo xaqiiq ah kana kooban:

a) xaqiiqooyinkii dacwada, iyo duruufihii ku xeeraa saamaynta ku yeelan karaya garmaqalo ciqaabeed oo la qaado;

b) cadaymaha la helay faahfaahimahooda;c) faahfaahinta astaamaha guud ama war kasta oo kale oo lagu aqoonsanayo:


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i) eedaysanaha,ii) dhinaca dhibana ,iii) ruux kasta oo haya war la xidhiidha duruufaha dambiga.

3. Warbixinta lagu xusay farqada hore waxa loo diri doonaa Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo waliba:

a) xusuus qorka baadhitaanka;b) diiwaanada la xidhiidha baadhitaanka; c) qalabkii walxaha la qabtay wakhtigii baadhista.


Qodobka 27Caawimo ka timaada Xubnaha Dadweynaha

1. Qof kasta, marka si sharci ah oo sababaysan looga codsado, xaalad baahi degdeg ah jirto, waxa uu caawimo siinayaa Garsooraha, Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, Sarkaalka Booliska ah, si:

a) loogu geeyo xabsiga ama looga hortago fakasho qof kasta oo maamulka aynu soo sheegnay amray xidhitaankiisa;

b) ka looga hor tago ama daboolida dambiga ama baabi’in dambi.





Article 28Arrest

An arrest, with or without a warrant, may only be made in those cases and in the manner expressly provided by law.

Article 29Execution of Arrests


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1. A person to be arrested shall be so informed, together with the reasons for the arrest.

2. If the person to be arrested:a) forcibly resists the arrest;b) attempts to escape,c) the person making the arrest may use all lawful means necessary to

effect the arrest.

3. A person arrested shall not be subjected to more restraint than is necessary to prevent his escape.

4. If it is absolutely certain that an arrest was made by mistake, the person arrested shall be released immediately, even by the person who carried out the arrest.

Article 30Entry into private Places for the Purpose of arrest

1. Whoever is required to arrest a person on the grounds of:

a) such person being caught in the act of committing an offence (in flagrante delicto);






Xidhitaanku, Amar Maxkamadeed haddii uu leeyahay iyo hadii kaleba, waxa kaliya oo lagu samayn karaa xaaladaha iyo qaabka uu jideeyo sharcigu.


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Qodobka 29Fulinta Xadhiga

1. Qofka ay tahay in la xidho waa in loo sheegaa in la xidhayo, iyo sababta loo xidhayoba.

2. Haddii qofka la xidhayaa:a) xoog kala hor yimaado xidhistiisa;b) isku dayo in uu baxsado (fakado),

qofka fulinaya xidhitaanku waxa uu isticmaali karaa dhamaan qaababka sharciga ah ee lagama maarmaanka u ah si uu u meel mariyo xidhitaanka.

3. Qofka la xidhay lama saari karo xadidaad badan oo aan ahayn tii lagama maarmaanka u ahayd si looga hortago in uu baxsasho (fakado).

4. Haddii si dhamaystiran loo hubo in xadhigaasi ahaa mid gaf loo sameeyay, qofka la xidhay si degdeg ah ayaa loo sii daynayaa.

Qodobka 30Galitaanka gudaha Guryaha gaarka ah ujeedo xidhitaan awgeed

1. Midkasta oo doonaya in uu xidho qof isagoo ku helay sababo ah:a) iyada oo qofkaasi loo xidhayo fal uu ku galayay dambi (isagoo faraha

kula jira dambi “in flagrante delicto”):

b) a warrant of arrest;

may enter without warrant any place, including a dwelling house, where the person to be arrested has taken refuge provided:

i) there is an urgent necessity so to do, andii) there are grounds for belief that a search warrant cannot be

obtained without affording the person to be arrested the opportunity to escape or the opportunity to destroy or interfere with items of evidence.

2. If the person in charge of a place refuses to allow such entry, force may be used to effect the entry.

3. When the place to be entered under this Article is occupied by a woman who according to custom does not appear in public, the person intending to make the arrest shall, before entry, allow such woman every reasonable opportunity to retire to a suitable place or to cover herself adequately.


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Article 31Search of arrested Persons

1. A person making an arrest may search without warrant:a) the person arrested;b) the place in which such arrest was made;c) any place which the person to be arrested entered while trying to evade


2. A person making a search may seize any article found on the person arrested or in the place searched which may be used as evidence in the case.

Article 32Provisions relating to Arrest to be strictly Observed

1. A Judge to whom an arrested person is taken, in accordance with Articles 39 and 45, shall enquire whether:

a) the provisions of Section II and III of this Chapter were strictly followed in making the arrest, and

b) there has been any unjustifiable delay in bringing the arrested person before him.

2. If the Judge finds any violation of the said provisions or finds unjustified delay in the presentation of the arrested person, he shall:

a) cause criminal proceedings to be instituted against the person responsible, if such violation or delay amounts to an offence;

b) qoraal Maxkamadi ku amaratay xadhig;waxa uu gali karaa goob kasta isaga oo aan wadanin amar Maxkamadeed, oo ay ku jiraan guryaha la dagan yahay, iyo halkii uu qofka la xidhayaa iska qarin karo marka ay:

i) jirto baahi degdeg ah in sidaasi la falo, iyoii) marka ay jiraan fikrado aasaasi ah oo sheegaya in haddii la raadsado

amar Maxkamadeed aan la heli karayn iyadoo laga gaashaamanayo fursad uu qofka la xidhayaa ku baxsan karo iyo fursad uu ku burburin karo ama ku farogalin karo walxaha cadaymaha ah.

2. Haddii qofka masuulka ka ah goobtu uu diido ogolaanshaha galitaanka noocan ah, xoog ayaa lagu isticmaali karaa si loo suurto galiyo galitaanka.

3. Marka goobta la doonayo in lagu galo sida uu dhigayo Qodobkani ay joogto haweenay oo dhaqankeedu aanu ogolayn in ay dibadda u soo baxdo, ruuxa xadhiga fulinayaa wuxuu iyada u soo jeedinaya, inta aanu goobta galin, in uu u ogol yahay fursad kasta oo macquul ah oo ay ku gasho meesha munaasibka u ah ama goob ku filan oo ay isku qariso.


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Qodobka 31Baadhitaanka Qofka Xidhan

1. Qofka wax xidhayaa isaga oo aan u haysan amar Maxkamadeed wuxuu baadhitaan ku samayn karaa:

a) qof la xidhay;b) goobta lagu xidhay;c) goob kasta oo uu qofka la xidhay galay markii uu isku dayay in uu ka

baxsado xadhiga.2. Qofka samaynaya baadhitaanku waxa uu qabanayaa qodob kasta oo uu ku helo

qofka la xidhayo amase goobta la baadhayo, kaasi oo loo isticmaali karo cadayn ahaan dacwadda.

Qodobka 32Qaybaha la xidhiidha in Xadhiga si adag loo kormeero

1. Garsooraha ah ka loo horgaynayo qofka xidhan, si waafaqsan Qodobada 39 iyo 45, waxa uu ogaan doonaa in:

a) qaybaha Waaxda II iyo III ee Cutubkan si adag loo raacay markii la samaynayay xidhitaanka, iyo

b) in markii qofka xidhan la horkeenayay isaga (Garsooraha) uu jiray wax dib u dhicitaan (habsan) ah oo aan caqli gal ahayn.

3. Haddii Garsooruhu helo wax xadgudub ah oo lagu sameeyay qaybahaasi aynu soo sheeganay ama qofka xidhan oo habsan aan sabab lahayni ku yimi xiligii Maxkamadda la horgayn kenayay, waxa uu:

a) waxa uu soo jeedinayaa in la bilaabo garmaqalo ciqaab ah oo lid ku ah qofka ka masuulka ah, haddii xadgudubyadan ama habsankan uu ka dhashay dambi.

b) order that disciplinary action be taken by the competent authority against the person responsible, if the violation or delay does not amount to an offence.

Article 33Reporting of Arrests

Every Police Officer in charge of a Police Station shall immediately report to the Office of the Attorney General and to the competent Court:

a) the arrest of any person, andb) the release of any arrested person,

which takes place within the limits of the area of his command, stating the reasons therefor.


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Article 34Person who may arrest without a Warrant

1. A judge, the Attorney general and his Deputies and a Police Officer may arrest without warrant, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

2. A private person may arrest without warrant in the cases indicated in Article 35. A private person who makes such arrest shall immediately take the arrested person to a Police Officer.

Article 35Mandatory Arrest of Persons caught in the Act of committing

a Crime (in Flagrante Delicto):

A person shall be arrested without a warrant if caught in the act of committing (in flagrante delicto):

a) any offence, attempted or committed, against the Personality of the State for which the punishment is imprisonment or a more serous punishment;

b) any offence, attempted or committed, of:i) escape from lawful custody;ii) devastation and pillage;iii) slaughter;

b) amro in ay qaado talaabo anshax marin ah Maxkamadda awooda u lihi oo lid ku ah ruuxii ka masuulka ahaa, haddii xadgudubku ama habsanku aanu samaynaynin dambi.

Qodobka 33Wargelinta xidhitaanka

Sarkaal kasta oo maamula Saldhig Boolis waa in uu markiiba ku wargeliyo Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama Maxkamadda awood u leh.

a) xadhigga qof kasta, iyo b) sii deynta qof kasta oo xidhnaa,

Taasi oo ka dhacda gudaha xuduudaha deegaanka uu maamulkiisu gaadho, sidoo kale isaga oo cadaynaya sababaha.



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Qodobka 34Qofka lagu Xidhikaro Amar Maxkamadeed La’aantii

1. Garsooraha, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo ku/xigeenadiisa iyo Sarkaal Boolis ahi waxa ay xidhitaan ku samayn karaan, si waafaqsan qaybaha Waaxdan.

2. Qof shicib ah waxa lagu xidhi karaa marka aan la wadanin amar Maxkamadeed xaaladaha ku cad Qodobka 35. Qofka shicibka ah ee sidan loo xidho, waxa isla markaaba loo geynayaa Sarkaal Boolis ah.

Qodobka 35Xadhigga Dadka lagu Qabto Iyaga oo Dambi Faraha Kula Jira

Qofka waxa lagu xidhi karaa iyada oo aan loo wadan Awood oo Maxkamadeed haddii lagu qabto fal uu dambi faraha kula jiro.

a) dambi kasta, oo la isku dayo, ama la galo oo lid ku ah jiritaanka Qaranka, kaas oo ciqaabtiisu tahay xadhig ama ciqaab dambi oo khatar ah:

b) dambi kasta, isku daygiisa ama gelitaankiisa, markuu yahay: i) ka fakasho xabsi sharci ah;ii) burburin iyo tuugo;iii) gawracaad;

iv) knowingly causing epidemics, poisoning of water or foodstuff;v) carnal violence, acts of lust committed with violence, unnatural

offences committed with violence, abduction for purposes of lust;vi) abortion without consent;vii) murder, infanticide, death caused to a person with his own

consent with aggravating circumstances, grievous or very grievous hurt, pre intentional homicide, affray with aggravating circumstances;

viii) insult with aggravating circumstances in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State.

ix) Reduction to slavery, dealing and trading in slaves, enforced subjection;

x) Seizure of a person;xi) Theft in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State,

robbery, extortion, killing or injuring of animals belonging to another in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State.

c) any other offence for which the law prescribes mandatory arrest of a person caught in flagrante delicto.


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Article 36Discretionary Arrest of Persons caught in Flagrante Delicto

A person may be arrested without warrant when caught in flagrante delicto for an offence:

a) punishable with maximum imprisonment of more than one year or with a heavier penalty;

b) punishable with imprisonment and the offence relates to:i) drunkenness,ii) ii) firearms, ammunition or explosives,iii) games of chance,iv) unjustified possession of valuables, animals, altered keys, or

pick-locks,v) harmful substances or narcotic drugs;

c) punishable with imprisonment where the offence is committed by:i) a person released on bail,ii) a recidivist under the terms of Article 61 of the Penal Code;

iv) kas u sababid baahinta cuduro khatar ah, sumayn biyaha iyo cuntada;

v) xadgudub kufsi, fal hamad kacsi ah oo lagu galo xadgudub, dambi aan caadi ahayn oo lagu gaysto xadgudub, af-duub looga gol leeyahay in hamadda lagu fushado;

vi) soo tuuris ilmaha uurka ku jira si aan camdi ahayn;vii) dil, fal lagu dilo ilme (canug), dil uu qof duruufo qalafsan ku

gaysto isagoo u kasaya, gaf ama gaf wayn oo keeena dhaawac, qudh goyn badheedh ah, dagaal bulshadda dhexdeeda ah oo leh kicin fidno;

viii) cambaarayn ay weheliso kicin fidno taasi Qaranku qaanuun u dajiyay;

ix) xoog ku adoonsi, suuq gaynta iyo ka ganacsiga adoonta, xoog ku haysashada aadamiga;

x) in la xayirto ruux;xi) xatooyo talaabadeeda sharci uu ka qaadayo Qaranku, budhcad,

been-abuur, dil ama dhaawac loo gaysto xayawaanka cid kale leedahaykaasi oo Qaranku talaabo sharci uu ka qaadayo,


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c) iyo dambi kasta oo kale, kaasi oo sharciga jideeyay qaabka xadhig ee qofka lagu qabto isaga oo dambi faraha kula jira .

Qodobka 36Taxadirka Xadhigga Dadka lagu Qabto iyaga oo Dambi Faraha kula Jira

1. Qof waxa lagu xidhi karaa amar Maxkamadeed la’aantii, marka lagu qabto isaga oo faraha kula jira dambi ay:

a) Ciqaabtiisa xadhig ee ugu wayni ay ka badan yahay hal sano amase dambi ciqaabeed oo ka culus;

b) ciqaab uu xadhig ku jiro marka dambigu uu la xidhiidho:i) sikhraamid ,ii) dab, rasaas, ama qarax,iii) ciyaarta khamaarka ,iv) sumayn aan caqli gal ahayn oo waxyaabaha qiimaha leh,

xoolaha, qalab wax lagu fura oo sharci daro ah, qalab qufuladda lagu furo aa aan ahayn furayaashoodii;

v) walxo khatar ah ama xashiishad xun;

c) Ciqaab uu xadhig ku jiro marka dambiga ka galay uu yahay :i) qof lagu sii daayey dammaanad ;ii) caadaysi Dambi sida ku cad Qodobka 61aad ee Xeerka Ciqaabta;

d) for which arrest without warrant is authorized by law.

2. In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, where the offence may only be prosecuted on the complaint of the injured party, arrest in flagrante delicto may be made when the injured party reports to the nearest Judge, Office of the Attorney General or Police Officer that he has the intention to make a complaint for such offence.

Article 37Definition of “Flagrante Delicto”

1. From the purposes of this Code, unless the Context indicates otherwise, the expression “a person caught in flagrante delicto shall mean a person who:

a) is caught in the act of committing an offence;b) is pursued, immediately after the commission of the offence, by:

i) a Police Officer, orii) an injured party, oriii) any other person;


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c) Is caught, immediately after the commission of the offence, with objects or traces which clearly show that he committed the offence.

2. The following offences shall be regarded as committed in flagrante delicto:a) any permanent offence until such time as the permanence of the offence

has ceased;b) escape from lawful custody until such time as the fugitive has been

arrested or surrenders.

Article 38Arrest of Persons Suspected of having committed an Offence

A police Officer may arrest a person without warrant:a)in case of urgent necessity when there are grounds to believe that:

i) the person to be arrested has committed an offence for which the maximum punishment is imprisonment for more than 2 years or a heavier punishment;

ii) ii) a warrant of arrest cannot be obtained in time;iii) it is likely that the person to be arrested will not be found if

he is not arrested immediately;

d) marka xidhitaanka aan lahayn amar Makamdeed uu ogolaado shracigu.

2. Xaaladaha ku xusan farqada hore halka Dambiga laga horgeeyey Maxkamadda keliya dacwad dhinaca dhibanaha ah, xidhitaanka Dambi faraha lagula jiro waxa la samayn karaa, marka dhinaca dhibanuhu uu wargleiyo Garsooraha, Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud , ama Sarkaalka Booliis ee ugu dhow, kaasi oo leh ku talogalka in uu sameeyo dacwadda dambigan.

Qodobka 37Qeexidda “Dambi faraha lagula jiro”

1. Sida ay tahay ujeedada Xeerkani, haddii aan macnaha guud si kale u tilmaamin, macnaha ((ruux lagu qabto fal uu dambi faraha kula jiro)) waxa loola jeedaaruuxa ah ka:

a) lagu qabto fal uu ku galayo dambi;b) uu raad ceeyo isla markii uu dhacay dambigu:

i) Sarkaal Boolis ahi, ama


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ii) dhinaca dhibtu soo gaadhay, amaiii) qof kasta oo kale;

c) la qabto, isla marka uu dhaco dambigu, walxaha cadcad ee dambiga jiritaankiisa muujinaya.

2. Dambiyada soo socda waxa loo qaadanayaa in loo galay, fal toos faraha dambi loogula jiro:

a) dambiga kasta oo joogto ah illaa iyo xiliga uu dambiga joogtanimadiisu ay dhamaanayso;

b) ka baxsasho xabsi sharci ah, ilamaa xiliga fakashadaasi laga soo xidhayo ama la qabanayo.

Qodobka 38Xadhigga Dadka looga Shakiyo in ay Galeen Dambi

Sarkaalka Booliska ahi waxa uu xidhi karaa ruux amar Maxkamadeed la’aantii:

a) haddii xaalad lagama maarmaan ah oo degdeg ahi jirto, marka ay jiraan caddaymo la rumaysan karo in:

i) qofka la xidhayaa uu galay dambi ciqaabtiisa ugu badani tahay xadhig ka badan 2 sano ama ciqaab ka culus;

ii) xiligaasna aan la heli karin amar Maxkamadeed oo xidhitaan ah;iii) sidoo kale marka ruuxa ay tahay in la xidho aan la heli doonin

haddii aan si degdeg ah loo xidhin;

b) under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 50.

Aticle 39Person Arrested without Warrant to be taken before a Judge

1. A person arrested without warrant shall be taken immediately, and in any case not later than 48 hours from the time of his arrest, before the competent Court or before the Court nearest to the place of arrest: provided that the time necessary to travel to the Court from the place of arrest shall not be included in the 48 hours.

2. A Police Officer taking an arrested person before a Judge shall, at the same time, prepare and submit to him a summary report showing:

a) the facts of the case and the reasons for the arrest;b) details of the evidence obtained;c) when possible, the personal details of:

i) the arrested person,ii) ii) the injured party,


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iii) any person having information concerning the circumstances of the offence.

3. Having examined the summery report, the Judge:a) if the case falls within the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 70, shall

order that no proceedings shall be instituted against the person arrested, in accordance with the provisions of Article 77, and order the immediate release of the person arrested;

b) if:i) the offence committed is one for which a warrant of arrest cannot

be issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 and 43; or

ii) the arrest was not carried out in conformity with the provisions of Articles 35, 36, 38 or 50; the Judge shall order the immediate release of the person arrested;

c) in other cases shall confirm the arrest and remand the arrested person to custody, in accordance with the provisions of Article 46, unless he releases him on bail in accordance with Article 59 and 60.

4. If the arrest is not confirmed by the Judge within a period of 8 days from the day when it took place, the arrest shall be considered as rescinded and the arrested person shall be released.

b) iyadoo la raacayo qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 50.

Qodobka 39Ruuxa lagu Xidhay Amarka Maxkamad la’aantii waa in

la Horgeeyaa Garsoore

1. Ruuxa lagu xidho amar Maxkamadeed la’aantii waa in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan, oon sinaba uga dambayn 48 saacadood, marka laga soo bilaabo wakhtigii xidhitaankiisa, loogu horgeeyaa Maxkamad awood u leh, amase Maxkamadda ugu dhow goobta lagu xidhay.

2. Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee qofka xidhan horgeeyey Garsooraha, isla markaana waa in uu, u habeeyaa una gudbiyaa Garsooraha war kooban oo iftiiminaya:

a) xaqiiqada dhacdada iyo sababaha xadhigga;b) caddaymaha la helay oo faahfaahsan;c) marka ay suurtogal tahay faahfaahin astaamaha guud ee:

i) qofka la xidhay;


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ii) dhinaca dhibanaha;iii) ruux kasta oo haya war la xidhiidha dambiga.

3. Marka uu ka bogto warkaasi kooban Garsooruhu:

a) haddii xaaladdu ay noqoto farqada 2 ee Qodobka 70, waxa uu amrayaa in aan la bilaabin garmaqalada lidka ku ah ruuxa xidhan, taasi oo waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 77, waxaanu amrayaa in degdeg loo sii daayo ruuxa xidhan;

b) haddii: i) dambiga la galay uu yahay mid amar xidhitaan Maxkamadeed

aan loo helaynin si waafaqsan sida ay dhigayaan qaybaha Qodobada 42 iyo 43; ama

ii) aan lagu fulinin xidhitaanka si waafaqsan sida ay dhigayaan qaybaha Qodobada 35, 36, 38 iyo 50;

c) xaaladah kale ee waafaqaya xadhiga iyo ku xabisaada ruuxa la soo xidhay jeelka, si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 46, haddii aan lagu ku sii daynin isaga damaananad waafaqasan Qodobadda 59 iyo 60.

d) Garsooruhu waxa uu amri doonaa in degdeg loo sii daayo ruuxa xidhan.

4. Haddii xadhiga aan loo sheegin Garsooraha mudo dhan 8 maalmood oo ka bilaabmata maalilintii loo qaaday goobta, xadhiga waxa loo aqoonsan in uu baaba’ay qofka xidhana waa la siidayn doonaa.

5. In the cases referred to in sub-paragraph c) of paragraph 3 of this Article, the Judge shall:

a) explain to the person arrested the substance of the charge;b) inform the arrested person that, at the present state of the proceedings,

he is not required to make any statement, but that any statement which he does make may be used as evidence against him;

c) record any statement made by the arrested person.

6. A Judge shall not question the arrested person unless:a) the arrested person wishes to make a statement, and b) any such questions asked by the Judge are for the purpose of clarifying

any statement so made by the arrested person.

7. Any measure taken by a Judge in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be immediately notified, by the Police Officer who has brought the arrested person before the Judge, to:


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a) the Office of the Attorney General, andb) the competent Court, if the arrested person had not been brought before

a Judge of such Court.


Article 40Condition required for the Issue of a Warrant of Arrest

and Authorities empowered to Issue such Warrant

1. A warrant of arrest may be issued when there are grounds to believe that:a) an offence has been committed;b) the offence was committed by the accused person.

2. A warrant of arrest may only be issued by:a) the competent Judge, up to the time of the commencement of the trial in

a Court of first instance;b) the President of the competent Court, at any other state of the


5. Xaaladaha ku xusan xarafka (c) ee farqada 3, ee Qodobkan, Garsooruhu wuxuu:

a) u sharaxayaa qofka walxaha lagu soo eedeeyay;b) ku wargelinayaa qofka xidhan in, marxaladan garmaqalada ee uu joogo

in aan isaga looga baahnayn in uu ku hadlo weedh iyo in odhaah kasta oo uu ku hadlo loo isticmaali doono marag muujin ku lid ah isaga;

c) xafidayaa hadal kasta oo uu ku hadlay qofka xidhani.

6. Garsooruhu qofka xidhan waxba ma su’aali doono haddii aan:a) qofka xidhani aanu doonin in uu sameeyo hadal, iyo b) su’aal kasta oo caynkan ah oo uu waydiiyo Garsooruhu ujeedadeedu

waxa weeyi in uu u caddeeyo hadal kasta oo uu yidhi qofka xidhani.


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7. Qiimayn kasta oo uu qaaday Garsooruhu si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobkan, waa in uu markiiba u caddeeyo, Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee qofka xidhan keenay Garsooraha hortiisa una dirayaa:

a) Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, iyo b) Maxkamadda awood u leh, haddii qofka xidhan aan la horgeyn

Garsoore hortii Maxkamaddan oo kale ah.


Qodobka 40Shuruudaha Looga Baahan yahay Bixinta Amar Xidhitaan Maxkamadeed iyo

Masuuliyadaha awooda u leh soo saarida Amarkan

1. Amarka xidhitaanka waxa lagu bixin karaa marka ay jiraan sababo la rumaysan karo oo ah:

a) dambi la galayb) dambiga waxa galay ruuxa eedaysan.

2. Waxa keliya oo amar xidhitaan Maxkamadeed bixin karaa:a) Garsoore awood u leh illamaa xiligga dacwadu ka

bilaabmayso Maxkamad marxalada koowaada ah;b) Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda awooda u leh ee marxalad kasta

oo kale oo garmaqal ah.

Article 41Form of Warrant of Arrest

1. Every warrant of arrest shall be issued in duplicate, and shall contain:a) the name of the Court issuing the warrant;b) The date on which the warrant is issued;c) The personal details of the accused, or, if these are not known, any

other indication by which he can be identified with reasonable certainty;

d) The essential elements constituting the offence for which the arrest has been ordered;

e) the signature of the Judge and the seal of the Court which issued the warrant.


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2. No person arrested under a warrant shall be released solely on the grounds that the warrant is defective in form.

Article 42Cases in Which the Issue of a Warrant of Arrest is Mandatory

1. A warrant of arrest shall be issued against a person accused of:a) any of the offences referred to in Article 35;b) an offence for which the maximum punishment is imprisonment for not

less than 10 years, or a heavier penalty;c) any other offence for which a warrant of arrest is mandatory by law.

2. A warrant of arrest shall be issued also:a) in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 47;b) in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 63.

Article 43Cases in which the Issue of a Warrant of Arrest is discretionary

A warrant of arrest may be issued:a) for an offence for which the minimum punishment is imprisonment for

not less than 6 months;b) for any other offence for which the issue of a warrant of arrest is

authorized by law;

Qodobka 41Qaabka Qoraalka Amarka Xidhitaanka

1. Qoraal kasta oo ah amar xidhitaan, waa in la bixiyaa iyada oo ka kooban laba nuqul oo qoraalkoodu isku mid yahay, ayna ku qoran tahay:

a) magaca Maxkamadda soo saartay amarka xidhitaanka;b) taariikhda amarka xidhitaanku soo baxay:c) astaamaha eedaysanaha oo faahfaahsan ama, haddii aan la garanaynin, iyo

astaan kasta oo kale taasi oo si la hubo loogu garan karo;d) walxaha lagama maarmaanka ah ee uu dambigu ka kooban yahay ee

keenay in la amro xadhiga;e) saxeexa Garsooraha iyo shaabadda Maxkamadda soo saartay amarka



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2. Qofnaba kaas oo lagu xidhay amar Maxkamadeed laguma sii dayn doono keliya sababo ah amarkii xidhitaanka ayaa qaabkiisu ahaa mid dhantaalan.

Qodobka 42Xaaladaha soo Saarista Amarka Xidhitaanku uu yahay Khasab

1. Amarka xadhiga waxa lagu soo saari karaa marka uu lid ku yahay qof lagu eedeeyey:

a) dambiyo kasta oo ku xusan Qodobka 35;b) dambiga ciqaabtiisa ugu weyni tahay xadhig aan ka yarayn 10 sano

ama ciqaab dambi oo ka weyn:c) dambi kasta oo kale oo ah mid amarka xadhigiisu ku salaysan yahay


2. Amarka qabashada waxa kale oo la soo saari karaa:a) si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 4 ee Qodobka 47.b) si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobka 63.

Qodobka 43Xaaladdaha la soo Saarayo Amar Xadhitaan oo laga Taxadirayo

1. Amarka xadhigu waxa uu soo bixi karaa:a) dambiga ciqaabtiisa ugu yari tahay xadhig aan ka yarayn 6 bilood;b) dambi kasta oo kale oo soo saarista amarka xadhigiisa uu ogolaaday


c) against a person who has received a summons to appear before a Court:

i) if there are grounds to believe that such person has left or is about to leave the territory of the State, or intends not to appear before the Court; or

ii) if such person has failed, without justifiable reason, to appear before the Court at the time and place specified in the summons or in any subsequent order.

Article 44Execution of Warrant of Arrest


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1. Every Police Officer shall execute a warrant of arrest as soon as possible.

2. If the accused is:a) a pregnant woman or woman nursing her own child;b) a person in a very serious state of ill-health;

the Court which issued the warrant may order a stay of execution of the warrant until such time as the cause of the stay of execution no longer exists.

3. unless there is an urgent necessity, a warrant of arrest shall not be executed in a private dwelling house between the hours of 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.

4. A Police Officer who executes a warrant of arrest shall:a) inform the person to be arrested of the substance of the warrant;b) serve the warrant on the person to be arrested as soon as possible.

Article 45Person arrested on a Warrant of Arrest to be taken before a Judge

1. Unless he is released on bail in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 62, a person arrested on a warrant of arrest shall, without unnecessary delay, be taken before:

a) a competent Judge, orb) a Judge of the Court nearest to the place of the arrest, if the competent

Judge is situated more than 50 kilometers from such place.

c) lid ku ah qofka ah ka helay xaashida yeedhitaanka Maxkamadda horteeda:i) haddii ay jiraan arrimo aasaasi ah oo la rumaysan karo in qofkaasi

ka tegayo, ama laga yaabo in uu ka tago dhulka waddanka , ama isku dayo in aanu Maxkamadda hor-tagin, ama

ii) haddii qofkaasi ku guuldaraysto, in uu keeno sababta cudur daarka ah ee uu ku hortagi waayay Maxkamadda xiligii iyo goortii ku cadayd xaashida yeedhitaanka iyo amar kasta oo u dhigma.

Qodobka 44Fulinta Amarka Xidhitaanka


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1. Sarkaal Boolis ah oo kastaa waa in uu fuliyaa amar ka xidhitaanka sida ugu dhakhsaha badan.

2. Haddii eedaysanuhu yahay:a) haweenay uur leh ama haweenay xannaanaysa ilmo;b) ruux ku sugan xaalad aad iyo aad khatar u ah oo xanuun-caafimaad ah;

Maxkamadda soo saartay amarka xadhigu, waxa ay amri kartaa in la joojiyo fulinta amarka qabashada ilamaa iyo xilliga ah ka keenay duruufta loo hakiyey fulinta amarka qabashadu dhammaanayo.

3. Haddii aanay jirin baahi degdeg ah, amarka xidhitaanka laguma fulin doono guryaha gaarka ah ee la degen yahay, saacadaha u dhexeeya 6 p.m. illaa 7 a.m.

4. Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee ah ka fulinaya amarka xidhitaanku waxa uu:a) ku wargelin doonaa qofka la xidhayo arrimaha saldhiga u ah amarka

xadhigiisab) in uu ku xidho ama ku qabto qofka ay tahay in amarka xidhitaanka lagu

fuliyo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan.

Qodobka 45Qofka lagu soo Qabtay Amar Xidhitaan ee la Horgeynayo Garsooraha

1. Haddii aan lagu sii dayn dammaanad waafaqsan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 62, qofka lagu qabto amar xidhitaan, waa in, dib u dhac aan loo baahnayn la’aantii, lagu horgeeyaa:

a) Garsoore awood u leh;b) Garsooraha Maxkamadda ugu dhow goobta lagu xidhay, haddii

Garsooraha awoodda u lihi uu joogo meel u jirta 50km goobtaas.

2. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of sub-paragraph c) of paragraph 3 and of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Article 39 shall apply, provided that, if bail is granted by a Court other than the competent Court, such decision may be modified or revoked by the competent Court.


Article 46Remand of Accused Person to Custody


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An order remanding an arrested person to custody, issued by a competent Judge or by the competent Court, shall provide that the accused:

a) shall be detained in prison or elsewhere;b) shall be brought before a Court in accordance with the conditions of the


Article 47Duration of Custody before Trial

1. Unless the Court has ordered the trial of the accused in accordance with sub-paragraph b) (i) of Article 75, the accused shall be released when the period of custody has exceeded:

a) 90 days, if the offence falls within the jurisdiction of the Assize Section or the Military Penal Section of the Regional Court, and the punishment laid down by law is death or life imprisonment;

b) 60 day for other offences which fall within the jurisdiction of the Assize Section or of the Military Penal Section of the Regional Court;

c) 45 days when the offence falls within the jurisdiction of the General Section of the Regional Court;

d) 15 days when the offence falls within the jurisdiction of the Criminal Section of the District Court,

provided that the Court of Appeal, on application from the Attorney General or one of his Deputies, may allow the period of custody to be increased for a further period not more than the maximum period of custody provided above for each type of offence.

2. The period of custody shall, for all purposes, commence on the day on which the accused was arrested.

2. Illaa marka ay waafaqayso qaybaha farqada 3 xarafka c), farqadaha 5, 6 iyo 7 ee Qodobka 39aad, ayaa la dabaqayaa, kuwaas oo sheegaya, haddii dammaanadda ay bixisay Maxkamad aan ahayn Maxkamaddii awoodda u lahayd, go’aankaasi waxa cusboonaysiin kara ama tirtiri kara Maxkamadda awoodda u leh.


Qodobka 46Ku haynata Qofka Xidhan Xabsiga


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1. Amarka dib loogu celinayo qofka xidhan xabsiga, ee uu soo saaro Garsoore awood u lihi ama Maxkamad awood u lihi, waxa ay eedaysanaha ka dhigi doontaa;

a) in lagu xidho xabsi ama meel kaleb) in la horkeeno Maxkamad horteed, si waafaqsan xaaladaha amarka.

Qodobka 47Mudada Xidhitaanka ka hor Bilawga Garqaadista Maxkamadda

1. Haddii aan Maxkamaddu ku amrin eedaysanaha si waafaqsan Qodobka 75 xarafkiisa b) xarafkiisa (i), eedaysanaha waa la sii daynayaa marka wakhtiga xidhitaanku dhamaato:

a) 90 maalmood, haddii dambigu noqdo awooda garsoor ee Waaxda Tashiga ama Waaxda Dambiyadaa Mirateriga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka, oo ciqaabtiisana sharcigu dhigayo dil ama xabsi daayin;

b) 60 maalmood, Dambiyada kale ee noqda awooda garsoor ee Waaxda Tashiga ama Waaxda Dambiyadda Maxkamadda Mirataniga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka;

c) 45 maalmood, dambiga noqdo awooda garsoor ee Waaxda Caadiga ah ee Maxkamadda Gobolka;

d) 15 maalmood, marka dambigu noqdo awooda garsoor ee Waaxda dambiyadda ee Maxkamadda Degmada,

oo ay soo saarto Maxkamadda Rafcaanku kadib marka uu codsi uga yimaado Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama mid ka mid ah Ku-xigeenadiisa, ayaa ogolaan kara muddada xidhitaanka in la kordhiyo wakhti aan ka badnaan karin mudada ugu badan ee xidhitaanka ku cad dambiyada kor ku xusan mid kastoo ka mid ah.

2. Mudada xabsigu ujeedo kasta oo ay leedahay waxa ay noqon doontaa mid ka bilaabanta maalinta qofka eedaysanaha ah la soo xidhay.

3. Until the date of the trial has been fixed, an accused in custody shall be brought before the Judge every seven days. In any case when this provision has been violated the judge shall, in accordance with Article 32, take action against the person responsible.

4. When releasing an accused person in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Judge may impose on the accused any conditions which he deems appropriate to ensure the appearance of the accused before the competent Court.



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a) the accused breaks any conditions imposed upon him, orb) there are grounds to believe that the accused has left a warrant for his

arrest shall be issued and thereafter the time-limit prescribed for custody shall begin to run again.

CHAPTER IISummons to Appear before a Court

Article 48Conditions for the Issuance of a Summons and Authorities

Empowered to issue it

1. A summons to appear before a Court shall be issued when there are grounds to believe that:

a) an offence has been committed;b) the accused committed the offence.

2. A summons to appear before the Court may only be issued by a competent Judge, in accordance with sub-paragraph b) 2) of Article 75. Such summons shall consist of an order, directed to an accused who is not in custody, to appear before the competent Court, at the time and in the place stated, to answer a specific charge.

Article 49Form of Summons

Every summons to appear before a Court shall be issued in duplicate and shall contain:

a) the name of the authority issuing it;b) the date on which the summons is issued;

3. Illamaa taariikhda la muddeeyey garmaqalka, eedaysanaha xabsiga ku xidhan waxa la horgayn doonaa Garsooraha todobadii maalmood ee walba hal mar, si kastaba ha u dhacdee marka lagu xadgudbo qaybtan Garsooruhu waxa uu si waafaqsan Qodobka 32 talaabo ku lid ah ka qaadayaa qofka ka masuulka ah.

4. Marka la sii daayo qofka eedaysanaha ah si waafaqsan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan Garsooruhu waxa uu eedaysanaha ku waajibinayaa qaab wal oo uu u arko in ay ku haboon tahay si uu u hubiyo in eedaysanaha la horgeeyo Maxkamad awood u leh.

Haddii:a) eedaysanuhu jabiyo dhammaan xaaladihii la saaray isaga, ama


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b) haddii ay jiraan sababo la rumaysan karo oo sheegaya in uu ka tagay ama se laga yaabo in uu ka tago dhulka wadanka,

Amarka xidhitaankiisa ayaa la soo saarayaa, dabadeetana isla markaa ka dib wakhtiga loo xadiday xidhitaankiisa ayaa la bilaabaya.

CUTUBKA IIYeedhitaanka Imaanshaha Maxkamadda horteeda

Qodobka 48Shuruudaha lagu soo Saarayo Yeedhmooyinka iyo Hay’adaha

Awoodda u leh soo Saaridooda

Yeedhmo lagu hortagayo Maxkamad horteed waxa la soo saarayaa marka ay jiraan sababo cadcad oo lagu rumaysto:

a) in dambi la galay;b) eedaysanuhuna uu galay.

yeedhitanadda lagu hor tagayo Maxkamadda waxa kaliya u soo saari kara Garsoore awood u leh, si waafaqsan Qodobka 75 farqadiisa 2 xarafka b), Yeedhitaanada sidan oo kale ah waxay ka koobnaanayaan codsi toos loogu farayo eedaysane aan ku jirin xabsi, si uu u hor tago Maxkamadda awoodda u leh, wakhtiga iyo goobta ku cad, si uu uga jawaabo eed gaar ah.

Qodobka 49Qaabka Yeedhitaanadda

Yeedhitaan oo kasta oo lagu hortgayo Maxkamad waxa uu ka koobnaanayaa laba xaashiyadood oo qoraal isku mid ahi ku qoran yahay, qoraalkaasi oo ah:

a) magaca iyo xilka cida soo saartay;b) taariikhda yeedhitaanka la soo saaray;

c) personal details of the accused, or any other indications by which he can be identified with reasonable certainty;

d) the essential facts constituting the offence for which the summons to appear has been issued;

e) the name of the Court before which the accused must appear, together with the time and place of appearance;

f) the signature of the authority issuing the summons and the seal of the Court.


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Article 50Obligation to furnish Information regarding Identification

1. A person against whom a summons to appear has been issued must provide full personal details of himself, together with his address, if so required by Police Officer.

2. A Police Officer may arrest without warrant any person who, having been lawfully requested to provide his personal details referred to in paragraph 1:

a) refuses to provide full personal details of himself, together with his address;

b) provides details which the Police Officer requesting them has grounds to believe to be false.

3. A person arrested in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be released from custody, by the person who arrested him or by any other competent authority, as soon as the correct personal details and address are known. If for any reason such person is not released, then such person shall be brought before a Judge in accordance with the provisions of Article 39.

Article 51Service Of Summons To Appear

1. A summons to appear shall be served by:a) a Police Officer;b) a Court Officer;c) any other person as the Court may direct.

2. Service of the summons shall be executed by delivering one of the duplicates of the summons to the accused who shall, if so required by the serving officer, sign a receipt for it on the back of the other duplicate. If the accused refuses to accept the summons or to sign a receipt for it, the officer serving the summons shall record the fact on the summons, which shall then be deemed to have been served.

c) astaamaha guud ee eedaysanaha, ama tilmaamo kale oo lagu aqoonsan karo oo si macquul ah loo hubo;

d) xaqiiqooyinka aasaasiga ah ee uu ka kooban yahay dambigu kaasi oo ah ka sababay in yeedhitaanka Maxkamadda horteeda in la soo saaro;

e) magaca Maxkamadda la rabo in eedaysanuhu uu hortago, oo ay weheliso wakhtiga iyo goobta hortagitaanku dhacayo;

f) saxeexa masuulka soo saaray yeedhitaanka iyo shaambadda Maxkamadda.

Qodobka 50


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Waajibaadka ah in lasoo Bandhigo Warka Cadaynta ah

1. Qofka ah ka loo diray Yeedhitaanka Maxkamadda horteeddu waa in uu u sheegaa marka uu su’aalo Sarkaalka Booliska ah ee u sida Yeedhitaanku tixraaciisa gaarka ah oo faahfaahsan oo uu ku jiro cinwaankiisu.

2. Sarkaalka Booliska ahi waxa uu ku fulin karaa isga oo aan wadan amar xidhitaan qof kasta oo si sharci ah looga codsaday in uu sheego tixtaaciisa gaarka ah oo faahfaahsan sida ku cad farqada 1:

a) diida in uu sheego faahfaahinta dhamaystiran ee astaamihiisa gaarka ah oo uu ku jiro cinwaankiisu;

b) sheega faahfaahin uu Sarkaalka Booliska ahi ka codsaday oo leh sababo lagu rumaysan karo in ay been tahay.

Qofka la xidhay si waafaqsan farqada hore waxa ka sii dayn doona xabsiga, qofkii soo xidhay isaga ama Maxkamad kastoo kale oo awood u leh, marka ugu horaysa ee la sugo faahfahinta tixraaca iyo cinwaanka. Haddii sabab kasta oo sidan ah lagu sii dayn waayo qofka, markaasi waxa qofka la horgaynayaa Garsooraha si waafqsan qayabaha Qodobka 39.

Qodobka 51Hawlaha Dalabka Yeedhitaanka Maxkamadeed

1. Yeedhitaan Maxkamadeed waxa qaadi kara:a) Sarkaal Boolis ah;b) Sarkaal Maxkamadeed;c) qof kasta oo kale oo ay Maxkamaddu u dirto.

2. Shaqadda Yeedhitaanka Maxkamadeed waxa ay ku fulayaan marka labada xaashiyood ee uu ka kooban yahay la qaado ee loo geeyo eedaysanaha kaasi oo, haddii uu uga baahdo Sarkaalka u siday, oo saxeexi doona dhabarka nuqulka kale. Haddii eedaysanuhu diido in uu aqbalo Yeedhitaanada ama in uu saxeexo in ay soo gaadheen yeedhitaanadu, Sarkaalka siday yeedhmadu waxa uu ku diiwaan galin doonaa xaqiiqada yeedhmooyinka dushooda, taasi ayaana dabadeed loo tixgalinayaa in hawshaasi la dhamaystiray.

3. If, despite the exercise of due diligence, the accused cannot be found, the summons shall be served by leaving one of the duplicates for delivery to the accused with:

a) a member of his family,b) an employee who lives in his house, orc) his employer.


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Whoever accepts the summons shall, at the request of the officer serving it, sign his name on the back of the other duplicate. Under no circumstances can a summons be delivered in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph to a person who:

i) is less than 14 years of age;ii) is clearly of unsound mind;iii) is clearly in a state of drunkenness;iv) is an injured party in the case.

4. if, despite the exercise of due diligence, it is not possible to serve the summons in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 and 3 of this Article, the summons shall be served by affixing one of the duplicates to some conspicuous part of the house or place in which the accused ordinarily resides.

5. If the accused is in the active service of the Government or other public body, the summons may be sent for service to the head of the office in which the accused is employed. The head of the office shall cause the summons to be served in the manner provided in paragraph 2 of this Article, and shall cause one of the duplicates to be returned to the issuing authority.

6. When the accused is outside the territorial jurisdiction of the competent Court, the summons shall be sent to the Court within whose territorial jurisdiction the person to be summoned is to be sound for service in accordance with this Article.

CHAPTER IIIMiscellaneous Measures


Article 52Search and seizure

Search and seizure, whether with or without a warrant, shall be undertaken in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the law.

2. Haddii, xataa hawlo ay sabab u tahay feejigo daro, eedaysanaha lagu soo heli waayo, yeedhitaanka waxa labadiisa nuqul midkood loo dhiibi doonaa si ay ugu gudbiyaan eedaysanaha:

a) qof xubin ka ah qoyska eedaysanaha;b) shaqaale ku nool guriga eedaysanaha;c) shaqaale u shaqeeya eedaysana.


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Midkasta oo ka aqbala yeedhitaanka Maxkamadda, Sarkaalka sida, waxa uu magaciisa ku saxeexi doonaa nuqulka uu qaatay maahee ka kale dhabarkiisa. Duruufo kasta oo jira sinaba looguma diri karo yeedhitaan qofka ay:

i) da’diisu ka yar tahay 14 sanadood;ii) ay cadahay in maskaxdiisu aanay dhamayn;iii) ay cadahay in uu sakhraan yahay;iv) uu yahay dhinaca dhibanaha ka ah dacwadda.

4. Haddii, xataa ay jirtay sabab feejigo daro, maaha suurtagal in loo qaado yeedhitaanka si waafaqsan farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobkan, yeedhitaanka mid waxa loo dhiibayaa dadka macruufka ah ee jooga guriga ama goobta eedaysanahu caadi ahaan u dagan yahay.

5. Haddii eedaysanuhu yahay xubin firfircoon oo ka mida dawladda ama hayadaha kale ee bulshada, yeedhitaanka waxa loo dirayaa madaxa Xafiiska uu eedaysanuhu ka shaqeeyo, madaxa xafiisku waxa uu yeedhitaanka u gudbin doona sida ay dhigayaan farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobkan, yeedhitaanka nuskhada eedaysaha loo diray mooyee ta kale lagu celinayaa maamulkii soo saaray.

6. Marka eedaysanuhu aanu ku sugnayan gudaha xuduudaha awooda garsoor ee Maxkamadda awoodda u leh, yeedhitaanada waxa loo diryaa Maxkamadda ah ta xuduudaha awoodeeda garsoor laga dhex helayo ruuxa yeedhitaanku ku socdo si loogu geeyo oo waafaqasanaanaysa Qodobkan.



Qodobka 52Baadhid iyo Xayiraad

Fatashaad iyo xayiraadi, haddii ay leeyihiin iyo haddii aanay lahayn amar Maxkamadeed waxa lagu samayn karaa oo kali ah xaaladaha uu tilmaamay.

Article 53Issue of Warrant of Search and seizure

A search warrant, or a warrant of seizure, may only be issued by:a) a competent Judge, up to the time of commencement of proceedings by

a Court of first instance;


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b) the President of the competent Court at any other stage of the proceedings.

Article 54Form of Warrant of Search and Seizure

Every warrant of search or seizure shall be issued in duplicate and shall contain:

a) the name of the issuing authority;b) the date on which the warrant is issued;c) reasons for the issue of the warrant;d) personal details of the person to be searched or wanted or, if these are

not known, any nicknames or other indications by which he can be identified;

e) details and whereabouts of the place or object to be searched;f) a description of the object to be seized and of any person with control

over possession of such object;g) the signature of the authority issuing the warrant, and the seal of the


Article 55Cases in which Warrants to Search or seize may be issued

1. A search warrant may be issued:a) when there are grounds to believe that:

i) an object pertinent to an offence may be found on some specified person, or on or in some specified place or object;

ii) on search of some specified place, a person to be arrested may be found therein;

iii) on search of some specified place, a person unlawfully detained may be found therein;

b) when it is necessary to search any specified person, place or thing, for the purpose of finding any material evidence which may have a bearing on the offence.

Qodobka 53Soo Saarida Amarka Fatashaad iyo Xayiraad

1. Amar fatashaad ama xayiraad ah waxa kali ah oo soo saari kara:a) Garsoore awood u leh ilaa iyo xiliga garmaqaladu ka bilaabmaan

Maxkamad marxaladda koowad;


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b) Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda awoodda u leh marxalad kasta oo kale oo ay garmaqaladu marayaan.

Qodobka 54Qaabka Amarka Fatashaada ama Xayiraada ah

Markasta waxa uu amarka fatashaada ama xayiraadu ku soo bixi karaa laba nuqul oo ka koobma:

a) magaca maamulka soo saaray;b) taariikhda uu soo baxay amarka;c) sababta loo soo saaray amarka;d) faahfaahinta astaamaha gaarka ah ee qofka la baadhayo ama ka la

xayirayo, haddi aan la garanyn naanays kasta ama tilimaamo lagu garan karo.

e) nooca shayga la xayirayo iyo ruuxa maamula ee leh mulkiga shaygaasi;f) sharaxadacida la qabanyo iyo qof kastoo kale oo hoos taga aqooda ay

cidaasi iska leedahay.g) sexeexa masuulka soo saaray iyo shaambada Maxkamadda .

Qodobka 55Xaaladaha lagu soo saari karo Amarka fatashaadah ama xayiraad ah.

1. Amarka baadhitan ama xayiraada waxa lagu soo saari karaa:a) Marka ay jiraan sababo lagu ramaysan karo:

i) shayga ku lug leh dambi oo ay suurta gasho in laga helo ruux si gaar ah loo hubo ama meelo si gaar ah loo hubo;

ii) labaadhayo meel si gaar ah loo hubo, oo laga yaabo in gudaheeda laga soo helo ruuxa la xidhayo;

iii) la baadhayo meel si gaar ah loo hubo, in gudaheeda laga soo helo ruuxa sharci darada lagu soo xidhay.

b) marka ay daruuri tahay baadhda qof la tilmaamay, goob ama shay, iyadoo ay muhiimaddu tahay helitaanka wax walxo cadaymo ah oo uu ka muuqan karo dambigu.

2. A warrant of seizure may be issued when there are grounds to believe that a certain object pertinent to an offence may be found and seized.

3. Any object, which is pertinent to an offence and is found during a search, may be seized on the strength of a search warrant, when the person who has control over


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or possession of the object to be seized refuses to deliver it. The warrant of seizure shall be deemed to include the power to search, to the extent necessary to fulfil the execution of the warrant of seizure.

Article 56Execution of warrants of Search and of Seizure

1. A warrant of search or of seizure may not be executed in a private dwelling house between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m.Unless:

a) there is some urgent necessity for its execution; or b) the issuing authority has authorized its execution at any hour.

2. One of the duplicates of the warrant shall be given to the person to be searched for to the person in charge of the place or object to be searched or seized.

Article 57Other Rules to be observed in Search and Seizure

1. The person making the search or seizure may:a) use reasonable force to carry out the search or seizure if resistance or

refusal to allow the search or seizure is offered;b) search any person present in the place being searched, if there are

grounds to believe that such person is concealing an object pertinent to the offence.

2. Any person subject to search, or any person in charge of a place subject to search or of an object subject to search or seizure, shall afford all reasonable facilities for the execution of such search or seizure.

3. In carrying out the search of a person:a) decency shall be fully observed, andb) the search of a woman shall only be undertaken by a woman.

2. Amarka xayiraada Maxkamadda waxa la soo saari karaa marka ay jiraan sababo aasaasi ah oo la rumaysan karo in ay cida dambiga ku kacday la heli karo lana soo qaban karo.


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3. Shaykasta oo ku kaca dambi oo la helo xiliga baadhitaanka, waxa toos loogu qabanayaa amarka baadhitanka. Marka qofka ah ka leh masuuliyada shayga ama mulkiga shay la qabanayo cida diida oo bixin wayda. Amarka qabashadu waxa loo qaadanayaa in uu la socdo awooda amarka fatashaada, oo baahida jirta si loo xil tiro fulinta amarka qabashad loo fidiyey.

Qodobka 56Fulinta Amarka Baadhista iyo xayiraada

Amarka baadhitaanka iyo ka xayiraada laguna fulin doono guri gaara ah oo la dagan yahay saacadaha u dhexeeya 6 p. m. ilaa 7 a. m. haddii aan:

a) aanay jirin baahi daruuri ah oo loo fuliyaa, ama.b) masuulka bixiyay uu u leeyahay awood in uu fuliyo saacadii la doonaba.

Labada nuskhadood ee amarka waxa midkeed la siin doonaa qofka la baadhayo ama qofka masuulka ka ah goobta ama cida la baadhayo ama la xayirayo.

Qodabka 57Xeerar kale oo la Kormeeri doono marka lagu jiro

Fatashaada ama Xayiraada

1. Qofka fulinaya baadhitaanka ama xayiraad waxa uu:a) isticmaali doonaa xoogga caqligalka ah si uu u fuliyo baadhitaanka

ama xayiraada haddi cadaadis ama diidmo lagala horyimaado fulinta baadhitaanka ama xayiraada;

b) waxa la baadhayaa qof kasta oo xaadir ku ah meesha la baadhayo, haddii ay jiraan asbaabo lagu rumaysan karo in uu ruuxaasi qarinayo shaygii lagu galay dambiga.

2. Qofkasta oo ay ku soctay baadhi ama qof kasta kale oo masuul ka ahaa

goobta la baadhayo walaxda baadhtaanku ku socdo ama la gaqbanyo waxa lagu isticmaalayaa dhamaan awoodda iyo xeelad wal oo lagu fulinayo baadhitaankaasi ama xayiraadaasi.

3. Marka la fulinayo baadhitaanka (fatashaada) qof:a) waa in si daacadnimo leh oo dhamays tiran loo gutaa;b) baadhitaanka ruux dumar ah kaliya waxa samayn karta ruux dumar ah


4. If a woman is in charge of the place to be searched, or of the object to be searched or seized, and such woman does not, according to custom, appear in public,


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such woman shall be given every reasonable opportunity to retire to a suitable place or to cover herself adequately.

5. No papers or documents which are in the custody of Counsel or technical consultants in connection with the performance of their duties shall be seized, unless such papers or documents are the subject, instrument or fruit of the offence.

Article 58Search and Seizure without Warrant – Confirmation by the Judge

1. A Police Officer in charge of investigations in accordance with Article 24 may undertake a search or seizure, without warrant, in case of urgent necessity, when ere are grounds to believe that during the time required to obtain such warrant:

a) material evidence may be destroyed or altered;b) the wanted person may abscond.

2. A Police officer who has undertaken a search or seizure without warrant shall forthwith so inform the competent Judge or a Judge of the Court nearest to where the search or seizure took place, and also the Office of the Attorney General, stating:

a) the reasons necessitating, andb) the results ofc) such search or seizure.

3. If such search or seizure without warrant is not confirmed by a Judge within 8 days, such search and seizure shall be deemed to have been unauthorized and shall be null and void.

4. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of article 32 and of paragraph 7 of Article 39 shall be observed in regard to searches or seizures undertaken without a warrant.

4. Haddii haweenay ay masuul ka tahay goobta ama shayga la baadhayo ama la xayirayo, oo haweenaydanina aanay, marka loo eego dhaqanka, u soo baxayn dibada


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ugu soo baxayn dadka, haweenayda caynkaasi ah waxa la siin doonaa fursad kasta oo macquul ah oo ay isugu asturto goob ku haboon oo ay isku qarin karto.

5. Lama qaban karo wax qoraal ah ama dhukumanti ah oo yaala gudaha goobta Qareenka ama la taliyaha farsamo kuwaasi oo xidhiidh la leh jiritaanka walxaha la qabanayo, haddii aanay waraaqahaasi ama dhukumentigaasi aanay ahayn, walaxahii ama midhihii dambiga.

Qodobka 58Baadhitaan iyo Xayiraad aan Amar Sharci Lahayn – Hubinta Garsooraha

1. Sarkaalka Booliska ee ka masuulka ah baadhitaanka waafaqsan Qodobka 24 waxa uu samayn karaa baadidoon ama xayiraad, isaga oo aan wadanin amar Maxkamadeed, haddii ay jirto baahi degdeg ah, ama marka ay jiraan sababo lagu rumaysan karo in marka lagu gudo jirowakhtigii loo baahnaa in la helo amarka Maxkadeed oo ah baadhitaan ama xayiraad:

a) walxaha marag muujinta ah ay suurtowdo inla baabi’iyo ama la tirtiro;b) qofka la baadi goobayaa uu ku fakanayo.

2. Sarkaal Booliska ah ee fulinaya baadhitaanka ama xayiraada ee aan wadanin amar Maxkamadeed waxa uu sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ugu wargalinayaa Garsooraha awooda u leh ama Garsooraha Maxkamadda ugu dhaw meesha uu baadhitaanku ama xayiraadu ka dhacaysay, iyo sidoo kale Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, isagoo u cadaynaya:

a) sababaha ay lagama maarmaanka u noqotay, iyob) natiiijada ka soo baxday

baadhitaanka ama xayiraada caynkaasi ah.

3. Haddii baadhitaaanka ama xayiraada caynkaasi ahi ee aan wadanin amar Maxkamadeed aan lala socdsiinin Garsoore mudo 8 maalmood gudahood ah, baadhitaankaasi ama xayiraadaasi wax loo qaadanayaa mid lagu fuliyay sharci daro oo noqanaysa mid qiime sharci aan lahayn.

4. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha Qodobka 32 iyo farqada 7 ee Qodobka 39 ayaa la raacayaa marka la samaynayo baadhitaan (fatashaad) ama xayiraad aan loo haysan amar Maxkamadeed.

Section II


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Article 59Bail

1. Release on bail shall mean:a) refraining from arresting an accused person against whom a warrant of

arrest has been issued, in the cases referred to in paragraph 2 a) of Article 60;

b) releasing a person who has been lawfully arrested.2. Release on bail may be granted:

a) subject to the execution of a bond:i) by the accused person, orii) by other person, oriii) by both the accused person and by other persons jointly, for the

specific purpose of ensuring the appearance of the accused in the competent Court;

b) subject to any other conditions which the Court may deem fit.3. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, bail shall not be granted in those

cases where the issue of a warrant of arrest is mandatory.

Article 60Grant of Bail

1. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, bail may only be granted:a) by a Judge before whom an arrested person has been brought, or

by a competent Judge up to time of commencement of proceedings in a Court of first instance;

b) By the President of a competent Court, at any other state of the proceedings.

2. In those cases for which bail is allowed, bail may be granted:a) by virtue of an order allowing bail contained in the warrant of

arrest, orb) at any later stage in the proceedings, in accordance with the

provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 59.


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Qodobka 59Damiin

1. Siidaynta damiinku waxa weeye:a) in uu ka waantoobo ruuxa eedaysanaha ah ee lagu xidhay Awood

Qabasho Maxkamadeed iyadoo loo tixraacay farqada 2 (a) ee Qodobka 60;

b) siidayn ruuxa ahaa mid si sharci u xidhan

2. Sii dayn damaanadeed waxa lagu bixin karaaa) marka ay tahay mid ku meel marta damaanad

i) ruuxa eedaysanaha ah, amaii) dad kale, amaiii) labada dhinacba ruuxa eedaysanaha ah iyo dad ka kale wadajir

ahaan, muhiimad gaar ah awgeed iyo lagu hubo inuu ku hortagayo ruuxa eedaysanaha ah Maxkamadda awooda u leh.

b) iyo xaalad kasta oo kale oo ay Maxkamad u rumaysato inay ku haboon tahay.

3. Marka laga reebo marka Xeerkani si kale u jideeyo, damiinka laguma bixin doono xaaladaha uu yahay amarka xidhitaanka Maxkamadu mid leh awood fulineed.

Qodobka 60Bixinta Damiinka

1. Haddii aanu Xeerkani si kale u jidayn, damiinka waxa bixin kara oo kali ah:a) Garsooraha la hor keenay ruuxa xidhan, ama Garsoore awood u leh

ilaa iyo xiliga bilaabashada garmaqalada Maxkamadda ee marxalada hore;

b) Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda awood u leh garmaqalada marxalad kasta oo kale.

2. Xaaladahaasi ah kuwii damiinka lagu ogolaaday, damiinka waxa la heli kara:a) dhawrsanaanta amarka ogolaanshaha ee ka kooban amarka

xidhitaanka, ama b) marxalad kasta oo hadhay garmaqalada si waafaqsan qaybaha

farqada 2 Qodobka 59.


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Article 61Type and Amount of the Bond

1. A bond shall consist of an amount of money which the guarantor, in accordance with the directions of the Court granting the bail, shall;

a) deposit with the Court, orb) guarantee to pay if any of the conditions of the bail are broken.

2. On granting bail, a Court shall determine:a) the number and the financial position of the guarantors;b) the amount of the bond;c) whether the amount:

i) shall be deposited in Court, orii) shall be paid in cases of violation of the obligations relating to

the bail.

The amount of the bond shall be fixed with due regard to the circumstances of the parties concerned, and shall not be excessive.

Article 62Release Dependent Upon Fulfillment Of Conditions

1. A person shall only be released on bail provided the conditions laid down in regard to the bond have been fulfilled.

2. Where the warrant of arrest contains an order allowing bail, the person executing the warrant shall refrain from arresting the accused or shall release him and shall not bring him before a Court, in accordance with Article 45, provided the conditions relating to the bond are fulfilled in time.

Article 63Revocation of Bail

1. The Court competent to grant bail, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 60, may order the revocation of the bail and may issue a warrant of arrest against the accused if:

a) the accused breaks any of the conditions imposed upon him;b) there are grounds to believe that the accused has left, or is about to

leave the territory of the State.


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Qodobka 61Nooca iyo Xadiga Damaanada

1. Damaanadu waxa ay ka koobnaan doontaa xaddi lacageedka damiintaha, oo waafaqa tilmaamaha/shuruudaha Maxkamadda bixisay damiinka, marka:

a) deebaajiga la dhigo Maxkamadda, amab) la sameeyo balanqaad ah in la bixinayo haddiiba in uun wax

shuruudahii damiinku ahi jabaan. 2. Balanqaadka damiinka Maxkamaddu waxay ka go’aan qaadanaysaa;

a) tirada iyo awooda dhaqaale ee damiintaha;b) cadadka damaanadda;c) in cadadka:

i) deebajiga ah la dhigay Maxkamadda, ama ii) in la bixin doono xaaladaha la jabiyo waajibaadkii la xidhiidhay

damaanada.Cadadka dabarka damaanada waxa lagu sargoynayaa duruufaha la xidhiidha ee munaasibka ku ah dhinacyada ay khusayso, oo aan ahayn mid xad dhaaf ah.

Qodobka 62Siidaynta ku timaada marka la Buuxiyo Shuruudaha

1. Ruuxa waxa lagu sii dayn karaa oo kali ah damiin ku soo baxay shuruudaha loo jideeyay ee la xidhiidha oofinta damaanadda.

2. Marka uu amarka qabashadu ka kooban yahay amar ogolaanaya damiin, ruuxa fulinaya amarka Maxkamadu wuxuu ka waantoobi doonaa xidhista eedaysanaha ama wuu sii dayn doonaa isaga, mana horgayn doono Maxkamadda si waafaqsan Qodobka 45, ee sheegaya shuruudaha la xidhiidha dabarka damaanada in lagu oofiyo wakhtigii loo xadiday.

Qodobka 63Ka Noqoshada Damiinka

1. Maxkamadda awooda u leh bixinta damiinka, si waafqsan qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobka 60, waxay amri kartaa ka noqosho damiin waxayna soo saari kartaa amar xidhitaanka eedaysanaha ah haddii;

a) eedaysanuhu in uu jabiyo shuruudihii korkiisa la saaray;b) ay jiraan arrimo aasaasi ah oo la rumaysan yahay inuu eedaysanuhu ka

tagay ama uu ka tegi rabo gayiga Qaranka.


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c) The amount of the bond:i) is not sufficient because of fraud, mistake or similar cause;ii) has subsequently become insufficient for any other reason.

d) any of the guarantors:i) applies, for any reasonable cause, to be released from the bond;ii) has died;iii) must leave, or there are grounds, to believe he has left, the

territory of the State.2. If bail has been revoked for any of the reasons stated in sub-paragraphs c)

and d) of the preceding paragraph, bail may be granted again to the accused.

3. A guarantor, who has requested to be released from a bond, shall only be so released after the accused has been arrested in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 64Forfeit of Bond Money

1. If any conditions of bail are broken, the Court granting the bail, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 60, may order that the sum deposited or guaranteed shall be paid over in whole or in part to the Treasury.

2. If a guarantor fails to pay, without reasonable justification, within the time-limit set by the Court the sum which the Court has ordered to be paid in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, proceedings shall be instituted against the guarantor for the recovery of the sum in conformity with the procedure applicable to the execution of civil judgements.


Article 65Search For Person Unlawfully Deprived Of Personal Liberty

A competent Judge, when he has grounds to believe that any person is deprived of his personal liberty and that such deprivation may constitute an offence, may issue a search warrant in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 55.


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c) Caddadka damaanadu;i) aanu ku filnayn oo ay u sabab tahay khiyaamo, qalad ama sabab la

mid ah;ii) ay isla markiiba noqotay mid aan ku filayn sabab kasta oo kale;

d) mid kasta oo ah damiintaha ahi:i) uu ku codsado, sabab kasta oo macquul ah, in laga sii daayo

damaanadii;ii) uu geeriyooda;iii) uu ka tagay, ama ay jiraan arrimo aasaasi ah oo lagu rumaysan karo

inuu ka tagayo geyiga Qaranka.

2. Haddii damaanada lagu tirtiro sababo kasta oo ku cad xarfaha c) iyo d) ee farqada hore, damaanadda waxa la siin karaa mar kale eedaysanaha.

3. Damiintahu, ah ka codsaday in laga sii daayo sharcigii damaanada, waxa kali ah oo laga sii dayn doonaa kadib marka eedaysanaha la xidho si waafaqsan farqada 1ee Qodobkan.

Qodobka 64Lacagta Ganaaxa ah ee Jabinta Sharciga

1. Haddii inuun shuruudihii damaanadda la jebiyo, Maxkamadda u bixisay damaanadu si waafaqsan farqada 1 ee Qodobka 60 waxa ay amri kartaa wadar curaar ama balanqaad ayay bixinayaan dhamaan ama qayb ahaan khasnada.

2. Haddii damiintuhu uu ku guuldaraysto inuu ku bixiyo, sabab cadayn ah oo aan caqli gal ahayn darteed, muddo ay xadido Maxkamaddu wadar ah ta ay Maxkamaddu amartay bixinteeda si waafaqsan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan garmaqalada lidka ku ah damiintaha ayaa la bilaabi doonaa si uu u soo celiyo wadarta waafaqsan habka lagu dabaqo fulintaanka xukunka rayidka.


Qodobka 65Baadhitaanka Dadka Sharci-daro looga Qaado Xuquuqdoodii

Shakhsiga ahayd

Garsooraha awoodda u lihi, marka uu hayo arrimo aasaasi ah oo la rumaysan karo in ruux uun looga xayuubiyay xoriyadiisii shaqsiga ahayd, ka xayuubintaasina uu ka dhalanayo dambi waxa uu soo saari karaa amar baadhitaan oo waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobka 55.


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for the purpose of finding such person. If any such person is found, the person undertaking the search shall immediately take such person before a Judge, who shall take such measures as may be necessary or desirable, taking into account the relevant circumstances.

Article 66Habeas Corpus

The Supreme Court, or the Court of Appeal within the limits of its own jurisdiction, may order that nay person held in arbitrary detention or in cases other than those provided bay law shall be set at liberty at once.

Article 67Order To Produce A Person

A Regional Court or District Court may order, when it considers it necessary, that any person who is found within the limits of its jurisdiction shall be brought before it to be dealt with accordance to law.


Article 68Rules to be Observed by a Judge Receiving a Confession

1. A Judge may receive a confession made to him at any time.

2. A Judge shall not receive a confession unless he is convinced, by examination of the person making it, that the confession is being made voluntarily.

3. The confession shall be:a) recorded in writing in full by the Judge;b) read over by the Judge to the person making the statement;c) signed by:

i) the person making the confession,ii) the Judge;


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muhiimada oo ah in la helo ruuxa. Haddii ruuxa caynkaasi ah la helo, qofka wada baadhitaanku waxa uu isla markiiba u qaadayaa qofkaasi Garsooraha hortiisa, kaasi oo eegaya qiimaynta sida ay daruuriga u tahay ama loo rabo, kuna xisaabtamaya duruufaha ku xeeran.

Qodobka 66Siidaynta Qofkii lagu xidho Amar xidhitaan oo aan Sax ahayn

Maxkamadda Sare, ama Maxkamadda Rafcaanka iyadoo ku eg xuduudaha awoodooda garsoor waxa ay qaraar ku soo saari karaan in qofkii lagu xidho go’aan xidhitaan oo aan sax ahayn ama xaalad kaleeto oo aan ahayn kuwa uu sheegay sharcigu waa in markiiba xoriyaddisii loo soo celiyaa.

Qodobka 67Amarka Horgaynta Qofka

Maxkamadda Gobolka ama, Maxkamadda Degmada ayaa amri karta, marka ay tixgeliso baahida jirta, in qof kasta oo lagu helo xuduudaha awoodooda garsoor la horkeeno Maxkamadda horteeda si loogu warsaysto hab qaanuunka waafaqsan.


Qodobka 68Xeerarka uu u Fiirsanayo Garsooruhu marka uu Helo Qiraal

1. Garsooruhu waxa soo gaadhi kara qiraalo loo samaynayo isaga xili kasta.

2. Garsooruhu ma soo gaadhi karaan qiraalo haddii aanu isagu ku qancin, jirabaada qofka soo gaadhsiinaya, in qiraalka uu u bixinayo tabaruc ahaan.

3. Qiraalku waa:a) Garsooruhu si dhamaystiran oo qoraal ah ayuu u diiwaan gelinayaa;b) waa inuu Garsooruhu u akhriyaa qofkii siday qiraalka;c) uu saxeexo:

i) qofkii bixiyay qiraalka,ii) Garsooraha;


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d) certified by the Judge, before he signs it, to have been recorded strictly in compliance with the provisions of this Article.

4. Non-compliance with the provisions of this Article shall make the confession null and void, and the Court may so declare on its own motion or on the request of one of the parties at any stage of the proceedings.


CHAPTER IResponsibilities of the Attorney General

Article 69Duties of the Attorney General

Except as otherwise provided by law, the Attorney General shall initiate penal proceedings against an accused person.

Article 70Responsibilities of the Attorney General before a Trial

1. On receiving a report of Police investigation in the manner laid down in paragraph 3 of Article 26, the Attorney General:

a) if he is satisfied that the evidence collected provides a prima facie case that an offence has been committed and that it was committed by the accused, shall:

i) frame a charge in accordance with the provisions of Article 71;ii) present such charge before the competent Court;iii) request the Court to fix a date for the trial and to take any other

necessary steps for purposes of trial, except in the cases laid down in the following paragraph;


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d) u cadeeyaa Garsooruhu, intaan saxeexu dhicin, in uu ugu xafidayo si adag dacwada dhexdeeda sida uu sugayo Qodobkani.

4. Ashkatonaba, qaybaha Qodobkani kama dhigayo qiraalkii mid aan lahayn qiime sharci, waana in Maxkamaddu sidaasi shaaca kaga qaadaa soo jeedinteeda amase codsi uga yimaada dhinacyada midkood marxalad kasta oo garmaqaladu ku jiraan.



CUTUBKA IMasuuliyaddaha Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

Qodobka 69Waajibaadka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sugin, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud wuxuu bilaabi doonaa gar maqaladda ciqaabta ee lidka ku ah qofka eedaysan

Qodobka 70Masuuliyadaha Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee ka hor Bilowga Maxlamadda

1. Markuu helo warbixinta baadhitaanada Booliska oo waafaqsan sida uu dhigayo farqadiisa 3 ee Qodobka 26 Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud:

a) haddii uu ku qanacsan yahay cadaymaha warka hore ee dacwadda dambigu in uu dhacay oo uu galay eedaysanahu, waxa uu markaasi:i) qaabayn eeda si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 71;ii) hor dhigi eedaasi maxakamad awood u leh horteedaiii) ka codsan Maxkamadda inay mudayso taariikhda horgaynta iyo

inay qaado tallaabooyin kasta oo lagama maarmaan u ah ujeedooyinka horgaynt, haddii aanay jirin xaaladaha uu jidaynaayo farqadan hoos ku qorani.


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b) if he is satisfied that the evidence collected does not provide a prima facie case an offence has been committed and that it was the accused who committed it, may;

i) order further investigations to be made, if he considers that such investigations will bring more evidence to light, or

ii) otherwise proceed to close the case in accordance with the provisions of Article 72.

2. When it is evident that:a) an offence was not committed;b) the offence was not committed by the accused;c) the author of the crime is not liable:

i) because, in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Penal Code, he was by reason of infirmity in a state of mind such as to preclude capacity of understanding and of volition;

ii) because, in accordance with the provisions of Article 59 of the Penal Code, he had not, at the time of committing the crime, attainted 14 years of age;

d) the offence has been extinguished:i) by the death of the accused, under Article 143 of the Penal Code;ii) by amnesty, in accordance with Article 144 of the Penal Code;iii) when, in accordance with Article 145 of the Penal Code, in case

of offences punishable on complaint of the injured party, the complaint has been withdrawn and the withdrawal has not been expressly rejected under the terms of Article 87 of the Penal Code, or the injured party has died;

iv) by the compounding of a contravention under the terms of Article 146 of the Penal Code;

e) proceedings cannot be instituted against the accused:i) because, in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the

Penal Code, the offence concerned is one that may only be punishable upon complaint of an injured party and no such complaint has been made;


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b) haddii uu isagu ku qanco in marag muujintaasi la soo ururiyay aanay sheegaynin warkii hore ee dacwada in dambi la galay iyo in dambigaasi uu yahay eedaysanaha ka galay, waxa suurtowda:

i) in uu amar ku bixiyo baadhitaano dheeraad ah in la sameeyo, hadduu isagu filayo in baadhitaanadaasi ay keeni doonaan cadaymo badan oo leh iftiimin, ama

ii) haddii kale waxa uu u gudbayaa in uu soo oodo dacwada si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 72.

2. Marka ay cadahay in:a) aan dambi la gelin;b) dambigana aanu gelin eedaysanuhu;c) ruuxa ah ka falay dambigu aanu ahayn masuul;

i) maxaa yeelay si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 50 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, isagu waxa uu ahaa iyadoo ay ugu wacan tahay caafimaad daro duruufo xaga maskaxda ah taasoo ka qaaday karaankii garashada iyo kala doorashada;

ii) sababtoo ah, si waafaqsan Qodobka 59 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, muu ahayn isagu, xilliga uu galay dambiga, mid da’diisu gaadhay 14 sanadood.

d) dambiga waxa meesha ka saarayi) eedaysanaha oo geeriyooday si waafaqsan Qodobka 143 ee

Xeerka Ciqaabta;ii) cafis, waafaqsan Qodobka 144;iii) marka si waafaqsan Qodobka 145 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, xaalada

dambiyada ciqaabtoodu ay ku timaado ashkatada dhinaca dhibanaha ka timaada, ashkatada oo la laalay iyo laalitaankaas oo aan lagu diidin si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 87 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, ama dhinicii dhibanaha ahaa uu dhintay;

iii) isugu jirta khilaafyo hoos imanaya Qodobka 146 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta;

e) Garmaqalada laguma oogi karo eedaysanaha:i) sababtoo ah, si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 81 ee Xeerka

Ciqaabta, dambiga taagani uu yahay mid laga yaabo kaliya lagu ciqaab muto ashkato ka timaada dhinaca dhibanaha, oo aan ashkatada caynkaasi ahna la samaynin;


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ii) because, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 13 of this Code, he has, on the same facts, been finally convicted or acquitted, or orders for the case not to be proceeded with have been lawfully given;

iii) because, under the terms of paragraph 5 of Article 13 of this Code, the necessary authorization to prosecute was not granted or was denied;

iv) because, in accordance with the provisions of Article 73 of this Code, penal action could not be initiated because of the expiration of the time limits laid down in the aforesaid article;

then the Attorney General , stating his reasons therefor and producing necessary evidence thereof, shall request the competent Court to order that proceedings be terminated and any other necessary steps be taken.

Article 71Form of Charge

1. A charge shall be in duplicate and shall contain:a) the name of the authority making the charge;b) the date on which it is made;c) the personal details of the accused or, if these are not know, other

indications by which he can be identified with reasonable certainty;d) the offence charged, together with a plain, concise statement of the acts

constituting the offence, including the time and place of the commission of the offence, and the person against who, or the thing in respect of which, the offence was committed;

e) the law, and the articles of the law, against which the offence is said to have been committed;

f) a statement of the aggravating circumstances, except for recidivism, and of circumstances which may warrant the application of security measures, with the indication f the articles of the law relating thereto;

g) the personal details of the injured party and of the person who appears to be acquainted with the circumstances of the offence;

h) the indication of whether the accused is held in custody;


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ii) sababtoo ah, si waafqsan farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13 ee Xeerkan, isagu wuxuu, xaqiiqo isku mid ah darteed, ayaa kama dambaystii lagu xukumay ama dambi lagu waayay, ama in dacwada la sii wado ayaa si sharci ah loo diiday;

iii) sababtoo ah, sid ay dhigayso farqada 5 ee Qodobka 13 ee Xeerkan, awoodii lagama maarmaanka u ahayd oogitaanka, ayaan la bixin ama la diiday;

iv) sababtoo ah, si waafqsan qaybaha Qodobka 73 ee Xeerkan, tallaabo ciqaabeed lama bilaabi karaynin sababtoo ah dhaqanka bixii mudaynta uu dajiyay Qodobka hore aynu u soo sheegnay;

kadib Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, wuxuu cadayn doonaa sababihiisa sidaa darteed wuxuu soo saari doonaa cadaymaha lagama maarmaanka u ah halkaasi, wuxuu ka codsan doonaa Maxkamadda awooda u leh inay amar ku bixiso in garmaqaladaasi la tirtiro, iyo tallaabo kasta oo kale oo lagama maarmaan ah in ay qaado

Qodobka 71Qaabka Xukunka

1. Xukun wuxuu noqonayaa laba nuqul oo isku mid ah oo ay ku qoran yihiin;a) magaca awooda samaysay xukunka;b) taariikhda la soo saarayc) astaamaha guud ee shaqsiga eedaysanaha ah, haddii aanse kuwaasi la

aqoonsan, tilmaanta kale oo ah ta lagu garan karo ee ay sabab cuntamaysa oo hubantiyi ay weheliso;

d) dambiga la xukumay, maca dacwadii, tibaax kooban oo ah falkii uu ka koobnaa dambigu oo ay ku jiraan wakhtigii iyo goobtii uu ka dhacay, iyo ruuxa dhibanaha ku noqday ama shayga dhibanaha ku noqday kaasi, oo ah ka dambiga lagu galay.

e) Sharciga, iyo Qodobada xeerka ah ee lidka ku ah dambiga la sheegay inuu dhacay.

f) Tibaax ah duruufaha qalafsan, marka laga reebo caadaysta dambiga, iyo duruufo ahaayeen qaar amarka Maxkamadda codsigiisa ay keliftay sababo xaga nabadgelyada ah, oo ay la socdaan cadaynta Qodobada xeerka ah ee la xidhiidha taasi.

g) Astaamaha guud ee shaqsiga dhinaca dhaawacu soo gaadhay iyo ruuxa loo arko in uu noqday bilaa dembi marka loo eego xaaladaha duruufihii dembiga;

h) cadaynta in uu eedaysanaha lagu hayay xadhig ah xabsi;


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i) the signature of the authority who makes the charge, and the seal of the office.

2. When,a) the accused is charged with more than one offence:

i) the charges shall be consecutively numbered;ii) the provisions of sub-paragraphs d, e), f) and g) of the previous

paragraph shall apply to each charge;b) two or more persons are jointly charged:

i) the charge shall show the offence or offences with which each accused is charged;

ii) the provisions of sub-paragraphs c), d), e), f), apply in the case of each accused.

Article 72Closing of the Case

1. Whenever a decision regarding the closing of a case, as provided for by sub-paragraph b) ii) of paragraph 1 of Article 70 has not been taken by the Attorney General himself, such decision shall be confirmed by the Attorney General. For such purpose the authority which took the decision of closing the case shall forward a copy of the decision to the Attorney General who may call for the whole file concerning the case.

2. The Attorney General may, whenever he does not think it fit to confirm such decision, cancel it and order that:

a) proceedings be taken against the accused in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of Article 70, or

b) further investigation be made in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph b) I) of paragraph 1 of Article 70.

3. After confirmation by the Attorney General that a case shall be closed, in cases where confirmation is required, such decision to close the case shall be:

a) sent to the competent Court which shall take the measures provided for in Article 76; and

b) notified to the accused.4. Apart form the cases provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article and where no

cause for the extinction of the offence has occurred, the Attorney General may cancel the decision to close the case when fresh evidence has been received and such fresh


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i) saxeexa masuulka sameeyay xukunka iyo shaambada xafiiska.

2. Markii,a) eedaysanaha lagu xukumay in ka badan hal dembi,

i) xukunada si isku xigta ayaa loo lambarin;ii) qaybaha xarfaha a), e), f), iyo g) ee farqada hore, ayaa lagu

dabaqayaa xukun kasta;

b) laba ama in ka badan oo dad ah waxa wada jir loogu xukumayaa;i) xukunku waxaa lagu arki dambiga ama dambiyada oo ay ku jirto

mid kastoo xukunka ku eedaysan.ii) qaybaha xarfaha c), d), e), f), g), iyo h) ee farqada hore ayaa lagu

dabaqayaa dacwada eedaysane kasta.

Qodobka 72Dhamaadka Dacwadda

1. Mar kasta oo go’aan la xidhiidha gebagebaynta dacwada sida uu dhigayo xarafka b) ii) ee farqada 1 ee Qodobka 70 aan la ogaysiin Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud laftiisa, gebagebayntaasi waxa loo cadaynayaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud. Ujeedadaasi darteed masuuliyadii soo saartay go’aanka xidhitaanka dacwadda waxa loo gayn doonaa nuqulka go’aanka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud oo dalban kara in loo keeno dhamaan galka khuseeya dacwadda.

2. Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud markii uu filoba in aanay dhamays tirayn soo wargelintii cadaynta go’aankan, wuu tirtirayaa waxaanu amrayaa;

a) in la bilaabo garmaqalo lid ku ah eedaysanaha sida waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka a) farqada 1 Qodobka 70, ama;

b) baadhis dheeraad ah ayaa la samayn doonaa oo waafaqsan xarafka b) i) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 70.

3. Marka uu sugo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud in aan dacwadda la xidhi doonin, xaaladaha sugitaanka loo baahdo go’aankan ah in la xidho dacwaddu waxa;

a) loo diri Maxkamadda awoodda u leh taasi oo samayn doonta qiimaynta uu dhigayo Qodobka 76; iyo;

b) loo cadeeyo eedaysanaha.

4. Qayb ka ah xaaladaha uu dhigayo farqada 2) ee Qodobkani iyo halkii kale ee aanay jirin sababtii dhamaadka dambiga dhacay, Xeer Ilaalliyaha Guud ayaa tirtiri kara go’aanka lagu oodayo dacwada marka cadayn cusubi soo gaadho iyo haddii


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evidence, by itself or in conjunction with the previous evidence makes it clear that an offence was committed and that it was the accused who committed it.

Article 73Time-Limits For The Commencement Of Criminal Proceedings

1. For the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise, criminal proceedings shall be considered to have commenced against a person as soon as that person becomes an accused under the terms of paragraph 1 of Article 13.

2. Criminal proceedings:a) may be commenced at any time in cases in which the issue of a warrant

of arrest is mandatory, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 42;

b) shall not be commenced in any other case, subject to the provisions of the following paragraph, after the expiry of the following time-limits from the date of offence:

i) 6 years, in the case of offences for which the maximum punishment is more than 5 years;

ii) 4 years, in the case of offence for which the maximum punishment is more than 3 years;

iii) 2 years, in the case of offences for which the maximum punishment is not more than 3 years;

iv) 6 months, in the case of offences punishable with fine only.

3. The time-limits prescribed in sub-paragraph b) of the preceding paragraph shall begin from:

a) the day of the commission of the offence, in the case of offences described in Article 16 of the Penal Code as “Offences Committed”.

b) the day on which the act or omission on the part of the offender has ceased in the case of attempted offences;

c) from the day on which the offender ceased committing the offence in the case of permanent or continuing offences,

provided that, in the case of offences committed by public officers in the course of their duty, the time-limit shall begin from the day of the termination of their service in such capacity.


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cadayntu cusub , iyada lafteedu ama ay ku xidhiidhsan tahay cadayn hore, ay si cad u muujinayso in dambi la galay oo uu yahay eedaysanahuna kii galay dambigaasi.

Qodobka 73Mudaynta Bilaabida Garmaqalada Dambiyada

1. Sida uu qabo Xeerkani, haddii aanu qoraalkani u cadayn si kale, garmaqalada dambiyada waxa loo tixgalin doonaa in ku bilaabmo oo lid ku noqdo qofka marka ugu horaysa ee ruuxaasi noqdo eedaysane sida uu jideeyay faraqada 1 ee Qodobka 13.

2. Garmaqalada dambiyada:a) waay bilaabmi karaan wakhti kasta marka ay jiraan xaaladaha lagu soo

saaray amarka xidhiaanka khasabka ah, si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobka 42.

b) xaalda kasta oo kale lama biaabi doono, ay jiraan qaybaha farqadan hoos ku qoran, kadib marka ay dhaqan ka bax noqdaan xadidaadaha wakhtiga hoos ku qoran oo ka bilaabanaya taariikhda dambiga:

i) 6 sanadood, xaalada dambiyada ay ciqaabtoodu ugu weyni ay ka badan tahay 5 sanadood;

ii) 4 sanadood, xaalada dambiyada ah kuwa ay ciqaabtooda ugu wayni ay ka bdan tahay 3 sanadood;

iii) 2 sanadood, xaalada dambyada ah kuwa ay ciqabtoodu ugu wayni aanay ka badnayn 3 sanadood

iv) 6 bilood, marka ay jirto xaalada dambiyada ay ciqaabtoodu ay tahay ganaax kaliya.

3. Xadidaada wakhiyada ku xusan xarafka b) ee farqada hore waxay ku bilaabmi doona:

a) maalinta uu dhacay dambigu, marka ay jirto xaalada dambiyada ku xusan Qodobka 16 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta “dambiyada la galay”.

b) maalinta ah ta falka ama fal la’aanta uu ku kacay dhinaca dambiilaha xaalada jirta dambiyada joogtada ah ama kuwa socda haddii ay jirto, xaalada dambiyada ay galaan saraakiisha dawladu iyagoo gudanaya shaqooyinkooda, xadidaada wakhtigu waxay bilaabmi doontaa maalinta laga saaro shaqooyinkii ay ku magacaabnaayeen.


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Article 74Authorization to Prosecute

No prosecution may be undertaken without the prior authorization of the Minister of Grace and Justice against:

a) i) any member of the Judiciary, including assessors;ii) the Magistrate of Accounts;iii) a Regional Governor;iv) a District Commissioner;v) a Chairman of a Local Council,

for offences committed in the exercise of their functions;b) any Police Officer, for offences committed in the course of duty and

relating to the use of weapons or other means of physical coercion.This provision shall apply to:

i) the person performing the act;ii) the person ordering the act;iii) any person who, when lawfully requested, has given

assistance in accordance with the provisions of Article 27.


Article 75Fixing Date Of Trial And Other Related Measures

The competent Judge, as soon as he has received the charge and the request to fix a date for hearing the case in accordance with sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of Article 70, shall;

a) fix the date for the hearing of the trial; b) issue:

i) the order to bring the accused before the Court, in accordance with the provisions of Article 79, if the accused is in custody;

the summons to appear before the Court, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 48 and 49, if the accused is not in custody,


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Qodobka 74Ogolaanshaha Dambiga Oogidda

Ma jirayso dambi oogid la samayn karo iyadoo aan marka hore laga haysan ogolaansho rasmi ah oo qoraal ah Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladda oo lid ku ah;

a) i) xubin kasta oo garsoorka ka mid ah, oo ay ku jiraan khabiirada qaanuunku;

ii) Kaaliyaha Sare (Magistrate Of Accounts); iii) Gudoomiyaha Gobol;

vi) Maamule Degmo v) Gudoomiyaha Dowladda Hoose;

dambiga ay galeen iyagoo ku guda jira shaqooyinkooda;

a) Sarkaal kasta oo Boolis ahi dambiyada uu ku galay shaqadiisa dhexdeeda la xidhiidha hub lagu isticmaalay ama habkale oo ciqaab xaga jidhka ah.

Qaybahan ayaa lagu isticmaalayaa;i) ruuxii galay falka;ii) ruuxii amray falka;iii) ruux kasta oo ah kii, marka si sharci ah looga codsaday gacan ku

siiyay si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 75

CUTUBKA IIMasuuliyaddaha Maxkamaddaha

Qodobka 75Mudaynta Taariikhda Maxkamaddu bilaabmayso iyo Talaabooyin

Kale oo la Xidhiidha

Garsooraha awoodda u leh marka ugu horaysa ee ay soo gaadho eedayntu lagana codsado in uu mudeeyo dhagaysiga dacwadda si waafaqsan xarfka a) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 70 waxa uu:

a) mudaynayaa dhagaysiga eeda;b) soo saaraya:

i) Amarayaa in la keeno eedaysanaha Maxkamadda horteeda, si waafaqasan qaybaha Qodobka79, haddii eedaysanuhu ku jiro xabsi;

ii) Dalabada yeedhitaanada ee lagu hor imanayo Maxkamadda , si waafaqasan qaybaha Qodobada 48 iyo 49, haddi aanu eedaysanuhu ku jirin xabsi,


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c) direct that the order to bring the accused before the Court or the summons to appear:

i) be notified to the accused, in accordance with the provisions of articles 79 and 51, with a copy of the charge attached;

ii) be communicated to the Attorney General by means of a copy;d) appoint a defence Counsel for the accused in the cases coming within

the provisions of sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, when the accused has not appointed his own defence Counsel, and direct that the appointment be communicated to the accused and the said defence Counsel;

e) issue summons, in accordance with Article 80, to:i) the injured party;ii) the witnesses indicated by the parties.

Article 76Procedures Relating To The Closing Of The Case Indicated By The Parties

The competent Judge, on receiving notice of a decision to close the case, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 72, shall:

c) if he accused is in custody, order his immediate release;d) if the accused is subject to some provisional security measures, in

accordance with the provisions of Article 78, immediately order the revocation of such measures;

e) if the accused is on bail, order:i) the cancellation of the conditions imposed by the bail under the

provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 59;ii) release the guarantors from their bonds and return to them any

deposit made by them with the Court, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of Article 61;

d) if the accused was released because of the expiration of the time-limits established for custody, order the cancellation of the conditions imposed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 47.


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c) wuxuu sheegayaa in amarka lagu hor keenayo eedaysanaha Maxkamadda ama yeedhitaanka Maxkamadda horteeda:

i) waxaa loo cadayn eedaysanaha, si waafaqasan qaybaha Qodobadda 79 iyo 51 oo ay la socoto nuqul ah eedii;

ii) waxa lala socodsiin doonaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud muhimadda nuqulka;

d) waxa la magacaabayaa Qareen Difaaca eedaysana markay jiraan xaaladaha ku yimaada qayabaha xarafka b) farqada 2 Qodobka 14 ee Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka, xiliga uu eedaysanahu aanu qabsan Qareen Difaaca isaga, waxnu xusayaa in magacaabida Qareenka Difaaca lala socodsiiyay eedaysanaha iyo Qareenka Difaaca laftiisaba;

e) waxa loo dirayaa warqadda yeedhitaanka, si waafaqasan Qodobka 80:i) dhinaca dhibanaha;ii) maragyadda ay dhinacyadu sheegtaan.

Qodobka 76Hababka la Xidhiidha Ooditaanka Dacwadda Marka ay Dalbadaan Dhinacyadu

Garsooraha awoodda u lihi, marka ay soo goodho ogaysiinta go’aanka oodista dacwadda, si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 3 ee Qodobka 72 waxa uu:

a) Haddii eedaysanuhu xabsi ku jiro, wxuu amarayaa in si degdeg ah loo sii daayo

b) Haddii eedaysanuhu oo ku sifaysan yahay talaabooyin la xidhiidha nabadgalyada awgood ah, oo waafaqasan qaybaha Qodobka 78, isla markiiba waxa uu amrayaa tirtioridda talaabooyinkaasi;

c) Haddii eedaysanuhu uu ku jiro, damaanad:i) baabiinta (tirtiridda) xaaladaha lagu waajibiyay damaanada lagu

bixiyay qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 59;ii) waa laga sii daynayaa ka wax damiintay shuruudaha waxana loo

soo celinayaa dhamaan deebaajiga (curaarta) iyaga la siiyay iyo Maxkamaddaba, si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka a) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 61;

d) Haddii eedaysanaha lagu sii daayo sabab la xidhiidha mudo dhaaf ah xiligii uu xabsiga ku jiray, waxa uu amarayaa

e) tirtiridda xaaladaha lagu waajibiyay, si waafaqasan farqada 4 ee Qodobka 47.


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Article 77Order for the Termination of Proceedings and related Measures

1. In the cases indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 70, the competent Judge, on request of the Attorney General or of the accused or on his own motion, shall:

a) order that the proceedings be terminated giving the reasons therefor;b) take the measures provided for in Article 76 and order, in the cases

provided for in the Penal Code, the application of security measures;c) direct that such order and related measures be:

i) notified to the accused, andii) communicated to the Attorney General by means of a copy.

2. In the cases indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 70, the order to close the case shall be equivalent to a judgement for the purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 13, provided that, even if it has become irrevocable, the order to close the case because of the death of the accused, or of lack of a complaint, or because the authorization to prosecute has not granted, shall be no bar to the institution of penal action on the same facts or against the same persons, if death was reported in error or if the complaint or the authorization to prosecute has subsequently been duly made or granted.

Article 78Provisional Application of Security Measures

In the cases indicated in Article 166 of the Penal Code, provisional application of security measures or revocation of such measures may be ordered by:

a) the competent Judge, up to the time of commencement of proceedings in a Court of first instance;

b) the competent Court, at any other state of the proceedings.

Article 79Order to bring the Accused before the Court

An order to bring the accused before the Court shall consist of an order, directed to the authority holding the accused in custody, that the accused shall be brought before the competent Court at the time and place stated, in order that such accused may answer a specific charge.


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Qodobka 77Amarka Tirtiridda Garmaqaladda iyo Qiimayno la xidhiidha

1. Xaaladaha ku xusan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 70, Garsooraha awoodda u lihi, ka dib marka uu codsado xeerr Ilaaliyaha ama eedaysanuhu ama ishagu doonistiisa ku doono, wax uu:

a) amaryaa in garmaqaladii la tirtiro isgii oo ilamarkaasi sheegaya sababahii;b) waxa uu samaynayaa qiimaynta uu sheegayo Qodobka 76 waxanu amri

xaaladaha uu dhigayo Xeerka Ciqaabta guud dhaqangalinta talaabooyin amaanka;

c) sugayaa in amarka noocan ah iyo qiimaynaha la xidhiidha loo:i) sheegay eedaysanihii, iyoii) lagula socodsiiyay xee ilaaliayaha guud ujeedada nuqulka.

2. Xaaladaha ku cad farqada 2 ee Qodobka 70, amarka ah in la oodo dacwadda waxa uu la u dhigmaa go’aanka sida ay tahay ujeedada farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13, oo sheegaysa marka, xataa haddii ay noqotay mid aan la badali karin, amarka in la xidho dacwadda sabab ah eedaysanaha oo geeriyooday, ama iyada oo aanay jirin mudici , ama ogolaanshihii oogitaanka ayaan loo haysan, ma jirayso wax xanibi kara in la dhaqaajiyo talaabo ciqaab ah oo salka ku haysa xaqiiqo la mid ah amase lid ku ah dad isku mid ah, haddii geeri loo soo wariyo si khalad ah amse haddii ashkato ama ogolaanshihii dambi oogida ayaa islamarkii xigtayba laga dhigay sidii la rabay ama loo bixiyay.

Qodobka 78Xeerarka Nabadgalyadd e Ku-meel-gaadh ahaan loogu Dhaqmayo

Xaalahada ku xusan Qodobka 166 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta guud, si ku meel gaadh ah waxa loogu dhaqmayaa xeerar nabadgalyo ama revocation ka xeerarkaasi waxa amri kara :

a) garsoore awood u leh, ilamaa xiliga la bilaabayo garmaqaladda Maxkamadda marxaladda koowaad;

b) Maxkamadda awoodda u led ee marxalad kastoo kasta garmaqaladu socodaan.

Qodobka 79Amarka ah in Eedaysanaha la Hor keeno Maxkamadda

Amarka ah in eedaysanaha la hor keeno Maxkamadda waxa uu ka koobnaan doona amar, ku socda maamulka eedaysanaha ku haya xabsiga, oo ah in eedaysaha la hor keeno Maxkamadda awood u leh horteeda


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wakhtiga iyo goobta la cadeeyay si uu markasi eedaysanuhu uga jawaabo eedyno khaas ah.

Insofar as applicable, the provisions laid down in Article 49 shall apply to the form of such order.

2. The order to bring the accused before the Court shall be sent to the authority holding the accused in custody. Such authority, after having recorded the order in the appropriate register, shall notify the accused of the order in the manner provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 51, and shall return one of the duplicates of the order served on the accused to the authority which transmitted it.

Article 80Service Of Summons On The Injured Party And On Witnesses

1. A summons shall be served by means of an order addressed:a) to the injured party;b) to witnesses:

i) acquainted with the circumstances of the case;ii) whose opinion on questions which require particular knowledge

of science or art is found necessary or opportune;iii) in possession of anything which may be called upon to be

produced as evidence,iv) directed them to appear before the competent Court at the time

and place indicated.2. A summons may be issued:

a) on request of one of the parties in the case, orb) by the Court on its own motion, when the appearance of any of the

witnesses mentioned in the preceding paragraph is considered to be necessary or useful by such Court.

3. A summons may be issued:a) by the competent Judge, up to the time of commencement of

proceedings in the Court of first instance;b) by the President of the competent Court, at any other stage of the

proceedings.4. A summons shall be issued in duplicate and contain:

a) the name of the authority issuing it;b) the date on which it is made;c) the personal details of the person summoned to appear, or, if these are not

known, other indications by


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Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybha uu jideeyay Qodobka 49 ayaa lagu dabaqi doonaa qaabka amarka caynkan ah.

2. Amarka ah in eedaysanaha la keeno Maxkamad horteeda waxa loo diri doonaa Masuuliyiinta ku haya eedaysanaha xabsiga. Masuuliyiintaasi, kadib marka ay ku diiwaan-gashadaan amarkaasi diiwaan ku haboon, waxana ay ugu wargalin eedaysanaha habka ku sheegan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 51, waxayna ku soo celin doonaan nuqulka amarkaasi loo geeyay eedaysanaha masuuliyiintii u soo diray amarka.

Qodobka 80Hawlaha Dalabka Yeedhitaanka ee Dhinaca Dhibanaha iyo Maragayada

1. Yeedhitaanada waxa loo gayn doonaa cida uu amarku ku socda:a) dhinaca dhibanaha ah;b) maragayada:

i) wax ka og duruufaha dacwada;ii) kuwa ay aragtidooda ku saabsan su’aalo u baahan aqoon gaar ah

oo sayniska ah ama aqoon cilmiga aan sayniska ahayn ah oo helitaankoodu yahay lagama maarmaan ama fursad;

iii) uu leeyahay mulkiga shay kasta kaasi oo loogu yeedhay in uu shaygaasi u keeno marag muujun ahaan.

la faro iyagu in ay yimaadan Maxkamad awood u leh horteeda wakhtiga iyo goobta ku cad.

2. Yeedhitaanada waxa lagu soo saarayaa:a) codsi uu sameeyo mid ka mid ah dhinacyada dacwada, amab) Maxkamadda soo jeedinteeda, marka imaanshaha maragyada ku

xusan farqada hore ay u aragto inuu yahay lagama maarmaan ama faa’iido u leeyahay Maxkamadda.

3. Yeedhmooyinka waxa soo saaraya:a) garsoore awood u leh, ilaa iyo xilliga bilowga garmaqalada ka socda

Maxkamad marxalada koowaad ah.b) Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda awooda u leh, marxalad kasta oo

garmaqalada u hadhsan.4. Yeedhmooyinka waxa lagu soo saarayaa laba nuqul oo ay ku qoran yihiin:

a) magaca maamulka soo saaray;b) taariikhda la sameeyay;d) astaamaha guud ee qofka loo yeedhay inuu yimaado, ama, haddi

kuwaasi aan la garanayn, tilmaamaha kale.


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which he can be identified with reasonable certainty;d) personal details of the accused;e) the reasons for which the appearance is ordered;f) name of the Court before which the person shall appear, together with

the time and place fixed;g) the signature of the Judge issuing it and the seal of he Court.

5. The same provisions for the service of summons laid down in Article 51 or, if the person summoned is in custody, the provisions laid down in paragraph 2 of Article 79 shall apply.

6. In urgent cases, the person mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article may be summoned to appear by other means, including a verbal order from a Police Officer.

7. If a person fails to appear before the Court at the time and place fixed in the summons or by other means, the Court may order the Police to bring such person before the Court.


CHAPTER ITrial Procedure


Article 81Signature of Records and Documents

1. Whenever any record or document is required to be signed, it shall be sufficient for such purpose, unless any law provides to the contrary, for the signatory to place, at the bottom of the record or document, in his own handwriting:

a) his name, the name of his father and the name of his paternal grandfather, or

b) his first name and family name.


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2. If the person who is required to sign is illiterate, then the authority before whom the written document is produced or the oral statement made shall, having ascertained the identity of the person, have such person’s fingerprints taken with indelible ink in lieu of signature.

ee lagu aqoonsan karo isaga ee leh hubanti macquul ah;d) astaamaha guud ee eedaysanaha;e) sababaha amarka imaanshaha;f) magaca Maxkamadda ah ta qofku imanayo, oo ay ku jirto wakhtiga

iyo goobta loo qoondeeyay;g) saxeexa Garsooraha soo saaray yeedhmada iyo shaanbada

Maxkamadda.5. Qaybaha isku midka ah ee gaadhsiinta yeedhmooyinka ee uu dhigayo

Qodobka 51 ama, haddii qofka loo yeedhayaa uu xabsi ku jiro, qaybaha uu dhigayso farqada 2 ee Qodobka 79 ayaa la dabaqayaa.

6. Xaaladaha degdega ah qofka lagu xusay farqada 1 ee Qodobkan waxa loogu yeedhi karaa inuu ku yimaado si kasta oo kale, oo ay ku jirto in uu sarkaal booliska ahi uu afka ka faro imaanshaha.

7. Haddii qofku ku iman waayo Maxkamadda horteeda wakhtiga iyo goobta loogu qoondeeyay warqada yeedhmada ama si kale, Maxkamadu waxay amraysaa in boolisku keeno qofka caynkaas ah Maxkamadda horteeda


CUTUBKA IHabka Maxkamad Oogida


Qodobka 81Saxeexa Diiwaanada iyo Dhukumentiyada

1. Mar kasta oo diiwaan kasta iyo dokumanti u baahan yahay saxeex, wax ku haboonaanaya muhiimadan, haddii aanu sharci jidaynin iska hor imaansho saxeexitaanka baadhitaanka diiwaanka amase dhokumentiga far qoraalkiisa:

a) Magaciisa, magaca aabihii iyo magaca awowgii, amab) Magaciisa koowaad iyo magaca qoyskiisa.


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2. Haddii qofka looga baahan yahay inuu saxeexo uu yahay mid aan waxna qorin waxna akhriyin, markaasi maamulka hortiisa lagu saxeexayo dokumentiga ama qiraalka afka ah loo sheegayaa waa inuu hubaa aqoonsiga qofka saxeexa suulka ah lagaga qaadayo khad aan tirtirmaynin halkii saxeexa qalinka ah.

3. If a person who is required to sign or to provide his fingerprints is unable, because of physical impediment, to do one or the other, such fact shall be noted on the record, document or statement by the person receiving or recording the same.

Article 82Date of Records and Documents

Whenever the law requires that the date of any record or document shall be recorded, there shall be shown:

a) the day;b) the month,c) the year, andd) the place,

in which such record or document was made.

The indication of the hour is not necessary unless it is expressly prescribed.

Article 83Presentation of Statements and Petitions

At any stag of the proceedings any party has the right to present:a) to the Court,b) to the Judge,c) to the Attorney General,

statements and petitions, by depositing them in their respective offices, and being bound to communicate them to any other party, unless the law provides otherwise.


Article 84Form

1. Unless they are in writing, the following shall be null and void:a) judgements;


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b) any other act which brings the proceedings to an end or which may be subject to appeal;

c) any measure which concerns personal liberty, and warrants of any kind.

3. Haddii ruuxa looga baahan yahay saxeeu aanu kari karayn saxeexa suulka ah, sabab ah carqalad jidh qofka ah, in uu sameeyo mid ama ta kale, xaqiiqada caynkaasi ah waa in lagu qoraa diiwaanka, dhokumentiga ama qiraalka waxana ku qoraya qofka ah ka ay soo gaadhay ama diiwaan galinaya.

Qodobka 82Taariikhda Diiwaanka iyo Dokumentiga

Mar kasta oo sharcigu u baahdo taariikhda diiwaan gelin iyo dhocuments kasta oo la diiwaan geliyo, waxa ka muuqan doonta:

a) maalinta,b) bisha,c) sanadka, iyod) goobta ,

diiwaan gelintaasi iyo dokumentigaasi la sameeyay.

Caddaynta saacadu maaha daruuri, haddii aan si aad ah loogu baahnayn.

Qodobka 83Soo Bandhigida Qiraalada iyo Codsiyada

Marxalad kasta oo gar maqalada ah dhinac kasta xaq wuxuu u leeyahay inuu u soo bandhigo:

a) Maxkamadda,b) Garsoorahac) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud,

qiraalada iyo codsiyada, loogu soo gudbiyay iyaga xafiisyadooda, tahayna in ay la socodsiiyaan dhinac kasta oo kale, haddii aan sharicug si kale u dhigayn.


Qodobka 84Qaabka


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1. Haddii aanay ahayn qoraal, kuwa hoos ku xusani waxay noqonayaan sharciyan waxba kama jiraan;

a) go’aanada;b) fal kasta oo kale oo ka dhigaya gar magaqalada inay istaagaan, ama ay

suurto gal tahay inuu sababo Rafcaan;c) talaabo kasta oo khusaysa xoriyada shakhsiga, iyo amar Maxkamadeed

nooc kasta oo uu yahay.

2. The acts referred to in the previous paragraph shall also be:a) dated andb) singed by the issuing authority, stating the reasons therefor.

If these requirements are not complied with, the acts shall be null and void.

Article 85Correction of Errors

When in any measure there are omissions or errors which:a) do not make the measure null and void, andb) if corrected, do not substantially change the measure,

a correction may be made even by the issuing authority on its own motion, but, where possible, the matter shall be brought to the prior notice of any interested party.

Article 86Procedures for Decision-making

1. Unless the law provides otherwise:a) the Court shall reach a decision in chambers without the intervention of

the parties;b) when a Court consists of more than one person:

i) deliberations shall be secret and findings shall be reached by majority vote;

ii) no member of the Court may abstain from voting;iii) votes shall be taken by the President who shall vote last, voting

beginning with the Judge lowest in grade or the Judge with the lease seniority where more than one Judge is of the same grade. In Assize Courts, Assessors shall vote first, beginning with the youngest. In Military Penal Sections, the Assessor lowest in rank, or the assessor with the least seniority, where more than one assessor is of the same rank, shall vote first;


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iv) no mention shall be made in the decision of the way in which any individual vote was cast and, if such mention is made, then the decision shall become null and void;

2. Falalka ku xusan farqada hore waxay kaloo yeelanayaan:a) taariikh iyob) saxeexa maamulka soo saaray, waxay ku sheegayaan sababaha ay sidaa

u tahay.Haddii aanay shuruudahaasi loo hogaansamin, falakaasi waxay noqonayaan kuwa aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin.

Qodobka 85Sixitaanka Qaladaadka

Markii ay talaabo kastaa la qaado ay ku dhex jirto leedahay kama’yo ama qaladaad kaasi oo:

a) ka dhigaynin talaabada mid aan sharci ahaan la adeegsan karin, iyob) haddii la saxay, aan si adag u beddelayn talaabada, sixitaanka xataa waxa

soo jeedintooda ku samayn kara maamulkii soo saaray, laakiin, markay suurtagasho, arinta waxa la keeni doonaa marka la bixiyo wargalin ka sii horaysa oo la siiyo dhinac kasata oo danaynaya.

Qodobka 86Hababka Go’aan qaadashada

1. Haddii aanu sharcigu u soo saarin si kale:a) Maxkamad u go’aanka waxay ku gaadhaysaa gudaha qolalka garmaqalka

iyadoo ka madax banaan faro gelin dhinacyada ah.b) Marka Maxkamad u ka kooban tahay in ka badan hal qof;

i) falanqayntu waxay noqonaysaa qarsoodi; go’aamadana waxa lagu gaadhayaa cod aqlabiyad ah.

ii) xubin Maxkamadda ka tirsani kama aamusi karto codaynta;iii) codadka waxa qaadi doona gudoomiyaha, oo isaga codkiisu ugu

dambaynayo, codaynta waxa bilaabaya Garsooraha ugu darajada hooseeya, ama Garsooraha ugu waayo aragnimada yar, marka in ka badan laba Garsoore ay isku derejo tahay. Maxkamaddaha Tashiga, Khabiirada la taliyayaasha ah ayaa codaynta ugu horaynaya, waxa ugu hor bilaabaya ka ugu yar. Waxaada Ciqaabta Maxkamaddaha,


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la taliyayaasha ugu darejada hooseeya, ama la taliyaha ugu waayo aragnimada yar, marka in ka badan hal lataliye ay siman tahay darajadoodu, ayaa codka ugu horaynaya;

iv) laguma xusayo go’aanka soo baxa dariiqii uu ruux kastaa codayntiisu u dhacday, haddii xus noocaas ah la sameeyo, go’aankii wuxuu noqonayaa mid aan si sharci ah loogu dhaqmi karin;

v) if, in the Assize Section of the Court of Appeal, any difference of opinion arises over a decision matters reserved to the Judges, in accordance with the Article 12 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, the President shall have the casting vote.

2. Unless the law provides otherwise, when a decision is not reserved to a specific section of a Court, the following Sections shall be competent:

a) the Criminal Section, in a District Court;b) the General Section, in a Regional Court or Court of Appeal.

Article 87Coercive Powers

A Court, a Judge, and the Office of the Attorney General may:a) call for the intervention of the Police, andb) order anything necessary to be done to ensure the safe and proper

conduct of proceedings.


Article 88General Rules

1. The time-limits of proceedings before the Court shall be expressed in terms of:

a) hours;b) days;c) months, ord) years,


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2. Any time-limit not fixed in terms of hours, which expires on a public holiday, shall be extended automatically to the next working day.

3. In calculating the time-limits, the hour or the day from which such time-limits have begun to run shall not be included; the last hour or day shall be included in the time-limit, unless the law provides otherwise.

v) haddii Waaxda Caadiga ah ee Maxkamadda rafcaanku, wax feker ah oo ka duwan go’aanka oo waafaqsan Qodobka12 ee xeerka dhismaha garsoorka, gudoomiyuhu wuxuu leeyahay qaybtinta codka doorashada.

2. Haddii aanu xeerku u sheegin si kale, marka go’aanka aan dib loogu dhigin waax Maxkamadda ah oo gaar ah, Waaxahan hoos ku xusan ayaa awood yeelanaya.

a) Waaxda Dambiga ee Maxkamadda Degmada;b) Waaxda Guud ee Maxkamadda Gobolka ama Maxkamadda rafcaanka.

Qodobka 87Isticmaalka Awood Xoog

Maxkamadda, Garsooraha iyo Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa ay:a) dalbayaan farogelin boolisku sameeyo, iyoa) bixinayaan amar ah in wax kasta oo laga fursan waayo la yeelo, si loo

sugo amniga iyo hab socodka garmaqalada.


Qodobka 88Shuruudaha Guud

1. Xadidaada wakhtiyada (mudaynta) garmaqalada Maxkamadda horteeda waxa ay si qeexan u sheegi doonaan:

a) saacadaha;b) maalmaha; c) bilaha, ama


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d) sanadaha,

2. Mudayn kasta oo aan loo qaririn saacadaha, kuwaasi oo aanay ku jirayn feestooyinka guud, waxaa loo rari doona isla markaaba si caadi ah maalinta shaqo ee ku xigta.

3. Marka la dejinayo mudaynta, saacada ama maalinta ah ta mudayntu bilaabmayso kuma jirayso; saacada ama maalinta ugu dambaysa ayaa ku jiri doona mudaynta, haddii aanu sharcigu u jidayn si kale.

4. The time-limit to make statements, deposit documents or perform any other act in a Court office shall be deemed to have expired at the time when, according to regulations, the office is closed to the public.

5. Where the expiry of a time-limit results in the forfeiture of a right, such time-limit shall not be extended except in the cases and in the manner provided by law.

Article 89Time of Appearance

Unless the law provides otherwise, when a person is required to appear before a Court in answer to a summons or other order, such person shall be so notified:

a) at least three days before the time to appear;b) in every case, in such good time that, bearing in mind the

circumstances, such person can reach the Court by the time fixed for the appearance.

Where the above provisions are not complied with and the person does not appear, a new summons or order shall be issued.


Article 90General Rule

No act shall be declared null and void unless such declaration is expressly provided for by law.

Article 91Nullity of Proceedings in General

The observance of the provisions relating to a), b), c), below is mandatory and failure to observe any of them shall render the proceedings null and void: the declaration of such nullity


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4. Mudaynta ah in la bixiyo war-bixin , waxa lagu gudbin dhukumentiyo, ama lagu qaban fal kasta oo kale Xafiiska Maxkamadda gudihiisa waxaana loo aqoonsanayaa inay dhaqan ka bax noqonayso marka wakhtigaasi si waafaqsan xeerarka, xafiisku uu ku xidhan yahay dadweynaha.

5. Halkii dhaqan ka baxa mudayntu ee keenaya in forteiture of a right, mudaynta caynkaasi ah lama rari karo xaaladaha iyo qaababka uu sharcigu fasaxayo mooyaane.

Qodobka 89Xilliga Hortagida Maxkamadda

Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u tilmaamin, marka qofka looga baahan yahay in uu hortago Maxkamadda horteeda si uu uga jawaabo yeedhitaano ama amaro kale, qofka caynkaasi ah waa la ogaysiin doonaa sidaasi:

a) ugu yaraan saddex cisho ka hor wakhtiga laga rabo inuu hortago Maxkamadda,

b) xaalad kastoo jirta, wakhtiga ku filan iyadoo, maskaxda lagu hayo duruufaha, qofkaasi uu ku soo gaadhi karo Maxkamadda xiligii loo qabtay inuu hortago.

Markii ay qaybaha hore noqonyn qaar loo hogaansamo, oo uu qofkii hor iman waayo Maxkamadda, dalab yeedhitaan oo cusub ayaa la soo saarayaa.


Qodobka 90Shuruudaha Guud

Falnaba lagu sheegi karo in aanu lahayn qiime sharci, haddii aanay sheegitaanadaasi si qeexan sharcigu u jidayn.


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Qodobka 91Guud Ahaan Baabi’inta Garmaqalada

U hogaansanaanta qaybaha la xidhiidha a), b) iyo c) ee hoos ku qoran waa khasab haddii loo hogaansami waayana waxay ka dhigi doontaa garmaqalada qaar aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin: bayaaminta baabi’inta caynkaasi ah

may also be made by the Court on its own motion at any stage the proceedings:a) the constitution and composition of the Court;b) the participation of the Attorney General in the proceedings;c) the representation of the accused by Counsel in those cases where

representation is mandatory.

Article 92Quashing to be ineffective in certain Cases

1. An act which can only be declared null and void at the request of a party shall be deemed valid, unless such request is made by the party concerned within the time-limits and in the manner prescribed by law.

2. An act which can be declared null and void also by the Court on its own motion shall be deemed valid, if the Court ha not so declared at any stage of the proceedings either on the request of the interested party or on its own motion.

3. Furthermore, an act which can be declared null and void shall be deemed valid:

a) if, notwithstanding any irregularity, the consequences of such act equally affect all interested parties;

b) if an interested party has tacitly accepted the effect of the act.

Article 93Effects of a Declaration of Nullity

1. when any act is declared null and void, all subsequent consequential acts shall be rendered null and void.

A Court which declares any act null and void shall order that the act declared null and void shall be performed again or otherwise rectified where it is necessary and possible.


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Maxkamadda ayaa soo jeedinteeda sidoo kale ku samayn karta marxalad kasta oo ay garmaqaladu:

a) distoorka iyo dhismaha ay ka kooban tahay Maxkamaddu;b) ka qayb qaadashada Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee garmaqalada dhexdooda;c) uu wakiil ka yahay u eedaysanaha Qareen marka ay jiraan xaalaaha ay

wakiilashadu tahay khasab.

Qodobka 92Qaadacaada ay ku Noqonayso Xaalado gaar ah mid aan Shaqaynaynin

1. Falka ah ka kaliya ee lagu bayaaminayo in aanu sharci ahaan shqayn karaynin codsiga uu dhinac sameeyo waxa loo qaadanayaa inuu qiimo leeyahay, ilaa iyo intii codsiga caynkan ah uu ku sameeyay dhinaca ay khusaysay wakhtigii uu xadidnaa gudahiisa iyo habka uu u sheego sharcigu.

2. Falka ah ka bayaamiyay in aanu sharcigu la isticmaali karin sidoo kale Maxkamaddu soo jeedinteeda waxa loo qaadan doonaa mid qiimo leh, haddii Maxkamaddu aanay sidaasi bayaaminin marxlad kasta oo garmaqalada ah haddii ay ku timaado codsiga dhinaca danaynaya iyo haddii ay Maxkamadda soo jeedinteeda ku timaadaba.

3. Waxa intaasi dheer, falka ah ka bayaamin kara in aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin waxa loo qaadan doonaa inuu qiimo leeyahay:

a) haddii, inkastoo wax aan caadi ahayn, natiijada falka caynkan ah uu saamayn la mid ah u leeyahay dhammaan dhinacyada danaynaya;

b) haddii dhinaca danaynayaa uu hadal la’aan waafaqo saamaynta falka.

Qodobka 93Saamaynta Bayaaminta Baabi’inta


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1. Wakhtiga fal kasta lagu dhawaaqo in aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin, dhamaan natiijooyinka ku xiga falalkaasi waxay noqon doonaan qaar aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin.

2. Maxkamadda ah ta ku dhawaaqday fal kasta oo aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin waxa lagu fulin doonaa mar kale ama si kale loo saxo marka ay tahay lagama maarmaan iyo suurto gal.


Article 94Record of Proceedings

1. A written record of all acts in a proceeding shall be prepared by the authority responsible for such proceeding.

2. Unless the law provides otherwise, the record shall contain:a) the indication of the place, month, day and, if necessary, hour in which

the act commenced and terminated;b) the names of the persons present;c) a description of the acts carried out and results obtained;d) the statements taken from the persons present;e) any other matters that the authority concerned deems proper to include,f) the signature of the authority responsible for the proceedings.


Article 95Failure to comply with orders of a Judicial Authority

1. Any person who fails to comply with an order given by a Court, by a President of a Court or by a Judge, in accordance with the provisions of the Code, shall be punished, unless the act involved constitutes a more serious offence, with imprisonment for contravention up to 3 months or a fine for contravention up to Sh. So. 3,000/-.


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2. A warrant of arrest may be issued against any such person.


Qodobka 94Diiwaan-galinta Garmaqalada

1. Maamulka lah masuuliyada garmaqaladu waxa uu diiwaan-gelin qoraal oo rasmi ah ayay ku diyaarinayaan.

2. Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, diiwaan-gelintu waxay ka koobnaanaysaa:

a) In ay muujiso goobta, sanadka, bisha, maalinta iyo, haddii ay lagama maarmaan tahay, saacada uu falku bilaabmay iyo ta dhamaaday;

b) magacyada dadka xaadirka ah;c) sharaxaada falalkii la qabtay iyo natiijooyinkii ka soo baxay.d) qiraaladii laga qaaday dadkii goobjooga ahaa;e) arrimo kasta oo kale oo uu maamulku danaynayo una arko inay ku

haboon tahay in lagu daro;f) saxeex maamulka ka masuulka ah garmaqalada.


Qodobka 95Marka loo Hogaansami waayo Awaamiirta Maamulka Garsoorka

1. Ruux kasta oo ah ka u hogaansami waayay amar ka soo baxay Maxkamad, gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ama garsoore, si waafaqsan qaybaha Xeerkan, waxa lagu ciqaabi doonaa, haddii aanu ahayn falku mid uu ka dhalanayo dambi ka sii khatar badan,


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xadhig ah ku xadgudub sharci oo gaadhaya ilaa 3 bilood, ama ganaax ku xadgudub sharci oo gaadhaya ilaa Sh. So 3,000/-.

2. Amar xidhitaan ayaa la soo saarayaa oo lid ku ah ruux kasta oo caynkaasi ah.

CHAPTER IThe Hearing

Article 96Proceedings to be Public: Exceptions

Court proceedings shall be open to the public, but the Court may, in the interests of:

a) public decency;b) public health;c) public order;

order that the proceedings shall be closed to the public.

Article 97Rules for the Attendance of the Public

1. Entry into, or stay in, a Courtroom shall be prohibited to:a) any person who is known as:

i) an idler;ii) a vagabond;iii) a person inclined to commit crimes against the person or against

property;b) any person who is of unsound mind;c) drunkards;d) persons under the age of 14 years;e) any person who is dressed in an indecent manner.

2. The President of the Court may also:a) order in the interests of:

i) good order,ii) morality; or


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iii) decencyany person to be expelled from the Courtroom whose presence he does not deem necessary;

b) restrict entry into the Courtroom to a limited number of persons.

3. No special places shall be reserved in the Courtroom for any particular members of the public.

CUTUBKA IDhagaysiga

Qodobka 96Garmaqaladu waa in ay Dadwaynaha u Furaadaan: Marka laga reebo

Garmaqalada Maxkamddu waa in ay u furan tahay dadweynaha, balse Maxkamaddu, iyadoo eegaysa danta:

a) fayo qabka bulshada;b) caafimaadka dadweynaha;c) nabadgalyada bulshada;d) waxay amraysaa in garmaqaladaasi noqon doonaan qaar gaar ah, oo ka

xidhan dadweynaha.

Qodobka 97Shuruudaha Dadweynaha ka soo Qayb galaya

1. Soo galida, ama fadhiga gudaha, qolka dhagaysiga Maxkamadda waxa ka mamnuuc noqonaya:

a) qof kasta oo lagaranayo inuu yahay:i) muddayac;ii) qof aan dantiisa ilaalin oo iska meeraysta;iii) qofka u raba in uu u gaysto dambiyo lid ku ah qof ama ku lid ah

hanti;b) qof kasta oo waalan;c) sakhraansan;d) qofka da’diisu ka yar tahay 14 sano;e) qof kasta oo u labisan hab aan wanaagsanayn;


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2. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa kale oo uu:a) isaga oo eegayda danta:

i) kala dambaynta, ii) anshaxa ama (akhlaaqda), ama iii) daacadnimada ama hufnaanta (habsamida)

qof kasta waxa laga saari qolka dhagaysiga makamadda, kaasi oo goob joognimadiisa aanu Garsooruhu u arkaynin muhiim.

b) waxa uu xadidi soo gelitaanka gudaha qolka dhagaysiga Maxkamadda si loo xadeeyo tirada dadka.

3. Goobo khaas ah looma qoondaynayo gudaha qolka dhagaysiga Maxkamadda, xubno kasta oo gaar ah oo bulshada ka mid ah.

Article 98Duties of Persons attending a Hearing

1. Any person who attends a hearing shall observe respect and silence.2. All persons attending a hearing shall be forbidden to:

a) carry weapons or any other object capable of causing injury or harm or annoyance;

b) cause any disturbance;c) behave:

i) in any way calculated to intimidate;ii) in any way calculated to provoke;iii) in any way contrary to the dignity of the proceedings;

d) cause any breach of the peace, ore) express in any way one’s feelings or opinions.

Article 99Control of the Hearing

The President of the Court shall have the power to maintain order at the hearing. Anything which the President prescribes for the proper maintenance of order in the Court shall be obeyed forthwith.

Article 100Accused in Custody

An accused who was held in custody before trial shall attend the hearings without restraint, unless restrictive measures are necessary to prevent escape or violence.


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Article 101Adjournment of Trial

2. A Court may order the adjournment of the opening or prosecution of a trial, where it considers it necessary or proper to do so due to the absence of witnesses or to other reasonable cause.

3. If the accused is in custody, the adjournment shall not exceed 7 days.

Qodobka 98Waajibaadka Dadka ka soo Qaybgalaya Dhagaysiga

1. Qof kasta oo ka qayb gala dhagaysiga, wuxuu ku sugnaanayaa xushmad iyo aamusnaan;

2. Dhamaan dadka ka soo qayb galay dhagaysiga wax ka reebanaan doona inay:a) sitaan hub ama walax kasta oo awoodi karta inay sababto dhaawac ama

waxyeelo ama cadho galin leh;b) sabab arbusheedc) si edeb ah u dhaqmid

i) si kasta oo laysugu dayo cabsi gelin (argagixin)ii) si kastoo laysugu dayo ka cadhaysiiniii) si kasta oo ka soo horjeeda sharafta (sumcadda) garmaqaladda

d) ay sababaan wax kastoo jabinaya nabadgelyada, amae) u sharaxaad si kastaba qof dareemadiisa ama fikradihiisa.

Qodobka 99Hagida Dhagaysiga

Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ayaa leh awooda lagu hagayo awaamiirta dhagaysiga, shay kasta oo gudoomiyuhu u soo rogo habsami u socodka Maxkamadda isla markaaba waa la adeeci doonaa.

Qodobka 100Eedaysanaha ku jira Xabsiga


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Eedaysanaha lagu hayo xabsiga ka hor oogida Maxkamadda, wuu ka soo qayb gali doonaa dhagaysiga iyadoo aan la xanibin, haddii aanay tallaabooyinka lagu xadidayaa aanay lagama maarmaan u ahayn ka hor tag fakasho ama xadgudub.

Qodobka 101Hakinta Maxkamad Qaadida

1. Maxkamaddu waxay amri kartaa hakin furitaanka ama oogida Maxkamad qaadida, markii ay u aragto in ay lagama maarmaan u tahay ama ay haboon tahay in sidaa loo yeelo sababo ah maqnaansho maragyada ama sababo kale oo caqli gal ah.

2. Haddii eedaysanuhu xabsiga ku jiro, hakintu kama badan karto 7 maalmood.



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Article 102Compliance with the Rules of this Chapter

The provisions of this Chapter shall be complied with, insofar as applicable, at every stage of the proceedings.

CHAPTER IIThe Opening of the Trial


Article 103The Opening of the Trial and the Charge against the Accused

1. The President of a Court:a) having noted the presence of the accused and of the Attorney General,

andb) there having been appointed a defence Counsel for the accused when so

required in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, when the accused, for whatever cause, has no defence Counsel,

shall read the charge to the accused.


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2. When the charge has been read, the President of the Court shall:a) explain to the accused, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the

substance of each count of the charge;b) inform the accused of the three answers which he may offer to each

count in accordance with Article 104, briefly pointing out the meaning and consequences of each answer;

Qodobka 102U hogaan-sanaanta Shuruudaha Cutubkan

Qaybaha Cutubkan waxa la dabaqi doonaa, ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, marxalad kasta oo ay garmaqaladu marayaan.

CUTUBKA IIFuritaanka Maxkamadda


Qodobka 103Furitaanka Maxkamadda iyo Eedaynta lidka ku ah Dacwaysanaha

1. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu:a) marka uu ogaado in ay goob joog yihiin eedaysanaha iyo Xeer

Ilaaliyaha Guud, iyo b) marka uu u magacaabo Qareen difaaca eedaysanaha wakhtiga loo

baahan yahay si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka b) farqada 2 ee Qodobka 14 ee Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka iyo, xiliga eedaysanuhu, wixii doonaaba ha sababeene, aanu haysan Qareen difaaca,

wuxuu u akhriyi doonaa eedaysanaha eediisa.


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2. Marka uu akhriyo eeda, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu:a) ugu sharaxi eedaysanaha, hab la fahmi karo oo cad, walxaha eed dambi

kasta oo ka mid ah eedayntiisa;b) ku wargein eedaysanaha in uu saddex jawaabood ka bixin karo eeda

dambi kasta si waafaqsan Qodobka 104, si kooban u tilmaamaya nuxurka iyo ciqaabta jawaabtii walba;

c) ask the accused whether, in respect of each count he wishes:i) to raise any objection under the terms of Article 105;ii) to plead guilty;iii) to plead not guilty.

2. If there is more than one accused, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be observed separately with regard to each accused.

Article 104The Plea of the Accused

1. An accused may, in respect of each count:a) raise any of the objections listed in Article 105;b) plead guilty;c) plead not guilty.

A refusal to plead shall be considered as a plea of not guilty.

2. Except when a plea of guilty is entered, defence Counsel may enter a plea on behalf of the accused.



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Article 105The Nature of the Objections

1. The accused, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of Article 104, may object to each count on the grounds that:

a) no proceedings can be brought against him, since:i) one of the circumstances included in sub-paragraph c), d (iii), d

(iv) and e) of paragraph 2 of Article 70, is present in his case;ii) when, in the case of an offence that can be prosecuted only on

the complaint of an injured party, the right to make a complaint cannot be exercised under the terms of paragraph 2 of Article 21;

c) waydiinyaaa eedaysanaha ka uu, marka loo eego eed dambi oo kasta uu isagu doonayo:

i) in uu soo bandhigo diidmo kasta oo hoos timaada Qodobka 105;ii) ku jawaabo in uu dambiile yahay;iii) ku jawaabo in aanu dambiile ahayn.

3. Haddii ay jiraan in ka badan hal eedaysane, qaybaha farqada hore waxa loo dabaqi doonaa si kala gaar ah oo la xidhiidha eedaysane kasta.

Qodobka 104Jawaabta Eedaysanaha

1. Eedaysanuhu waxa uu, gaar ahaan marka la eegayo eedaymaha dambi kasta:a) uu soo qadimi karaa diidmooyinka ku taxan Qodobka 105;b) ku jawaabi karaa in uu qirto dambiga;c) ku jawaabi karaa in aanu qabin dambiga,

diidmada in uu go’aan ku bixiyo in uu dambiga galay iyo in kale waxa loo qaadanayaa in uu go’aankiisa yahay in aanu dambiga gelin.

2. Marka laga reebo mooyee xiliga jawaabta dambi waan galay la joogo, Qareenka difaaca ayaa galaya jawaabtii, isagoo matalaya eedaysanahas.



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Qodobka 105Nooca Diidmooyinka

1. Eedaysanuhu, si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka a) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 104 waxa uu ku diidi karaa eed khalad dambi oo kasta oo asbaabteedu ahayd:

a) In wax garmaqalo ah oo isaga ku lid ah aan lagu qaadin, markaasi oo:i) mid ka mid ah duruufaha ku jira xarafka c), d), iii), iv) iyo e) ee

farqada 2 ee Qodobka 70, lagu soo bandhigo dacwadiisa;ii) marka, dacwada dambiga lagu oogi karayay oo kali ah ashkatada

dhinaca dhibanaha ah, xaqii in la sameeyo ashkatadaasina aan loo fulin sida ku xusan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 21;

b) the Court is not competent:i) because it lacks jurisdiction over the subject-matter, in

accordance with Article 4 and 7;ii) because it lacks territorial jurisdiction, in accordance with

Articles 5 and 8.c) another charge is pending, on the same set of facts, before another

Court;d) a member of the Bench is disqualified from taking part in the

proceedings under the terms of Article 10;e) the charge does not comply, in form or content, with the requirements

of this Code.

2. Furthermore, the accused may raise any other objection and submit any other request or petition which he deems useful for purposes of his defence.

Article 106Decision of the Court concerning Objection

1. The Court shall decide, with respect to each objection:a) after having made any enquiry which it shall deem necessary or

desirable with respect to the nature of each objection, andb) having heard the opinion of the Attorney General.


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2. If an objection raised in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 105 is upheld, the Court shall:

a) in the cases referred to in sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of Article 105:

i) order that the proceedings against the accused be terminated, giving the reasons for such decision;

ii) order the applicable consequential measures, as provided in Article 76, and ordering, in those cases provided for in the Penal Code, the application of security measures.

Such decision to terminate the proceedings shall have the effect of a judgement for the purpose of paragraph 3 of Article 13, and the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 77 shall apply to such decision;

b) Maxkamaddu maaha mid awood u leh:i) maxaa yeelay ma laha awoodii garsoor ee mawduucaasi

khuseeyay, si waafaqsan Qodobada 4 iyo 7;ii) maxaa yeelay ma laha xuduudihii deegaan awoodeed garsoor si

waafaqsan Qodobada 5 iyo 8c) eedayn kale ayaa laalan, oo leh xaqiiqooyin la mid ah, Maxkamad kale

horteeda;d) xubin ka mid ah Garsoorayaasha ayaan u qalmaynin in uu ka qayb ka

qaato garmaqalada sida ku xusan Qodobka 10;e) eedu uma dhigna, qaabka iyo tusmayntii, uu u baahnaa Xeerkani.

2. Waxa intaasi dheer, eedaysanuhu waxa uu soo qadimi karaa diidmo kasta oo kale, waxaanu soo gudbinayaa codsi kasta oo kale ama dalab kaasi oo uu u arko in ay ka anfacayso ujeedooyinka ah difaacisa.

Qodobka 106Go’aanka Maxkamadda ee la Xidhiidha Diidmooyinka

1. Maxkamaddu waxa ay go’aamin doontaa, iyadoo tixgelinaysa diidmo kasta:a) kadib marka la sameeyo tallaabo kasta oo loo arko lagama maarmaan,

marka laga hadlayo dabeecada diidmo kasta, iyo b) marka la dhegaysto dooda Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.


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2. Haddii diidmo u soo baxdo si waafaqsan farqada 1 ee Qodobka 105 lana ayido, Maxkamaddu markaasi waxa ay:

a) marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ku xusan xarafka (a) ee farqada 1 ee Qodobka 105:

i) amri in garmaqalada lidka ku ah eedaysanaha la tirtiro, iyadoo la sheegayo sababaha go’aanka caynkaas ahna;

ii) amri ku dhaqanka natiijooyinka afcaasha, sida ku xusan Qodobka 76, waxayna amraysaa, xaaladaha ku xusan Xeerka Ciqaabta iyo tallaabooyinka nabad gelyo ee loo baahan yahay.

Go’aanka ah tirtirida garmaqalada wuxuu saamaynayaa qaraarka ujeedadiisu la midka tahay farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13 iyo qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 77 ayaa go’aankaasi lagu dabiqi doonaa;

b) in the cases provided for in sub-paragraph b) of Article 105, order that the case be transferred to the competent Court;

c) in the case provided for in sub-paragraph c) of Article 105:i) if the Court is satisfied that the other Court is competent, order

that the case be transferred to the competent Court;ii) if the Court is satisfied that it is competent, raise the question of

council of jurisdiction in accordance with Article 9;d) in the case provided for in sub-paragraph d) of Article 105, refer the

matter to a higher Court so that it may proceed in accordance with paragraph 2 and 3 of Article 11;

e) in the case provided for in sub-paragraph e) of Article 105, order the attorney to amend the charge, so that it complies with the law, and, if necessary, grant the Attorney General a brief period of time for this purpose.

3. In every other case, the Court shall take such action regarding the objection as it deems necessary and proper.

Article 107Measures taken by the Court on its own Motion


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1. In the cases provided for in Article 105, the Court may act also on its own motion in accordance with the provisions of Article 106, having heard the attorney and the accused.

2. When the death of an accused has been ascertained, the Court shall on its own motion order that proceedings be terminated. As far as applicable, the provisions of Article 77 shall be observed

3. The provisions of this Article, insofar as applicable, shall be observed at all stages of the proceedings.

b) xaaladaha uu sheegayo xarafka b) ee Qodobka 105 waxaa la amri in dacwada loo gudbiyo Maxkamad awood u leh;

c) xaalada ku xusan xarafka c) Qodobka 105:i) haddii ay Maxkamaddu ku qanacdo in Maxmakad kale awood u

leedahay, waxa ay amri in loo gudbiyo dacwada Maxkamadda awooda u leh.

ii) haddii Maxkamadu ku qanacdo in ay awoodo, waxaa su’aasha la hor dhigayaa golaha awooda garsoorka si waafaqsan Qodobka 9;

d) xaalada ku xusan xarafka d) ee Qodobka 105, waxaa la ogaysiin arrinka Maxkamadda ka saraysa, siddaas darteed waxa ay u sii wadi kartaa si waafaqsan farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 11.

e) xaalada ku xusan xarafka e) ee Qodobka 105 waxaa la amri Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud inuu wax ka bedel ku sameeyo eedda, si waafaqsan sharciga, iyo, haddii ay lagamamaarmaan tahay, waxaa la siinayaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud wakhti kooban oo ujeeddadan ah.

3. Xaalad kasta oo kale Maxkamaddu waxay qaadaysaa tallaabooyinka diidmada siday ugu aragto lagama maaarmaan ku haboon.


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Qodobka 107Tallaabooyinka ay ku Qaado Maxkamaddu soo Jeedinteeda

1. Xaaladaha ku xusan Qodobka 105, Maxkamaddu waxa ay ku matali kartaa soo jeedinteeda si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 106, markay dhegaysato Xeer Ilaaliyaha iyo eedaysanaha.

2. Marka geerida eedaysanaha la xaqiijiyo, waxa ayMaxkamaddu soo jeedinteeda ku amraysaa in garmaqlada la tirtiro, ilaa inta la adeegsan karo, qaybaha Qodobka 77 ayaa la raaci doonaa.

3. Qaybaha Qodobkan, ilaa inta la adeegsan karo, ayaa la raaci doonaa dhamaan marxaladaha garmaqaladda.


Article 108Consequences of a Plea of Guilty

1. When an accused pleads guilty to a charge, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of Article 104, the Court may:

a) if the maximum punishment for an offence is imprisonment for less than 10 years or a lesser punishment:

i) immediately pronounce judgment of conviction in accordance with Chapter IV of this Book, on the basis of the plea of guilty;

ii) order the trial to proceed in accordance with Chapter III of this Book, if it has reason to believe that the plea of guilty does not correspond to the truth;

b) if the maximum punishment for an offence is imprisonment for 10 years or more or a more serious punishment, order the trial to proceed in accordance with Chapter III of this Book.


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2. A plea of guilty may be withdrawn by an accused at any moment of the proceedings in a Court of first instance before judgment is given and a plea of not guilty entered instead.

In such case the provision of Section IV of this Chapter shall be observed.


Article 109Effects of a Plea of Not Guilty

1. When the accused pleads not guilty, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph c) of paragraph 1 of Article 104, the Court shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III of this Book.


Qodobka 108Cawaaqibka Qirashada Dambiga

1. Marka eedaysanuhu uu qirto in uu galay dambiga lagu eedeeyay, si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka b) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 104, Maxkamaddu waxay:

a) haddii ciqaabta ugu badani ee dambigu ay tahay xadhig ka yar 10 sano ama ciqaab ka yar;

i) isla markiiba ku dhawaaqi go’aanka xukunka si waafaqsan Cutubka IV ee Buugan, oo ku salaysan qirashada dambiga;

ii) amri Maxkamad oogid in la gudo galo si waafaqsan Cutubka III ee Buugan, haddii ay leedahay sabab la rumaysan karo qirashada dambigu aanay la xidhiidhin runta;

b) haddii ciqaabta ugu badan ee dambigu tahay xadhig dhan 10 sano ama in ka badan ama ciqaab ka sii adag, waxay amri in Maxkamad oogida in la sii wado si waafaqsan Cutubka III ee buugan.


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2. Qirashada dambiga waa uu ka noqon karaa eedaysanuhu xili kasta oo garmaqalada Maxkamaddu ay marayso marxalada koowaad ka hor intaanu qaraarku soo bixin oo badalkeedii eedaysanahu qiro in aanu dambiga gelin.

Xaaladan oo kale marka lagu jiro qaybaha Waaxda IV ee Cutubkan ayaa la raaci doonaa.


Qodobka 109Soo Jeedinta in aan Dambi la gelin

1. Marka eedaysanuhu aanu qiran dambiga, si waafaqsan xarafka c) farqada 2 ee Qodobka 104, Maxkamaddu waxay u sii wadi doontaa si waafaqsan qaybaha Cutubka III ee Buugan.

2. With the consent of the Court, a plea of not guilty may be withdrawn by an accused at any stage of the proceedings in a Court of first instance before judgement is given and a plea of guilty entered instead.

3. In such case, the provisions of section III of this Chapter shall be observed.


Article 110Burden of Proof

In the cases provided for in:a) sub-paragraph a) ii) of paragraph 1 of Article 108;b) sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of Article 108;c) paragraph 1 of Article 109;

the Attorney General shall have the burden of proof of establishing that:


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i) a crime was committedii) the accused committed it.

Article 111Alteration of the Charge

1. With the consent of the Court, the Attorney General may after the charge, in whole or in part, at any stage in the proceedings before a Court of first instance before his final summation.

2. In case of an alteration in the charge, the provisions of Article 103, insofar as applicable shall be observed.

3. If an alteration to the charge takes place after the process of taking evidence at the trial has begun, the Attorney General and the accused may:

2. Maxkamadda haddii ay ansixiso, dambi in aanu galin waxa laga yaabaa in uu ka noqdo eedaysanuhu marxalad kasta oo ay garmaqaladu marayaan marxalada koowaad ee Maxkamadda ka hor intaan xukunku soo bixin halkii uu markii hore dambiga ka qirtay.

3. Xaalada caynkaas ah marka lagu jiro, qaybaha Waaxda III ee Cutubkan ayaa la raacyaa.


Qodobka 110Qirashada Eedda

Marka lagu jiro xaaladaha ku xusana) xarafka a) ii) farqada 1aad ee Qodobka 108;b) xarafka b) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 108;c) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 109.


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Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu qirayaa eedda sheegaysa:i) in dambi uu dhacay,ii) oo uu eedaysanuhu galay.

Qodobka 111Tirtirida Eedda

1. Marka ay waafaqsan tahay Maxkamaddu, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ayaa tiritir kara eedda dammaanteed ama qayb ka mid ah, marxalad kasta oo garmaqaladdii socdaan ka hor dhagaysigii 1aad ee Maxkamadda intaan la galin gabagabynta kama danbaysata ah.

2. Marka lagu jiro xaalada ah in la tirtiro eedda, qaybaha Qodobka 103, ayaa ilaa inta la adeegsan karo, lagu dhaqmi doonaa.

3. Haddii tirtirida eeddu ay dhacday kadib markii uu bilaabmay habkii Maxkamaddu ku heshay caddaynta, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo eedaysanaha ayaa:

a) re-examine, in the light of such alteration, any witness already examined;

b) produce fresh evidence with regard to the alteration.

In every case of alteration of the charge, the accused shall, whenever he so request, be given reasonable time in which to prepare his defence.

Article 112Withdrawal of the Charge

1. With the consent of the Court, the Attorney General may withdraw the charge, in whole or in part, at any moment of the proceedings in the Court of first instance before judgement is given.

2. In the cases provided for in the previous paragraph, the Court shall order, giving the reasons therefor, that the proceedings be terminated for the offence in respect of which the charge has been withdrawn, and shall order any measures that may be required by Article 76.


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3. An order that proceedings shall be terminated, given in accordance with this Article, shall be equivalent to a judgement for the purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 13.

CHAPTER IIIEvidence and Summation

Article 113Applicable Provisions

Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the presentation and hearing of evidence shall be governed by the provisions of Book III of this Code.

Article 114Action of the Attorney General

In the cases provided for in Article 110, the Attorney General shall initiate the hearing of evidence, stating briefly:

a) the nature and details of the offence charged;b) the evidence against the accused.

The Court shall then hear the case for the prosecution.

a) dib u imtaxaamaya, tirtirida noocaas ah iyagoo iftiiminaya, markhaati kasta oo hore wax loo su’aalay;

b) soo saaraya cddaymo cusub oo la xidhiidha tirtiridaas.Marka lagu jiro xaalad kasta oo tirtirida eedda ah, eedaysanaha ayaa wakhti kasta

oo uu isagu codsado, ayaa waxaa la siin doonaa wakhti macquul ah si uu u diyaariyo difaaciisa.

Qodobka 112Ka Noqoshada Eedda

1. Marka ay Maxkamaddu ku waafaqdo, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ayaa ka noqon kara eedda dhamaanteed ama qayb ka mid ah, xilli kasta oo garmaqaladu ku jiraan Maxkamaddii dhagaysiga 1aad intaan qaraarka Maxkamadda lagu dhawaaqin.

2. Marka lagu jor xaaladaha ku xusan farqada hore, Maxkamadu waxay amri doonta in la bixiyo sababaha ka hor, intaan garmaqaladu tirtirin dambiga loo tixgeliyay in eeddiisii laga noqday, waxaanay amri doontaa tallaabo kasta oo ay suurtowdo in loo baahan yahay Qodobka 76.


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3. Waxay amri in garmaqalada la tirtiri doono, si waafaqsan Qodobkan una dhigmi doonta qaraar la ujeeddo ah farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13.

CUTUBKA IIICadaymaha iyo Gabagabynta

Qodobka 113Qaybaha la Adeegsanayo

Marka laga reebo sida kale ee uu u xusay Cutbkani, soo bandhigida iyo dhagaysiga cadaymaha waxaa lagu dhaqmi doonaa qaybaha Buuggan ee Xeerkan.

Qodobka 114Tallaabada Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

Marka lagu jiro xaaladaha ku xusan Qodobka 110, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ayaa bilaabi doona dhagaysiga cadaymaha, isagoo si kooban ugu xaddidaaya:

a) nooca iyo faahfaahinta eedda dambiga;b) cadaynta lidka ku ah eedaysanaha.

Kadib Maxkamaddu waxa ay u dhagaysan doontaa dacwada oogitaan.

Article 115Order that Proceedings be terminated for Lack of Evidence

1. When the case for the prosecution is concluded, the Court, if it considers that the evidence adduced, even if such evidence is uncontested, is insufficient to prove the guilt of the accused, shall, either at the request of the accused or on its own motion and having beforehand asked the Attorney General whether he intends to withdraw the charge in accordance with Article 112:

a) order, giving the reasons therefor, that the proceedings against the accused be terminated with respect to the offence for which guilt has not been proved, and

b) order any measures that may be required by Article 70.

2. An order that proceedings be terminated, given in accordance with this Article, shall be equivalent to a judgment for the purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 13.

Article 116


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Action of the Defence

1. Excepts in such cases as provided for in Article 115, the President of the Court shall inform the accused that he may:

a) produce evidence in his defence;b) make a statement:

i) on oath;ii) ii not on oath;

in answer to the charge.

2. After the provisions of the previous paragraph have been complied with, the accused may take up his defence briefly stating:

a) the general lines of his defence;b) the nature of the evidence he proposes to produce in his defence.

The Court shall hear and examine the evidence for the defence.

3. If there is more than one accused, the Court shall establish the order in which each accused shall proceed with his defence.

Qodobka 115Amarka ah in Garmaqalada loo Tirtiro Cadayn La’aan

1. Wakhtiga oogista dacwada la soo gebogabeeyo, Maxkamaddu, haddii ay u aragto marag muujinta horteeda la keenay, xataa haddii marag muujinta noocan ah aan dood laga qabin, in aanay ku filayn cadaynta in uu eedaysanuhu galay dambi, laba midkood codsiga eedaysanaha ama soo jeedinteeda, oo ay horteedna su’aashay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud inuu isagu doonayo iyo in kale ka noqoshada eeddayntaasi si waafaqsan Qodobka 112:

a) amri, in la bixiyo sababaha natiijada, garmaqaladaasi lidka ku ah eeddaysanaha loo tirtiray iyadoo loo tixgeliyay dambiga ah mid gelitaankiisa dambi aan la sugin, iyo

b) waxay amri tallaabo kasta oo ay suurto gasho in looga baahdo Qodobka 76.

2. Waxay amri in garmaqaladaas la tirtiray la waafajiyo Qodobkan, lana mid noqon doonta xukunka la ujeedada ah farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13.


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Qodobka 116Tallaabada Difaaca

1. Marka laga reebo xaaladaha ku xusan Qodobka 115, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu wuxuu ku wargelinayaa eedaysanaha inuu:

a) sheego caddaynta uu isku difaacayo isagu;b) ku sameeyo hadalkiisa cadaynta ah:

i) ku dhaarto;ii) in aanu ku dhaaran;

si uu uga jawaabo eedda.

2. Ka dib marka qaybaha farqada hore la adeegsaday, eeddaysanaha ayaa la saro joogsanaya difaaciisa isagoo si kooban u cadaynaya:

a) mawduucyada guud ee difaaciisa;b) noocyada marag muujinta uu soo jeediyay, si ay ugu noqoto difaaciisa.

Maxkamaddu waxa ay dhagaysan doontaa oo ay ka fiirsan doontaa difaaca caddayntiisa.

3. Haddii in ka badan hal eedaysane ay jiraan, Maxkamaddu waxay u samayn doontaa habka eedayn kastaa ugu aadayso difaaciisa.

Article 117Rebuttal of Evidence

1. If the accused produces evidence that the Attorney General could not have been reasonably expected to foresee, the Court may allow the Attorney General to produce evidence in rebuttal.

2. In such case as provided for in the preceding paragraph the accused may, after such evidence in rebuttal has been produced by the Attorney General, produce further evidence in his own defence.

Article 118Evidence ordered by the Court on its own Motion

A Court may order, on its own motion, that evidence be produced which it considers proper and useful in order to ascertain the truth.


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Article 119Summation and Closure of the Hearing

1. After all the evidence has been produced:a) the Attorney General shall sum up his case, making such comments and

observations as the considers necessary and expressing his opinion on matters of fact and of law, which in his view the Court should accept;

b) after the summation by the Attorney General, the defence shall sum up its case. If the accused is represented by more than one defence Counsel, each such Counsel shall confine his summation to particular arguments, objections or requests which have not been raised by other Counsels for the defence.

2. If there is more than one accused, the Court shall determine the order in which they shall address the Court.

3. Without the Court’s consent, no further statement shall be allowed. Should he so request, the accused shall always be allowed to have the last word.

Qodobka 117Tixgelinta Caddaynta

1. Haddii eeddaysanuhu uu keeno caddayn Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud aanu si macquul ah rajaynayn inay dhici karo, Maxkamadda ayaa u ogolaan karta Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud inuu keeno caddayn lagu qanco.

2. Xaaladaasi ku xusan farqada hore, eeddaysanuhu waxa uu kadib caddayntan lagu qancay ee uu keenay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, soo saari doonaa caddayn dheeraad ah oo difaaciisa ah.

Qodobka 118Caddynta Maxkamaddu Ku Amarto Soo Jeedinteeda

Maxkamaddu waxay ku amri kartaa, soo jeedinteeda in marag muujinta loo soo gudbiyay ay u aqoonsatay mid la hubo oo faa’iido u leh si loo xaqiijiyo runta.


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Qodobka 119Soo koobida iyo Gabagabaynta Dhagaysiga

1. Kadib marka dhammaan marag muujimaha la soo gudbiyo:a) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ayaa soo koobaya dacwadiisa, una samaynaya,

faallooyinka iyo ogaysiiysyada sida uu u filayo inay daruuri u tahay una iftiiminayso aragtidiisa ku tacaluqda xaqiiqada iyo sharciga, taasi oo uu arko in Maxkamaddu aqbasho;

b) kadib soo koobida Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, difaaca ayaa soo koobi doona dacwaddiisa. Haddii eeddaysanaha ay matalayaan in ka badan hal Qareen difaac, mid kasta oo Qareenadaas ahi waxa uu xaddidi doonaa soo koobistiisa gaar ahaan doodaha, diidmooyinka iyo codsiyada aanay soo bandhigin Qareenada kale ee difaacu.

2. Haddii ay jiraan in ka badan hal eeddaysane Maxkamaddu waxay go’aamin doontaa nidaamka ay iyagu hadal uga jeedin karaan Maxkamadda.

3. Ogolaanshaha Maxkamadda la’aantii, hadal cadayn ah oo dheeraad ah lama aqbalayo. Haddii uu sidaasi codsado, eeddaysanaha ayaa inta badan loo ogolaan doonaa inuu yeesho kalmada ugu dambaysa.

4. If the Attorney General, the accused or defense Counsel should abuse the right to address the Court, by introducing unnecessarily long speeches, irrelevancies or in any other way, and two successive warnings about this remain unheeded, the President of the Court shall withdraw the right to continue such address from any person so abusing such right.

5. The hearing shall be considered closed when the summations to the Court are finished.

CHAPTER IVThe Judgment

Article 120Deliberation of the Court and pronouncement of the Judgment

1. The members of the Court who have participated in the hearing shall deliberate, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 86:


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a) immediately, orb) as soon as possible

after the closing of the hearing.

2. in its deliberations, the Court shall decide:1. preliminary questions;2. questions of fact and of law regarding the charge, and3. if necessary, questions regarding the application of the punishment and

security measures.

3. The President of the Court, or another member of the Bench, shall, immediately after the deliberation, read the part of the judgment relating to the question of guilt and the sentence, if any:

a) in open Court,b) in the presence:

h) of the accused, andiii) of the Attorney General.

If the accused is acquitted or sentenced to fine only, the presence of only his Counsel or a representative may be considered sufficient.

4. The reading of the part of the judgment referred to in paragraph 3 shall be equivalent to the notification of the judgment to all the parties present or represented.

4. Haddii Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, eedaysanaha ama Qareenka difaacu haddii ay ku xadgudbaan xaqa looga hadlo Maxkamadda, oo ay soo dhexgeliyaan hadal dheer oo aan daruuri ahayn, kuna haboonayn ama dariiq kastoo kale, laba digniinood oo is xiga dabadood haduu wali ay dhug u yeelan waayaan Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu kala noqon doonaa xaqii inuu sii wato hadal jeedintii iyo qof kasta oo sidaasi ugu xadgudba xaqaasiba.

5. Dhagaysigu waxa loo aqoonsanayaa inuu xidhmay markaa soo koobida Maxkamadda loo samaynayaa ay dhammaato.


Qodobka 120Ka baaraandagida Maxkamadda iyo ku Dhawaaqida Xukunka


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1. Xubnaha Maxkamadda ee ah kuwa ka wada qayb galay dhagaysiga, waxay uga baaraan dagi doonaan si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 1 ee Qodobka 86:

a) isla markaaba, amab) sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ee suurtowda

kadib marka uu xidho dhagaysigu.

2. Marka ay ku dhex jiraan falanqaynta, Maxkamaddu waxay go’aamin:a) Suaalo bilow ah;b) su’aalo xaqiiqo iyo sharci ah oo la xihdiidha eeda, iyoc) haddii lagama maarmaan tahay, su’aalaha la xidhiidha dhaqan gelinta

ciqaabta iyo tallaabooyin nabadgelyo.3. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu, ama xubin kale oo ah Maxkamadda ah, ayaa,

isla markiiba kadib falanqaynta, akhriyaya qaybta xukunka ah ee la xidhiidha dhibta gafka iyo xukunkiisa, haddii inuun wax jiraan.

a) Maxkamad oo dadwaynaha u furan,b) goob joog yihiin:

i) eedaysanaha iyoii) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

Haddii eedaysanuhu uu noqdo bilaa dambi ama la saaro ciqaab sharci oo kaliya ganaax, Qareenkiisa oo qudha ama wakiilkiisa ayaa haday joogaan loo qaadanayaa in ay ku filan yihiin.

4. Waxa uu akhriyayaaa qaybta xukunka ah ee ku xusan farqada 3 ayaa ku filaan doonta ogaysiinta xukunka dhammaan dhinacyada jooga ama la matalo.

Article 121Form of Judgment

1. A judgment shall be prepared by a President of a Court in full and shall contain:

a) a preamble in the name of the Somali people and the name of the Court pronouncing the judgment;

b) personal details of the accused or anything else which may identify him;

c) a statement of the facts and circumstances which form the subject of the charge;

d) a concise statement of the factual and legal grounds on which the judgment is based;

e) reference to the articles of law on which the judgment is based;


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f) the acquittal or conviction of the accused in respect of each offence charged;

g) the punishment imposed in respect of each offence of which the accused has been found guilty together with any security measures which may be ordered;

h) the date and the signature of the President of the Court and other members of the Bench.

2. A judgment shall be null and void:a) if no grounds are given, or if they are contradictory;b) if the part of the judgment relating to the question of guilt and the

sentence, if any, is lacking or incomplete in any of its essential elements.

Article 122Acquittal of the Accused

When a Court finds an accused not guilty of the charge brought against him, it shall:

a) pronounce judgment of acquittal; andb) order any measures that may be required by article 76.

Qodobka 121Qaabka Xukunka

1. Xukunka waxa diyaarin doona Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda si dhamaystiran, waxaanu ka koobnaan doonaa:

a) hordhaca waxa lagu bilaabi magaca Ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo magaca Maxkamadda ku dhawaaqday xukunka;

b) astaamaha guud ee eedaysanaha oo faahfaahsan iyo wax kastoo kale oo lagu aqoonsan karo;

c) badheedhaha xaqiiqooyinka iyo duruufaha ah kuwa keenay eedaynta;d) weedh kooban oo ah xaqiiqada iyoasbaabaha qaanuunka, kaasi oo ah ka

xukunku ku salaysan yahay,e) tixraaca Qodobada sharciga ah ee uu xukunku ku salaysan yahay;


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f) dambi ka dhaafid ama dambi xukumida eedaysanaha oo loo eego dambi kasta;

g) ciqaabta la dul saaray ee la xihdiidha dambi kasta oo ah ka uu eedaysanuhu ku noqday dambiile oo ay la socoto tallaabooyin nabadgelyo oo kasta oo laga yaabo in la amray;

h) Taariikhda iyo saxeexa Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda iyo xubnaha kale ee garsoorka ka tirsan ee kala qayb galay dhagaysiga kiiska ah.

2. Xukunka wuxuu noqon mid aan qiime sharci ah lahayn:a) haddii aan asbaab la bixinin, ama haddii ay is burinayaan;b) haddii qaybta xukunka ah ee la xidhiidha su’aasha ah dambi iyo

ciqaabta sharciga ah, oo wax uun, la la’ yahay ama aanay dhamaystirayn wax wal oo ah walax daruuri ah.

Qodobka 122Dambi ka Dhaafida Eedaysanaha

Marka ay Maxkamaddu ku hesho eedaysanaha in aanu dambiile ku noqon eedayntii lidka ku ahayd ee lagu oogay isaga waxa ay:

a) ku dhawaaqi xukunka dambi ka dhaafida; iyo b) amri tallaabo kasta oo uu u baahan karo Qodobka 76.

Article 123Conviction of the Accused

1. When a Court finds an accused guilty of the charge brought against him, the President of the Court shall:

a) state in open Court, in the form laid down in paragraph 3 of article 120, that the accused has been found guilty, and

b) ask the attorney general whether the accused has any previous convictions recorded against him.

2. If there are previous convictions recorded against the accused the attorney general shall prove such convictions and the accused may contest them.


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3. The Court shall then:a) Pronounce sentence, except in the cases provided for in Article 126;b) order the application of security measures in the cases provided for in

the Penal Code;c) decide whether to grant any of the benefits provided for in articles 125

and 127;d) make any other order that may be required.

4. The President of the Court shall:a) read the sentence in the form laid down in paragraph 3 of article 120,

andb) inform the convicted person of his right to appeal against the judgment.

Article 124Relationship between the Judgment and the Charge

1. A Court may find an accused, on the same set of facts, guilty of an offence different from that contained in the original charge, and award a corresponding punishment, even though such punishment may be greater than that applicable to the offence originally charged, and apply security measures, provided that it has been found guilty. Otherwise, the Court shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph c) I) of paragraph 2 of Article 106.

Qodobka 123Xukunka Ciqaabta Eedaysanaha

1. Wakhtiga ay Maxkamaddu ku hesho eedaysanuhu inuu galay dambiga eediisa isaga lagu oogay, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu:

a) amraysaa dhaqan galinta talaabooyinka nabadgalyada marka ay jiro xaaladaha uu sheegayo Xeerka Ciqaabta Guud;

b) ku dhawaaqi inay Maxkamaddu u furan tahay, qaabka ay jidaysay farqadda 3 ee Qodobka 120, in eedaysanaha lagu helay gaf uu sameeyay, iyo

c) waydiin Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud inuu eedaysanaha u hayo wax xukumo ah oo hore oo loo diiwaan galiyay lidna ku ah isaga.


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2. Haddii ay jiraan xukumo hore oo loo diiwaan geliyay lidna ku ah eedaysanaha, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud wuxuu caddayn doonaa xukunadaasi eedaysanuhuna wuu ka doodi karaa in aanay sax ahayn kuwaasi.

3. Maxkamaddu markaasi ka dib waxa ay:ku dhawaaqi xukunka, marka laga reebo xaaladaha uu jideeyay Qodobka 126;

a) ku dhawaaqi ciqaabta sharciga ah, marka laga reebo xaaladaha ku xusan Qodobka 126;

b) Amari in la dabqo talaabooyin xaga amaanka ah marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ku xusan Xeerka Ciqaabta;

c) go’aamin in la siiyo iyo in kale maslaxad kasta oouu sheegayo Qodobada 125 iyo 127;

d) samayn amar kasta oo kale kaasi oo loo baahan karo;

4. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu;a) ugu dhawaaqi xukunka qaabka uu dhigayo farqada 3 ee Qodobka 120, iyo b) ku wargelin qofka la xukumay in uu xaq u leeyahay in uu rafcaan ka qaadto

xukunka lidka ah.

Qodobka 124Xidhiidhka u Dhexeeya Xukunka iyo Eeda

1. Maxkamaddu hadday ku hesho eedaysanaha, xaqiiqooyin isku mid ah awgood, galitaan dambi ka duwan kii ka dhashay eedii asliga ahayd, iyo ciqaabtii loo dajiyay ee la xidhiidhay, xataa in kastoo ciqaabta sidaas ahi ay ka waynaan karto marka loo eego tii ku haboonayd dambigii asliga ahaa eediisa, iyo tallaabooyinkii nabadgalyo ee la qaaday, marka ay leedahay awoodii garsoor ee dambiga ah ka eedaysanuhu ku noqday dambiilaha. Haddii kale Maxkamaddu waxay u wadi doontaa si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka c) (i) farqada 2 ee Qodobka 106.

2. When it is found, during the course of the trial, that the offence of which the accused may be found guilty is different from the offence charged, if:

a) the offence of which the accused is charged consists of a number of acts or omissions; and

b) one or more of such acts or omissions constitute a lesser offence or only an attempt to commit the offence charged, and

c) only such lesser offence or attempt is proved,

the Court may find the accused guilty of the lesser offence or of the attempt, even if these were not included in the charge.


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3. Except for the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, when it is evident that the offence of which the accused is to be found guilty is different from the offence charged, the Court:

a) if the offence falls within its jurisdiction shall:i) order the attorney general to amend the charge; orii) order a fresh hearing to the extent necessary to prevent prejudice

to the rights of the accused, allowing such accused, whenever he so requests, reasonable time to prepare his defense;

b) otherwise, shall proceed as proved for in sub-paragraph c) i) of paragraph 2 of article 106.

Article 125Fine in Place of Imprisonment

1. When a Court convicts a person for a crime committed with culpa and imposes a sentence of imprisonment for not more than one year, whether with or without fine, it may order, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 109 of the Penal Code, and bearing in mind the circumstances provided for in article 110 of the Penal Code, that the imprisonment be converted into the corresponding fine, in accordance with the rate of conversion laid down in article 112 of the Penal Code.

4. The benefit provided for in the preceding paragraph shall only be exercised if it is so requested by the convicted person before the Court decides on the punishment in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 123.

2. Markii lagu helo, xiliga ay socoto Maxkamaddu, in dambigu uu ku noqday dambiile uu ka duwan yahay dambiga lagu eeddeeyay, haddii;

a) dambiga ah ka eedaysanuhu ku eedaysan yahay uu ka kooban yahay tiro falal ama fal la’aan ah; iyo

b) mid ama in ka badan oo falalkaasi ama fala’aantaasi ay ka dhalanayso dambi ka yar ama keliya iskuday lagu gelyo dambiga lagu eedeeyay, iyo

c) kaliya dambiga ka yar ama isku daygiisa caynkan ah la cadeeyay,

Maxkamaddu waxay ku heli eedaysanaha dambiilanimo ka dambi yar ama isku day, xataa haddii kuwaasi aanay ku jirin eedaymaha dhexdooda.


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3. Marka laga reebo xaalada ay sheegayso farqada hore, marka ay cadahay in uu dambiga uu ku eedaysan yahay eedaysanuhu ee uu dambiilaha ku noqday uu ka duwan yahay dambigii lagu eedeeyay, Maxkamaddu haddii:

a) dambigu soo galo awoodaheeda garsoor waxa ay:i) amri Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud inuu wax ka bedelo eeda; ama ii) amri dhagaysi cusub oo lagu bixiyo ka hortaga lagama

maarmaanka ah oo u ogolaanaya eedaysanaha, markasta oo uu codsado, wakhti ku filan oo uu ku diyaariyo difaaciisa.

b) haddii kale, waxa lagu dhaqmi doonaa sida uu dhigayo xarafka c) (i) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 106.

Qodobka 125Ganaax Lagu Bixiyo halkii Xadhiga

1. Marka ay Maxkamaddu ku xukunto qof dambi uu ku galay gaf oo la saaro xukun xadhig oo aan ka badnayn hal sano, hadduu jiro iyo haddaanu jirin ganaax, waxa ay amri kartaa, si waafaqsan qaybaha farqadaha 3 iyo 4 ee Qodobka 109 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, iyadoo maskaxdana ku haysa duruufaha ku xusan Qodobka 110 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, in xadhigaasi loogu badalo ganaax, oo waafaqsan qiimaha isku badalka ee uu dhigayo Qodobka 112 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta.

2. Maslaxada ku xusan farqada hore waxa kaliya oo lagu dhaqmi doonaa haddii uu sidaasi codsado ruuxa la xukumay ka hor intaan Maxkamaddu go’aamin ciqaabta waafaqsan farqadda 3 ee Qodobka 123.

3. The benefit of conversion shall be automatically revoked if the convicted person, within the time-limit set by the Court:

c) fails to pay the fine;d) fails to fulfill the civil liabilities to an injured person arising from the


Article 126Judicial Pardon

1. If for offences committed by persons:


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a) of less than 18 years of age, orb) of over 70 years of age,

the law provides a maximum punishment of not more than 3 years, either with or without fine, or a less serious punishment, the Court may, in accordance with the provisions of article 147 of the penal Code:

i) after finding the convicted person guilty, inflict no punishment, and

ii) declare that the offence shall be extinguished by the grant of a judicial pardon.

when, having regard of the circumstances laid down in article 110 of the penal Code, it considers that such person will not commit any further offences.

2. A judicial pardon cannot be given more than once.

Article 127Suspended Sentence

1. In passing sentence:

a) to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or b) to a fine which, with or without imprisonment, and on the basis of the

conversion rate provided for in article 112 of the penal Code, would be equivalent to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months,

against an accused who is not a recidivist, a Court may order, in accordance with article 150 of the penal Code, that the execution of such sentence be suspended for a period of 5 years, when, having regard to the provisions of article 110 of the penal Code, it considers that such person will not commit another offence.

3. Maslaxada isku badalka waxa ay si qorshaysan markiiba ay u baabi’i haddii ruuxa xukumani, xiligii ay u qarirtay Maxkamaddu gudihiisaku guul daraysto bixinta ganaaxa:

a) ku guul daraysto in uu bixiyo ganaaxii;b) ku guul daraysto in uu ka soo baxo masuuliyadihii saarnaa ee madaniga

ahaa ee ruuxa dhibanaha ka soo gaadhay dambiga.

Qodobka 126Cafis Garsoor

1. Haddii dambiyada ay galeen dad:


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a) ka yar da’da 18 sano, amab) ka wayn da’da 70 sano,

Sharcigu wuxuu u jidaynayaa ciqaabta ugu badan in aanay ka badnayn 3 sano, oo ay la socoto ama aanay la socon ganaax, ama ciqaab ka khatar yar, Maxkamaddu waxay, si waafaqsan qaybaha Qodobka 147 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta:

i) kadib marka uu noqdo qofka la xukumay dambiile, aan loo gaysana waxyeelo ciqaabeed oo kale, iyo

ii) ay cadaynaysaa in dambigaasi lagu dhaafay cafis garsoor oo la siiyay.

wakhtiga, loo tixgeliyo duruufaha uu jideeyay Qodobka 110 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, waxay tixgelinaysaa in qofkaasi aanu galaynin wax dambiyo ah oo dheeraad ah.

2. Cafis garsoor lama bixin karo in ka badan hal mar.

Qodobka 127Ciqaabaha Sharciga ah ee la Diido

1. Marka lagu soo saaro ciqaabta sharciga ah:

a) xadhig mudadiisu aanay ka badnayn 6 bilood, amab) ganaax kaasi oo uu la socdo ama aanu la socon xadhig, oo ku salaysan

heerka isku badalka qiimaha uu sheegayo Qodobka 112 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, oo uu u dhigmaya mudada xadhiga aan ka badnayn 6 bilood,

oo lidka ku ah eedaysane aan ahayn caadayste dambi, Maxkamaddu waxay amraysaa, si waafaqsan Qodobka 150 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, in fulinta ciqaabtaasi sharciga ah la joojiyo mudo dhan 5 sanadood, xiliga, loo tixgaliyo qaybaha Qodobka 110 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, waxa loo qaadanayaa in ruuxaasi aanu galin dambi kale.

2. A suspended sentence shall be revoked automatically if the convicted person:a) within 5 years of the conviction commits:

i) a crime, ora contravention of the same kind as that for which he was convicted, or

b) fails to fulfill within the time-limit fixed by the Court any of the civil liabilities towards the injured person arising from the offence.

3. the punishment shall be extinguished if, within the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, no cause for revocation of the suspended sentence arises.

Article 128


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Rules common to Judicial Pardon and Suspended Sentence

When a judicial pardon has been granted in accordance with article 126, or suspended sentence has been approved in accordance with article 127, the Court may order that the convicted person:

a) take up some fixed employment;b) undergo any necessary medical or psychiatric treatment;c) refrain from frequenting certain place and consorting with certain

parsons;d) posses or carry no firearms or other dangerous weapon.

CHAPTER VProcedure for Crimes committed during Trial

Article 129Cases in which the Court shall Proceed immediately

1. When, during a hearing, a person commits an offence in respect of which proceedings are initiated by the State and for which the law provides a punishment of imprisonment, or a more serious penalty, the President of the Court shall:

2. Ka joojinta ciqaabta sharci waa ay tirtirmi doontaa isla marka uu ruuxa xukumani:

a) uu xukunka 5 sanadood ah gudahooda ku galo:i) dambi, amaii) sharci daro la nooc ah tii lagu xukumay isaga, ama

b) ku guul daraysto mudadii ay xadidaadeeda goysay Maxkamaddu in uu ku bixiyo waajibaadyo kasta oo madani ah oo ka soo gaadhay ruuxa dhibanaha ah dambigaasi.


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3. Ciqaabta waa la baabi’in doonaa haddii, mudada lagu xusay farqada hore dhexdeeda, tirtirid aan sabab lahayni ku timaado joojintii ciqaabta sharci ka soo dhex baxday.

Qodobka 128Shuruudaha Guud ee Cafiska Garsoorka iyo Joojinta Ciqaab sharci

Marka cafis garsoor lagu bixiyo si waafaqsan Qodobka 126, ama joojinta ciqaab sharci lagu ansixiyo si waafaqsan Qodobka 127, Maxkamaddu waxay amri doontaa in ruuxa xukumani:

a) uu sameeyo shaqo loo dajiyay;b) la marsiiyo daawayn kasta oo caafimaadka ah ama cudurada masakaxda

ah;c) uu caadi ahaab uga ka waantoobo meelo khaas ah ama la socoshada

dada gaarr ah;d) aanu haysan ama qaadan buntukh (qori) ama hub kale oo khatar ah .

CUTUBKA VHabka Dambiyada la galo Xiliga Maxkamadda lagu jiro

Qodobka 129Xaaladaha ah kuwa ay Maxkamaddu markiiba gudo galayso

1. Marka, wakhtiga dhagaysiga, qof ku galo dambi kaasi oo talaabadii sharci uu bilaabayo (oogayo) Qaranku kaasi uu sharciguna u jideeyay ciqaab xadhig, ama ciqaab adago oo badan, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu:

a) cause a statement of the offence to be recorded,b) order the immediate arrest of the offender.

2. If:a) the punishment provided by law for the offence committed during the

hearing is not in excess of the jurisdiction of the Court, andb) such Court is the penal section of the district Court the attorney general

shall immediately frame a charge and produce it to the Court. The Court, having suspended the trial in progress, or immediately after pronouncing judgment in that trial, shall being the hearing of the new offence.


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Otherwise, the attorney general shall immediately proceed in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of article 70.

CHAPTER VIDecision of the Request of an injured Party

Article 130Admissibility of a Claim by the injured Party

1. When the accused person has been found guilty in accordance with article 123, the Court, if the injured party has applied to it for civil damages against the accused in accordance with paragraph 2 and 3 of article 14, shall decide upon such claim, unless it declares the claim to be inadmissible in accordance with the following paragraph.

2. A claim for civil damages from an injured party shall be declared inadmissible if:

a) the claim:i) was not make in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 3

of article 14;ii) was made by a person not legally entitled to do so in accordance

with civil law;iii) was made against someone incapable of being sued in a civil


a) waxay samaynaysaa in warka dambiga la duubo,b) amar ku bixin in isla markiiba la xidho dambiilaha.

2. Haddii:a) ciqaabta uu u jidaynayo sharcigu dambiga la galay wakhtigii

dhagaysiga aanu ahayn awooda garsoor ee Maxkamadda, iyob) Maxkamaddaasi haday tahay waaxda Ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda

Degmada ama waaxda Maxkamadda Gobolka.


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Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu isla markiiba isku dubaridayaa eedaynta waxaanu u gudbinayaa Maxkamadda, Maxkamaddu, waxa ay joojin Maxkamaddii socotay ama isla markaa kadib ay soo saarto xukunka Maxkamaddii socotay, waxay bilaabi doontaa dhagaysiga dambiga, cusub.

Haddii kale, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu u gado geli si waafaqsan qaybaha xarafka a) farqada 1 ee Qodobka 70.

CUTUBKA VIGo’aanka Codsiga Dhinacaha Dhibanaha

Qodobka 130Marag Muujinta Dooda Dhinaca Dhibanaha

1. Marka ruuxa eedaysanaha ah lagu helo dambi si waafaqsan Qodobka 123, Maxkamadda, haddii dhinaca dhibanuhu waydiisto khasaaraha madani oo lid ku ah eedaysanaha si waafaqsan farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 14, waxay go’aan ka gaadhi doontaa dooda, haddii kale waxa ayku dhawaaqi in doodii aanay marag muujin ahayn si waafaqsan farqadaha soo socda.

2. Dacwadii khasaaraha madani ee dhinaca dhibanaha waxa lagu dhawaaqi doonaa in aanay marag muujin lahayn;

a) dacwada:i) aan loo samayn si waafaqsan shuruudaha farqada 3 ee Qodobka

14,ii) uu sameeyay ruux aan awood qaanuuni ah u haysan si waafaqsan

xeerka madaniga;iii) ay lid ku noqoto qof, aan awoodi karin in uu gudbiyo garmaqal

madani ah;

b) the injured party:i) has started proceedings in a civil Court for the recovery of

damages deriving from the offence;ii) has effected a settlement with the accused with respect to the



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c) the amount of damages claimed is in excess of the maximum amount which may be awarded by the civil section of the Court in which the case is being tried;

d) the application cannot be expeditiously heard due to the necessity of bearing a substantial amount of fresh evidence, or for any other reason.

In such cases the Court shall declare the claim for damages to be inadmissible and shall advice the inured party that the claim may be brought in a civil Court.

Article 131Court Decisions regarding Claims for Damages

1. The Court, having considered the evidence of the injured party and the accused concerning the claim for damages,. Shall then proceed to deliver judgment in the matter.

2. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the provisions of civil law, including those pertaining to execution, shall be observed in this matter insofar as applicable.

CHAPTER VIIFinal Provisions

Article 132Record of Hearings

1. The President of a Court shall arrange for the preparation of a complete record of every hearing, if possible by means of a stenographer. Such record shall contain:

a) the place, the year, the month, the day in which the hearing has taken place, and the time of the opening and closing of the hearing; reference to any suspension of the hearing and the time at which it was resumed;

b) dhinaca dhibanaha ah:i) uu ka bilaabay garmaqalo Maxkamad madani ah oo uu ka

dalbanayo in la siiyo magdhawgii uu ku keenay dambigu;ii) waxay ka heshiiyeen eedaysanaha waxii la xidhiidhay



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c) cadadka magdhowga uu ku doodayo ama sheeganayo in ay gaadhay oo ah cadadka ugu badan kaasi oo ay siin karo Waaxda madaniga ee Maxkamadda dacwada lagu qaaday;

d) codsiga muu ahayn mid leh dhagaysi masuuliyadeed sababtoo ah baahidii dhagaysiga cadadka walaxaha cadaynta cusub, sabab kastoo kale

Marka ay jiraan xaaladaha sidaas ahi Maxkamaddu waxay caddaynaysaa in dacwada magdhowyada aan la ogolaanaynin, waxaanay kula talin doontaa dhinaca dhibanaha ah in dacwadaasi uu hor gayn karo Maxkamad madani ah.

Qodobka 131Go’aanka Maxkamadda ee ku saabsan Magdhowyada

1. Maxkamaddu marka ay tixgaliso cadaynta dhinaca dhibanaha iyo eedaysanaha ee khusaysa sheegashada ama dalabka magdhowyada , waxay markaasi kadib guda galaysaa in ay xukun ka soo saarto arintaasi.

2. Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, qaybaha Xeerka Madaniga, ee ku jira kuwa ka qayb qaadanaya fulinta, ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo ayaa lagu dhaqmi doonaa arintaasi.

CUTUBKA VIIQaybaha ugu Dambeeya

Qodobka 132Diiwaanka Dhagaysiga

1. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu wuxuu habayn doonaa diyaarinta diiwaan dhamaystiran oo ah dhagaysi kasta, haddii ay suurowdo qoraa gacan fudud in la helo, diiwaan kaasi wuxuu ka koobnaaan doonaa:

a) goobta, sanadka, bisha, maalinta ah ta dhagaysiga la sameeyay, iyo wakhtiga uu furmay iyo kuu xidhmay dhagaysigu, iyo tixraac kasta oo la joojiyay dhagaysiga iyo wakhtiga dib loo ambaqaadayo;

b) the names of the members of the Court;c) personal details of the accused, and any other information that may

identify him; personal details of the injured party; the name of the representative of the attorney general and the names of all other representatives and Counsel;


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d) personal details of witnesses and interpreters, and a reference to their taking the oath;

e) orders and decisions of the Court and the grounds thereof;f) objections, requests and applications made by the parties;g) a description of exhibits laid before the Court;h) a record of statements made by the accused;i) a record of statements made by witnesses;j) a record of anything else which may be specially prescribed by law,

or anything which the President of the Court, on application by one of the parties or on his own motion, orders to be included.

2. The record of the hearing, unless the President of the Court makes it personally, shall be made by a Court Registrar, or by a police officer so ordered by the President of the Court. If the record was taken down in shorthand, it shall be transposed by the stenographer who recorded it not later than the day following the compilation of the stenographic record.

3. Unless the President of the Court orders that testimony be recorded verbatim, it shall be recorded in narrative form and be divided into:

a) examination;b) cross-examination;c) re-examination,

Showing the beginning and the end of each of these three parts.

4. Except as otherwise provided by law, the recording of the evidence shall take place in the presence of the accused.

5. after a witness’s evidence has been so recorded, the record shall be read, in the presence of the accused, to the person who gave the evidence, and, if necessary, it shall be corrected.

6. After a witness’s evidence has been recorded, the President of the Court may order the inclusion in the record of any remarks which he deems necessary, concerning the behavior of the witness while he was giving evidence and concerning the correction make in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

b) magacyada xubnaha Maxkamadda;


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c) astaamaha faahfaahsan ee eedaysanaha iyo wax kasta oo kale oo lagu aqoonsan karo isaga; astaamaha guud ee dhinaca dhibanaha ah; magaca wakiilka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo magacyada dhamaan wakiilada iyo Qareenada kale;

d) astaamaha faahfaahsan ee maragyada iyo turjumaanada iyo tixraacyada ay ku dhaaranayaan;

e) awaamiirta iyo go’aanada Maxkamadda iyo asbaabtoodaba;f) diidmooyinka, codsiyada iyo dalabaadka ay sameeyaan dhinacyadu;g) cadaymaha bandhigyo Maxkamadda loo gudbiyay;h) diiwaangelinta cadaymihii eedaysanuhu sameeyay;i) diiwaan cadaymihii maragyadu ay sameeyeen;j) diiwaan gelinta shay kata oo kale oo uu si khaas ah u xusay sharcigu, ama

wax kasta oo gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu kadib markay codsadeen dhinacyada midkood ama soo jeedinta Maxkamadda, la amray in lagu daro.

2. Diiwaanka Dhagaysiga, haddii aanu Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadu si shakhsi ahaan ah u samaynin isagu, waxa samayn doona Kaliyaha Maxkamadda, ama Sarkaal Boolis ah oo uu amar ku siiyay Gudoomaiyaha Maxkamadu. Haddii diiwaan galinta loo qoraya qoraal la soo gaabgaabshay, waxa wakhti aan ka danbayn maalinta la dhamays tiro far qoraalka gaagaaban badali doona fartaasi ruux ku shaqaysta far qoraalka gaagaaban oo ah kii diiwaangalinta sameeyay.

3. Haddii kale oo uu Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu amar ku bixiyo in maraga loo diiwaan galiyo xaraf xaraf (kalmad kalmad), waxa loo diiwaan galin doonaa qaab sheeko ahaan ah oo u qaybsanta:

a) waraysi (su’aalo);b) waraysiga uu maraga la sheeyo dhanaca u yeedhay maahee dhinaca kale;c) waraysi ku celis ah oo uu markhaatiga waydiiyo dhincii u yeedhay kadib

markuu dhinaca aan u yeedhini uu wax su’aalo,Oo ay ka muuqato bilowgii iyo dhamaadkii seddexdaasi qayboodba.

4. Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, diiwaan gelinta cadaynta waxay dhici doontaa iyadoo uu goob joog yahay eedaysanuhu.

5. Kadib marka cadaynta maraga la diiwaan geliyo, diiwaan gelintaasi ayaa la akhriyi doonaa, iyadoo uu goob joog yahay eedaysanuhu, qofkii bixiyay cadaynta, iyo, haddii lagama maarmaan ay tahay, waa la sixi doonaa cadaynta.

6. Kadib marka cadaynta eedaysanaha la diiwaan geliyo, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadu wuxuu amar ku bixin karaa in lagu dhex daro diiwaan gelinta faalo (tacliiq) kasta oo uu isagu u arko lagama maarmaan, khusaysana dabeecada maraga markii uu bixinayay cadaynta oo khusaysa sixitaanka loo sameeyay si waafaqsan farqada hore.

Article 133Court Case File


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In every proceeding, the Registrar shall complete a Court case file containing the original of the following records arranged in chronological order:

a) every warrant, order, judgment or any other measure issued with respect to the accused, other parties, guarantors, and witnesses;

b) the charge and any amendments made to it;c) the record of the hearings;d) the record of all adjournments, showing the duration and the reason

thereof;e) a note that the accused was informed of his right to appeal;f) a record of the Court’s decision regarding any claim for damages made

by the injured party;g) any statement of intention to appeal and the grounds thereof.

Article 134Copies of the Judgment and of the Court Case File

1. On the application of the accused, a copy of the judgment shall be given to him without delay and free of cost.

2. A complete copy of the Court case file shall be given to the accused upon payment of the costs and fees fixed by decree of the Minister of Grace and Justice, provided that the trial or the higher Court may order that a complete copy of the Court case file be given to the accused without payment if the Court considers that such may be necessary for an appeal.


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Qodobka 133Galka Dacwada ee Maxkamadda

Garmaqal kasta, kaaliyuhu waxa uu dhamaystirayaa galka dacwada Maxkamadda ugu diiwaangalinayaa dhamaan nuqulada asliga ah ee hoos ku xusan isagoo u habaynaya nidaamka ay taariikhdoodu u kala horaysay:

a) awood bixin kata amar kasta, xukun kasta, ama talaabo kasta oo kale oo ku soo baxda eedaysanaha, dhinacyada kale, damiin qaadayaasha iyo maragyada;

b) eeda iyo sixitaan kasta oo lagu sameeyay;c) diiwaan galinta dhagaysiyada;d) diiwaan galinta dhamaan hakadyada, oo ay ka muuqato mudadooda iyo

sababaha loo sameeyay;e) cadaynta in eedaysanaha lagu wargeliyay xaqa uu u leeyahay rafcaan;f) diiwaan galinta go’aanada Maxkamadda ee la xidhiidha dalab kasta oo

ah khasaarayaashii soo gaadhay dhinaca dhibanaha;g) warka kasta oo ujeedadeedu tahay in rafcaan laga samaysto iyo


Qodobka 134Nuqulada Xukunka iyo Galka Dacwada Maxkamadda

1. Marka uu codsado eedaysanuhu, nuqulka xukunka waa la siinayaa isaga iyadoo aan lagu samayn wax dib u dhac ah waana lacag la’aan.

2. Nuqulka dhamayska tiran ee galka dacwada Maxkamadda waxaa lagu siinayaa eedaysanaha bixinta qiimeyaasha iyo fiiyada uu goyay qaraarka Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladda, taasi oo bixinaysa Maxkamaddii lagu oogay ama Maxkamad ka saraysaa ay amri karto in dhamaan nuqulka galka dacwada Maxkamadda lagu siiyo eedaysanaha lacag la’aan haddii Maxkamadu tixgeliso in sidaasi ay lagama maarmaan u tahay rafcaanka.


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CHAPTER IRelevancy of Facts in General

Article 135Facts in Issue and Relevant Facts

1. Evidence may be given in any criminal proceedings of the existence or non-existence:

a) of every fact in issue, andb) of such other facts as are declared by law to be relevant,c) and of no others.

2. For the purposes of this Code, unless the context indicates otherwise:a) the term “fact in issue” shall mean any fact from which, either by itself

or in connection with other facts, the existence or non-existence, nature or extent of any fact asserted or denied, necessarily follows;

b) the term “relevant fact” shall include every fact which may be proved in the trial.

Article 136Relevancy of Facts forming Part of the same Event

Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact in issue as to form part of the same event, are relevant, whether they occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places.


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CUTUBKA IGuud ahaan Xaqiiqooyinka iyo wixii ku Tacaluqa

Qodobka 135Xaqiiqooyinka Taagan iyo Xaqiiqooyinka ku Tacaluqa

1. Marag muujin waxa lagu bixin karaa garmaqal kasta oo ciqaabeed inay jirto iyo in aanay jirin:

a) xaqiiqo kasta oo soo baxda, iyob) xaqiiqooyin wal oo kale oo ah siduu u cadeeyo sharcigu inay ku

tacaluqdo.kuwo kalese ma jirayaan.

2. Sida uu qabo Xeerkani, haddii aanu macnaha guud si kale u dhigin:a) weedha ( xaqiiqo taagan) waxa loola jeedaa xaqiiqo walba taas, oo

iyada lafteedu ama ku xidhnaanshaha xaqiiqooyin kale, jiritaankeeda ama jiritaan la’aanteeda, dabeecadeeda ama xadkeeda ee xaqiiqo wal la qirtay ama la dafiray, oo lagama maarmaan u ah sidan;

b) weedha (xaqiiq ku tacaluqda) waxa ku jiri doona xaqiiq kasta oo lagu cadayn karo oogitaanka .

Qodobka 136Xaqiiqooyinka ku Tacaluqa ee ka kooban Qayb ahaan isla Dhacdo

Xaqiiqooyinka ah, inkastoo aanay taagnayn, si ula xidhiidha xaqiiqo taagan, oo saamaynaya qayb ah isla dhacdo, waxa weeye mid ku tacaluqda, haddii ay dhacaan wakhti iyo goob isku mid ah ama wakhtiyo iyo goobo kala duwan.


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Article 137Facts which are the Occasion, Cause or Effect of Facts in Issue

Facts which:a) are the occasion, cause or effect, immediate or otherwise, of relevant

facts, or facts in issue, or b) constitute the state of things under which they happened, orc) afforded an opportunity for their occurrence or transaction,

are relevant.

Article 138Motive, Preparation and previous and subsequent Conduct

Any fact is relevant which:a) shows or constitutes a motive or preparation for any fact in issue or

relevant fact;b) is the conduct, previous or subsequent, other than a statement, of any

person who is the accused any proceeding, if such conduct influences or is influenced by any fact in issue or relevant fact; or

c) any statement made to or in the presence or hearing of the person whose conduct is made relevant by this Article, if such statement has affected the conduct in question.

Article 139Facts necessary to explain or introduce Relevant Facts

Facts which:a) are necessary to explain or introduce a fact in issue or a relevant fact;b) support or rebut an inference suggested by a fact in issue or relevant

fact;c) establish the identity of any thing or person whose identity is relevant;d) fix the time or place at which any fact in issue or relevant fact

happened, ore) show the relation of parties by whom any such fact was made;

are relevant insofar as they are necessary for that purpose.


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Qodobka 137Xaqiiqyooyinka Marmar Saameeya Xaqiiqooyin soo baxay

Xaqiiqooyinka ahaaday:a) marmar, sababa ama saameeya, markiib ama si kaleba, xaqiiqooyin ku

saabsan ama xaqiiqooyin soo baxay, amab) ay ka dhalayaan walxo cadcadi siday u dheceen, amac) awoodi kara fursada dhicitaankooda ama macaamilkooda,d) waa qaar khuseeya mawduuca.

Qodobka 138Asbaabta keenta, Diyaargarawga iyo Fulinta hore iyo kuwa ku xigaya

Xaqaaiq kasta oo khusaysa mawduuca, taas oo:a) muujintaysa ama ay ka dhalanayso asbaab ama diyaar garaw xaqaa’iqa

kastoo jirta ama xaqiiqo ku saabsan mawduuc;b) ah fulin, hore ama danbaysa, oo aan ahayn qiraal, ee qof kasta kaasi oo

lagu eedeeyay talaabo sharci, haddii hogaaminta sidaas ahi ay duufsanayso ama ay duufsatayba xaqiiqa kasta oo jirtay ama xaqiiqa ku saabsan mawduuca; ama

c) qiraal kasta oo loo sameeyay ama ha joogo ama ha dhagaysanayo qofkii dhaqankiisu uu sameeyay uu khuseeyo mawduuca Qodobkan, haddii qiraalkaasi uu sameeyay fulinta ay su’aashu ka taagan tahay.

Qodobka 139Xaqiiqooyinka in la sharxo ama lagu daro xaqiiqoyiin khuseeya mawduuca ay

lagama maarmaanka tahay.

Xaqiiqooyinka ahaaday:a) qaar u baahan in la sharxo ama lagu daro xaqiiqo jirta ama xaqiiqo

khusaysa mawduuca;b) qaar taageeraya ama beeninaya farogelinta soo jeedinta xaqiiqo jirta

ama mid khusaysa mawduucac) sugida aqoonsiga shay kasta ama ruux kata oo ah ka aqoonsigiisu

khuseeyo mawduuca,d) diyaarinta wakhtiga iyo goobta ah ta xaqiiqo kasaa ka soo baxday ama

mid khusaysa mawduuca ay ka dhacday, amae) muujinaya xidhiidhka dhinacyada ah kuwa xaqiiqo kasta oo sidaas ah



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waxay khuseeyaan mawduuca ilaa xadka ay yihiin qaar lagama maarmaan u ah muhiimadaasi.

Article 140Things said or done by Conspirator in Reference to common Design

Where there is reasonable ground to believe that two or more persons have conspired together to commit an offence, anything said, done or written by any one of such persons in reference to their common intention, after the time when such intention was first entertained by any one of them, is a relevant fact as against each of the persons believed to be so conspiring for the purpose of:

a) proving the existence of the conspiracy, orb) showing that any such person was a party to it.

CHAPTER IIFacts relevant in certain Circumstances only

Article 141When Facts not otherwise relevant become relevant

Facts not otherwise relevant are relevant:a) if they are inconsistent with any fact in issue or relevant fact, orb) if, by themselves or in connection with other facts, they make the

existence or non-existence of nay fact in issue or relevant fact highly probable or improbable.

Article 142Facts showing Existence of State of Mind or Body

When the existence of a state of mind or body or of bodily feeling is a fact in issue or a relevant fact, the facts which in relation to the matter in question show in a given person the existence of:

a) any state of mind, such as intention, knowledge, good faith, negligence, rashness, good-will or ill-will;

b) a state of body or bodily feeling,

shall be considered relevant.


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Qodobka 140Waxyaabaha (arrimaha) uu yidhaa ama qabto ka Sameeya Shirqool ah

Qorshe Guud

Markay jiraan sababo macquul lagu rumaysan karo in dad ah laba ama in ka badani ay wada jir u samaynayaan shirqool si ay ugu galaan dambi, wax kasta oo ay yidhaahdeen, qabteen ama qoreen mid uun dadkaasi ka tirsani ku xiriirsan ku talo gal guud, muddo kadib marka ku talogalkii uu ku kaco mid uun iyaga ahi, waa xaqiiqo khusaysa mawduuca oo lid ku ah mid kasta oo dadka la rumaysan yahay inay ujeedadaasi wax u shirqolayaan:

a) cadaynta jiritaanka shirqoolkaasib) muujinta ruux wal oo sidaasi ahi in uu ka mid yahay kooxdaasi.

CUTUBKA IIXaqiiqooyin Khuseeya Duruufo Gaar ah

Qodobka 141Marka Xaqiiqooyin aan si u Khusaynin ay Noqonayaan Qaar si u Khuseeya

Xaqiiqada aan si u khusayn mawduuca ay si kale u khusayso mawduuca:a) haddii iyagu ay khilaafsan yihiin xaqiiqo wal oo jirta ama xaqiiqo

khusaysa mawduuca, amab) haddii, iyaga laftigoodu ama ku xiriir la lahaanta xaqiiqooyin kale, ay

iyagu samaynayaan jiritaan ama jiritaan la’aanta xaqiiqo wal oo jirta ama xaqiiqo khusaysa mawduuca, oo aad iyo aad u suurtoobi kara ama aan suurtoobi karin.

Qodobka 142Xaqiiqooyinka Tusinaya Jiritaanka Duruufta Maskaxda iyo Jidhka

Marka ay jirto duruuf maskaxda ah ama jidhka ama dareer jidhkoo dhan ah waa xaqiiqo soo baxday ama xaqiiqo khusaysa mawduuca, xaqiiqooyinka la xidhiidha arrinta su’aashu ka taagan tahay ku tusinaysa qofka bixiyay jiritaanka:

a) duruuf uun maskaxda ah, sida ku talogal aqoon, caqiido wanaagsan, taxadir la’aan, degdegsiiyaha, sama-doon, balo-doon;


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b) duruuf jidhka ah ama dareen jidhkoo dhan ah, waxa lo tixgelinayaa inay khuseeyaan mawduuca.

ayaa loo tixgalin doonaa in ay la xidhiidho.

Article 143Facts bearing on Question whether Act was Accidental or Intentional

When there is a question whether:a) an act was accidental or intentional, orb) done with a particular knowledge or intention,

the fact that such act formed part of a series of similar occurrences, in each of which the person doing the act was concerned, is relevant.

Article 144Statement forming Part of a longer Statement of Transaction

When any statement of which evidence is given forms part of:a) a longer statement;b) a conversation;c) an isolated document;d) a document contained in a book, ore) a series of letters or papers,

evidence shall be given of so much, and no more of the statement, conversation, document, book or series of letters or papers as the Court considers necessary in that particular case to the full understanding of the nature and effect of the statement, and the circumstances under which it was made.

Article 145Previous Judgement

For purposes of paragraph 3 of Article 13, the existence of any previous judgment which by law prevents any Court from holding a trial, is a relevant fact when the question is whether such Court ought to hold such trial.


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Qodobka 143Xaqiiqooyinka kutaagan Su’aasha ka uu yahay Falku Kama’ ama Camdi

Marka ay su’aali ka taagan tahay in:a) falku ahaa kama’ iyo ku talogal amab) uu ku dhacay aqoon gaar ah ama ku talogal,

xaqiiqda ah in falkaasi uu ka samaysnaa qayb isku xiriirsan (taxan) oo dhacdooyin isku mid ah, mid kastoo qofku ku kacay waxay ku saabsan tahay falka, waxayna khusaysaa mawduuca.

Qodobka 144Cadeynta ka Dhalata Qayb ka mid ah Cadayn dheer oo Macaamilo ah

Marka cadayn wal oo marag muujin lagu bixiyaa uu ay ka samaysantay qayb ah:a) cadayn dheer;b) wada hadal (sheekaysi);c) dhukumenti keli ah;d) dhukumenti ka koobnaa buug amae) waraaqo ama xaashiyo taxane ahaa,

Marag muujinta lagu bixiyay ta aadka u badan, oon ka badnayn, qiraalka, wada haal, dhukumanti, buug ama waraaqo ama xaashiyo taxane ah sida ay Maxkamaddu ugu muuqato lagama maarmaan xaaladaasi gaarka ah dhexdeeda si buuxda loogu fahmayo dabeecada iyo jiritaanka qiraalka, iyo duruufaha ah kuwa uu ka samaysnaa.

Qodobka 145Xukunada Hore

Ujeedooyinka farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13, jiritaanka xukun wal oo hore kaasi oo sharcigu ka maanacayo Maxakamad wal inay qaado oogitaan Maxkamadeed, waa xaqiiqo la xidhiidha marka su’aashu ay tahay in sidaasi ay waajib ku tahay inay qaado oogida Maxkamadeeda sidaasi ah.


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Article 146Consideration of proved Confession of Co-accused

When:a) more persons are jointly tried for the same offence andb) a confession:

i) made by one of such persons andii) implicating himself and some of the other co-accused

is proved,

the Court may take into consideration the confession, as against the person making it and any other co-accused implicated by it.

CHAPTER IIIStatements by the Accused


Article 147Definition of Admission

An admission is an oral or written statement which suggests any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any person who is the accused in any criminal proceeding.

Article 148Relevancy of Admissions

Admissions are relevant and may be proved as against the person who makes them, but they may not be proved by or on behalf of the person who makes them.


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Qodobka 146Tixgelinta Xaqiijinta Qiraalka kuwa Wada-eedaysan

Marka,a) dad badani ay wada jir isugu dayeen dambi isku mida, iyob) qiraal,

i) uu sameeyo mid ka mid ah dadkaasi iyoii) cadayn inuu dambiga isaga laftiisu ku lug lahaa iyo waliba badh

ah kuwa kale ee ay waa eedaysan cadeeyay,

Maxakamaddu waxay tixgelin siin kartaa qiraalka, sida uu lid ugu yahay ruuxii sameeyay isaga iyo mid wal oo kale, kuwa la eedaysan oo kuwada lug lahaa iyada.

CUTUBKA IIIBaadheedhaha Eedaysanaha


Qodobka 147Qeexitaanka Ogolaanshaha

Ogolaanshahu waa badheedhe hadal ah ama qoraal ah kaas oo muujinaya faro gelin wal oo ah siday xaqiiq wali u soo baxday ama xaqiiq khusaysa mawduuca, oo ah mid uu sameeyay ruux wal oo ah ka lagu eedeeyay talaabo sharci oo ciqaabeed.

Qodobka 148Waxyaabaha Khuseeya Ogolaanshiiyaha

Ogolaanshuhu waa mid khuseeya laguna cadayn karo oo lid ku noqon kara ruuxii sameeyay, laakiin laguma cadayn karo ruuxa matala kii sameeyay.


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Article 149Definition of Confession

A confession is a written or oral statement by a person charged with an offence stating or suggesting the inference that he committed that offence.

Article 150Confession caused by Inducement, threat or Promise

A confession made by an accused person is irrelevant in a criminal proceeding, if the making of the confession appears to the Court to have been caused by inducement, threat or promise.

Article 151Cases in which Confession is not admissible in Evidence

1. No confession made by any person shall be proved as against such person, unless the confession is made before a Judge, as provided in Article 68.

2. However, when any fact is alleged to have been discovered in consequence of information received from a person accused of any offence, so much of such information, whether it amounts to a confession or not, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered, my be proved.

CHAPTER IVStatement in Public Documents

Article 152Relevancy of Entry in Public Record

An entry in any public or other official book, register or record, stating a fact in issue or a relevant fact, and made by a public servant, or by a person entrusted with a public service in the discharge of his official duty, is itself a relevant fact.


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Qodobka 149Qeexida Qiraalada

Cadayn waa hadal afka ah ama qoraal uu sameeyo qof dambi lagu eedeeyay cadaynayana ama muujinaya waxa uu faraha ula galay isagu ee uu ku galay dambigaasi.

Qodobka 150Cadaynta ay sababaan, Dhiiri-Galinta, Cabsi-Gelin ama Balan-Qaad

Cadaynta uu bixiyo qof eedaysane ahi waa mid aan ku tacaluqin garmaqalka ciqaabta, haddi samaynta qiraalka ugu muuqato inay sababeen dhiiri- gelin, cabsi-galin ama balan-qaad.

Qodobka 151Xaaladaha ah kuwa Cadaynta aan loo Ogolaanayn Marag-muujin ahaan

1. cadaymaha u sameeyo ruux wal waxa lagu cadeeyay isagoo ku lid ah ruuxaasi haddii aanu cadaynta ka samayn Garsoore hortiisa sida u sheegayo Qodobka 68.

2. Si kastaba, harka xaqiiqo wal oo lagu eedeeyay inay daahfurayso natiijada war laga helay ruux ku eedaysan dambi uun, in kasta oo uu le’eg yahay warkaasi, haddii ay iyadu keenayso qiraal iyo haddii aanay keenayn, siday ula xiriirto muuqashada xaqiiqada la daahfuray la ajligeed, ayaa laga yaabaa in lagu cadeeyo.

CUTUBKA IVBadheedhaha Ku Jira Dhukumentiga Dadwaynaha

Qodobka 152Qoraal galinta ku jirta Diiwaanka Guud iyo wixii ku tacaluqa

Qoraal galinta lagu sameeyay buug, rijister ama diiwaan kasta mid dadweyne ama mid rasmi ah oo nidaam maamul ah, cadaynayana xaqiiqo taagan ama ku tacaluqa xaqiiqo, oo uu sameeyey shaqaale dawladeed, ama ruux lagu aaminay adeege guud isagoo maamulaya shaqadiisa rasmiga ah, iyada lefteedu waxay ku tacaluqdaa xaqiiqo.


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Article 153Statements as to Facts of a Public Nature

When the Court has to form an opinion as to the existence of any fact of a public nature, any statement of it made:

a) in any law, orb) in any statement, publication or notification made in accordance with or

under any law,is a relevant fact.

Article 154Relevancy of Statements in Charts and Maps

Statements of facts in issue or relevant facts made in:a) maps or plans made under the authority of the State, orb) published maps or charts generally offered for public sale

are themselves relevant facts as to matters usually represented or stated in such maps, charts or plans.

CHAPTER VStatements by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses

Article 155Cases in which Statements by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses are Relevant

Statements, written or oral, of relevant facts made by a person who is dead, who cannot be found, who has become incapable of giving evidence, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, appears to the Court unreasonable, are themselves relevant facts in the following cases:

a) when the statement is made by a person as to:i) the cause of his death,ii) any of the circumstances of the event which resulted in his death,

in cases in which the cause of that person’s death comes into question.


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Qodobka 153Badheedhayaasha ah Xaqiiqooyinka ee Dabeecada Dadka

Marka ay Maxakamaddu samaynayso fikrada markay ujeedo jiritaanka xaqiiqo wal oo dabeecada dadka ah, badheedh wal oo fikradaa laga sameeyay:

a) sharci kasta, amab) badheedhe wal, daabacaad ama wargelin la sameeyay iyadoo loo

tixraacayo sharci uun.

Qodobka 154Cadaymaha ku tacaluqa khariiradaha iyo maamamka

Cadaymaha xaqiiqooyinka taagan ama xaqiiqooyinka ku tacaluqa ee lagu dhex sameeyay:

a) maamam ama qorshayaal lagu sameeyay awooda Qaranka, amab) lagu faafiyay maamam ama khariidado guud ahaan loo ogolaaday in

dadweynaha laga iibin karoiyaga laftoodu waxay ku tacaluqaan xaqiiqooyin ujeedadoodu tahay arrimo caadi ahaan ay u taagan yihiin ama cadaynayaan maamamka caynkan ah gudahoodu, khariiradah ama qorshayaaashaasi.

CUTUBKA VHadalada Cadaymaha ah ee Dadka aan noqon karin Markhaati

Qodobka 155Xaaladaha Cadaymaha Dadka aan loogu yeeri karin Maragyo ay yihiin qaar ku


Cadaymaha, qoraal iyo afba ee ku tacaluqa xaqiiqooyin uu sameeyay ruux ah mid dhintay, mid aan la heli karin, mid aan awoodi karin inuu bixiyo marag muujin, ama kuwo imaanshahooda lagu keeni karin bilaa habsan badan ama kharash kaasi, oo marka loo eego duruufaha dacwada ugu muuqda mid aan caqligal ahay, iyaga lafdootu waa qaar ku tacaluqa xaqiiqooyinka xaaladaha hoos ku xusan:

a) marka hadalka cadaynta ah ee uu bixiyay ruux ay:i) sababayso geeridiisa;


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ii) duruufo wal oo dhacdadaasi natiijadeedu keenayso geeridiisa,

xaaladahaasi ay jiraan kuwaasi oo sababaya qofkaasi geeridiisu in ay noqon karto mid su’aal layska waydiin karo.

b) when the statement was made by such person in the ordinary course of business, and when in particular it consists of:

i) any entry or memorandum made by him in books kept in the ordinary course of business, or in the discharge of professional duty;

ii) an acknowledgement written or signed by him of the receipt of money, goods, securities or property of any kind;

iii) a document used in commerce written or signed by him; oriv) the date of the letter or other document usually dated, written or

signed by him;c) when the statement is against the pecuniary or proprietary interest of the

person making it, or when, if true, it would expose him or would have exposed him to criminal prosecution or to a suit for damages.

Article 156Relevancy of certain Evidence in subsequent Proceedings

Evidence given by a witness in a judicial proceeding or before a person authorized by law to take it is relevant, subject to paragraph 2 of this Article, for the purpose of proving the truth of the facts which it states in:

a) a subsequent judicial proceeding, orb) a later stage of the same judicial proceeding.

2.Evidence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be relevant only:a) when:

i) the witness is dead,ii) the witness cannot be found,iii) the witness is incapable of giving evidence,iv) the witness is kept out of the way by the other party, orv) the presence of the witness cannot be obtained without an

amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, the Court considers unreasonable, and


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b) marka uu sameeyay hadalka cadaynta ah ruuxaasi isagoo ku dhex jira hawlihiisii ganacsi ee caadiga ahaa, iyo marka ay si gaar ahaan ah ugu kooban tahay:

i) qoraal gelin wal ama qoraal rasmi ah oo isagu ku sameeyey buugaagta dhawrsan, isagoo ku guda jira hawlihiisii caadiga ahaa ee shaqo, ama isagoo fulinaya shaqo xirfadiisa ah.

ii) qoraal xaqiijin ah ama saxeex uu isagu ku sameeyey rasiidh lacageed, alaab, damaanad ama hanti noocay doonto ha ahaatee;

iii) qoraal dhukumanti ganacsi lagu isticmaalay ama uu saxeexay isagu; ama

iv) taariikhda warqada ama dhukumanti kasta oo caadiyan leh taariikh uu qoraal ama saxeexay isagu;

c) marka cadayntu lid ku tahay doonid dhaqaale ama hanti uu leeyahay ruuxa sameeyay cadayntu, ama marka, haddii ay run tahay, ay cadayntu saarayso isaga ama ay saari doonto isaga talaabo sharci ciqaabeed ah in lagu oogo ama lagu dacweeyo magdhow.

Qodobka 156Waxyaabaha ku Tacaluqa Maragmuujimaha gaar ah

oo ku xiga Talaabooyin Sharci

1. Marag muujinta uu ku bixiyo markhaati garmaqalo garsoor ama siiyo ruux awood uu sharcigu u siiyay inuu qaado waa mid ku tacaluqda, oo hoos imanaysa farqada 2 ee Qodobkan, ujeedada oo ah sheegida xaqiiqooyinka runta ah oo uu cadayn doono marka lagu jiro:

a) garmaqalka ciqaabta ee ku xiga, amab) marxlada hadhsan oo garmaqal ciqaabta ah ka mid ah.

2. Marag muujinta ku xusan farqada 1 ee Qodobkan waxay ku tacaluqdaa oo kali ah:

a) wakhtiga:i) uu dhintay maragu,ii) maraga aan la helaynin,iii) maragu aanu awoodi karin inuu bixiyo marag muujin,vi) markhaatiga waxa jidka ka xanibay dhinac kale, ama


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iv) imaanshaha maraga lagu ma heli karo iyadoo aanu ku iman habsan ama kharaj badani, kaasi oo marka loo eego duruufaha xaalada, u tixgaliso in aanay macquul ahayn, iyo

b) if:i) the proceeding is against the same person or persons,ii) the party, other than the party calling the witness, and the right

and opportunity to cross-examine, andiii) the questions in issue were substantially the same in the first as in

the second proceedings.

CHAPTER VIOpinions of Experts

Article 157Opinions of Experts

1. When the Court has to form an opinion:a) upon a point of foreign law;b) upon a point of science or art,

the opinions upon that point of persons specially skilled in such subjects are relevant facts.

2. Facts not otherwise relevant are relevant if they support or are inconsistent with the opinions of experts, when such opinions are relevant.

Article 158Opinions as to Handwriting

When the Court has to form an opinion as to the person by whom any document was written or signed, the opinion of any person acquainted with the handwriting of the person by whom it is supposed to be written or signed that it was or was not written or signed by that person, is a relevant fact.


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b) haddii,i) garmaqalka lid ka ku ah ruux la mid ah ama dadba,ii) dhinaca, aan ahayn dhinaca u yeedhay maraga, wuxuu lahaa xaqa

iyo fursada uu ku warsado su’aalo uu waydiiyo maragai) su’aalo ka soo baxay in badani waxay la mid ahaayeen kuwii

hore sida kuwa garmaqalada labaad.

CUTUBKA VIRa’yiga Khuburada

Qodobka 157Ra’iyaga Khuburada

Marka ay Maxakamaddu ay qaabaynayso ra’yi:a) ah sharci shisheeye,b) ah saynis ama cilmiga aan sayniska ahayn

ra’yiga ku saabsan abaartaasi dadka ku takhasusay xirfada arrintaasi waa ku tacaluqa mawduuca xaqiiqooyinkaasi.

2. Xaqiiqooyinka aan si u khusaynini si ayay u khuseeyaan haddii ay iyagu taageeraan ama ay khilaafaan rayidada khuburada, marka ra’yiyada caynkan ahi ay yihiin kuwo ku tacaluqa.

Qodobka 158Ra’yiyada Gacan Qoraalka

Marka Maxakamaddu ay samaynayso ra’yi sidii qofka ah ka dhukumenti wal o uu qoray ama saxeexay. Ra’yiga ruux wal oo garanayaa far qoraal ruux ah ka laga qabay inuu qoray ama saxeexay inay iyadii tahay ama aanu qorin ama saxeexin ruuxaasi, waa xaqiiqo ku tacaluqda.


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Article 159Opinions as to Usages

When the Court has to form an opinion as to:a) the usages and traditions practised in a given area or by an ethnical

group of persons, orb) the meaning of words or terms used in particular areas or by an ethnical

group or by a group of persons,the opinions of persons having special knowledge of them are relevant facts.

Article 160Grounds of Opinions

Whenever the opinion of nay person is relevant, the grounds on which such opinion is based are also relevant.

Article 161Form of Expert Opinion

1. When a Court considers it necessary or proper for the opinion of an expert to the provided about a particular matter, the Court shall, either at the request of the Attorney General or of the accused or of its own accord, provide for the appointment of an expert choosing him, if possible, from among persons designated by agreement between the parties.

2. The appearance of any expert to give evidence, when so called upon, is mandatory and any expenses connected therewith shall be paid from State funds.

3. The Court shall inform the expert of his duties and shall put its questions to him during the hearing in chambers in the presence of such parties that wish to be there. When on account of the nature or difficulty of the investigation the expert is unable to give his opinion immediately, the Court shall fix a time-limit in which the opinion may be submitted in a written report, provided that such time-limit may be extended on justifiable grounds.


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4. The opinion of the expert shall be heard by the Court and, if it is given verbally, it shall be reduced to writing. If the expert opinion is given in written form, it shall be attached to the record of the proceedings and a copy shall be given to each of the parties concerned.

Qodobka 159Ra’yiyad (afkaarta) habka macaamilka

Marka ay Maxakamaddu samaynayso ra’yi ah:a) macaamilka iyo dhaqamada lagu isticmaalo qayb dhul ah oo la

tilmaamayana ay isticmaalaan qayb ah dad isku isir ah ama qaybo dad ahi, ama

b) ujeedada kalimaadka ama cilaaqaadka laga isticmaalo deegaano gaar ah ama koox isku isir ah ama koox dad ah.

Ra’yiyada dadka u leh aqoon gaar ah kuwaasi waa xaqiiqooyin ku tacaluqa mawduuca.

Qodobka 160Asbaabta Ra’yiyada

Mar wal oo ra’yiga ruux wal uu ku tacaluqo, asbaabta ah ta ra’yiga sidan ahi uu ku salaysan yahay sidoo kale waa mid ku tacaluqda mawduuca.

Qodobka 161Qaabka Fikrada (ra’yiga) khabiirka

1. Marka ay Maxakamaddu u tixgaliso inay lagama maarmaan tahay ama ku haboon tahay fikrad (ra’yi) khabiir in laga bixiyo arrin gaar ah, Maxakamaddu waxay, kadib markuu ka codsado Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama eedaysanuhu ama iyadu soo jeedinteeda, ay soo saaraysaa magacaabis khabiir oo ay ka dhex dooranayso isaga, haddii ay suurawdo, dad badan oo lagu diyaariyay heshiis u dhexeeya dhinacyada.

2. Imaanshaha khabiirka kasta si uu u bixiyo marag muujin, mrka sidaasi loogu yeedho, waa khasab kharaj kasta oo ay qaadanaysana markaasi waxa bixinaya lacata miisaaniyada ee qaranku gaar ugu qorsheeyay.

3. Maxakamaddu waxay ku wargelin doontaa khabiirka shaqadiisa waxayna ku waydiin doontaa su’aalaha isaga xili ay Maxakamadu fadhi dhagaysi oo gaar ah leedahay waliba ay goob joog yihiin dhinacyada raba inay halkaa joogaan, marka arrimo dabiici ah ama baadhitaan dhibaato leh awgood uu khabiirku u kari waayo in uu bixiyo ra’yigiisa isla markaasiba, Maxakamaddu waxay u cayimi doontaa wakhti xadidan, kaasi oo ra’yiga


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lagu soo gudbin karo warbixin qoraal, wakhtigaasi xadidan ee la bixiyay waxa lagu fidin karaa asbaab cadcad.

4. Ra’yiga khabiirka ayay dhegaysan doontaa Maxkamaddu, haddii lagu bixinayo hadal afka ah, waxa lagu soo koobi doonaa qoraal. Haddii khabiirku ra’yiga ku bixiyo hab qoraal ah, waxa lagu lifaaqi doonaa diiwaan gelinta garmaqalada. Nuqulna waxa la siin doonaa dhinac kasta oo ay khusayso.

5. An expert may be called to give evidence as a witness at the request of one of the parties or by the Court on its own motion.

6. The appointment of an expert to give evidence shall in no way prejudice the right of any party to obtain, at its own expense, evidence from other technical experts.

7. When the services of a psychiatrist are called for, the Court must ask the psychiatrist whether the accused is a person dangerous to society, whenever this is to prescribed by law for taking any proper security measures.

CHAPTER VIIRelevancy of the Character of the Accused

Article 162Character of the Accused

1. In criminal proceedings:a) the fact that the person accused is of a good character is relevant; andb) the fact that the accused person has a bad character is irrelevant, unless:

i) evidence has been given that he has a good character, in which case it becomes relevant;

ii) the bad character of any person is itself a fact in issue, in which case it is always relevant.

2. A previous conviction is relevant as evidence of bad character.


CHAPTER IThe Burden of Proof

Article 163


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Burden on Prosecution

In criminal proceedings, the prosecution shall prove beyond reasonable doubt:a) that the alleged offence was in fact committed: andb) that the accused committed it.

5. Khabiirka waxa loogu yeedhi doonaa si uu u bixiyo marag muujin markhaati ahaan ka dib markuu codsado mid ka mid ah dhinacyadu ama ayaa soo jeedinteeda ku samaynaysa.

6. Magacaabista khabiirka si uu marag muujin u bixiyo sinaba uguma xadgudbi doonto xaqa dhinac kastaaba u helayo, iyadoo uu kharajkiisa isu qabo, marag muujin kale oo ka timaada khabiiro farsamo.

7. Marka hawlaha dakhtar cudurada maskaxda loo yeedho, waxa waajib ah inay waydiiso dhakhtarka cudurada maskaxda in ruuxa eedaysanaha ahi uu khatar ku yahay bulshada, mar kasta oo uu halkan uu sharcigu u baahanayo in la qaado talaabooyin ku haboon oo xaga amniga ah.

CUTUBKA VIIWixii ku-tacaluqa Dabeecada Eedaysanaha

Qodobka 162Dabeecada Eedaysanaha

1. Marka lagu jiro garmaqlada ciqaabta ah:a) xaqiiqada ah in eedaysanaha dabeecadiisu wanaagsantahay waa mid

khusaysa mawduucan; iyob) xaqiiqada ah in ruuxa eedaysanaha dabeecadiisu ay xuntahay waa mid

ka baxsan mawduuca haddii aan:i) marag muujinta la bixiyay ee ah in isagu dabeecad wanaagsan

yahay, taas oo xaalada ka dhigaysa mid khusaysa mawduuca;ii) dabeecada xun ee ruux uun iyada lafteedu waa xaqiio taagan,

xaalad kastoo ay jirtona badanaa waa mid ku tacaluqda.2. Xukun hore waa mid ku tacaluqa marag muujinta dabeecada xun.



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CUTUBKA ICulayska Cadaynta

Qodobka 163Xajmiga Oogitaanka

Marka lagu jiro garmaqalada ciqaabta oogitaanku wuxuu u cadayn doonaa si aan shaki ku jirin oo macquula:a) in eedayntaasu dambigu ay tahay xaqiiqo in la galay, iyob) in eedaysanahaasina uu galay iyada.

Article 164Burden of Proof as to Particular Fact

Unless any law provides otherwise, the burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that party who wishes the Court to believe in its existence.

Article 165Burden of proving that Case of Accused comes within Exceptions

When a person is accused of any offence, the burden of proving the existence of extenuating circumstances or of circumstances excluding punishment is upon the accused.

CHAPTER IIFacts which need not be Proved

Article 166Facts Judiciary Noticed

Not fact of which the Court will take judicial notice need be proved.

Article 167Facts of which Court shall take Judicial Notice

The Court shall take judicial notice of the following facts:a) all laws and regulations in force or formerly in force in the Somali

Republic or in any part of the territory of the Somali Republic prior to its constitution as a State and also the procedure followed for preparing such laws and regulations;

b) the seals of the State and any other seals which any person is authorized to use by law or may have been authorized to use in the different party of the State prior to its constitution;


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Qodobka 164Xajmiga Cadaynta Xaqiiqo gaar ah

Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, xajmiga cadaynta xaqiiqo kasta oo gaar ah uu hayo dhinaca ah ka raba inay Maxkamadu rumaysato jiritaankeeda.

Qodobka 165Xajmiga Cadaynta in dacwada Eedaysanuhu ay soo galayso ka Reebitaanada

Marka ruux lagu eedayo dambi uun, xajmiga lagu cadaynayo jiritaanka khafiifinta duruufaha ama duruufaha aan ku jirin ciqaabta eedaysanaha la saaray.

CUTUBKA IIXaqiiqooyinka aan u baahnayn in la caddeeyo

Qodobka 166Xaqiiqooyinka Garsoornimo lagu Ogaaday

Ma jirto xaqiiqo ah ta Maxkamadu ku qaaday wargelin garsoor, oo u baahan in la caddeeyo.

Qodobka 167Xaqiiqooyinka ah kuwa Maxkamadu ku Samaynayso

Wargelin Garsoor

Maxkamadu waxay ku qaadi doontaa wargelin garsoor xaqiiqooyinka soo socda:a) dhamaan sharciyada iyo qawaaniinta ka shaqaynaysa ama horeba uga

shaqaynaysay Jamhuuriayada Soomaaliya ama qayb kasta oo ka mid ah dhulka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ka hor intii aan dastuurkeeda Qaran ahaan iyo sidoo kale habka la raacay diyaarintii qawaaniinta iyo dastuurka sidan ah;


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b) shaambada Qaranka iyo shaambado kale oo walba kuwaas oo ruux kasta oo uu awood u siiyay isticmaalkeeda sharcigu ama laga yaabo in uu awood u siiyay isticmaalka qaybo kala duwan oo Dalka ka mida dastuurka hortii;

c) the accession to office, names, titles, functions and signature of the persons filling for the time being any public office in the Somali Republic, if the fact of their appointment to such office is notified in the Official Bulletin or any similar publication in use in any part of the territory of the Somali Republic at any time;

d) the existence, title and national flag of every State recognized by the Government of the Somali Republic;

e) the divisions of time, official holidays and the territory of the State.

Article 168Facts of which Court may take Judicial Notice

The Court may, at the request of either party or on its own motion, take judicial notice of any relevant fact, if it is reasonably satisfied that the fact in question is generally known or can be easily, ascertained.

Article 169Use of Reference Material in taking Judicial Notice

1. In all cases where the Court must or may take judicial notice of any fact, the Court may resort to appropriate books or documents of reference for assistance.

2. In the cases referred to in Article 168, the Court may refuse to take judicial notice of any fact, unless and until the party concerned produces in time any book or document as the Court for the purpose may consider necessary.

CHAPTER IIIPresumptions

Article 170


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Presumptions as to Genuineness or Correctness

1. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, the Court shall presume:a) that a document is genuine and properly executed if issued by:

c) hanashada xafiis, magacaabid, xilal, hawlaha iyo saxeexa dadka ilaa mudo haynaya xafiis kasta oo dawladeed kuna yaal Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya, haddii xaqiiqada magacaabista Xafiiska sidan ah lagu baahiyay Wargeyska Rasmiga ah ama faafin u dhiganta oo laga isticmaalo qayb uun ah dhulka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ee xilli walba

d) jiritaanka, cinwaanka iyo calanka Qaranka ee Dal kasta oo ay aqoonsan tahay Dawladda Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya;

e) qaybinta wakhtiga, fasaxyada rasmiga ah iyo geyiga Qaranka.

Qodobka 168Xaqiiqooyinka ay Maxkamaddu ka Qaadan karto Ogaysiis Garsoor

Maxakamaddu wax ay marka uu dhinac ka codsado ama soo jeedinteedaba ku samaynaysaa ogaysiin garsoor oo ku tacaluqa xaqiiqo kasta haddii ay tahay macquul ahaan lagu qancayo in su’aalo xaqiiqadaasi ay tahay mid si caadi ah loo garanayo ama si fudud loo xaqiijin karayo.

Qodobka 169Isticmaalida walxo tixraaca marka la qaadayo Ogaysiis Garsoor

1. Dhamaan xaaladaha ah kuwa ay Maxakamaddu aanay gafaynin ama ay qaadan karto ogaysiin garsoor ah xaqiiqo kasta, Maxakamaddu waxa ay daalacan kartaa buugaagta iyo dhukumentisyada ku haboon ee noqonaya tixraac caawin kara.

2. Xaaladaha ku xusan Qodobka 168, Maxakamaddu waxay diidi kartaa inay qaado ogaysiinta garsoor ee xaqiiqo kasta, ilamaa iyo inta dhinaca ay khusaysaa ku keenayo amin buug kasta ama dhukumenti kasta oo ay Maxakamaddu ujeedadaasi u tixgelin karto daruuri.



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Qodobka 170(U qaadashada Ictiqaadyada) xaqiiqyooyinka iyo sixitaanada

1. Haddii aanay jirin cadayn dhan ka ah, Maxakamaddu waxay ictiqaadaysaa (u qaadanaysaa):

a) uu yahay dhokumantigaasi xaqiiq oo si munaasib ah loo fulin karo haddii ay ka soo baxan:

i) any organ of the State or any organ existing in the different parts of the territory of the State prior to its constitution;

ii) a person exercising public functions in the State or in different parts of the territory of the State prior to its constitution;

iii) an organ of a foreign country or a person exercising public functions therein if authenticated in accordance with the law of that country;

5. that every officer by whom any such document purports to be issued, signed or certified, held, when he issued, signed or certified, held, when he issued, signed or certified it, the official position which he claims in such document.

2. For the purposes of this Article a document shall mean any written communication.

Article 171Court may presume the Existence of certain Facts

The Court may presume, in relation to the particular circumstances of the case, the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, when:

a) the common course of natural events;b) the common course of human nature and conduct; orc) the common course of public and private business,d) reasonably lead to such inference.

CHAPTER IVProduction of Material Objects and other Matters

Article 172


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Material Objects and other Matters which can be produced in Court

1. There may be produced before the Court:a) material objects which were the means or the subject of an offence;b) records of confessions taken in accordance with Article 68;c) any other thing material to the offence, which the Court may allow to

be produced.

i) hay’ad kasta oo ka tirsan Qaranka ma hay’ad katsa oo ka jirtay qaybo ka duwan gayiga Qaranka ka hor markii la sameeyay dastuurkiisa

ii) ruux ka shaqeeya adeegyada bulshada ee ku yaala dalka dhexdiisa ama ku yaal goobo aan ka tisanaan jirin dhulka wadanka ka hor markii la sameeyay dastuurka dalka;

iii) hay’ad ka tirsan Dal shisheeye ama qof ka shaqeeya adeegyada bulshada halkaasi ka jira haddii kalsoonideeda la hubo oo ayna waafaqsan tahay sharciga dalkaasi.

b) sarkaal kata oo Boolis oo ah ka dhokumentiga caynkaasi ah soo jeediyay in la soo saaro, saxeexay ama hubiyay, qaaday, markii uu soo baxay, saxeexay ama hubiyay, xilka rasmiga ah ka uu ku isagu ku doodayo dhukumentiga caynkan ah.

2. Ula jeedooyinka Qodobkan dhukumanti waxa loola jeedaa qoraal is gaadhsiineed oo kasta.

Qodobka 171Maxakamaddu waxay Qaadan kartaa Jiritaanka Xaqiiqooyin gaar ah

Maxakamaddu waxay qaadan kartaa, iyadoo ku xidhiidhinaysa duruufaha gaarka ah ee xaalada, jiritaanka xaqiiqo kata oo ay u filayso inay u badan tahay in ay dhacday xili:

a) dhacdooyinka aafooyinka guud ee dabiiciga ah;b) hab dhaqanka guud ee bani aadamka iyo dabeecadiisa, amac) adeega guud iyo shaqada gaarka ah,

ee si caqli gal ah u keena faro galinta noocan ah.


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CUTUBKA IVSoo Bandhigida Walxo Qalabaha Iyo Waxyaabo Kale

Qodobka 172Soo bandhigida qalab walxo iyo waxyaabo kale ee ah kuwa loo gudbin karo

1. Waxa la soo bandhigi karaa horteeda:a) shay walxo ee ah kula la ujeedo ah ama hoos yimaada dambigab) diiwaano qiraalo ah oo loo qaaday si waafaqsan walax Qodobka 68;c) shay walax kasta oo kale oo dambiga ah, oo ay Maxakamaddu

ogolaatay in la soo bandhigo.

2. Any party may make use of things produced in Court:a) by examining witnesses about such things;b) by referring to such things when making any statement before, or

request to, the Court.

CHAPTER VEvidence which may not or need not be given

Article 173One Spouse as Witness against the other

No person who is married or has been married may give evidence as against the other spouse, in regard to anything that has taken place during the existence of such marriage, even though the marriage has been dissolved for any reason, except:

a) with the express consent of the spouse; orb) in relation to any offence alleged to have been committed by the spouse

againsti) the person giving the evidence;ii) the ascendant or descendant of either of the spouses.

Article 174State Secrets

1. Evidence may not be given:


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a) of any political or military secret of the State; orb) of any other matter which, if disclosed, might prejudice:

i) the security of the State;ii) the political interests, either internal or external, of the State.

2. If the accused has asked for evidence to be given in regard to some facts falling within the category indicated in the preceding paragraph, the Court, having considered in chambers the nature of such evidence and having heard the opinion of the Attorney General may, whenever it considers that failure to admit such evidence would gravely prejudice the defence, order that the proceedings be terminated and take any other measures provided for in Article 76.

Such order to terminate the proceedings shall have the same effect as a judgement for the purpose of paragraph 3 of Article 13.

2. Dhinac kasta waxa uu adeegsan karaa walxaha lagu soo bandhigay :a) isagoo ka waraysanaya maraga wax ku saabsan walxahaasi;b) isagoo itxraacaya walxahaasi ka hor marka uu samaynayo warbixin,

ama ka codsi u jeedinayo, .

CUTUBKA VCadaymaha aan ahayn ama loo Baahnayn Bixintooda

Qodobka 173Nin iyo Xaaskiisu in uu Midba ka kale Marag ku Lid ah Noqdo

Qof xaasley ahi ama guursaday ma bixin doono marag lid ku ah (ooridiisa ama saygeeda), taasi oo la xidhiidha wax kasta oo dhex maray wakhtigii uu jiray guurkoodaasi, xataa si kastaba oo uu guurkaasi u baaba’ay sabab kasta ha keentee, marka laga reebo marka:

a) ay muujiyaan ogolaansho ninka iyo ooridiisu,b) ay la xidhiidho dambi kasta oo lagu eedeeyay in ay wadajir u galeen

labada is qabaa kaasi oo lid ku ah:i) qofka bixinaya cadaynta;ii) ((cid ay dhaleen)) ama ((cidii dhashay)) labadooda midkood ama

labada is qaba midkood.

Qodobka 174Sirta Qaranka

1. Cadaynta aan la bixinayn:a) sirta Qaranka ee ku saabsan siyaasad ama milateri


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b) ta ku saabsan wax kasta oo kale taasi, haddii aanay xidhnayn lagu xadgudbi karo

i) nabadgalyada dalkaii) dan siyaasadeed, gudaha iyo dibadaba oo Qaranku leeyahay.

2. Haddii eedaysanaha la waydiiyay cadayn inuu bixiyo taasi oo ku tacaluqda xaqiiqooyin hoos tagaya qaybta ku cad farqada hore, Maxakamaddu fadhi gaar ah ayay ku eegaysaa nooca cadaynta caynkan ah, waxay kale oo ay dhegaysanaysaa fikirka uu ka qabo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud taasoo, xili kasta oo ay ugu muuqato in ay guul darada ogolaanshaha cadaynta noocan ahi ay si aad u daran u wax yeelaynaso difaaca, uu amraysaa markaasi in garmaqalada la tirtiro oo la qaado talaabooyin kasta ee kale ee uu sheegayo Qodobka 76.

Amarkaasi lagu tirtirayo garmaqalada waxa uu yeealan doonaa saamayn la mid ah xukunka la ujeedada ah farqada 3 ee Qodobka 13.

Article 175Judges as Witnesses

1. No Judge shall, except upon the special order of the Supreme Court, be compelled to answer any questions as to:

a) his own conduct in the exercise of his judicial functions; orb) anything which came to his knowledge by reason of his office.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to Assessors.

Article 176Information as to Commission of Offences

A Court shall not:a) compete the Attorney General or a Police Officer to reveal the name of

any person who has given them information;b) receive from the Attorney General or a Police Officer information

obtained from persons whose names such officers do not deem it proper to reveal.

Article 177Professional Secrets

1. No legal practitioner shall at any time be permitted, unless with the express consent of his client, to disclose:


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a) any matter which was communicated to him in confidence; orb) any matter which came to his knowledge in the course of his duties as a

legal practitioner.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to clerks, interpreters and other employees of legal practitioners.

Qodobka 175Marag Noqoshada Garsoorayaasha

1. Ma jirayo Garsoore, marka laga reebo amar gaar ah oo ka soo baxa Maxkamadda Sare mooyaane, lagu khasbo inuu ka jawaabo su’aal kasta, oo ah:

a) dhaqankiisa uu ku guto hawlihiisa garsoorb) wax kasta oo uu ku ogaaday sabab ah xafiiskiisa.

2. Qaybaha farqada hore waxa kale oo lagu dabaqayaa khabiirada la taliyaha u ah Garsoorayaasha.

Qodobka 176Warka ah sida ay Dambiyadu u Dhacaan

Maxakamaddu ma noqon doonto mid:

a) ku khasabta Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama Sarkaal Boolis ah inay sheegaan magaca qof kasta oo siiyay iyaga war;

b) ka hesho Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama Sarkaal Boolis ah war ay ka helaan dadka ah kuwa magacyadooda Saraakiishani aanay u arkayn inay haboon tahay in la sheegaa. Ilaa iyo xadka la adeegsan karo, qaybaha Qodobka 119 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.

Qodobka 177Siraha Khuburadda


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1. Xirfadle qaanuun looma ogolaanayo wakhtinaba, haddii aanu sheegin ogolaanshaha ka uu wakiilka u yahay, si uu u sheego:

a) arrin kasta oo si sir ah loogu sheegay isaga;b) arin kasta oo uu ku ogaaday isagoo ku dhex jira oo gudanaya

shaqooyinkiisa xifadle qaanuun ahaan.

2. Qaybaha farqada hore waxa kale oo lagu dabaqayaa karaaniyada, turjumaanahada iyo shaqaalaha kale ee ah xirfadlayaasha qaanuunka.

Article 178Evidence Null and Void

Failure to observe any of the provisions of this Chapter shall render the evidence null and void, and the Court may so determine also on its own motion at any state of the proceedings.


CHAPTER IGeneral Provisions

Article 179Examination of Witnesses

Except as otherwise provided by law, a witness shall be examined:a) orally in open Court,b) in the presence of the accused, c) under oath or affirmation.

Article 180Persons who may Testify


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1. All persons shall be competent to testify, unless the Court considers that any person is prevented from understanding the questions put to him or from giving rational answers to them because of:

a) tender years,b) extreme old age,c) disease, whether of body or mind.

2. The duty to testify shall be mandatory.

Qodobka 178Cadaymaha aan Sharciga Qiimo ku lahayn (Waxaba kama Jiraan)

Marka lagu fashilmo in loo hogaansamo qaybaha Cutubkan wuxuu ka dhigayaa cadaynta mid aan qaanuun ahaan la isticmaali karin, Maxakamadduna waxay go’aamin kartaa soo jeedinteeda sidaasi ah marxalad kasta oo garmaqaladu marayaan.


CUTUBKA IQaybaha Guud

Qodobka 179Waraysiga Markhaatiga

Haddii aanu sharicu si kale u sheegin, markhaatiga waxa loo waraysan doona:a) hadal afka ah iyadoo Maxkamaddu ay dadwaynaha u furan tahay,b) eedaysanaha oo goob joog ah,c) ku maro dhaar ama xaqiijin.

Qodobka 180Dadka ah kuwa Maraga Furi kara


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1. Dhamaan dadka awoodi kara inay bixiyaan marag, haddii aanay Maxakamaddu u tixgelin in qof uun loogu diido fahamka su’aalaha isaga la waydiiyay ama bixinta asbaabaha ay ku salaysan yihiin su’aaluhu sabtoo ah:

a) da’ yaraan,b) da’ aad u wayn,c) xanuun, ah xaga jidhka ama maskaxda..

2. Waajibka markhaati furku waa ku khasab.

Article 181Oath and Affirmation

Except as provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 182, every witness, before giving evidence, shall:

a) take an oath in accordance with his religion; orb) make an affirmation, which shall be equivalent for all purposes to an

oath, if:i) he does not profess any religion, orii) the taking of an oath is forbidden by the religion professed by the

person concerned.

Article 182Administration of Oath or Affirmation

1. An oath or affirmation shall be made before the presiding Judge.

2. The oath shall be made in the following terms: “I swear in the name of God to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

3. An affirmation shall be made in the following terms “I solemnly declare that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.


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4. Any person who has not reached the age of fourteen years at the time of taking an oath or making an affirmation shall be permitted to take an oath or make an affirmation, provided that the presiding Judge shall clearly warn him of the duty to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Article 183Deaf and Dumb Witnesses

1. In order to question, examine or adMinister an oath or affirmation to a person who is deaf or dumb or deaf and dumb, the following procedure shall be followed:

a) deaf persons shall be given the oath or affirmation and questions in writing; they shall take the oath or make the affirmation, and reply to the questions orally;

Qodobka 181Dhaar ku xaqiijinta

Marka laga reebo sida uu sheegayo farqada 4 ee Qodobka 182, marakhaati kastaa, inta aanu bixin cadaynta, waxa:

a) laga qaadi doonaa dhaar waafaqsan diintiisa, ama b) uu samayn xaqiijin, taasi oo u dhigmi doonta dhammaan ujeedooyinkii

dhaarta, haddiii) isagu aanu sheeganayn diinaba, amaii) in la dhaariyo ay maanacayso diinta uu sheeganayo ruuxaay

khusayso arintaasi.

Qodobka 182Nidaamka Dhaarta ama Xaqiijinta

1. Dhaarta ama xaqiijinta waxa lagu hor samayn doonaa Garsooraha gudoominaya dacwadda hortiisa.

2. Dhaarta waxa loo samayn doonaa weedhaha ah sidan “Anigu waxaan ku dharanayaa magaca Ilaahay in aan sheegayo runta, runta oo dhan sheegayo oo aanan wax kale sheegaynin run mooyaane”.


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3. Xaqiijinta waxa loo samaynayaa weedhaha ah sidan “Anigu waxaan si dhab ah (rasmi ah) u cadaynayaa in aan anigu sheegayo runta, runta oo dhan sheegayo run mooyaane aanan wax kale sheegayn”.

4. Ruux kasta oo aan gaadhin da’da afar iyo toban sano jir xiliga laga qaadayo dhaarta ama uu samaynayo xaqiijinta waxa loo ogolaan doonaa si looga qaado dhaarta ama uu u sameeyo xaqiijinta marka uu Garsooraha Maxakamadda hagayaa si cad ugu digo isaga masuuliyada saran si uu u sheego runta, runta oo dhan run mooyaane aanu wax kale sheegayn.

Qodobka 183Maragyada ah Dhagoolaha iyo kuwa aan Hadalka karaynin

1. Si loo su’aalo, waraysto ama looga qaado dhaar ama xaqiijin ruuxa ah dhagoolka ama ah ma hadlaha ama dhagool mahadle ah, habkan soo socda ayaa la raacayaa:

a) dadka dhagoolka ah waxa loogu sheegayaa dhaarta ama xaqiijinta iyo su’aalaha qoraal ahaan; ayay iyagu ku qaadan doonaan dhaarta, ama ku samanayaan xaqiijinta, waxayn kaga jawaabayaan su’aalaha hadal afka ah;

b) dumb persons shall be questioned orally and persons shall reply in writing; the oath or affirmation shall be read to them by the presiding Judge, and then given to them in writing and they shall sign it;

c) deaf and dumb persons shall be given questions in writing and shall reply in writing; the oath or affirmation shall be given in writing and they shall sign it.

2. If a deaf, dumb or deaf and dumb person does not know how to read or write, the Judge shall appoint one or more interpreters, preferably chosen from among persons who are accustomed to communicate with such person.

Article 184Proof of Facts by oral Evidence

1. Oral evidence shall, in all cases, be direct, that is to say:a) if it refers to a fact which could be seen, it shall be the evidence of a

witness who says he saw it;b) if it refers to a fact which could be heard, it shall be the evidence of a

witness who says he heard it;


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c) if it refers to a fact which could be perceived by any other sense or in any other manner, it shall be the evidence of a witness who says he perceived it by that sense or in that manner;

d) if it refers to an opinion or to the grounds on which that opinion is held, it shall be the evidence of the person who holds that opinion on those grounds.

2. If the oral evidence refers to the existence or condition of any material thing, the Court may, if it things fit, require the production of such material thing or its inspection.

3. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Article, opinions of experts expressed in any treatise commonly offered for sale, and the grounds on which such opinions are held, may be proved by the production of such treatises if the author:

a) is dead,b) cannot be found,c) has become incapable of giving evidence, ord) cannot be called as a witness without an amount of delay or expense

which the Court regards as unreasonable in the circumstances.

b) dadka ma hadalayaasha ah hadal afka ah ayaa wax lagu su’aalayaa waxayna dadkaasi ku jawaabayaan qoraal; dhaarta iyo xaqiijinta waxa u akhriyi doona iyaga Garsooraha hagida wada, dabadeetana ku siinaya iyaga qoraal ahaan iyaguna way saxeexayaan;

c) dadka dhagaha la’ mahadlayaashana ah waxa lagu siin doonaa su’aalaha qoraal ahaan, waxayna jawaabaha ku bhixin doonaan qoraal ahaan; dhaarta iyo xaqiijinta waxa lagu siin doonaa qoraal ahaan waanay saxeexi doonaan iyada.

1. Hadii dhagoolku, ma hadle ama dhagool iyo ruuxa ma hadlaha ah ee aan garanaynin akhriska ama qoraalka, Garoorahu waxa uu u magacaabayaa mid ama in ka badan oo turjumaano ah, haday suurta gal tahay ka ugu fiican laga soo dhex doortay, dad ah kuwa aqoon u leh inay la hadlaan dadka noocan ah.

Qodobka 184Hubantida Xaqiiqooyinka ah Marag-muujinta afka ah

1. Cadaynta afka ahi waxay, marka lagu dhexs jiro dhamaan xaalad walba, waxa toos, loo odhanayaa:


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a) haddii ay la xidhiidho wax la arkay, waxay noqonaysaa marag muujinta markhaatiga ah ka sheegaya in uu arkay iyada;

b) haddii ay la xidhiidho wax la maqlay, waxay noqonaysaa Maraga muujinta markhaatiga ah ka sheegay in uu maqlayay iyada;

c) haddii ay la xidhiidho xaqiiqo lagu gartay ama arkay dareen kasta oo kale ama hab kasta oo kale, waxay taasi noqonaysaa cadaynta maraga ah ka sheegay in uu isagu ku ogaaday taasi dareenkaasi ama habkaasi;

d) haddii ay la xidhiidho fikrad ama asbaab ah ta fikradaasi laga qabo, waxay noqonaysaa cadaynta ruuxa ah ka fikradaasi qaba asbaabtaasi awgeed.

1. Haddii cadaynta afka ahi la xidhiidho jirtaanka ama xaalada shay wal oo qalab ah, Maxakamaddu waxay, haday u malaynayso inay ku haboon tahay, loo baahan yahay soo bandhigids shaygaasi qalabka ah ee caynkaasi ah ama hubintiisa.

2. Iyadoo ay jiraan wax kasta oo uu ka kooban yahay Qodobkani, aragtiyaha khabiirada ee sharxaya axdi wal oo guud oo lagu soo bandhigay iib, iyo asbaabta aragtida noocan ah loo haysto, waxa suurtowda inay cadayso soo bandhigid axdiyada noocan ah haddii kii sameeyay uu:

a) dhintayb) aan la heli karin,c) uu noqday mid aan awoodi karaynin bixinta cadayn, amad) aan loogu yeedhi karayn marag ahaan iyadoo aanay dhicin habsan ama ku

kacayn yeedhitaankiisu kharaj kaasi oo Maxakamaddu u tixgelinayso duruufo aan caqliga gali karin.

Article 185Examination of the Accused

Except as otherwise provided by law, the provisions regarding the examination of witnesses shall apply, in so far as applicable, to the questioning, examination and taking of the oath or making an affirmation of or by the accused.

Article 186Cases in which Evidence may be taken in a Place

other than the Court

1. Except as otherwise provided by law, if:a) the President of the Republic,b) the President of the National Assembly,c) the Prime Minister,


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are required to be called as a witness, the presiding Judge shall go to the place agreed upon with such witness in order to receive his evidence.

2. the presiding Judge shall hear the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph without the presence of the public. The Attorney General and the accused or his Counsel shall have the right to be present and they must be informed of the date, time and place when such evidence will be heard.

3. The provision of the preceding paragraph shall also apply in the cases in which a witness is unable to appear due to reasons of serious ill-health.

4. International conventions and custom shall apply in cases in which diplomats of a foreign State accredited to the Somali Republic and representatives of International Organizations who have diplomatic status are called as witnesses.

Qodobka 185Waraysiga Eedaysanaha

Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, qaybaha la xidhiidha waraysiga maragyada ayaa la dabaqi doonaa,ilaa iyo xad lagu dhaqmi karayo, si loo su’aalo waraysto iyo si looga qaado dhaar ama loo sameeyo xaqiijin ama eedaysanaha

Qodobka 186Xaaladaha ah kuwa cadaynta lagu qaadi karo meel aan ahayn

1. Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin haddii:a) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada,b) Gudoomiyaha Golaha Baarlamaankac) Ra’iisal Wasaaraha

looga baahdo in marag ahaan loogu yeedho, Garsooraha hogaaminaya ayaa ugu tagaya goobta ay la waafaqaan maragyada noocan ahi si uu uga helo cadayn.


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2. Garsooraha hogaaminta hayaa wuxuu ku dhagaysan cadaynta ku xusan farqada hore iyadoo aanay goobta joogin dadweynuhu. Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo eedaysanaha ama Qareenkiisa waxay yeelan doonaan xaqa ah in ay goobtaasi joogaan, waxaana waajib ah in iyaga lagu wargeliyo taariikhda, wakhtiga iyo goobta cadaynta noocan ah lagu dhegaysan doono.

3. Qaybaha farqadan hore ayaa sidoo kale lagu dabaqayaa marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ah kuwa maragu aanu karayn in uu yimado iyadoo ay ugu wacan tahay sababo caafimaad daro ah oo khatar ah.

4. Heshiisyada caalamiga ah iyo habdhaqnka guud ayaa la raacayaa xaaladaha ah kuwa dublamaasiyiinta Wadamada shisheeye u soo magacaabaan Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya iyo wakiilada Ururada Caalamiga ah ee leh milgaha dublamaasinimada loogu yeedhayo markhaati ahaan.

CHAPTER IIExamination of Witnesses


Article 187Definitions

For the purposes of this Code, unless the context provides otherwise:a) the term “examination-in-chief” shall mean the examination of a

witness by the party that calls him;b) the term “cross-examination” shall mean the examination of a witness

by the party other than the party which calls him;


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c) the term “re-examination” shall mean the examination of a witness by the party who called him subsequent to the cross-examination;

d) the term “leading question” shall mean any question put to a witness in such a way as to suggest a reply that the party putting the question wishes or expects to receive.

Article 188Order of Examination

1. A witness shall first be examined-in-chief; then, if the other party so desires, the witness may be cross-examined; then if the party calling the witness so desires, the witness may be re-examined.

2. The examination-in-chief and the cross-examination shall relate to relevant facts but the cross-examination need not be confined to the facts which the witness testified to in his examination-in-chief.

3. The re-examination shall be directed to the explanation of matters referred to in cross-examination; and if new matter is introduced, with the permission of the Court, in re-examination, the other party may further cross-examine e upon that matter.

CHAPTER IIWaraysiga Markhaatiyasha

Waaxda I


Qodobka 187Qeexitaano

Sida uu qabo Xeerkani, haddii aan qaab qoraalkani si kale u dhigin:

a) weedha “su’aalaha tooska ah”, waxaa lool jeedaa su’aalaha maraga uu weydiiyo dhinicii u yeedhay;


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b) weedha “waraysi su’aalo ah” waxaa loola jeedaa su’aalaha maraga uu weydiiyo dhincii u yeedhay maahee dhinaca kale;

c) weedha “su’aalo ku celis ah” waxaa loola jeedaa su’aalaha maraga uu waydiiyo dhincii u yeedhay isagu kadib marka uu ka jawaabo waraysiga su’aalaha ah;

d) weedha “su’aalaha Garsooraha” waxaa loola jeedaa su’ala kasta oo maraga loo waydiiyo si uu u iftiimiyo ama u muujiyo jawaab taasi oo dhinaca waydiiyay su’ala ay doonayaan amaba rajaynayaan inay ka helaan.

Qodobka 188Nidaamka Su’aalaha

1. Maragyada marka ugu horaysa waxaa la weydiin su’aalaha tooska ah; kadib, haddii dhinaca kale sidaasi rabaan, maraga waxaa la waydiin; kadib, haddii dhinicii u yeedhay maraga uu doono, maraga waxay weydiin su’aalo ku celis ah.

2. Su’aalaha tooska iyo waraysiga su’aalaha waxay la xidhiidhaan xaqiiqooyinka jira ama la hubo laakiin waraysiga su’aaluhu uma baahna in la cadeeyo xaqiiqooyinkii maragu ku dhex sheegay su’aalihii tooska ahaa.

3. Su’aalaha ku celiska ah waxay sheegi doonaan faahfaahinta arimaha la xidhiidha waraysigii su’aalaha ahaa; iyo haddii arrimo cusubi ay soo galeen, kadib ogolaanshaha , su’aalaha ku celiska ah, dhnaca kale waxaanu waydiin su’aalo dheeraad ah oo arintaa ku tacaluqa.

Article 189Refreshing Memory

1. A witness may, while under examination and with the permission of the Court, refresh his memory regarding matters about which he is being examined, by referring to:

a) any writing made by himself;i) at the time of occurrence of the event concerning which he is

questioned;ii) so soon after the occurrence of the event that the Court considers

likely that the transaction was at that time fresh in his memory;b) any such writing made by another person and read by the witness

within the time aforesaid, if, when the witness read it, he knew it to be correct;


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c) professional treatises, if the witness is an expert or a technical consultant.

2. Whenever a witness is permitted to refresh his memory by referring to any document or writing, he may, with the permission of the Court, refer to a copy of such document or writing if the non-production of the original is satisfactorily accounted for.

3. A witness may also testify to facts mentioned in any such document or writing as is mentioned in this Article, even though he has no specific recollection of the facts themselves, if he is sure that the facts were correctly recorded in the document.

4. Any document or writing referred to under the provisions of this Article shall be produced before the Court and shall be shown to the other party, if such party so desires.

Article 190Production of Documents

A witness summoned to produce a document or writing shall, if it is in his possession or power, produce it before the Court, notwithstanding any objection there may be to its production or admissibility. The validity of any such objection shall be decided by the Court, and for this purpose the Court may:

a) inspect such document in chambers;b) take other evidence to enable the Court to determine its admissibility;c) order the translation of the document, and in such case may order the

translator to keep the contents secret.

Qodobka 189Cusboonaysiinta Xasuusta

1. Markhaatigu, xiliga la waraysanayo haddii Maxkamaddu u ogolaato, dardar galinayaa xasuusta la xidhiidha arrimaha ku saabsan kuwa laga waraysanayo, isagoo xusaya:

a) qoraal kasta oo uu isaga laftiisu sameeyay;i) wakhtigii dhicitaanka dhacadada la xidhiidha ta la su’aalayo isaga;ii) kadib isla markii ay dhacdadu dhacday taas oo Maxakamaddu u

tixgalinayso in laga yaabo in taasi qayb ka ahayd xiligii uu xusuusanayay isagu.

b) qoraal kasta oo caynkaasi ah oo uu sameeyay qof kale oo uu akhriyay maragu markuu ku dhex jiray wakhtigaa aynu soo sheeganay, haddii, markii uu maragu akhriyay iyada, uu isagu garanayay inay ahayd sax;


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c) xirfada baadhitaano cilmi ah,

haddii maragu yahay khabiir ama la taliye xaga farsamada ah.

2. Mar kasta oo maraga loo ogolaado inuu firfircooni geliyo xusuustiisa si uu u tixraaco dhukumenti ama qoraal kasta, oo laga yaabo in uu isagu, haddii Maxakamaddu u ogolaato, tixraaco nuqulka dhukumantigaasi ama qoraalkaasi haddii kii asliga ahaa aan mar kale dib loo soo samaynin waa lagu kaaftoomayaa in lagu xisaabtamo.

3. Maragu waxa kale oo uu ka marag kici karaa xaqiiqooyin ku dhex xusan dhukumanti iyo qoraal kasta oo sidan ah sida ay ugu xusan tahay Qodobkan, xataa si kasta oo aanu isagu u xusuusan xaqiiqooyinka laftooda, haddii uu isagu hubo in xaqiiqdaasi si sax ah loogu diiwaan galiyay dhokumentiga.

4. Dhukumenti ama qoraal kasta oo lagu xusay qaybaha Qodobkani waxa la keeni doonaa Maxkamadda horteeda waxaana loo sheegi doonaa dhinaca kale, haddii dhinacaasi sidaasi doono.

Qodobka 190Soo Bandhigida Dhokumaniga

Maraga laga dalbay inuu soo bandhigo dhukumanti ama qoraal wuxuu, haddii uu ku jiro mulkigiisa ama awoodiisa, ku soo bandhigi doonaa Maxkamadda horteeda, inkastoo diidmo kastaa laga yaabo inay ku timaado soo bandhigid ama ogolaanshaha. Qiimaha diidmo kasta oo sidaasi ahi waxa go’aaminaysa Maxkamadda, ujeedadaasina Maxakamaddu waxa ay:

a) waxa ku hubin dhukumentiga sidaasi ah fadhi Maxkamadeed oo gaar ah;b) waxay qaadi marag muujin kale si Maxakamaddu u awoodo go’aaminta

ogolaanshaheeda;c) amar ku bixin turjumida dhukumentiga, xaalada sidaasi ah dhexdeeda waxay

amar ku siin turjumaanka inuu ku xafido mawduucyada sir ahaan.


Article 191Prohibition on leading Questions

1. Leading questions shall not be asked in an examination-in-chief or in a re-examination except with the permission of the Court.

2. The Court may permit leading questions in examination-in-chief and re-examination only as to matters which are introductory or undisputed or which have, in its opinion, been already sufficiently proved.


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Article 192Examination of a Hostile or unwilling Witness

The Court, when it is satisfied that a witness is hostile to, or is unwilling to answer the questions of, the party which called him, may at its discretion permit the party which called the witness to put any questions to the witness which might be put in cross-examination by the other party, in accordance with the provisions of the following Section.


Article 193Admissibility of leading Questions

Leading questions may be asked in cross-examination.

Article 194Cross-examination On A Written Statement.

A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing, without such writing being shown to him or being proved.


Qodobka 191Reebanaanta Su’aalaha Hogaaminta

1. Su’aalaha hogaaminta lama waydiin doono waraysiga tooska ah iyo waraysiga ku celiska ah haddii aanay ogolaan Maxakamaddu.

2. Maxakamaddu waxay ogolaan kartaa su’aalaha hogaaminta marka lagu jiro waraysiga tooska ah iyo waraysiga ku celiska ah keliya arrimaha ah kuwa hordhaca ah, ama aan laysku haysan ama kuwa leh, ra’yigeeda mar horeba si ku filan u cadayd.


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Qodobka 192Markhaatigu Waraysiga uu Cadawga ku yahay ama aanu Ogolayn

Maxakamaddu, marka ay ku qanacdo in maragu cadow ku yahay ama aanu doonayn inuu ka jawaabo su’aalaha dhinaca u yeedhay isaga, waxa ay iyadoo fiiro iyo taxadir badan leh u ogolaan kartaa dhinaca u yeedhay maraga inuu u jeediyo su’aalo kasta kuwaasi oo laga yaabo inuu soo jeediyo waraysiga su’aalaha dhexdiisa ah ee dhinaca kale, si waafaqsan qaybaha waaxda soo socota.


Qodobka 193Ogolaanshaha su’aalaha hogaaminta

Su’aalaha hogaaminta waxa la waydiin karaa marka lagu jiro waraysiga su’aalaha.

Qodobka 194Waraysiga Su’aalaha Cadaynta Qoraalka ah

Markhaatiga dhinacii u yeedhay maahee dhinaca kale ayaa waydiin kara badheedhe uu wakhti hore uu ku sameeyay isagu qoraal, ama lagu soo koobay qoraal, iyadoo aan qoraalka caynkaasi ah aan la tusin isaga ama loo cadayn.

But if it is intended to contradict him by the writing, his attention shall, before the writing can be proved, be called to those party of it which are to be used for the purpose of contradicting him.

Article 195Questions lawful in Cross-examination

1. When a witness is cross-examined, he may be asked any question which tends:

a) to test his veracity,b) to discover who he is and what is his position in life,


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c) to shake his credit,although the answer to such question might tend directly or indirectly to expose him to penal proceedings or to civil action for damages.

2. If any such question as asked in accordance with the preceding paragraph relates to a matter relevant to the proceedings, or if the Court orders the witness to answer in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraph, the provisions of Article 200 shall apply.

3. If any such question relates to a matter not relevant to the proceedings and tends only to affect the credit of the witness, the Court shall decide whether or not the witness shall be compelled to answer it. In exercising its discretion, the Court shall have regard to the following considerations:

a) such questions are proper if they are of such nature that the truth of the imputation conveyed by them would seriously affect the opinion of the Court as to the credibility of the witness on the matter to which he testifies;

b) such questions are improper if:i) the imputation which they convey relates to matters so remote in

time or of such a character that the truth of the imputation would not affect, or would affect in a slight degree, the opinion of the Court as to the creditability of the witness on the matter to which he testifies;

ii) there is a great disproportion between the importance of the imputation made against the witness’s character and the importance of his evidence.

Laakiin haddii loogu talogalay in lagu khaldo isaga qoraalkaasi, dareenkiisa, ka hor intaanu cadaan qoraalku, loo yeedhi dhinacyadaasi, kuwaasi oo u isticmaalayay ujeedada khaladkiisa.

Qodobka 195Su’aalaha Sharciga ah ee Waraysiga Su’aalaha uu Waydiinayo Dhinicii u yeedhay

maahee Dhinaca kale

1. Marka maraga lala yeelanayo waraysi su’ala, waxa isaga la waydiin karaa su’ala kasta oo u jandheedha,

a) si uu u tijaabiyo runtiisa,


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b) si uu u ogaado ka uu yahay isagu iyo wuxuu yahay mansabka ama heerka uu nolosha kaga jiro,

c) si uu ugu ruxruxdo amaantiisa,

In kastoo jawaabaha su’aashani ay toos ahaan ama si dadban u sababi karto daah furida garmaqalo ciqaabeed oo isaga ku lid ah ama talaabo madani oo ah magdhawyada.

2. Haddii in uun su’aasha caynkan ahi loo waydiiyo si waafaqsan farqada hore oo sheegaya mawduuca khuseeya garmaqalada, iyo haddii Maxakamaddu ku amarto maraga in uu u jawaabo si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada hoos ku qoran, qaybaha Qodobka 200 ayaa la isticmaalayaa.

3. Haddi in uun su’aasha caynkan ahi sheegayso mawduuca aan khusaynin garmaqalada ama u janjeeraan in ay wax yeelaan kaliya sharafta markhaatiga, Maxakamaddu waxay go’aamin doontaa in markhaatiga lagu khasbay iyo in kale jawaab bixintaasi, iyadoo ikhtiyaarkeeda isticmaalaysa, Maxakamaddu waxay leedahay tixgelinta ahmiyadahan hoos ku qoran.

a) su’aalaha noocaas ahi way haboon yihiin haddii iyagu ay yihiin dabeecada sdian ah ee runta inuu gaf sameeyay ruuxaasi loo gudbiyo iyaga ay si khatar ah u saamaynayso fikirka Maxkamadda siday ku tahay sharafta maraga ee arrinta ah ta uu ka marag kacay.

b) su’aalaha noocaas ahi ma haboona haddii:i) soo jeedinta inuu ruux gafsameeyay ee ay iyagu gudbiyeen arrimo aad

uga fog wakhti ahaan ama dabeecada sidaa ah ee runtaasi ah soo jeedinta in uu ruux gef sameeyey aanay saamaynayn, ama ay u saamayn doonto heer hoos, aragtida Maxkamadda ee ah siduu yahay karaamada maragu ee ku saabsan arrinta uu ka marag kacay

ii) aanay is le’ekaan wayni u dhaxaynin muhiimada soo jeedinta in uu ruux gaf sameeyay uu jirto kala duwanaansho wayn oo u dhexeeya muhiimada soo jeedinta in uu ruux sameeyay inay lid ku tahay dabeecada maraga iyo muhiimada marag muujintiisa.

The Court may, if it deems fit, warn the witness that he is not obliged to answer a question.

4. No such question as is referred to in the preceding paragraph ought to be asked, unless the person asking it has reasonable grounds for thinking that the imputation which is conveyed is well-founded.

5. A Court:a) may forbid any questions or inquiries which it regards as indecent or

scandalous, although such questions or inquiries may have some bearing on the questions before the Court, unless they relate to facts in


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issue or to matters necessary to be known in order to determine whether or not the facts in issue existed,

b) shall forbid any questions or inquiries which appear to it to be intended solely to insult or to annoy or which, though proper in themselves, appear to the Court needlessly offensive in form.

Article 196Evidence to contradict Answers to Questions testing Veracity

1. No evidence shall be given to contradict any answer given by a witness to questions put to him with the sole intention of shaking his credit, except:

a) if the Court permits, orb) if:

i) the questions refer to any previous convictions of the witness for any offence, or

ii) the questions tend to impeach his impartiality.

2. In the cases referred to in sub-paragraphs a) and b) of the preceding paragraph evidence to contradict him may be given.

Article 197Impeaching the Credit of a Witness

The credit of a witness may be impeached by the party other than the party calling him or, with the consent of the Court, by the party who has called him:

a) by the evidence of persons who testify that they from their personal knowledge of the witness believe him to be unworthy of credit;

Maxkamaddu waxa laga yaabaa, haddi ay u aragto mid ku haboon, u digaysaa maraga in aanu isagu khasab ku ahayn in uu ka jawaabo su’aashaasi.

4. Su’aalnaba sidii loogu xusay mid ay waajib tahay, haddii aanay ruuxa waydiiyay aanu u hayn asbaab macquul ah, oo loogu fikiro in meel ka dhacaasi uu gudbiyay uu yahay xog ogaal.

5. Maxkamaddu:


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a) waxa laga yaabaa nay mabnuucdo su’aalo kasta ama dooni daanada ay u tixgalinaysoi xushmad daro ama fadeexadayn, in kastoo su’aalaha iyo doonitaanada sidan ahi wax laga soo qaadi karo su’aalahaasi horteeda, haddii aanay iyagu la xidhiidhin xaqiiqooyinka taagan ama arrimaha lagama maarmaanka u ah in la ogaado si loo go’aansado inay jiraan iyo in aanay jirin xaqiiqooyinka taagani.

b) Waxay mabnuuci doontaa su’aalo wal ama doonitaano wal kuwaasi oo u muuqda in loogu talo galay kaliyaata in lagu weeraro ama lagaga cadhaysiiyo ama ta, inkastoo ay u haboon tahay iyaga laftooda, ugu muuqato Maxkamadda bilaa dambi qaab ahaan.

Qodobka 196Marag muujinta Jawaabaha is burinaya ee Su’aalaha lagu hubinayo Runta

1. Marag muujintaba laguma bixin doono jawaabo is burinaya oo wal oo uu ka bixiyo markhaati su’ala loo waydiiyo kaliya loo kasay in lagu lufo karaamadiisa, mooyaane:

a) haddii Maxakamaddu ogolaato, amab) haddii:

i) su’aalahaa la xidhiidha xukun wal oo hore ee markhaati dambi uun, ama

ii) su’aalaha u iilanaya in la eedeeyo dhex-dhexaadnimadiisa

2. Marka lagu jiro xaaladaha loo tixraacayo xarafaha a) iyo b) ee farqada hore marag muujinta burinaysa isaga ayaa laga yaabaa in la bixiyo.

Qodobka 197Eedaynta Aaminaada Markhaatiga

Kalsoonida markhaatiga waxa laga yaabaa in uu dambi culus ku oogo dhinaca aan ahayn dhinacii uyeedhay isaga ama, marka ay Maxkamaddu u ogolaato, dhinaca u yeedhay isaga:

a) marag muujinta dadka ah kuwa ka marag kacay in aqoonta shaqsiga ah ee ay u leeyihiin markhaatiga ay ku yaqaaniin in aanay wanaagsanayn aaminaadiisu;

b) by proof that the witness, in order to give his evidence:i) has caused or induced another person to give, or offer to give, to

him or to a third person any bribe or other corrupt inducement, orii) has accepted the offer of such bribe or other corrupt inducement;

c) by proof of former statements, inconsistent with any part of his evidence which is liable to be contradicted;

d) when a man is prosecuted for:


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ii) a crime or attempted crime of sexual violence, oriii) ii) a crime or attempted crime against modesty or sexual honour;

on a woman over 16 years of age, evidence may be given to show that the woman was of generally immoral character.


Article 198Discretion and Powers of the Court

1. The Court may, in order to discover or obtain proper proof of relevant facts:a) ask any questions it pleases, in any form, at any time, except for the

matters provided for in Articles 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 188 and 200, of any witness or of the parties about any fact relevant or irrelevant,

b) order the production, or inspection, of documents, things or places, and the taking of any measures which it deems fit and proper to discover or obtain proper proof.

b) cadaynta in markhaatigaasi, si uu u bixiyo markhaatifur:i) ay sababayso ama ku qalqaaliyo ruux kale in uu bixiyo, ama u

soo bandhigo in uu siiyo, isaga ama ruux saddexaad wax laaluush ah ama musuq kale oo dhiiri galin ah, ama

ii) la ogolaaday balanqaad ah wax laaluush ah ama qalqaalo musuq kale;


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c) cadaynta badheedhayaal hore, oo khilaafsan qayb wal oo marag muujintiisa taasi oo loo qabsan karo masuuliayadda kala hadalakaasi;

d) marka nin lagu oogay:i) dambi ama isku day dambi oo ah xadgudub kufsi, amaii) dambi ama iskuday dambi lidku ah cabiidsasho ama galmo u


ku fala gabadh ka wayn da’da 16 sanadood, marag muujinta waxa loo bixin karaa si ay u muujiso in haweenaydaasi ay ahayd guud ahaan dhaqankeedu mid uu xumaa.


Qodobka 198Ikhtiyaarka iyo Awoodaha

1. Maxakamaddu waxa si ay u daahfurto ama u hesho sugnaanshe cad oo la xidhiidha xaqiiqada:

a) waxa ay waydiin su’ala walba oo ay jeclaysato, qaab kasta oo ay u taal, xili walba marka laga reebo arrimaha ku xusan qodobada 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178 iyo 200 marag kasta ama dhinacyada, taasi oo ku saabsan xaqiiqo kasta oo la xidhiidha mawduuca ama aan mawduucaba khusaynin:

b) waxay amar ku bixin soo saarida, ama baaris dhokumantiyo, walxo ama goobo iyo qaadida talaabo kasta oo ay u aragto inay ku haboon tahay, ay munaasibna ay u tahay dabool ka qaadida ama helitaanka daliilo munaasib ah.


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Article 199. Accomplices

The persons who have participated in an offence may be witnesses in the proceedings.

However, the Court shall not convict an accused person on the basis of the testimony of an accomplices unless such testimony is corroborated by other evidence.


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Qodobka 199. Gacansiin Dambiile

Dadka ka qayb qaata dambi waxa ay ka noqon karaan maragyo garmaqalada.

Si kasta oo ay tahay, Maxakamaddu kuma xukumi doonto qof eedaysane ah sababo ah marag bixin gacan siin dambiile, haddii aanay maraga caynkan ahi aanu la xidhiidhin cadayn kale.


Article 199


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An accomplice shall be a competent witness against an accused, provided that a Court shall not convict an accused person, unless there is some other evidence or circumstances corroborating in material particulars the evidence of the accomplice.

Article 200Questions tending to Corroborate Evidence of Relevant Fact

When it is necessary or desirable to corroborate the evidence of any witness and that witness gives evidence of any relevant fact, he may be questioned as to any other circumstances which he observed at or near the time or place at which such relevant fact occurred, if the Court is of the opinion that such circumstances, if proved, would corroborate the testimony of the witness as to the relevant fact concerning which he testifies.

Article 201Former Statement of Witness as Corroboration

In order to corroborate the evidence of a witness, any former statement relating to the same fact made by such witness:

a) at or about the time when the fact took place, orb) before any authority legally competent to investigate the fact,

may be proved.


Qodobka 199


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Dambi ku Gargaarid

Dambi ku gargaaruhu wuxuu awood u yaalanayaa markhaati ahaan lid ku ah eedaysanaha, kaas oo sheegaya Maxkamaddu in aanay dambi ku xukumi doonin ruuxa eedaysan, haddii aanay jirin cadaymo kale ama duruufo la xidhiidha cadaymo walxo gaar ah, oo ah dambi ku gargaarid.

Qodobka 200Su’aalaha u Janjeedha Ayidaada

Marka ay lagama maarmaan tahay ama la rabo in la taageero marag muujinta markhaati uun oo uu markhaatigaasi bixiyo marag muujin ku tacaluqda xaqiiqo, waxa isaga laga yaabaa in la su’aalo sida duruufo kale oo wal kuwaasi oo uu isagu u fiirsanayay ama uu u dhawaa wakhtiga iyo goobta xaqiiqada waxaasi ku tacaluqdaa ay ka dhacday, haddii Maxakamaddu u aragto duruufaha caynkan ah, haddii la sugo, ay taageerayaan marag muujinta markhaatiga in ay tahay xaqiiqo taagan oo ku saabsan tii uu isagu ka marag kacay.

Qodobka 201Cadaynta horaysay ee Markhaati Ayidaadeeda

Si loo ayidaayo marag muujinta maraga, cadayn wal oo horaysay ee la xidhiidha xaqiiqo isku mid ah oo uu sameeyey maragaasi:

a) ahaa ama u dhawaa ama qiyaastii wakhtiga marka xaqiiqadu ay meesha ka dhacday; ama

b) maamul wal oo sharci ahaan u awoodo baadhitaanka, laga yaabo inay noqoto xaqiijin.




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Article 202Court to Decide on Weight of Evidence

The Court shall determine the weight to be given to the evidence admitted.

Article 203Admissibility of Evidence

1. The Court may only allow evidence to be given concerning facts which are allowed by law to be proved in the trial.

2. If the relevancy of one alleged fact depends upon another alleged fact being first proved, the Court may, at its discretion, either permit evidence of the first fact to be given before the second is proved, or require evidence to be given of the second fact before evidence is given of the first fact.

Article 204Improper Admission or Rejection of Evidence

The improper admission or rejection of evidence shall not of itself be grounds for a new trial or the reversal of any decision in any case, if it shall appear to the Court before which such objection is raised that:

a) independently of the evidence objected to and admitted, there was sufficient other evidence to justify the decision, or

b) if the rejected evidence had been received, if ought not to have varied the decision.

Waaxda VI


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Qodobka 202 Go’aaminaysa Miisaanka Marag-muujinta

Maxakamaddu waxay go’aamin doonta miisaanka la siinayo marag muujinta la ogolaaday.

Qodobka 203Aqbalaada Marag-muujinta

1. Maxakamaddu waxa kaleiya oo ay ogolaanaysaa marag muujinta laga bixiyay xaqiiqooyinka khuseeya taas oo uu ogol yahay sharcigu in lagu xaqiijiyo marka Maxkamadda la oogayo.

2. Haddii mid lagu eedeeyo waxa ku tacaluqa xaqiiqo ku xidhiidhsan xaqiiqo kale oo lagu eedeeyey ta ay tahay in marka hore la cadeeyo, Maxkamadda ayaa, iyadoo ka fiirsanaysa, ama ogolaanaysa xaqiiqada marag muujinta hore in la bixiyo ka hor intaan ta labaad la cadaynin, ama amraysa in la bixiyo marag muujinta xaqiiqada labaad ka hor intaan marag muujinta xaqiiqada hore la bixin.

Qodobka 204Ogolaanshaha aan Haboonayn ama Marag-muujinta la Diidayo

Ogolaanshaha aan haboonayn ama marag muujinta la diidayo iyadoo keli ahi asbaab uma noqonayso in la oogo Maxakamad cusub ama dib uga noqosho go’aan kasta oo jira xaalad walba, haddii taasi ay ugu muuqato ka hor inta aanay diidmada sidan ahi soo bixin iyadoo:

a) iyadoo si kala gaar ah marag muujinta marna loo diiday hadana loo qirtay, ayna jirtay marag muujin kale oo ku filan in lagu cadeeyo go’aanka, ama

b) haddii marag muujinta la diiday la ogaaday, in ay waajib tahay in aan la fulinin go’aanka.

Section VII


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Article 205Incriminating Answers

1. A witness is obliged to answer questions put to him by a party on any relevant matter and to questions which the Court has ordered him to answer, even if such answer might expose him to criminal proceedings or, directly or indirectly, to a civil action for damages.

2. No answer, which a witness shall be compelled to give in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall subject him to arrest or prosecution, or be proved against him in any criminal proceeding, except a prosecution for giving false evidence by such answer.

Article 206Rules Relating to Cross-examination of an Accused

An accused:a) shall not be cross-examined on an unsworn statement taken in

accordance with subparagraph b) ii) of paragraph 1 of Article 116;b) shall be cross-examined on a sworn statement taken in accordance with

subparagraph b) i) of paragraph 1 of Article 116, for the sole purpose of testing the veracity of the statement.

Article 207Interpreters

1. The Court shall appoint an interpreter, selecting him, if possible, from among persons jointly agreed by the parties:

a) when a document written in a foreign language has to be translated;



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Qodobka 205Jawaabaha Cadaynta in qof dambi galay

1. Markhaatiga waxa ku waajib ah inuu ka jawaabo su’aalo wal oo isaga uu waydiiyo dhinac ee ku qotoma arrin wal oo ku tacaluqda iyo su’aalaha ay Maxakamaddu ku amarto in uu isagu ka jawaabo, xataa haddii jawaabaha sidan ahi ay ku keenayaan isaga talaabooyin sharci oo ciqaab ah ama, si toos ah ama si aan toos ahayn, ugu keenayso talaabo madani oo ah magdhow.

2. Jawaabnaba, oo markhaatiga lagu khasbay inuu u bixiyo iyadoo la tixraacayo farqada hore, waxay ku keeni doontaa isaga in la xidho ama lagu oogo, ama cadayn dhan ka ah isaga lagu samayn karo garmaqalo ciqaabeed oo kasta dhexdooda, haddii aan lagu oogin, marag muujin been ah oo ah jawaabtaasi.

Qodobka 206Shuruudaha la Xidhiidha marka lala yeelanayo Waraysi-su’aalo ah Eedaysane

Eedaysanaha:a) lama yeelanayo dhinaca aan isaga u yeedhini waraysi aan lahayn

dhaar oo looga qaadayo si waafaqsan xarafka b) ii) ee farqada 1 ee Qodobka 116;

b) waxa uu la yeelan karaa dhinaca aan u yeedhin marag muujin lagu dhaaranayo oo looga qaado si waafaqsan xarafka b) i) ee farqada 1 ee Qodobka 116, marka kaliya hadafku yahay mid lagu hubinayo marag muujinta runteeda.

Qodobka 207Turjumaanada

1. Maxkamadda ayaa magacabaysa turjumaan, laga soo doortay, haddii ay suurtoobayso, dad wadajira dhexdooda oo ay waafaqaan dhinacyadu:

a) marka dhukumanati ku qoran luqad shisheeye la soo turjumayo;

b) when the person wishing or required to make a statement or give evidence does not know the language used by the Court;

c) in any other case when it is deemed necessary or desirable by the Court.


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2. The performance of the duties of interpreter shall be mandatory and the cost therefor shall be borne by the State Treasury.

3. Before commencing the performance of his duties the interpreter shall take an oath or make a solemn affirmation, as provided in Article 182, that he shall carry out his task for the purpose only of contributing to the ascertainment of the truth.

4. Where the translation of a written document requires work of a lengthy duration, the Court may establish the time-limit by which the interpreter must submit the written translation, and may extend such time-limit where there are reasonable grounds to do so.

5. The provision of Article 161 shall be observed, insofar as applicable.

b) marka ruuxa doonaya ama u baahan inuu sameeyo hadal cadayn ah ama bixiyo marag muujin aanu garanayn in luqada Maxakamaddu isticmaalayso;


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c) xasalad kasta oo kale marka ay lagama maarmaan u aragto ama u cuntamayso.

3. Fulinta waajibaadyada turjumaanka waxaa khasab qiimaha taasina waxa shall be borne khasnadda Qaranka.

4. Turjumaanku ka hor inta aanu bilaabin fulinta wajaibaadkiisa waa la dhaarinayaa ama wuxuu samaynayaa xaqiijin rasmi ah, sida uu sheegyo Qodobka 182, inuu isagu uu u qaban doono hawshiisa ujeedadeedu tahay kaiya inuu bixinayo xaqiijinta runta.

5. Marku turjumaanka dhukumantiska qoraalka ah uu u baahdo shaqo mudadiisu dheer tahay, Maxkamaddu waxay u samaynaysaa wakhti xadidan oo uu turjumaanka ay waajib ku tahay inuu ku soo gudbiyo qoraalka turjuman, waana ay fidin kartaa wakhtiga xadidan marka ay jiraan asbaab macquul ah in sidaa la falo.

Qaybaha Qodobka 161 ayaa la raacayaa ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo.



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CHAPTER IGeneral Provisions

Article 208General Rules

1. The law shall prescribe the cases in which judicial measures are subject to appeal and shall prescribe the means by which such appeal shall be made.

2. The right of appeal shall be restricted to such party or parties on whom it is expressly conferred by law.

3. Only a party having interest in an appeal shall have the right of appeal.

4. In every case:


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a) the accused shall not appeal against a count of the judgement for which he has been found guilty when he has already pleated guilty to such count in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

b) a party shall not appeal against an order that proceedings be terminated when such order has been granted in conformity with, or is a consequence of, any request of such party in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

c) the Attorney General shall not appeal against an order that proceedings be terminated when the Attorney General, having been consulted beforehand in accordance with the provisions of this Code, did not object to such order.

5. Appeals shall be governed by the provisions of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, except as otherwise provided in this Code.



CUTUBKA IQaybaha Guud

Qodobka 208Qaanuunada Guud

1. Sharciga ayaa qariraya xaaladaha ah kuwa talaabo qaanuun ee ah mawduucyada laga rafcaansanayo oo jidayna doona nidaamka rafcaankaasi loo samaynayo.

2. Xaqa rafcaanka waxa xadidi doona dhinaca ama dhinacyada ah kuwa uu si cad u siinayo sharcigu.


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3. Keliya dhinaca danaynaya rafcaanka ayaa xaq u leh in uu qaato rafcaan.

4. Xaalad walboo lagu jiro:a) eedaysanuhu rafcaan kama qaadanayo lid ku ah tirada xukunada ah ee

uu ku noqday dambiile marka uu isagu mar horeba qirto dambiga, tirada caynkan ah si waafaqsan qaybaha Xeerkan.

b) eedaysanuhu rafcaan kama qaadanayo lid ku ah amarka in garmaqalada la tirtiro marka uu amar caynkan ahi soo baxo, oo waafaqsan ama uu waafaqayo codsi kasta oo dhinacyadani ay hore ugu soo heshiiyeen waafaqsana qaybaha Xeerkan, lama diidi karo amarkaasi.

5. Rafcaanada waxa maamulaya qaybaha Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka, iyo wixii Xeerkani si kale u sheego mooyaane.

Article 209Appeal by Accused

1. An accused may appeal in person or through a special representative.

2. In cases where a sentence of death has been passed, the Counsel who defended the accused in the trial may appeal without any special mandate to do so and even against the wishes of the convicted person.

3. Parents of minor children and the legal representatives of wards, even though they are not entitled to notification of judgement, may appeal on behalf of such children or wards.


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4. Except in the cases referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the accused may cancel an appeal made by other person on his behalf by giving notice to the Court that he does not with such appeal to be made.If the accused is a minor or is incompetent, the parents or legal representative shall give consent for such notice to be valid.

5. if an accused person and other persons permitted to do so under the provisions of this Article have each lodged an appeal, and one of the appeals is invalid, it will be validated by the validity of the other, and this shall also apply to the grounds for the appeal. If there is any conflict between the appeals, the appeal lodged by the accused shall prevail.

Article 210Appeals by the Attorney General

1. An appeal may be lodged by the Office of the Attorney General or by the person who has represented the Attorney General in the proceedings, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 12.

2. If the Attorney General or his Deputies, as well as his representative in the relevant proceedings, have lodged and appeal and one of the appeals is invalid, it will be validated by the validity of the other; and this shall also apply to the ground for the appeal. If there is any conflict between the appeals, the appeal lodged by the Attorney General or his Deputies shall prevail.

Qodobka 209Rafcaanka Eedaysanaha

1. Eedaysanuhu qof ahaan ama wakiilkiisa gaarka ah ayuu rafcaan ku samaysan karaa.

2. Marka lagu jiro xaadaha xukunka dilka ah la soo saaro, Qareenka ka difaacayay eedaysanuhu Maxkamada horteeda, wuxuu rafcaan u qaadanayaa iyagoo aan wax sharci gaar ah lagu xidhin in uu sidaasi yeelo iyo xataa haddii lid ku tahay doonista qofka la xukumay.


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3. Waalidka caruura aan qaan gaadhka ahayn iyo wakiilada sharciga ah, ee caruurta aanay dhalin, xataa haddii aanay iyagu awood loo siin ogaysiiska xukunka waxay rafcaan u samaynayaan, iyagoo matalaya caruurtaasi ama kuwa ay hayaan ama koriyaan dad aan dhalin.

4. Marka laga reebo xaaladaha ku xusan farqada 2 ee Qodobkan eedaysanuhu wuxuu tirtiri karaa rafcaan uu qof kale u sameeyay iyadoo uu isaga metalayo, waxa uu siin karaa Maxkamadda ogaysiin in aanu isagu rabin rafcaanka in loo sameeyo. Haddii ruuxa eedaysanuhu uu ka yar yahay qaan gaadh ama uu yahay mid aan isku filayn, waalidkiisa, ama wakiilkiisa sharciga ah ayaa loo ogol yahay inuu meel mariyo ogaysiintaasi aynu soo sheegnay.

5. Haddii ruuxa eedaysanaha iyo ruuxa kale oo isla ogolaaday inay sameeyaan si ah sida ku sheegan qaybaha Qodobkan uu mid kastaa qadimo rafcaan, oo mid ka mid ah rafcaanadu aanu qiimo lahayn, waxa qiimo u yeelaya qiimaha uu leehayay ka kale, waxaana tan lagu dabaqayaa asbaabta rafcaanka, haddii wax khilaaf ahi ka soo dhex baxaan rafcaanada, rafcaanka uu gudbiyay eedaysanuhu ayaa la doorbidayaa

Qodobka 210Rafcaanka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

1. Rafcaan waxa samaysan kara Xafiiska Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama ruuxa metala Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud garmaqalada dhexdooda, si waafaqsan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 12.

2. Haddii Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama ku-xigeenkiisu, sidoo kale wakiiladiisa garmaqalada dhexdooda, gudbiyaan rafcaan, oo kid ka mid ah rafcaanaduna qiimo aanu lahayn waxa qiimo u yeelaya qiima ka kale, waxa kale oo tan lagu dabaqi karaa asbaabta rafcaan haddii is khilaaf ka soo baxo rafcaanada dhexdooda, rafcaanka uu gudbiyay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama ku-xigeenadiisa ayaa la doorbidayaa.

Article 211Appeal by the other Parties

Other parties may lodge an appeal personally or through a special representative.

Article 212Form of Appeal


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An appeal shall be lodged by means of a notice, which may be verbal and which shall indicated:

a) the judicial act or judgment against which the appeal is lodged;b) the date of such act or judgement;c) the judicial authority that has issued it;d) the proceedings to which the appeal refers.

Article 213Receipt of the Notice of Appeal

1. A notice of appeal shall be lodged with the Registrar of the Court from whose act or judgement the appeal is being taken. The notice may also be filed by registered letter or telegram to such Registrar and shall be presented at a post or telegraph office within the time-limit fixed in Article 214.

2. If the person who is concerned in the appeal is under detention, the notice of appeal shall be sent or given to the authority detaining such person and that authority shall immediately transmit such notice to the Registrar of the Court from whose act or judgement the appeals is being taken.

3. The Registrar shall attach the notice of appeal to the record of the trial, after having record thereon the date on which the appeal was received and after having signed it.

Qodobka 211Rafcaanka Dhinacyada kale

Dhinacyada kale waxa ay u gudbin karaan qof ahaan tooda ama iyagoo marinaya rafcaanka wakiilkooda gaarka ah.

Qodobka 212


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Qaabka Rafcaanka

Rafcaanka waxaa loo gudbin doonaa ogaysiin ahaan, kaasi oo noqonaya hadal afka ah oo sheegaya:

a) fal qaanuuni ah ama xukun dhan ka ah ta racfaanka laga qaatay;b) taariikhda falkaasi ama xukunkaasi;c) awooda garsoor ee soo saartay isaga;d) garmaqalada ah kuwa rafcaanka tixraacaya;

Qodobka 213Helida Ogaysiinta Rafcaanka

1. Ogaysiinta rafcaanka waxa la dhigayaa Kaalinta Maxkamadda ah tii falka ama xukunka rafcaanka lagu qaatay. Ogaysiinta, waxa kale oo lagu fayl garaynayaa warqad ama telegaram loo dirayo Kaalinta, waxaana lagu soo bandhigayaa Boosta ama Xafiiska Telegaramka muddo ku eg wakhtiga xadidaadiisa uu gooyay Qodobka 214.

2. Haddii qofka ah ka uu khuseeyo rafcaanku uu ku jiro xabsi, ogaysiinta rafcaanka waxa soo diri doona ama la siin doonaa maamulka xidhay qofkaasi, maamulkaasina isla markiiba wuxuu u gudbin doonaa ogaysiiskaasi Kaalinta Maxkamadda ah tii falka ama xukunka rafcaanka laga qaatay.

3. Kaalinta ayaa ku lifaaqaysa ogaysiinta rafcaanka diiwaanka Maxkamadda, kadib markaa wuxuu ku diiwaan gelinayaa taariikhda, rafcaanka la helay iyo kadib markii la saxeexay.

Article 214Time-limit for Notice of Appeal


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1. The time-limit for the lodging of a notice of appeal shall be:

a) 30 days, if the appeal is against judgement, starting from the day on which judgement was pronounced;

b) 15 days, if the appeal is against any other judicial act starting from the date on which:

i) such act was done, in respect of the parties present;ii) the parties who were not present were notified.

2. The Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal may, by decision in chambers, extend the time-limit for lodging an appeal against an act or judgement of a lower Court, when it is ascertained that the accused was unable to comply with such time-limit for reasons beyond his control. Insofar as applicable, the provisions laid down in paragraph 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

Article 215Notification of Appeal by the Attorney General

1. A notice of appeal by the Attorney General shall be notified to the accused within 30 days of its being lodged with the Registrar who has received it; otherwise such notice shall be null and void.

2. Notice of such appeal shall be made in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 80, provided that, if it is not possible to make the notification in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 51, the notice of appeal shall be deemed to have been made by depositing one of the originals, for transmission to the accused, with the Registrar of the Court from whose act or judgement the appeal is made.

Article 216Grounds of Appeal

1. The grounds of appeal shall be established by law.

2. Grounds of appeal shall be specific; if not, the appeal shall not be admissible. The grounds of appeal may be included in


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Qodobka 214Xadidaada Wakhtiga Ogaysiinta Rafcaanka

1. Xadidaada wakhtiga la gudbinaayo ogaysiinta rafcaanka waxay noqonaysaa:a) 30 maalmood, haddii rafcaanku uu lid ku yahay xukunka, laga bilaabo

maalinta xukunka lagu dhawaaqay;b) 15 maalmood, haddii rafcaanku lid ku yahay fal qaanuun kale, laga

bilaabo tariikhda ah ta;i) falkaasi uu dhacay, iyadooo ay dhinacyadu goob-joog yihiin;ii) dhinacyadu aan goob joog ahayn waa la ogaysiinayaa.

2. Maxkamadda Sare iyo Maxkamadda Racfaanka ayaa ku go’aamin kara fadhi gaar ah oo ay ka yeeshaan fidinta wakhtiga xadidan ee la gudbinaayo rafcaanka lidka ku ah falka ama xukunka Maxkamadda hoose, markii ay tahay hubanti in eedaysanuhu aanu kari karayn in uu u raaco wakhtiga u xadidan sababo ka wayn awoodiisa dartood, ilaa iyo xad lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha uu ay dhigayaan xubinaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa dabaqi doona.

Qodobka 215Ogaysiiska Rafcaan ee Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud

1. Ogaysiinta rafcaanka ee Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waa in uu ku ogaysiyaa eedaysanaha 30 maalmood gudahood oo ka bilaabma marka Kaalinta ay gaadhay: si kastoo kale ogaysiintaasi waxay ka dhigaysaa mid aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin.

2. Ogaysiinta rafcaankaasi waxa lagu samaynayaa si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 5 Qodobka 80, taasi oo jidaynaysa, haddii aanay suurto gal ahayn in ogaysiiska loo sameeyo si waafaqsan farqadaha 2, 3, iyo 4 ee Qodobka 51, ogaysiinta rafcaanka waxa loo qadanayaa in la sameeyey in la dhigo mid ka mid ah nuqulka asliga ah, si looga gudbiyo eedaysanaha Kaalinta Maxkamadda ah ta falka ama xukunka rafcaanka laga samaysay.

Qodobka 216Asbaabta Rafcaanka

1. Asbaabaha rafcaanku waxa jidaynaya sharciga.

2. Asbaabaha rafcaanku waa in ay noqdaan qaar xaqiiqo ah oo faahfaahsan, haddii aanay ahayn, rafcaanka lama ogolaanayo, asbaabta rafcaanku waxa ku jiri kara


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the notice of appeal; otherwise the grounds of appeal shall be presented in writing and signed by the person lodging the appeal, or by the special representative or defence Counsel, within the time-limits laid down in Article 214.

The parties may submit memoranda explaining further the grounds of appeal even after the expiration of the said time-limit.

3. insofar as applicable, the previsions of Article 213 and of paragraph 2 of Article 214 shall be observed.

Article 217Application of the Appeal to more than one Person

1. When two or more person, having bee accused of participation in the same offence, have been tried together, a notice of appeal made by one of the accused and the grounds of such appeal, unless the appeal and the grounds apply exclusively to one person, shall also apply to the other or others.

2. When there is a joinder of proceedings for different offences, a notice of appeal by one accused shall only apply to all the other accused if the grounds of appeal relate to procedural violations and do not apply exclusively to the accused who is appealing.

3. If the appeal is inadmissible or if it has been withdrawn in accordance with Article 221, the inadmissibility or withdrawal shall also apply to the appeal as concerns the other accused referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 218Appeal operate as Stay of Proceedings

1. Except as otherwise provided by law, during the period preceding the expiration of the time-limit to appeal and during the appeal proceedings, the execution of any act or judgement shall be suspended.

2. However:a) any measures relating to the liberty of the person shall immediately be

enforceable;b) whenever an accused is on bail; the Court which pronounced sentence

of conviction or the Court to which the appeal shall be taken shall revoke such bail if the amount of the bond or other guarantee is considered insufficient in relation to the punishment imposed.


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ogaysiinta rafcaanka; haddii kale asbaabta rafcaanka waxa lagu soo bandhigayaa qoraal uu saxeexo qofka qaatay rafcaanku ama wakiilkiisa gaarka ah ama Qareenkiisa difaac, wakhtiga loo xadiday gudihiisa ee uu dhigayo Qodobka 214.

Dhinacyadu waxay gudbin karaan qoraal kooban oo sharaxaya, asbaabaha dheeraadka ah ee rafcaanka, xataa kadib dhaqan ka baxa wakhtigii u xadidnaa ee la soo sheegay.

3. Ilaa iyo xad ay ka dhaqan gelayso, qaybaha Qodobka 213 iyo farqada 2 ee Qodobka 214 ayaa la isticmaali doonaa.

Qodobka 217Codsiga Rafcaanka in ka badan hal Qof

1. Markii laba ama in ka badani ay ku eedaysan yihiin ama ka wada qayb qaataan dambi isku mid ah oo Maxkamadda wada jir loo saaro, ogaysiinta rafcaanka waxa samaynaya mid ka mid ah eedaysanayaasha iyo asbaabta rafcaankaasi, haddaanu rafcaanka iyo asbaabta aanu u codsan si khaas ah ruux kali ahi, waxa sidoo kale codsiga gudbin kara ka kale ama kuwa kale.

2. Markii ay jiraan dambiyo ama eedaymo wada jir ahi ama garmaqalo dambiyo kala duwani, ogaysiinta rafcaanka uu mid eedaysane ahi ayaa kaliya u codsanaya dhammaan kuwa kale ee eedaysan haddii asbaabta rafcaanku la xidhiidho xad-gudub ku yimi shuruucdii ay dacwadaha Maxkamaddu ku waday oo aan looga codsan si dhamays tiran eedaysanaha rafcaanka qaatay.

3. Haddii aan rafcaanka aan la ogolaanin, ama lala noqdo si waafaqsan Qodobka 221, ogolaansho la’aanta ama la noqoshada waxa sidoo kale la codsanayaa rafcaan sida uu u khuseeyo eedaysanaha kale ee lagu xusay farqadda hore.

Qodobka 218Rafcaanka u socda in la Joojiyo Garmaqalada

1. Iyadoo uu sharcigu si kale u jideeyo mooyaane, xilliga lagu dhex jiro mudadii hore ee dhaqan ka baxa wakhtigii u xadiidnaa racfaan qaadashada iyo xiliga ah kii garmaqalada rafcaanka, fulinta fal kasta ama xukun kasta waa la mabnuuci doonaa.

2. Si kastaba ha ahaatee;a) Talaabo kasta oo la xidhiidha xorriyada qofka isla markiiba waa la dhaqan

gelinayaa.b) Mar kasta oo eedaysanuhu ku jiro damiin, Maxkamadda ah ta ku

dhawaaqday ciqaabta sharciga ah ee dambiga lagu helay ama Maxkamadda ah ta rafcaanka loo qaadan doono waxay tirtiri doontaa damiinkaasi, haddii xadiga lagu damiintay ama damaanadu la rumaysto in aanay ku filayn marka lagu xidhiidhiyo ciqaabta lagu ganaaxay.


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Article 219Appeal against orders and Decisions made before and during the Trial

Except as otherwise provided by law:a) orders and decisions made before trial may be appealed against only if

they dispose of the proceeding;b) any orders and decisions made during the trial are subject to appeal

only together with appeal from the judgement or an order to terminate proceedings, provided that the intention of appealing was notified to the Court immediately after such orders or decisions were made.

Article 220Appeal with regard to Civil Damages

1. An appeal in a criminal proceeding by an injured party, or by an accused, against the judgement in regard to civil damages given in accordance with Article 131, shall only be admissible in such a proceeding when an appeal has been lodged by the accused or by the Attorney General against sentence of conviction or acquittal.

2. An appeal against a judgement with regard to civil damages shall be governed by the provisions of civil law, insofar as applicable, where:

a) no appeal against convictions or acquittal has been lodged by the accused or by the Attorney General;

b) such appeal is either inadmissible or has been withdrawn, in accordance with Article 221, by the parties that lodged the appeal.

3. When an appeal is not allowed in a criminal proceeding, the time-limit for the appeal in a civil Court with regard to a judgement concerning civil damages shall run:

a) from the day on which the judgement becomes final and irrevocable in case coming within the provisions of sub-paragraph a) of the preceding paragraph;

b) either from the day on which the inadmissibility of the appeal was declared or from the day on which such appeal was withdrawn in cases coming within the provisions of sub-paragraph b) of the preceding paragraph.


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Qodobka 219Rafcaanka lidka ku ah Amaradda iyo Go’aanada la sameeyay xiliga ay

Maxkamaddu socoto iyo horteedba

Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin:a) awaamiirta iyo go’aanada la sameeyo ka hor oogida Maxkamadda

waxaa alga qaadan karaa rafcaan lid ku ah keliya haddii ay iyagu ka dhigayaan garmaqalka mid jaba;

b) amaro kasta iyo go’aano kasta oo la sameeyo xiliga la oogoyo Maxkamadda, waxay yihiin mowduuc laga rafcaan qaato kaliya marka lagu daro wadajirka rafcaanka ka yimaada xukun ama amar lagu tirtirayo garmaqalada, kaliya haddii ujeedadii loo racfaansaday la ogaysiiyay Maxkamadda markiiba kadib amarka caynkan ah ama go’aanadaasi la sameeyay.

Qodobka 220Rafcaanka la Xidhiidha Khasaaraha Madani

1. Rafcaan laga qaato garmaqalada dambiyada, ee uu sameeyo dhinaca dhibanaha ahi, ama eedaysanuhu, lidka ku ah xukun la xihdiidha khasaare/dhaawac madani ee waafaqsan Qodobka 131, waxa kaliya lagu ogolaanayaa garmaqalkaasi marka rafcaanka uuba gudbiyo eedaysanuhu ama Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee lidka ku ah ciqaabta sharci ee dambiga lagu helay ama dambi lagu waayay.

2. Rafcaanka lidka go’aanka Maxkamadeed oo la xidhiidha dhaawacyada/khasaaraha madaniga ah, waxa lagu maamulayaa qaybaha xeerka madaniga, ilaa iyo xad ay ka shaqaynayaan, markii;

a) aanu jirin rafcaan lid ku ah dambi ku helida iyo ku waayida uu gudbiyo eedaysanuhu, ama Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud:

b) rafcaanka caynkaasi ah ama waa la diidi ama way ka noqon, si waafaqsan Qodobka 221, dhinacyada gudbiyay rafcaanku.

3. Marka rafcaan aanu ogolayn garmaqal ciqaabeed, wakhtiga u xadidan racfaanka Maxkamad madani ah oo ku tacaluqda xukun ku saabsan magdhowyo madani ah ayaa la dhaqaajin doonaa:

a) laga bilaabo maalinta ah ta go’aanku noqday kama dambayn, oo aan dib loo heli karin marka lagu jiro xaaladaha ku yimaad qaybaha xarafka a) ee farqada hore;


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b) ama markla laga bilaabo maalin ahayd ta la diiday rafcaanka shaaca laga qaaday ama laga bilaabo maalinta rafcaanka caynkaasi ah laga noqday xaaladaha ku yimaad qaybaha xarafka b) ee farqada hore.

4. A judgement with regard to civil damages shall be considered automatically revoked of, as a result of the appeal, the accused is acquitted or an order that the proceedings be terminated is issued, provided that the civil action may be started in a civil Court when such action is not precluded by the nature or contents of the decision of the criminal Court.

Article 221Withdrawal of Appeal

1. A party may withdraw an appeal. Withdrawal of the appeal shall be made by notifying the Registrar of the Court from whose act or judgement the appeal is made, or by notifying the Registrar of the Court to which the appeal has been taken. An appeal may also be withdrawn during the appellate hearing and shall be put on record.

2. If the appeal has been lodged by the Attorney General or one of his Deputies, it shall not be withdrawn without the prior authorization of the Attorney General.

Article 222Transmission of Documents Connected with Appeal

After the prescribed time-limits have expired, the Registrar of the Court from whose act or judgement the appeal is being taken, shall without delay sent to the Registrar of the Court to which the appeal must be taken copies of the Court case file and of the decision appealed against and the notice of appeal together with the grounds for such appeal, documents and any other relevant memoranda.

Article 223Inadmissibility of Appeal

1. When:a) An appeal has been lodged:

i) by a person who did not possess the right to appeal or who did not have an interest in such appeal;

ii) against an order or decision not subject to appeal;


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4. Xukunka la xidhiidha khasaaraha madaniga waxa loo tixgelin doonaa inuu iskaba baaba’o haddii, ay natiijada rafcaanku eedaysanaha dambi lagu waayo ama la amro ka garmaqalkaasi in la tirtiray soo baxay, iyadoo ka dhigi doonta falkaasi madaniga ah in laga bilaabi karo Maxkamad madani ah marka falka aanu diidaynin nooca ama go’aanada ay ka koobanto Maxkamadda dambiyadu.

Qodobka 221Ka-noqoshada Rafcaanka

1. Waxa suurowda in uu dhinac ka noqdo rafcaan. Ka noqoshada rafcaanka la sameeyo waxa la ogaysiinayaa Kaalinta Maxkamadda ah ta falka ama xukunka rafcaanka laga qaatay, ama waxa la ogaysiinayaa Kaalinta Maxkamadda loo qaatay rafcaanka. Rafcaan waxa sidoo kale laga noqon karaa xilliga dhagaysiga rafcaanlaha waa la diiwaan galin doonaa.

2. Haddii rafcaan uu qaato Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama mid ka mid ah ku-xigeenadiisu, lagama noqon karo iyadoo aan marka hore loo haysan ogolaansho rasmi ah Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

Qodobka 222Gudbinta Dhukumantiga la xidhiidha Rafcaan

Kadib marka ay wakhtigii loo xadiday ee aynu soo sheegnay uu dhamaado, kaalinta Maxkamaddii falka ama xukunka rafcaanka loo qaatay, iyado aanu iman dib u dhac waxay u diri kaalinta Maxkamadda ah tii rafcaanka loo qaatay nuqulada galkii dacwada ee Maxkamaddaa iyo go’aanka rafcaanku lidka ku yahay iyo ogaysiinta rafcaanka, oo ay la socoto asbaabtii rafcaankaasi dhukumantiyada iyo macluumaad kasta oo khuseeyaba.

Qodobka 223Rafcaanada aan la Ogolayn

1. Markii:


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a) rafcaan ka uu gudbiyo;i) qof aan xaq u lahayn inuu rafcaan qaato ama qof aan dan ka

lahayn rafcaankaasi;ii) lid ku ah amar ama go’aan aan khusayn rafcaanka;

b) the notice of grounds of appeal have not been presented in the prescribed from, time or place;

c) the notifications without which an appeal is null and void have not been made;

d) the appeal has been withdrawn;e) the law expressly provides for the inadmissibility of the appeal;

the Court to which appeal has been taken shall deliberate in chambers, after having granted to the party that lodged the appeal, when it considers it necessary, a reasonable time to present in writing his reasons, petitions and defenses. If it finds the appeal inadmissible, it shall so declare and shall order execution of the act or judgement appealed against.

2. A decision that an appeal is inadmissible shall be notified to all interested parties and to the Attorney General. An appeal against such decision may be filed before the Supreme Court.

3. Such notification shall be made in the manner provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 215.

Article 224Cognizance by the Court of the Notice of Appeal

1. An appeal gives to the Court which hears such appeal the power to take cognizance only of those parts of the contested act or judgement on which the appeal is based, except for matters provided for in Article 107.

2. Within such limits and if the appeal has been lodged by:


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a) The Attorney General:i) and the appeal is against the sentence, the Court may, within the

limits of the jurisdiction of the Court of first instance, declare the offence to be different from the offence charged, even if such new offence is more serious, or it may change or increase the punishment, revoke any benefit granted, and apply, when necessary, any security measures or any other provisions imposed or allowed by law;

ii) and the appeal is against an acquittal, the Court may hand down a conviction, applying together with the punishment any of the other measures referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph;

b) ogaysiis ama asbaabaha rafcaanka aan loo soo qorin qaabkii sharcigu jideeyay;

c) ogaysiisyada ee aan ahayn kuwa racfaankoodu uu yahay mid aan sharci ahaan la isticmaali karin aan la samaynin;

d) rafcaan ka laga noqday;e) sharciga si cad u sheega rafcaanka aan la ogolayn

Maxkamaddaa loo qaatay rafcaanka ayaa kulan u gaar ah kaga baaraan dagaysa ama, kadib markuu ku raaco dhinaca gudbiyay rafcaanku, marka loo tixgaliyo in lagama maarmaan ay tahay, wakhti macquul ah oo uu ku soo bandhigo qoraal sababihiisa, dalabyadiisa iyo difaacyadiisa. Haddii ay ogaato in rafcaanku yahay mid aan la ogolayn, sidaasi ayaa lagu dhawaaqi doonaa, waxaana la amri doonaa fulinta falka ama xukunka uu rafcaanku lidka ku yahay.

2. Go’aanka ah in aan rafcaanka la ogolaanayn waxa la ogaysiin doonaa dhamaan dhinacyadii danaynayay iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, rafcaanka lidka ku ah go’aanka caynkaas, waxa loo gudbin karaa Maxkamadda Sare.

3. Ogaysiisyada caynkan ah waxa loo samayn doonaa habka uu jidaynayo farqada 2 ee Qodobka 215.

Qodobka 224Ogaanshaha Maxkamadda ee Ogaysiinta Racfaanka


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1. Rafcaanla la siiyo Maxkamadda dhagaysanaysa Racfaankaasi waxay awood u leedahay inay qaado xog-ogaalnimo kaliya qaybaha falka ama xukunka murugsan ee Racfaanku ku salaysan yahay, marka laga reebo arrimaha uu sheegayo Qodobka 107.

2. Iyadoo lagu eegyahay xuduudahaasi iyo haddii Racfaanka uu qaatay:a) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud:

i) racfaankuna lid ku yahay ciqaab sharci, Maxkamaddu waxay, iyadoo ku eg xuduudaha awooda garsoor ee Maxkamad marxalada koowaad ah, waxay ku dhawaaqaysaa dambigu inuu ka duwan yahay dambigii la soo eedeeyay, xataa haddii dambigan cusubi uu ka khatar badan yahay ama uu bedelayo ama kordhinayo ciqaabtii, waxay baabi’inaysaa maslaxad kasta oo la bixiyay, waxayna dabaqaysaa, markay lagama maarmaanka tahay, tallaabooyin wal oo nabadgalyo ama qaybo wal oo kale oo uu saarayo ama uu ogolaaday sharcigu;

ii) haddiise racfaanku lid ku yahay dambi ku waayid, Maxkamadu waxa ay gudbinaysaa xukunka, iyadoo dhaqan galinaysa talaabo kasta oo kale ciqaabta, ku xusan xarafka hore;

b) the accused alone, the Court may not inflict a punishment more serious either in form or in length, nor revoke any benefits granted. The Court may, however, within the limits indicated in sub-paragraph a) (i) of this paragraph, declare the offence to be different from the offence appealed against even if such new offence is more serious, provided the new offence remains within the jurisdiction of the Court of first instance.

Article 225Hearing of the Appeal

1. Except as otherwise provided by law, only appeals against judgments and orders made in the course of the trial that proceedings be terminated shall be heard in public.

2. For appeals against any other act or decision, the competent Court shall come to its decision in chambers, after having granted to the interested parties a reasonable time to present in writing their reasons, petitions, objections and grounds of defence.

3. When a Court makes its decision regarding an appeal against a judgment concerning civil damages, the provisions of Articles 130 and 131 shall be observed, insofar as applicable.

Article 226


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Renouncing the Right to be Present at the Appeal Hearing

1. The accused and the injured party, subject to the consent of the Court competent to hear the appeal, may renounce the right to participate in the hearing.

2. The failure of the accused or the injured party to appear shall not prevent the hearing of the appeal when:

a) there is no reasonable justification for the failure to appear, andb) the Court does not deem it necessary for the party to appear,c) provided, however, that the provisions relating to the defence of the

accused in the cases referred to in sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary are observed.

b) eedaysanaha oo kaliya, Maxkamaddu ma saarayso ciqaab khatar badan qaab ahaan iyo dherer ahaanba, mana baabi’inayso maslaxadihii la siiyay. Maxkamadu waxay, si kastooy tahay, iyadoo ku eg xuduudaha ku tilmaaman xarafka a) (i) ee farqadan, ku dhawaaqaysaa dambigu inuu ka duwan yahay dambiga racfaanku lidka ku ahaa, xataa haddii dambiga sidan ah ee cusubi uu ka khatar badan yahay, haddii dambiga cusubi ahaado gudaha xuduudaha awooda garsoorka Maxkamad marxalada koowaad ah.

Qodobka 225Dhagaysiga Rafcaanka

1. Haddii aanu sharcigu si kale u sheegin, kaliya racfaaanada lidka ku ah xukunada iyo awaamiirta la sameeyo xiliga lagu guda jiro oogitaanka Maxkamadda taasi oo garmaqaladeedii waxa lagu dhagaysan doonaa iyadoo dadwaynaha u furan.

2. Racfaanada lidka ku ah fal kasta oo kale ama go’aan, Maxkamadda awooda u lihi waxay go’aankeeda ku soo saari doontaa fadhi gaar ah, kadib marka dhinacyada danaynayaa la siiyo wakhti macquul ah oo ay ku soo gudbiyaan qoraal ahaan sabababahooda, codsiyada, diidmooyinka, iyo asbaabta difaaca.


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3. Marka Maxkamaddu ay samayso go’aanadeeda khuseeya racfaanka lidka ku ah xukunka ku saabsan magdhow madani ah, qaybaha Qodobada 130 iyo 131 ayaa la raaci doonaa, ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo.

Qodobka 226Ka tanaasulida xaqa ka Qayb galka Dhagaysiga Rafcaanka

1. Eedaysanaha iyo dhinaca dhibanuhu, markay ku xidhan tahay Maxkamad awood u leh inay dhagaystaan rafcaanka, waxay ka tahaasuli karaan xaqa ah inay ka qayb galaan dhagaysiga.

2. Marka ay ku guul daraystaan eedaysanaha ama dhinaca dhibanuhu inay ka qayb galaan ma joojin doonto dhagaysiga rafcaanka markii:

a) marka aanay jirin sababo macquul ah oo cadaymo u ah in uu ku guul daraystay ka qaybgalkii;

b) Maxkamaddu uma arkayso daruusi in uu dhinaca ka qayb galo Maxkamadda,

c) oo sheegaya, si kastaba ha ahaatee, in qaybahaasi la xidhiidha difaaca eedaysanaha marka lagu dhex jiro caaladaha loo tixraacay xarafka b) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 14 ee Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.



Article 227Matters Against Which Appeal can be taken and Grounds for Appeal

1. In addition to cases covered by special provisions, an appeal may be lodged against judgement and other measures of a Court of first instance as laid down in the following paragraph.

2. Except as otherwise provided for in Chapter 1 of this part, the following may appeal:

a) against conviction or against acquittal:i) the accused, where he is convicted or granted judicial pardon or

when security measures are applied to him;ii) the Attorney General in case of acquittal or conviction;


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b) against an order that the proceedings be terminated:

i) the accused, when security measures have been ordered against him;

ii) the Attorney General;c) against measures concerning personal liberty:

i) the accused:ii) the Attorney General

d) against a judgement in respect of civil damages;i) the accused;ii) the injured party;

e) against the penalties inflicted under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 16, a Counsel who has been so convicted.

3. An appeal shall be allowed on grounds of fact or of law.

Qodobka 227Arrimaha Dhanka ka ah in Rafcaan laga qaato iyo

Asbaabaha Rafcaanka

1. Marka lagu daro xaaladaha ay ka hadlayan qaybo gaarahi, rafcaan waxa si rasmi ah loo gudbin karaa marka uu lidka ku yahay xukunada iyo tallaabooyinka kale oo ka soo baxa Maxkamadda marxalada koowaad ah sida uu dhigayo farqadan hoos ku qorani.

2. Haddii aanu si kale u sheegin Cutubka I ee qaybtani, waxa rafcaan laga qaadan karaa kuwan hoos ku qoran:

a) marka uu lid ku yahay xukun dambi ama uu lid ku yahay dambi ka dhaafid:

i) eedaysanaha, ah ka la xukumay ama la siiyay cafis garsoor ama marka tallaabooyin nbadgalyo lagu fuliyay isaga;


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ii) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud xaalada dambi aan lagu helin ama dambi lagu xukumo

b) uu lid ku yahay amar ka dhigaya in garmaqalada la tirtiroi) eedaysanaha, marka lagu amro talaabooyin nabadgalyo oo isaga

ku lid ah;ii) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud talaabooyin la xidhiidha,

c) lid ku yahay xorriyada shaqsiga:i) eedaysanaha ah;ii) Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud;

d) lid ku yahay xukun la xidhiidha khasaare madani ah:i) eedaysanaha;ii) dhinaca dhibanaha;

e) uu lid ku yahay ciqaabo waxyeelayn ah oo hoos tagaya qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 16, Qareenka ah ka sidaasi lagu xukumay.

3. Rafcaan waxa lagu ogolaan doonaa markuu ku qotomo xaqiiqo iyo sharci.

Article 228Courts which may hear Appeals

1. A Court of Appeal shall be competent to hear appeals.a) The General Appellante Section of the Court of Appeal shall have

jurisdiction over:i) decisions referred to in Article 223;ii) judgment given by the Criminal Section of a District Court and

by the General Section of a Regional Court and any order by such Sections given at a trial that the proceedings be terminated;

iii) an order that the case shall not proceed given in the pretrial proceedings in any Court;


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matters laid down in sub-paragraphs c) and e) of paragraph 2 of Article 227.

b) The Assize Section of the Court of Appeal shall have jurisdiction over appeals with regard to judgements given by the Assize Section of a Regional Court and any order given by such Assize Section at a trial that the proceedings be terminated.

c) The Military Penal Appellate Section shall have jurisdiction over appeals with regard to judgements given by a Military Penal Section of a Regional Court and any order given by such Military Penal Section of a Regional Court at a trial that the proceedings by terminated.

Article 229Decisions of the Court of Appeal

1. The Court of Appeal shall:a) if the appeal is lodged against the decision specified in sub-paragraphs

a) ii), b) and c) of Article 228, decide on the merits of the appeal, after conducting a hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Chapter, provided that, if the Court of Appeal declares itself incompetent to hear the appeal or declares the judgment of the Court of first instance to be null and void, then the Court of Appeal shall order that the case be referred to the Court competent to hear it;

Qodobka 228Maxkamaddaha Dhegaysan kara Rafcaanadda

1. Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ayaa awood u yeelanaysa dhegaysiga rafcaanka:a) Waaxda Guud ee Dacwadaha Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ayaa awood

qaanuun u yeelanaysa;i) go’aanada ku xusan Qodobka 223;ii) qaraarada ay soo saarto laanta ciqaabta ee Maxkamadda

Degmada iyo laanta Caadiga ah ee Maxkamadda iyo amar kasta oo kale oo ay laamahani ay ka soo saaraan oogitaankii garmaqaladeeda la tirtiray;


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iii) amarka dacwada ka dhigaya mid aan laga bilaabaynin Maxkamad kasta garmaqalada oogitaanka ka horeeya;

arrimaha ku dhigan xarfaha c) iyo e) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 227.

b) Laanta Tashiga ee Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ayaa leh awoodda qaanuun ee rafcaanada khuseeya xukunada ka soo baxa laanta Tashiga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka iyo amar kasa oo ay ka soo saarto Laantan Tashigu oogitaanka garmaqalada tirtiraya.

c) Laanta Rafcaanada Ciqaabta Milatarigu waxa ay yeelanaysaa awooda qaanuunka rafcaanada ku saabsan xukunada ay soo saarto Laanta Ciqaabta Milateriga ee Maxkamadda Gobolku iyo amar kasta oo ka soo baxa Laantaasi Ciqaabta Milatariga ee Maxkamadda Gobolka oo ah oogitanka garmaqaladaasi la tirtiray.

Qodobka 229Go’aanada Maxkamadda Rafcaanka

1. Maxkamadda rafcaanku waxa ay:a) haddii rafcaanka la gudbiyay uu lid ku yahay go’aanka ku cad xarfaha

a), ii), b) iyo c) ee Qodobka 228, waxa ay go’aamin doontaa jasaa’iga rafcaanka, kadib marka ay ku samayso dhegaysiga si waafaqsan qaybaha Waaxda 2 ee Cutubkan, taasi oo noqonaysa, haddii Maxkamadda Rafcaanku sheegto in aanay awood u lahayn dhagaysiga rafcaan ama ay sheegto in xukunka Maxkamadda marxalada koowaad uu yahay mid aan qiime sharci aan lahay, markaasi Maxkamadda Rafcaanku waxa ay amraysaa in dacwada loo gudbiyo Maxkamad awood u leh dhegaysigeeda;

b) if the appeal is lodged against the decisions specified in subparagraph a) iii) of Article 228, affirm or reverse, deliberating in chambers, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 225, the decision appealed against. The Court of Appeal shall order, if the decision has been reversed, that the case be referred back to the competent Court;

c) in all other cases, decide on the merits of the appeal deliberating in chambers in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 225, and shall either affirm or modify the decision appealed against.


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2. Decision of the Court of Appeal shall be made public:

2. A copy of the decision of the Court of Appeal shall be sent by the Court Registrar to the Court against whose act or judgment the appeal was taken. The decision of the Court shall also be notified by the Registrar of the Court to the parties concerned, in the manner provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 215, and shall also be communicated to the Attorney General, if they were not present when the decision was announced.


Article 230Procedure of Court of first instance to apply to Court of Appeal.

Preliminaries to Hearing of Appeal

1. Insofar as applicable, the provisions relating to the hearing of a case in a Court of first instance shall be followed in the hearing of an appeal.

2. When an appeal has to be heard, the President of a Court of Appeal shall:a) fix the date of the hearing;

b) haddii rafcaanka la gudbiyay uu lid ku yahay go’aanada ku cad xarfaha a) iii) ee Qodobka 228, kuwaasi oo si cad u sugaya ama badalka ay ku gashay xafiiska, si waafaqsan farqada 2 ee Qodobka 225, go’aanka rafcaanka lidka ku yahay. Maxkamadda Rafcaanku waxay amri doontaa, haddii go’aanka dib loo dhigay, in dacwadaasi dib loogu celiyo Maxakamad awood u leh.


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c) Xaaladaha kale oo dhan marka lagu dhex jiro, waxa lagu go’aaminyaa mudnaanta racfaanka fadhi Maxkamadda u gaar ah oo ay kaga baaraandagto (fiirsato) ayadoo loo tixraacayo farqada 2 ee Qodobka 225, waxaana in ama la xaqiijiyaa ama wax laga badalaa go’aanka racfaanku lidka ku yahay.

2. Maxkamadda rafcaanku waxa ay ugu dhawaaqi doontaa go’aanada si dadweynaha u furan:

a) iyadoo akhriyaysa qaybta jaban ee go’aanka Maxkamadda oo furan dhexdeeda, marka lagu jiro xaaladaha ku xusan xarafka a) ee farqada hore;

b) go’aankana waxa la dhigayaa kaalinta Maxkamadda marka lagu dhex jiro dhamaan xaaladaha kale.

3. Nuqulka go’aanka Maxkamadda Rafcaanka waxa ay kaalinta Maxkamaddu u diri doontaa Maxkamadda uu lidka ku yahay falka ama qaraarka rafcaanka laga qaatay. Go’aanka Maxkamadda waxa kale oo la ogaysiin doonaa kaalinta Maxkamadda qaybaha khuseeya, qaabka ay dhigayso farqada 2 ee Qodobka 215, waxa kale oo lala socodsiin doonaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, haddii aanay iyagu goob joog ahayn markii go’aanka lagu dhawaaqayay.


Qodobka 230Habka Maxkamadda Marxalada Koowaad ayay dabaqaysaa Maxkamadda

RafcaankunaBilowga Dhagaysiga Rafcaanka

1. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha la xidhiidha dhagaysiga dacwada ee Maxkamadda marxalada koowaad ah ayaa lagu dhaqmi doonaa dhangaysiga rafcaankana.

2. Marka la dhagaysan rabo rafcaan, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu:a) cayimi doonaa taariikhda dhagaysiga;

b) order the appearance:i) of the accused who appeals, and


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ii) of an accused who has not appealed, if the appeal has been made by the Attorney General or is made with regard to one of the cases provided for in Article 217;

c) appoint Counsel for the accused in the cases provided for in sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law on the Organization of the Judiciary, when the accused is without Counsel. The Court shall arrange to inform the accused and his Counsel of such appointment;

d) order that the injured party be summoned to appear before the Court, if the injured party or the accused has appealed against the judgement concerning civil damages;

e) order that the Attorney General be duly notified.

3. The date of the hearing shall be notified to the accused and wrote to the notice of this Counsel and of the Attorney General at least 15 days before the hearing.

4. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraph 5 Article 80 and of Article 89 shall be observed.

Article 231Hearing of the Appeal

1. After the opening of the hearing of the appeal, first the appellant shall explain the grounds for his appeal, then the other party shall be given the opportunity to reply. Both parties may make comments and observations, raising objections and presenting requests and petitions which they deem pertinent, and expressing their views on the points of fact and law, which in their opinion the Courts should accept. The right to reply shall be exercised only with the consent of the Court. If an appeal has been made in the same case by both the accused and the Attorney General, the appeal of the accused shall be heard last.

Insofar as applicable, the provisions of Article 119 shall apply.


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b) amar ku bixinayaa in ay Maxkamadda hor yimaadaan:i) eedaysanaha rafcaanlaha ah, iyoii) eedaysanaha aan ahayn rafcaanlaha, haddii rafcaanka uu soo

qaatay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama rafcaanka loo samaystay si waafaqsan mid ka mid ah xaaladaha uu sheegayo Qodobka 217;

c) u magacaabi doonaa eedaysanaha Qareen xaaladaha ay jiraan sida ku sheegan xarafka b) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 14 ee Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka, marka eedaysanuhu aanu haysan Qareen, Maxkamaddu waxay ay habayn doontaa inay ku wargeliso eedaysanaha iyo Qareenkiisaba magacaabistaasi.

d) waxay amar ku bixin in dhinaca dhibanaha ah yeedhitaan loo diro si uu u yimaado Maxkamadda horteeda, haddii dhinaca dhibanaha ah ama eedaysanuhu ay rafcaan lid ku ah xukun khuseeya khasaare madani ah ay qaateen.

e) amar ku bixinayaa in Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud si hubanti ah loo ogaysiiyo.

3. Taariikhda dhegaysiga waxa lagu wargelin doonaa eedaysanaha, waxaana loo gayn doonaa ogaysiin Qareenka iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ugu yaraan 15 maalmood mudada dhegaysiga horteed.

4. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqada 5 ee Qodobka 80 iyo Qodobka 89 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.

Qodobka 231Dhagaysiga Rafcaanka

1. Kadib marka uu furmo dhagaysiga racaanku, ugu horayn rafcaanlaha ayaa sharaxi doona asbaabta rafcaankiisa, kadib dhinaca kale ayaa la siin doonaa fursada si uu uga jawaabo, labada dhinacba waxay samayn karaan faalooyin iyo fiirooyin, qadimi karaan diidmooyin waxay soo gudbin doonaan codsiyo iyo dalabyada ay u arkaan in ay ku haboon yihiin, waxa kale oo ay sheegi doonaan aragtiyahooda ku aadan xaqiiqada iyo sharciga, kuwaasi oo ay u arkaan inay Maxkamaddu aqbasho. Xaqa ah in laga jawaabo waxa kaliyaata lagu samayn karaa ogolaanshaha Maxkamadda. Haddii racfaanka ay u wada samaysteen dacwad isku mid ah labadooduba eedaysanaha iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, rafcaanka eedaysanaha ayaa ugu dambaysta la dhagaysan doonaa.

Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha Qodobka 119 ayaa lagu dhaqmi doonaa.


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2. If the appeal is against a conviction or an acquittal and the Court does not consider itself able to reach a decision upon the available evidence, the Court may, even on its own motion, order:

a) the re-hearing before it, in whole or in part, of the trial;b) the examination of witnesses heard in the trial of first instance, who

may testify even with respect to matters not previously considered;c) the taking of new evidence;d) the re-hearing of expert witnesses.

3. If the appeal is against an order that the proceedings be terminated and the Court of Appeal considers that there are valid grounds for the appeal, the Court of Appeal shall set aside the impugned order and shall either try the case itself, in accordance with the provisions of Book Two of this Code, or remand the case for trial to the Court which passed the impugned order.

CHAPTER IIIAppeals to the Supreme Court

Article 232Matters against which Appeal may be made to the Supreme Court

1. In addition to cases established by special provision, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 1 of this Part, an appeal may be lodged with the Supreme Court:

a) by the parties specified in paragraph 2 of Article 227 against any acts and decisions referred to therein when handed down by a Court of second instance;

b) by the accused or by the Attorney General against any other decision handed down in an appellate proceedings, or against any other decision concerning which appeal to the Court of Appeal is not permissible.


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2. Haddii Racfaanku lid ku yahay xukun dambi ama dambi ka dhaafid oo Maxkamaddu aanay tixgelin iyd lafteedu inay awoodo oo ay ku gaadho go’aanka marag muujinta la heli karo, Maxkamaddu waxay, xataa soo jeedinteeda, amraysaa:

a) in dib-loogu-dhagaysto iyada horteeda; dhammaan ama qayb ahaan, oogid Maxkamadeed oo bilow ah;

b) Waraysanaysaa markhaatiyaasha lagu dhagaystay oogitaankii Maxkamadda marxaladii koowaad, kuwaasi oo ka marag kici doona xataa iyadoo la tixgelinayo arrimo aan markii hore la tixgelin;

c) In la qaado marag muujino cusub;d) In dib-loo-dhagaysto markhaatiyaal khabiiro ah.

3. Haddii Racfaanku lid ku yahay amar ah in garmaqalada la tirtiro oo Maxkamadda Racfaankuna filayso in uu leeyahay racfaanku asbaab qiimo leh, Maxkamadda Racfaanku waxay dhinac iska dhigaysaa amarka diidmada ah iyada lafteeda ayaa qaadaysa dacwada, si waafaqsan qaybaha Buuga Labaad ee Xeerkan, ama waxay dib ugu celinaysaa dacwada Maxkamadda soo saartay amarka la diidaysi ay u soo bilowdo.


Racfaanada Maxkamadda Sare ku socda

Qodobka 232Arimaha dhanka ka ah Rafcaanada loo qaato Maxkamadda Sare

1. Iyadoo ay dheeraad ahaan doonaan xaaladaha ay sameeyaan qaybo gaar ahi, iyo kuwa ah qaybaha Cutubka 1 ee qaybtan, racfaanka waxa u qaadan karaa Maxkamadda Sare:

a) dhinacyada ku cad farqada 2 ee Qodobka 227 oo lid ku ah fal wal iyo go’aan wal oo tixraaciisu uu ku jiro marka ay shaaca ka qaado Maxkamad marxaladii labaad ahi.

b) eedaysanaha ama Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud lidna ku ah go’aan wal oo kale oo shaaca laga qaaday markii lagu jiray garmaqalka rafcaanlaha, ama lid ku ah go’aan wal oo kale oo khuseeya racfaanka ah ka Maxkamadda Racfaanku ay ogolaan wayday.


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2. An appeal shall be admissible only on the following questions of law:a) lack of jurisdiction or incompetence of the lower Court;b) violation or erroneous application of legal provisions;c) nullity of the judgement or the proceedings;d) omission, insufficiency or contradiction in the grounds on which the

judgement is based, relating to a material point raised by either party or by the Court on its own motion.

Article 233Decision by the Supreme Court

1. The Supreme Court, depending on the particular case, shall decide in one of the following ways:

a) if the appeal is against a judgement, it shall, after a hearing in open Court, in accordance with Article 234:

i) reject the appeal and make any necessary correction in any errors of law in the grounds given and error in the provisions of law referred to in the judgement, provided that such errors did not influence the dispositive part of the judgment;

ii) set aside the judgement appealed against and remand the case to the competent Court;

iii) set aside the judgement appealed against without remanding the case to any other Court in those cases in which a sentence of conviction could not have been passed or in which no criminal proceedings could have been started or continued;

iv) set aside in whole or in part the judgement appealed against; where no additional evidence is required, decide on the merits and, where additional evidence is required, remand the case to the Court that pronounced the judgement appealed against;

b) if an appeal is against an order issued during the trial that the proceedings be terminated, the Court shall, after a hearing in open Court, in accordance with Article 234:


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2. Racfaanka waxaan la aqbali doonin kaliya masaa’ilkan sharciga ah ee hoos ku qoran:

a) Aanay lahayn awoodii qaanuun ama aanay awoodi karin Maxkamad hoose;

b) Lagu xadgudbay ama qalad loo isticmaalay qaybaha sharciga ah;c) Xukunka ama garmaqalada oo la baabi’iyo;d) tirtirid, aanay ahayn kaafi, iska hor imanayso, ay ku dhex jiraan

asbaabta uu xukunku ku salaysan yahay, oo la xidhiidha xaqiiqooyinka muhimad leh ee ay soo qadimeen dhinac uuni ama Maxakamaddu ay soo jeedinteeda ku keentay.

Qodobka 233Go’aanka Maxkamadda Sare

1. Maxkamadda Sare, markay la macaamilayso dacwad gaar ah, waxay go’aamin hababkan soo socda midkood:

a) haddii rafcaanku lidku yahay xukun, waxa ay, kadib dhagaysiga ka dhaca Maxakamad furan, oo loo tixraaco Qodobka 243:

i) waxay diidi doontaa rafcaan waxayna ku samayn doontaa sixitaano wal oo lagama maarmaan ah khaladaad kasta oo sharciga ka soo baxda oo ay asbaabtiisu tahay talo bixiyay iyo khaladaadka ku jira qaybaha sharciga loo tixraacay xukunka, kaasi oo sheegaya in khaladaadka caynkan ahi aanay saamayn qaybta aan hubantida ahayn ee xukunka

ii) dhinac iska dhigaysaa xukunka racfaanka lidka ku yahay iyo u celin dacwada Maxakamad awood u leh.

iii) dhinac iska dhigaysaa xukunka racfaanku lidka ku yahay iyadoo aanay u celin dacwada Maxakamad kasta oo kale, marka xaaladaha ah kuwa ciqaabta sharciga ah ee xukunku aanay soo saarin ama ay duruufaha garmaqalku ay bilaabmeen ama socdaanba.

iv) dhinac iska dhigaysaa dhamaan ama qayb ahaan xukunka racfaanku lidka ku yahay; marka aanay marag muujin dheeraad ah aan loo baahan, kuna go’aaminaysa mudnaanta iyo, marka


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marg muujin dheeraad ah loo baahnaa, ku celinaysaa dacwada Maxakamaddii ku dhawaaqday xukunka racfaankau lidka yahay.

b) haddii racfaanku lid ku yahay amar soo baxay xiligii ay oogitaanka ee garmaqaladda la tirtiray, Maxakamaddu waxay, kadib dhgaysi ay yeelato oo furan, loona tixraaco Qodobka 234:

i) reject the appeal;ii) set aside the order appealed against, insofar as applicable,

observe the provisions of the preceding sub-paragraph;c) in every other case, it shall proceed in the manner laid down in the

preceding sub-paragraph, reaching its decision in chambers, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 225.

2. Judgements of the Supreme Court shall be drawn up in writing by the President of the Court or by another member of the Bench.

3. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 229 shall apply, insofar as applicable.

Article 234Hearing of the Appeal in open Court

When the appeal is to be heard in open Court, the provisions of Article 230 and of paragraph 1 of Article 231 shall be observed, insofar as applicable.

Article 235Appeal against Decisions given by a Court re-hearing a case

Remanded by the Supreme Court

1. The Court to which a case has been remanded for re-hearing shall comply with the findings of the Supreme Court with respect to all questions decided by it.

2. When a Court re-hears a case remanded to it by the Supreme Court, an appeal may be lodged against the new judgment only with respect to those parts which have not already been decided by the Supreme Court. But an appeal may also be lodged when the Court which re-hears the case fails to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 236No Appeal to lie against Decision of the Supreme Court


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No appeal shall lie against any decision of the Supreme Court with regard to criminal matters.

i) diidaysaa racfaanka;ii) dhinac iska dhigaysaa amarka ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, la

raacayaa qaybaha ee xarafka hore;c) xaalad kasta oo kale, waxay ku bilaabmi doontaa habka uu dhigayo

xarafka hore, iyadoo ku gaadhaysa go’aanadeeda fadhi gaar ay u yeelato, oo ay u tixraacdo faraqada 2 ee Qodobka 225.

2. Xukunada Maxkamadda Sare waxa ku muujin doontaa qoraal uu sameeyo Gudoomiyaha Maxakamaddu ama xubin kale oo ka mid ah Garsoorayaasha dacwada kula jiray.

3. Qaybaha farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 229 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa, ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo.

Qodobka 234Dhagaysiga Racfaanka Maxakamad furan

Marka racfaanka lagu dhagaysanayo Maxakamad furan, qaybaha Qodobka 230 iyo farqada 1 ee Qodobka 231 ayaa la raacayaa.

Qodobka 235Racfaanka lidka ku ah Go’aanada ay soo saarto Maxakamad dib-u-dhagaysi

Dacwad ay dib ugu celisay Maxkamadda Sare

1. Maxkamadda ah ta dacwada dib loogu celiyay si ay dib ugu dhagaysato waxay oofin doontaa qaraarka Maxkamadda Sare oo loo tixgelinayo dhamaan su’aalaha ay go’aamiso iyadu.

2. Marka Maxakamadi dib-u-dhagaysanayso dacwad ay dib ugu soo celisay iyada Maxkamadda Sare, racfaanka lidka ku ah xukunka cusub waxa laga qaadanayaa kaliya marka loo tixgalinayo qaybaha aanay hada ka hor go’aan ka gaadhin Maxkamadda Sare, balse racfaan waxa laga qaadan karaa marka Maxkamadda dib-u-


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dhagaysanaysa dacwadu ay ku guul daraysato in ay u hogaansanto qaybaha farqada hore.

Qodobka 236Ma jirayo Racfaan lid ku ah Go’aanka Sare

Ma jirayo racfaan beenin ah oo lid ku ah go’aan kasta oo ka soo baxa Maxkamadda Sare oo ku saabsan arrimo ciqaab ah.


Article 237Cases Subject to Revision

When a conviction has become final, and even when the punishment has been served or has become extinct, revision may be allowed in favor of the convicted person at any time with regard to those cases coming within the provisions of Article 238.

Article 238Instances in which a Case is subject to Revision

1. Revision may be sought:a) if after the conviction new facts or new evidence have occurred or been

discovered, which either separately or in connection with facts or evidence already considered at the trial, clearly establish that the offence was not committed or that it was not the accused who committed it;

b) if it is shown that the conviction was the result of some false act or document or the result of another act which the law considers an offence, provided that a final conviction has been pronounced as a result of such false acts or documents or such other offence;

c) if the findings on which the conviction is based are incompatible with those of another final penal conviction.

2. Every petition for re-trial shall be based on facts or evidence which, if established, demonstrate that:


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a) an offence was not committed, or that, if it was committed, it was not the accused who committed it, or

b) there was no evidence whatsoever that an offence was committed or that, if it was committed, it was not the accused who committed it.

Otherwise the petition shall not be admissible.

CUTUBKA IVKu-noqoshada

Qodobka 237Xaaladaha Ku-noqoshada

Marka xukunka dambi uu noqdo kama dambays, iyo xataa marka ciqaabtu ku fusho ama ay noqoto dhamaan ku-noqoshada ayaa la ogolaan karaa iyada oo axsaan loo samaynayo ruuxa xukuman loona tixgalinayo xaaladaha hoos imanaya qaybaha Qodobka 238.

Qodobka 238Xaqaa’iqa Dacwadu ay ku imanayso Ku-noqosho

1. Ku-noqosho waxa la dalban doonaa:a) haddii kadib marka dambi la xukumo xaqiiqooyin cusub ama cadymo

cusubi ay dhacaan ama daboolka ka qaadmaan, kuwaas oo gaar ka ah ama ku xidhiidhsan xaqiiqooyin ama cadaymo ay hore u tixgalisay Maxkamaddu, oo si cad u sugaya in uu dambigaasi aanu dhicin ama aanu ahayn eedaysanuhu kii galay.

b) haddii ay muuqato in natiijada xukunku ku salaysan yahay ay ahayd fal been ah ama dhukumenti ama natiijo fal kale kaasi oo sharcigu u arko dambi, taasi oo keenaysa in lagu dhawaaqo xukunka kama dambaysta ah ee ka dhashay falalkaasi beenta ah ama dhukumentigaasi ama dambigaasi kale.

c) haddii go’aanada


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1. sult of a revision proceedings may submit an application to the Supreme Court for the payment of damages by the State.

2. The Supreme Court shall decide in chambers on whether damages should be granted and on the amount. The Court shall take into account the material and moral damages suffered by the convicted person as a consequence of the judgement set aside.

3. The State may recover costs, within the limits of the law, from any person who with criminal intent caused the wrongful conviction.

Article 244Appeal against Judgement in a Remanded Proceedings

1. The Attorney General may appeal against a judgment of acquittal given by a Court to which a case has been remanded.

2. There shall be no appeal against a judgement of conviction by the Court referred to in paragraph 1.

3. In all cases, a petition for another revision proceedings may be made if the application is based on different facts and evidence.

Qodobka 242Habka loo raaco marka Xukum dhinac la iska dhigo

Maxkamadda Sare, marka ay waxba kama jiraan ka dhigto xukun, oo aanay dib ugu celin Maxkamad hoose, ama Maxkamadda ah tii dacwada lagu celiyay, marka sidoo kale Maxkamadu bixisay go’aan dambi ka dhaafid ah, waxa kale oo ay amraysaa in dib loo siiyo ganaaxyadii iyo magdhowyadii uu ku bixiyay natiijadii xukunka awgeed.


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Qodobka 243Magdhowyo

1. Ruuxa la xukumay ee ah ka dambiga laga sii daayay kadib natiijadii ka soo baxday garmaqaladii ku-noqoshada waxa uu u soo qadimi karaa arji codsi ah Maxkamadda Sare si uu u siiyo Qaranku magdhowyadiisa.

2. Maxkamadda Sare fadhi gaar ah ku go’aaminaysaa in magdhowyo la siiyo iyo cadadka ay noqonayaan. Maxkamaddu waxay tixgelin siinaysaa qalabkii iyo dhaawacyadii niyada ee ay soo marsiisay ruuxa la xukumay natiijadii go’aanka dhinaca layska dhigay.

3. Qaranka ayaa qiimaha dib u bixinaya (cawil celin), isagoo ku eg xuduudaha qaanuunka, siinayana shaqsi kasta oo ah ka ciqaab loogu talo galay ay ku keentay in sharci daro lagu xukumo.

Qodobka 244Racfaanka lidka ku ah Xukunka Garmaqalada Dib loo celiyay

2. Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu qaadan karaan racfaan lid ku ah go’anka bixiyay dambi ka dhaafida ah ee Maxkamadda ah ta dacawada dib loogu celiyay.

3. Ma jiri doono racfaan lid ku ah go’aanka xukunka Maxkamadda ee ee loo tixraacay farqada 1.

4. Marka lagu jiro dhamaan xaaladaha, arji codsi ah oo ku-noqosho kale oo ah garmaqaladaayaa la samayn karaa haddii dalabku uu ku salaysan yahay xaqiiqooyin ka duwan iyo marag muujin.





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General Provisions

Article 245Territorial Enforcement of Sentences and other Measures passed

by Courts

Any sentence or other measures passed by a Court with regard to criminal matters may be executed in any part of the Republic.

Article 246Enforcement of Judgment and of an Order that Proceedings be Terminated

1. The judgement of a Court shall be executed when it becomes final or when the law permits its provisional execution.

2. A judgement is final when no appeal other than an application for revision can be lodged against it.

3. When an appeal can be lodged against a judgement, the judgement shall become final from the day on which the time-limit for appeal expires, when no appeal has been lodged within such time-limit.

4. In cases in which appeal is allowed to the Supreme Court, a judgment shall become final from the day on which:

a) an appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal which declared the appeal to be inadmissible has been rejected;

b) an appeal has been declared inadmissible or has been rejected.

5. A judgement of acquittal shall be executed immediately after being pronounced.



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CUTUBKA IQaybaha Guud

Qodobka 245Awooda qaanuun ee Fulinta Xukunada iyo Tallaabooyinka kale ee Maxkamadduhu

soo saaraan

Xukun kasta iyo tallaabooyinka kale ee ka soo baxa Maxkamadda ee khuseeya arrimaha dembiyada waxa lagu fulin doonaa qayb kasta oo Jamhuuriyada gudaheeda ah.

Qodobka 246Fulinta xukumada iyo amarka ku saabsan amarka garmaqalada tirtiraya

1. Xukunka Maxkamadda waxa lagu fulin doonaa marka uu noqdo kama dambays ama marka uu sharcigu ogolaado fulinta ku meel gaadha ah.

2. Xukunka waa kama dambays marka aan rafcaan jirin, aan ahayn codsi ku noqosho oo ku lid ah laga qaatay.

3. Marka rafcaan laga qaatay oo lid ku ah xukunka, xukunka waxa uu noqon doonaa kama dambays laga bilaabo maalinta ah ta wakhtigeeda loo xadiday rafcaanku ay dhaafto, marka aanu jirin rafaan la qaatay wakhtigaasi u xadidnaa.

4. Xaaladaha lagu dhex jiro ee rafcaanka ay ogolaato Maxkamadda Sare, xukunku waxa uu kama dambays noqonayaa maalinta ah ta:

a) rafcaanka lidka ku ah go’aanka Maxkamadda Rafcaanka ee ku dhawaaqday in aanrafcaanka la ogolaanaynin la diiday.

b) Rafcaanka lagu dhawaaqy in aan la ogolaanaynin ama la diiday.

5. Xukunka dambi lagu waayay waxa loo fulinayaa isla markiiba kadib marka lagu dhawaaqo.


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6. A judgment of conviction shall be executed within 5 days from the day on which the authority charged with the execution of the judgement receives notice that the judgement has become final. However, if the judgment provides for the release of the accused, such accused shall be released immediately.

7. Insofar as applicable the provisions of this Article shall also be observed with respect to an order that proceedings be terminated.

8. A petition for an extension of the time-limit to lodge an appeal made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 214 shall not operate as a stay of the execution of sentence; unless a competent Court order otherwise.

Article 247Rules governing Execution

The executions of judgments shall be governed by the provisions of this Code and by the provisions of the Penal Code.

CHAPTER IIExecution of Punishments

Articles 248Execution of Death Sentence

1. When a sentence of death has become final, the Attorney General shall urgently inform the Supreme Court and the Minister of Grace and Justice.

2. The Supreme Court, having received the records of the trial concerned, shall order the execution, fixing the date, time and place, and shall send such order to the Attorney General.

3. A death sentence shall be carried out by shooting and shall be executed by members of the Prison Guards. The death sentence shall not be executed in Public, unless the Minister of Grace and Justice provides otherwise.

At the execution there shall be present a representative of the Attorney General, a medical officer appointed by him, and a Minister of the religion practiced by the convicted person if he so requests.


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6. Qaraarka xukunkaasi wax la fulin doonaa 5 maalmood gudahood oo ka bilaabmaysa maalinta ah ta ay masuuliyada eedaysay oo ay soo gaadho ogaysiinta fulinta qaraarkaasi in uu noqday kama dambays. Si kasta ha ahaatee, haddii go’aanku ay sheegto sii daynta eedaysanaha, eedaysanahaasi waa la sii daynayaa isla markaasiba.

7. Ilaa iyo xad lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha Qodobkan ayaa la fulin doonaa marka la tixgelinayo amarka ah in garmaqaladii la tirtiray.

8. Arjiga codsiga ah ee ah fidinta wakhtigii u xadidnaa samaynta rafcaan qaadashada si waafaqsan qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 214 ma dhaqaajinayso in laga joogsado fulinta ciqaabta sharciga ah, haddii aanay Maxkamadda awooda u lehi u amrin si kale.

Qodobka 247Shuruucda lagu Sameeyo Awooda Fulinta

Fulinta xukunada waxa maamulaya qaybaha Xeerkan iyo qaybaha Xeerka Ciqaabta.

CUTUBKA IIFulinta Ciqaabaha

Qodobka 248Fulinta Ciqaabta Dilka Ah

1. Marka ciqaab sharci oo dil ahi ay kama dambays noqoto, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu si degdeg ah ugu wargelinayaa Maxkamadda Sare iyo Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladdu.

2. Maxkamadda Sare, marka ay hesho diiwaanka khuseeya Maxkamad oogidii, waxay amar ku bixinaysaa fulinta, iyadoo u qariraysa taariikhda, wakhtiga iyo goobta, waxayna u diraysaa amarka noocan ah Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

3. Ciqaabqta sharciga ah ee dilka waxa lagu fulinayaa toogasho, waxaana fulinaya xubno ka tirsan ilaalada xabsiyada. Ciqaabta sharciga ah ee dilka laguma fulin doono goob dadweynaha u furan, haddii aanu Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladu si kale u sheegin.

Fulintu markay dhacayso waxa goob joog noqonaya wakiilka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, sarkaal caafimaad oo uu isagu magacaabay, iyo Wasiirka Diinta si uu u aaso ruuxa xukuman hadii uu sidaasi codsado.


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4. A special record shall be made by the representative of the Attorney General of anything which the condemned man said, of the execution and of the medical certificate that death took place.

5. A death sentence shall be postponed:a) when a petition for mercy has been submitted and until such time as a

decision is reached on the petition;b) against a pregnant woman as long as she is pregnant;c) against a women who has given birth to a child less than one year

previously, unless the child has died, or has been entrusted to the care of another person and birth occurred more than two months previously.

Article 249Execution of Sentence of Imprisonment

1. When a judgement sentencing a person to imprisonment has become final, the President of the Court that pronounced judgement in the first instance shall issue an order of imprisonment against the convicted person, and shall send such order together with a copy of the judgment to the Attorney General for execution.

If the convicted person is already in detention, a copy of the order of imprisonment shall also be sent to the authority detaining such convicted person.

2. An order of imprisonment shall indicate:a) the type and the length of the term of imprisonment;b) the date on which the convicted person shall be released without any

further order, unless he is to be detained for another reason.3. the President of the Court may order that a sentence of imprisonment be

suspended in the cases coming within the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 44, until such time as the reasons for the suspension are no longer valid.


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4. Diiwan gaar ah ayaa uu samayn doonaa wakiilka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud wax kasta oo uu qofka xukumani ku hadalay, marka fulintu socoto iyo cadaynta caafimaad ee in uu dilkii fulay.

5. Ciqaabta sharciga ah ee dilka waa la joojin doonaa:a) marka arji codsi ah oo naxariis ah la gudbiyay ilamaa iyo xiliga

go’aanka arjiga codsiga ah jawaabtiisa la helayo.b) Marka ruuxa dilka lagu fulinayaa ay tahay gabadh uur leh, ilaa iyo inta

ay uur leedahay;c) Marka ruuxa lagu fulinayaa ay tahay gabadh dhashay ilme ilamaa xiliga

da’diisu ka yar tahay hal sano, iyo dhalmada (umulida) timaada laba bilood ka hor.

Qodobka 249Fulinta Ciqaabta Sharci ee xadhiga ah

1. Marka ciqaabta sharciga ah ee qof lagu xukumaa ay kama dambays noqoto xadhig, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ah ta ku dhawaaqday xukunkaasi ay tahay marxaladii koowaad, waxa uu soo saarayaa amar xadhig oo ku lid ah ruuxa xukuman, waxaanu u dirayaa amarka noocan oo uu ku socdo nuqulka xukunka Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud si uu u fuliyo.

Haddii qofka xukumani uu kuba xidhnaa xabsi nuqulka xukunka xadhiga ah waxa sidoo kale loo dirayaa masuulka xidhay ruuxa xukuman ee caynkaasi ah.

2. Amarka xidhitaanka waxa ku cadaanaya:a) nooca iyo dhererka mudada xadhiga;b) taariikhda ah ta ruuxa xidhan la sii daynayo iyadoo aan wax amar ah oo

dheeraad ah loo baahan, haddii aan isaga loo xidhaynin sabab kale.3. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda waxa uu amar ku bixinayaa in ciqaabta sharciga

ah ee xadhiga la joojiyo markay jiraan xaaladaha ku yimaada qaybaha farqada 4 ee Qodobka 44, ilamaa iyo wakhtigaasi sababaha keenay joojintu aanay sii jiraynin.


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Article 250Execution of Fines

1. When a judgement sentencing a person to a fine has become final, the President of the Court that pronounced judgment in the first instance shall issue an order for payment against the convicted person and shall send such order for execution to the Attorney General, together with a copy of the judgment.

2. The order for payment shall:a) indicate the form of the fine and the amount to be paid;b) indicate the time-limit within which payment must be made to the state

treasury;c) contain a warning that, if the fine is not paid, it shall be collected in the

manner laid down for the execution of civil judgements.

3. the President of the Court, upon a request from the convicted person, may order that the fine be paid by installments.

4. In cases where the convicted person is unable to pay the fine, the President of the Court shall order conversion of the fine into imprisonment, in accordance with the conversion rate laid down in Article 112 of the Penal Code and may issue an order of imprisonment in accordance with Article 249.

Article 251Detention prior to Judgment

1. A period of imprisonment undergone prior to a judgment becoming final shall be deducted from the overall sentence of imprisonment; where the sentence is one of a fine, an amount corresponding to such period of imprisonment shall be deducted from the total fine.

2. When a case is heard abroad and is re-heard in the Somali Republic, the punishment served abroad shall always be deducted from any punishment inflicted by a Court in the Somali Republic, taking into account the form of such punishment served abroad; if a person has been in detention prior to judgment abroad, the provisions referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply.


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Qodobka 250Fulinta Ganaaxyada

1. Marka xukun ciqaab sharci ah ee ruux ku dhacdaa ay kama dambaysta noqoto ganaax, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ah ta ku dhawaaqday xukunkaasi ay tahay marxaladii koowaad waxa uu soo saarayaa amar lagu bixinayo ganaaxa oo ku lid ah ruuxa la xukumay waxaanu u dirayaa amarka caynkaasi ah si uu u fuliyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud uuna la socdo nuqul ah xukunkaasi.

2. Amarka bixintu waxa:a) ku cad qaabka ganaaxa iyo cadadka la bixinayo.b) Ku cad wakhtiga loo xadiday ee lacagta lagu shubayo khasnada

Qarankac) Ku jiraya digniin ah, haddii ganaaxa aan lagu bixin, waxa lagu bixin

doonaa habka u dejisan fulinta xukumada madaniga ah.

3. Gudoomiyaha Maxakamaddu, markuu ruuxa la xukumay ka codsado, uu amrayaa karaa in ciqaabta sharci ee xadhiga ah la joojiyo xaaladaha ku yimaada qaybaha farqada 2 ee Qodobka 44, ilamaa iyo xiliga caynkaasi ah aanay sababahii keenay joojinta aanay sii jirayn.

4. Marka ay jiraan xaalado uu ruuxa xukumani aaanu kari karayn bixinta ganaaxa, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu amar ku bixnayaa in loogu badalo ganaaxa xadhig, si waaaqsan sicirka isku badalka ee uu jideeyay Qodobka 112 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta waxa kale oo uu soo saaryaa amar xadhig oo waafaqsan Qodobka 249.

Qodobka 251Xadhiga ka horeeya Xukunka

1. Mudada xadhiga lagu hayo ka hor intaanu xukunku noqon kama dambays, waxa laga jari doonaa isu gaynta guud ee ciqaabta sharciga ah ee xadhiga; marka ciqaabta sharcigu tahay kaliya ganaax, cadad u dhigma mudada xadhiga ee caynkaasi ah ayaa laga jarayaa isugaynta ganaax.


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2. Marka dacwada lagu dhagaysto dalka dibadiisa, oo hadana dib loogu dhagaystay gudaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya, ciqaabta lagu soo qaatay dalka dibadiisa had iyo goor waxa laga jari doonaa ciqaab kasta oo ay saarto Maxkamadda Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya, iyadoo lagu xisaabtamayo qaabka ciqaabta caynkan ah ee lagu soo qaatay dalka dibadiisa; haddii ruuxu uu ku xidhnaa ka hor xukunka dalka dibadiisa ah, qaybaha la xidhiidha farqada hore ayaa la dabaqayaa.

Article 252Execution of Accessory Penalties

1. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the execution of accessory penalties.

2. The following periods shall not be deducted from accessory penalties:a) the period of time during which a convicted person is serving a

sentence of imprisonment;b) the period during which the convicted person was subject to detention

as a security measure;c) any period during which the convicted person willfully avoided the

execution of imprisonment or a security measure.

Article 253Revocation of Conditional Suspended Sentence and of other Benefits

1. Revocation of conditional suspended sentence shall be carried out in the form laid down for enforcement measures by the President of the Court that pronounced judgment in the first instance or by the Court which later pronounced a sentence of conviction, in the cases laid down in paragraph 2 of Article 127.

2. In the same way, the following measures shall be revoked:a) the benefit of conditional release in the cases indicated in sub-paragraph

a) of paragraph 2 of Article 127;b) any amnesty, conditional pardon or indult, whenever the convicted

person fails to comply with any of the required conditions or obligations.

3. Revocation of the benefit of conversion of a sentence of imprisonment to a fine shall be ordered in the manner laid down for enforcement measures by the President


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of the Court who pronounced judgement in the first instance, in the cases laid down in paragraph 3 of Article 125.

4. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

Qodobka 252Fulinta ciqaabta ruuxa dambiga in la galo gargaara ama qariya

1. Ilaa iyo xad lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha Cutubkan ayaa la dabaqay si loo fuliyo ciqaabaha ruuxa in dambi la galo ku gargaara ama qariya.

2. Muddooyinkan hoos ku qoran lagama dhimi doono ruuxa dambi gelid ku gargaara ama qariya:

a) mudada ah wakhtiga uu ruuxa xukumani uu ku qaadanayo xadhig ah ciqaab sharci.

b) Mudada wakhtiga ee ah ta uu qofka xukumani uu ku jiray xadhig ah talaabo xaga nabadgalyada ah;

c) Mudada wakhti kasta ee uu qofka xukumani uu canaadnimo kala hortago fulinta xidhitaanka ama talaabada nabadgelyada ah.

Qodobka 253Burinta Shuruucda lagu joojiyo Ciqaabaha Sharciga ah

iyo Maslaxado kale

1. Burinta Shuruudaha ku xidhan joojinta ciqaab sharci waxa uu ku dhamays tiri doonaa qaabka loo dajiyay talaabooyinka fulinta Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ku dhawaqday go’aanka marxaladii koowaad ama Maxkamadda ah ta goor dambi ku dhawaaqday ciqaabta sharciga ee xukunka, marka lagu jiro xaaladaha uu dhigayo farqada 2 ee Qodobka 127.


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2. Sidoo kale, talaabooyinkan hoos ku qoran waa la baabi’in doonaa:a) maslaxada sii daynta shuruudu ku xidhan tahay ee ku jirta xaaladaha ku

tilmaaman xarafka a) ee farqada 2 ee Qodobka 127;b) cafis guud oo kasta, saamaxaad sharci ku xiran yahay ama indult, mar

walba oo ruuxa xukuman ka soo bixi waayo in uu u hogaansamo shuruudo kasta oo laga rabay ama waajib ku ahaa.

3. Burinta maslaxada ku badalka ciqaabta sharci ganaax waxa uu u amri doonaa qaabka loo dajiyay talaabooyinka fulinta ah gudoomiyaha Maxkamada ah ta ku dhawaaqday go’aanka marxaladii koowaad, marka lagu jiro xaaladda uu dhigayo farqada 3 ee Qodobka 125.

4. Ilaa xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa la dabaqayaa.

CHAPTER IIIExtinction of Offence and Punishment

Article 254Declaration of Extinction of Offence or Punishment

1. Whenever, after conviction, an offence or punishment becomes extinct, the President of the Court which pronounced sentence in the first instance shall declare the offence or the punishment to be extinct, taking all necessary measures which result from such extinction.

2. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

Article 255Measures relating to Pardon and Conditional Release

1. An appeal for pardon or for conditional release shall be addressed to the President of the Republic and sent to the Attorney General.

The appeal shall be signed:a) by the convicted person,b) by a “descendant”, “ascendant” or spouse of the convicted person.


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2. pardon or conditional release shall be granted by decree of the President of the Republic, having heard the Minister of Grace and Justice and the Attorney General.

3. Insofar as possible, the provisions of Article 254 shall apply with regard to the implementation of the decree.

Article 256Rehabilitation after Conviction

1. In the cases indicated in Article 153 of the Penal Code, rehabilitation shall be granted, at the request of the convicted person, by an order from the Court of Appeal, having heard the Attorney General.

CUTUBKA IIISuulitaanka Dambiga Iyo Ciqaabta

Qodobka 254Bayaaminta Suulitaanka Dambiga Iyo Ciqaabta

1. Mar kasta, kadib xukumista, dambi ama ciqaab ay noqoto mid suusha, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ah ta ku jirta marxaladii koowaad ku dhawaaqday ciqaabta sharciga ah waxa uu qaadayaa dhamaan talaabooyinka lagama maarmaanka ah oo keenaya suulitaanka noocan ah.

2. Ilaa iyo xad lagu dhamqi karayo, qaybaha farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa la dabaqayaa.

Qodobka 255Talaabooyinka la Xidhiidha Cafiska iyo Shuruudaha ku xidhan Siidaynta

1. Rafcaanka cafiska ama ah shuruudaha ku xidhan siidaynta waxa lagu hagaajin doonaa Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada, waxaana u diraya Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

Rafcaanka waxa saxeexaya:


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a) ruuxa xukuman;b) kuwa leh dhaxalkiisa (descendent), “ascendent” ama ninka ama oorida

ruuxa xukuman.

2. Cafiska ama shuruudaha ku xidhan siidaynta waxa ku bixnaya qaraar Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada, marka uu talo ahaan uu uga dhagaysto Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladu iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

3. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhamqi karo, qaybaha Qodobka 254 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa iyadoo loo tixgelinayo hirgalinta qaraarka.

Qodobka 256Dib-u dajinta kadib dambi ku xukumista

1. Marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ku cad Qodobka 153 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, dib-u dajin ayaa la sin doonaa, kadib marka uu ruuxa xukumani, ee ay amarto Maxkamadda Rafcaanku ee la ogaysiiyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

2. If rehabilitation is not granted because the convicted person has not given proof of good conduct, a petition for rehabilitation may only be submitted again after a period of 2 years from the submission of the previous petition.

3. Rehabilitation shall be revoked by the President of the Court of Appeal that granted it or by the Court which pronounced a subsequent conviction in the cases referred to in Article 154 of the Penal Code.

4. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

CHAPTER IVMatters Arising in Execution

Article 257Competence in Matters arising in Execution

The President of a competent Court who has the power to enforce any order or other measures shall also have the power to decide on all matters arising in the course of the execution thereof.


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Article 258Proceedings relating to Matters arising in Execution

1. Matters relating to execution may be raised by the Attorney General or the party concerned.

2. The President of the Court shall decide on such matters after granting the interested parties reasonable time to present their arguments, petitions and defenses in writing.

3. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

2. Haddii dib-u dajinta aan lagu siinin sababta oo ah ruuxa xukuman ayaan wali cadaynin dhaqan wanaagsan, arji codsi ah oo dib-u dajin ah ayaa kaliyaata loo gudbin mar labaad kadib muddo ah 2 sanadood ah marka ay ka soo wareegto arjigii codsiga ahaa ee hore.

3. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqada 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.

CUTUBKA IVArrimaha ka soo baxa Fulinta

Qodobka 257Awoodaha xirfadeed ee ku jira arrimaha ka soo baxa fulitaanka


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Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda aawooda u lahi ee ah ka awoodda u leh inuu fuliyo amar kasta ama tallaabooyin kasta waxa kale oo uu awood u leeyahay inuu go’aamiyo dhamaan arrimaha ka soo dhex baxa marka alagu gudo jiro hawsha fulintaasi.

Qodobka 258Garmaqalada la xidhiidha arrimaha ka so dhex baxa fulinta

1. arrimaha la xidhiidha fulinta waxa la hor dhigi karaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ama qaybta khusaysa.

2. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ayaa go’aamin doona arrimaha sidaasi ah kadib marka ay ku hor dhigaan dhiancyada danaynayaa wakhti ku munaasib ah gudbinta doodahaooda, arjiyada codsiyadooda iyo difaacyadooda oo qoraal ah.

3. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.

CHAPTER VExecution of Security Measures

Article 259Application, Modification, Substitution and Revocation of Security Measures

1. Security measures shall be ordered by a Court together with the judgment of conviction or the order that proceedings be terminated.

2. In the cases referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 165 of the Penal Code, security measures shall be applied, at the request of the Attorney General, in the manner


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provided for matter arising in execution, by the President of the Court which has passed the judgement of conviction or the order that proceedings be terminated.

3. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 223 shall apply.

CHAPTER VICriminal Records

Article 260Criminal Records Office

1. There shall be one unified Criminal Records Office, which shall be a section of the Headquarters of the Police Force. It shall be under the immediate direction and supervision of the Attorney General.

2. In the Criminal Records Office, there shall be kept extracts of orders or other measures referred to in articles 261 and 262, given by a Court of the Somali republic, as well as by foreign Courts which have been recognized in accordance with law.

3. Extracts of orders or other measures concerning foreign or stateless persons shall be kept separately in the Criminal Records Office.

CUTUBKA VFulinta Talaabooyinka Amniga ah

Qodobka 259Codsiyada Dib-u-habaynta Cawil Celinta Iyo Burinta

1. Talaabooyinka nabadgalyo waxa amar ku bixinaysa Maxkamadda iyadoo uu la socdo go’aanka Maxkamadda ee ah xukunka ama amarka ah in garmaqalada la tirtiro.


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2. Marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ku xusan furqada 2 ee Qodobka 165 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, talaabooyinka nabadgalyo waxa lagu dabaqayaa, kadib marka uu codsado sidaasi Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, habka ku sheegan arrimaha ka soo dhex baxa fulinta, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda ah ta soo saartay go’aanka xukunka ama amarka ah in garmaqalada la tirtiro.

3. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqadaha 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka 223 ayaa lagu dhaqmayaa.

CUTUBKA VIDiiwaangalinta Ciqaabaha (Dambiyada)

Qodobka 260Xafiiska Diiwaangelinta Dambiyada

1. Waxa jiri doona Xafiis qudh ah oo mideeya Diiwaangelinta Dambiyada, kaasi oo ahaanaya Waax ka mid ah Xarumaha Guud ee Ciidanka Booliska, waxaanu hoos tagayaa oo uu u hogaansanaanayaa awaamiirta iyo maaraynta Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

2. Xafiiska diiwaangalinta dambiyada dhexdiisa, waxa ahaan doonta qaybo xafidan oo ah awaamiirta talaabooyinka kale ee ku xusan qodobada 261 iyo 262, oo ay bixiso Maxkamadda Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya, sidaasi si la mid ahna Maxkamadaha qalaad ee ah kuwo loo aqoonsaday si waafaqsan sharciga.

3. Qaybaha awaamiirta ama talaabooyinka kale ee khuseeya ajaanibka ama dadka aan Dal lahayn waxa loogu xafidi doonaa si gaar ah Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada.

Article 261Orders relating to Criminal Proceedings to be recorded

In the Criminal Records Office

1. In the Criminal Records Office there shall be recorded extracts of:a) convictions which have become final;b) orders which grant or revoke rehabilitation;


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c) any other measures relating to the application, modification or revocation of punishments, security measures and benefits provided by law.

2. There shall not be recorded in the Criminal Records Office convictions for contravention for which it is permissible to pay the fine to the administrative authorities or which may be compounded.

Article 262Civil and Administrative Matters to be Recorded

1. In the Criminal Records Office there shall also be recorded abstracts of:a) as regards civil matters:

i) final judgments declaring partial or total incapacity or final judgments revoking such declaration;

ii) orders issued by a Civil Court for the committal of a person to a mental hospital or for the revocation of such order;

iii) judgment of bankruptcy;b) administrative orders relating to the loss of citizenship and to the

expulsion of aliens.

Article 263Record Cards

1. Abstracts of the orders or judgments referred to in the preceding Articles shall be recorded on appropriate cards by the Registrar of the Court in which the judgement or order became final or, in the case of appeal, by the Registrar of the Court which decided the matter in the final instance.

Qodobka 261Awaamiirta la xidhiidha Garmaqalada Ciqaabta ah in lagu Diiwaangeliyo Xafiiska

Diiwaangalina Dambiyada (Ciqaabaha)


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1. Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada dhexdiisa waxa lagu diiwaan galin doonaa qaybaha ah:

a) Xukunada noqday kama dambaysta;b) Awaamiirta lagu siinayo ama burinayo dib-u dajinta;c) talaabo kasta oo kale oo la xidhiidha codsiga, wax ka badalida, ama

burinta ciqaabaha, talaabooyinka amaanka iyo maslaxada uu bixiyay sharcigu.

2. Laguma diiwaan galin doono Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada xukunada sharci darooyinka ah kuwa la ogol yahay in lagu bixiyo ganaax la siinayo awooda hawlaha maamulka ama kuwa noqon kara isku jirka.

Qodobka 262Arrimaha Madaniga iyo Hawlaha Maamul ee la Diiwaan Galinayo

1. Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada waxa kale oo lama taabtaan ahaan loogu diiwaan gelinayaa:

a) arrimaha madani ahaan loo tixgaliyo;i) xukunka kama dambayta ah ee badh ahaan lagu dhawaaqay ama

isu gaynta awood darada total incapability ama xukunka kama dambaysta ah baabi’inayo cadaynta noocan ah

ii) xukun musalaf ah;b) nidaamka maamul habka ay u kala horeeyaan ee la xidhiidha

khasaaraha xuquuqda qofka iyo cayrinta ajaanibka.

Qodobka 263Arimaha Madaniga iyo Maamulka ah ee la Diiwaan Galinayo

1. Awaamiirta iyo xukunada aan la taaban ee ku xusan farqada hore waxa lagu diiwan galinayaa kaadhadhj ku haboon kaalinta Maxkamadda ah ta xukunku ama amarkeedu uu kama dambays noqday ama, haddii rafcaan jiro kaalinta Maxkamadda ayaa ah ta go’aamisay arrinta ah marxaladii kama dambaysta ahayd.


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2. A separate record card shall be maintained for each person and for each proceedings. If a person has been convicted of more than one offence, a separate reference shall be made on the card for each such offence in the order followed in the judgements or orders.

3. For record purposes, the Registrar shall use a form, to be provided by the Police, containing the fingerprints of the person concerned.

4. The record shall be prepared not later than 10 days after the order or judgment has become final. A reference shall be made on the original of the order or judgement that the matter has been recorded in the Criminal Records Office.

Article 264Forwarding of the Record Card

1. As soon as the record card has been completed, the Registrar shall forward it with an accompanying note to the Criminal Records Office where the note shall be singed and returned to the Registrar as a receipt.

2. If the person to whom the record refers has no previous convictions, the Registrar shall prepare and send a second copy of the record card.

3. If the record refers to an alien, the Registrar shall prepare and transmit another copy of the record card, which will then be sent to the Government of the country of which the alien is a citizen, in accordance with international conventions or by way of reciprocity.

Article 265Maintenance of the Record Cards

1. The record card, as soon as it is received by the Criminal Records Office, shall be registered in the Register maintained for this purpose.

2. If the record card refers to a person who has no previous convictions, the Criminal Records Office shall place one of the copies of the card in a file indicated the personal details of the person concerned, his fingerprint classification, the serial number of the file, and a reference to the record card. The other copy of the record card shall be kept by the fingerprint archives. The Criminal Records Office shall also prepare an index card


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2. Kaadhka diiwaangalinta oo gaar ah ayaa lagu xafidi doonaa ruux kasta iyo garmaqal kasta. Hadii ruux lagu xukumo hal dambi ama in ka badan hal dambi, tixraac kala gaar ah ayaa lagu samayn kaaadhka dushiisa dambi kastoo sidaasi ah qaab isku xigta xukunada iyo awaamiirtaba.

3. Ujeedooyin diiwaangelin ahaan, kaalinta ayaa isticmaalaysa warqada wax lagu diiwaan geliyo (form), si loo siiyo Booliska, oo ka kooban sawirka faraha ee ruuxa ay khusayso.

4. Diiwaan gelinta waxa lagu diyaargaraynayaa wakhti aan ka badnayn 10 maalmood kadib marka amarka ama xukunku uu kama dambays noqdo. Tixraac ayaa loo samayn doonaa nuqulka asliga ah ee amarka ama xukunka waa kaasi habka loogu diiwaan galinayo Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta ciqaabuhu.

Qodobka 264Soo Bandhigida Diiwaangalinta Kaadhka

1. Sida ugu dhaqsaha baan ee loo dhamaystiro kaadhka diiwaan galinta, kaaliyuhu wuxuu u soo gudbinayaa oo saxeexi doona qoraalka kooban ee la socda oo uu dib ugu celin doono kaalintii si uu u xaqiijiyo inay soo gaadhay.

2. Haddii ruuxa ah ka uu ka hadalyo diiwaan gelinta aanu ugu dhicin xukuno, laakintu waxay diyaar garaynaysaa una diraysaa nuqulka labaad ee kaadhka diiwaan galinta.

3. Haddii diiwaan gelintu la xidhiidho ajaanib, Kaalintu waxay diyaarinaysaa una gudbinaysaa nuqul kale oo ah kaadhka diiwaan galinta, kaasi oo dabadeeto loo diri doono Xukuumada Dalka uu ajanabigaasi u dhashay, si waafaqsan Heshiisyada Caalamiga ah ama habka wax is-dhaafsiga.

Qodobka 265Xafidaada Kaadhadhka Diiwaan galinta

1. Kaadhka diiwaan gelina, isla marka uu soo gaadho Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada, waxa lagu diiwaangalinayaa Kaalinta dhexdeeda oo muhiimadaasi loogu xafidi doono.

2. Haddii kaadhka diiwaanku la xidhiidho ruux ah mid aan xukumo hore ku dhicin, Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha waxa uu dhigi doonaa mid ka mid ah nuqulada kaadhka fayl ay ku cadahay faahfaahimaha astaamaha ruuxa uu khuseeyo, baadi sooca sawirka farahiisa, lambarka socda ee faylka, iyo tixraac kaadhka diiwaan gelinta. nuqulka kale ee kaadhka diiwaanka waxa lagu xafidi doonaa khaanadaha sawirka faraha, waxa kale oo Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Ciqaabtu uu diyaarin doonaa kaadhka tusmada


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containing personal details of the person, his fingerprint classification and the number of his file. Such cards also shall be maintained in appropriate filing cabinets in alphabetical order.

3. If the record card refers to a person who has previous convictions, it shall be put in such person’s existing file, after having made the necessary reference on the file cover.

Article 266Destruction of Criminal Records

1. Criminal records of a person shall be destroyed upon official notification of such persons’ death or after 80 years from the date of birth of such person.

2. The following criminal records shall also be destroyed:a) those that record an order or judgment that has already been duly

recorded;b) criminal records incorrectly attributed to another person as a result of

mistaken or false identification of the person concerned or as a result of an error in the record of the Court proceedings, provided that the judgment or order on the basis of which the record has been made has been corrected by a subsequent decision.

3. The Officer-in-Charge of the Criminal Records Office shall remove each month all record cards from the office which are due to be destroyed, making a reference to the card in the appropriate register.

Article 267Certificate to be issued to a Public Authority

1. A judicial Authority shall have the right to obtain, for judicial purposes, a certificate showing the criminal record concerning any person.

2. The Public Authorities shall have the same right when a criminal record certificate is required for official purposes in respect of the person concerned.


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oo ka kooban faahfaahinta ataamaha ruuxa, baadi soocda sawirku farihiisa iyo lambarka faylkiisa. Kaadhadhka sidaasi ah sidoo kale waxa loogu xafidi doonaa nidaam isugu xig-xiga sida xuruufta kabadhka faylasha oo ku haboon.

3. Haddii kaadhka diiwaan galinta ee la xidhiidha ruux ay xukumo hore ku dhaceen, waxa la gali doonaa faylkii ruuxa sidaasi ahi uu hore u lahaa, kadib marka lagu sameeyo tixraaca lagama maarmaanka ah ee faylka dushiisa lagu qorayo.

Qodobka 266Tirtirda Diiwaangalinta Ciqaabta

1. Diiwaan galinta ciqaabta ee shaqsi waxa la tirtiri doonaa kadib marka cadayn rasmi ah oo sheegaysa ruuxa sidaasi ah geeridiisa ama 80 sanadood ka dib laga bilaabo taariikhdii uu dhashay ruuxa sidaasi ahi.

2. Diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha hoos ku qoran sidoo kale waa la tirtiri doonaa:a) kuwa ay diiwaan galintoo ahayd amar ama xukun mar hore loo diiwaan

galiyay sidii la rabay,b) diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha oo si aan sax ahayn loogu ansixiyay qof kale

oo natiijada keentayna ay tahay khalad ama tilmaan been ah oo khusaysay ruux ama ku dhacay khalad markii garmaqalada Maxkamadda la diiwaan gelinayay, oo sheegaya haddii xukunka ama amarka ay ku salaysan tahay diiwaangalinta lagu sameeyay sixitaanka isla markii xigtayba,

3. Sarkaalka maamula Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Ciqaabaha waxa uu bil kasta ka saarayaa Xafiiska dhammaan kaadhadhka diiwaan galinta, kuwaas oo ah kuwa la tirtirayo, isagoo ku samaynaya kaadhka tixraac (diiwaan ku haboon)

Qodobka 267Cadaymaha ay Sameeyaan Xafiisyada Dadweynuhu

1. Awoodaha garsoorku waxa ay xaq u leeyihiin inay helaan, ujeedooyin garsoor ahaan, cadayn muujinaysa diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha ee khuseeya ruux kasta.


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2. Maamulada dadweynuhu waxay sidoo kale xaq u leeyihiin marka cadaynta diiwaan galinta ciqaabuhu ay ugu baahdaan ujeedooyin rasmi ah marka loo tixgaliyo ruuxa ay khusayso.

Article 268Certificates issued to private Persons

Without having to give any reason therefor, a person shall have the right to obtain a criminal records certificate concerning him from the Criminal Records Office.

Article 269Entries no to be Recorded on a Certificate issued to a Private Person

In a criminal record certificate issued to a private person upon his own request, no mention shall be made:

a) of convictions in the following cases:i) when a conviction has been set aside, and the accused acquitted

in revision proceedings;ii) when the person concerned had not yet attained eighteen years of

age at the time he committed an offence for which he was convicted to a fine or imprisonment alone or jointly with another punishment, not exceeding 6 months’ imprisonment for a crime or one year’s imprisonment for a contravention, provided the person concerned has not been subsequently convicted to imprisonment;

iii) when an offence of which a person was convicted has been declared extinct or when the person has been rehabilitated and such rehabilitation has not been subsequently revoked;

b) of any measures referred to in Article 262.

Article 270Requests for and Issue of Criminal Record Certificates


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1. A request for a criminal record certificate shall be addressed to the Criminal Records Office. In the request there shall be shown the name of the person concerned, the names of his father and mother, the date and place of his birth and any other details which may identify such person including, when necessary, his fingerprints.

Qodobka 268Cadaymaha ay Bixiyaan Dadka Gaarka ahi

Iyada oo aan lagu xidhin in la bixiyo sabab uun sidaasi darteed, ruuxu wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu helo cadaynta diiwaanka ciqaabta ee isaga khusaysa uuna ka helo Xafiiska Diiwaangelinta Ciqaabaha.

Qodobka 269Qoraalgalnimada aan lagu Diiwaangalinaynin Cadaymaha la siinayo

Ruuxa gaarka ah

Cadaynta diiwaanka ciqaabta ee la siinayo ruux gaar ah kadib marka uu isagu codsado, laguma xusi doono;

a) xukunada xaaladahan hoos ku qoran;i) marka dhinac layska dhigay xukunka, oo eedaysanihina

garmaqaladii ku-noqoshada dambi lagaga waayay;ii) marka ruuxa ay khusaysaa aanu wali gaadhin da’da 18 sano jir

xiliga uu galay dambiga ah ka loogu xukumay ganaax ama xadhig mid ahaan dambi leh ama ciqaab kale oo la jirta, oon ka badnayn xadhig 6 bilood ah ama xadhig hal sano ah oo isku bedel ah, oo sheegaya ruuxa ay khusaysaa inaan lagu xukumin xadhig markii xigtay.

iii) marka dambiga ah ka ruuxa lagu xukumay la cadeeyay uu suulay ama marka ruuxa dib loogu dajiyay oo dib-u-dajintaasina aan markii xigtayba la baabi’in.

b) talaabo kasta oo ku xusan Qodobka 262


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Qodobka 270Codsiyada bixinta cadaymaha diiwaanka ciqaabta

1. Codsiga cadaynta diiwaanka ciqaabta waxa lagu hagaajinayaa Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyadaa. Codsiga waa inuu ka muuqdaa magaca ruuxa uu khuseeyo, magaca aabihii iyo ka hooyadii, taariikhda iyo meesha uu ku dhashay isagu iyo faahfaahin kasta oo kale oo lagu aqoonsan karo ruuxa sidaasi ah oo ay ku jirto, marka ay lagama maarmaanka tahay, sawirka farahiisa (saxeexa farahiisa ah).

2. A certificate shall be issued by the Officer-in-Charge of the Criminal Records Office.

If no criminal records exist concerning a person in the Criminal Records Office, or if there are only such records as are prohibited by law from being disclosed, the Officer-in-Charge shall write on the certificate the word “Nil”. Otherwise the Officer-in-Charge shall write on the certificate details of matters recorded concerning such person in chronological order.

When entering the record of criminal convictions, besides mention of the date and of the Court which pronounced the sentence there shall also be shown the type of offence, the fine or imprisonment inflicted, any accessory penalty, and security measures and any benefits which may have been granted.

The Officer-in-Charge of the Criminal Records Office shall also, in such certificate, show the date of issue, affix his signature and the stamp of the Criminal Records Office, and make a note of the issue in the appropriate register.

3. A certificate issued by the Criminal Records Office to a private person upon request shall be written on stamped paper. If a certificate issued by the Criminal Records Office requires authentification, the signature of the Officer-in-Charge shall be authentificated by the Attorney General.


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Article 271Disputes regarding Entries and Criminal Records Certificates

In case of any dispute regarding any matter arising out of the preceding articles, or if correction of any records or certificates issued by the Criminal Records Office is requested by any person, the Attorney General shall make a decision upon such matters on request of the person concerned. If the person concerned wishes to contest any decision by the Attorney General, he shall have the right to do so as a matter arising out of execution.

CHAPTER VIIEffect of Criminal Proceedings on Civil, Administrative and

Disciplinary Proceedings

Article 272Suspension of Civil, Administrative or Disciplinary Proceedings

If a criminal proceedings are instituted against a person, and the result of such proceedings may affect a civil, administrative or disciplinary proceeding, the latter shall be suspended, unless it is

2. Cadaynta waxa soo saari doona sarkaalka maamula Xafiiska diiwaangalinta ciqaabaha.

Haddii aan diiwaan galin ciqaabeed oo ku saabsan ruuxa u oolin Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha ama hadii ay ahaadeen kaliya diiwaanada sidaasi ahi qaar uu mabnuucayo sharcigu in la duro, sarkaalka maamulaha ahi wuxuu ku qori doonaa cdaynta dusheeda kalmada “Nil” haddii kale sarkaalka maamulaha ah wuxuu ku qori doonaa cadaynta dusheeda faahfaahinta arrimaha la diiwaan galiyay ee ku saabsan ruuxa sidaasi ah habka ay taariikhdoodu u kala horayso.

Marka la galinayo diiwaanka xukuno ciqaab ah, ka sakow taariikhda lagu xusayo Maxkamadda ah ta ku dhawaaqday ciqaabta sharciga ah waxay kale oo ku muujin doontaa nooca dambiga, ganaaxa ama xadhiga lagu ciqaabay, ciqaab kasta oo dambi u gargaarid ah. Wax talaabooyin nabadgalyo ah iyo dheef wal oo la siiyay.

Sarkaalka ah maamulaha Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabuhu waxa kale oo uu, cadayntaasi dhexdeeda, ku muujin taariikhda ay soo baxday, kuna xidhayaa saxeexiisa iyo shaambada Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabaha, waxaanu ku samaynayaa qoraal kooban oo uu galiyo diiwaan ku haboon.


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3. Cadaynta uu siiyo Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabuhu ruux gaar ah oo codsaday waxa ay ku qornaan doontaa warqad shaambadaysan. Haddii cadaynta uu soo saaray Xafiiska diiwaan galinta ciqaabuhu ay u baahan tahay tasdiiqin, saxeexa sarkaalka ah maamulaha waxa tasqiidin doona Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

Qodobka 271Muranka Ku Saabsan Galinta Qoraalka Shahaadada Diiwaanka Ciqaabta

Xaalada ay jirto wax muran ah oo ku saabsan arrin wal oo ku ka soo baxa Qodobka hore, ama haddii sixitaan diiwaan ama shahaado wal oo uu soo saaray Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Ciqaabaha oo uu ruux ka codsaday, Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu ka samayn doonaa go’aan arimaha caynkaasi ah kadib marka uu ka codsado ruuxa ay khusaysaa. Haddii ruuxa uu khuseeyaa doonayo inuu ka doodo go’aan wal oo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud leeyahay, waxa uu isagu xaq u leeyahay inuu sidaasi falosida arin dibada uga soo baxday fulinta.

CUTUBKA VIISaamaynata Garmaqalada Ciqaabtu ay ku leeyihiin

garmaqalada ah Madaniga, Maamulka iyo Anshax Marinta

Qodobka 272Joojinta Garmaqalada Madaniga, Maamulka iyo Anshax Marinta

Haddii garmaqlao ciqaabeed la oogo oodhan ka ah ruux, oo ay natiijada garmaqaladaasi ay wax yeelayn karto talaabo sharci oo ah madani, maamul ama anshax warqada waa la joojin doonaa, haddii aanu

provided otherwise by law, until the judgement in the criminal proceedings or the order that criminal proceedings be terminated ahs become final or until an order that the case be closed has been issued.

Article 273Relations between Criminal Proceedings and Civil Action

No civil or administrative action may be initiated, continued or brought up again where, in the course of a criminal proceeding, a Court has declared that:

a) the act was not committed;b) the accused did not commit it;c) the act was committed:

i) in the fulfillment of a duty, or


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ii) ii)in the exercise of a lawful right;d) there was not sufficient evidence to prove that:

i) the act was committed, orii) the accused committed it.

Article 274Effect of Judgment in Criminal Proceedings

1. In a civil or administrative proceeding for the restitution of, or compensation for, damages, a final conviction or a final judgment of acquittal, and a final order that proceedings be terminated, shall have the authority of res judicata as regards:

a) the question of whether or not the act was committed;b) the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the act;c) the responsibility of the accused.

A final judgement in a criminal proceedings granting judicial pardon shall also have the authority of res judicata as regards a civil or administrative proceeding.

2. Apart from the cases mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the decisions referred to therein shall also have the authority of res judicata in civil, administrative or disciplinary proceedings when the dispute relates to a right the recognition of which depends on the ascertainment of facts which were in issue in the criminal proceeding.

sharcigu u sheegin si kale, ilamaa iyo xukunka talaabooyinka ciqaabta ah ama amarka talaabooyinka ciqaabta ah tirtiridoodu ay noqonayso kama dambayn ama ilamaa iyo dacwadaasi oogideedu la soo saarayo.

Qodobka 273Xidhiidhada ka dhexeeya Talaabooyinka sharci ee Ciqaabta iyo Madaniga

Ma jirayso talaabo madani ama maamul oo ka bilaabmi karaa, socon kartaa ama mar kale la horkeeni karaa marka, iyadoo lagu gudo jiro garmaqalao sharci oo ciqaabeed, ay Maxkamaddu cadayso in:

a) fal aan la galin;


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b) oonu eedaysanuhu galin;c) falka la galay:

i) iyadoo la gudanayo shaqo, amaii) iyadoo la isticmaalayo awood sharciga ku sax ah

d) aanay jirin cadayn ku filan oo sugaysa in:i) falka la galay, amaii) oo uu eedaysanuhu galay.

Qodobka 274Waxyeelada Xukunka Garmaqalada Ciqaabta ah

1. Garmaqalada madani ama maamul ee dib loogu soo celinayo, ama magac magdhowyadii, kunkii kama dambaysta ahaa ama xukunki dambi ku waayida, iyo amarkii kama dambaysta ahaa in garmaqalada la tirtiro, waxa ay lahaan doontaa awooda ah arrintii xukunku bixiyay ee ku saabsan:

a) su’aasha ah in falka la galay iyo in kale;b) falku inuu sharci yahay iyo in aanu sharci ahaync) masuuliyada eedaysanaha

Xukunka kama dambaysta ah ee garmaqalada ciqaabta lagu bixiyay cafis waxa kale oo uu yeelanayaa waxa uu xukunku biyay ee ku saabsan talaabooyinka sharciga ah ee madani ama maamul.

2. Wixii ka baxsan xaaladaha ku xusan farqada hore, go’aanada ku xusan ee ku dhex jira waxa sidoo kale ay yeelanayaan waxa xukunku ka bixiyo talaabooyinka sharci ee ah madaniga, maamul ama anshax marin marka muranka la xidhiidha xaqa garashada ah mid ku tiirsan xaqiijinta xaqiijooyinka ahaa qaar ka soo baxay garmaqalka ciqaabta.



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CHAPTER IGeneral Provisions

Article 275General Rules


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1. Extradition may only be granted subject to prior international convention, in accordance with the provisions of such convention; and, when no provision is made therein, in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

2. International letters rogators on criminal matter, recognition of foreign criminal judgments and other relations with foreign judicial authorities regarding criminal matters shall be governed by international conventions and customs and, where no provisions is made therein, in accordance with the rules of this Part.

CHAPTER IIInternational Letters Rogatory

Article 276Letters Rogatory to foreign Judicial Authorities

1. Letters rogatory to foreign judicial authorities regarding evidence to be taken in a foreign country shall be transmitted through diplomatic channels.

2. In urgent cases, the Court may transmit such request directly to Diplomatic and Consular Agents of the Republic in a foreign country, informing the Ministry of Grace and Justice.

3. Summons to a witness resident in a foreign country shall be transmitted in the same way.




Qodobka 275


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1. Isu soo celinta dambiileyaashu waxay ku dhici kartaa oo kali ah, heshiis caalami ah oo hore, oo loo tixraacayo qaybaha heshiiskaasi iyo marka aanu jirin heshiis xiligaasi, waxa loo tixraacayaa qaybaha qaybtan.

2. Waraaqaha caalamiga ah ee la isku waydaarsado arrimaha dambiilayaasha, aqoonsiga xukuumada ciqaabta ah ee shisheeyaha iyo xidhiidhka kale ee hay’adaha garsoorka shisheeyaha ee ku saabsan arrimaha dambiilayaasha, waxa loo cuskanayaa heshiisyada caalamiga ah iyo caadooyinka iyo, markii aanay qaybahan aan la samaynin halkaasi, loo tixraacayaa shuruucda qaybtan.


Waraaqaha Caalamiga ah ee Maxkamadi ay Maxkamad kale ku Waydiinayso Marag muujin in looga qaado Ruux ku sugan Xuduudaha Awoodeeda Garsoor

Qodobka 276Waraaqaha Fariimaha loo dirayo Garsoorka Hay’adaha Shisheeyaha

1. Warqadaha ku socda garsoorka hay’adaha shisheeyaha ee ku saabsan arrimo in la cadeeyo u baahan, oo loo qaato wadan shisheeye, waa inay u gudbaan si dahsoon oo ah marinka dublamaasiyada.

2. Hadday tahay xaaladaha degdega ah, waa inay Maxkamaddu u gudbisaa codsiyadaa si toos ah diblumaasiga u fadhiya iyo wakiilada Jamhuuriyada ku leedahay dalka shisheeyaha, (danjiraha) waxaanay ogaysinaysaa sharafta Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada.

3. Warqada yeedhmada maraga degen wadanka shisheeyaha waxa loogu gudbinayaa sidaa aan soo sheegnay si la mid ah.

Article 277Letters Rogatory from foreign Judicial Authorities

1. Letters Rogatory from foreign judicial authorities regarding evidence to be taken within the territory of the Somali Republic shall become executory by order of the


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President of the Court of Appeal, after having heard the Attorney General, provided that the taking of such evidence is not contrary to the general principles of law of the State.

The President of the Court of Appeal shall either take the evidence himself or direct that it be taken by the Regional or District Court within whose jurisdiction the necessary action has to be taken.

2. A summons to witnesses resident within the territory of the Somali Republic, requested by foreign judicial authorities, shall be served directly by the Attorney General.

3. Evidence shall be taken and summonses shall be served in conformity with the general provisions of this Code.

CHAPTER IIIExtradition

Article 278Powers of the Minister of Grace and Justice in relation to Extradition

1. The Minister of Grace and Justice shall be empowered to offer or grant the extradition of a person accused or convicted in a foreign country in cases where extradition is not prohibited under Article 11 of the Penal Code, and he shall establish the precedence when extradition is requested by more than one foreign country.

2. An offer or grant of extradition shall always be made subject to the condition that the person to be extradited shall not be tried for a different offence, nor be subject to different punishment, other than those for which extradition was offered or granted. The Minister of Grace and Justice may also make the offer or grant of extradition subject to any conditions which he shall deem fit and proper.

Qodobka 277Warqadaha ka socda Hay’adaha Garsoorka Shisheeyaha

1. Warqadaha ka imanaya hay’adaha garsoorka shisheeyaha ee ku saabsan cadaymaha la gaadhsiinaayo Gobolada Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya, waxay noqonayaan


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kuwo la qaato, oo ku salaysan amarkii, ka dib markii la maqashiiyay Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, waxaana shardi ah qaadashada arimahaasi in aanay ahaan qaar ka hor imanaaya ujeedooyinka guud ee uu leeyahay sharciga wadanku.

Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku waxa uu laba midkood in uu qaado marag muujinta isaga laftiisu ama uu amro in uu qaado Maxkamad Gobol ama mid Degmo oo ah kuwa awoodahooda garsoor lagu qaaday ficilka daruuriga ah.

2. Warqada markhaatiyaasha dalka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya gudihiisa degan lagu wacayo oo ay soo codsadaan Garsoorka hay’adaha shisheeye waxa toos ugu shaqo leh Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

3. Maragmuujinta waxa loo qaadi doonaa oo yeedhmooyinka loogu shaqayn doonaa si waafaqsan qaybaha Xeerkan.

CUTUBKA IIIKu Simida (U celinta) Dambiilaha Dal shisheeye

Qodobka 278Awooda Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladda xidhiidhka ka dhexeeya soo dhiibida


1. Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladu wuxuu awood u leeyahay inuu bixiyo ama aqbalo dib u celinta (u dhiibida) qofka eedaysanaha ama dambiilaha ah ee dambiga ka galay Dal shisheeye, xaaladaha aanu diidaynin dib u celinta Qodobka 11 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta Guud, waxanu abuurayaa inuu dhiso wadadii u furnayd marka dib u celinta dambiilaha ay soo codsadaan in ka badan hal Dal ajanibi ahi.

2. Siinta ama yeelista soo dhiibida dambiiluhu waa inay mar kasta ahaataa mid ku xidhan duruufaha dhabta ah ee qofka lagu soo dhiibayo, oo aanay ahaan kuwo laga ciqaab marinaayo dambiyo kala jaad jaad ah ama kuwo lagu siinaayo ciqaabo ka duwan kuwii lagu soo muujiyay dambiyadii uu gaystay ee lagu soo dhiibay. Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladu waxa kaluu samayn karaa in uu ka gaysto sabab kasta oo loo arki karo inay tahay mid ku haboon sababaha ansixinaaya soo celinta dambiilaha.

Article 279


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Judicial guarantees

1. The extradition of an accused or convicted person to a foreign country may be granted only subject to a favorable decision of the President of the Court of Appeal within whose jurisdiction such person is found, having heard the Attorney General and the person to be extradited. The request for extradition shall be made to the President of the Court of Appeal by the Minister of Grace and Justice.

An order of extradition may be appealed against to the Supreme Court both by the accused or convicted person and by the Attorney General.

2. In the cases where the person to be extradited has to be arrested, the President of the Court of Appeal shall issue a warrant of arrest in accordance with normal procedure.

3. Such warrant of arrest shall be revoked automatically and the arrested person shall be released if:

a) within 60 days from the date of the arrest, where the request for extradition was made by an African State; or

b) within 90 days from the date of the arrest, where the request for extradition was made by a State outside Africa.

the Minister of Grace and Justice has not received the documentation in support of the request for extradition.

Such time-limit may be extended, at the request of the State which asks for the extradition, only once and for a period not exceeding one month. Such extension may be granted by the Supreme Court, upon request by the Minister of Grace and Justice.

Article 280Procedures relating to Extradition

1. If the President of the Court of Appeal decides that extradition shall not be granted, he shall order that the accused or convicted person, if he is under arrest, be released immediately.

2. Where, instead, the President of the Court of Appeal decides that extradition be granted, the accused or convicted person after the issue of a warrant of arrest, if necessary, shall be placed at the disposal of the Authority which made the request for extradition.


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Qodobka 279Damaanadaha Qaanuunka

1. Ku simida eedaysanaha ama ruuxa xukuman wadan shisheeye oo uu dambi ka galay waxa kaliya oo lagu bixin karaa arrinka ku haboon, go’aanka ee ah ta xuduudaha awoodeeda qaanuun lagu qabtay ruuxa caynkaasi ah, marka ay dhagaysato Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud iyo ruuxa dib loogu celinayo wadanka shisheeye ee uu dambiga ku galay. codsiga ku simida wadan shisheeye Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada ayaa u diraya Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka.

Amarka ku simid Dal shisheeye racfaan lid ku ah waxa u qaadan kara Maxkamadda Sare, eedaysanaha ama ruuxa xukuman iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

2. Marka ay jiraan xaaaldaha la soo xidhayo ruuxa lagu simayo Dal shisheeye Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku wuxuu soo saarayaa amar xidhitaan oo loo tixraacayo habka caadiga ah.

3. Amarka xadhiga ee sidaasi ah waxa uu u baabi’i doonaa si loogu talo galay ruuxa xidhana waa la sii dayn doonaa:

a) 60 maalmood gudahood oo ka bilaabma taariikhdii la xidhay, marka codsiga ku soo simida (u soo celinta) uu sameeyey Dal Afrikaan ahi, ama

b) 90 maalmood gudahood oo ka bilaabma taariikhda la xidhay, marka codsiga ku soo simida (u soo celinta) uu sameeyey Dal aan ahayn Afrikaan,

oo Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladdu aanu helin macluumaadkii caawinayay codsiga ah ku soo simida (u soo celinta).

Wakhtigan xadidan ee caynkan ah, waa laga yaabaa in la fidin karo, marka uu codsado wadanka soo waydiistay ku simida (u celinta), mar qudha iyo muddo aan ka badnaanaynin hal bil. Fidinta caynkan ah waxa bixin karta Maxkamadda Sare marka uu ka codsado Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaaladda.

Qodobka 280Hababka la Xidhiidha ku Simida Ruux Eedaysan ama Xukuman Dal shisheeye

1. Haddii Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Rafcaanku go’aamiyo in ku simida (u celinta) aan la bixinaynin, waxa uu isagu amrayaa in eedaysanaha ama ruuxa xukuman, haddii isagu uu xidhan yahay, isla markaasiba la sii daayo.

2. Halkay sidaas ka ahaan lahayd, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku wuxuu go’aaminayaa in ku simida (u celinta), eedaysanaha ama ruuxa xukuman kadib marka uu soo baxo amarka xidhitaanku, haddii uu lagama maarmaan uu yahay, uu meel dighayaa ka takhalusida awoodii soo samaysay codsiga ku simida (soo celinta).


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3. Extradition shall be suspended if the person to be extradited has to be tried in, or has to serve a sentence in the Somali Republic, unless otherwise decided by the President of the Court of Appeal.

Article 281Extradition from a foreign Country

1. When it is necessary to make a request for the extradition from a foreign country of an accused or convicted person, the President of the Court of Appeal, within whose jurisdiction the criminal proceedings took place or such person was convicted, shall make such request to the Minister of Grace and Justice, transmitting to him the necessary documentation. Notice of such request shall be given to the Attorney General.

2. Request for extradition may be made by the Minister of Grace and Justice on his own initiative, informing the competent Court of Appeal and the Attorney General.

CHAPTER IVRecognition of foreign Criminal Judgments

Article 282Request for Recognition of foreign Criminal Judgments made by the Attorney


1. When a foreign judgment convicting a Somali citizen in a foreign country or a foreign or stateless person residing the Somali Republic is received by the Minister of Grace and Justice, he shall, without delay, transmit to the Attorney General such judgment together with all related documentation.

2. The Attorney General, if he deems it necessary to request the recognition of such foreign judgement in the cases provided in Article 10 of the Penal Code, shall make application to the President of the Court of Appeal within whose jurisdiction the Criminal Records office is located.

The Attorney General may, through the Minister of Grace and Justice, request any details concerning the conviction which he may deem proper from the competent foreign authority.


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3. Ku simida (u celinta) waa la joojin doonaa haddii ruuxa lagu simayaa la celinayaa) lagu dhagaystay dacwadiisa gudaha, ama uu ku mutay ciqaab sharci gudaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, haddii aanu si kale go’aamin Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku.

Qodobka 281U Dirida Eedaysanaha Dal Shisheeye

1. Marka ay lagama maarmaan tahay in la sameeyo codsi u dirid eedaysane Dal shisheeye ama ruux xukuman, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka ee ah ta gudaha awoodeeda garsoor ay garmaqalada ciqaabtu ka dhaceen ama ruuxa caynkaasi ah lagu xukumay, wuxuu samayn doonaa codsiga caynkan ah Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada, loona gudbinayo isaga dhukumantiyada la xidhiidha, ogaysiin codsiga caynkan ah waxa la siin doonaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

2. Codsiga u dib ugu celinta eedaysane Dal shisheeye waxa samaynaya Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada, isagoo wargelinaya Maxkamadda awooda u leh iyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud.

CUTUBKA IVAqoonsiga Xukumada Ciqaabta ah ee Shisheeyaha

Qodobka 282Codsiga Aqoonsiga Xukunada Ciqaabta ee Shisheeye ee uu sameeyo Xeer Ilaaliyaha


1. Marka xukun sheisheeye ku xukuno muwaadin Soomaali ah Dal shisheeye ama ajanabi ama ruux aan Dal lahayn oo degan Jamhuuriyada Somaliland dhexdiisa, ay soo gaadho, Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada, isagu wuxuu, habsan la’aantii, u gudbinayaa Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud xukunka sidan ah oo ay la socoto dhamaan dhukumantiyada la xidhiidha.

2. Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, haddii isaga u arka lagama maarmaan inuu codsado aqoonsiga xukunka shisheeye ee sidan ah, marka lagu jiro xaaladaha uu sheegayo Qodobka 10 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, waxa uu u samayn doonaa arji codsi ah Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka ee ah ta xuduudaheeda dhul ee awoodeeda garsoor uu ku yaalo Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta ciqaabtu.


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Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud waxa uu, isagoo sii marinaya Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada, codsanaya faahfaahinmo kasta oo khuseeya xukumaada ah ta uu u arko in ay ku haboon tahay maamul awood u leh oo shisheeye.

Article 283Request for Recognition of Foreign Criminal Judgment made by Private Persons

A person who wishes to bring before a Court of the Somali Republic a foreign criminal judgement for the purpose of supporting a claim for restitution of, or compensation for, damages or to other civil purposes as laid down in sup-paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Penal Code, may request recognition of such criminal judgment by filing an application before the President of the Court of Appeal within whose jurisdiction the Criminal Records Office is located.

Article 284Form of Application

The application referred to in Article 282 and 283 shall contain:a) the name of the Court which pronounced the judgment for which a

request for recognition is made;b) the date and the place where the judgment was pronounced;c) the reasons for which the request for recognition is made.

A certified copy of the judgement shall be attached to the application.

Article 285Procedure for Recognition

1. The President of a Court of Appeal shall not grant recognition to a foreign criminal judgment if:

a) the convicted person was not summoned to appear at the trail or was not provided with a defence Counsel in the cases in which, according to Somali law, a defence Counsel is mandatory;

b) the judgement has not become final in accordance with the law of the State in which it was pronounced;

c) the judgment contains any provisions which are contrary to, or incompatible with, any provisions of the Constitution of the Somali Republic or any of the general principles of the law of the State.


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Qodobka 283Codsiga Aqoonsiga Xukunka Ciqaabta Shisheeyaha ee ay Dad

gaar u Samaystaan

Ruuxa ah ka doonaya inuu keeno Maxkamadda Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya horteeda xukun ciqaabeed Dal shisheeye ujeedadeeduna tahay in laga caawio dacwad ah in dib loogu soo celiyo, ama mag ah khasaare ama ujeedo madani oo kale, sida uu dhigayo xarafta b) ee farqada 1 ee Qodobka 10 ee Xeerka Ciqaabta, waxa uu codsan karaa xukunka ciqaabta ee sidan ah isagoo u gudbinaya arji codsi ah Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka ee ah ta xuduudaha deegaanka awooda qaanuun ee Xafiiska Diiwaan Galinta Ciqaabuhu ku yaalo.

Qodobka 284Qaaabka Arjiga codsiga ah

Arjiga codsiga ah ee ku xusan qodobada 282 iyo 283 wuxuu ka koobnaanayaa:a) magaca Maxkamadda ku dhawaaqday xukunka ah ka codsiga aqoonsiga

laga sameeyay;b) taariikhda iyo goobta xukunka lagaga dhawaaqay;c) sababaha ah kuwa codsiga aqoonsiga laga sameeyay.

Nuqulka la cadeeyay ee xukunka waxa lagu lifaaqi doonaa arjiga codsiga ah.

Qodobka 285Habka Aqoonsiga

1. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku ma siinayo aqoonsi xukumo ciqaabeed oo Dalal shisheeye haddii:

a) ruux la xukumay oo aan loogu yeedhin in uu yimaado oogida Maxkamadda ama aan la siinin Qareen difaaca marka ay jiraan xaaladaha ah kuwa, uu sugayo sharciga Soomaaliya uu yahay Qareenka difaacu khasab;


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b) xukunka aan kama dambays ku noqon si waafaqsan sharciga Dalka ku dhawaaqay;

c) qayb wal oo uu xukunku ka kooban yhay oo khilaafsan, ama aan waafaqi karin, qayb kasta oo Dastuurka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya ka mid ah ama mabaa’diida guud ee sharciga Dalka ah.

2. The President of the Court of Appeal shall make his decision whether the judgment shall or shall not be allowed following the procedure for matters arising in execution.A part concerned or the Attorney General may appeal against such decision to the Supreme Court.

3. After recognition of such judgment has been allowed, the Registrar of the Court of Appeal shall send brief details of the Court’s decision to the Criminal Records Office.

4. If no mention is made in the decision allowing recognition of the judgment with regard to anything that may be done as a result of such decision and if no mention is made regarding any security measures which may be applied, the President of the Court may order such provisions later, upon the request of the Attorney General, following the procedure for matters arising in execution.

Article 286Recognition of Civil Provisions contained in Criminal Judgement in foreign


1. Civil provisions contained in a criminal judgment in a foreign country which provide for restitution, or compensation for civil damages may be recognized and enforced in the territory of the Somali Republic.

2. Recognition and enforcement may be granted at the instance of the interested part at the same time as the decision referred to in the preceding Article is passed by the Court.


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3. In other cases, the application may be made by whoever has an interest in it to the President of the Court of Appeal within whose territorial jurisdiction the civil provisions contained in the foreign criminal judgment should be enforced.

4. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of paragraphs 1,2 and 3 of the preceding Article shall apply.

2. Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanku waxa uu ku samaynayaa go’aankiisa in xukunka uu ogolaado iyo in aanu ogolaanin isagoo raacaya habka arrimaha ka soo baxa fulinta.

Dhinaca ay khusayso ama Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ayaa rafcaan ka qaadan kara lid ku ah go’aanka sidaasi ah Maxkamadda Sare.

3. Kadib marka la aqoonsado xukunka sidaasi ah la ogolaado, kaaliyaha Maxkamadda racfaanka ayaa diraya wargelin faahfaahsan oo ah go’aanka una diraya Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta ciqaabta.

4. Haddii go’aanka aan lagu dhex xusin ogolaanshaha aqoonsiga xukunka ku saabsan shay kasta oo laga yaabo in uu u dhici karo natiijada go’aankaasi iyo haddii aan lagu samaynin xusid ku saabsan talaabooyin nabadgalyo oo laga yaabo in la isticmaalo, Gudoomiyaha Maxkamaddu waxa uu gadaal ka amri karaa qaybaha caynakan ah, kadib marka uu ka soo codsado Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud, isagoo raacaya habka arimaha ka soo dhex baxa fulinta.

Qodobka 286Aqoonsiga Qaybaha Madaniga ee ku jirta Xukunka Ciqaabta Dalalka Shisheeye

1. Qaybaha madaniga ee ku jirta xukun ciqaabka ah ee Dalalka shisheeye oo ah kuwa dib loo bixinayo, ama magta khasaare madani ah, waxa lagu aqoonsan karaa laguna fulinayaa gudaha dhulka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya.


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2. Aqoonsiga iyo fulinta waxa lasiin karaa isla markiiba dhinaca danaynayaa isla marka uu go’aanka ku xusan Qodobka hore ka soo baxo Maxkamadda.

3. Xaaladaha kale marka lagu dhex jiro, arjiga codsiga ah waxa samayn kara qof kasta oo dan ka leh wuxuna u gudbinayaa Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Racfaanka ee ah ta xuduudaha awoodeeda garsoor lagu fulinayo, qaybaha madani ee ku jira xukunka ciqaabta ah ee Dal shisheeye.

5. Ilaa iyo xadka lagu dhaqmi karo, qaybaha farqadaha 1, 2 iyo 3 ee Qodobka hore ayaa la dabaqayaa.



Article 287Power to Issue Regulations

The Minister of Grace and Justice may issue the necessary regulations for the implementation of this Code.

Article 288Abrogation

The following are hereby abrogated:a) a the Italian Criminal Procedure Code;b) the Criminal Procedure Ordinance;c) the provisions regarding criminal proceedings contained in the

“Ordinamento Giudziario” approved by Ordinance No. 5 of 1956, and in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872;

d) Regulations regarding the Criminal Records Office approved by Decree No. 32 of 1956;


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e) Any other provision contrary to, or inconsistent with, this Code.

QAYBTA IIQaybaha Gabagabada

Qodobka 287Awooda lagu soo saarayo Shuruucda

Wasiirka Awqaafta iyo Cadaalada ayaa soo saaraya qaanuunada lagama maarmaanka u ah hirgelinta Xeerkan.

Qodobka 288Laalid

Kuwan hoos ku qoran waxa halkan lagu cadaynayaa in la laalay:

a) Xeerka Habka Ciqaabta ee Talyaaniga;b) Habka Ciqaabta Caadiga ah;


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c) qaybaha ku tacaluga garmaqalada ciqaabta ee ka kooban ((Garsoorka Cadaalada)) ee lagu ansixiyay Xeerka Gaarka ah ee No. 5 ee 1956 iyo Xeer Marag-muujinta India, 1872;

d) Shuruucda ku tacaluqda Xafiiska Diiwaangalinta Dambiyada ee lagu ansixiyay Qaraar No. 32 ee 1956;

e) qayb kasta oo kale oo ka soo horjeeda, ama khilaafsan, Xeerkan.


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