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1. Business Consulting 3

2. Keynote Topics 5

3. Leadership and Management Development Courses

Results-Driven Leadership 9

Excellence in Management 10

Project Management 11

Situational Delegation 12

Change Management 13

Strategic Coaching 14

Coaching and Counseling 15

Team Development 16

4. Productivity Courses

Time Management 18

Overcoming Procrastination 19

Organizational Productivity 20

5. Communication Courses

Situational Communication 22

Effective Meetings and Presentations 23

Exceptional Customer Service 24

Conflict Resolution 25

6. Summary of 2010/2011 Courses 26

7. About Skill Track & Ray Perry 27

Business Consulting


Business Consulting

In a business environment characterized by great uncertainty, volatility and rapid change, agility is even more essential than ever to an organization’s short- and long-term viability.

Skill Track provides consulting services that help clients to secure that evasive link between strategy and results across a broad range of issues – including organizational design, human resources management, change management, and knowledge management.

Whether your team is part of an organization or the organization itself, our business consulting services can help you make change permanent in two key performance areas:

Strategic Planning and Execution

Strategic planning has lost considerable credibility within many organizations as a driver of performance, morale and retention. The strategic planning process became irrelevant for many because it didn’t extend to all levels. Even worse, more often than not, the document was static – little more than a dust-collector that rarely resembled its intended operational role in the day-to-day life of the organization’s employees.

By engaging the entire team, and leveraging the strategy of two-week execution blocks, we will help your team revitalize the strategic planning process to reach performance levels that will impress internal and external stakeholders alike.

Performance ManagementFew would dispute the inherent truth in what has become almost a cliché in management – “Your people are your most valuable asset.” But do your organization’s words match its actions? More to the point, does your performance management system actually incentivize and encourage your managers to coach and motivate employees to actively engage in ongoing professional development and growth?

With this paradigm-shifting consulting service, your performance management system will be retrofitted so that employees are held accountable and rewarded for taking a continuous leadership role with their own professional development. Just as important, system upgrades will ensure that your managers are evaluated and rewarded for making this part of the organization’s culture. We call this “Performance Management 2.0” – the next generation of human capital investment. By significantly strengthening your current performance management system, you will ensure that the value of your most important asset truly is an investment that grows considerably over time.


Keynote Topics


Keynote Topics

Walking the Strategic Planning Talk

Neither business strategy nor execution can achieve real results without the other. But one is more critical – which is it? If it were business strategy, organizations worldwide would be operating today at peak performance because strategies are as common as a company Web site.

Great leaders and highly effective organizations recognize that delivering exceptional results requires a relentless focus on execution. They understand that without it, even the best-conceived business strategy becomes a waste of time. And therein lies the problem – the sad truth is that many organizations and teams develop strategies that crash and burn because poor execution prevented them from turning those strategies into reality.

During this innovative and dynamic keynote, performance management expert Ray Perry will challenge audience members to leverage four cutting-edge strategies that are guaranteed to increase a team’s execution intelligence in a way that measurably boosts performance, morale and retention.

Inspiring Team Accountability and InitiativeIn the Age of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter

“That’s not what you asked for!” “You never said you neededit by Friday!” “I’m sorry, I just didn’t have the time to get it done; you know how crazy it’s been around here!” Excuses, excuses, excuses – not only are they extremely frustrating to those in charge, they are truly one of the biggest drags on team performance, morale and retention. In an age when an employee’s attention is continually diverted by new technology, accountability and initiative can prove even more challenging than ever. But who’s at fault – is it the employee? Maybe…maybe not. But ultimately, who’s in charge – who’s the leader?

During this paradigm-shifting keynote, performance management expert Ray Perry will inspire AND challenge you to foster a true employee-centered accountability culture that stops the excuses dead in their tracks. In this energizing new workplace culture, employees throughout your organization – from millennials to baby boomers – not only perform to expectations, but also take the initiative to become much more creative and innovative problem solvers.



The Power Of Expectations:The Art of Coaching Employee Development

Think of your best performers – what sets them apart? Now, imagine if you could unleash that type of performance in more of your team members. And imagine if you could do so in a way that motivates employees to take the leadership role in making this happen – so you don’t have to drag them kicking and screaming across the finish line.

Is this possible? Of course it is – it’s being done every day, and with great success. The real question is how – how can you make this happen? How do you turn this pipe dream into a reality? That’s where performance management expert Ray Perry comes in.

During this thought-provoking keynote, Ray will discuss with clarity the secrets behind raising the performance bar in a way that motivates and inspires more of your staff to become top-notch performers – without absorbing more time from your very limited schedule.

Leadership and Management Development Courses


Results-Driven Leadership: Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Execution

OverviewNeither business strategy nor execution can achieve real results without the other. But one is more critical – which is it? If it were business strategy, organizations worldwide would be operating today at peak performance. Great leaders recognize that delivering exceptional results requires a relentless focus on execution. Without it, even the best-conceived business strategy is a waste of time. Based on Ray Perry's chapter in the book, Leadership: Helping Others to Succeed, this innovative course will help participants to significantly increase their ability to execute their business strategies in a way that measurably boosts performance, morale and retention.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to translate vision into an effective performance strategy.

· The secret behind motivating “difficult” team members to successfully take ownership and complete strategy-related projects and assignments – on time, on target and with minimal follow-up.

· How to leverage the strategy of two-week execution blocks.

· When it is absolutely critical to ask the question, “Do we have the right people in the right places to execute well?”

· How to develop a stronger performance accountability culture that builds employee responsibility, professionalism, initiative, morale and motivation.

· What is proactive accountability, and why is it critical to execution?

· How to leverage the robust dialogue strategy during the development and execution of the team’s performance strategy.


Excellence in Management: Driving Results – Without Driving Your Team Crazy

OverviewHow would you rate the effectiveness of your management team in building morale and raising productivity? In this highly interactive course, participants will learn how to successfully build employee commitment and involvement, while continuing to fulfill traditional responsibilities for scheduling work, enforcing rules and monitoring progress. Participants will discover ways to leverage key strategies for maintaining discipline and commanding respect – without creating resentment.

Participants Will Learn:

· Four critical ways to customize the communication-matchingstrategy to motivate any team.

· How to build a solution-focused team that will minimize problems and save time.

· Four ways to minimize the “do-it-myself” syndrome.

· How to successfully implement the proactive accountability strategy.

· How to overcome two common delegation obstacles that result in underperformance.

· How to leverage the strategy of two-week execution blocks to proactively strengthen team performance.

· How to leverage the robust dialogue strategy to successfully discuss and resolve any team-related problem or issue.

· The “jump-ship” phenomenon – and how to overcome it.

· How to offer feedback in a way that’s comfortable for the manager and the team member.

· How to maintain control over delegated work quality – even when you have low confidence in the person.


Project Management: Delivering Results On Time and Within Budget

OverviewImagine the impact on overall organizational performance if the number of projects that are completed on time, on target and on budget were to increase by 30 percent!What would that mean to your organization, your employees and your clients? In this practical course, participants will learn real-world strategies to increase project efficiency, significantly reduce misunderstandings with project owners, customers and others – and gain greater confidence handling problems as they arise during the life of the project.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to manage the people side of project management for stronger project management results.

· The triple constraints of successful project management.

· How to use the continuous-loop process to identify and solve problems sooner.

· A practical time-management tool for identifying the scope of every project.

· Three fundamental ingredients needed for every project plan.

· The importance of a risk assessment during the project-planning process.

· A realistic formula for estimating task time.

· Two key ingredients essential to project scheduling and resource allocation.

· Why the WBS, GANTT and PERT charts can be critical to project success.

· How to leverage the strategy of two-week execution blocks for successful project management.


Situational Delegation: Inspiring Accountability in Your Employees

OverviewWhen it comes to producing results, how many of your employees typically live up to their commitments? Do some managers insist that they clearly explained project or work expectations, only to find that their employees insist – after the fact – that they had misunderstood the deliverables expected of them? In this practical workshop, participants will learn how to better clarify project and work expectations, and confidently hold employees accountable for performance and non-performance.

Participants Will Learn:

· What is situational delegation, and why is it critical to successful delegation?

· How to motivate employees to want to earn your confidence with delegated work.

· The secret behind motivating “difficult” team members to successfully complete delegated projects on time, on target and with minimal follow-up.

· How to delegate to all types of team members (new, untrained, unmotivated, not dependable, incompetent, etc.) and still maintain control over the quality of the work.

· When to delegate an assignment that will take longer to explain than to do it yourself.

· Key rules for when to “micromanage” and when to “macromanage” delegated work.

· How to develop a simple management tool to keep track of delegated work, and 3 strategic ways to manage it.

· 4 ways to minimize the “do it myself” syndrome.

· How to go from “me” to “we” as a manager.


Change Management: Cultivating Team 'Change-Ability'

OverviewHow important is successful change management to your team’s productivity and morale? As organizations struggle to respond to both internal and external pressures, you and your work team are required to move quickly to attain higher standards and increase productivity. This highly interactive course will give you the tools to equip your team with the ability to successfully handle change with courage, confidence and skill.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to leverage the change message strategy to more effectively manage all types of change.

· The best way to leverage the communication matching strategy to maximize employee acceptance of even the most difficult changes.

· A critical approach for identifying and dealing with employees who are initially resistant to change.

· The best way to help employees to confidently embrace changes once they occur.

· The advantages and disadvantages of different change-management styles.

· Communication and behavioral do’s and don’ts during the change-management process.

· How to identify and answer the "how," "what" and "why" of change.

· Three types of common work-related changes that affect all of us, and the best strategies for dealing with them.

· Four ways people handle change – three ways, and the change-ability way.


Strategic Coaching: Growing Top-Notch Performers

OverviewImagine if every member of every team within the organization were near a perfect "10" in terms of skill and motivation! What impact would that have on team performance and morale, not to mention the quality of a manager’s workday? In this practical course, participants will develop a strategy to target key team members for coaching. This strategy will help participants employ a set of customized best practices to ensure that targeted team members significantly improve performance and move closer to "10".

Participants Will Learn:

· The components of an employee developmental plan, and the keys necessary for coaching the employee to successfully implement it.

· How to coach stronger employee performance by customizing the strategy of two-week execution blocks.

· The do’s and don’ts of initially communicating coaching intentions to selected employees.

· The LB/NT process for providing strong and effective coaching feedback.

· How to implement a follow-up process that is driven by the coached employee.

· How to leverage the principles of expectation theory to bring about a change in the employee’s future performance.

· How to customize the communication matching strategy to provide strong motivation and support throughout the process.

· Why probing questions are an important coaching tool.

· How to successfully implement the proactive accountability strategy to ensure continuous employee success.


Coaching and Counseling: Dealing Effectively with Underperformance

OverviewWe all know that any team's performance is only as solid as its weakest link. By turning around marginal and problem employees who are not performing at an optimal level, the team's full strength can soar – along with the improved attitude and contributions of these newly reinvigorated performers. In this highly interactive course, participants will learn how to bring about positive change in employees – without incurring resentment, making enemies or destroying relationships.

Participants Will Learn:

· The emotional and psychological roots to poor performance.

· How to determine if you are unconsciously triggering the poor performance.

· Four critical factors that foster a favorable work environment in which performance improvement can take place.

· How to leverage the principles of expectation theory to bring about a change in the employee’s future performance.

· How to leverage the strategy of two-week execution blocks to turn around underperformance.

· How to successfully deal with employees who attempt to change the subject through guilt, anger, denial and other classic “fogging” techniques.

· How to use the communication matching strategy to secure employee buy-in for corrective action, while minimizing mistrust and misunderstandings.

· How to successfully implement the proactive accountability strategy.

· How to determine if an employee’s performance problem is due to motivation, skill or a poor fit.

· Three ways to minimize resentment during the counseling session.


Team Development: The Secrets Behind Building an Award-Winning Team

OverviewHow important is teamwork to the success of your organization? If teams could minimize obstacles that get in the way of accomplishing their objectives, how much more effective would they be? How much easier would it be for all involved? In this course, participants will assess the performance of their team and develop a customized road map for minimizing problems and maximizing strengths – thus increasing the team's performance, morale and level of service.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to customize the communication matching strategy to minimize problems and strengthen team communication.

· Real-time team-building by identifying three problems that are getting in the way of stronger team performance, and then building a strategy to minimize the impact that each problem has on team productivity.

· How to leverage the robust dialogue strategy to build a performance-focused team.

· Practical strategies for dealing with team conflict, anger and emotion.

· How to develop critical day-to-day team problem-solving strategies that can significantly improve communication and minimize problem resolution time.

· How to judge the team against five team dysfunctions, and then develop specific strategies to remedy problem areas.

· 3 ingredients for becoming a solution-focused team.

· How to use the continuous-loop process to identify and solve problems sooner, and at less expense.


Productivity Courses


Time Management: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

OverviewImagine the impact on performance if an employee's ability to juggle everything on his or her plate improved significantly! What would that mean to the organization's productivity and the employee's sense of professional satisfaction? In this practical course, participants will learn to blend time and task management into a single management approach that complements any challenging schedule. This practical program will help participants take control of their day and gain greater confidence handling projects, priorities and deadlines.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to implement the electronic priority-juggling strategy to become significantly more productive during the day.

· Which types of priorities to focus on during the

· How to significantly minimize the sense of confusion when there's "too much to do."

· How to quickly decide what to focus on when given competing priorities.

· How to develop a daily priority plan that factors in the unexpected.

· How to develop a fail-proof follow-up system, so nothing “falls through the cracks.”

· How to minimize procrastination and indecisiveness in order to become more productive.

· Specific ways to handle constant interruptions . . . effectively.

· How to identify and minimize time-stealers during the day.

· How to say “no” . . . confidently.

· How to avoid the trap of attempting too much during the day.


Overcoming Procrastination: Bridging the Gap Between Your Goals and Reality

OverviewDo your employees tend to procrastinate when it comes to accomplishing their personal and professional goals? What if they could overcome this and make change a reality – not just for a few weeks but permanently? What effect would that have on their morale and sense of satisfaction? In this one-day workshop, participants will learn how to customize four principles that are at the heart of accomplishing any important goal. When leveraged together, participants will find the time, energy and motivation – given everything else that’s going on in their life – to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they’d like to be.

Participants Will Learn:

· The concept of persistent action and its relevance to procrastination and goal achievement.

· How to identify two personal and/or professional goals to work on in the next 12 months.

· The distinct approaches required for accomplishing behavioral-change goals and project-related goals.

· The connection between belief, desire, and motivation.

· Which areas are causing the most frustration, worry or stress in their personal and/or professional lives.

· How to leverage five important strategies to maximize motivation and overcome obstacles that get in the way.

· How to consistently find the time to accomplish both behavioral-change goals and project-related goals.

· How to develop a realistic and flexible strategy for accomplishing both goals.

· How to identify the first sub-goal and specific action for each goal.


Organizational Productivity: Practical Strategies for Getting and Staying Organized

OverviewIt’s probably happened to many of your employees. They organize their desk on a Monday only to find that it is disorganized by Wednesday. What would happen to productivity and effectiveness if more employees could get organized and stay that way? How much more control would they have over their day? In this practical workshop, participants will learn the secrets behind organization and space management that lead to a more creative and stress-free work and home environment.

Participants Will Learn:

· A can’t fail 2-step process for getting and staying organized.

· 2 critical pieces needed for any successful organizational system.

· The main reason most paper systems fail to keep someone organized.

· How to set up an effective email filing system.

· Best times – and worst times – to check email and voice mail messages.

· A step-by-step process for setting up a filing system for handling paper later.

· 2 criteria for deciding whether to handle paper now or later.

· 4 powerful steps to de-clutter even the messiest work environment.

· 2 questions that decide the fate of all incoming paper.

· 3 main causes behind almost all disorganization.

· How to create space when there doesn’t seem to be enough.

· How a simple survey can reduce organization time and frustration.

· How the “general to specific” rule will finally get your files organized.


Communication Courses


Situational Communication: How to Connect With People More Often

OverviewHow important is communication to the success of your employees? According to Tom Peters in the Management Advantage, 82 percent of workplace problems are related to miscommunication. In this highly interactive course, participants will learn how to communicate with diplomacy, tact and credibility – by minimizing misunderstanding, stress and frustration during the communication process.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to leverage the communication matching strategy to significantly strengthen their effectiveness.

· 6 ways to use voice and body language to create a more powerful impact.

· How to tell the difference between imagined problems and reality in the communication process.

· The biggest communications mistake most people make –and how to avoid it.

· 2 critical components involved in active listening.

· The role that perception plays in interpersonal communications.

· How to effectively use questions in the communication process.

· When a lot of detail can hurt the communication process – and when it can help.

· An easy-to-use technique to remember a person’s name.

· How to really mean what you say and say what you mean, in an assertive way that minimizes misunderstandings.

· How to naturally and comfortably use eye contact, hand gestures and voice to become more confident in the communication process.


Effective Meetings and Presentations: How to Make an Impression that Makes a Difference

OverviewGiving presentations often is one of the most dreaded – yet potentially important – tasks that some of your employees face on an ongoing basis. And meetings can be a huge time waster and resource drain for any organization. Could your employees use assistance in strengthening both of these critical skills? In this practical course, participants will learn key strategies to become more effective with meeting management, and in the delivery and impact of their presentations, ensuring that their message is both polished and convincing.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to customize the communication matching strategy to strengthen meeting and presentation performance.

· Specific strategies for effective meeting preparation and management.

· Specific strategies for handling difficult people and challenging questions.

· Four specific strategies to manage presentation nervousness.

· Key strategies for strengthening visual, vocal and verbal impact.

· The number-one meeting time-waster and how to avoid it.

· The importance of managing time-points throughout a meeting to keep people focused.

· How to create notes using key words and phrases.

· The most effective way to prepare for a presentation to maximize delivery.

· How to deal effectively with the unexpected during a presentation.

· Specific strategies for effective presentation preparation.

· The number-one presentation mistake and how to avoid it.


Exceptional Customer Service: When 'Wow' Becomes the Rule

OverviewIs excellent customer service an important part of your operational strategy? When it comes to handling internal and/or external customers, could your organization benefit from a tune-up? This practical course will help participants to deliver great customer service more often – resulting in better service to customers and greater success to the organization.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to pinpoint/resolve operational bottlenecks in your existing customer service system.

· Why the communication matching strategy is so critical for delivering exceptional customer service.

· The secret behind giving great customer service when you’re not in the “mood.”

· How to spot when you unknowingly deliver lousy customer service.

· The relationship between delivering great customer service and operational excellence.

· Key phrases that instantly turn customers off – and how to avoid them.

· A two-step process for managing long-winded customers.

· Two specific strategies they can use to manage their attitude, even when it’s gone south.

· Why attitude is everything – and how to hide a bad attitude from a customer and still deliver great service.

· The essential key to effectively dealing with angry customers.

· The secret behind saying “no” and still giving great service.


Conflict Resolution: Resolving Conflict without Diminishing Relationships

OverviewHow much more effective would your employees be if they could do a better job managing conflict? What would lowering their level of stress mean to their overall job performance and office morale? In this powerful course, participants will customize practical strategies for resolving conflict with others, in a way that strengthens – rather than hurts – relationships.

Participants Will Learn:

· How to leverage the communication matching strategy to minimize conflict from happening in the first place, and manage it better once it does occur.

· A three-step process to quickly pinpoint the real issue(s) behind the conflict.

· How to understand and



· How to avoid three behaviors that can kill any potential resolution.

· The behavioral approaches that have a predisposition for conflict.

· Specific ways to avoid the self-fulfilling prophecy and lessen the chance of conflict happening in the first place.

· Six powerful methods for dealing with conflict that minimize wasted time and unnecessary stress.

· How to respond instead of react when the heat begins to rise.

manage the “escalation scale” to minimize disagreements.Powerful strategies for gaining control in the crucial first minutes of a crisis. How to use a critical strategy to remain calm under even the most extreme pressure.


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About Skill TrackLeveraging more than 25 years of unique insight and experience in performance management, Skill Track Inc. helps some of America’s industry-leading organizations in identifying and then implementing solutions that lead to measurable change.

Based in Washington, D.C., Skill Track has enabled tens of thousands of executives, managers and professionals – in government agencies, businesses and non-profit organizations alike – to resolve some of their most pressing organizational and workforce development challenges. The result has been stronger operational, financial and client service performance. Skill Track provides three client services: business consulting, keynote speaking, and workforce develop-ment courses. Courses follow three main tracks: leadership and management development, productivity, and communication.

Ray PerryThe founder and president of Skill Track, Ray Perry applies a highly interactive, results-focused approach to strengthening workplace performance that has yielded proven results for more than two decades. Ray helps some of America’s most respectedinstitutions in optimizing productivity and effectiveness through targeted leadership, professional and organizational development.

Featured in the book, Leadership: Helping Others to Succeed, Ray helps clients tackle key performance issues such as: strategic planning and execution, performance management, leadership and management development, accountability, productivityand time management, customer relationship management (CRM), and communication.

Ray has guided executives, managers and professionals from hundreds of organizations based in the United States, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the former Soviet republics. Among the clients he has worked with are: Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Lowe’s, Johns Hopkins University, Black and Decker, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Northrop Grumman, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Social Security Administration, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Accenture, American Express, the U.S. Department of Commerce, Federal Express, and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Prior to founding Skill Track, Ray served in a variety of management positions for more than 12 years with Nissan North America, where he helped lead numerous affiliate organizations and individuals in achieving their best-ever performance levels.

A native of Rhode Island, Ray earned a BA in psychology and business administration from Roger Williams University. He is a senior fellow at the Business Learning Institute, as well as a member of the American Society for Training and Development, the National Speakers Association, the International Federation For Professional Speakers, the Society for Human Resource Management, and American Independent Writers.


1800 R St. NW #409Washington, DC 20009

p. 202.299.0258f. 202.299.9838

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