  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    Project Name: Yahoo Flickr

    Location: San Francisco

    Date: 1/16/14Time: 5:00pm

    Sement: !" #$%ers & 'ih S$(scri(ers

    )e ha*e kin+ o, a packe+ ta(le ($t -e can mo*e +o-n. 'ello.


    !ot a tiht s$eee here ($t -ere oin to (e mo*in aro$n+ a lot. 23SSTL78

    So ho- is e*er%one to+a%9


    Yeah oo+.


    Thanks ,or comin on %o$ Th$rs+a% e*enin an+ spen+in it -ith me to talk a(o$t

    photo p$rchasin. ;ts oin to (e so m$ch ,$n the ne

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "

    time to keep the ener% oin an+ make it ,$n (eca$se ; mean photos are em thinkin since -ere onna (e

    here ,or t-o ho$rs -h% not et to kno- each other a little (it9 So lets o aro$n+

    the room. ;, %o$ co$l+ j$st intro+$ce %o$rsel, sa% %o$r li*in sit$ation -hat %o$

    +o ,or a li*in also an+ -hat makes %o$ ($% photo stock.

    #$m %ileen. # am a &iital artist. #$m tryin to remem!er 'hat you sai&. # li(e alone in San

    Francisco. )n& 'hy &o # purchase imaes* Because # 'ork 'ith a lot o+ +iles an& 'e ha(eto make &esins an& 'e ha(e to use imaes all the time +or &i++erent kin&s o+ thins,

    printe& ust online 'hate(er. So as a &iital artist #/m al'ays lookin +or imaes that #

    can use an& researchin an& it$s +un too.


    Hi #$m Sophia an& # li(e 'ith my hus!an& an& t'o +i(e 'ell almost +i(e year-ol& an&

    almost nine year-ol& $cause he$ll !e nine in +our &ays countin &o'n. # can$t !elie(e my!a!y$s nine !ut yeah so my son$s nine an& my &auhter$s almost +i(e an& a &o. )n& #

    am an interior &esiner an& # 'ork +or a company !ut # also ha(e my o'n interior &esin!usiness so # &o a lot o+ &i++erent proects mostly resi&ential &esin an& # ha(e a country

    client that likes country stu++. hen # ha(e (ery contemporary mo&ern clients an& so # use

    a lot o+ imaes in &i++erent places in the home an& +or my clients$ &i++erent styles o+enres. )n& yeah an& # lo(e photoraphy as 'ell so #/m al'ays lookin +or &i++erent

    imaes +or &i++erent clients in the spaces an& personal stu++ photos an& imaes an& seein

    the (ast options out there. hat 'as all the 2uestions*

    # almost thouht you 'ere onna say you ha& +i(e ki&s or somethin like that.

    o sorry.

    'o is oo&.

    )ny'ay my name is ick. #$m a one-man pro&uction &epartment &oin art !uyin it +or

    pro&uction at a small in&epen&ent a& aency an& # li(e out !y the !each. # ha(e a t'o-

    !e&room home an& #/(e !een &oin art !uyin +or almost "0 years. Yeah.

    hat$s your last name*

    %'in. Yeah.

    # kno' o+ you.

    You miht ha(e sent me an email yeah so it$s !een really oo&. # lo(e !uyin art an&

    e(erythin an& 'orkin 'ith art &irectors an& creati(e people.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 3

    Speci,icall% ,or photo stock9

    e actually !uy stock photoraphy an& 'e actually hire commercial photoraphers an& #

    think there 'as in a 10-year span # must$(e &one a couple hun&re& photo shoots at

    another aency.

    #$m )nnie # li(e 'ith a roommate in outer ichmon& an& # 'ork at a small a& aency. #$m

    a raphic &esiner so # ust o on photo sites ust to +in& speci+ic imaes +or &i++erentclients all the time. Yup.

    Soun&s similar. #$m a &esin &irector here in San Francisco. y name$s %ric !y the 'ay.arrie& t'o ki&s li(in in 7aklan& lo(e it !ut yeah &esin &irector8photorapher +or a

    40-person aency not a&(ertisin &esin. So constantly either sourcin or +in&in or

    shootin photoraphy +or our clients so the 'hole amut o+ sites an& photoraphers an&

    oursel(es. So it$s rare that a &ay oes !y that # &on$t &eal 'ith photoraphy in some +orm

    or +ashion.

    Hi #$m 9iana :oursea an& # too am also an art !uyer8print pro&ucer an& ha(e !een +or "0plus years all here in San Francisco an& it soun&s like mostly the same as the rest o+ you.

    # &eal 'ith !uyin stock photoraphy on a &aily !asis typically. # 'as ust &oin a !i

    search to&ay !e+ore # le+t. ;:7SS) So yeah an& # li(e in Green!rae 'hich is inarin in an apartment that$s on the 'ater an& # mo(e& there last year an& # lo(e it an& #$m

    ne(er lea(in.

    # li(e in %ast Bay !y the 'ay. Sorry # +orot to tell you.

    Thats 7. So -hat +i+ %o$ $%s think o, & +i+ e*er%one et a chance to +o the pre=task that -e ha+9 )hat +i+ %o$ think a(o$t it an+ oin an+ re,lectin (ack to

    some past e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 4

    think o+ so # coul& +in& really cool imaes +or their !anners an& ust try to e?press their

    &i++erent +eatures in a cute or +un 'ay either en&er neutral or aime& to'ar&s +emalesaime& to'ar&s males an& so on an& so +orth. So # ha& to keep lookin an& lookin.

    n+ ho- +i+ %o$ ,in+ & like ho- +i+ %o$ start the process9

    # ust like looke& starte& lookin +or like 'ell they ha(e a particular +eature like

    secret a&mirer. # ust start searchin that 'ay an& then kin& o+ keep ha(in that key'or&list. )n& then click on like +in& similar imaes i+ # thouht that imae 'as 7= may!e #

    coul& look +or somethin else that 'as e(en !etter.

    )hat other projects there9

    # 'as accessoriAin a se(en-room con&o an& nee&e& lots o+ imaes an& art $cause the

    client &i& not 'ant any personal like she &i&n$t talk a!out +amily an& +rien& pictures that

    she 'ante& out. So # &i& a lot o+ eneral searches similar to that !ut like # &i& a!stract alot an& thins that 'oul& i(e me (ast options.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


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    ha(e it then # 'ill mo(e onto the ne?t an& then # re+erence !ack to 'hat #$(e alrea&y seen

    an& ust see i+ there$s anythin out there. But # spen& more time than # really shoul&$cause # mean one o+ them sai& one o+ 5000 imaes. )n& # &on$t think # o that +ar. #t

    &epen&s on ho' +ast that site is loa&in too.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 6

    So -hat are some o, the so$rces that %o$re $sin & some o, the photo stock so$rces9


    !ett% imaes.

    Shutter Stock.

    Getty stock.

    # hate the sites 'here you ha(e to !uy the cre&it. #$m ust onna say it. ;:7SS)Shutter stock an& iStock. # hate that.

    Because it$s "5 &ollars per &ay an& it$s like enouh +or us.

    # think Shutter Stock is that 'ay.

    So it$s 'ay !etter (alue.


    #t$s a !etter (alue +or us so #$m like more spent on the iStock.

    # ust like to !e !ille& +or the imae i+ 'e can.

    Yeah 'hich is 'hy like Shutter Stock an& iStock you can$t.

    'o- are %o$ p$rchasin9 Do %o$ ha*e s$(scriptions9 re %o$ p$rchasin (% the



    Both. # o !y cre&it # !uy cre&its or # ha(e an account 'ith the stock house.

    )hat makes %o$ +o the cre+its or the s$(scriptions9

    You &on$t ha(e a choice.


    o really you &on$t ha(e a choice. You can$t !uy the stock unless you !uy cre&its or asu!scription +or some o+ these not all o+ them.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers D

    Yeah !ut Getty an& :or!is are the most e?pensi(e ones. 9o you aree*

    Yeah !ut you also ha(e a much hiher 2uality.

    hen they !ouht they !ouht a!out E0 o+ the market. ;:7SS)

    Do ; ha*e all o, the major ones that %o$re $sin riht no-9

    # use Gallery Stock +or hih-en& like imaes.


    Ceer is a state one.

    Yeah Ceer is oo&.

    Ceer is a small one. here$s another one that$s an o++shoot o+ Shutter Stock. #t$s calle&

    7++set. #t$s ne'. #t$s like a hiher en& (ersion o+ it$s royalty +ree !ut it$s much morecurate&. #t$s calle& 7++set.

    So %o$ $%s are so close $p -ith +ealin -ith this +a% in an+ +a% o$t ; reall% -ant

    to $n+erstan+ like -hat are %o$r ,r$strations9 So i, %o$ co$l+ all ra( a post=it an+

    a marker. ; think i, -e co$l+ all set $p in pairs here so like %o$ t-o ; think chat

    toether. Yo$ can chat toether. Yo$ can come o*er here an+ ; -ant %o$ to p$t like

    an% ,r$stration like that %o$ ha*e -ith !ett% post it $n+er !ett% like thinkin

    a(o$t the search. n+ ; -ant %o$ to et reall% speci,ic -ith like -hat %o$re

    ,r$strate+ -ith. Yo$ can j$st -rite it on a post=it an+ -e can talk a(o$t it. So please-hen %o$re searchin -hat are the top ,r$strations -ith !ett%9 r this stock or

    Sh$tter stock.


    :olors or 'hat &o you 'ant*

    Yo$ can pick an% color. 23SSTL78 ;ts %o$r per,ect time to j$st *ent an+ et all

    those ,r$strations o$t.

    e shoul& 'rite it &o'n an& stick it up*

    Yes. 23SSTL78

    # 'oul& say

    # 'oul& may!e ;:7SS).

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers E

    n+ ; -ant %o$ $%s to think a(o$t thins like ,ilterin searchin ,or that per,ect

    imae the imaes that come $p. 23SSTL78

    # &on/t kno'. hey ne(er

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers

    Yeah you can say you$re a ;#)9#B. ;:7SS)

    # mean you can !uy !ut ;:7SS).

    Yo$ can & totall% ,ine j$st +o the ones %o$re ,amiliar -ith.

    :or!is is ;:7SS).

    hey$(e !een o(eruse&. #t$s a really !a& royalty +ree !ut it$s super cheap. #s it one t'o

    three #S* #S one t'o three*


    hat$s a !i ine?pensi(e site.

    Yeah an& # think that$s o'ne& !y some!o&y in Hon =on or somethin.

    Ceer # think is too.

    )ell start -ith !ett% on here. So -e ha*e? too e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 10

    Folks that 'ant to pull # ha(e art &irectors an& &esiners 'ho pull +rom Flickr an& #can$t make an out&oor !oar& out o+ that !ut they 'ant to kno' yeah so that$s a hue

    maor issue. %?cept that there$s a Flickr &i(ision no' o+ Getty. ;:7SS) oin in

    there is a &i++erent story !ecause then there$s &i++erent stan&ar&s.

    n+ +o %o$ think the Flickr imaes on !ett% are +i,,erent than -hat %o$ -ere

    talkin a(o$t & the +irecte+9

    Yeah +or sure. # speci+ically o into Getty$s to +in& like they ha(e a !roa&er search an&

    then you can turn o++ 'hich ones 'hich aencies that they o'n that you 'ant to searchor not. )n& # 'ill speci+ically only turn on Flickr an& &o a search in Getty that 'ay. hat$s

    in +act i+ # use Getty that$s almost the only 'ay #/m usin it unless # 'ant a !roa&er


    ;s an%(o+% else +oin that9

    # am.

    ; see %o$ shakin %o$r hea+.

    $:ause Flickr # use imaes +rom !ut like she sai& the 2uality o+ them ;:7SS).


    Yeah %o$ also sai+ no ke%-or+s. )hat +oes &9

    # meant you can$t e?clu&e some 'or&s at least think you can$t &o it. 7ne o+ them youtotally can. # think it$s Shutter Stock 'here you can actually e?clu&e you may!e see the

    same imae. Say it$s not e(en 'hat you e(en 'ante&. You can e?clu&e a key'or& that

    'ay an& +ilter all those out so it sa(es me time.

    So -hat -o$l+ an e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 11

    kno' it. #n +act at one point like eiht years ao # ot a !ook o+ all their key'or&s an& it

    'as +rom them an& it 'as !asically teachin you ho' to use their search enine $cause it$spretty intense.

    # calle& them as 'ell my 'hoe(er my rep is. # +reelance as 'ell so #/m e(ery'here!ut # 'ill sometimes call an& say my o&. e can$t 'e cannot +in& 'hat 'e nee&. :an

    you help* )n& sometimes an& then they$ll put some!o&y on it on their en&. hey &on$t

    necessarily come up 'ith !etter results !ut sometimes they &o.

    Then this -hole thin a(o$t too e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 1"

    +or it. hey only et pai& 'hen someone &o'nloa&s it. So they !uilt that company on

    sheer (olume !ut it$s like 10 o+ it is anythin that at least # 'oul& 'ant to touch. So it$s you$(e ot to i+ # o there it$s !ecause #/m lookin +or somethin to use temporarily or

    photo app 'ise +or sure. Cector art 'ork stu++ like that thins that are onna take me a

    'hile to &ra' # 'ill o an& ra! somethin an& use it as a placehol&er !ut there$s a sheer(olume. Shutter Stock is insane ho' much stu++ they ha(e. You only 'ant a small

    percentae o+ it thouh.

    ; see %o$ shakin %o$r hea+.

    o # like Shutter stock. ell sort o+. # mean # +in& a lot o+ mi?e& stu++ there that # coul&use an& that 'as ust a!o(e 'hat # nee&e&. #t$s ust interestin &epen&in on the proect

    an& the client.

    So ho- is the search on Sh$tter stock an+ ettin & ca$se %o$ sai+ there is so m$ch.

    'o- is it9

    #t$s pretty oo&. heir user inter+ace o+ their site is not super intuiti(e !ut #/(e use& it somuch # kno' ho' to 'ork aroun& it. You can say photoraphy or art'ork or illustration

    an& &i++erent cateories so it$s +ine. But it 'ill return some hue num!er o+ imaes +or

    you. )n& # mean like you 'ere sayin earlier i+ # make it past pae +i(e it$s !ecause #/malrea&y +allin asleep or somethin. #$m sittin there. # mean a+ter you can say like

    most popular or ne'est or 'hate(er an& usually # ust click on most popular $cause those

    are +or the most part oo& 2uality 'ise. )n& a+ter pae three you$(e alrea&y starte& to

    &i(e into the ones that no one$s onna really 'ant at least +or me.

    n+ then the other thin is -hat %o$ -ere talkin a(o$t -ith the no hih=resol$tioncomps.

    hat$s ust +or my o'n personal e?perience. hat$s the !iest. # mean # et emails an&

    phone calls an& te?ts at niht at 10I00 +rom an art &irector. # nee& a hih-res comp. #$mlike # can$t. #$m sorry. here$s nothin # can &o.

    n+ no- 3or(is is comin thro$h & theres the t-o major pain points. The site is

    not $ser=,rien+l% an+ selection is (a+. So -hat +o %o$ mean (% ,or 3or(is site is not


    hat$s me. #t$s not as user-+rien&ly. #t takes some time. # &i& it to&ay. # 'as on there an&lookin +or these Ha'aii site or pictures an& #/m like &ammit # nee& to # +oret ho'

    to create a ne' like !o? an& the !utton is like this !i. )n& it$s in the corner. #$m like

    'hy* Yeah same thin it$s ust not any'ay that$s my personal opinion.

    n+ then -e ha+ the selection is (a+9

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 13

    hat$s me. e ne(er +in& anythin on :or!is.


    o matter 'hat aency #$m at. #t$s rare that 'e use that.

    ;ts rare that %o$ +o $se that9


    Does e*er%one aree -ith that9 ;ts more o, a rare so$rce9

    #t must !e !ecause 'e stoppe& lookin. e &on$t e(en o there.

    # mean most places # 'ork 'e$ll ;#)9#B royalty-+ree typically. arely &o # !uy a

    riht$s manae& imae. Sometimes thouh.

    n+ then iStock %o$ ha*e eneric ($t then -e also & e*en tho$h -ere talkin

    a(o$t pain places ; ,in+ this interestin -e ha*e some positi*e imaes comin

    thro$h. ;ts a (etter alternati*e9

    ell # only use Bi Stock an& iStock at 'ork an& so Bi Stock 'e can use like "5

    &o'nloa&s a &ay. hat$s (alue so # mean # ust like 'a&e throuh the crap at Bi Stock

    an& #/m like +ilterin throuh. #$m like +in& oo& ones an& # see a lot o+ !a& ones. iStock

    it$s !ecause # ha(e to it$s cre&its so # ha(e to !e a little pickier an& # ust like sometimes # +in& !etter imaes. But they !oth &o # think iStock picks up +rom like

    Shutter Stock an& some other &i++erent sources. hey seem to +ee& in an& you +in& .

    hey share imaes.

    hey share imaes so # +oun& one like #/(e seen Shutter Stock stu++ on iStock. #$(e seenGetty may!e. ay!e some other sources an& Ceer #/(e seen the same stu++ on iStock. #t

    kin& o+ interminle&.

    )n& you kno' Getty !ouht iStock*



    So @eer & the ,r$strations -ith @eer are limite+ an+ then not as m$ch selection. Tell

    me a(o$t @eer.

    # ust +eel like it$s a 'hole lot o+ in(entory.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 14

    Yeah # can ne(er 'e can ne(er 'e !uy t'o imaes a year +rom them.

    #$(e looke& an& 'e ha& cre&its so # looke& an& they 'ere onna !e like one in like a

    year +rom the su!scription an& # 'as like # shoul& &o'nloa& a +e' !ut # &i&n$t see thatmuch a+ter a 'hile so # +orot a!out it.

    re the% & %o$ mean %o$re talkin a(o$t these. re there an% -here the search

    process is j$st less pain,$l than others9

    Shutter Stock +or me.

    Sh$tter Stock9

    #$m oo& too.

    So ho- are %o$ $%s searchin9 )hat are %o$ act$all% inp$ttin into that search


  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 15

    um!er o+ people !ackroun&. Sometimes #$m lookin +or like !ack&rops that look like

    'inter or like summer or some thins like that so out&oor.

    )hat a(o$t the i+ea o, like the ,ilter ,or the t%pe o, lihtin that a photo miht

    ha*e9 Do %o$ e*er ,ilter (% that9

    ype o+ 'hat*

    9ay or niht.



    Da% or niht. 23SSTL78 n+ ho- common is that ,or %o$9

    Sometimes 'e ust look +or &ay an& niht an& 'e$ll &eci&e i+ &epen&in on the photo

    'e$ll &eci&e 'e$ll make it a niht shot instea& !ecause 'e$re al'ays lookin +or a speci+iclook.

    No- o, co$rse one o, the pain points that came thro$h -as o, co$rse price riht9

    So -hat +o %o$ sa% is %o$r threshol+9 Like ho- +o %o$ -eih o$t & like -hen are

    %o$ -illin to pa% a little (it more ,or somethin that ma%(e is like %o$ sai+ not

    stock=% like more a$thentic9

    hen the client has the money. ;:7SS)


    ell 'e ha& to use a cele!rity in somethin so 'e ha& to pay it so an& the cele!rity$s

    aent &i&n$t i(e us anythin +or +ree so 'e ha& to search +or our o'n so that 'aspro!a!ly one o+ the most e?pensi(e thins #$(e &one in a year 'here 'e ha(e to use a

    stock imae o+ a cele!rity.

    Yeah somethin like that 'here the client has the !u&et.

    n% other sit$ations9

    he hero shot or somethin that$s oin to !e seen e(ery'here.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 16

    that$s !ecause it$s a&(ertise& o(er the cost o+ a hue campain !ut i+ it$s a small proect

    may!e it$s ust an in(itation. # &i& an in(itation +or a +inancial client an& they 'ere ust it 'as +or a ro'in e(ent ;#)9#B. #t 'as one &ay so that 'as their story. hey

    &eci&e& ho'e(er they ha& the money an& they !ouht an e?pensi(e riht$s manae&

    imae +or 3000 &ollars.

    y o&. ;:7SS) Yeah 'e ust o +or the !est 2uality you possi!ly can an& 'e

    ust 'e almost sho' the clients +irst an& then i+ they like it 'e then tell them the price.e &on/t$ !reak it &o'n.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 1D

    you 'ith &iscounts. So you automatically &epen&s on # kno' 'here(er #/m 'orkin

    some aencies automatically et "0 or 30 o++ 'hich makes a !i &i++erence.

    'o- m$ch ro%alt%=,ree *ers$s riht manae+ photos are %o$ & is it like 50/509 r

    are some o, %o$ +oin more ro%alt%=,ree9

    ore royalty-+ree almost all royalty-+ree riht no'.

    e$re ust &oin royalty-+ree.

    ine is like 0 royalty-+ree 10 riht$s manae& no'.

    Hal+ an& hal+ may!e.

    #$m hal+ #$m 50850.

    !reat so ; -ant to r$n a ne- pro+$ct (% %o$. 'o- man% o, %o$ $se Flickr9 )hat

    are %o$ $sin Flickr ,or9

    y o'n personal imaes !uyin imaes (ie'in my +rien&$s imaes.

    Does an%(o+% $se Flickr as a so$rce j$st to & ,or an% o, the projects9

    Yeah +or sure.


    Yo$ are $sin it as a so$rce9

    Yeah. # mean 'hen 'e like # sai& #/ll o to Getty an& speci+ically turn on the Flickr so #

    can see 'hich ones are purchase-a!le # uess an& then et them +rom there. e ha(eactually reache& out to the photoraphers on Flickr an& sai& hey 'e$(e seen your 'ork.

    :an 'e are you open to sellin these or 'hate(er !e+ore e(en !e+ore Getty 'as ha& a

    connection 'ith them. So 'e$(e !een usin Flickr +or a lon time. e use it as acompany. e put our o'n 'ork on it. e ha(e our o'n company site on Flickr so 'e$re

    pretty !i +ans o+ it.

    ho o'ns Flickr no'*

    Yeah 'ho* ;:7SS)

    So -hat ;m oin to talk to %o$ a(o$t is Flickr is thinkin o, o,,erin a license+

    photoraph% photo stock site an+ the% -ant to et %o$r take on some o, the & -e

    ha*e some mocke+ $p imaes o, ho- the pro+$ct -o$l+ look ho- it -o$l+ ,eel

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 1E

    $sin it. n+ some more mock=$ps. So lets start o,, an+ ; can et %o$ $%s (ack $p.

    ; ot %o$ sittin 2;NAD;#LB8. ;m sorr% ; ,orot to sa%. 3an %o$ ra( a notepa+

    an+ a pencil9 #eca$se -hat ; -ant %o$ to +o is -ere onna talk a(o$t each one ($t

    (e,ore -e +o ; -ant %o$ to -rite +o-n j$st %o$r initial tho$hts that come to %o$r

    hea+ (e,ore -e talk a(o$t it as a ro$p. Lets start here. So this -o$l+ (e the paethat %o$ -o$l+ see & the ,ramin pae. So this -o$l+ (e the ,irst pae %o$ -o$l+ see

    comin to the site. 23SSTL78

    %ther or or this one +irst*

    hat &o 'e 'rite aain*

    So ;>m onna talk thro$h it an+ then %o$ can -rite. So $p here -o$l+ (e %o$r

    pro,ile %o$r loin. Yo$ -o$l+ ha*e a thin calle+ a like (o

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 1

    # like& it a lot. # think that it$& !e kin& o+ interestin i+ # to start 'ith that like trypopular themes an& #$& o in that 'ay an& then i+ # coul&n$t +in& in that area 'hat # nee&e&

    then # 'oul& narro' &o'n the search +or my o! an& # like the tren&in. #t$s kin& o+ a

    couple& option +or popular themes !ecause #$& pro!a!ly ha(e a theme in my hea& !e+ore #'ent to the e! site any'ay so then #$& may!e o to that popular area.

    So %o$+ ,in+ this to (e ma%(e more help,$l than j$st oin to the clean search9

    # mean # think yeah # think # 'oul& try it. # 'oul& o there +irst. #+ that then &i&n$t i(e

    me 'hat # nee&e& # 'oul& try it. )n& then # miht narro' &o'n the search an& o !ackan& ust &o it that 'ay. But # think the popular themes i+ they poppe& up in color that

    'oul& !e +or my enre it$& !e a oo& option.

    # think +or me !ecause o+ the time crunch all the time # ust nee& to kno' 'here the

    search !utton is.

    So %o$ look j$st ,or that9

    Yeah # &i& think i+ # ha(e time #$ll o &o'n there !ut #$m al'ays in time crunch.

    So -hat a(o$t this i+ea o, tren+in collections -here it co$l+ (e some c$rator that

    %o$ ma%(e like. )o$l+ that ha*e an% in,l$ence o, startin here *ers$s search9

    sually you$re kin& o+ #$m lookin +or a speci+ic imae type +or a certain somethin sothat$s

    hat$s like a !onus. hat looks like %tsy or interest to me 'hich # like !ut i+ # 'ante& a;#)9#B #$ll !e like #$ll !e there !ut i+ # 'ante& some like imaes +or a client then

    #$m ust onna o up there.

    Yeah an& also on some other sites it$s really har& to +in& the search section.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "0

    Yes an+ & -ell -e ha*e mock=$ps o, ho- that -o$l+ ,eel ($t %es %o$ can +o that.

    # email my like !o?es all the time.

    # like that it$s ot the search an& inspiration an& their Shutter Stock has inspiration areas.

    hey$re not pro!a!ly as intense an& their curation is pro!a!ly more truste& # 'oul& say

    throuh Flickr. # &on$t kno' 'ho$s &oin the curatin at Shutter Stock !ut # 'oul&n$t trustthem so at least at Flickr # kno' i+ # ha(e the taste le(els up !ecause i+ they$re oin out

    to the community an& the community # kno' at Flickr is stron into photoraphy so #

    'oul& # 'oul& &e+initely use a search more !ut # 'oul& &e+initely check out thecuration. #+ #/m startin a proect #$m lookin +or inspiration # 'oul& o to the tren&in

    +or sure. # &on$t kno' i+ # 'oul& 'in& up # mean it miht s'ay me to'ar&s somethin

    !ut i+ #$m lookin +or somethin speci+ic o!(iously #$m up in the search a lot more o+ten.

    he one thin # 'orry a!out the curation is # &on$t kno' i+ this coul& happen or not !ut

    i+ people are pushin imaes so many people see them an& all o+ the su&&en that imae is!ein purchase& !y so many people an& all o+ the su&&en you$re like you ust !ouht it

    +or a client an& ne?t thin you kno' their competitor has the same imae. You$re like'ell it 'as tren&in on Flickr last 'eek so no' 'e$re seein it e(ery'here.

    hat 'as on my list. So 'oul& e?clusi(e licensin !e a(aila!le i+ you ha& 'hoe(er i+you ha& a proect i+ you ha& a client that 'ante& it like e?clusi(ely 'oul& that !e an

    option* Because that 'as e?actly 'hat # 'as thinkin. )n& then there$s no point.

    n+ -here +oes %o$r $estion o, that come $p9 )as it ,rom some &9

    #t 'as ust a nee&. #t 'as the same thin. # 'as thinkin 'ell i+ there$s a million peopleon here an& they like a particular curator$s 'ork an& that photo !ecomes popular an& thenit or somethin in the popular theme& area !ecomes popular that means a ton o+ people

    are usin it alrea&y so it$s out there.

    You coul& start seein e! sites i+ people are &oin e! &esin.

    7r it pops up in interest.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "1

    an& it$s a totally uly site $cause # &o lo(e Ceer an& # 'ish # coul& use it more. hey sen&

    me all these cool thins like they ust spen& a lot o+ &etail an& their imaes are oreous!ut # ust can$t use them. So there$s a part o+ me that appreciates the artistic aspect o+ it

    an& the 'ay it$s so !eauti+ul !ut this to me # &on$t think # it$s like a little too much +or

    me like interest. #$m starte& an account an& &iscar&e& it !ecause # 'as like 'hy am #&oin this*

    Yeah # think the inspiration area is more +or the &esiners an& art &irectors. But +or likeart !uyers an& pro&uction people 'e ust 'ant to search. But sometimes art &irectors

    ha(e like they can$t come up 'ith i&eas so that miht help.

    So ; ha*e another thin that ; j$st -ant to et %o$r take on. So these collections

    co$l+ (e thro$h ,ree $ali,%in c$rators or (% lettin the comm$nit% rank them

    ,rom like ,ollo-s. )hat +o %o$ think o, those t-o +i,,erent anles9 ;s there one that

    %o$ pre,er9 So ones thro$h the comm$nit% an+ ones thro$h pre &.

    # think # 'oul& say pre-2uali+ie& !ecause artists ha(e a certain criteria 'hen they$re &oin

    stu++ (ersus ust the eneral pu!lic.

    # coul& see openin it !ut # 'oul& let us the user kno' 'hich is 'hich. #$& 'ant like

    may!e there$s may!e that$s !roken into t'o kin& o+ top ro' is the curate& an& the!ottom is like community +a(orites or somethin like that. @ust so you kno' Flickr is

    payin someone to curate 100 photos. Hope+ully they 'ent to someone 'ho$s truste&.

    You can kin& o+ o there (ersus like the community like 'hat$s tren&in !i riht no'


    Yeah curators the appro(e& curators 'oul& ha(e like the e?perience.

    Yeah art !ackroun&.


    # &on$t min& !ein open to !oth. # ust 'oul& 'ant to kno' to o to one section or not.


    ; hear people sa% %eah. )o$l+ that (e ,$n j$st so %o$ kno- the +i,,erence9


    !reat so lets sho- %o$ no- -hat the each -o$l+ look like. So this -o$l+ (e the

    a+*ance+ search. So %o$ -o$l+ o in & ; ha*e t-o o, these here so that -a% %o$ can

    ma%(e see this a little closer here. Yo$ -o$l+ o in an+ then (ase+ on that initial

    search then ,ilter it +o-n. So %o$ ha*e the option o, co$rse ,ilterin (% photos

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers ""

    *i+eos ill$strations +i,,erent t%pes o, orientations like lan+scape portrait (% price

    & %o$ can ,ilter (% price sie e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "3

    #t$s yeah may!e put like 'hite space !et'een all o+ them. hat miht help.

    )ell ; ha*e a *i+eo ; -ant to sho- %o$ o, the search so ; +ont kno- i, %o$ -ant to

    come o*er & o, the search.

    9o you kno' i+ they$re thinkin o+ ha(in like roll-o(er like the imae 'oul& e?pan& i+

    you rolle& o(er it* ;:7SS) ll et o$t

    o, the -a%.

    #t$s a soun&track*

    2@;DB PLYS8 ;m oin to sho- it aain an+ ;ll kin+ o, talk %o$ thro$h.

    # sa' an option +or sortin !y 2uality an& location so that$s oo&.


    hat helps.

    Let me sho- %o$ aain. 2@;DB PLYS8

    hat$s oin on there e?actly*

    Photo selections an+ then here -here the ,ilters start. ;t -o$l+ (e (% color. Yo$

    co$l+ ha*e 2;NAD;#LB8.

    # like that sort o+ like ;#)9#B. ;:7SS)

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "4

    he community part o+ it is that is it connecte& !ack to Flickr* You can share*

    Yeah the Flickr comm$nit%. ;t -o$l+ (e the Flickr Stock comm$nit%.


    So -hat +i+ %o$ think a(o$t that o*erall process j$st seein that *i+eo -hat -as

    %o$r take9

    Cery animate&.

    Gi(e me more o+ than ust this.

    #t$s animate&.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "5

    et %o$r & sa% %o$re searchin ,or (ikin (% the sea. n this pae %o$ -o$l+ see the

    +i,,erent prices ,or each t%pe o, & i, %o$ -ere ettin small me+i$m or lare. Yo$

    -o$l+ see the photoraphers pro,ile so %o$ co$l+ click an+ then see an e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "6

    an& this stea&y in &i++erent (ie's an& you coul& see all those at one time like really

    Getty &oes that. Getty 'ill &o

    9i++erent anles.

    Yeah like ;:7SS).

    ot the same imae.

    Yeah $cause it seems like no' you pro!a!ly ha(e to o to the photorapher$s thin an&

    then +in& that imae aain an& then see 'hat else 'as taken at that time or so i+ theycan !unch those toether i+ they$re all +or sale at least.

    So instea+ o, ha*in %o$ click on the photoraphers site %o$ -o$l+ like to see it

    ma%(e on this9


    ) &i++erent anle to that one +rame $cause 'e ha(e a &i++erent eye than the close.

    ell an& sometimes 'e nee& three imaes o+ the same person an& the same thin. Butco++ee in han& han&s on the computer 'hate(er it is. #+ there$s &i++erent shots sometimes

    you 'ant to !uy all three.

    So %o$ co$l+ share this thro$h an% social sharin o, co$rse email as -ell an+ %o$

    co$l+ also sa*e it to the like (o

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "D

    'ith any o+ the 'atermark issues an& # pre+er that.

    ne thin the% +i+ -ith the other ro$p is j$st a little con,ession. 'a*e %o$ e*er

    $se+ an imae that -asnt -atermarke+ -itho$t ($%in it j$st ,or a certain project

    i, %o$re in a time cr$nch9

    o !ut # photo-shoppe& out the 'atermark to use in a presentation. ;:7SS) Yeah

    'e &i&n$t sell that imae !ut yeah !ut #/(e ne(er stolen photoraphy.


    #$m not in a place 'here # ha(e to.

    #t$s not 'orth it.

    So lets see no- the pro,ile pae. This -o$l+ (e -hat the photoraphers pro,ile &23SSTL78.

    hat$s 7=. You ot us &o'n here. e$re all +ocuse&.

    So this -o$l+ (e the pro,ile pae riht so this -o$l+ incl$+e the photoraphers

    -ork an+ ma%(e a main piece here all his +i,,erent pict$res an+ a snapshot o, -hat

    his skills or e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "E

    my client. #+ # 'ant to look at his personal pae an& see all his ihone shots that # can$t

    use that$s +ine !ut # 'ant to kno' that these, one they$re e(eryone in the photo is a like a sine& mo&el contracts to they$re hih enouh resolution an& yeah.

    23SSTL78 as lon as theres a ,ilter & so i, there are p$(lic imaes in this paeit -o$l+ (e 7 i, theres a ,ilter.

    )s lon as you can turn it on an& o++ it$s +ine $cause sometimes


    # ust 'ant to see the ones you can purchase.

    Yeah $cause that i+ you &eci&e& to o on this site really that$s $cause you$(e ot some

    time on your han&s. ;:7SS) !ut typically it soun&s like most o+ us are 'orkin in

    an en(ironment that$s &ea&line &ri(en an& 'e also ha(e se(eral proects on our plate sothat kin& o+ time is usually a lu?ury so it 'oul& !e +un i+ you can !ut yeah like you sai&

    ust an option 'oul& !e reat.

    # 'oul& email mysel+ like his or her name to o !ack an& look at it on personal time.

    Like at a later +ate9

    Yeah !ut yeah 'hen #$m !uyin # 'ant to narro' it &o'n 2uickly.

    #s there a 'ay to +a(orite this person like may!e their pro+ile* ;:7SS)

    Yeah +ollo' them in your account like the like !o?*

    )n& +ollo'.

    Yeah like +ollo'. hat$s cool. hat$s a oo& 'ay to &o it.

    Yo$ see that ,ollo-9


    # like the look.

    Because it !ecomes like a ne's setup +or you.

    Yeah # actually et a lot o+ email !lasts +rom commercial photoraphers an& the ones that

    # like # sort o+ +ile in my email so # can al'ays o !ack to them.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers "

    No- ; -ant to sho- %o$ this -hole i+ea o, a like (o< -hich %o$ $%s seem to kno- a

    lot a(o$t. So the like (o< & there are more ro$h mocks. Yo$ can sit (ack +o-n ($t

    %o$ can see here this -o$l+ (e %o$r a+*ance+ search an+ %o$ -o$l+ (e lookin at

    all %o$r search res$lts an+ %o$ -o$l+ (e a(le to p$t the photo into %o$r like (o< so

    %o$ co$l+ create a ne- one. Yo$ co$l+ p$t it into one o, the ones %o$ alrea+% ha*esa*e+ in another project. Yeah an+ then %o$ co$l+ +o this -itho$t loin in. ;, %o$

    loe+ in it -o$l+ ens$re that all %o$r photos are sa*e+ ($t thro$h the cookies o,

    the & as lon as %o$re on the same (ro-ser %o$ co$l+ & like lets sa% %o$re j$st ne-

    to Flickr Stock an+ %o$ -ant to start sa*in thins to %o$r like (o

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 30

    (o< -o$l+ %o$ -ant a certain pict$re to (e the main one9 The last one %o$ sa*e+9

    Your +a(orite.

    ay!e the iconic one like the &rum so may!e a (ery plain &rum or a plain uitar so that usin icons. # 'oul& &o icons 'hiche(er photo 'as more iconic.

    #t 'oul&n$t matter to me as lon as you coul& title the like !o?. #+ it 'as like searchin+or :isco or ;#)9#B # mean as lon as the name 'as up top.

    # think on interest you can click on 'hiche(er one you 'ant to !e the main one so #'oul& &o that. #$& like to select 'hich one 'as my +a(orite.

    e can share these like !o?es riht*

    Yeah. 23SSTL78

    You can email it to your team.


    hat$s the thin a!out yeah some o+ the other ones.

    ;t -o$l+ (e more e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 31

    7r like ust on one sheet o+ paper.

    $:ause 'e han e(ery sur+ace in our o++ice is manetic an& e(erythin is on the 'all at

    any i(en moment so i+ # coul& print this out an& put it ne?t to the proect an& !e like

    here$s their ;#)9#B to&ay an& !e printa!le an& may!e ha(e the photorapher$sname or ust imae num!er un&erneath it. So i+ someone else picke& up that proect they

    coul& 2uickly o an& type in that num!er they$& o riht to that imae. # mean 'e nee&

    that kin& o+ like


    ; see e*er%one shakin their hea+. So then ; -ant to sho- %o$ t-o +i,,erent ro$tes

    that %o$ co$l+ take to et to the photo stock. So one -o$l+ (e & so this -o$l+ (e

    ,irst. So %o$ kno- ho- ; sho-e+ %o$ this -hole loin pae9 )ell ; sho-e+ %o$ one

    -ith the c$rate+ collections. This one +oesnt ha*e that ($t j$st imaine %o$ co$l+

    either o +irectl% to a Flickr Stock site so this is all stock photoraph% it+ ha*e thec$rate+ collections an+ e*er%thin. r %o$ co$l+ o to an+ thro$h search some stock photoraph% alon -ith p$(lic.

    So 'ait ho' is it &i++erent*

    his is ust stock.

    This is oin ,rom Flickr to see %o$r stock photoraph%. Yo$ -o$l+ also see some o,

    the p$(lic photoraph% as -ell.

    )ll o+ Flickr.

    ;t -o$l+ (e a separate specialie+ section.

    :hurch an& state keep them separate& +or me.

    So this is Flickr this is ust like an& this is ;:7SS).


    hen # think o+ Flickr # think it$s still ust a community thin. # &i&n$t e(en kno' there

    'as a stock site. #t$s not ;#)9#B riht*

    This is a pro+$ct that -ere ettin a reaction to.

    Yeah it 'oul& o un&er the eneral so +or a&s or anythin !ut # like the separation.

    Yo$ -ant it separate9

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 3"

    #t$s so coul& you i+ you 'ent to your eneral Flickr coul& there !e like a separate linkto the # mean *

    o the license& imaes*


    There -o$l+ (e a stock link that -o$l+ connect %o$ to it9


    # think that 'ay 'e coul& an&8or ha(e like the Flickr ust the pro+essional one i+ you

    'ante& to ust o ahea& an& &o that separately. # think that coul& !e a oo& option !ut #

    +eel like i+ # am in the reular Flickr an& #$m lookin +or tons o+ &i++erent thins to !e a!le

    to may!e see somethin that is on there in the community or in some other area that #'asn$t thinkin a!out +or that pro+essional link !ut # +oun&. hen # coul& click throuh the

    reular Flickr to put it on there as 'ell.

    7r it 'oul& !e nice i+ you 'ere on Flickr +in& somethin an& then ha(e the option to &o a

    more +iltere& search throuh the license& site.

    hat$s 'hat # mean.

    #s that 'hat you meant*

    Yeah that$s e?actly 'hat # mean. # ust &i& not ;:7SS)

    Tro$h all the photoraphs license+.



    # think that$s e?actly.

    n+ also lets imaine %o$re ,ilterin e*er%thin. ll the license+ pict$res -o$l+

    ha*e like little icons to sho- the%re license+ so then %o$ -o$l+ (e ,ilterin thro$hthat.

    hat$s oo&.


  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 33

    So #/m a little con+use& !ein a consumer in this area. hat$s the &i++erence in the e!

    site name*

    This is the oriinal Flickr that %o$ see no-. ;t -o$l+ ha*e a connection to the stock.

    ;t -o$l+ ha*e -hat Flickr is riht no- like -hat imaes so %o$ sometimes re$estto ($% them thro$h like email. r imaes (ein Flickr stock specialie+ st$,,.


    Thats one name. Flickr Stock co$l+ (e &

    You 'ere ust ettin o to that an& that$s 'hat you 'ere lookin +or riht then.

    So i+ you 'ere to lo in thouh you 'oul& see a lot more*

    So the one thin thats +i,,erent is that -itho$t loin in %o$ can +o a lot -ith

    Flickr Stock ($t %o$ can still e+ (e to lo in9

    # 'oul& lo in.


    # +eel like also you sa(e !etter 'hen you$re in your o'n account. #t 'oul& ust !e sa+e +or

    your stu++ 'hen you$re loe& in.

    You use all the +eatures that # nee& like like !o? an& other ones.

    )o$l+ %o$ -ant to ha*e the like (o< on j$st Flickr.com9

    hy not*

    Yeah sure.

    # mean # 'as usin # 'as like storin stu++ like my +a(orites on Flickr ust in eneral.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 34

    # uess # mean no' that you say it 'hen you say it that 'ay consi&erin that 'e$re!uyin an imae +rom people 'ho ne(er thouht they 'oul& sell an imae there is a

    potential that she took an imae o+ the Gol&en Gate Bri&e last 'eek. She &oesn$t e(er

    think o+ sellin it !ut it/s amaAin. e 'ant it. #+ # put it in my like !o? it$s another step!ut 'e can reach out. # &on$t kno' i+ 'e$& ha(e to reach out throuh Flickr or i+ 'e$&

    ha(e to reach her &irectly !ut i+ # coul& mi? the t'o may!e.

    # think it$s a oo& option.

    # ust 'ent throuh this last 'eek an& contacte& a 'oman 'ho ha& a photo on her !loan& 'e 'ant to !uy it +or a pet care campain an& so # 'ent throuh that e?act thin an&

    +or some reason 'e coul&n$t seem to +in& the photo on any other stock site so 'e +oun&

    this on the !lo. So 'e en&e& up contactin her an& neotiatin a +ee !ut that 'as

    throuh her. )n& they$re not in it to make money so the num!er that # thre' out to them

    'as a'esome an& the client 'as a'esome. ;:7SS)

    Yeah they ne(er thouht they 'ere onna sell. )n& all o+ the su&&en they$re may!e #shoul& start sellin my o'n.

    # think like a!out the community that$s on Flickr like Flickr Stock is a ne' pro&uct.hey coul& su!mit their photos to !e elii!le +or curation so there+ore that li!rary coul&

    #s that ho' it$s ro'n* So you say please look at my account* Someone 'ill comethrouh scour throuh your account an& pull the ones that they think are elii!le to sell*

    7r ho' 'oul& a mem!er +la imaes that they 'ant to put into Flickr stock*

    The% -o$l+ s$(mit them ,or c$ration.


    For Getty someho' that you coul& sell your imaes throuh it.

    #t is.

    Yeah. ;:7SS)

    #t 'as some kin& o+ option.

    #$t this -o$l+ (e speci,ic to Flickr.


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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 35

    # think my o'n concern !uyin imaes +rom the community is like i+ there$s a person in

    it 'e nee& to et permission that 'e can use that person like in a !i !ill!oar& that$snation'i&e an& i+ they see it an& they o # ne(er 'ante& my picture all o(er the nation. #

    &i&n$t you ha(e to !e care+ul a!out that.

    ell the o'ner ;:7SS).

    n+ then it is also cleare+ that it is & 23SSTL78.

    # mean you uys 'oul& clear it riht*

    ell the photorapher is suppose& to.

    The license+ imaes -o$l+ (e cleare+ ($t not the comm$nit% photos.

    23SSTL78 The p$(lic photos that arent license=a(le ($t an% license=a(le

    photo -o$l+ (e cleare+.

    #+ # +oun& somethin on the community Flickr account.

    hat$s pu!lic.

    hen # ust ha(e to contact that person &irectly riht.

    hich is 'hat you$& &o no'.

    Yeah it$s 'hat 'e &o no'. #t$s a lot o+ 'ork 'hen you &o that.

    #$(e actually &one that an& 'e ot in trou!le !ecause it 'asn$t clear an& then some!o&yuse& it an& then they chare& us more so #$m not really a !i +an o+ ha(in it mi?e&. #

    pre+er it ust to !e separate an& i+ it$s +or sale then that$s 'hat # 'ant to 'ork at.

    So %o$ -o$l+ like (oth to (e separate9

    Yeah # 'oul& ust !ecause #$(e !een throuh that.

    )hat +o %o$ think o, the ,ilter & the stock *ers$s p$(lic9

    #$m sometimes # +eel like 'hen # ha(e too many options it$s not a oo& thin. # &on$t'ant to # &on$t 'ant e(erythin ust $cause it$s con(enient. # et # o craAy. #t$s ust

    like # kno' 'hat # 'ant. # 'ant it to !e easy !ut i+ it &oesn$t 'ork out then #$ll o out on

    my o'n to the reular Flickr site an& &o 'hat # &i& last time !ut # &i&n$t 'ant that option.

    Yeah 'e ha& a situation 'here our client +oun& a photo they really like& on a e! site

    that ha& nothin to &o 'ith them an& so 'e ha& to 'ork !ack'ar&s an& +in& out 'ho

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 36

    o'ne& the photo an& 'ho$s the person. #t$s a lot o+ 'ork to &o that to clear it on your o'n

    an& you &on$t ha(e that time yeah.

    )ell lets take a seat (ack +o-n no-. ; j$st -ant to et %o$r o*erall take. This is a

    theme on a +i,,erent mock=$p. 'o- +i,,erent +oes this ,eel ,rom the other sites%o$re $sin & this i+ea o, Flickr Stock9

    Similar in 'ays. here$s some ne' thins that are interestin.

    )hat are some o, the ne- thins that are interestin9

    he search seems a little more creati(e. You kno' the # kno' some sites ha(e search !y

    color an& # &on/t$ kno' i+ #$& seen su!ect !e+ore !ut the last (ie'e& is kin& o+ interestin.

    # &on$t kno' i+ #$& use that !ut ust it$s kin& o+ out o+ the !o? thinkin a little !it 'hich is

    interestin. hich is 'hat # think o+ Flickr. # think o+ Flickr as the alternati(e to

    tra&itional stock so it kin& o+ oes alon 'ith the !ran& in my min&.

    # think # et more o+ an artsy +eelin +rom it 'hich # assume they$re tryin to con(ey !utthat$s 'hich is not a !a& thin $cause in most cases # think most people are tire& o+ the

    usual stock +eelin that you$re ettin +rom the tra&itional stock sites so this seems as

    thouh it miht i(e you some other options.

    #+ you ha& another resource.

    )hat a(o$t it seems like that9 )hat i*es %o$ the ,eelin o, +i,,erent stock9

    he !lack. For me the :or!is is the !lack look an& most o+ them # think are 'hite sites.So :or!is stan&s out to me in that 'ay !ut it$s ust still (ery !o?y an& horsey an& ust notas eleantly &one as this one. here$s &e+initely that artistic +eel an& that 'hole lasso-in.

    hat can only 'ork 'hen the imaes are nicer $cause i+ you think a!out some o+ the

    imaes you see on iStock like # 'oul&n$t 'ant to see all those um!le& toether in that #&on$t kno'.

    !oin (ack ; j$st -ant to hear & %o$ sai+ it ,elt like not stock% or +i,,erent.

    #t +elt less like it yeah an& # think that that is in lare part &ue to the +act that the

    resources +or most o+ those imaes are comin +rom the community. So an& there$s a lot

    # mean no' it ust &epen&s. # mean #$m pro an& con on Flickr an& mostly it$s ust +roma practical stan&point 'hich is # can$t al'ays use one o+ those imaes +rom someone$s

    ihone to pro&uce a lare +ormat piece !ut the +act is there$s a lot o+ commercial

    photoraphers no' that ha(e their 'ork up there an& there$s some oo& thins on therean& &e+initely outsi&e o+ our normal resource so # think it coul& !e (alua!le.

    Yeah #$(e seen a lot o+ like art an& illustration an& like &i++erent kin& o+ art pieces that

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 3D

    you 'oul&n$t see in other like stock sites. hey$re more unusual or more creati(e a lot

    more &i++erent so that$s another reason 'hy # like Flickr a lot.

    # think 'hen you look at somethin like Shutter Stock an& Ceer or some o+ those (ery

    tra&itional stock sites e(erythin$s so stae&. 7ne thin oo& a!out Flickr it$s (eryoranic. #t$s (ery can&i& the photoraphs. # mean they miht not !e in the !est lihtin.

    hat$s the only thin !ut they$re (ery can&i& an& oranic an& natural.

    hose ;#)9#B.

    hat$s a !i tren& that$s a tren& no' too.

    )n& # &o like more oranic.

    hat oranic +eelin. ;:7SS) So it helps 'ith that. ;:7SS)

    hat$s (ery yeah so you$re riht.

    #t$s a total !acklash +rom Getty 'hich e(erythin is riht 'here it !elons. #t$s !een

    &irecte& to to tenth &eree. y e&itors 'oul& !e all o(er this. e 'oul& use this


    Yeah m% ne

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 3E

    Yeah the pu!lic (ersus that. ;:7SS)

    hat$s most important*

    # think +or me it$& !e ;:7SS).

    hat$s important not most important !ut it$s important.

    hotos you &isco(er !y color !lack an& 'hite* You yeah # 'ant # nee& a !lue imae

    or mostly !lue colorin or this nee&s to !e a !lack an& 'hite imae.

    e shoul& o throuh the 'hole thin. ;:7SS)

    his is no !i &eal. ;:7SS)

    #$(e use& that.

    Yeah #$(e use& it too !ut # +eel like it$s not 'hat #$m oin +or all the time an& sometimes#$ll re+erence that so # 'ant it to !e there !ut it &oesn$t ha(e to !e at the top.

    ell only $cause # access an& re-&o'nloa&. ;:7SS)

    e$re &one.

    e$re &one as 'ell.

    So -hat ; -as thinkin is ma%(e each team can present to the other an+ %o$ can letme kno- i, some thins are reall% +i,,erent. So lets ha*e &

    e can start. So 'e ust kin& o+ ranke& it +rom top to !ottom an& it$s loose !ut it

    &e+initely has a priority to it. )!ility to search +or license& photos only 'as pretty hih+ilter !et'een photos (i&eos an& illustrations 'as pretty hih. )!ility to easily re2uest a

    license or non-license& or to license a non-licensa!le photo (ia email 'e thouht 'as

    pretty oo&.

    Yeah tell me more a(o$t that. So -h% is that so & 9

    ell 'e ust like the i&ea o+ kin& o+ 'hat # 'as ettin to earlier like someone 'ho$smay!e really into photoraphy !ut ne(er thouht o+ actually sellin their photos. So i+

    there$s a 'ay to say look you miht not think anyone 'oul& e(er !uy your imae !ut that

    shot o+ 'hate(er is amaAin. :an 'e et it* e 'ant to !e a!le to access that person'ithout trackin &o'n their phone num!er &oin Goole searches +or them.

    7r oin on the e! sites an& &oin more

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 3

    Yeah it$s like Flickr 'ill !e the mi&&le-man +or that that$& !e reat. e 'ere a littlecon+use& !ut 'e thouht this 'as important, a!ility to &o one-click shoppin so that you

    &on$t ha(e to +ill in a cre&it car& each time. So is that like ha(in an account*

    Yeah itll sa*e %o$r cre+it car+. 23SSTL78 -hate*er %o$ ha*e so that -a%

    %o$re not enterin it e*er% time.

    o you still ha(e to pay 'ith a cre&it car& thouh. You can$t set up an account an& et

    in(oice&. hat$s not an option*

    )o$l+ %o$ -ant it to (e an option9


    Yeah. ;:7SS)

    hen you$re !uyin (olume constantly an& there$s more than one purchaser as 'ell $cause o+tentimes there$s more than one purchaser you nee& to ha(e an account !ecause

    it$s ust yeah.


    ell # mean i+ the prices are so lo' that # mean

    hen you can !uy in !ulk.

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 40


    # &i& it to&ay +or one o+ my colleaues. She 'as like my o&. You &o'nloa&e& it last

    'eek. # can$t +in& it on the ser(er. #$m like that$s +ine. # et it. So that$s oo&. hen they

    ha(e like mi&&le an& lo'.

    Yeah 'e ha& a 'hole !unch that 'e

    Lets talk a(o$t the lo-.

    e ust assume& that these 'ere like eneral search that ust 'e assume& 'oul& !ein(ol(e&. hotos to !e &isco(ere& !y ae !y race !y en&er. e ust thouht this.

    So those are j$st like e

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 41

    Yeah like really important an& then in the mi&&le an& 'hat 'e 'oul& kin& o+ +iure 'asthere.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 4"

    7urs 'as lo' +or us !ecause 'ell at least 'e +eel like 'e$re al'ays ust +or the !est

    imae an& then &eal 'ith the price issue later.

    # 'ill 'ork 'ith the &esiner.

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 43

    sini+icant that it$s not onna it$s not onna !e a pro!lem so !uy the !iest one.

    hat a!out the e?ten&e& li+e license to purchase* So this means that you can like i+

    you$re &oin a loner press run that you$re onna ha(e more impressions that you et

    a&&e& leal protection.

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 44

    So no one else can et it*

    So is that uaranteein e?clusi(ity* ;:7SS)

    You shoul& actually i+ you coul& &o that an& actually ha(e a license areement set upthat it is e?clusi(e to that client an& to that company or to your company.

    )n& it can$t !e use& +or +i(e years or somethin like that.

    Yeah +or a certain amount o+ time then that 'oul& !e 'orth it an& then 'ho cares a!out

    anythin else*

    But there are # mean # &on$t kno' 'hat the leal 'hen 'e see it no' it$s like i+ it$s

    o(er 50000 print run or somethin it$s onna cost you. # mean # &on$t kno' 'hat that

    Thats part o, the & %eah thats part o, the &

    art o+ the licensin areement so # &on$t kno'. # mean either it$s there or it$s not. # mean #&on$t kno' i+ that$s protectin the photorapher.

    Yeah protection ,or the photorapher protection ,or %o$.

    iht yeah.

    'o- m$ch time +o %o$ spen+ tr%in to keep on top o, all the terms o, all the

    pict$res that %o$re & the photos that %o$re ($%in9 'o- are %o$ han+lin that or

    manain that9

    ormally Getty 'ill sen& you a note that your usae is e?pirin.

    hey all &o yeah. :or!is &oes it. # ust ot an email a +e' 'eeks ao at my last +reelanceo! an& they$re like your imae num!er your license is a!out to e?pire. oul& you like

    to rene'* )n& 'e &i& actually nee& to rene' !ut 'e only nee&e& to e?ten& one portion

    $cause # ha& license& it a year ao +or online an& print an& 'e ust nee&e& to e?ten& itonly +or online. So those kin&s o+ thins !ut there$s no 'ay that # &on$t think any!o&y

    here 'oul& e(er !e a!le to track. You can$t.

    ;m thinkin %o$re ($%in so man% photos.

    You can$t there$s no 'ay.


    But the pro&ucts #$m &oin riht no' only last +or a 2uarter o+ the year. #t &oesn$t o

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 45

    really more than a year. #t use& to !e 'hen # 'orke& in another company that 'as

    househol& oo&s 'e ha& to !uy that three up to three years. Yeah $cause riht no' #$m&oin more short ones so # &on$t ha(e to 'orry a!out that.

    e ha(e lon-term stu++. e$(e !een !uyin imaes +or e(eryone un&er the sun an& they&on$t pay attention an& once they et it they lo(e it. )n& it$s a company o+ 30000 people

    an& it starts sprea&in an& ne?t thin it$s like t'o years later they still ha(e it.

    Yeah it sho's up on like internal.

    # mean # nee& their internal marketin team to police that. # mean 'e$re not responsi!le!ut it &oes ha(e 'hen Getty o+ course is sayin these you !ouht these a year ao.

    he license is comin up. )ll # &o is +or'ar& that riht to their team an& say hey uys

    &on$t +oret. You pai& +or a year. )re they still out there* 9o you 'ant to phase them out*

    But 'e$re not policin that.

    # &on$t yeah so ust a remin&er email # think is su++icient. So i+ that can !e enerate&

    +rom the Flickr site.

    iht co(er the !ases.

    hat shoul& &o the trick.

    So ; ha*e some +i,,erent & -ere %o$ oin to a++ somethin a(o$t that9

    o # sai& that 'oul& !e oo&.

    That -o$l+ (e oo+ too.

    Yeah an& also 'hen #$m !uyin stock # ne(er !uy the e?ten&e& license.

    Yo$ +ont9


    n+ ho- come9

    e ne(er nee& it that$s 'hy.

    You usually kno' typically up +ront 'hat ho' lon you$re onna nee& somethin +or


    Yeah !ut a lot o+ the royalty-+ree it$s like unlimite& use any'ay !ut # &on$t .

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 46

    Yeah royalty-+ree you &on$t nee& to 'orry. #t$s ust a rihts manae& imae.

    Yeah so ; ha*e some more +i,,erent points a(o$t price -hen %o$re p$rchasin

    imae an+ ; j$st -ant to hear ,rom %o$ -hich ones %o$ ,eel & an+ that same acti*it%

    j$st there -here %o$ ha+ the top thins on top some o, the some-hat important an+the least. a%(e -e co$l+ sort these so -e ha*e? kno- ho- man% times others ha*e

    p$rchase+ the imae kno-in the price ahea+ o, time not ha*in to -orr% a(o$t


  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 4D

    7no-in ho- man% times other people ha*e p$rchase+9


    hat$s mi&&le +or me.

    Yeah #$& say mi&&le. # like it !ut it$s mi&&le.

    )hat a(o$t this & a(ilit% to enter %o$r cre+it car+ ,or pa%ments9

    hat$s on the lo'.

    n+ kno-in price ahea+ o, time9

    # &on$t un&erstan& that one.

    That means like -hile %o$re searchin %o$ll kno- the price so %o$ +ont ha*e to

    -ait till & 23SSTL78

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    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 4

    # think 'e 'ere sayin can&i&.




    Yeah !ut my only concern the lihtin my not !e oo&.


    )hat is that ,eelin o, oranic that %o$ -ere e

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 50

    hat$s ust yeah # mean it$s a har& one !ut it$& !e nice to toy 'ith that ust so like Getty

    'as al'ays +or sale so you &on$t ha(e to say stock !ut they &e+ine stock to me so Gettyimaes is +ine. #+ you sai& Flickr imaes # 'oul&n$t kno' the &i++erence !et'een

    tra&itional Flickr an& so it nee&s there nee&s to !e a 'or& that$s commerce relate& that

    you kno' you can purchase them !ut stock$s kin& o+ a &irty 'or&.

    Yeah. ;:7SS)

    hat$s 'hat # thouht o+ 'hen you sai& pro+essional. hat 'oul& !e con+usin.


    # use& to ha(e a Flickr pro!lem.

    ell ro is a oo& name yeah. )lso content 'as !i 'or& t'o years ao # think or three

    years ao.

    Flickr 3ontent9

    # &on$t kno'.

    )n& there$s a 'hole $nother +ocus roup riht here.

    7eep thinkin. ;, somethin pops in %o$r min+ -ell +isc$ss it.


    Stock &oes yeah.

    hey nee& to market it too in the riht 'ay to pro+essionals.

    he photoraphers 'oul& pro!a!ly nee& to ha(e really oo& ;:7SS).

    'ello thank %o$ all ,or comin. ;m Tom ,rom Flickr. Yo$re all o(*io$sl% *er% -ell

    2;NAD;#LB8 -ith this ($siness. So ho- a(o$t non=stock or $nstock9

    here 'as a non-stock company.

    Yeah non-stock.

    # &on/t kno'.

    )e str$le -ith it ca$se its & %o$re all +ealin -ith the same iss$es ($t %o$ ha*e

    to also & especiall% ,or separate sites. )h% -o$l+ %o$ o to one *ers$s the other9 ;,

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 51

    thats o$r (iest pro(lem thatll (e oo+. So it so$n+s like %o$ all kno- a(o$t

    Flickr an+ ha*e a ,airl% positi*e *ie- o, it. $r oal is onna (e to make s$re o$r

    photoraphers in the comm$nit% o$t there all like -hat -ere +oin an+ think its a

    positi*e thin. ; +i+nt reall% ha*e a lot o, $estions toniht ($t ; tho$ht ma%(e %o$

    -o$l+ ,or me. ;*e (een in the in+$str% ,or a lon time & another pain to o thro$h.)ere not onna +o an%thin thats rihts manae+ (% the -a%. ;tll all (e ro%alt%=



    ell then the license& shoul& !e a moot point !ecause you !uy it an& you o'n it.

    lot o, the people search stock an+ -e see thats kin+ o, a thin that the% et to et

    photoraphers com,orta(le ; think. Photoraphers are lookin at that (ill(oar+


  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 5"

    # &o $cause # yeah #$m a !uyer an& a photorapher.

    Yeah $cause e(en the commercial photoraphers $cause # use& to 'ork 'ith a lot o+

    commercial photoraphers they sai& that the stock photoraphy in&ustry really chane&

    their in&ustry. So # think yeah # mean it$& !e !etter to pay them a little !it yeah o+course pay them more yeah.

    ell you et more people 'illin to take the time to &o it. # mean i+ you$re onna et thereally oo& people 'ho are like +or 30 !ucks is it 'orth my time* #s it E0 !ucks* ay!e

    #$ll &o it. You/re riht there are onna et a !etter community o+ !etter selection o+

    imaes !y payin !etter.

    n+ ho- are -e onna et %o$r attention9 Yo$*e ot a lot o, choices riht no-.

    )h% -o$l+ %o$ come *isit o$r site9 )hat are the ke% thins9 ;s it the search tool

    %o$ sa- at the last t-o %o$ kin+ o, $n+erstoo+ ho- that -orke+ an+ it helpe+ %o$9

    #t$s onna !e the selection o+ the imaes at the en& o+ the &ay is it !etter more not

    necessarily more !ut hiher 2uality an& ust that$s it.

    ay!e it$s ust more a rane o+ imaes an& not so limitin $cause some o+ the imaes that

    # keep +in&in is like the same shit aain an& aain.

    hey call it re-syn&ication.

    %(erythin you see all looks the same.

    Yeah may!e oranic is a oo& one 'here you kno' you 'anna et more natural shots somethin that you can/t +in&

    ore nat$ral lihtin.

    )uthentic is a oo& 'or&.


    Yeah that$s a oo& 'or&.

    re an% o, %o$ $sin the ;nstaram imaes in %o$r -ork9

    Yes. ;:7SS) hat$s that*

    #eca$se %o$r client aske+ ,or it or (eca$se %o$ -ant to +o somethin thats


  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 53

    # sol& my o'n #nstaram imaes to clients. #$(e purchase& #nstaram imaes +rom people

    an& 'e$(e +oun& photoraphers throuh #nstaram as 'ell.

    # use Hola imaes in my 'ork !ecause # ha(e Hola so that$s pre-#nstaram.

    Yeah !ut # mean # ha(e plenty o+ +rien&s 'ho are ettin sent out on o!s !i o!s,

    oyota 'hate(er ust cheat 'ith their ihone no'. #t$s ust part o+ the in&ustry. #t$s that

    it$s merin.

    So -e sho$l+ ,oc$s on that ($t -e sho$l+nt precl$+e.

    o # mean it$s har& !ecause like 'e sai& 'e al'ays 'ant to !uy the !iest imae

    possi!le so you +in& that reat ihone shot an& then you$re like that$s the small one. e$re

    limite& here. You ha(e to e?press that to your client. his is only +or this siAe.

    #t$s only online.

    )n& you/re not onna o to a tra&e sho' 'ith this imae !ut it miht !e the !est imae inthat selection !ut they miht only !e lookin +or a little tiny thin !ut it$s har& to turn

    &o'n the num!er o+ imaes !ein create& !y ihone to&ay. #t$s astronomical.

    n+ -ere tr%in to ,i$re o$t ho- to (est connect & a lot o, thins -e*e hear+ the

    imae (reaks are a compan%s ,oe its a 2;NAD;#LB8 shot. The%re all +oin this &

    the%re tr%in to recr$it people (% sen+in o$t (rie,s or notices that %o$ et on %o$r

    iPhone. 'e% -ere lookin ,or a photo can %o$ locate it an+ all that9 #$t -ere

    thinkin -hat -e*e hear+ is a lot o, photoraphers act$all% ha*e a lot o,

    2;NAD;#LB8 alrea+%. The% j$st +ont kno-. The% ha*ent p$t it $p there so -ei*e them a noti,ication. Yo$ can o (ack prett% $ickl%. )e like this st%le & an+

    thats -hat -ere tr%in to o a,ter -ith the c$ration thin & ettin sort o,

    comm$nit% c$ration. )e looke+ at ho- e#a% an+ Bts% people are & ha*e ot this

    h$e ro$p o, st$,,. Yo$ o in there an+ its o*er-helmin an+ its *er% s$(jecti*e.

    Yo$re +oin searches. ;ts the same pro(lem -e ha*e an+ %o$re all talkin a(o$t &

    -hats reat to hear is %o$re on a mission. Yo$ kno- -hat %o$ -ant. Yo$re tr%in

    to et to it. Yo$ +ont -ant to shop an+ (ro-se an+ o o,, ($t i, %o$ co$l+ com(ine

    that c$ration element its nice -ere pre=shoppin or pre=,ilterin ,or %o$. Yo$ like

    that c$rator an+ %o$ +i+ the ke%-or+ search com(ine+ -ith that c$ration +oes that

    help %o$r process or is that j$st no ; +on>t ha*e time ,or that9

    =in& o+ an e?tra thin # think. # think 'ell # use %tsy a lot.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 54

    #t$s a nice to ha(e.

    n+ ma%(e more ,or people that are the +esiners.

    #t &epen&s on 'ho yeah 'ho it is.

    For us curation # mean mysel+ as a &esiner an& my 'hole roup 'e think o+oursel(es as curators.

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 55

    Yeah # ha& a shel+ this lon +ille& 'ith stock !ooks at one time.


    )n& ust all that stu++.

    #t$s ust technoloy chane& it yeah.

    hank oo&ness +or that.

    #t$s e?citin.

    )ell thank %o$ *er% m$ch ,or %o$r time toniht. Yo$r inp$t has (een *er% *al$a(le.

    ;ts reall% helpe+ con,irm some thins et some ne- i+eas hope,$ll% make $p a

    (etter pro+$ct that %o$ll all -ant to $se.

    Yeah are you also inter(ie'in people +rom &i++erent parts o+ the country*

    Yes -ere oin to Ne- York ne

  • 8/12/2019 03 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - High Subscribers


    3 Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 011614 5pm G3 Buyers - Hih Su!scri!ers 56

    ;ts 7. 23SSTL78 ;ts a +ear +iar% thats oo+.

    # rippe& o++ the sample 2uestion pae.

    No thats ,ine.

    Got some paperclips* Sorry.

    hank you. ;:7SS)

    o' you 'ork in this location or you tra(el 'ith the client*

    Tra*el %eah. ;m (ase+ in L.. so ; +i+nt tra*el ,ar ,or this one.

    $:ause you pro!a!ly ha(e to +ollo' your client riht 'here(er they o.

    T%picall% %es thats ho- it -orks. )e $s$all% o 2;NAD;#LB8. ;ts nice to meet


    Yeah nice to meet you. Yeah let me i(e you my car&. ;:7SS). #$m still !ymysel+.

    Yo$ are9 )ait so -as it & it -as last %ear riht9

    # 'ent to

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