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The members of the Church in this dispensation have been a conference-

attending people. From the very early history of the Church, the Saints met often in

conferences to listen to the Prophet Joseph Smith and early Church leaders. In

Doctrine and Covenants 20:61 we read,

“The several elders composing this church of Christ are to meet in

conference…….from time to time as said conferences shall direct or appoint; and

said conferences are to do whatever church business is necessary to be done at the


Thus, we understand that it is a commandment from our Heavenly Father to

meet in conference on a regular basis. Why does the Lord ask us to do this? One

obvious reason mentioned in the revelation is to take care of the business of the

Church. While that is important, much more important is the spiritual re-charging that

all feel who take it seriously and listen with real intent. The Conference also creates a

spirit of unity in the Savior’s Church throughout the world. Another reason is that

Conference maintains the doctrinal purity required in our Church that values eternal

truths. It provides an opportunity for us to learn of and sustain changes in leadership

such as the calling of 3 new apostles at one time (the first time that has happened in

109 years in the Church). The Conference also directly addresses new moral issues

and problems with which the Saints are being confronted and gives us very specific

direction. When we become lax in obeying other commandments, the Conference is

an opportunity for the apostles and prophets to direct a course correction. The

Conference plays a major role in helping us be better parents and children; it helps

strengthen the family. Clearly, Conference is a wonderful missionary tool and many

have been touched while listening to its messages.

When I served as a bishop, we had the name of a young 17 year old boy on our

Church rolls; his name was on the rolls only because his father had listed him as a

“child of record” as a baby. No one had ever seen him at Church, he had refused

multiple invitations to learn about the Church, and we were prepared to take his

name off of the rolls when he turned 18. However, unbeknownst to us, an active

member of the Church who was his friend invited him to simply sit down and watch

conference and observe what he felt. As the young man tells the story, he took the

challenge more in a spirit to prove his friend wrong. He went down in the basement

of his home, closed the door and turned on conference. The young man then

described what happened next. He stated that as he was watching, a warm,

Message From Presidente Dayton

The Heavens are Open—Listening to Apostles and Prophets

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

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Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

4 de Octubre de 2015

wonderful powerful feeling came over him and he began to cry. He had never felt

anything like it in his life. He was especially touched when the Prophet Gordon B.

Hinckley began speaking. After Conference was over, he just sat in his room and

pondered what had just happened. He explained the story to his friend the next day

who wisely described that the Holy Ghost had touched his heart and that he should be

baptized if he knew it was true. The young man was baptized and within a year left to

serve a mission. Conference can be and often is a powerful missionary tool.

It is interesting that the apostles and prophets of the Lord’s Church rarely talk about

deep doctrines or mysteries or controversial topics. They usually focus on the doctrine of

Christ, the divinity of the Savior, living a Christ-like life, keeping the commandments,

family history, missionary work and other straight-forward gospel topics. We need to

remember that when we are listening to Conference, we are listening to living prophets

who receive revelation directly from God. Because the heavens are not sealed, we

never have to wonder what the will of our Heavenly Father is. If we listen carefully we

KNOW what the Lord’s will is because we know that revelation is ongoing in 2015 just like

it was at the time of Amos who said, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing save he

revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets.”

As Hermana Dayton and I listened to Conference this weekend, we relished the

opportunity to learn about keeping the gospel simple, living a Christ-centered life,

responding to the promptings of the Spirit, understanding the broad range of ways in

which the Atonement blesses us, blessing and honoring mothers, the importance of

missionary work, how to find an eternal companion, how women can fulfill their divine

potential, etc. Now, the key is to study and ponder the talks, reflect and ponder them

and then internalize them—that is, to use them to make us more Christ-like. This is

especially true for those of us who represent the Savior every day as we go out into the

street. May all of us manifest our deep gratitude for the privilege of hearing God’s word

spoken by apostles and prophets by truly becoming more Christ-like and showing that

we HEARD what they had to say, is my prayer.


President Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 04 October El Clarín

Attributes of Jesus Christ – Enthusiasm

Message From Hermana Dayton

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Enthusiasm is a lively word suggesting energy, optimism, faith and joy. The Webster´s Dictionary defines enthusiasm as a "passion or excitement of the mind, in pursuit of some object, inspiring confidence of success." Another definition is "God's energy in one´s spirit expressing itself through one´s mind, will and emotions". Another Biblical term for enthusiasm is zeal, from the Greek word zelos meaning "excitement of mind or fervor of spirit". In Galatians we read "But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing. "Galatians 4:18

Genuine enthusiasm is not something we activate by our own energy. It is the harmonious interaction with the Holy Ghost that produces enthusiasm. The Apostle Paul is known for his enthusiasm. His love and zeal for God caused him to pour out his life on the altar of sacrifice for believers. Elder L. Tom Perry is the one I think of when I hear the word enthusiasm. His love and excitement for the Gospel was evident each time he spoke with such enthusiasm. Elder Perry, in his book "Living with Enthusiasm" tells of his childhood search for a talent and his discovery of what he calls "his only real talent"--enthusiasm. He believes that living the Gospel with enthusiasm is a talent we can all cultivate.

As missionaries, we can follow the example of Paul and Elder Perry as we share the Gospel with the good people here in Spain by--

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--Enthusiastically greeting people on the street

--Enthusiastically sharing principles of the Gospel that will bless their lives

--Giving energy to all around us by our enthusiasm

--Giving all a warm and friendly, enthusiastic smile

--Teaching and testifying with enthusiasm

--Enthusiastically preparing people for baptism

--Enthusiastically helping converts feel comfortable with ward members, new callings, and living the Gospel

Enthusiasm is passionate devotion to the work of God. There is no better cause to be enthusiastic than the cause of bringing others to Christ. We LOVE this work that we are involved with, we love you and look forward to continuing to share the Gospel enthusiastically with those around us.

Much Love, Gratitude, and Admiration for all you do--

Hermana Dayton

Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience

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4 de Octubre de 2015

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 4 7 10 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 8 8 0

Confirmaciones 6 6 11 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 6 10 0

Fechas bautismales 90 97 120 123 118 90 105 105 132 123 136 95 77

Inv reunion sacramental 182 193 187 202 221 222 211 213 213 174 195 212 166

Lecciones con un

miembro706 774 799 789 735 742 698 722 762 731 738 681 562

Lecciones con un m. p. 49% 52% 52% 51% 50% 52% 50% 48% 52% 51% 51% 51% 44%

Nuevos Investigadores 385 480 477 554 532 480 440 515 474 444 487 455 441

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

semana 0

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 0

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

fecha este año374

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 6: 04 October El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Hermanas Bastidas y Fernández

Élderes Ponce y Ipsen

Élderes Dunn y Baumann

TRES: Hermanas Hollenbaugh y Cragun

Élderes Stapleton y Batis

Élderes Vickery y Alleman

Élderes Cifuentes y Christopherson

Élderes Oliver y Turner

Élderes Carballo y Kimball

Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

Gabriel Barcelona 1A

Maria, Yahaira Barcelona 1C

Natali, Olga Barcelona 3A

Raquel Terrassa A

Xiomara Badalona 1A

Marcos Badalona 1A

Mariuxi Badalona 2B

Martin Gerona A

Roland Zaragoza 2B

Lucky Zaragoza 2C

Edson, José Lleida A

Joshi, Durga, Arturo Bilbao A

Rosa Vitoria A

Jorge Logroño B

Juan, Ariana Palma 1A

Magdelena, Deivy Palma 2A

Miguel Palma 2B

Toni Ibiza

4 de Octubre de 2015

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Los Baleares is in The Zone!-With an average of 6.7 new investigators per

companionship!Valencia is in The Zone!

-With an average of 8.86 member present lessons per companionship!

Page 7: 04 October El Clarín

Hey we saw another

baptism!!!! Raquel was

baptized!!!! That makes 4

baptism for the district this

transfer, ah so great to

know that even through our

trials the Lord still blesses.

The baptism was wonderful!!

Her uncle from Hospitalet

came up and baptized and

confirmed her, it was

amazing to see and feel the

Spirit work in and through

us. Throughout the musical

number she had tears

running down her cheeks

and after coming up out of

the water she had the

biggest smile and gave a

huge hug to her uncle

Johnny. This is what the

mission is all about. We are

going to keep working with

her mom, and her sister and

her brother to help them

come unto Christ through

baptism. Jo, being a

missionary is the best ever!!

I don't think it is quite

possible to describe that

feeling of watching

someone you found and

taught enter the waters of

baptism. When Ángel first

changed into his white

baptismal clothes he was

smiling in a way I had never

seen before. He just looked

so happy and full of a new

kind of joy. The baptism

went so smoothly and

beautifully. The baptism was

a miracle in itself, but we

witnessed so many others as

well. One of our

investigators who will never

come to church came and

one of the menos activos

that we started teaching

when I came here gave the

talk on baptism. And of

course Danny, who was

baptized in February

performed his very first

baptism without a single

flaw. It truly was a day I will

never forget. As Ángel

came out of the water I

couldn't remember a single

bad thing that had

happened. I can't

remember the faces of the

people who have yelled at

us or have made me feel

terrible. All I can remember

is the face of Ángel and

Danny after the baptism.

That is what is important.

A baptism is made up of

1000 tiny little miracles and I

want to remember every

single one.

Also this week we had the

awesome opportunity to be

part of the baptism of

Cristian! He was baptized

on Saturday and it was

great! Baptism really is a

miracle, he has progressed

not by our hands but by the

hands of the Lord. He was

so happy after he was

baptized and confirmed it

was incredible. Just the look

on his face after made all

the hardowrk pay off. So

glad im able to help bring

these blessings into the lives

of others. The hardships and

struggles are definitely

worth it.

ya pasaron 3 meses

desdeque llegue a la mision

y es increible que rapido ha

pasado todo

estoy muy contenta de

estar aqui y sobretodo ver

lo milagros que suceden

aqui en la mision. El sabado

26 tubimos el bautismo de

Judith y fue muy hermoso,

se sentia un grande espiritu.


13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Page 8: 04 October El Clarín

needed to talk to, he's a

God fearing man as the

scriptures say and he's

baptism was a beautiful

promise which he has now

enter! I'm excited for


His head still wouldn't go all

the way under! The Elders as

witnesses both just said,"Put

him under!" and I shoved

him under and wrenched

him back up hoping he

wouldn't be mad I pushed

him. He was fine, and he

was Baptized!! It was a


A grand miricale we saw

with the baptism of Blessing!

He's a great man who

moved here from Nigeria.

He's been living in Madrid

until about a month ago, he

came and found the

church one a Sunday and

asked us where is our big

white build? We laughed a

little and explained that

there's only one in Madrid

and then began talking

with him! After getting to

know him for a little bit we

saw that he was a man of

great faith and was excited

to be learning about Jesus

Christ. He said he felt

something special about

the big white building and

wants to enter inside, and

as we were preparing to ask

him if he would be baptized

he did the same! He asked

us when can I be baptized!!

What an amazing miricale!

The Lord guided Blessing to

the church and later he

found just the people he

The Miracle of Baptism

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Saturday we experienced

quite a few miracles. We

had an appointment

Thursday and Friday to

meet with Austin to prepare

him for baptism. We were

not able to meet with him,

however, until Saturday two

hours before his baptism.

We taught him a lesson,

went over the questions, he

had his interview and then

he was baptized. Austin was

so willing to obey God's

commandments and seek

His will, he is truly an

amazing man. He just

soaked up our lessons and

committed to do all that we

asked of him. Perhaps the

greatest miracle with Austin

was literally getting him

under the water. We

practiced several times

before going into the font

but when we were actually

there he did not seem to

want to be baptized. He

was fighting it. I'm glad he

didn't get upset, because I

had to baptize him six times!

He really didn't want to be

pushed but he wasn't going

back at all. One time when I

tried to get him under he

got Elder Christopherson

soaked splashing around

trying to find his feet. The

last time I let him go all by

himself just helping him

lower himself to his knees...

Page 9: 04 October El Clarín

Mission NewsThe Spain Barcelona Mission is excited to welcome

25 new missionaries and 1 returning missionary.

El Faro welcomes you to the, “Greatest Mission on

the Earth´s Great Face!”

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Elder Tuthill

Monument, CO

Elder Allen

Far West, UT

Elder Averett

Springville, UT

Elder Bledsoe

Mtn. Green, UT

Elder Castro

Puyallup, WA

Elder Cook

Riverton, UT

Elder Jones

Highland, UT

Elder Cullimore

West Point, UT

Elder Dunn

Orem, UT

Elder Garr

Erda, UT

Hermana Jones

Beaver, UT

Hermana Jorgensen

Roosevelt, UT

Page 10: 04 October El Clarín

Elder Moulton

Maple Valley, WA

Elder Pixton

Raleigh, NC

Hermana Roggiero

Richland, WA

Elder Peay

Pleasant Grove, UT

Elder Robles

Madrid, Spain

Hermana Stapley

Mesa, AZ

4 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes New Missionaries

Elder Hemeyer

Heber City, UT

Hermana Crofts

Evanston, WY

Elder Martin

Sandy, UT

Elder Knadler

South Jordan, UT

Hermana Johnson

Salem, UT

Hermana Martinez

Salem, OR

Elder Stuart

El Paso, TX

Elder Stepp

Lake Dallas, TX

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