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    Table of Contents BB. OFFSHORE MODEL LINE ATTRIBUTES ...........................................................BB.1

    BB.1 Metric Units................................................................................................ BB.2 BB.1.1 Attributes Alphabetically ................................................................ BB.2 BB.1.2 Attributes by Module .................................................................... BB.18

    BB.2 Imperial Units........................................................................................... BB.27 BB.2.1 Attributes Alphabetically .............................................................. BB.27 BB.2.2 Attributes by Module .................................................................... BB.42

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.1

    BB. Offshore Model Line Attributes

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.2 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    BB.1 Metric Units

    BB.1.1 Attributes Alphabetically

    Attribute Name Product Type Units Range/Coord Index Choice Caption Annual Cost Both $/km Opt. Range The average annual cost per unit line length of integrity maintenance activities that are carried out on a periodic basis. Azimuth Both degrees Range The direction angle of a horizontal projection of the pipeline axis measured clockwise from North. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking. Benefit Period of Inspection - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion. Benefit Period of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to seam weld fatigue. Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion. Benefit Period of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking. Block Valve Type Both Choice Coordinate The type of valve (as it relates to closure time in the event of line failure) at a given location. 0 Manual control Closure times consistent with manually operated valves. 1 Remote control Closure times consistent with automatically operated valves.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.3

    Cathodic Protection Level Both Choice Range A characterization of the adequacy and uniformity of the voltage potential generated by the cathodic protection system. 0 Consistently within range Voltage consistently within target range. 1 Isolated excursions Generally adequate voltage with isolated areas outside of target voltage range. 2 Extensive excursions Generally inadequate voltage or extensive areas outside of target voltage range. 3 None No cathodic protection. Coating Condition Both Choice Range A characterization of the integrity of the external coating system. 0 Completely sound No indication of significant damage to coating system. 1 Isolated damage Indication of coating system damage affecting less than 1% of surface area. 2 Extensive damage Indication of coating system damage affecting significantly more than 1% of surface area. 3 Not applicable (no coating) No coating. Coating Type Both Choice Range The type of external coating applied to the pipeline. 0 Fusion bonded epoxy 1 Extruded polyethylene 2 Coal tar 3 Wax and vinyl tape 4 Asphalt 5 Polyethylene tape 6 Bare Condensation Rate Gas g/(ms) Range The rate of condensation of the transported water vapour. Cover Erosion Potential Both Choice Range A characterization of the potential for loss of line cover over time due to natural erosion processes. 0 No 1 Yes

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.4 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Cover Monitoring Action Both Choice Range The cover monitoring interval. 0 None 1 After storm (depth < 5 m) 2 After storm (depth < 20 m) 3 Periodically & after storm (depth < 5 m) 4 Periodically & after storm (depth < 20 m) Cover Monitoring Response Both Choice Range The operators response to the findings of a cover depth survey. 0 Rebury if line exposed 1 Rebury if cover < design min. Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the external coating system was replaced or otherwise rehabilitated. Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range The date when the pipeline was installed. Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure test was performed. Date of Last Inspection - External Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on external corrosion was performed. Date of Last Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on seam weld fatigue was performed. Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on internal corrosion was performed. Date of Last Inspection - SCC Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on SCC was performed. Dent Gouge Defect Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of dent gouge defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.5

    Dent Gouge Defect Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to dent depth and gouge size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Depth of Burial Both m Range The depth of top of the pipeline below ground surface. Depth of Cover Both Choice Range A characterization of the depth and consistency of line burial. 0 None 1 Intermittent or partial cover 2 Continuous, significant cover Detectable Release Volume Both m Range The maximum volume of product that can be lost from the pipeline before leak detection equipment triggers a leak detection alarm. (It is assumed that steps will be taken to close all block valves immediately following the detection of a leak or a rupture.) Diameter Both mm Range The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe. Effectiveness of Inspection - External Corrosion Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to seam weld fatigue resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to SCC resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Elevation Profile Both m Coordinate The relative elevation of the pipeline defined at the start and end of the line and at selected points along the length of the line. Negative elevations are interpreted as depths below sea level. (The location of intermediate points should be chosen to adequately characterize the elevation profile recognizing that the program uses linear interpolation to infer the line elevation at all locations between specified reference points.)

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.6 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Environment Corrosivity Both Choice Range A characterization of the degree to which the seabed conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment that is conducive to the development of metal loss corrosion in unprotected areas of pipe. 0 Very low 1 Low 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Very high External Corrosion Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of external corrosion defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high External Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of growth in the size of external corrosion defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high External Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to external corrosion defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Failure Potential given Geotechnical Event Both probability Range The probability of pipeline failure given the occurrence of the prescribed geotechnical loading event.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.7

    Flow Rate Both kg/s Range The product mass flow rate through the pipeline under normal operating conditions. Negative value implies a flow direction opposite to the direction associated with ascending station numbers. (Note: for natural gas systems multiply MMscf/day by 0.53 to get flow rate in lb/s, or multiply MMscm/day by 8.51 to get flow rate in kg/s.) Free Spans Both /km Range The effective number of free spans per unit length. Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Both events/kmyr Range The frequency of occurrence of a geotechnical event generating significant outside force on the pipe body (e.g., ground movement, river scour). Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Change Both events/kmyr Range The annual rate of change in the frequency of occurrence of the prescribed geotechnical loading event (Note that an occurrence rate change of zero implies that the occurrence rate remains constant over time). Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range The type of pipe joint (i.e., weld vs. mechanical connection) and a relative indication of joint quality (with respect to tensile strength and ductility) for welded joints. 0 High quality weld Welds designed and inspected to produce a joint having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body together with significant post-yield ductility. 1 Average quality weld Welds designed and inspected to produce a joint having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body but no significant post-yield ductility. 2 Poor quality weld Welds that may not produce joints having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body (e.g., acetylene welds). 3 Mechanical joint Joints made with mechanical couplings. Ice Scour Frequency Both Choice Range A relative indication of the anticipated rate of occurrence of ice scour events per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.8 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Ice Scour Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of anticipated ice scour events with respect to scour depth and length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Inhibitor Effectiveness Both % Range The reduction in the rate of internal corrosion attributable to the use of inhibitors in the product mixture. Installation Temperature Both C Range The temperature of the pipe during construction at the time of joint welding. Internal Corrosion Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of internal corrosion defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Internal Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of growth in the size of internal corrosion defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.9

    Internal Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to internal corrosion defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Interruption Cost - Fixed - Summer Both $/event Range The fixed cost associated with service interruption caused by line failure during the summer season. Interruption Cost - Fixed - Winter Both $/event Range The fixed cost associated with service interruption caused by line failure during the winter season. Interruption Cost - Variable - Summer Both $/hr Range The cost per hour associated with service interruption caused by line failure, when the interruption time exceeds the threshold outage duration (see Interruption Threshold) during the summer season. Interruption Cost - Variable - Winter Both $/hr Range The cost per hour associated with service interruption caused by line failure, when the interruption time exceeds the threshold outage duration (see Interruption Threshold) during the winter season. Interruption Threshold - Summer Both hr Range The duration of a service interruption event beyond which variable interruption costs are incurred during the summer. Interruption Threshold - Winter Both hr Range The duration of a service interruption event beyond which variable interruption costs are incurred during the winter season. Launch Zones Liquid Choice Range A label identifying the offshore quadrant from which a spill will be assumed to emanate. 0 ZoneA Level of Awareness Both Choice Range An assessment of the relative level of vessel operator awareness regarding the presence of, and hazards posed by, subsea pipelines. 0 Below average 1 Average 2 Above average Liquid Flow Characterization Both Choice Range A characterization of the liquid phase flow (areas of liquid separation or stagnation) in the product mixture. 0 No separation/stagnation 1 Water separation/stagnation

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.10 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Liquid Fraction Water-Cut Both ratio Range The ratio of water volume to total liquid volume for the product mixture. Longitudinal Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of longitudinal ground movement sites per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Longitudinal Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of ground movement within active longitudinal ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Longitudinal Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the existing extent of ground movement within active longitudinal ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Manufacturing Crack Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of manufacturing cracks per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.11

    Manufacturing Crack Growth Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the rate of growth in the size of manufacturing crack defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Manufacturing Crack Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to manufacturing crack size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range The maximum pressure to which the pipeline is qualified to operate. Mechanical Protection Both Choice Range An indication of whether or not buried physical protection (such as concrete slabs or steel plates) exists to effectively prevent direct contact between the pipe body and any excavation equipment. 0 None (other than weight coating) 1 Armored jacket 2 Engineered backfill Notch Toughness (specified) Both J Range Specified Charpy V-notch impact energy of the line pipe (upper plateau energy for a full-sized Charpy specimen). Operating Pressure Gradient Liquid kPa/km Range The pressure gradient driving the product mixture through the pipeline. Partial Pressure - CO2 Both kPa Range The concentration of dissolved CO2 in the product mixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculated based on mole fraction. Partial Pressure - H2S Both kPa Range The average concentration of dissolved H2S in the product mixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculated based on mole fraction.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.12 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    pH Gas pH Range The acidity of the product water-cut. Platform Offset Both m Opt. Coordinat The perpendicular offset distance between the offshore platform and the pipeline. Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinat A characterization of the type of offshore platform in the vicinity of the pipeline. 0 Major manned 1 Minor manned 2 Major unmanned 3 Minor unmanned Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range The effective number of pressure cycles experienced by the pipeline on an annual basis. (Note that complex pressure vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Pressure Range and an associated annual number of Pressure Cycles.) Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate The anticipated maximum operating pressure in the pipeline defined at the start and end of the line and at selected reference points along the length of the line. (Note that the location of intermediate points should be chosen to adequately characterize the pressure profile given that the program uses linear interpolation to infer the line pressure at all locations between specified reference points. Note also that the specified pressure should reflect an upper bound pressure profile associated with likely worst case operating conditions including, for example, periodic line pack or shut in.) Pressure Range Both kPa Range The effective pressure range associated with cyclic fluctuations in line pressure during routine operation. (Note that complex pressure vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Pressure Range and an associated annual number of Pressure Cycles.) Product Corrosivity Both Choice Range A characterization of the corrosivity of the product mixture. 0 Very low 1 Low 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Extreme Product Temperature Both C Range The average temperature of the product being transported through the line. (Note that pipe body temperature is assumed to be equal to the product temperature.) Reference Cover Both Choice Range A characterization of the line cover at the time of pipeline installation. 0 No cover 1 Finite cover

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.13

    SCC Potential of Environment Both Choice Range A characterization of the degree to which the soil conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment that is conducive to the development of stress corrosion cracking in susceptible pipe. 0 No potential 1 Very low potential 2 Low potential 3 Moderate potential 4 High potential 5 Very high potential SCC Susceptibility of Pipe Both Choice Range A characterization of the susceptibility of the pipe body (i.e., metallurgy and surface condition) to the formation of stress corrosion cracking. 0 Not susceptible 1 Unlikely to be susceptible 2 Likely to be susceptible 3 Proven to be susceptible Seam Weld Type Both Choice Range A characterization of seam weld quality with respect to fatigue resistance. 0 None (seamless) 1 High quality weld (with NDT) Welds subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection. 2 Good quality weld (without NDT) Welds not subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection, but made using a process generally recognized to produce sound, fatigue resistant welds. 3 Suspect weld Welds not subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection, made using a process that has a history of producing fatigue susceptible welds (e.g., low-frequency electric resistance welds, and some flash welds). 4 Poor quality weld Welds made using a process for which design codes specify a joint factor of less than 1.0 (e.g., furnace butt welds, continuous welds, furnace lap welds, and some electric fusion welds).

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.14 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Soil Type Both Choice Range A characterization of the strength and stiffness of the soil surrounding the pipeline. 0 Loose sand or gravel Less than 10 blows per 30 cm in Standard Penetration Test. 1 Medium sand or gravel Between 10 and 30 blows per 30 cm in Standard Penetration Test. 2 Dense sand or gravel Greater than 30 blows per 30 cm in Standard Penetration Test. 3 Soft clay Undrained shear strength less than 25 kPa. 4 Medium clay Undrained shear strength between 25 and 50 kPa. 5 Stiff clay Undrained shear strength between 50 and 100 kPa. 6 Very stiff clay Undrained shear strength between 100 and 200 kPa. 7 Hard clay Undrained shear strength greater than 200 kPa. Stress Corrosion Crack Density Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the number of SCC defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the rate of growth in the size of SCC defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Stress Corrosion Crack Severity Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the severity of damage with respect to SCC defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.15

    Stress Cycles Both /yr Range The effective number of axial stress cycles experienced by the pipeline on an annual basis. Note that complex stress vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Stress Range and an associated annual number of Stress Cycles. Stress Range Both MPa Range The effective axial stress range associated with cyclic fluctuations in line stress during routine operation. Note that complex stress vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Stress Range and an associated annual number of Stress Cycles. Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both MPa Range Specified minimum tensile strength of the line pipe. (e.g., API 5X L60 should be reported as 75 ksi or 517 MPa). Throughput Redundancy Factor - Summer Both % Range The extent to which alternate flow paths within the pipeline system can be employed to offset the throughput reduction associated with line failure during the summer season. Throughput Redundancy Factor - Winter Both % Range The extent to which alternate flow paths within the pipeline system can be employed to offset the throughput reduction associated with line failure during the summer season. Throughput Unit Cost - Summer Both $/mcm or $/m Range The cost associated with failure to deliver a unit volume of product during the summer season. Throughput Unit Cost - Winter Both $/mcm or $/m Range The cost associated with failure to deliver a unit volume of product during the winter season. Throughput Volume - Summer Both % Range The average nominated or tendered monthly flow volume, expressed as a percentage of pipeline throughput capacity. Throughput Volume - Winter Both % Range The average nominated or tendered monthly flow volume, expressed as a percentage of pipeline throughput capacity. Time to Leak Detection Both hr Range The time required to detect a small leak given that small leaks may only be detected by periodic line patrols or notification by third parties. Time to Leak Stoppage Both hr Range The time required by the operator to locate and repair a leak, measured from the time when the leak is first detected.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.16 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Transverse Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of transverse ground movement sites per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Transverse Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of ground movement within active transverse ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Transverse Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the existing extent of ground movement within active transverse ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range A characterization of the type and density of surface vessel traffic. 0 No significant traffic 1 Fishing - high density 2 Fishing - medium density 3 Fishing - low density 4 Shipping - high density 5 Shipping - medium density 6 Shipping - low density

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.17

    Wall Thickness Both mm Range The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe. Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range Specified minimum yield strength of the line pipe. (e.g., API 5X L60 should be reported as 60 ksi or 414 MPa).

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.18 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    BB.1.2 Attributes by Module

    Module Name Attribute Name Product Type Units Range/Coord Consequence Azimuth Both degrees Range Block Valve Type Both Choice Coordinate Detectable Release Volume Both m Range Diameter Both mm Range Elevation Profile Both m Coordinate Flow Rate Both kg/s Range Interruption Cost - Fixed - Summer Both $/event Range Interruption Cost - Fixed - Winter Both $/event Range Interruption Cost - Variable - Summer Both $/hr Range Interruption Cost - Variable - Winter Both $/hr Range Interruption Threshold - Summer Both hr Range Interruption Threshold - Winter Both hr Range Launch Zones Liquid Choice Range Platform Offset Both m Opt. Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Product Temperature Both C Range Throughput Redundancy Factor - Summer Both % Range Throughput Redundancy Factor - Winter Both % Range Throughput Unit Cost - Summer Both $/mcm or $/m Range Throughput Unit Cost - Winter Both $/mcm or $/m Range Throughput Volume - Summer Both % Range Throughput Volume - Winter Both % Range Time to Leak Detection Both hr Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.19

    Time to Leak Stoppage Both hr Range Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range HB Equipment Impact Depth of Cover Both Choice Range Diameter Both mm Range Elevation Profile Both m Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range HB External Corrosion Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Cathodic Protection Level Both Choice Range Coating Condition Both Choice Range Coating Type Both Choice Range Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - External Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both mm Range Effectiveness of Inspection - External Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Environment Corrosivity Both Choice Range Product Temperature Both C Range HB Geotechnical Hazard Failure Potential given Geotechnical Event Both probability Range Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Both events/kmyr Range Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Change Both events/kmyr Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.20 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range HB Internal Corrosion Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both mm Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Product Corrosivity Both Choice Range HB Internal Corrosion Refined Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Condensation Rate Gas g/(ms) Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both mm Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Inhibitor Effectiveness Both % Range Liquid Flow Characterization Both Choice Range Liquid Fraction Water-Cut Both ratio Range Operating Pressure Gradient Liquid kPa/km Range Partial Pressure - CO2 Both kPa Range Partial Pressure - H2S Both kPa Range pH Gas pH Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.21

    Product Temperature Both C Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range HB Manufacturing Cracks Benefit Period of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both % Opt. Range Free Spans Both /km Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Stress Cycles Both /yr Range Stress Range Both MPa Range HB Natural Hazard Damage Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Cathodic Protection Level Both Choice Range Coating Condition Both Choice Range Coating Type Both Choice Range Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - External Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both mm Range Effectiveness of Inspection - External Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Environment Corrosivity Both Choice Range Product Temperature Both C Range HB Other Causes Diameter Both mm Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.22 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    HB Stress Corrosion Cracking Benefit Period of Hydrotest - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - SCC Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both mm Range Effectiveness of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both % Opt. Range Elevation Profile Both m Coordinate Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate SCC Potential of Environment Both Choice Range SCC Susceptibility of Pipe Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Dent Gouges Dent Gouge Defect Density Both Choice Range Dent Gouge Defect Severity Both Choice Range Diameter Both mm Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range Notch Toughness (specified) Both J Range Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Pressure Range Both kPa Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Equipment Impact Cover Erosion Potential Both Choice Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.23

    Cover Monitoring Action Both Choice Range Cover Monitoring Response Both Choice Range Diameter Both mm Range Elevation Profile Both m Coordinate Level of Awareness Both Choice Range Mechanical Protection Both Choice Range Platform Offset Both m Opt. Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Reference Cover Both Choice Range Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB External Corrosion Diameter Both mm Range External Corrosion Density Both Choice Range External Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range External Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both MPa Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Ice Scour Depth of Burial Both m Range Diameter Both mm Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Ice Scour Frequency Both Choice Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.24 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Ice Scour Severity Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Soil Type Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Internal Corrosion Diameter Both mm Range Internal Corrosion Density Both Choice Range Internal Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range Internal Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both MPa Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Longitudinal Ground Movement Diameter Both mm Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Installation Temperature Both C Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Product Temperature Both C Range Soil Type Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.25

    RB Manufacturing Cracks Diameter Both mm Range Manufacturing Crack Density Both Choice Range Manufacturing Crack Growth Both Choice Range Manufacturing Crack Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range Notch Toughness (specified) Both J Range Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Pressure Range Both kPa Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Stress Corrosion Cracking Diameter Both mm Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both kPa Range Notch Toughness (specified) Both J Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Stress Corrosion Crack Density Both Choice Range Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Both Choice Range Stress Corrosion Crack Severity Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range RB Transverse Ground Movement Diameter Both mm Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both kPa Coordinate Soil Type Both Choice Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.26 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Transverse Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range Transverse Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range Transverse Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both mm Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both MPa Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.27

    BB.2 Imperial Units

    BB.2.1 Attributes Alphabetically

    Attribute Name Product Type Units Range/Coord Index Choice Caption Annual Cost Both $/mi Opt. Range The average annual cost per unit line length of integrity maintenance activities that are carried out on a periodic basis. Azimuth Both degrees Range The direction angle of a horizontal projection of the pipeline axis measured clockwise from North. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion. Benefit Period of Hydrotest - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking. Benefit Period of Inspection - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion. Benefit Period of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to seam weld fatigue. Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion. Benefit Period of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range The length of time over which an inspection and maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction in the failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking. Block Valve Type Both Choice Coordinate The type of valve (as it relates to closure time in the event of line failure) at a given location. 0 Manual control Closure times consistent with manually operated valves. 1 Remote control Closure times consistent with automatically operated valves.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.28 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Cathodic Protection Level Both Choice Range A characterization of the adequacy and uniformity of the voltage potential generated by the cathodic protection system. 0 Consistently within range Voltage consistently within target range. 1 Isolated excursions Generally adequate voltage with isolated areas outside of target voltage range. 2 Extensive excursions Generally inadequate voltage or extensive areas outside of target voltage range. 3 None No cathodic protection. Coating Condition Both Choice Range A characterization of the integrity of the external coating system. 0 Completely sound No indication of significant damage to coating system. 1 Isolated damage Indication of coating system damage affecting less than 1% of surface area. 2 Extensive damage Indication of coating system damage affecting significantly more than 1% of surface area. 3 Not applicable (no coating) No coating. Coating Type Both Choice Range The type of external coating applied to the pipeline. 0 Fusion bonded epoxy 1 Extruded polyethylene 2 Coal tar 3 Wax and vinyl tape 4 Asphalt 5 Polyethylene tape 6 Bare Condensation Rate Gas 1E-6lb/(fts) Range The rate of condensation of the transported water vapour. Cover Erosion Potential Both Choice Range A characterization of the potential for loss of line cover over time due to natural erosion processes. 0 No 1 Yes

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.29

    Cover Monitoring Action Both Choice Range The cover monitoring interval. 0 None 1 After storm (depth < 15 ft) 2 After storm (depth < 60 ft) 3 Periodically & after storm (depth < 15 ft) 4 Periodically & after storm (depth < 60 ft) Cover Monitoring Response Both Choice Range The operators response to the findings of a cover depth survey. 0 Rebury if line exposed 1 Rebury if cover < design min. Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the external coating system was replaced or otherwise rehabilitated. Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range The date when the pipeline was installed. Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure test was performed. Date of Last Inspection - External Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on external corrosion was performed. Date of Last Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on seam weld fatigue was performed. Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on internal corrosion was performed. Date of Last Inspection - SCC Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range The date when the most recent inspection and maintenance event having an effect on SCC was performed. Dent Gouge Defect Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of dent gouge defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.30 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Dent Gouge Defect Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to dent depth and gouge size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Depth of Burial Both ft Range The depth of top of the pipeline below ground surface. Depth of Cover Both Choice Range A characterization of the depth and consistency of line burial. 0 None 1 Intermittent or partial cover 2 Continuous, significant cover Detectable Release Volume Both ft or bbl Range The maximum volume of product that can be lost from the pipeline before leak detection equipment triggers a leak detection alarm. (It is assumed that steps will be taken to close all block valves immediately following the detection of a leak or a rupture.) Diameter Both in Range The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe. Effectiveness of Inspection - External Corrosion Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to external corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to seam weld fatigue resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to internal corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Effectiveness of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both % Opt. Range The reduction in the failure rate due to SCC resulting from the most recent inspection and maintenance event. Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate The relative elevation of the pipeline defined at the start and end of the line and at selected points along the length of the line. Negative elevations are interpreted as depths below sea level. (The location of intermediate points should be chosen to adequately characterize the elevation profile recognizing that the program uses linear interpolation to infer the line elevation at all locations between specified reference points.)

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.31

    Environment Corrosivity Both Choice Range A characterization of the degree to which the seabed conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment that is conducive to the development of metal loss corrosion in unprotected areas of pipe. 0 Very low 1 Low 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Very high External Corrosion Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of external corrosion defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high External Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of growth in the size of external corrosion defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high External Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to external corrosion defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Failure Potential given Geotechnical Event Both probability Range The probability of pipeline failure given the occurrence of the prescribed geotechnical loading event.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.32 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Flow Rate Both lb/s Range The product mass flow rate through the pipeline under normal operating conditions. Negative value implies a flow direction opposite to the direction associated with ascending station numbers. (Note: for natural gas systems multiply MMscf/day by 0.53 to get flow rate in lb/s, or multiply MMscm/day by 8.51 to get flow rate in kg/s.) Free Spans Both /mi Range The effective number of free spans per unit length. Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Both events/miyr Range The frequency of occurrence of a geotechnical event generating significant outside force on the pipe body (e.g., ground movement, river scour). Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Change Both events/miyr Range The annual rate of change in the frequency of occurrence of the prescribed geotechnical loading event (Note that an occurrence rate change of zero implies that the occurrence rate remains constant over time). Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range The type of pipe joint (i.e., weld vs. mechanical connection) and a relative indication of joint quality (with respect to tensile strength and ductility) for welded joints. 0 High quality weld Welds designed and inspected to produce a joint having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body together with significant post-yield ductility. 1 Average quality weld Welds designed and inspected to produce a joint having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body but no significant post-yield ductility. 2 Poor quality weld Welds that may not produce joints having a strength consistent with that of the pipe body (e.g., acetylene welds). 3 Mechanical joint Joints made with mechanical couplings. Ice Scour Frequency Both Choice Range A relative indication of the anticipated rate of occurrence of ice scour events per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Ice Scour Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of anticipated ice scour events with respect to scour depth and length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.33

    Inhibitor Effectiveness Both % Range The reduction in the rate of internal corrosion attributable to the use of inhibitors in the product mixture. Installation Temperature Both F Range The temperature of the pipe during construction at the time of joint welding. Internal Corrosion Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of internal corrosion defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Internal Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of growth in the size of internal corrosion defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Internal Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to internal corrosion defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Interruption Cost - Fixed - Summer Both $/event Range The fixed cost associated with service interruption caused by line failure during the summer season. Interruption Cost - Fixed - Winter Both $/event Range The fixed cost associated with service interruption caused by line failure during the winter season.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.34 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Interruption Cost - Variable - Summer Both $/hr Range The cost per hour associated with service interruption caused by line failure, when the interruption time exceeds the threshold outage duration (see Interruption Threshold) during the summer season. Interruption Cost - Variable - Winter Both $/hr Range The cost per hour associated with service interruption caused by line failure, when the interruption time exceeds the threshold outage duration (see Interruption Threshold) during the winter season. Interruption Threshold - Summer Both hr Range The duration of a service interruption event beyond which variable interruption costs are incurred during the summer. Interruption Threshold - Winter Both hr Range The duration of a service interruption event beyond which variable interruption costs are incurred during the winter season. Launch Zones Liquid Choice Range A label identifying the offshore quadrant from which a spill will be assumed to emanate. 0 ZoneA Level of Awareness Both Choice Range An assessment of the relative level of vessel operator awareness regarding the presence of, and hazards posed by, subsea pipelines. 0 Below average 1 Average 2 Above average Liquid Flow Characterization Both Choice Range A characterization of the liquid phase flow (areas of liquid separation or stagnation) in the product mixture. 0 No separation/stagnation 1 Water separation/stagnation Liquid Fraction Water-Cut Both ratio Range The ratio of water volume to total liquid volume for the product mixture. Longitudinal Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of longitudinal ground movement sites per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.35

    Longitudinal Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of ground movement within active longitudinal ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Longitudinal Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the existing extent of ground movement within active longitudinal ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Manufacturing Crack Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of manufacturing cracks per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Manufacturing Crack Growth Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the rate of growth in the size of manufacturing crack defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.36 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Manufacturing Crack Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the severity of damage with respect to manufacturing crack size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range The maximum pressure to which the pipeline is qualified to operate. Mechanical Protection Both Choice Range An indication of whether or not buried physical protection (such as concrete slabs or steel plates) exists to effectively prevent direct contact between the pipe body and any excavation equipment. 0 None (other than weight coating) 1 Armored jacket 2 Engineered backfill Notch Toughness (specified) Both ftlb Range Specified Charpy V-notch impact energy of the line pipe (upper plateau energy for a full-sized Charpy specimen). Operating Pressure Gradient Liquid psi/mi Range The pressure gradient driving the product mixture through the pipeline. Partial Pressure - CO2 Both psi Range The concentration of dissolved CO2 in the product mixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculated based on mole fraction. Partial Pressure - H2S Both psi Range The average concentration of dissolved H2S in the product mixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculated based on mole fraction. pH Gas pH Range The acidity of the product water-cut. Platform Offset Both ft Opt. Coordinat The perpendicular offset distance between the offshore platform and the pipeline.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.37

    Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinat A characterization of the type of offshore platform in the vicinity of the pipeline. 0 Major manned 1 Minor manned 2 Major unmanned 3 Minor unmanned Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range The effective number of pressure cycles experienced by the pipeline on an annual basis. (Note that complex pressure vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Pressure Range and an associated annual number of Pressure Cycles.) Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate The anticipated maximum operating pressure in the pipeline defined at the start and end of the line and at selected reference points along the length of the line. (Note that the location of intermediate points should be chosen to adequately characterize the pressure profile given that the program uses linear interpolation to infer the line pressure at all locations between specified reference points. Note also that the specified pressure should reflect an upper bound pressure profile associated with likely worst case operating conditions including, for example, periodic line pack or shut in.) Pressure Range Both psi Range The effective pressure range associated with cyclic fluctuations in line pressure during routine operation. (Note that complex pressure vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Pressure Range and an associated annual number of Pressure Cycles.) Product Corrosivity Both Choice Range A characterization of the corrosivity of the product mixture. 0 Very low 1 Low 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Extreme Product Temperature Both F Range The average temperature of the product being transported through the line. (Note that pipe body temperature is assumed to be equal to the product temperature.) Reference Cover Both Choice Range A characterization of the line cover at the time of pipeline installation. 0 No cover 1 Finite cover

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.38 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    SCC Potential of Environment Both Choice Range A characterization of the degree to which the soil conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment that is conducive to the development of stress corrosion cracking in susceptible pipe. 0 No potential 1 Very low potential 2 Low potential 3 Moderate potential 4 High potential 5 Very high potential SCC Susceptibility of Pipe Both Choice Range A characterization of the susceptibility of the pipe body (i.e., metallurgy and surface condition) to the formation of stress corrosion cracking. 0 Not susceptible 1 Unlikely to be susceptible 2 Likely to be susceptible 3 Proven to be susceptible Seam Weld Type Both Choice Range A characterization of seam weld quality with respect to fatigue resistance. 0 None (seamless) 1 High quality weld (with NDT) Welds subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection. 2 Good quality weld (without NDT) Welds not subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection, but made using a process generally recognized to produce sound, fatigue resistant welds. 3 Suspect weld Welds not subjected to full nondestructive mill inspection, made using a process that has a history of producing fatigue susceptible welds (e.g., low-frequency electric resistance welds, and some flash welds). 4 Poor quality weld Welds made using a process for which design codes specify a joint factor of less than 1.0 (e.g., furnace butt welds, continuous welds, furnace lap welds, and some electric fusion welds). Soil Type Both Choice Range A characterization of the strength and stiffness of the soil surrounding the pipeline. 0 Loose sand or gravel Less than 10 blows per ft in Standard Penetration Test. 1 Medium sand or gravel Between 10 and 30 blows per ft in Standard Penetration Test. 2 Dense sand or gravel Greater than 30 blows per ft in Standard Penetration Test. 3 Soft clay Undrained shear strength less than 500 psf. 4 Medium clay Undrained shear strength between 500 and 1000 psf. 5 Stiff clay Undrained shear strength between 1000 and 2000 psf. 6 Very stiff clay Undrained shear strength between 2000 and 4000 psf. 7 Hard clay Undrained shear strength greater than 4000 psf.

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.39

    Stress Corrosion Crack Density Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the number of SCC defects per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the rate of growth in the size of SCC defects. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Stress Corrosion Crack Severity Both Choice Range A relative characterization of the severity of damage with respect to SCC defect size. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Stress Cycles Both /yr Range The effective number of axial stress cycles experienced by the pipeline on an annual basis. Note that complex stress vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Stress Range and an associated annual number of Stress Cycles. Stress Range Both ksi Range The effective axial stress range associated with cyclic fluctuations in line stress during routine operation. Note that complex stress vs. time loading histories should be characterized by a representative single value Stress Range and an associated annual number of Stress Cycles. Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both ksi Range Specified minimum tensile strength of the line pipe. (e.g., API 5X L60 should be reported as 75 ksi or 517 MPa).

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.40 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Throughput Redundancy Factor - Summer Both % Range The extent to which alternate flow paths within the pipeline system can be employed to offset the throughput reduction associated with line failure during the summer season. Throughput Redundancy Factor - Winter Both % Range The extent to which alternate flow paths within the pipeline system can be employed to offset the throughput reduction associated with line failure during the summer season. Throughput Unit Cost - Summer Both $/mcf or $/bbl Range The cost associated with failure to deliver a unit volume of product during the summer season. Throughput Unit Cost - Winter Both $/mcf or $/bbl Range The cost associated with failure to deliver a unit volume of product during the winter season. Throughput Volume - Summer Both % Range The average nominated or tendered monthly flow volume, expressed as a percentage of pipeline throughput capacity. Throughput Volume - Winter Both % Range The average nominated or tendered monthly flow volume, expressed as a percentage of pipeline throughput capacity. Time to Leak Detection Both hr Range The time required to detect a small leak given that small leaks may only be detected by periodic line patrols or notification by third parties. Time to Leak Stoppage Both hr Range The time required by the operator to locate and repair a leak, measured from the time when the leak is first detected. Transverse Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range A relative indication of the number of transverse ground movement sites per unit line length. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.41

    Transverse Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range A relative indication of the rate of ground movement within active transverse ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Transverse Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range A relative indication of the existing extent of ground movement within active transverse ground movement sites. 0 Negligible 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Moderate 4 High 5 Very high Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range A characterization of the type and density of surface vessel traffic. 0 No significant traffic 1 Fishing - high density 2 Fishing - medium density 3 Fishing - low density 4 Shipping - high density 5 Shipping - medium density 6 Shipping - low density Wall Thickness Both in Range The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe. Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range Specified minimum yield strength of the line pipe. (e.g., API 5X L60 should be reported as 60 ksi or 414 MPa).

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.42 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    BB.2.2 Attributes by Module

    Module Name Attribute Name Product Type Units Range/Coord Consequence Azimuth Both degrees Range Block Valve Type Both Choice Coordinate Detectable Release Volume Both ft or bbl Range Diameter Both in Range Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate Flow Rate Both lb/s Range Interruption Cost - Fixed - Summer Both $/event Range Interruption Cost - Fixed - Winter Both $/event Range Interruption Cost - Variable - Summer Both $/hr Range Interruption Cost - Variable - Winter Both $/hr Range Interruption Threshold - Summer Both hr Range Interruption Threshold - Winter Both hr Range Launch Zones Liquid Choice Range Platform Offset Both ft Opt. Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Product Temperature Both F Range Throughput Redundancy Factor - Summer Both % Range Throughput Redundancy Factor - Winter Both % Range Throughput Unit Cost - Summer Both $/mcf or $/bbl Range Throughput Unit Cost - Winter Both $/mcf or $/bbl Range Throughput Volume - Summer Both % Range Throughput Volume - Winter Both % Range Time to Leak Detection Both hr Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.43

    Time to Leak Stoppage Both hr Range Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range HB Equipment Impact Depth of Cover Both Choice Range Diameter Both in Range Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range HB External Corrosion Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - External Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Cathodic Protection Level Both Choice Range Coating Condition Both Choice Range Coating Type Both Choice Range Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - External Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both in Range Effectiveness of Inspection - External Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Environment Corrosivity Both Choice Range Product Temperature Both F Range HB Geotechnical Hazard Failure Potential given Geotechnical Event Both probability Range Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Both events/miyr Range Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Change Both events/miyr Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.44 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range HB Internal Corrosion Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both in Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Product Corrosivity Both Choice Range HB Internal Corrosion Refined Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both yr Opt. Range Condensation Rate Gas 1E-6lb/(fts) Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Diameter Both in Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal Corrosion Both % Opt. Range Inhibitor Effectiveness Both % Range Liquid Flow Characterization Both Choice Range Liquid Fraction Water-Cut Both ratio Range Operating Pressure Gradient Liquid psi/mi Range Partial Pressure - CO2 Both psi Range Partial Pressure - H2S Both psi Range pH Gas pH Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.45

    Product Temperature Both F Range Wall Thickness Both in Range HB Manufacturing Cracks Benefit Period of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Effectiveness of Inspection - Fatigue Cracks Both % Opt. Range Free Spans Both /mi Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Stress Cycles Both /yr Range Stress Range Both ksi Range HB Natural Hazard Damage Depth of Cover Both Choice Range Diameter Both in Range Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range HB Other Causes Diameter Both in Range HB Stress Corrosion Cracking Benefit Period of Hydrotest - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Benefit Period of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both yr Opt. Range Date of External Coating Rehabilitation Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Installation Both YYYY/MM/DD Range Date of Last Hydrotest Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range Date of Last Inspection - SCC Cracks Both YYYY/MM/DD Opt. Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.46 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    Diameter Both in Range Effectiveness of Inspection - SCC Cracks Both % Opt. Range Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate SCC Potential of Environment Both Choice Range SCC Susceptibility of Pipe Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Dent Gouges Dent Gouge Defect Density Both Choice Range Dent Gouge Defect Severity Both Choice Range Diameter Both in Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range Notch Toughness (specified) Both ftlb Range Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Pressure Range Both psi Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Equipment Impact

    Cover Erosion Potential Both Choice Range Cover Monitoring Action Both Choice Range Cover Monitoring Response Both Choice Range Diameter Both in Range Elevation Profile Both ft Coordinate Level of Awareness Both Choice Range Mechanical Protection Both Choice Range Platform Offset Both ft Opt. Coordinate

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.47

    Platform Type Both Choice Opt. Coordinate Reference Cover Both Choice Range Vessel Traffic Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB External Corrosion Diameter Both in Range External Corrosion Density Both Choice Range External Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range External Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both ksi Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Ice Scour Depth of Burial Both ft Range Diameter Both in Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Ice Scour Frequency Both Choice Range Ice Scour Severity Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Soil Type Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • BB.48 Offshore Model Line Attributes

    RB Internal Corrosion Diameter Both in Range Internal Corrosion Density Both Choice Range Internal Corrosion Growth Both Choice Range Internal Corrosion Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Tensile Strength (SMTS) Both ksi Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Longitudinal Ground Movement Diameter Both in Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Installation Temperature Both F Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range Longitudinal Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Product Temperature Both F Range Soil Type Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Manufacturing Cracks Diameter Both in Range Manufacturing Crack Density Both Choice Range Manufacturing Crack Growth Both Choice Range Manufacturing Crack Severity Both Choice Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • Offshore Model Line Attributes BB.49

    Notch Toughness (specified) Both ftlb Range Pressure Cycles Both cycles/yr Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Pressure Range Both psi Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Stress Corrosion Cracking Diameter Both in Range Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Both psi Range Notch Toughness (specified) Both ftlb Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Stress Corrosion Crack Density Both Choice Range Stress Corrosion Crack Growth Both Choice Range Stress Corrosion Crack Severity Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range RB Transverse Ground Movement Diameter Both in Range Girth Weld Type Both Choice Range Pressure Profile Both psi Coordinate Soil Type Both Choice Range Transverse Ground Movement Density Both Choice Range Transverse Ground Movement Growth Both Choice Range Transverse Ground Movement Severity Both Choice Range Wall Thickness Both in Range Yield Strength (SMYS) Both ksi Range

    June 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

    Offshore Model Line AttributesMetric UnitsAttributes AlphabeticallyAttributes by Module

    Imperial UnitsAttributes AlphabeticallyAttributes by Module

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