

13th February 2013

Thursday, 14th February

- Swimming Carnival

Friday, 15th February

- Blue Light Disco

Tuesday, 19th February

- P&F Meeting 7pm

Wednesday, 20th February

- Indigenous Connection


Thursday, 21st February

- Indigenous Connection


Tuesday, 26th February

- Whole School Assembly

Wednesday, 27th February

- SEAT - Spinal Presentation

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Saint Mary’s, Today we begin the season of Lent. It is forty days where we reassess our lives and the decisions we make. Today we also celebrated Ash Wednesday together as a community. It reminds us that all of us make mistakes in our lives; that despite our mistakes that we are still loved; and that we all need to try harder not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Aptly, it is also the 5th anniversary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations. We have a number of people in our community who were part of the Stolen Generation. On Ash Wednesday, and the Fridays throughout Lent, the Tuckshop will offer fish and salad alternatives to meat products. Officially, Catholics abstain from eating meat (beef, chicken, pork etc.) on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but it has been traditional to also

abstain during the Fridays in Lent. Through this fasting, Catholics remember the importance of the season of Lent in preparation for Easter. I would ask parents to respect this tradition and understand if the Tuckshop has to make changes to your child’s lunch order. While talking about lunches, I would like to remind parents that we do keep a supply of lunchtime basics like bread, vegemite and jams (not peanut paste or nut products) in the Student Support Centre for students who forget their lunch or don’t have lunch. If any parents would like to contribute to this supply you can pass on items to Neil Hutton, our Campus Minister or donations through Shirley, our Business Manager. Tomorrow is our swimming carnival. I would like to remind parents that Yrs. 1 – 12 students travelling on our College buses will be dropped directly to the pool in the morning. Prep students will be supervised on the bus up to school. The pool will be supervised by staff from 8.20 (the same as College) and parents are encouraged to bring their children to the pool rather than school. We would encourage all students, especially our Yrs 1 - 6s to wear their togs under their sports uniform. Please remember hats, sunshirts waterbottles and sunscreen etc. which were listed in last week’s newsletter. Students should wear their sports uniforms to and from school. Any Yrs. 1 -12 students who arrive at the College will be transported to the pool by College bus at around 8.45am. It is hoped that the carnival can get underway as close to 9am as possible. Yrs 1 - 3 students will be bussed back to school at about Morning Tea time, and the remaining students will be returned to College starting about 2pm, so that they can catch their normal transport home. NB* Year 4 may also return to school earlier in the day depending on how the students are travelling. I would also like to remind any parent collecting their child from the pool, to first check in with the child’s teacher, so that they can be marked off the roll. Parents, grandparents and younger siblings are welcome to join us at the carnival. No

friends, boyfriends, girlfriends or out-of-town cousins etc. are invited as we can’t ensure the

security of our students and their property with unknown outsiders. This year we have arranged

that there is no charge for family spectators.

Yours in Christ Mr Michael Nayler Principal

From the Deputy Mother Teresa The wisdom of Mother Teresa is simple yet powerful. It is easy to smile and say good morning, especially to someone you don’t know! Let us all take the time to smile and greet each other every morning in the spirit of welcoming our fellow students and parents. Mobiles Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be handed into the office for safekeeping. If a phone or electronic device is not handed in, its safety cannot be guaranteed. Please do not leave anything of value in your school bag. Lockers Lockers are available for students in Years 7 to 12. Please come to the student reception with your lock and two keys to get a locker. Maths/Science Tutoring Mr Erwin and Miss Tucker are doing Maths tutorials in Room 2 on Thursdays from 3.15 to 4pm. Tutoring is not on this Thursday due to swimming carnival. It will recommence on Thursday 21st February 2013. God bless Mr Sean Erwin Deputy Principal

APRE News Ash Wednesday Today, students and staff observed the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Reflection in the Mary Knoll Centre. Brooke Davis and Brendan McCarron, our Faith & Community Representatives, ably led the assembly. They also launched our major fundraiser for Project Compassion. The six weeks of Lent recognise the 40 days of Jesus’ struggle with and victory over temptation. It is a time when Christians all over the world are invited to look closely at their faith and commit to something that might seem to challenge them or move them out of their comfort zone. The ash each student received this morning is a reminder of our humanity complete with strengths, successes, weaknesses and failings. The story of Jesus becomes a very inclusive one when we learn that he too struggled with temptation, had fears, got angry and experienced very real highs and lows, as we all do. The students were extremely respectful of the occasion this morning and I hope this carries on to our communal effort in raising awareness and money for Project Compassion. Project Compassion 2013 The College will do things slightly differently this year. As always students and families are asked to contribute to the Project Compassion Boxes in each classroom each day. $1 per week per

student would raise $2500 for the work Caritas does. This year, however, we are not going to have individual classes doing their own fundraising. We will look to the three TLC groups, Prep-6, 7-10 and 11& 12 to come up with one significant event they can host. I hope this allays a little of the confusion for parents and students about how much students have to bring for various class initiatives each day for 6 weeks. It also serves to strip Lent back to what is really about, simple living, not bake sales, food and lollies on sale all the time. I appreciate all the work families have done in the past to provide the College with these goodies for raising money. It has been a very generous contribution to Project Compassion, and I am sure the opportunity will always exist for such generosity in other aspects of College Life. Teachers have access to six stories of six people from very different communities around the world that Caritas focusses on this year. I would encourage you to check out the website as well ( to see some of the initiatives Caritas have begun. To discussing these with your children is very worthwhile and reinforces some of the learning that will go on in class. God bless,

Mr Martin Perrett

APRE From the Office Term 1 fees were charged and statements mailed out yesterday. These are due for payment 25 February unless you have a payment plan set up already. If you don’t receive your statement or have

any questions or concerns regarding the

fees, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Mrs Shirley Hallett

Business Manager

Library Corner Library Overdue/Lost Property

Now that our students have received

textbooks and have begun borrowing from

the library, it is important to provide

information to you about your overdues/

lost process. These processes are in place to

help maintain and make accessible to all,

our library resources.

Library Books:

First reminder (1-15 days overdue) -

Class teachers are emailed a list of

students to remind daily

Second notice (16-23 days overdue) -

Library staff give the student a printed

record to take home

Final notice (24-31 days overdue) -

Library staff talk to the student indi-

vidually and give them a final record


Letters home to parents/caregivers

(31 days + overdue) - Letters with the

names of the book and replacement

cost are posted home to parents/


Failing a response/payment after a

week, account will be forwarded to the

Business Manager

Text Books

Textbooks are very expensive resources

which are loaned to students for the year. It

is understood that students use and carry

these books frequently, but there is an

expectation that students are responsible

for these books and maintain them in good

condition. Lost/damaged books must be

reported to the library immediately so that

they can be replaced and available to


Library staff notify students in classes

(with written print outs) three-four

weeks before school ends

Several verbal reminders (throughout

homerooms) and daily notices are in

place daily thereafter (a significant

amount of time is spent following up

on the return of these resources).

During the first term of the new

school year, students are spoken to.

Letters are sent home to parents/

caregivers with the name of the

textbooks and replacement cost

Failing a response/payment after a

week, accounts are then forwarded to

the Business Manager.

Reading Programs

The Take home reader program (Yr 1-3) and Lexile program (Yr 4-6) has begun. An information sheet was sent home this week with detailed information about these programs. Please support your child to read their take home readers to you daily. They are to be returned each Tuesday in the plastic bag to their class teacher. Students have received logins and passwords to use the Lexile program online. Once they have read their books, they are able to do quizzes at home and at school. Please see me if you need additional information about these programs. I am very excited about another great year of reading! Mrs Melanie Burr

Teacher Librarian

Curriculum Corner Assessment Calendars Year 7-12 assessment calendars were distributed to students last week. Please refer to the College website should you need another one.

Student Diaries It has been lovely to see Year 7-12 stu-dents carrying their diaries to classes. Please keep encouraging your child to use these as they are a great tool to assist with organisation and communication. Laptop/Cyber safety Information Session An information session will be held on the

20th February between 6.00pm-7.00pm

for Year 9 and any new Year 10-12

students and parents. This will be held in

the Mary Knoll Centre with tea/coffee

provided. Year 9 students have already

received an initial information session pri-

or to receiving their laptops, however this

session will provide an opportunity for

students and parents to receive additional

information on cyber safety, laptop care

and borrower responsibilities.

Kind regards,

Mrs Melanie Burr

Year 7-10 Coordinator

Tuckshop News Friday’s extra choice menu

Morning Tea and Lunch Macaroni

Cheese $3.50

Lunch Bag System Only Supreme Pizza


Orders only - no orders will be accepted

after morning tea on Friday.

A reminder that the tuckshop will not be

serving red meat on Fridays throughout

lent. There will be alternatives including

fish, salads etc. Piece of Fish $3.50

Kind Regards

Mrs Michelle Davis

Tuckshop Convenor

Stop Drop and Go Zone Just a reminder and to inform new parents that the parking area outside the front of the school is a designated Stop Drop and Go Zone from 2.45pm to 3.10pm Monday to Friday. This means that you are not entitled to park and leave your vehicle in this area. You must stay in your vehicle and move up the queue as cars leave. Your child waits under the trees out the front of the school and when their car arrives in this zone and stops the child can get safely in the vehicle. If you wish to walk in and collect your child from Prep (or any classroom) then you must park in the bottom car park (or elsewhere in the surrounding streets) and walk up. The area out the front of the school is not a parking area from 2.45pm to 3.10pm Monday to Friday.

Also encourage your child to use both pedestrian crossings. There are children walking across the road in front of the school to get into vehicles parked on the other side of the road. They should walk down to the crossing and then up the footpath on the opposite side. Thank you for your patience and consideration. Kind regards Ms Pam Radcliffe Stop Drop and Go Coordinator

P&F News I would like to sincerely apologise for the mix up of dates for this months P&F Meeting in last week’s newsletter. I understand it takes a lot of organising to attend meetings so I do appreciate this effort. The meeting is actually next Tuesday, 19th February at 7pm. On a positive note it was so good to see so many new faces turning up for our first meeting of the year and I hope you can return next week. God bless Mr Damien Martoo President P&F Personalise Label Drive Support this P&F Fundraiser by ordering your named stickers, iron-on and other personalised gear for your children. All you need to do is go to the website and start ordering. You must go through this link for the money to go to Saint Mary's! With this link Bright Star Kids Labels will donate 15% of all sales back to the school! Their range includes: name Labels, Bags, Wall Art and Bag Tags! So get shopping! When you proceed to the check out you can choose the P&F code FDR804 so money raised goes to our P&F. See Bron Langford-Martoo for any more information. Mrs Bronwyn Langford-Martoo Sticker Drive Coordinator

Executive Director BCE Dear Parents I am very pleased as the year begins to extend a warm welcome to par-ents new to Cath-olic education and to those of you who are continu-ing. Thank you for

choosing a Catholic education for your children. I hope that 2013 will be a very fulfilling one for you and your children and that it has begun in a spirit of confident enthusiasm.

There are 137 schools and colleges in the Archdiocese of Brisbane educating almost 70,000 students. Our Catholic schools commit to nurturing active partnerships with families and providing parents and caregivers with opportunities to participate in the life of the school community. There is extensive research which indicates that when schools and families work together children have higher rates of achievement and stay in school longer. There will be many occasions in the year ahead to become involved at your child’s school and I encourage you to do so. In the education world, very little stands still! It is indeed, a very dynamic pursuit in which to be engaged. This year across our school we will be implementing a new Religious Education curriculum and at the same time, continuing with the roll out of the Australian curriculum. This will all occur in contemporary learning environments in which information and communication technologies are embraced. During this year and the next we will also be working hard to ensure that our primary and secondary schools are ready for the move of year seven to the secondary context in 2015. Beyond the school gates, there is a very important role for parents to play in lobbying politicians at both state and federal levels about funding for Catholic schools. We rely on government funding for our capital and recurrent needs and are committed to supporting families by keeping tuition gees at the modest level. You would be aware no doubt that in 2010 a significant review into school funding was commissioned by the Australian government with a report presented in early 2012. In this election year, we anticipate that educational funding will be a major agenda item. The full report is available online as is further information Catholic school funding. The seminal document, The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium acknowledges parents as the primary educators of their children and as major partners in the education process. Such a close relationship with the school implies a partnership with mutual rights and re-sponsibilities. As this new year begins be assured of our support of you as parents and our ongoing commitment to strengthening partnerships and involvement of families in the life of the Catholic school. With every blessing Pam Betts Executive Director of Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane

Pauls Milk Collect-a-cap

Families that use Pauls milk, please keep the

specially marked lid. A box is located in the school office.

Date Claimer…….

14th February Swimming Carnival 15th February Kingaroy Blue Light Disco 19th February P&F Meeting 20th February Indigenous Connection Event Year 9 Laptop Handover Evening - 6pm 21st February Indigenous Connection Event 26th February Whole School Assembly 27th February SEAT - Spinal Presentation 28th February South Burnett Secondary Swimming Carnival 15th March Kingaroy Blue Light Disco 19th March P&F AGM 20th March SATS Interview Day 21st March School Photo Day Year 12 USC Visit 22nd March Immunisation Clinic 26th March Years 7-12 Camp Week 28th March Term One Completed 29th March Good Friday 30th March School Holidays 31st March Eater Sunday 15th April Term Two Commences

Instrumental Workshop 9.00am - 5.00pm

Saturday 16th March

South Burnett Community Orchestra in conjunction with South Burnett Regional Council and the Regional Arts

Development Fund are hosting an Instrumental Workshop with visiting Tutors in Strings, Brass, Woodwind and Percussion.

All Musicians regardless of age or playing experience are invited to attend.

Cost $ 20 includes morning tea. Registration at the Uniting Church Hall, Alford Street,

Kingaroy at 8.30am Further details and registration of interest

to Wendy Kelly Phone 0409 270 496 or email [email protected]

Kingaroy Town Hall Glendon Street 17th February

9am to 2pm Free Entry and Free Parking

Stall application forms can be retrieved from

Personalise Label Drive Support this P&F Fundraiser by

ordering your named stickers, iron-on and other personalised gear for your


All you need to do is go to the website

and start ordering.

Prep to 14 Years

High School ID must be brought

Start: 6pm

Finish 9pm

Parents must collect their children from

inside the hall and may at anytime throughout

the night

Swimming for Fitness Program For adults

Starting in Term 1 Every Friday, 9.30am to 10.30am

Kingaroy Pool First session commences on Friday 22 February 2013

Conducted by Local Swimming Coach - Donna Dangerfield

Gold coin donation per session paid directly to Donna.

To register your interest please contact: Kerry Oldfield, Healthy Communities Coordinator at South Burnett Regional Council on

4189 9412 or [email protected]

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