  • ThreadAnchor Style Nylon thread, 1 spool of each colour, as desired. Colour featured: Grey, Lilac, and Ivory were used.

    Additional materialsMilward: Scissors, embroidery hoop 12 or 15 cm (5 or 6 inches), curved upholstery needleIn addition: pieces of straw, a small C-clamp to attach embroi-dery hoop to table (optional), screw driver to tighten the screw of the embroidery hoop

    Decorative Flower Ornaments

    Skill level - Beginner

    By Silke Maurer

    Technique: Weaving/wrapping

    Brand: Anchor Style Nylon

    Crafting time: Evening

  • Decorative Flower Ornaments

    Copyright 2014

    Coats PLC


    Lay 4 or 6 pieces of straw across the inner ring of the embroidery hoop, spacing them evenly. Lay large ring in place, catching the straw ends securely.Tip: First soak the straw in wa-ter to make it more pliable.

    Knot beginning of thread in place.

    To secure the thread, wrap it entirely around one straw before continuing to the next straw. This prevents the thread/pattern from slipping.

    Wrap straws with thread. Hide thread end on back of work, with the help of an upholstery needle.

    Wrap a small amount of thread on a small piece of cardboard and use it like a shuttle to weave over the straws.

    Trim away ends of straw pieces.

    Tip: Make a small cut in the cardboard shuttle to hold the thread end securely.

    When you have finished weav-ing, remove the flower from the embroidery frame and trim the straws shortly after the thread weaving.

    Hide the thread end on the back of the work, with the help of an upholstery needle.

    When changing colours, work with several shuttles.

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8 9 10 11

    Have fun experimenting!

    Try changing the colour combination, the number of straws (4 or 6), the type of weaving or wrapping, etc.

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