


1. Introduction Page 2

2. The first discovery of the future Buddha: he saw an old man, a sick man and a

procession funeral. And after a wandering ascetic (samana) " 3

3. Siddhartha discovers errors of Hindu teachers of the Brahmanism " 5

4. The effectiveness and the importance of the self and the enigma of the Bhavagad

Gita about the Self and the self " 8

5. A definition of sin “ 10

6. The second discovery of the Buddha: it discovered an error of Alàra Kàlàma " 11

7. The third discovery of the Buddha: it discovered an error of Uddaka Ràmaputta “ 12

8. The fourth discovery of the Buddha: he discovers that the self mortifications and

the deprivations they are harmful and useless " 13

9. Buddhists’ exaggerations and errors " 15

10. The awakening of Gotama Siddhartha, the future Buddha “ 16

11. The fifth discovery of the Buddha: The First Noble Truth “ 17

12. The sixth discovery of the Buddha: The Second Noble Truth “ 21

13. The seventh discovery of the Buddha: The Third Noble Truth “ 23

14. The eighth discovery of the Buddha: The Fourth Noble Truth “ 26

15. The Four Noble Truths “ 27

16. Meanings of some terms of the Life “ 35

17. Jesus Christ’ Redemption and the Lord God “ 37

18. The ninth discovery of the Buddha: the Middle Course that is the alternative style of life

that belongs to the doctrine of Gotama Siddhartha “ 40

19. The meditation “ 43

20. God’s answers to man’s questions “ 50

21. The eight fundamental errors of the Buddha “ 50

22. The Buddhists that will be converted to the Father-Mother-God of all human kind

they will honor the Lord sole God in their temples with Jesus Christ and Our Lady

Mary; Buddhists will honor Buddha in a secondary altar as a saint.

When they will be converted the same thing will do in their temples the other

peoples and/or religions that do not adore yet the sole true God, the Father with the

Holy Spirit of Which Jesus speaks to us “ 62

23. The Sangha ; what to do to become good Christians ? “ 64

24. The Lord God and Jesus, the Christ “ 66

25. Love and Compassion “ 69

26. The Nirvana “ 70

26bis. Where is now (June 2011) the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha? Pagina 70



27. The Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze77 teach about Heavens of Religions “ 71

27bis The man will have the Absolute Conscience “ 72

28. St. Francis Di Assisi wrote of God Very High “ 72

29. The Lord God has told to Eileen Caddy in the XX century of the spiritual life “ 73

30. The Lord God never pushes Himself on anyone, but to every man He says… " 73

31. The Buddha sets a limit to his knowledge of the Life and in such a manner he set

limits to Buddhists also “ 74

32. The Conscience or Body Akasico “ 75

32bis Exhortation to the Buddhists brothers “ 75

33. Suggestion to Buddhists still doubtful on the Christ Lord “ 76

1. Introduction

We know that the Buddha Gotama Siddharta was an Hindu of the warlike caste of the

Sakyas, that had left parents, wife and a child to become a wandering ascetic and mendicant at

about thirty years old. It chose the ascetic and wandering life to discover the truths of the life in

how much strongly worried about the consequential sufferings by the birth, by the illness, by the

old age and by the death. According to the legend the young Siddhartha had suddenly discovered

the negative aspects of the life since his Father, very rich, he had hidden him the such negative

aspects of the life. His Father wanted that his son enjoyed of the comforts that the wealth got with

the parties, the women and the luxury without thinking about the pain, the illness, the old age and

the death. His son Siddhartha ended up seeing only of the life the youth and the other beautiful

aspects as his father had wanted since in the building that he had assigned the son there were

only happy, cheerful and healthy young people. But one day the future Buddha went out from his

palace on the road – in three different times he saw an old man, a sick man and a funereal and so

it discovered the old age, the illness and the death. Then he saw an old, emaciated, smiling

wandering ascetic 1 .

On these discoveries Siddhartha made the first reflections on the suffering; he remained of

it very impressed and to fight it he decided to become a samana, that is a wandering ascetic

abandoning his wife and his child.

It is not exactly known when the future Buddha was born, but it is believed that he saw the

light of the sun in the fourth or fifth century before Christ in a city in proximity of Benares, south of


As errant ascetic Siddhattha did wandering life during which he met some teachers from

each of which he learned something, but of every doctrine discovered the weak points, since he

looked for the liberation from the four scourges that the life of all the men tormented and that for

him they had become a real obsession: the birth, the illness, the old age and the death .

1 Italia Missionaria, Le grandi religioni, Buddhismo, care of Carlo Ghislandi and Angelo Campagnoli, page 10, Bologna, Italia Missionaria



Every Hindu teacher founded his doctrine upon the meditation, as it was prescribed by the

religion of the Veda; therefore the meditation was not a discovery of the Buddha, that however, it

set one method of his own, the Four Absorption 2 and the meditation on a sole fact: the origin and

extinction of the suffering of the man.

Siddhartha realizes quickly that the asceticism - up to the flagellation and to the almost total

fast - it was deprives of value to the goals of the craved liberation from the suffering.

We believe that Siddharta discovered that with the meditation, the man entered another

state of being that he/she doesn't know to judge and of which substantially he/she is not able of

saying nothing, if not that that it has transitorily felt or seen (it can sometimes concerns of visions of

the astral plane or other planes of the Cosmos: Astral and Mental 3 ).

The intention is not had to write a biography of the Buddha Gotama Siddhartha, so much

more because it is not known neither the language Pali neither the Sanskrit, the ancient Hindu

languages. The purpose of ours saying is another: to illustrate the discoveries of the

Buddha, his errors, the limits and the merits of his doctrine. We want illustrate the value of

his doctrine at the light of some of the Revelations on which the Teaching of the Ordine Gesù

Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) founds it and precisely: the Old Testament, the ancient and

modern Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ, the two Revelations of Findhorn - particularly that of the

"internal God" of Eileen Caddy - and the spiritual philosophers' Revelation done in Florence in the

XX century through the medium Roberto Setti.

We also add that the Buddhist Canon, the Canon Theravada of the Pali Text Society,

doesn't result translated in Italian. Then we will make reference to some biographies and to other

texts on the Buddha and on the Buddhisms that we will diligently quote as soon as we will use of


2. The first discovery of Gotama Siddhartha, the future Buddha

It was already said that Siddharta saw an old man, a sick man and a funeral procession;

and after a smiling wandering ascetic (samana).

Such discovery happened out of the fatherly house, after Siddhattha had the opportunity to

ascertain that the material life that he conducted there didn't satisfy him. Perhaps Siddhartha

started to vaguely realize that the pleasures that it offered his life in family were the cause of the

rebirths and therefore of the pain that derives from the birth, from the illness, from the old age and

from the death.

It is reported that Siddharta was opposed by his father, but in spite of this he left the house

after having seen out in sequence out of fatherly ownership:

<< …un man with the bent back, that barely advanced. At that point, it was revealed him

that it was an old man; according to the legend, not to sadden his son Suddhodana had admitted

2 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-44, Einaudi Tascabili3 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee



only young and healthy people at court. Siddhattha asks to the charioteer if he can escape to a

similar destiny, and it receives a negative answer.

A few times later, crossing another door of the city, the young one he comes upon in a

strange individual that barely breathes. The usual charioteer informs him that it was a sick man : it

is a fate that could be able, sooner or later to strike the same Siddhattha.

But the third encounter is, if possible, even more puzzling: the son of the ràja he comes

upon in a funeral procession. The charioteer explains him that it is accompanying a corpse:

someone that is separated forever by the life. Also in this case Siddhattha learns that one day will

be up to himself a similar destiny.

Finally, in the last encounter of the series the young one he comes upon in a man from the

shaved head: it is a renouncer a wandering religious that has abandoned the world. At that point

Siddhattha realizes that perhaps the fates of the precedents encounters, the old age, the illness

and the death, can be avoided that is: a life of renouncement probably allows to draw the liberation

(nibbàna; Sanskrit; nirvàna) (.) a more reliable narrative source, exposes another point of view.

Here Siddharta, that in the meantime a Buddha is become, it reports to the disciples an event of

his own youth: one day, he was attacked by the idea of the old age and the illness; to the sudden

one any happy thought faded away from its mind, and it was found prey to an inexpressible

sadness: from here the wish to embrace the life of the wandering religious.

In another narration handed down in various versions instead, while he had been going to

make an excursion together with his wife and of the squire Channa, Siddhattha he would have

found a spread out man to the ground. He would have been the first time that he saw a corpse.

Also in this case a puzzling experience would have pointed out his necessity to abandon a life of

pleasures to dedicate to the renouncement and the vagabondage.

In the different narrations the same argument is underlined: he must be opted for the

asceticism because of the painful and unpleasant aspects of the existence. And it perhaps is not

strange that in the mind of a devoted youth to the luxuries and the eases it could take root a

thought of the kind determining a conversion?

Siddhattha also understood that family life hindered any authentic realization of the spiritual

search. He had to leave, therefore, as soon as possible (.) .

In base to the various narrations, the events can be reassumed this way: for a little clear

motivations and prey to a vague existential crisis, the son of the ràja of a small State abandoned,

all of a sudden of his life and of proper, opposed initiative, the fatherly house to undertake in a

spiritual search. They are the few data "certain" of a rich narration of imaginary and symbolic cues:

the escape of Siddhattha is thought to in the night, a simple metaphor of the trip from the darkness

to the light .

Then the youth would have been twenty-nine years old. Suddhodana made him notice that,

usually, they departed very more elderly for trips of that kind 4 >>.

4 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, pages 13-15, Tascabili Economici Newton



3. Siddharta discovers errors of Hindu teachers of the Brahmanism

At the Brahmanic school of his first teacher Alàra Kàlàma Siddharta learned wrong

concepts of the Brahmanism that then he brought behind all life to start from the negativity of the

Self. Alàra preached the painful nature of the human life and the negativity of the Self . <<… Alàra

preached the negativity of the Self. In his opinion it was the conviction to constitute a separate

individuality towards the creatures to determine the sufferings of the man. The Self was a wrong

concept which nothing of reality didn't correspond ( note of mine: this is a mistake; actually, not

only the Divine Drop or Spark or Self is a Reality as we will see and it was already said in other

documents of this Catechism of ours concerning the Buddha, but also the small self or me human

it is a reality, a relative reality of the mental world of the Cosmos in which we live ): it is another cue

which the Buddha can be inspired. Every egoism had to be banished, annulling the distinction

between the Self and the others ( note of mine: this distinction cannot be annulled entirely while we

have to banish the egoism to discover the brightness of the altruism ) : this conception, for great

lines it recalled it to the Upanishads, the fundamental texts of the Indian though (.) 5 According to

Alàra, the wise man finally, had access to the sphere of the " not existence", where the matter

doesn't exist anymore (note of mine: The not existence sphere does nor exist) . Siddhattha

immediately realized the weak points of the doctrine. In first place, it didn't contemplate to the

liberation, neither to the absence of the passions, neither to the separation from the world. Besides

Alàra, in conformity to the teaching upanishadico, recognized the existence of the attà (Sanskrit:

àtman), the internal self separated by the body as support of the various reincarnations ; then

he/she still believed, amiss, in an individual center of the personality 6 >>.

In the autobiographic report Siddhattha added to have drawn the sphere of the not

existence , to which the meditative practices of Alàra allowed the access however. Such result,

according to some sources, would have been gotten only in three days! 7 >>

We think opportune to point out that in this epoch, according to the teaching of the spiritual

philosophers of the Circle Florence 77 we must distinguish well between the Self (Divine Drop-

Spark or Spirit) and the self human or small self or inferior self. Therefore when it talks of the Self

with the es capitol letters the Spirit of the man must be intended, that is his Spark or divine Drop,

that is a virtual fraction of the Spirit of God 8 , that the Westerners call Soul, . Instead, when it

talks of the self with the es small letter it intends the human self been born in our mind,

selfish and egocentric subject 9 in continuous contrast with the Ego formed by Divine

Spark and by the Conscience 10 .

The two itself have been so defined by the same Teachers of philosophy:5 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 17, Tascabili Economici Newton6 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 17, Tascabili Economici Newton7 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 17-18, Tascabili Economici Newton 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 122 (La frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti), Mediterranee9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (io), Mediterranee10 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee



a. The << Drop or divine Spark. Spirit. Self. Fulcrum of the individual existence not

evolution subject. Divine emanation that determines the individuality and the life of the

individual or the microcosm 11 >>;

b. The human me or human self or small or inferior self it has been defined: <<

Egoistic concept of itself same created by the individual mind which, distorting the

intimate sense of individuality coming from the tallest nature of the individual, it makes

to feel these separate and distinguished by the Cosmos 12 >>;

c. Both in West and in the East it can be useful worthwhile that in himself/herself the man

also has another "subject" or essence in his/her intimate world: the Conscience

(vinnana). Then in the man there are the Self, the me or self and the Conscience, so

defined by the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): <<

Body AKASICO. (Equal conscience) What receives and it transcribes, making it

become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual, existing, it

discovers and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold

incarnations, but it is constituted as soon as the individual he/she evolves 13 >>;

d. The Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 have so defined the Ego: << Part more

elevated of the individual subject to evolution. It has called Ego the whole of the Divine

Spark and the <<individual conscience>>. The Ego it is therefore what remains of the

individual when this it has finished the evolution as man 14 >>;

Such entities (Divine Spark or Self, the Ego and the human self or me) are not the only

things that it has the man; actually the man also has a personality, a character, a Conscience and a

psyche , as we know and they also know in the East; nevertheless our true being is the Self or

Divine Spark, that is the subject that in the man loves, that must never must be confused with the

self or me human 15 . If to this the complexity and the functions of the human body is added there is

more than enough of it to affirm that the man is a marvelous whole that he/she has an infinitely still

more marvelous God that has been able to conceive and to realize a life on the Earth to save

Satan and the other Demons by means of the man rather than to destroy them, as He would have

been able 16.

That being stated the man it is a whole constituted by Spirit or Self or Divine Drop or

Spark, by the Conscience or Akasico Body (two eternal bodies), by the mental body with the self or

me human, by the astral body and by the physical body (these last three bodies are destined to fall

to pieces in the homonym planes) 17 . All the bodies above described, the character and the

personality that derive from them do a different subject of every man from any other; for

11 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 ( Goccia o Scintilla Divina, Spirito o Sé ), Mediterranee12 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 ( io ), Mediterranee13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee14 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee15 Sri Aurobindo, Lo Yoga della Bhavagad Gita, Canto VI 4-10, Mediterranee16 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Mediterranee17 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 58-60 (Corpi) and page 140-141(Individuo), Mediterranee



completeness it is added that the man has another body, the body ethereal (<<…that serves what

intermediary between the dense physical body and the astral body...18);

Having said that I can now say that the Self of which Alàra treated was the Divine Spark or

Self, not the self or me human that is born in the mind of the man, that it is selfish and egocentric

as all we know. Being so the things, later around 2500 years the man of this epoch can report that

the Self or Divine Spark or Spirit It is a subject not created and therefore It has divine nature and It

is perfect and eternal.

The Self is constituted of Spirit, Spirit that is only virtually divided by God 19 . The Self

being such cannot be considered separate from anybody in how much it is well aware of to make

part of the Whole – One – Absolute 20 .

It is said sometimes said that the human me or self is negative, but with the teachings that

the men of this epoch have received in the meantime it can be affirmed that such me or self it is

not negative entirely, quite the opposite; actually it is a propeller of the Evolution of the man since

in the life nothing it is casual or useless 21 .

In the ancient times ( included those of the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha ) men were

very disadvantaged in comparison to the men of the XX century like me; at that time to the

man it had not been taught (in how much the Revelations are gradual according to the

development of the knowledges and human possibilities) to look for the best in every thing, also in

those apparently negative as the self inferior or human me. Or the Clairvoyants - or those people

who picked up the knowledges that the Clairvoyants themselves had acquired in meditation - the

importance of the me, self or small self didn't appreciate in the existences in which the man

is enslaved of his/her vices or passions, despite that such small self is a motor to conduct the

necessary experiences to overcome a state of being marked from a scarce conscience.

Such state of human being however it is destined to be overcome in how much selfish and

egocentric 22 in strength of the merciful law of the Evolution 23 , in base to which - only that he/she

wants it - the man knowingly gathers together him with the Father-Mother-God 24 one when he/she

will have completed his/her evolution as man.

In this epoch we have known from the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77,

Circle Florence 77 (one of the extraordinary Revelations of the XX century, that one which we

inspire us under the philosophical aspect), that the human me or self is very effective to let the

man to strengthen spiritually, but up to the point in which its Conscience, that is altruism, is not

enough formed during different existences lived in the planet Earth 25 .

18 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 59 (Corpo eterico), Mediterranee19 Cerchio Firenze77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 122 (La frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti), Mediterranee20 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 296-297 Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto, Mediterranee21 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of August 27th and 29th, Amrita22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 150-151 (io), Mediterranee23 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee24 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee



4. The effectiveness and the importance of the me or human self and the enigma of the

Bhavagad Gita about the Self and the self

The effectiveness and the importance of the me or human self, egoist and egotist, are such

to push the man to act, to discover and to realize a lot of initiatives for his/her profit and then of

his/her family, up to the point in which the man himself/herself is ready for the metamorphosis, or to

change and to be turned at the same time (gradually) by God into a spiritual being by means of

the Christ 26 . With such redemption the man from a material and selfish beings changes and it is

turned into a unselfish being (that he/she thinks, it plans, it acts and it realizes for the common

good without hoping in some reward, neither in the terrestrial life neither in the Life after Death ).

The renewal of the man happens at work of the man himself/herself and the absolute

Conscience of God, through the Conscience of the Christ, the Divine Presence in the man 27 . This

process is named evolution that it has been so defined by the disembodied Teachers of the

Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77):

a. << Evolution: Process for which life through forms much more organized expresses

degrees always greater of Mind and Spirit 28 (note of mine : for Spirit you understand Conscience


b. << The law of evolution: " Law for which every element of the Cosmos develops; what is

"in" it manifests; what is "in power" it is translated "in action"; what is in "germ" it is born, passing

from innumerable intermediary stadiums. The Cosmos evolves in the sense that it lives, but not in

the sense that becomes perfect, in how much it is - as emanation of God - already perfect. The

cosmic evolution it can conventionally divide, according to the nature of the elements that evolve,

in: evolution of the Matter, evolution of the form, evolution of the self-conscience 29 .

c. "The evolution has a natural rhythm: this way - wanting or not - the individual must

evolve. If it opposes resistance to this natural rhythm (that it doesn't have the same cadence

because at the beginning it is of a certain slowness and subsequently it becomes of a certain

rapidity) he/she meets sufferings. The suffering the individual causes it by himself/herself

opposing himself/herself to this natural to develop and to proceed of the evolution…. 30. [ note of

mine: This means that the sublime destiny of the man is insured, provided that he/she observes

the moral laws (those founded on the Decalogue 31 and on the Commandments of the love 32 );

otherwise its evolution will be delayed from the essential advent of the karmic tribulations 33 , life

26 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grani verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 “Il ritorno” del Cristo, Mediterranee27 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee28 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee29 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 155-182 ; Per un mondo migliore, page 210, Mediterranee30 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 153-154, Mediterranee31 Esodo 20, 1-2132 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 and Levitico 19,17-18); Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-4033 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 35-49, Mediterranee



after life, consequent to its sins, which derive not to want to observe the God’s Commandments

( Decalogue and Commandments of the love ].

Returning to the first two teachers of the Buddha: it is possible that at that time neither

Alàra Kàlàma, neither Siddhattha had known the Bhavagad Gita, which in the canto VI°, fourth,

fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth norms, so stating:

4. << …Of he who don't have attachment anymore neither for the sensitive objects, neither for

the works, and that he has abdicated the will desire, it is said that he has reached the summit

of the yoga one 34 >>;

5. << Through the Self the self frees and it doesn't degrade itself same, since in truth only the

self is friend of the self and only the self is hostile of the self >>;

6. << The self is the friend of the self for the one whose self has been defeated by the Self, but

for the one whose self has not been conquered, in truth the self is him hostile and it can also

act as enemy >>;

7. << The supreme Self is concentrated in the one whose self has been conquered and

pacified, and that he is indifferent in front of the cold or to the warm one, to the pleasure or to

the pain, to the honor or to the dishonour >>.

8. << Of the yogi that finds his own satisfaction in the perfect knowledge [of the Brahman], and

that, imperturbable and master of the senses, he doesn't see difference among earth's clod,

the stone and the gold, it is said that he is united [ to the Self, to the Brahman ] >>.

9. << The one excels whose intelligence remains imperturbable in front of the benevolent

friend , to the enemy, to the indifferent one, to he who it hates, to the foreigner, or to those that

are him near, to the sinner and the saint >>.

10. << That the yogi is held in an isolated place and, alone, fully dominating itself same and his

thoughts, free from the desire and from the idea to possess something, he constantly

devote him to the union [ with the Self ] 35 >>.

In my opinion to understand well these seven norms of the Bhavagad Gita, in the text of

Sri Aurobindo, it needs to correct the fifth and sixth norms of the sixth Canto; actually, being God

love 36 , the Divine Spark or Self or Spirit of the man It is also love, while the self or me human at

first incarnations 37 , if it doesn't arrive to hate it is certain that only himself loves and at the most

his/her relatives. The chronicles of these times teach us that many men, also in the Christian

Europe, in same Italy, they love only themselves if they arrive to kill in various ways his/her own

children, also through the abortion

We therefore rewrite the norms N°5 and 6 of the Bhavagad Gita.

The enigma of the Bhagavad Gita of which Sri Aurobindo speaks become clear if we

rewrite the norms 5, and 6 this way:

34 Sri Aurobindo, Lo Yoga della Bhagavad Gita, pages 160-162, Mediterranee35 Sri Aurobindo, Lo Yoga della Bhagavad Gita, pages 160-162, Mediterranee36 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee37 Cerchio Firenze 77. Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Medfiterranee



Rewriting of norm 5 of the aforesaid Canto VI : << Through the Self the self frees and it

doesn't degrade itself same, since in truth only the Self is friend of the self and only the self is

enemy of the Self >>;

Rewriting of norm 6 of the aforesaid Canto VI: The Self is the friend of the self for the

one whose self has been defeated by the Self, but for the one whose self has not been conquered,

in truth the self is him hostile and it can also act as its enemy >>.

The verses of the Bhagavad Gita so rewritten confirm a very clear Truth: the existence

of the Divine Spark or Spirit or Self of the man which is a virtual fraction of the Spirit of God, the

Brahman, that animates the man 38 .

The Lord God loves the man when he/she is at the first incarnations on the Earth when

his/her egoism manifest itself in a violent form ) theft, homicide and some other violences to come

into possession of what is object of his/her desire; The Lord also loves the man that hates or when

he/she is hate since God is love 39 . God loves the man that also hates. The creation with the man

has been made for saving the Demons that had rebelled to God; therefore, at least at the first

incarnations, all men have the conscience of a Demon. Of it that derives that the man's nature at

the first incarnations is hate and therefore the man hates all except himself/herself; perhaps, at the

most, it has respect for his/her relatives.

5. A definition of sin

The sin has been so defined by the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence

77): "The sin is ignorance, in how much, who faults, he/she has not assimilated yet the teaching

that will bring him/her to anymore commit that determined error. We can say that the sin is

weakness when we are not capable to impose one’s will: which is a cause to which must follows

an effect. This effect has a triple nature: immediate effect as he who sins by law does not

progresses since it means that he/she had not acquired that experience; effect that is had after

the death, given by the remorse for not having do one’s best , with every force to the aim of

improving one’s self ; effect that is had his action in the next existences as the person who sins, for

justice, remains bound to the karmic law. The karmic law it is not the manifestation of the

wickedness of the Divinity; but it is, as it say the word same, law. So, as who touches a flame burn

himself, so who sins undergo this triple effect. But how to reduce the possibility to mistake?

Knowing what is mistake, and here another aspect also of the conception of sin; in the end sin it is

all that that damages us and other creatures (.) 40 .

The Evolution of the human beings also happens and because of the activities of the

religions, that the individuals bring until a certain point of such evolutionary process; then the

redemptive work is widened and improved for all men, to whatever people or religion belongs 41 by

38 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee39 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee40 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 164, Mediterranee41 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161, Mediterranee



the Lord Jesus, the Divine Presence in the man 42 . At that point the man understands that his/her

self or me, so selfish, so egocentric, that has imposed its will to his/her Ego 43 ; therefore the me or

human self it can and must be dominated, since every man, at a certain point of his/her human

evolution, he/she more often listens to “the voice” of the Conscience. This “voice” originates from

God to the man through his/her Guardian angel 44 .

6. The second discovery of the Buddha

This discovery concerns an error of Alàra Kàlàma. The experiences that Siddhattha did

near the school of Alàra made him discover that the teaching of the meditation that brought him to

the sphere of the "Not existence" or of the "Nothing" it didn't satisfy him. We observe that the

sphere of the "Not existence" or of the "Nothing" in reality they cannot exist because everything is

Life in the Cosmos and in the Divine Plane. The meditation taught by Alara - besides transitory as

all trances - didn't bring Siddhartha to resolve the matter of the liberation of the man from the

sufferings caused by the birth, from the old age, from the illness and from the death, that, however,

he never realized it because the pain is one of the three engines of the evolution; the other two

engine they are strengths and temptations 45 .

In every case, the sphere of the Not existence of Alàra Kàlàma "where the matter doesn't

exist anymore" it is a mistake because in the Cosmos everything is Matter and energy 46 ; the "Not

existence" or the “Nothing” of Alàra and the Buddha was the silence of the meditation.

And still: everything in the Cosmos [ Earth, plane physical and other worlds (astral, mental

and Akasico 47 )] it is life and therefore it cannot exists a "Not life". Who sustains the sphere of the

Not existence or of the Void one is wrong because also in the meditation, in every meditation there

is life, at least of listening, in how much the man develops a mental activity or in any case internal

addressed to know what it also exists in the planes ultra physical.

7. The third discovery of the Buddha

This discovery concerns an error of Uddaka Ràmaputta.

Exhausted the experience with Alàra Kàlàma the Buddha Siddharta chose another teacher

<< (.) very famous, a some Uddaka Ràmaputta. He decided therefore to frequent its principal

center of the school (.)nevertheless the preceding situation repeated it: not even this character, just

like Alàra, the young researcher would have satisfied. Also in this case the doctrinal news is rather

full of gaps. We know only that Uddaka had learned the proper one "vision" from his father,

42 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee43 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee44 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 28 (Angelo custode), Mediterranee45 Jakob Lorber, il Signore parla, pages 133-137 ( IL significato della miseria, della malattia e del dolore; page 162, Armenia46 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, pages 101-116(Energie), Zanichelli47 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee



emphasizing the necessity to access an intermediary dimension, sets between the conscience and

the not conscience (.) 48 >> [note:of mine The disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77) teach that the Cosmos is composed only of two zones.. In the first one, that

exists as a base of the second one, there are three floors: physical, astral and mental, in the

second zone there is the planes Akasico or of the Conscience 49 that in my opinion is eternal.

Therefore, also the dimension intermediary situated between the conscience and the not

conscience of Uddaka is a fantasy. At the most this dimension could be in a zone of the mental

world that belongs to that call the Heavens of the religions created by the thought of the man 50 ;

such dimension cannot belong to the plane of the Conscience because everything is Conscience in

the Akasico plane or of the Conscience 51 . All the more reason said dimension cannot belong to

the Divine Plane. Besides if the dimension existed of which Uddaka Ràmaputta spoke, if it existed

and were in the mental plane of the Cosmos it would be destined to disappear following the

reabsorption of the cosmic Manifestation 52 ].

<<. …. Probably this (note of mine: that is Uddaka) it was established to draw a particular

state of conscience partly extraneous to the exercise of the usual perceptive formalities, but also

partly dependent: more it is not given to know. Also in this case, however, the disciple appropriated

him in shortly time of the doctrine of the teacher, reaching the same finishing lines of it. It is said

that Siddhattha had access to the so-called dimension "neither conscience, neither not

conscience", reputing it however unsatisfactory. To his notice a similar perspective would not

definitely have allowed of overcoming the worldly suffering, to draw, that is, the liberation (.) 53 >>.

(note of mine: But the Buddha doctrine does not leads to the liberation, because it is done for

egoistic purposes (personal liberation from the sufferance and extinguishing of the negative

postponed karmas 54 . You see the paragraph 11, the Buddha’s doctrine) in our document

“Buddhist brothers the life with all the living beings is the masterpiece of God ).

The liberation was a fixation of Siddhartha, the future Buddha, but Siddharta never realized

it because it is Divine work realized by God in the person of Jesus Christ 55 .

At the school of Uddaka Siddhartha it discovered that also the so-called sphere "Neither

conscience, neither not conscience " was similar, in my opinion, to the sphere of the Nothing of

which I have spoken in precedence and in the document " The Meditation", put among the

Deepenings, in the part reserved to Mind and Thought.

Synthetically I can say that at the end of a trance the meditating Siddharta, of the school of

Uddaka, he could have kept on meditating, but from a certain point in then nothing happened to

48 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 19, Tascabili Economici Newton49 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141 (Come l’uomo pensa così sarà), Mediterranee51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 217-218 (Piano akasico o della coscienza), Mediterranee52 Cerchio Firenze 77, , Dai mondi invisibili, pages 230 – 231 (Riassorbimento e fine della forma), Mediterranee53 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 19, Tascabili Economici Newton54 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee55 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita



him for the end of the meditation. Or the meditating one, having his/her fixed thought on the

spiritual eye, it was in silence waiting that something happened. This "state of being" it has been, in

my opinion, called by Uddaka, or by others before him, "Neither conscience, neither not

conscience", in how much the meditating one it was in a state of wait in which nothing didn't

happen of which the meditating one was aware, while he/she was remaining in silence.

8. The Fourth discovery of the Buddha concerns the self mortifications and the excessive

deprivations that were harmful and useless

<< Asceticism and scourging. At that point Siddhattha felt him dissatisfied of the

meditative techniques and of other people's doctrines: It was time to look for an own way of access

to the path of the liberation. Since a certain type of knowledge had not disclosed him some

perspective, the youth it felt that he had to address to the Asceticism . It began so a long period of

physical mortifications, that would have lasted six years even. Siddhattha was established to

control completely the desires of the body, which involved even the total inhibition of the function

physiological . At the beginning the youth remained sat for a long time, the clenched teeth and

the language pressed on the palate. And it held back the breath up to the pang, at the point to

perceive deafening noises in the ears (.) . For a few times a grove constituted its abode.

Nevertheless certain methods didn't give him positive results. Definite Siddhattha then to abandon

them addressing to other. It started to beg exclusively accepting offers of vegetable foods. And it

went around naked, just as the Giainas, inflicting himself the most atrocious macerations and

tortures. He finally set aside it although least measure of personal hygiene, reaching even to feed

of his proper faeces . His body, of an impressive skinniness grew thin more and more (.). In the

meantime the young samana was absorbed in deep reflections, and it was about to engrave a

conclusive turn to its life. He realized that nothing was getting: he had not completed some

progress with that extreme rigorism. It understood then that the liberation could not derive from the

mortification of the body. This way it accepted a bowl of rice boiled for fortifying him a little. The

offer would have been brought him by Sujatà a thirteenth years old girl .She, casually arrived by

the riverside, she had seen him under serious conditions and, worried, she would have given him a

bowl of rice, or of milk according to other versions. To that point Siddhattha felt him immediately

reassured, and strengths returned him: its search could continue… 56 >>.

Of it derives that the Oriental should not teach that the Liberation can be gotten with the

yoga classical or with the doctrine of Gotama Siddharta; not with the yoga classical since the

Buddha, one of them, have shown the impossibility of it, but even with the Buddhic doctrine, since

without the help of God - with the redemption of the Christ, the Divine Presence in the man 57 -

there cannot be neither Salvation, nor Liberation 58 ; in the case of the Buddhists they look for it

56 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 19-20, Tascabili Economici Newton57 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee58 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo), Mediterranee



with egoistic purposes: elimination of the sufferance and elimination of the negative karmas

postponed and so on and therefore they will not reach it never. the Buddha - however great among

men - he doesn't even have the strength to bless the Earth, without the help of the Lord Jesus,

as it has been being demonstrated for many centuries in the valley of the Himalaya during the

ceremony of the Wesak 59 .

The liberation is treated in simple, but exhaustive way by the spiritual Teachers of

the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77):

a. << You must study yourselves, to know yourselves, as it well clearly says and Claudio

has always said, and to ascertain "up to what point the "me" it pushes you to act. This continuous

to reflect, this continuous to recognize the "me", your limits, will bring to a liberation, but entirely to

be aware of yourselves, 32c, (you See Fatalism) 68c. "The liberation can also happen in this

moment" provided that you want it, provided that you have sincerity with yourselves, to be able to

realize that constant awareness that is liberation 69c. Who believed to be able to find in the world

the happiness (you see) and it felt him/her say, coming to us here, "this happiness will never be

reached in the world", or "this happiness is unattainable because the cause of the unhappiness is

you"; and from these words of ours it stayed disappointed he /she should not give the guilt of

his/her disappointment to our teaching; because it is very more next to the liberation he who

he/she that knows, rather of he who he/she that doesn't know, 149d (.) 60 .

b. The liberation taught by various schools to start from the yoga (you see) one, is looked

out upon in selfish sense, that is it is said that reaching such liberation frees him/her some

suffering, the signs of the negative karmas they extinguish them , and so on. And this is not that a

variation of the heaven (you see) pointed out by the Catholic religion. This is deeply wrong. He

who try to reach the liberation with this goal, it will never reach it. The purpose for which the man

must improve him/her is that to establish in his/her world, and from this to the world of the others,

the order, the justice and the rectitude: this only. He/she must not wait him/her for anyone form of

reward, neither spiritual, neither material. And he/she who with wish seek the liberation to this goal,

he/she is certainly helped, 243g.

The to want him/her to change must have the sole and only purpose - I repeat it once more

- to improve the world through the improvement of itself, without expecting some reward. When the

man meditating on himself/herself, it discovers in itself a series of defects, he/she must not try to

violate him/her not to have defects anymore, but he/she must take action of his/her limitations,

and, through the mechanism of the to set attention and to understand, to come to understand and

to overcome, 244g 61 >>.

9. Buddhists’ exaggerations and errors

59 Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14- 18, L’Ariete60 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 160, Mediterranee61 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161, Mediterranee



The Buddhists exaggerate a lot of the fruits and the benefits that can be gotten with the

doctrine of the Buddha and they make it to believe true what it is not it, absolutely, because the

man, even if good as Siddharta, cannot change the divine laws of the life. It refers and it is

commented together:

<< The night of the reawakening :

<<…In the autobiographic report Siddhattha admits to have known, for the occasion, his

own preceding lives. He shows so to stick to the theory of the reincarnation in base to which a

cycle of births and deaths (Samsàra) exists, that the liberation (nibbàna) has the power to suspend

. Siddhattha declares to have remembered of his preceding names, as well as of the families, of

the castes and of the ways of existence according to which he had lived. And reminiscence would

be moved very back in the time, to the point to be covered the arc of well one hundred thousands

births (!). He would have recovered certain memoirs in the first part of the night. Subsequently, as

it is reported in various narrations, he would have drawn the knowledge of the laws kammiche that

determines the life and the death of the sentient beings. These revive in base to the behavior:

according to the finished actions, they will receive a worse or best fate and the rebirth of the most

lowest or elevated worlds . With this conception a clean borderline is traced between the good

and the evil. The knowledge of the law of the kamma (Sanskrit: karma; literally: "action") it allows

to direct his/her own behavior, so that to escape, for how much it is possible, to the negative

conditionings of the preceding existences. Siddhattha sustains that such knowledges have been

revealed him in the second part of the night of the reawakening. In reality the law of the kamma

was abundantly note in the Indian culture, and same Siddhattha must have heard to say of it, at

least from his teachers: almost certainly from Alàra, and probably from Uddaka….

…The last part of the night represents the original contribution of Siddhattha to the Indian

speculation as a rather enough personal fruit of a reflection. It mentions you to the theory of the

"four noble truths" one of the foundations of the Buddhism. Siddhattha declares to have "known"

these four realities: the pain (dukkha)…. (note of mine: it was not a discovery of Siddhartha

because pain was known to all men ), …. the origin of the pain (ducckasamudaya) (note of mine:

pain had origin from the rebellion of Lucifer and in the decision of God to save him and the other

rebellious Angels ), … the cessation of the pain (dukkhanirodha) (note of mine: pain doesn't stop in

the life, it is reduced only or suspended by the Divine law of the Karma to whom behaves well as

the Buddha and other teachers teach ) and the way that conducts to the cessation of the pain

(dukkhagàminipatipadà)… (note of mine: it is not true that Buddha’s method make the suffering

cease; there is one way only is the way because everything is perfect 62 : the only way is that to

evangelically loving God and brothers men as Jesus teach; the sufferings with the struggle and the

temptations are the foundations of the life conceived and realized by God to make to grow the

men in wisdom and Conscience 63 ) … .

62 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee63 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia



….It is only a sketch of what him same he would have exposed few time later more

completely to his first disciples. Despite the originality of the formulation, he must be observed that

the "four truths" (or realities) they conform them to the schemes of the Indian medicine of the

epoch. Any symptom went, in first place, individualized; in second place, it ascertained the cause;

in third place, the possibility to defeat it; and, finally, the specific way to do it. Diagnosis, etiology,

prognosis and therapy were the four phases of the clinical intervention, correspondents to the four

Buddhists truths …. (note of mine: the Four noble truths are not completed and wrong) ….Finally,

during his decisive experience of the illumination, the young samana would have suppressed the

four àsavas (Sanskrit: asrava). This term, approximately translatable with "influence", it

characterizes the following elements: kàma or the sensual desire, bhava or the desire to exist,

avijja or the ignorance (note of mine: the Buddha didn't clear himself of the ignorance, so much so

that he continued to ignore the existence of God and the Divine Spark or Self or Spirit in the man ),

….ditthi or the opinion (note of mine : Buddha didn't clear himself of any opinion so much so that

he conceived the theory of the Not Itself or Anatta and that of the Five factors both wrong ones, as

we had pointed out in the points 15 and 16 of the document "The Buddha and the Buddhists." But

the same theory of the Four Noble Truths is substantially mistaken, at least for the cessation of the

pain and the rebirths on the Earth ). The characteristic of the Buddhist saint, that is of the arahat

(Sanskrit: arhat) it consists, note, of being him completely cleared of these four conditionings 64


10. The Reawakening of Gotama Siddhartha, the future Buddha

In the night of the reawakening or the illumination Siddhartha - after six years of intense job

on himself and of failures to defeat the sufferings of the birth, of the old age, of the illness and of

the death - he believed to be able to make to stop the pain and the rebirths on the Earth, but he

was wrong as I have already said. It was right instead in to sustain that the rebirth on the Earth

was also tied up to the thirst or eagerness (tanha) for the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world

and the flesh, which they originate the passions for pleasures, and then co-operates to determine

the rebirths on the Earth.

The doctrine of the Four Noble Truths is fundamentally wrong because the pain - with the

struggles and the temptations – constitutes the conditions of life to make to grow the human

demons 65 in wisdom and conscience, while the rebirths on the Earth are essential until the man a

saint it doesn't become, that is a to be able of to love. Nevertheless the to discover that the origin

of the suffering was also the attachment or the eagerness for the pleasures of the world and the

flesh it was a very important discovery of the Buddha.

You believes that Siddhartha also realized that the amorality, the wickedness, the greed, the

egoism, the thirst to enjoy some pleasures of the Life and the passions they were the principal

64 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 22-23, Tascabili Economici Newton65 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia



causes of the sufferings and the rebirths in the planet Earth and therefore he puts the

renouncement to them to the base of his own doctrine (Second noble truth founded on the

divinekarmic law).

Siddhartha also realized the benefits of the law of the karma according to which the Good

is compensated with peace and calm (and with reduction or suspension of the pain, while the Evil

is compensated with punishments and anguish 66 .

With the time Siddharta realize that the renouncement to the pleasures of the world and the

flesh united to the meditation, to the respect of the others, to the wise and moral behaviors and to a

moderate asceticism, they would have formed a doctrine - that he called Dharma (to be interpreted

in the sense of a method and not of a law) - that he would have been able to calm the sufferings of

the man observing the Octopath (Fourth noble truth, founded also on the divine law of the karma

as the Second and Third noble truths).

It cannot be held likely therefore that his discoveries have happened in an only night; it is

very more probable instead that they are the fruit of six years of reflections, meditations, tests,

sacrifices and failures and of life in common with other teachers and monks.

11.The fifth discovery of the Buddha is the First Noble Truth of the suffering ( dukkha ).

Which is wrong and correct contemporaneously; it is wrong because in the life there are loves,

friendships, pleasures, satisfactions, games and things like them; it is correct because in the life

there are the pains of the illness, of the old age and the death. As a matter of fact Siddhartha did

not understand that the Lord God had entrusted to pains, struggles and temptations a noble

purpose: to save the Demons by means of the life and of the man 67 .

We refer that Siddhartha said regarding the suffering: << What it is, monks, the Noble truth

of the suffering ? The birth is suffering, the illness is suffering, the old age is suffering, the death

is suffering. The pain, the affliction, the regret, the sorrow, the desperation they are suffering. The

union with what is not loved it is suffering, the separation from what is pleasant it is suffering. Don't

get what it is wanted it is suffering. Shortly the five factors of the individuality are suffering 68 >>

. (note of mine: you see the paragraph 11 of our document “Brothers Buddhists the life with all the

living beings is the masterpiece of God ).

As it has been said already the First noble truth it is not a truth because the Buddha ignored

that the life is also love, friendship, joys, pleasures, satisfactions, games and things like those for

young people and adults and I made it appear as it were inly sufference .

<< …The Five factors of the individuality they are according Buddha: the physical body

(rupa), the feelings (vedana), the knowledges (sanna), the lines and the inclinations of the

character (sankhara) and the Conscience (vinnana). It is not necessary to analyze in the particular

66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee67 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia68 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 48-51, Einaudi Tascabili



ones each of these five factors, because of this list interests us not so much what it is included as

much what is excluded. Particularly the doctrine doesn't make some reference to a soul or a "self",

as eternal and unchangeable spiritual essence. Assuming this position, Buddha was set out of the

Indian orthodox tradition, the Brahmanism, according to which every individual possesses an

eternal soul (Atman) that makes part or It is identified with an absolute metaphysician called

Brahman (a sort of impersonal divine entity. Buddha affirmed not to have found any proof of the

existence of an impersonal soul (Atman) or Its cosmic equivalent, the Brahman ( a sort of divine

entity impersonal…69 )>>.

<< Buddha stated of not having found any proof of the existence of a personal soul (Atman)

or of Its cosmic equivalent (Brahman)… 70 >>.

The Buddha didn't intuit the noble purpose of the pain, neither looked for the Brahman

where It could find Him, that is in his same heart 71 . The noble purpose of the life and therefore

of the pain was the Salvation or Liberation of the Demons headed by Lucifer - that then it

became Satan – by means of men.

The Lord Jesus has said speaking of Lucifer and of the other rebellious Angels as well as of

the decision of God to save them: <<…The fallen spirits, that had voluntarily estranged from Me

and they had undertaken the wrong way, were not able and they didn't want to know nothing of

progress about improvement; nevertheless, not to block them completely the road, they were set

under conditions in which, firm their personal liberty staying, they can return back when they want.

For this it was servant the material world now, the whole universe, the man. In him,

according to the degree of their wickedness the spirits were dressed again of matter, exposed to

struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions

of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also begin in this way their

volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle

of improvement it comes as second. All the Earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies they

are formed from the great soul of Satan: the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the

great spirit of Lucifer and its retinue banished and fallen in the matter. God, that is eternal love and

compassion, would have been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to

the life it is able yes to change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler or vice versa, but it

can never be destroyed 72 >>.

That being stated, to believe to be able to live without the help of the Father-Mother-

God 73 in those labyrinths that are our manifold lives on the Earth and in the other planes of the

69 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-50, Einaudi Tascabili70 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili71 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita72 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia73 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio at Findhorn, page 103-104, Mediterranee



Cosmos (astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience 74 ), more than an illusion is an

exaggerated evaluation of the abilities of the man and of its values.

To believe to be able to live in the Cosmos without the guide of an eternal Spirit, Self, Drop

or Divine Spark 75 , that It coordinates the existences of the different individuals during their

manifold incarnations on the Earth and in the Life after Death is another illusion or another

exaggerated evaluation of the abilities of the man and his/her scarce values.

On the Earth man follows every time a program of studies fit for the growth of his/her

Conscience, program that God makes to predispose for each one of us by the Lords or

Teachers of the Karma 76 by means of the teaching of the poverty, of the illness and of the pain

(effects) caused by our bad behaviours (causes) 77 so that our conscience could expand; the

schools of the Life after Death serve for the evolution of every man after the death 78 .

The Buddhic doctrine of the Four Noble Truths is simplistic and in prevalence wrong; it is

better to examine it truth for truth as I do myself. Such doctrine it is also complicated by the

thousand sophisms of the Buddhist Sects.

The Buddhism is as a man that was born with an alone leg: it would always have need of a

crutch to walk; what is it the crutch that the Buddha gave to the man? A doctrine substantially

wrong for the teaching to know for itselves also (A I 189 79 .For Buddha’s fault they lack the

illuminations and answers of God 80 to the Buddhist. The man should be a miserable thing

without God and the Divine Spark or the Self or Spirit, in front of the complexities of the life and of

our same nature; therefore the Buddha has a great fault: having established a religion or

style of life without God.

It is a great fortune for all men, Buddhists and Atheists for an instance, that we have a God

Love-Life as Father and Mother that it programs or it makes to program for us the suffering

necessary to expand our Conscience existence for existence because life on the Earth is a very

school both 81 as those in the Life after Death 82 .

The man ha another great luck: it is not judged for his/her sins, but only on his/her

good deeds 83 ; therefore after every terrestrial existence our Conscience it expands. Regarding

74 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee75 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207, Mediterranee76 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del karma), Mediterranee77 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica), Mediterranee78 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 170-178 (L’anima nell’Aldilà), Armenia79 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili80 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori) , Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita81 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia 82 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 170-181 (L’anima nell’Aldilà), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee83 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia



the Buddha I think that he is in the Nirvana 84 - (mental world where they are the Paradises og the

religion85 )- as a light Being and not in the Hell for having established a religion or style of life

without God; the Judgement is this because our God is Love 86 .

The Buddhists can ignore God, but the God of the love and of the life knows the

weaknesses of His children and therefore He doesn't leave them never alone 87 , even if He never

imposes His will to them 88 for the liberty that He has given us 89 .

God is the untiring internal Teacher 90 that proposes His children always new lessons

through the reflections that struggle, temptations and pains induce the man to do. Being reflecting

on the why of the sufferings that the man always expand his/her mind and Conscience; it is true

that he/she expands slowly his/her conscience, but he/she grows here always and in the Life after

Death 91 also for worth of the Guides that He gives us 92 . But not only: the man always grows in

knowledge and Conscience because in the life of the God of the love nothing is casual and behind

every life a pattern and a plan exist 93 ; besides we draws benefit from our mistakes and nothing

happens in vain 94 .

Siddhattha has the merit to have intuited a correlation between the moral or ethic law 95

and the karmic law or law of cause and effect 96 , but he continued - and perhaps continues -

to ignore God and his personal Divine Spark.

Buddha also realized that life offered to every moment the possibility to choose between

the Good and the Evil (Second and Fourth truths) and that from this series of choices instant for

instant the rebirth of the man depended on the Earth .

Siddhattha thought therefore that from the moral or virtuous choice was the correct

behaviour of the man, while from the amoral or vicious choice of the man its future rebirth

depended on the planet Earth, once more subdued to the sufferings of the birth, of the illness, of

the old age and of the death on the Earth.

I don't know if the Buddha knew that the self with its es lower case letter or the inferior or

small self is born and it has its center in the mind of the man 97 and that therefore all the human

choices are conditioned by the presence of the me until it was dominated.

84 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 163 (Nirvana), Mediterranee85 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (l’evoluzione dopo il trapasso, Mediterrane86 Salmo di Davide 103 (102) ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee87 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita88 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita89 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 161-162 (Libero arbitrio and Libertà), Mediterranee90 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61(Le risposte interiori) ; Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23th , July 21st , and November 24th , Amrita91 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee92 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 29th and Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia93 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th and 29th , Amrita94 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 27th , Amrita95 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 109 and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 186-187, Mediterranee96 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto) and page 210 (Legge karmica), Mediterranee97 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208-209 ( io = human self or me), Mediterranee



It is possible that the Buddha has realized that in the internal world of the man a struggle

moment for moment developed it, that is choice for choice among the good possibility or altruist

that it offers the life. - that it is sustained by the Ego (formed by Divine Spark or Self with its es

capital letter and the man's Conscience) and the bad, material, covetous, vicious or amoral

possibility - that the Buddha defines eagerness or thirst for the enjoyment of the passions for the

pleasures of the world and the flesh that is sustained by the self with its es lower case letter.

Not all the people know about this ultra mundane struggle that it develops moment for

moment in our internal world, therefore not all we are of it aware until not it discovers or it comes

to know, but the possibilities continually offered by the daily occurrences are always two, because

life is dual (choice between the opposites).

It has been said that the Duality: << It is one of the three aspects of the Logos, that

legislative; it is the cosmic law that regulates the same Cosmos. It is the warping of the Cosmos or

matrix of all the forms, on the base of which the Cosmos, developing itself, it is interwoven, 206c.98 >>. Of it derives that Duality is inherent in the life. Considered the purposes of the life of the

man it we have to conclude that Duality is a good thing, very good if our behaviours are good !

The Cosmos has been so defined by the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77): << Total outcome of a process of manifestation (or emanation) of God, in

continuous movement. It is limited in the existence from a beginning and an end in the time and in

the space 99 >>.

12. The sixth discovery of the Buddha is the Second Noble Truth of the origin (samudaya) of

the suffering

The Buddha said: << This, monks, are the truth of the origin of the suffering. It is this thirst

or eagerness (tanha), that it gives origin to the rebirth, that is tied up to the enjoyment of the

passions, that always looks for new pleasures anywhere, in the form of 1) thirst of the pleasures of

the senses 2) thirst of existence and 3) thirst of not existence 100 >>.

This truth is correct and wrong at the same time:

- it is wrong because the origin of the suffering resides in the rebellion of Satan and of the

other Demons and in the love of God Which, to save them, conceived and realized the life with the

things and all the living beings, included the man.

- it is correct because the thirst of life or eagerness co-operates with the postpones

negative karma to give origin to the rebirth on the Earth. But it would be wrong to believe that the

negative karmas suspended at one determined incarnation of an individual are set at zero for the

renouncement to the thirst and the eagerness for the enjoyment of the passions in a determined

terrestrial existence, because this would be contrary to the justice and to the necessities of the

98 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 81 (Dualità), Mediterranee 99 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205, Mediterranee100 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 51, Einaudi Tascabili



man to receive the suspended karmic lessons which will donate him/her the conscience that lacked


Siddhartha intuited that the thirsts or eagerness aforesaid were the cause of the suffering

and therefore also of rebirths for the creation of new negative karmas. This was a great

discovery, but really the thirsts and the eagerness for the enjoyment of passions and pleasures

are a concomitant cause together with the negative karmas postponed at a specific incarnation, for

an example as Buddhist.

Siddhartha also realized that the eagerness or thirst for the enjoyment of the pleasures of

the world and the flesh were fed by the ignorance ( A V 116) 101 .

The Buddha discovered that suffering is lessened or suspended by the law of the Karma

when the man starts to virtuously live, but he erroneously believed that it were the cessation of the

suffering while himself suffered in the old age 102 .

According to Siddhartha hate, ignorance and eagerness form the triplex fire that conducts

to the rebirth 103 . Because of the eagerness to have, to prevail and to enjoy the man maintains in

to be the spiral of the sufferings and the rebirths on the Earth, but the Lord God discovered the

own mistakes, life interwoven of "struggles, temptations and pains" 104 that donate comprehension

of the one’s, but lived freely by the man same 105 ; unfortunately Buddha did not discovered it

because he did not meditate never in his heart; if he would had done it he would had found God

and consequently His Wisdom 106 that it would illuminate Siddhartha; therefore Buddha, with the

divine light in him it would not make mistakes of which we will deal with in the paragraph n°21 of

this document.

Particularly the pain is one of the top Goods of the man, a balm for the soul because it

makes him/her discovers his/her mistakes and the truths of the life 107 .

And sooner or later, that is after manifold rebirths on the Earth, the man discovers the

purpose of the pain and then he/she understands the shine of the existence that consists of giving

ourselves for love 108 without asking for nothing in change, but the prize arrives equally: the joy

because everything has been given 109 .

13. The seventh discovery of the Buddha: The Third Noble Truth of the cessation of the

suffering was a mistake

101 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 72, Einaudi Tascabili102 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106 Einaudi Tascabili ; Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili economici Newton ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30, Einaudi Tascabili103 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, Page 55, Einaudi Tascabili 104 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 105 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 133-137 (Il significato della miseria, della malattia e del dolore, Armenia106 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 28th , July 17th , August 30th ,and September 4th , Amrita 107 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee108 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 77 and 147, Mediterranee109 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated February 17th , August 27th and December 22nd , Amrita



In the Third noble truth there is a serious error: it assures the cessation (nirodha) of the

suffering, while the Divine law of the Karma provides and gives only the reduction or suspension of

the pain, but till only the man it will behave well. I think that Siddhartha behaved well with his

brothers men, but it didn't behave well with the Lord God, ignoring Him and not talking of Him to

his disciples up to his late age; therefore – at a certain point of his life - the Lords or Teachers of

the Karma 110 prepared the resumption of the pain to correct the Buddha. Actually Siddharta

atrociously suffered in his old age 111 .

Buddha said: <<This is, monks, the truth of the cessation of the suffering. It is the total

cessation of the eagerness (tanha), to go out of it, to renounce it, to refuse it, to free of it, to put an

end to the attachment 112 >>.

The truth of the cessation of the suffering (Nirodha) is not a truth but an juvenile

error of the Buddha, which it exchanged the suspension karmica of its sufferings for the cessation

of the sufferings. So much truth that the Buddha suffered in his old age of atrocious sufferings as it

is said above. Don't result me nothing of the sufferings of Siddhartha from thirty years old to sixty,

but I think that of it a little he had at least sometimes, because he persevered in to ignore the Lord


It is true however for not creating new causes of sufferings, effects, for the future

incarnation it is necessary to overcome the eagerness or the attachment for the pleasure of the

world and of the flesh (causes) which generate future sufferings (effects); therefore for obtaining

the reduction or the suspension of the sufferings, the peace and the serenity we must renounce to

the eagerness for the pleasures of the world and the flesh which thing is not quite easy; however,

the cessation of the eagerness or thirst for the pleasures of the world and the flesh it is possible

because when the man pledge itself him/her to improve him/her God helps him/her 113 , even if the

man does not believe in Him, but evidently Buddha does not pledge himself enough.

It is already said that the truth of the cessation of the suffering is not a truth but a

serious error of the Buddha; or it was an illusion or a compassionate lie to induce his disciples to

behave well them. It is not possible to make to stop the sufferings because pain is inherent in the

life of the man, since pain is one of the motors of the evolution of the human kind together

with the struggles and to the temptations 114 . The reflections, that the man same makes

afterwards the sufferings that himself/herself suffers, induce him/her to discover the reasons for the

errors that he/she did behaving badly in the past time towards hi/her brothers men, but it is true

that the enjoyment of the world and of the flesh co-operate with the negative karmas postponed to

give origin to the rebirths on the Earth.

110 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio. page 266 (I Signori del karma), Mediterranee111 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili Economici Newton ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili112 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 54, Einaudi Tascabili113 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 18th , and August 29th , Amrita114 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia



Why is life this way? Because to the omniscience of God the pain, together with the

struggles and to the temptations, the only way revealed itself the sole manner for making to grow

the man in knowledge and Conscience; the man has been created together with the life as we

know it to redeem and to save the Demons 115 . That's why the Laws of the Evolution exist, with the

reincarnation and the karma and that's why it is not true that a man can stop the suffering; however

for the law of the karma - and not for worth of the Buddha – the man who chooses to do the

Good he/she is compensated with peace, calm and with the reduction, attenuation or suspension

of the sufferings, but until he behaves well. Instead, who behaves badly it receives punishments

and anguish as correction/teaching 116 . The sufferance make part therefore of finalistic perfection

of the All 117.

In the Buddhism it is said that when the man has put an end to the attachment for the

passions of the world and the flesh he/she realizes the Nirvana, that " is the end of eagerness,

hate and ignorance ( S.I.38 ) 118 “

The Nirvana is a state of being that it follows the renouncement to the greed and the

attachment to the pleasures of the world and the flesh and it is winning from the law of the karma

with peace and calm; and who behaves well he/she is also compensated with attenuation,

reduction or suspension of the sufferings until he/she behaves well only 119 .

The Nirvana is not an annihilation or an annulment of itselves; it consists, instead, in the

extinction “ of the triplex fire of the eagerness, of the hate and of the ignorance that conducts to the

rebirth…. (S. I. 38) 120 , the negative postponed karma they are ineluctable 121 .

It cannot exist the Nirvana as an annihilation or an annulment of the man, since

his/her Spirit or Self is eternal, being a virtual splitting up of the Spirit of God the Absolute

One 122 .

The Nirvana is not only therefore fruit of the renouncement to the pleasures of the world

and the flesh, but also of the prize that the law of the karma gives to whom makes such

renouncement; it is therefore a mixture, on one side if the man deserves it, from the other one the

law of God intervenes, that of the karma, to compensate the virtuous man .

The Buddha discovered the effects of the good behaviours of the man on his/her life,

provided by the Divine Law of the Karma 123 .

Because of the eagerness to have, to prevail and to enjoy the man maintains in to be the

spiral of the sufferings and of the rebirths on the Earth, but since nothing is casual in the life of the

115 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia116 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee117 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee118 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 55, Einaudi Tascabili119 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee 120 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 55, Einaudi Tascabili121 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee 122 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 266 and 267, Mediterranee123 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee



man 124 the pain also it has a noble purpose: it is one of the three God’s tools for the evolution of

the man, together with the struggles and the temptations as we have already said 125 .

<< The Remedy to the suffering . The Third Noble Truth or Truth of the Cessation of the

Suffering, establish that the illness of the suffering is curable...(our note: Suffering for the

negative karma postponed cannot stops because it is indispensable to the expansion of the

Conscience of the spiritual growth of the man - together with the struggles and the temptations -

but the Law of the Karma provides the reduction or suspension of the pain when the man virtuously

behaves helping his/her brothers men as Buddha did. Then, pain is not an Evil but a Good! )….

Although a virtuous individual doesn't exist in permanence, the impersonal process can be

corrected. It is possible to get the liberation…. (note of mine: the liberation promised by the

Buddhists is not verified; because the Buddhist Liberation is founded upon the egoism 126 (the to

free from the suffering and the annulment of the negative postponed karma)and above all because

the Liberation is work of God in the person of Jesus Christ 127 )… Within the Four Noble

Truths this is an enough neutral doctrine, that follows the structure of the medical diagnosis.

Nevertheless it follows an important corpus of accredited opinions that at the epoch of the Buddha

and expressed mainly from the Ajivikas. They sustain that the criterion of the rebirth is automatic

and mechanic…. (our note: I don’t really think that there is an automatic and mechanic criterion

since God is love and therefore every rebirth is being examined by high or very high spiritual

Entities, the Lords or Teachers of the Karma. Therefore, if for automatic and mechanic they mean a

cold algebraic sum of good and bad actions, I dissent from this principle ) :… every being, doesn't

import what does, he/she has the obligation to revive in every possible condition and at the end

he/she is destined to conquer the salvation, for which he/she doesn't have sense complete

particular sacrifices. . An Ajivika would have been able to quietly ask to the Buddha if its doctrine

of the interdependent origin didn't come really to such conclusion. It perhaps is not true that these

causes and conditions, for how much complex, do they end up mechanically having a predestinate

result, a little as a complicated device that loads him and it starts ? The answer of the Buddha to

this question is that, for how much our qualities and our dowries are forged by the circumstances

during the preceding lives, it stays us nevertheless the faculty to voluntarily modify our behavior.

even though in the limits of the actual life.. We can defeat the ignorance contemplating the world

for what is, or rather for as you/he/she is represented in the Four Noble Truths (note of mine: The

Four noble Truths don't represent the world, that is the life on the Earth as it is already said

because they ignore the love. The Lord Jesus has explained the origin of the world, the life and

the finalities of the life 128 ). And we can dominate the greed resorting to the balanced conceived

124 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 27th and 29th , Amrita125 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia126 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee127 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161, Mediterranee128 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia



discipline, and promulgated, from the Buddha for the one who has completed the renouncement129 >>.

However there is a human behaviour – on the other hand subject to condition – that it

is suggested by the Fratello Orientale – one of the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 – that it

frees us from the pain, but on condition that we become and we continued to be day by day, “ just,

merciful and pure “ (except that of the negative postponed karma in the future reincarnations on

the Earth). At this conditions only, in the incarnation as Buddhist the pain will not follows us any

longer, but it is a behaviour quite the opposite easy not only for becoming “ just, merciful and pure

“, but to remain such continuously and this it is valid for all men; it is not necessary therefore to

join Buddhism to profit of the karmic prizes when the main way for the salvation or liberation is

that of Jesus Christ and of His Doctrine 130 .

14. The eighth discovery of the Buddha: The Fourth noble truth of the cessation of the

suffering (magga)

In this Fourth noble truth there the repetition of a very serious error contained in the Third

noble truth: that of the cessation of the sufferings because it is not true that the liberation happens

with the behaviours of the Octopath because such behaviours are held for egoistic purposes; for

these purpose they will never reach the liberation 131 also because they did not consider the

negative karmas postponed before the incarnation as Buddhist.

This is not a truth but an error of the Buddha or one compassionate lie of his to stimulate

his disciples to live according to virtue, ethics and wisdom; the truth of the way (magga) that

conducts to the cessation of the suffering doesn't exist, because the life on the Earth of the man

will continue for the Buddhist also until they will not understand the mistakes that they did, that is to

say the Evil in preceding terrestrial existences on the Earth by means of the karmic teachings /

corrections of the Karmas negative postponed.

The life of the man on the Earth must be exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 132

because in such way the man expand his/her Conscience until he/she decides to come back

voluntarily to God that however is not far from us because He is present in the depths of our heart.

But as it regards the pains they are mitigated by the Divine Law of the Karma to whom virtuously

behaves as the Buddha suggested to its disciples with the Octopath, a way virtuous and wise.

It is reported that the Buddha didn't speak of the Octopath, definition of the Buddhisms, but

only of three elements: moral virtue or ethics, meditation and wisdom (sila, samadhi, panna).

If this is true as to me it seems possible, then the Buddha gave this speech to his

disciples: " This, monks, are the truth of the way that conducts to the cessation of the suffering

129 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 77, Einaudi Tascabili130 Ancient and modern Gospels131 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee132 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia



( magga). It is the noble path of the moral virtue, of the meditation and of the wisdom ( sila,

samadhi, panna 133 ) ".

As we have already said in the third noble truth there however a human behaviour

conditioned – the Fratello Orientale suggest it to us, of the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77) that free us from the pain, on condition that we became and we continue to

be , for an example as Buddhist, day by day, “righteous, merciful and pure”. On these conditions

only the pain will not follows us anymore, but it is behaviour not at all easy to keep not only for

becoming “righteous, merciful and pure” but for to remain such in the time. It is not therefore

necessary to join the Buddhism for profiting of these karmic prizes, because the main way

is that to follow Jesus Christ and His doctrine 134 .

The Buddha suggested the ethical and wise of the Octopath with three elements: moral or

ethical virtue, meditation and wisdom

As I have already said different times there is not however cessation of the suffering for

the one whom behaves well, but reduction, diminution or suspension of the sufferings in a

determined existence, for an examples as Buddhist, on the strength of the divine law of the karma

whose rules the Buddha discovered. The pain is necessary because when the man suffers he/she

understands that the sufferance is a teaching / Correction necessary that makes him/her to intuit

his/her mistakes of behaviour of the past and in strength of such comprehension the man expand

his/her conscience. Not even with the observance of the Octopath cease the sufferings; as a

matter of fact the Buddha also suffered in his old age as we have already said 135 .

The cessation of the sufferings with the moral, or ethical path, the meditation and the

wisdom is a mistake because the pain it is a part of the life conceived and realized by God in how

much the pain helps the man to understand his/her errors 136 and therefore to grow in knowledge

and Conscience 137 . As a matter of fact the Buddha also suffered in his old age 138 as we have

already said.

With the behaviours of the Fourth Noble Truths they are not even set at zero the negative

postponed karmas and the rebirths on the Earth and in the other three planes of the Cosmos; of it

derives that Buddhists must be reincarnated for learning the karmic negative lessons postponed

before the last incarnation, even if in the Life after Death they will go to the Nirvana, the Heaven of

the Buddhists of the mental world 139 .

133 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 78, Einaudi Tascabili134 The ancient and modern Gospels (ancient Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas); modern Gospels Jakob Lorber and Maria Valtorta)135 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili Economici Newton ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili136 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee137 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee138 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili Economici Newton ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddismo, page 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili139 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 193 (Nirvana) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 170-181 (L’anima nell’Aldilà)



15. The Four Noble Truths

The doctrine of the Buddha of the Four Noble Truths must be examined truth for

truth, but examining every single truth we never have to forget the whole because it is easier to

understand the errors and the merits of the Buddha.

Not to have thought but the sufferings of the man they had a sublime purpose it has been a

serious lack in a teacher how was the Buddha come on the Earth to correct the errors of the

Brahmanism 140 . Some errors of the Buddha were probably done by his disciples, which attributed

to him such errors; in this case truth loses it in the night of the times and the man of this epoch has

to follow to the texts that are available in the bookstores: all attribute the theory of the Four noble

truths to the Buddha, that of the Five factors, that of the Not Itself or Anatta, as well as the most

dangerous theory, that one to know by itself, only (A I 189 )141 . Siddhartha did not teach to his

disciples to meditate within their heart where they would had found God and His Illuminations and

answers 142 .

To find the remedy to the sufferings and the rebirths was the strongest aspiration of

Siddharta, but the Buddha succeeded in discovering only a relief to the sufferings 143 because the

pain makes part of the life that they must live the fallen spirits, that is the Demons on the Earth,

embodying themselves in men. Against the suffering or the rebirth any Buddha or others men can

do nothing because God is almighty and holds everything in His hands 144 and therefore also the

education and the life of the men in which the Demons are embodied, which are exposed to

struggles, temptations and pains 145 , but with the mitigation of the Karma law or law of cause and

of effect 146 .

The Four noble truths are not then so much noble because they are the foundation of a

doctrine or style of life that it ignores God, the Brahman of the Orientals, and it denies the

existence of the Divine Spark or Self, the Soul of the Westerners and the Atman of the Orientals.

The Four noble truths are found them upon a partial representation of the human life

(First noble truth) at the base of which there is his pessimism and his fear / obsession for the

sufferings and the rebirths on the Earth as well as an excessive presumption of his abilities to

discover the realities and the mysteries of the life, that it is disciplined by eternal divine Laws what

the laws on the Evolution with the reincarnation and the law of cause and of effect or law of the

Armenia140 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 90-91, Mediterranee141 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili142 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 30th , September 4th , and November 24th , Amrita143 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 55, Einaudi Tascabili144 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 20th , November 14th and December 14th , Amrita145 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee



karma, not modifiable by men. These laws have the purpose to turn men from material beings into

spiritual beings through cited laws of the evolution.

The principal worth of the Buddha has been that to have discovered the rules of the working

of the divine law of the karma, one of the fundamental laws of the life that it has for purpose the

Salvation of the rebellious Angels, the demons, through the conceived and realized life by God and

of the man’s merit, tool of such salvation.

Here following some notes on the single Four noble truths already commented in

precedence which they are useful to widen the analysis of the errors and the insufficiencies of the

Buddha that attributed the worths of the divine law of the karma to the Four noble truths. The

Buddha erroneously believed that the rebirths could simply be eliminated with a good behaviour of

men without keeping in mind of the negative karmas suspended of every Buddhist:

Four noble truths are connected among them and they are based upon:

a. The first noble truth is founded upon the sufferings of the life, but the life is not made only of

sufferings, but also of loves, friendships joys, pleasures, satisfactions, games and similars

for everybody young people and adults;

b. The second noble truth is founded on the discovery that the thirst or eagerness for the

pleasures of the world and of the flesh co-operates to give origin the rebirths on the Earth,

but the origin of the rebirths on the Earth it is due to the rebellion of Satan and of the other

rebellious demons to God. The Buddha discovered the rules of the working of divine law

of the karma that compensate with peace and calm the virtuous behaviours of the man that

puts an end to the enjoyment of the pleasures of the life, while the evil tha is done is

corrected with punishments and anguishes 147 ;

c. The third noble truth the eagerness and the attachment to the pleasures of the world

produce sufferings for the future existence, but the Buddha believed that the sufferings

ceased. The sufferings don’t cease also for the negative postponed karmas before of the

incarnation as Buddhists because such karmas they are necessary for making to acquire

to the Buddhists the conscience that lessened them in the preceding incarnation when they

had malevolent behaviours towards the environment and its creatures, men included. This

Third noble truth also is founded on the discovery of the Buddha of the rules of the Divine

law of the karma;

d. The fourth noble truth points out the way for making cease sufferings for merit of the

Octopath; but this is not a truth as we have already said, so much so that the Buddha in

his old age suffered terrible pains 148 . That is true in the Fourth noble truth is what donates

the observance of the ethical and wise path, observing the which are not produced

anymore negative karmas to whose observe it since the Buddha discovered the rules of the

147 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee148 Michael Carrithers, Buddha page 106, Einaudi tascabili ; Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili economici Newton ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili



working of divine law of the karma as we have said more times; the Octopath donates

reduction or suspension of the sufferings to whom observes it, but this is a gift provided by

the Karmic law and at the same time it is a consequences of observance the rules of the

karma law 149 .

At the basis of the Four noble truths there are the observations of Siddhattha on the life of

his similars and on his life before having left his palace; later, as samana, Siddhattha had other

reflections and experiences that made him to mature the belief that the virtuous behavior was to be

spread among men to decrease their sufferings; therefore he taught to his friends and then to his

disciples to behave well them because he had experimented on himself that the Good was

compensated with peace, calm and reduction or suspension of the pain by the law of the karma ,

law of the laws of the Evolution 150 with the reincarnation 151 .

At the basis of the experiences of Siddharta there is also always the acute observation of

when he gone out of his palace he saw: an old man, a sick man, a funeral and finally a religious

mendicant (samana) calm and smiling even if thin.

Siddhattha reflected on those people that he saw out of his palace on his courtiers and

also on himself and then realised that men were subject to punishments and anguishes and

therefore to sufferings; only the wandering ascetic seemed immune of it and therefore the Buddha

decided to follow its example.

The doctrine buddhica on the annihilation or annulment of the man that it would achieve to

the Nirvana is unfounded above all because God exists and is present in each one of us, because

He has given us a virtual cell of His immortal Spirit 152 that we Westerners call Soul.

The Divine Spark, the Self, is in the man as virtual splitting up of the Spirit of the absolute

God that is our Father and Mother 153 . The Divine Spark, is the Individuality, It is also the Fulcrum

of the individual existences in all the incarnations in the four planes of the Cosmos: physical world -

with the Earth -and worlds astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience. The Divine Spark that

animates men allows them to expand their Conscience in the different cosmic incarnations.

That being stated to the Buddha merit it must be given for having discovered the rules

of the working of the divine law of cause and of effect or Karmic law for realizing the Evolution of

men in the planet Earth 154 in the three planes or worlds of the Cosmos and that the thirst or

eagerness for the pleasures of life co-operate to determine the rebirths of the man on the Earth

together to the negative postponed karmas.

To the Buddha merit must also be given for having founded a style of life not violent,

pacific, ethical, wise and compassionate, but Siddhartha doesn't have any merit for the

149 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee150 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 ( Evoluzione) and 210 ( Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee151 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee152 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee153 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee154 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pagina 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee



reduction or the suspension of the sufferings except that to have discovered the Divine prizes

provided by the Law karmica or law of cause and to effect for the virtuous behaviors that Buddha

same taught to his disciples.

To the Buddhists that believe them without Divine Spark and without God it must be

attributes also the demerit to make of the Buddha an idol and of themselves of the idolaters 155 ;

such behaviours will be corrected in future incarnations by the Gentlemen or Teachers 156 with

sufferings provided by the divine law of the karma .

Nevertheless, since the men's God, of the other living beings and of all the things He is the

God of the love 157 , the Buddhists won't waste their existences on the Earth because the Creator

has provided that all His children also draw benefit from their errors and that nothing in their life

happens in vain 158 , to whatever religion or people belongs . But the Buddhists cannot avoid one

or more reincarnations on the Earth, because the doctrine Buddhist doesn't free the man from the

necessary incarnations to still achieve the lacking evolution for the karmas suspended at one

determined incarnation.

Of it derives that the liberation promised by the Buddhisms is not possible both because

the liberation is work of God - that redeems men in the person of Jesus Christ 159 - both because it

has a selfish purposes 160 .

On the subject the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77)

have said:

<< You must study yourselves, to know yourselves, as it well clearly says and Claudio has

always said, and to ascertain "up to what point" the self " pushes you to act. This continuous to

reflect, this continuous to recognize the "me", your limits, will bring to a liberation, but entirely to be

aware of yourselves, 32c, (you see Fatalism) 68c….The liberation taught from various schools to

start from the yoga (you see) one, is looked out upon in selfish sense, that is it is said that reaching

such liberation frees us from suffering, the signs of the negative karmas they extinguish them, and

so on. And this is not that a variation of the heaven (you see) pointed out by the Catholic religion.

This is deeply wrong. He who try to reach the liberation with this goal, it will never reach it.

The purpose for which the man must improve him/her is that to establish in his/her world, and from

this to the world of the others, the order, the justice and the rectitude: this only. He/she must not

wait him/her for any form of reward, neither spiritual, neither material. And he/she who with will

seek the liberation to this goal, he/she is certainly helped, 243g.

The to want him/her to change must have the sole and only purpose - I repeat it once more

- to improve the world through the improvement of itself, without expecting some reward. When the

man meditating on himself/herself, it discovers in itself a series of defects, he/she must not try to155 Esodo 20, 2-6156 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 266 (Signori del karma), Mediterranee157 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee158 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 27th and 29th , Amrita159 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita160 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee



do violence to him/her not to have defects anymore, but he/she must take note of his/her

limitations, and, through the mechanism of the to set attention and to understand, to come to

understand and to overcome, 244g 161 >>.

He who renounces to enjoy the pleasures of the world and the flesh abdicating the

eagerness, to the thirst or to the attachment for the pleasures (and helping the others) it doesn't

produce anymore not only negative karmas, but it produces of it positive karmas and this improves

the own state of being, to whatever religion or doctrine the man belongs (and the same it is valid

for the Atheists), since the to feel in peace with the others and with themselves is one of the fruits

of the good behaviours to the renounce of the pleasures of the world and of the flesh

provided by the karmic Law 162 and discovered by the Buddha.

I can express me with a simile comparing the daily life - that it consists in a series of cosmic

situations or frames 163 , for instance, one every minute. Such situations instead that in our

environment I imagine me that they develop them on a fireplace at the sides of which there is, on

one side a battery of wood pieces buckets, seasoned, to burn and from the other a battery of

pieces of green wood to dry, wood that makes little fire and a lot of smoke (the smoke hurting the

eyes symbolizes the pain and the unpleasant situation). The good firewood to be burnt is

compared to good thoughts, good intentions, good actions and good desires. If I put on the fire

firewood to burn I get a beautiful happy fire with a lot of heat and little smoke and so that I can

warm up well together with the environment and to the creatures that are with me.

The green firewood, damp cut from not too long, instead, to bad thoughts, bad intentions,

bad actions and bad desires it can be compared to. If I put pieces of green firewood on the fire I

will have little heat and a lot of smoke and I will be badly and with me the other creatures will be


The choice of the firewood, available to the sides of the fireplace, it depends only on me

and this means that I am the maker of my destiny in base to the thoughts and desires the

intentions that I have, to the actions that I do and to the desires that I mentally feed 164 . If the

behaviors are good they will produce for me good karma, but if they are bad they will produce bad


The fire ignites in the fireplace anyway, both with green firewood and with dry firewood. The

heat and the joy are fruits of the positive karma, the smoke and the eyes that fizzle they are fruits

of the negative karma, but in both the cases it is the man the maker of its karma.

As the life, as it is said already it is dual, everything depends on the choice that it does

him/her in every cosmic occurrences of the day.

161 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee162 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee163 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 268 (Situazioni cosmiche) and pages 120-122 ( Fotogrammi), Mediterranee164 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 139-141 (Come l’uomo pensa così sarà), Mediterranee



From the day when the man renounces to the pleasures of the world and the flesh our life it

won't produce negative karmas, but the negative karmas postpones by the Gentlemen or

Teachers of the Karma 165 for the following terrestrial lives cannot be avoided 166 .

Despite the renouncement to the pleasures of the world and the flesh in one determined

existence we will keep on receiving the karmic lessons postponed and little by little we will learn

always something more both in this and in following terrestrial existences, but meanwhile we

always grows at the very good school of the life on the Earth 167 or in the Life after Death 168 .

And the karmic lessons arrive - for Divine love - only when the man becomes able to

understand them 169 and therefore also in a following life to that in which he/she has made the

renouncement to the pleasures of the world and the flesh.

Now seem me that is easier to become convinced that the liberation promised by the

oriental religions, included that Buddhist 170 it is not said that can it have place in the life of the

renouncement to the pleasures of the world and the flesh, both because it misses the essential

redemption of the Lord Jesus 171 , both because we normally have (the Buddhists also) karmic

lessons to receive in lives following, when we will be ready 172 to understand the karmic teaching


The Buddha was a man, a teacher, but as great as he could be he didn't have any

possibility to modify the Divine laws, but it had the great worth to realize the operation of the karmic

law , in base to which the Good is compensated with peace, calm and diminution or suspension of

the suffering and the Evil with punishments and anguish 173 . It is not however the Buddha that

gives the karmic cards to the men of the life but God, rather the People from Him delegated,

defined the Lords or Teachers of the karma 174 .

The Buddha made one great discovery , but it didn't teach to his disciples to love God

and the fellow human beings and the environment with all of its creatures. Or at least so it doesn't

result. Siddhattha made another big error: he didn't believe that the man had an immortal Spirit

or Self or Divine Spark 175 and so the man left in power of himself/herself and of Satan with

the theory of the to know only for itself (A I 189) 176 , because he did not meditate within his

165 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del karma), Mediterranee166 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 158 ; Maestro perché?, pages 71-94 (La legge del karma), Mediterranee167 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia168 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee169 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 (n°6 and7) and pages 158-159 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee170 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee171 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee172 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°6 and 7) and page 158, Mediterranee173 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee174 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (I Signori del karma), Mediterranee175 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili176 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili



heart 177 and therefore he did not teach it to his disciples; for this reason Buddha did not find God.

The same we say it for his disciples prisoners of the Buddhic teaching to know for themselves only.

Buddha as a good Hindu teacher certainly taught to his disciples the fundamental teachings of the

Brahmanism by him purified because he discarded ignorant additions so that the ancient sapience

would shine brightly in its true light …. He Trinity is not taught so unanimously , but this it is the

result of a degeneration and not from the Buddha’s teaching. Instead the reincarnation, the

evolution, the law f cause and of effect or karmic law they are the fundamental foundation of all

Buddhism… 178

Later around five centuries the death of Siddhartha, considering that the men, both in the

East, and in West, in the North as in the South of the world they didn't find the way to free

themselves from the ties of the Matter the Lord God decided to become incarnate in the man

Jesus, child of Mary of Nazareth and of the Holy Spirit - extraordinary evangelical event 179

confirmed by the Koran 180 and by the Revelation of Findhorn 181 - to save the man from the

slavery of the Matter teaching to love and therefore to altruistically live.

The most evolved religions are those that teach the love. The love can destroy the negative

karma because the Karma is not a punishment but a correction, that donates comprehension 182 ;

therefore, if the man understands the aim of his life evangelically living to the sequence of the Lord

Jesus and learns to love God and the neighbor serving the others 183 , he/she will be him/her told in

the day of his/her individual Judgment 184 : " You have much loved and much it will beforgiven you."

And they won't make him/her reincarnate more.

We know that the Evil consists in selfishly way of living, while the Good is altruism and gift

of itself.

The Lord Jesus said:

<< How however Lucifer, whose fall had happened only because of an error, would he be

subsequently conquered the possibility to remedy for this error? Would the spirits been faithful

have deserved the annihilation for which motive? And finally: where would My wisdom be if I had

not recognized and anticipated since the beginning the possibility of a fall? And above all: where

would My love be, if it had not renounced the destruction, finding rather in the wisdom a mean to

bring back the lost beings to the light of the knowledge and to make them remain in the correct

equilibrium of the polar qualities? It didn't remain therefore but the second road , that that you see

realized in the material creation... . Now there will be also clear how come Lucifer believes to have

177 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 28th , April 8th , May 16th , July 17th , August 30th , and November 24th , Amrita178 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 90-91 (Religione Buddhista), Mediterrane179 Vangelo di Luca, chapters 1 and 2180 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli181 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee182 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 74 -75 (Il principio e il fine del karma), Mediterranee183 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 77 e 147, Mediterranee184 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia



had to act as he has acted, for the Matter to be created; an error in every case, because the goal

of my creation is not the Matter, on the contrary only the free knowledge, the love and the

understanding of the Divinity from the beings gone out of Me: the Matter has been only a mean.

Lucifer insisted in this his second error and lost him in the extreme of his polar qualities, deceiving

himself in the idea to have to preserve the Matter . He wanted to reign making himself prince of the

Matter, that he considered his ownership and it darkened therefore more and more the human

beings that went forming themselves, since the struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent

and conservative of the life. This also explains the mystery of My incarnation, that had to break the

Matter, that otherwise, Lucifer losing more and more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole,

it would be become as harder. My incarnation meant therefore a standstill and it showed as we

could free us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it had to show (and this

was the first goal) as the death that ties the men to the Matter and its pleasures can be overcome

and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop him in the Matter, but in the Spirit and that that is

only a jail of this.

The fallen spirits that had voluntarily estranged from Me and they had undertaken the

wrong road, were not able and they didn't want to know nothing of progress about improvement;

nevertheless, not to block them completely the road, was set under conditions in which, firm their

personal liberty staying, they can return back when they want.

For this it was servant the material world now, the whole universe, the man. In him,

according to the degree of their wickedness, the spirits were dressed again of Matter, exposed to

struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions

of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also begin in this way their

volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty 185 , and the

principle of the improvement comes as second… .

All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies are formed from the great soul of

Satan: the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer and its

retinue banished and fallen in the Matter. God, that is eternal love and compassion, would have

been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to the life he is able it to

change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler, or vice versa, but he can never be

destroyed 186 >>.

From such teaching it derives, that every Demon or fallen Angel, to be saved, must become

incarnate numerous times in different men on the basis of the law of the Evolution 187 , called law of

the Salvation, that it has been conceived and realized by God with the contribution of the free

choice of the man, when it acquires wisdom, altruism, good sense and equilibrium for the lessons

of the pain that life inflicts him/her to induce him/her to understand and to love, but freely choosing

185 Siracide 15, 14-20186 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161-163, Armenia187 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee



to obey to the laws of God (Decalogue 188 and Commandments of the love 189 ), even if he/she

doesn't know them, but he/she realizes them for conscience achieved during the manifold

incarnations that he/she has lived previously on the Earth, included the last one.

16. Here following we transcribe the meaning of some terms of the life that they are useful

to the understanding of what it is tried to say:

1. GOD. Cause of the causes. First cause not created. Beginning and end of the

whole that It didn't have beginning neither it will have end. Origin and finality of every emanation.

One equal to Absolute. Being and Unique Existence that It includes every being and every

existence being these in Him. Present in every thing, also transcending the totality of the things, It

is of these origin in the Cosmoses for His nature: inside = Love, and external = Life. It is " He is

who he is ") 190 .

2. DROP OR DIVINE SPARK – SPIRIT - SELF. Fulcrum of the individual existence not

evolution subject. Divine emanation that determines the individuality and the life of the individual or

the microcosm 191 .

3. Me (self). Selfish concept of itself created by the individual mind which, distorting

the intimate sense of individuality coming from the tallest nature of the individual, it makes to feel

these separate and distinguished by the Cosmos 192 .

4. EVOLUTION - << Process for which life, through forms more and more organized,

it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 193 >>; (note of mine: we believes that for

Spirit the conscience must be intended, in how much the Spirit is not created and it is eternal. This

is a matter of which we cannot speak, since it is not known what It be the Spirit of the God that is

always over the Matter and the Everything is, because of the transcendence 194 ; since the Spark or

Divine Drop or Self doesn't enter the Cosmos, It remains out of it and <<…it is - if we could define

It - identical, in the nature, in the essence and in the substance, to the Absolute One; and it is

therefore identical to other Drop or Divine Spark. There is no difference. Yet, since to every Drop

or Spark Divine refer to the rest of that that you have gotten used to call "individuality", here that

every Drop or Divine Spark It is virtually able still to be considered, in this whole, a world to Itself. It

is a microcosm, considered with his individual "to feel 195 " referring to It. It is as a sun, this sun is

the Absolute One including the virtual splitting up in so many, endless cells: the Drops, the divine

Sparks. It is as if from this sun they were departed in endless rays the individualities, that have,

note, the maximum expression of the " to feel" in common, the Drops or the divine Sparks; and

188 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22189 Levitico 19, 17-18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 - Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40190 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 205-206, Mediterranee191 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207, Mediterranee192 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209, Mediterranee193 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee194 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 234 and Dizionario del Cerchio, page 294, Mediterranee195 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 257- 283 (Sentire), Mediterranee



then the rays, distinguished instead the one by the others, that are the theories of the various

individual “to feel” . A sun with so many rays. In this sun so many Drops or divine Sparks; to every

Drop or divine Spark refers a ray, and every ray is a theory of individual "to feel" that it goes from

a "to feel" said in power up to a "to feel" defined in action 196 >>).

5. << BODY AKASICO - (Equal "Conscience"). What receives and it transcribes,

making it become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual, existing, it

discovers and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold incarnations,

but it is constituted as soon as the individual evolves 197 >>. (note of mine :The man contributes

with his/her manifold terrestrial existences to make to evolve his/her Conscience or Body Akasico,

also through the errors that he/she commits and that they help him/her, then to understand 198 . The

conscience is the second immortal body of the man and with the Spark Divine form the Ego, that is

the << Part more elevated of the individual subject to evolution. It has called "Ego" the whole of

the Divine Spark and of the "individual conscience." The Ego is therefore what remains of the

individual when this he/she has finished the evolution as man 199 ) .

6. << LAW OF EVOLUTION - Law for which every element of the Cosmos develops;

what is "in" he manifests; what is "in power" it is translated "in action"; what is in germ it is born,

passing from innumerable intermediary stadiums. The Cosmos evolves in the sense that it lives,

but not in the sense that it becomes perfect, in how much it is - as emanation of God - already

perfect. The cosmic evolution it can conventionally divide, according to the nature of the elements

that evolve, in: evolution of the Matter, evolution of the form, evolution of the self-conscience (you

see aforesaid voices) 200 >>.

7. << EVOLUTION OF THE SELF-CONSCIENCE - regarding the individuals or

microcosms 201 >>.

8. << EVOLUTION OF THE FORM - Regarding the bodies, the vehicles, of the

individual life (see physical body, astral body, mental body and body Akasico or of the Conscience)202>>.

9. << EVOLUTION OF THE MATTER -. Regarding the Matters of every plane of

existence 203 >>.

10. << MENTAL BODY - mental Matter organized in vehicle of the individual

manifestation, able to give to the individual all the faculties proper of the mind ( you see individual

mind 204 )>>.

196 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 209, Mediterranee197 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205, Mediterranee198 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 29th, Amrita199 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee200 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee201 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee202 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee203 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee204 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205, Mediterranee



11. << ASTRAL BODY - it is that vehicle that conventionally it distinguishes, note, with

this name, which serves to reveal, to give body, to concretize certain vibrations that the individual

perceives in the physical plane, and to transform these vibrations in "sensations”, if the vibrations

are of light intensity, or in "emotions" if these vibrations are of superior intensity, or of great

intensity. Besides the astral body is center of the desires, in how much, note, originates those that

the men define "desires", that are listed and recognized of the mind 205 >>

12. << PHYSICAL BODY - Vehicle constituted of physical Matter that manifests on the

physical plane an individual life. It is " physical vehicle" any organism, simple or complex,

nomenclated by natural sciences, belonging to the flora or to the fauna of this or other planets 206


17. Jesus Christ’ Redemption and the Lord God

The Lord Father-Mother-God 207 has confirmed at Findhorn in the XX century the Christic

Redemption with two Messages and with such Redemption the biblical History of the Salvation:

a. of December 24 th : <<… The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel

them now attracted reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet; it can happen that they are not

them of it aware at the moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that

makes yes that more and more souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of

the internal Christ aware and can eternally make thanks for this awareness 208 >>.

b. of December 25 th : << Day after day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself some

conscience of the Christ more and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become

everything one with it, as long as in you there will be no more darkness; and when such process

will be established you will succeed in bringing more light in the world. You have to realize that

everything this has beginning in you. It starts to put order in your house, have faith and trust in

your possibilities and then do it. It is how much it is contained in you, that it is reflects to the

outside: it doesn't deal with something for which it is necessary to fight, on the contrary of

something that happens as soon as you allow it and you fill your heart and your mind of love and

understanding. This elevated state of conscience is in the air same that it breaths. Inhale it deeply

and it leaves that all of your being imbues of it. It is so great that you cannot contain it; therefore

expire it and so doing maintain it in expansion 209 >>: (note of mine: the Demons in men are

embodied for being saved with the life conceived and realized by the God of the love and the life 210

; this is the reason for which there are darkness in the men: darkness dense at the first

incarnations, that men – they grows in knowledge and altruism through manifold terrestrial

incarnations in different individuals, men or women, with different personalities, but that they have205 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205, Mediterranee206 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205, Mediterranee207 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee208 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th , Amrita209 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 25th , Mediterranee210 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia



the same Drop or Divine Spark with the Conscience or Body Akasico accumulated up to that

moment, but with different bodies physical, astral, and mental all animated. Then they are

individuals, men or women, different, but all animated by the same Individuality or Spirit or Self, is

every individual's Fulcrum 211 , but with different personalities always the one from the other 212 ).

The aim of the transmigration of the Divine Spark (Individualities) in different individuals

has the purpose to achieve new evolution through the expression of great degrees of Mind and of

Spirit 213 (for Spirit you intend Conscience, that is the second immortal body of the man) because

the Spirit or Divine Spark or Self it is perfect and therefore It is not subject to Evolution in the

Cosmos 214 ; the Conscience is altruism that then it becomes love for the others 215 .

The Lord God has also confirmed that the Lord Jesus is His Son and that he is the

Immanuel, that is the God with us prophesied by Isaiah 216 :

a. It is " for the time to come in which they will become reality these words: <<The

Son of God will appear in all of his glory because all can see him. Be ready, because nobody

knows the day and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I tell you not to be surprised at

nothing 217 >>.

b. " I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One,

One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the

Christ in you 218 .

The Salvation or the Reunion in God of all the men and therefore of all the Demons it is

certain thing, in how much already happened in the not time 219 , or in the Eternity, or in the Eternal

Present of the Divine Plane, since eternity doesn't mean time without end but without time, as

endless it doesn't mean " space without end, but without space "; it can be said that in the Divine

Plane there is a state to be in which there is not neither space, neither time, but that everything is

present in a same eternal instant 220 .

The Lord God, the Absolute One, has told Eileen Caddy: <<… I pour My blessings on

each one of you. Felt surrounded by a circle of love and peace. Shout " Hallelujah and glory be "

since all are risen! All are One 221 >>.

The spiritual Philosophers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said: <<

Nobody can be disconnected, out of God, otherwise God would not be complete, as more times

we have said. Nevertheless the beings also being in God they are able not to have conscience of it

211 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità and Individuo), Mediterranee212 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 24, Mediterranee213 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206, Mediterranee214 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee215 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 24 (Altruismo), Mediterranee216 Isaia 7, 7-14217 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee218 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee219 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 31 (Alleluia, alleluia tutti sono risorti !), Mediterraane220 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 103-104 (Eterno Presente), Mediterranee221 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 103 (Pensa alla grande), Mediterranee



and you well know it for direct experience. It concerns, therefore, to understand if the sense of

separation 222 (that evidently deceptive is) is destined to remain always, or not. If it didn't have end

it would constitute the true quality and condition of every being, therefore it would be real and

being such would make some beings of the entities that would connect them on the absolute plane

detached by God prejudicing in such way the completeness of God. Besides eternity would mean

time without end (and not instead without time) and the becoming of the worlds it would be reality.

But if so were, since as we have seen God to be complete he must contain in Itself everything how

much it exists, it would come down of it that including in Itself the worlds in continuous, real to

become it would be also a God him too in real to become and therefore never equal to Itself.

The only conception that can reconcile the absoluteness of God with the relativity of

the multiplicity of the worlds and of the beings is that that sets the Reality as a whole

inseparable and the true ending identity of the beings in an sole Being that everything

contains, but at the same time everything transcends; conception that makes of the time, of

the becoming, of the multiplicity, an appearance, a state to be relative, deceptive, transitory.

Such state to be originates " the conscience to exist ", before as a "me" separate feels in terms of

subject-object and then, in a progressive to reveal and to spread of the to feel 223 , through the

overcoming of the relative condition, what supreme condition of existence in which conscience of

the entirety is had entirely, that is of the absolute Reality, true identity of every being 224 .

It has been therefore explained that the man, living, acquires the awareness to be part of a

Whole called God and that his Spirit It is a virtual cell of God’s Spirit 225 ; the Lord same has

explained, by means of the spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, how this wonder could

come true: << Well then I Am the substance that makes up you and the Spirit that gives life to you

since you are in me and I AM in you, my child. But I don’t stop to this only, for I make to share of

Myself every being and to everyone I donate myself entirely without reserves up to the point that

every distinction, I and you, every separation, are illusory only, and they are that much necessary

to make you to exist, to give to the being the absolute consciousness. This I AM 226 >>.

For the explanation of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the Destiny of the man you

see the Elaborate n° 1 of this Catechism in the Deepenings.

18. The ninth discovery of the Buddha: the Middle course, it is the alternative monastic style

of life, which it is part of Gotama Siddharta’ doctrine.

The Middle course consists in the moderate asceticism "…that avoids the extremes of the

sensual dissoluteness and the self mortification... 227 ". On the Alternative style of life of monks the

222 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215, Mediterranee 223 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 257-263, Mediterranee224 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 189, Mediterranee225 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee226 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee227 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 54, Einaudi Tascabili



whole doctrine of the Buddha is grafted then with the Four Noble Truths and the other teachings of


The doctrine of the Buddha includes the ethical and wise behaviors also with the

meditation on the objects, the colours, the breathing, and on the origin and extinction of the pain228 . Buddha’s teaching it has some strong points as the Not violence, but it is a doctrine of

darkness, because we cannot ignore two among the serious mistakes of Siddhartha: those to

ignore the Lord God and to deny the existence of the eternal body of the man, the Self or the

Divine Spark with the theory of the Non Self or Anatta .

The Middle Course with the ethics and the wisdom - that is, a pacific conduct of life, honest,

right and perfectly disciplined, conceived for not hurting neither to itselves neither to the others -

and the meditation 229 also provides for the monks the renouncement to the pleasures of the world

and the flesh; the Buddhist it monks' choice is a virtuous choice that brings them to renounce to

the thirst or to the eagerness of the pleasures according to the precept of the Third Noble Truth: to

end up to the eagerness and to the attachment 230 for obtaining the cessation of the sufferances,

but we have already said that this it is not possible because the pain, together to the struggles and

temptations, is the motor of the man’s evolution. Furthermore the life conceived and realized by

God has a noble purpose: the re-education and the salvation of demons by means of the life and of

the man, but Buddha did not understand it and for this he had a negative opinion of the life 231 .

The doctrine of the Buddha makes to grow the men in morality and wisdom, but the

Buddhists mentally separate themselves from God (even if not really, because the Lord never

separates Him from them 232 ) and they don't consider that their Divine Spark and their Conscience

are bodies destined to live for ever in God.

The separation from God is death and darkness.

It is part of Buddhist legend to affirm that the Halfway it has been conceived in an only

night, but I prefers to say that it has been conceived during the first six years of its life as samana

and then it was concluded in a night .

The Buddhisms and therefore the Buddhists despite the compassion have a notable

component of egoism because for primary purpose of their Faith they have their personal liberation

from the suffering and from the negative Karmas postponed 233 and therefore they will not be able

to obtain the liberation because “ the aim for which must improve himself/herself is that to set up

in his/her world and from this to the world of the other, the order, the justice and the rectitude; this

and enough without expecting no form of recompense, neither spiritual nor material 234 . Besides –

as far as I know - while on one side there is an explicit order for every Buddhist monk to beg the

228 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-44, Einaudi Tascabili229 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 78, Einaudi Tascabili230 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 54, Einaudi Tascabili231 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 161-163, Armenia 232 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita233 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161, Mediterranee234 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161 (Liberazione), Mediterranee



food there is not, or I have not found it, that to give a service to the people corresponding to the

gotten food but we can say that it was implicit because the Buddha taught all the life.

Coming back to the Middle Course 235 : from the traditional story it results that the

Buddha understood <<…so much it be foolish the extreme asceticism, he accepts a regular

meal and it prepares him to look for another road. In effects that is, he accepts an asceticism

opportunely regulated, that avoids the extreme of the sensual dissoluteness and the self

mortification . After a little time he will baptize this form of more moderate asceticism with the name

Halfway .

Then it comes him to mind when, as child, he had sat under a plant of apple rose while his

father worked in the fields. In that occasion he had experimented the first Absorption,

"accompanied by an unintentional and concrete reflection together, from the wellbeing of the body

and from the mental fulfilment that springs from the isolation". And he recognizes that this could be

very well the road that conducts to the illumination" (M I 246). The story indirectly mentions only to

the results that the Buddha initially gets with the meditation before the illumination takes place.

From a side they found them upon his experimented custom to the meditative pragmatism and

his to focus on what it is able to confirm from Itself and inside of itself . From the other side there

is his by now consolidated vocation to the analysis and the criticism. Actually, having also refused

the doctrine of the yogins, he keeps on cultivating the awareness of the physical and mental states

awareness that derives from the psychic competence of the yogins. If it is impossible to track an

unchangeable Entity down, a self with its es capital letter , through and behind these mutable

experiences, he can succeed at least to penetrate to fund the nature of these same ephemeral

psycho-physical processes. They are facts of which it is possible to have testimony and direct

knowledge, and it is on such processes that the Buddha concentrate the whole proper interest and

his own insatiable curiosity. If he cannot find an Self, he can find at least a relief 236 >>.

<< … The originality of the Buddha derives from its scrupulous analysis of the individual

experience, but its importance derives from the accepted possession the faith in the rebirth, that is

common to all the Indians.

In the case of the Buddha, this faith resolves it in an absolute moral integrity . In other

teachings the doctrine of the transmigration places side by side it to a complicated representation

of the spiritual universe in the field of which it is verified. We move aloft us and in downs now

turning himself/herself into animal, now in divinity, now in the inhabitant of some hell, and then still

in Warlike or Brahman, in enslaved or in king (the same Buddhism would have subsequently

created myriads of similar conceptions… 237 >> ( note of mine: The Brahmanism committed a big

error as true it is not that the men are reincarnated in inferior beings 238 being true the contrary one

235 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 53-57 (La via di mezzo), Einaudi Tascabili236 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 54-55, Einaudi Tascabili237 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 59, Einaudi Tascabili238 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 26th , Amrita



on the basis of the law of evolution that so it has been defined: << Process for which life, through

to forms more and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of mind and of Spirit 239 >>.

<< Of the Conscience or Body Akasico of the man it has been said: - (BODY

AKASICO equal Conscience): What receives and it transcribes, making it become same nature of

the individual the Realities that the same individual discovers and acquires. It is never abandoned

by the individual during the manifold incarnations, but It is constituted as soon as the individual

evolves 240 >>.

And of the Ego it has been said: << More elevated Part of the individual subject to

evolution. It is called "Ego" the whole of the Divine Spark and the "individual conscience." The Ego

is therefore what remains of the individual when this It has finished the evolution as man 241 >>

<<…For the Buddha, however, the precise circumstances of the transmigration are never

as vital as the principle that is at the base of it: the human action has moral consequences,

inevitable, that they strike again on the individual both in this and in another life . A fundamental

moral order exists. You cannot steal, lie, commit adultery or "… go along the shores of the Gange

to beat, to kill, to mutilate or to order to others to mutilate, to oppress and to order to others to

oppress ", (D I 52) without then suffering its consequences. A generic law of cause exists to moral

effect to which all are subject. The crimes bring to the unhappiness in this life as in lives following

. The teaching of the Buddha extends to the goal in appearance selfish of the personal liberation

and it turns him to the sentient beings in the measure in which they are able of to suffer and to free

once and for all them from the unhappiness ( our note: we have already explained that the relief

from the sufferance, the peace and the serenity they are a gift of God by means of the karmic Law

) . It, nevertheless it also concerns the sentient beings as moral agents, able to not only influence

his/her own wellbeing , but also on that other people's. Some of his/her doctrines are dealt only

in appearance with personal liberation and others instead of ethical principles, but the two themes

are intimately always and inevitably correlated 242 >>.

It has been said: <<… The monks of the Buddha must not reflect on the future or on the

past, neither on old matters as the beginning or the end of the world. They must concentrate

interest and commitment on an sole fact or rather the origin and the extinction of the suffering

inside "this long carcass a sea arm" (note of mine: This is a very serious mistake since the man

must concentrate his/her commitment and his/her interest in the knowledge of itself and in

improving itself, in the research of God within himself/herself, that He makes him/her free by Jesus

Christ from the chain of the births and the deaths when the man understand which are his/her

duties towards God and towards the neighbour ) . For the Buddha they can exist many kinds of

knowledge, but only those that concern this immediate experience have value for his disciples

busy to look for the liberation (note of mine: we have already said in preceding comments that the

239 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee240 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale coscienza), Mediterranee241 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee242 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 59, Einaudi Tascabili



Buddha’s method, doctrine or dharma does not allow the liberation since birth, illness, old age

death and pain are inherent in the life as they are provided by the Evolution law ( among them

those of the reincarnation and of the karma ) . Within his personal search, nevertheless, this rigid

pragmatism doesn't reduce it to a blind adhesion of the Buddha to the only meditative practices

(note of mine: to the Buddhists the Buddha has made to miss the meditation within and therefore it

is for this that also they don’t find God ). It (note of mine: the pragmatism ) induces him to

decidedly deny that kind of theories that they must have accompanied the practices of his yoga

teachers. Which doesn’t surprise, from the moment that, later everything, the meditation must be

realized having in mind a certain idea of its purpose of the human nature and of its spiritual

hinterland. And if the techniques fail, it is necessary to put in discussion the theories

themselves. Naturally we don’t know with precision in what the theories of its teachers consisted,

but we can affirm with reasonable certainty that they gravitated in the orbit of yoga / Upanisad .

Moreover, from the discourses in which the Buddha contradicts these theories it results evident

that to his notice they possessed some common characteristics. They were all theories of the Self

(Atman in Sanskrit), even if probably the term adopted for expressing this innate individual

principle was not unique for all the systems 243 >>.

19. The Meditation

The meditation is a deep reflection of the mind while the man attentively and carefully considers


The mental body 244 of the man must not be confused with his/her brain that is a part of its

physical body 245 ; the astral body and the mental body are out of the physical body of the man 246 ,

but they are connected to this last body 247 ; who meditates outside of itself it meditates in the

worlds astral and mental of the Life after Death.

The man can meditate on his/her experiences of life and thought inside himself/herself

fixing also his/her own thought in his/her own intimate where our heart is found (first method:

internal meditation), to find God and with Him the truths of the life 248 , or the man can meditate

out side of itself, in the worlds astral and mental (second method: external meditation), on the

things, on the feelings, on the emotions, on the states of mind or on other facts, objects or

situations that are happened to whom meditates and so on, because in theory it can be meditated

on everything. But we advise to meditate only in our inner where there is our heart - where God

243 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 43-44 ; you see also “The knowledge of the Self” from page 44 - 51, Einaudi Tascabili244 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 60 (Corpo mentale), Mediterranee245 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 59-60 (Corpo fisico), Mediterranee246 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 58-59 (Corpo astrale) y page 60 (Corpo mentale), Mediterranee247 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 47 (Cervello), Mediterranee248 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee



waits for us 249 with His illuminations and answers 250 - and on the truths of the Christian

Faith of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) among which the Mysteries of

the Rosary, but for no more than fifteen minutes as Our Lady Mary suggested on December 10th

1925 to Lucy of Fatima 251 .

The Buddha, recommended instead to his disciples to meditate on the objects, the colours,

the breath and an only fact “the origin and the cessation of the sufferings in the man 252 “, but he

recommended them to make long meditations also particularly a deep reflexive analysis of own

mental state 253 .

To know what he/she doesn't know the man he/she can look for in the libraries, or he/she

but it is inside himself /herself that the man can find the answers on the truths and on the

mysteries of the life; can ask questions to other peoples; I don't tell it, the Lord God tells it:

a. << Why to look for the guide in somebody else? Why not to directly come to me?

Don't you know that I AM inside of you?? Don't you know that if only you allow Me I AM here for

answering to all questions, to help to resolve the problems and to guide and to direct your

footsteps? I never impose me to anybody. You must choose to look for and to find me, and when

you do it I AM ready there to take the reins, to pour again the love on you and through of you,

ready to show you the walk. Once that your choice you have done and you have allowed Me to

hold the rudder, you can relax and simply to follow step by step or My instructions; you will assist

to unfold of My wonder and of My glory, you will see to happen in your life a miracle after the other.

You will discover that when something is correct and it has My full benediction, nothing and

nobody can hinder it, since everything will happen to the correct moment in an authentic perfection254 >>;

b. << Why not to start since now to receive your spiritual inspiration making you directly

guide, rather than through somebody else? Don't you realize to possess inside of you wisdom,

knowledge and understanding? Don't have need to look for them out, but you have to stop you in

all calm to find them in the depth of your heart instead. There is not anything more splendid or that

is worth more of the direct contact with Me, spring of the whole creation. This means that you must

devote it some time and, if necessary, to get for finding this contact. You must reach the phase

where you become indeed aware of Me and of Mine divine and constant presence, in which you

desire to conduct Me in the totality of your life, the phase in which you want to walk and to talk to

Me sharing every thing with Me both your successes and your failures.. When the love flows and

249 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , March 28th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 19th and 30th and September 4th

, Amrita250 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated April 8th , July 21st , August 19th and 30th and November 24th , Amrita251 AA. VV. Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR252 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 43-44, Einaudi Tascabili253 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 97, Einaudi Tascabili254 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita



you are One with Me, more than every other thing you desire to divide what you have with Me 255


c. << The internal answers: When it is looked for the answers they are found inside of

itselves. It is something that must be underlined very often and with a lot of strength. You wastes a

lot of time investigating out the mysteries of the life of itself, when they are instead inside his/her

own being. When you will fully make yourself realize that I AM inside of you and that I AM the

whole knowledge, the whole wisdom, the whole understanding, will stop wasting time.

Try to imagine to have a perennial source of foamy water that climbs inside of you. The

whole knowledge, the whole wisdom, the whole understanding, the whole love they are found

really at the spring of this source, waiting for to come out, waiting for to be revealed, when you

recognize them and you accept them.

Don't need some teacher of some gurus. Everything that of which you have need is an

expansion of awareness in way to be able to accept these truths. They exist because all can

accept them, when they are ready to do it 256 >>.

Of it derives that the meditations must be always internal and never external, that is out of

the man as those of the Buddha, of the Buddhists and of other Oriental and Western men.

The internal answers, that is those of God, are always exact because He is " …the whole

knowledge , the whole wisdom, the whole understanding and the whole love … 257 ".

Unfortunately the men, as for an instance the Buddhists, look for almost always outside of

them and therefore they don't find the answers that have instead inside of them 258 .

The meditations are so different in the men that it is impossible to analyse them with the

with the exception of the believers of the single religion for an instance those of the Christians

especially those on the Mysteries of the Rosary (Joyous, Painful and Glorious); Our Lady Mary

gives "The Graces necessary to the Salvation to all those people that will meditate on the

Mysteries of the Rosary for five months, at the first Saturday, they will confess themselves, they will

receive the Saint Eucharist and they will meditate the Mysteries for fifteen minutes with the

intention to offer her reparations for the wrongs suffered by Her or by Her Son Jesus 259 ". This

promise of Our Lady Mary shows how much Important are the meditations of the man and

particularly those on the Mysteries of the Rosary and those to discover the Mysteries of the life,

but it also shows the spiritual power of Our Lady Mary itself.

The Buddha meditated and taught to meditate outside of him and it is for this that he didn't

find God and it didn't make Him find, he doesn't make Him find and it won't make Him find to his

disciples that his method of meditation observes.

255 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 19th , Amrita256 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee257 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee258 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 21st , August 19th and 30th , September 4th , Amrita 259 AA. VV. , Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR



The Buddhist model of meditation on the objects is called o the Four Absorptions

(Jhana); in these models the meditative levels are of increasing intensity 260 , but all four teach to

meditate outside of itself, while God, with His omniscience and power, it is in the heart of the

man 261. Buddha prescribed to his disciples that they had to meditate on a sole fact, the

origin and the extinction of the suffering in the man 262 ; all these Buddhist types of meditation

they are outside of the man, in the worlds astral and mental; therefore the meditation taught by the

Buddha prevents the meditation in the heart, where God waits for us; therefore the knowledge of

the Buddha and of the Buddhists will be always a limited human knowledge , entirely inadequate

without the knowledge of God!

Gotama Siddhattha, as young, as child of a rich or of a noble man, had personal

experiences of life as son, husband and father of a child and as friend before discovering at the

outside of his palace: in an old man, the old age, in a sick, the illness and in a funeral, the death. At

the end he saw a wandering religious, a samana, serene and calm, that had renounced to the

pleasures of the world and the flesh, and in such way he understood that that was the road to

discover how to defeat the pain from the life, if this had been possible.

The direct experiences of the life can be of two types: intimate (sensations, emotions,

joys, sentiments and states of mind) or external to us, on the actions that we have done, on the

omissions, on the things, on the facts, on the situations or on the sufferings and the joys of the

human ones.

In theory it can be meditated on everything. But we suggest to meditate only on the

Truths of the Christian Faith of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); nevertheless

the meditation most important is that in the heart where the Lord God waits us to be recognized

and made to emerge 263 for answering to our questions also 264 !

The to Know of the Buddha for itself only not to allow the man, that is to the

Buddhist ones, to profit of the omniscience of God, because Siddhartha ignored the Absolute one

since he didn't find any proof of the existence of a personal soul (Atman) or of its cosmic

equivalent (Brahman) 265 , in spite of the Lord God was also in his heart 266 . Siddhartha didn't find

God because he didn't meditate in his intimate, where the heart he had and it was for this that

he committed very serious errors because he was deceived by Satan 267 . You sees the error

260 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 37, Einaudi Tascabili261 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori) ; Le porte interiori, Mensajes dated January 23rd , 24th and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 29th , July 17th and 21st , August 19th and 30th ,and September 4th , Amrita 262 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 43-44, Einaudi Tascabili263 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita264 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita265 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili266Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , July 17th and September 4th , Amrita 267 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991, February 25th 1992 and March 25th 1992



n*8 of the paragraph 21 of our document “The discoveries and the errors of the Buddha Gotama


The meditation is a deep reflection of the man to understand the truths of the life, the

reasons and the sense of the same life or for other purposes but the good way to find cited truths

and reasons it is that to directly ask questions to God that waits us in our heart 268 .

Us Christian ones of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) concentrate our

thought in our intimate where the heart there is and we ask to the Lord God the explanation of the

mysteries of the Life and on the truths of the Christian Faith.

Then, as there are two methods of meditation, one interior and the other exterior 269 , there

are also two places for the meditation:

a. The first place for the meditation is inside of us, in our inner, where our heart is

(internal meditation) ; it is the most important place whether to meditate, because it is there that

the Lord God waits for us 270 , if we are able to make silence inside of us because it is in the quiet

that God speaks to us 271 and that the Lord's answers we receive to our questions or His

illuminations on our doubts 272 ..

The same Lord God said:

a. << You stop looking for help in the others, look for it inside of you and you will find it ….

.273 >>;

b. << You discover that the Kingdom of the Skies is inside of you; you can stop your

search and to look within you: you will find all that you looks for …. 274 >>;

c. << (.) << (.) Then, when any doubt attacks you, you turn the look inside of you, search

the truth and I will reveal it to you; then you continue in peace and confident for your

road 275 >> ;

d. << Why to look for the guide in somebody else? Why not to directly come from Me?

Don't you know that, if only you allow Me, I AM here for answering to all questions, to

help to resolve the problems and to guide and to direct your footsteps? I never impose

me to anybody…. 276 >>;

e. << It looks inside of you and your heart will speak to you. You make your examination

and not to listen to all of this that is outside, because if you listen to the so many

whispers and external buzzes, you will find yourself in such a dilemma not to be known

268 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ;Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , May 29th and September 4th , Amrita269 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee270 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th , Amrita 271 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 143-144 (Stai nella quiete e ascolta. Non ti chiedo nulla di più), Mediterranee272 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 30th , Amrita273 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 24th , Amrita274 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita275 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated April 8th , Amrita276 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita



how to distinguish the truth from the forgery anymore and you will lose the road. All the

souls can find the truth inside of them, but this means that they must devote some time

to the interiorization …. 277 >>.

The internal meditation is very important, but also the reflections on our thoughts, on our

actions or omissions they are very important because in our intimate world there is also the truth of

ourselves; this truth we must look for understanding the true reasons for ours to act because << to

spiritually live means to know ourselves 278 >>.

In the matter the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77)

teach that it is fundamental to know ourselves for our spiritual growth; on the matter they

say: " in the intimate of ourselves we must practice a constant awareness of our being to know

ourselves , that is to know as we are really. It is necessary to seek the truth of our being because -

to modify the humanity - we must modify the single individuals, whose limitations fall <…. following

intimate reflections, of a careful analysis, exactly, in which is understood that his/her own

responsibility, his/her own existence, must be more felt, more turned to the others. Then a double

to become aware of his/her own limits and of the possibility to be different. You practice the

constant awareness, because it can widen and to embrace that part of you that today it is

unconscious; without staying, continually continuing in this examination; and the truth of

yourselves will come to the surface, it will be one conquest of yours. It is in the conquest of this

individual truth - that then it corresponds to the reality of yourselves - you will submit yourselves to

a treatment of psychoanalysis, of psychotherapy. It doesn't deal with finding attenuating to his/her

own way to act, but to try to understand as really we are, 121g. To spiritually live means to know

itselves; to tend with the whole of itselves to that ideal of altruism, of love to the neighbour, of

spirituality suggested by the teachers but this understood in the correct sense. Those are the

moral ideals that your conscience must have and those you must pursue. The man must know

himself/herself, to know his/her own limits, to understand up to that point is of the world and up to

that point is of the spirit. This means to live a spiritual life 127g. The constant, vigilant

awareness (you see) of itselves ì, the constant vigilant examination of his/her own reasoning - in

the maximum sincerity of itselves - must make to understand the motives for which that thought

subsists, without worrying if they can appear selfish motives. Egoism (you see) has been, up to

this moment of the evolution, the push that has developed your vehicles, your faculties,

your internal life we can say. It is from now on, when it starts to reveal itself the possibility of a to

feeling that it freely flow, that egoism doesn't have reasons to exist anymore. The thought that you

are you or the thinker, that are you, can experiment the reality, only if its thought transcends itself,

that is it transcends every selfish motion the self or me. And this to transcend now it realizes itself,

or perhaps in thousand years, only and always in the constant awareness of yourselves. The time

277 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November 24th , Amrita278 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 127 (Il significato di vivere spiritualmente), Mediterranee



doesn't matter. Your meditation can last years, perhaps lives: but this doesn't mean that you must

postpone, that there is not hurry to come to a conclusion 279 >>.

b. The second place for the meditation, is outside of the man (external meditation),

outside of ourselves, in the worlds or plans astral and mental 280 with the thought 281 ; this way

they meditate the greatest part of the Oriental ones included Buddhists. The thought is an activity

aware of the mind; the mind it is a different body from the physical body and therefore it is

separate from the brain, but it is connected with it; Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) is seen,

Dictionary of the Circle, pages 47 (brain), 60 (mental body) 113 (psychic faculties), 210 (thought),

Mediterranee; nevertheless <<The thought, considered as idea, as meaning, as activity of the

thinker-thought, is analogous to the attribute, to the condition, to the quality, to the state of the

things; that is it doesn't exist in itself but it is tightly connected to the thinker-thought as all one with

that: all that the man considers abstract. That is existing only as thought, in itself it has the nature

of the idea, but as such it is indissolubly tied to the support, to the substratum of "substance": the

thinker-thought 282 >>.

In the plans or worlds astral and mental the Lord God doesn't allow us to find Him because

there are too many dilemmas and too confusion in such plans or worlds 283 .

In the astral or mental plans it can happen to men a very disagreeable event: to be

deceived by Satan as it happened to me, but then I understood the deception and therefore I

stopped meditating outside of me.

I think that in such "second place " Siddhattha has addressed his attention to find the

truths of the life, … the meaning and the sense of something or to clarify his doubts on specific

matters. But in this way he made big errors and wasted his meditative time because he

didn't meditate inside himself, but outside of himself; unfortunately for him and for his disciples

they cannot be found outside of us the explanations of the Mysteries of the life because such

explanations are found only inside the own being where God waits for us…with the whole

knowledge, the whole wisdom, the whole understanding and the whole love… 284 . When the

disciples of the Buddha will realize it they will stop wasting out time with their meditations outside

them 285 .

Probably this second place for the meditation was taught to Siddhattha by his teachers

Alàra Kàlàma and Uddaka Ramaputta and it is on this base that the Buddha developed his method

of meditation 286 . But the two teachers of Siddhattha, Alàra and Uddaka, would have had to know

279 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee280 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 219-221 (Piani astrale e mentale), Mediterranee281 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 210 (Pensiero), Mediterranee282 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 202 ( Gli ideogrammi), Mediterranee283 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November 24th , Amrita 284 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori =Answers within), Mediterranee285 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori ), Mediterranee286 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 87-100 (La meditazione), Einaudi Tascabili



that the Upanishad recommended the meditation on the Self or Divine Spark that it is found in the

heart of the man 287 .

Siddhattha didn't know that the Lord God was inside himself in his same heart 288 and alone

he didn't succeed in discovering it because if he had discovered this first place for the meditation

he would have found God with His illuminations and answers 289 and in such way he would not

have committed errors in his doctrine 290 .

Consequently Siddhattha - not having learned to meditate inside himself (also in his heart),

first method or first place of meditation, - but, having chosen to meditate only outside of himself

(second method or second place of meditation), he could not teach to his disciples the first

method of meditation, but only the second one, in the second place, that to meditate outside of

itselves; therefore the Buddhists, as the Buddha they are found in the Darkness 291 , of the distance

from God and from His Christ; therefore the Buddhists cannot have the knowledge and the wisdom

of God.

Because of his wrong method of meditation and way to discover the truths of the life, the

Buddha didn't discover the existence of God and the Divine Spark or Self inside of himself, in his

same heart 292 , and therefore he ignored that the man could directly acquire from the Lord, in his

heart, through the Divine illumination the truths of the life 293 (hearing the voice of God as Eileen

Caddy, English woman, in the 20th century or the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, as it happened to

Jakob Lorber, Austrian, in the 19th century . In the 20th century to Maria Valtorta Italian it was

granted to relive the evangelical episodes as she had participated to them two thousands years

ago in Palestine during the life of Jesus.

Erroneously Siddhattha believed that the man could acquire only the knowledge with the

mind, that is outside of himself, particularly with the meditation on a sole fact: the origin and the

extinction of the suffering in the man 294; therefore the Buddha ignored the possibility that the Lord

God same talked to His children, but he also ignored the relationship of love that unites all the

human beings and their God 295 .

This ignorance caused a separation of the Buddha from God at mental level, but limitedly to

the same Siddhattha since God is always present in the heart of all His children 296 whoever they

287 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 35, Einaudi Tascabili288 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , April 8th , July 17th and 21st , 19th and September 4th , Amrita289 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , July 17th and 21st , and 30th and September 4th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee290 You see paragraph 21st of our document “The discoveries and the errors of the Buddha Gotama Siddhartha” of this same Catechism 291 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita292 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and September 4th , Amrita293 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , March 28th , April 8th, July 21st , August 19th and 30th

and November 24th . Amrita 294 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 43-44, Einaudi Tascabili295 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 296 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita



were 297 of the Buddhist ones also and of other men that they don’t believe in God, but God is also

in the hearth of the wicked ones.

Men are united by a relationship of love among them and their God, but very many men of

it don’t know the existence or they don’t accept it; unfortunately, such separation from God and

from the other human beings is at the origin of all the sufferings of the world, of the conflicts

and of the wars 298 >>.

Therefore of the Buddhists it is very appreciated the Not violence 299

20. God’s answers to man’s questions

The Lord God said at Findhorn: << Lean not on anyone. You need no outer props and

reassurances, for you have all deep within you…When you know something from within, nothing

and no one from without can shake it. It is something that is so real to you, it would not matter if

the whole world went against you, telling you that you are wrong. You would be able to go quietly

along your way without being disturbed or thrown off balance. That is the joy and strength of inner

knowing. It is what can give you the peace which passes all understanding.

So whenever you are in any doubt about anything, go within and seek the truth, and I will

reveal it to you; then go your way in peace and confidence 300 >>.

After the questioning to God the man have to awaits His answers and therefore he/she

makes silence within himself/herself while he/she is listening for the answer of the Lord that arrives

quickly. For an instance: I did not understand how the Lord God could be One and Triune in the

Very Holy Trinity. Then I asked a question to God. Lord, how it is possible that this may happen

considering also that You, the sole God, are not a person 301 ?

The answer of the Lord came to me immediately thru bright spiritual images ( it is one of the

manners with which the Lord answers us): I saw in my inner sight a hatstand with three hats, that

is three identical bowlers, English style, hung at the hatstand. Then I understood immediately that

the Father, the Mother and the Son Jesus were three Manifestations of the Sole God, Whose Holy

Spirit used the Father, the Mother or the Son Jesus Bodies depending on the circumstances.

I think that the Lord God, as Father, appeared to men in many cases since the antiquity, as

it happens nowdays to me, for making Himself visible and understandable to the men. Actually the

Lord Father appeared to me on November 18th , 2009, on a throne, blazing of multicolour lights in

the sky at about 30-40 meters from my spiritual Body, but I did not see Him face to face because I

saw the back of His throne from the left and therefore I did not see His face. I remember also that

in this or in another circumstance the Lord God told me “Io ti conosco”, that is “I know you” ( but as

297 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 298 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 299 The introduction to the meditations has been drawn from the paragraph 19 of our document “The discoveries and theerror of the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha” available in our site Internet 300 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of April 8th , Amrita301 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72, Mediterranee



He knows me He knows every one else by means of the Divine Spark of Self 302 that the Lord gives

to each man ).

21. The eighth fundamental mistakes of the Buddha

The mistakes done by the Buddha demonstrate that he meditated only in the astral or

mental worlds that is outside of itself and that he ignored his within, that is his heart where the

man can find his God 303 . Consequently Siddhartha did not find God and His illuminations

and His answers to his doubts.

It results me that for Buddhisms the Buddha coincides with the Absolute;(You see

Enciclopedia L’Universale, Volume 30th , Gerhard Bellinger, page 105, Garzanti, Italy); if it were so

Buddha would be omniscient and omnipotent. It is a boasting because the Lord God, the Absolute

One, is the Whole and the Whole transcends, while the Buddha, without God, was, is and will

be only a man, or to the utmost, a saint. Buddha having made big mistakes he was not

omniscient nor omnipotent.

The Buddha, for blessing the Earth every year, needs the help of the Lord Jesus Christ

( You see Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14-18, L’Ariete) and therefore he was not

omnipotent. The Lord Jesus is the way to God, for the Buddha also; therefore the Buddha have

to pass through Him 304 to arrive to God.

The Christ said: << I tell you whoever believes in me will perform the same work as I do

myself and he/she will perform even greater works, because I am Going to the Father. And all that

you will ask in my name I will do it for the glory of the Father be manifested in the Son . If you will

ask something in my name I will do it 305 >>. So, considering that Jesus has to come in the valley

of the Wesak to receive and strengthens the Blessing of the Buddha to the Earth every year that

means that Buddha has not yet elected Jesus Christ to his Teacher and Lord; therefore the Christ

does not made home with the Father in the Buddha. If the Lord Jesus had made home with the

Father in the Buddha, Siddharta would not need that the Lord Jesus strengthened every year the

blessing of the Buddha to the Earth in the Wesak Valley, as I have said.

It does not result me that Buddha ever spoke to his disciples or to others of God, the

Absolute One 306 . This silence – together with the rigid rule of the direct experience – thru the

meditation on the objects, the colours, the breathing and on a sole fact, the origin and the

extinction of the sufferance in the man, not allows to the Buddha and his disciples to become

erudite by means of the teaching of God.

302 Proverbi 20, 27303 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 29th , July 17th , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita304 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6-7305 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 12-14306 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee



The Buddha having taught to his disciples to meditate without or outside themselves,

the Buddha same has is the caused of the Darkness of the ignorance of God and of His Wisdom in

the Buddhists.

I point out that the Buddha was a teacher ; but as such he owed to know that the Lord

God is Spirit 307 , that He is Absolute one 308 , that He is in everything and in everyone 309 and it is

the Whole; therefore He is indefinable 310, but omnipresent with His Spirit 311 .

Furthermore, the Buddha as a teacher should had considered that Satan – Mara is present

in the astral and mental worlds and that he deceives men with the thought also when they

meditate; consequently Buddha owe to consider these two facts for his meditations regarding the

antagonist of the Lord God, the Devil, which is our enemy also.

The eight errors of Buddha determine the virtual separation of the Buddhists from the Lord

God and they co-operate also to make to stay the Buddhist ones in the Darkness of the ignorance,

that they consist in the separation from God.

Error N°1: Buddha did not meditate within himself and therefore he did not find or

not discovered the Lord God that was expecting him, as any other man, in his heart 312 :

Siddhattha not having found the Lord, ignored Him, and in such way he lost His

illuminations and answers 313 .

Buddha ignored the possibility that God talked to His children, but above all he ignored the

love relationship that it united all human beings to their God 314 . That originated a separation of the

Buddha from God at mental level, but limited to the Buddha only, since God is always present in

His sons 315 . The separation from God and from the other human beings it is at the origin and it is

the cause of all sufferings, troubles, conflicts and wars of the world 316.

It results to me that Buddha never answered to question about God 317 . However, since I

know that Siddharta made big mistakes I have to conclude that he never had a relationship with

God 318 , he never asked questions to God and therefore he cannot have had His answers or

illuminations 319 .

307 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th , Amrita308 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72 (Dio), pages 296-297 Tutto, Tutto èperfetto and Tutto-Uno-Assoluto, Mediterranee309 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 17th , Amrita310 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 266, Mediterranee311 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th, Amrita312 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of April 8th, May 29th , July 17th , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita313 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori Messages of January 28th, April 8th , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita 314 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th , Amrita315 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th, Amrita316 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th , Amrita317 Enciclopedia l’Universale, Religioni, Gerhard J. Bellinger, volume 30th, page 104, Garzanti, Italy318 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili319 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , March 28th , April 8th , May 16th , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita



Fortunately for Buddhist the Father-Mother-God 320 loves them equally of a fatherly and

maternal love together, firm the principle of their liberty staying to believe or not in God as we have

referred already 321 , therefore the Lord makes them reincarnate on the Earth – as all other sinners

– one or more times, to correct them with the rules of the law of Evolution, of the Reincarnation and

of the Karma Law 322 .

I hope that the Buddhists want to realize, with the sole observation of the perfection of the

Nature and of the creatures that exists a Supreme Being, origin of the life and of everything and

that He is not a principle but a to Divine Being absolute, eternal and infinite 323 .

The Lord God has conceived, realized and organized the Life as we know it with the laws

that discipline it with millesimal precision, to start from the laws of the Evolution of the

Reincarnation and of the Karma ( or Law of cause and of effect ).

But the Buddhists ignoring that they are also One with God and feeling them separate from

the Lord, they don’t allow Him to surface in their heart 324 because the Lord God respects the free

will of the man 325 because He does not push Himself on anyone 326 .

The Buddhists must be satisfied with some karmic fruits of their renouncement to the thirst

or eagerness or attachment for the pleasures of the world and of the flesh; this fruits are the peace,

the serenity and the reduction or the suspension of the pain 327 , but not cessation of the pain; such

fruits won’t include the Divine Filiation 328 .

That being stated Buddhists should realize that also the formula of adhesion to the

Buddhism: << I take shelter in the Buddha, in the Doctrine (Dhamma) and in the Community (the

Sangha329)” ; this also it is a serious error 330 , that has misled the Buddha to deify the Buddha,

honored as a God in all of their temples and in such way they all become idolatrous 331 ; the first

person responsible of this big error is the same Buddha, which – despite that he were a teacher

sent on the Earth to correct the errors of the Brahmanism and not to found a new religion 332 ; he

didn’t talk to his disciples of the absolute God that there is our Father and Mother 333, because he

didn’t succeed in having a proof of Him in meditation 334 in how much he looked for the Lord

320 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee321 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia322 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), page 209 (Karma) and page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee323 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72 (Dio), and pages 296-297 (Tutto, Tutto è perfetto, Tutto-Uno-Assoluto ), Mediterranee ; La Fonte Preziosa, pages 266-267, Mediterranee324 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th, Amrita325 Siracide 15, 14-20 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages161-162 (Libertà e libero arbitrio), Mediterranee326 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita327 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee328 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia329 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 28, Tascabili Economici Newton330 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of April 8th and July 21st , Amrita331 Esodo 20, 2-7332 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 90-91 (La religione buddhista), Mediterranee333 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee334 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili



outside itself, in the astral or mental worlds, and not where God was: within himself, in the heart

of the Buddha. The not talking of God to his disciples by Buddha has made them commit the

second error more big, to deify the Buddha because the men have an innate need of God, the

Buddhists also ( and it is for this need that they have deified the same Buddha ) .

The Buddhisms don’t recognize the Lord God, the Absolute One, that in the XX century has

said to Eileen Caddy: <<…. I AM in you, hidden inside your depths, and I wait that you recognize

Me and make Me emerge 335 >>. The Buddha not having talked of God to his disciples, – for

the Buddhists – God there is not and for them He doesn’t exist.

Error N°2: Buddha cannot find out, or discovered, the existence of the Atman (or

Spirit or Divine Spark or Self) that animates the man 336 .

Men can see the Selfs or Divine Sparks of silver or gold especially those who have the third

eye open as I think the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha had; that Siddharta had the spiritual eye

opened I deduce it from the following sentence of the Buddha: << this [ doctrine of the eternal

Self ] it is a mere sensation, a struggle in the discouragement from those venerable ascetics that

do not know, neither see, and they are fallen victims of the desire [ of such Self ] ( D I 40-41 ) 337 .

The commandment of the Buddha “ …to know instead for yourselves ( A I 189 ) 338 “

without the inner teaching of God – united to the mistake of the Buddha to meditate outside

themselves on the objects, on the colours, on the breathing and on one sole fact, “the origin

and extinction of the suffering in the man 339 - it does not allow to Siddharta same and to his

disciples to know the mysteries of the life; God is within each one us with a cell of His Spirit, that is

the Self or Divine Spark of the man 340 .

God, Which is Spirit 341, recognizes us the right to the liberty to obey or not to His

Commandments 342 freedom that never lacks to us for the free will. The Buddha, practically,

prevents His disciples the search of the Self or Divine Spark or Spirit; they are exceptions the

disciples the Sect Pudgalavada 343 .

It results me that the << Buddha stated of having found no proof of the existence of a

personal soul (atman) or of its cosmic equivalent (Brahman) 344 >> ; all that because the Buddha

did not meditate within himself, that is in his same heart as the Upanisad teach.

The erroneous precept to know only for itself without the God’s teaching, united to the

wrong manner of meditating ( only the meditation on the objects, on the colours, on the breathing

335 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th, Amrita336 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee ; Per un mondo migliore, page 207, Mediterranee337 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 51, Einaudi Tascabili338 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili339 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-44, Einaudi Tascabili340 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 28th and July 17th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267; Per un mondo migliore, page 207, Mediterranee341 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th , Amrita 342 Siracide 15, 14-20343 Valerio Zecchini, Buddhismo sentiero di luce, page 100, Demetra344 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili



and on a sole fact “ the origin and extinction of the pains in the man 345), that is the meditation

outside itselves, conducted the Buddha to commit two other serious mistakes: the erroneous

theory of the absence of the Self or the Not Self or Anatta 346 to which he combined that of the

Five Factors 347 , also it mistaken because it doesn’t consider the Divine Spark or Self of the man.

I do not know why Siddhattha did not see Divine Sparks or Selfs in his spiritual sight. I

don’t understand it, considered that the Divine Sparks can be seen frequently. The Hindu of the

epoch of the Buddha practised the meditation on the Divine Spark or Self since the Antiquity: “ In a

version inspired to the Upanisad, we can, for an instance, concentrate on the Self that stays in the

heart << smaller than a seed of mustard, with gold’ colour ( C III 14 ) 348 >>

I am quoting you two examples of persons that have seen one or more Divine Sparks or


1. surgical operation to an eye of Mr. Mario Mancigotti, Italy ( March 1987):

The surgery happened on March 7th 1987 and for an odd coincidence it is the fourth

anniversary of the death of Daniela, Mario’ daughter deceased on the Earth, but living in the Sky:

<< A little unwell, Mario rests on the bed with the blindfolded eye; unexpectedly a spark of silvery

shining light crosses his field of vision “ as a fragment of fireworks that moves from left-hand side

to right-hand side “; Mario Mancigotti fears that be happened something to his eye, he fears some

problems; at once Luisa (note of mine: his wife and mother of Daniela ) communicate him to have

seen an odd thing, something like to a small star to stop over the pillow on the side of the right eye

surgically operated and then vanished. The confirmation arrived later on, in the month of June…In

a message Daniela ( note of mine: the deceased daughter of Luisa and Mario Mancigotti living in

the Sky) says, addressed to her parents and to all the participants in a congress: “ Well with me

they thank you many creatures as me shining of a snow-white evanescent light of which we are at

last owners; because you know which conquest it is the crossing from a reflected light to an own

light. You had confirmation of it, the day of your pain Daddy… 349 >> .

2. Fifth Meeting of the Friends of Findhorn at Montebello (Perugia), from the 1 st to the 4 th

October 1993 .

In one of the Workshops of this Meeting, that of the Game of the Transformation happened

as follows:

The Game was guided by Isabella Popani and it is called also Angels’ Game; it is inspired

to the teaching of Findhorn. At the Workshop were presents, in addition to the Guide Isabella

Popani: Silvana, Anna, Paola, Gianfelice and myself. One of the visions that I had in this Workshop

it was a ray of red light that it had origin from a small Star in mine interior sight; I presume It was

my Divine Spark or Self; the red ray was directed towards the right side of my interior sight where

345 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-42 (La meditazione e il Rifiuto della meditazione), Einaudi Tascabili346 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 50, Einaudi Tascabili 347 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-51, Einaudi Tascabili348 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 35, Einaudi Tascabili349 Paola Giovetti, I Messaggi della Speranza, pages 155-156, Mediterranee



there was another small Star, or Divine Spark or Self: perhaps It was that one of Silvana that was

sitting at my right side.

All men should believe in the Lord God and in the Lord Jesus and also in the Revelations

that belong to our teaching; finally Buddhists should check and believe at least to the Bhagavad

Gita, that speaks of the Self and of the self; the self with the es lower case letter is the self

impermanent and it changes at every terrestrial existence of the man with the change of its bodies

(physical, astral and mental); the self or me it is born in the mental body of the man 350 while the

Divine Spark or Self and the Conscience are two eternal bodies.

The Buddha fought the theories, but in the case of the absence of the Self and of the Five

factors he formulated two of them himself, unfortunately for the Buddhists and for the Humanity.

The theory of the absence of the Self or Divine Spark is very dangerous because, practically, it

denies the spiritual nature of the man. Whoever can realize – only if he/she wants it - here or in the

Life after Death, that the Buddhic commandment “to know only for itself same” has made more

damages than those that the hail makes to the grapes and to the olives since almost all the

Buddhists – not believing in God and therefore in theirs spiritual Self – they are felt separated by

the Spirit of God and then they ignore Him.

From the error to ignore the existence of the absolute God, it derived the second one that

to confute the existence of the Self, the immortal Spirit of the man. But it is probable that the first

two errors have been caused by the error N°3 that follows, because the illumination comes from

the inward of the man 351 .

Error n°3: il precept of the Buddha of “You know for itselves instead ” condemns his

disciples also to the Darkness of the ignorance of the knowledge of God, that was in the

same heart of Siddhattha also; God said: I AM all knowledge, all wisdom, all understanding

and all love: God said also to stop wasting time 352

Also the third error is very serious, that to believe that the man could discover the secrets of

the life without the teaching of God, the Creator of the life same and of the living beings, the

Omniscient God Who waits within us, in our same heart for answering to our doubts also 353 ;

rather this mistake is the mother of all errors of the Buddha , because it is in the inward, in the

heart, that the man receives the illuminations from his/her God, as it results from the quoted

Revelation of Findhorn. But to be able to receive the illumination from the within a determined state

of mood is needed – founded on the faith and trust in God - that the Buddha didn’t evidently

succeed to have it. Evidently Siddharta did not know that God waits for him in his same heart354 , nor he intuited it.

350 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (io), Mediterranee351 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 28th , April 8th, July 21st , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita352 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61(Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee353 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of April 8th , May 29th , July 17th , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita354 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita



The commandment of the Buddha of to know for itself only without considering the

presence of the Lord God within us – jointed to the meditation on objects, colours, the breathing

and above all on a sole fact “ the origin and the extinction of the sufferance in the man “ 355 and

then the meditating outside of them only, deprive Buddhists of the possibility of having a direct

relationship with their Father-Mother-God meditating in their heart 356, that is within themselves .

God directly talks to the man or through the Guardian Angel, that He has also called the

Voice of the Conscience of the man 357 .

I think that for having a relationship with God, it needs at least to recognize Him, then to

have faith and trust in Him 358 and finally it is needed to evangelically live so that to make God

emerge within us 359 .

The Buddha looked for God with certainty, but in the wrong way, evidently, because he

looked for the Lord outside of himself; I believe that Siddharta looked for a relationship with the

Lord God with all of his great mental strengths, but he could not find Him (since it looked for the

Lord outside of himself, instead that in his inward and expects a proof of it).

This mistake of the Buddha to believe only in a direct personal experience the “ to know

only for itself” ( A I 189 360 ) without considering the possibility of mistakes done by Siddharta same

or by his disciples without considering the possibility of satanic deceptions, it was a big

mistake of the Buddha since Siddharta looked and taught to look in the wrong “place” to find the

truths of the life.

This erroneous teaching together with the meditation on objects, on colours on breathing

and on a sole fact “ the origin and the extinction of the sufferings in the man “, that is outside

itselves, they limited the knowledge of the man, and therefore of the Buddhists, to the mind and

the meditation outside itself in the astral and mental worlds, while there is also – and it is very

superior – the meditation in the heart 361 where the Lord God waits for us provided with His

omniscience and all His qualities to answer to our questions and for giving us His illuminations 362 .

The Not value of the precept of knowing only for itselves it is clear because, without the

God’s teaching, the Buddha committed all his mistakes.

The to know for themselves only it is as a gate that prevents the Buddhists to find God and

their Self or Divine Spark.

355 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-44, Einaudi Tascabili 356 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 28th , April 8th , July 17th , August 30th and September 4th , Amrita357 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 28, Mediterranee358 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message July 22nd , Amrita359 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th and September 24th , Amrita360 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili361 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , August 30th and September 4th and November 24th Mediterranee362 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee



<< The value of the direct experience 363 : Nobody knows how many satanic tricks

Buddha suffered living without the help of God’s meditating and teaching to meditate outside

himself only in the astral and mental worlds. Therefore the direct experience of the Buddha and of

Buddhists without the help of God’s teachings - that can be obtained searching within us 364 - have

scarce or small value without the God’s knowledge . But the direct experience of the Buddha and

of his disciples can become a double Not value with the deceptions of Satan.

The doctrine of Buddha and his direct experiences are not the truth of the Life, but

they are truths incomplete and/or wrong. Regarding the Truth of the Life God said at Findhorn:

<<…All souls can find the truth within, but it does mean they have to take time to go within…. Be

still and you will know the truth; and the truth shall set you free 365 >>.

Error N°4: Buddha believed to be able to free himself and his disciples from the

rebirths on the Earth 366 without the help of God and of His Christ 367 .

The final phase of the Liberation or Salvation of the man from the rebirths on the Earth it is

a work of God by means of His Christ. This mistake of the Buddha to be capable of freeing himself

and his disciples from the rebirths in the Earth it is son of the to know by itself (Error n° 3 of the

Buddha) without the help of God, and therefore of the not recognizing the existence of God (Error

N°1 of the Buddha) and of the believing to be able to acquire the knowledge meditating outside

itself in the astral and mental worlds, ignoring the illuminations which come from God, Who waits

for us in our heart 368 .

Error N°5: Buddha assured the cessation of the suffering as it were true and it were

his merit and of his doctrine; this it is not true because pain it is reduced or suspended by

the rules only of the Divine Karma Law for men of all peoples and religions that virtuously

live 369 especially if they dedicate their life to the Good of the brother men .

The pain it is a part of the life laws because it has revealed itself to the omniscience of God

to be essential with the struggles and the temptations to save the Demons through the incarnation

in the men 370 to live on the Earth the complex life that we all know.

Buddha did not understand the noble purpose of the pain 371 ; perhaps he did not

understand it as an old man also, when the pain struck him again 372, because he was not

363 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 4 2-44 (Il valore dell’esperienza diretta), Einaudi Tascabili364 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 ; Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , August 30th , September 4th and November 24th , Amrita 365 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of November 24th , Amrita366 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161(Liberazione), Mediterranee367 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggi of December 24th and 25th , Amrita : Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi veritàricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee368 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd and 28th , April 8th , August 30th , September 4th , November 24th ,Amrita369 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee 370 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia371 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia372 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, pages 74-76 (Malattia del Buddha), Tascabili Economici Newton ; Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 106, Einaudi Tascabili ; Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 28-30 (La morte), Einaudi Tascabili



Righteous toward God. The Buddha suffered again because the pain is suspended, but it does not

cease for so it provides the Karma Law 373 .

Buddha didn’t understand that sufferings are very important in the life of the man together

with the struggles and the temptations 374 to make him/her grow in wisdom and Conscience

(according to the Law of the Evolution 375 ); it is for such Evolution that we are born, we live and we

die on the Earth and then in the other three planes of the Cosmos (astral, mental and Akasico 376

planes ); pain is therefore ineluctable for the reasons that I have explained already in the

document entitled “Gotama Siddhattha shortly between successes and failures” and that

synthetically I reassume here: struggles, temptations and pains – and therefore birth, life, illness,

old age, death and sufferings that they derive of them – they were invented by the Lord God, the

Brahman, to allow the Demons to redeem themselves, firm staying their free will to redeem

themselves 377 with such conditions of life.

Error N°6: Buddha believed that pain were an Evil, while instead it is a Good because

the pain induces the man to the reflection and therefore to the discovery of his/her state of

being with his/her vices, defects and poverties ( limits 9and of his/her errors, especially if

he/she learns to know itself 378 .

Buddha did not understand that the pain helps the man to understand his/her state of being

with his/her vices, defects and poverties, limits and the errors also if he/she learns to know itself.

The Lord Jesus said about poverty, illness and pain: << I allow that poverty, misfortunes

of all kinds come among men, when they go away completely from me and they become servants

of the world. For poverty and life adversities force men to think to the cause of their poverty, they

make them more sharp and intuitive and in this manner from the people arise wise and intelligent

men, which open the eyes to the others and they show to them the causes of their common

poverty, and so many renounce to their laziness and they get ready to fight against those loafers

become powerful that give orders on peoples and they are the causes of their common poverty.

These men they are frequently defeated or obliged to give peoples such laws that allow them to

survive. And in this manner happiness and welfare come back among men, in the extent in which

men had newly turned to the sole true God…. We cannot blame God if men get illnesses and

pains of every kinds by themselves. God has continually woken for men of this Earth seers and

prophets that have taught to men, become more and more blind and deaf, the will of God. The

man therefore cannot certainly say that nobody taught him how he has to live in accordance with

373 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del Karma), Mediterranee ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica), Mediterranee374 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia375 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee376 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee377 Siracide 15, 14-20 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia378 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi; La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee



the will of God. But frequently men have derided and mocked the seers woken up by God, and

they have not paid attention to their discourses… 379 >> .

Error n°7: Buddha and the Buddhisms, founded a new religion or style of life without

God, the Absolute God our Father and Mother 380 with the formula of adhesion to the

Buddhism .

The formula of adhesion to Buddhism “ I take shelter in the Buddha, in the Doctrine (

Dhamma), in the Community (Sangha) 381 “ creates idolatrous 382 .

What they have been able Buddha and the Buddhisms to do? A religion or a style of life

without God. Without God Buddhists, including the Buddha, will remain confined in the Nirvana and

they will not arrive at the Divine filiation if they will not follow the Guides that will be given to those

people that in the Earth have not had the possibility to know the Jesus Christ teaching. About it the

Lord the Lord Jesus said: those people if “stubbornly will remain in their convictions will be always

evaluated on the basis of their doctrine and to the consequently conduct of life and they will not

reach the Divine filiation 383 “ .

As another matter of fact I add that Satan is the Enemy of God and of men and he was

the only one that could obtain advantages from a religion or style of life without God like the

one founded by the Buddha and the Buddhisms. For this reason Satan, the Devil, pushed

himself on Siddharta for establishing his new religion or style of life without God: the Buddhism .

On the subject the Lord God said at Findhorn in the XX century: << Why try to seek

guidance through anyone else? Why not come directly to Me? Do you not know that I AM within

you? Do you not know that I AM here to answer all questions, to help to solve all problems, and to

guide and direct your every step if you will only let Me ? I never push Myself on anyone. You

must choose to seek and find Me, and when you do, I AM here waiting to take over, waiting to pour

love in and through you, waiting to show you the way. Once you have made your choice and

allowed Me to take the helm, you can let go and simply follow out My instructions step by step. You

will see My wonders and glories come about, and see miracle upon miracle take place in your life.

You will know that when something is right and has My full blessings, nothing and no one can

stand in the way, for it will come about at the right time in true perfection 384 >>.

Error N°8: Buddha mistook pressures of Satan Mara, the Devil, for the pressures of

the Lord God, the Brahman.

As a matter of fact the Lord God does not push on anyone 385 as He said in the Message

reported in the error N”7. To the utmost the Lord makes one or more good proposals to His sons

379 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 133-137 (Il significato della miseria, della malattia e del dolore), Armenia380 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 103-104, Mediterranee381 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 28, Tascabili Economici Newton382 Esodo 20, 2-6383 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia384 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita385 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita



and nothing more because He respects the free will that has given to the man, for the freedom 386

it is the first principle of the life and the principle of improvement is the second one 387 . So after His

proposal the Lord God leaves the man free to accept His proposals or not.

I am a witness of four Divine proposals, one of God or of the Christ, the second one of

somebody else and the third and the fourth ones of Jesus Christ:

- the first proposal to me occurred on the 2002; the Lord makes me come to the mind three

words one after the other ( Ordine Gesù Redentore) “Jesus Redeemer Order “ and

nothing else. I intuited that the He want me establish the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus

Redeemer Order). I did not know how to establish such an Order, but I asked information

from the Bishop Alberto Ablondi and after a while I established it later without pleas,

pressures and, least of all, or exhortations from the Divinity because God respects the free

will that He has given us;

- The second proposal was that to publish on Internet the Catechism of the Jesus Redeemer

Order that I was writing. I started to publish it about a year or two later, but I did nor receive

any pressure;

- The third proposal I think that it came from Jesus who told me simply “You illustrate

Buddha” ; for first thing, I studied Buddha’s life and doctrine on some books, all those

available in my town’ libraries, and after about a year or two later I have illustrated Buddha

in six documents of which the last one, this one, it is under translation now, November


- The fourth one it is singular proposal and I think that it came from the Lord Jesus: He told

me << You would not succeed to help America >>; the phrase was told me on December

11th 2008 and I took it as a stimulus to translate in English the Catechism of the Jesus

Redeemer Order and now, February 2014, I have already translated the 80% of such

Catechism, of which the sixty per cent it is already on Internet; I hope to publish within

December 2015, the translation in Spanish of the text of Catechism of Jesus Christ Order ;

then I will translate it in Portuguese and French if God will give to me life and health.

In these eight years nobody put pressure on me after the four proposals, therefore I think that was

Satan to urge the Buddha.

You examine now what happened to Siddharta after the illumination experience to

understand if it was Satan or not who pushed himself to Siddhattha:

<< Perplexities of the Buddha The night ended with an important becoming aware: the

series of the births it was run out, while the intent it has been realized. Since this moment

Siddhattha worths to be defined <<Buddha>>, that is an <<Enlightened>> or a <<Woken up>>.

In the state of exaltation, connected with this remarkable experience, makes at once a

sequel a strong hesitation. The Buddha realizing that the doctrine of which he takes possession of

386 Siracide 15, 14-20387 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia



it is much intricate and difficult, he doesn’t feel to divulge it, for fear of possible misunderstandings.

Really it was a teaching that goes counter current, inappropriate to men of scarce comprehension;

from that the intention of abstaining from the preaching.

At that point, it takes the field, the god Brahmà, sovereign of the universe, for convincing

the Buddha to overcome his perplexities. Denouncing the present condition of the world, the God

implores the Enlightened… (note of mine : it was Satan to implore Buddha ) …of passing on his

own doctrine to the creatures : only so the catastrophe will be avoided. At the end, after repeated

insistences and further hesitations the heated exhortation of Brahmà it will be answered ; the

Buddha it is ready to communicate the fruit of his own experiences; it has been is immense

compassion towards all living beings to give grounds for taking the resolutive decision… 388. ( note

of mine: The Buddha had the proof for which he was looking for regarding God’s existence, even if

it was false, but he didn’t realize it; therefore from then on ( for more than forty years ) he should

had due to speak of the Lord God to his disciples and he should had due to modify / integrate his

doctrine, But he has done nothing of all that, because Satan deceived him some other times, as

the former Archangel Lucifer he is intelligent as an Archangel and he is astute as the Demon.

Satan has deceived me too for twice, but I did not give him more opportunities to deceive me

because I stopped to meditate outside of me; however I am not more clever of the Buddha, quite

the opposite! But I have read the Findhorn’ Revelation of the XX century to Eileen Caddy: “…

nothing and no one from without…” can interfere in the relationship of the man with his God. You

see Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of April 8th, Amrita ).

22. The Buddhists that will be converted to the Father-Mother-God of all the human kind 389,

they will honor the Lord sole God in their temples, with Jesus Christ and Our Lady Mary;

When they will be converted the same thing they will do the other peoples and/or religions

that do not adore yet the sole true God 390 ; the Father with the Holy Spirit 391 of Whom Jesus

speak to us 392 .

In their temples the Buddhists that will be converted to God can honor Buddha as a saint

only, in a secondary altar, and I wish them to do it as soon as possible. They will honour God in

the form of a Sun with the rays dot-like, painting the Sun in the wall behind the high altar or

embroidering It with the rays dot-like in a great tapestry so much big as said wall; such Sun will

symbolize the Lord God while the points on the rays will symbolize us men.

On the principal altar, in front of the aforesaid wall, a statue of the living Lord Jesus - on a

human scale with the tunic - it will be set; the Christ will have the open arms to symbolize the

388 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 23, Tascabili Economici Newton389 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee390 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto, Mediterranee391 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 28th and July 17th , Amrita392 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14 -15-16



embrace to the human kind; at the right of Jesus it will be set a statue of Our Lady Mary that has

appeared at Medjugorje since 1981, while today it is being November 5th , 2014.

The men that will be converted to God, included Buddhists, must be calm and serene as

babies weaned in arms of their mother 393 , because the Lord God is also their Mother and by He-

Her they will be consoled 394 and beloved 395 .

Who will convert to God embracing the Christianity he/she must know that the walk of a

Christian is difficult, because very difficult it is the imitation of Christ 396 that voluntarily donated His

same life to the men.

For imitating Christ to live the Gospels is necessary, and this is anything but easy, at least

for me; to live the Gospels is necessary to know them; therefore all must get for them, to read them

and to meditate them for no more than fifteen minutes a day, as Our Lady Mary suggested on

December 10, 1925 to Lucy of Fatima. You also imitates Christ believing that life continues after

death; who meditates on the death he/she cheerfully think about his/her eternal life in Christ and

with Christ in God 397 .

Who cannot purchase the Gospels it can unload them from Internet.

Who cannot purchase the Gospels neither he/she can unload them from Internet, he/she

must observe the Decalogue 398 and the Commandments of the love 399 .

The Decalogue is this:

1. << I am the Lord your God: you won't have no other God than me. Only to your

God you will prostrate, Him only you will adore. You won't have no gods in front

of me…;

2. Don't name in vain the name of God;

3. Remembered to sanctify the feasts 400 ;

4. It honors your father and your mother;

5. Don't kill;

6. Don't commit adultery;

7. Don't steal;

8. Don't pronunce false testimony;

9. Don't desire the woman of others;

10. Don't desire the stuff of others>>.

The Commandments of the love are these:

393 Salmo 131 (130) song of the ascension of David394 Isaia 66, 13395 Isaia 49,15396 Tommaso da Kempis, L’imitazione di Cristo, San Paolo397 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 20-21398 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22399 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 37-40400 The main feasts of Christians are all Sundays, the Merry Christmas ( December 25th ), the Saint Easter, the Epiphanyof the Lord (January 6th), the Pentecost (June 12th) and the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the mother of theLord Jesus ( December 8th)



1. << You will love gladly the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with

all of your mind >>;

2. << Your neighbor loves as yourself (the whole Law of Mosè and the whole teaching of

the Prophets depend on these two Commandments) >>.

The Buddhists that will be converted to the Christianity will stop meditating on the objects,

the colors, the breath and on an only fact “the origin and the extinction of the suffering of the man401 ”; so, they will meditate on the truths of the Christian Faith and if they don't know them they

meditate on the Truths of the Gospels. If they don’t know even those they meditate on the birth,

life, death, resurrection and ascension to the Sky of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the Commandments

of the Decalogue and on those of the Love that I have above listed.

The Christian prayers are important, but without the actions, that is the works, they are as

nothing… 402 .

The first spiritual work of the Christian is to fight the good battle for knowing itself 403 .

The Gospels, that is the doctrine of Christ, they are the explanation of the Decalogue 404 .

What we advices to do to Buddhists we advice it also to the believers of the other

religions that do not adore the sole true God yet of Whom unworthiness I speak to you and of

Whom I indicate a small part only of what that the Lord same teaches us in the Bible and in the

Findhorn Revelation to Eileen Caddy in Scotland.

The sole true God, The Father-Mother of all men has manifested three Divine Beings – the

Father ( the Father of the Christ ), the Great Mother 405 that appeared at La Salette, in France, to

two little shepherds on September 19th 1846 406 and the Son Jesus Christ ( the Very Holy Trinity )

– for making Itself visible and understandable to men 407 .

23. The Sangha ; what to do to become good Christians ?

The Sangha have a great importance in the Buddhism, but they have the limit of

which we will say after to start from a fundamental defect in the formula of adhesion to the

Buddhism which is wrong, since the man cannot live without God, being Him the substance that

constitutes us and the Spirit that animates us 408 .

During the years of his mission the Buddha founded some monasteries called Sangha

whose principal fruit, more than to facilitate the monachal life of the disciples, was that to let to the

Hindus to understand how much the subdivision of the men in the castes was artificial and cruel.

401 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, pages 35-44, Einaudi Tascabili402 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 100, 140-141, Mediterranee403 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee404 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol 7, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone),Italy405 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni406 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, pages 18-27, San Paolo407 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia408 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee



Another authoritative opponent of the subdivision of the people in castes was the Mahatma Gandhi

in the twentieth century.

Not knowing what the directives of the Buddha can be been on the Sangha I confine me to

confirm that the formula of adhesion to the Sangha is fundamentally wrong: << I take shelter in the

Buddha, in the Dhamma and in the Community 409 >>. And that it be a wrong formula it doesn't

depend only on my opinions, but it comes down from the teaching of the God Creator that has told

at Findhorn:

a. << Lean not on anyone. You need no outer props and reassurances, for you

have all deep within you. It is inner peace that everyone longs for, and it is there

when you take time to look for it. Do you take time to see the truth, or do you

accept everything you hear, see and read at face value? 410 >> ;;

b. << Think wholeness, be wholeness, and manifest wholeness in your life. To be a

whole person, you need to know yourself, know where you are going and know

what you are doing, and the go ahead in confidence and live a whole, glorious

and full life. Never have any doubts about yourself or your ability to be whole. It is

doubts and fears and worries that prevent you from establishing wholeness; so

cease your worrying, and banish all fears and doubts, in the knowledge that I AM

with you always and that with Me all things are possible. But remember, always

let your faith and confidence be in Me, the Lord your God, the Divinity within you.

Walk hand in hand with Me; consult Me at all times; and let Me guide and direct

you. I AM within you, therefore nothing from without can interfere with our direct

contact. Feel safe and secure in this knowledge. When your security is in Me, all

is indeed very, very well 411 >>.

c. << Why not to try to listening to those inner intangible sounds which can only be

heard in absolute stillness hen you become in tune with the ways of the Spirit? In

that state of perfect peace your whole life changes, and a deep inner tranquillity

and serenity are radiated from within. You become one with the whole of life, you

feel uplifted, inspired and filled with illumination, for your whole being is filled with

my Divine light. You understand not with the mind, but with the higher

consciousness and with the heart. You are no longer living unto yourself. The self

is completely forgotten, and your life is one of giving love and service to your

fellow human beings. It is only when you are giving that you fins the wonderful

inner joy and happiness which nothing and no one can take from you. Joy comes

with service, and service comes with dedication. Dedicate yourself to Me and to

My service now, and feel yourself expand as you do so 412 >>.

409 Leonardo Vittorio Arena, Buddha, page 28, Tascabili Economici Newton410 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of April 8th , Amrita411 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 5th, Amrita412 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 28th, Amrita



It seems me evident that who takes shelter in the Buddha, in the Dhamma and in the

Community it separates him/her from God, the maximum Good and he/she takes an idol, the

Buddha. I have already said and I confirm that in the search liberation from the suffering and for

the extinguishment of the karma postponed there is the germ of the egoism, since their principal

purpose is the personal liberation and the turning off of the negative karmas postponed 413 , while

the Commandments of the Christ are the same that God personally gave to Mosè and they have

for object the love:

a. << The Lord loves, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of

your mind. This is the greatest commandment and the more important . The second

one is equally important:

b. Your neighbor loves as yourself. The whole law of Mosè and the whole teaching of the

prophets depend on these two commandments 414 >>.

If a Buddhist or another Hindu religious he/she wants to become Christian he/she

must unite to us? No, the only important thing that he/she must do it is that he/she decided to

change life living as the Lord Jesus it prescribes us in the Gospels, observing the Decalogue 415,

the Commandments of the love that they have just been quoted; for the rest he/she can remain in

his/her house or in his/her Monastery . But it has however to make some things:

a. The Buddhist or other has to put his/her faith and trust in God only always 416 and to

honor Him as Father-Mother God 417, the Divinity within us 418 ;

b. to walk hand in the hand with God;

c. to turn to Him in any moment with faith and trust and to let Him to guide and direct us419 ;

d. to elect in his/her heart the Lord Jesus, the Divine Presence, the Christ in the man 420 to

his/her Teacher and Redeemer. There is another thing that the Christian aspirant must

do in his/her personnel interest: he/she can devotedly turn to the Our Lady, Mary of

Nazareth, the Mother of the Lord Jesus to tell her in the secret of his/her own house or

at the open one in the middle of the Nature, or elsewhere: Mother welcome me as Your

child. All the men can do it since Maria of Nazareth is the Co-Redeemer woman and the

Mother of the human kind reborn to God 421 . Then Our Lady is the spiritual Mother of

every man to whatever religion or people belongs. Nobody surprises him/her in to know

that they are not essential of the formalities to become Christian, since all it takes is

413 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 160-161(Liberazione), Mediterranee414 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40415 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22416 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 5th and August 31st , Amrita417 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee418 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 101-102, Mediterranee419 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 5th , July 21st and August 31st , Amrita420 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee421 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Volume 1st , page 246, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy



asking it in the silence of the prayer to God, to Jesus or to Our Lady Mary with the

intention to become it. And then, naturally, you must evangelically live taking part to the

Eucharist on Sundays, and in the consecrate Holydays.

Hindu and Buddhists brothers of the whole world who it loves God and the neighbour

as himself/herself it is a Christian of name and fact. On the subject it has been said: << …Christ

will rise in the intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to the other religion to the one or to the

other political faith. The man calls Christian when he/she loves the neighbour one of his/her. To

believe to change the man bathing him/her or circumcising him/her it is equal to believe to be able

to change him/her changing him/her the suit. But the work of the Christ is not bankrupt. Christ - the

Charity, the brotherly love - it will rise in the intimate of every man and not for recognition of an any

religious organization that it was named after his name….422 >>.

24. The Lord God and Jesus the Christ

In the Revelation to the English woman Eileen Caddy - happened in the twentieth century at

Findhorn, in Scotland - the Tall One confirmed that the Christ Messiah is His Son with these words:

" It is for the time to come when they will become reality these words: <<The son of God

will appear in all of his glory because all can see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day

and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I tell you not to be surprised of nothing 423 ".

The Lord God also confirmed to Eileen Caddy the divine nature of the Messiah with these


<< I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in

the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ

in you 424 >>.

In such way the Lord God confirmed:

a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all the men and all the

things are recapitulated 425 and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 426 .

b. that the Lord Jesus is a Divine Being that He belongs to the very Holy Trinity, Father, Son

Jesus and Mother Holy Spirit 427 .

The Lord God also said to Eileen Caddy, respect to Jesus Redeemer and Savior that the

Christ rises in the conscience of every man to whatever race, people or religion belongs by the

Grace of God and therefore without need of the intervention of some religion:

a. << …The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted

reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet; it can happen that them are not aware of it at the

422 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th and 25th, Amrita423 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee424 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee425 Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 1, 14, 15 and 17426 Vangelo di Giovanni 12, 30-32 ; 14, 6 ; 15, 1-17 and 16,33427 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia



moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that is drawing more and

more souls together, so that all of you can become of the Christ within aware and can eternally

give thanks for this awareness… 428 >>; (note of mine: since fifty years around the Spring it has

arrived, the New Era 429 that of the redemption of an always great number of souls living in the

Earth 430 that they become aware of the conscience of the Christ within and that therefore they feel

them reciprocally attracted ).

b. << Day after day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself with the conscience of the

Christ more and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become everything one with it, as

long as in you there won't be more darkness; and when such process will be established you will

succeed in bringing more light in the world. You must realize that everything this has beginning in

you. It starts with to put order in your house, have faith and trust in your abilities and then do it... 431

>> (note of mine: salvation is work of God; the man limits him/her to do, very slowly, his/her part,

life after life 432 . The religions help him/her particularly in the first phase, but to that of the final

redemption personally the Christ provides, God's Presence in the man ).

And so the Lord God confirmed that for all the men of whatever epoch there is only a

Shepherd and that they form only a flock to whatever race, people or religion belongs. The Lord

Jesus confirmed to Jakob Lorber that it’s Him same the Good Shepherd, as He told in Palestine 433

two thousand years ago, and that to every man (sheep) He will give the eternal life, to whatever

epoch, race, people or religion belongs; the Lord Jesus will return, but not in a body of woman as a

child 434 , on the contrary He will return in the inwardly of every man 435 .

On the subject the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach:

<<…It is feared to lose proselytes, when value is given to the organization, and value is given to

the organization to practice an authority that, however you call, it is always of temporal nature,

because that spiritual is not conferred certain with an investiture neither it is subordinate to the

affiliation to any religion. Christ will rise in the intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to the

other religion to the one or to the other political faith. The man calls Christian when he/she loves

the neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him/her or circumcising him/her it is equal to

believe to be able to change him/her changing him/her of suit. But the work of the Christ is not

bankrupt. Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love - it will rise in the intimate of every man

and not already for recognition of an any religious organization that was named after his

name or not... 436 >> .

After the confirmations of the Lord God at Findhorn and of the spiritual Teachers of the

428 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th , Amrita429 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 21st , Amrita430 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 21st and December 24th ,Amrita431 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita432 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of November 11th , Amrita433 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 1-21434 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 192-194 (Il ritorno del Signore), Armenia435 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee436 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee



Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) in the XX century any person in good faith can doubt

anymore of the Divine nature of the Lord Jesus and on His being the God with us prophesied by

Isaiah 437 and He who redeem and save all the men. And that His Word is the same Word of God it

has been confirmed by same God in the Koran 438 .

Those people who want to know more on Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, Mother of the

Lord Jesus, they can unload themselves a document from our Catechism, site Internet with the title Mary of Nazareth, the SuperEva that you will find among

the Deepenings in the part devoted to the Role of Jesus Redeemer.

Buddhist Brothers, a true Christian, to whatever people or religion belongs, it becomes a

light in the people of God if he/she lives as it is prescribed in the Gospels that they are the

explanation of the Decalogue 439 and of the Commandments of the Lord: Love God and the

neighbour as yourself. The Gospels free can be found on Internet.

25. Love and Compassion

Someone can wonder: how can I love God, the Brahman, if I cannot see Him? This too can

be done even if it not easy because the Love it is not a person; however the Lord God has

manifested the Father, the Son Jesus and the Mother Holy Spirit to make Himself visible and

comprehensible to men 440 , which they are other smaller manifestations of God’s Spirit.

Compassion of the Buddha is much better of the indifference, but compassion it not enough

: we need Love.

Regarding the love God same has told also at Findhorn:

a. <<…Many souls go through life and never know the meaning of love. How blessed you

are who know love and who are loved! Love is the key that opens all doors, breaks down all

barriers. Is it any wonder that I keep telling you to open your hearts and love one another?

Compassion towards your fellow is not enough; there must be love. Where there is love,

there AM I, for I AM love. Know the meaning of the divine love, and perfect understanding fills your

whole being 441 >>.

b. <<… Let your heart expand all the time. The love is necessary everywhere. Remember

that love is service, love is action. The love is not one confused, vague emotion of which to speak.

It learns to show it in all you do 442 >>;

c. << Loving is living and living is loving. You cannot say to love Me and not to love the

human beings. As you love the others, so you love Me, because all are One. It accepts this unity in

every moment. When there is no division there is great peace of heart and mind. It always accepts

437 Isaia 7, 14- and note 7, 14438 Il Corano. trad. L. Bonelli sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli439 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol. VII, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone) , Italy440 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia441 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 145, Mediterranee442 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 77, Mediterranee



the victory and the defeat it will fade away in the nothing. Expansion is synonymous of human

beings and this means caring and loving them, seeing their necessities and satisfying them. It

means an expansion of the power of the heart. You open your heart and maintain it open, and not

to allow that nothing closes it. How much more you love Me so more you will love those people

with which you come into contact and so much more you will want to be their of help. It looks for

the Divine Spark in every individual. It may not always be easy to find it but know that it is there

and as you look for it you will find it. Get into harmony with whom is around you; the love brings

harmony therefore it loves, it loves, it loves. The more love flows among all of you, so much great

they will be the peace and the harmony sensed and felt by those around you and from those who

draws near you. If, at any moment, you are feeling yourself in discord with the whole, remember

that the change can happen in a twinkling of an eye. It changes your attitude, it changes your way

to think and the black will automatically become white. When a bright light is brought in a dark

room, dark disappears in a beam of light and doesn't exist anymore. The floodgates are wide

open and My benedictions they are poured upon you all the time 443 >>.

We add for completeness of reasoning that after you have turned to the Christ Lord, the

Buddha, for you, it will be become a saint to which, if you want, you can ask to intercede for you to

God, but same God told that that it is not necessary 444 .

26. The Nirvana

The Nirvana it was already mentioned. The Nirvana is a state of being consequent to the

renouncement to the thirst, the eagerness and the attachment to the pleasure of the world and the

flesh. The Nirvana is a state of being for which it is obtained by God the karmic gift of the peace

and the serenity that the Lord God gives by means of the Karma law to whom behaves well

because " … the Good is compensated with peace and calm, with punishments and anguish the

Evil.. 445 ". The Divine Law of the Karma also compensates who behaves well - but till to when they

continue to behave so - with the reduction or suspension of the pain also, but not with the

cessation of the pain as Buddha promised in the Third and Fourth Truths. Actually, the Oriental

Brother, one of the disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77, wrote in the Karma mantra:

“… You be day by day just, merciful and pure and the pain will not follow you any longer … 446 ” .

The Nirvana as state being, can be gotten also in this life and it is a gift of God for the

moderate asceticism (but it is not essential to become monks to achieve peace, serenity and

reduction or suspension of the pain ) .

Instead, if for Nirvana it is intended a Heaven then it is confirmed what it has been told

already that the Nirvana is not the final destination of the Buddhist: Actually the man’ Destiny is

much more beautiful: it also consists in a conscious reunion with the Lord God since the Earth, for

443 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 147-148, Mediterranee444 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita445 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49, Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee446 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee



those that had recognised the Lord as Father-Mother-God 447 and for those who have faith and

trust in Him 448 .

The Nirvana, as Heaven belongs to the " world of the dreamt ideals “or thought by men,

created by the same men in strength of the creativeness of the thought 449 .

26bis. Where is now (November 2014) the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha ?

I think that the Buddha – after 2550 years about – did not yet realize of the mistakes of his

doctrine, neither that he had listened the advices of the spiritual Guides of the Life after Death

Which have tried to teach him the Doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ 450 ; therefore I think that the

Buddha be still in the Nirvana, that is in the mental world 451 because he stubbornly remained of his

convictions and therefore he is still valued on the basis of his doctrine and of the consequent

behaviour of life and consequently he is not arrived to the divine filiation 452 .

I add, however, that the Buddha feels very well in the Nirvana, one of the Skies of the

religions; I am not the one that says it, it is said by the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77): << A man that had lived to deserve an eternal prize or that he had devote his

life to an ideal, after the death, in the mental plan, for karma, he sees and experiments the dreamt

ideal. This state of being correspond to a feeling of fulfilment, of beatitude. Many entities that

present themselves in some mediumistic meetings 453 they come, note, from this region of the

mental world: that is why they describe a Life after Death similar to that they believed existed while

they are still living on the Earth, because they are experimenting it and, for them, it is real thing,

not a dream…454 .

27. The disembodied Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach about

Heavens of Religions

<< An indication to that region of the "mental world" correspondent to the Skies described

by the religions . A creature, which were in these skies, is not separated from the others if not by

a particular state of conscience.

Everything is around you.

A man that had devoted his/her life to an ideal, after the passing, in the mental plane, for

karma, he/she sees and it experiments the dreamt ideal..

This state corresponds to a sense of appeasement of beatitude.

447 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee448 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 5th and August 31st , Amrita449 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141 (Come l’uomo pensa così crea), Mediterranee450 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia451 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee452 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia453 The Buddha presents himself every year to bless the Earth during the Ceremony of the Wesak; the Buddha bless it with the help of the Lord God; you see Giuditta Dembech Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14-18, L’Ariete454 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 179-180, Mediterranee



A lot of entities that present themselves in certain meetings mediumistic originate, note,

from this region of the "mental world": here because they describe a Life after Death similar to

what they believed it existed while they were living on the Earth, because they are experimenting it

and, for them, it is a real thing not a dream.

Once that the individual, not enough evolved, has stopped this dream, he rests, he/she

sees again with clarity and with calm all the past existences, but it is not aware of what it

happens around him/her because he/she has entered the "plane" following to that mental, he/she

has abandoned his/her mental body and he/she is found on the thresholds of a plane in which an

immense indescribable beatitude will live 455 >>.

The sublime destiny of the man is the spiritual plane, that is the Kingdom of the Skies or

God; the Destiny of every man is consciously live together with God, as a One Being alone

because there is no separation 456 . This means to identify us in God, the Father and Mother of the

Life, from which, besides, our Divine Spark or Self has never gotten away, even when we believed

to be alone in the world 457 .

27 bis The man will have the Absolute Conscience:<< …To widen your conscience I don't

hesitate to build a civilization or to destroy it. All I do for you, for your true good.

Do you see those people who surround you? They rejoice, they suffer, they move ,

they live and what you see of them it happens for you. Do you see what it happens in the world? It

happens for you. Also this of which you have had only a thin news, heard a distant echo it has

happened for you my child.

The sun rises and set, the seasons follow one another, the planets cover their

orbits, the universes are born and they perish and all of this I make it happen for you my child.

Therefore I am the substance that constitutes you and the spirit that animates

yourself, since you are in me and I AM in you my child.

But I don't stop me only to this, because I make participating of myself every being

and to every one I give entirely me without reservations, up to the point that every distinction you

and I, every separation, is alone deceptive, and they are so much it necessary to make you exist,

to give the absolute conscience to the being.

This I AM 458 >>.

(note of mine: This is the sublime destiny of the man).

28. St. Francis Di Assisi wrote of God Praises of the Very High:

455 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 179-180 (Il mondo degli ideali sognati), Mediterranee456 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 101-102 (All’interno del tuo essere), Mediterranee457 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita458 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee



<< … You are charity, love. You are knowledge, humility, You are patience, You are beauty,

You are meekness, You are security, You are calm, You are joy, You are our hope and happiness.

You are justice, You are temperance, You are every wealth of ours in overabundance…. 459 >>.

This wrote of God the great Saint of the Christianity meditating within his heart.

29. The Lord God has told in the XX century of the spiritual life:

<< In this spiritual life you must do your job. I AM here always for helping the souls that help

themselves, but you must make the first footstep. You will never learn the lesson if others will

make the things for you. You cannot train a child doing all to his/her place; you must let it to do

things for itself. No matter how slow and hesitating they will initially be his/her actions, I must

remain aside to watch you and be very patient. With great patience and love, I must stand back to

observe you while you do your own work and you commit some errors. But always remember that

you will draw benefit by your mistakes, and that nothing happens in vain. You learn without

standstill new lessons and advancing along the spiritual path: every footstep, also the smallest

approaches yourself to the Destination, the realization of your unity with Me, as long as at the end

you will realize that it doesn't exist separation, that Everything is One, and that you are part of this

unique and splendid life 460 >>. (note of mine : while for the Buddha the life was only suffering ).

30. The Lord God never imposes Himself to anybody, but to every man He says:

<< Why to look for the guide on somebody else? Why not to directly come to Me? Don't you

know that I am inside of you? Don't you know that, if only you allow it to Me, I AM here for

answering to all the questions, to help to resolve the problems and to drive and to direct your

footsteps? I never push Myself on anyone . You must choose to seek and to find Me, and when

you do it I AM ready to takeover, Waiting to pour love in you and through you, ready to show you

the way. Once that your choice you have done and you have allowed Me to hold the rudder, you

can relax and simply to follow step by step My instructions: you will assist to unfold of My wonders

and of My glories, you will see to happen in your life a miracle behind the other. You will discover

that when something is right and it has My full benediction, nothing and nobody can stay in the

way, since everything will happen to the right moment in an authentic perfection 461 >>..

31. The Buddha self limited his possibilities to know the truths of the Life ( and in such

manner he set limits to Buddhists also ).

Not having looked for God in his heart the Buddha renounced to the teaching of the Lord

God included the intuitions or internal illuminations 462 .

459 Samuele Duranti, Preghiere di San Francesco, pages 115-116, Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi460 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 29th , Amrita461 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita462 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita



Siddhattha - having set to base of his doctrine the personal knowledge 463 acquired with the

astral or mental meditation out side itself - auto limited his knowledges and those of his disciples

to a human knowing.

Buddha had not faith and trust in God and so he didn't dig in the depth of his heart 464

where he would had found the Lord God with all knowledge, all wisdom, all understanding and all

love , so you would stop wasting time looking for outside of yourself 465.

The Lord God said also: << You sometimes ask yourself because you are here, to do

what you are doing? Do the doubts perhaps attack your mind? It digs in the depth of your heart

and you honestly answer to these questions. Then, if you feel to be still a Doubting St. Thomas,

stop briefly in all calm to look for the illumination that comes from the inside, and you discover

which is your correct place inside this vast scheme. I can assure you that you are not by chance

there. Life can have been very hard with you, and you has perhaps had to overcome a lot of tests

or you have been thrown in an ardent furnace straight.

You can be certain that there is a reason for all of this: to burn all the slags, so that you it

don't remain that the pure gold, That "I AM inside of you", and I can serve of it for realizing My

wonders and My glory in front of all 466 >>.

The Lord God also tells to each one of us:

<< I don't have you given the life in the world because you brought the death.

I have not given you the desire because you became avid.

I have not given you the mind because you made yourself enslaved of its traps.

Neither I have given you the calm because you vegetated, and the progress because you

surrounded yourself of useless things or you lost your life in the search of those.

I have not given you the greatness because you despised the humble ones.

Neither I have given you the power because you oppressed and you operated injustices.

I have not given you the peace because you destroyed it.

And if I have allowed the war, it is because you appreciated the agreement.

If I have allowed the pain that comes from the egoism of yours similar and from yours, it is

because you understood the shine of the altruism.

If I have allowed the intolerance, the offense, the slavery, it is because you pursued the

contrary virtues.

And if I have allowed that you was humiliated, exploited, misunderstood, it is because you

learned not to humiliate, not to exploit, to understand, in order that a happy but sterile life is

not very precious as one who gives understanding.

463 Michael Carrithers, Buddha, page 43, Einaudi Tascabili464 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 28th and 30th and September 4th , Amrita465 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee 466 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 30th , Amrita



But I have given you the life in the world because you made it more beautiful. I have given

you the abundance because it was you easier to give. I have given you the wellbeing

because you had pity of whom suffers. I have given you the wisdom because you created.

I have given you the desire because you desired the good of yours similars and the mind

because you understood that an only thing is necessary, and that you chose: that thing that

conducts you beyond the opposite ones, whereas there is no separation, where cause and

effect are an only Reality 467 >>.

32. The Conscience or Body Akasico of the man

The Buddha didn't speak, or at least it doesn't result me that he has spoken of the

Conscience as the second eternal body of the man; it said only that the Conscience it is a part of

the man treating of the theory of the Five factors, also it incomplete and wrong because lacking

also of the Self or Atman 468 , as we have already said.

The Conscience or Body akasico is progressively formed while the man lives on the

Cosmos his/her manifold incarnations 469 .

The Conscience with the Spark Divine forms the Ego, as I have already reported in this

writing. " The Ego is therefore what remains of the individual when this it has finished the evolution

as man 470 .

32 bis Exhortation to the Buddhist brothers

Brothers Buddhists, I have made so many quotations - especially those of the God love-life,

that is our Father and Mother 471 - to the only purpose to help you to abandon the belief that

you are yourselves the authors of your transformation from carnal beings into spiritual

beings, while such transformation, at least in the final part, it is work of the Christ

Redeemer and Savior 472 . Therefore I wish you that decides you to stop taking shelter in the

Buddha, in the Dharma and in the Sangha (monastery) 473 , since the Buddhism it is only a stage of

your walk in the Life on the planet Earth.

Therefore it is essential that you look for shelter in God or in His Son Jesus, the Divine

Presence in the man 474 if you want to get the Divine Filiation so as it confirms the Lord Jesus

same 475 .

467 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 230, Mediterranee468 Damien Keown, Buddhismo, pages 49-51, Einaudi Tascabili469 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale coscienza ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 101-102 (Essere), Mediterranee470 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee471 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee472 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee473 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of April 8th , Amrita474 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee475 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia



Besides same God, through His English scribe, Eileen Caddy, with the Messages (of

December 24th and 25th ) that I have already quoted more times it teaches us that only the Lord

Jesus Christ completes (expands) our Conscience.

For your good and the good of the humanity decide you for the Lord Jesus Christ

that it redeems and it also saves the Buddhists that elect Him to them Redeemer and Savior - as

every other man of the Earth, belongs or less to a religion 476 - because the final phase of the

transformation of the man from carnal being to spiritual being is work of God in the Jesus Christ’s

person. Turn to the Lord Jesus with faith and trust because He is our Redeemer and Savior, but if

you prefer a Mother turn with the same trust to Mary of Nazareth, the Co- Redeemer woman,

because it is also your Mother 477 . Her, Our Lady Mary, is One with her Son Jesus 478 .

33. Suggestion to the Buddhists still doubtful on the Christ Lord:

you reflect on the Ceremony of the Wesak; it is another proof that you can check personally

and that it testifies the Divine power of the Lord Jesus; the Ceremony of the Wesak it is carried out

every year in a valley of the Himalaya during which the Lord Jesus strengthens the benediction of

the Buddha to the Earth .

" The pilgrims of the Himalaya

To the approaching of the of the anticipated date, thousand of pilgrims start toward this

valley. For some the trip will last a lot of weeks, they come from Ceylon, from Tibet, from Nepal

from lost places, attracted by the sacred call. Who are they? They are spiritual guides, they are

disciples and Teachers of every order and degree belonging to the most varied religious,

philosophical or esoteric currents. They are Lama, guru, sadhu, holy men that, with their word they

contribute to the spiritual growth of million of men. Reached the place, they place themselves in

the position that is consistent to their degree; every one exactly knows what it is his place, without

abuse of power, neither discussions. Also belonging to radically different ethnic groups, to different

religions, all the participants are well aware of the importance of the unifying function of the

ceremony, since the root of the knowledge is unique, as sole it is the Divinity. Here barriers don't

exist, neither prejudices of any type, all work devoting the life to a common objective: the spiritual

evolution of the Human Kind. When the moment of the full moon draws near, on the altar of stone

a great cup of crystal flood of water is set. The pilgrims sing and they pray awaiting the great Event

that is about to verify it .

The Teachers' arrival

When everything is ready, the Great Initiates of the Hierarchy arrive. They witness to the

ceremony in their Body of Light, they are also Them Perfect Teachers as the Buddha , they are

the Great Beings that in to turn of some centuries they have accompanied the growth of the human

476 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee477 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Volume I, page 246, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy478 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Volume I, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy



beings and now concluded the cycle of incarnations on the Earth, they drive the humanity from the

Superior planes of the existence. They take place around the altar of stone, in the space that they

have been reserved and they tune up ritual songs, accompanied by the crowd of the presents.

While the moment it approaches, the crowd tunes up the song of the <<OM>>, the primitive sound

through which the Creation happened, the ineffable name of God.

Close to the altar, at the center of the group of the Teachers, it materializes him in his

Body of Light the Christ, come to welcome His Great Brother. It will receive the benediction

of the Buddha and, strengthening it, it will pour again it on the Earth.

The apparition of the Buddha – At the agreed moment, on the presents a great quiet

goes down, all look toward the north - east. In the sky a bright point manifests it that slowly draws

near purchasing neatness of contours. Gradually, to its inside it makes him visible the Buddha,

resplendent of light, sat in the position of the lotus, wrapped up in the dress color saffron. With the

hand right raising in sign of benediction, stops him hovered on the sacred rock. The Teachers tune

up a powerful mantra, used for the occasion an only time a year. All the presents are in knee, the

intensity of the moment produces a palpable energy. This vibration establishes a great current of

thought to which makes answer one as much mighty energy of benediction. From the crowd they

are raised powerful prayers that culminate with the great invocation. The smiling Buddha listens;

its blessing presence is bearer of a mighty energy. During his apparition, along the valley it races

as a quiver that makes to bud the iris violet, flowers of peace and recovery, symbols of the Wesak.

The Buddha is apparent in his body of light for eight minutes, then slowly as he has come, it

disappears. The participants remain still in deep concentration and meditation, slowly they draw

near then to the rock-altar. Here they will receive from the hands of the Teachers a sip of water

drawn by the cup of crystal. The water, that is so clear and pure at those quotas, represents the

continuity of the union among Teachers, disciples and human beings. Strongly magnetized by the

event, it will infuse new energy and determination to every one... 479."

Brothers Buddhists, you also learn to do the will of God because what we do of our will it

is full of errors, also due the deceptions of Satan / Mara; what we do is founded upon miserable

human affairs; you look for God meditating in your heart, your intimate world, and give to the Lord

all your trust. The rest will be done by same God.

479 Giuditta Dembech, Conoscere il Wesak, pages 14 - 18, L’Ariete


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