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Legislation: Environmental Standards on Material Recovery and Recycling of Waste 2012. Dated 03/24/2012 Royal Decree No 21 (6/9/1389 H) on Safety in Workplace dated 11/15/1969 Health and safety in Workplace ACT 1974. Occupational Health Services Convention, ILO, 1985 (No. 161)

Ref# Tayyab/SANG/2014/06

Location (s): General condition of equipment is discussed due to frequent change of work locations within day. Date 06-01-2015

General Comments: Abrasive wheel grinders are great machines, but careless operation can injure your hands, fingers, eyes, and respiratory system; further information relates to disk must be printed rather than pasted stickers which not supporting to get information during accident investigation.

Sr. No Observation (s) Hazard/Risk Involved

Risk Level Corrective Action Person Responsible Time Scale Close out Status

1 1: Multipurpose grinders found without handles.Plate #1

2: Multipurpose grinder found without color-coding system.Plate #4,5,6

3: Abrasive wheels found un qualifying to stipulated dutyPlate#3

4: Chop Saw found without color coding performing in restricted areaPlate# 2

Loos gripInjuryNoiseWheel explosionEye injuryFlying objectsHot surfacesSharp edgesBurn from hot piece of work“Run On” after siting offEarthing bonding wires missing

Medium Regular inspection s.Inspection before start each day workTBTTraining of workersColor coding implementationEnsure guard is fitted and clumpedDon’t use faulty equipment and associated abrasive wheels.Use abrasive disks are compatible to machine in dia and RPM.Don’t use machine without guard.Don’t use wrong type of diskDon’t Apply High pressure during operation.Never leave a machine energized and unattended.Don’t reduce speed of disk on work piece.Allowing machine properly halt before putting on ground.Wear PPE accordingly requirement to operation e.g. Gloves, Safety Glasses, dust

Site Safety In Charge

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masks, ear plugs.

The hierarchy of controls needs to be considered when identifying control measures. The highest level of control should be implemented where ever reasonably practicable.

Highest Level of Control Lowest Level of Control

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administration Controls Personal Protective E Equipment

Green= LOW Yellow= Medium Red= HIGHType of observation

Unsafe Condition √ Environmental Damage √ Property Loss √Unsafe Act Near Miss/ Incident/ Accident Hygienic Issues

Reminder (s)

Reported by: Mr. Muhammad Tayyab Signature: Area: Development 1Designation: EHS Officer

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Plate # 1 Plate #2

Plate #3 Plate #4

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Plate# 5 Plate#6

Plate# 7 Plate#8

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