Download - 06-28-2012 Chalice

  • 7/31/2019 06-28-2012 Chalice


    The Chalice

    A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    CONNECTIONVol. 4 No. 25, June 28, 2012

    Try Some Divine ReadingBy Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

    This Sunday, July 1, 2012, there willbe a common Sunday School (9:30am)and a Unified Worshipservice (10:45am)followed by an indoor picnic (12pm). Therewill be lots of chicken, potato and pasta

    salads, beans, and desserts for all!

    Then, on Wednesday, July 4,2012,we will celebrateFreedom Fest

    while handing out hot dogs, chips, water,balloons and watermelon to all of the

    wonderful parade attendees.We still need your help! Sign-up at

    the table display in the rotunda or online to serve

    with us and/or make donations for eitherevent:

    July 1 - need set up and clean up he July 4 - need balloon help from 7-9a.m.; and, need people to sign up to brin

    watermelons and hot dog buns!

    Thank you! Your Evangelism and

    Membership Ministry Teams

    Many of youmay be familiar

    with an ancientpractice of readingscripture known

    as Lectio Divina,which is a Latinterm for DivineReading. I find it

    to be an excellent way to enter into Biblestudy and allow the Holy Spirit to speakto me. You will probably be hearing moreabout this in coming weeks, as we begina process of congregational discernmentwith our consultant, Dick Hamm. Dick hasused this method of study with many othercongregations and has found it to be quiteeffective in allowing congregations to hear

    Gods word and each other more clearly.Lectio Divina traditionally involvesfour partsreading, meditation, prayerand contemplation. Instead of doing whatI have done for most of my life, that is,reading the scripture and then movingimmediately to analyze it and questionwhere it came from, and what it means,Lectio Divina attempts to open up ourspirit to truly hear what the scripture issaying. I find that it helps me to discernwhat scripture is trying to teach me, ratherthan having me try to read something intothe scripture.

    I use this method for the readings forour Sunday worship services and in mysermon preparation. I was introduced to

    this method by Kay Northcutt, preachingprofessor at Phillips Theological Seminaryas I started my Doctor of Ministry studies.

    At first I was a little doubtful about howhelpful this might be, but she pushed me

    to try it. And I have found new insight,inspiration and joy coming out of myscripture studies.

    My reading for today was from 2Corinthians 8:13-15. Paul is telling thechurch in Corinth that they must care forone another. I do not mean that thereshould be relief for others and pressure onyou, but it is a question of a fair balancebetween your present abundance and theirneed, so that their abundance may be foryour need, in order that there may be a fairbalance. As it is written, the one who had

    much did not have too much, and the onewho had little did not have too little.As I read this over and over,

    contemplating, praying and meditating, Ithought many times about our generousand loving congregation. Many of youare blessed to have so much, but you donot hesitate to share with others. In yourbounty, you have become a blessing toothers.

    As we enter into the hot days ofsummer, I encourage you to take time outto read scripture, allowing the Holy Spirit

    to move through you and to discover newinsight into how God is calling you to be ablessing to others. If in no other way, offera prayer.

    THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYERJason Scheer(Larry & Judy Freemans son), Leinda Parso(Linda Dunlaps daughter), Judy Joy, Larry H(Dyke Moffatts brother-in-law), Jim Hays,Haynes Phillips (Anna Lisa Stanleys dad),Warren Hill, Jerri Jones, Bart Rodr, VirginiaONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughEd Berry, Bill & Mary Lou Womble

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To Bart& Jennifer Rodr in the passing of Bartsgrandmother, Sylvia May, on June 25. Servito be held June 29 in Atlantic, IA, AND to tfamily & friends of Jeanne Larimore whopassed away on June 26. Services will be hon Saturday, June 30 at 10am at MatthewsFuneral Home Chapel in Edmond.

    CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFEOwen Howard Wheeler born June 24 to Ta& Lauren Wheeler. Grandparents are Neil &

    Janet Helms.

    Prayers of the People

    Let Freedom Ring!

  • 7/31/2019 06-28-2012 Chalice


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected] News Online

    @ Articles to

    [email protected]




    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    July 1, 2012Freedom SundayMessage: Rev. Chris ShorowTheme: LoyaltyScripture: 2 Samuel 23:13-17

    July 8, 2012Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black

    Rev. Chris ShorowTheme: Heroes of the Bible:Nehemiah - Restoration from ChaosScripture: Nehemiah 2:17-20

    7/1 Wendy Conaway, Alyssa Danley,Pat Farley, Jennifer Hunt

    7/2 Bernice Moslander, Madi Price7/3 Judy Barr, Joanna Baugh, Brittani

    Belardo, Bob Bennett, Charles Hoppe,Juli Marzuola

    7/4 Sharon Jantz7/5 Jason Rivera, Shawn Roberts7/6 Jean Barnes, Robert Felix, Emily Wood7/7 Lindley Ayers, Gary Bates, Gay Gauldin7/8 Phyllis Jarrett

    The Operation ChristmasChild packing partieshave been scheduled for:

    August 15

    September 20

    October 18

    from 9am to noon. Come and go! Bringyour lunch - drinks will be provided! Also,please bring in small items to pack (toys,toothbrush, soap, socks, small clothingitems for ages 2-14) and any emptyshoeboxes... This year we hope to top lastyears total collection of 2100 boxes! Joinus for a time of fun and blessings! Checkout www.samaritanspurse.orgfor moreinformation or contact Michelle Schlough at(405) 844-3214.

    Brighten a Childs Day!

    First Christian T-shirts willbe on sale. Pick up a t-shirtfor $10 - while supplieslast! We are selling theremaining t-shirts at thisspecial low price in order to

    sell them all! Look for thetable in the Rotunda this Sunday.

    T-Shirt Liquidation Sale

    Special Request! Please do not parkin the West drop-off area (off BoulevardThis area is not designed as parkingand it is dangerous to those attemptingto cross Boulevard to come to church.The parking lot behind Taco Bueno isdesignated church parking. Thank you!

    Happy Birthday!

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