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Renaissance TimelineBy Taikan Y8B

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Dante Writes his Poem “Divine Comedy” Between the years 1308 and 1321

• Introduction:Dante(Dante Alighieri) was born in mid-June of 1265. He was an Italian poet, political writer. He is most famous for writing "Divine Comedy" which was the poem that explained the journey of Dante's nine sins of hell.• How it made a lasting impact on the world today: Because "Divine Comedy" pictured such a clear vision of hell, it made people fear it and want to believe in Catholicism, which was a religion that had a lot of power during the Renaissance. And in the present day, people still believe in afterlife, and there are still a huge number of people in the world who believe in Catholicism. This poem is also valued as one of the greatest works of world literature because it explained the afterlife in both imaginative and allegorical ways. And since this poem was written in Tuscan, it helped establish the Tuscan language, which is a language spoken in Tuscany, Italy. In Tuscany, people still uses this language today.

A portrait of Dante

A picture of Dante presenting the “Divine Comedy” standing next to


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The Black Death Spreads In Europe1348

• Introduction: The black death was one of the most devastating pandemics ever in human history. It occurred during both the medieval times and the Renaissance. It reached Europe in the 12th century and lasted until the 15th. It reduced the population of Europe by 50 percent. • How it made a lasting impact on the

world today. Because this disease was spreading across Europe and killing millions of people, it motivated scientists to make better medicines and care, and developed the effectiveness of health care to what we have now.

A painting of the Black Death spreading and bring

damage to cities.

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Joan of Arc was Put in Trial1431

• Introduction: Joan of Arc was born in 1412, and she is known as a peasant girl who heard voices from god. She lead the French army into important victories against the English army during the "Hundred Years War" which was a war that lasted more than a hundred years. But then, she was captured by an ally of the English army, and there she was suspected of heresy and being a witch, transferred to the city of Rouen, and was burnt at the stake. • How it made a lasting impact on the world today: Her trial was one of the most significant and moving trials in human history. Her death gave historians and us a clear idea of what the inquisition trials were like during the Renaissance, since she was a famous saint at that time and everything that happened, including every word of what the inquisitors and Joan of Arc said. Joan of Arc in


Joan of Arc leading the

army of France

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Christopher Columbus “Discovers” the Continent of America

1492• Introduction: Christopher Columbus was born in between August and October of 1451. He is known as an explorer, colonizer and navigator, and has sailed voyages across the Atlantic Ocean and "Discovered" America. • How it made a lasting impact on the world today:Because Christopher Columbus found America, people from Europe started to move and live there, and that lead to conflict between the European settlers and the native American people who were originally there. Nowadays, America has two types: The "African Americans" who are the descendants of the native Americans, and now a lot of the citizens of America are the descendants of the European Settlers.

A portrait of Christopher Columbus

A picture of Columbus’ flagship Santa Maria

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Michelangelo Creates Great Pieces of Artwork

1499-1546• Introduction: Michelangelo was born on 6th of March 1475. He is famous for being one of the best artists who lived during the renaissance. He was a painter, sculptor and architect, who created great works such as the sculpture "The statue of David" and planning the construction of the dome of "St. Peter's Basilica" • How it made a lasting impact on the world today: Because Michelangelo’s works was amazingly beautiful, they became sources of inspiration for artists after him. And one of his works, the construction of the dome of “St. Peter’s Basilica”, the building now has many tourists visiting every day, to take a look at the beautiful paintings on the roofs by Michelangelo.

A portrait of Michelangelo.

A photo of St. Peter’s


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Leonardo Da Vinci Designs the First Tank1502

• Introduction:Leonardo Da Vinci(born April 15, 1452). Known as a great artist, inventor, mathematician and a scientist, he have accomplish work such as the painting "Mona Lisa" and designing the first aircrafts, robots, machine guns, and tanks. • How it made a lasting impact on the world today:Because of this invention, warfare has developed throughout the world, causing wars to become more intense. This can be seen as a negative impact, since tanks are weapons, which are designed to kill or hurt people, and that is something we don’t want. Tanks are now a huge part of today’s warfare, and if Da Vinci didn’t invent them, maybe there wouldn’t have been so many people dying in the wars that happened lately.

Da Vinci’s design of the first tank

Self-Portrait of Da Vinci

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Niccolo Machiavelli Writes “The Prince” 1513

• Introduction:Niccolo Machiavelli(born 3rd may 1469), is known as an Italian historian, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer, and had written books such as "The art of war" and most famously known for writing "The Prince". • How it made a lasting impact on the world

today: His ideas written in his book "The prince" which was written about leadership has influenced, sometimes in a bad way, decisions made by leaders all around the world. One of his famous quotes are “The end justifies the means” which is a thought that the result is the only thing that matters. This perhaps influenced dictatorship, where the dictator will do anything, including genocide, to stay in power.

A portrait of Machiavelli

Front cover of the book“The Prince”.

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Martin Luther Pins his Ninety-Five Thesis to a Church Door


• Introduction: Martin Luther, who was born in the 10th of November, 1483, was a German Priest who pinned his "Ninety-five Thesis" on a Catholic church's wall, which claimed that punishment from god can't be avoided by money. He also have translated the bible from Latin to a language which was more accessible for the people of that time. • How it made a lasting impact on the world today: Martin Luther's actions formed a religion called "Lutheranism", and still has over 73.8 million people who believe in that religion and his beliefs are still being taught today. And universities that expressed Martin Luther’s teachings which were built during the Renaissance still remains today, and one of them is called Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, and still has over 17500 students today.

A portrait of Martin Luther

Martin Luther Pinning the Ninety-five thesis on a church


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Nicolaus Copernicus Publishes His Book “On the Revolutions of the Celestial

Spheres” In 1543

• Introduction: Copernicus is widely known as a mathematician, astronomer, and physician, who claimed to Europe that the sun stays stationery and the earth goes around it, which was the direct opposite to what the Catholic church believed, and was brought to the inquisition as a suspect of heresy. But he didn’t receive any punishment, unlike others such as Galileo who was imprisoned and tortured for the rest of their lives. Copernicus’ book with his theory written on it was published not long before his death. • How it made a lasting impact on the world:His theory was the starting point of the world’s modern astronomy. His work became a landmark in the history of science, and is referred to as the Copernican revolution, and he basically was the start the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th century. Many scientists who came after Copernicus made their theories based on Copernicus’s, and thanks to him, we today understand how our universe works.

A portrait of Nicolaus


Front cover of Copernicus’ book

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William Shakespeare’s Plays gets Published1634

• Introduction:William Shakespeare was baptized in April 26, 1564, and was a famous poet and playwright, and wrote about 38 plays altogether. He wrote masterpieces such as "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet" and "Julius Caesar". His plays wasn’t published until 18 years after his death. It was published by two of his friends. • How it made a lasting impact on the world today:The plays Shakespeare wrote, such as Hamlet, had such expressive feelings in the characters, such as overwhelming rage. These writings have become the first steps of English literature, influencing many writers who were born afterwards such as Johann Goethe, who is referred to “The Shakespeare of Germany”. He also raised the expectations of what could be accomplished through characterization, plot and genre in writing, developing literacy and taking it to the next level. His works are still published, translated into the languages we use today.

Portrait of William


Shakespeare’s plays published

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Bibliographies"Divine Comedy." wikipedia, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"Dante Alighieri." wikipedia, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.      <>

"Joan of Arc." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"Trial of Joan of Arc." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"Christopher Columbus." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"Christopher Columbus." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"Niccolo Machiavelli." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

"The prince." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

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Bibliographies• "Martin Luther." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011. 


• "Martin Luther-Pastor and People.", n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

• "William Shakespeare." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. • <>.

• The Literature Network. "William Shakespeare." The      Literature Network, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <>.

• "Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions.", n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011.      <      leonardo-da-vinci-inventions.html>.

• "The First Landship Was Such a Secret That It Was Called a “Tank”.", n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.      <>.

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Bibliographies• "Michelangelo." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. 


• "Nicolaus Copernicus." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.      <>.

• "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ." wikipedia. wikipedia, n.d. Web. 21 Oct.      2011. <      De_revolutionibus_orbium_coelestium>.

• Fletcher, Adrian. "Renaissance People and Events." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.      <      Part%202%20%20World%20of%20Middle%20Ages.htm#The_Black_Death>.

• "Plague The Black Death."      national geographic, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2011.      <      human-diseases/plague-article/>.

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