
General Direction of Social Inclusion:

General Context

Proposal for reorganization 1


General Direction of Social InclusionIt is a Direction that has a very important role in strategic planning, coordination and technical cooperation for the implementation of the Social Inclusion PoliciesStrategic Planning:In order to be able to develop effective and efficient Social Inclusion policies it is important to develop and strategic planning based in evidences than can offer answer to the real needs, not just to cover basic but to be able to promote active inclusion. Being an strategic plan needs to integrate the national needs with the common objectives and trends settled by the EU. Identify the priorities established at the EU level Transfer and report to the EU the Situation of Romania

Study the social situation, at territorial and national level, analyzed by the Social Observatory and its proposals and recommendations To develop the strategic lines that will become the frame for Social Inclusion in relation with the detected situation (based on the situation reflected in the National Strategic Report for Social Inclusion).

Present to the NCSI the strategic lines in order they are taken in consideration for the elaboration of sectorial policies and to achieve consensus on the frame for the elaboration of the NAPSInc

Elaboration of the NAPSInc. Draws up the national strategies in the Social Inclusion field in line with the European Unions strategy (Romanias post-accession strategy, Strategy of Sustainable Development, Lisbon Strategy, Strategy in the field of social protection and inclusion) and the agreements taken in the NCSI To establish the strategic objectives for each strategic line.

To fix the actions that will be developed in order to give an answer to the objectives, and consequently to the strategic lines.

Identify the actors responsible for each action

Propose indicators of monitoring the actions

Establish and develop the tools for the measurement and analysis the social impact of Social Inclusion policies implemented. (in order to detect the readjustments, to correct them , to make visible the results obtained, to be able to see the correlation between the situations detected and the answers given, to redefine the new state of arts)

To establish the budget for making possible the implementation Negotiate the budget Review, actualize, modify, promote the legislative framework required to achieve the strategic objectives in the Social Inclusion field.

Representation of the MoLFEO in the international relations in the field of Social Inclusion to have a coherent view of the European framework and to work coordinated with other member states. Participation in different bodies and commissions as:

CDCS-Strasburg Social Protection Committee-Brussels

PROGRESS Committee

Peer reviews with other member states

Reporting and informing about the information received

Develop all the work and participation in meetings, working groups, etc related to this activity

Promotes specific programmes related to the strategic lines of the Social Inclusion plan for its implementation

draws up and proposes programmes of national interest in the Social Inclusion field draws up programs to attract international funds draws up and proposes programmes of promotion of Social InclusionCoordination and Technical cooperation

The coordination and technical cooperation offered by the central level in the territory will allow an improvement of the access to information and the knowledge about Social Inclusion policies and practices, and the most important the progressive implementation of the national actions plans for Social Inclusion at local level. At same time will allow to the central level to have disaggregated indicators that offer information about territorial diversity and to disseminate and transfer good practices between territories that will have an impact in the improvement of the quality of the actions taken.


The Data collection process with the support of the Social Observatory for the elaboration of the diagnostic of the situation of poverty and social exclusion and identification of existing and needed resources The activity related to Social Inclusion done in all the Ministries, Authorities, Agencies and other actors involved in this field at central level. It is related to the coordination of the cross-cutting issues in the sectorial policies and the mainstreaming of the Social Inclusion plan. Coordinate the elaboration of documentation, together with the SIU for the work to be done in the NCSI The implementation of the NAPSInc at central level and the transfer of the priorities and objectives established in the NAPSInc to the Local level through the DMPS offering support for developing

Promote and coordinate the set of measures and actions that will be developed at territorial level with the NAPIncs Identify the actors and define the flows of information and coordination needed to achieve the good accomplishment of the objectives of the NAPIncs.

Technical cooperation Financial support: to provide to the local authorities the needed financial support in order to guarantee the implementation of the minimum actions to achieve the objectives and to adequate all the actions to the diversity of territorial reality (keeping the principles of equity not equality- and social justice.

Technical Support a) Permanent training

Develop a training needs assessment

Establish Strategic training priorities

Identify resources

Elaboration and implementation direct or indirect- of a training planb) Support at territorial level offered by the central level to the local level through the DMPSIn order that the General Direction of Social Inclusion can offer support to the territorial levels needs, this General Direction has to coordinate part of the activity to be developed by the Directions of Labor and Social Inclusion (de-concentrate Units of the MoLFEO in the territory). The DLSI main activities in the field of social inclusion are the following Facilitate the coordination and cooperation between the different actors operating in a territory given the fact that they must have the global view of the situation.

Guarantee the maximum participation and social dialogue in the design, implementation and evaluation of the local plan.

Support the transversal design and the inter-departmental actions (joint-actions) in the local level in order to give an integrated answer to the situations of vulnerability and social exclusion existing in each territorial area. Support the elaboration of shared definitions on the situation or problems, the criteria to establish the limits, to guarantee equity and the protocols of collection of data, which have sense at territorial level but at national level too, to allow the global vision of the situation. Facilitate the progressive implementation of good practices (transfer from one part to another) in the design and implementation of Social Inclusion actions and the management of the local public services Coordinate the correlation between the national strategic objectives Monitoring the process of Social Inclusion at local level in order to correlate the local objectives with the local objectives and the needs detected at territorial level

Coordinate the elaboration of the county/local reports for ensuring the achievement of the objectives proposed at central level in the sectorial polices and the National report of social protection and Social Inclusion and other planning documents.

Coordinate the elaboration of the report of monitoring and implementation of the strategic county plan of Social Inclusion and the local plans of fighting against poverty and prevention of social exclusion

Collect administrative data at territorial level send it to the central level and elaborate county statistics form this data.


coordinates the drafting of the national reports regarding the fulfillment of the commitments undertaken by Romania under the reviewed European Social Charter, the European Social Security Code, the International Pact regarding the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the United Nations Convention regarding the Rights of the Child, as well as other conventions ratified by Romania Coordinates the drafting of the reports of monitoring the implementation of the NAPSInc.

Production of the statistics from the administrative data.

(General) Direction Social Assistance and Benefits:

Will integrate (a model needs to be defined) the following authorities and agencies: ANPH, ANPDC, and Agency for Family Protection, Strategic planning in the field of social services and befits

Establish their profiles of the groups in situation of vulnerability, risk or exclusion and identify their needs -real demand and the estimate demand- To establish criteria, directives and priorities of the general policy of social services and benefits in line with the national priorities in the field of Social Inclusion Establish a strategic plan to organize the measures, resources and actions needed to achieve the objectives of the policy of social services (social assistance in Romania)

Propose and implement a structure of the system to allow the provision of social services Propose to the government the necessary budget for a national coverage of the social services and benefits (Payment Agency will offer data regarding benefits and other information can be provided in terms of needs, gaps... for the social observatory) Establish an action plan for a progressive creation of a system of provision of social services (net of services linked to a territory with a unique door of entrance to the system through primary social services at the city hall)

Propose and strategy for social services development Guarantee the minimum coverage of basic social services

Enforce the Organization and functioning of the national system of social services and benefits

Define and propose the social basic services and benefits and the guarantees the conditions of access

Catalog of services (primary and specialized)

Typology of benefits

Establish basic criteria of access to the services Promote the provision of services public and private (ONG, foundations, enterprises of social initiative) Monitor and control the functioning of the national system of social benefits and services; Establishment and monitoring of the standards Regulation and organisation of e a unique and coherent accreditation system in the field of social services;

Establishment of a register of provider of services Establishment the framework of the Rights and duties of the users of services Definition of professionals profiles and training needed Give support for the design of protocols of cooperation, of criteria of the use and the access to public resources and services and the protocols of referral from one service to other or from one level to another will give more coherence to the system.

Develop tools and methodologies that are necessary to ensure the quality of social services to monitor and assess the system of social services and benefits offer methodological toolsCoordination and Technical Cooperation in the field of social services and benefitsCoordination Methodological coordination of the implementation of the policy of social services in the territories,

offering technical support to the DGASPC in order that they can guarantee the support to the city halls

Ensure the equal access to social services and benefits of the people in situation of vulnerability, risk or exclusion

Ensure the good provision of primary and specialized services to be provided at national level

Coordinates the National Programs on the field of social services and benefits

Technical Support Initiate and participate in professional training programmes in the field

For the Data collection in the field of social services and benefits with the territorial units coordinated by the GD Social Inclusion and with the DGAPSC and city halls

Develop a frame for supervision Develop common concepts, criteria and frames for a common methodology of work

Recycle and actualize the knowledge of the professionals that are working in the different field of social services Promote the participation, the debate and exchange of experience among experts and professionals

Promote the training of trainers as a way of generating and implementing permanent training in different areas on topics related to the situation of vulnerability risk or exclusion of the different groups and to their needsFinancial Support

To cooperate financially with the local authorities and the providers of services for the sustainability of the system of social services and benefits To propose a budget for social services and benefits

Sectorial Programs development for vulnerable groups Propose specific programs for the groups identified in order to achieve the maximum personal autonomy and Social Inclusion related to their possibilities

Develop programs to facilitate the access to social services and benefits

Promote programs that increase the level of participation of the user of services

Design and implement programs that facilitate the development of joint action in different areas (socieducative programs, socio medical programes) Inform and raise awareness about the programs developed Design prevention strategies, with special attention to the most vulnerable groups, to facilitate that the intervention at territorial level increases the potentialities of the people and improve their levels of autonomy. (change of perspective in the actions to develop)

Legislation to develop draft legislation, enforcement norms and regulations regarding the functioning of the system of social services and benefits;.


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