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102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts

Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 1


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102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts

Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 2






All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts

Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 3


You must get your physician!s approval before beginning this exercise program.

These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including 102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

It is strongly recommended that have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you not use 102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts, please follow your Doctor!s orders.

All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this workout, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this program are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Don!t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don!t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always perform a warm-up prior to all forms of training.

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102 Killer Kettlebell Workouts

Copyright © 2011 – Geoff Neupert. Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 4

“102 [Killer] Kettlebell Workouts”

Battle tested kettlebell workouts that have been used daily with my private clients or myself over the last 9+ years that are

guaranteed to get results for you too! Hey There! Congratulations on downloading “102 [Killer] Kettlebell Workouts!” You made a really smart decision - here!s why - There are a ton of kettlebell workouts on the internet and a ton of so-called kettlebell experts. But very few of either produce any sort of results. I!m Geoff Neupert and I!m a Master Kettlebell Instructor with the RKC - the world!s first and leading kettlebell instructor and educational provider. I!ve traveled the world and literally taught hundreds, if not thousands of people not only how to use kettlebells properly, but also how to teach others to do the same. I!ve been using kettlebells with myself and my clients for close to 10 years now. And I!ve been in the fitness and strength and conditioning business helping people successfully reach their goals since 1993. And that!s why I wanted you to have this report - I wanted you to have workouts that if followed, will virtually guarantee your success with your kettlebell training - be it strength, conditioning, fat loss, whatever! And just so you know, I haven!t made up these workouts on the spot for the sake of this special report either. Each one of these workouts are actual workouts that my clients and I have done at some point over the last decade or slight variations of them. I!m committed to your success! So dive in - let!s get started!

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Geoff Neupert, CSCS, Master RKC (Yup, that!s me doing a Pistol with a 106lbs kettlebell during the “Beast Tamer Challenge” - a Press, a Pull-up, and a Pistol, all with the 106lbs kettlebell.) P.S. In case you were wondering, this is not the same “102 Kettlebell Workouts” that Master RKC David Whitley put out. He and I are great friends and he!s cool with me putting out my own version of “102...” If you have both, you have quite a great collection of high quality kettlebell workouts!

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“Basic” Training Here are a series of workouts based off the two foundational RKC kettlebell exercises, the Swing and the Get Up. They may look simple on paper, but depending on the speed at which you move and the size of the kettlebell you use, these can be quite challenging - which is why “Basic” is in quotes. (Imagine doing these with a 48kg kettlebell...) They will also vary in length. Not only that, but I am personally all about getting the most amount of high quality work (high quality work = faster big time results!) in the shortest period of time. I don!t want to spend hours working out. These workouts reflect that mindset. 1. Get Ups, left, then right.

• 1 rep each side • Perform as many reps as you can in 15 minutes.

2. Get Ups, left then right.

• Ladders. 1,2,3 reps. • Perform 1 rep on your left, then 1 rep on your right. 2 reps left, 2 reps right. 3 reps

left, 3 reps right. Start again at 1 rep. (This is a ladder.) • Perform as many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.

3. Get Ups with a pause. 1 rep each side. Pause 3 seconds in each position of the Get

Up. For example, pause 3 seconds at the elbow, 3 seconds at the hand, 3 seconds holding the hips off the ground, etc. Do this 1 rep at a time. Perform for 20 minutes.

4. Reverse Get Ups, left then right. Start in a standing position. Get Down and then

back up. Perform 1 rep at a time. Perform for 15 minutes. 5. The “Stepped” Get Up, left then right. Perform each step of the Get Up by itself.

Then add the next step in the sequence. And so on. It looks like this: To the elbow, to the elbow + to the hand, to the elbow + to the hand + hips up, to the elbow + to the hand + hips up + sweep the knee, etc. So you are adding a step to every “rep.” Perform twice each side. Rest as needed between “reps” but continually work each step with no rest.

6. The “Kalos Sthenos” Get Up. (See “Kettlebells From the Ground Up” available at

Dragon Perform variations 1 through 5 with this style Get Up. 7. 2-Hand Swings. 10 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes.

• Set a timer for 20 minutes. • Perform 10 2 Hand Swings every minute when the second hand gets to the 12 or

the numbers zero out. • Do this for 20 minutes.

8. 2-Hand Swings. 15 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes. 9. 2-Hand Swings. 20 reps at the top of each minute. 20 minutes. 10. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 10. As many sets of 10 in 20 minutes. 11. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 15. As many sets of 15 in 20 minutes.

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12. 2-Hand Swings. Sets of 20. As many sets of 20 in 20 minutes. 13. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30. Perform 10 reps. Rest. Perform 20 reps. Rest.

Perform 30 reps. Rest. Start over at 10 reps. This is a “ladder.” Perform as many ladders as you want. Rest as you need to.

14. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30. Work to rest ratio is 1 to 2. For every second

you work, you rest 2 seconds. For example, 10 Swings takes 15 seconds to perform. You rest 30 seconds, and so on. This means using a timer or standing in front of a clock with a second-hand (my personal favorite - Hey - I!m “Old-School” like that...). Perform as many ladders as you want.

15. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30. Work to rest ratio is 1 to 1. For every second

you work, you rest 1 second. 16. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Perform as many ladders as you want to.

Rest as you need to between rungs of the ladder. 17. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Work to rest ratio of 1 to 2. Perform as

many ladders as you want. 18. 2-Hand Swings. Ladders. 10-20-30-40. Work to rest ratio of 1 to 1. Perform as

many ladders as you want. 19. Perform workouts 8 through 18 with 1-Hand Swings. Use total reps prescribed. 20. Perform workouts 8 through 18 with 1-Hand Swings. Double the reps so you are

performing one rung for each hand - 10 reps left. Rest. 10 reps right. Rest. 20 reps left. Rest. 20 reps right. Rest, etc.

21. Perform workouts 8 through 18 with Hand-2-Hand Swings.

“Basic” Training Infinite Combinations. 22. Perform in combinations, any of the Get Up based workouts (1 through 6) with

the Swing based workouts (7 through 20).

Intermediate Workouts This class of workouts will include all 6 of the fundamental RKC kettlebell exercises - the Swing, the Get Up, the Goblet Squat or Front Squat, the Clean, the Press, and the Snatch. At first glance, you may think, “Only six?” These are very powerful exercises and you could spend the rest of your life getting infinitely leaner and stronger and better conditioned working on “just” these six. So please, don!t do yourself a major disservice and look at these on paper and think - “These are too easy...” With the appropriately sized kettlebells, they!ll give even and “advanced” kettlebell user a run for his or her money!

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Clean and Press Variations. The Clean and Press, after a healthy dose of Swings and Get Ups, is the bread and butter of kettlebell strength workouts, in my humble opinion. Focused work on these two exercises, in any combination, will do more for your strength and conditioning than pretty much any other exercises out there. (There are of course a few exceptions...) 23. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed. 24. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest =

1:2. 25. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest =

1:1. 26. Clean and Press, Left, Right, ladders, 5,4,3,2,1, up to 5 ladders. Rest as little as

necessary between rungs. 27. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your

Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed. 28. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your

Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:2. 29. Cleans, THEN Presses. Left, Right. Perform all your Cleans first, then perform your

Presses. 1,2,3,4,5, up to 5 ladders. Work to Rest = 1:1.

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun... 30. Perform workouts 21 thru 27 with Two kettlebells - one in each hand

(hopefully that was obvious...)

Getting To The Bottom Of Things. One of the principles of getting stronger is body, or muscle mastery. One of the best ways to learn how to do this is by performing “Bottoms Up” work, where your grip the handle of the kettlebell and never let it rest on the back of your wrist. As you look at the kettlebell, it!s bottom is literally up in the air. This is a phenomenal way to master control of your muscles through the application of tension. The feedback is wonderfully simple - if you don!t grip the kettlebell tight enough, it falls over and smacks you on the back of the wrist. However, Bottom!s Up (BU) work is incredibly challenging on your nervous system, so the volume should be kept generally low. 31. BU Cleans. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3.

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32. BU Presses. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3. 33. BU Clean and Presses. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3.

You Don!t Know Squat - But You Will! Most people I!ve met and trained hate squatting. It!s hard work. And for many, it just plain hurts. But not if you do them correctly. Enter the Goblet Squat. The Goblet Squat was “discovered” by Senior RKC Dan John, Super-Coach, and it!s one of the fastest, easiest ways to squat.

• Just hold your kettlebell with both hands by the handle or by the actual bell and sit back and down between your feet.

• Stop when the points of your elbows touch the insides of your knees. • Keep pulling your butt down, without rounding your back. • Now push your hips forward and stand back up.

34. Goblet Squat. 5x5. 35. Goblet Squat. 5x10. 36. Goblet Squat supersetted with 2 Hand Swings - sets of 10 each. Perform 10 GS

immediately followed by 10 Swings. Work to Rest = 1:2 or 1:1, depending on your conditioning.

37. Front Squat. Clean the kettlebell. Hold it in the rack position. Squat. This is the

Front Squat. 38. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed. 39. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 40. Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 41. Bottom!s Up Squat = Focused Tension! Just like the Clean and the Press, you can perform the Front Squat Bottom!s Up (BU). 42. BU FSQ. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3. Up to 3. Rest as needed. Combinations. The Front Squat becomes even more “fun” when you start performing combination lifts, where you add a lift to it, like the Press or the Clean. 43. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed. 44. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 45. Front Squat + Press. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.

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46. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.

47. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.

48. Front Squat, THEN Press. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Presses. 1 FSQ, 1 PR. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 PR. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.

49. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed. 50. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 51. Front Squat + Clean. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 52. Front Squat, THEN Clean. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Cleans. 1 FSQ, 1 CL. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 CL. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.

53. Front Squat, THEN Clean. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Cleans. 1 FSQ, 1 CL. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 CL. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2.

54. Front Squat, THEN Clean. Perform all Front Squats on a given side on the ladder,

then perform subsequent Cleans. 1 FSQ, 1 CL. Left, then right. 2 FSQ, 2 CL. Left then right. And so on. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1.

55. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed. 56. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 57. Clean + Front Squat. Left, Right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 58. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and

then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Rest as needed.

59. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and

then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest is 1:2.

60. Clean THEN Front Squat. Perform all Cleans on a given side on the ladder and

then perform the Front Squats. Then switch arms. 1 CL then 1 FSQ, left, then right. Then 2 CL then 2 FSQ left, the repeat right. And so on up the ladder. 1,2,3,4,5. Work to Rest is 1:1.

My Favorite Combination - “The Olympic.” I call it “The Olympic” because it

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reminds me of my favorite sport - Olympic Weightlifting. It uses every single muscle in your body. 61. Clean + Front Squat + Press. That!s the basic template. Start left, then right. Reps

would look like the following - 1 Clean, then 1 FSQ, then 1 Press on your left, then switch to your right. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5 ladders. Rest as needed.

Below are variations of “The Olympic” - 62. The Olympic. Work to Rest = 1:2. 63. The Olympic. Work to Rest = 1:1. 64. The Olympic, as a Complex - perform all Cleans, then all Front Squats, then all

Presses in each rung of the ladder for each side, then switch hands. Rest as needed.

65. The Olympic, as a Complex - Work to Rest = 1:2. 66. The Olympic, as a Complex - Work to Rest = 1:1.

Double Your Work, Double Your Results! Well, almost... Double kettlebell drills and combinations are my favorite kettlebell work to do. If you haven!t done them already, you may soon agree. I cannot think of another way to so quickly work the entire body in a time efficient manner, leaving me the rest of my day to do whatever I desire. 67. For added “pleasure” and faster results, perform workouts 37 thru 64 with two


“Hail To The King!” The Kettlebell Snatch is called the “Tsar of Kettlebell Lifts” (Tsar is Russian for “King.”) Throw around a heavy kettlebell and you!ll soon see why. Here are some ideas for Snatch workouts. They are all single kettlebell, so you!ll switch hands. Playing With the King 68. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed. 69. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 70. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 71. Snatch. Ladders. 2,3,5,10. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 72. Snatch. Ladders. 2,3,5,10. Up to 5. Work to Res = 1:1. 73. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Rest as needed.

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74. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 75. Snatch. Sets of 5. Until you can no longer do sets of 5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 76. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Rest as needed. 77. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Work to Rest = 1:2. 78. Snatch. Sets of 10. Until you can no longer do sets of 10. Work to Rest = 1:1. Time On My Side. One of the most effective training protocols is “density” training. Simply put, you do whatever you can in a specific block of time - 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes. You get the picture. This is a great strategy for Swings and Snatches. Here are some ideas for your Snatch workouts. 79. Snatch. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many as possible in 20 minutes. 80. Snatch. Sets of 5. As many as possible in 20 minutes. 81. Snatch. Sets of 10. As many as possible in 20 minutes. King-Sized Combinations. Adding other exercises to the Snatch makes for wicked combinations. Here are some that will test your mettle. (By now you!ve figured out we move from weak hand to strong hand, so I will no longer specify.) 82. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed. 83. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 84. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 85. Snatch + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes. 86. Snatch + Press. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing. 87. Snatch + Press. Sets of 5. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing. 88. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Rest as needed. 89. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:2. 90. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 5. Work to Rest = 1:1. 91. Snatch + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in 20

minutes. 92. Snatch + Front Squat. As many ladders as possible in 20 minutes.

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93. Snatch + Front Squat. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing. 94. Snatch + Front Squat. Sets of 5. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period sequencing. 95. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Rest as needed. 96. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:2. 97. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:1. 98. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible in

20 minutes. 99. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period

sequencing. 100. Snatch + Front Squat + Press. Sets of 5. Up to 4 sets. Apply rest period

sequencing. 101. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Rest as needed. 102. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:2. 103. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. Up to 4. Work to Rest = 1:1. 104. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Ladders. 1,2,3,4,5. As many ladders as possible

in 20 minutes. 105. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Sets of 3. Up to 5 sets. Apply rest period

sequencing. 106. Snatch + Press + Front Squat. Sets of 5. Up to 4 sets. Apply rest period


Double? = Trouble! 107. Of course, you can perform all the Snatch workouts with two kettlebells,

performing the Double Snatch, Double Press, and Double Front Squat. These workouts are GIANT KILLERS - so take them slowly!

Advanced Workouts You may have noticed there are no “Advanced Workouts” in here. And for good reason. Here!s why - any of these workouts can be made “advanced” simply by doing the following:

1. Using a heavier kettlebell or 2. Decreasing rest periods or 3. Increasing focus and awareness or 4. Combining any of 1 through 3 above

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Plus, I don!t want people doing themselves a disservice by skipping ahead to the “Advanced Section” and not paying attention to the seemingly basic and intermediate workouts. You may have also noticed that there are 107 kettlebell workouts listed. That!s for two reasons - 1. I wanted to over-deliver and 2. I can!t count. ;-] The reality is, there are approximately 200 kettlebell workouts in this Special Report, and I sincerely hope that you have a blast exploring each and every one of them.

FAQs Here are some questions you may have after reading these workouts. Q: You favor “ladders” a lot - what are they? A: Ladders are a method to manage fatigue and still get a lot of work done. A ladder is simply a prescription of accumulating reps, like so - 1,2,3,4,5. This means on the first set you!ll do 1 rep. The second, 2 reps, and so on. When you get to the top of the ladder, 5 reps in this example, you start the ladder over at 1 rep. You keep going until you!ve completed the prescription. Q: I want a good instructional manual on exactly how to do some of these exercises. What do you recommend? A: For single kettlebell exercises, I recommend Enter the Kettlebell by Pavel. It is still the best resource on the market for covering the basics, and it!s brought to you by the same man who re-introduced the west to kettlebells. You can get your copy here. For double kettlebell exercises, I recommend Pavel!s, Return of the Kettlebell. You can get your copy here. Q: I!m familiar with how to use kettlebells, what I really want to do is burn fat with them. What do you recommend? A: I recommend my Kettlebell Burn program. It!s received rave reviews and people shed tons fat with it. Get your copy here. Q: I!m an advanced kettlebell user and I don!t have much time to workout. What can you recommend? A: I!d go with my book, Kettlebell Muscle. It!s for people like you - short on time. Check it out here.


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