Page 1: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant


Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration TipsAugust 6, 2009Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Page 2: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant



• Key Elements of Stock Page

• Stock Guidelines, including stockBase

• Stock Budget

• Stock Values Table

• Stock Factors Table

• Relabeling Stock Page Elements

• Questions

Page 3: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

XML: Include Section


<comp-include-stock includeStockJobLevel="false" includeStockPMRating="true"includeStockCompRating="false" includeUnits="false" includeStock="true”includeOption="true" includeStockOther1="false" includeStockOther2="false”includeStockOther3="false" includeUnitsGuideline="true" includeStockGuideline="true“includeOptionGuideline="true" includeStockOther1Guideline="true“includeStockOther2Guideline="true" includeStockOther3Guideline="true“includeGrantDate="false" includeStockBudget="true" includeStockMoreToAlloc="true“includeStockNotes="true" includeStockStatementLink="false"/>

To hide stock page completely, delete or comment-out the comp-include-stock section.

Column order in which each element appears on the stock page is:

If customer wants column order to be: “Stock,” “Options,” you need to use SF field options for customer field “Stock” and SF field stock for customer field “Options.” Just be aware that the SF field stock has the most functionality on the stock page.

Page 4: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

A Note about Names




comp-rule budget-calcUser Import


Stock Values Table

Stock Factors Table

includeUnits id="stockUnits"




includeStock id="stock" useFor="stock" useFor="stock" STOCK_STOCK_AMOUNT

stock stock

includeOption id="options" useFor="option" useFor="option" STOCK_OPTION_AMOUNT

options options






















Note that these names are all case-sensitive!

Page 5: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock Page


Page 6: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageInstructions


<comp-instruction useFor="stock”><![CDATA[Use this grid to allocate stock for your group. A proposed allocation is suggested by the system, based on guidelines specified by the organization. Fill in the allocation you want.]]></comp-instruction>


Page 7: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageRatings


• Rating from PM form may be included (includeStockPMRating="true”)• Comp rating from salary page of comp form may be included

(includeStockCompRating=“true”), but cannot be updated on stock page


Page 8: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageGuidelines


<comp-rule useFor="option" benchmark="compa-ratio" highLowAction="allow"><comp-rule-id>4000</comp-rule-id><comp-rule-name>rule4option</comp-rule-name><comp-rule-prorating>false</comp-rule-prorating><comp-rule-hardlimit>false</comp-rule-hardlimit><comp-rule-minMaxLimit>3</comp-rule-minMaxLimit><comp-rule-allowZero>true</comp-rule-allowZero><comp-rule-apply forceDefaultOnRatingChange="false"/><comp-formula><comp-formula-id>4001</comp-formula-id><comp-formula-name>Options_Rating_1_to_2</comp-formula-name>

<comp-formula-jobLevel>Dir I</comp-formula-jobLevel><comp-formula-ratingFrom inclusive="true">1.0</comp-formula-ratingFrom><comp-formula-ratingTo inclusive="false">2.0</comp-formula-ratingTo>




3Valid useFor values: stock, option, stockUnits, stockOther1, stockOther2, stockOther3

Use of descriptive formula-names can help customers who use the Guideline Matrix tool

jobLevel is often used to define equity guidelines by an employee’s level in organization (imported using JOBLEVEL field in user import file) Guidelines are

expressed in terms of amounts, not percents (for this example)

Page 9: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageGuidelines – stockBase

Business requirement: Display a recommended stock grant that is based on a percent of Annual Salary and PM rating.•Issue: Because salary varies by employee, it is not possible to create a guideline using static values based on PM rating•Solution: Use stockBase guideline configuration•Caveat: stockBase currently only works for stock (not option, stockOther1, etc.)

<comp-field-definition id="stockBase" isCustomField="true" useFor="stock” importKey="SALARY" readOnly="true" hidePercentage="false" isVisible="true” percentageReadOnly="false“ reloadable="true" type="money“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Annual Salary]]></comp-field-label> </comp-field-definition>

Step 1: Define stockBase field – in this example SALARY is the importKey, but it could be another imported field

<comp-rule useFor="stock" benchmark="compa-ratio" highLowAction="allow"> <comp-rule-id>3000</comp-rule-id> <comp-rule-name>rule4stock</comp-rule-name> <comp-rule-prorating>false</comp-rule-prorating> <comp-rule-hardlimit>false</comp-rule-hardlimit> <comp-rule-minMaxLimit>3</comp-rule-minMaxLimit> <comp-rule-allowZero>true</comp-rule-allowZero> <comp-rule-base-field-id>stockBase</comp-rule-base-field-id> <comp-rule-apply forceDefaultOnRatingChange="false"/> <comp-formula>

Step 2: Include stockBase in stock comp-rule definition

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Key Elements of Stock PageGuidelines – stockBase (cont)


Step 3: Define comp-formula use appropriate Percent values:

<comp-formula> <comp-formula-id>3004</comp-formula-id> <comp-formula-name>stock_3</comp-formula-name> <comp-formula-jobLevel>Dir I</comp-formula-jobLevel> <comp-formula-ratingFrom inclusive="true">3.0</comp-formula-ratingFrom> <comp-formula-ratingTo inclusive="false">5.0</comp-formula-ratingTo> <comp-formula-maxPercent>30.0</comp-formula-maxPercent> <comp-formula-minPercent>10.0</comp-formula-minPercent> <comp-formula-lowPercent>15</comp-formula-lowPercent> <comp-formula-defPercent>0.0</comp-formula-defPercent> <comp-formula-usePercent>true</comp-formula-usePercent> <comp-formula-maxAmount>0.0</comp-formula-maxAmount> <comp-formula-minAmount>0.0</comp-formula-minAmount> <comp-formula-defAmount>0.0</comp-formula-defAmount> <comp-formula-useAmount>false</comp-formula-useAmount> <comp-formula-notes/> </comp-formula>

jobLevel is often used to define equity guidelines by an employee’s level in organization (imported using JOBLEVEL field in user import file)

Page 11: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Guidelines expressed as percent:

Guidelines expressed as ($):

Custom field: salaryBase


Key Elements of Stock PageGuidelines – stockBase (cont)

Page 12: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Stock Guideline Pattern


<comp-stock-guideline-pattern>Low: min Target: low High: max</comp-stock-guideline-pattern>

min, low, and max are the reserved keywords

From the dtd: The element comp-stock-guideline-pattern contains information about how to display guideline, you must use the reserved keywords "min", "max", "high", "low", "def" to describe the display pattern, "def" (meaning default)is for recommendation e.g. if use pattern "min-max(def)", guideline will be displayed like $1,000-$2,000($1,500) or 1.0%-2.0%(1.5%)

<comp-stock-guideline-pattern>min / low / max </comp-stock-guideline-pattern>

Page 13: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageRecommendations


4 Recommendation area is where comp planner may enter recommended grant information.

For companies where comp planner has no discretion in amount of grant, this section can be used simply to display the grant derived from guidelines (be sure to set readOnly=“true” to prevent planner from editing).

<comp-field-definition id="options" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly=“false" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Options]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

<comp-field-definition id="stock" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly=“false" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Stock]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

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Key Elements of Stock PageCustom Fields


<comp-field-definition id="Stock_Salary" isCustomField="true" useFor="stock" importKey="SALARY" readOnly="true" hidePercentage="false" isVisible="true" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="true" type="money"><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Annual Salary]]></comp-field-label> </comp-field-definition>

<comp-field-definition id="Option_04" isCustomField="true" isVisible="true" type="amount"useFor="stock" importKey="Option_04" readOnly="true" hidePercentage="false"hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="false"><comp-field-label><![CDATA[2007 Options]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition> <comp-field-definition id="Stock_04" isCustomField="true" isVisible="true" type="amount"useFor="stock" importKey="Stock_04" readOnly="true" hidePercentage="false"hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false" reloadable="false"><comp-field-label><![CDATA[2007 Stock]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

On the stock page, custom fields appear before the “Action” column, in the order they are defined in the XML.



Page 15: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageBudget


6 3 ways to configure Stock page budgets:•Based on Import File

o Based on number of "stock" passed in the import file o Dynamic – new values can be imported once form is launched o Most common budgeting approach

•Based on GuidelinesoBased on the default guideline amount oNot dynamic – once form is created, budget is set oOften combined with job level


Page 16: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageBudget – Based on Import File


Based on Import File:

Note: budgetOn is only applicable to salary (i.e., when useFor=“salary” so it is not important what appears here for stock budget)

<budget-calc useFor="stock" budgetOn=“finalSalary" mode="DirectAmount" basedOn="user" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false“>0.0</budget-calc> <budget-calc useFor="option" budgetOn=“finalSalary" mode="DirectAmount" basedOn="user" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false“>0.0</budget-calc>

Page 17: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Key Elements of Stock PageBudget – Based on Guidelines


Based on Guideline:

<budget-calc useFor="stock" budgetOn=“finalSalary" mode=“Guideline" basedOn="user" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false">100.0</budget-calc> <budget-calc useFor="option" budgetOn=“finalSalary" mode=“Guideline" basedOn="user" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false">100.0</budget-calc>

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Key Elements of Stock PageBudget – Based on Cascading


<budget-calc useFor="stock" budgetOn=“finalSalary" mode=“DirectAmount" basedOn=“planner" includeIneligible="false" prorating="false" hidePercentage="false“>0.0</budget-calc>

By using basedOn="planner", you can create a budget using the Admin Tools > Compensation Administration > Budget Assignment screen. In this screen you can add the head of hierarchy as desired, and then assign budget all the way down the hierarchy.

Also, be sure that the desired autoCalcBudgetXXX attributes are set to true, so that existing forms will pick up changes to the Cascaded budgets. If these are set to false, the changes will not be picked up...

<comp-calculation lumpSumInSalaryBudget="false" fiscalYearEnd="2006-12-31" autoCalcBudgetForSalary="false" autoCalcBudgetForBonus="false" autoCalcBudgetForStock=“true">

Caveat: Currently, budget cascading appears only to work for stock (and not option, stockOther1, etc.); JIRA CMP-3099, “Budget Cascade for option cannot be configured” has been filed for this.

Page 19: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Stock Value Table


Stock value tables enable you to convert dollar amounts to equivalent units/shares. This functionality enables you to set up and import all the stock values at one time instead of having to enter each one into the template.

<comp-stock-value-table><comp-stock-value-table-name>Equity Values</comp-stock-value-table-name></comp-stock-value-table>………

<comp-stock-share-info><comp-stock-first-col-label>Value ($)</comp-stock-first-col-label><comp-stock-second-col-label>Units</comp-stock-second-col-label></comp-stock-share-info>

This table can be reloaded after forms are generated – forms will be updated with new stock values.

Page 20: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Stock Value Table – cont.


Companies that plan in units may instead want to use a stock value table to calculate equivalent value of units/shares.

To do so: 1) reverse order of comp-stock-first-col-label and comp-stock-second-col-label; and 2) import inverse values (1/x) for the stock value table.

<comp-stock-value-table><comp-stock-value-table-name>Equity Values</comp-stock-value-table-name></comp-stock-value-table>………

<comp-stock-share-info><comp-stock-first-col-label>Units</comp-stock-first-col-label><comp-stock-second-col-label>Value ($)</comp-stock-second-col-label></comp-stock-share-info>

Page 21: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Stock Factors Table


Stock factors are used to convert stock units to an appropriate mix of stocks, options, or any other equity types specified in the stockOther columns. Stock factors are typically based on joblevel, or any custom fields, such that stock factors can be differentiated by employee.

includeUnits="true" ………

<stock-units-calc><factor-table key="JOBLEVEL">Stock Factors</factor-table></stock-units-calc>

The values in column A of stock factor import file must reflect the values in the factor-table key, in this case “JOBLEVEL” (factor-table key could also be any custom field).

This table can be reloaded after forms are generated – forms will be updated with new stock factors.

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Stock Factors Table – cont.



Customer Example using both Stock Factors Table and Stock Value Table (factor key = concatenation of Country & Job Level code):

Page 23: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Relabeling Stock Page Elements


<comp-field-definition id="options" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly="true" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Options]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

<comp-field-definition id="stock" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly="true" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Stock]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

<comp-field-definition id="budget" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly="true" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Total Budget]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

<comp-field-definition id="moreToAllocate" isCustomField="false“ useFor="stock” readOnly="true" hidePercentage="true“ hideAmount="false" percentageReadOnly="false” reloadable="true“><comp-field-label><![CDATA[Remaining Budget]]></comp-field-label></comp-field-definition>

Page 24: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Stock Page – Miscellaneous Items


• Stock page elements (with the exception of custom fields) cannot be formatted as money. Instead, use column headings to denote columns that represent money, versus columns that represent number of units/shares.

• Stock page does not support multi-currency functionality – all money-formatted custom fields will be in functional currency.

Page 25: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Importable & Reloadable Fields (as of b0811)


The following user directory importable and reloadable fields were introduced in b0811:


This now makes it possible to directly import values for each stock field, rather than having to rely only on guidelines, stockBase, or stock factors.

Page 26: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant

Interesting Customer Use of the Stock Page


Business requirement: Customer had a large number of fields they wanted to be displayed on the Summary page. However, virtually no configuration can be done to the Summary page.

Solution: Customer did not need the Stock page for stock/equity purposes, so they repurposed it to instead display summary data. Approximately 20 custom fields were created on the Stock page. Data was imported for each employee in the user directory import file to populate the custom fields. All fields were read-only, so no edits could be made – it was purely for comp planner information.

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• Product Leads– Christy Robinson– Mike Abel


Page 28: 1 Comp Short Course - Stock Page Configuration Tips August 6, 2009 Presented by: Mike Abel, PS Consultant




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