

Crate System

• Space Per Gestating Sow: gestating sows always kept in gestation crates (14 square feet per sow).

• Space Per Nursing Sow: nursing sows always kept in farrowing crates (14 square feet per sow)

• Space Per Growing Pig: 8 square feet of barn space per growing pig

• Nesting Provisions: privacy but no straw

• Baby Pig Survival Rate: 90% survival rate of baby pigs

• Use of Optional Surgeries: optional surgeries performed before 7 days of age

• Free-Range Opportunities: none

• Sow Group Size: 1 sow per pen

• Provision of Straw: no straw (floors are concrete, wood, or steel)

• Type of Feed: non-organic grain with antibiotics and growth hormones added


Pen System• Same as crate system, except that …

• Space Per Gestating Sow: instead of being housed in gestation crates with 14 square feet of space per sow, they are housed in group pens with 24 square feet of space per sow

• Sow Group Size: 5 sows per pen

Gestation Crate

Group Pen


Open Barn System

• Space Per Gestating Sow: 90 square feet of barn space per sow

• Space Per Nursing Sow: 90 square feet of barn space per sow

• Space Per Growing Pig: 32 square feet of barn space per growing pig

• Nesting Provisions: privacy with straw

• Baby Pig Survival Rate: 80% survival rate of baby pigs

• Use of Optional Surgeries: no optional surgeries

• Free-Range Opportunities: access to outside, with shelter, but no pasture

• Sow Group Size: 20 sows per pen

• Provision of Straw: 12 inches of dry straw provided at all times

• Type of Feed: non-organic grain without antibiotics and growth hormones added


Pasture System

•Same as Open Barn System, except that …

• Baby Pig Survival Rate: 70% survival rate of baby pigs

• Free-Range Opportunities: access to outside, with shelter, and with pasture


Organic System

• same as pasture system except…

• hog feed is organic feed with no antibiotics or growth hormones.

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