Page 1: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like

. .1*r / \:.?t-- qttT

The A. P. R.O. Bulletinthe A. P. R. O. Eul let in is the of f ic ia l copy. ighted publ icat iorr of the Aer ia l Phr:nomr:na Researclr Orqanizat ion lA. P, R. O.) , l7 l2 Van Court , Al .mgado, Nrw

Mexico. and is issued every oiher rnonth to nrembers only, The Aer ia l Phenomena Rescarch Orq.rnizal ion;5 a non.prol l l qrorp. le.J icalad lc rhe eventur l s lut im of tha

mysrery of fhe unidenl i f ied ohiects which have been | :"r . t ] .

t l :_t t : , j : f - i : ,U,:19j ! ] :1j : I ] i l i ' ' i l :T: | I l !_6qrrb,,rr l ' ip

mar be made lo thc lbow rddrcu.


Pungent UAO Crashes ln N. C,

UAO Snopped okohama'I'he above photoglrfitfivas snapped by

Yusuke J. Matsumura, Director of theFlying Saucer Research Gloup in Japan,just outside of his residence at 168?Harna, Isogo-ku, Yokoharna. At 10:47 a.m. 1\1r ftIatsumura r1'as leaving his house.botrnd for "I 'okyo. l le salv a metal l ic f lashabovr' , near his horrsc, got his PrirnoflexAutoruat ( , laparr t ,sc I l r r l l t i -Arr lonr l t ) c:un-ct ' : t unr l : ; rutppct l i l r t . l l rovr ' Jr i t ' t ru 'c. I Ict 's l i t t t i r l r . r l l l i t ' ob. lct ' t wrts i r l r { ) r t 20- i l0 fccti t t t l i ; r t t t t '1t ' r ' l r t r r l r l hovt , r ' r ' r l in rrne pl l rcr .l 'or l l r r r t t l -2 rni t r t r tos, : t l l i l t t r l r . l r l roul { i ( l -?{) f t ' t ,1. Slrol l l l ' l l t t . o l t . j r .ct t r tok rr l ' f : r l , l t r rcst i r tur l t ' t l l \ l : r t 'h 1.5-2, ?() r l r . i . l lcr 's c lcva-t iorr errr l l r t 'udcr l sorr thc:rst in t l rc gr l r re ln lr l i t 'cct iot t of Tol i l o buv. Datc: l7 . l rn.

A pl int ot th is pl ioto is rvai lable byrvl i t ing lo the Flving Satrcer Rt 'searchGroup in .Tuparr, lsogo P. (). Box 18,Yokohnnr:r. . lapan. Air r lai l t lel i l t :r 'y ' tvi . l lcost I l . ( ) i ) . anr l sra rnni l wi l l bc 50 centspel p ictule.

*.{ .*The UFO Crit ical Rullet in. l i ,sted under

Rccomrnt nrlcd IIAO Poriocl icnls, is al lo( \ ( l pul) l ic i l t ion, aur l i ts ccl i lor , ,1. [ . lsco-hur I , " r t ' i r , isstrcs the l i r r l l r . l i r r rv i thoutl r t , r r l l i t r r l ' srrhst ' r ipt ior t l r r . lp. \ { : r ' srr1111r,stth; t t l l r , rst ' wl i t in{ fo l lo1tp, ' . r r l fc l l r: . r r l r l l srrrr t in t ra l t t t r . t t l ,

Another one of those inexplicable in-cidents involving an airborne objectrvhich crashed to earth, occurred nearCharlotte, N. C. on 20 ]Iarcb. Air Forcevetcran \1' . B. Brown reported to the$it ' alhr 'r hurcau that he and his wifest")ott{ 'd thc "foam-l ike but clear" objeelsairorr t { ) p. m.

I lroun i las travel ing in an easterlyr l i rcct io l r rnd rvhi le he rvatched. one ofthe ohjccts vcered nrval ' from the otherfoul uncl hit the grorrnd about 60 feetIr* 'ur,. ' ' l t lookcd lrke ice breaking up,"Broivn said, bLrt i t , ,r 'as l iquid-"sl imy"to the touch lnd ' 'cool ing or numbingto his f ingers."

Brorvn said i t beat anything he hadever seen. "I s 'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar I I and I 've seen a lot off l i - ing objects. bLrt nothing l ike these,"he said.

The objects seemed to f loat, and theone that struck the ground near him lefta snrel l " l ike burned matches". Wetr ontler lbout these thing.q-i t r , t ;ould beiulcresl jng to I ind orr t i f Char lot te or sur-l r turr t l in;1 : r l l ls srr f fured an_'- th ing l ikel i l r rs , , l , i r l r 'nr ic inrnrr , t l i l r t t lv fo l lowing thet t r< i r l t , t t l .

UAO FormalionsSeen In Californio

On February 2, four residents of Lahe,u'ood, Cali fornia, obsened three forma-t ions of unconventionai aerial objects in{l ighi across the sky. }Ir . and Mrs. BobIlcClacken said the objecls, about 20 to25 of thern, appeared to be about the sizcof a small car, but that he couldn't determine their exact shape. "Eitber theyhad f lashing l ights", he said, "or theyri ,ere rel lect ing sunl ight. They traveledat a l r rp id c l ip. much fnster than air-cr l f t . "

i \ lc( 'r ' : rckr,rr :rnrl his rvi fe. Ruth, said therr l r i t ,<, ls rvt to rroiscless and thrt enehlgl t r r rJr p:rssr '11 f lorn v ie w within 3 secondt.'"1'ht ' f i rst lw() f rortps rVere fair ly ClosCtorlr ' t l rr .r ," i r l t ' ( ' raeken related to theI lcss. "Yotr corr l r l sce thern at the lsmct i rno. ' l 'hc lh i rd group appef i red tworrr inrr tes l r tcr . Some of the objects wenelincrl rrp in singk f i le. Others moved inclust+- 'rs. Sti l l others traveled in a LooseV fot 'mation.

Among others trho vierved the UAOrvclc 1{r.;. Ceeil Hamilton and AlbertCherv. "It rr'as like a formation of lights,"said l l rs. Hamilton. "One group of ob-jects came in belorv and behind anothergroup. 'l' rvnsn't ony noise. If theyq'erc lr i l l r l : rrrr.s rvo should havc hcen rblcIo l t t ' t r r lht 'nI . "

\ l ( ' { ' r ' ; r ( k( u s;r i t l ho wns rrnl l r lo to Jrrdtel l rc i l l l l i l r r t l t . , " l l r t l . I rvould r .n l l l t lo* of

( 'ontinuerl nn I ' rrgo f l

,-,( i )UAO cnd PAA Plone

\J ln Neor CollisionA b-orty - lour pirss( 'r tgers tr l a Pan-

\ \nrerrcan \{ ' t - r r ld, \ i lways I l lanc wcrelhrown out oI thcir seats and to thcl loor when the pi lot , Capt. Mat lhew A.Van Winkie, rnaneuveled the planc toavoid crashrng into r l l unconvent ionalAer ia l Object over the At lant ic on I] tarch. A spokesntan at I 'at l ick r\F.B inCocoa said the object drd not come fromthe gurded' missi le base there, and acheck rvith armed forces indicated therelvere no jet planes in the area.

According to Capt, Van Winkle, thepiane rvas on a f l ight f t 'orn New Yolk toSan Juan, Puerto Rico, and r ' , 'as just otfthe Florida eoast at the t ime oi the nearcrash. Seven aircraft u'ere in the arearvith a distance oI 300 miles between theIirst of the aircralt and the last. Van\\ ' inkle's aircraft was in the midtl le. Al lof the pi l<-rts of the lrrcra(t sarv the gl<twof thc objcct .

I 'he ob.,ye ct 111 r l t tcsl i t t t t rvus t l t 's t ' r i l t t ' t li rs a wl t i t t g low urt l r ; r " l .1rocn cotr ' ' ' l r t t lnr , r conf igurat iorr r r ' ; rs ( ivcn. Varr Wit tk lc,stated to nc\r 's l len l l rat l t t ' l r t l l l l t l l r iscraft into a stcep ci inrb. r ising 1,500 lectto avoid a col l ision. I le said he thoughtat f i rst the object was a jet but as i t .came closer he noticed that i t lvas notshaped l ike any knorvn jet aircraft. "Ihaven't the faintest idea what i t was,"he said.

Although an unidenti f ied pi lot of atrans*aribbean plane said he saw theobject and that i t could have been am€teor, Van lVinkle said i t was "a burn-ing greenish-u'hite object, unrecognizablebut definitely not a meteor. I t shoti ld beremembeled that Captain VuIr \4ri t tklcwas closer to the U,\() than rny othcrplane. \ l e astronotttet 's, rvhe t hct proft 's-s ional crr r lnr t ( 'ur knorv thal thc l to intwhich disqtur l i l ies th is rep()r t rs thnt ofa meteor, is thc app:rrcnt spr 'ct l of t l t t 'object. I Iad thlt ob.iect at ' tr , tal ly becn amett 'or, the gocrt l Captain rvott l t l not hlvehad t ime to do much cogi t l l t ing ab'rutwhat he obsen'ed. and certainly u 'ot t l t ln ' thave had t ime to "duck".

(Cr. A. M. Lynn)t) ' l ()TE: Alt lr t tuelt sorrre , ]0 t tLl; t t l l ,ers t t : '

l rr i /e( l tho al)()re rep(tr l , t t . ,e l is[itIr. I'11rtrt rr.s /r ls f rt 1l report ctrr iaed at hea(I( luarters otr I tMarch.)


Our congratulat ions to Norbcrt t ' .Gar iety, Edi tor of the S. P. A. C. I i . ,(Saucer Phenorr t tna und Cclcst iu l [ ]n i { .ma) for a noat, t i rncly job of I i ; \ ( ]edi t ing.

Page 2: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like

Merch, 1957 THE A. P. R. O. BUTIETIN Prgc 2

AN EDIf ORIALThere is an occasional 1'q'r. l r lest rcceivr.d

by tne Duector asking that sire cornrn€rntoD ttowai 'd . l tenger ol i \ew . lerscy anclhrs crarms regafotng UAo contacts. \ \ 'ehad relt that our pasr polrcy should takecat 'e of al i conters tn thc contact lrelr l ,but apparcnt lJ l rassut i r l lce is occesiorr l l .i1 ' neeoed. ! !e t lo not bcl ier.c -\ le ngcr'sclalms, and have l lccrr rn lo lured thal\ !hat appears to be bfUsh\\ork appcu|s orrnegatrves and/ or p| ints subnrrtted l l .r-htm, is ver] ' ntuch rn evrdence.

We would l ike the nrcrnbcrship to le-member in the lLrt.ur. 'e t i iat $e prlnt onlylacts, and that frauduient clairns or ob-vious hoaxe s are rvorthri'hile only be-cause of therr absence in these pages.

Because ot the appafent l lood o{ Ur\Obooks at plesent, members ale rernindeciof a promise made b! ' the Dircctor in1953, that she uould produce her orvnpublic rccord ol U.\() rncidents at sotn()iutui 'e t inre. l i r 1953 she hadn t envision-ed the growth of A. P. R. O. nor thework connected rvith the organization.She has not complctc l l - d iscarded theidea, in fact is laf ing the glrund' ,vorkfor a U,\O book rvith ln entrrcly di{fcr-ent s lant ls ctrnrparcd * i th olhcr booksin the f ield. 11-hen the aclLral worl i or-rthe book bcgins i t rv i l l be nccfssarv tohave somc t inre of l I lorn regul l l o lgani-zational duties in orr ler to crxcculc thetask. Fol lorving closo on i ts hcel-s u' i l l brra documentary-t] pe book clcl l ing s' i ththe UAO historl ' over the past 10 years.Although the pubhcation oI a book rvithpossible remunerativee aspects is entic-ing, the Dilector lccls she has a fcrvmore points to clari [1' . She u'rrulr] l ikcvery much to have al l the ans$'e|s, andi f not , at least enough pert inent facts 1omake the book convincing and uorth-whi le reading to l -he general ptrbl ic aswel l as U,\O enthusiasts. l lo le alrot i t thrr tlater.

Recommended UAOPeriodicolsFor the Engl ish.reat l ; r r17 L ' r i l l i isrrrs ls:

UFOrum, Box 1{2, I l t . l , , \d l . l l ichi-gan, u. s. A.

Flf ing Saucer Revierv, I Dought;, ' St.,London, \1. C. 1, England

Uranus. ] Iarkhlm I Ior-rsc I ) r 'ns: l . t r l . ,31 Kings Rd. 1, London, S. W. 3, l lnrr land

Space,26i Alhambra Circ le, ( 'orr lGables, Flor ida, U. S. , \ .

C. P. D. V., P. O. Box 8449, Sao Paulo,Brazil

Saucer Nervs. P. O. Box 163, Irolt Lec,Ne*' Jerse5', U. S. A.

UFO Cri t ieal Rir l lc t in, I lua 111 rkr l \h ion. 124O. Sao l ) ; ru lo. Bluzi l

"Flv i n g Su rr co rs", ( ( ' . S. I . ) [ ) . ( ) . I lo \?! , Onchrrnga, S. I l . l - r , ; \ r r t 'k l r rnt l , Nt ' rvZealandFor th e Spnnish.rcnr l i n q F. | ! l l t 1t : , ; l s l ' .

Lumbre, l lotel Santa Ana. Ihar.ras al\{aturin, 34 Caraeas. Ve'ntzrrela

C. O. D. O. \ ' . N. I . , Casi l la de Correo2560, Buenos Aires. r \ r {ent inaFor thc Frencl t . read. i r rg I r r thrrs iosl :

LeCourier Interplanetaire, 25, Ar..cnundu Denantou. Lausanne. Srvitzcrlanrl


by A. Thomas

1l ' r r l i I is l tet l in Sl tur tg lLui , CIt ina i , t . IgJS\

l ' : rgt : 49"' l ' r ' r ivcl lct ' .s arrd cxplor.e rs o{tcu noticc

in t l r ( , hci ! ,hts 01 t l lo I l r rnalayas : j t la l lgosttt tnt t) l)J((ts or. cr.r- 'atulcs soar. ing highluuovr I hc rrrrrunt l r in crc.sts w hich af e an{' i ( ' r 'nal puzzic to [ ,)ulopcans. Whetl icrl . l rcsc lu.vstcf ious objee ts ar.e uchrclcs be-l() l lgrng to supermcn ."ve dare not assert,t hough such an cxir lanation is cluiteI){;rusrl) lc. ( lannot the reader bel ieve thatl)v suclr nleans, t tg unknown ener-(/ i .rs, c{)rnlrrunication is maintainetl l rortr1; lairet to planet by the scientists of Ag-hal ta (cosnr ic base)?"

I 'age 44"' I 'he nra,sses must prepare

Iol f i lst-hand cognlt. ion of these facts. soru.s tu i ivoid mass insanity when confront-erl with the actuaI emergence of ther l r ,n izcrrs of the othcr wor ld."

l ' i l {C / l )

"Bc quick in your act ion i t you wislrrtot to sc*' ornit ious signs oI the (]os-nt ic (J l lnrprrs l t lu, : i r t t1 ocross t f te heauerus,"

uc thought immutablc,. \re bJorvn to bits by scientists, astrono-

rners and others.' l 'he) ' uscd to say thc t:alth was f lat, but

sorl lcone soon t l isposed ol that.-\nd a t 'ound worlt l is rccognizcd.l lv lurrr l unr l .sct : rnt l r r i r wc Ao, thr . rc is

n() r ' l r ( l lo what wc l i r row,( ) tu l<rrowlet lge is i r t r rncnsc.Ir r to thc earth we r l ig anr l r l t ' lvc. ant l ston

for lunch at half-past twelvc,\1 hich l f tcr al l is common-scnse.Now up into thc blue spacc rvc pcer, and

wont ler what is happcning thcre.' l ' l rc nroon bccomc's a targetI, 'ol rvt ' i rd space ships and rockets swift ,

as to i ts l ight our eyes we l i f t ,, \nd lor our goal,rve nlark i t .And norv i t scems that other worlds may

cven be exploring us,\\ j i th interest and rapidity,13r-rt closr:d-up minds reject the thought

rnd quest ion i ts val id i ty.. . \ r rc i , a l ter a l i , i t 's fa i r enough l rnd not

br:r 'ond conception,' l 'hl t I lv inl l-suucer ct.e ws nr:rt ' t lorrbt t he

ir ' : r l r r r lh of the t 'ecoI l iorr ,l " rn ' ln in{ ls i r r tuent l r l l r l i r t r l r tcss br} t . t r re

l l t ' l l l r l r r rcrr ' i r l r , : r u i t l r scoln,\ r r r l s: r t u i l l r r r r r l ign;r l ion,' I l r : r l t l t r " r r lh r ' : t t l l t . r r r r ' r r l l t i r . \ ' ( r ) l t ' i r r

s l ) i rc( ' , i t c t ' r ' t r in l ; r is not the placeOl <lcni i :cns ft 'ont ol her lvorlds to conre

rrr t l v is i t us.Srrch l ihert ios lve c i ln ' t permit , ' and on

oul r l igui t l ' \ \ 'c s i t ,. \rrr i rutrr 'mur vt 'ry pecvishly, ' I t simply

ist t ' t donr: ! '( I ' rorrr dn Engll ish ntagt: ine on poet41)

QUOTES AND CO/r4lr4ENrS\ \ h0 $as the Admrral who, alter a

l)rrclr lrg on Ld.(J oufi l lg tne horean wa-riaLtl , 'uUO itelp U) l t tney evef [UfB IOOSe(,t l uJ. j ul l tne ) jJrq oi teorua.ryrl le rndlal lapol lS t l rnes carrrecl a smalllur Lrcre a uout I cccnl rcpor ls aroundz,rrn-svr l lc , urdlal ta and rn rvhich thet0\! i l . tr iu' : ,nl t , . t taynat.d . lroore, askedI { j slcte i l ts t0 l l r lp fuui help the At 'luetir lr) ' tne l)esKJ tntngs Anotherol lc Ot t .h05e o(ld OCCiLrl ir t l (es - loggrngLall ip rulel l l ( ]n ai. a loggtng camil report_e0 seelng an atrpiane Diow up rn tbesl(y;rno crasl l near urot lno loaho, butnoufs later tncfe \\ 'ere no slgns ol wrecK-age and no reporrs ot nussrng planes. . . . Sclentrsts are attempnng to sueDcethe sontc boorn-rt t .hey cio, F.hat wl l lIne) ' use lor an excuse ror those unex-plaincd rumbles? . .Are Other\\ ol lds \\ :atchtng Us?' ' is a reprint cur-rentl l ' ln the -\ iarch 195? lssue of Adven-tuIe. \ lagazlne, and lnterest ing as wel las thougnt-provokrng. Too bad morepr)pulai ancl reputable magazines couldn' tcar fy sue h i te rrrs. ' rhe most interestingthrng l r rought out by ' th is art ic le wr i t tenl)y t i lo lp. \ lcCLusk-\ ' is thc assert ion thatspect|og|aphic stud-v o{ the ,.moonl)r , ( r l lc s l toss that is is not rock or iaval)ul tnt l lal The ncrv theory of agl l iss solar systent blo* ing up andslrorverlrrg t ire earth rvith glass frag_nrcnrs, plus causing radar relurns wbtch(orld be interpr.eted as interplanetaryr, ' r : i r icles is as crackpot as the elaims thatVenusians hale iong hair and leave cod-ed foot-prints. Too bad our scientists dealso rr iuch \r l th scrence-f ict ion ratherlhan science . , Yes, the Rev, Albertf I . Bal lel rrho does so much ior the UAOrvith his iectu-res in r.arious Easternpoints, rs one of our members, and we,reproud of h im. Keep up the good work,1lr . l l , r l r l r . The Spr. ing l '95? issue of"SAL(_' l , i laS" sports a f ront pagc photorr f l r L i l , '0 t . l : r rnrct l to have been taken1r 'orrr thc south s lope of Twin peaks. Sanl ' r t t t t t ' is t 'o on ()< to l rer 10. Looks ratherphonl ' to us . . .F15 ing Saucerst t lought up to Date" is the t i t le of anIl t icle in the Fas.cctt booklet, . .Secretsof Space l ' l iSht" . The fraudulent char-; lc l f r of the al t ic le is evident. consider-in{ lhar I he l rad-ot f i l lustrat ion i .s def i -nitely dishonest. There are no .,secrets"in the re,st of the book. either, just rvel l-knorvn theories and a sprinkl ing of facts.. . lVe're st i l l rvait ing for more newson _the UAO pictures taken by a youngcollege student in Venezuela. HoracioGonzales, eo-director of Lumbre. ,*Totein . t r rnrrar l ' rhat he h;rd them, that a fu l lr ( ' l ) r ) r t \ \ ' ( )u l ( l lo lhrrv. brr t no \ r ' ( ) rd as vet .. l t . \ ( r r r :u.( ! : r l , ' r . lnk Er luards c.rr .l l rusi t rs l 1: tnr i r rh;r t I j r \ ( ) f l r r r isrr ' t?) , st t rd; t t ' ; r l t t or l r , l lcr lo 1l : r rsh:r l l l , : tcht tef ,I ' t r ,s. . l ' ; r l rst l l r r '19i t r* ( '6. , l \ l t ' r .chlnl iseNlrnt . ( l t i r ' ; t r :o i r . l . l l l . . anr l t t , l l h i rn vorrlur t ' l t : rppv l rbout t |e fact th l l I 'abst iv i l ls|ol lsor Fl lnk, thlt 1'orr hopt. his broad-c; lst \ \ ' i l l bc cxtcni lcr l to 1.our commun-itr ' , and that u.hcn 5'rru drink beer voul ' i l l r l r ink I ' rhst . We thank L1. le Stuartlor sending this u.elcome ncrrs. Frankis n f i *ht ing l iberal and a f r iend of theLIAO frn here's hoping he' l l broad-

(Cont inued on Pase 3r


, t


I. ti







i -

{. , r

. {t?!


Page 3: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like

QUOIES AND COMA4SNTS RECAP ON N'CAP /f4oss Repfiescontinued from Page In our-last issue, we.printed a run- On Soucet lnquiiy

cast on a national network again soon. down on Natlonal lnvestigation Commit.

. . . . "The l'lying sauccrs over New Zea- tee on Aerlal Phenomena which, in its rlt a lelter to senator John E. Mossrand" tited an articre in Austraria,

"l,li1'?'J;.*i,'".'",t 1?#T'"f"r1'.X? # *iii'JJ,|;'i"""tooffiX""Tl["People" magazlne for last May 2, antl intornration avalrauie to us at the time. uovernmenr uperatrotrs, ttre Duector in-featured a run-down on the Civilian sauc_ .lust as the Bulletin was going ror-nreo rne senalor ot ner possessron ofer lnvestigation ol Nelv Zeaiand group w'e received word of the change ii NI- lauts concelnrng suppressron or lDtorun-

ailq r[s presidenr. ilarold H. Fulton. Ful- cAP pollcles and personnel, and inserte6 tron r'elalrng ,o urrton"enuonaj, aenal

ron bas been oomg a rr.ernendous job 1or L1^:"1:H"r#jer the caption "DEAD'

l.i,r.",tT; ,.f"tr?i,"",:iT-;;ili-;fiyears and we're gtad to see favor- At the time tbe January Bulletin was "'i.'oank you ror your re*er commentraDre report . Tne Green Bay, Wis- made up, we had wanted io oeiavJrtni. ing ou a"irrror,rry-oitrl'-g saucer ur-consm i'uter Center puts out a littie lng anything about NICAP, preferrilng to lurmatron.paper wnrch orten rncruoes reports on

wait tor a promised changein that grdup. o..'-'l'he nouse Govern-ent InJormationuAu' seems the powers

'nat be rn that t",frtli.* 'i,Y"t#:",:'*-'"T ##Hf, iffififTf';rHtT':X*""1i;f *fparrrcurar center reel tbe observers, at and so we printed whit we knew, ' force's p.ol".f- riiuu ioot< was madcreast' sooulo Know wnat's gorng on. rhe l\ow for i review oi ouiiur"tions with pubucly avairable. tt irren-tne Air Forcelrrector well relnemoers her lirit talk on llcrl.l ;;; i;J;;.iot"er in the past: agreecr to make the rnformatron avail-lne suoJecl ol u/\u, \ ' l 'hrcn took place at our l irst .orn"ruii.otrun with thern wis aulc, lhe sutc.-,inmitteu't iot no turthertDe !llrer center ror personnel and A-t., back in Nouu*u"r,-iu;;Il ;;-r;;;i;.;; actron.I\avy and Army otttcers' rhe A-b' latei p|inted lctter and' ci.cutu.s wucrr con "rl you have speciric details about cen-sponsored her rn a talk at the YMOA iained little o. no ".iu"f

nformation on sorshrp ot unio-.n-trtrej-i"rrrt Objectsrn Green Bay' seems things have chang- policy, ut., wu-*"ii"i-*ore ci.cutars rntormatron, ttre suucornmlttee would beed sruce lesz-in some respects, that ri. irrivla 1iti, r"i ;;;;;r";;i;;a-f;;il inreresrecl rn studyrng possibre resrricr: , . ' . , ' ' .Probably a pubhcrty stunt, that any of t t re pr incipar i l t though interest- t rons ot rn lormat ion. , 'UNU9TE.lrttle inctdent in Holivwood back in ect- individ-uirl; i;;;';.;,"ptffi

"r- ti

-ui, Detaited r.poii, -oo

ilree spec'ic in-January when actress Gloria swanson "

titttu patient. lie '*uit"a. stances are being prepared for the Subuekked out iato the hills .to inspect a our pitiorr.u wai "eivaraed

in Decem- committee, and rt will be suggested thatdisc which reportedlv crash-landed'there. ber,-wien *u ."Guuo'th" l"f";;;; tt" sun.ornrr,itt.."i"oi-into the pressfhis ens apparentlv 9lq9 u sudden, and iet'forth ir th;l;;;;;y aulletin. SGce censorship of uAo incidenrs in southwelldesen'ed death' A-lthougb it wis in- ttren, i iew

-;;J"t';il.c; hil -b.; America in tate 195{ and early 1985.slnuated that the object described was w-rought, ana reiieis irim uajor Donald

?:?L1lY a-__militarv secrer development E. KJvhoe, no* bii".ior or NrcAp, have-(prc-rures were supposedly taken) no assured ui ttre right etement is nbw ii tlro$_h! out prans of action. As we wrotelurrier word orher rhan the initial news contror. we ur"""tw-i"."- ii"*tieci the itajor in-;;;;;'hir'latest retter,articles rvas forthconring. Anther mystery ancl uAo enthusiasts wili re- we arc.bchind i\t(,r\p 100g,o and recom-item wbich wt] must labt' l as lutnor, antl , ' ,: iu".i ' .p,,. lruii.".tnr"nt bv Nlcniani mend that A, I,. l i . <1. mi,nuers rupportwhich comes to us [r 'om a fortrter calr- that. rrr, ifhr.r wil l he ,;rott "uuf';--or j ' t i thc'nr t<.r t lre bcst of their abil ity.tain in the r\I. who was stationed it ovcrall Dit:ture as h:rtt n".n .urpo.i"j s<-rme members, oetl a*"ie of our planGodman !' ield, Kentucky-.rvhen Capt. rvould hippen una".' i ' t" old regime. We to coop_erate with NICAp, ask,.,Wbat i-frlantell went on that fatal fiieht in lea8. hn{..!:p:ii

"tl ;i;;; Jitot i-p.6uu,n.nii $. .p..R. o. members wbo join NIcApTbis mans savs }lantell's boov was not ,",Ilan! p,ilii"r?"o d..;;;;;f;;;j; reel rhey can,t afford or don.t care tofound ' ' ' ' Major David Simbns, chief cltange drre io the sterling quality of the continue rvith A. p. R. o.? what if thisof Holloman's Space Biology Latloratory, tncn on the Iloard oJ-Gouc.norr. is so rvidespread that A. p. R. o. dwindleswas quoted in the Iloiloman bulletin for of l.hetn-rv. tno* quite iell-Rev. Alb;;; to.the point rvhere i i .ro;r support it-the American Rocket societv of Febru- Ilallcr, proi. Ctrarlls"ilon.v;J i;;;i selfi,, r.lur answer is simply this: Theary, 1957, as saying that he refuses to tdwarcrs. oaw"ios;sturJon"ueo i, *uii_ Director has served ia the i;eo field forrule out the possibility that life does known, as is his reputation for ethical over five years as a Director, and feelsexist on a mvriad of other earths that de-alr;,g il;i M;;;;";o'n"u. siil."lr" she has done her best, under t[s girsrrm-presumably popu-late the universe. Major long-standing rneml"".i oi A. p. R. o. and stanc-es. If such i ,itraiioo p.eseuts itself,Simons bas held these views for sohe are-iaithful"u;;;;;. i*trour-*.orl..J the Director wi'crose a.'F. n o. andtime and they are fairly representative They rvill ue a aeiiniie- asset to Major d.o everything possible to aid and abetof those held bv the majolity of our xe-viroe ino iir" "'rl"rir"ti"r "r

; ;h;1". the cause througb NIAp. she now feelsthinking scientists. Major Simons went rl'" *o,ila.ilt.l"'qr"i" rr"r" rio--iai- that rheie i;-";il;;;ouii ot directingon to say that it is not unreasonable to est communicati,oni ri"m-ry.aior K;;i;;, the elforts of all uAo groups, and wou'lsupposc that mankind can conquer thc "t)trr opclati"g prrui, '""t.r, irrv "un,pi"1-

not-fcel too badly abouf boriing our.technical problems of extrente interstel- crt is this: (lf i4;;, 'b,;;sl ip_.r",piig", I lowcv*r. rve all fcel that it wil l belar spaee travel in the coming centuries. I.rr '..$?.50 ;n,', l ;"..; i t;;;. '^ir l 'p,,rri l i i i ir-n somerime n"tui., l.,. 'r, l si i iation ariser,But, Maior, don't 1'ou think .vou should trt i |2-page *,rt, lhiv ni, leazine, al*g,po.iri antt unti l lhtn the Director hopes thatconsider the possibil i t ics that other in- lrrd/-ri l i :untia"nll 'or"ir, l i i"t i^; ^*

n,i".to,t. all mcmbo's *,i l l support NIAp en welltell igences may have alreadv pnrgressed 1ll) Invcstigati, i i i- l ni i i .rt, we,ll "sk

ei- as A. I). tt. o. f lnd do a Siood Job withto that paint? . For thosc who are isting rnirl l lzincs anct "i i

n" foi: l;; ip: both.'seriously concertted rvith tht' "trvo ntt- 'n in u'ith'-frrl l . r i.e,ri i-gil";. 'wu oru -ath,ising

In closing. r 'e,d l ike to extend ourblack" mentioned in nu.r Januar-v issue, ottl ' nte nrbcrs ttow to'-i,,rm tocat urciaF congratulations to i i lajor Keyhoe and thewe would l ike to sav that the Director cltrbs and to r"ot'rpi. iuitv trairrea mem- Boaitl .of Governors of Miep for theis neither afraid or-worried-onlv cuil' neiL such ".

;fi;il; "'meteorologisis,

goqd iu.u gt rescuing that .rganization.ious as to their identit l ' : just as she is astronomers,-engineers,'etc., for tt;1-irst ind wish them the best of luck in theircurious as to the identitv of the indi- evaluation ;i d;;il."'d;se local units future endeavors.vidual who recentlv cailed in the middle wn roiwaro-

""ri""i"a .upo.t, to us, or | . .of the night' misrepresented himseiili in

"tr" ot irig-cai;s,-* L, ri,i"e The. director has received notificationau AF colonel and attempted to obtain bulletins; rverrr-rrr"J irt.^lqrcai bu"iu"l tr,if'Jne.r,as been elected a fellow in theconfidential information aboutA' P' R' o. t ion-panel trk";;;" ';;xi, and ,e".rr

" iniernationat Lunar Societv, and urgesand its members. It takes all kincls oi co*tu.ion i i;;;.r; i;.,; '-^' all amateur and professional asrmnomerspeople to make the t 'orld' according to

--i 'hu.o tt '* ir i '1r,, 'niuch morc, infornra- i; I;; membtrship to mnko inquiry tothe sages, but it seenr thcre :rr.e

"t. io rirr. :rrxl ir 'p.,r.trni ', lct. i fVt,r:, ir i iey. i i io.V,r.,,t,,r.v .f .txr'e.rrtmca orlln*a.many in some catt 'qories. hoc.s lci lt,r. ,rt, i ,.f,- ' ., i i i . . i uf, i1l. l ,u"if i ;;;,r: i i l) iprrtucion lt:t?. lt$rcelona, Spaln.

Prgc 3 THE A. P. R. O. BUII,ETIN l| rdr, lt57






.d1:4: iil


fi, l."1




Page 4: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like

-.\ Mrrch, 1957 THE A. P. R. O. BUTTETIN Prge 4

Expefi Denies UAOExislence; KeyhoeChollenges Stofement

Close on the hecls uI a i i i re rcle:.rsca[nounclng the p|obrbr l i ty th l t Ur\0 arcNazi-engitrcercd seclet aircralt , clrne an-other l r tnour lce l l t rnt out u l \ \ tashl l l i j ton,D. C. tu the c[ Icct t lut . l l rc le " is rro . . ,uclrthtng as a l l ) rng s i . luccr." ' l 'he cxpe|t i r rthts casc rs l)r . l luglr 1.. l )r 'yden, Lltrr,( .Lot.oI the National i \dl isoly e oruurit tr .c lor.Aeronautics, and his statcmcnt. rvus uurdeat a closed cioor hearing by a House ap-propriat ions sub-committee.

AIso snatching a little limelight rvasthe revered Gen. Jarnes A. Dooli t t le,chairman of the NACA, rvho agreed rvithDryden that the claims of a perlectedNazi saucer rvere merell' advertising fora forthcoming book.

We feel that the above needs someeditorial comnent and w' i l l start bypoint ing out th:rt Dr. I)r1'den is rrot anexpert on UA(). An cxpclt orr at: fonl l l -t ics, perhaps, bt t t t tot on tht . sulr jcct o iUA0. We agrer: absolutc ly that l l f ingsaucers were not perlccted in Gernrany,and also, categorical ly, that there afe nosucb things as f lying saucers ( i . e.,saucers that f ly). However, u'e rvi i l aisochallenge Dr. Dryden to prove that ?rf l-conuentional aertal ubjects, comnronly'referred to as "flying saucers" u'hichhave been seen b; ' rel iable. capablc ob-servers, whieh have caused at least threeaircraft accidents, and on several oc-casions have been seen restir ig ort t l teground, do not exist. We rvould like tosuggest that this pulported expert under-take an easier task. Ther-e is a tarweighter group of lacts and the'oriessupport ing the existence of UAO thanthere is to support the opposite argu-ment. Keyhoe offcred to disband tht:group i f the scientist, Dr. Dlvdr:n, cotr ldprove that the saucers don' t cxist . Wesuggest NICAP wi l l d isband only rvhcrtthey feel they have lounr l thc t futhabout the Uf'O-not before.

LETTERS, . . . You bave mentioned in the Bulle-t in that the organization has become afinancial burden. There is but one solu-t ion. Raise the price of subscript ion. Let 'ssay to f ive or ten dol lars. You shouldhave a surplus to operate propelly. Thisthing of dipping into the ly ex-chequer eventual ly nrust stol) Ithink the bulk of the nrenibership rvouldgladly go along rvith a yearly incrtrase.. . . , I bel ieve the Bul let in should carryon. Signed C. J. Pr-rnt ius.(Ed. Note: We rcuuld l i l ,e t , t l teur r , l l teropinioas t.rr i l i r i .s .sulr je<:r. ). . . . I have heard a gr ' ( ,at t lcal aboutyou and lour ' . \ . I ' . R. ( ) . Yotr at 'e consi t l -ered one t i f thc best r ' iv i l ian UFO in-vestigators. I know that you ale a c(rmpe-tent private astronomer. too. and havebeen informed that 1'our husband is agood electronic expert. So, y'ou have con-dit ions and quali f icat ions to try a scien-t i f ic approach to the UFO problem. Un-fortunately, r,er1' ferv among the saucerresearchers tr ied the same approach, andas a result we have this disgusting pro-

ODDS 'N' ENDS" l 'hey le Sti l l Seeirrg Thirrgs" Icatur.ed

it t the -A.ustrai ian tnagazrnc, "[ ,eo1,r lg" 1s1,Jart . 9, is a goor l nr . i r r - r"rp on l t rc t j , \O, ispt t r rc ip l r l ly ( . ( ) r rct : f l r r ( l wrt l r ' t ' l r t r i l t , 'ol t lv t :st lg. l l tou ( ' r l t I t ( . , 0 l wlr i t . l t r r rerrr l t r , t. , \ t rdt t : rv ' l ont : ts ts \ r rc,pt r ,s i r lc t t t . ' l ' t to l l r r lr \ i l1( ' f lc lu l l l l i t ! l i tz lncs Jt c l t ' t . l ) t .0 i r ( l - r r r i r r t let lcnoui l l l to Blvc s( , t lo l i . r i f prrbl i t . iLy toIurt t t r ror l i i r rg ! i l 'o l lp) j hcle. ' l ' r .orrblr : . is ,l" lr t ,r ' t . are so l l l l rr) cl l rcl . l ruts in i l rc [ . ] , \L)i i r , l t l i r r lhc U. S., arr t l : \ rucLir .u l uews-pl l)rJr 's ul 'c not rnclrrrt ' t l to sel i t lusthought, that there rvi l l trave to be aradical change t-rn both t'onts belor.e anyconstluct ive wrrt ing wii l be donePersonal Inend C, D. Brorver t t l Stur-geon Liay, (Old home town) Wisconsinlorlvarded the bit about the "mystery airraid siren blast ' in Green Bay r.ccently.On a l londay afterr loon (no date incl lrd-ed) the s i rcns above the Bel l in bui ld ingln Gleen Bay pl irs those irr I ' r 'eblc,I lolrr l t , - \ : .hr,, 'aul-rt ,rrurr and lJuck t lccku' l r t lc t l orrr i r tot ts ly . arrd s i r r r t r l t l r r r r .ousl l ' .' l ' l r t ,1 l r l r ,w rrr l l r r r r i l l t ,n l ly lor l r l rotr l . : rr i l l r lutc i r r r r l I l rerr , jusI as sur l r lcrr l .y:r r rdtt t ,1'stet 'roLrsly, lvele srlcl t r \sLrunt_r-tner l tobel t S. l t ichutdson of thc NIt .Palourar obsetvatory. has reported thalon June 3 he ubselved a netrvor'h olirregulal blue l incs lunning through thedeselt areas of the planet }Ials, whileusing thc 60-inch rel lector. What tool iso long, Dr. Richardson? Ncrvs-prpel '5, ncws sc[vlccs ;rnd rnlrguzines ut ' \ .burst ing torth with myriad art icles onthe ccrming of space travel-or shouldwe say the hoped-tor advent o( spacetravel by rnan. Atter the runarvay mis-si les such as the Snark and the recent\ latador sojourn into Northwest.ern NewIlexico, ' ,ve jr .rst wondcr how lal intospace rnan wil l l ravel? . . . . Adrn. I , 'ahr-ncy o[ NI( : I \P should leel qui tc c latedthat hrs statcnrenb regarding U,,\O re-ceivcd .such frr l i lnr l sat isfying covcragi)i t r the plcss. We r :c l tu iu ly rvele happvwit t r thc hrrndl t ' r ls of c l ippings dcal ingrvith his plcss lelcase which we receivcrlf lom ul l ovcr thc country . . . . Is i t pos-sible such nels releases as those dcal ingrvith great ner.v steps in space travel andmissi le devclopment, ale food for adoubting public which has bccorne muchdisel lchanted alter the recent Matadorand Snark l iascos? We wondel howman;' sirni lar incidents have taken placebut rvhich never leacfed thc 'at tent ion ol. IohnQ.Publ ic. . . . .

l i lc lat iorr of int l iv iduals l ikectc., l rrrt l so rnlrry othcrs clI the samel<ind. I : r r t r l i t 'er . l of thesc pcoplc lnd t t rel id icrr loLrs stor icsi unt l " t l iscovcr ics" and"contrrr : is rv i th sarrccl people" . . . . ( lon-Uurt t t lut iorrs lor t t rc Llood wotk yr l t t h: ivt 'done i t r t l rc l l IO Icscirr( 'h I i t , l t l . I lopt 'to he;rr l rorr l - \ 'orr i r r thc nt ' l r l r r t t rn ' .Signt ' r l , Olavo l iontcs, NI. l ) , l l io t lc, lane i t 'o, Llr azi l .( Edifor ' 's comment: ' I ' l torLk yoI"L uer'AttLtLt.h, f or 'yotr l:inrl utords. Dr. Fontes.\\Ie haue lteard of Uou an<I yotr e:rcel-Icnt tuork also, uttd utuuld appreciatehearitry !rom yott, of ten. A letter i tr ,anslaer to yours of 15 March u: iLI be on.tlte u;ay o.r soo?z os this isstLe is in thentai l Gltt l to hat,e you, abourt l , Sir ' !)

CR|FO ond "OR8|T" Bow OutThe I'ebruary issue of "ORBIT" maga-

zine, publ icat ion of Civi l ian Research,Irrtclplanetary Objects, (CRIFO) contain-ett the lather sad news lhat Directorl , rorur l t l St l ingf ic ld hrs Ic l t the intrusionul [1, \ ( ) r 'esealch i l l to hls personal l i {el r t rd is t iVing up l t 'sealch lo l the t intebcirrg. St l ing{ ic lc l arrd Cl t lFO have beenorr tstrrr t l i r r ! lcade ls in UA0 research andthe publrci l l torr oI LJ,\O lacts, one of thewotld's [ incst Ur\0 fact sheets. We don'tnlean to souud as though we're soundingthe rcrluiem, and rvouid I ike to quotea ferv ivords irom Len's last letter: "Iappreciated your very kind ietter, andcan rvel l understand your situation, plusworkload, plus your very rr,onderful ideaof adopting Korean chi ldren. Such wouldentai l much ot your t ime deservingly' ,and I do not think anyone should becl i t ical oi any decision you should makeon AI' l tO" I lo, 'r ,evcr ' , I for one, r+'ould l iketo see yotr l but let in hold out. as long aspossr l r lc . Unt i l 1 'orr g ivc rnc thc s ignal ,I wi l l lc t 'ornnrcrrr l youL pal icr . i \ { ter abr icI rest , I p lan to start nry f i rst in ar.;cl ies of booklcts*and of course, in do-ing so, ivi l l be glad to rvor-k cooperativelywith you and APRO . . . . Here's wishingyou and your husband the best of luckrvith APRO and I our nerv endeavor rviththe l i t t le Koreans."

Please accept our sincere thanks, Len.Any moral suppoft is rvelcome right now.As for our hoped-for ne$r chi ldren, wedo not feel we are grand and noble-because the Almighty blessed us vithonly trvo chi ldren rvhen we have loveenough lor al l the chi ldren in the rvorld,l 'e feel rve have found a rvay to help f i l loul lonclcst desire-a house ful l of chi l-c l len. Wc are glateful for that .

Wc only hopc that $'e can l ive up tot hc t :xpectat i t lns and opinions of ourrnt , rnbels and cont inue rv i th high qt la l i tyl 'AO ntrvs.

Pilof's Frontic CallEroodcost On IV Sel

A farm lr:onran in the Clinton. Iorva,r lea, informed authorit ies on 20 Decem-ber that she had heard a pi lot state thathe * 'as lost in the iog and couldn't land,and the Inessage came through the audioslstern on her TV set. She then steppedoutside and could hear a piane overhead.l l ighrval ' patrol of i icers fol loived thelr lanc by i ts sound torvard Cl inton airportrvhe|e an t i l t ic ial said he tr ied unsuccess-Irr l ly to contact the c l l f t . ' fhe controlIurvcr t t rcrc said thc plarre c i rc led Cl in-lon, an o[1ir : ia l s:r i t l the plane appearedto hlrvc rrrotc than one cngine judging bythc strrrrrd. ( 'AA in l \ f t r l ine, Cedar Rapids:rrrr l l ) r 's Moines did not pick up a distresssignal , a scalch planc rvas st 'nt orr t butno t 'ontact madc. No planes knorvn to benr issing or t lorvn in the area. (Cr: R. E.Otner )

* i .*

We inciude here some of thosethings which, although possibl l" not con-nected rvith LTFO, are certainly of ex-t leme interest to anyone rvho is en-l ranced with stor ies of the Unusual .

Page 5: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like



March, 1957 |

,r*r-,"*.* t).-.""4 * t*-"- ,|d t i l t l , - '5 rrul Ln ot sp(,n( 'eI , \ \ tsconsln.RECENT SIGI{TIhqGS

!^r11(611' l lonululu Star-tsul lct i l , l2 l"eb., I t) i r?.(d t ln l l l icb.. t$o housc\r ' i les rvatchctl lwt-r

glowlng objects car ' ( ) r t l l tg, abovc St. l ,0uisheights. l ' r rst r - rb jcct sce tr d iv lng s l t a ig l t tt t-ruald calth abr-rut noutr, t lcscLtbctl as a"hal l-bal i dorne ' lv i th shinl ' tai l . ' f hethlng then disappeared i t t to a cluurl , :rsecond, srnal lur one reappcarcd rvith i t ,Jpparent ly at a lo$eI al t l tudc. ' Ihe1' thcnstreaked olf torva|d Koko l lead at veryhigh speed. One wotnan, l \{rs. Win{redAnderson, said the objects \ \ 'ere too lastIor jets, too high for krtes. The l{onoluluAdr,ert iser quoted an AF spokestnan assa] ' ing that Jets accourlt for 99 er cent ofUAO sightings, but didn't specify rvheth-cr this part icular sighting was of a jet.tCr: Ri ley Crab\ I {onolulu)

Texas, Louisiana anri ; \ labanra, on 15i \ la lch. 1yg1'g l losls tu a blazrr tg l t t 'ebal l ,antl the objr:ct n'u.- ' r 'cport(:( . l bv Ir i lot,s,radir-r opct atof s at l( l astLttt tottrcf -q. Alsttscen as far t tot ' t i t a:; l l issouri. L)b: iclvelsn('ar \ larsh Islatrr l . Lttuisi i t tra bel ievcdthe object to have ( 'rashed rtear, and(- 'oast [ iuat 'd raciar tnett trackcd i t to thatarea, but s'ele unable 1o tt : l l i l i t reacl-t-ed the ground or exploded in rnidair. Acrash or explosion l larsh Island. Anunidenti{ ied driver said " i t was lat 'geand red and looked l ike i t rvas headingfor me, but i t prr i led up and pussed ooerI underl ining ours-thc Ed. ) . ( Cr: L. . I .Johnson)

* a *

Salta, Algentina, 22 .Ian. Ovnl-^' ;hrped,apparently mctal lrc artd Vel 'y bright lrcr i-

.ai object obsct 'r 'ed fol a pcl iod o[ sevcrt

^f hours in vtcrni ty oI i lorrnt Ncgro. . Onc

\ ' , I l ' observer *atcht 'd pl icnotttenou rvith aid

/ o l b inoculars, s l t l t t surtop slorv iy ovcrI t thc s lopcs of Nlount Ncgro. Al ter re-t nt l in j t t l v is i l r lc for ' i hotr t 's , thc objccl

wcnt bchint l cl l rr l t ls l tnt l !vi ls r lot st ' ( ' rr lany tnole. ( Cr : J. i lol i t .s )

Last Feb. 20, 1956, a bright f lamingobject observed plorr, ' ing across sky atgreat speed by observers over an areaof rnore than 300 nti les. Reported in theScott ish Daily Expless, the object wasseen from Oban to Liverpool. Observedat Prestrvick rvhere i ts giow l i t up theCoast Guard stat ion. (Cr: Ri l l Stephen)

I latvkes Ba.". ' , Austrai ia, 1, Jan., 1957.Long. bright objcct in shape of rol led-rtpnewsll lper and rvith t 'a1's cxtt 'nding frol l ti t * ' ; ts t t l15. ' .r 'cd b1'Mrs. D. I l t ' l l rvctr rt fI l i ss i n gtr ln. Oll j t 'ct t l cst ' l ' i l t t ' t l : ts t 'nt l lntt , t tsin s izt t . I l ls . I l t ' l i * r ' r t : t lsr t f t ' l tor l t ' ( l s , '1 ' -i t tg 1rr 'o " i1r ' l r l t ' t t , tu i t t l . l t t t r i " o l t i t ' t ' ls ot lptt ' r ' r ' r l i l t11 Stt t t t l ; tv i . t ' r . , l l . Slr l r ' )

lnvert 'argi l l . , \ t ts i lu l i . r , l i l , . l ; r t t . , l1) l l?.Wi l l iam Wt. lst l r t t t l \ \ 'a l l . r t ' t l L i r l r l t ' l o l l i : r l 'lour u ere stal td ing in ga rgagt ' d()of o l lWest 's propert l ' n 'hen star- l ike ob. je ctapproached over a bel t of t rees, gct t ing

nearer and neafer thc grotrrrd. ' fhe ob-object looked to be roughly 12" by 18"lons. seemed aborr t tn set t le on the lat 'nnear the house. B0th men cl tased theobject , rvhich changed shape. apparetr t l r ' ,

I t l i r lal l-v l lol tLct l u1r arrd r ivt,r : .r Icrrcc,( l ls l r l rp( , i l r ' rn i l s l0wly lcIr-rs.s a pl t lc l0ck,(( : r ' : l ! [ . SaIe)

, t : i jF

Srort- t l , ' l r l ls , S. I . f . ; r l ra, l , ' r , l r r r rary, l l )57.Ne bt lsku salcstrt l tr l . 'alrrutt t ' l iaylot ' , ob-sor'" 'ct- l a { lar;h in thc sl<y " 'which rc-scurblet l a hal l nicron" arrt l which burstirrto sir segralate bal ls o{ [r lc. ' l 'hc rvho]e111-spla.v lasted about. [oul rninutes, no ex-act r late diven, ( Clr : .J, i \{yers )

| .a*

Valentine, Neblaska, Oct. 19, 195ti .GOC Obselver [irs. Eiienr-rr Brinda re-ported observing an object somervhatt ike a i ighted yo-yo u'h. ich jumped in thesky'- This object also scen by a at same t ime. Cr: f t iar i l l 'n Calver.(Note: I l iss Calver is one of our morecurrscienl ious rnernibers, has scnt in astcr<11. ' of pcrsonally gal.hercd re-l roLls;rs rvcl l as c l ippi t rgs. ' l ' l tc arcalr totr t t t l l r t ' t ' l torner in Ainsrvor lh hirs, f i r r: r l lc l iod of months, l lcen l rcr l r rcnt ly v is-i ted t ry "nocluLnal nrcandcl i r rg l ights"ivhich can' t be i r lent i l icd. We hope tr-r, ,r ,olk out a pattern sonre day but attenrptsurrt i l now have not bccn grati f f i l lg. Alsr)--a correction on Nliss Cjalver's sighting,Page t i , Col. 2 of the ,January issue. l lon-tevideo, Nebraska shoulr l read: "Nlonte-vidco, I I innesota".)

***Ill Paso, l'exas, 8 illarch, 1957. Three

unidenti f icd obiects describcd as pos-sibiy one but carrying three bright l ights,u'ele observcd oler the E. I ! . era byI l luce Nusbaum arrd his rnothcr Mrs.Nluur inc Scymour ol . anut i l lo. ' f rvo o[ thel ights scenred 1.o blcnd, Nrrsbarrm said,thcn thcy pul lcd apal t . Nushaum wasrlr iving lrom I l l I)aso to Ctnuti l lo short-11' uf tcr { i p. m. rvht 'u hc spol tcd them,rv;r l< 'hr '< l t l r t l rn rrnl i l lhr srrn wr.r t t r lorvn,l r r r<l r i i rvrr no lur ' l l rcr {horrglr l r r r r l i l hclcat l an AP lcpor l . o l two pi lots s lcht iugrvhat secnred to bc thr : srnre obicct . whi leon a f l ight {rom I ' loautnout to I lottston,and lr 'hi le over Pasadena, ' Iexas. Thepilots, Ut.,o. I lancot 'k and Guy l l i l ler,cmplol'ed by the 'I'ennessee Gas Trans-mission Cornpany rvere f lying a DC-3 atthe t ime. Hanc6ck said the object, ob-viously one { lying three bright l ights,"just rnessed around with us rvhile lr.epursued i t for ten nrinutcs. I st i l l don'tknorv rvhet i t rvas brrt i t knerv we werelol lou' ing i t ," I Iatreot ' l t sl l tcd. "\ \ then i tu 'antrr l to, i t kopt uhcrt t l of us elrs i ly . I trvotr lr l sr\( ' rn 1o stol), I l tatt rvl tr- 'n \ \ ,(rt ' : r t t !1hl t tP r l i lh i l , i l rvort l t l |11' g1r111' ." ' [ ' ]11.pi lo l : r ' : ; i r l l r l i r r ( rvrrs rr : r t l t ' r r l ! l : .15 1t . r r t .( ( ' r ' : N. I i i rn l { , r 'o, ' l ' . ( i r , t l t l i tc l t l )

i i ' \0rn'Spr.rr t ' r ' r , \ \ ' is lorrs in. l (Xi : t . r r t f l l l l , l l r r t

l r i l r ' l . ( ' , , l t r t r t t t is l l ) ; rn Brr lzr , r ' o l ' ' ' lhc Srt-l r l t ior l ivr ,n ing ' l 'o l ( - i l f l rn, rvhi lc t l l iv i r rgncal SIcnccr ' , obsen' t ' r l : r [a l . l ightJr l t re.cigar'-shupr:r l objcct travcl l ing a rvest tocast course. \ \ 'hen he sighted the object,u'hich he f igured rvould cross his path(he was driving sorrth) he stopped hiscar to rvatch. The obiect continued on i tsstraiqht, f lat p l th. then suddenly chang-t 'd i ts color {rom l l luc to an intense vel-

Size Judgcd to be the lel)gth ol lour ful l . : iIul l rnoons l l a ruw'. ] Ir . Balzar doesn't ,1br. l rcvt rn " i ly ing saucers", reahzes i t J i

t ' r r r r l r ln t . hule bcen :r rnete()r . (Ur: 0, '$l l tsr t

. * " Il . r , l r1 rr ; r r '1 7, t { r i7, t , i l roy, Cal i f . A i

l r r r : l r t o l r . l t ' t l !1 hrch dcclcased and in- 8cr l i r r r , t l rn l r r r l l rurrce ant l appeared to be ,luI lo$ . l l I r I r l ' lc r , .as ubscl t et i by Vincent ILe I 'a inc and his * i ie. A(ter a t ime the *l ight changcd to a bri l l iant redorange ;and ' 'ucnt out". At about the same mo- |ment the object disappeared, two air- 4i iners r lent over the Le Paine home and {alter the,) had passeci over a near range iof mountains, the bri l l iant iy glowing 1l ight again appeared. This t ime the ob- 4ject u'ent ol{ and on for 10 seconds, then ii . r :e l ' ics ot b l ight r*d l lashes of l ight- i !r l r ( ,n nothinq. ' i 'h is spe ci i ic instance is the i: . ; r 'conr l l i rnc t i le oh.t , : t t r r : rs observed by t :l l r ' . l ,c I 'a i r r t , . ( ( i ' ld. \ote: This may or inr ; l \ 'n() l l r : r ' r ' t , l r , :cn a brr l l iant star. Mr. tl , r , I ' r i r r r ' l r inprrrrr tcd thc ohject as being 1in lhc r io l thr \ ' ( ' r , t ; rnd at thr ,c t ime of theI ' r 'ur ' l l rerer is a hl ight star sr . t t ing in thatgcrtr.r 'al r l i r ' { . ,r- '1ir in. [-e I);r ine definitely : ,s la l l r l l r is , l r : l r , ' l r r , f that i t could havebcen a star. )


( i lenr lora. Ualr t . , Jan. 27. C. B. Chi lverancl Iamly heard a loud noise whichslrook their hoi.rse and when they wentolr t to invcst ig.r ie, sarv t rvo br ight amberdiscs di lect l l 'above their home. "Theoh,iects hovered slotvl ' . ' for a while," l l r .t lh i lvc l s l id, " then thel ' made a swishingkint l o i noisc. took ol f toviard the moun-tarns arrd lanishcd." Ihe rcport was for-r t r rdcr l lo prt j i t 'c . r Ct ' : , I . Sr nders;

On lhe surnc ni{ht . anr i for reasons un-known, parts of Sorr th I tasadena were inr lurkncss as c l t 'c t r ic poivt , r fa i led sudden-lv. ' l ' l rc l iAhts r l i r :c l shol t l l 'before 10 anr i \ \ ' r ' ro r ' ( 's1()r 'cr l l rbotr t l0:30. No cx-l r l : r rur l iorr r r ; rs lourrr l . ( ( . l r : . I . Sanders)

*t l

l fnother of those nti 'ster '1' blasts shook\\ ' i l rn ington. San PeCro. Gardena, Haw-thornc, I 'oLrance. Lennox, FirestonePrlk. Rcdondo Beach. and Palos Verdas,a1if. on 4 Febtnrar '1' . The blast, fearedb1- manl ' to he :rn explo-sion of oi l storagetanks, occurred short l ;" after 10 p. m.ancl rattled doors and rvindorvs over anarca 15 rni le-c in length. Experienced jet -:pi luts *ho l 'ere questioned said the blast : :1could not have been clused b-"- a jet : ip l r rno cr t 'ut ing a sonic boorn. (Cr: L. ; ,3, lo l tnson,

. | . ;.:l ' i r r l l r r r r l . . ( ' l l i f . , l . l l r t .bruur l ' , 105?. d

I ' i l l i l r , r ' r . r ' r ' r \ , . ,1 rrrrnrt . r r rus r ' l l ls I t 'om rosi- Ir f r .n l . ; r r l r r r ' : r r r l t l t r ' r 's : r1 ' t rytr [ ' . \ ( l 11yL' f D]t l r r , r ' i t r ( ) l l i r ' , . r ' l i " l r ( ' l l \ \ ' ' , l l \ , rvho * 'ont t rl r r i t r r cslr :1;r t r ' . t orr l i lnrr ' r l l l t t , I tnsettct t of ' ' il l t r ' l l t r | r ' I r1 i r111 , l iscs. ( ) l r ic t ' ts f i rst ap- - jl r t ' ; r l r ' ,1 0t t l l i l j , ' l r r t ' ; r t ' r ' in the t 'vening ilu1 rt hlt s rrs gucsseti as { i0.0(}0 feet and Lrt luvcled tr l jcc the :Ft 'cd rr f the average ;jet seen theleabouts. Off icer Wells said l 'the objects rvould dart across the sky :tfor a t ime. stand st i l l br ief l t ' , then whiz Arr f f aqain. One tnman deser ibed the ob- *-1iet ' t l : , oval , nrrd said i t had beams of ; il i th l c l t r ) ( ' i insl , , , , ' rs i f i t u 'ere c6,r^hiapr :

Page 6: 1 *r/ The A. P. R.O. Bulletin - NOUFORS Manuals and Published...ever seen. "I s'as in the Air Force dur-ing World lYar II and I've seen a lot of fli-ing objects. bLrt nothing like

Lttl, l9tt IHE A, P, N. O. BUTTETIN Prgr 6


- .rG'



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FIFIg:ui *F"





ANOIHIN /HYSTERY HOTfl l l l ru, lowu, Surrday, 2i Junully. . . \

I trr t t Wrlter lor l l r t l )e rrroc| i l t- ' l rDres dutlyfPecurtc| rDout thc orlgln oI thc urys.lalrous lrole \,vnlc[ ls tocat(jd lcu lcetwest of lloute tri aad about one blockDorltr OI Llle nrrtas crt]' water tank. Itwas d.rseovered on ilonday, 21 Januar.yby Bobby, .Lerry and K.uu Lotguist, chil-Oren oI Alr, ancl }lrs. Wrlham Lolquist.

On Sraturday, 2o January, Rock rslandCounty ShertII Joe Schnetder received asall lrotu a ljavenport man, August VanDedandy wbo r.r'as ln a car Lravelrng weston UrSrway 61 Tuesday nigh! and saw abngnt ob]ect, l,n lhe vrcrultl, of tle ct'atcr.

"lt rf'At Eorlruunle bctwectl U:30 uudI0;t)0 p. ur. whrlr I ru[ l( 'ud t lus bl ightItgbt tu t l to r l iy &cr'ohb t lr( : r ' tvrr ' ," l r t : uald"r rt l ld to mtl) wl lc, 'Slt l l ) ' , look ut thut,yl l l you', Sbc sard, ' I t ly Uod, wlr l l wrstlat?'

"We were about two rniles west ofDavenport at tbe trme and I watched thisthing tor about tive seconds, I guess,"Van DeHandy went on. "Ir looked lo beabout 2,0O0 teet higb aDd it was comingdown from the east, going toward thegrouad at about a 45 degree angie. Whenrt was about 800 feet from the ground itweat straight down."

Van DeHendy said the object was pear-sbaped or egg-sbaped, aboul the size oltbe f ull lroon in the sky, but muchbriShter. He said the color rescuibled af lasb lrom an electr ic arc-"rcal brightblue, almost purple."

"My wile thoughr i t might havc beena jet but we didn't hear a sound. l t wasa single object, didn't give oiI anyeparks and it didn't flare. I watched itfor a ful l f ive seconds, tben lost sigbtof it vben it went bebild trees. I'veseen shooling stars, but I couldn't tellyou what this thing rvas. It baf{led me,"Van Dellandy said.

Vaa DeHandy estimated that tbe {ire-ball had travelled about one-hall mileduring the five seconris be u'atched it.That would put tbe speed of the objectat about 3,600 miles per hour.

(Cr: R. E. Ofner)This report brings to mind the follorv-

ing article on Page I of the lllay, 1954A. P. R. O. Bul let in. \4'c quote:

Dr. Lincoln La Paz, wolld renownedexpert on meteorit ies, labels as "fantas-tic" the crster le{t by an explosion nearLogan, Utah on l lay 1. Cars travel ingDearby were nearly upset, the concussionhnocked open doors miles away and senta jarring shock over an 8-mile area. "It'sa hole made by some kind of explosive,"Dr. La Paz deeided. but added that therewas no characteristic odor of explosivesarouDd the crater, nor were there anytraces o{ wiring. La Paz also said it wasdefiaitely Dot a meteorite crater, as numeteor fragments r.r'ere turned up in sift-ing the crater. Witnesses to the explosiondescribed 'a brilliant red hemisphere offlame'when the explosion was heard, butDr. La Paz stated that meteorites neverflash on inpaet. He also said tbe craterwas only 16 feet in diameter which isfairly small to bave created such a strongsbock wave unless an object from space

Unidenlified Objeclfound In Andes

A strunge urr ideltr{ icd oLrject oI largcdrrrre nsrr.rtrs, tuade o{ b anspat.ent tua-terial, with a center of metal has beenlound in the Andean rnountains, 500kiiometers uortheast o{ the port c,{Antofagasta, Chile.

l'he object bas caused a lot ol specula-tion in South America, but lrom its de-scrrption it can be logically conjecturedthat it is probably some type of highaltr!udc weathel ' octecl ion equrpment,l , 'ountl on the slopes o1 the volcauo Mino,lrre ouJe('r ls vely l jght rn wcight, andwas trulrsl)ot ' t tr l ,1u*,, l t 'our i ts locatir .rrrto r\rr lol lgrst lr by [r 'ain urrt^ler survei l-larrct, ol Nitt tol lol Guardstl lctr.

I'hc .l'r'ant:e l,ress doscribed the thiugi ls a "strange plast ic obgect with a srnal loval-shaped oblect in rts rnsides oI about30 centrmeters o{ circumference and 3Kilograms ol weight, and made of alumi-num-like stuff. lt carried a ring made oflhe same metal and on its underside ithad the letter "T" carved upon it. Theupper rim of the object has ribbonstwenty to twenty-five centimeters widemade of "polystirene". Where the objectcanre lrom is not known but individualsexarnining i t bel ieve i t is capable ofI l isht .

' l 'his rcport was lolwalded by mcmbcrJor l tolas and lurthcr information was toJol low. Wc have had no lurther word,arrd unti l such irr lonnation is forthcorn-ing we rnust assunle the object to be au,eather sounding device. Date: 13 Feb-ruarY 1957'

: i : ' r

NICAP and its impressive tsoard ofGovelnols are real ly doing a superb jobin the UAO press relat ions l ine. Onewriter, repolting on NICAP and its aimsin the Chicago Daily News, said: "HeadoI the new committee is a ret ired rearadmiral and one-t ime head o{ the Navy'sguided missi le program, Admiral DelmarS. l 'ahrncy, who can searcely be dis-tnissed as a crackpot." The writer thenproccedetl to l ist l -ahrney's contentionsabout l lAOs, then the AF's, and endedup with th is statement: "We have onlyorrc suggcsti t .rn to offcr in this ytuzz.l ingstate ol a l fa i rs, to wi t : " l f therc real ly is'an intel l igcnce' bui lding the bettcrs:ruccr arrd scouting our planet, l t- . t 's beata path to i ts doorstep without delay. I fthere's anything we could use more ofon this mixed-up earth, i t 's intel l igence."UNQUOTE. We agree.

had smashed into the earth. 'J 'he lack ofmete.ori te fragments, however, rules outthat possibi l i ty. UNQUOTE.

We are unable to find that issue whichcontains the account of a similar craternear the Las Cruces, New Mexico, Coun-try Club, on the edge of that town. How-ever, it was another ,rnystery hole rvhichyielded no answers wben examined.What are these craters, and what eausedthem?

RECENT S'GHT'NGS( or t t r r r r red l torrr l ,agc 5

lol sorucl lrurg. " l l reu l t wcD! stratgbt upal id Ulsappcalecl, ' slre sard. . t ' rnal l) . ureIcu alld g,leell oDJects sllol olt tlorlneasttoward t lre oeseri, . (Cl.: f \ . Axeisou andt ' i l t l tennlng)


Baton l tuuge, l .oursiarra, 20 i l larch,It t : . .1r, I a, ln. Loulsluna S[dte Untversityrleslnlen ball C;rgre anu l3rlly ReevesoDse|ved L$'o wilire, apparentiy giowlngoDJects fr 'om the Unrversrry campus. Therll'sr obJect, tvnrcb appeat.ed to oe solid,was closer-ved lor J0 seconds. lt appearedto puisal.c, old not lrove ver'y tast, lettno [r'i.rrl, anrl tnade no sourd. .tsolir otrJ( jcts had the aplra[ent srze oI a large1rt 'a l tcl t t ul aLru s letrgt lr . ' l ' l ie sccuttd olr.Jcc[, \ \ , l l l t descltptrurr app|oxlrnatlng thatol l l tc l l ls l , appcatt , r l ubout one und uhall nr inutes arrcl t i tr : l rrst object disappe ared beyond opptrsire wiqg oI tbeDulldrng rn which both lel lows were Io-cated. I'he second <lb3ect observed forabout 45 seconds, dimrnished to a pointin the distance. No commercial aircraltin air at the t ime. (Cr: James E. Turn-er)

+ * *On January B, 195?, an explosion or

blast shook Waupun, Wiseonsrn, andneighboring communities ol Fox Lake,Bulnett and Beaver Danr. Experts di+ctruDted the possibrl i ty that the b. lastwas alr earthquake ur al icequake. Also,u Uaptain in the LJSAF-R(J'] ' 'C said a sonicboonr caused by a plane crashing throughthe sound bear.ier wcluld not be heardloudly enough to cause alarm at a dis-tance o{ over about l t j miles rvhen at analt i tude of 25,000 feet, under wtuch tbeplane would have rro doubt been seen.

Reports of UAO at Burnett during thesummer of 1956 have come to us, andthe objects, explained b; some as geesereflect ing l ight, wcre s€cn over themarshy land o{ the }Iol icon wildl i fe pre-serve. An unconiinned rumor that aIarmer saw an unidcnti i ied aircraft landin the preserve also makes this wholesituation in need of clari- f icat ion. I t isimpossible for any aircraft except a hel!copter to land on the preserve becauseol the natule of the terrain.

' l 'he last bit of strange inJormationabout the reported sightings and hap-pc'n. ings in this alea is the f rct tbatt tumber oI ducks to pass through thele{ugc., which is a stoplr ing point formigrator5' bi lds, u'as at an al l t i rne low.For sorne rcason the waterlowl avoidedthc l lor icon Wildl i le Ref uge this pastyear. (Cr: J. E. Turner. Ed. Note: Tbisrerninds us of the sighting of UAO in1953 in Indiana wben geese u'atched theobjects and honked loudly. The pres-ence of t l re objects was f irst made ob-,vious when attention rvas drawn by thegeese' strrnge behavit-rr. )

Pungenf UAO CroshesContinued from Page 1

mediurn," he added. He said the objectsdisappeared before he could set up hiscamera. The objects were traveling approximately North to South. (Cr: J.Deterding)

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