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  • 8/9/2019 1 - REV. 1


  • 8/9/2019 1 - REV. 1


    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    The PurposeThe Purpose: To instill confidenceconfidence in saints.There are no new doctrines in this book.

    Theme is Victory of Christ over Satan.We are more than conquerors.

    (Rom 8:37)

    Christianity was seem as a suspectreligion:

    Worshipped a condemned criminal Thought to eat & drink blood

    Refused Caesar worship

    Chapters 1-11 Mans view of the Battle

    Chapters 12-22 Gods view of the Battle

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.1 Of Jesus Christ genitive case allows aboutorby Jesus.

    But here the sense is the revelation given byHim.

    First,God gave this to Jesus to show to saints (v.1)

    Second, it pertains to things shortly to come to pass (v.1)

    Third, Revelation is mostly about events, not Jesus.

    I. Revelation of Jesus Christ: (1:1- 3)

    v.1 The Revelation (apo calypse) Our word = Apocalypse !Greek apo = from; kalupto = cover.

    Hence to remove the cover from anything;to unveil (Vincent's Word Studies


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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.1 Which God gave Him [ ie. to Jesus]

    (John 7:16) My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me

    (John 12:49) The Father Himself who sent Me has given

    Me a commandment as to what to say

    (John 14:24) The word which you hear is not Mine, but

    the Father's who sent Me.

    v.1 Things which must shortly come to pass

    Greek = Tachos Vines = Swiftly; Thayers = Quickly, shortly

    (Luke 18:8) He will bring about justice for them quickly.

    (1 Tim 3:14-15) I am writing these things to you, hoping

    to come to you before long; Not allthings were soonsome were distant (Rev 1:19)

    I. Revelation of Jesus Christ: (1:1- 3)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.1 He sent and communicated it Greek: see-mai-noo

    Literally: Give a sign or token. Vincent Word Studies Compare : Rev 12:1 A great sign appeared in heaven,

    a woman clothed with the sun, the moon..

    v.1 By His angel to his bondservant Note interesting process



















    I. Revelation of Jesus Christ: (1:1- 3)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.2 [John]Who bore witness to the word.. to all that he saw

    John is recording all that he SAWin these visions.

    v.3 Blessed is he who reads & those who hear

    the words of the prophecy

    This ispublic readingof the scriptures.

    (1 Tim 4:13) Until I come, give attention to thepublic

    reading of Scripture.

    I. Revelation of Jesus Christ: (1:1- 3)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.3 And heed the things which are written in it

    Hearing without heeding (action) is useless.

    (James 1:22) Prove yourselves doers of the word,

    and not merely hearers who delude themselves.

    v.3 For the time is near

    (Rev 22:10) Do not seal up the words of the

    prophecy of this book, for the time is near.

    Events were about to begin very shortly !

    Jesus time was nearMat 26:18OT ready to vanish Heb 8:13

    I. Revelation of Jesus Christ: (1:1- 3)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    II. Gods message to the 7 Churches: (1:4-8)

    v.4 John to the seven churches that are in Asia --

    There were more

    than 7 churches

    in Asia (Minor)..

    such as Colosse

    and Hierapolis,

    (Col 1:2; 4:13).But the seven

    mentioned are

    typical and 7 is a

    complete number

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.4 From Him who is, who was, and is to come --

    v. 4Him who is and was: The Father.The eternal one-- IAM (Ex 3:14)

    v.4 Seven Spirits: HolySpiritthatwas given to lead the apostlesinto all the truth (John 16:13and 14:26).

    v.5And from Jesus Christ:Tremendous comfort! HeresDeity saying grace & peace

    to you.

    II. Gods message to the 7 Churches: (1:4-8)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.5 The faithful witnessfaithful witnesshe is totally trustworthy.Amartyr.. bears witness even thru death.

    v.5 The firstborn of the deadfirstborn of the dead(1 Cor15:20)

    v.5 The ruler of the kingsruler of the kings(Rev 17:14; 19:16)

    v.5 Who loves usloves us(John 15:13)v.5 Released us from our sinsfrom our sins(Acts 22:16)

    v.6 Made us to be a kingdomkingdom(Col 1:13)

    v.6Andpriestspriests(1 Pet 2:5) royal priesthood

    v.5 From Jesus Christ -- EncouragementEncouragement

    II. Gods message to the 7 Churches: (1:4-8)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.7 Behold he is coming with the clouds, every eye

    shall see him, even those that pierced him --

    LanLangguauagge of jude of judggmentment(Mat 24:30) They will see



    SKY with power & great glory.

    v.7 John says: So it is to be, Amen.v.7 John says: So it is to be, Amen.

    (v. 34) This generation will notpass awayuntil all thesethings take place.

    II. Gods message to the 7 Churches: (1:4-8)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1



    v.8 Iam the Alpha andOmega says the Lord God


    a. This is the self-designation of the Fatherhere in v.8

    (4:8-9) Lord God Almightywho lives forever& ever

    (21:22) Lord GodAlmighty & the lamb are its templenote Father & Son

    b. Alpha & Omega are also used by the Son (22:12-13)


    am comingquickly..I

    am the alpha & omealpha & omeggaa

    II. Gods message to the 7 Churches: (1:4-8)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    III. The Command for John to Write: (1:9-11)v.9 I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the

    tribulation and kingdom and perseverance whichare in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos

    Rocky island 10 mi long X 6 mi wide.24 miles off coast ofAsia Minor.


    says thatJohn was



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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.10 Iwas in the Spirit

    John under the Spirits control.

    Paulfell into a trance in Jerusalem.

    (Acts 22:17; 2 Cor 12:2-4)

    Peterfell into a trance in Caesarea.

    (Acts 10:9-10)

    John in the Spiritsaw the Throne scene (Rev 4:2-3)John was carried away in the Spiritto see Harlot (Rev 17:3)

    John was carried away in the Spiritto see New Jeru (Rev 22:10)

    John in the Spiritsaw the Throne scene (Rev 4:2-3)John was carried away in the Spiritto see Harlot (Rev 17:3)

    John was carried away in the Spiritto see New Jeru (Rev 22:10)

    III. The Command for John to Write: (1:9-11)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    Because that was the day Christ

    arosearose (Mat 28:1-6)

    Because that was the day His

    church startedchurch started(Acts 2:1, 41)

    Because that was the day saints

    met to worshipmet to worship (Acts 20:7)

    Because that was the day saints

    gave fundsgave funds (1 Cor 16:1-2)

    v.10 On the Lords Day SundaySundaySundaySunday

    III. The Command for John to Write: (1:9-11)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.11 Write in a book what you see

    & send it to the seven churches

    v.10 Iheard behind me a loud voice, like

    the sound of a trumpet

    The voice he hears is extremely loudextremely loud.

    A Trumpet sounded at Sinai

    (Ex 19:16, 19; 20:18)

    Trumpets warned the people

    (Ezekiel 33:3)

    III. The Command for John to Write: (1:9-11)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    v.12 LampstandsLampstands 7 churches (v.20)

    v.13 Like the son of manson of man = human form

    (Dan 7:13; Mat 8:20; 9:6)

    v.13 Robe,Robe, ggolden sasholden sash = High Priest.

    v.14Hair, head whiteHair, head white = purity

    (Heb 4:15) Compare Dan 7:9

    v.14Eyes a flame of fireEyes a flame of fire = penetrating(Heb 4:13; John 1:48)

    v.15Feet.. burnished bronzeFeet.. burnished bronze = Strength

    (Dan 10:6); not clay (Dan 2:42)

    v.15VoiceVoice = Stunning, like the Fathers voice (Ezk. 43:2)

    v.16Two edTwo edgged sworded sword= The Word Cuts (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12)

    IV. Christ Among the Lampstands (1:12-20)v.12 Isaw 7 golden lampstands

    Lev 8:7

    Heb 3:1

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    Danielpassed outpassed outtoo! (Dan 10:9)

    IV. Christ Among the Lampstands (1:12-20)

    v.17 I fell at His feet as one dead

    v.17 Iwas dead and Iam aliveforever more. Ihave thekeys of Death & of Hades

    Comfort to the saints: I have

    experienced death and itcouldnt hold mecouldnt hold me.

    Having the keys of means hehas the authority to open.authority to open.

    Keys of theKeys of the KinKinggdomdom (Mt 16:19); of(Mt 16:19); ofKnowledKnowledggee (Lk 11:52)(Lk 11:52)

    Key of theKey of the AbyssAbyss (Rev 20:1)(Rev 20:1)

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    Revelation 1Revelation 1


    ProbablyProbably OTNOTguardianguardian angels (2:1)angels (2:1)ButBut HUMANHUMANmessengers or leadersmessengers or leaders

    Used of priests (Mal 2:7)Used of priests (Mal 2:7)

    Used of prophets (Mt 11:10; Hag 1:13)Used of prophets (Mt 11:10; Hag 1:13)

    IV. Christ Among the Lampstands (1:12-20)

    A mystery isnt impossibleisnt impossible to

    understandbut was formerlynot understood (Eph 3:3-6)

    The seven starsseven stars are 7 angels

    of the seven churches

    v.20 The mystery of the 7 stars--

    Leaders/representatives are in His right handLeaders/representatives are in His right hand in His His control.He stands amidst the churchesHe stands amidst the churchesHe knows what goes on.He knows what goes on.

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