  • Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311

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    Applied Soft Computing

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    Ant Co ho

    Tlin Inka Uludag Univeb Middle East T y

    a r t i c l

    Article history:Received 28 FeReceived in reAccepted 17 NAvailable onlin

    Keywords:ClusteringAnt Colony OpMultiple objecData set reduc

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    ACO-C outperforms the competing approaches. The multi-objective evaluation mechanism relative tothe neighborhoods enhances the extraction of the arbitrary-shaped clusters having density variations.

    2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introdu

    Cluster points intoally considthe charactnot knowning processa priori infshapes andsuch clustetems [2], coaddition, clmation abosemiconduc

    We consaim is to obtthe best of that works Therefore, w

    CorresponE-mail add

    (S. Kayalgil), n

    http://dx.doi.o1568-4946/ ction

    analysis is the organization of a collection of data clusters based on similarity [1]. Clustering is usu-ered as an unsupervised classication task. That is,eristics of the clusters and the number of clusters are

    a priori, and they are extracted during the cluster-. In this work we focus on spatial data sets in whichormation about the data set (the number of clusters,

    densities of the clusters) is not available. Findingrs has applications in geographical information sys-mputer graphics [3], and image segmentation [4]. In

    usters of spatial defect shapes provide valuable infor-ut the potential problems in manufacturing processes oftors [5,6].ider spatial clustering as an optimization problem. Ourain compact, connected and well-separated clusters. Toour knowledge, there is not a single objective functionwell for any kind of geometrical clustering structure.e rst introduce two solution evaluation mechanisms

    ding author. Tel.: +90 224 2942605; fax: +90 224 2941903.resses: [email protected] (T. Inkaya), [email protected] (N.E. zdemirel).

    for measuring the quality of a clustering solution. The main ideabehind both mechanisms is similar, and each mechanism is basedon two objectives: adjusted compactness and relative separation.The rst objective measures the compactness and connectivity of aclustering solution, and the second objective is a measure for sep-aration. The difference between the two mechanisms is the degreeof locality addressed in the calculations. The main advantage ofthese objectives is that the length of an edge is evaluated relatively,that is, it is scaled relative to the lengths of other edges within itsneighborhood. This scaling permits us to evaluate the quality ofthe clustering solution independent of the shape and density of theclusters.

    We implement the proposed solution evaluation mechanisms ina clustering framework based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO).In order to nd the target clusters, we use two complementaryobjective functions (adjusted compactness and relative separa-tion) in a multiple-objective context. Hence, the output of ACO-Cis a set of non-dominated solutions. Different from the literature,we are not interested in nding all non-dominated solutions orthe entire Pareto efcient frontier. ACO-C has two pre-processingsteps: neighborhood construction and data set reduction. Neigh-borhood construction extracts the local connectivity, proximity anddensity information inherent in the data set. Data set reductionhelps reduce the storage requirements and processing time for theclustering task. Our experimental results indicate that ACO-C nds

    rg/10.1016/j.asoc.2014.11.0602014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.lony Optimization based clustering met

    ayaa,, Sinan Kayalgil b, Nur Evin zdemirelb

    rsity, Industrial Engineering Department, Grkle, 16059 Bursa, Turkeyechnical University, Industrial Engineering Department, C ankaya, 06800 Ankara, Turke

    e i n f o

    bruary 2014vised form 31 August 2014ovember 2014e 13 December 2014


    a b s t r a c t

    In this work we consider spatial clusteis unknown, and clusters may have ing methodology addresses several cneighborhood construction, and datafunctions, namely adjusted compactnclustering solution with respect to thesure the quality of a wide range of ctwo objective functions we present tion (ACO-C). ACO-C works in a mulACO-C has two pre-processing stepsextracts the local characteristics of dthe proposed methodology with othdology

    problem with no a priori information. The number of clustersrary shapes and density differences. The proposed cluster-ges of the clustering problem including solution evaluation,reduction. In this context, we rst introduce two objectivend relative separation. Each objective function evaluates thel characteristics of the neighborhoods. This allows us to mea-ring solutions without a priori information. Next, using theel clustering methodology based on Ant Colony Optimiza-

    jective setting and yields a set of non-dominated solutions.hborhood construction and data set reduction. The former

    oints, whereas the latter is used for scalability. We comparestering approaches. The experimental results indicate that

  • 302 T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311

    the arbitrary-shaped clusters with varying densities effectively,where the number of clusters is unknown.

    Our contributions to the literature are as follows:

    1. The proptify the qclusters wuse of thThey canbased clu

    2. The propunied fa priori inism, exclusterin

    3. ACO-C iswhich th the num cluster there m differe

    We provduces the sare explainmance of ACfactorial dealgorithms.

    2. Related

    The clushierarchicaulated annswarm optisive review

    In this seevaluation

    2.1. Solutio

    A good cthat are wfying and connectivittask. We rliterature ubased apprapproaches

    Partitionminimizatiopoints, or mpoints and medoids [1to be givenellipsoid sh

    In ordeclusters anproposed. maximum mum/maxi[12,13]. A tytrated in Fithe spiral c

    clusters. In this case elimination of the longest edge causes divisionof the spiral clusters.

    Another research stream in solution evaluation makes use ofcluster validity indices. Validity indices are used to quantify the

    of as in me rc algoe a ceset inhapele isy DBnt Mters wheneparimplis acget s, Dun

    ulik alusteted y Daand to belusteactinpes, e m

    in h a cluce a sulti-l objA [26d onlustes th

    usteratic kry almplclusnon-ing wemegate

    clusze Xy, an

    limiay [3on tand i

    in re aing sd [37sterinex, Sves aosed solution evaluation mechanisms allow us to quan-uality of a clustering solution having arbitrary-shapedith different densities in an optimization context. The

    ese evaluation mechanisms is not restricted to ACO. be used in other metaheuristics and optimization-stering approaches.osed ACO-based methodology introduces a general,ramework for the spatial clustering problem withoutnformation. It includes the solution evaluation mecha-traction of local properties, data set reduction, and theg task itself.

    a novel methodology for the clustering problem inere is no a priori information, that is,ber of clusters is unknown,

    s may have arbitrary shapes,ay be density variations within the clusters, and

    nt clusters may have density differences.

    ide the related literature in Section 2. Section 3 intro-olution evaluation mechanisms. The details of ACO-Ced in Section 4. Section 5 is about the empirical perfor-O-C. First, we set the algorithm parameters using a full

    sign. Then, we compare ACO-C with some well-known Finally, we conclude in Section 6.


    tering algorithms can be classied into partitional,l, density-based algorithms, and metaheuristics (sim-ealing, tabu search, evolutionary algorithms, particlemization, ACO, and so on). [1,7,8] provide comprehen-s of clustering approaches.ction, we present the related literature on the solution

    mechanisms and ant-based clustering algorithms.

    n evaluation mechanisms

    lustering solution has compact and connected clustersell-separated from each other. However, quanti-measuring the clustering objectives (compactness,y and separation) for a data set is not a trivialeview the solution evaluation mechanisms in thender four categories: partitional approaches, graph-oaches, clustering validity indices, and approaches consider objective functions such asn of total variance/distance between all pairs of datainimization of total variance/distance between data

    a cluster representative such as k-means [9,10] or k-1]. In these approaches, the number of clusters needs

    as input, and the resulting clusters have spherical orapes in general.r to handle the data sets with arbitrary-shapedd density variations, graph-based approaches areObjective functions used are minimization of theedge length in a cluster, maximization of the mini-mum/average distance between two clusters, and so onpical complication for such objective functions is illus-g. 1(a). In Fig. 1(a) the maximum edge length withinlusters is larger than the distance between these two

    qualityclusterters, sogenetiassuma data trary sexampated bdiffereof clusfound mum sindex (0.31) the tarHenceset.

    Mathree csimulanamelindex, found ber of cto extrcal shadistanccultywithin

    Sinters, mseveraVIENNis baseintra-crequireMO clautomlutionatwo cober of set of of ndImprovinvestiers theoptimineouslis alsopadhybased index indicesmeasucluster

    Theclustermethoies cluXB indobjecti clustering solution and to determine the number ofa data set [14,15]. In an effort to nd the target clus-esearchers use validity indices as objective functions inrithms [1621]. However, most of the validity indicesrtain geometrical structure in the cluster shapes. Whencludes several different cluster structures, such as arbi-s and density differences, these indices may fail. An

    provided in Fig. 1(b). The clustering solutions gener-SCAN [22] are evaluated using Dunn index [23] withinPts settings (within a range of 115). The numberfound with each setting is shown, e.g. 30 clusters are

    MinPts is set to two. Dunn index measures the mini-ation to maximum compactness ratio, so a higher Dunnies better clustering. Although the highest Dunn indexhieved for the solutions with two and four clusters,olution has three clusters with a Dunn index of 0.09.n index is not a proper objective function for such a data

    nd Bandyopadhyay [24] evaluates the performance ofring algorithms, namely k-means, single-linkage, and

    annealing (SA) by using four cluster validity indices,vies-Bouldin index, Dunn index, Calinski-Harabaszindex I. Compared to other validity indices, index I is

    more consistent and reliable in nding the correct num-rs. However, the four cluster validity indices are limitedg spherical clusters only. To handle different geometri-Bandyopadhyay et al. [25] uses a point symmetry-basedeasure in a genetic algorithm. The algorithm has dif-andling asymmetric clusters and density differencesster.ingle objective is often unsuitable to extract target clus-objective (MO) approaches are considered to optimizeectives simultaneously. To the best of our knowledge,] is the rst multi-objective clustering algorithm, which

    PESA [27]. It optimizes two objective functions, totalr variance and connectedness. However, the algorithme target number of clusters. One of the well-knowning algorithms is the multi-objective clustering with-determination (MOCK) [28]. MOCK is based on evo-gorithms, and uses compactness and connectedness asementary objective functions. It can detect the num-ters in the data set. The output of the algorithm is adominated clustering solutions. However, it is capableell-separated clusters having hyperspherical shapes.

    nts in this algorithm and its applications have beend [29,30]. Saha and Bandyopadhyay [31] also consid-tering problem in a multi-objective framework. Theyie-Beni (XB) index [32] and Sym-index [21] simulta-d introduce a multi-objective SA algorithm. This workted to nding symmetric clusters. Saha and Bandyo-3] proposes several connectivity-based validity indiceshe relative neighborhood graph. In addition to Sym-ndex I, [34] uses one of the connectivity-based validity[33] as the third objective. Adding this connectivityelps extraction of arbitrary shapes and asymmetric

    re additional solution approaches proposed for MOuch as differential evolution [35,36], immune-inspired], and particle swarm optimization [38]. In these stud-g objectives are either cluster validity indices such as

    ym-index and FCM index, or compactness-connectivitys in [28].

  • T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311 303












    1 2




    4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4y

    s gene

    To the bACO to MO colonies wotive functioof clusters ialgorithm u

    2.2. ACO an

    ACO wasiors of realdeposit a sutration of ththe food sointeracting tion construdesign choi

    In the clrithms havant-based athis study, wapproachesties, and oth

    ACO-basIn these stusidered as required a ppoint to a ccluster is rethe pheromvalue of thecapable of There are aKuo et al. [5bilistic centa hybridizathis approaACO directsvalues. AnoPSO is [55].

    inits is rheric

    apprm anction, anies. Aints tions on thork s pse

    to is mtensi]. Fort an

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00










    (a)Fig. 1. (a) Example data set. (b) Dunn index values for the clustering solution

    est of our knowledge, [39] is the only study that appliesclustering problem. In this algorithm, there are two antrking in parallel. Each colony optimizes a single objec-n, either compactness or connectedness. The numbers required as input. In addition, they test the proposedsing the Iris data set only.

    d ant-based clustering algorithms

    introduced by [4042]. It is inspired from the behav- ants. As ants search for food on the ground, theybstance called pheromone on their paths. The concen-e pheromone on the paths helps direct the colony to

    urces. Ant colony nds the food sources effectively bywith the environment. Solution representation, solu-ction and pheromone update mechanisms are the mainces of ACO.ustering literature, several ant-based clustering algo-

    used toclusterand sp

    The[56] fotive fufunctioactivitthe pooperatbased ants wing thiappliedizes ththe ex[55,56pendene been proposed. For a comprehensive review aboutnd swarm-based clustering one can refer to [43]. Ine categorize the related studies into three: ACO-based

    , approaches that mimic ants gathering/sorting activi-er ant-based approaches.ed approaches [4452] are built upon the work of [42].dies the total intra-cluster variance/distance is con-

    the objective function, and the number of clusters isriori. An ant constructs a solution by assigning a dataluster. The desirability of assigning a data point to apresented by the amount of pheromone. Ants updateone in an amount proportional to the objective function

    solution they generate. The proposed algorithms arending the clusters with spherical and compact shapes.lso hybrid algorithms using ACO [5355]. For instance,3] modies the k-means algorithm by adding a proba-roid assignment procedure. Huang et al. [54] introducestion of ACO and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Inch, PSO helps optimize continuous variables, whereas

    the search to promising regions using the pheromonether hybrid algorithm that combines k-means, ACO andIn [55] the cluster centers obtained by ACO and PSO are

    the local simdistance.

    Other anants. Azzagto build a dpoints and [66,67] antsPheromonecloser the dpheromonebetween simcentration. a hierarchicclustering apheromonewith highenumber of average-linAnother anoptimizatiobehavior ofcolony. Giv3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16




    (b)rated by DBSCAN with different MinPts settings.

    ialize k-means. In these hybrid studies the number ofequired as input, and the resulting clusters are compactal.roaches that mimic ants gathering/sorting activitiesnother research stream. ACO uses an explicit objec-n whereas these approaches have an implicit objectived clusters emerge as the result of the gathering/sortingn ant picks up a point in the space and drops it off nearhat are similar to it. These picking up and dropping offare performed using the probabilities that are calculatede similarity of the points in the neighborhood. Hence,as if they are forming a topographic map. After form-udo-topographic map, a cluster retrieval operation isnd the nal clusters. Lumer and Faieta [57] general-ethod for exploratory data analysis. [58,48,5964] areons and modications of the algorithms proposed by

    instance, Yang and Kamel [59] uses parallel and inde-t colonies aggregated by a hypergraph model. In [64]

    ilarity of a point is measured by entropy rather than

    t-based approaches use the emergent behavior of the et al. [65] introduces a hierarchical ant-based algorithmecision tree. Ants move a data point close to the similaraway from the dissimilar ones on the decision tree. In

    generate tours by inserting edges between data points. is updated for each edge connecting a pair of points. Theistance between two points, the larger the amount of

    released. In the rst phase of the algorithm, the edgesilar points become denser in terms of pheromone con-

    The next phase is the cluster retrieval process by usingal clustering algorithm. Ghosh et al. [68] introduces approach based on aggregation pheromone. Aggregation

    leads the data points to accumulate around the pointsr pheromone density. In order to obtain the desiredclusters, merging operations are performed using thekage agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm.t-based clustering algorithm is the chaotic ant swarmn proposed by Wan et al. [69]. It combines the chaotic

    a single ant and self-organizing behavior of the anten the number of clusters, the proposed approach

  • 304 T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311

    optimizes the total intra-cluster variation. Although it providessome improvement over PSO and k-means, the resulting clustersare still spherical.

    3. How to

    Our aimclusters. Fotion mecha(CERN) andhood (WCE

    3.1. Cluster

    3.1.1. AdjusThis obj

    tivity and re

    (a) ConnecneighboThen, ware sevenearest[70], andensityIt providgeneratthe databe usedwe use individu

    Let Cmp, respesure p iscase, coter m am is caltotal nuclosure take conby suchclosuresvalue ofclusters

    (b) Relativecluster hood. Inin the min whicthe graptogethecient wedges inness of

    r comp

    where (i,j) is the edge between points i and j, dij is the Euclideandistance between points i and j, MSTm and MSTm(i) are the setsof edges in the MST of the points in cluster m and in the neigh-


    en tmpr(decd ccm/cfoun

    Relatood ne s. Le

    argm m is





    ERN culaten CEht f. He

    m ar



    evaluate a clustering solution?

    is to obtain compact, connected and well-separatedr this purpose, we introduce two solution evalua-nisms: Clustering Evaluation Relative to Neighborhood

    Weighted Clustering Evaluation Relative to Neighbor-RN).

    ing Evaluation Relative to Neighborhood (CERN)

    ted compactnessective is built upon the trade-off between the connec-lative compactness:

    tivity: Basically, connectivity is the degree to whichring data points are placed in the same cluster [26,28].e rst need to dene the neighborhood of a point. Thereral neighborhood construction algorithms such as k-

    neighbors (KNN), -neighborhood [22], NC algorithmd so on. When there are arbitrary-shaped clusters with

    differences, NC outperforms KNN and a unique neighborhood for each data point. NC also

    es subclusters (closures), which are formed by merging points having common neighbors. These closures can

    as the basis of a clustering solution. For these reasons,the NC algorithm to determine the neighborhoods ofal data points.and Clp be the sets of points in cluster m and closure

    ctively. Connectivity of cluster m with respect to clo- connectmp = |Cm Clp|/|Clp| if Cm Clp /= . In the idealnnectivity takes a value of one, which means that clus-nd closure p fully overlap. The connectivity of clusterculated as connectm =

    ncp=1connectmp, where nc is the

    mber of closures. In this calculation, if Cm Clp = , thenp is part of a cluster other than m, and, in this case, wenectmp = 1 so that the value of connectm is not affected

    unrelated closure and cluster pairs. Merging multiple that are in the same cluster results in a connectivity

    one, whereas it is less than one when there are divided.

    compactness: We dene the relative compactness ofm as the most inconsistent edge within its neighbor-

    relative compactness calculation we consider the edgesinimum spanning tree (MST) of a cluster. MST is a graphh the sum of the edge lengths is the minimum, andh is connected with no cycles. These two properties

    r allow us to dene compactness of a cluster in an ef-ay. Then, we compare each edge in the MST with the

    the neighborhood. More formally, relative compact-cluster m is

    cm = max(i,j)MSTm


    (k, l) MSTm(i)or

    (k, l) MSTm(j)



    Whness iorates adjustecomp tion is

    3.1.2. A g

    We declustern(j *)) =cluster

    r sep cm


    CERN mative s

    3.2. W(WCER

    WCare calbetwea weigWCERNcluster

    r comp


    r sep wm of point i in cluster m, respectively.

    he number of clusters increases, relative compact-oves (decreases) whereas the connectivity deteri-reases). Combining connectivity and compactness,

    ompactness of cluster m is obtained as compm = ronnectm. The overall compactness of a clustering solu-d as max


    ive separationclustering solution must have well-separated clusters.the relative separation based on the local properties oft the nearest cluster to cluster m be n such that (m(i *),in {dij : i Cm, j Cn, m /= n} . The relative separation of



    (k, l) MSTm(i) if |Cm| > 1


    (k, l) MSTn(j) if |Cn| > 1


    , if | Cm| > 1 or |Cn > 1

    1, otherwise.

    rall separation of a clustering solution is minm

    {r sep cm}.izes the adjusted compactness and maximizes the rel-tion.

    ed Clustering Evaluation Relative to Neighborhood

    is similar to CERN; both compactness and separationed relative to the neighborhoods. The only differenceRN and WCERN is that the edge lengths are used as

    actor in compactness and separation calculations innce, relative compactness and relative separation ofe calculated as

    = max(i,j)MSTm


    max(k, l) MSTm(i)or

    (k, l) MSTm(j)




    max(k, l) MSTm(i) if | Cm| > 1


    (k, l) MSTn(j) if | Cn| > 1


    , if |Cm| > 1 or |Cn| > 1

    dm(i),n(j), otherwise.

  • T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311 305

    The ACO-C Methodology Step 0. Pre-processing (neighborhood construction and data set reduction)Step 1. Initialization of parameters For t = 1,..,



    End for

    Similar tand maxim

    4. The ACO

    ACO-C iswork. It hasand data sethe local intion is usedthe scalabil

    In ACO-Cing edges bform a clusexactly twoclusters and

    The outlwhere max tions and th

    Step 0. Pr

    4.1. Neighb

    We consclosures (sutwo propera cluster (dboundary oand outlierdetection adistant neigpair of datadummy poito nowhereconnected tter. An examPoints j, k, lpoint p is thextended bdistant neig

    4.2. Data se

    The inteis sufcientclosures forpoints in a



    Closure A



    ntribion a

    1. Ine pants),oratiction

    2. Sohen atializhe seet of

    onetion int se

    formt i, is , theNCSkt nowtructtializge int seleij, reenc



    tion starting from point j. The initial pheromone concen-n is inversely proportional to the evaporation rate, ij = 1/

    i D, j NSi.max_iter

    s = 1,.., no_ants

    Step 2. Solution constructionStep 3. Solution evaluationStep 4. Local search

    for 5. Pheromone update 6. Non-do minated set update

    Fig. 2. The outline of the ACO-C methodology.

    o CERN, WCERN minimizes the adjusted compactness,izes the relative separation.

    -based clustering (ACO-C) methodology

    a clustering methodology in a multi-objective frame- two pre-processing steps: neighborhood constructiont reduction. Neighborhood construction helps extractformation inherent in the data set. This local informa-

    in the solution evaluation. Data set reduction ensuresity of the approach.

    an ant is a search agent. Ants construct tours by insert-etween pairs of data points. Connected points in a tourter. During edge insertion each point is connected to

    points. This makes it easier to extract arbitrary-shaped reduces computational requirements.ine of the ACO-C methodology is presented in Fig. 2iter and no ants denote the maximum number of itera-e number of ants, respectively.


    orhood construction

    truct the neighborhood of each data point and obtainbclusters) using the NC algorithm [70]. NC closures haveties: (1) A closure is either a cluster itself or a subset ofivided cluster). (2) There may be an outlier mix on thef a closure. Hence, we focus on the merging operations

    detection in the clustering. In order to allow outliernd closure merging, we extend NC neighborhoods withhbors and nowhere. Distant neighbors are the nearest

    points between two adjacent closures. Nowhere is ant used for outlier detection. If a data point is connected

    twice, then it is classied as an outlier. If a data point is










    and coextract


    (no aevapin Se


    is iniset, tthe sset toselec

    Poter ispoinThenand is noconsis ini

    Edpoin(i,j), ter. Hpij =insertratiofor o nowhere once, then it is the start/end point of a clus-ple for neighborhood denition is provided in Fig. 3.

    , m and n are neighbors of point i generated by NC, ande distant neighbor of point i. Neighborhood of point i isy point p and nowhere. Note that not every point has ahbor.

    t reduction via boundary formation

    rior points of a closure are already connected, hence it to consider only the points on the boundaries of the

    merging and outlier detection. Exclusion of interiorclosure decreases the number of points in a data set

    Point seDo is emp

    Step 3. SoThe pe

    CERN and Step 4. Lo

    In ordeapply locational meclusters mand let ctive sepaThe adjusare comp0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86


    pre B j




    Fig. 3. An example for neighbors of point i.

    utes to the scalability of ACO-C. We use the boundarylgorithm in [71].

    itialization of parameters.rameters of ACO-C, including the number of ants

    the number of maximum iterations (max iter), and theon rate () are initialized. We conduct a factorial design

    5 to determine the values of these parameters.lution construction.n ant starts clustering, the set of unvisited points, Do,ed as the entire data set, D. For each point in the datat of currently available neighbors, NCSi, is initialized asits neighbors, NSi. The current number of clusters (m) is. There are two substeps in solution construction: pointand edge insertion.lection: Every time an ant starts a new tour, a new clus-ed. When a new cluster, Cm, is initialized, a point, say

    selected at random from the set of unvisited points, Do. related sets are updated as Cm = Cm U{i}, Do = Do/{i},= NCSk/{i} for k Do. If NCSi is non-empty or point ihere, we continue with edge insertion. Otherwise, the

    ion of the current cluster is nished, and a new clustered by incrementing the cluster index, m, by 1.sertion: An ant inserts an edge between point i and acted from NCSi. The pheromone concentration on edgepresents the tendency of edge (i,j) to occur in a clus-

    e, the probability of selecting edge (i,j) is calculated as

    kNCS ik for j NCSi. Then, the ant continues edgelection and edge insertion substeps are repeated untilty. The details of Step 2 are presented in Fig. 4.lution evaluation.rformance of a clustering solution is evaluated using

    WCERN as described in Section search.r to strengthen the exploitation property of ACO-C wel search to each clustering solution constructed. Condi-rging operations are performed in the local search. Let

    and n are adjacent clusters considered for merging,omp and sep be the adjusted compactness and rela-ration of the current clustering solution, respectively.ted compactness and relative separation after merging and sep, respectively. If comp comp and sep sep,

  • 306 T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311

    Step 2. Solution construction

    Set m = 1, Do = D and NCSi = NSi, Di .

    While Do



    Set C



    Set m

    End while

    clusters mof the locants (SC)

    Step 5. PhPherom

    (edge) soreected

    There alem: (1) different and proxi(2) We uscompleming pheroincumbenpoint i, inration obtWe checkseparatiothan the released i

    For all of pheroimprovemcompactnfrom the values are

    ij = (1


    wij =



    Step 6. NoLet s1 a

    The aim isto maxim


    (i) comps(ii) comps

    Denition 2. If there does not exist any other clusteringsolutions dominating solution s1, then solution s1 is called a non-dominated solution.

    updd of eumb

    datahe me reated


    his se pr. Secxperate orform


    ata se

    tests [72ith vtra-cxam

    evaldex s:

    numre as

    nume ass

    nume ass

    numre as


    b +a +

    + b +Point selection

    ct point i from Do at random.

    m = Cm U{i}, Do = Do /{i}, and NCSk = NCSk /{ i} for k Do.

    le NCSi and i nowhere

    2.2. Edge insertion

    Select edge (i,j) where j NCSi using probabilities based on ij ,

    and insert edge (i,j).

    Set Cm = Cm U{j}, Do = Do /{j}, and NCSk = NCSk /{j} for k Do.

    Then, set i = j.


    = m + 1, and start a new cluster.

    Fig. 4. The details of Step 2.

    and n are merged. The clustering solutions at the endal search form the set of solutions constructed by thein the current iteration.eromone update is performed for each solution component

    that the effect of the solution component is well-in the pheromone two important properties about our clustering prob-We are interested in arbitrary-shaped clusters withdensities, so reecting the local density, connectivitymity relations are crucial in nding the target clusters.e adjusted compactness and relative separation as twoentary objective functions. Hence, we use the follow-mone update mechanism. For each data point i, thet (minimum) adjusted compactness obtained so far forc compi, and the incumbent (maximum) relative sepa-ained so far for point i, inc sepi, are kept in the memory.

    whether or not the adjusted compactness and relativen of the cluster to which edge (i,j) belongs are bettercorresponding incumbent values. More pheromone isf an incumbent improves.the edges in the clustering solution, E, the amountmone released is proportional to the amount ofent in the incumbents. The initial incumbent adjustedess and relative separation for each point are takenclosures of the NC algorithm. Formally, the pheromone

    updated as

    Wethe enthe incfor the

    If t26 ardomin

    5. Exp

    In tFirst, wcriteriatorial eelaborthe pe

    TheIntel C

    5.1. D

    Wesourcesets wetc), inSome e

    Wecard infollow

    a: theand ab: thebut arc: thebut ard: theand a

    JI =a +

    RI =a)ij + wijij i D, j NSi,

    n{inc compi, inc compj}comp(i,j)

    + sep(i,j)max{inc sepi, inc sepj}

    , if (i, j) E


    n-dominated set update.nd s2 be two clustering solutions generated by the ants.

    to minimize the maximum adjusted compactness andize the minimum relative separation.

    n 1. Solution s1 dominates solution s2 if

    1 < comps2 and seps1 seps2, or1 comps2 and seps1 > seps2.

    JI is oneIt takes valclustering icoefcient.same clusteassigned toclusters as values in th

    5.2. Param

    The threset max iterecorded thfound. We determine impact of thof ACO-C. Tate the current set of non-dominated solutions (SN) atach iteration using Denitions 1 and 2. We also updateent compactness and separation (inc compi and inc sepi)

    set.aximum number of iterations is not exceeded, Stepspeated. Otherwise, ACO-C terminates with the non-solutions in set SN.

    ental results for the ACO-C methodology

    ection, we test the performance of ACO-C empirically.esent the test data sets and the performance evaluationond, using some pilot data sets, we conduct a full fac-iment in order to set the ACO-C parameters. Third, wen the impact of data set reduction. Finally, we compareance of ACO-C with other clustering algorithms.rithm was coded in Matlab 7.9 and run on a PC with

    Duo 2.33 GHz processor and 2 GB RAM.

    ts and performance evaluation criteria

    ed ACO-C using 32 data sets compiled from several74]. These include 2- and higher dimensional dataarious shapes of clusters (circular, elongated, spiral,luster and inter-cluster density variations, and outliers.ple data sets are presented in Fig. 5.uated the accuracy of the clustering solution using Jac-(JI) and Rand index (RI). We dene these measures as

    ber of point pairs that belong to the same target clustersigned to the same cluster in the solution.ber of point pairs that belong to the same target clusterigned to different clusters in the solution.ber of point pairs that belong to different target clustersigned to the same cluster in the solution.ber of point pairs that belong to different target clusterssigned to different clusters in the solution.



    c + d (2)

    of the well-known external clustering validity indices.ues between zero and one, one indicating the targets achieved. RI is also known as the simple matching

    While JI focuses on point pairs correctly assigned to ther, RI also takes into account the point pairs correctly

    different clusters. Both indices penalize the division ofwell as mixing them. We report the maximum JI and RIe set of non-dominated solutions.

    eter settings for ACO-C

    e parameters of ACO-C are no ants, max iter, and . Wer to twice the number of points in the data set, ande iteration number in which the target clustering wasused a full factorial experimental design in order tothe best settings for no ants and . We also studied thee solution evaluation function (EF) on the performancehe three factors used in the experimental design and

  • T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311 307

    Fig. 5. Exampiris (projected

    their levelsrial experimwere select

    Before dACO-C resunon-dominle data sets: (a) train2, (b) data-c-cc-nu-n, (c) data-uc-cc-nu-n, (d) data-c-cv-nu-n, (e) data-uc-cv-nu-n, (f) data circle, (g) train3, (h) data circle 1 20 1 1, (i) to 3-dimensional space), (j) letters.

    are presented in Table 1. We conducted the full facto-ent using a subset of 15 data sets. These 15 data sets

    ed to represent different properties of all data sets.iscussing the full factorial design results, we present thelts for the example data set given in Fig. 5(d). The threeated clustering solutions found by ACO-C are presented

    Table 1Experimental factors in ACO-C.

    Factors Level 0 Level 1

    Evaluation function, EF CERN WCERNEvaporation rate, 0.01 0.05Number of ants, no ants 5 10

  • 308 T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91










    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91










    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91
















    C2C3 C2


    (a) (b)Fig. 6. Non-dominated clustering solutions for data-c-cv-nu-n. (a) Solution with six clusters (JI = 1), (b)(JI = 0.54).

    in Fig. 6. These solutions include the target clustering with a JI valueof one. The resulting non-dominated solutions can be interpretedas clustering of points in different resolutions.

    We also checked the convergence of ACO-C in the example dataset. In Fig. 7iteration nu

    The maiare presentslows the cthe target sthree timesACO-C provfor increaseperformancparameter s

    In Fig. 8(of the maxithe target c(e). Hence, Cin low resothat are visand (h). CEtarget clustWe consideboth as the

    Note tha

    # o

    f no




    d so



    Fig. 7. C

    5.3. Data se

    We testThe bound

    uctiored wle 2

    dimding ercen) anductiectioion.


    perf, singrison, andN is algorgle-eral en 2 entslgori

    sett. NO

    ighbo the set of non-dominated solutions stays the same aftermber 70. This implies that convergence is achieved.n effect plots for the maximum RI and execution timeed in Fig. 8. The low setting of the evaporation rateonvergence down and prevents ACO-C from missingolutions. However, the time spent in ACO-C increases

    with this setting. Increasing the number of ants used inides a slight improvement in the maximum RI in return

    in the time. Considering the trade-offs between thee and time, the experiments are performed with theettings = 0.01 and no ants = 5.a) and (b) WCERN performs better than CERN in termsmum RI and time. On the other hand, only CERN ndslustering in some data sets, i.e. data sets in Fig. 5(d) andERN ensures nding the target clustering that is visible

    lution. WCERN is more powerful in extracting clustersible in higher resolution such as data sets in Fig. 5(f)RN and WCERN complement each other in nding theers, so we run ACO-C using both evaluation mechanisms.r the union of the non-dominated solutions obtained by

    nal solution set.t there is no signicant interaction among the factors.



    set redcompa

    Tabhigherdepention pFig. 5(fthe red

    In Sreduct

    5.4. Co

    ThemeanscomparithmsDBSCAtering and sinfor sevbetweincremeach aMinPtsparisonthe ne0 20 40 60 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 00








    onvergence analysis for the example data set, data-c-cv-nu-n.

    elaborate othe union oWCERN setand WCERN

    The resunds the ta

    Table 2The percentag

    Average (%) Std. dev. (%)Min. (%) Max. (%) (c) solution with three clusters (JI = 0.57), (c) solution with two clusters

    t reduction

    ed the impact of data set reduction using 32 data sets.ary extraction algorithms in [71] were used for datan. The number of points in the original data set wasith the number of points after reduction.

    shows the data set reduction percentages for 2- andensional data sets. The reduction percentages varyon the shape of the clusters. The highest data set reduc-tages are achieved when clusters are convex, as in

    (h). When there are non-convex clusters as in Fig. 5(g),on percentages are lower.n 5.4 clustering is performed on the data sets after the

    rison of the ACO-C methodology with others

    ormance of ACO-C is compared with the results of k-le-linkage, DBSCAN, NC closures, and NOM [75]. In ours k-means represents the partitional clustering algo-

    single-linkage the hierarchical clustering algorithms.selected as a representative of the density-based clus-ithms. The number of clusters is an input for k-meanslinkage, therefore we run k-means and single-linkagevalues of the number of clusters. This number variesand 10% of the number of points in the data set with

    of 1, and the one with the best JI value is selected forthm. In the same manner, for DBSCAN, among severalings the one with the best JI value is selected for com-M is a graph theoretical clustering algorithm. It also usesrhoods constructed by the NC algorithm, hence we can

    n the impact of ACO-C better. For ACO-C, we considerf the non-dominated solutions obtained with CERN andtings, and the sum of the execution times with CERN

    is considered as the execution time of ACO-C.lts for 32 data sets are summarized in Table 3. ACO-Crget clusters in 29 data sets out of 32. Single-linkage and

    es of data set reduction.

    2-Dimensional data sets Higher dimensionaldata sets

    42.79 19.11 20.42 12.41

    1.52 4.9074.29 53.84

  • T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311 309



    0,99 0

    0,98 5









    evaporation rate no. of ants15000

    1250 0

    1000 0

    evaporation rate no. of ants

    ) mai

    Table 3Comparison of


    # of data sets

    JI 1 7 0

    RI 5 1 3


    NOM followhas the bestand single-lthat are clostandard devalues of JIeven in theapproaches

    Typicallythere is noievaluation density andarate clustetarget clustnoise as we

    The numand WCERNthe size ofuse.

    The maicompared tthe Matlabrequired.

    6. Conclus

    In this wno a priori arbitrary sh10











    evaluation function tim





    1250 0


    750 0


    (a)Fig. 8. (a) Main effect plots for maximum RI and (b

    ACO-C with k-means, single-linkage, NC closures and NOM (32 data sets).

    k-Means Single-linkage DBS

    TC is found 6 24 13

    Average 0.71 0.91 0.9Std. dev. 0.24 0.19 0.1Min. 0.28 0.45 0.5

    Average 0.84 0.94 0.9Std. dev. 0.13 0.14 0.1Min. 0.62 0.53 0.5Average 0.44 4.76 1.29 Std. dev. 0.60 8.47 2.01 Min. 0.05 0.38 0.03 Max. 2.19 32.60 7.45

    ACO-C with 24 and 18 data sets, respectively. ACO-C average JI and RI values, followed by NOM, NC, DBSCANinkage. This indicates that ACO-C is able to form clustersse to the target clusters on the average. Moreover, theviations of JI and RI are the smallest, and the minimum

    and RI are the highest for ACO-C. This indicates that worst case ACO-C performs better than the competing., ACO-C has difculty in detecting target clusters whense, as for the data set in Fig. 5(g). The relative solutionmechanisms of both CERN and WCERN are sensitive to

    distance changes, so these points are labeled as sep-rs. Although ACO-C yields the general structure of theers in such data sets, it forms clusters by enclosing thell.ber of non-dominated solutions generated by CERN

    varies between 1 and 6 for different data sets. Hence, the non-dominated sets is reasonable for practical

    n limitation of ACO-C is the longer execution timeso k-means, single-linkage and DBSCAN, partly due to

    implementation. In this respect, improvements are


    ork we consider the spatial clustering problem withinformation on the data set. The clusters may includeapes, and there may be density differences within and

    between thWe presenACO-C. In Asity and discapabilitiesclustering ming issues oextraction itself. The psets. The eother compRI. In particevaluation in extractintions, and a reasonabuse.

    The proptering soluthe time. Tterns havinresolutionsoffs betweresearch dtering solufrontier.

    ACO-C tits executiocan be impr10 10


    evaluation function

    (b)n effect plots for time.


    13 18 29

    0.93 0.96 0.990.12 0.08 0.020.56 0.59 0.89

    0.96 0.98 0.990.02 0.08 0.010.91 0.59 0.9627.34 235.31 1089.4171.29 511.85 823.810.05 0.07 2.09

    318.46 1721.47 2916.20

    e clusters. Moreover, the number of clusters is unknown.t a novel ACO-based clustering methodology, namelyCO-C we combine the connectivity, proximity, den-

    tance information with the exploration and exploitation of ACO in a multi-objective framework. The proposedethodology is capable of handling several challeng-

    f the clustering problem including solution evaluation,of local properties, scalability and the clustering taskerformance of ACO-C is tested using a variety of dataxperimental results indicate that ACO-C outperformseting approaches in terms of the validity indices JI andular, the multi-objective framework and the solutionrelative to the neighborhoods enhance the algorithmg arbitrary-shaped clusters, handling density varia-nding the correct number of clusters. ACO-C achievesle number of non-dominated solutions for practical

    osed methodology can generate non-dominated clus-tions, which include the target clustering most ofhese solutions represent alternative clustering pat-g different levels of resolution. Solutions with different

    allow the decision maker to analyze the trade-en the merging and division operations. A futureirection can be to nd all the non-dominated clus-tions in different resolutions, i.e. the Pareto efcient

    ypically has problems with detection of the noise. Also,n times are relatively longer. The proposed approachoved in both areas.

  • 310 T. Inkaya et al. / Applied Soft Computing 28 (2015) 301311


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    Ant Colony Optimization based clustering methodology1 Introduction2 Related literature2.1 Solution evaluation mechanisms2.2 ACO and ant-based clustering algorithms

    3 How to evaluate a clustering solution?3.1 Clustering Evaluation Relative to Neighborhood (CERN)3.1.1 Adjusted compactness3.1.2 Relative separation

    3.2 Weighted Clustering Evaluation Relative to Neighborhood (WCERN)

    4 The ACO-based clustering (ACO-C) methodology4.1 Neighborhood construction4.2 Data set reduction via boundary formation

    5 Experimental results for the ACO-C methodology5.1 Data sets and performance evaluation criteria5.2 Parameter settings for ACO-C5.3 Data set reduction5.4 Comparison of the ACO-C methodology with others

    6 ConclusionReferences

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