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1Secondary HeadTeachers Meeting

Thursday 9 January 2014

1New Higher QualificationsKey messages from Education Scotland

The new Highers are designed to prepare and support our young people for the changing world that lies ahead of them. They have been designed to provide smooth progression from the new National 5 qualification and we consider it the natural next step for young people in Scotland next session.

The Scottish Government, Education Scotland and SQA are providing a wide range of support to schools and authorities to deliver the new qualifications. However, there needs to be some scope for flexibility to reflect particular local circumstances. This local flexibility and the key role of professional judgement are built into CfE and it is right that there is an opportunity, where it is considered to be in the best interests of learners, for other options to be explored.

In such cases, teachers should work closely with their senior management, local authority and parent body to reach a decision that is in the interests of the learners and has the support of all parties.

Visit the Education Scotland website for the latest CfE Implementation Plan and to view the letter sent to Directors of Education summarising continued phased implementation of new National Qualifications, particularly the new Highers.

22Schools from 20 local authorities have contributed a wide range of materialswhich sit alongside a variety of materials from Education Scotland. If youwant to share your materials then please contact your local authority in thefirst instance.

The recent communication from the SQA sets out when you can expect the web-based course materials and I will re-issue this bulletin for your information.

3Additional Support ConfirmedSQA, Education Scotland and ADES are proposing to work with all Local Authorities toimplement the following additional support for Nat 3-5. Based on feedback fromSchools and Local Authorities the following subjects have been prioritised foradditional support:


We have requested this support to take place on the January Neighbourhoodafternoon and we are awaiting confirmation from the SQA.4SQA Verification Update

5Round 1 Verification Outcome report received on 08 January.

SQA Principal Verifiers will produce additional information/materialsto support Nominees in fulfilling their responsibility of providingclarification of the assessment standards for teachers within theirrespective authorities. SQA recommend that Authorities shouldmanage this arrangement to suit local circumstances.

SQA will establish electronic forums for Principal Verifiers, TeamLeader and Nominees to share information and deal with additionalquestions teachers may raise. If there are any adjustments requiredto SQA assessments, identified through QA activity, amendments willbe made and communicated via nominees and normalcommunication channels.

Subject Specific SupportSubject Specific Questions and Answer Support

Common questions will be published on the subject pages of SQAs website in December and January and will be updated regularly as required.

6Science Update: December 2013In early December Education Scotland and the SQA delivered 3 seminars: oneeach for Biology, Chemistry and Physics and two representatives from each LA wasinvited. The purpose was to build familiarity with Nat 3-5 and to explore opportunitiesfor collaboration to support implementation of the new Highers and to identify furtherCPD needs and to potentially create a cross-authority Science network.

SQA are currently reviewing the feedback from this event.

7SQA Higher Implementation Events142 Subject-specific implementation events for the New Highers will run frommid-November to the end of March. To date 7,137 teachers and lecturershave signed up.

Although focussing on the new Higher, a slot has been added at the end ofeach event to allow teachers to ask questions about National 3-5. One event in each subject area will be filmed and put on SQAs website along withpresentations and materials. Local Authorities can use this resource tosupport teachers locally.

An outline of those teachers who have signed up has been circulated to Head Teachers and QIOs. Further updates will be issued when received..

8Leadership Events: Feb/MarchADES, Education Scotland, SQA and School LeadersScotland will work together to organise events for seniorschool leaders and these will cover the senior phase ofCfE.

Each school will be given the opportunity to take Part.Further details will follow.

9Next Steps agreed with ADES and SQASQA will:Local Authority will:Provide subject-specific continuing professional development (CPD) at a Local Authority-organised event relating to the quality assurance of internal assessment.Undertake all the logistical activities relating to each CPD event including:provision of dates, including alternatives dates where possible provision of suitable accommodation in which to run the CPD event provision of refreshments if necessary In negotiation with the Local Authority, consider additions to the proposed CPD programme to include assessment issues other than internal assessment.Complete the relevant pro forma detailing any CPD requirement, in addition to internal assessment.Deploy a subject-specialist implementation consultant (SSIC) to provide the subject-specific CPD and meet all deployment costs.Issue invitations to Local Authority delegates who will be attending the CPD event and provide an attendance register at each event. Where appropriate, meet all expenses for delegates attending CPD events.Provide the Local Authority with all necessary training materials in electronic format (detailing any photocopying requirements) in advance of any agreed subject-specific CPD event.Ensure all training materials required to undertake the CPD event are photocopied, as specified by SQA and agreed by the Local Authority.Provide a list of equipment requirements in relation to each CPD event.Ensure the provision of all training equipment required to undertake the CPD event, as specified by SQA and agreed by the Local Authority.Provide a lead contact name for progressing all CPD requests.Provide a lead name for progressing all CPD requests.Provide the necessary pro forma and guidance for making all CPD requests.Submit the necessary pro forma for making all CPD requests, using the guidance provided.

10Next Steps: Funding to be allocatedNational Funding which will be issued directly to secondary schools64,000 Local Authority will match this funding and will issue this directly to secondary schools64,000Central Funding for writing teams and central support if requiredTo be confirmed


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