  • 7/31/2019 1 Significance of Environment


  • 7/31/2019 1 Significance of Environment


    Significance of Environment


    What is Environment management?

    Environment management is the process of

    allocating natural and man-made resources so

    as to make optimum use of the environment in

    satisfying not only the present basic human

    need but of the coming generation as also.

    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment


    This management implies an element of consciouschoice from a variety of alternatives proposals andfurthermore that such a choice involves purposeful

    commitment for recognized and desired objectives.Environmental management is not merely amanagement of environment but it is essentiallythe management of various activities withintolerable constraints imposed by theenvironment itself and with full consideration ofecological factors.
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    Significance of Environment


    Characteristics features of the environmentalmanagement

    It deals with a world affected by humans

    It supports sustainable development

    It demands a multidisciplinary approach

    It has to integrate different development viewpoints

    The times scale involved extends the short term

    and concern ranges from local to global and It seeks to integrate natural and social science,

    policy making and planning.

    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment


    For the progress of mankind as well as to

    maintain the quality of life, at least a minimum

    level, the entire environment, both physical and

    cultural should be properly managed.

    Environmental deterioration is due to

    mismanagement. Hence, available and potential

    resources along with essential elements ofenvironment must be scientifically analyzed and


    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment


    Definition of Environment Management

    Environment management is concerned with the man-environmentinterface, that complex boundary where bio-physical and socio-cultural systems interact. Hare, 1970

    An approach which goes beyond natural resources management toencompass the political and social as well as the naturalenvironment. By Clarke, 1999

    The process of allocating natural and artificial resources so as tomake optimum use of the environment in satisfying basic humanneeds at the minimum, and more, if possible, on a sustainablebasic. (Jolly, 1978)

    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment


    Today world is facing great Environmental crisisand therefore this is an urgent need for themanagement of total environment specially for

    the developing countries.The first three things that are needed to are

    1. Identify goals

    2. Establish whether these can be met.3. Develop and implement means to do what is

    deems possible.

    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment


    Objectives of Environmental Management

    To prevent and solve environmental problems

    To establish limits

    To develop research institutions and monitoring systems To warn threats and identify opportunities

    To suggest measures for resource conservation

    To develop a strategy for the improvements of quality

    To suggest long-term and short-term policies forsustainable development

    To identify new technology for future development

    Significance of Environment


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    Significance of Environment



    Different life forms with varying characteristics exist innature. This variation in their characteristics can mainlybe attributed to the environmental conditions under

    which they exist. E.G biodiversity of rain forest plants aredifferent then that of polar regions.

    The food habits, of various human species vary as perthe available resources in the ecosystem where theyexist. Thus it can be said that Life Forms in the biosphereare surviving within certain ranges of environmentalconditions, and these conditions help the bio-chemicalcycles and process to occur within the species.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    All the natural ecosystems have the capacity tomaintain themselves in a stage of dynamicequilibrium with their surroundings provided there

    is no interference from other factors outside therequired environment.

    Owing to the interaction between the system andits environment, the ecosystem receives a cyclic

    renewable resource from the environment as input.This input received by the system in then madeavailable to the consumers existing in the system.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    Owing to the interaction between the systemand its environment, the ecosystem receives acyclic renewable resource from the environment

    as input. This inputreceived by the system inthen made available to the consumers existingin the system.

    This consumption of the resource from thesystem is known as an outputform of matter orenergy.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    It is evident that the analysis of existence of life forms inan ecosystem, ultimately depends upon the applicationof concept of material and energy balance.

    This concept of balance is based on the Law of

    Conservation of Mass and Energy. The Law states thatNo matter or energy can be produced but can beconverted from one to form another

    Both these types of balances, combined together, canassess the Environmental Balance of the ecosystem.Difference in the quantum of input and output of aresource from an ecosystem defines the accumulation ofthat resource in that ecosystem.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    Therefore we can say

    Resources Input to the system Resource Output from the system

    = Accumulation of the resource in the system


    anagemen oncep

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    Significance of Environment


    Such analysis, assessing the quantum of

    accumulation of a resource, defines the

    richness of an ecosystem with respect to the

    abiotic resource. E.g. utilization of waterreceived by the ecosystem will be lesser

    compared to the input to the system. This

    makes the ecosystem rich in water resource.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementManagement of natural resources thus reserves primeimportance in preservation of environmental quality of a

    particular region. Since human race is the greatest consumer of

    the natural resources, the interaction between human

    population and resources defines the environmental quality for

    a region. This interaction ultimately attributes extremes

    importance to the finite resources. Rapid increase in population

    results in over exploitation of finite resources which, in due

    course leads in its value addition.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    Environmental damage is inevitable to occur as development progress.

    Growing population is bound to increase the pressure on utilization of

    environmental resources. This has a specific reference to the

    underdeveloped countries. Environmental damage can be minimized through

    advanced planning and careful implementation of relevant policies. A major

    part of scientific and technological developments has been directed towards

    generation of elevation of means for enhancement in human comforts.

    Advanced marketing techniques & greed of human to acquire more comforts

    & associated elevation of social status, further accelerated such demands

    that were fulfilled through rapid industrialization.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    Some of the important factors that can be attributed to achieve

    improvements in our living standards through the application of

    science and technology are

    Production of better quality food in requisite quantities.

    Supply of safe portable water with minimization of incidences of

    water-borne infectious diseases.

    Invention of new faster transportation

    Provisions of safe shelters under hygienic environment (Ruralsanitation facilities)

    Preservation of environmental quality

    Mitigation of adverse effects due to natural disasters eg. Droughts,

    floods, volcano eruption, etc.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment



    History of Population Explosion

    Industrial Revolution

    Improved agricultural practices

    World War II

    Advancement in science and Technology

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment



    Resource Availability

    Air, land and ocean (water) resources are the important

    primary natural resources. It has been recognized thatprimary resources like land and oceans requireconsiderable engineering & technological input toderive secondary resources from them. Thisnecessitates action for their effective management.Ocean resources are already under stress due to over-fishing and pollution.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment



    Resource Availability

    Land is considered as the basic & limited resource due to itsfinite nature. Land as a primary resource is being used for the

    following specific requirement.Maintenance of forests

    Production of food and fiber

    Urban developments

    Industrial plants, timber production, Mineral extrationsWildlife habitat

    Recreation of various types.

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment


    Effect of Over

    Population on the Environment

    Management Concept


    l resource













    8. Air quality

    9. Water quality

    1. Energy Sources

    2. Topsoil & standing Crop

    3. Agricultural land4. Recreational & open land

    5. Species

    6. Water supply

    7. Disease Areas

    Land, Air,



    16. Employment

    17. Education

    14. Housing15. Community facilities

    10 Transportation

    11. Water disposal

    12. Visual order

    13. Noise

    18. Civil order

    19. Crime

    20. Health

    21. Nutrition

    22. Narcotics & Alcohols

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementConcept of Environmental Management

    It is not only the industrial activities that pollutes the environment but also the

    wastes discharged from residential and commercial sources causes

    environmental stress. Different type of waste is being released by the human

    beings in the environment. These are characteristics of the quality of life and

    living standard of the concerned population. Therefore rural sanitation &

    upliftment are of prime importance in the developing countries. This has direct

    relationship with economy, population growth, natural calamities and illiteracy.

    Such fundamental aspects of development, resources limitation and

    inadequacy, population growth, socio political and natural interferences define

    the complexity of the issue of environmental management.

    Management Concept


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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementObjective and Components of Environment Management (EM)

    Multidimensional approach of EM brings following specific objectivesfor consideration

    Management of natural resources exploitation through regulation

    Protection of environmental quality through pollution control

    Efforts to maintain the ecological balance through multiple use ofresources

    Preservation of Biodiversity

    Minimizing the adverse effects on environmental through adoption of

    concepts of concepts of cleaner technology of production Formulation and implementation of environmental regulation and


    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementComponents of environmental ManagementA generalized list of identified list of components requiring attention toarrive at effective EM strategies is as follows

    Efficient and cost effective control measures for atmospheric, aquaticand land pollution to avoid environmental degradation.

    Adoption of efficient, cost effective and low waste generating productiontechnologies to avoid over exploitation of resources including energy.

    Implementation of cleaner technology of production to achieve a steptowards sustainable development.

    Adopting recommended tools for environmental management achieving

    sustainable development Viz,o Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    o Environmental Audits (EA)

    o Environmental Risk Assessment (EIRA)

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementComponents of environmental Management

    Undertaking promotional measures for environmental awareness among the public &

    propagation of environmental perception in common mass through educational &

    Awareness programmes.

    Provisions for imparting environmental education and training at schools, colleges and

    also through Panchayats & Nagar Parishads for rural population. UNESCO, UNEP

    (United National Education Conference (EEC))have carried out extensive work in this


    Control measures to reduce population over growth.

    Control over consumption & Over exploitation of resources

    Efforts for establishing social equity with specific reference to third world countries.

    Management Concept

    M C

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementAgenda For Global Environmental Protection

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementEnvironmental Management In A Socio-economicContext And Agenda 21United Nations, Conference on Environment andDevelopment (UNMCED)

    This conference was held in Rio De Janerio, Brazil in1992.

    Its purpose was to reconcile economic developmentwith environment protection.

    Agenda 21 of this conference is a comprehensivestatement of concerns, findings and recommendedactions on specific environmental areas.

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    Significance of Environment


    Minimizing Environmental Contamination ProblemsWith Specific Reference to Hazardous Waste

    Waste recycling (recovery of materials used orproduced by a process for different use or direct re-use

    in-house)Materials recovery(the processing of waste streams torecover material which can be feedstock forconservation to another product)

    Waste re-use (the direct re-use of the wastes as it is,without further processing).

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementTypical elements of the process modification

    aspects of waste reduction at sourceModification of the process pathway

    Improved control measures

    Equipment modificationChanges in operational setting/environment

    Product substitution

    Management Concept

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    Significance of Environment

    ManagementTypical tasks for a good and efficient house-

    keepingMaterial handling improvement

    Spill and leak monitoring, collection and prevention

    Preventive maintenanceInventory Control

    Waste control

    Waste steam segregation

    Management Concept

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