Page 1: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan




PASTOR'S POINTPaul gives us quite a list at the end of Romans chapter 12. The point of this list is to describe what a new life in Jesus Christ will look like. Paul contrasts the ?Jesus Way? of doing life? setting the life of someone who follows Jesus apart from one who does not. Verse 9 and following says this:

?Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13

Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.?

The older I get, the more disappointed I become with the way in which believers and non-believers handle disagreements (myself included). I love Paul?s words in this passage. Can you imagine if the entire body of Christ actually practiced this in real life? I mean, what if God actually meant for us to do things like bless those who persecute us. Or honor another above yourselves. Or to feed our hungry enemies? What might the world look like if the followers of Jesus actually lived out Christ?s commands?

Past or 's Point cont inued on next page

Page 2: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



PASTOR'S POINTThe reality of sin in the world since the fall of Adam and Eve means there will be disagreements. There will be conflict. There will be selfishness and sin and things which constantly work to separate us from God and from each other. But as followers of Christ, we are called to live counter-culturally to this norm. That isn?t some imaginary place of daisies and roses and kumbaya. There will be hardship. There will be trials. There will be suffering. But what spirit do we bring in those moments? When pressed, do we immediately lash back and try to gather as much as we can for ourselves? Do we throw what we believe

out the window and join the masses crawling over each other at any cost? Or do we, instead, practice hospitality, even on the ones whom we feel do not ?deserve? it?

Friends, as you navigate this life (which includes your social media accounts), set a new standard and a new norm. When you face trials, lead. Lead the world to a new way. As far as it depends upon you, live in peace with everyone. Allow God to be God (which He?ll do anyway). Or to put it differently, remember you are not God. We don?t have the place or authority to be judge and jury. So give grace, even where it is not (in our own minds) deserved, and honor God by humbling yourselves? even in the face of trials.

I?m proud to be serving Jesus with you.


Page 3: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



DORCAS AID REPORTThe Dorcas Aid met on July 12, 2018 at Silos for lunch. There were 9 members in attendance. Ken and Shirley, Dave and Vicki Dowling and Pastor Jordan were there also. We all had a good lunch and a lot of visiting.

Instead of going back to the church for the rest of our meeting we just stayed at Silos.

Pastor Adam was in Georgia with the Summer Games group so we didn?t have Bible study.

We had a short business meeting. The treasurer 's report was read, but the secretary (me) forgot to bring the book so no report!! We all gave our nickel and dime donation. Marilyn suggested we donate some money to a needy person or organization, but decided to talk to Pastor Adam next month before any decision was made.

We will be keeping the same officers for the next year. It was mentioned we would be receiving a letter in the mail about the Ice Cream Social stating what we are to bring and the work schedule.

Next month we will meet again at Silos for our lunch and then go to the church for our Bible Study on lesson 11, ?Sharing Your Faith?.

Satan?s target is your mind and his weapon is lies, so fill your mind with God?s word!



Page 4: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



TRUSTEE REPORTThose attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins

Jordan opened in prayer.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Norm gave the Treasurer?s report.


Jim Moore, Truman Hill, and Terri Hill met with a notary at TS Bank and the agreed upon utility easement was formally signed.

The new shelter is nearing completion. Bill Drake is consulting with Mertz Welding Company to discuss the metal supports.

Picnic tables for the shelter are still being researched. Fundraising efforts are being discussed for their purchase.

The landscaping in front of the church has been completed. River rock has been filled in after some slight grading. Thank you to Emmett Goos for the use of his equipment to transport the rock.

Options for the parsonage basement windows replacement effort is still being researched.


Replacement of the parsonage back screen door will be done soon. Water is entering and damaging the wood trim during windy rain storms.

Next meeting is August 5th at 8:45

Jordan closed in prayer.

Page 5: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



IMPACT SUMMER CAREYear 5 of Impact Summer Care has been going great. We now have under one month remaining. We have been busy each week. Some of the highlights include Nerf gun week when we battled each day. We had a Taco Tuesday lunch for the kids, an obstacle course day, held water days every Monday and Thursday in July for the kids to cool off with squirt guns, water balloons, and buckets. The kids made homemade mini pizzas for lunch, we had a hot dog roast where we gave out free hot dogs to anyone stopping along Hwy 92, and we held a taste test for the kids where they were blindfolded and were brave trying different foods and condiments.

Still to come in August is celebrating National Ice Cream Sandwich Day on Thursday as we will hand out free ice cream sandwiches to anyone who stops. We will have root beer floats on Monday, August 6th celebrating National root beer float day. August 8th and August 9th is our annual Game Day Challenge. Kids participate in many different challenges such as tic tac toe, a spelling bee, a puzzle challenge, talent show, cookie decorating, coloring contest, thumb war, and many other competitions. The 4th annual bake sale will be held on Thursday, August 16th.

Impact Staff has also been busy. We scraped the playground, painted the playground, and rotated the mulch. On Wednesday, July 18th we all went to see the documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" This is the documentary on Fred Rogers. It was excellent and was nice having the staff together for an outing outside of work.

Page 6: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



IMPACT SUMMER CAREMost people you run into during summer will mention how the summer is going too fast. This has definitely been the case for me! Impact Summer Care has been a blur this summer. The kids in the program bring energy each day and are always cracking us up. I look forward to each day of Impact and a huge reason for this is the amazing staff. I know how blessed I am to have the team that makes up the Impact staff. The next two weeks will have many from our staff heading off to college. I feel like a parent dreading the day their child goes back to college! I am not ready for them to leave yet.

Teenagers/young adults seem to get a bad rap from some people these days. Our community has some outstanding young adults and we have a lot of them working at Impact. I have learned so much from watching them each day at work. They have been tremendous role models for my kids, the kids in the Impact program, and for me. I am going to miss them!

So to Randi Robinson who will be heading off to UNI, Taylor Sudmann to Simpson, Emmalee Collins to Midland University, Klara Ticer to Iowa State, Dean Bedell to Iowa Lakes Community College, Jason Cox to Iowa State, and Madelyn Deitchler to Briar Cliff - thank you! You are all what your colleges need on campus. Continue to let your light shine brightly to everyone you interact with each day. Continue to love your neighbor as Jesus has taught.

The shoes they have left that need filled will be very difficult to fill. We are in the process of hiring new outstanding youth from our community to help with Impact this fall. If anyone has someone in mind, send them our way. Thanks!

Jordan Campbell

Page 7: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



ICE CREAM SOCIAL RECAPZion's annual ice cream social was held on Sunday, July 22nd from 5pm-7pm. The weather was a welcome relief as temperatures were mild around 82 degrees instead of the usual 95 degrees most years have. Attendance was up as over 317 people were counted. The ice cream social raised over $3,000, and for a majority of the evening the RE building and the outdoor seating were near capacity. The meal consisted of sloppy joes cooked by Jnelle Keysor, a variety of different sandwiches, potato chips, delicious desserts, and of course homemade ice cream.

This is such a neat annual event as so many hands work together to make this work. From those who work behind the scenes cutting desserts or sandwiches, stirring ice cream, washing trays/dishes, serving drinks or sloppy joes/ice cream, waiters and waitresses, set up-tear down crews, to all those who donated items or money, thank you!

Thank you to Tami King, Staci Robinson, Katie Campbell, Courtney Fisher, and Randi Robinson (We will call them the Maguire 5) for all your work behind the scenes with all your organization and attention to detail to make this happen. There was a lady from Omaha who happened to be passing through Treynor when she noticed our ice cream social. She stopped and ate and went on and on about how nicely things were ran. This compliment goes to you five and all those who helped out! This year the Maguire 5 :) decided on sending out individual postcards reminding people of their jobs. This was a great idea that seemed to help. Thanks for always listening to feedback and coming up with new ideas each year helping make it run even smoother.

The count down is on for Zion's 2019 Ice Cream Social!

Page 8: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



THANK YOU!A big ?Thank You? to Elwyn Rollins and Jim Moore for all of their work replacing the basement windows in the parsonage. It?s a huge improvement, and very much appreciated.

Thanks to Dave and Eunice Anderson for their work in restoring the baptismal fount. The new furnaces caused the glue holding the top pieces together to dry out. Dave and Eunice re-glued and re-varnished the top. It looks beautiful!

Thanks to the Ice Cream Social committee and everyone who helped make that evening a success. Everything went smoothly and we had a fantastic turnout.

Thanks to Terri Hill for painting the soffits and trim on the exterior of the church building. It looks great!

Thanks to everyone who helped clean the church this last month. The church building looks nice and well cared for. The church received many compliments during the ice cream social.

M&M's FUNDRAISERThe Summer Games M&M fundraiser is coming to a close. If you grabbed a container of M&M's from the Sanctuary, please try returning your container now filled with quarters as soon as you can. Thank you!

Page 9: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan


SCRIP FUNDRAISINGThank you very much! Year to date, SCRIP has raised $1,151.09 for our

elementary, middle, and senior high ministries. Everyone who supports Zion?s SCRIP program makes a huge difference in the life of our church. So

if you haven?t yet done so, give SCRIP a try. A complete list of participating

retailers and their return percentages can be found on the credenza in the

church entryway.

This month?s SCRIP orders are due on Sunday, August 5t h.

If you have any questions about Zion?s SCRIP program, please contact Missy Magill ([email protected]) or call the church office


SUMMER GAMESEVERLASTING. 24 area youth attended Summer Games 2018 in Covington, Georgia. This year?s camp will be the final ?Summer Games? week located in Georgia. But the camp?s mission will remain: Everlasting. Thank you to everyone who has supported Summer Games camping over the years. Thank you specifically to all who have gone as chaperones for the last 6 years. And finally, thank you to the campers and their families; I hope that your lives have been changed/transformed through this camping ministry.

Page 10: 1 THE CHIMESTHE CHIMES AUGUST 2018 TRUSTEE REPORT Those attending: Jordan Campbell, Jim Moore, Sharon King, Shirley Fonda, Truman Hill, Terri Hill, and Treasurer Norm Collins Jordan



Dat e At t endance Of fer ingJune 24th Treynor Days $890.00

July 1st 95 $2,803.00

July 8th 55 $1,530.00

* Online giving is not included in offering totals


Marshalle King Michelle Graham

Annika Vohs Richard Brockman

Jodi Jacobsen Jeana Wilhite

Duane & Peggy King Todd Quick

Family of Dee Briles Harold Tiarks

Hazel Nelson Terri Carpenter

Tina Mackland Sharon Horton

Andrea Gravett Knoll Maddy Boehme

Jane Brammer Parker Lehi

Gwen Campbell Blaise Hartwell

Family of Delores Hartigan

Family of Jill White

All Law Enforcement Personnel

All Armed Forces Personnel

Zion Congregat ional Church103 E Main StPO Box 577

Treynor, IA 51575712-487-3289

Of f ice HoursMonday-Friday


12:30pm-4:30pm reserved for scheduled visits and ministry planning

Sunday School : On Summer Break

Sunday Worship: 10:00am

Senior Pastor:

Adam Magill

[email protected]


Pastor of Youth and Impact M inistries:

Jordan Campbell

[email protected]



Gwen Henke, Shirley Koehler,

Machelle Mitchell, Jill Davis

M oderator: Jodi Volkens

A ssistant M oderator: Keith Smith

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