Page 1: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted




Q1. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences and state their kind:

1. There I met a young man.

2. We haven’t got enough food.

3. She doesn’t have many friends in the city.

4. Much money has been wasted on the project.

5. She is the eldest of the three sisters.

6. He was wearing a red cap.

7. I have bought ten mangoes.

8. Mary is a pretty girl.

Q2. Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns.

1. My name is Sue. (Sue) am English. And this is my family.

2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) is from Germany.

3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) is a waiter.

4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) is my brother.

5. (Sue and Simon) are twins.

6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) is two years old.

7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) live in Canterbury.

8. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) often come and see us.

Q3. Fill in the blanks using appropriate degrees of comparison:

1. Kavita is the ____ girl in the class. (good) 2. Mt. Everest is the ____ mountain peak in the world. (high) 3. Delhi is ____ than Chennai. (hot) 4. Diamond is the ____ of all gems. (costly) 5. Iron is the ____ of all metals. (heavy) 6. My doll is ____ than yours. (pretty)

Page 2: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

7. Sarita is the ____ girl in the class. (popular) 8. My car is _______. (expensive)

Q4. A. Write the feminine form of the following.

Husband ____________ Gentleman ____________ Emperor ____________ Horse ____________ Waiter ____________ Widower ____________ Nephew ____________ Peacock ____________ Lion ____________

B. Write the masculine form of the following.

Queen ____________ Actress ____________ Tigress ____________ Landlady ____________ Mistress ____________ Madam ____________ Wife ____________ Hostess ____________

Q5.Complete each sentence with the plural form of the noun given.

1.There are few ___________ on the road today. (bus) 2.He has three ___________. (son) 3.She is peeling the ___________. (potato) 4.We have two ___________ in our city. (library) 5.There were books on the ___________. (shelf) 6.She filled the ___________ with water. (glass) 7.The ___________ fell from the trees. (leaf) 8.I clean my ___________ twice a day. (tooth)

Page 3: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

ह िंदी अभ्यास कायय पत्र -1

विषय -ह िंदी

प्रश्न 1.नीचे दिए गए अपदित गद्यांशों को ध््यनपूर्वक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर िीजिए-

पढ़नय और खेलनय शरीर के ललए िोनों ही ज़रूरी हैं। पढ़ने से ज्ञयन में र्दृधि होती है र् खेलने से शरीर में तयकत आती है। पढ़ते और खेलते सम् हमें सम् कय ध््यन रखनय चयदहए। इसी प्रकयर हमें खयन-पयन कय भी ध््यन रखनय चयदहए। ििू, पौजटिक आहयर, फल, हरी सजजि्याँ हमें रोज़ खयनी चयदहए। पयनी भी अधिक-से-अधिक मयत्रय में पीनय चयदहए।

प्रश्न 1. शरीर के ललए क््य ज़रूरी है?


र प्रश्न 2. पढ़ने और खेलने से हमें क््य-क््य लमलतय है?


प्रश्न 3 हमें पढ़ते र् खेलत ेसम् ककस बयत कय ध््यन रखनय चयदहए?

उत्तर: ______________________________________________________

प्रश्न 2 ररक्त स्थान की पूर्त य करो

1.अिंधे लोगों की ____________का पुललिंदा बे द भारी था ।

2.जो देख सकते ैं या जो_______________ ै?

3. लिल्पा को _____________से लगार् था।

4.लशल्पय में गुलाब का फूल ___________को भेंट ककया।

प्रश्न 3.ननम्नललखखत िब्दों के अथय बताएिं ।

िमय ,यकीन, कुदरत ,र्तनके ,सिंख्या, सूची ,चुनौती।

Page 4: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

प्रश्न 4. र्नम्नललखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक िब्द में दें ।

1. बीरबल चारपाई बुनने क ाय बैठ गए?

2.बयियर में भीड़ क्योंइकट्ठी ो गई ?

3.सो न क्यों परेिान था ?

4.दादाजी ने सो न को क्या हदया?

5. सो न के अिंदर ककसकी कमी थी?

6.' कौन लसखाता चचडड़यों को ' कवि का नाम बताएिं?

7. चचडड़या घोंसला कैस ेबनाती ै ?

8. म सब ककसके ििंिि ैं?

9. लिल्पा कैसी लड़की थी ?

10.लिल्पा ने गुलाब का फूल क ािं से तोडय?

11.टीचर ने ककतने गुलाब लाने को क ा?

प्रश्न 5. गलत या स ी का र्निान बनाएिं ।

1.बीरबल चतुर लोगों की सूची तैयार कर र े थे। ( )

2.चचडड़या पते्त तोड़ तोड़ कर घोंसला बनाती ै ( )

3.लिल्पा को गुलाब ब ुत पसिंद थे। ( )

प्रश्न 6. र्नम्नललखखत िब्दों के ललिंग बदलो-

युिक , ाथी , ऊँट,चचड़ा ,बूढा ,धोबी ,माली ,राजा ,बटेा, श्रीमान, बकरा, छात्र ,दादा ,नाना, बालक

प्रश्न 7. र्नम्नललखखत िब्दों के िचन बदलो -

पेंलसल ,गुब्बारा ,जूता ,कमरा ,चू ा , मक्खी ,लमठाई, चचडड़या, मह ला ,माला ,केला, तोता ,लड़की, बेटा,िेर।

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प्रश्न 8. हदनाोाां ि महीनों के नाम ललखें।

प्रश्न 9. खाली स्थान भररए।

1. िषय का अिंर्तम म ीना _____________ ोता ै ।

2.िषय में _________________ म ीने ोत े ैं।

3. रवििार के बाद ________________ आता ै ।

4.िुक्रिार से प ल े__________________आता ै।

5. 25 हदसिंबर ____________________मह नें में मनाया जाता ै ।

6.5 लसतिंबर को__________________हदिस ोता ै ।

7.14 नििंबर को ___________________हदिस के रूप में मनाते ै।

प्रश्न 10 र्नच ेहदए गए िाक्याोाां में उचचत सियनाम िब्द ललखखए -

1.____________ क ािं जा र े ैं ।

2.बा र ________________खड़ा ै ।

3._____________________पुस्तक मेरी ै ।

4.मैं अपना काम ______________कर लूिंगा।

प्रश्न 11. नीचे हदए गए िाक्यों में सिंज्ञा िब्दों को रेखािंककत करें-

1. ताजम ल ब ुत सुिंदर ै।

2. ाथी पानी पी र ा ै ।

3.मैंने कई जानिर देखे।

4. बोतल इधर लाओ।

5. रेल गाड़ी चल पड़ी।

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प्रश्न 12 ननम्नललखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक िब्द में दें।( रिंगमिंच की क ार्नयािं )

.कृष्ण और सुदामा में क्या सिंबिंध था?

2. कृष्ण के लमत्र का नाम बताएिं ?

3.बुद्चधमान राजा की एक वििेषता बताएिं ?

4. राजा के साधुओिं के प्रर्त क्या विचार थे।


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Revision Worksheet

Mental Math-

1.How many sides does a triangle have?


3.I have Rs.65. I spent Rs.35.How much do I have left?

4.What is the name of given shape?

5.How many groups 3 make 15?

6.Double of 40_______________

7.An apple cost Rs 12. How much do 2 apples cost?


9.First multiples of 9______ ______ _______

10.556 x 0=________

11.1011 x 1=_______

12.200 x 30=_______

13. 18 ÷ 1=______

14. 12 ÷ 12 = _______

15.0 ÷ 12= ________

16.I am a solid who has no vertex.Who am I?_______

Page 8: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

17.I can be extended on both sides.I am a_______

18. It is a part of a line and has a fixed length ______

19. A triangle has ______ no. of line segment.

20. A cylinder has ______ edges.

Word statement

1. Subtract 2000 from the sum of 6000 and 1750.

2. In a school there are 2660 children.990 of them are aged

above 5 yrs.How many children are below 5 yrs of age?

3. A story book has 910 pages .How many pages will be there

in 21 such books?

Page 9: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

4. Divide 4982 by 8. Find the quotient and reminder and


5. 5 shirts cost Rs1020.How much does one shirt cost?

Page 10: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted



Q1.Fill in the blanks:-

a) _______________ builds its nest in the hollow of a tree of a wall.

b) ____________bird does not make its own nest.

c) ___________ are the animals that eat flesh.

d) ___________ is a flying mammal.

e) ______________ are the sharp pointed claws of flesh eating birds.

f) ___________ organs tell us about the world.

g) The bony framework of our body is called_______________.

h) Accidents occur due to _________________.

i) Lungs give out______________________________.

j) Every food chain begins with ______________.

Q2. State whether the following statements a re true or false.

a) Birds eat with the help of beaks._____________

b) Cats and dogs lap milk with the help of their tongue._______

c) Herbivores eat both plants and flesh of other animals.________

d) Flight feathers help the birds to fly in the sky._________

e) Parrot has chisel shaped beak.____________

f) There are 620 bones in an adult human body._______

g) The dancing bird with beautiful feathers is crow.________

Q3. Answer in one word.

a) The system that helps in digestion of food.______________

b) The organ that helps us to feel.___________

c) This organ controls all the actions and reactions of the body.________

d) Two types of movements of wings of birds.__________ , ___________

e) These feathers keep the bird’s body warm._______

f) Bird having hooked beak._________

g) 2 examples of perching birds.___________ , ______________

h) 2 examples of flesh eating birds._____________

Page 11: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

i) Number of muscles in our body . ________________

j) 2 examples of omnivores. ____________ , ___________

Q4. Circle the odd one out

a) Mouth food pipe lungs stomach

b) Rat rabbit squirrel dog

c) Cow tiger buffalo goat

d) Ostrich parrot kiwi penguin

e) Thermometer medicines bandage knife

f) Blood heart brain blood vessels.

Q5. Match the following

a) Plants excretory system

b) Eyes producers

c) Broad beak sense organs

d) Spinal cord hen

e) Scratching bird nervous system

f) Muscles carelessness

g) First aid first help to injured person

h) Accidents muscular system

Q6. Draw , label and colour the following diagrams.

a) Parts of a bird’s body.

b) The digestive system

c) Food chain

Page 12: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

Social Studies

Revision worksheet

Fill in the blanks-

1. Delhi is also called _________ of India.

2. The Red fort was built by ______

3. QutubMinar was built by ________

4. Delhi is situated on the bank of river ______

5. Old name of Mumbai________

6. Mumbai also known as the __________ capital of India.

7. The film industry of Mumbai is known as_________

8. _________ is an important beach of Mumbai.

9. Kolkata is the capital of________

10. _______ is the most important festival of Kolkata.

11. Howrah Bridge is on the river_______

12. Old name of Kolkata___________

13. Another name of Howrah Bridge is_________

14. Dance form of Chennai___________

15. Main food of Chennai____________

16. Chennai is the capital of_________

17. Old name of Chennai_________

18. Important festival of Chennai_______

19. The Bay of Bengal is towards the________of India.

20. Number of states and union territories in

India________and ______

Page 13: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

21. India is located in the continent of________

22. Two neighboring states of Delhi________

23. Two neighboring states of Chennai_________

24. A large subdivision of continent_______

25. A group of people who look after the needs of the


26. An area of land completely surrounded by


27. A place where sea and land meet each other is


28. Mountain ranges in the North are called_______

29. The Great India Desert also called____

30. Two main Island group_______

Page 14: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted


NAME: ___________________________SEC__________DATE


Q1. Fill In the blanks:

a) In Windows, the current volume level is displayed in the ____________.

b) The desktop has __________parts.

c) The word _____________refers to a tool that makes something appear


d) ___________bar helps us to view a document in different modes.

e) The keyboard shortcut to close a document is ________________.

Q2. Define the following:

a) Desktop:




b) Icons : _____________________________________________________



c) Windows : __________________________________________________



d) Word Processor ______________________________________________



Page 15: 1. There I met a young man. 4. Much money has been wasted

e) Task Bar : ____________________________________________________



Q3. Draw any three icons that displayed on the Desktop

Q4. Label the parts of a Paint Window.

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