Page 1: 1 University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007 Devraj Basu Cass Business School April 2007 Global Price of Market Risk And Country Inflation Devraj

University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School1

April 2007

Global Price of Market Risk And Country Inflation

Devraj Basubased on joint work with …

• Daniel Hung Durham Business School

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School2

investigating international asset pricing anomalies …

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

• International asset pricing anomalies have been observed-the value effect (Fama-French 1998), the momentum effect (Rouwenhorst 1998)

• The international CAPM is unable to price these anomalies

• The Fama-French factors, global or local arose to explain these anomalies

• However Bansal, Hsieh and Vishwnathan (1993) suggested that nonlinear SDFs work better than linear models

International Anomalies

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investigating international asset pricing anomalies …

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

• Higher moments of the market return had been used in the US context starting with Kraus and Litzenberger (1978)

• More recently Harvey and Siddique (2000) and Dittmar (2002) used them to investigate asset pricing anomalies in the US

• Errunza and Sy (2005) used country inflation and its higher powers to explain the international anomalies

• Our goal is to use both global and local factors to try to price size, value and momentum effects in the US, UK and Japan

Nonlinear SDFs …

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School4

investigating international asset pricing anomalies …

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

• We first consider a global model with the World factor, its square and cube…

• … and add to it country inflation and its square

• A crucial aspect of our analysis is that the factor risk premiums are all time varying and are functions of lagged global variables (World index and term structure variables)

• We compare performance of our model with the country-specific Fama-French factors

Time-Varying Risk Premiums…

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School5

what is “conditioning information”?

generic model:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

asset returns given by …

with …

… no loss of generality!


ttt zR )( 1

)()(var 11 ttt z

vector of traded asset returns

unpredictable shock

predicted component

set of (lagged) instruments

for example …macro-economic indicatorschanges in the term-structuremarket sentiment indicators

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School6

what can we do with “conditioning information”?

using conditioning info …

Introduction overview literature results extensions

we can model …

• asset return predictability• serial correlation• seasonalities

• time-varying moments• stochastic volatility• time-varying correlations

• non-normality of returns• kurtosis (‘fat tails’)• skewness

• time-varying risk premia


this allows us to study …

• economic value of predictability• market timing• active asset management

• conditional asset pricing• tests of factor models• time-varying ‘betas’

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School7

asset pricing in the presence of conditioning information

pricing equation:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

an SDF must satisfy …


1)(1 ttt RmE

stochastic discount factor

vector of ‘ones’

vector of traded asset returns

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

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asset pricing in the presence of conditioning information

pricing equation:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

an SDF must satisfy …


vector of ‘weights’ given as …functions of instruments t-1 = f(zt-1)

stochastic discount factor

vector of ‘ones’

1)(1 ttt RmE 1t 1t

vector of traded asset returns

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School9

asset pricing in the presence of conditioning information

pricing equation:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

an SDF must satisfy …


)()( EE

taking unconditional expectations …

1)(1 ttt RmE 1t 1t

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School10

asset pricing in the presence of conditioning information

pricing equation:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

an SDF must satisfy …


)()( EE 1)(1 ttt RmE 1t 1t

suppose we choose weights …so that E(1’t-1) = 1

this can be interpreted as thereturn on a managed portfolio!

price of portfolio

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School11

asset pricing in the presence of conditioning information

pricing equation:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

an SDF must satisfy …

hence …

… for all managed returns rt


)()( EE 1)(1 ttt RmE 1t 1t

1)( ttrmE


for any candidate SDF mt …… the following are equivalent:

• mt prices all traded assets… conditionally correctly

• mt prices managed portfolios… unconditionally correctly

= 1

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School12

asset pricing with conditioning information


Introduction overview literature results extensions

• Chamberlain, RothchildE 51 (1983)

• Hansen, RichardE 55 (1987)

• Ferson, SiegelJF 56 (2001)

see also …• Cochrane “Asset Pricing”


construct orthogonal representationof unconditionally efficient frontier

extend CR’s framework to incorporateconditioning information

derive weights of efficient portfoliosas function of conditioning instruments

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School13

tests of conditional asset pricing models


Introduction overview literature results extensions

• Bansal, Hsieh, Vishwanathan (1993)

• Ferson, Harvey (1993)

• Harvey, Siddique (2000)

• Errunza, Sy (2005)


Nonlinear SDFs for international pricing

examine conditional international asset pricing models

test augmented CAPM on US portfolios

Country specific inflation factors

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Devraj BasuCass Business School14

conditional factor models

generic factor model:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

asset returns are given by …


vector of traded asset returns

vector of factors

conditional expected return

ttttt FR 11

vector of factor loadings

residual (idiosyncratic risk)

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School15

conditional factor models

generic factor model:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

asset returns are given by …


ttttt FR 11

factors loadings …

can be time-varying function …… of conditioning infocapture asset’s exposure …… to systematic risk factors

• traditional approach:linear function of instruments

• in our framework:solve for optimal loadings

1101 tt z

11 tt z typicallynon-linear!

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School16

conditional factor models

generic factor model:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

asset returns are given by …


ttttt FR 11

the residuals …

capture idiosyncratic risk …… should not be priced!


• zero mean• orthogonal to factor risk:

can be used to estimate model… e.g. GMM

0),cov( 1 ttt F

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University of Zurich Finance Seminar April 2007

Devraj BasuCass Business School17

conditional factor models

generic factor model:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

asset returns are given by …


ttttt FR 11

SDF representation:

the following is equivalent:

• there exist at-1 and Bt-1 so that

… is an admissible SDF

that is

… for all managed returns rt

tttt FBam 11

1)( ttrmE


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tests of conditional factor models

step 1:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

factor-mimicking portfolios

with …


1)1( tftfi

t rRrf

)( 111

11 ti

ittt q

ity 1:

the managed portfolio that has …maximal correlation with factor

second-moment matrix of returns:

mixed asset-factor moments:

)1)(1(11 ftfttt rRrRE

tfttt FrREQ )1(11

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Devraj BasuCass Business School19

tests of conditional factor models

step 2:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

managed portfolio of factors

• consider the set of returns …… that can be written as


• denote by RF …

… the set of all such returns rt





itftt rfrr


01 )(

1)( 01 tE

managed portfolios made up of …factor-mimicking portfolios

portfolio constraint

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Devraj BasuCass Business School20

tests of conditional factor models

step 2:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

frontier spanned by factors

• consider the set of returns …… that can be written as


• denote by RF …

… the set of all such returns rt





itftt rfrr


01 )(

1)( 01 tE

• maximum Sharpe ratio …… spanned by base assets:

… and by the factors:




RrF r






Rr rrrE


managed portfolios of …traded base assets

now define …

managed portfolios of …factor-mimicking portf’s

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Devraj BasuCass Business School21

tests of conditional factor models

step 2:

Introduction overview literature results extensions

managed portfolios of factors

• consider the set of returns …… that can be written as


• denote by RF …

… the set of all such returns rt





itftt rfrr


01 )(

1)( 01 tE


we show …

for given set of factors …… the following are equivalent:

• the model admits an SDF… of the form

• there is a factor-portfolio that is… unconditionally efficient

in other words, if



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Devraj BasuCass Business School22

tests of conditional factor models

just for the record …

Introduction overview literature results extensions

the maximum Sharpe ratios are given by …

• the latter is attained by the portfolio



)( 21

2 tHE 1




)( 21,

2 tFF HE 1








ttttttttttttF YYYYH







1 )(1



ft YYY




1 )1( tftftF

t rfrr

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tests of conditional factor models

An intermediate step

Introduction overview literature results extensions

• We also examine unconditional pricing… that is if E(mR)=1 where R are the base assets

• This is via taking unconditional expectations of the original pricing equation

• We test this by comparing

• This is similar to the Gibbons-Ross-Shanken test, except that it is possible for the optimal factor Sharpe ratio to be higher than the fixed-weight asset Sharpe ratio



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Devraj BasuCass Business School24

tests of conditional factor models

An intermediate step

Introduction overview literature results extensions

• We derive a heuristic test for

is asymptotically distributed as a chi-squared variable with (N-K)(1+J) degrees of freedom. The extra J degrees of freedom are to allow it to price the managed strategies


22* F



1 F


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Devraj BasuCass Business School25


Introduction overview literature results extensions

in this paper …… we develop the theory:

• explicitly construct …… factor-mimicking portfolio

• develop definition of…… ‘spanning distance’

• show distance proportional …… to Sharpe ratio difference

• explicitly characterize …… optimal factor loadings



develop methodology …… and investigate …

• does optimal ‘scaling’ …… improve performance?

• do World skewness and kurtosis and country inflation… really matter?

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results: Global versus Fama-French

test results: US size portfolios

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

model factor(s) Sharpe ratio

fixed scaled

asset frontier

1.27 2.21

factor frontier

CAPM WLD 0.56 0.64

+skew+ kurtosis WLD SKEW KURT 1.12 1.67


test assets: US Size decile portfolios; instruments: WORLD,TB1M, TSPR, CONV

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results: Adding Country Inflation Factors

test results

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

model factor(s) Sharpe ratio

fixed scaled

asset frontier

1.27 2.21

factor frontier

… … + inf MMRF

SKEW KURT INF INF2 1.13 2.08**


… … + inf MMRF

SMB HML INF INF2 1.14 1.82

test assets: US Size decile portfolios; instruments: WORLD,TB1M, TSPR, CONV

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results: US momentum portfolios

test results: US Momentum Decile Portfolio

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

model factor(s) Sharpe ratio

fixed scaled

asset frontier

1.29 1.87

factor frontier

CAPM WLD 0.83 1.01

WLD SKEW KURT 0.98 1.30

… … + inf WLD SKEW KURT INF INF2 1.01 1.75**


… … + kurtosis WLD SMB HML INF INF2 1.05 1.51

test assets: US momentum decile portfolios; instruments: WORLD,TB1M, TSPR, CONV

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results: Japanese Value Portfolios

test results: Japan Book-to-Market Portfolios

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

model factor(s) Sharpe ratio

fixed scaled

asset frontier

0.83 1.51

factor frontier

CAPM WLD 0.03 0.55

WLD SKEW KURT 0.43 1.04

… … + inf WLD SKEW KURT INF INF2 0.47 1.53**


… … + kurtosis WLD SMB HML INF INF2 0.74 1.26

test assets: Japanese Value Portfolios; instruments: WORLD,TB1M, TSPR, CONV

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frontiers: US portfolios

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

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frontiers: UK portfolios

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

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frontiers: Japanese portfolios

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

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Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

• The US size, value and momentum premiums are 10.45%, 10.57% and 9.98% and the scaled five factor model captures over 90% of these premiums

• The UK premiums are 8.27%, 12.59% and 7.84% and performance is similar although not quite as good

• The Japanese premiums are lower and our model captures over 90% of these.

• Scaled five factor augmented Fama-French under-performs except for US momentum and UK value premium. Unscaled model works best for US and UK value premiums

Model Implied Size, Value and Momentum Premiums

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Time Variation in Factor Risk Premiums

Introduction overview literature results extensionstheory

• The predictive variables are market (World) and business cycle (term structure--How are the factor risk premiums correlated with these ?

• The skewness and kurtosis factor risk premiums appear to be correlated with the market variable

• The inflation risk factors appear to be functions of the term structure variables

• Surprisingly, the Fama-French factor risk premiums appear to be functions of the market variables rather than term structure

Factor Risk Premiums

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