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10 Best SEO Analysis Tools

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Majestic is one of my favorite aspect of course for the trust flow and citation flow metrics. Most importantly, the topical trust flow always helps for our seo when analyzing a site’s topical data when working on semantic context for a site.

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We use SEMrush is to determine if a site is healthy or not. Whenever we are doing outreach and working on link-building campaigns, we always check SEMrush to see how many keywords a site is ranking for in Google now. When we find sites that have a high volume of inbound links and DA, but no keywords ranking in SEMrush, then it’s likely they’ve been penalized. We also check their organic traffic to determine if there’s a massive drop; if there is, we know to avoid reaching out to that site too.

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Ahrefs :

When it comes to link analysis for ac website then you can’t go wrong with this tool. In my opinion it crawls the most frequently and always gives the most in-depth linking report for a given domain or URL .

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Most don’t think of BuzzSumo as an SEO tool, but as a social media tool. Yet as SEO and content marketing are becoming indelibly linked, BuzzSumo is now a powerful tool in an SEO’s arsenal for SEO workers.

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Siteliner is one of a great crawling tool used to find duplicate content, broken links. It’s also free, making it a great alternative to a duplicate content tool like Copyscape too.

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With AuthorityLabs, you can track historical rankings and see graphical representations of how a keyword is ranking over time of a website. So, just try it now.

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We use SpyFu is for competitive research. When we start working with a new site, it is easy to check out what they’re doing on organic and PPC, and it becomes a fantastic place to start analyzing their strategy too.

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When it comes to on-page and Panda audits for a website then DeepCrawl is my right-hand man.

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Screaming Frog SEO Spider:

Screaming Frog is one of the most powerful website analysis tools right now. It’s desktop based, and is also a great tool for finding broken links and building strategies around that. It’s also a great competitive analysis tool because this tool can crawl competitor’s URL’s to find out what meta data they are implementing.

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Google Analytics:

This one is pretty straight forward. If you’re a SEO professional and haven’t heard of Google Analytics you may want to rethink your seo profession! So, nothing to say about this tool and its working process.

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