  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    10 , P N THI HSG ANH 7Su tm v tng hp: nguynth!thu"n#g$gm"!%&'(m

    S) 1*u%% n"m: +++++++++++++++++++++++

    H-NH TH.


    Thi gian thi: 120 pht - Khng k thi gian giao

    S6TIN A: PHN6TISI& h((8 th 9(; 9h(8 un;%!n; p"t !8 p(n(un'; ;!

    1. (e al"ays need more players. (hy don)t you come ******+

    A. on B. alon' C. "ith D. after 2. (ill you be home ****..dinner toni'ht+A. to B. for C. at D. on3. ,i-in' a book report before the class is an interestin' *******..A. act B. action C. acti-ity D. deed4. Do you 'o out ***..+A. in the afternoon on ridays B. on ridays in the afternoonC. on afternoons riday D. on riday afternoons5. *****.li-es in a -ery bi' houseA. A /ueen of 0n'land B. /ueen of 0n'landC. he /ueen of the 0n'land D. the /ueen of 0n'land

    . n unday mornin's stay in bed ****..$ o)clock.A. until B. at C. from D. to#. often *****in "inter.A. 'o playin' skiin' B. 'o skiin' skiin' D. 'o to ski$. ome youn' peole are "orkin' *****hospital -olunteers.A. to be B. such as C. like D. as%. (e shouldn)t cross the street outside the *****.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    A. pa-ement B. foot lane C. side"alk D. ebracrossin'1&. hey ****..healthy after the summer -acation.A. looked B. "ere seemin' C. "ere lookin' D. "ereappearin'

    11. hey meet their friends and ****some fun.A. take B. ha-e C. do D. en6oy12. 7o should pay more *****.in class.A. part B. care C. notice D. attention13. 8e and his friends usually 'et *** and talk about their stamps.A. to'ether B. themsel-es C. each other D. one another 14. 8e likes stamps. 8e is a stamp ****..A. collect B. collectin' C. collector D. collects15. ome students say they are ****ha-e no time for pastime.A. hurry B. busy C. full D. hard1. t)s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ***..

    A. cro"d B. traffic C. people D. transport1#. here aren)t any 'ood mo-ies **** the moment.A. 'oin' on B. bein' on C. performin' D. sho"in'1$. orry can)t come but thanks ****.A. any "ays B. any "ay C. any"ay D. in any"ay1%. 9ook at ***..'irl o-er there.A. one B. this C. that D. a2&. (ould you like to come to my house for lunch+A. 7es: do B. )d lo-e to C. 7es: like D. ;. )dlike

    II& G!v th '('t ****..?.3. (e =be> *****students in four years.4. "ill send him the messa'e as soon as he =return>******5. A little 'irl can spend all her time =listen> ***** stories.. @ (here are you+

    @ am upstairs. =ha-e>****** a bath.

    III& *!%% !n "'h #%"nC 9!th th '('t

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #. he often feels *******"hen she 'ets bad marks. 8A7$. here are about 2&& ****.in this company. 097%. ai is ****.at math than me. ,D1&. his lo-ely apartment has t"o bedrooms and it is *****E

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    "hen spend mo-ies thin's house home

    only ha-e unday =1>**** so ha-e -ery little free time. unday is a"onderful day for me to =2>***.time "ith my friends and family. ne of the =3>***. really en6oy doin' on unday mornin' is to 'o =4> ****."ith my friends:

    althou'h am not al"ays successful in catchin' fish. t is a time to rela! and talk aboutthe pre-ious "eek)s e-ents and future plans. usually 'o =5>**..late in the afternoon.y family sometimes =>*****..other relati-es on unday e-enin' at a karaokerestaurant and "e all ha-e a 'ood time to'ether. t is especially fun =#>** father'ets up to sin'. lease don)t tell him said this: but he is a -ery bad =$>**..H nce in a"hile 'o to the =%>*****"ith my friends or my brother. ometimes: 6ust stay athome: listenin' to music: =1&>*****-ideos or readin' no-els.

    II& *!%% !n "'h num#; #%"nC 9!th (n 8u!t"#% 9(;& Alice is a ne" 0n'lish friend of =1>*****.. . he is -ery =2> *****.to tellme about her ne" =3>***** 8er lessons be'in at nine each mornin' and =4>

    *****until half past ten. hen she has a ****.for a Iuarter of an hour. Durin'this time she usually talks to her friend about many thin's such => *******thelast class or last ni'ht)s mo-ie: * . he has fi-e =#> *****.in the mornin' and threein the afternoon. Alice)s fa-orite =$> ***..0n'lish. he first term lasts four monthsfrom eptember to December. Alice tries her =1&>******.to become a 'oodstudent in the class.

    S6TIN >: DITINGI& @8 g!vn 9(;8 t( 9!t th 8'(n; 8ntn' th"t th m"n!ng n(t'h"ng:

    1. (hat a lu!urious carH

    8o"************************H2. t takes me an hour to do my home"ork e-ery e-enin'.

    spend ***********************3.

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    II& ""ng th 9(;8 !n '('t 8ntn'81. at J the library J 0n'lKsh J of J books J in J the back J are J those.2. learn J "rite J literatureJ aboutJ essays J in J and J "eJ books J the.3. the bell J into J the students J ten J and J 'o J past J rin's J all J the yard J half J at.

    4. play J the J is J room J the 'uitar J Ba J in J learnin' J music J to.5. dinner J like J come J "ould J to J house J you J to J for J my+


    Th sinh khng c php dng !t c" t#i $i%& n#o' k c( t) in*

    PHENG G>+ T TA3 F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    P N ? H2NG >N HJ3 THI H/SINH GII 2P 7

    NK3 H/ L011+ L01L



    I& h((8 th 9(; 9h(8 un;%!n; p"t !8 p(n(un'; ;!& M10m"C8+ 3O! Qp Qn Rng 'h( 0,W !m&

    u 1 L U V WMNp Nn B B C D Du X 7 Y Z 10MNp Nn A B D D A

    u 11 1L 1U 1V 1WMNp Nn B D A C Bu 1X 17 1Y 1Z L0MNp Nn B D C C B

    II& G!v th '('t

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    2. are *..doin': am "atchin'3. "ill be4. is bein' built

    . returns#. listenin'$. to learn %. am ha-in'

    III& *!%% !n "'h #%"nC 9!th th '('t

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    I& @8 g!vn 9(;8 t( 9!t th 8'(n; 8ntn' th"t th m"n!ng n(t'h"ng:M10 m"C8+ 3O! Qp Qn Rng 'h( 1 !m&

    1. 8o" lu!urious the car isH2. spend an hour doin' my home"ork e-eryday.3. am the fastest runner.

    4. Does your school ha-e a library+5. (hat is your a'e+. (ould you like a cup of tea+ J (ould you like me to brin' you a cup of

    tea+#. don)t "ork so J as hard as my sister =does>.$. s this the best refri'erator you ha-e+%. t is not easy to find an apartment in a bi' city.1&. here are often 2$ days in ebruary.

    II& ""ng th 9(;8 !n '('t 8ntn'8& M10 m"C8+ 3O! Qp Qn Rng'h( L !m&

    1. hose books at the back of the library are in 0n'lish.2. n literature: "e learn about the books and "rite essays.3. At half past ten: the bell rin's and all the students 'o into the yard.4. Ba is learnin' to play the 'uitar in the music room.5. (ould you like to come to my house for dinner+

    II& H2NG >N HJ3:- T+ng i, to#n #iP 1&& QiRm- Thang i, 10

    Sn' nhTn' phUn lVm QWn'+ !m #! th!L


    S) L

    thi hc sinh giiN[m h\': L010+ L011

    3]n th!: T!^ng "nh 7Th_! g!"n: 1L0

    I& h\n t` 'a 'b'h phbt cm Chb' vd! t` C!" e phfn g'h 'hcnM 10 !im1. A. early B. beat C. realie D. reader

    2. A. holiday B. lay C. take D. -acation3. A. coop B. door C. food D. boot4. A. ner-ous B. scout C. household D. mouse5. A. buffalo B. public C. -olunteer D. fun. A. album B. used C. amusement D. scubaF di-in'#. A. minority B. 'ramophone C. robbery D. monument$. A. ancient B. arcade C. contest D. coral%. A. in-ention B. depend C. resort D. defeat


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1&. A. attraction B. battle C. -eteran D. characterII& h\n bp bn jng i h(kn thknh 'cuM 10 !im1. )m see you here.A. pleased B. please C. pleasin'2. (e)ll ha-e a day............... this "eek

    A. on B. off C. of3. orry: can)t 'o "ith you no". ha-e ........... my "ork for the test tomorro"A. re-ie"in' B. to re-ie" C. re-ie"4. usually 'o to bed at hafl.............. ele-enA. past B. part C. the past5. drink................ Coffee than youA. little B. less C. fe". 7ou should look in the card............. to find a bookA. list B. inde! C. rack #. ...............terrible "eatherHA. (hat B. 8o" C. (hat a

    $. li-e............. 42 atorn oadA. in B. at C. on%. s the 0iffel o"er taller............. Bi' Ben+A. that B. thanC. and1&. )m a bit shy. don)t............ friends easilyA. take B. do C. makeIII& Tlm ;ng jng '" t` t(ng ng(' i h(kn thknh 'b' 'cu 8"u M10 !im1. (e shouldn)t eat too much............. food and su'ar. M $. 9i)s........... to cham emple "as "onderful = v!8!t>%. inally: he decided........ do"n = 8"t>1&. 8oa is the............student in the class = h%p>I?& 3o! 'cu 8"u 'a mt %o! 8"!& Tlm vk 8q" %! 'h( jng M10 !im

    1. (e didn)t "anted to 'o to the park2. he shop closed a'o ten minutes3. Gohn "ashs the car on aturday4. (e no li-e in a city5. can)t speak Chinese and neither can)t my brother. (hen sa" her: thou'ht she looked happily#. Did you not understand "hat said to you+

    orry: didn)t$. he dress "as pink and little "hite flo"ers on it%. y mother bou'ht for me a nice schoolba' on the occasion of a ne" school year1&. (hen am ill: my om looks at me

    ?& ?!^t %! 'b' 'cu 8"u cy 8"( 'h( nghr" '" 'cu Ch]ng th"y s! M10 !im


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1. A year has t"el-e monthshere are.................................2. 8e looks after the sick people8e takes...................................3. Do you en6oy listenin' to music+

    Are you interrested....................................4. (hat is your mother)s 6ob+(hat does..................................+5. (e ha-e a t"oF month summer -acationur summer -acation lasts......................... t takes me about t"o hours each day to do my home"ork spend...................................................#. 8oa is a hard student8oa studies...............................$. t is not necessary for you to finish the "ork today7ou don)t ha-e.......................................

    %. Xidane is amon' the 'reatest football players in the "orldne of the 'reatest football player................................1&. indin' an apartment in a bi' city is not easyt is............................................................?I& h( ;ng jng '" ng t` t(ng ng(' M10 !im1. 7ou =see> the film on tele-ision last ni'ht+2. ur class= start> at #.15 and= finish> at 11.45 e-ery mornin'3. he 'ets fat because she is al"ays tastin' thin's "hile she= cook>4. Bill decided= buy> a ne" car rather than a used one5. 9on'= fall> do"n the stairs this mornin' and = break> his le'. ,eor'e is interested in= take> an art class#. he packa'e has= be> there tomorro". t= be> there in time+F Don)t "orry. am 'oin' to send it by e!press mail.?II& !En mt t` th'h hp vk( mo! 'ho twng i h(kn thknh (n v[n 8"uML0!imur school=1>............ a lot of clubs and belon' to= 2>............of themP the drama 'roupand= 3>............. folk music club. n each= 4>................: you can find the same types ofpeople. irst: there is Y he outhZ: (ho can not stop talkin'. hen: =5> he;no" itF allZ: (ho thinks that other people)s ideas=>.......... ubbish. here are also Iuiettypes such as Y heZ=#>................he cribblerZ. he Brain only speaks=$>............ shehas to somethin' to say. And Y he=%>............ takes a lot of notes but rarely speaks. yfa-orite is Y he mouseZ: "ho smiles= 1&>.......... 9ot and seems happy to do all those

    borin' little 6obs that e-eryone else a-oids?III& Hxy ;ng t` g! z i h(kn thknh #{' th 8"uM10 !imDear Andy.1. hanksJ in-itation.2. J be afraidJ "eJ can not comeJ your party.3. (eJ 'oin' a"ayJ

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    LoveDianaI|& Hxy h(kn thknh 'b' 'cu 8"u cy1. hey spend a lot of time...............................2. prefer................................................

    3. his "as the first time.............................4. y parents took me..................................5. he noise keeps me...........................................

    p n

    I. 1A 2D 3B 4A 5C A #B $A %A 1&C

    II. 1A 2B 3B 4A 5B B #A $B %B 1&C

    III. 1. fatty I?. 1. "anted"ant

    2. beautiful 2. a'o ten minutes

    ten minutes a'o3. teeth 3. "ashs"ashes4. decision 4. nodon)t5. disappeared 5. can)tcan. carefully . happilyhappy#. runny #. did...notdidn)t$. -isit $. and"ith%. to sit %. for meme1&. most helpful 1&. atafter

    ?. 1. here are t"el-e months in a year2. 8e takes care of the sick people3. Are you interested in listenin' to music+4. (hat does your mother+5. ur summer -acation lasts t"o months. spend t"o hours each day doin' my home"ork#. 8oa studies -ery hard$. 7ou don)t ha-e to finish the "ork today%. ne of the 'reatest football player is Xidane1&. t is not easy to find an apartment in a bi' city

    ?I. 1. Did you see2. tartsJ finishes3. is cookin'4. to buy5. fellJ broke. takin'#. to beJ "

    ?II. 1. has . are2. t"o #. and3. the $. "hen4. 'roupJ club %. cribbler


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    5. there 1&. a?III.

    1. hanks for your in-itation2. )m afraid "e can not come to your party3. (e are 'oin' a"ay on the

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #. y sister "ill be 1 ** .*.unday ****.. A. on F ay 25th B. on F ay 25 C. in F 25th ay D. in F ay 25$. (ould you like to play basketball+ F . .................. . ,ood ideaH

    A. like B. lo-e it C. )d lo-e to D. "ant %. Can help you+ F ***: please. need a kilo of beef.

    A. 7es B. orry C. Can D. this afternoon. (ould you like =6oin> 7ou can borro" my umbrella. =notJ use> *****.it at the moment.3. =not ha-e> ..................a car at the moment: so ='o> *.......**to "ork on the busthis "eek. usually dri-e to "ork.4. 9ookHhe plane =fly> **"ards the airport. t =land> ........................5.7ou =hear>.....................anythin'+

    F =listen>...................hard but can)t hear anythin'.. ***.. the museum "ith his class last unday because he had a cold.

    1............................................ .......................................

    2............................................. #.......................................

    3............................................ $.......................................

    4............................................ %.......................................

    5............................................ 1&.....................................

    I?& Put th 9(;8 !n th '('t 12

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1. 8is computer is more e!pensi-e than me.............................................................................................

    2. like drink apple 6uice. t)s my fa-orite drink.............................................................................................

    3. 8e is so intelli'ent as me.

    ............................................................................................4. hu is "rittin' a letter to her parents in her room.............................................................................................

    5. and some of my classmates 'o to school the bus e-ery day.............................................................................................

    . y son is studyin' in an uni-ersity in China. .............................................................................................

    #. prefer to playin' table tennis.............................................................................................

    $. here is a fe" mineral "ater in the bottle on the table............................................................................................

    %. he is lay: but her brother is -ery laier...........................................................................................

    1&. layin' is more interestin' than study............................................................................................

    ?I. "; th p"88"g thn m"C u8t!(n8 "n; "n89&M10 p(!nt8 am 8oa. li-e in 8anoi. t is a -ery beautiful city on the bank of the ed i-er. han'9on' brid'e is the lon'est one in 8anoi. 8anoi has lots of lakes and parks. (e often 'o tothe parks and the oos on unday. he parks in 8anoi ha-e lots of trees. hey are -erybi' and 'reen. here are many kinds of beautiful flo"ers in the parks. like hu 9e oo-ery much because it has a lot of different animals: especially monkeys \ my fa-oriteanimal.1. (hat J 8anoi J like+..............................................................................................................................................




    2. (here J 8oa J 'o J unday+..............................................................................................................................................




    3. 8o" J lon' J brid'e J 8anoi+..............................................................................................................................................





  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    4. (hy J she J like J parks+..............................................................................................................................................



    ........................5.(hat kind J animals J like best+..............................................................................................................................................




    ?II& (mp%t th 8'(n; 8ntn'8 !n 8u'h " 9"y th"t !t !8 "%m(8t th 8"m "8 th

    hall ........................................................................................................................+5.(hen is your brithday+

    (hat...........................................................................................................................+. 8o" tall is this buildin'+


    #. iss 9an is a 'ood 0n'lish teacher.iss 9an *..................................................................................................................$. t took r. 8oan' half an hour to "alk to "ork to yesterday.

    r. 8oan' spent.......................................................................................................%. (hat is the price of this cap +8o" much........................................................................................................................1&. 9istenin' to music is more interestin' than "atchin' ?. prefer.............................................................................................................................

    ?III& "; th p"88"g "n; 'h((8 th #8t (pt!(n& !% A, =, ( > M10p(!nt8Games has t"o 6obs. =1>****.onday: uesday and (ednesday he "orks in a

    =2>***."here he helps to look after children "ho =3>***..ill. 8e 'oes to thehospital =4>***bus. 8e starts =5>***at ten o)clock and "orks until Iuarter =>***.fi-e. 8e =#>***at home on hursday and riday: he "rites stories. n =$>*** e-enin': one of his roommates cooks the meal. After dinner: they =%>****atthe ne"spapers to see "hat)s on ? or they =1&>****about the day. 1. A. At B. n C. n D. Ep

    2. A. school B. hospital C. office D. factory3. A. am B. is C. are D. be


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    4. A. in B. on C. under D. by5. A. 6ob B. day C. hand D. "ork. A. to B. at C. by D. about#. A. "ork B. "orks C. "orkin' D. to "ork$. A. a B. an C. D. the

    %. A. see B. "atch C. look D. meet1&. A. sin' B. talk C. hear D. listenI|& *!%% !n "'h g"p 9!th " 8u!t"#% pp(8!t!(n&M10p(!nt8

    1. )m readin' a book *................ history of China.2. he shirt looked beautiful. tried it*..............but it didn)t fit.3. t is far*..........................your house to the school.4. s okyo the bi''est city*............................the "orld.5. Gohn)s "orried *.......................his final e!am.. Are you interested*...................... ath.#. (hat)s 8C city famous*........................+$. 8er sister is "orkin'*.......................... a computer company.

    %. Can talk ............................. you for a moment+ 1&. y aunt sliced the beef .......................thin strips.|& @8 th 8ugg8t; 9(;8 "n; ph"88 t( 9!t '(mp%t 8ntn'8& M10p(!nt8 Dear Nam,1. J be J pleased J hear J that J you J your family J "ell.



    2. 8ere J photo J my family J and J let J me J tell J you J us.



    3. ather J mechanic J. 8e J "ork J factory J suburb.



    4. 8e J "ork J fi-e J days J a "eek J onday J riday.



    5. 8e usually J'o J "ork J motorbike J mornin' J so he J not free J e-ery mornin'.




    . n free time J fatherJ often J playJ badminton J friends.



  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #. mother J teacherJJ. he J teach J ath J school J near J house.


    $. Brother J 1# yearsJ and J he J 'rade 12.


    %. 8e J lo-e J collect Jstamps J. 8e J ha-e J hundreds J stamps J collection.******************************

    1&. please "rite J me soon J and tell J your J family.


    80 0

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    PHENG G>+ T T}N B~N3 3IN T}B

    kho st t I

    P N THI HF ST H/ SINH GIINK3 H/ L01L+ L01U3n: T!ng Anh p 7

    Thi gian thi: 160 pht - Khng k thi gian giao

    I& hn 1 t 'j phn g'h 'hn ' phQt m ChQ' 8( v! 'Q' t 'n %!& M10p(!nt8

    F ]i c^u QWn' Q_`c 1 QiRm.u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&& Qn D B C D B C A D B A

    II& hn phng Qn Rng nht !n v( 'hO tng h(n thnh 'Q' 'u 8"u& M1Wp(!nt8

    F ]i c^u QWn' Q_`c 1 QiRm.u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&

    & QnD C B D D B A C A A

    u 11 12 13 14 15& Qn C A C B D

    III& h( ;ng Rng '" ng t t(ng ng('& M10 p(!nt8]i Qn' t chia QWn' Q_`c 1 QiRm.1. "ill play or "e)ll play: to 6oin2. am not usin'3. am not ha-in': "ill 'o4. is flyin': is landin'5. Do* hear: am listenin'

    . didn)t -isit

    I?& h( ;ng Rng '" 'Q' t t(ng ng(' MW p(!nt8

    3O! t v!t Rng 'hdnh t ' 1 !m&1. businessman2. classmate3. uncomfortable4. medical5. sunny

    ?& S" %O! 8"!&M10 p(!nt8+ Tm ' %O! 8"! v 8" Rng ' 1 1 'u& Nu tm ' %O! m 8" Chng Rngth 'h( !m 1 'u&

    T ;ng 8"! S" %! Rng11. me12. drink13. so14. "ritin'15. the1. an1#. to1$. fe"1%. -ery

    1. mine


    drinkin'3.as4."ritin' to$.little%.much


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    2&. study 1&.studyin'

    ?I& ' (n vn, t 'u h! ! t %! M10 p(!nt8]i c^u hOi mV Qt QWn' Q_`c 1 QiRm]i c^u tr li QWn' Q_`c 1 QiRm.1. (hat is 8anoi like+

    t is beautiful.2. (here does 8oa 'o on unday+he 'oes to the parks and oos.3. 8o" lon' is han' 9on' brid'e in 8anoi+t is the lon'est brid'e in 8anoi.4. (hy does she like the parks+Because they are bi': 'reen and there are many beautiful flo"ers in it.5. (hat kind of animals does she like best+he likes monkeys best.

    ?II& ?!t %! 'u, g! nguy_n z& M10 p(!nt8

    1& "n h"8 %(ng h"!&L& N"m g(8 t( 8'h((% #y #!C vy;"y&U& Ng" !8 th m(8t !nt%%!gnt M8tu;nt !n (u '%"88&V& Sh"%% 9 g( 89!mm!ngW& Dh"t !8 y(u ;"t (< #!thX& Dh"t !8 th h!ght (< th!8 #u!%;!ng7& 3!88 "n t"'h8 6ng%!8h 9%%&Y& 3 H("ng 8pnt h"%< "n h(u 9"%C!ng t( 9(C y8t;"y&Z& H(9 mu'h !8 th!8 '"p

    1&. prefer listenin' to music to "atchin' ?.?III& hn t thd'h hp 'h( 8n !n v( 'hO tng M10 p(!nt8

    u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&& Qn C B C D A A B D C B

    I|& !n g!! t M10 p(!nt8

    u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&& Qn about on from in about in for for to into

    |& S ;ng t g! z v!t thnh 'u h(n 'hnh M10 p(!nt8+ 3O! 'u v!t Rng tt t t, 8 ;ng Rng mu 'u, v!t h(" 'h 'Q! u 'u vt_n ng! h(' 'Q' ;"nh t 'h " ;"nh ' L !m&

    + Nu v!t 8"! 'h! t!t n( th t 0&LW!m 'h! t!t 8"!& 1. am pleased to hear that you and your family are "ell. 2. 8ere is the photo of my family and let me tell you about us.

    3. y father is a mechanic. 8e "orks inJfor a factory in the suburb. 4. 8e "orks fi-e days a "eek from onday to riday. 5. 8e usually 'oes to "ork by motorbike in the mornin' so he is not free e-erymornin'. . n free time my father often plays badminton "ith his friends.


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #. y mother is a teacher. he teaches math atJin a school near my house. $. y brother is 1# years old and he is in 'rade 12. %.8e lo-es collectin' stamps. 8e has hundreds of stamps in his collection. 1&.lease "rite to me soon and tell =me> about your family..- T+ng i, to#n #iP 1&& QiRm

    - Thang i, 10 Sn' nhTn' phUn lVm QWn'+ !m #! th!L


    80 0

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1&J. ha-e ....................time to play than my friends990

    III& h((8 th #8t "n89 t( '(mp%t "'h 8ntn'.1J. bou'ht this dress at the...................on 8an' Bai street.

    A. clothes) store B. store of closes C. clothes store D. closin' store

    2J. sn)t it easy to learn 0n'lish "ell + F *********..A. ******.. to her parents last "eek. he = phone > *..**. them.

    5J.Duy = not -isit>* *the museum "ith his class last unday because he =catch > **. a cold.J. 8o" much it = cost > *****.to mail a latter to 0n'land +#J. ake these pills and you = feel > ******.. better then: 8a .?& 6"'h 8ntn' #%(9 '(nt"!n8 "n (& @n;%!n !t "n; 9!t th '('t "n89 !n th8p"' p(v!;; :1. rom at nine in the mornin' until four afternoon r. uan "orks in

    A B C the fields "ith his father. D2. here is fe"er "ork in the e-enin' than there is in the mornin' A B C D

    3. y Dad al"ays has a threeF"eeks -acation A B C D4. r Ba soon 'ot used to tra-el to "ork by bicycle A B C D5. he doctor says you should spend a little time to play -ideo 'ame. A B C D. he public library in the city has thousand of 'ood books







  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    A B C D#. (hat does the ne" student like + F h: she is tall and beautiful A B C D$. Ba is in class #A and he en6oys the school -ery much A B C D

    %. y father al"ays has a lot of house"orks to do A B C D1&. here is a tenFfloors buildin' in front of my house A B C D




    ?I& *!%% !n "'h num#; #%"nC 9!th (n 8u!t"#% 9(;Americans like sport -ery much. ne of the =1>............. popular kinds of sports in Autumn is

    football. All the hi'h schools=2>........... uni-ersities ha-e their o"n teams.n "inter the most popular kind of sports =3>........... basketball. here is usually a match

    e-ery e-enin' in one school 'ymnasium or another. n some parts of the Enited tates there is alot of =4>.............. and ice. any people like skiin' and skatin'.

    n the other t"o =5>...........: millions of Americans en6oy baseball. he schools ha-e their

    'ames in =>...........: but the most important professional 'ames are played durin' summer. anypeople listen to the 'ames =#> ...... the radio: "atch them on tele-ision or read about them=$> ...........the ne"spapers.

    ome also play tennis or 'olf and others =%> ......... fishin'. hey like to stay outdoors=1&> is "arm durin' the months of Gune: Guly and Au'ust.?II @8 th 9(;8 g!vn t( '(mp%t th

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    thy "%8( '"m & "n";!"n&U& A& =!t!8h& =& Am!'"n& & u88!"n& >& h!n8&

    V& A& v"!(u8& =& 8!m!%"& & 8"m& >& %!C&W& A& ;(& =& 8"y& & t"%C& >& 8p"C&X& A& %!8& =& 8!tu"t;& & "t& >& !n&7& A& th"n& =& "8& & m(& >& %88&Y& A& 8"y& =& t%%& & t"%C& > 8p"C&Z& A& "g(& =& %"t& & th& >& h&10& A& *"n'& =&*n'h& & u88!"n& >& It"%!"n&

    J. Ese 'i-en "ords to re"rite the second sentence that the meanin' not chan'eP1& It t((C 3& H("ng h"%< "n h(u t( 9"%C t( 9(C y8t;"y& 3& H("ng 8pnt&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&L& Dh"t !8 th p!' (< th!8 '"p H(9 mu'h&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    U& B(u 8h(u%;nt "t t(( mu'h m"t& B(u;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&V& "n !8 th y(ung8t (< th th 8!8t8&"n h"8 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&W& u h(u8 !8 (%; th"n "ny (th h(u8 !n th %!v!ng 'nt u h(u8&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. ai usually "orks hard.Lj ai is usually a**********7& Th " !ght hun;; 8t"mp8 !n H("8 '(%%'t!(n& H("8 '(%%'t!(n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Y& H(9 h"vy !8 th 'h!'Cn Dh"t &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Z& H(9 mu'h !8 th!8 #((C Dh"t !8&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10& !8tn!ng t( mu8!' !8 m( !nt8t!ng th"n 9"t'h!ng T?& I p

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1. A at bO at . C thousand thousands

    2. B fe"er less #. B does is

    3. D threeF"eeks threeF"eek $. C the bO the

    4. B tra-el tra-elin' %. C house"orks house"ork

    5. D to play playin' 1&. B tenFfloors tenFfloor ?I& M1W!m Mi %& ng cho #,! i"m1. most 2. and 3. is 4. sno" 5. seasons. sprin' #. on $. inJon %. 'o 1&. because?II& MW!m Mi cu ng cho #,! i"m

    1& B(u h"; #tt n(t "t t(( m"ny '"n;!8 #'"u8 thy " n(t g((;

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    u8t!(n I:h((8 th 9(; th"t th un;%!n p"t8 p(n(un'; ;!

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    2. Fj #. Fj3. Fj $. Fj4. Fj %. Fj5. Fj 1&. Fj

    u8t!(n ?:P(v!; th '('t you : 9inh+.....................................................................................................................................................3. y sister = 'o > to the 7outh club e-ery "eekend. he en6oys = play > sports -ery much......................................................................................................................................................4. Be IuietH = "ant > to hear the ne"s......................................................................................................................................................5. y father = play > rollerF skatin' "hen he = be> a child......................................................................................................................................................

    u8t!(n ?I:P(v!; th '('t

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    5> Gohn)s "orried ..........................his final e!am.> Are you interested......................... aths.#> (hat)s 8C city famous...........................+$> 8er sister is "orkin'............................. a computer company.%> Can talk ............................. you for a moment+1&>y aunt sliced the beef .......................thin strips.

    u8t!(n I|:*!%% !n th #%"nC (< th *..........**.in *........

    **.. 8er parents took her to see Cham =4>*..........**.and ri **.....*..of fish. 9i liked the colorful fish. he =#>**........

    *..they "ere the most beautiful. hey bou'ht some thin's from the sou-enir =$>**.......*..near

    the e!it of the aIuarium. 9i)s father =%>**......*..her a cap "ith a picture of dolphin: and her

    mother bou'ht a poster. 9i bou'ht 'ifts for her friends. =1&>**.......*.the trip 9i didn)t feel

    tired at all. he had a 'reat timeH

    u8t!(n |:(mp%t th 8'(n; !n 8u'h " 9"y th"t !t !8 "%m(8t th 8"m "8 th

    4. 9an is the youn'est of the three sisters."n h"8........................................................................

    5. ur house is older than any other house in the li-in' centre.u h(u8....................................................................

    . . 9an didn)t 'o to school yesterday because of her sickness.='"u8 "n******#. here are ei'ht hundred stamps in 8oa)s collection.H("8 '(%%'t!(n............................................................$. 8o" hea-y is the chicken +

    Dh"t .............................................................................+%. hall "e 'o to the oo+.t8 .....................................................................H1&. 9istenin' to music is more interestin' than "atchin' ?.I p

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    12. 8ereJ photoJ my familyJ andJ letJ meJ tellJ youJ us.******************************..............................13. atherJ mechanicJ. 8eJ "orkJ factoryJ suburb.******************************..............................14. 8eJ "orkJ fi-eJ daysJ a "eekJ ondayJ riday.******************************...............................

    15. 8e usuallyJ'oJ "orkJ motorbikeJ mornin'J so heJ not freeJ e-ery mornin'.**********************......................................................................................................................................................................................................................1. n free timeJ fatherJ often J playJ badmintonJ friends.******************************1#. motherJ teacherJJ. heJ teachJ athJ schoolJ nearJ house.********************************1$. BrotherJ 1# yearsJ and JheJ 'rade 12.*****************************1%. 8eJ lo-eJ collect JstampsJ. 8e J ha-eJ hundredsJ stampsJ collection.******************************2&. please "riteJ me soonJ and tellJ yourJ family.

    ******************************-----Th9 9nd-----


    3n : TI5NG ANH + 2P 7

    u8t!(n I:MWp+01p" '('t (n 1B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.Bu8t!(n II:MWp+01p" '('t (n 1C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.Cu8t!(n III:M10p+01p" '('t (n 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D

    .A #.C $.A %.D 1&.Cu8t!(n I?:M10p+01p" '('t (n Fj ! .thousand Fj thousands 2.fe"er Fj less #.does Fjis 3.threeF"eeks FjthreeF"eek $.the Fj his 4."hat Fj "hy"orks Fj house"ork play Fjplayin' 1&.tenFfloors Fj tenFflooru8t!(n ?:M10p+01p" '('t (n

    1. Did you 'o F "ent F didn)t en6oy2. takes F does it take3. 'oes F playin'

    4. "ant

    5. played J "asu8t!(n ?I :M10p+01p" '('t (n 1.interestin' .best 2.household #. 6uicy 3.acti-ity $.in-ention 4.medical %.useful 5.nei'hborhood 1&.lessu8t!(n ?II :M10p+01p" '('t (n

    1C 2B 3C 4D 5 D A #B $D %C 1&B


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    u8t!(n ?III :M10p+01p" '('t (n 1. about 2. on 3.from 4. in 5.about . in #. for $. for %.toJ "ith .intou8t!(n I| :M10p+01p" '('t (n

    1 -acation 2 fun 3 e!pensi-e 4 temple 5 like types # thou'ht $ shop % bou'ht 1& after

    u8t!(n | :M10p+01p" '('t (n 1. r 8oan' spent half an hour "alkin' to "ork yesterday. 2. 8o" much is this cap+ J 8o" much does this cap cost + 3. 7ou[d better not eat too much meat. 4. 9an has t"o older J elder sisters. 5. ur house is the oldestJ eldest house in the li-in' center. . Because 9an "as sick: she didnt 'o to school yesterday. #. 8oa[s collection has ei'ht hundred stamps. $. (hat[s the chicken[s "ei'ht+J (hat[s the "ei'ht of the chicken+ %.hey "ant to make their house more beautiful. 1&. prefer listenin' to music to "atchin' ?.u8t!(n |I :M10p+01p" '('t (n

    1. am pleased to hear that you and your family are "ell. 2. 8ere is the photo of my family and let me tell you about us.

    3. y father is a mechanic. 8e "orks inJfor a factory in the suburb. 4. 8e "orks fi-e days a "eek from onday to riday. 5. 8e usually 'oes to "ork by motorbike in the mornin' so he is not free e-ery mornin'. . n free time my father often plays badminton "ith his friends. #. y mother is a teacher. he teaches math atJin a school near my house. $. y brother is 1# years old and he is in 'rade 12. %.8e lo-es collectin' stamps. 8e has hundreds of stamps in his collection. 1&.lease "rite to me soon and tell =me> about your family.


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1. (hen my brother and =be>****************..*children: "e =ha-e>*****************...*t"o cats and a do'.2. t)s $.&& no". (e =learn>**************.******math . At %.&&: "e = ha-e> ***************...***a history class.3. 9ien)s brother is an architect but he =not "ork> **..*****..*.at the moment.4. 8o" much it =cost> *************.. to mail a letter to 0n'land+

    5. (e are decoratin' our house because "e = ha-e >*******..a birthday party toni'ht.. hey =tra-el> *********..*****.*.to the EA ne!t month#. (ould you like me = help >**********you "ith your home"ork toni'ht +$. y sister 'ets used to = 'o >************.out on aturday ni'hts.

    III& hn Qp Qn Rng h(n thnh 'Q' 'u 8"u& M 1,Wm8 1. layin' chess after dinner sounds *. ****** to me .

    A. borin' B. bored C. borin'ly D. boredom2. (e may kno" the land -ery "ell : but "e kno" -ery *****.. about the oceans.

    A. fe" B. littleC. much D. a little3. recei-ed a letter ****** friend yesterday .

    A. from B. by C. on D. at

    4. As a child : he *********. his parents .A. ou'ht obey B. ou'ht obeyin' C. ou'ht to obey D. ou'ht to obeyin'

    5. he needed ***********.these postcards to her friends.a. to send b. sendin' c. sent d. sends

    . 8un' and his brother********..* at home yesterday.a. didn)t are b. "asn)t c. "eren)t d. not "ere

    #. he talked to her friends*******.**.her -acation in Da 9at.a. about b. on c. "ith d. for

    $. 8e caused an accident because he "as dri-in' too *******.*..A. fastly B. fast C. -ery fast D. much fast

    %. f all the students in my class : 5. li-e in a *****************..*house by the sea. =9o-e>. y friend and "rite to each other*******..*******.. =re'ular>


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #. ,uitar is a ****************..****instrument. =music>$. ha-e **************..time to play than my friends do. =little>%. 7ou should do mornin' e!ercises to ha-e a****..*****....body. =health>1&. (here is the ****************...***.restaurant + =near>?&Tm v Ch("nh tn %O! 8"! t(ng mO! 'u 8"u& M 1m1. t takes 8uy three hours doin' his home"ork e-ery e-enin'.

    A B CD2. ?iet not 'ot up early and do mornin' e!ercises yesterday.

    A B C D3. Does

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    At present : people can en6oy a 4*********.. pro'ram on ?. 9i-e ? pro'ram helpsus see e-ents at the same time as they are happenin'. n our country: "e often "atch li-e ?pro'rams of important 5******.***** and international football matches .

    =&T %! 'Q' 'u h! 8"u&M 1m1. (ho en6oy "atchin' tele-ision +******************************.****

    2. (hat pro'ram helps us see e-ents at the same time as they are happenin' +******************************...****..3. (hat do "e often "atch in our country+*********************************..4. Do you ha-e a tele-ision set at home +

    **********************************5. (hich pro'rams on ? do you like "atchin'+*********************.************ TH6 6N>

    = M thi c 3 tran'>

    H2NG >N HJ3 THI H/ SINH NKNG HI5@ 2P 7 THS JP H@BNmnP T!ng Anh

    I& M 1m 3O! 'u Rng ' 0,1 !mC^u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&MNp Nn a d b d a a d c c d

    II& M Lm8 3O! ng t Rng ' 0,L !m1. "ereJ had 2. are learnin'J "ill ha-e 3. isn)t "orkin' 4. does it cost 5.are 'oin' to ha-e . "ill tra-el #. to help $. 'oin'III&M1,Wm8 3O! 'u Rng ' 0,1 !mC^u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1& 11 12 13 14

    MNp Nn A B A C A C A B D C A D D DI?& M 1m 3O! 'u Rng ' 0,1 !m1. collection 2. education 3. acti-ity 4. "onderful

    5. lo-ely. re'ularly #. musical $. less %. healthy

    1&. nearest?& M 1m 3O! 'u Rng ' 0,1 !mC^u 1 2 3 4 5 # $ % 1&MNp Nn C A B B D C A C D D

    ?I& M Lm8 3O! 'u Rng ' 0,L!m1. s this the cheapest computer you ha-e+2. he old refri'erator is smaller than the ne" one

    3. he plays badminton "ell.4. y brother prefers playin' soccer to "atchin' ?5. ur summer -acation lasts t"o months. 7ou had better not 'o there alone#. 8o" old is your dau'hter: rs

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    1. Both old and youn' people en6oy "atchin' ?.2. 9i-e ? pro'ram helps us see e-ents at the same time as they are happenin'3.(e often "atch li-e ? pro'rams of important e-ents and international football matches.4. s) ans"ers5. s) ans"ers

    Tng t(n #! : 10 !m

    S) 7


    THI H/ SINH GII 2P 7NK3 H/ L011+ L01L

    34N THI TI5NG ANHThi gian thi: 120 pht - Khng k thi gian giao

    M th! gm V t"ng

    I& h((8 th 9(; 9h(8 un;%!n; p"t !8 p(n(un'; ;!:1. (e al"ays need more players. (hy don)t you come ******+A. on B. alon' C. "ith D. after 2. (ill you be home ****..dinner toni'ht+A. to B. for C. at D. on3. ,i-in' a book report before the class is an interestin' *******..A. act B. action C. acti-ity D. deed4. Do you 'o out ***..+A. in the afternoon on ridays B. on ridays in the afternoonC. on afternoons riday D. on riday afternoons5. *****.li-es in a -ery bi' houseA. A /ueen of 0n'land B. /ueen of 0n'land

    C. he /ueen of the 0n'land D. the /ueen of 0n'land. n unday mornin's stay in bed ****..$ o)clock.A. until B. at C. from D. to#. often *****in "inter.A. 'o playin' skiin' B. 'o skiin' skiin' D. 'o to ski$. ome youn' peole are "orkin' *****hospital -olunteers.A. to be B. such as C. like D. as%. (e shouldn)t cross the street outside the *****.


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    A. pa-ement B. foot lane C. side"alk D. ebra crossin'1&. hey ****..healthy after the summer -acation.A. looked B. "ere seemin' C. "ere lookin' D. "ere appearin'11. hey meet their friends and ****some fun.A. take B. ha-e C. do D. en6oy12. 7o should pay more *****.in class.

    A. part B. care C. notice D. attention13. 8e and his friends usually 'et *** and talk about their stamps.A. to'ether B. themsel-es C. each other D. one another 14. 8e likes stamps. 8e is a stamp ****..A. collect B. collectin' C. collector D. collects15. ome students say they are ****ha-e no time for pastime.A. hurry B. busy C. full D. hard1. t)s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ***..A. cro"d B. traffic C. people D. transport1#. here aren)t any 'ood mo-ies **** the moment.A. 'oin' on B. bein' on C. performin' D. sho"in'1$. orry can)t come but thanks ****.

    A. any "ays B. any "ay C. any"ay D. in any"ay1%. 9ook at ***..'irl o-er there.A. one B. this C. that D. a2&. (ould you like to come to my house for lunch+A. 7es: do B. )d lo-e to C. 7es: like D. ;. )d like

    III& G!v th '('t ****..?.%. (e =be> *****students in four years.1&. A ne" school =build> ******near our school no".11. 7ou =be> ****'ry if he refuses to help you+

    12. "ill send him the messa'e as soon as he =return>******13. A little 'irl can)t spend all her time =listen> ***** stories.14. 8e sent a tele'ram for his mother =learn> *****.'ood ne"s.15. @ (here are you+

    @ am upstairs. =ha-e>****** a bath.

    I?& *!%% !n "'h #%"nC 9!th th '('t

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    ?& Th !8 (n m!8t"C !n "'h (< th ****."ith my friends: althou'h am not al"ays successfulin catchin' fish. t is a time to rela! and talk about the pre-ious "eek)s e-ents and future plans. usually 'o =5>**..late in the afternoon. y family sometimes =>*****..other relati-es onunday e-enin' at a karaoke restaurant and "e all ha-e a 'ood time to'ether. t is especially fun=#>** father 'ets up to sin'. lease don)t tell him said this: but he is a -ery bad =$>**..Hnce in a "hile 'o to the =%>*****"ith my friends or my brother. ometimes: 6ust stayat home: listenin' to music: =1&>*****-ideos or readin' no-els.?III& *!%% !n "'h num#; #%"nC 9!th (n 8u!t"#% 9(;&okyo: "hich is the =1> * city of Gapan: is one of the three =2> * cities in the "orld. =3> * thet"elfth century: Gapan)s capital "as an island city named ;yoto. i! hundred years later: manypeople =4> * ;yoto mo-ed east to a city called 7edo: renamed it okyo: and =5> * this city thecapital of all Gapan: "hich is still is. oday: okyo is a => * place. t =#> * a center for business

    and education. t is also a center for reli'ion. n =$> * okyo uni-ersity: the beautiful 'rounds ofthe mperial alace: the famous mperial 8otel built =%> * 1%2& by a noted American: rank9loyd (ri'ht: and many fine shops: stores: theaters: and =1&> * places can be found in thiscapital.. Ese 'i-en "ords to re"rite the second sentence that the meanin' not chan'eP

    1. (hat a lu!urious carH8o"*********************H

    2. t takes me an hour to do my home"ork e-ery e-enin'. spend ********************


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7



    1& >A.

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    . ?iet P h: 'reat. 8o" did you 'et there+. ?iet P s it e!pensi-e+


    Th< sinh kh=ng c php dng !t c" t#i $i%& n#o' k c( t) in*

    PHENG G>+ T TP = N!nhTNG THS P @

    P N ? H2NG >N HJ3 THI H/ SINHGII 2P 7

    NK3 H/ L011+ L01L34N THI TI5NG ANH

    I& h((8 th 9(; 9h(8 un;%!n; p"t !8 p(n(un'; ;!

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    ?I& *!%% !n th #%"nC8 9!th th '('t pp(8!t!(n8& MW p(!nt81 L U V W

    At F past Ep up at byX 7 Y Z 10

    from of till in at

    ?II& h((8 (n 8u!t"#% 9(; t( '(mp%t th .$. s this the best refri'erator you ha-e+%. t is not easy to find an apartment in a bi' city.1&. here are often 2$ days in ebruary.11. (e)d better not eat too much meat.12. he bad "eather pre-ented us from our picnic.13. iss 9an is a fast runner.

    14. Xidane is amon' the 'reatest football players in the "orld.15. (e ha-e a t"oFmonth summer -acation.

    |& ""ng th 9(;8 !n '('t 8ntn'8& MW p(!nt8. hose books at the back of the library are in 0n'lish.#. n literature: "e learn about the books and "rite essays.$. At half past ten: the bell rin's and all the students 'o into the yard.%. Ba is learnin' to play the 'uitar in the music room.1&. (ould you like to come to my house for dinner+

    |I& "ng th8 8t"tmnt8 t( m"C " m"n!ng

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    S) Y

    PHENG G> T S4NG 4



    Nm h' L01L+L01U3N: t!ng "nh 7Thi gian: 120 phtt FKhng k thi gian giao


    I& h((8 (n 9(; 9h(8 un;%!n; p"t !8 p(n(un'; ;!

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #J. )d like a nice..................oran'eGEC0

    $J. 0dison)s most famous ***. "as the electronic bulb.

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    5J.Duy = not -isit>* ***the museum "ith his class last unday because he=catch > **. a cold.J. 8o" much it = cost > *****.to mail a latter to 0n'land +#J. ake these pills and you = feel > ******.. better then: 8a .

    ?& 6"'h 8ntn' #%(9 '(nt"!n8 "n (& @n;%!n !t "n; 9!t th '('t"n89 !n th 8p"' p(v!;; M 10 p(!nt8 1. rom at nine in the mornin' until four afternoonr. uan "orks in

    A BC the fields "ith his father. D2. here is fe"er "ork in the e-enin' than there isin the mornin' A B C D3. y Dad al"ays has a threeF"eeks -acation A B C D4. r Ba soon 'ot used to tra-el to "ork bybicycle A B C D5. he doctor says you should spend a little time toplay -ideo 'ame.

    A B CD. he public library in the city has thousand of'ood books A B CD#. (hat does the ne" student like + F h: sheis tall and beautiful A B C D

    $. Ba is in class #A and he en6oys the school -erymuch A B C D%. y father al"ays has a lot of house"orks to do A B C D1&. here is a tenFfloors buildin' in front of my












  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    house A B C D

    ?I& *!%% !n "'h num#; #%"nC 9!th (n 8u!t"#% 9(;>............. popular kinds of sports

    in Autumn is football. All the hi'h schools=2>........... uni-ersities ha-e their o"nteams.n "inter the most popular kind of sports =3>........... basketball. here is

    usually a match e-ery e-enin' in one school 'ymnasium or another. n some partsof the Enited tates there is a lot of =4>.............. and ice. any people like skiin'and skatin'.

    n the other t"o =5>..............: millions of Americans en6oy baseball. heschools ha-e their 'ames in =>...............: but the most important professional'ames are played durin' summer. any people listen to the 'ames =#> .......... theradio: "atch them on tele-ision or read about them =$> .............. the ne"spapers.

    ome also play tennis or 'olf and others =%> ......... fishin'. hey like to stayoutdoors =1&> is "arm durin' the months of Gune: Guly and Au'ust.?II: @8 th 9(;8 g!vn t( '(mp%t th

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7



    1&.-ideo 'ames J 'ood fun J but players J must J careful. *****************************..?J. ead the follo"in' passa'e then choose the best ans"er to fill in the blank.In th @n!t; St"t8 (< Am!'", th n"t!(n"% %"ngu"g !8 M1&&&&&&&&&&&& 6ng%!8h&*(u hun;; y"8 "g(, 8(m 6ng%!8h p(p% '"m t( N(th Am!'" t( %!v"n; thy #(ught ML&&&&&&&&&& %"ngu"g t( th!8 '(unty&N(9 !n th @SA, p(p% 8p"C MU&&&&&&&&&&&6ng%!8h & 3(8t (< th 9(;8 " thMV&&&&&&&&&&&& !n Am!'"n "n; =!t!8h 6ng%!8h, #ut th Am!'"n 8"y 8(m6ng%!8h 9(;8 n(t "8 p(p% MW&&&&&&&&&&& !n 6ng%"n;& "n";" !8 MX&&&&&&&&&& t( thN(th (< th @n!t; St"t8 (< Am!'"& It !8 th %"g M7&&&&&&&&& th @n!t;St"t8& In "n";", m"ny p(p% MY&&&&&&&&&&&& 6ng%!8h #'"u8 thy "%8( '"m

    &"n";!"n&U& A& =!t!8h& =& Am!'"n& & u88!"n& >&h!n8&V& A& v"!(u8& =& 8!m!%"& & 8"m& >& %!C&W& A& ;(& =& 8"y& & t"%C& >& 8p"C&

    X& A& %!8& =& 8!tu"t;& & "t& >& !n&7& A& th"n& =& "8& & m(& >& %88&Y& A& 8"y& =& t%%& & t"%C& > 8p"C&Z& A& "g(& =& %"t& & th& >& h&10& A& *"n'& =&*n'h& & u88!"n& >& It"%!"n&

    J. Ese 'i-en "ords to re"rite the second sentence that the meanin' not chan'eP1& It t((C 3& H("ng h"%< "n h(u t( 9"%C t( 9(C y8t;"y& 3& H("ng 8pnt&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    L& Dh"t !8 th p!' (< th!8 '"p H(9 mu'h&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&U& B(u 8h(u%;nt "t t(( mu'h m"t& B(u;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&V& "n !8 th y(ung8t (< th th 8!8t8& "n h"8 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&W& u h(u8 !8 (%; th"n "ny (th h(u8 !n th %!v!ng 'nt


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    u h(u8&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. ai usually "orks hard.

    3"! !8 u8u"%%y "&&7& Th " !ght hun;; 8t"mp8 !n H("8 '(%%'t!(n& H("8 '(%%'t!(n&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Y& H(9 h"vy !8 th 'h!'Cn Dh"t &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Z& H(9 mu'h !8 th!8 #((C Dh"t !8&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10& !8tn!ng t( mu8!' !8 m( !nt8t!ng th"n 9"t'h!ng T?& I p T S4NG 4r_n' 8C 7n


    Qp Qn v th"ng !mH33n: t!_ng "nh

    I& MW!m Mi cu ng cho ,! i"m1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A. D #. B $. A %. B 1&. CII& M1W!m Mi cu ng cho #,! i"m

    1 interestin' Addicti-e2 household # Guicy3 acti-ity $ n-ention4 medical % Eseful5 nei'hborhood 1& 9ess.

    III& MW!m Mi cu ng cho ,! i"m1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D. A #. C $. A %. D 1&. CI?& M10!m Mi $ng %& ng cho # i"m

    1 is rainin' 4 didn)t "rite F phoned

    2 meet 5 didn[t -isit F cau'ht

    3 are -isitin' F -isit does it cost

    # "ill feel

    ?& M10!m Mi cu ng cho # i"m1. A at bO at . C thousand thousands

    2. B fe"er less #. B does is

    3. D threeF"eeks threeF"eek $. C the bO the

    4. B tra-el tra-elin' %. C house"orks house"ork


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    5. D to play playin' 1&. B tenFfloors tenFfloor

    ?I& M1W!m Mi %& ng cho #,! i"m1. most 2. and 3. is 4. sno" 5. seasons. sprin' #. on $. inJon %. 'o 1&. because?II& M1W!m Mi cu ng cho #,! i"m

    1& B(u h"; #tt n(t "t t(( m"ny '"n;!8 #'"u8 thy " n(t g((;

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    3. A. im"'e B. arc"de C. t"ke D. d"ys4. A. play8 B. look 8 C. "ant8 D. help8

    5. A !pensi-e B -ent C ssay D !cept

    II& hn z A, =, h(' > h(n thnh 'Q' 'u 8"u&. bou'ht this dress at the on 8an' Bai street.

    A. clothes) store B. store of closes C. clothes store D. closin' store#. sn)t it easy to learn 0n'lish "ell + F

    A. able to speak 0n'lish better if you =learn> harder.2&. 8o" much time do you spend ="atch> ? e-ery day +21@22. the museum "ith his class last unday because he =catch> a cold.23 @ 24. Boys like =play> marbles or catch "hile 'irls en6oy =skip> rope or

    chattin'.25. ;eep silent: please.ur teacher =e!plain> the lesson.I?& !n mt g!! t thd'h hp h(n thnh 'u&

    2. n a 'ame of sin'les: t"o players play each other.2#. )m not -ery fond detecti-e stories.2$. ar'arine is different butter.2%. 8is parents are -ery strict him.


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    3&. any people take part 6o''in' e-ery mornin'.31. (e)d like a "alk instead ridin' a bike.32. 8uy is -ery 'ood fi!in' thin's.33. hey study and listen to music the same time.34. literature: "e learn about books and "rite essays.

    35. (ill you be home dinner toni'ht +?& S ;ng ;ng Rng '" t t(ng ng(' h(n thnh 'u&3. ruit 6uice and milk are -ery drinks for children.=80A98>3#. he has a lot of stamps in her =C990C>3$. 3%. ai is a 'ood dancer so she dances -ery =B0AE7>4&. (e usually take part in many different at recess. =AC>

    41. his dictionary is -ery for you to learn 0n'lish. =E0>42. here are many badminton no"adays.=C00>43. he nurse needs to kno" 8oa)s .=8,8>44. 0n'lish is an and important sub6ect .=45. 8oa is ha-in' a checkFup.=0DC

    ?I& ' (n vn 8"u v 'hn t thd'h hp h(n thnh& M3O! 'h tng mt ty name is strai'ht to our friend)s house.8e is run' "hose parents =4%> farmers li-in' in the countryside. (e drankcoconut milk and =5&> a lot of country pancakes. After that "e "ent flyin'kites in a paddy =51> then "e "ent s"immin' in the ri-er near run')s house.(e played 'ames to'ether.

    inally: in the afternoon "e =52> the countryside for the to"n. Andreached home at about .. (e really had a lot of fun. he countryside is "onderful tome. t has =53> beautiful and interestin' places than in the to"n.?II& 3O! 'u 'j mt %O! 8"! M t h(' 'm t , m hay tm v 8" %! 'h( Rng&

    54. y friend doesn)t like potatoes: and don)t like them: too.

    55. here are not much 'ood pro'rams on tele-ision toni'ht.5. ha-e less books in 0n'lish than my classmates.5#. (here "ere you buy these picture books last month +5$. y mother often eats a fe" fruit for breakfast.5%. rs 8uon' didn)t "atch any mo-ies last "eek and so did "e.&. feel thirsty. )d like drinkin' some "ater.

    ?III& >ng t g! z v!t h(n thnh 'u 8"( 'h( ngh" 'u t_n Chng !X1& !8tn!ng t( mu8!' !8 m( !nt8t!ng th"n 9"t'h!ng T?&


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7



    XL& H(9 h"vy !8 th 'h!'Cn (hat

    3. (e ha-e a t"o F month summer -acation.

    ur summer -acation lasts

    4. 7ou shouldn)t for'et to "rite to your parents. 7ou)d

    5. T ung N"m P N + =I@ I3 THI H/NHSG 7


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    Phng G> T NR! Thnh 3n T!ng Anh + %p 7& Th! g!"n X0phRt

    TNG I3 : L0u I: 1&W !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m

    1 2 3 4 5

    A B A A Cu II: L&W !m, mO! z Rng 0&LW !m

    # $ % 1& 11 12 13 14 15D C C C B D C A D C

    u III: L&W !m, mO! z Rng 0&LW !m1.1#. "as "atchin' \ran'1$.1%. "ill be F learn2&. "atchin'

    21.22. didn)t -isit \ cau'ht23. playin'24. skippin'

    25. is e!plainin'

    u I?: U !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m

    2 2# 2$ 2% 3& 31 32 33 34 35a'ainst of from "ith in of at at in for u ?: U !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m3 3# 3$ 3% 4& 41 42 43healthy collection best beautifully acti-ities useful competitions hei'ht44. interestin'45. medicalu ?I: L,V !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m4 4# 4$ 4% 5& 51 52 53"ith from "ent are ate field left moreu ?II: L,1 !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m54 55 5 5# 5$ 5% &too Feither

    much Fmany

    9ess Ffe"er

    (ere Fdid

    A fe" \ alittle

    o Fneither

    Drinkin' \to drink

    u ?III: 1&W !m, mO! z Rng 0&U !m1. prefer listenin' to music to "atchin' ?2. (hat is the chicken)s "ei'ht +3. ur summer -acation lasts t"o months4. 7ou)d better not for'et to "rite to your parents5. Because

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    8< 2%udying ? 2%udy? 2%udied? %o2%udy=14.ome students are makin' a lot of ** the school yard.=noi2e? noi2y?noi2er? noi2ily= 15.7ou)d rather ****.*.kinds of books.< read ? reading ? %o read? read2 =1. y sister is used *..........up early e-ery mornin'>

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    23. Can borro" your fishin' rod: eter+ letters+F 8e)ll come =32. see> me ne!t "eek.F Don)t stay up too late or you> tired.F t)s half past one. (e =34. study> 0lectronics in the classroom. At a Iuarter to t"o"e =35. ha-e> a short break.F (hen my brothers> youn': they =3#.take> mornin' e!ercises re'ularly.F 7ou should =3$.see> the dentist "hen you ha-e a toothache.Fiss (hite =3%. help> her students "ith their "ork as soon as she =4&.finish> her

    "ork.?* ?i4t dEng ng cYa t) tong ngoVc*41. 8e is sure to ha-e an accident because he dri-es -ery **.. =CA0>42. (hen rs 9ien "as youn': she "anted to be an ****.. =AC>43. Ask a ......... to type your application form for you =70>

    44. Do you like ... music+=AD

    45. ?ideos are also -ery useful in*******. =0DECA0>

    4. r. Bean has a -ery ************* tooth. =A4#. t is -ery**.. to dri-e a car fast in a busy street. =DA4$. ary looked ****.because her mother died. =8A7>4%. (hen 'o to the library: sit and reach about ****.. thin's. =(5&. 0dison ******..the electric bulb.


  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    51. rom at nine in the mornin' until four afternoon r. uan "orks in the fields"ith his father.52. here is fe"er "ork in the e-enin' than there is in the mornin'53. 8e "as absent from "ork yesterday because of he "as ill.54.7ou must try to make these children clean their tooth. is many furniture made of "ood in the sittin' room.5. am terrible sorry. didn)t mean to break your "indo"s.5#.n the back of the school yard there is a bi' apple tree.5$. (e left our lu''a'e at the station and 'o to find somethin' to eat.5%. )m 'oin' out no" and "ill be back in about a hour.&.he used to "alkin' to school "hen he "as a child.

    C. MCP?JJ* ]in t) thch hp /#o chZ tOng*

    here are ..... =1> main kinds of sportsP team sports and ...........=2> sports.eam sports are such sports .......=3> baseball: basketball and -olleyball. eamsports .......=4> t"o separate teams. he teams play........=5> each other. heycomplete a'ainst each other..........=> order to 'et the best score. .........=#>e!ample in a football 'ame: if...........=$> A 'ets 4 points and team B............=%> 2points: eam A "ins the ........=#&>. eam sports are sometimes called competiti-esports.

    ?JJJ* ]c oEn /Pn sa& /# t( $i cI& h^i*n the summer holiday: r. and rs. Bro"n and their children: eter and

    usan often 'o to the beach for t"o or three days. hey al"ays 'o to ?un' au inthe south of ?iet

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    D. ?}PJ*?i4t $Ei cI& s[ d=ng t) cho s`nFKhng tha +i ngha cYa cI&\$1. here are o-er ei'ht hundred stamps in am)s collection*******************$2.hey prefer computer 'ames to -ideo 'ames.hey like*********************$3.8e is a slo"er and more careful dri-er than am.8e dri-es*********************$4.he trip lasted t"o "eekst "as**********************.$5.;hanh is a fluent 0n'lish speaker.;hanh speaks*******************$. t[s not 'ood to talk in class.alkin'.....................................................................................$#. didn)t ha-e a toothache. hey didn)t ha-e a toothache= neither> .....................................................................................$$.

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7



  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    3. "ere3#.took3$.see3%. "ill help4&.finishes

    ?* ?i4t dEng ng cYa t) tong ngoVc*41. CA0909742. AC043. 744. AD

  • 7/25/2019 10 de Dap an Thi Hsg Anh 7


    #2. hey often stay there for t"o or three days.#3. hey usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea+#4.they "ent to in his class.$%. he stomachache pre-ented r. Bean from en6oyin' the meal%&. t)s our duty to keep our school clean: 'reen and attracti-e.

    * ?i4t cI& s[ d=ng t) cho s`n*%1.n the future "e "ill ha-e less "ork and more money to spend.

    %2. (hen do you ha-e hysics+%3.Genny is not "earin' her ne" dress no".%4. his mornin': ate bread and drank milk for breakfast.%5. he does not play football: either.%. ally looks -ery happy in her ne" dress.%#.Y balanced dietZ means you eat a -ariety of foods "ithout eatin' too much ofanythin'.%$. (hy does she ha-e to "ork hard e-ery day+%%. )m interested in chess but )m not 'ood at it.1&&. (ould you like to 'o "ith me to the cinema toni'ht+

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