  • 8/8/2019 10 F Spanish 316 Wacks


    U Oregon Dept. Romance LanguagesSpanish 316: Survey of Peninsular Lit to 1800Fall 2010Instructor: Prof. David Wacks ([email protected]) 541-346-4029Office Hours:Lecture: TR 10:00-11:20 Gerlinger 248 (CRN 16532)GTF Discussion Section Leader: Paulo Henrquez ([email protected]) 541-346-4054Discussion section 1: F 10:00, 473 McKenzieDiscussion section 2: F 11:00, 473 McKenzieDiscussion section 3: F 1:00, 123 McKenzie


    This course provides a broad overview of the literature of the Iberian Peninsula, especially Castile, from the 11th tothe 17th centuries. We will focus on the intersection of Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures.

    Each week we will begin by discussing the two readings and thecrticaassignment for the week. At the beginning of each lecture we write a shortcomentario (ten minute ungraded writing exercise in Spanish) on a theme related to thereading and that is connected to thecrtica. During a short presentacin de textowe will further discussterminologa

    that must be put into practice in writing thecrticaand that will be tested on the final exam. At the lectures end,students will turn incomentariosfor attendance and participation credit.

    During discussion section, students will be responsible to explaining their crtica to their peers and for explainingpartnerscrtica to the rest of the class. Discussion section leaders will conduct activities designed to reinforcecontent presented in lectures and readings, and to improve critical thinking and writing skills.

    Texts: A course packet is available for sale at The Copy Shop that contains all readings.

    Spanish Dictionary:

    This is the dictionary of the Real Academia Espaola de la Lengua (Dicc. RAE). It contains many definitions for words found in the readings, especially usages from the medieval and early modern periods (1200-1700) that do notappear in most student dictionaries.


    35% Final Exam (in class): See guide in course packet for de tails. You must take the final exam with the rest of the class no exceptions will be made for travel plans.

    30% Crtica (7): Weekly writing assignment. See guide in course packet. Lowest grade dropped.

    20% Lecture attendance and participation: There are 17 lectures. The in-classComentarios will be collectedat the end of each lecture to register attendance and participation. Students are allowed to miss3 lectures (for any reason), after which they lose 5 points per lecture missed up to a total of 15 points.

    15% Discussion section attendance : Students are allowed to miss2 sections (for any reason), after whichthey will lose 5 points per section missed up to a total of 15 points.

    Grading Rubric:

    100-98 97-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 82-80 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-67 66-63 62-60 59-

    A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

  • 8/8/2019 10 F Spanish 316 Wacks


    SPAN 316 Fall 2010 Last update September 7, 2010 2


    T 28 Sep Objetivos y panorama del curso, begin watchingCities of Light (pelcula)

    R 30 Sep Cities of Light

    T 05 Oct FinishCities of Light,Goytisolo, El legado andalus;Crtica 1

    R 07 Oct Jarchas

    T 12 Oct Poetas hebreos de al-Andalus;Crtica 2

    R 14 Oct "El feudalismo"; Juan Manuel,Conde Lucanor , no. 35

    T 19 Oct El prisionero;Crtica 3; Week 4 survey

    R 21 Oct Las novelas de caballeras; Garci Rodrguez de Montalvo, Amadis de Gaula(seleccin)

    T 02 Nov Pelcula: Lazarillo de Tormes

    R 04 Nov Lazarillo de Tormes, tratado 1 (El ciego);Crtica 4

    T 09 Nov Lazarillo de Tormes, tratado 2 (El sacerdote)

    R 11 Nov Lazarillo de Tormes, tratado 3 (El escudero);Crtica 5

    T 16 Nov Garcilaso de la Vega

    R 18 Nov Miguel de Cervantes,Don Quijote(cap. 1-2) ;Crtica 6

    T 23 Nov Miguel de Cervantes,Don Quijote(cap. 2-4)

    R 25 Nov Thanksgiving Day No classes

    T 30 Nov Barletta, "The Moriscos";Doncella Arcayona; Crtica 7

    R 02 Dec Repaso examen final

    F 03 Dec Discussion sections do not meet: Paulo holds extended office hours for individual consults11:00-3:00 pm

    W 08 Dec Examen Final8:00-10:00 en Gerlinger 248. Bring blue books.

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