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Music in a sense is cultural diversity. With wide ranges of ethnic styles that flow into our society, however we see it, economic and social class separates American music

through the creation and consumption of music. More so, government, education and laws have had their hands in this vastly wide business.

The definitions of music published in the last decades have an underlying affect in identifying human behavior in a cultural context. Ian Cross the faculty of music in Cambridge

University states, “Musicality is a property of communities rather than the individual person.”(1) From this consideration a person can derive an operational definition of musical

functions and what can legitimately be constituted as “music” across cultures and times. Music and dance have been emphasized as language and communication thus, practiced

in cultural traditions nationwide. Indigenous African practices wore colorful clothing and danced with feathers and paint on their faces in hopes of protection before going into a

battle. Indians also danced around a fire and chanted to pray for rain or for food. Today’s societies give praise to deities and have slow melodic swings played at the passing of

someone’s life. These are just acknowledgements that music has influenced many different types of societies.

There have been many arguments that music affects our society as others would say our society affects the type of music that is portrayed. Both of these arguments have valid

truths however one decides, you can say for sure that when a culture is given way to radical change that awareness gives way through expression.

WWII ended in 1945. Men from the service were returning home to consummate with their wives they haven’t seen in four years. Then began the huge curb in the population

known as the baby boom suddenly, America for the first time found a fluctuation in youth and had to cater to a generation that society had never known before.

Drugs like LSD, marijuana and heroin had a big effect on the creation of music, this time period was also known as the “Psychedelic Era”.a turbulent and restless society which

arose in American history. Some believe that John F Kennedy’s murder actually jumpstarted the sixties. If this proves to be true then you can clearly see how the revolt of an action

dramatically changed music in itself and people. There were many more historical events that paved this flower power rift in time. Demonstrations, Black Panther’s, and Martin

Luther King’s speech “I have a Dream” all were significant in the sixties.(6) Inconsequently, both King and Kennedy were assassinated in this time. So, societal problematic actions

had an effectual outcome in history, thus changing the creation of music and the people of its time.

Music has been around for a long time. It has become so vast that at a click of a button or the changing of a station you can choose whatever appeals to you. But, what type of

music are you drawn to? Is there significance in the music you are being communicated? Music can be effective in conjunction with other inventions in promoting relaxation, alle-

viating anxiety and promoting well-being through the release of certain endorphins. There are many professionals who help in this medicine music mania. It not only is beneficial

but has been proven by many scientist and doctors. Fine musicians and doctors share a commitment to professional excellence in technique and in what I think is best called eth-

ics: subordinating one’s own personal and professional agenda to the service of the ensemble, and to the best application of science in the care of patients,” says Dr. Newberger.

(7) Music between mother and child help in the development in communication skills. Scott Cross, the Educator Development Manager for Kindermusik International, also believes

that the non-musical benefits of music classes spill over into academic achievement. (5) Commercialization promotes consumer spending with a jingle or a catchy song. Music

pervades our everyday life and influences our behavior.

Music has long affected politics in the United States. Political Parties have used them to get elected such as Rock the Vote. This was a chance to get the young involved in politi-

cal views by swaying them with their genre of music. It proved to be very effective. Rock the Votes website determined In 1992 election polls showed 20% increase in youth turn-

out ending in 20 years of declining youth participation.(2)

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