Page 1: 10 reasons to teach entrepreneurship to kids

Why we should teach all kids about entrepreneurship reasons to start teaching entrepreneurship in your classroom

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Page 2: 10 reasons to teach entrepreneurship to kids

Entrepreneurs are the new rockstars Kids look up to entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and Lady Gaga (yes, she’s an entrepreneur as well)..


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02 Entrepreneurship is an essential skill in the 21st century job market Entrepreneurial skills are not only required for future entrepreneurs. Modern jobs require employees to be entrepreneurial as well.

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Teach multiple subjects at once Entrepreneurship is a multi-disciplinary form of education. Solving business problems requires knowledge of subjects such as math, language and arts. This allows you to combine several subjects without kids even realizing it.

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It’s all about teamwork Entrepreneurship is not something you do alone. It teaches kids to work together. Together with their team, but also with customers..

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Bringing out the best in everyone Being an entrepreneur requires many different skills. Therefore even students that are usually underperforming can rise to the top.

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Teaching everyday business skills Selling, talking to customers, marketing are everyday business skills, but are hardly taught at school. It’s time for a change!

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Social entrepreneurship Businesses generate income, but can support social change at the same time. Use social entrepreneurship to do good.

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Educating kids about money 45% of college students has credit card debts ($3000 on average). Entrepreneurship is a great way to provide financial education.

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It’s rewarding for teachers and parents Seeing kids developing their own projects and businesses is one of the most rewarding feelings. Don’t believe me? Try it and see for yourself!

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It’s a great way to have fun Starting a business is fun. Coming up with a name, designing a product, hunting for customers and seeing money come in brings a smile to the face of parents, teachers and students alike.

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About us

Tom & Thomas: Teaching entrepreneurship since 2008 We have been teaching kids about entrepreneurship through our blog and in classrooms throughout The Netherlands since 2008. We hope to share the joys of teaching entrepreneurship with you through this presentation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you’re interested in giving our ‘Entrepreneurship 101’ workshop in your classroom. Sincerely, Tom Rovers [email protected]

Presentation design:  

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Home: Own archive

Pictures under creative commons license:

01: Rockstar

02: Once they begin

03: 6.365 – Kit Kat?

04: Somewhere Not Here

05: Flash!

06: Sale sign

07: 42/365

08: Food for the wallet

09: Paula & Mireia

10: birthday boy

Published in: 2012

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