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10 Reasons Why Your Website is Not Working For You

A professional functional website is the backbone of your internet based business. Website is your storefront with all your products or services listed over it. This storefront must be able to attract visitors and should make them to take an action whenever they visit your website. This action can be a lead, sale, inquiry etc. If one out of every five visitors of your website is NOT taking any action (filling out an inquiry form at least), then there is something severely wrong with your website.

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What am I doing on this website?

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What am I doing on this website?

Don’t let your visitor wonder and leave your website just because they don’t understand why they landed over it. You never know what that visitor might be thinking before landing over your website and now it’s your creative job to attract them with a stunning headline or an irresistible offer title.

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What am I doing on this website?

Most important content area is the one where a visitor’s eye goes for the very first time. Don’t let them scroll the page and provide the most relevant information right in

front of them.

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Why I can’t read the text?

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Why I can’t read the text?

Do not distract your visitors with too many irrelevant images and try not to use a slider of any sort above the fold of your website. Images are important but they should be aligned with the product or services you are providing. Use descriptive images and let your visitor read your offer title easily. Your website aesthetics are not associated with large number of images and fancy fonts; rather it’s associated with how you place your content and how much attraction it has.

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Where is the website menu?

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Where is the website menu?

Organize your content in a way that people already are familiar with. A website visitor usually expects links to other pages like, abut, contact etc on your website and link to these pages should be visible above the fold. If you are providing multiple products or services, links to them must be visible in a proper hierarchy. Use drop down menu but remember that this drop down must not move below the fold.

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Who are these people?

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Who are these people?

Your prospect clients will always like to know you. The ‘about’ page of your website is one of the ‘must have’ pages and you should always describe yourself, your company and products to your prospects in a convincing way. Before getting into business with you, your client will always want to be connected with the business owner and that is why your business information should also contain at least the owner’s name. You don’t need to hide anything and telling you the truth, my returning customers are always those who have communicated with me at least once during a project.

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How can I contact these guys?

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How can I contact these guys?

Contact page of your website with an easy to fill contact form is a must. A link to your contact page must be visible and you should also tell your visitors the time frame in which you’ll reach them back. Not having an easy to fill contact form is a mistake that many webmasters do very often. Don’t be one of them and miss a single business opportunity. 90% of the times, when a visitor will contact you asking for a little more information, he or she is already ready to buy your product or service.

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How can I contact these guys?

Having a live chat support and a business contact number adds up to your professional look. Encourage your visitors to talk to you. This makes them feel personally connected and served. But, another mistake most webmaster do in providing live support is they don’t have capacity to answer support chat requests and calls. If you do not have an active support team, then this will go against you. Having an icon of live chat that is offline and a phone number that doest answer is something that annoys your prospect and you’ll lose that prospect in a flick. So, if you don’t have a support team, it’s better to stick with a contact form only.

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How much experienced they are?

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How much experienced they are?

If you are providing a service, this can be your best shot. In services industry, experience is the most valuable asset and you must incorporate it within your website. Tell your visitors about your past experience in the form of portfolio and also tell them exactly how long you have been providing these services. For selling a product, although your experience is not that much important but the age of your product is very important. If your product is in the market for some time, you should tell your visitors about its age and the benefits that it has brought to the people who have used it.

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Why they don’t have any reviews or testimonials?

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Why they don’t have any reviews or testimonials?

Other user’s experience with you is something that encourages your prospects to convert into sales. Always ask for a feedback from your existing clients and don’t forget to show that to your prospects. Testimonials play an important role in conversions by helping your prospects in making up their mind to buy your product or service.

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Why they don’t have any reviews or testimonials?

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Why they don’t have any reviews or testimonials?

If you don’t have reviews or testimonials at the moment (this usually happens with services), offer your services in a very low cost just to get some feedback.

If you are selling products (for affiliate marketers), get some reviews of that product from internet and do provide the source of that review. If you are selling your own product, again, offer it in a very low price or a trial version of it to get feedbacks and reviews.

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How can I measure their branding efforts?

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How can I measure their branding efforts?

You might have products that are already branded but are you? Is your storefront branded? I always stress over having an advertising budget for your business, evenly distributed over time. It doesn’t matter if it’s low, even if you have $100 USD; you can distribute it over two months by advertising your business for $50 USD a month over internet.

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How can I measure their branding efforts?

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How can I measure their branding efforts?

A part from display media advertising, your social media presence now is a tool of measurement of your branding efforts. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin (for professional services only), blogging, press releases and Google+, since November 2011, are the social media branding tools. The more followers you have, the more branded you are. Display your social media connections over your storefront (website) to let your prospects know that they are dealing with real people, real business and you’ll ensure real results for them.

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What’s in it for me?

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What’s in it for me?

It’s time to answer the question exactly as it’s asked. Your product or service must be wrapped with the points that answer this question. Instead of telling your visitors merely the benefits of your product, tell them exactly how it’ll help them. How it’s the most beneficial product to revolutionize their lives. Use the problem solving approach by providing them with a solution not a product.

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What’s in it for me?Remember, no one buys toothpaste;

everyone buys the idea of white teeth!

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How should I order this product/service?

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How should I order this product/service?

Your visitors now know you, understand your product or service, believe in you and it’s time for them to take an action. Clear calls of action must be placed at least once and at most twice over a page of your website. Every page of your website, even if it’s about page, must have at least one call of action.

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How should I order this product/service?

Most webmasters, who understand the importance of call of action, place such buttons or links more than twice on a page and this is where they lose by over stressing. You don’t want to lose a prospect just because he or she got annoyed and placing calls to action buttons more than twice, annoys your visitors. Unnecessary persuasion makes them feels ‘forced’ and they just leave your website. Once again, I’ll stress over placing your calls of action not more than twice on a page.

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How should I order this product/service?

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10 Reasons Why Your Website is Not Working For You

These are the most common mistakes that webmasters do and rectifying these issues will help you grow as an internet



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