Page 1: 10 Years of Bidding, 10 Lessons Learned: Large Enterprise Advertisers By Ian Lopuch

10 Years of Bidding, 10 Lessons Learned: Large Enterprise Advertisers Ian Lopuch Vice President, Customer Acquisition, eHealth #SMX | @ianlopuch

Page 2: 10 Years of Bidding, 10 Lessons Learned: Large Enterprise Advertisers By Ian Lopuch

Ian Lopuch: About Me •  10 years of digital marketing experience •  $200 MM+ career spend •  Bidding, Bid Technology Enthusiast

§  Experience with manual bidding, building bidding platforms/technologies, leveraging enterprise-level bid management systems

•  Stanford Computer Science Major

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Page 3: 10 Years of Bidding, 10 Lessons Learned: Large Enterprise Advertisers By Ian Lopuch

Lesson #1: Traditional CPA-Based Bidding Is Bad

•  What about the lifetime value of your customers? §  Will they come back and buy

more in a month?

•  What about attach rate? §  Did they purchase multiple


•  What about relative value of different products? §  Did they buy the $100 product

or $200 product?

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•  CPA limits your ability to optimize. It may have worked in the past, but is unlikely to work as well going forward as competition increases.

Not this kind of CPA!

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Lesson #2: Traditional CPL-Based Bidding Is Worse

•  CPA misses the full picture, CPL misses even more.

•  Not all leads are created equally.

•  If your business requires a long, offline sales process, build a quality based feedback loop into your CPL-based bidding. §  With aggressive account

segmentation, leverage a multiplier-based feedback loop.

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Quantity Does Not Equal Quality

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Lesson #3: Modern CPA and CPL-Based Bidding (With Aggressive Feedback Loops) Works

•  Have granular tracking in place.

•  Track conversions on your back end, and consistently score their effectiveness.

•  Pass feedback into your bidding in the form of a multiplier, differentiating keywords based on the true value of the conversions (or leads).

•  This solution is an approximation of revenue-based bidding.

The Faster The Loop The Better

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Lesson #4: Great Account Structure & Segmentation Makes Your Bidding Excel

•  Before you even start bidding, invest in a solid account structure.

•  Segment wherever possible. §  Geo, network (search vs.

syndication), match type, keyword theme, device

•  Incorporate differences in conversion rates and back end performance (see prior feedback loop tip) when bidding.

Quality Foundation & Framing, The Basis For A Strong House

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Lesson #5: Revenue-Based Bidding Is The Future

•  Why are we here? What do we do as digital marketers?

•  We acquire, retain, and develop customers.

•  Ultimately, we drive revenue with the lowest possible cost.

•  Find a way to incorporate revenue into your bidding on a keyword level. Incorporate current revenue and future projected revenue discounted to present value.

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Skyrocket Your Bidding Into The Future With Revenue Integration

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Lesson #6: Buy A World-Class Bidding Platform

•  On an enterprise level, it’s really expensive/problematic to bid manually.

•  Building your own platform requires huge overhead, and you’ll become obsolete.

•  How do you keep up with the future, such as revenue-based bidding, with lowest possible investment?

•  Leverage the world-class bid management platforms.

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Let Your Platform Do The Heavy Lifting

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Lesson #7: Think About The Entire Stack; Search Bidding Cannot Be A Silo

•  The market is competitive, and will consistently get more competitive.

•  Search technology is not a standalone application anymore. §  What about integration with your

website analytics, retargeting, and email?

•  Digital marketing is multi-channel and fluid, the stack creates value and drives conversions.. §  Search is expensive; the stack

optimizes media yield. The Future of Digital Marketing Technology, The Stack

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Lesson #8: No Sales Yet? Leverage Your Data Layer

•  Your analytics platform has so much data. §  Time on site, pages viewed,

shopping cart full, checkout process started, for example.

•  How do you bid keywords that haven’t driven sales revenue yet? Those incremental touch points (yes, even leads) add value to your bidding strategy. §  Just scale down credit given to

intermediate steps and limit exposure.

•  Great technology stacks make this easy.

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There’s Immense Bidding Value In Your Data Layer

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Lesson #9: Search Clicks Provide Some of the Best Value Around

•  Search clicks are incredibly valuable.

•  If you just look at last click attribution, you are missing half the value of Search and will bid too low.

•  Have a great attribution strategy in place to give value to those assisting conversions. §  Quick hack: Have your conversion

pixels loading persistently.

Search Clicks Are Pure Gold

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Lesson #10: Avoid Competing With Yourself

•  Search bidding drives incredible brand awareness and long-term residual value.

•  Large company with partnership deals?

•  Coordinate with your business development and affiliate teams. Don’t get into a situation where you’re competing with yourself.

•  Internal campaigns are always better.

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Don’t Compete With Yourself!

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Bonus Lesson #11: Be Careful, Things Can Go Wrong

•  Enterprise-level digital marketing is a high stakes game.

•  Bid and budget changes create risk.

•  Have the right safety precautions in place. §  Test plans, rollback plans, 24/7

monitoring, conservative budgets, avoid testing during seasonal peaks, only work with trusted platforms, give out your API key very sparingly.

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Avoid Bidding Mistakes, Be Careful

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Thank you!

• Questions?

•  Contact me: §  @ianlopuch §  [email protected]

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